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nyrdcastpodcast · 1 month ago
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phonemantra-blog · 11 months ago
James Tynion IV, the acclaimed comic book writer behind "Something is Killing the Children" and "Batman: Hush," is making a chilling return to the world he created in 2021's breakout horror hit, "The Nice House on the Lake." This new iteration, titled "The Nice House by the Sea," launches in July 2024 from DC Comics' Black Label imprint, promising a fresh wave of terror for fans. A Return to Isolation and Horror "The Nice House on the Lake" arrived at a pivotal moment, coinciding with the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The story resonated deeply with readers seeking an outlet for the anxieties of isolation and a world seemingly on the brink of collapse. It centered around 10 people, brought together by the enigmatic Walter, who invited them to a secluded house in the woods. What began as a seemingly ordinary gathering soon turned nightmarish as Walter's true, horrifying nature was revealed. James Tynion IV A New Cast, a New Location, New Chills "The Nice House by the Sea" picks up where its predecessor left off, offering a chilling "second cycle." Writer James Tynion IV reunites with artist Álvaro Martínez Bueno to deliver a 12-issue miniseries that, like the first, will feature a mid-series break. This time, however, the setting shifts from a secluded cabin to a luxurious villa perched along the picturesque Mediterranean Sea. The narrative focuses on a new cast of ten strangers, each with a distinct profession – a doctor, a writer, a historian, and more. Unlike the first group, these individuals have deliberately chosen to isolate themselves in this opulent coastal retreat. They believe themselves to be the last remaining humans on a dying Earth. But of course, in Tynion's world, things are rarely as they seem. A new entity, a woman named Max, emerges as the enigmatic host, orchestrating this gathering. The idyllic facade of the seaside escape quickly crumbles, replaced by a creeping sense of dread. Exploring the Darkness Within For Tynion, "The Nice House by the Lake" was a profoundly personal exploration of adult friendships and the anxieties of isolation. "The Nice House by the Sea" delves even deeper, confronting the human tendency to seek comfort in the face of global suffering, even if it means turning a blind eye to the outside world. Tynion reflects on his role in this dynamic, admitting, "This is a story that allows me to explore the ugliest moments of myself." He emphasizes the importance of confronting personal flaws when crafting horror, stating, "When you're writing horror, you can't be afraid to poke directly the things you don't like about yourself." This introspective approach has been a hallmark of Tynion's horror work. DC executive editor Chris Conroy echoes this sentiment, praising Tynion's ability to weave personal experiences into universally relatable narratives. "James is unafraid of writing from his point of view," says Conroy. "That's what makes his horror stories so intimate and involving." The Art of Horror: Detailed Landscapes and Monstrous Beauty A significant aspect of "The Nice House on the Lake's" success was the hauntingly beautiful artwork by Álvaro Martínez Bueno. Bueno excelled in capturing the distinct personalities of the characters and the unsettling atmosphere of the secluded house. This signature style returns in "The Nice House by the Sea." Initially, Tynion envisioned a Caribbean setting. However, Bueno's inspiration, drawn from real estate listings on Zillow, nudged the narrative towards the Mediterranean coast. This shift not only influenced the story's atmosphere but also pushed Bueno's artistic boundaries, allowing him to explore the beauty and potential menace of the coastal landscape.
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ph-cutie · 1 month ago
walter thenicehouseonthelake and michael thegoodplace are literally in precise mirror situations of being an unknowable entity forced to study an „enclosure” of people
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travisadork · 2 years ago
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[Don't] Forget. #INCREDIBLE #thenicehouseonthelake #dccomics https://www.instagram.com/p/CnFjAF1PEq6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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comicbookquest · 4 years ago
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Thank you for the great response on DC's new horror series. The Nice House on the Lake #1 (Carla Cohen Minimal Variant) Only 10 Left Available on ComicBookQuest.com #comicbookquest #cbq #thenicehouseonthelake https://www.instagram.com/p/COu8ocwBA_9/?igshid=w4hbuzwpd40s
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bl4ckadamx · 3 years ago
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{Das Haus am See 1} [💀💀💀💀💀/5] 📍 "Was glaubst du, wie die Welt endet?" -Walter 📍 Wer wĂŒrde schon Nein sagen zu einem kostenlosen Urlaub in einem wunderschönen Haus am See? Walters Freunde zumindest nicht! Doch wĂ€hrend sie ihre Idylle genießen, bricht das Armageddon ĂŒber die Welt der Menschen herein und ausgerechnet ihr Gastgeber scheint Urheber des Übels zu sein... 📍 War ich zunĂ€chst unsicher, ob ich mir diesen Comic anschaffen sollte, bin ich nun umso glĂŒcklicher, es getan zu haben. James Tynion liefert hier beste Horrorkost gepaart mit dem ÜbernatĂŒrlichen. Walter als Antagonist ist eine erschreckend mysteriöse Persönlichkeit, die der Leser nicht richtig deuten kann. Das sorgt fĂŒr zusĂ€tzliche Spannung. Die FĂŒlle an weiteren Figuren bietet gleichzeitig genĂŒgend Spielraum fĂŒr eine ganze Bandbreite an Emotionen. Von Resignation ĂŒber Tatendrang bis hin zu Optimismus ist alles dabei. Nach und nach erfĂ€hrt der Leser HintergrĂŒnde, vor allem durch die RĂŒckblicke, die die einzelnen Charaktere zu SchlĂŒsselmomenten mit Walter liefern. So setzt sich ein Mosaik an Hinweisen zu einem Beziehungsgeflecht zusammen. Das macht Spaß und sorgt fĂŒr Unterhaltung. Der Zeichenstil passt perfekt zur AtmosphĂ€re. Vieles ist verschwommen und wirkt surreal, so wie auch die Figuren ihre Umgebung erleben. Dadurch ĂŒbertrĂ€gt sich die gruselige Grundstimmung hervorragend auf den Leser. Alles in allem bleibt dieser erste Band noch sehr wage und ich bin mehr als mega gespannt auf die Fortsetzung. Kann es kaum erwarten! 📍 #bookphotography#currentlyreading#books#bookaddict#bookworm#booknerd#bookshelf#bookreview#bookgraphics#dchorror#jamestynioniv#thenicehouseonthelake#dc#horrorcomics (at The House on the Lake) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfhWMZNqpNm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cazedmunds · 3 years ago
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Weekend Geek Read -23 Moving onto Issue 2 of #TheNiceHouseOnTheLake from @dccomics under the #BlackLabel. Written by @jamesthefourth and drawn by @alvaromartinezbueno_comic, Walter’s purpose in “kidnapping” these individuals are coming to light! 😈 #DCComics #DCBlackLabel #Comics #ComicBooks #JamesTynioniv #AlvaroBueno #JordieBellaire #CazReads #GeekReads #CazReads2022 #CJEdmunds #Geek #Nerd #Reader #GeeksOfInstagram #NerdsOfInstagram #ReadersOfInstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CbCyW_Cpb3G/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamghostwriter · 4 years ago
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Do you guys love Robert Hacks’ cover work as much as I do? He’s brilliant, he and cover artists like Francavilla when he throws back to the old horror movie homages, I’m speechless! Except to say, James Tynion IV on some Black Label DC Comics Ish, with Sienkiewicz covers and then I fins this Hack exclusive! Tynion isn’t going to stop, #thenicehouseonthelake is going to be another banger! Thank you @jamesthefourth for all of the amazingly raw work, Thx for assuring me of what I already believed, boundaries are only made to hold us back, made to be crushed, so that we may evolve as creators, shattering limitations, eradicating rules that are meant to make the creator supplicant, our work submissive; the only obstacle to my success was me. I probably sound crazy, I may be, but RazorBlade Magazine is brilliant, SIKTC, the same, The Department of Truth, sometimes I feel like I’m reading Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis for the first time, or Clive Barkers Great & Secret Show, or Cabal, Frank Herbert’s Dune, and so forth! Your newsletter, even the comments on social media, burn the etch-a-sketch! Your work, your storytelling makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention! It’s also let’s me know that all the time of I’ve spent writing for years, wasn’t for nil, change is here and he’s not taking any bullshit! #aspiretoinspire #lovetheempireofthetinyonion #inspired #jamestynioniv #roberthack #method #creating #thenicehouseonthelake #dccomics #blacklabel #igcomicfam #igcomicbookfamily #spiritualnapalm #panelalchemist #panelscientifix #readmorecomics #readmore #supportindiecomics #supportindiecreators #supportlocalartists #supportindieauthors #createimproverepeat #kickstarter #launchingsoon #quietstorm https://www.instagram.com/p/COhTCRQhIoq/?igshid=1prfi2e5n1ots
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dispatchdcu · 2 years ago
The Nice House On The Lake #11 Preview
The Nice House On The Lake #11 Preview #nicehouseonthelake #jamestynion #thenicehouseonthelake #horrorcomic #horror #DCEU #dccomics #comics #comicbooks #news #dcuuniverse #art #info #NCBD #previews #reviews #amazon
The Nice House On The Lake #11 Preview:  Ever since they were children, Walter and Norah were inseparable. But that time is over. No betrayal cuts deeper than the betrayal of your closest friend
and Norah knows just where to plant the knife! Everything changes in the penultimate issue of this unforgettable horror epic! Written by JAMES TYNION IV Art and cover by ÁLVARO MARTÍNEZ BUENO Variant

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pawlschwartz · 4 years ago
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My small haul today, i could only afford 4 comics. I was the 4th one in the door and still almost missed The Nice House On the Lake! Had to grab the last issue on the shelf . Damn was it worth it, though!!! WHAT a story! WHAT a main villain!! I get chills just thinking about it. . . . . #comics #comicbooks #beingbroke #batman #marvel #thenicehouseonthelake #spiderman #dc https://www.instagram.com/p/CPoxSlvFmHz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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comiccrusaders · 3 years ago
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.@DCComics ‘The Nice House on the Lake’ Returns with Issue #7 on March 1! #comics #TheNiceHouseOnTheLake http://ow.ly/Ec5C50HLlmo
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games4allmx · 4 years ago
Nice House on the Lake prepara el apocalipsis mĂĄs aterrador de DC
Con #TheNiceHouseontheLake, #DC establece una nueva versiĂłn brutal del fin del mundo con un apocalipsis inquietante en el tĂ­tulo de #DCBlackLabel.
ADVERTENCIA: Lo siguiente contiene los principales spoilers de The Nice House on the Lake # 1 de James Tynion IV, Alvaro Martinez Bueno, Jordie Bellaire y Andworld Design, ya a la venta. Los cĂłmics de terror han sido una piedra angular de la lĂ­nea editorial de DC durante dĂ©cadas, y el tĂ­tulo mĂĄs reciente de DC Black Label , The Nice House on the Lake, acaba de presentar a los lectores uno de los

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comicbookquest · 4 years ago
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**Only 4 Left The Nice House on the Lake #1 (Carla Cohen Variant) Available on ComicBookQuest.com #comicbookquest #cbq #thenicehouseonthelake https://www.instagram.com/p/CQRkLqfhwAR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cazedmunds · 3 years ago
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Weekend Geek Read -22 Invites have been sent for Issue 1 of #TheNiceHouseOnTheLake from @dccomics under the #BlackLabel. Written by @jamesthefourth and drawn by @alvaromartinezbueno_comic, it’s an invite you may want to reconsider accepting. #DCComics #DCBlackLabel #Comics #ComicBooks #JamesTynioniv #AlvaroBueno #JordieBellaire #CazReads #GeekReads #CazReads2022 #CJEdmunds #Geek #Nerd #Reader #GeeksOfInstagram #NerdsOfInstagram #ReadersOfInstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CbBujyepW7K/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dispatchdcu · 3 years ago
The Nice House On The Lake #8 Preview
The Nice House On The Lake #8 Preview #nicehouseonthelake #jamestynion #thenicehouseonthelake #horrorcomic #horror #DCEU #dccomics #comics #comicbooks #news #dcuuniverse #art #info #NCBD #previews #reviews #amazon
  The Nice House On The Lake #8 Preview: With Walter living among his friends in the house, has the impossible happened? Have their lives actually
improved? Perhaps for some—but how are things going for the one housemate whose place Walter took? Written by JAMES TYNION IV Art and cover by ÁLVARO MARTÍNEZ BUENO Variant cover by BILQUIS EVELY $3.99 US | 32 pages | 8 of 12 | Variant $4.99 US (card

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