mygovindas · 4 years
MyGovindas & Sattvic way of Life
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Sattvic Cooking is an Indian cooking technique that brings about harmony between the food we eat and our thoughts and actions. The concept of Sattvic cooking has its roots in Lord Krishna’s message in the Bhagwad Gita. “ayuh sattva balarogya sukha priti vivardhanah rasyah snigdhah sthira hrdya aharah sattvika priyah katv amla lavanaty usna tiksna ruksa vidahinah ahara rajasasyesta duhkha sokamaya pradah yata yamam gata rasam puti paryusitam ca yat ucchistam api camedhyam bhojanam tamasa priyam”
This means that the right kind of food is fuel for the body and the mind whereas the wrong kind of food can cause problems. Both our mental and physical health is closely linked to the way we consume our calories. Sattvic cooking principles believe in the philosophy that food should be prepared fresh using naturally available seasonal vegetables and should use spices sparingly that is just enough to accentuate the taste of the dish. Sattvic foods are considered the most nutritious, and Sattvic diets are associated with a high intake of micro nutrients. According to Ayurveda, the Sattvic diet is the best choice for promoting longevity, physical strength, and mental health. MyGovinda’s is one of the few restaurants that eats, breathes, and sleeps by the principles of sattvic life. All the food served is made nourishing ingredients that are freshly sourced daily and completely avoid ingredients that are too bitter, too sour, salty, pungent, dry, and hot.
As a result, meals at MyGovinda’s are light, wholesome aid digestion, calms the senses, cools the body, and improves mental health. Food and digestive health are an integral part of rejuvenation at our restaurant. Dining here is a complete sensory experience and dwells on the basic tenets of Ayurvedic nutrition – light and easy to digest wholesome Sattvic food that is appropriate for one’s body constitution or Dosha. All the ingredients are handpicked to ensure that you get served fresh, nutritious, and healthy meals. We invite you to try the recipes and experience a new level of joy and vitality that this manner of cooking brings to life.
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