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**in the past** ** radio noise ** New registration Character of subject 01: subject 01 seems to break destroyed we tried to kill her it worked subject shows all signs of a bad Without this is very very promising ** radio interference ** subject n01 is quite close to the subject n02 but since his death subject n01 is cold and distant this too is prome ** radio jamming ** if his continues at the end he will also kill him and then end up alone ** engine noise ** Recent observation: it will be 4 days that subject n01 is unknown to all radars ** firm pat noise ** eh who is it ?? ** sound of gaster blaster ** "you ... !! »Eh but but you are not supposed to be there you and-you are filming I warn you! "Ah good perfect .... ** catches the scientist violently **" arrg arrg let go of me n-number 1 "I would eliminate you as you eliminated him .... ** those eyes are ignites in purple and his left eye is cracked as if a great power wanted to release it ** "you ** interference ** AHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nah nah! AHHHHHH !!!!!!!! ** interference ** "** noise of dear pierced **" "Ahhhhh !!! .... ahah .... ahahahahah !!!! AHHHHHH !!!! You ** come on the radio ** so I'm a bad guy !? I AM A BAD !? THEN KNOW I AM IN ANY OF YOUR CAMPS AT THE CON, I WILL BE MY HONOR! MY VENGEANCE !!! PROTECTION OF MY BROTHER !!! AND THE LITTLE OF LOVE THAT IS STILL TO ME !!!!! AND THE MEMORY OF MY DEAD WIFE UNDER MY EYES !!!!!! THEN LISTEN WELL AHAH! I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT KNOW THAT YOUR END IS FUCKING NEAR !!! AND FOR THOSE WHO WANT THE TRUTH YOU WILL HAVE IT BECAUSE WE ARE NOT SIMPLE EXPERIENCES WE FEEL SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE FEEL ** see again the body of his burnt wife alive ** AHHHHAhaha ** cries and bangs with all these force on the desk noise of inference ** THEN THE STORY BEGUN WHEN - ** radio cut ** "
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** start of recording **
Name: .... Gone ....
Nickname: ... Night ...
History: .... we do not know much about him .... we did not know his creators but he was seen for the first time on the back of a motorcycle accompanied by another biker, probably his brother ... . his world? Mmmh imagine the nevada desert accompanied by these stone buildings under a scorching sun and being surrounded to death .... by .... infected .......... her world has no real name it has disappeared among so many others in the source code but who is sure know that it is a world infected .... by humans and that has any type of threat from infecting it until to his own species of other monster but other level of enemy clans named reaper who his crazy monster sects .... a world surrounded by the apocalypse .... who is sure know that this Without also calling "Gone" is close to everything for his brother we could also see him taking care of his brother while protecting their home from hordes of infecting ... we do not know the origin of this virus but who is sure know he has wreaked havoc on those world and that these two have done the best he could really interesting .... he unfortunately has gaster blasters and a bone that squeezes him knife .... his motorbike we do not know much too but ... seen the head similar to that of a blaster at the front of his motorbike we can imagine that he squeezes it like a "tank" this one has already made several sparkling blue and purple flames ......... which is without it is special its story is still unknown but will come out in full once to study even more .... I leave the floor to you. ....**radio silence**
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know the same story just in english and read with the music "sadness and sorrow loop preferably"
Ohayo {talk to his group of students before surely dying from a terrible fight} I'm going to tell you about my journey ... as you know my name is Kager Supekutoru 25 years ago I lived in my village called Toripurumūn I was still a younger child than you we were all happy in the village and my family was too my father was 2nd Hokage and his name was Kuro, my big brother was Chuunins and his name was Chikara, my big sister was a Student at the academy of the ninja and her name was Kanmi, my mother was called Hoshi she took care of me ... and we all had a very normal life we were well appreciated especially my father me less known mother remaining in his shadow ... and my brother and my sister being in full evolution growing up visibly was beautiful, I entered the ninja academy at the age of 5 know early ... but with that followed that helped me ... the years went by and I passed Chuunins at the age of 11 years old ... My big brother and my gr and his sister had become Jounins and he was in the same team and he was strong and I remember our clan named Tsuki was in alliance with a neighboring country named Taiyō since my birth we were their ally ... but one day my big brother deceived our clan and joined the Taiyō you will say "it's not deception if he has joined your allies" but if ... because the Taiyō had a plan an objective to destroy our village and our family .... but my father second Hokage could not allow this and decided to solve the problem himself but .... one evening ... he returned "Uragirimono" or also treated him .... I did not consider him as nobody in my eyes. after this betrayal .... that evening he murdered ... our family ..... awakened by a noise of lightning I got up and made my family and their blood crawling the thresholds of our house ... I believe that it was a joke ... but ... they were beautiful and very dead ..... and only a few minutes..and I saw even more powerful lighting ts that a ball of fire ... I came out in tears mourning the death of my mother and my sister and saw a giant luminous ball and my father in front of it wanting to protect the village .... who created a laser who razed ... our whole village. and atomized my father ........ I quickly returned and lay down in the body of my mother and my sister ** see a flashback but the sharing has these students ** " SENSEIIII !!!!!! M-mum ...... Kanmi !! N-nannnn !!! ** shakes the bodies ** re-awakened you !!!!!! NANNNN !!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE !!!!!" ** regains consciousness ** my family was therefore beautiful and very dead and "Uragirimono" of his nickname entered with these ally and spared me ... one of these biggest mistakes ..... the village was now on fire until 'until it was covered with a thick black mist, I stayed in my destroyed village and covered with this smoke to train myself .... / grow / feed and lodge myself ... every morning I come from the bah far to come and train you and now know me who makes you travel by taking you to what was once my home .... until our farewell ** shed a tear something that had not happened since his childhood ** you tell Soner if you want to know know who is it you squeeze him quickly know a charismatic and very prodigious Ninja and “he“ has a heart when you see him say the following to him ”that I promise him that after that it will happen ... he will be able to live happily and be in harmony with himself and that I would like him to train you ... prodigious and very talented do not relax and perceive especially you Kuru and you also Fuantei and Keikai watch over them .... your strength comes not from your arms but from your heart for you too boys
** teleport them to the village to the neighboring village of soner and leave for his final fight **

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O wa yo {osoroshī tatakai de kanarazu shinu mae ni kare no seito-tachi to hanashi o suru} watashi no tabi ni tsuite ohanashi shimasu... Watashinonamaeha KagerSupekutorudesu 25-nen mae watashi wa Toripurumūn to iu watashi no mura ni sunde imashita watashi wa mada osanai kodomodeshita anata yori mo watashitachiha mura de min'na shiawasedeshita, soshite watashi no kazoku mo watashinochichi wa 2-banme no hokagedeari, kare no namae wa kurodeari, watashi no ani wa chuunindeari, kare no namae wa Chikaradeshita, watashi no ane wa ninja to kanojo no akademī no gakuseideshita namae wa kanmi, watashinohaha wa hoshi to yoba re, kanojo wa watashi o sewa shite kuremashita... Soshite watashitachiha kai hijō ni futsūnoseikatsu o okutte imashita tokuni watashinochichi watashi wa amari shira rete inai haha ga kare no kage ni nokotte imasu... Soshite watashi no ani to watashi no menimiete seichō shite iru imōto ga kireidattanode, 5-sai de ninja akademī ni nyūgaku shimashita… demo sore de tasukarimashita… nengetsu ga tachi, 11-sai de chuunin o nakushimashita furui... Watashi no ani to watashi no gr kare no imōto wa junin ni natte ite, kare wa onaji chīmu ni ite, kare wa tsuyoku, watashitachi no han wa, watashitachi ga karera no mikatadatta watashi no tanjō irai, taiyō to iu ringoku to dōmei o musunde ita koto o oboete imasu... Shikashi, aru hi, watashi no ani wa damasa remashita watashitachi no ichizoku to taiyō ni kuwawatta anata wa `kare ga anata no dōmeikuni ni kuwawatta to shite mo gimande wanai' to iudeshouga... Taiyō ga watashitachi no mura to watashitachi no kazoku o hakai suru mokuteki o motte itanode. ... Shikashi watashinochichi no 2-banme no hokage wa dekimashita kore o yurusazu, jibun de mondai o kaiketsu shiyou to kesshin shitaga…… aru ban……`uragiri mono' o kaesu ka, atsukai mo……. Kono uragiri no ato, watashi wa kare o dare-tomo minasanakatta.. Sono yoru, kare wa satsugai shimashita... Watashitachi no kazoku... .. Inazuma no oto ni mezameta watashi wa okite, watashinokazoku to karera no chi o watashitachi no ie no shikii o hawa semashita... Sore wa jōdandatta to omoimasu... Shikashi... Karera wa utsukushikute totemo shinde ita.. ... Soshite hon'no sū-bu.. Soshite watashi wa sarani kyōryokuna shōmei o mimashita hinotama… haha to imōto no shi o itande namida o nagashi, sono zen ni kyodaina hikaru kyū to chichi ga mura o mamoritai to omotte iru no o mita…… dare ga rēzā o tsukutta no ka hakai sa reta... Watashitachi no mura zentai. Soshite chichi o muka shita........ Watashi wa sugu ni modotte haha to imōto no karada ni yoko ni narimashita** furasshu bakku o mitekudasai ga, kyōyū ni wa korera no gakusei ga imasu** " SENSEIIII! ! ! ! ! ! M - mūmu... ... Kan mi! ! N - nannnn! ! ! **-Tai o furu** anata o futatabi mezame saseta! ! ! ! ! ! NANNNN!!!!!!!!!!!! Onegaishimasu!!!!!" ** Ishiki o torimodosu** shitagatte, watashinokazoku wa utsukushiku, hijō ni shinde ite, kare no nikkunēmu no `uragiri mono' ga korera no mikata to issho ni hairi, watashi o manugareta... Korera no saidai no ayamachi no 1tsu... .. Mura wa ima made' made moete imashita sore wa koi kuroi kiri de ōwa re, watashi wa hakai sa reta mura ni todomari, kono kemuri de ōwa rete jibun jishin o kunren shimashita. ... / Seichō/ esa o ataete jibun jishin o yadoshimasu... Maiasa watashi wa tōku kara kite anata o kunren shimasu soshite ima, anata o katsute no watashinoie ni tsureteitte anata o ryokō sa seru watashi o shitte imasu. ... Watashitachi no wakare made** kare no kodomo jidai kara okotte inakatta nanika o namida o nagashimasu** anata wa sonā ni dare ga daredearu ka shiritai ka dō ka o tsutaemasu karisuma-tekide hijō ni kyōi-tekina ninja o sugu ni shitte,`kare ga kare ni tsugi no koto o iu no o miru to, kare wa kokoro o motte iru' to watashi wa kare ni yakusoku shimasu. Kare jishin to chōwa shi, watashi wa kare ni anata o kunren shite moraitai to omoimasu... Kyōi-tekide hijō ni sainō no aru hito wa rirakkusu shite, tokuni anata no Kuru o chikaku shimasen, soshite anata mo fuantei to keikai wa karera o mimamotte imasu. ... Anata no tsuyo-sa wa anata no ude karade wanaku an

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HATE! TALE was an Au simple with no papyrus undyne alphys and the other monsters the monsters lived in peace their world was perfect but one day a human named Black pearl fell into the underground this one having heard the legend about the mont ebott..Rest in the ruins in the flower bed until the arrival of flowey flowey them barely time to finish her sentence she was already dead indeed pearl had started a genocidal road so this one handled every monster she killed each monster, thousands of resets have been done and each time it was genocidal routes Without having understood that the human would cause a massacre with each reset he tried to warn and make the monster understand that the human was going to kill them Without was taken for crazy apart from the other monster so the one so thinking how to prove to the monster that the human was a danger he killed monsters of bah levels to gain a minimum of LOVE and waited for black pearl in the center of sn owdin the human had redone her genocide but this time Without going to show the monster that the human was a danger to their world then the fight between the two beings started pearl was quickly to understand the little game of without so she let herself be killed apart all the magic of without all the monster having seen the murder of without being shocked and stunned in reality the human was at 0.00001Hp without also being shocked by what he did fell to his knees and kept an endless silence undyne alerting by alphys of Sans's action undyne locked him in the true lab and all magic was withdrawn from him Sans began to feel hatred for the other monster he refused any meal given by alphys Sans was weak and in very bad shape one night asleep without was losing some of his bones and the young monster came down and beat up without being overpowered by the young monster suddenly got caught and died in excruciating pain and terrible cries of pain alphys alerted by the screams descended into the true lab and saw no death the cell was abandoned for a while until light and screams surfaced a moment without was filled with hatred he destroyed his cell alphys arrived because of the screams was shocked see Sans but she didn't know what she was going to happen to him indeed without was alive but not with the same appearance he was black and his jacket had clotted blood and his hood was purple and blood was flowing from his eyes and before kill alphys he tells him the following sentence "I hope you're proud of yourself ... People like you have to pray that you don't cross my gaze" and demolishes the true lab but saves some of the machines then goes back up in the underground the seeing monster Sans was surprised but from the joy released from their eyes without started to have red pupils and killed every monster in the underground in excruciating pain the last monster to kill without Sans was papyrus his young and little brother without saw good in Sa ns but Sans told him "every good person has a side even darker than hell" indeed Sans had lost his head and felt nothing for anyone except hatred after having killed all the monsters he plunged into a murderous madness and became a pure danger for each Au ink! sun alerted ink that the day or Sans will take off from his Au to go and see another universe he will have to watch his world so that he does not plunge into an incurable borderline hell and since its events Sans was filled with hatred and determination but no longer hate took the name Hate! Dust and created his criminal organization called ShadowBlood,
And since these days so hastily made the life of some a pure hell ....
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