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dustyqrowofmisfortune · 4 years ago
Sick AF Starters || Accepting
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@thygoodluckcharm​ sent: “Geez. You feel pretty warm.”
All day he’d been dragging but he hadn’t wanted to worry Clover. Okay, maybe it was more that he just didn’t want to admit that he was getting sick, as rare a thing as that was. Either way, he’d finally been cornered and Clover had put his hand to his forehead. 
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“I know I’m hot, but what’s that got to do with anything?” he joked as he swatted his hand away. He was still trying to hide the fact he felt like shit and his temp was on the rise. It was going to take more than that to get Qrow to admit ‘defeat’.
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papagoldendragon · 4 years ago
random things my professors have said (starters)||Accepting
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@littleblackqrow​ sent:  “I can say nice things, but if you remind me, I’ll deny it.”
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“Why do you always have to be like this?” he sighed. “Can’t you just admit you’re not always a jerk? I thought we’d actually grown up a little here Qrow.”
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remnanthideout · 4 years ago
send me   ‘ mistletoe ’   for my muse’s response to being underneath mistletoe with your muse.   specify whether it’s accidental or on purpose. || accepting
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@littleblackqrow​ sent: “Mistletoe”
Whomever thought that putting up mistletoe as part of the festival party was a good idea... needed to be SHOT.
Amidst everything, the General had been convinced to allow the annual celebration party for the winter holidays to go on. It would be good for moral, they’d said. We need to foster hope and good feeling, they’d said. 
They weren’t the ones who now found themselves under a silly sprig of PLANT expected to kiss...
The thought ALMOST had James gagging on the well of disgusted bile that was welling up his throat from his stomach. Curse Marrow for even spotting it in the first place and worse, for saying something about it. Now all eyes were on them expecting him to uphold this moronic tradition. Ironwood already had plans to make Marrow’s life miserable for a month at least because of this.
Anyone else and he probably could have easily just given a peck on the cheek and been done with it... but no, he couldn’t be so fortunate. 
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“This is not going to happen,” he finally spoke, voice low and clearly being kept even by the Brother’s grace alone. The look in his eyes was sheer, unadulterated murder as they fell on Qrow. “If you force it, I WILL make sure you regret it.”
Already his hand twitched over Due Process’ holster, almost DARING Qrow to push it.
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whitesummerrose · 4 years ago
Protective Sentence Starters || Accepting
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@littleblackqrow​ sent:  “Okay, you know it’s very cute how you are trying to protect me, but you’re so tiny that I can’t even take you seriously!”
It was everything Summer had not to turn on him and use her best angry pout on him, it would only make that comment so much worse and she knew it. Instead all of her 5′5″ frame turned, silver eyes glaring at him. “Fine, next time I won’t save your butt when you’re too busy being Mr. I-Wanna-Be-A-Badass and don’t see a threat sneaking up behind you,” she shot back.
She was small, she got that, but Qrow didn’t need to keep reminding her like this. “And since we’re standing here, and those Grimm aren’t...” Pausing a moment, Summer clicked a button on each of her Thorns and the blades relaxed back to their whip state so she could hook them back on her belt. “Well I’d say you better learn to take my ‘cute’ seriously.”
For a moment that stern look that had held her expression softened. “Besides, haven’t you ever heard of tiny but fierce?”
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thefullmetaledwardelric · 5 years ago
❛ brush ❜
send me ❛ brush ❜ for my character’s reaction to your character running their fingers through my character’s hair.
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This was okay... it was weird.... but it was okay... right? Why did the whole relationship thing have to be so friggin’ weird? Ed was certain he’d never get used to this bullshit, but Roy’d insisted. What was the point of just sitting on the sofa and doing what amounted to nothing? At least he’d had the presence of mind to grab a few of his research journals. That’s what he’d found himself reading through while Roy had contented himself with the blond using his lap as a pillow. 
He’d gotten lost in reading a text from Creta only to be snapped out of it by the tug of the tie being taken from his hair. “What the f...” he started, making to sit up when he caught the look in Roy’s eyes. With just that look, one that half pleaded with him to sit still and the other half commanding it, Ed laid back down with a huff. How the hell did this bastard do that??
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A moment later, he felt Roy’s fingers combing through his hair. He toyed with grumbling for about a split second but truth be told it actually felt good. The light feeling of small tugs and the micro-movements of his hair had him lightly shivering, low goosebumps forming over his skin. “Bastard...” he mumbled but let his eyes close, the book being closed and tossed aside. If Roy wasn’t careful he was going to have a relaxed and sleeping Major in his lap before he knew it. 
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multimusehideout · 4 years ago
But what do YOU think of me? || Accepting
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@chiisaikintsukuroi​ sent:  Burgundy and Blush
BURGUNDY = I get excited when I see posts from you BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better.
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altteamstrq · 5 years ago
Prompts For Your Feels || Accepting
@magicofmuses (Fem Qrow) sent to Summer:  “What am I supposed to do when I can’t even trust my own mind?”
Summer’s face darkened ever so slightly with the frown that pursed his lips. Sometimes he honestly wondered if Qrow was just being a drama queen. Okay, so he did get it, he really did, especially when they were out in the field and random, stupid things started happening for no clear reason... but still.
“Qrow,” he sighed, reaching up and putting his hand on her shoulder. “Listen to me, you’re better than what the stupid voices in your head keep trying to tell you, I know it. I see it when I look into your eyes. You just... you can’t let the demons win. I know you think you’re cursed, but... but you’re not okay? We can get through it, I know it. And if the voices get too loud, tell me and I’ll shut them up for you.”
Leaning in, Sum whispered in her ear, though it looked more like he was looking in there. “Even if I have to get in there with a cotton swap and poke ‘em out myself...”
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ltcolonelfamilyman · 5 years ago
“Do you love me?”
Send “Do you love me?” for my muses reaction.
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Alright, so pushing Roy’s buttons for the better part of the evening may have not been the best of ideas. But damn it had been fun flustering and frustrating his Raven. It was also how he’d landed himself pinned under said Raven, those dark eyes not amused as they looked down at him, and a disapproving frown turning those soft lips. 
That’s when he’d shot the question at him.
Not once did Maes flinch at the intensity or even at the question. Instead, green eyes became tender as they looked up into glimmering coal. his smile widening softy to match. “What do you think?” he asked, wrapping his arms around Roy and pulling him down on top of him entirely. 
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As he did, he claimed Roy’s lips in a passionate kiss, making sure his Raven could feel just how silly that question was... and just how much he did indeed love him. He wouldn’t let up on him until he was sure any uncertainty Roy felt would have melted away. 
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“Of course I love you... more than anything. I wasn’t kidding when we got home from Ishval Roy...” Maes’ expression turned more serious. “I said I would push down every bad thing I’d done and be the man the person eventually chose needed. I’m guessing you didn’t realize then that I’d chosen you...”
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actualflamealchemist · 5 years ago
“I am the excuse you give when you cannot follow the rules.”
The Devil’s Carnival 
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“Well yeah, who else am I supposed to blame?” Roy laughed. “I was a model student and citizen before you decided to stroll into my life.” It was VERY clear he was joking. Honestly, Roy didn’t mind it one bit. Ever since Ed had become part of his life things were a lot more interesting. Sometimes it wasn’t exactly for the better, but usually it was, and that was more than fine. Things would never be perfect 100% of the time. 
Pretending to faint, Roy fell over Ed’s lap as they sat on the couch, purposely disrupting whatever Ed had chosen to study of his collection that day. “You’ve absolutely corrupted me...” he breathed, playing it up and being as overly dramatic as possible. 
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thisfighterkicksass · 5 years ago
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Send me “Date?” and i'll answer... || NOT Accepting
Who asks for it:
[X] Your muse asks mine
[ ] My muse asks yours
Type of date:
[ ] Platonic Date
[ ] Romantic Date
[X] First Date
[ ] Double date with: ____ & ____
Location for the date:
[ ] Movies  • [ ] Romantic Comedy  • [ ] Adventure Movie  • [ ] Animation (Pixar/Disney)  • [ ] Horror  • [ ] Drama  • [ ] Buddy Movie  • [ ] ___ (other options)
[ ] Restaurant  • [ ] Expensive/High Class  • [ ] Small and familiar  • [ ] Fast Food
[ ] Nature • [ ] Beach • [ ] Park • [ ] Forest     • [ ] …and having a picnic
[ ] Visiting a Museum
[ ] Visiting an amusement park
[ ] Visiting a haunted location
[X] Staying at home • [X] Watching movies • [ ] Playing Video Games • [ ] Reading
[ ] ___ (other options)
The date might hopefully end with…
[ ] …holding hands
[X] …a kiss
[X] …in bed (Because Cain doesn’t ‘date’...)
[ ] …knowing each other better
[ ] …sleepover between friends
[ ] …a marriage proposal
[ ] ___ (other options)
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thesmokingknight · 5 years ago
💬 + I heard you hit Roy with your cane
Send 💬 + a rumor and my muse will react to it. || Accepting
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“Okay, wait a sec there... I didn’t actually hit him, not on purpose anyway. He was handin’ it to me and I didn’t have a good hold on it and it may have caught him in the face when I tried to recover...”
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dustyqrowofmisfortune · 4 years ago
Reverse Jealous/Possessive Meme || Accepting
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@thygoodluckcharm sent: “You have nothing to worry about.”
He knew this, knew it in every corner of his being... but that didn't stop the nagging voice in his head that something was going on. Summer had told him to just talk to Clover about it, that he would see there was nothing to worry about between Clover and Tai.
That didn't make it any easier though.
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"You say that," he sighed, head dropping to focus more on specks of dust on his shoes than on Clover. "But I also see the way you and Tai are... the way you look at each other. I mean, if there IS something there... I guess I just want to know..."
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papagoldendragon · 4 years ago
Send “Can I kiss you?” to my muse for their response. || Accepting
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@thygoodluckcharm​ sent: “Can I kiss you?”
Okay so there was no denying that since Clover had come out to Patch, there was a certain... tension... in the air. Tai wouldn’t have said it was a bad one, not by any means, but it was definitely awkward. 
He wasn’t oblivious either. He knew that Clover had caught him watching as he and Clover had sparred in the yard, knew that he wasn’t always the best with the poker faces when it came to people he cared about... Honestly, the last thing Tai expected was this particular question though. Part of him figured Clover would’ve called him out for the way he looked at Qrow, the way he acted around him, if anything. 
The thing was, Tai also knew how Qrow felt about Clover and vice versa. He never wanted to get in the middle of that, despite his own feelings. Back in the day, he remembered how awkward it was between him and Qrow when it had been Summer they were both interested in. Sure, they had made it work... but Tai knew that Qrow also wasn’t the poly relationship sort. 
Plus, there was something very different to the vibe that existed between Clover and Qrow. What they had was... well it was certainly on a different level then what he’d had with Summer. Back then Tai could tell that Qrow loved Summer deeply but he’d never gotten the “Till Death Do Us Part” vibe from their relationship. With Clover... well, he could tell his old friend had finally grown up a little and he could feel that Qrow might actually be willing to go there if it was something Clover ever wanted.
Did he really want to risk that?
On the other hand, Tai knew that there would be no way he could be honest about his own feelings for Qrow if he didn’t have Clover’s approval. Tai just wasn’t sure what his feelings were exactly for Clover. He cared about him, there was no doubt in his mind about that. He’d definitely become someone that Tai would consider a part of this family but did he risk hurting Qrow to figure it out?
He knew how ‘deadly’ something as simple as a kiss could be after all. 
Gentle blue eyes came up to meet green, a tentative smile pulling his lips. “I mean, you can, you have the ability... I just... I just don’t know if it’s the best idea. The last thing I want is for anything to come between you and Qrow. He... he loves you and I’ve never seen him get attached to someone like this... not even Summer. You saw how broken he was when you got here. It was because of what he thought he’d done to you...”
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Taking a deep breath, Tai turned his attention outside where Qrow was busying himself with drills with Harbinger in it’s scythe form. “I guess, I just want to know why you’d want to when you’ve already got him...”
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remnanthideout · 4 years ago
Unprompted Asks || ALWAYS Accepting
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@solar-pxwered​ sent:  "So, let me ask you something...your creed? This isn't another White Fang situation you're trying to start here, is it?"
The White Fang... this was a group that she had heard of, but then there weren’t many in Remnant that hadn’t. There were many in the slums of Mantle that backed their ideals and she and her huntresses had certainly come across them in the past. She certainly agreed with the core belief of equality, but she had never agreed with the way they had gone about it.
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Giving the young man a smile, Robyn shook her head. “No. Our group doesn’t believe in the use of violence unless it’s absolutely necessary. If we could accomplish our goals entirely without it, I’d be all for that. We just want the fair and equal treatment of everyone, human or faunus. That’s what we fight for... Sometimes it does result in our needing to fight, but we try to be smarter than that.”
Leaning across the table, Robyn sized up her unexpected companion. “Why? You lookin’ to try and join up? Contrary to popular belief, we’ll take all the help we can get, not just huntresses.”
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whitesummerrose · 4 years ago
Unprompted Asks || Always Accepting
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@flightofaqrow​ sent:  someone might technically be on assignment still, but he can always find a way to sneak in some time for dropping off a little trinket and sprig of fresh lavender from far away fields on Summer's windowsill.
Tai was away on a mission so Summer had stayed behind looking after Yang... who was fast asleep for her afternoon nap. Things had settled into a happy little rhythm around Patch, her and Tai taking turns taking on their own missions and ‘requests from Ozpin’. It was rather nice and peaceful really.
That didn’t mean that she didn’t miss the other part of their lives when he was gone though and she caught herself doing it often. It would be nice to be able take on a mission with her partner once in awhile again after all.
Pushing the thought from her mind, Summer went to the living room window, intent to open it and let some of the stuffy air out when she saw the small ‘gifts’ sitting there. In an instant she knew how they had gotten there. It wasn’t as if this was the first time it had happened after all. 
Taking up the sprig of lavender, she brought it to her nose and smiled softly as she took in the subtle scent. She then took up the twinkling little stone and tried to figure out which one of the many beautiful minerals of this world ha had brought her this time. It was always a game she enjoyed because if she could figure it out, she could usually tell what part of Remnant he’d most recently been in... and she would know that he was safe another day.
She then looked outside, seeing if her favorite bird was still lurking about. Of course if he didn’t want her to see him, she wouldn’t but still, she was going to try. “Thank you Qrow,” she smiled, speaking just loud enough that if he were near-by, he would hear.
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thefullmetaledwardelric · 5 years ago
"Lap" [lowlighthorizons]
Shipping Prompts // Accepting
“lap” - your muse rests their head in my muse’s lap @lowlighthorizons
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The sound of glass breaking, the sliding door to the balcony crumbling as the masked figures invaded their home, military issue riffles in hand…
Hopping to his feet, his heart racing in panic, Ed grabbed Roy’s hand and made for the door. How they had been found out was beyond him, but neither of them were going to be taken that night. It had been brewing for weeks, a fear that loomed deep in the back of his mind. The fact that someone was out to eliminate Roy hadn’t escaped him, even before Sparky had come home. It had crept up into the whispers around Central, warnings had found their way into his own notes and journals, and those warnings had even implied that his relationship with Roy had been known.
He was a liability, a weak point, for Roy now. Ed was someone that could be used against him. It was something he’d kept from Roy until now, not wanting to load his shoulders any more than they already were. Besides, Ed knew that it was likely that Roy knew about this already too… it was rare when that man didn’t know everything going on around him.
“Don’t let either of them escape!” came a rasped voice from behind a mask. “Make it look like a robbery gone wrong but don’t kill either of them.”
Oh hell no… Ed thought to himself. He’d tried to tighten his grip, but Roy had already yanked his hand free and was slipping his gloves on. “THE FUCK?! No… come on!!” he yelled, reaching out now for Roy’s arm, determined to drag him out if he had to, but the arm was yanked away. Giving a side glance, Roy’s eyes met with Ed’s in a thin glare that only meant one thing, he was going to fight. This was insane…
“Get out of here Fullmetal,” he replied through grit teeth. Ed nearly froze as Roy used his title and he knew what that meant. He hadn’t called him Bright Eyes, hadn’t used his name, or even his rank… the use of his title meant Roy was all business and it wasn’t going to end well for either of them. No way in HELL was Ed just going to let him go down or be taken or whatever these idiots had it in their minds to do, not alone.
“Fuck you Mustang,” he growled back, taking off for the hall closet, finding his specially made gauntlet and arm blade set. If Sparky was going down fighting, so was he. Slipping them on, he came back out swinging. The gleam in his golden eyes as they caught Roy’s clearly said that he’d already thought he’d lost him once, there was no way he was going to actually let it happen now.
The apartment was far too small for this though, and even with Roy’s pinpoint accuracy, he could only inflict small amounts of damage while Ed’s movements were severely limited. One of the soldiers had grabbed Ed from behind, held him in place making sure to keep the blades out of the way until another of the intruders could slide them off. Roy tried to make his way over, Ed squirming enough to get a hand free reached out and tried to grab onto the other’s outstretched hand. For a moment they met, held fast, but then Roy was grabbed as well. With a stiff yank they were pulled apart and black bags thrown over their heads as they were cuffed.
It was that instant moment of black that had Ed waking in a cold sweat, terror in his eyes as he reached over to the space in the bed beside him. He had to make sure… was he still… When his hand made contact with the warm flesh of Roy sleeping beside him, he quickly started to relax. It was just a paranoid nightmare, nothing more.
The jostling of the blond beside him, and the frantic touch, had Roy waking up. Seeing how pale and shaken his lover was, he sat up and wrapped up in his arms. “What happened? Bright Eyes… talk to me…”
Ed nearly melted into the embrace, clinging to him as if he really was afraid Roy would vanish, be taken away like he’d been in his nightmare. “It’s fine… just… just… just don’t let me go okay?”
Shaking his head and chuckling a bit, Roy could put the pieces together of what had happened. “Actually, hold on a for a moment…” Letting go of the blond, Roy propped himself up against the headboard and patted his lap. “Lay down and I’ll run my fingers through your hair until you can relax enough to go back to sleep.”
Slipping down the bed a bit, Ed didn’t argue as he rest his head in Roy’s lap. “Sorry Sparky…” he mumbled as Roy started to let his fingers glide through the golden mass in his lap. Every now and then he’d snag a tangle but would easily be able to work through it. “I didn’t mean to wake you up. Just that damn nightmare…”
“Shh, I think I have a pretty good idea what it was about.” Roy did too. Ed wasn’t the only one plagued by these sort of dreams, but thankfully enough for Roy, Ed was usually a far heavier sleeper than he and he hadn’t waken his love when he’d been yanked awake by nightmares. “It’s okay, I’m not going anywhere. Just relax and go back to sleep.”
It was nowhere near the certainty that Roy made it sound, but right now it was what Ed needed. Ed knew better than to truly believe it as well, but for now, laying in his Sparky’s lap, those fingers in his hair, he chose to believe it in the moment.
“I love you Bright Eyes…” The last words that Ed would hear before drifting back off to sleep, still resting safe in Roy’s lap.
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