#The winner&039;s curse
rand0mbookgirl · 7 years
april wrap-up
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overview this month has been pretty crazy! it started off super chill with spring break, then really ramped up and now it’s already ap testing. i’ve been pretty busy lately, and i’ve also been feeling kinda meh since i’ve had a few problems with some of my friends. books yay for spring break! i got a pretty decent amount of reading done and finally finished rereading harry potter. i also reread…
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A Book that Won Me Over
A Book that Won Me Over
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The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars
She reminded herself bitterly that this was what curiosity had bought her: fifty keystones for a singer who refused to sing, a friend who wasn’t her friend, some one who was hers and yet would never be hers.
The Winner’s Curseis now one of my favorite books. I wanted to read it ever since Marie Rutkoski had accepted my impulsive…
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tashasbookaddiction · 4 years
Review: The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy #1) By: Marie Rutkoski
Review: The Winner’s Curse (The Winner’s Trilogy #1) By: Marie Rutkoski
Title: The Winner’s Curse (The Winner’s Trilogy #1)
Author: Marie Rutkoski
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance, Science Fiction, Historical Fiction, War
Publication: March 2014
Pages: 355
Winning what you want may cost you everything you love…
As a general’s daughter in a vast empire that revels in war and enslaves those it conquers, seventeen-year-old Kestrel has two choices: she can join…
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Top 10 Tuesday: Favorite Book Covers
Top 10 Tuesday: Favorite Book Covers
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is Top TEN Favorite Book Covers! 
This week is a FREEBIE! So, I can’t wait to see everyone’s posts!
1.  Splintered by A.G. Howard
All the covers in this series are beautiful! It’s a bonus that I loved the story. There are a lot of…
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reader-fox · 7 years
Reader Fox's Quotes Box (#1)
"Night had truly fallen. Arin wondered if she would lift her eyes, but wasn't worried he would be seen in the shadows. He knew the law of such things: people in bright places cannot see in the dark." #bookquote #bookquotes
Night had truly fallen. Arin wondered if she would lift her eyes, but wasn’t worried he would be seen in the shadows. He knew the law of such things: people in bright places cannot see in the dark. The Winner’s Curse, Marie Rutkoski There’s always something to truly and deeply appreciate about writing. I like to get down to the pieces that put it all together. In this case, I’ve decided to start…
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mademoizelleflo · 7 years
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Hello lovelies ! It’s time for a TTT ! Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke And The Bookish.
Today’s theme is Top Ten Characters That Would Make Great Leaders. I chose to keep leader in a general way.
Lila Bard from the Shades Of Magic trilogy by V.E. Schwab. She is fearless and hotheaded at the beginning but she surely learned from her mistakes and is totally able to lead a team or even a country !
Kestrel from The Winner’s trilogy by Marie Rutkoski. She is calm and has a cunning mind, perfect for politics. But she is also true to her heart.
Zuzana from the Daughter Of Smoke And Bone trilogy by Laini Taylor. She is fierce and always gets what she wants !
Ismae from Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers. She knows how to see what’s right. She would make a great leader !
  Hermione Granger from Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. Do I need to say why ?!
Dorian from the Throne Of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. Cool tempered and far from being a hot head. The perfect ruler !
Alec Lightwood from The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. Calm, he knows how to analyze a situation.
Peeta Mellark from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
Adrian from the Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead. Well, not at the beginning of the series, obviously hahahaha !
Four from the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth. For the same reasons than Alec.
That’s it ! What’s on your TTT this week ?
  | MEMES | TOP TEN TUESDAY – TOP TEN CHARACTERS THAT WOULD MAKE GREAT LEADERS Hello lovelies ! It's time for a TTT ! Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by…
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insidemylibrarymind · 7 years
Down the TBR Hole #6
Down the TBR Hole #6
A feature that helps you finally declutter your TBR shelf. This was started by the wonderful Lia @ Lost in a Story whose blog you should definitely check out! How it works: Go to your goodreads to-read shelf. Order on ascending date added. Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books Read the synopses of the books Decide: keep it or should it go? Current count of books on my…
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Top 5 Tuesday: Favorite Fantasy Books/Series
Top 5 Tuesday: Favorite Fantasy Books/Series
Top 5 Tuesday is a weekly meme created and hosted by The Bionic Book Worm. 
Today’s topic: 
Click on my book cover or my photographs to be linked to my review or the book’s Goodreads page.
  What are some of your favorite Fantasy books/series?
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jessryno · 7 years
Book Review: The Winner's series By: Marie Rutkoski
Book Review: The Winner’s series By: Marie Rutkoski
Post By: BookGirl Book 1: The Winner’s Curse      Book 2: The Winner’s Crime      Book 3: The Winner’s Kiss By: Marie Rutkoski Story: ★★★★★ This story was fantastic! I loved the concept and setup. Writing: ★★★★ The writing was very good. Characters:★★★★ Main: There are two main characters. I really love the co-main character setup. It gives the story so much more depth. The female lead is not…
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desertofanxieties · 7 years
Preferiti del mese - Agosto
Preferiti del mese – Agosto
Salve a tutti lettori e buon venerdì! Preferiti del mese di agosto… Cosa dire di questo mese? Niente, solo che sono triste che anche quest’anno l’estate sia finita. Niente più mare tutto il giorno, niente più feste in spiaggia e niente più SABBIA DAPPERTUTTO. Con settembre ricomincia la routine e da una parte sono contenta ma dall’altra… le giornate in spiaggia mi mancheranno parecchio. Torniamo…
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francesca-bosco · 7 years
Ciao a tutti
A estate ormai finita è arrivato il momento per fare il punto della situazione dei mesi appena trascorsi. Tra luglio e agosto, esami infiniti e libri alquanto discutibili, qualcuno è riuscito a fare breccia nel mio cuoricino stremato e ad aggiudicarsi il polio come Lettura più bella dell’estate 2017.
Avete letto qualcuno di questi? Qual è stata la lettura più bella della vostra estate?
A presto, Franci!
Perché era sempre lei l’unica a sopravvivere?
Poteva mai non essere presente la mia amata Ryan Graudin? Ovviamente no e ovviamente la dolce Yael avrà sempre un posto speciale nella mia libreria. Il capitolo finale di Wolf ha, a malincuore devo ammetterlo, chiuso una delle serie più promettenti della nuova generazione di libri. Lacrime, sorrisi e tante emozioni, accompagnano la protagonista ed i suoi coraggiosi aiutanti in una storia senza esclusioni di colpi, epilogo perfetto per una trilogia perfetta.
Sapeva come funzionavano certe cose: chi si trova in un posto luminoso non può vedere oltre il buio.
Sorprendete, ha sbaragliato ogni aspettativa rivelandosi un inizio di serie davvero con i fiocchi. Uno dei YA più piacevoli ed ipnotici degli ultimi tempi, una serie che sa perfettamente come conquistare il lettore senza che esso se ne renda conto. Balli sfarzosi, scabrosi segreti, duelli, ribellioni e pettegolezzi: The winner’s curse è un continuo accavallarsi di praticità bellica e virtuosismi artistici, di freddo metallo e dolci sinfonie. Completamente privo di qualsiasi solito cliché, tratta ogni argomento con la naturalezza che merita senza farlo scadere nel banale. L’unico lato negativo? L’attesa per il seguito!
Le sue tele non erano necessariamente belle nel senso che si dava allora a questo termine, ma erano di una potenza e di una novità tali da creare una bellezza diversa, che avrebbe buttato tutte le altre nelle pattumiere dell’arte
Tutti conoscono il tormentato artista che si mutilò l’orecchio, pochi si sono realmente chiesti chi si nasconda tra quei autoritratti e nel bellissimo Notte stellata. Guenassia è uno di questi e ha deciso di mostrarlo anche al grande pubblico. Personaggi poco comuni, combattuti dai desideri. Una protagonista fuori dagli schemi, moderna per il tempo che si innamora perdutamente di un artista incompreso, di un genio della pittura il quale, col suo modo bizzarro e poco consono, le regalerà prospettive diverse ed un’estate rivoluzionaria.
L'estate più calda e quella con fantastiche letture. Ecco le tre più belle!Quali le vostre? Ciao a tutti A estate ormai finita è arrivato il momento per fare il punto della situazione dei mesi appena trascorsi.
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amyriadofbooks · 7 years
This might just be one of my favorite tropes ever as long as it’s done well. I just want to squeal thinking about it!
Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly blog meme stared on Goodreads. You can join the group here, and check out the topics. 🙂
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The Winner’s Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski || This is the first series I think about when I think of the “hate to love” ship. If you’ve been following me for long or even follow me on Twitter, you might just know much I love this series. 😉 The two main characters, Kestrel and Arin, are brought together by orchestrated circumstances. Also followed by a lot of FEELS.
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When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon || I finished this book a few days ago, and wow, it lived up to the hype for me (which is overall a general surprise for me). I found myself relating to both of the main characters, Dimple and Rishi. Also, this book may or may not have made me cry (confession: I cried). I’ll be posting my review of this next week so be on the look out for all the fangirling and squeals!
          Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi || I was dubious about the first book after reading it, but i’m extremely glad I continued because the third and final book blew me out of the water! I won’t talk about the particular ship, especially if you haven’t read the series but wow, it was steamy and spicy and I loved it. If you haven’t heard, Mafi is writing three more books for this series. The fourth book is called Restore Me and slated to hit shelves in spring 2018.
Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy by Laini Taylor || If you’ve read this series, you might be thinking, “Really?” but if you really think about this series, yes, Karou and Akiva are technically a hate to love… You might just have to think back to before Karou was well, Karou. Anyway, you know what I mean! This trope isn’t necessarily explored throughout the book as one might think, but it doesn’t make their story any less amazing.
A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas || I’m not including A Court of Wings and Ruin because I haven’t read the final book yet. (Don’t hurt me!) But I just as confused as everyone else when I started this book and everyone was all, “Omgggg, Rhys!” I was like, “What?!” Now that I’ve read the first two books, I see people with the same reaction and I’m all, “Just keep reading.” XD
What are some of your favorite hate to love ships? Do we share any similar ones? Don’t forget to drop your link here so I can check it out. 🙂
Top 5 Wednesday: Favorite “Hate to Love” Ships This might just be one of my favorite tropes ever as long as it's done well. I just want to squeal thinking about it!
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ourfindingaime · 8 years
The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski Book Review (non-spoiler)
The Winner’s Crime by Marie Rutkoski Book Review (non-spoiler)
Rating: 5/5 The second installment to the The Winner’s trilogy is even better than the first one. Compared to the Winner’s Curse, the Winner’s Crime has a darker tone and a faster pace. The world building and character development are stronger, and the plot doesn’t focus so much on the romance but on Kestrel’s schemes. Kestrel, once again, slayed. Here we see a more cunning and politically savvy…
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eatbooks4breakfast · 8 years
Review: The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutkoski
Review: The Winner’s Kiss by Marie Rutkoski
Title: The Winner’s Kiss Author: Marie Rutkoski Published: March 29, 2016 Series: The Winner’s Trilogy Genre: High Fantasy Format: Kindle Source: Purchased War has begun. Arin is in the thick of it with untrustworthy new allies and the empire as his enemy. Though he has convinced himself that he no longer loves Kestrel, Arin hasn’t forgotten her, or how she became exactly the kind of person he…
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Review: The Winner's Crime (The Winner's Trilogy #2) by Marie Rutkoski
Review: The Winner’s Crime (The Winner’s Trilogy #2) by Marie Rutkoski
Book two of the dazzling Winner’s Trilogy is a fight to the death as Kestrel risks betrayal of country for love. The engagement of Lady Kestrel to Valoria’s crown prince means one celebration after another. But to Kestrel it means living in a cage of her own making. As the wedding approaches, she aches to tell Arin the truth about her engagement… if she could only trust him. Yet can she even…
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