#The whole fam damily *lol*
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thatseventiesbitch · 2 years ago
Could you write “I love your smile” prompt for baby Leia? maybe something like Leia's first birthday with the whole family (Kitty, Red, Bob and Midge(?) ) and obviously Donna and Eric ❤️‼️ thanks
Thanks for the ask! Prompt Ask Game
"Okay, photos!" Kitty Forman shouted. "We have to get some photos! Red, where's the camera?" Her husband wordlessly handed it to her.
Their driveway was decked out in pink and purple decorations, for their granddaughter's first birthday party. A card table with a huge plate of elaborately decorated cupcakes sat just inside the garage, and little Leia was perched right next to it in her high chair. A large silver balloon shaped like a 1 was tied to it, and the tot looked up at it curiously.
Kitty placed one of the pink cupcakes on Leia's tray table and kissed her forehead, giggling with excitement. Then she gestured for Leia's parents. "Come on, come on, before she eats it now!"
Eric came over and stood to one side of the high chair and then Donna stood on the other. They both looked down at their daughter affectionately, and Kitty started snapping photos.
"I can't believe she's one," Donna said, almost in disbelief.
"Look at me! Look at me!" Kitty called, waving her hand. Red came to stand behind her, and he made a goofy face at Leia to capture her attention, and it worked. The baby burst out into a giggle, and all of the adults cooed.
Click, click went Kitty's camera.
"Okay, now one with the grandparents," Eric's uncle Marty suggested. He'd walked up, and now he clapped Red's shoulder. "Don't you want Leia to remember you when you're gone?" He widened his eyes at his brother. "The way you gobble down red meat, you might not have that many years together."
Red scowled. "For the last damn time, Marty, I'm not turning into a damn vegetarian - "
"Vegan," Marty corrected his much more conservative older brother. "And if you'd just listen to me - the health benefits are amazing, not to mention - "
"Alright, alright. Just get in the picture," Eric gestured to his parents. "This is torture for the kid," he chuckled, gesturing to Leia. He was holding the cupcake just out of her grasp, and she eyed it hungrily.
Kitty handed Marty the camera, and she and Red both jumped in the frame next to Eric and Donna. The camera clicked several more times.
"Alright Red, try to smile in this one," Marty suggested.
"I am smiling," Red said through his teeth.
"It's more of a grimace."
"Just take the damn picture."
Marty snapped several more.
"Oh, oh, where are Bob and Midge?" Kitty asked the group. She stood up on her tippy toes, glancing around the driveway for Leia's other set of grandparents. "They should be in these too."
"Should they, though?" Red muttered. Eric nodded like he agreed with him, and Donna elbowed him sharply.
"I'll go find them," Donna offered. She slipped into the house via the sliding glass door, and emerged just a few moments later with Bob. "My mom's coming," she explained, and the group started to rearrange around the high chair.
"There's my little pumpkin," Bob cooed, tickling Leia's chin. Then he glanced around at the group. "Are we set on this pose, or can we do some negotiating?"
Red sighed and lifted his hand to his head, already exasperated. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"Well for starters, this isn't my good side," Bob gestured to his left. "I wanna be on the right."
"Bob, I'm on the right."
"And I would like you to be on the left."
"I'm not - "
Their bickering was interrupted by Midge and her husband Ralph's entrance. It was impossible to miss, because Midge announced her presence every time she entered a room, like they didn't remember who she was. "It's me, everyone. Midge." She looked around with a million dollar smile. "And my husband Ralph," she added as an afterthought.
Ralph held onto her arm but it was unclear if he was supporting Midge or if Midge was supporting him. Ralph was in his 80's, and quite feeble.
"Nice of you to join us," Bob sneered at Midge as they approached. "On your way to the cemetery," he added.
Midge scoffed. "We're not going to the cemetery, Bob. We're going to a birthday party." She'd reached the high chair, and she ruffled Leia's hair playfully. "Leia's party!"
"Could have fooled me with that bag of bones." He said the words under his breath, but loud enough for Midge to hear. She crossed her arms and glared at her ex-husband.
"I see you went the... other direction," Midge said snarkily, as Bob's girlfriend Kelly joined them. She reached his side and kissed his cheek. "What year did you graduate from high school, sweetheart?" Midge asked her, with false, cloying sweetness.
"1980," Kelly said brightly.
"Oh, that's great. You know, I have a daughter who's around your age!"
Donna groaned, and interrupted her parents. She knew from experience that this could go on all night.
"Okay, look. We're just trying to take a picture. With Leia - with all of her grandparents." She motioned for Bob and Midge to get into the picture. They each moved in - but their significant others came with them.
"Um - " Eric spoke lowly, just to Donna. "Do we really want them in the family picture? C'mon, I'm gonna look at this in twenty years and think 'Who's that?'"
"Okay Eric," Donna nodded. "You want to start WWIII? Hmm? Then sure. Go ahead and say that."
He sighed. She lifted her eyebrows at him, and mouthed it again. 'Go ahead.' He sighed again, but didn't say anything else.
"Alright everyone, look over here," Marty called.
"Ow! She's on my dress!" Kelly exclaimed.
"Well your dress is everywhere," Midge complained, pushing at the tulle skirt. "I mean honestly, who wears something like this to a baby's party?"
"Yeah," Bob agreed sarcastically. "She shoulda worn something sensible, like you." He glanced down at their feet. "You normally see heels like that on hookers in the red light district."
"And how many hookers are you seeing these days, Bob? Is - "
"Oh no!"
Marty's cry interrupted their fight, and drew the group's attention to baby Leia. In the midst of the chaos she'd reached one of the cupcakes, and from the smears of pink frosting everywhere and the grin on her face, it seemed she'd devoured it. She was sucking on the paper wrapper now, and Donna immediately jumped forward and fished it out of her mouth.
They all chuckled at the adorable, but messy scene. Even more so when her gummy little smile spread even wider when she realized she was the center of attention.
"Aw," Bob tipped his granddaughter's chin again. "I love your little smile."
"Me too."
"Me three."
They all smiled at the little girl, and Marty snapped a photo.
Bob cleared his throat. "'Course, she gets that from my side. That's the Pinciotti smile."
"It is not," Red shook his head. He pointed at Leia. "That kid is all Forman, Bob."
"No, she's - "
They continued to bicker, but as Donna glanced at Eric it didn't seem to matter anymore. He glanced back at her and they shared a bemused look before Eric swiped a cupcake for them. He ran his finger along the edge, gathering a dollop of frosting, and fed it to Donna.
"Happy one year," he said, smiling. "We made it."
Donna rested her head on his shoulder and tousled her daughter's hair happily. "We made it."
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eddisfargo · 5 years ago
CoMC Chapter 95
Father and Daughter
21 minutes
Man, Dumas really enjoys this particular chapter naming schema. This is literally the fourth of them. Just need “mother and daughter” instead of the second instance of Father and Son, and we’d have the whole fam damily! 
Anyway, this chapter’s awesome because Eugenie’s awesome! And also it doesn’t have a certain protagonist with whom I am currently on the outs 
In a wild contrast to Valentine “I cannot disobey my father’s wishes! I would rather live in eternal misery!” Villefort, Eugenie calls a meeting with her father in the room of her choice, walks in late for that meeting, and goes “Just so you know, I’m not marrying Cavalcanti.” 
Now, we know roughly how this ends, because this chapter takes place before the previous chapter where she’s going around announcing her engagement. But if you think it’s because her father browbeats her and makes her cry, or forces her to do literally anything against her will, you haven’t met Eugenie. 
She speaks in a hilariously logical manner, interspersed with academic quotes and reminders that she speaks 12 languages or whatever. She’s like “I know you’re surprised, because I haven’t spoken up previously, and usually I make my wishes very clear from the get-go, but I thought I’d do this thing daughters sometimes do where you be obedient to your father? LOL but that turned out not to be for me, so nah, I’m not doing it.” (I’m barely kidding about the LOL part either, since she kind of cracks a smile, which I feel is the Eugenie equivalent). “It’s not that he’s especially unappealing, and it’s not feelings or anything, I’m not a child. But look. I’m witty, talented, beautiful, and rich. I’m awesome, my life is awesome, and I just don’t need a husband at all, so NAH. Legally you can’t totally disinherit me or force me to marry a guy I don’t want to, so… suck it, basically.” 
But Daddy Danglars is like “you may be witty, talented, and beautiful, but honey… you’re not rich. Look, I’ll be honest here. I wasn’t thinking about your well-being at ALL when I contracted this engagement. It’s purely about making money for myself..” THIS IS NOT ME EDITORIALIZING, THIS IS WHAT HE SAYS. 
He talks about how he needs credit, and quotes Monte Cristo who obviously knows everything. 
Eugenie goes “Oh…. you’re ruined. Yikes. Well, that doesn’t really affect me. I can make money in a preferable way anyway--you give me like $12K a year all grudgingly, I can get way more than that with accolades by my artistry! And I’m pretty sure my mom has enough set aside to be OK also.” Then she gets into this whole “No one ever loved me, so I don’t love anyone.” But she doesn’t say it like that!! There’s no self-pity or recrimination, it’s just like “...and that turns out well for me!” 
Then they talk about money and investments for a zillion years, and Eugenie eventually goes “OK, so you’re going to sell me for $3 million to rebuild your fortune, WITHOUT ruining anyone else?” and Danglars is like “ugh fine” and Eugenie’s like “and I still get my dowry?” and Danglars is like “of course sure right” and Eugenie’s like “OK, guess I’ll marry him, whatever.” JUST LIKE THAT. 
So, little thing I noticed: everything that is awesome and hilarious about Eugenie, the narration refers to as a masculine quality. Uh huh, of course. The only feminine qualities are obedience, eyelash batting, martyrdom, and fainting. Got it. 
Little thing I did not notice until literally just now: Eugenie essentially shares a name with my favorite character in fiction, only female and French. Fun!
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a-m-e-t-h-y-s-t-r-o-s-e · 5 years ago
Universe Charm AU
So this is my weird little AU for SU (lol,) Universe Charm. 
The short version is; Greg had children with more than just Rose Quartz, resulting in a lot of changes but moreover, making him a dad with tons of magic children.
The ridiculously long version nobody wants to read is under the cut. I tried my best to include major events (so basically, what led to Greg dating all the gems.)
I got loosey-goosey with ages/years/time gaps, so eeeh. Take it as you will.
Greg falls in love with Rose, yadda yadda, and she gets pregnant with Steven. Pearl gets upset, obviously, but in this universe, she decides to see what the big deal is with Greg. Turns out, Pearl doesn’t mind spending time with Greg. She really likes it. Amethyst likes hanging out with Greg too, and both of them end up pregnant too. All three of the gems decide to prepare together, and Greg’s gonna be a father of three.
Pearl empties out her gem in preparation for the new baby (so it doesn’t pull anything harmful out of the gem), revealing the mirror with Lapis Lazuli’s gem in it. Greg befriends the mirror (like in Mirror Gem) and it grows a crush on him. He frees Lapis from the mirror and she loves him for it, but she’s cracked. He takes her to Rose for healing, and she lets herself be healed, but flees to Homeworld to get away from the Crystal Gems.
Shortly after Rose, Pearl, and Amethyst’s babies are born, Lapis comes back with Peridot and Jasper, who are now aware gems are still on Earth. They easily defeat Garnet and destabilize her, but seeing the infants have the gems of the CG, they kidnap everyone and take them into space.
Greg, being human, can’t be destabilized by the prisons, so he breaks out of space jail and saves his three babies before saving Ruby and Sapphire. Garnet re-fuses, beats Jasper, Peridot escapes, and Greg makes a last-ditch attempt to save Lapis before the ship crashes into the beach (only saved by Steven’s bubble, summoned entirely by instinct.)
Jasper demands Lapis fuse with her to beat Garnet, but Lapis loves Greg too much. Jasper runs off.
A couple of years pass, Lapis has a baby, and it’s just Garnet and Greg raising a brood of kids. The house starts getting crazy cramped, and Steven accidentally frees Bismuth, who expands the house and adds another responsible adult in the mix.
Meanwhile, Garnet’s been looking for Peridot and Jasper while hunting down the corrupted gems, and she finds the fusion experiments (this is still years before it happens in canon.) Since she went on her own and Steven isn’t there to talk her down, she unfuses and blames herself for everything. When Ruby comes back home alone, Greg comforts her (and then finds Sapphire and calms her down) and both of them start falling under the Universe charm. The two reunite, and Garnet feels attached to Greg.
but anyway
Now they have an idea of where Peridot is, so Bismuth decides to go capture Peridot. Peridot warns Bismuth about the cluster, so instead of shattering her, Bismuth lets her reform without her limb enhancers and they team up to stop the cluster.
They work at the barn and build the drill, but since Steven is still too young (think beginning of the series age) he’s not there to soothe the cluster that desperately wants to take form. It starts to erupt from the crust and forms the giant hand, and threatens Greg and the family Universe.
Bismuth knows Greg has a supernatural charm, so she convinces him to try to communicate with the Cluster. He essentially tells it what Steven told it in canon, and that if it really needed someone, he’d be a friend. The Cluster is soothed immensely and rips a chunk of Greg’s hair out before disappearing beneath the ground again (hence why Greg is balding.)
A couple months later, Jasper shows up with her army of corrupted quartzes ready to battle, but the only opponents are Bismuth, Peridot, Greg, and the children/toddlers. She mostly wants to take on Rose Quartz (12 year old Steven,) so everyone’s set to defend him. Jasper easily defeats Peridot and Bismuth, and she threatens to kill Greg, so ALL OF THE CHILDREN use their wild and uncontrollable magic powers to BTFO Jasper to protect their dad. The final blow to Jasper and her army is a new challenger; CLUSTER UNIVERSE, an ethereal ghost-like fusion of Greg’s DNA (his hair) and the Cluster’s many gem shards.
Jasper flees with her tail between her legs (metaphorically, she didn’t corrupt this time) and Bismuth agrees to help train Greg so he can protect his kids instead of it being the other way around.
Andy eventually comes back to find the barn ransacked by Bismuth and Peridot, and while he’s pissed at first, he reconnects with Greg and the magical family. He offers to take Greg on a flight to reconnect and celebrate the reunion of the Demayos/Universes, and on their flight they run into Blue Diamond in korea mourning Pink. Blue kidnaps Greg just like in the show, and Andy goes back to Beach City to get Bismuth and Peridot’s help.
It takes a while, but the CG’s construct a ship and fly to the zoo to save Greg. BUT, it turns out he didn’t stay in the zoo; Blue Diamond was so charmed by Greg, she made him a court musician. AND the father of her half-human offspring.
The CG’s save Greg and flee Homeworld, leaving a pregnant Blue Diamond. Soon after, though, Yellow comes to Earth to bring BD’s baby and Blue Pearl as its attendant. She also demands to know what it is Greg does that makes even Diamonds fall for his charms, so Greg courts Yellow Diamond.
By the time Jasper comes back a second time, YD already gave up her form. She challenges Greg to a fight, one-on-one, no armies or magic gem hybrids, but despite his training Greg just can’t beat the perfect quartz soldier. His family comes to his defense and Jasper insists she won because his family intervened, but he tells her that nobody should have to be alone. True power isn’t found in brute strength, but in the bonds you form with others.
They poof Jasper this time, and when she reforms she reluctantly asks Greg to teach her what he knows. She allies herself with the man who took down her diamond, blue diamond, AND the one who defeated Rose Quartz, shatterer of Pink Diamond.
Bismuth is confused AF at this point because “wait, Rose didn’t shatter Pink Diamond, I suggested that,” and since Pearl is now gone, Lion is the one who has the answer. They open the chest inside Lion’s mane and discover the truth among the things Pearl had cleared out of her gem, and while it’s shocking to everyone, Greg is the one who keeps everybody together and reminds them that who Rose was in the end was a loving person.
After all of this, Steven expresses concern about the corrupted gems. He and his younger diamond half-siblings try to heal the gems but they need White’s help. The whole fam damily goes back to Homeworld where they’re revered as conquerors in their own right, but White Diamond is having none of that. She tries to take everyone’s gems out, but nobody reforms like they ought to. Greg reaches out to White Diamond and gets through to her, and everybody goes back to Earth and heals the corrupted gems.
Years later, Spinel shows up while they’re building Little Homeworld and wants to destroy the Earth, but she’s no match for all of the Universes + Jasper. Andy, who’s been visiting more often, finds Spinel, and uses his own meager charm to relate to her. They both felt left out by people who should’ve loved them, both missed long stretches of time even though they had the ability to go at any time, both show up out of nowhere to cause drama, etc. They form a relationship and eventually, also have a child.
So by the time SU Future is, in canon, the children are as follows:
Rose (Steven Quartz Universe) male
Pearl (Nora Pearl Universe) female
Amethyst (Butler Universe) male
Lapis (Ocean Universe) female
Garnet (S.R. Universe) male
Cluster (Cluster Universe) n/a
Blue Diamond (Harmony Blue-Note Universe) female
Yellow Diamond (Ochre Universe) male
Spinel (with Andy) (Spinner Andrew DeMayo) male
Bismuth never had a relationship with Greg, Peridot is asexual, and Jasper isn't very sentimental but respects Greg/the Universes.
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