#The shower didn't even make me feel better they're supposed to do that wtf
eevyerndracaneon · 2 years
What even is survival mode for me
YouTube until I die?
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bethagain · 2 years
I'm rewatching the season 3 premiere and am increasingly wtf. I feel like whining about it in public so here goes.
Stop reading now if you just want to look at Mando and Baby Yoda and not feel unhappy about anything.
(Also Din and Grogu, I still love you. I'm sorry your storytellers let you down.)
(Also, also-- Hey guess what, after writing all this out I actually feel much better and ready to embrace the silliness. Onward to episode 2!)
Who the heck was behind the camera? The framing in the opening scene with the Armorer is so pedestrian it looks amateurish. And don't get me started on having her take time to face the camera and show off the new helmet. Seriously??
What is going on with the editing in the Giant Alligator Monster scene? It's meant to be a big exciting action sequence but the timing is off. Instead of cutting from action to immediate result, there are extra beats left in all over the place.
How does the Armorer suddenly have a huge number of followers? Last time we saw her, she and Paz were hiding out, alone, in the bowels of a space city. And before that, most of the covert got wiped out and we didn't know if anyone else survived. How much time has passed? And if it's been months or years, why hasn't Din been to Mandalore himself yet? Why is he collecting artifacts from randoms instead of going to see for himself?
Why is Din talking about getting a "decree of exile" lifted when he's sitting there talking to the Armorer and clearly can show up to visit wherever the hell he wants???
Also why does the Artifact from Mandalore look like somebody's kindergarten art project?
Wth are the giant space squids? whales? Idk? flying alongside while they're in hyperspace? I guess they're supposed to be scary because Grogu goes looking for a hug from Din after seeing them but then they never show up again so ???
The pirates trying to get a drink at the school could have been a great interaction, akin to Mayfeld's bullying. But it falls completely flat. Why are they obsessed with that building always needing to be a bar? Is it cultural? Was that, like, pirate church and Karga's metaphorically pissed on the altar?
Is Navarro a thriving, peaceful, prosperous place, or does it desperately need a new town marshall? Make up your mind, Favreau.
Why does Din suddenly need a droid? Why???
I'm sorry. IG-11 melted and exploded. There is not that much of him left. No.
How come Grogu didn't really have a role in this episode. He's just kind of there.
Where do they live? Where does Din go to take a shower? Where/when/how do they eat? I was looking forward to seeing how Din was going to deal with all that real life stuff without the Razor Crest but apparently in this new version nobody ever even has to pee.
Another chase through an asteroid field. Really? 🥱 Also if the pirate dude values his colleagues' lives so much, why does he get them into a situation where they're going to ram into asteroids and explode.
Why is Bo Katan's enormous fancy castle on an isolated peninsula? Is it just to be dramatic? Also if she's all alone out there what does she eat? I'm picturing Space Instacart delivering ice cream and Cheetos.
There is something hilarious about the great Mines of Mandolore being beneath the civic center.
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bearpillowmonster · 5 months
I'm gonna vent again because I just keep falling into it.
Every day is the same day, but I go to work and resort to making home my blueprint, trying to find a way out. Once I get my current writings done then I'll feel at some sort of peace with having tried. But every day I come home and I go straight for the shower and my dad goes "Who's there?" or something stupid and I get tired of it because it's every damn day and you still don't get the routine? Yeah, it's me, get over it, I'm half naked already by the time it takes you to notice.
I don't say hi because it's like I never left, I live here for gosh sake, it's not like they're gonna throw me a party, it's not like I have any news or conversation, we don't eat with each other or have those pass the salt moments, you saw me 3 hours ago for lunch. But because I didn't fake anything and just said "yeah" my dad thinks he's looking into it and says "well that was a sad yeah." or something along those lines. "Yeah, it's nothing. I don't know what you want." and he digs deeper and he asks if I'm mad. Of course, I wasn't mad before this but pointing it out does indeed make me mad because it reminds me that "oh yeah, there is something going on and I can't do anything to stop it." He pries and has the balls to ask for money all in the same breadth and I just say to leave me alone for a while so I can get over it.
I shower, eat, play a game to get it out, my dad seemed to drop it and show me his plane jpg that he saved on his computer that he was excited about and all isn't so bad...then he comes back and he does that ear grating knock, I don't know how to describe it but you know exactly what it is, it's a classic tune of pop goes the weasel or something I don't know. But I turn because I already know who does that knock and I already know this situation is about to be brought up again. It was.
The thing about someone talking about being angry is that it's not just me having a conversation with you, it's me having a conversation with myself and you at the same time which turns into an internal fight that goes beyond our conversation and I try to decide how to mediate it. "Fighting myself, I always lose" but he says that he has a suggestion and it's a kicker. Whether I considered online dating. And I was like- "yeah". I didn't clarify that I tried very nearly every site without paying and ended up deleting them all because they sucked. Here's just one of them. It wasn't really the way I wanted to go about it anyway, it was more to experience what it was but he ticked that "since I don't go out and do anything." uh, yeah, I just said that and complained that that's part of what's wrong with me and said I don't have enough money to do anything like that to which you responded to give you money. So he says that I'm getting in my own way.
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What do you want from me? Now I'm all unsettled again. I flicked it off and said that I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't want to explain my love struggles or what I really think. I've considered getting a therapist but insurance is a fraud anyway, I don't even know why I have it if I still need-
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So I guess premiums don't count? I get all my pills at a discounted price ($60 a bottle which isn't great but better than list 325) so it was either 11+ bottles of pills to finally hit the mark or use the coupon, I couldn't do both apparently to make it count. You see why I get so worked up? That 125 is actually the therapy charge that was supposed to be free for the first visit...I reported it as fraudulent on my card so it might not even stay there. Shouldn't I get rewarded for not getting hurt? Like wtf. Next you're gonna tell me that people in my area are getting hurt more often so my rates have gone up. The therapist wasn't very helpful either, I might've talked about it already, I don't know. Therapy would be a perfect excuse to build up that deductible but-3700 could be used towards so much, I just can't submit to subscribe to anything.
I saw Scrooge McDuck saying that money shouldn't be dormant, it needs to circulate and that's true if everyone does it and I like that theory but where can I put it to work? Where can I spend to make? I don't like gambling and that's basically stocks so...I'm not sure what specifics he had in mind.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
Auntie flow
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Warnings- smut, period talk, period sex, shower sex.
Please do not steal or repost my content. Reblogs are welcome.
Wtf am I doing posting this.
Steve stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for his floor. He was so excited he was almost jumping. It had been a busy few days he hasn't had much time to spend with you. Luckily he managed to get his work done sooner so that he could go home and cuddle all night. Maybe you both can go out to eat, go to McDonald's drive through. He didn't consider that real food but anything to indulge you.
The elevator dinged and he stepped out pressing in the code for his apartment.
"Honey, I'm home", he called out for you, heloved saying that.
It was nice to come home to someone. You had only started living together a month ago but he still wasn't used to it. Usually you would come and jump into his arms. So to get no response from you was weird.
He stepped further in and saw you in front of the tv clutching your stomach. He ran to your side and started stroking your hair. "Hey, what's wrong?"
You looked up at him your lips quivering, "I'm dying."
"What? What happened?" He knew you tend to a tad bit overdramatic sometimes but he was worried nonetheless. The med bay was still open maybe he could take you there.
"Auntie flow is visiting and she is being extra bitchy this month," you whine. You did feel a little bad, he just got home from a long day and you were already venting.
"Oh no, sweetheart. Is there anything I can do?" he cooed.
"No. I just need to go lay down. I had to pick up my teams slack today so I'm just a bit frustrated."
"Alright. You go take a nap and I'll make us some pasta. I'll wake you up for dinner. Does that sound good?" You nodded and went to the bedroom to lay down.
He washed his hands and started on making dinner.
He hated this.
He hated feeling so helpless. There must be something he can do for you. He didn't have a lot of experience with periods. Except that one time you asked him to buy some tampons for you. He still found it weird that it just... sits in you all day.
While stirring the sauce he looked up periods on the internet. He read chocolates make women feel better. He could order some or go buy them real quick.
But then... he stumbled upon an article that said orgasms relieve cramp pain.
"Steve, can I help you?" He jerked when he heard your voice. He didn't hear you come in at all.
"Hey, you couldn't sleep?" he asked and put his phone aside for now.
"Well, I'm just uncomfortable," you whispered as you stepped in front of him and started toying with the buttons on his shirt. "It's been a week. I miss you."
Your relationship was still brand new, so you not being intimate for a week was making you so so horny. Maybe it was the hormones or seeing him be so caring or how fine his ass looked in those jeans.
Could be anything.
"It has been a busy week," he cradled your face and dipped down to kiss you.
"Let's go take a bath?" you whispered.
A bath would be very relaxing for you but it wasn't very practical. Steve's brain has always been very strategic he started thinking of places where he could please you the most, now that he knew his way around your body so well, if Bucky was alive he'd call him a 'stud'.
Which would be untrue. He was just a guy trying to take care of his girl.
"Hm... Let's go in the shower," he suggested.
You nodded and stepped out of the kitchen. He switched off the stove. He can make pasta later, he has to attend to his girl now.
He looked at you stripping your pajamas, in awe of you even though he'd seen everything so many times now
"What? You've seen me naked hundreds of times now," you said and rolled your eyes. You started setting the shower.
"Somehow you become more beautiful everytime." he kissed your shoulder as you felt heat creep up to your cheeks.
He wasn't a fan of living in the tower. There were so many buttons and settings everyday. It would be nice to have some simplicity. But now with his new family and his girl this was home and having a ridiculously huge shower helped in occasions such as these.
You both stepped into the shower and he started kissing down your neck to your chest. He sucked and left marks on your breasts and clavicles, making you gasp and moan.
The hot water and steam somehow making your skin even more sensitive and hot. You thread your hand through his hair. He looks up at you. You melt looking at the love and adoration in his eyes.
He dips down to capture your lips into a kiss. You close your eyes and lose yourself in it. You feel his fingers trail down your stomach and reach between your legs. You break the kiss to take deep breaths, biting his neck. He parts your intimate lips, rubbing your clit. You gasp, struggling to breathe, his expert fingers already making you dizzy.
He pushes a finger inside you and then another. He thinks about how your moans maybe the best sounds he has ever heard. How did he go so long without hearing them.
"Steve..." you moan "use two fingers."
"I am," he said.
"Then use three!" you whined.
Usually just two would be more than enough, on account of how thick they were, but your pussy was being especially needy tonight.
He added a third finger. It was a tight fit. He started pumping them as you grew more and more breathless. You were completely clinging to him. You screamed as you came and for a minute you felt as if you were weightless.
Forgot about how your activities had created a crime scene. How disgusting it should be or how you were made to believe it to be. But it didn't feel disgusting. It felt right because it was with the man you loved.
Steve didn't stop until you down from your high. He stood there for a minute holding you.
He abruptly picked you up with your legs wrapped around his waist and leaned you against the wall. You yelped, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He always enjoyed manhanding you and how you squeaked or yelped when he picked you up. It's in moments like these he is even more thankful to the serum. Old him would've never been able to make love to you for hours.
Hell, old him would've never been able to get a girl like you.
"You want more?" he asked between kisses.
"Yes. Yes, please. Get inside me. I wanna feel you," you pleaded.
He rubbed his cock against your drenched pussy and slowly slid in.
His breath hitched. He bit your shoulder. He slowly started rocking into you and then picked up his pace. He moaned when he felt you scratching down his back. It hurt and burned but in a way that left him wanting more.
He moved his head to look at you. Your eyes were closed, mouth wide open. It was a heavenly sight and with you wrapped around his cock it was a heavenly feeling as well.
He moved his hand from your hip between you and started stroking your clit. You gasped. "Oh my god I'm gonna cum," you come for the second time.
His thrusts became erratic and rough as he released inside you. He laid his head in your neck and you stroked his head.
You were still catching your breath. "I don't feel so terrible now," you said with a smile and made a mental note of never letting this man go.
After dinner Steve left saying he has some errands and wants to buy some groceries. It was strange because you already had groceries to last you for the rest of the month. When you asked if you could go with him he told you to stay home and rest.
The shower did help in relieving some pain and now you were watching some show waiting for Steve to get home.
He was back with huge bags in his hands.
"What's all this?" you asked him. It was a bit annoying how he picked now to go shopping. When you were in desperate need of sone cuddles and love.
"I got you some chocolates," he said handing you your favorite chocolates. You felt as if you were going to cry. Because chocolates... nothing would make you happier... "And... well, I saw these flowers in the store thought might as well get them for you," he continued handing you a bouquet of roses.
You kissed his cheek and thanked him.
"I also got some snacks"
"Snacks?" That perked you up. Steve never gets any good snacks, which was why you never let him do groceries. "What did you get?"
"These healthy vegan chips. They're supposed to be good for you", he says.
"Mmhm. Well I'll try them. For you, because I love you,"
"I love you too," he smiled.
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golbrocklovely · 3 years
since i haven't posted anything in a hot minute, why not more tweets from colby?
here is a continuation of colby’s tweets from 2017.
i don’t have proof that these are his tweets, but believe me, they are his.
if it’s bold and italicized, it’s someone’s tweet to him (or… tweets for context to what he was responding to).
if it’s in (), that’s just me commenting lol
July 6 - I've said it before and I'll keep saying it forever ... Confidence = the key to success in all aspects of life
July 9 - Power is out in the entire city. This is so hectic
I'm tired of things being so complicated and complex, like, I just wanna have fun ! Hahahah
July 12 - I love my friends
July 14 - Japan isn't ready for Titties Flying in Lasagna, am I right boys or am I right? @/BrennenTaylor @/JayWalkr @/EltonCastee
July 15 - Everyone here is so friendly :) Or maybe they're just cussing me out to my face while smiling, how am I supposed to know
July 17 - "It's you and me, and all of the people .. and I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you"
Can't trust anyone.
July 18 - "don't assume that your dreams are just a fantasy"
It's been a while since I've heard the sound of thunder .. :)
July 19 - 2 nightmares in the past 2 nights . Where's a dream catcher when you need one ?
July 20 - Can hide emotions so great that it's bad
July 21 - People are trying to control my life and I absolutely hate it.
Imma just do what makes me happy, and you should too
July 23 - Spread knowledge. Spread love. Spread positivity. Communication is key
July 25 - Still can't get what I saw in the forest out of my mind .. Posting tomorrow.
Since when has it been okay to call a girl a slut? Especially on a public platform like social media! Guys, have some respect. Makes me mad
July 29 - Just had one of those crazy dreams you're convinced it's real until the second you wake up .. My mind is all over the place
I've been having these weird flashbacks and memories of the forest .. Really strange
July 30 - No, I did not lose my virginity to Hannah Montana
Aug. 1 - You ever just wanna forget about the world and cuddle someone?
oh, happy #NationalGirlfriendsDay btw .. 😒😐
Don't let what scares you take control
Aug. 4 - If you haven't even "rawr XD'd" at least once today then can you even call yourself emo ?
Aug. 6 - I swear I lose my mind every time I'm in it
I don't wanna wait anymore. Time to focus on me myself and I only.
Aug. 8 - Your love is my medicine.
The difference between "Walmart" and "Gucci" is Walmart doesn't need to use FaceTune to make the eyes pop #Brolby >
(what a flip flop of emotions there, colby lol also there were a bunch of other brolby vs brikey tweets that i didn't include)
Aug. 10 - I like me better when I'm with you
Aug. 12 - What a time to be alive
I want you all to myself, I swear
Aug. 13 - You sing in the shower, ADMIT IT
Aug. 14 - The nerve of some people out in LA .. it's ridiculous.
Aug. 15 - So many fake porn accounts tweeting me today, wtf is going on
Aug. 18 - I will always have trust issues because of what someone did to me ... it's messed up. Loyalty is so important in this world.
I'm okay, it's time for me to grind and really focus on myself. You guys are always there for me.. Thank you for that. I'll make you proud
Aug. 21 - People are trying to control my life and I absolutely hate it.
(who the fuck was trying to control colby lol)
Aug. 22 - Sometimes, you just gotta go with your gut feeling .. regardless of what anyone else says.
Aug. 23 - Out of all the people I've met my entire life, the one person who's been by my side through everything is @/SamGolbach // I'm so lucky
Aug. 26 - Never forget to reminisce on the old times
Aug. 30 - Find happiness from yourself not from others
Sept. 1 - Amber is such a sexy name.
Sept. 2 - @/corinnakopf: Uh @/ColbyBrock is my new favorite person
@/corinnakopf <3
Sept. 3 - Judge people based on their souls, not looks
My mind is so clear and I'm just a generally happier person when I'm not in the same place everyday
I start to overthink when on my phone too much
Sept. 5 - I need someone who can be my escape. My distraction from the world.
Wow, there are so many angry people on YouTube. We gotta make stress ball merch a thing.
(honestly.... still true to this day lol)
Find you a boi who constantly smells like a fresh, Hawaiian breeze because of their new car freshener (me)
Sept. 8 - I'm a professional at making handshakes a super awkward thing, I should win an award
Sept. 12 - Throughout life, people who mean a lot to you will come and go. But the best will stay.
Sept. 15 - "I pick myself apart cause, I couldn't care at all"
Sept. 18 - Life's so much more fun when you don't give a shit about anything
Sept. 23 - Almost didn't see the diss track brikey released cause it wasn't in my verified tab
Sept. 25 - "I show you a different side of me that no one else sees"
(woah... sounds almost like skin's lyrics)
Sept. 29 - I swear to god our house is haunted
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