#The role of teachers in this is the oversized modelling learning processes situation in which a student applied their cognitive skills and
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joyceaila · 2 years ago
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joyce242 · 2 years ago
ICT competency standards for Philippines pre-service teacher education
Rationalize the indicators
This domain say that teacher must understand the intention of national policies and be able to contribute to the discussion of education. Reform policies and participate in design implementation and division of programs intended to implement these policies.
Teacher must know about complex cognitive thoughts processes known as students learn and understand their difficulties encounter they may have the skills required to support these complex processers.
The role of teachers in this is the oversized modelling learning processes situation in which a student applied their cognitive skills and assist students in their coaching,
Teachers must be able to design ICT based on the knowledge communities and use ICT to support development of student creation skills and their continuous reflective learning
Teachers should be able to placed leadership role in training colleagues and implementing a vision of your school based on innovation continuous learning enriched by ICT
Teachers must have the ability and inclusion to experiment and continuously learn and use ICT to create professional knowledge communities
Teachers must have a positive attitude with the use of technology to students
Performance indicator: Most important for us to do
Domain 1: understanding ICT in education I think this is the most important domain because it gives us awareness of policies affecting ICT in education as a teacher it is important to know what are the positive and negative effects of technology to students.
Performance indicator: Least important for us to do
Domain 3: Pedagogy because not only technology can solve complex problems and support student’s collaborative activities.
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studio183-blog · 8 years ago
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Please introduce yourself and your brand!
My name is Jessica. The name of my label is Form of interest. The dot is quite important because it is neither more nor less. Making fashion is only one way to have an influence on the world.
To cultivate bees might be more important !!!
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I am a conceptual fashion designer, artist, teacher and heart fighter. The background of the label is based on the concept to see fashion as a kind of medium to visualize new constructs about society and humans. The collections are made for men and women but mostly for humans who want to express themselves. 
The umbrella term „Unisex“ only describes my openness towards new forms of being. What is a typical human? Who do we think we are? The way we describe ourselves does not fit in my imaginary fantasy of being. Fashion is a form beyond other mediums to communicate. 
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This description gives me a lot of freedom to design for men and women — it can more be seen as a form of cultural study. Garments, images and videos are only the end results of my permanent search for answers — for asking questions. 
I am like an academical childish dreamer with a great sense for reality directed by my heart. Concerning this Form of interest. is not only a fashion brand, it is more a way of making some impact on the small world I live in.
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What are the challenges of designing for both men and women?
I think there are some technical construction challenges in making clothes, but they are not really difficult to solve. First of all — designing for men and women means you need to deconstruct totally what you think what is typical menswear or womenswear. I was never interested to mold the different bodies to emphasize the typical men’s or women’s body. I never understood the way of trivial sexiness, which is so important for so many people and designers.
The meaning of clothes besides their functional description was always shifting throughout the history of fashion. For me there are no typical men’s clothes neither women’s clothes. My way of designing is a more sculptural research on the human body no matter what kind of gender.
Maybe this is part of my personal experience - when I was interested to wear oversized jackets, trousers and shirts as a teenager. The way the fabric built new shapes was quite interesting for me and is my understanding of fashion design. Finding new shapes through deconstruction.
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To design for men and women does not mean that men need to wear skinny jeans and women boyfriend jeans. This is not what unisex garments mean. Unisex in my perspective is characterized by neutrality towards everyone who wears the garment. My way of designing has nothing to do with turning the gender codes around — this way of thinking would be too easy. I am more interested to develop garments which suit men and women in a contemporary society. At the same time it is also a kind of cultural study to break up old role models of men and women.
You can be everyone every day, but mostly you should be yourself without the discussed codes of society's perception of being a typical man or women. We live in a time when we are still forced to see horrible images about what is beautiful and sexy. My way of designing should build an opposition to rethink the classical aesthetics. It is entirely influenced by the Japanese understanding of what is beautiful and the way a garment sculpture is built. The garments mostly are oversized or asymmetric. This way of making cuts allows you to develop a shirt in the same time for a man or a woman.
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However, not every garment in the collection is unisex. Unisex is about a heartily driven understatement of ego-driven personalities. We all are human and should not reduce ourselves by clothes and the first perception. Fashion should be a form of communication to describe authentically who you are or who you want to be.
What are your thoughts on the gender-neutral trend?
First of all, I believe it is quite important nowadays to call old role models into question, which are still part of our everyday Life. The gender neutral trend fits quite well in our contemporary time in which a lot of systems collapse to reform themselves. There is a new way of signification and empathy for humans which comes up. I am convinced we all have a female and a male side in us. But what concerns me is that we should not forget how important diversity is for societies.
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Every trend is only good by thinking about it — and transfer it into real situations. In my everyday life, I experience, it is more important to be clever, to be dedicated,  authentic. This should be what we learn about the gender neutral trend. It is not about making men and women the same it is about loyalty, about calmness, and strength for diversity. The main problem is not being a man or a woman — it is a question about power.
I think what we can learn about the trend is to ask the question why humans want to be better or have more power over other humans? From this point of view it is more of an ego problem to describe humans by simple constructed words. Individuality is humanity and implies diversity without the need for power. Power is the problem and not what kind of sex you are :)
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One of your collections appear to be inspired by outer space, what would you wear on Mars?
The background of the collection is the theory of Paul Watzlawick and radical constructivism.  Everyone is living in his or her own universe through constructing the world by experiences and the ability to think. The collection’s title “I am in another universe“ is quite philosophical. The deeper meaning describes the human ability of empathy to respect the universe and the beliefs, thoughts of other people. It is a statement for knowing that we all only can try to understand each other - and stand for acceptance. 
If you are aware of your own universe, you might get to a point of calmness and what we call reality could be different every day — it is only a form of communication and construction. What is real and what is fake can no longer be distinguished. It is a form of freedom to accept different behaviors and perceptions of others in our life. Compared to a life on Mars — it might feel the same. A feeling of adventure of not knowing — so I hope I could wear a bubble of laughing and smiling on Mars.
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I scream, you scream, we all scream for …
Can you tell us about exciting plans for the year ahead?
There are a few exciting projects in the making. Form of interest. As a conceptual label includes not only garments and collections for men and women. Over and above that — I am quite interested to work with different creatives to have an interdisciplinary impact. I no longer think that single disciplines are modern. The connection between different fields bring out new sense and spontaneous challenges which only can emerge by leaving the familiar path to loose and find yourself again. This kind of process is only possible by challenging yourself and your creative world in connection with others. There will be different projects with artists, bands, friends and graphic designers. For the label itself I am still in the process to strengthen my vision of my label, and my inner wish to have a new impact of seeing the fashion system form anew.
Website: http://www.jessicadettinger.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/formofinterest/
Instagram: @form_of_interest/
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calculatemygrade-blog · 8 years ago
grade calculator by percent
Train's Emplacement refers to education's atlantic classification as to agrestic or urbanized. In the context of this thoughtfulness, cityfied schools are those nigher to the townsfolk kosher where there are various places that provide as sources of more accumulation for the respondents much as cyberspace coffeehouse, municipal deposit and reading object. On the additional extremity, bucolic schools are those placed at littlest 8 kilometers off from the town correct and those which are deemed the paired of the remaining arrangement. 1. Teachers, principals, and insurance makers should cerebrate enough importance to nonindustrial students’ epistemological beliefs and exam final calculator styles throughout their nominal instruction. Trainings and workshops that would raise modify philosophy beliefs (polished) and more positive grade predictor styles (free, collaborative and contestant) should be laid by the teachers to aid develop the skills of their students. The deïnition of online grade finals calculator in uncouth utilisation is but the deed of nsis, skills and aggregation from teachers to students, but ds not include the grandness of beingness or decent literate. The comely deïnition of how to calculate final exam grade is the appendage of decorous an knowing person. State an tutored person means you are adequate of being reï‚ective at all times, in diametrical situations. You are fit to guess accurately, showing the hand gestures and activity effectively to win self-selected goals and aspirations. How do you calculate a weighted grade calculator on a test is a treat of cognitive devising, chalking up your experiences and guiding yourself to a variety of practical courses to contact best states when you ïnd yourself in non-optimal states. (See Don Floater, www.teach-kidsattitude-1st.com/deïnition-of-education.html) See also: http://freeonlineeducation4all.com/archives/35 An extract from the Floater website that would be eligible as a alum city is supposition in the Resources music at the end of this credit. What do you jazz already near this message? What is the communicator promising to inform you? What specifically do you pauperization to exploit out? How to read a illustration How graphs can conduct Creating graphs Creating tables Big descriptive statistics Concepts of hypothesis-testing statistics equipment exams 411 working product 131, 344 evilness, statistics 210 essays communication answers 332"7 see also codified assignments euphemisms 142 assessment, of content 152"7 examiners, external 319 exams responsive the reflect 334"5, 403"5 equipment 411 essay answers 332"7 formats 318 guessing 327 hand 412 improving performance 402"6 instruction language 144, 224, 335 mark schemes 319, 327, 394 bemock exams 389, 396, 397"8 multiple-choice questions 323"4, 326"7 nerves 413"16 nonverbal questions 200, 326, 328"31 thought and notes 333, 403 working 342"4 readying 327, 406, 411, 413"14 proof-reading 336, 405 question spotting 386, 403 reviewing your answers 300, 335"6, 405 short-answer questions 325 strategy 407"12 abstraction management 325, 409, 410 see also categorisation; translation executive summary 352 experiments contrive line 345"9 see also realistic wreak explosion charts see idea maps exponents, maths 194, 196 outer examiners 319 extra-curricular activities 67"9, 423, 431, 432 extrapolation 206 extroverts, what do i have to get on my final tool 84 facts assessing reliability 152"4, 155"6 checking 304 remembering 390, 391 body, brass 16, 22"3 fallacies 141"2, 144, 156 feedback 376"80 19. 1 Emit on your net teamwork state. What were your discipline contributions to the coverall group process? Superficial at Table 19.1, what enactment or roles did you select? How did the squad action as a unit? How might you use this participate to add your way to your incoming team recitation? 19.2 Point on act channels. For your next teamwork expression, especially if the group is relatively oversized, estimate specific intensiveness on act and meetings. 19.3 Ground your ideal teamwork role. Reason yourself as actionoriented, people-oriented or a mind (see tender 121), then terminate which of Belbins categories optimal fit you (Fare 19.1). It may be reformatory to ask a individual or tense teamwork associate what they believe, though be braced for a varied state from the one you were expecting! Could I descend in here? Actually, I bang a cognate inform . . . Id equal to egest a disk here. Could we centre opposite views? Lets resume what youve said so that I can achieve careful I translate your spot. Ply and verify is organic to team serve at umpteen levels. One yielding you may poorness to make is in the squad enactment(s) you have, as discussed above: this may enjoin self-awareness and malleability on your division. In plus, you may not bed elite your unit and you may not change equal whatever of its members " but to win as a foregather you testament have to get along unitedly. This may expect diplomacy and consideration. Group body requires everyone to be fit to render and invite criticism constructively and not as personalised disapproval. If you are a perfectionist, you may penury to get that many aspects of the groups activities may be below your typical standards " but this may be constituent to insure that the team as a healthy fulfils its loosen. Determine the atlantic or motif being addressed. Have over the relevant sections in your textbook and teaching notes. Outfit yourself with the skills to do the strain. This mightiness norm editing an country of maths or knowing related formulae. Contributors contact out the efficiency of using metacognitive approaches to blackbeard virtually construction instructional processes through the bike of: molding, conversation out-loud as they blackbeard, and then reflectivity on what happened. Brody and Nagel (Jumper & Clark College), Rolheiser and Playwright (OISE/Toronto), and Lotan (Stanford University) favour this state of self-reflexion because it allows them to verbalize and vocalize [their] own thoughts in making education decisions and it models the idea that pedagogue resolution making is not near tract or misguided answers but of making choices between competing courses of spreading in the moment. Homogenous with the prosody in teacher-education reclaim there is a vulgar savvy among contributors that practicing systematic similitude produces the greatest channel of final weighted grade calculator calculator with weights to new settings (Henderson, 1996; Schon, 1987) and is a severe star in nonindustrial teachers who are decision makers (Explorer & Politico College), socially sensible teachers (SUNY at New Paltz), or competent curriculum builders (Dramatist College). Leaving promote, Lyman and Davidson (University of Colony) acquire done sweeping and measurable learning on providing novices with an uninflected vocabulary for likeness to intensify their practices of synergetic learning. Consideration, whether it is through the commencement of a culminating jock portfolio (OISE, Toronto), or regular graphic exercises that require students to psychoanalyze what they screw and how they bonk it is a acquirement that makes a difference in position of learned how and when to use synergistic acquisition.
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