#The rift said oops I missed one
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huh-1260 · 2 years ago
A noble frenzy
The former Warden when inside the Pokeball. Warden Satoshi went into the pokeball. Rei didn't want to believe it. He knew he was dead, but the silver of hope that somehow he lived, the amnesiac teenager somehow live past what history told, being killed by an assassination attempt of Adaman and Irida when they vanished. And he was going to get caught by some trainer that was incompetent enough. He doesn't care if he's a pokemon, dead or alive. He is going to get his friend, he runs towards the pokeball with a goal to break it.
" Passenger Rei that's very dangerous! Please get back!" Warden Ingo cried out. With the Hisuian Sneasel crying after him.
Rei was about to grab out his Kleavor. " Wait what are you doing?!" Goh calls out. when the ball bust open, revealing Alpha no, that's a Noble Pokemon. And a Shiny to be in fact. Those are sacred to the clans, and the only living Noble pokemon species left on this world. The Noble Pokemon stood up straight and he tolwers the two boys.
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( oh God it looks like shit I hate it except goh because he knows he fucked, also I had no Idea Rei eyes register purple in Ibispaint)
" Oi, don't you know it's rude to interrupt someone when they are talking." A bitter voice speaks. Yep, that's Satoshi voice when his angry. "A new Pokemon form? I must get data on this." Rotomdex cried as it clicked picture of the Hisuian Zoroark. " Buzz of." Satoshi said and he released some bitter malice. " Chills." It cries. And the Rotomdex backs off. " And I thought the people in Hisui was weird enough, but at least they knew how to back off from a Noble." The Noble muttered.
" A what?" Mallow says.
Lmao they are in shock. Prof. Kukui is just amazed that there's a Noble Pokemon in existence right now. His class is so confused. And Ingo is dissociating right now., he reminded the time he and the man and white talked about coming here. And Gary learned what Hisuian Zoroark described and is scared because 1) they are described as vengeful beings, and 2) the Noble Zoroark was described as to help guide those who are lost in the Abalaster ice lands and weeping/grieving to move on in life. Ash could be dead. ( He is and right in front of him) the pokeballs near his feet shake and his Alpha Raichu burst out. Using its tail as a weapon to protect its trainer. " Rai, Rai, Rai." His Raichu speaks. " Pika, Pikachu, Pikachu, chu." Ash's Pikachu argued back on Gary's shoulder. Satoshi is just bored as fuck and wants to leave. ( He wants to bite Goh, I don't blame him)
Then the sky rips open. " A Ultra wormhole?!" The Aloha gang yells. Goh and Gary are confused af. While Rei is having Ptsd from seeing Lord Arcainine's frenzy similar like this. Ingo is trying his best.
Then lightning comes from the rift attacking both Zoroark ash, and his Raichu, with his pokeballs near his feet. And out came the golden glow, Rei and Ingo is familiar with. The Zoroark roars and lashes out with bitter malice.
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Rei sees the title, ( Arceus gave him powers just Hella useless ones sometimes) Ingo says to run away from here, Lord Zoroark almost swipes at Gary, Pikachu used Iron tail to block it. A golden Raichu attacks with Thunder punch on Pikachu. The Pokeballs near the Noble's feet bust open revealing the rest of Satoshi's pokemon, a Hisuian Goodra, his Espeon, Hisuian Zoroark, Hisuian Arcainine, then his Lucario, and his Weavile all wanting to kill.
" What's his favorite food?" Rei asks.
" Now is not the time for food!" Yells Goh.
" Yes it is. We need to make balms for him now." Rei argued back.
" How about we worry about balms later and run!" Sophocles cried.
The Aloha gang and Co run away from the frenzy pokemon for now to plan.
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bellaireland1981 · 2 years ago
Stubborn Hearts |3
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Summary: Reader (Firecracker, Sunshine) has been in love with Bradley since she was a young girl. Growing up the two were inseparable, apart from short periods of time when she was on the West Coast with the Kazanskys. One faithful decision by her dad to block Bradley from going to the Naval Academy resulted in a huge rift between father and daughter and left her without Bradley in her life. Now all grown up, she’s called back to the west coast at the same time as her father and Bradley. Her mission, according to her dying godfather, is to mend fences with her dad and Bradley. Can stubborn hearts be healed?
(I suck at summaries for real).
This will have multiple chapters… this is 3 of ??
Characters: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Mitchell! Reader, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell x Daughter! Reader, The Dagger Squad, Shay (OC), Penny, Tom “Iceman” Kazansky
Word Count: 6578 (OOPS)
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Death of character, TGM Spoilers, Illusions to Smut (later on ), Turbulent relationship with parent, Friends to lovers, …Please let me know if I’ve missed any!
A/N- This is my first time writing for TGM. I do not own the characters or plot lines from the movie. I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION TO COPY OR REPRODUCE MY WORK ON THIS OR ANY OTHER PLATFORM! Reblogging is always welcome! Feedback is MUCH loved and appreciated. THANK YOU to @waywardodysseys​ for all support and bouncing ideas!!
Ch 1    Ch 2
Taglist: @gracespicybradshaw​ @memoriesat30​, @khaylin27​, @snekssss,
You spent the next day helping your aunt by running errands so she could stay home with your uncle. You could tell he was getting weaker and more tired by the day. It broke your heart seeing him that way.
Determined to take some of the burden off your aunt though, you’d offered to go get the groceries and pick up new meds, the doctor had ordered for your uncle to keep him comfortable.
You were in the produce aisle of the store when your phone dinged with an incoming message. You pulled the cart to the side, out of the way of other shoppers and checked your phone.
Shay:  Still on for the Hard Deck tonight?
Deciding it would just be easier to talk to her, you called her so you could continue shopping.
“Hey!” She answered, picking up on the second ring.
“Hi!” You replied, “I’m grocery shopping for Aunt Sarah so decided it was just easier to call. Are you busy?”
“Nope!” She replied, “I’m on my lunch break. I actually brought lunch to Aunt Penny. We’re just soaking up some sunshine and eating outside of the bar.”
“Sounds great!” You said, “To answer your question, yes, I’m still planning on coming tonight, but the original terms and conditions still apply.”
“Yes!” She exclaimed, laughing, “Also, Aunt Pen said she wants to hear all about your chat with your dad. I’ll just put you on speaker.”
“Hey, Kiddo!” Penny greeted you. “Spill the tea!”
“You’ve been listening to Amelia too much” You laughed, “It went really well… better than I obviously thought it would. We hashed a lot out and I realized it was mostly lack of communication, stubbornness, and neither of us knowing how to navigate any of it. I think we both realize neither of us are mind readers and being hard headed doesn’t get us anywhere.”
“Anyone could have told you both that.” Penny laughed, “I’m glad you both finally came around. I know you didn’t believe me before but your dad really did miss the hell out of you.”
“I missed him too. Honestly, I didn’t realize how much until I saw him and it all hit me in the gut.” You admitted. “He’s coming over after work to see Uncle Tommy and have dinner, so it’ll be a little later when I get there tonight.”
“That’s fine.” Shay said, “Time with your family right now is more important.”
“I’ll definitely be there after dinner though.” You assured her. “I’m gonna finish up here so I can get Uncle Tommy’s meds and get them back to him.”
“Give them both my love.” Penny said, “I’ll see you tonight.”
“Call me when you’re on your way so I can be on the lookout and start my duties as your bodyguard!” Shay said, only half teasing.
“I will” You replied, laughing, “See you both later!”
You quickly grabbed the rest of the food on the shopping list, adding a few extra treats you knew your cousins liked, before heading to the checkout. It wasn’t long before you had everything loaded in the Jeep and was on your way to the pharmacy, the final stop before heading back home.
After arriving home, you carried all the groceries in, putting them away while your aunt took the meds to your uncle. She came back down as you were putting away the last of the groceries.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” She said hugging you, “He gets so tired so quickly, I hate leaving him now.”
“Of course, Aunt Sarah” You replied, “I’m happy to help in any way that I can. I wish there was more that I could do.”
“You being here does more than you know.” She assured you. “You were essentially our first child, Sweetheart. Before the kids were born, we lived for those stretches of time you’d come to stay with us. Tom loved having his little shadow follow him around when you were little. He loved taking you to the base and showing you the planes. Everyone called you Ice Nugget or Little Ice until you were about 10 I think. Do you remember that?I think when your dad came back from deployments he was always a little jealous of just how close you and Tom were. Tom would mope for weeks after you’d leave.”
“I do remember.” You said, wiping tears that had started to fall. “I used to mope around the house in Virginia after having to go back too. Bradley would do his best to cheer me up. Carol used to have to sooth dad’s ruffled feathers, assuring him I did in fact still love him too, but it was the stability I was craving and mourning when we’d get back.”
“I know it wasn’t easy getting bounced back and forth all the time but never think you weren’t wanted and loved by all of us, Sweetheart.” She said, reaching over the brush the stray piece of hair that had fallen in your face. “You had a whole village that loved you and helped to raise you.”
“I never doubted you and Uncle Tommy loving and wanting me, or Carol for that matter.” You assured her, “I knew my dad loved me but it really did feel like he didn’t want me. I know now that that wasn’t the case.”
“I would have told you how much your dad wanted you, sweet girl” She said, smiling, “His way of showing his love and his need to care for you was making sure you were with people who loved you as much as him when he couldn’t be there.”
“I’m glad he’s coming to dinner tonight. He needs time with Uncle Tommy.” You said, “I promised Shay I’d meet her at the Hard Deck tonight after dinner though. If she doesn’t live up to her promise of protecting me from Bradley she has to buy me copious amounts of alcohol. I’m not sure what state I’ll be home in.”
“Maybe Brad will have had an epiphany and realize he’s an idiot for pushing you away. That way you two can talk things out and your liver won’t suffer.” She offered. “If not though, call us, your dad or an uber to bring you home.”
“I doubt he will have been enlightened in the 48 hours since I’ve seen him, so I promise to call for a designated driver in the event that I need one.” You said. “I’m going to go shower and figure out what to wear in the meantime. I might even do my hair and make up. Who knows, maybe I’ll meet another hot aviator tonight and forget all about Bradley Bradshaw.”
“Or… you get all dolled up and show him what he’s missing.” She countered, “Make him jealous. Worked like a charm on your uncle when he was too stubborn to act on his feelings with me.”
“That only worked because Uncle Tommy was madly in love with you, Aunt Sarah.” You reasoned, “Brad would have to first be in love with me, and he doesn’t even like me.”
“I wouldn’t bet money on that, my sweet, clueless niece.” She teased, “I would bet money on him having feelings though.”
“Why does it feel like everyone has a magic 8 ball or sees something that I’m clearly missing?” You ask, shaking your head, “I swear you’re all drinking the wacky juice and are seeing things that aren’t there.”
Your aunt just laughs, tells you you’ll see it one day as she starts pulling things out to get dinner going.
You head upstairs to your room. You pull your hair into a messy top knot to keep it from getting wet, then jump in the shower. Deciding what to wear takes a lot longer than you’d anticipated. By the time you made a decision it looked like a tsunami of clothes had hit your room. You’d have to clean it all up tomorrow for sure. You shoved all the clothes into a pile to sort then. In the end you settled on a simple white gauzy sundress that came to just above your knees. It had spaghetti straps that tied at your shoulders, leaving you back bare. You planned on wearing your crop denim jacket with the dress, knowing it would get cooler when the sun went down.  
With your outfit finally chosen, you left the dress hanging up on your closet door and tackled your hair. You carefully pulled it down from the top knot and  combed it out. It fell in natural waves to the middle of your back. You decided to go with the waves instead of fighting to tame them. Adding a little product to help define the waves, you scrunch your hair until it was styled the way you wanted it. Finally satisfied, you washed the product off your hands and decided to do light makeup. You hated the way a full makeup look felt on your face so you often just tended to do the bare minimum. You did however, make sure to add mascara and eyeliner so your eyes pop and lip gloss that you’d have to re-apply before you go to the bar later.  All that was left was to get dressed and you decided you’d do that after dinner. You pulled on cut off jean shorts and an old Navy t shirt ended up with from somewhere and headed downstairs.
“Well you look…. Cute” Your Aunt said when you’d entered the kitchen. “Not the outfit I thought you’d go with… but the hair and makeup look good.”
“This isn’t what I’m wearing” You laughed, “I chose a sundress but decided to be comfy until after dinner.”
“Fair enough.” She said, “Go keep your uncle company and play scrabble with him while I finish getting this all ready.”
“Ok!” You agreed, “Let me know if you want me to help with any of the dinner prep.”
“I’ve got it covered, and the kids will be back soon to help too.” She assured, shooing you out of the kitchen.
You grabbed a couple of bottles of water and headed into the living room where you Uncle sat, staring out the window that faced a huge backyard.
“Hey, Uncle Icey” You said, using your old nickname for him and sitting down next to him, “Wanna play scrabble?”
He looked over and smiled widely at the name. Nodding his head and sitting up straighter.
“Ok! I’ll grab a TV tray stand so we can set it up closer to us.” You said, “That way you’re still comfortable.”
You set up the board and the two of you started to play, quickly losing track of time. In the end, your uncle still managed to beat you with some crazy 30 point word you weren’t fully convinced actually was  a word.
“I’ll take your word for it, but I think you cheated.” You grumped at him playfully, cleaning up the game while he sat back against the couch and beamed while watching you.
“Still giving her a run for her money, huh Ice?” Your dad’s voice sounded from across the room.
You looked up and smiled at him, motioning him into the room. “Always, but he cheats!” you exclaimed. “Did today go any better?”
“Yes and No.” Mav answered, coming around the couch to where you stood with your uncle.
“It’ll get better, Dad” You assured him, “Give them time to get all the cockiness outta their system, then they’ll listen.”
Your uncle quietly chuckled from his position on the couch. You beamed at him and winked.
“It worked for the poor instructor that had you and Uncle Icey at Top Gun!” You laughed, “I’m going to go change and see if Aunt Sarah needs help.” You hugged both your uncle and dad before heading out of the room to let them talk.
Up in your room, you changed into the dress you’d chosen for the night, slipping on some strappy tan sandals to go with it. You’d thought about wearing your converse sneakers but decided you’d go the more dressy route. You picked out some simple gold hoop earrings and your favorite pendant necklace to finish out the look. The necklace had been a gift from Bradley the last birthday he celebrated with you before life had imploded. It was a small gold sunburst with an opal stone in the middle on a dainty gold chain. There’d been a time when you’d never taken the necklace off. It had meant the world to you that he’d picked out such a beautiful and meaningful gift. You wore it for a while after he’d left but eventually it just became a painful reminder of what you’d lost. Wearing it again felt good. You decided that no matter what happened with him at this point, you’d continue to wear the necklace… if nothing else, as a reminder of happier times.  
Ensemble complete, you gave yourself a final onceover in the mirror, satisfied with the overall look and headed downstairs for dinner.
“Now that's what I meant by dressing for the part.” Your aunt said, catching sight of you when you entered the kitchen. “You look absolutely breathtaking.”
“Wow, Y/N!” Your cousin said, looking up from where she was getting plates out. “You look so pretty!”
“They’re right, Firecracker.” Mav said coming into the kitchen. “Absolutely beautiful. You look so much like your mom.”
“Thank you.” You said, twirling and laughing, “It’s fun to dress up once in a while.”
“That’ll definitely capture Brad’s attention.” Your aunt teased, “Make him regret being an ass at the last encounter.”
“I don’t know that Rooster deserves my girl’s attention.” Mav said, in full on dad mode. “I don’t know that he’s good enough for you, Firecracker.”
“Dad, you’ve always said that nobody is good enough for me.” You reasoned, shaking your head. “It doesn’t matter though because he isn’t interested in me. He doesn’t even  like me or want to be in the same room. I am dressed up for myself.”
“Regardless, if he hurts my kid, he’ll be doing far more than the 200 pushups he’s been doing.” Your dad remarked.
“DAD!” You exclaimed, “Why are you making him do 200 pushups?”
“The squad made a bet, whoever gets shot down in training does 200 push ups.” he explained, “They were cocky, thinking they’d best me and before you get mad, they came up with the terms.”
“Idiots.” You sighed, “Navy aviators are all idiots.”
“If it makes you feel better, Rooster almost had me.” He said, “He hesitated though. That worries me. He also got in his head and ended up leading us below the hard deck.”
“He feels he has a lot to prove.” Sarah guessed, “It’s messing with his head.”
“That is dangerous up there and in missions.” Mav stated.
“Just… don’t rule him out yet, Dad.” You pleaded, “Give him the chance to prove himself.”
Dinner went well. It was nice to all be together. For a little while you could almost pretend that nothing was wrong. That your uncle wasn’t reaching the end of his life rapidly. Your dad wasn’t training the only guy you’ve ever loved to fly a mission that could get him killed. It was just… a normal family dinner. Well as normal as could be with your less than conventional family.
After dinner your aunt shooed you out of the house, insisting you go have fun. Mav offered to stay behind and help with cleanup and visit some more until your uncle was too worn out.
“Have fun, Firecracker.” Your dad said as you gathered your stuff to leave. “Give him hell. If you need a ride home, just call me and I’ll come get you.”
“Thanks, Dad” You replied, hugging him tightly, “I’m really happy to have you again.”
“You never lost me.” He reminded you. “Never will.”
With a final wave to your family, you headed to the Hard Deck. As promised earlier, you’d texted Shay to let her know you were on your way. She promised to be waiting when you got there.
You spent the drive over giving yourself a pep talk and deep breathing to calm your nerves. Worse case scenario, you could always leave if it was too bad. You knew Shay would forgive you. You also had Penny who would have your back if needed. It would be ok… you hoped.
Pulling into the lot, you found a spot open and parked the Jeep. You glanced in the rearview mirror to make sure your eye makeup and hair still looked good, then with one final deep breath you got out and headed into the bar.  There were already a lot of people in the bar, but you spotted Shay immediately as she was already heading your way.
“Hey! You made it!” She exclaimed happily, “And you look fucking hot! Let’s grab drinks and claim a table tonight!”
“Thanks! You’re going to give a certain Aviator heart failure tonight yourself!” You replied, “Drinks sound amazing… I think I need liquid courage to be your wing woman tonight.”
You followed Shay as she weaved through the people and made her way to the bar. You kept your eyes straight ahead, refusing to scan the bar looking for anyone in particular.
“Well, hello again beautiful ladies.” You heard the familiar Texan drawl saw as you reached the bar. “It must be my lucky night.”
You could see Shay blush at his words, as she slid up to the bar next to him. You opted to stand on her other side, so she was sandwiched between you and Hangman.
“Play your cards right, Hangman and it may just be your lucky night.” You teased, nudging Shay. “You’ll have to up your game though to be worthy of my friend, Shay here.”
“Wouldn’t expect anything less.” He winked at you before leveling Shay with a downright smoldering look and megawatt smile. “You two feel like joining my friends and me tonight? Get to know one another better?”
Shay gave you a look, letting you know it was totally up to you and she’d go with whatever made you most comfortable.
“That’s up to Y/N, Hangman.” She said, even though the purpose of the night was to help her get to know and possibly score a date with him. “Before any decisions are made though, we need drinks.”
“I can take care of that. And, please, call me Jake.” He said, turning to get Penny’s attention. “Penny, my dear, these ladies are drinking on my tab tonight.”
“You don’t have to do that,” You said quickly, “I appreciate it, but it’s not necessary.”
“My momma raised me to be a gentleman, Y/N.” He informed you with a playful sincerity, “Also, Penny is kinda intimidating too.”
You and Shay laughed at that, happily accepting the drinks.
“Alright, but next time I’ll return the favor.” You declared. “I doubt your mom would be mad if you let a friend buy you drinks.”
“Fair enough.” He agreed. Penny brought the drinks over to you and Shay. You’d both opted for cocktails this time. Both needing something stronger to calm the nerves.
“Before it gets too busy in here, how did it go at dinner tonight? Did Mav say if he was coming in?” Penny asked.
“It went well. I think Dad and Uncle Tom had a good visit. He didn’t sound like he was coming in but he wouldn’t take much convincing if you wanted to see him.” You teased, “And he said to call him if I needed a ride home.”
“You missed it the other night before you got here…” Shay said, her aunt’s comment triggering the memory, “Your dad got the bell rung on him! Then his card got declined so the second bell meant he was tossed overboard!”
“Shut up! No way!” You laughed, “Penny! You’re a legend! Who got to do the honors?”
“That would be Payback, Coyote, and Hangman here.” Penny supplied, laughing at the shocked look on Jake’s face.
“Pete “Maverick” Mitchell is your dad?” He asked, recovering from the shock.
“Y/N Mitchell” you introduced yourself formally. “In all fairness, until just recently, we had a…complicated relationship. And, knowing Penny, he probably fully deserved to be tossed overboard.”
“It made for a little bit of an awkward first day of training.” Jake laughed, “Payback and Coyote are going to die when I tell them this.”
“Tell us what?” The aforementioned pilots asked, joining your little group at the bar.
“We tossed her dad overboard the other day, boys.” Jake said, “This is Y/N Mitchell. And this beautiful lady, is Shay Benjamin. I’m trying to convince them to join our group tonight.”
“No way!” Payback exclaimed, tipping his head back, roaring with laughter. Coyote joined in, shaking his head, “That’s too much.”
“Rules are rules.” Shay said smiling before taking a sip of her drink and looking over at Jake.
“Absolutely.” You agreed, “Like I told Jake, he probably had it coming so no worries.”
“Well the two of you should definitely join us.” Coyote said, catching on that he needed to play wingman for Jake.  
You took a large drink of your own cocktail, hopping the liquor would hit your system faster.
“Lead the way.” You said, attempting a brave smile, one you hoped nobody saw through.
“Yes!” Jake said, happy at the victory. “Right this way, ladies.”
As the self-proclaimed gentleman he was, he offered his arms to both of you, leading you over to the rest of the group gathered at the pool table. Coyote and Payback stayed back to get a round of drinks for everyone else.
Thankfully, upon reaching the back table, there was no sign of Bradley. You remembered Phoenix from the other night you’d been there. The other aviators were unknown to you.
“Alright, we’ve got new friends!” Jake said, “Shay, Y/N, meet the squad!” He went around the table pointing to and providing a name for everyone.
“Yes! Females!” Phoenix cheered happily, “Halo, we have more chicks in the group!” f
“Finally!” Halo agreed, “Welcome to the squad!”
“Are we allowed to join a squad if we’re civilians?” You asked, laughing at their enthusiasm but understanding the lack of females in their immediate circles.
“Y/n, your dad is Maverick. Shay’s grandfather was an admiral…” Jake said, “I’d say you both qualify as squad members.”
“Holy Shit!” Phoenix said, “You’re THAT Y/N?”  She threw a look to Bob, who subtly nodded back.
“Um… maybe?” You said, completely lost.
“Oh, tonight is definitely going to be interesting.”  She replied, seemingly to herself.
Deciding you were going to need much more alcohol for this, you tossed back the remaining cocktail, swallowing it down. Thankfully, a refill wasn’t too far behind and another round appeared at the table. Shay and Jake headed to the Jukebox to pick out music while you got to know the others around you.
They were quick to set you at ease, telling you stories from training so far but also from their first time through Top Gun. You especially tuned in whenever they mentioned Brad. You didn’t want to be obvious and ask where he was, but not knowing when he’d pop up was setting you on edge.
After finishing your second cocktail you excused yourself to go to the bathroom, partly because you really needed to use it but also because you needed a minute to collect yourself.
You were washing your hands when the door opened and Phoenix walked in.
“You ok?” she asked, coming to stand next to you.
“Yeah, I’m good” You smiled back, drying your hands off with a paper towel before tossing it in the nearby trash. “Why?”
“I should have put it together the other night when Rooster came back to the table looking like he’d seen a ghost, then took off quickly after he watched you leave.” She said, “But when Jake told us who your dad is, it clicked into place. You’re Rooster’s Y/N.”
“I’m not Rooster’s anything anymore.” You corrected her, sadness seeping into your voice. “He made it abundantly clear.”
“I don’t think that’s the case, Y/N.” She said, “When we were in Top Gun together, we became pretty close friends. He was drunk one night and told me all about you. I think it was your birthday or some important day. He’d been off all day and then made it his mission to get as drunk as possible. You’re definitely something to him still.”
“Not the impression I got the other night. Or in the last decade of radio silence.” You said, “It’s ok though. I’ve learned to live with it and move on.”
“He’s a guy. They’re idiots by nature, with the emotional maturity of toddlers.” She said, “Doesn’t mean they don’t feel the emotions though.”
The door opened and Shay peeked her head in. “Hey, just wanted to warn you that Brad just pulled in. He hasn’t actually entered the bar yet.”
“Thanks, Shay.” You said, smiling, “I guess it’s show time.”
“I’m ready to be your bodyguard.” She said, “As promised.”
“You’ll have more than one if you need us.” Phoenix said, “But maybe give him a chance.”
“She tried that last time and it didn’t end too well.” Shay said, coming to your defense.  “Although maybe now that the shock has worn off?”
“Exactly!” Phoenix said, “Let’s go get you a fresh drink and claim the pool table.”
The three of you headed out of the bathroom and to the bar. Jake cocked his head in silent question when he saw the trio of you together. Shay smiled and shook her head. You offered a smile of your own letting him know you were ok.  Your first impression of Jake had been right. He wasn’t your type, but he would make a really good friend.
“Penny, we need more alcohol!” Phoenix declared, “A certain barnyard animal is incoming and my new bestie here needs to be far more drunk than this!”
“Coming right up” She said, laughing, “Hangman’s tab still?”
You said no at the same time as Shay, Phoenix and Jake himself said yes.  You hadn’t even seen him sneak over to join your group. Glancing over though, you saw him standing behind Shay, his hand resting on her hip. You smirked at him, knowing at least tonight seemed to be working for Shay. You would endure whatever was about to go down for her sake.
Penny pushed the drinks across the bar towards you all and you grabbed them before heading to the pool table.
You sat down at the high table close to the pool table, your back facing the door. You didn’t need to see him come in to know he had. The others in the group called out to him when he walked through the door.
“About time Bradshaw.” Jake yelled. “Recovered from all your pushups?”
“Fuck you, Hangman.” Bradley shot back, “You did more than I did today.”
“And I’m clearly in better shape than you are.” Jake retorted, throwing a wink your way as he delivered the line.  “Rooster, meet our new friends. This is Shay, and Y/N. They’ve become honorary squad members as of tonight.”
Shay waved and you kept staring at your drink like it was the most fascinating thing in the world.
“Nice to meet you, Shay.” Brad said, “Y/N, can I talk to you?”
“I’m good here with my new friends thanks,” You replied, sipping your drink. You knew it was a petty thing to say, but you never claimed to not be petty. Shay laughed quietly, understanding the dig.
“Rooster, I feel the need to beat you at pool tonight.” Phoenix said, jumping to your rescue.
“Sure” He said, going over to pick up a pool cue, his eyes staying on you as he did so. You continued to sip your drink and ignore him, focusing instead on whatever story Jake was telling across from you. At least, you tried to pay attention.  You absently played with the sun pendant on your necklace, your nerves absolutely wrecked.
“Y/N, Shay said you’re a pilot?” Bob asked, pulling you out of your head.  
“Yup!” You answered, “I was bitten by the aviation bug at a young age. My dad and Godfather were pretty key in that.”
“Who’s your Godfather?” Jake asked, “Anyone we know?”
“Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky” You supplied, “I just call him Uncle Tommy though.”
“Holy shit. He’s a legend.” Jake replied, “Also, I’m sorry to hear he’s not doing well health wise, Y/N.”
“Thanks” You said, looking down at your drink. “He is a legend.”
“With connections like that, why didn't you join the Academy or enlist or something?” Coyote asked, joining the conversation.
“Zero interest.” You simply said, looking up to catch Bradley standing rigid, hands locked like a vice around the pool cue and watching you with a look in his eyes you couldn’t place.
“So what do you fly?” Bob asked, guiding the topic back to safer ground. Bless that sweet man’s heart.
“I flew charters when I lived back East. I own my own little Cessna too, that I try to log as much flight time in as I can.” You answered.
“Did your dad ever give you a call sign?” Jake asked.
“Not really a call sign” You laughed, “My dad calls me ‘firecracker’. My uncle and other aviators here on North Island called me ‘Little Ice nugget’ or just ‘nugget’.”
“Firecracker is pretty appropriate” Jake laughs, “I thought it would be ‘Sunshine’ though, or something like that with the necklace you keep messing with.”
“No…” You said quietly. “The necklace was a gift from another lifetime.”
Jake was quick to pick up on the shift in your tone, but didn’t know what he’d said to cause it. Shay, noticing your drink was nearly empty again, suggested the two of you head to the bar to get another one. You were 3 drinks in and figured another wouldn’t hurt. You’d already have to call an Uber or your dad to come get you.
You carefully hopped off the stool, swaying a little from the alcohol, but Coyote was quick to steady you. You thanked him before following Shay to the bar.
“Thanks” You said when you were away from the group. “On the bright side, he seems content in not talking to me, so that’s great.”
“Y/N, he hasn’t taken his eyes off you the entire time he’s been here.” Shay said, “He definitely wants to talk to you… you just did a great job shutting him down.”
“I’m too afraid to talk to him.” You admitted, “If I don’t talk to him I can hold onto hope that someday maybe I’ll get my best friend back.”
“How’s it going over there girls.” Penny asked, coming over to the side of the bar you were standing at.
“Need another drink, please.” You replied
“That good, huh?” She said, “I may get the pleasure of seeing your dad tonight.”
“Penny, you don’t have to wait for me to be drunk to see my dad.” You laughed.
“Pen, can I get another beer please?” Brad asked, coming up behind you. You shot a look at Shay for not warning you, only to see her making flirty heart eyes with Jake across the bar. “Add Y/N’s drink to my tab too.”
“Her drinks are already on Hangman tonight.” Penny said, winking at you.
“They were. I’ll get the rest of them.” He said firmly.
“Why doesn’t anyone think I can pay for my own damn drinks?” You complained.
“Sweetheart, never complain about men wanting to buy drinks” Penny said laughing
“You planning on ignoring me forever, Sunshine?” Brad asked, taking a drink of his beer, “Or can we talk like adults now?”
“Careful, Rooster.” Penny said delivering your drink, “Don’t make me ring this bell on you. You’ll be buying drinks for more than just Y/N here.”
“Sorry, Penny,” He said, looking sheepish. “Can you please, convince her to have a conversation with me?”
“Ugh, Fine!” You said, exasperated and tipsy. “MIght as well get this over with while I have a good buzz going. You want to talk, Bradley? Then by all means… talk.”
“Can we step outside? Or at least find a place slightly more private?” He asked, not unreasonably.
You picked your drink up and headed towards the door that would lead out to the patio overlooking the beach. Bradley followed close behind, nodding at Phoenix and Jake on the way  by.
Once outside the noise level immediately dropped. The music was muted by the sounds of the ocean.
“You didn’t seem too inclined to want to talk the other night.” You said quietly.
“Sunshine, it was a bit of a shock seeing you.” He admitted, “I probably didn’t handle it the best.”
You stayed quiet, looking out to the water instead. Honestly now that you were face to face with him, you weren’t even sure what to say or where to start.
“I’m surprised you still call me ‘Sunshine’.” You commented quietly.
“That’s your name.” he shrugged. “I’m surprised you still have the necklace.”
“I haven’t worn it in forever.” You admitted, “But couldn’t part with it.”
“Did you know?” He asked.
“About dad pulling your papers? Or about him being here at Top Gun as an instructor?” You asked, needing clarification,
“Both.” He said.
“I didn’t know about him pulling your papers until you’d stormed into the house yelling, and then slamming out of the house…and my life.” You said, struggling to keep your voice steady and devoid of the emotion swirling inside. “I confronted him after you’d left, asking him what the hell had happened… he told me then what we’d done. I was furious. I tried calling you but it went straight to voicemail every time. I went to your house the next day but you weren’t there either.”
“And now? Did you know he was here to be the instructor for this mission?” He asked, his own voice rough with emotion.
“Yes. But not until I got here and Uncle Tommy told me.” You replied
“The other night when I saw you here, you didn’t think maybe I could use a heads up? Knowing what happened in the past? Did I really deserve to be blindsided?” He asked, his tone hardening to cover his feelings.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now, Bradshaw?” You seethed, years of anger and hurt breaking through the walls you’d built and flooding your system. “You do not get to get mad at me and tell me about what you deserve and don’t deserve. I fucking tried to tell you but you cut me off saying you needed to get back to your friends! So, FUCK YOU Bradley Bradshaw! Fuck you for you leaving ME when you were made at my DAD. FUCK YOU for throwing away our friendship. You know who didn’t deserve to be treated like trash, to be thrown away on the drop of a dime? ME! I didn’t deserve your anger Bradley. I didn’t do anything except love you. All I’ve ever done was love you.”
You hadn’t realized you’d started to cry until you felt the drops of tears fall onto your hand, You angrily wiped them away, not wanting to let Bradley see you cry. It had felt good to release the anger you’d kept locked in but the stretching silence wasn’t helping to calm the bubbling anxiety you now felt.
“Would you rather I stuck around and allowed the anger and resentment I had towards Maverick eat at me and cause me to lash out at you too? I thought by walking away I was saving you from getting hurt.” He said quietly.
“Newsflash, asshole, you leaving and going radio silent hurt fucking worse than anything.” You said, your voice cracking.
“Yeah, well, having your Godfather pull your papers to the academy, and block you from following in your father’s footsteps didn’t feel so great either, Y/N” He yelled back, “Especially when he’s the reason your father is no longer alive. So forgive me if I felt the need to cut myself off from the person who ruined my life. If it meant cutting you out of my life too, well it was just collateral damage I suppose.”
You felt like you’d been slapped. For what felt like forever you couldn’t get air into your lungs. Whatever buzz you had going for you coming into the conversation was now completely gone. In its place was left a horrible pain where your heart should be.
“Then let me do us both a favor and remove myself from your life once more.” You whispered, not trusting your voice anymore. You would not let him see any more of your tears. He no longer deserved the right to your pain. Reaching up behind your neck, you unclasped the necklace you’d once loved, but now knew would only bring pain in seeing. You removed it and carefully set it down on the wooden table next to you. You didn’t care what he did with it now, you just didn’t want anything from him, anything to remind you of him. You started to turn away when his hand landed on your wrist, desperate to keep you from walking away.  
“Sunshine, no.” He said, immediately realizing he’d fucked up, once again. “Please, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I wasn’t thinking. Please, don’t do this… put it back on. I didn’t mean it. I don’t want you out of my life…not anymore.”
“I stopped being your ‘Sunshine’ a long time ago, Bradley.” You said, defeated, “It’s too late. All we seem to do is hurt each other at this point. Maybe you did us both a favor before.”
Not giving him time to respond, you pulled your hand from his grasp and walked back into the bar. You desperately needed to hold it all together until you could get home and then you’d allow yourself to break down.
“I’m going to beat his ever loving ass!” Phoenix said, seeing the look on your face when you walked over to get your purse.
Jake and Shay turned towards you at Phoenix’s outburst, Shay immediately coming over to you.
“Sweets, you ok?” Jake asked, coming up behind Shay.
“Y/N, what happened to your necklace?” Shay asked.
“I’m going to go.” You simply said, not trusting your voice. You were barely hanging on as it was.
“Y/N, you can’t drive like this.” Shay said, “Even without alcohol, you’re in no state to drive.”
“I’ll call my dad to come get me.” You said, “I just can’t stay here.”
“I can take you home, Y/N.” Bob offered, “That way you’re not waiting long.”
You looked up when the door opened, seeing Bradley coming in, you quickly agreed to the offer.
“Thank you, Bob.” You said, “Shay, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
She gave you a quick hug before Bob led you out the front to the parking lot.  In your haste to get out of there, you once again missed the look of complete remorse and devastation on Bradley’s face as he watched you leave. You also missed Phoenix punching him in the arm and calling him every name in the book.
A/N: I PROMISE to start fixing the broken hearts!!! :) Thank you so much for reading!!! 
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pageoftowers · 2 years ago
The general consensus seems to be that Grumbot Prime did something to Grian. And I really enjoy those but that's admittedly not where my mind went at first. And I doubt this will be canon, as I read far too into things, it's where my brain went.
We're given four pieces of evidence that I can remember off the top of my head. If I'm missing some... Oops Ig
1. Grumbot Prime is from a different universe in which Mumbo became mayor.
2. Because of the way Grumbot Prime called Grian Father 1 (in Impulse's video) I'm guessing this is possibly a machine that was built by Grian in said universe and not Mumbo. Which possibly has it's own implications (a machine built by Grian, what horrors).
3. Something happened and Grumbot Prime said his Grian was sorry too. (Curious to see what his future reaction will be to Mumbo.)
4. Grumbot Prime ended up through that rift and given that he can't really move, something or someone brought it to him. (Or if he did do something to Grian, maybe he's the one that created the rift.)
My guess, something like the TURF war broke out between Mumbo and Scar. Or perhaps more. Who knows. And maybe Grumbot Prime became a target. Grian sent him away for safety and the last words he said to Grumbot Prime was that he was sorry.
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star-going-supernova · 3 years ago
I found this fun random idea where Vanessa was related to Mrs. Afton and they came from France, so maybe Vanessa calling Gregory petit ours? ("Little Bear")
Oooh, that is fun! Sorry about not posting a story/update yesterday, I got kinda busy in the afternoon. Instead, here’s the first of the tumblr ficlets from the ideas and stuff a bunch of you sent me! This takes place in a nebulously canon divergent situation. I… wrote out way too much backstory in my notes for this one, haha. This has full AU potential, oops.
Price to Pay
Vanessa didn’t know much about the rift in her family—not the cause, not who it started with, not why it was never really healed. She and her parents had traveled a lot when she was a kid, for both work and pleasure, so it wasn’t like she saw evidence of the rift very often.
Her aunt’s family was relatively unknown to her, even now, when she was an adult. She knew she had cousins, at the very least. And as of today, for the first time, one of them had reached out to her. With her parents in New Zealand and her missing the familiarity of family, it felt like something of a sign.
Turned out, her eldest cousin, Michael, knew about as much about the rift as she did. In his letter, he mentioned he was pretty sure his dad had done or said something to piss someone off all those years ago, but neither of his parents had ever explained before… well. Before it was too late.
His mother had died recently, was the thing. And Michael had taken custody of his younger siblings—eleven and sixteen, a brother and sister—which he wrote about with the tightness of someone who was still angry and really didn’t want to talk about it.
With something she might dare to call sheepishness, Michael had asked if she had any interest in getting to know the three of them, since life was short, and a different generation’s argument shouldn’t really affect them, and please don’t think I’m only writing to you because being a guardian, even of my siblings, is scary and I could kinda use some moral support from a fellow young adult.
What a coincidence, Vanessa had written back, I’ve also recently acquired custody of an eleven year old. Want to set them loose on each other and share horror stories over coffee?
It ended up working out that Vanessa and her… kid—son didn’t feel right, honestly, and when she’d mentioned as much to Gregory, he’d scrunched his nose up and stuck out his tongue, so they were on the same page, at least—would meet her three cousins at Michael’s place of work. And wasn’t that a surprise, finding out that Michael was one of those Aftons.
The pizzeria was nice—bright and colorful and bustling with energetic children. They had to get their hands stamped at the front desk, where Vanessa also relayed the message Michael had told her to give one of the employees, about them being the guests he was expecting.
They were led through one of the “employees only” doors and down the hall to an office. Their guide left them as the door swung open almost violently at Vanessa’s knock, revealing a ginger-haired teenage girl grinning almost triumphantly.
“You Vanessa?” she demanded. Behind her, a man groaned, “Elizabeth! Don’t—”
“I need more girls in the family,” Elizabeth hissed, half behind her and half to Vanessa. She glanced down at Gregory and made a face. “That’s terrifying.”
Vanessa double-checked that her gremlin of a kid wasn’t baring his teeth at her or something—he had an understandable habit of biting people when he felt threatened—but Gregory was actually behaving himself and looked somewhat offended.
“Elizabeth!” the man said scandalously, nudging her away from the door and taking her place. Michael was a little taller than Vanessa, with brown hair, and looked just like he did in the picture he’d sent. They’d exchanged photos so they had some idea of who each other were before meeting. “Sorry,” Michael told Vanessa. “She’s just…” He trailed off, staring down at Gregory. “Huh.”
Gregory did bare his teeth that time. “Something on my face, mister?”
Vanessa was always kind of impressed with Gregory’s ability to make the most innocent words sound like the worst insults. She wished she could do that, but she was better at plain old sarcasm.
“Sorry!” Michael said again, jumping a little. “It’s just—you look like you could be my little brother’s twin.”
“It’s creepy!” Elizabeth called from somewhere in the office.
Michael sighed. To Vanessa, he said, “Not the first impression I planned on making, so, sorry about that.”
“You apologize a lot,” Vanessa replied, sticking her hand out. “So I guess we’re already off to a better start than our parents. This is Gregory. Don’t touch him without his permission, please, or you’re liable to get bitten.”
“That’s—okay.” Michael shook her hand. “Nice to meet you both. The demon behind me is my sister, Elizabeth.” Smiling down at Gregory, he added, “You’re eleven, right? Our brother, Evan, he’s the same age. He’s somewhere in the arcade, I think, if you’d rather hang out with him than us boring grown-ups.”
Gregory considered it for a moment, nodding slowly. “I do like exploiting arcade games.”
“He’s a little shy,” Michael warned him, kindly ignoring Vanessa’s budding criminal of a kid.
“Try not to bite anyone?” Vanessa pleaded.
Her gremlin grinned and saluted her. “I’ll do my best!” And with that cheeky response, he turned and ran off back toward the sound of screaming children.
She caught the look on Michael’s face and shrugged. “It’s a long story.” And they were still too much of strangers.
“We all have one of those,” he said, in an agreeing sort of way. Stepping back and gesturing at his office, he asked, “Coffee?”
• • •
Turned out, Vanessa and Michael did get along. And so did Vanessa and Elizabeth, once she got used to the teenager’s blunt, almost harsh, way of speaking. Conversation flowed surprisingly easy, mostly picking up where Vanessa and Michael’s letters left off. Mentions of their parents were tactfully avoided.
Until they offered her a picture of her deceased aunt, one with her own mom in it, from when they were younger. She stared at with a small smile.
“I don’t think I even knew what she looked like,” she admitted. It was evident where Elizabeth’s ginger hair had come from, just as Vanessa was as blonde as her mother.
“We didn’t even know we had a cousin,” Michael replied. She’d passed him one of her own family pictures, of her and her parents. “She told us right before she died.”
“Better late than never,” Elizabeth mumbled, playing on her phone.
They sat in a comfortable silence for a minute, before Elizabeth asked, “So, where’d the ankle bitter come from?”
“Liz!” Michael sighed. “You don’t have to answer that, if it’s part of the long story.”
Vanessa chuckled. “Some days are better than others; it’s easier to talk about on the good days. I adopted him because of some shared trauma, though he got the lion’s share of it. But the two of us met when some creep kidnapped and tried to kill him. Bit the guy to get away, then he found me.” She shook her head, staring into the middle distance. “We avoided everything to do with the case afterward; Gregory would sort of…” She forgot the word the therapist used. “He’d get too deep in the memories, otherwise.”
Elizabeth nodded along, looking rather impressed. But Michael suddenly looked like he’d seen a ghost. Before she could ask if he was okay, the door popped open, admitting two giggling little boys.
And hell, her cousins hadn’t been kidding. Gregory and, presumably, Evan were nearly identical. Even their choice of clothing today was eerily similar. The resemblance was uncanny, and Vanessa found herself forgiving Elizabeth for her initial outburst. She’d have to keep on eye on her gremlin, though. This situation was ripe for some The Parent Trap-ing, and, yeah. No thank you.
Despite Michael’s warning about Evan’s shyness, it looked like Gregory had lured him out of his shell. The two were grinning at each other, already thick as thieves, and given the presence of Gregory and the two large plushies in Evan’s arms, she wouldn’t discount that saying being literal.
“You bite anyone, you little menace?” she called over.
Gregory sent her a sharp-toothed smile. “Not yet!”
Something about their exchange, short as it was, sent Evan into another fit of giggles. He buried his face in the head of one of his plushies, peeking shyly over at her as he edged slightly behind Gregory.
“That’s Vanessa,” Gregory told him, letting the slightly smaller boy huddle against his shoulder. “She’s cool.”
This seemed to mean something more to Evan, because he straightened slightly and clumsily waved, what with his arms being full. “Hi,” he whispered.
“It’s nice to meet you, Evan,” Vanessa replied. “Did your brother tell you about me?”
“Mhm. We’re cousins.”
“Those are some pretty impressive plushies you got there,” Michael said. “You guys play the crane game?”
The boys exchanged mischievous glances.
“I didn’t give you money for the arcade,” Vanessa said, resigned. “Please don’t tell me you climbed inside a crane machine again, Gregory.”
“I didn’t climb inside a crane machine again,” Gregory dutifully repeated, the little liar.
“Oh, what have I done,” Michael moaned, but Vanessa was no fool. She could see the way his shoulders trembled with suppressed laughter.
“Sorry,” she told him, reaching over to pat his shoulder. “But me and the brat—we’re a package deal. Your crane machines are gonna pay the price if you want us around.”
The two of them looked back over at the boys, who Elizabeth had joined. Gregory matched her snark for snark, and though Vanessa couldn’t have known, Michael was so, so relieved to see his little brother looking less like a shell of himself.
Vanessa turned back to him when he chuckled lightly, just in time to catch a flash of sadness and regret in his eyes. Nonetheless, he was smiling when he said, “I think some arcade exploitation is a small price to pay.”
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agentem · 4 years ago
I rewatched “WandaVision” because apparently I have become crazed. Oops.
1. Did anyone else notice in the “previously on...” segment the dialogue around Monica’s expulsion is altered. Originally Wanda told Vision she had to “run home.” Now she says,
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2. Haywood says Wanda doesn’t have a “funny nickname”. I thought this was brought up because the creatives said she would earn the moniker Scarlet Witch in this series. But he says it like, she doesn’t have a code name so that means she’s a terrorist? Does that mean when she gets it, she will he heroic? Is that the arc?
3. Vision is clearly disassembled (Avenger disassembled!) when Wanda “steals” his body. Obviously they were doing some kind of experiments on him. And I was like, “duh, how else would Haywood know he has a living will? If someone hadn’t told him he COULDN’T.” Maybe seeing him like that make the grief fresh again and she just wanted him buried?
4. Bringing back the dead. The children clearly want Wanda to resurrect Sparky, but she doesn’t think she can do that. Agnes doesn’t even seem to think she can do that. So WHO brought Vision back? (If he can be said to be alive?) The appearance of Pietro also seems to be related to a desire of some force for her to manipulate life and death. Perhaps if she crossed some barrier, to bring back Sparky or her Pietro, then she would open some kind of rift that Mephisto could come through.
5. But if Agnes isn’t the one who raised Vision then the next obvious candidate (from the comics) would be Grim Reaper, who we saw a nod to in the episode 2 “Bewitched” style credits. (Could he be the FBI’s Missing Person? Also, could he be the mail man who creeps me out?)
6. In that case though, then what is Agnes (Agatha Harkness) DOING there? Was she just attracted to a powerful person, like in the comics and she HAPPENED to get swept up in this? That seems too convenient.
7. Is it just me or does the Sokovian accent come out a bit when she is fighting with Vision, not just when she is outside the barrier? The arrival of Faux Pietro seems to be designed to stop whatever conversation they were going to have.
8. Outside the barrier, Monica appeals to the idea that since Wanda is a telepath she must have known Monica wasn’t a threat. Then when Wanda does use her powers to turn guns on people, Monica, Jimmy and Darcy are still safe. It is just Haywood they point at. Even though there are a lot of weapons pointed, Monica isn’t in the crossfire beams. I think she knows, subconsciously, who is dangerous to her even if she doesn’t know fully what is going on.
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worldofpokemonimagines · 4 years ago
Could you possibly do headcanons of pokespe Cyrus falling for his childhood friend? And maybe seeking redemption afterwards the events of the manga? 🥺 Ur writing is so good!!
You're so kind! 😊 Also, I've noticed Cyrus is a popular character in my inbox because I have three asks for him (including this one) and that's neat since I've grown to like his character a lot. These got really long (oops).
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• You were one of the only people who wanted to befriend Cyrus, despite him not being the most social person in the city and preferring to stay indoors. Because of your persistence, you managed to snatch his acceptance of friendship.
• The two of you were content with not doing much and his tinkering intrigued you. He didn't mind answering questions you had since he felt pride in himself with the machines he created. You actually were interested and not bored of what he had made/talked about, which made him feel... Appreciated.
• Cyrus wouldn't go out much, but you did manage to take him around the walkways and lighthouse, which both fascinated him. There were times where you tried to convince him to come to the beach, but he always gives a blunt "No" everytime you asked. However, he does give in at one point because you seemed to really want to go with him. So... Why not? It was just you after all.
• Some of the other kids questioned why you would stick with Cyrus and you would just answer honestly; you enjoyed his company and he was cool to you. There were times where you even defended him if anyone tried to discourage or pick on him. In his own way, Cyrus lets you know his appreciation.
• Unfortunately, you probably didn't know about Cyrus' situation with his parents or you had suspicions, but had no clue what to do. At one point you offered to take him to your home more often when the two of you hung out, but he just shook his head. On his bad days, you try to make him happy (and maybe smile) with bringing up his interests or trying to distract him by asking about his machines.
• Eventually, after some time, you don't see him again. You were in distraught because that was your friend that you had grown up with. So why did he leave? Why didn't he tell you? One thought ate at you that he probably didn't want to be around you anymore, but you refused to believe that. You were determined to figure things out.
• Truth is, Cyrus just couldn't have you involved with this. Despite wanting to tell you of his plans, he for some reason couldn't. It was probably due to the fear of disappointment and how you'd react if he let you know. So it was just better to run than face the utter pain of rejection.
• Some time after, you run into the Sinnoh Dexholder Trio and this is where you hear of Cyrus and Team Galactic. This shocks you to some degree; remembering how he would constantly talk about the world not being perfect. Though, you would never think he would go to these extremes; calling upon Dialga and Palkia by bombing a whole lake (you were going to rant to him when you get the chance) to lure the mystical pokemon.
• You were of course heavily concerned for him when he was knocked unconscious and the person to suggest taking him to the hospital. However, because of Charon, that did not happen and your concern only worsened when Cyrus was taken into the Distortion World. At this point you were frustrated and that was valid; after years of searching for him when he left without a word and the universe continuously keeping you from finding some form of closure, you had a right to be.
• When you finally get your reunion, Cyrus is certainly taken aback when he sees you as you hold back tears. He apologizes for leaving you behind and not making it known that he was struggling in his home life. The only thing you could do was pull him in for a hug which startled him a bit, but he returned it nevertheless. It had been so long since he's embraced you; he missed this.
• Of course you were all for helping Cyrus in his road to redemption and reassure him that no matter how long it takes, you'll be by his side till the end. What he says after you've declared in assisting him baffled you.
• "Thank you. This path I will take... It will be a long one, but I'm sure it will worth it. Besides, I want to fully be worthy of deserving a person such as yourself. My actions have caused a rift in our relationship... And I want to mend it."
• You almost burst out crying after he'd said that, crushing him into a hug while the former Galactic Commanders express their support. Cyrus pets your hair while promising that he'll become a person you can be proud of and you answer with that it's not necessary because you were always proud of him.
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years ago
Nervous Regrets - Tyler Seguin - Part 35
Word Count: 2,514
POV: Reader
Warnings: Language
Notes: Sorry this took so long to get out. I had planned on having it up yesterday, but life got busy. I’d love to have those 12 hours back that I lost, but it’s not happening. So with that feedback is always welcome and happy reading!
Nervous Regrets Masterlist
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You sat there staring at the picture in your direct messages for you don't know how long. It wasn't until Jace started to cry that you put the phone down so that you could tend to your baby. Jace's little cries filled the air, and you took him over to change his diaper. When he was all clean and dry, his face filled with a smile, which melted your heart. When you looked in his sweet face, you could see your husband there, as Jace had Tyler's eyes and even though he was only a couple weeks old he had that little smirk as well. It was in Jace's expression that you knew that message was nothing but a lie.
��Tyler had worked so hard to win you back and you knew that he would never jeopardize your family with some trivial one-night stand. As you sat in the rocking chair, in Jace's nursery feeding him, you pulled up the message again. This time looking at the picture with unfeeling eyes instead of ones that felt hurt and disappointment. There was no denying that, that was your husband, but the closer you looked it was an older picture. Tyler's hair wasn't that long right now, and where his shirt was unbuttoned you could just make out his lack of chest tattoo. This picture was probably taken well before you were even in Tyler's life; more than likely a couple months before you'd met him.
 Switching Jace to your other breast, you set the phone back down trying to decide what to do next. Obviously, this person wanted to cause a rift between you and Tyler, and messaging her back would just give credence to a conversation that wasn't necessary. You'd been so wrapped up in the stupid message, that you never heard the garage door open or Tyler come in. "There are my two favorite people in the world." He made his way over to you, kissing you on the lips, causing Jace to stir. "Hey buddy, daddy missed you." Jace looked around searching for Tyler's voice. "Is he done, babe? I'm dying to hold him."
 "Mostly," you answered, handing the baby over. "He can finish later. Right now, I think he wants his daddy more." Tyler took Jace from you and held him close to his chest, his one finger caressing his chubby cheeks.
 "Bud, did you get bigger? Mommy said no, but I think so." Jace's tiny hand fisted around one of Tyler's fingers. "Look at those muscles; you working out?" The interaction between father and son made your heart so full it could burst and a tear slid down your cheek. "Baby, you ok?" Ty asked taking his eyes off his son for a moment.
 "I…" you couldn't seem to get out the words and so you nodded your head.
 "Babe, I know you said you're still emotional, but what else is going on."
 You sighed heavily, knowing for your relationship to work; you needed to be completely honest. "I got a message on Instagram earlier." A look of concern immediately crossed his face, before he started to shake his head. "I know it's not true Ty. It just took a toll on me."
 "What did it say?" And you could see the anger visibly changing him, in the way he stood and held the baby.
 You stood so that you could touch and feel him; hoping to release some of his tension. "It doesn't matter. I just wanted to tell you so there wouldn't be any secrets between us."
 "If it hurt you, it matters." He wrapped his free arm, the one that wasn't holding Jace, around your waist and pulled you to his side. You looked at Jace, so comfortable in his father's arms as he stared up at his parents. "Tell me (Y/N)."
 "It was just a picture of you and some girl. I'm assuming she's the one that sent the message. It said that my "baby daddy" was cheating on me." Before he could say anything you continued. "I know it wasn't true Ty. When I looked at the pic closer, it was old."
 "(Y/N), I will never in a million years cheat on you, babe." He cupped your chin so that you would look in his eyes. "You believe me, don't you?"
 "Of course, I do Ty. The message just threw me."
 "I'm deleting my damn account. It's caused us nothing but trouble."
 "Tyler, we're fine. This is just one fangirl, who's making up lies." You were telling yourself this as much as him. "You have your sponsorships to think about and your fans. Don't go deleting things just because of this one instance. I'm fine." He still looked unconvinced. "We're fine. I promise."
 "It just annoys the fuck…oops sorry," he spoke more to Jace than to you. "That people think that they can get away with doing this. Like I'm some sort of sex addict that can't wait for my wife to…" you could see him struggling to find the right words.
 "Yeah, heal before I wet my dick in someone else pussy. Shit!" He swore again and you had to laugh at his attempt to control his language around your son.
 "I think it's ok to curse around him. He definitely didn't learn to talk in the few days you were gone."
 He looked at you a little sheepishly. "Still…I need to learn not too." His eyes went back to his child, where Jace's little face just lit up. It was probably gas, but it was still adorable. "Maybe I'll send this person a message myself." He said drawing you back to the conversation about the direct message. "Or get my lawyers on it."
 "How about we just drop it, and if it happens again then we worry about?" He cocked his head "Please Ty?"
 He scrunched his face up at you, before agreeing. "Fine, but you have to promise you'll tell me if it happens again."
 "Done. Now can we please talk about other things."
 "In a minute, there's one more thing," and before you could ask him what that was, his lips were on yours. His mouth searched yours and all the longing that you felt for him over the last several days melted away. Jace squirmed in his arms and the two of you broke apart. "Now that's a better welcome home. I missed you."
 "I missed you too, Ty." The rest of the day Tyler barely let Jace out of his arms. He of course allowed you to feed him, but he wouldn't let you put him down for a nap in the bassinet; instead opting for the baby to lay on his chest. You had a feeling if he kept this up you were going to have a hard time training Jace to sleep in his own crib.
 "So babe, I was thinking maybe you could bring Jace to practice tomorrow. You know to meet all the guys." You were crawling into bed, after just laying the baby down for the night.
 "Yeah, I can do that. Little man and I will be down to have lunch with you guys."
 "Can you maybe put on his Stars stuff too?" Like your child would wear anything else when going to see his father at work.
 "Of course, babe." He pulled you close to him and you inhaled his scent. God, you missed this even if it was for a few days.
 "Thanks, baby. I'm so excited for the guys to meet him." He kissed your forehead, then your nose, and finally your lips, before the two of you drifted off to sleep.
 The next morning as soon as Tyler headed off to practice you started to get ready for Jace to meet all his hockey uncles. It was really the first time taking him anywhere other than the doctors, and you found yourself throwing things in the diaper bag you knew you were never going to need but wanted to be prepared. Jace's Star's onesie fit perfectly, but then you had one in every size imaginable. It was his jersey that was a little bit, so you opted to just carry that in the bag not sure if you were going to put it on him or not until you got there. You also threw in a little jacket since he'd be down close to the ice. You made sure to feed him before you left, but also took a bottle on the off chance he'd be fussy.
 You buckled him in the car seat, and he whimpered a bit. Cash immediately going to see what was wrong with his brother. "He's ok Cash, just doesn't like to be cooped up in there." The pup looked at you skeptically and you had to laugh. The dogs had definitely become protective of Jace over the last week and hated to hear him cry. Once you had him in the car and were headed down the road, he quickly fell fast asleep.
 They were just finishing up practice when you went into the arena. All of the guys were still on the ice, running a few drills. It was Jamie who saw you first, smiling and giving a wave as the puck sailed past him, and you kind of laughed. That got him a few chirps from some of the guys until Monty saw that you were there and called them all in. "Looks like we have a special guest in the building. I'm gonna cut this short, but damn it, wash your hands and shit before you touch the kid." You chuckled at his words, but it was nice to know that he didn't want their sweaty hands all over your child any more than you did.
 Tyler was the first to skate off. "Hey babe," he said pecking you real quick before turning down to his little guy. "Hi bud, did you see daddy skating?" Jace's eyes were taking everything as he woke the minute, he heard the pucks on the boards. The guys started to crowd around you and the carrier, trying to sneak a peek at Jace.
 "Oh he cute Seggy, nothing like you." Rads said punching your husband in the arm playfully.
 "There's my godson," Jamie added. "Sportin' the team colors bud. They look good, though there needs to be a fourteen on there somewhere."
 "Get out Chubbs, my son is not wearing your number, even if you are his uncle."
 "Alright, hit the showers, then you can have baby time." You told them all.
 "I'll meet you in the dining room?" Tyler said before kissing you again and heading off to the locker room. You went down to the kitchen area, setting Jace's carrier on the table so you could take him out. The room was warm so you didn't put his sweatshirt on him, that way everyone could see his little Seguin ninety-one on the back. You propped him up on your shoulder and he looked around a little bit, before flopping his head back down and sucking on your shirt. Perfect, just what you wanted baby drool on you. It didn't really matter though, as long as Jace was happy.
 You no sooner were comfortable, then Justin Dowling came in. "Hey (Y/N), how are you feeling? Heard this little guy gave you a bit of a scare." He took a finger and trailed it along Jace's back making him shiver.
 "Yeah, he definitely had his own idea about when he wanted to meet us, but I'm good."
 "Can I hold him?"
 "Of course," you handed Jace off to him. Justin was a natural, the way he swayed back and forth with your little guy in his arms.
 "You've got to bring him around Meg, she's dying to meet him. We just didn't want to overwhelm you after everything."
 "Yeah, I was planning on having the girls over soon."
 "Maybe you can convince her, that we need one of these."
 "Oh! You guys will make great parents." They were already one of the cutest couples on the team. "You've got a natural touch there."
 "Alright quit hogging the baby," Bishop chimed in taking Jace from Justin. "Hey Jace, you and Ben are gonna be best buddies. You can have playdates and go on bike rides and take hockey lessons together."
 "Woah, slow down there Bish. He's only a couple weeks old." You told him.
 "I know, Andrea is dying to bring Ben over."
 "We've talked several times. I think she was coming over tomorrow night for a bit. We thought we could watch the game together."
 "Wait you're not bringing Jace to the game?" Your husband asked looking too handsome for your liking.
 You simply rolled your eyes at him. "Not yet, you knew this though."
 "Kinda, just thought maybe you'd change your mind." He walked straight to his child and you could see him fighting the urge not to take him away from Bishop. "But I get it. He's still too small, but in a couple weeks you'll be big enough to come and cheer daddy and all your uncles on." God, you loved your husband like this. That playful cute side, that just adored his child; there was nothing better in the whole world. Well, maybe your son.
 The rest of the guys filtered in and it became a game of pass the baby around. You were surprised when even Miro took a turn, however the minute he turned fussy he was handing him back. After an hour, Jace was done with meeting everyone and basically just feel asleep as the guys continued to fuss over him. One by one they all left until there were just a few of you milling about and you figured it was time to head home before Jace needed to be fed. Tyler helped you pack him up, and then the three of you left with promises to bring Jace back real soon. You had a feeling if it was up to Tyler, he would've had him on the ice today, but thankfully he never once asked.
 Tyler had ridden with Jamie, so he could take you and Jace home and as you traveled the highways of Dallas he finally said. "Thanks for bringing him down today babe. It meant a lot."
 "Ty, I will bring him down whenever you want."
 "So…uh…when do you think you'll bring him to a game?"
 "Babe, I know you're excited for him to go, but I'd like him to be a little older. Those headphones you got barely fit."
 "I'll get a box, so you guys don't have to deal with the family section and you can have Jenna and the girls up there." He was really trying everything he could, but honestly, with that fangirl message, you were leery about taking Jace out in the public.
 "How about the next long home stretch?"
 "Yeah babe, that will work." The smile on your face was enough to put your doubts at rest, at least for the moment.
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luuxxart · 4 years ago
THIS IS ME ASKING FOR YOUR FERDITHEABERT HEADCANONS I didn't even know how badly I needed this ot3!!
SO MUCH under the cut
I’m gonna go with individual ships first and then branch into ferditheabert that way it’s easier to sort of chronicle ???
Also someone remind me to write a fic one day im literally going to go through an entire plotline over here sndmdkdkdkd
Pre-Timeskip Ferdithea
I think this one would be the one that would happen first
I’m a whore for canon so everything definitely happens according to the supports imo
Ferdinand sort of just goes with the flow and is nice to everyone but anyone with eyes can see he’s madly in love with Dorothea
Just absolutely head over heels like
“If you asked me to jump off a bridge right now I would go do it” kind of head over heels madly in love
Dorothea is aware but is trying very hard not to be
She doesn’t really get it because she’s still under the impression he was gawking at her in the fountain and suddenly feels guilty about it now that they’re pretty much on the same pedestal
And as Dorothea navigates how she feels about Ferdinand and his adoration of her, she turns to Hubert’s relationship with Edelgard
Pre-Timeskip Huberthea
Dorothea pesters Hubert endlessly about his feelings for Edelgard
Knowing that his feelings for her aren’t romantic is relieving, but she’s not sure why
Especially because this now makes Ferdinand’s doting on her even more confusing
So she hangs around Hubert, much to his annoyance, to see what fuels his drive for Edelgard
She ends up doing a few tasks with him like buying some Bergamot, polishing axes, and eventually uh
They touch hands
While harvesting some Noa Fruit
And the ensuing weekend dinner with the Professor becomes all the more awkward because of course the Professor is playing matchmaker after noticing the time they’ve been spending together
Then one day Dorothea notices Hubert drinking coffee and is like
Holy shit that stuff we used to drink to stay up for five fucking acts of an opera how do you drink that
But he makes a bombass brew and suddenly the caffeine addiction is back
They don’t really talk about the almost-touches and the wistful talks about romance that don’t really go anywhere
But Dorothea manages to convince Hubert to do some things for himself (like planting coffee beans in the greenhouse and like vent)
And Hubert’s errands for Edelgard takes Dorothea’s mind off the stress of finding a suitor
Because devotion to someone or something is ,,, honestly a lot more important than money
And holy shit maybe there’s something to Ferdinand’s actions?????
Oh well better ignore it for now
Pre-Timeskip Ferdibert
But this is where it gets cOMPLICATED folks
Hubert is VERY aware that what he has with Dorothea is bordering romantic but he’s trying to push that down a because he feels like he doesn’t deserve someone who could be as devoted to him as he is to them
He’s ALSO trying to push down his feelings for Ferdinand mostly because he knows that Ferdinand is currently pursuing Dorothea
So Hubert is caught in the middle between the two
If at all, he tries to focus a little more on his attraction to Ferdinand because he understands that Dorothea is currently not interested in either one of them
(or else she would’ve said something, right????)
Also, due to Ferdinand being heir apparent to the prime ministry, Hubert has an excuse to keep watch over him
I mean
What can I say except Hubert is morosexual
He wants someone to fix/take care of and currently Dorothea is not exhibiting that need
Ferdinand tho? dude would literally lose his head if it weren’t attached to his neck
Eventually Hubert draws up a proposal to have a double prime ministry so that he can overlook Ferdinand’s actions in the future
He ends up tucking the draft into a drawer, but the idea tends to sit at the tip of his tongue every time he sees Ferdinand
He’s afraid Ferdinand will see it for what it is
A proposal proposal
And that’s exactly what it is
And he (no thoughts) talks to Dorothea about it and she (head empty) encourages him to propose it at the dance
Pre-Timeskip Goddess Tower
so after presumably edelethy actions have happened and the goddess tower becomes unoccupied,
Hubert asks Ferdinand to accompany him up to the tower for the government proposal™️
Ferdinand doesn’t suspect anything
But then they get up there and Dorothea is there, waiting to pour her heart out to Hubert because she realizes if she doesn’t nip it in the bud, she’ll never have a devoted suitor (and also she still doesn’t realize that this is a proposal proposal)
So then it basically becomes that spiderman meme with all the spidermen pointing at each other because they all have dumb stupid crushes on each other
Problem is they’re all young and dumb and they don’t know how to sort it out so they just don’t and leave
Post-Timeskip Ferdithea
So war happens and everyone’s pretty distant from each other
Then the Professor comes back and is extremely upset to see all the rifts between everyone
So everyone kind of tries
But that’s hard because it’s been five years and the rifts are now pretty much ravines
Ferdinand finally gets the nerve up to talk to Dorothea again because he’s at his breaking point
He can’t stand not talking to either of them and Dorothea’s more open to talking
Their A support happens and Dorothea finally understands why Ferdinand did the things he did
Post-Timeskip Huberthea
So Dorothea finally confronts Hubert again and asks him again if he truly loves Edelgard
He decidedly does not
He also decidedly does not want to speak to Dorothea after the Goddess Tower Incident
Dorothea begs him to at least speak to Ferdinand
Hubert considers this
Post-Timeskip Ferdibert
Meanwhile, Ferdinand is mending the bridge between himself and Hubert
They have their A+ Support
They start doing missions together
And after Hubert protects Ferdinand from a close call with a Faerghus fusillade, Ferdinand starts to see what Dorothea saw in Hubert
Uh the devotion that is
Now Ferdiberthea :)
So have i said devotion enough yet? Because that’s the name of the game
And Dorothea fuckiNg misses Hubert
and Ferdinand is pretty much spending all his time with Hubert so Dorothea ends up missing him a lot too
(Also at this point both Ferdithea/ferdibert have become an unspoken thing around Garreg Mach and everyone is VERY confused)
(Except the Professor who is watching their matchmaking attempts come to fruition)
So anyway Dorothea has Edelgard arrange for her to go on the next mission with Hubert and Ferdinand
it’s a king size don’t worry
They just have to get used to each other’s company for a long Pegasus Moon
Ferdinand catches onto the coldness between Hubert and Dorothea so he tries to find situations to get them alone together
So after a couple of those moments, Hubert and Dorothea have a colder version of their A support out in the small town market
There’s some crying, some consoling, and a passionate makeout back at the inn followed by Ferdinand reaping the spoils by joining in
When they get back to Garreg Mach, they become an impervious wall of magic and equestrian fighting
They also become an impervious wall of love and devotion
Miscellaneous headcanons
Ferdinand always sleeps in the middle just because Hubert and Dorothea can be all over each other one minute, and suddenly need space the next
It’s not that they don’t like each other, they’re just both A LOT sometimes
Dorothea and Hubert often stay up longer than Ferdinand because they are very avid coffee drinkers
They double team carrying him back to the bedroom if he ends up nodding off at a late night war meeting
One thing to keep in mind is that I also headcanon Hubert as trans
And so he has met Dorothea at an opera in person before Garreg Mach, she just doesn’t recognize him, and he’s gonna let it stay that way
But it was with her that he was introduced to coffee, which sort of helped him through Edelgard’s disappearance (if you count staying up until the crack of dawn to plan ways to rescue her as “help”)
Hubert will never admit that he’s sick because he is devoted to his royal duties
so Dorothea and Ferdinand take turns staying with him to make sure he doesn’t move and fulfilling his duties in his absence
Ferdinand is still very fuCking reckless and hes even more reckless in war so it takes both dark knight!Hubert and gremory!Dorothea (riding on Hubert’s horse usually) to keep great knight!Ferdinand in check
Were you also disappointed that Dorothea wasn’t a theater/opera kid meme? Me too.
Anyway she is. And so is Ferdinand. So they convert Hubert into operakidism and then proceed to annoy the rest of the black eagles endlessly with opera songs and dance numbers
Listen, if u haven’t seen the Manuela/Ferdinand supports,,, like
Manuela is an enabler of the opera kids just saying
also it is no secret that Ferdinand is a horse girl and he ends up turning the other two into horse girls as well and eventually the rest of the black eagles have to ban horses from conversation entirely
Pegasi were already banned from conversation because of Hubert
Eventually the three get married and have a couple kids by mage
They take an annual winter vacation in a small town to rekindle any sparks they might lose in the stress of governance
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beck-a-leck · 4 years ago
OOPS! @valuvr03 got me thinking and having feels about Jak and Sig and I wrote a thing!
Set post-Jak3, cw for angst, alochol use, canonical character death, and Baby Jak feels! Approx 1.5k words. You can also read it on AO3!
Fair warning, it’s rough, I typed most of this on my phone so who knows what typos there may be.
What About the Boy?
Sig ducked out of the victory party early. Let it not be said that Daxter didn’t know how to scrape together enough booze and merriment to make even sand-crusted Wastelanders forget how truly broken the world was. That kid had a gift for bringing people together. But Sig wasn’t really in the mood for a party, even if he had cause to celebrate.
Before he had gone riding off to war, Damas had named Sig his successor to the Wasteland throne. Sig hadn’t actually thought that would be necessary. But Damas hadn’t made it back from Haven alive. His oldest friend and mentor was gone.
Haven didn’t mourn Damas like Spargus did. Haven had been without a king long enough to hardly miss him. Spargus had sent Damas off to the next life with all the pomp and ceremony he deserved. It was his wake that Sig left early, lingering near the back of the room as Daxter regaled an increasingly tipsy crowd with tales of his triumph over the Dark Makers. When the Ottsel was suitably distracted, Sig stole a bottle of the strongest stuff off the bar and slipped out the door.
He went up to the throne room, figuring nobody would bother looking for him there until tomorrow. The throne loomed in front of him – his throne now, he supposed – but he didn’t take his seat there yet. Instead he eased himself down on one of the lower steps, pulled off his boots, and soaked his feet in the cool water.
He was tired. Precursors, he was so fucking tired.
Sig opened the bottle, tossed the cap off over his shoulder, and took a long drink. He caught his reflection in the gently rippling surface of the water and laughed dryly. If Damas were here, he’d give Sig a swift kick in the ass for moping around like this. Nothing good ever came from sitting on your ass, feeling sorry for yourself.
Sig took another long drink. He stared at the tattoo on his arm, four letters that crawled around the skin, reminding him what was most important. Life. When it was new, it was meant to memorialize a friend, a comrade killed by a Metal Head. Over the years, more lives applied themselves to the ink beneath his skin. And now when he saw it, he would think of Damas and… and little Mar.
Biggest failure of Sig’s life.
It was his job to protect the kid, keep the baby safe from anyone who might want to hurt or use him. And when it came down to it, Sig hadn’t been there. Five minutes was the difference between him protecting the kid and his mom, and utter failure.
By now… the kid had to be dead. If he had been taken to Haven there was no way a kid that young and small could have survived everything that city had gone through. The Metal Head invasion, the war within the city, KG deathbots, and the collapse of the palace, too many children had died in Haven over the last couple years. Who was going to notice one more unclaimed orphan?
Sig had promised to bring Damas’ son back to him. He had failed that job too.
Maybe he should stop making promises.
The rattling elevator drew Sig’s attention. He looked up to tell whoever decided to bother him to go away, but the words died in his throat. He knew that blond hair and blue shirt. If anyone else deserved some time alone after everything, it was Jak.
The thrice minted hero dropped heavily onto the step beside Sig, he took the bottle when it was offered wordlessly. The kid had taken Damas’ death pretty hard. Sig wasn’t surprised, he had seen how much the younger man had grown to respect Damas. Hell, if things had been different, with a little more training and grooming, Sig wouldn’t have been surprised if he declared Jak his successor. They two of them were remarkably alike, in more ways than he suspected either of them realized.
Jak was watching Sig carefully, his eyes trained on his face. Several times he opened his mouth as if to speak, but opted for a drink instead. After the third of forth aborted conversation starter, Sig finally said, “Out with it, Chili Pepper, or just leave me to drink in peace.”
Jak was quiet for a moment more, as if he expected Daxter to jump in and start the conversation, but the Ottsel wasn’t here. The kid would have to get whatever was weighing him down off his chest on his own.
“I know what happened to Damas’ son.”
Sig turned to look at him fully, not quite sure he had heard that correctly. Hope bloomed in his chest. “Mar? You know where he is? Is he alive? Is he okay?”
Jak laughed dryly, quietly, “He’s had better days, but…” he reached into his pocket and pulled something out and placed it in Sig’s hands.
Sig knew what it was without having to even look properly. It was what he had been searching for for the last three years. Mar’s seal, the emblem that would identify the kid. He was supposed to always wear it; he hadn’t been without the seal since his birth!
“Where did you get this?”
“It’s mine,” Jak said.
“No.” Sig shook his head slowly. Jak wasn’t a thief, and he wouldn’t have taken this from a defenseless child, of even from a child’s dead body. Where the hell did he get this from?
Jak drew a deep breath. “You remember the kid Daxter and I went to rescue when we defeated Kor? The one with the Underground?”
Sig shrugged. He hadn’t been involved with the Underground or their side of the battle against the Baron. He had settled in with Krew in hopes the gang lord’s connections to even the darkest corners of the city would help him turn up any clue about the boy. But he vaguely remembered Daxter babbling about some kid that got sent through a rift gate. With a little prying, Jak had eventually revealed that he and his friends had traveled through time somehow, from peaceful Sandover village, Haven’s precursor.
“That kid was me. I was born in this place, in this time, but I grew up in Sandover. We had to send the kid back so he could grow up and become me, and destroy Kor, or he would stay in that time and be safe because I already saved him.” Jak shook his head. “Either way, before the kid left, he gave me the seal. Our seal of Mar.” Jak took the seal back and turned it over in his hands. He was quiet for a long moment before continuing. “I didn’t realize what the seal meant, nobody told me who his father was or why he was important. I didn’t even realize he was Damas’ son until he told me. When he was dying, he said I would know his son Mar from the seal he wore around his neck.”
Sig was dumbfounded. What Jak was suggesting was impossible. Little Mar was six years old, Jak was eighteen. He could accept that the kid Jak had connected with had been Mar, and that Mar was so far out of reach now, he couldn’t return. But the jump between Jak had connected to a lost little kid and had been given a gift, and Jak was that same kid, grown up and angry was a bit too far.
“It’s poor taste to joke about something like this, Jak,” he growled, “I’d expect that kind of shit from Daxter, not you.”
“I know it sounds crazy, Sig. Ask anybody, even Veger. He took me in the first place.”
Sig growled again at the mention of that rat-politician. Veger had always seemed suspicious, but he kept himself so scrupulously clean, even Krew didn’t have any dirt on the bastard. Sig had never been able to get close to him.
He looked back at Jak. His face was honest, even if he was doing his best to keep any emotion off it. Damas hadn’t liked showing weakness like that either. It wasn’t in Jak’s nature to joke about something like that, if he said that he and the kid were one and the same, and the kid was Damas’ son, then Jak believed that he was Damas’ son.
All this time, he had Damas’ son right there and he had never known. That trigger-happy lunatic with a death wish… he should have known. There was so much Damas in the kid. And, Sig realized, in a way he had kept his promise to Damas. He had found his son, protected him, taught him what his father couldn’t, kept an eye on him while he ran off trying to save the world. He had even returned Mar to his father – he had been the one to slip Ashelin the Wastelander beacon before the council exiled Jak.
Sig laugh, low and gentle, and threw his arm around Jak’s shoulders. “Shit, Chili Pepper, at least you made it back.” He fell sober for a moment, looking him over solemnly. “A shame Damas never knew but… he woulda been proud of you, Jak. I know he would have.”
Jak almost smiled, but Sig saw his eyes light up. “Thanks, Sig. I had a good teacher.”
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sweet-hydrangea-tea · 4 years ago
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(The one’s with the white and transparent backgrounds are the new ones, the older ones are for the extra info and stuff)
all jokes aside yeah this is greatly rushed
bit it’s fine, you can tell it’s her right?
for those wondering about her hat it’s just the standard General hat, no extra markings just a green version of the Jambandran symbol.
~info~ (most of this may or may not be copy and pasted from past refs/posts, I’m just being lazy)
She’s very adventurous, often exploring new places and easily getting distracted from the true propose of why she’s here in the first place, which means she gets lost easily. Her head is often in the clouds when she’s not doing anything which causes her to sometimes trip over things if she’s walking around without her eyes focusing on the world around her. The most common place to find her would either be in some kind of Forest, a garden or probably just in the middle of a field where she’s just wandering around.
Her hair changes colors depending on the seasons, fading from color to color has each season approaches. In the winter chances she won’t be at her house, most likely she’s in at her secret hideout, a large tree with a door, there will often be a sign saying “Do not disturb, I’m sleeping.” which means she’s in a state of hibernation, but don’t worry she’s ok! Her body just slowed down a ton and she’ll probably look a little chubby, chances are she would of stuffed herself with all kinds of food the season before, if you watch long enough, a certain dragon may appear at her door. Other than winter she usually doesn’t sleep much at all, bedtime doesn’t exist in her world and she gets most of her rest from fall and winter.
Sylvia is dead, she's only alive due to her being given magic, so it's pretty much her life support.
She's from a different dimension with her own adopted sisters and Hyness. She's a very distracted mage, her attention span is that of a bored cat, and others describe her head as very airy, basically she's an airhead.
Her body creates magic, meaning if her body is all ready at top capacity she'll be in pain, she can get rid of the magic by using it in spells or just letting it out in a magical aura, the aura is faster but anyone else with magic will know where she is. Magic is displayed as MP (Magic Points) and it usually doesn't drain to fast, when nearly out her body will sorta just, stop working and she'll go unconscious, and will "black out", (see Hyness' boss fight phase 2) her body will go stiff and she won't be able to move or anything, she'll be fine as long as she's in a secure location and is given time to regenerate magic, crystals may surround her if harmed as a defense.
Sylvia can't handle cold weather, like she can't deal with it at all, if her body temperature goes low enough she's going to die again, even if she isn't 100% out of magic/unable to produce it. If inside and it's still chilly she'll just collect a bunch of heavy blankets, wear warm, comfy clothing and just, hibernate. She'll be fine! Just asleep, she'll slow down quite a bit and just rest herself for the whole season, when this first happened everyone thought she was dead/in some kind of coma till she woke up and was very confused on why everyone was screaming "IT'S A ZOMBIE!"
Despite her weapon of choice, she isn’t very patient, and therefore doesn’t stay still, she likes to attack head on! Slashing her katana at her foe without warning, when she does have to attack from afar, she has a handy crossbow she can shoot her katana from, she unfortunately has terrible aim and often misses her target.
Sylvia doesn't understand most things, she originally grew up in a small village surrounded by nothing but forest before anything else, there was no technology and quite a few of their traditions still stand with her even after all this time, like the celebration of a plants birthday! She wishes Whispy Woods a happy birthday every year and he really appreciates it, they get along well.
Sylvia has an unfortunate case of acrophobia, the fear of heights, this is due to falling over 50 feet from a tall tree, and as a result a branch coming down with her, soon crushing her and eventually ending her life. Though she was saved and is technically alive, yet dead, she’s lost all will/ability to climb, her villages people were very good at it and there for she was to, sometimes her abilities will come back to her in dire situations, but then she can’t get back down.
Falling, even from a low place can easily stun her, she just won't move and sorta just, break down crying, and start saying things she might of said during/after the fall in between her sobs.
She plays the marimba/xylophone, she can also play the kimbala, piano, and fiddle. Usually you'll hear her humming, and sometimes when her mind sorta goes blank she'll hear the background music.
She's very cuddly, which is great if you need a hug. She's not the best to talk to cause again, not a very good attention span, but if you just need a hug she's there for you.
Sylvia is lactose intolerant, dairy products are off the list unless she wants to face the wrath of the dairy gods, she tries to substitute anything dairy with soy milk if milk is required, even if it doesn’t taste very good. Her friends are aware of this and try to bring dairy free dishes to parties/events she’s invited to. She’ll sometimes sneak in a bite of cheese or two, oops.
"Tee hee" is her official catchphrase, it's terrifying, cause think of it like this: You're in the woods alone, when you suddenly hear "Tee hee" behind you, turn and see nothing. When you turn back again you see Sylvia, with her katana in your face about to murder you for stepping on the flowers in her garden.
She took up a job as a florist, she quite likes it, and is excellent at flower arrangements and knows flower language like the back of her hand! She's the #1 recommended florist in all of Dreamland and pretty much makes all the flower arrangements for small parties, weddings, baby showers etc.
Kasia is her best friend, a dragon from unknown worlds, and a master of the forests. She’s a little like Sylvia’s protector, always watching out for her, as a thank you for raising her since she was an egg. The glowing blue orb she possesses is full of an unknown power, able to tear small rifts in the time space continuum in order to rid of her foes or travel to new places.
She for some reason, really likes small rodents, like rats, mice, hamsters, etc.
A forest dweller from a different timeline, a different dimension, that’s Sylvia.
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snarkwrites · 4 years ago
06 | gangsta ; sweetpea
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So.. the sexual tension. The longing. The lingering touches and all that awkward but cute shit.. That’s starting here. Can we say sloooow burn? Because considering I’m now six chapters deep and they really haven’t... Done too much as far as touching / flirting / interacting, yeah.. That’s what this is. If you weren’t looking for a slow burn, I’m honestly not sure what to tell you? Other than oops? Oh.. Also.. this chapter and the next one I’m posting will have a few days lapse between them as far as timing. So... just so you know. It’s alluded that Sweet Pea and Alyssa have kind of bumped into each other between this chapter and the next one, if that makes sense.
Also.. I’ve pretty much planned out what stuff I am using / changing a little now, so that’s good. I have a general idea. I might even add my own events / plots to this. I’m kind of.. tempted.
non canon compliant - this is the biggest warning, so if you’re into things that follow exact canon plot you are... definitely not going to like this. angst & slow burn, heavy sexual tension starting now, actually - this is just so everyone who started reading this thinking the smut would transpire in a hurry knows that apparently, it is not. violence / swearing & fighting, possible underage drinking and other shenanigans - look.. it’s high school. shit happens. also apparently, my ofc Alyssa uses the word fuck like all the time?... eventual sexual content / a virgin original character - this one is self explanatory. yes, i plan to write a smutty chapter in this at some point. when? i don’t rightly know. it’s got a while before we get there.
Andrews!Sibling OFC, Alyssa x Sweet Pea
Other Parts:
[ one - two - three - four - five - soundtrack ]
Other Stuff:
[ faq - tag list doc ]
@brithedemonspawn​ is the only person on my Riverdale tag list. If you’d like to be tagged for this story by all means.. Please let me know. Please, I beg. It’d make me super duper happy!!!
“You could come up to the lake house with us. It beats sitting around here moping.” Veronica spoke up as she stepped in front of the television set in my father’s living room. I tried to peer around her, grumbling because naturally, she’d pick the one scene in the entire episode I’d been dying to see since I started to re-watch the show and she’d block it.
“You realize I am trying to see Charlie Hunnam’s bare ass right now, right?” I asked calmly. Reaching for the half melted pint of butter pecan ice cream on the table in front of me and my spoon. Nodding to the empty spot on the couch that wasn’t taken up by my legs. Veronica sat down and for a few minutes, neither of us really said anything.
“What’s your attraction to this show?”
“Jax Teller, Opie Winston... Motorcycles.. But mostly Jax Teller.”
“Which one is he?”
“The blond with the very nice backside.” I nodded towards the shot I’d been waiting an entire season for, Jax Teller getting out of the shower and walking across the room.
“You definitely don’t have a type, no, not at all.” Veronica gave a soft laugh as she muttered the words. With the scene out of the way, I turned to the side to look at her.
“I’m not even going to ask what you meant by that.” I muttered.
Things were always awkward and tense between us. We were polite. But that was about the extent of it. And I felt bad about it. Obviously not bad enough to actually make an effort, even though she seemed like a really nice girl and she made my brother really happy. Happier than he’s been in a long time if I’m being honest.
I just couldn’t get past the rift her family caused in mine.
Then there was her mother, trying to hook up with my father while her actual husband was locked up in prison… But mostly, the tension her father caused between my father and my brother.
“Listen.. I heard everything that happened between you and Reggie. And if you want to come to the lake house..”
I shook my head. “ I am not crashing on the whole double date getaway you guys have going on. Besides, I doubt I’d be good company right now.”
“You wouldn’t be crashing!” Veronica was quick to speak up. “I know you don’t like me. But your brother loves you and I really.. I want to try to get to know you.”
I nodded. Taking a deep breath as I admitted quietly, “It’s not you, okay? Look. I have zero problem with you. It’s all the crap that’s going on with my brother and your dad. I’m… I’m worried about him and how far he’ll go.”
Veronica sighed. We went quiet again and she admitted after a few minutes, “I am too. If you want the truth, I don’t really like how close my dad is to him either. I don’t trust it.”
I eyed her, a brow raised.
“That’s like a dream situation though. If your father likes him, you don’t have to worry about him resorting to any of his typical clownery to end things with you two.” I curled the ends of my hair around my fingertip as I tried to understand why she wouldn’t like her father and my brother bonding a little.
Then it hit me. It had to feel awkward. Your father popping in to borrow your boyfriend. But the look on her face told me that wasn’t the only reason.
“I know what my father’s capable of. And the more I try to stop it, the more he manages to get by with. I hate everything he’s done, okay? I just.. Wanted you to know that.”
I let her words sink in.
Eyeing her as I weighed mine. Managing a smile.
“You make my brother happy. I like him happy. So if you really want to try and get to know each other, we can. But I’m not going to intrude on you guys weekend get away, because one, awkward as hell and two, I can imagine that already happens enough with your dad butting in to get him to do something or another.”
Veronica nodded, smiling. “I understand. What are you going to do this weekend?”
“I’m probably going to rewind that one scene five million times and burn it in my mind… I thought about going down to the theater and catching that horror marathon but I dunno.” I shrugged.
“A horror movie by yourself?”
After my brother came downstairs, the two of them left for the weekend and I locked the door behind them, leaning against it. Wandering over to my dad’s stereo, turning it on a hard rock station I listened to when I was home by myself just to drive out the lack of noise in the house.
I wandered into the kitchen, gathering up dirty dishes and moving them to the sink. Taking chicken out of our freezer to thaw because I thought about making chicken parmesan for me and dad when dad got off work tonight.
Vegas wandered into the kitchen and dropped his leash at my feet with a soft thud. I stopped what I was doing to lean down and pet him, nodding to the door. “In a few minutes, buddy. I’ll go find pants.”
I finished piling dishes into the sink and I wandered into the laundry room, digging around in the dryer for the jeans I’d taken off earlier, tugging them up. The door bell was literally being leaned on and I froze.
Took a few deep breaths and reminded myself that all the Black Hood nonsense was behind Riverdale because the guy was dead. Thinking it was Archie and he forgot something and was in a hurry, I made my way over to the door, unlocking it. “Hold on, Archie, damn.”
It wasn’t Archie.
Reggie stood there.
“What do you want?” I scowled.
“I miss you, okay? This is driving me crazy. Can we at least just talk about what you heard?”
“What exactly is there left to say? You were basically gambling on my virginity.” I frowned and shook my head. Shivering as the wind picked up a little.
“We can go inside and talk, Alyssa.”
“I just told you. I have absolutely nothing to say to you. Look… what you did hurt, okay? Because  I thought… nevermind.” I muttered, going quiet. Blowing at bangs I’d just gotten cut earlier in the week. He reached out to attempt pushing my hair out of my eyes and I leaned away. Vegas yelped impatiently from the doorway, his leash in his mouth now.
Seeing Reggie, he started to make his way over. Reggie bent to pet the dog and I cleared my throat. “You need to go.”
“Just let me say what I came to say.”
I tapped a bare foot against white painted wood slats and tilted my head, gazing up at him. Waiting.
“The only reason I made the stupid bet to begin with is because you’re literally the one girl I couldn’t work up the nerve to flirt with. And when I did, my charm didn’t work on you. Kinda when I started to fall. You gave me a hard time, princess.”
“ I kind of wish I’d stuck to that, actually.” I muttered. “All you had to do, Reggie, was just talk to me? Ask me on a date, I don’t know…”
“I was stupid, okay?” Reggie went quiet. Stepped a little closer. “ I love you. When I made the bet, I didn’t know how I felt about you at all. Then I started to fall and I tried to get out of the bet, Alyssa, you have to believe me. I tried to tell you but every time I’d think about it, I’d freak out because you’re the first actual good thing I’ve had in my life in a while, okay?”
I scoffed. “Yeah, I doubt that.”
“I mean it. And I’m not going to stop trying to prove it.”
I shrugged. “Do whatever you want but I’m not guaranteeing it will work. I already went against my gut instinct and gave you a chance to begin with.”
I shivered a little, hugging myself. Reggie placed his hands on my upper arms, rubbing them. Gazing down at me.
“Reggie, you need to go. I just need to think.”
“Thinking is better than you saying you hate me now… I just.. You were my best friend when we were kids.. Then I kinda fell for you and now stuff just sucks.. I don’t have my best friend or the girl I love. Anything is better than nothing.”
Reggie left and I walked back inside, flinging myself at the couch. Pulling myself together for a few seconds. Really letting what he said sink in. Trying to figure out if I felt the same thing. Or if I felt anything at all.
I finally gave up trying to force myself into a decision and after leashing Vegas, I wandered out into the chilly night air. Down to Pickens Park because Vegas likes to wander around the big grassy area between the ballfields and the playground.
After playing  fetch with a stick Vegas bought over to me, I flopped onto the grass. Vegas settled beside me and I found myself just kind of lounging there lazily, watching the clouds roll over the darkening sky lazily. Pointing at constellations when I spotted one. Vegas seemed content to just lounge there, his head resting on my stomach with me lazily giving him behind the ear skritches.
A throat cleared from nearby.
Sweet Pea stepped out, hands in his pockets. Wandering over to where I’d lazily flopped onto the grass. Sitting down nearby with his back against the tree. Close but keeping a healthy distance between us.
“Do you always lay in the park at night and talk to your dog?”
“What if I do?” I answered, rolling onto my stomach, propping on my elbow to gaze at him, my hair promptly cascading in front of my face like a messy red curtain.
“Damn it. I should’ve just chopped it all off.” I grumbled, pushing my hair out of my eyes to look at him.
“You’d look hideous bald.” Sweet Pea flashed me a teasing smirk.
“Hmphf.” I grumbled in response to his comment. “What brings you to the boring side of town?”
Sweet Pea shrugged. “Wyrm was crowded. Full of shouting kids and shit. I wanted to take a walk.”
“Toni and Cheryl went to see that movie tonight.” I laughed softly. “They asked me if I wanted to go but I said I wanted to stay home. Kind of just not feeling it. Then my brother’s girlfriend asked if I wanted to go on that weekend trip they all took.”
“You could be soaking in a hot tub right now.” Sweet Pea teased, a lesser seen teasing smile tugging at his mouth as he glanced at me.
“Honestly? I’d rather eat glass than indulge in anything Hiram Lodge is a part of. I’ll be nice to Veronica and try to get to know her, but that’s pretty much it. You know he brought my brother a car, right?”
“Yeah. I heard.” Sweet Pea answered, glancing over at me.
“Dad wasn’t thrilled with it either. That’s fine. Absolutely fine. I want Dad’s truck anyway. I’ll just spend weekends helping dad work on it. It’ll be more time I can spend with the grumpy old man.” I smiled to myself. One good thing about moving to Riverdale was that I was finally getting to spend more time with my father and my brother.
“You couldn’t even see over the wheel though. Can you even drive to begin with?” Sweet Pea shot me a teasing glance. Quick to step away from me just a little further, raising his hands. “I’m not trying to invoke the wrath of the midget.”
“It’s called a booster seat, asshole. And actually yeah. I do okay at driving. I mean aside from a go kart incident back in Chicago...” I teased right back, the two of us sharing a laugh that fell silent.
Sweet Pea stood, holding out a hand.
I eyed his hand and sat up, grabbing hold. Letting him pull me off the grass. Vegas rose to sit on his hind legs, then made his way over, sitting down right between Sweet Pea and I.. the little space that remained, there is. When he’d pulled me up, he’d pulled me with enough force that I wound up barely pressed against him. Close enough that my breath caught in my throat for a few seconds.
We sprang apart. Sweet Pea’s hand settled on top of Vegas’ head lazily and he chuckled when Vegas licked his hand, wiping his hand on the thigh of his jeans.
“It’s late. And colder.” Sweet Pea pointed out, nodding in the direction of my house. I glanced up at the sky and unable to resist, I retorted, “You don’t say, captain obvious.”
I jumped back out of his way a little and he stepped up. Towering over me.
“C’mon. I’ll walk you back.”
“But sir. I have a perfectly capable guard dog? What would the upstanding hypocritical assholes on this street think.. A  big bad Serpent walking defenseless little me home?” I pretended to pout up at him, laughing softly. “I was joking.” I muttered a few seconds later.
He shook his head, muttered something I couldn’t quite make out and we started to walk down the sidewalk, towards my father’s house.
The streetlight flickered on above us, bathing us in soft and almost hazy lighting thanks to the fog that was starting to kind of set in.
The leaves crunched beneath my feet. Shattering this heavy air of silence that seemed to settle over us.
“I’m gonna.. Go. Back to the Wyrm.” Sweet Pea muttered abruptly a few seconds later. Lingering, even though he said he’d leave. Gazing down at me as if he were in a daze. Or caught up in his own thoughts. A million miles away.
“I need to get Vegas in the house.” I muttered, nipping at my lip as I held eye contact. Trying not to think about what I’d revealed to Cheryl and Toni a few days ago about maybe being attracted to him… But it was all I could think about at the moment. His eyes darted down, settling on my bottom lip. Then he shook his head, turning swiftly and disappearing around the corner up the street.
I walked inside, making the comment to Vegas, “That wasn’t weird at all, huh buddy?” Vegas just tilted his head, gazing up at me. I bent to take off his leash, hanging it up. Fluffing his fur before hurrying into the kitchen to grab myself a soda.
Settling in on the couch. Turning the television back on.
And promptly falling asleep in the middle of a rewatch of the first season of Punisher. And as I slept, I found myself dreaming about Reggie. And then, oddly enough, Sweet Pea.
When I woke up the next morning, it was to a few seconds of confusion because the dream I’d woken up from had been so vivid that I honestly thought it actually happened. I pouted as soon as the realization sunk in that it had been a dream.
And I grumbled in annoyance with myself because I wanted it to be real. Because lately, spending all this time around Sweet Pea, I was starting to feel like maybe I didn’t just think he was hot.
Maybe I actually did feel something.
Before that thought could take root, I was shoving it back out of my head again. Refusing to acknowledge it. Because the hot guys are always the ones that somehow manage to do the most damage. And I was still pretty hurt over the way things played out with Reggie. Afraid to open myself up. Afraid to trust. Afraid to try, if I’m being honest because I was at least 95 percent sure that Sweet Pea would probably laugh his ass off at me if I were dumb enough to do so.
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thelazyhero-ttums · 5 years ago
Rating: General
Warnings: Mentions of Death
Relationship: FinnPoe
Additional tags: High School AU technically, Fluff, Pure fluff, Stargazing, Summer, Oneshot, Short Story, surprise mags, you got me writing Star Wars fanfic oop, Minor Character Death, Character Death, Mentions of AfterlifeStars, Date Night.
The night was dry and warm, the sky perfectly cloudless. Stars shone against the pitch black of the sky with a fiery intensity, making even the dullest most mundane stars stand out.
Aka: Me? Writing Star Wars Fanfic? It’s more likely than you think.
Wordcount: 1056
Read on my AO3 here
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The night was dry and warm, the sky perfectly cloudless. Stars shone against the pitch black of the sky with a fiery intensity, making even the dullest most mundane stars stand out. Poe loves nights like these, nights when it’s not hot, but not cold, just the perfect temperature. When it isn’t too humid either, so it didn’t feel like you were sweating for no reason. When there isn't a cloud in sight, he especially likes cloudless nights. Cloudless nights were the nights that were best for gazing up into the stars. Just looking up and seeing the endless bounds of space and stars, knowing that there was more out there, it fills Poe with glee. Poe loves nights like these, this night was definitely going to be the best though, Poe got to invite his favorite person to spend this night with him: Finn.
Poe has asked Finn earlier that day, at their school, if he wanted to go stargazing with him tonight. Poe had already looked at the forecast for that night, he always looks at the nightly forecast on Fridays and Saturdays when he first wakes up. He had seen that the forecast was almost perfect for tonight so he decided to ask Finn if he would want to come with him. Stargazing was definitely in Poe’s top tier list of dates to go on, but this was the first time he was actually going to have a stargazing date, he definitely hoped it wouldn’t be the last. Stargazing felt personal to Poe, and he hoped by sharing it with Finn it would strengthen their relationship.
Finn agreed to go stargazing with Poe, of course, to Finn anytime spent with Poe was time well spent. Finn was excited when Poe asked him, knowing how much Poe loves stargazing. Finn has experienced first hand Poe’s fascination with space. Poe can, and will, ramble on and on about space for as long as you let him, Finn finds it adorable. Hearing Poe talk about something he’s so passionate about makes Finn smile. The way Poe’s eyes light up when he talks about stars and random space facts makes Finn blush slightly and his stomach fill with butterflies, Finn has seen the same gleam in Poe’s eyes when he talks about him.
So there they were, in some random field laying in the bed of Poe’s old beat up truck staring up into the night sky. Finn is just laying there, looking up, and taking in the night sky and laughing occasionally as Poe tries to teach him things about the constellations.
“So is that one the Big Dipper?” Finn guesses through barely controlled laughter, this is around the fourth time he’s said that.
“For the umpteenth time Finn, you cannot see the Big Dipper tonight,” Poe points out, “The thing you’re pointing too isn’t even a constellation,” Poe follows Finn’s finger to where it’s pointing and quickly tags on, “I think.”
Out of seemingly nowhere a light breeze swept over them. It wasn’t big enough to make anything blow away, nor was it cold enough to make either of them shiver, it was just enough to make the grass in the field rustle ever so slightly. That one simple sound shot Poe back in time, that one seemingly insignificant breeze had shot Poe all the way back to his childhood. It had shot him back to a similar field, an empty one with just tall grass, the night sky was also clear, just like tonight’s. He also had another very significant person sitting next to him, his grandmother. That simple breeze that made the most insignificant sound had been enough to send Poe back in time to his first time he went stargazing.
Poe remembers that night perfectly. He couldn’t pick out a single constellation that night, but now he’d probably know them all. He remembered how he thought looking up at the sky was boring, it was just a bunch of stars, what was so special about that. He’d thought it was pretty boring for most of the time, but he remembered a myth his grandmother told him about stars.
“Finn,” Poe’s voice cut through the silence jarringly, “when you look up what do you see?”
“A bunch of stars?” Finn says, a hint of questioning in his voice.
“You’d be right,” Poe laughs, “at least I hope that’s right.” Poe pauses for a second to stare up into the stars, “If you were talking to my grandma of course she’d tell you, you are wrong. She always used to say that stars were rifts in space, that they were windows into the afterlife. That when a person would die their soul would shoot straight into the sky from their body. The soul would be going so fast it would rip a hole in the sky and go into the afterlife.”
Poe finishes his story and the silence returns. It returns like a rising tide. Poe doesn’t mind it of course, he isn’t looking for some response from Finn. The first time he heard his grandmother’s story he asked her if she was crazy, she said ‘no, just old.’ Then they both laughed and continued looking into the sky. Poe misses her.
Poe’s grandmother has been dead for around two years. She was the one who got him into the stars and space stuff, they were very close. He’d go to her house every weekend during school, and during summer he’d spend weeks with her. She passed during Poe’s sophomore year of high school. She had health problems that weren’t getting better with her growing age and she passed in her sleep. Poe didn’t talk to anyone for about a month after she passed. He kept to himself, and tried to avoid others. After about two months of her passing he had started to open back up. He had plenty of people to support him, his family who had known how much he loved her. His friends who would be by his side no matter what, and Finn, his best friend at the time who was there for him whenever he needed it.
Poe never thought his grandmother’s story was true, but even so, just looking up into the night sky and imagining her bursting through it with enthusiasm made his sorrow hurt less.
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caranfindel · 5 years ago
Recap/review 15.12: “Galaxy Brain”
Oh, my friends, so many things have happened since we last got together. Most of them bad. But let’s try to forget them and immerse ourselves in our favorite show again, shall we?
THEN: Sammy lost hope (Saaaaaaammmmmm!!!!), Chuck needs to visit his other worlds, and oh. Crap. Kaia. Claire’s wooden response to Kaia’s death, Dark Kaia’s stupid dramatic poses… ugh. I’m not here for any of this. And also, Jack has to do exactly what Billie says if he wants to kill God.
NOW: Four weeks ago. Earth 2. Apparently Radio Shack Shed is still in business in this other world. Maybe because Hillary Clinton is the president. Oh, but things are going to go downhill for Radio Shed, because Chuck just walked in.
I take it you’re unsatisfied with your viewing experience at home?
You have no idea.
The friendly Radio Shed employee tries to interest Chuck in his giant wall o’televisions, but he’s not here for a TV. What is he here for? “An audience. It’s monologue time.” Each of the TVs begins to show scenes from one of Chuck’s worlds, including the interior of the bunker in our world, as he begins his monologue. As we watch Sam’s visions from the other worlds, Chuck complains that he created his one world, created copies, and should be happy. Because he’s gotten what he wants from hundreds of Sams and Deans, and could get more. But the other worlds don’t spark joy like the original Sam and Dean do. “They challenge me. They disappoint me. They surprise me. They’re the ones.” Chuck doesn’t need more. He suddenly realizes he needs less. It’s time to cancel “all the other worlds, the alternate realities, the subplots, the failed spinoffs.” YES, CHUCK, ESPECIALLY THE FAILED SPINOFFS.
Title card!
Sioux Falls. Our version. Jody is examining a dead cow. Alex calls, wanting to know when she’ll be home to eat vegan lasagna. Which sounds nasty. I’ve got nothing against vegan cuisine, but I think taking a dish that’s supposed to be loaded with cheese, and loading it with not-cheese, is a mistake. Just make spaghetti. Jody says she thinks her dead cow is evidence of humans, not monsters. She sees something suspicious in a barn and heads inside, where she is promptly clobbered.
Bunker. Sam’s wearing that orange plaid shirt that fits him just right, although the collar is higher than I’d like, and we’ve discussed my feelings on orange. Whatever TFW is talking about, he doesn’t like it. “Which part?” Dean asks. “Jack’s deal with Death, or the part where she’s got him eating angel hearts?” Yeah, there’s a lot to dislike there. Sam doesn’t think they should trust Billie, and he’s concerned about Jack’s state of mind, considering that he is still soulless, and was in the Empty for months. And I’m sure this was not intentional on the writers’ part, but I like the way this played out. When they first saw Jack, Sam was the one who immediately reached out, because his boy was back, and it wasn’t until later that he thought oh, things might be fucked up. Dean, on the other hand, immediately had his guard up, and took a moment before he decided it was okay and accepted Jack. This feels true to the characters and I like it. But as I said, I’m sure it’s an accident.
For his part, Jack is wandering the dark rooms of the bunker. He comes across the initials scratched into the table and touches Mary’s, then retreats to his room. Where a strange woman suddenly appears behind him and says she’s answering Jack’s silent prayer to Death, who is busy at the moment.
Meanwhile, Cas says he has some concerns, but Jack trusts Billie and he trusts Jack. And that makes sense. Jack is, what, two years old now? So of course he’s learned who is trustworthy. It’s not like he ever trusted Lucifer or anything like that. Sam reminds them of the required cosmic balance, what with Amara needing to be cancelled out by God. Dean says, having spent time with Billie and visited her library, that he believes in her and her commitment to the rules. He thinks she’s probably got it all figured out.
“Probably?” Sam says. “Like she had the Ma’lak box figured out?” Well, there’s an interesting point. Billie was sure there was only one road that didn’t end in chaotic destruction, and she was wrong. {Or she was lying. Discuss.} But Dean’s still willing to put his faith in her. After all, she was right about Rowena. And it’s the only plan they’ve got, which Sam reluctantly agrees with. Well, he doesn’t agree as much as he just stops arguing.
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Skeptical Sam!
Jack is telling his visitor about how he called out to Billie for help with the Grigori, but she didn’t respond. The visitor must be a reaper. She’s a pleasant change from other reapers – a middle-aged woman with gorgeous silver hair and a matronly outfit. She assures Jack that Billie must have known everything would turn out okay, or else she would have stepped in. All Jack has to do is follow Billie’s rules – lie low, wait for instructions, and don’t use your powers under any circumstances, because God might find you. Oooh, what could possibly happen now? Whose life will be in jeopardy, forcing Jack to use his powers?
Approaching Jack’s room, Sam hears him talking to the reaper. Sam knocks on the door and then opens it, which is not cool. {Sidebar: A knock is supposed to say “can I come in,” not “here I come.” You should wait for permission to open the door.} Anyway. When Sam enters, the reaper is gone. Jack claims he was talking to “no one,” and Sam lets that pass. He tells Jack he’s just checking in on him, and stumbles a bit when trying to express how glad they are to have him back. He tells Jack that he could have come to them, even though I’m pretty sure Jack said he couldn’t because he was hiding from God, but that was so long ago that I’ve forgotten. But let’s concentrate on the important part of this conversation. Sam’s face.
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He’s awkward and endearing and I adore him.
Dean and Cas are sharing a decanter of whiskey now that Sam’s finally out of their hair. {waves to the Destiel shippers.} Cas explains that he was sure Jack would save the world somehow, and he was “lost” when Jack “died” because he knew Jack’s story couldn’t be done yet. And now, he is absolutely sure that he was right all along. “Here’s to being right,” Dean offers as a toast. He’s also excited about the idea of revenge against Chuck, though Cas says he’s only interested in “Jack fulfilling his destiny.”
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Can we just have several minutes of Dean drinking whiskey? Please?
But before Dean can spend a lot of time basking in his anticipated revenge, his phone rings. It’s Jody. Someone’s holding a phone up to her face, so she must be tied up. “Dean, I’m in trouble. Route 11, Fletcher Farm, the old barn. If you don’t come, I’m dead.” Yeah, looks like trouble, all right.
Fletcher Farm. The Impala pulls up next to Jody’s Sheriffmobile. (Aw, typing that makes me miss the Pimpmobile.) It’s just Sam and Dean, though Sam is on the phone with someone when they arrive.
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Hello, gorgeous.
The guys find Jody tied up, as predicted, inside the old Fletcher barn. Sam starts to untie her, as Dean conveniently looks the other way and therefore completely misses someone attacking Sam. You will probably not be surprised to hear that this someone is Dark Kaia. She dispatches Sam easily, as people always do when it’s convenient for plot reasons, and gets Dean by the throat. “You have something that belongs to me,” she says. Which, as we know from the Then, is her magic spear. That got broken. Oops. Dean doesn’t care that he promised her he’d get her back to her own world, or that he promised to return the spear, because “that promise expired the minute you hurt our friend.” Although, Dean, you were conveniently ignoring that promise long before Jody got involved, but okay. Luckily, Jody is able to sneak up behind Dark Kaia and hit her with something, allowing Dean and Sam to pull their guns. Yay! {Sidebar: I love Jody, y’all, but that doesn’t mean I want her being the badass instead of Sam.} Sam asks Dark Kaia why she’s so desperate to get back to “that hellhole,” because apparently Sam doesn’t get that your home is your home, even if it’s a hellhole, which makes perfect sense, she said sarcastically.
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It turns out the awful orange jacket doesn’t actually match the orange plaid shirt all that well.
Dark Kaia explains that her world is dying, and she knows this because she’s psychically connected to Kaia 1.0. Who is still alive, somehow. Jody feels awful, but Sam and Dean are the ones who didn’t even bother to haul her carcass back through the rift, so. {Sidebar: Coincidentally, I just watched “Defending Your Life.” I wonder if Dean’s feelings of guilt have changed since that episode?}
Bunker. Jack is beating Cas at Connect Four when they hear the creaky door open. {Sidebar: The Husband winces every time he hears the Impala’s squeaky doors. Do the Winchesters not know what WD-40 is?} Sam comes downstairs with Jody, and we have this weird conversation.
Hey, Jack, Cas.
Nice to finally meet you in person.
Have Jody and Cas really never met? And if not, why did she casually greet him with “hey, Cas?” Weird. Carrying on. Dean appears with Dark Kaia, who also greets Jack, because I guess she knows him from Kaia 1.0’s dreams or whatever.
Time jump. Cas insists Jack can’t help Dark Kaia, and the guys are like, no shit. But they still want to rescue Kaia 1.0 somehow, so they send Jody into the depths of the bunker to look for something they might not have thought of that can help them jump worlds. Let’s just think about that for a minute. These two, experts in hunting and lore, residents of the bunker for the past 7 years and at least one of them a cataloguer of its contents, who spent a huge part of previous seasons trying to break into a different world and scouring the bunker for anything that would help, think Jody will find something they didn’t?
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
Cas says he’s going to call Sergei to see if he has any more archangel grace. Sergei? Sergei who almost killed Sam recently, and had to be threatened with death to fix what he’d done?
Oh, seriously, for fuck’s sake.
Carrying on. Cas wants archangel grace because, other than Jack, it’s the only thing that’s opened a rift before. And Sam agrees, because both Sam and Cas have forgotten that an angel’s vessel retains some grace which can be extracted after the angel is gone.
Come on, guys. I’m trying, but you’ve got to meet me halfway. And this isn’t even a Buckleming episode.
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Shhh. Concentrate on the pretty.
Dark Kaia yells that they’re wasting time, and Jack is right there and could get them to her world right now. “Hey, Not Kaia?” Dean says. “Not helping.” Hee! Jack decides he’ll do research instead, and then they have to decide what they’ll do with Dark Kaia. Jody says “She killed a prize heifer just to get my attention, then she jumped me, beat me up, and threatened to kill me. Do I get a vote?” Oooh, I like Dark Jody.
But the worst thing that happens to Dark Kaia is that they handcuff her to a table and force her to read a fashion magazine. She pretends she’s not interested, hurling it across the table, but sweetie, you’re not fooling anyone. I’m looking at your hair and makeup right now and I can tell you’re into it.
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{Sidebar: Is this model supposed to remind her of Claire? Is that why she got upset, because she feels Kaia 1.0’s love for Claire? Discuss.}
Jack throws himself into the research and finds an old Italian spell that requires the liver of a monster which is, unfortunately, extinct because John Winchester killed the last one. Awkward. Dean suggests Jack check on Cas and Jody, and Jack does the oh, because I’m a failure look. The guys are sure they won’t find anything, but to me, the possibility of one spell that requires a monster’s liver implies that other spells might be possible. I mean, how special could that one monster be? Unless it was an archangel monster. Sam suggests he might be able to jerry-rig some magic using a substitute, and oh, guys, once again I’m sure this was accidental, but I love Sam being able and willing to do magic. Love it so hard. Unfortunately, he abandons this idea, since no substitutes are available.
In another part of the bunker, Cas is leaving fruitless messages with Sergei, who presumably remembers the last episode he was in better than Cas does. And Jody’s not having any luck identifying what she finds. They have a little chat about Claire, who is out of cell phone range (which means she won’t show up in this episode, thank you baby Jesus). Jody doesn’t want to involve her anyway, because she loved Kaia so freaking much after knowing her for, what, a day, and if they’re not able to rescue her, Claire would just be crushed.
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I don’t know how we’ll be able to tell, since this is Claire’s crushed-by-the-loss-of-her-true-love face. And it’s also her Alex-borrowed-my-sweater-without-asking face. And her Patience-ate-all-the-Cheetos face.
Uh oh! Jack was listening! What will that do to him? He goes to see Dark Kaia and apologizes for not being able to do more. Dark Kaia blames him for Kaia 1.0 crossing over, and reminds him again that she’s going to die soon. Oddly, she doesn’t try this guilt trip on Dean, who pointed a gun at Kaia 1.0 and forced her into the car, as we saw in the Then. Dark Kaia says she crossed over into our world because she envied Kaia 1.0’s peaceful world, but it turns out she hates it, and desperately wants to go back to her own world. She grabs Jack’s hands and begs him to fix it. Jack touches her face, like he did when he was showing the Winchesters where Mary was being held in AU World, and sees Kaia 1.0 in the Bad Place. She’s got a shelter and a campfire and a lizard in a cage, so I guess things could be worse.
He goes to Sam and Dean and tells them he saw Kaia 1.0 and is going to save her. He confesses to dreamwalking, which is against Billie’s rules, but he insists it’s the right thing to do. “You’ve gotta be kidding me” says a voice from the shadows. Jack introduces Merle, his silver-haired reaper. “How did you get in here?” Dean asks, because he’s forgotten how reapers work, I guess.
(Checks again to make sure this isn’t a Buckleming episode.)
Merle says being willing to risk everything for one person isn’t just dumb, “that’s Winchester dumb.” Dean is offended but, well. She ain’t wrong. Merle says if Jack tries to use his power to save Kaia 1.0, she’ll tell Death. Jack says she should go tell Billie, but while she does that, he’ll open a rift, and therefore Merle will be in big trouble. And I kind of had the impression that reapers didn’t have to, you know, physically go find Billie to tell her anything, but maybe I’m the one who forgot how reapers work.
{Spoiler alert: I don’t think I am.}
Anyway, Jack’s threats work. Merle agrees to fix the bunker’s cosmic warding, which the Winchesters did not completely repair after Amara destroyed it. It can’t be restored permanently, but she can put up a temporary fix that will hopefully hide Jack from Chuck. And she’ll need to use Cas to juice it up. Oh, so many possibilities for disaster here. Later, Sam performs a spell and we see glowing sigils appear on the walls, which is a nice effect.
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Sam reading the spell is also a nice effect.
Another time jump. The guys are packing for their journey. Dean asks how Sam feels about it, and Sam says “Honestly? It feels like we’re taking a big, probably stupid risk. It feels good. Disobeying cosmic entities, doing the dumb right thing. Feels like we’re back.” Aw yes. My boys, doing the dumb right thing.
Jody thanks Cas for staying, and he asks her to stay too. Because he’s concerned that if she gets killed, Claire will never get over it. Jody agrees that he’s right. And I’m pretty sure this is going to be important somehow; that something awful will happen because Jody isn’t there, or Jody staying behind will mean she’s able to save the guys somehow. {Spoiler alert: I’m wrong.}
Oddly enough, Jody doesn’t seem to actually tell the Winchesters she’s not going. I guess it happened off camera. Merle and Cas power up the sigils, Jack does his thing, and the rift opens. Dark Kaia goes through first, followed by Sam and Dean.
Bad Place! It’s dark and windy and there are lots of those weird little red-eyed dudes around, but they don’t attack. Dark Kaia says they’re afraid of the oncoming storm. {Sidebar: What evolutionary purpose is solved by glowing eyes? It seems like a hindrance.} They yell for Kaia 1.0, and she comes out to meet them, grabbing Dean for a hug. {Sidebar: Yeah, of course it’s Dean.} They turn to leave and wait, you’re just going to leave your lizard? He’s in a cage! He’ll starve! Dark Kaia doesn’t follow, and says she’s going to stay. Sam reminds her she’ll die, but she doesn’t care. She can’t live in our world. Which, well. It sucks sometimes. No judgment here, kiddo. And I guess she can take care of Kaia 1.0’s lizard. The Winchesters head back to the rift with Kaia 1.0 just as the lightning picks up and a huge cloud of destruction approaches. Oh. I guess that lizard didn’t need anyone to take care of him after all. Bye bye, Bad Place!
Bunker. Jody is sitting in front of the rift when the boys burst through with Kaia 1.0. Big hug! Later, we see Kaia (I’m gonna just call her Kaia now, since I think she’s the only one left) wearing Jack’s clothes. It’s cute. Jody invites her to move back with her. “Will Claire be there?” Kaia asks, because, you know, the love story for the ages, blah blah blah. Kaia thanks the guys, and leaves with Jody. Yay! Job well done, right? Except there’s a little too much time left in this episode for a happy wrap-up, so.
Merle tells the guys that if she gave a rat’s ass about Kaia, she’d call this a victory. But she’s pretty sure their scheme worked, since none of them are dead and oh crap, she’s impaled by a scythe. Guess again, Merle!
So, yeah, Billie’s here and she’s not happy. She lectures everyone and points out that one life isn’t important, because all the worlds are dying. All of them except this one. Sam angrily asks Billie what her plan is. She tells them everyone has a death book in her library, even God. God didn’t plot his own death, but “the books wrote themselves,” so Chuck’s death is in there, pre-plotted. But no one gets to read their own book unless Billie lets them. Jack is in Chuck’s book, and so are the Winchesters. “This is your destiny. You are the messengers of God’s destruction.”
Back at the Radio Shed, Chuck is watching his worlds self-destruct on the bank of TVs. He’s been there a while, judging by the number of takeout containers. The sales clerk is curled up on the floor, having served him “for weeks.” He asks Chuck if he’ll be spared, and Chuck says “You’ll be fine. Everything’s just fine.” Then he walks out of the store just as the sky fills with falling meteorites. Hey, I think that was a lie!
So. Several annoying things happened (yes, we know, because you wouldn’t shut up about them) but I can’t call this a bad episode. But I can’t call it a really good one, either. As mytharc episodes go, I guess it could be worse. What did you think? (And what does the title mean?)
Please help me stay unspoiled, thanks!
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mermaidmafia-official · 5 years ago
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Nessa has organised an underworld street race three towns over in Bay Haven, but an unbidden guest threatens to ruin her fun. @bebemoon​ @interluxetumbra​ @ayzrules @blubbingbeautifully​
[Smash Shit Up - The Dropkick Murphys]
…I wanna be a rebel / I wanna break some bones… The stranger had not expected a party. Her dervish dance bounced the tawny bar lights off her silver jewelry and into the rowdy sea of singers, like spellwork. Bacchanalia for middle-aged punk rockers and genre-savvy millenials. Leaning against a vintage Guinness poster with his arms crossed and a nonchalance wholly at odds with the energy of the room - an energy he had known in the ports of Nassau or the harvest festival in Naples - he watched her black hair fly, and frowned. …Maybe they'll be yours / They might be my own… Husky voices that may, in another decade, have bellowed sea shanties in shabby taverns now chanted celtic punk choruses in downtown bars with sticky floors. Their owners raised glasses to toast the enchantress on the bar counter as they might once have a siren of the sea... Was that why he got faint whiffs of withered oak and moonshine? His nostrils flared. No, there was a memory of salty breezes around her, but also that of blood on asphalt. For a moment, he indulged in imagining her enthroned on a stack of barrels filled with rum, wearing a pinstripe suit and an Al Capone hat… ‘New in town, eh?’, said a jovial voice next to him. A scrawny guy in black wearing a tweed flat cap - true vintage, 1940s perhaps - grinned up at him. Vintage-style sailor tattoos, the stranger noted, and smells of diesel oil on his hands. He said nothing. ‘Round here, we can always tell a fella’s new, ye know - by the way he looks at our Pixie.’ The guy nodded proudly at the girl-shaped creature on the bar counter. ‘Quite something, ain’t she? All kinds of trouble, that one, but never a dull moment.’ Quite something. Yes, the stranger thought. He had expected the damp chill of the grave, or the dry musk of something withered, not this - not warmth and sweat and cold smoke and beer. ‘You here for the race? Look like the type, ye know. Not for the faint-hearted, though, that’s for sure. If you’re going against her, you better have your things in order, my friend…’, his new friend chattered on. ‘Funny’, the stranger said, almost to himself. ‘She looks almost…’ ‘Wait- did you say something?’ ‘… alive.’
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
[Voodoo People - The Prodigy (Pendulum Remix)]
The smell of burning rubber, sharp and sweet, stung in her nostrils, and Nessa huffed. That dirty, shaggy flea-bag! When she had devised an underworld street race, she had not expected to be hounded - ha!- by an actual werewolf. And a fast one, no less. She hunkered down on her bike and took the corner sharper than was probably smart, gritting her teeth as the back tire slithered over the icy asphalt. His bike roared closely behind her. No dice. He was good. Three mortals had crashed in the fist third, defeated by back alleys or night time traffic. Four of the seven vampires who had turned up to race had bitten the dirt - get it? - at the scrap yards, and she, too had almost been catapulted off her ride by an unwieldy chevvy and narrowly escaped being impaled on a 90s’ satellite antenna. Not wood, but not pretty, either. But through the neon-lit city and the downtown alleyways, the wolf had prevailed, silently tracking her. Not once had he tried to overtake her. Not that she’d have let him. Not once had he lifted his mirrored helmet shield, but she had been a vampire long enough to sense a wolf. To hell with politics, she had thought back there at the starting line, high on anticipation and roaring motors, and had reared her head, declaring the race a neutral zone and beckoning her tattooed grand marshals to give the go. Apparently, the wolf had not got the memo. Ignoring a red light, Nessa zipped through between a pickup truck and a taxi, heading for the coast. It had been fun at first, the thrill of racing an enemy of the coven, knowing that Ysa would collapse in a dead faint if she knew, and imagining Yinmei levitating away muttering ancient curses. But here, with the cold, crisp air pushing sharply against her bike and the frozen Bay in view, Nessa started to wonder if she had just been really fucking stupid. Again. Somewhere behind her, shrieking brakes and a thunderous crash hailed the disqualification of yet another racer, but the wolf clung to her like a shadow. Always the same distance. Not pushing, but not relenting, either. Nessa bit her lip and tightened her grip on the brakes. No way she was gonna let politics ruin her race. Or her fun. Bracing for the serpentine road curving down to theBbay, she leaned into each curve, sinews straining as she fought to balance the weight of the bike with the momentum of the curves. Knees scraping gently over the ice. The thrill of being suspended right there, between pure motion and a brutal crash. Left - then right - and left again… But she was starting to get annoyed - at him, and at herself. What if he was here to kill her? And she was just serving herself to him on a silver - well, not quite, but still - platter? Sure, vampires were generally stronger than wolves, or so Ysa had told her. But then again, Nessa wasn’t a great listener, so she couldn’t be sure, and she was still young for a vampire. And a sheep separated form the herd, and all that… Fuck. Okay. Nessa made a decision, in the instantaneous, short-circuit brain-glitch sort of way she made decisions, and crushed the brakes in the last curve of the road. Screaming, her bike drifted over frozen snow and spun her around, drifting. For a split second she grinned manically, delighted to have surprised the pursuing wolf. And then, as he desperately tried to pull his bike around, his machine veered into hers with a booming crunch, catapulting them both off the road. They went flying. The hard ground hit her sharply - once, twice. And again. Pain blossomed through her limbs as they tumbled downward, machines crushing them with weight and piercing skin with shrapnel. She could hear bones break- were they hers? Then her head hit the ice with a wet crunch, and her vision went red as they slid over the smooth ice, seemingly forever. And then, there was silence.
When she came to, blinking and dizzy and tasting blood, they were alone on the ice under a vast black sky, the city noise damp and far away - or was that her head ringing? She pushed herself up and got to her feet, legs trembling softly with the remembrance of a life that may have been lost, if she had been human. The bikes had left a black smudge trailing behind them, like something crushed and crawling away. She grinned. She wanted blood. She felt very alive. ‘That’, said a deep voice behind the second bike, panting, ‘was entirely uncalled for.’ She could hear his broken bones reassemble painfully, and winced at the sounds, the slurping and cracking. But then, he must be used to that, she remembered. The wolf - man, at the moment - towered there, broad shoulders taut beneath a sadly torn leather jacket, and removed his helmet. Oh, fuck. She hadn’t counted on him being that handsome - square features, black hair, piercing, dark eyes... and bloodied. Ruddy wolves. She took her helmet off, and knew her own hair was all over the place. ‘I don’t like dogs yapping and biting at my ankles’ she said, with a shrug, playing it cool. Or trying to. Her adrenalin was through the roof. ‘I’m funny like that.’ ‘You’re an absolute raving lunatic, is what you are’, he countered, but not angrily. There was a soft melody in his speech, well-worn, but distinct. Mediterranean? And had she hit her head that badly or was there just the slightest hint of approval in his voice? ‘I do what I can.’ She grinned. ‘I hear that’s usually your job.’ He ignored the jab. ‘Did you really just do that… to annoy me?’ ‘You started it, you… bloodhound.’ She crossed her arms. Now, down to business. ‘So- are you here to kill me?’ He brushed dirt and snow off his sleeves. ‘I hadn’t quite made up my mind yet.’ Honesty. She could respect that. Nessa gestured at the vast expanse of ice around them. ‘Go ahead. Knock yourself out.’ For a moment, he said nothing, just tilted his head, as if thinking. Or seizing her up. Beneath them, the ice crinkled quietly. ‘What makes you think I won’t?’ he asked, eventually. She shrugged again. ‘Nothing. I mean, you’d think by now you’d have got out your funky werewolf kung fu stuff or-’ she waved her hands - she really should have listened to Ysa more - ‘or whatever you guys are using these days.’ ‘Fire, mostly.’ The corner of his - well-shaped, wow - mouth twitched with amusement or disdain, it was hard to tell. He seemed oddly calm for a mortal enemy. ‘Well, that ain’t gonna fly out here, obviously. Pity. I do enjoy an occasional brush with death. Makes you feel that more…. Well, you know - whatever it is we are.’ ‘Right. And that triple backflip you just pulled there like some crash and burn cirque du soleil shit- that was what?’ ‘That was me telling you not to mess with me. But, like, in a fun way. ‘Cause I’m nice.’ ‘…Nice.’ He picked the word up, perplexed, as if it had suddenly become strange. A sharp cracking sound interrupted them. Oops… ‘So -’ she said, ‘if we’re all done here I’ll be on my way. Race to win and all that.’ She could feel his gaze on her as she picked up her bike. Battered and missing a few parts, but it would carry her well enough. ‘Just like that. You don’t think I won’t follow you again? Or beat you?’ The last bit with the hint of a grin. She mounted her bike and tested the engine. Still good. Phew. ‘Not with that piece of junk you won’t.’ She nodded towards what was clearly a lost cause, at least for now. That soft crackle again. A rift, razor sharp and angry, appeared in the ice. Time to go. ‘Sorry!’ she said, merrily, ignoring his quiet curses in a foreign language. Italian. Of course. And then she was off. With the engines roaring beneath her and a vicious cracking sound just below, she sped across the frozen Bay, elated, heart fluttering with triumph. All that space in front and the dark emptiness above - receding, eternal. Nessa grinned. No time to ponder the meaning of time in a deathless existence- She was free.
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ladyemberswrites · 6 years ago
Preview,Time's Arrow, Dotu!Lotura Stuff
"How's my little girl" he kissed her cheek.She gurgled, kicking out her chubby legs.He couldn't help, but nuzzle her which earned another watery gurgle, her stubby, little fingers trying to grab small, fist fulls of his hair.
"Who's my little princess?" He cooed quietly, so no one could hear him fawning over his infant daughter, bouncing her and coddling her in his arms.
She didn't so much as answer, as she spit up her morning meal all over new clothes.
"Lovely" he grimaced. Lyra only burbled in response.
He stiffen "yes"
"I-oh, dear" she murmured, "her new clothes" she mourned the pink dress in dismay "I worked so hard on it"
"It can be cleaned"
"I know" she picked at the dress. 
The guilt gnawed at her, it's been awhile, a long while.
Ular burbled in her sling, Allura brushed her soft curls in reassurance as she walked out into the shallow waters, uncaring that her blue gown is getting wet, her bare feet felt nice walking on top of the sandy sediments..
"Hello, blue" she smiled "it's been some time hasn't it? I'm sorry, but look I brought someone, see" she lifted part of the sling away to reveal Ular's face, the newborn squinted at the shine of the sun and turned her face away, her fingers gripping at the loose fabric of her dress.
"This is Ular. Isn't she just adorable" she murmurs, patting her backside softly. Peering up at the robotic feline, she of course didn't expect a reaction,  though sometimes she wishes to believe that. But, Blue remained as she always had, stagnant and a relic frozen in time. Thick vines and foliage grew in the crevices of her armor and metal plates, her paws cored by rust from the water sloshing at her legs. Overlooking Arus like a statue guardian. Allura placed a hand on her leg the metal cold beneath her palm, she patted her quietly listening to the sound of the water rippling around her, and Ular's soft breathing and the beat of her heart against her own. Her head connected against Blue, the machine, and allowed her eyes to drop close, but she knew now that Blue would never move, not now, never again.She had long accepted that, she sighed through her nose, rubbing her head against the bulk of steel.
"I miss you…" she whispers "I miss them" 
She lifted her head drawn away from her musings about the past, she turned around to find An'tok and Lyra making their way towards her, wading through the ankle length waters. 
"Mama!" Lyra grabbed her skirts.
"Careful, the waters deeper over here" 
"Oops" the girl looked around noticing the water had gathered at her knees.
"Mom, I thought you were resting" An'tok grabbed her hand eyeing her far too incredulously for a child his age.
"I was" she looked back at Blue "just visiting an old friend is all" peering back down at her son, she smiled gently "Besides, I can't stay in bed forever, I have a party to plan" 
"You can do that, while resting" 
"Uh-huh" she replied lifting both her brows before running her hands through his blond hair which earned her a grimace, as he moved away from her, huffing, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Can I have melon bread!?" Lyra blurted, as she ushered both children out the water to dry land.
"Didn't you just eat" 
"Yeah, but I'm still hungry" she chirped.
"Here, mom" An'tok passed her, her shoes, blue flats encrusted with gold that she left on the sandy banks.
She grabbed them "thank you" 
"Are we going to get some melon beard now?" 
"Can't you stop thinking about food for one second" 
"I like food" 
"Your going to get fat"
"Am not" 
"We'll see when you keep eating like a pig" 
"You also eat a lot" 
"I don’t understand" his mouth  dry as he speaks.
Allura looked away, her hand clutching at the gold hem of her blue dress"What’s there to understand, Keith" she murmurs quietly.
"You-I you couldn’t have waited for me" he replied hoarsely, his throat raw red, but the sentence caught her attention as she looks at him pointedly.
"Keith, 15 years" she says those words like their made of glass "15 years is a long time to be waiting, and waiting"
The way she said it ignited something in him, something whole, something firey“I was coming back to you!" He grabbed her shoulders with vice "you couldn’t have waited!”
“And what If you didn’t!” she shouted back just as hotly, and just as passionately “you expected me to just wait 15 years just for a chance that may never happen! And what if you didn’t” she repeated again. He expected tears, but none came as her lips twisted in a grimace whether at him or the argument he hadn’t a clue “you expected me to just wait around and do nothing while my home falls apart? Voltron wasn’t there when I need them, not that it’s your fault or anyones, but you can’t just stand there and tell me I should have waited for help that might never have come. I did what I had to, for myself and my people. And Lotor-Lotor” she went quiet “gave me the opportunity to do just that. I’m sorry that I hurt you Keith, I really am. But, I did what I had to do.”
“You could have turned to literally anybody else-”
She knew where he was going before all the words left his lips  “Don’t you dare!” she hissed “Don’t you dare go there, you have absolutely no right. You haven’t a clue what I’ve been through, don't you dare come on your high horse and moralize to me!”
He swallowed thickly.
“Then- then if that's the case then you can count on the space explorers again, were back now, we can protect Arus again." He's grasping at any straw, at anything that can bring him hope, the one he had is all but fading, crumbling between his fingers.
"There's nothing to protect anymore" she shook her head "Keith there's no war, not anymore, not between Doom and Arus. There's peace between us, I can't just leave, and destroy everything I worked so hard to accomplish."
"Then leave him"
"You heard me," he brought her closer, a hair breadth away "you don't need him, you don't have to force yourself to stay with him, not anymore, not while I'm here to protect you"
"I had his children keith! I just can’t get up leave.  Surely that rift had drove you mad if you think it's that simple"
"Than take them with you" she gifted him a furrowed brow "the children I mean" he corrected himself.
"I can’t do that either. I'm not going to separate them from their father"
"Allura, I don't understand, why are you resisting, you keep making excuses, why?"
"If don't understand why, then I think you should just drop this conversation entirely, you haven't heard a word I've said" she tried to push away "let me go, please. I have a headache" his grip loosens and she broke away, like she had that day. That day that ruined everything, his hands fell to his sides like his world had.
"Your room's still here" she murmurs "I didn't-no one's touched it since-the incident" 
He says nothing because he doesn't feel like there's anything to say. Nothing important, nothing substantial, nothing to gain as he found himself drowning.
"I've kept it clean, I mean" she turns to him her face unreadable as she eyes him from across the room "so, no dust bunnies or anything to worry about" she tried to smile, but only to realize that the efforts are for not as he peered away from her to stare at the door handle of the parlor room, opening it he slipped out without a word only to find Lotor meandering around the halls a couple of feet away.
The click of the door alerted him and Lotor stared at him in a way that seemed as he's looking through him than at him. Keith felt his anger, animosity, everything negative and pungent rise to the surface of his consciousness. It blamed him! This is all his fault! He saw a crack, and like a conniving fox seeped through the cracks and garnered Allura's pity. Manipulated her to his side of things, forced his way onto throne and somehow they produced offspring in the wake of things.
Why Allura would commit to do such a thing is beyond him when she reviled his very touch? Lotor came forward, the small dark crown on his head glimed in the light; as he stalked forward, Keith prepared himself for a fight.
As Lotor stopped them being inches apart "what?" 
"You won't get away with this" 
The man in question blinked "is that so?"
"You can't keep manipulating her forever, now that Voltron's back, your days on the throne are numbered"
"How quaint" the king murmured "think what you will, but I assure you nothing will be gained from trying to interfere" Lotor walked around him and into the room Allura currently occupied.
"Where do you think-" 
"To talk with my wife." The door slammed in his face leaving him the silence of the halls and empty rooms. Gritting his teeth, he reluctantly moves away and back to-at first he couldn't think of where to go, nothing is the same anymore. The castle's been greatly renovated, after being destroyed again, now there's here purely Arusian, but Drule in the mix. The sight of it fed into the dissonance of returning home after all these years. He expected the world to remain unchanged while they wandered the rift, he thought he'd come back to the princess, Allura unchanged and as sweet and kind as always-only to find her like this.
Lotor had changed her. He had done something to her to make her the way she is now.
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son-of-an-invader · 6 years ago
[ @queen-of-lazuroth @addie-bear @little-justice @drun-in-a-million @dib-adrift @zimerstellar ]
Dek slowly made his way into the bedroom, finding his wife reading over a tablet in their bed.  He hesitated for merely a moment before walking forward and clearing his throat. He felt stupid. They'd all talked on the video call. This should be settled. But he still couldn't help but feel so guilty for taking off. And...for what? What exactly would he have done if he'd even reached the Glitter Massive?
Midge looked up from the reports Sigi had sent over, her gaze meeting Dek's for a long while. She then set the tablet aside and waved the captain over. “Come here.”
Dek obeyed, walking to the bed and crawling on to it. There was so much he wanted to say. He just didn't know where to begin.
Midge didn't really care what he had to say. They'd discussed it on the call. She knew Dek was sorry. And in hindsight after what had happened recently it had become the least of her worries. She pulled Dek closer to her, holding him in an awkward embrace. She leaned up and kissed his jaw before pulling away, giving a tiny squeak. “The twins missed you.”
Dek held his mate right back, inhaling her scent. He returned her affections with kisses of his own along her face and nose. He smiled at the mention of the unborn smeets, and he placed his hand on her belly. He chuckled at feeling them move. “Gonna be just as wild as all the others, huh?”
He tapped his fingers along Midge's abdomen, following the movements if the smeets within. “Speaking of our wild children um...someone's here to see you.”
Addie took her cue, making her way into the room tentatively. She fiddled with her fingers, looking up under her bangs. “Hi, Mama,” she said sheepishly.
Midge couldn't help how her nerves froze, staring at her daughter for a long time. She knew that that...other Addie had been some twisted future version, but her words had hurt nonetheless. 
Dek looked between the two before he placed another kiss to Midge's temple before pulling away. “I'll let you two talk, okay?” He said gently. He gave Midge's belly a little rub and a kiss before heading out of the room.
Addie swallowed as her father left, shuffling her feet. She wanted nothing more to approach her mother. To hug her. To tell that she loved her so very much. But she couldn't help but wonder if it would be allowed.
Midge could see the hesitation all over her daughter's face. The uncertainty. She'd never wanted to make her children feel that way. Not when it came to her. She sighed, feeling horrible for the short havering. “Come here, sweetie,” she said, patting a spot on the bed next to her.
Addie nodded, approaching her mother slowly. She crawled into the bed, sitting a little ways away. She fiddled with her clothes. Matsuri had let her borrow some of hers, so Addie was in a pastel purple crop top and grey leggings. They were topped with a denim jacket, which had both her Irken and Galactic Alliance pins on the left lapel.
Midge stared. There was still a great deal if hesitation from her daughter. It broke her hearts a little. She scooched closer, pulling the girl into her arms and stroking her hair. “Talk to me, baby girl.”
Addie almost snorted. She hadn't been called that in a long while. Not since Ada was born. She didn't resist being pulled into the embrace, closing her eyes at her mother's gentle touches. “I'm sorry,” she whispered, her voice breaking. She wondered if she'd ever be done crying.
Midge's eyes filled with tears as well as she leaned down and kissed Addie's forehead. “The only thing you did wrong was scare everyone half to death,” she reassured. “You gotta stop that, sweetheart. You'll give me gray hairs.”
“Your hair is already white, Mama.”
“Okay, well... you'll give Papa gray hairs,” Midge joked. “What I'm saying is...that wasn't you. I...what she said hurt but...it wasn't you, baby girl.”
Addie hiccupped a little, burying her face in her mother's shoulder. “What she said was bullshit,” she said, allowed her venomous feelings to coat her words. “You're the best mom in the universe. And I love you so damn much.”
Midge choked. “I love you, too, Addie-bear. So, so much.” She nuzzled the top of Addie's head, continuing to pet the girl's hair. 
Addie let herself be snuggled and pet, enjoying the soft affection. It was soothing. She hadn't realized how tired she was until this moment, nuzzling her mother's shoulder in return as she began to purr. She'd rest her eyes for just a moment. Only a moment.
When Addie's breathing began to even out, her purr growing steady and even, Midge knew she had fallen asleep. It was surreal to see. This young girl had been through so much in the three years she'd been here, since coming from her original timeline. For the first time in so long, Addie resembled that bright eyed, sixteen year old that had first come to tell her and Dek about the rifts.
Dek came in a little bit later, simply to check on things. When he came in he found his daughter fast asleep with his wife. He smiled. “It's good to see her sleep. She needs it.”
Midge looked up at Dek and smiled back. “You probably do, too,” she told him, gesturing for the other hybrid to join them. 
Dek chuckled, about to make his way over to the bed when he was almost knocked over by two rambunctious children. Ada and Drun both climbed onto the bed, snuggling up with their mother. “Hey, hey, calm down, now,” Dek told them. “You'll wake your sister.”
Ada frowned, seeming to just notice Addie sleeping on Midge's shoulder. “Is she okay?” the four year old asked quietly.
Midge wasn't quite sure what that question was supposed to mean, so she answered it the best way she knew possible. “She's fine, littles. Just sleeping.”
“Sleep!” Drun cheered, waving his hands around. Several snowflakes began to flutter around him and his face fell. “Oops.”
“It's okay, jingle bell,” Midge told him, leaning over and kissing his face. “Just careful not to wake your big sister, yeah?”
“Ooh! We having a cuddle pile?” Dib asked as he walked in. He immediately lowered his volume when he noticed Addie, fast asleep on Midge's arm. “You want me to get them out?”
“Nuh uh,” Midge replied. “What I want is for my mates to get over here and join us. All of them.”
Dib grinned, wasting no time going over and snuggling next to Midge and the kids. He was careful not to move too much so he wouldn't wake Addie. He could only imagine how much she needed some sleep. “Come on, Dek. And Zim I see you over there, too.”
Dek looked over his shoulder. Sure enough there was Zim, lingering in the doorway. The two of them exchanged looks, their gazes lingering. “I believe our family wants us,” Dek said.
Zim tried to stay upset. He really did. But honestly...he just couldn't. Before he found Dib again he thought he'd be alone with nothing for the rest of his days. And then not alone did he find him, he found so much more than he could have ever hoped for.
Ugh. He really had gone soft over the years, hadn't he? “I suppose we shouldn't keep them waiting, Captain.”
The remaining two found their way into the large bed. It took a moment for everyone to get situated, but soon they were all snug. The little ones followed their big sister's lead, both falling into quiet snoozings. The four adults (or older adults) all exchanged smiles and snuggles as they watched over their children, in no hurry to go anywhere anytime soon.
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