#The ones with the gate between him and the fans is really funny lmao
meraki-yao · 10 months
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Taylor's photos from yesterday, posted on his little red book account
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ikemenomegas · 2 years
lee and sasuke wasn't something i'd considered before but you described a truly great seed if i ever felt up to exploring that!!! thanks!!! personally i'm Big Fan of sai and shino but setting aside our favourite kikaichu-boy sai though......??? sai and lee just seems like a very very interesting combination based on a tenet of honesty, and because they could also bond over bodies like lee could with sasuke and lee's innate ability to connect to a certain outsider archetype- just look at gaara lol but also-- ...yeah i go hard with sai and lee being good friends and also more lmao
It's so funny that you mention Gaara, because I was so so tempted to add him to the list, but I really like Lee and Gaara as lifelong friends/allies who have this deep respect they don't share with anyone else, and I find it unlikely that Konoha would let it's new 8-gates master leave the village to mate someone else... Of the main group, I think Gaara and Lee are only ones to have had a spar (I'm not counting the shukaku vs kyuubi because that was a different thing) that ended in a particularly bad sort of way - with Lee almost permanently injured and in the hospital - only to fight beside each other a few months later. (Can you all tell sasuke retrieval arc was probably my favorite thing, the way each individual fight was crafted as a way for the boys to work out some major personal issues was so good, I miss the pacing of the og series)
But anon, anon, you have me absolutely vibrating. Shino is not on my list at the moment because I feel he would be difficult for me to write, but I can see it! Shino and Sai have that very quiet introvert + quiet extrovert thing going on. I'm not certain if they or Lee and Sai even speak in the show, so it didn't occur to me, but I agree these are some excellent pairings.
You're very right about Lee's ability to connect with those who are a little "outside" of the usual.
Lee and Sai have different approaches to honesty and different perspectives on honor but I absolutely pick up what you're putting down where they oddly seem to come to complementary conclusions about the way they want to interact with the people around them. Lee and Sai would also likely do without the sniping that Sasuke is known for. Sai imitates Sasuke's on occasion, but it's an act and Sai is not really that confrontational with the people around him, he's more likely to say something uncomfortable and true and let the chips fall. Alpha is going to be doing a lot of... not quite damage control but something between these two lol.
The only thing I would say is that yes, Sai's difficulties regarding connection with his "self" are similar to Sasuke's disconnect with his physical body, but Sasuke is deeply in touch with his emotions, while Sai as an artist is very aware of his physical self.
Sasuke's primary drive is the emotional connections he has with his immediate family, his friends, and his clan, his people. That might be part of the separation between his body and his desires - they have not always moved him towards the same goal, and his body has "failed" him more than once. Omegaverse Sasuke particularly feels this way because heats feel like a regularly scheduled reminder of weakness and until he experiences the emotional tether of a mate, he finds them deeply frustrating and gets rid of them with some grade-a genuine article Orochimaru drugs.
Sai is an artist, but he is specifically a painter. In more than one drama, painting is directly compared to a warrior's fighting style, which makes it very interesting that for Sai they are not only a comparison, but one and the same. For Sai, his paintings are one of the only ways he's able to connect his physical self to what he's feeling. I would even say that he's the most aware of his physical self when he is painting. At all other times though, I do think that you are right, that while Sai does sort of instinctually inhabit his physicality the way any very skilled physical performer does, that he doesn't connect his emotions to his body. Maybe a bit of inverse to the way Sasuke doesn't feel he can always connect his body to his emotions...
Since we're saying things today, the idea of Sasuke/Lee came to me because of the parallels between their respective mentors. Kakashi/Guy works very well as a ship, both logically and emotionally, but I like them as friends, simply because their bond is so particular. Kakashi has so few true friends though that in my writing, I preferentially preserve that profoundly cultivated relationship between them as an unshakeable friendship rather than a romantic entanglement. Thought it would be fun to play that out in their students instead ;)
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Fun fact: I flipped between both my blogs multiple times because for some reason I thought I started this post and then abandoned it halfway through or something but no, I hadn’t started this episode at all. So on that promising note, here’s season 4 episode 3.
1.) Ruth, Nevada actually makes sense as a location thing to pop up. Like I know there’s a lot of jokes about PARIS, FRANCE popping up but I’ve literally never heard of Ruth, Nevada before. But also, I don’t particularly care about Sam Owens.
2.) Oh, Sam Owens got fucking fired? Damn. Also, the military blaming scientists for this shit is a little hilarious. Like yes, scientists did it, but they did it FOR the government and military FOR military operations. So to now be like, “DAMN, I CAN’T BELIEVE Y’ALL DID THAT SHIT” is hilarious.
3.) “He’ll lead us right to the girl.” Did y’all fucking check the yellow pages? Because I don’t think Joyce has hidden that she moved to California. Like how are y’all not able to find her going to public school in California? Unless you mean a different girl. Regardless, that line is fucking stupid.
4.) Man, Angela’s really milking this injury.
5.) Jonathan and Argyle are so fucking high and are not helping. They are right that ‘blip’ is a funny word though. Actually never mind, it’s not funny anymore. They ruined it.
6.) Oh, Murray’s cooking, that explains the opera music. Also, Joyce and Murray are being so weird. Lmao Joyce is a terrible liar.
7.) I’m not actually sure the Duffers have ever been high.
8.) Oh, my god, I just realized they gave Angela that stupid cut on her fucking face just so it could mirror Brenner’s injury even though that’s still not fucking how a goddamn skate would injure a person if it’s being smacked against your face.
9.) I’m sure Vecna is terrifying if you’re 14 or really terrified of even the slightest horror thing, but these glimpses of him in the upside down are just funny to me.
10.) Does the basketball team just like, live in an abandoned building?
11.) I hate Jason Carver’s goddamn face.
12.) Steve’s gay little wave at Eddie was so cute.
13.) This team of kids is definitely not reassuring Eddie.
14.) Fred’s body looks slightly less funny than Chrissy’s did but like, still cartoonish.
15.) El really is going through really normal puberty angst. But also Mike is so stupid. Just say love, dude. You do love her. Even if it’s probably not romantic, you do love her.
16.) Oh, I’m betting 5 bucks those cops aren’t real and they’re arresting her for nefarious reasons. Also, Mike, how the fuck are you gonna fix this?
17.) I love that Murray’s like, “Listen, it’s fine that we lied to them. At least two of those kids are gonna spend this time getting high and fucking. And by two of them, I mean Jonathan and whoever the fuck his friend is. I don’t know who he is, but I think they’re narsty.”
18.) But also fuck you, Joyce, don’t talk about that plane crashing.
19.) Manual labor in the snow. Also, since when does Hopper speak Russian? Oh, he’s learning from Enzo? Oh, his name is Antonov. I think I’ve only ever seen fans refer to him as Enzo which is hilarious.
20.) “They were at the game and the trailer park.” Steve, being aware for once: HEY, WE’RE AT THE TRAILER PARK. ARE WE GONNA FUCKING DIE?
21.) I really really think Steve was just being the Protective Friend of the group when he asked to go with Nancy. But also Nancy and Robin are cuuuuuuuute.
22.) That gate was Delayed. Like chop chop, ugly. Next time eat a cop or two.
23.) Vecna has Guilt-O-Vision. And it found Patrick. One of the two black guys the basketball douches will actually hang out with.
24.) Damn, Lucas, Jason just went full on batshit against guys who literally do not know where Eddie is. Lucas, you’re being a real traitor. But also, narratively, having the only black member of the kids be part of his little hunting party feels…bad. And Gross.
26.) “She wasn’t even trying to help.” No shit, Jonathan. She’s a cop. Cops don’t help.
27.) Goddamn, Hopper. Honestly, Hopper getting his leg fucked 6 ways to Sunday is so far the most horrifying thing this season and it’s not even shown really.
28.) Robin is autistic. Source: Me. I’m autistic.
29.) Dustin is and idiot sometimes. Steve literally doesn’t have a thing for Nancy anymore. Also, Steve’s not blushing.
30.) Max would rather be anywhere other than in a room talking about her feelings about her dead douchebag stepbrother. I also love that Ms. Kelley keeps her keys very well labeled.
31.) Lucas, I swear to God, if you tell them where Eddie is, I’m gonna crawl into the screen reverse Samara style and kick your ass.
32.) with her hair like this, Millie Bobby Brown looks so much like Winona Ryder.
33.) Oh, nvm, cops were being cops earlier. Now she’s being taken by the feds.
34.) Hi, Sam. You fuckin’ dweeb.
35.) Can we talk about how Alaska DOES have spring. Like, the Duffers know that, right? Right?????????? Actually hold on, gonna confirm with my roommate who grew up in Alaska.
36.) Okay apparently actually the weather question is very complicated and if they flew into Juno or Anchorage then no, they wouldn’t be having very heavy snow, but further north it’s still late for a ton of snow but not impossible. And as for Russia’s weather, IDK.
37.) I googled Nome, Alaska. That’s a coastal city and according to my roommate wouldn’t be getting this kind of snow in March.
38.) Okay I have gotten my silent question of ‘why not just get him to hit the chains’ answered by the guards checking his chains. JESUS HIS FOOT LOOKS BAD. But for real that looks way worse than the fucking corpses do. Oh my god. I’d rather rewatch that goofy ass Vecna murder compilation than to ever see that foot wound again. But also FUCKING NARROW DOWN WHAT KIND OF SHOW YOU ARE. OH MY GOD.
39.) Platonic with a capital P.
40.) A DEMON!!!!! Nancy and Robin are both geniuses.
41.) how did it take the kids 2 fucking hours to talk to Ms. Kelley and then break into the school
42.) Hey how is Hopper doing pushups on that fucking foot?
43.) “What if I told you there was a way, a way to bring them back?” I’d say prove it, asshole.
44.) “My friends, in Hawkins, are you in danger.” Oh no, cutting to Max as she figures out she’s a target.
45.) He could have at least let her take those waffles to go. I’m not saying it’d be a good idea to eat those in a moving car, but if the fate of the world rests on a child’s shoulders, she can eat messy waffles in the back of a car as a treat.
46.) TICK TOCK. THE PLOT IS COMING. And it’s coming for MY GODDAMN DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!! I hate that fucking Vecna douchebag so much.
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simpsiren · 4 years
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nakamoto yuta x reader
description. One day, out of pure boredom or perhaps without even thinking, I decided to airdrop memes to random iphone users in the bus. How dumb was I to think that I wouldn’t get caught.
genre. urm internet au(?) i really don’t know what genre to call this tbh
word count. 1.3k~
warnings. none!
a/n. literally got this idea while i was actually doing it with a friend LMAO i srs thought my experience was funny and wanted to write to so here i am! hope you’ll enjoyy
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“I’m seriously drained.”
Lucas and I were walking from the gates to the bus stop. Taking the shorter route, we dragged our weak bodies up a hill to get to the traffic light where the bus stop was opposite the road.
“Chemistry did it for me.” I muttered. I noticed how both our bodies were slouching so I decided to bring my body up straight for a quick moment to stretch out my back. “The amount of homework Mdm Lim gave us I swear.”
We finally reached the bus stop. You could say that using the shorter route served us no good since we missed the bus and had to wait for more than ten minutes for the next one to arrive.
We tapped in. The bus was a double decker so we decided to climb the stairs to the upper deck. Lucas was the first to climb up and went for the seats at the very front. “Why did you have to pick the space where the most amount of sunlight is hitting us? I’m burning here.” I complained.
I wasn’t feeling hot, it’s just the huge amount of sunlight coming through the glass that made me had to close my eyes in shock and turn my head where Lucas was sitting behind me.
“Well jeez sorry.” Lucas frowned, rolling his eyes. I shrugged and turned my whole body sideways so I wouldn’t have to face the sunlight that much, proceeding to unlock my phone and go to my gallery where I started looking through the videos that Lucas and I took in school. Specifically, during class when it was our free period and we had nothing better to do than to record ourselves doing nonsensical things.
I played the video and tried to suppress my laughter while watching, Lucas doing the same as he watched from behind. “Send me that video.” Lucas urged me, tapping my shoulder. I giggled and nodded my head. I tried sending the video but it failed due to the file being too big. I groaned, thinking how I wasted three minutes of waiting just to not get it sent.
“I thought you’d airdrop it to me. It’s quicker you know.” Lucas deadpans. I glared at him, not wanting to admit that it was indeed a better idea than what I did. “Okay, okay. Hold on.” I let out a ‘tsk’ and proceeded to airdrop. When I was about to click his iPhone’s name, I realised that other people’s bluetooth were on as well, meaning that I could airdrop to them.
I immediately turned to Lucas, who backed his head at my sudden action. “What?” He looked at me curiously.
“What if I airdrop something to strangers?” A smirk slowly creeped up my lips out of instinct. Lucas gave me a blank expression, but ended up copying mine a little while after. “Let’s try.” Lucas whispered. The two of us chuckled and in unison, we began finding for memes or random pictures to airdrop to strangers.
I found a meme that I just saved from Twitter and started to click on every name I saw that I could airdrop to. One of them was named ‘daddyyoongi’ which I found weird, but not shocked at all. It took awhile for them to respond, the word ‘waiting’ constantly flickering below their names.
I peeked at Lucas’s phone, who was still scrolling through his gallery to find something to send. “Did anyone respond?” Lucas looked up at me when he realised my eyes were on his phone. Downshifting back to my phone, my eyes widened, instantly bringing my phone close to Lucas’s face.
“They accepted.” I whispered. Lucas and I had the same expression and same thought. Are we seriously doing this right now? I read through their names since I didn’t bother to look at them when I sent. ‘yutaro; prince of osaka’
“Is he some kind of anime fan or something?” I thought to myself. Looking at the other iPhone names, I could tell that they were girls. I couldn’t really assume who yutaro was.
Seconds later, I received an airdrop from yutaro. Accepting it, I took a look at the photo. It was a meme. I couldn’t help but breathe out a laugh as the caption read, ‘Hello 911 im being attacked’
I wasted no time to find a meme to respond back. It was a spongebob meme with the caption. ‘(chuckles) I’m in danger.’ And proceeded to airdrop it to them.
“I can’t belive this.” Lucas whispered from behind. I could tell he’s seriously trying to stop himself from bursting in laughter. I’d be doing the same. The other iPhone users that I sent to didn’t reply, only accepting my airdrop. Though I was disappointed, at least I had yutaro who airdropped me a new meme in a matter of seconds. I slapped my thighs softly, covering my mouth when I accepted the airdrop.
Lucas surpressed his laughter once again. “Oh my fuck I’m such a genius.” I praised myself, breathing heavily to get myself to calm down and keep my cool so that no one in the bus would find us weird and suspect us as their secret airdroppers.
Yutaro and I airdropped memes. Some were random, while the rest were sent as if we were having a conversation. Which I found it to be personally fun. It was getting way too difficult to hide my laughter. Lucas told me he gave up trying to send since they weren’t responding and peeked at my phone.
The bus came to a halt and I realised that were at the bus interchange. I waited for the people from the upper deck to go out first, making a trying-to-not-look-weird kind of eye contact with each of them as they went down the flight of stairs. Lucas and I finally got down and tapped out. I looked through the memes that I received, finally the two of us bursting into laughter.
“You actually had a conversation with that yutaro person! I seriously can’t believe it!” Lucas shouted, shoving his hands into his pockets. I laughed, smacking his arm. “We should actually do that more often. Who knows, we might make friends.” I said, bobbing my shoulders as I bounced on the ball of my feet with each step.
Suddenly, I felt a presence coming from behind that got closer. Weirded out, I turned my head back. Looking over my shoulder, my eyes were met with a guy’s. He was leaning down to match my eye level. He had grey or ashy hair, but his roots were jet black. His face... was incredibly beautiful. His features, from his dark black eyes to his soft looking lips and clean face, not to mention is sharp jawline. I only met eye contact with him for a mere second. But his imagine was printed onto my mind.
“You do that often?” He suddenly whispered, soft enough that he had to lean in as he let out a chuckle and speed walked forward, passing Lucas and I. I got to shocked that it made me stop walking. I was in a trance. I couldn’t keep my eyes off his back, his hair that bounced in the wind that made me think it was light and fluffy.
“Why’d you stop?” Lucas was a few steps in front of me when he realised I was behind and went back to me. My mouth gaped opened slightly. I flinched when my phone dinged. Lifting my phone up to my face, I noticed that it was a notification that yutaro wanted to airdrop me something. Accepting, it took me to my gallery where the picture sent was shown.
“Nakamoto Yuta?” Lucas said it out loud for me before I could even read. It showed his twitter account with the caption ‘constantly flying between Japan and Korea’ with the aeroplane emoji beside it. I looked up, despite knowing that his figure already exited from my view.
I looked at the screemshot of his account. I noticed that the latest tweet he posted, which was just a minute ago stated, ‘text me ;D’
Lucas gasped at this. “You got caught.”
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if you’re wondering what some of the memes were 👀
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wrestlingfordummies · 4 years
What's the most weird thing that has happened in wrestling?
Oh gosh, that is an incredibly difficult question to answer. Wrestling and weirdness have ALWAYS gone hand-in-hand. I mean, it says something that wrestling started out as a circus sideshow attraction, and then had to become even more out-there to succeed. There’s a laundry list of things I could say here, scaling from incredibly funny to incredibly unsettling or dark. I’ll go with ‘incredibly funny’ for now haha. I don’t want to get too serious right out of the gate here.
Probably two of the most infamous funny-weird happenings in wrestling history are the Gobbledy Gooker (where my icon comes from) and the Shockmaster, so let’s go into those.
There are many, many strange ‘gimmicks’ in wrestling. Your in-ring talent and your mic skills aren’t always enough to push you to the top; you often need to adopt a memorable persona/character to help you get there. These can be incredibly simple, such as John Cena, who is just a good all-American boy who also raps sometimes. They can also be incredibly complex and in-depth, such as “Hangman” Adam Page, who is currently going through an incredible story of addiction, loss, and finding his place in the world - one of the most interesting characters in wrestling history, bar none.
And then there are the silly ones. Undertaker is a famous example. He’s one of the most well-known wrestlers of all time, and he’s an undead zombie man who can control lightning. Although the silliness obviously succeeded for Taker, there were a lot of weird gimmicks in the 90s that failed miserably. Probably the most infamous ones The Gobbledy Gooker and Shockmaster.
The Gobbledy Gooker
in 1990, WWF (currently known as WWE - the biggest wrestling company in North America) began promoting a new character in a very strange fashion; a large egg was displayed at many events. There were a lot of theories amongst fans about what this could mean, but the truth proved to be wilder than anything anyone could’ve possibly imagined.
At WWF’s next big pay-per-view, Survivor Series, the egg hatched to reveal.... a giant turkey. Yeah. Just a giant turkey. Obviously, fans were not pleased, and wrestling fans are not ones to be afraid to voice their opinion. The segment did not go over well with the live audience, or anyone else. The character disappeared a month later, and has only been used sporadically for one-off gags since then.
Here’s a video of his debut. It’s very awkward. Even poor Mean Gene, rest his soul, couldn’t salvage it.
The Shockmaster
Fred Ottman was a wrestler who found mild success in WWF in the early 90s. He then departed from the company in ‘93, and Fred was set to debut for WCW (WWF’s largest rival at the time.) His first match there would be an eight-man tag team that had a really, really solid lineup apart from him.
During an interview segment hyping up the match, there was a confrontation between some members of the opposing teams. That’s when... well, this happened. There is no way to describe the level of hilarity that happened here without it being witnessed firsthand.
So, typical incoherent wrestling back-and-forth. Fire. He breaks through a wall and promptly trips over a piece of lumber, knocking off his helmet.... which is literally a stormtrooper helmet spray-painted to be glittery. He grabs it and puts it back on. He stands up, while half of the other wrestlers in the segment are losing their minds (”Who’s this motherfucker?” lmao.) Then, the guy who’s providing his voiceover (another, completely separate wrestler named Ole Anderson) begins Shockmaster’s monologue by audibly laughing. 
Well, props to Sid Vicious (the blonde lad) for remaining in-character and trying to keep the ball rolling, LOL.
They repackaged Shockmaster’s character as being a klutz after that, and he stuck around until the end of the year. If you feel bad for Fred, don’t bother, it’s not worth it. I’ve heard he’s a huge asshole.
There are plenty of other things - also infamous, as well as lesser-known - I could’ve talked about to answer your question, but I feel like explaining two of the most legendary “weird events” in wrestling history is best to start this blog off with. Thanks for the ask! :)
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okayoonoh · 5 years
a/n here is jaehyun’s family! honestly, imagining jaehyun as a dad fills me with so much joy lmao
here’s a link to the masterlist with all things nct dad related! go and check it out if ya want!
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he has has two kids, 1 girl and 1 boy. jung lani is 4 years older than her baby brother, jung leon.
JUNG LANI: >> as a baby <<
smiles galore
she got her dad’s dimples
and she used them
she also got her dad’s little “smile whiskers”
jaehyun is honestly the best dad
like he is so caring
he did so much research and everything
he knew more than enough to raise lani
he was pretty calm throughout most of it
and lani was calm too
she really loved watching you and jaehyun
like if jaehyun was just walking around doing chores or something
or if you were working on something
her eyes were on y’all
like she had the biggest eyes too
they were full of wonder
jaehyun held her like she was the most precious thing in his life (bc she is)
he was confident in his skills from the start
she made it easy on him tho
she wasn’t a super needy baby
she could be pretty independent when needed
it was really easy to get her to smile
like all you had to do was play peek-a-boo with her and she’d smile instantly
she’s easily entertained
if you sat her down in the living room
a snack in one hand, a toy in the other
she’s occupied for at least 30 minutes lol
snacks are literally her favorite thing
she was a big eater from the start
but like snacks just hit differently for her
she had so much hair as a baby
like headbands were her aesthetic from the start
you had to baby proof anything and everything in your house
bc she really liked to follow you guys when she learned how to crawl
like if you guys had to put gates so she wouldn’t crawl into the kitchen
she just wanted to hang around her parents :,)
whenever you and jaehyun were both home, you would rock paper scissors or flip a coin for who’s cooking/cleaning and who’s playing with lani
the boys fell in love with lani
like jaehyun would bring her to practice and it would just be so much fun
they would be so amazed with how easy it is to make her smile
johnny would be like “it takes so long to make noah smile but if i just put lani in front of him, it’s all he can do... wth...”
honestly, most of the guys were just so amazed that she was so smiley and just chill overall
like if jaehyun left her with the dreamies, she wouldn’t freak out
even like if he left her with the newer artists she’s never met
just as long as she sees that they’re not weirdos she won’t freak out
she loves to friend everyone she meets
she’s just full with natural cuteness
honestly like return of the superman situations with lani and jaehyun would be the best
they would get so much content because everyday, lani would just bombard you with cuteness
she’s just really out here being the cutest.
>> as a child <<
still a sweetheart
she is still a huge daddy’s girl
she still loves to give the biggest smiles all the time
like even when she lost her front tooth, she still would flash her beautiful smile to the world
jaehyun is still so whipped for his daughter
he would buy her the most gifts every time he left for tour
she honestly wasn’t super defiant
like she would play a prank here and there
or something would go wrong with her playing
for example, one time she was playing salon with jaehyun
and he was kinda sleepy so he didn’t notice that much
then she grabbed the actually scissors and cut his hair
like a huge chunk of it right in the back
no one told him the whole day until you got home and noticed
he wasn’t even that mad lol
when she found out she was gonna be an older sister?
she was so happy
like she loved being an only child
but she was so excited that she was gonna have a baby brother to take care of
she’s honestly a pretty good older sister
she always makes sure leon is taken care of
like always
i cannot emphasize this enough:
that is your family aesthetic
jaehyun wears his 2/3 dollar headband
you wear your own
lani wears one
leon wears one
your pets wear one
omg imagine
like again, return of the superman situation lol
lani is marching around while jaehyun is cooking her breakfast
and she goes up to the cameramen/women in the tents and is like
“excuse me... do you think you can wear one too?”
and they don’t even hesitate
when jaehyun goes around to give the cameramen/women coffee or some breakfast
he starts to laugh when he realizes they’re all in headbands
she’s best friends with mark’s oldest, ethan lee and ten’s second child, somchai leechaiyapornkul (shawn)
they’re an iconic group
they all compliment each other so well
like ethan is pretty energetic and a little bit of a crackhead
lani is happy smiley and just good vibes
and shawn is super shy but he’s doing his best!
like lani and ethan really just do things to get shawn to be more daring and stuff
and shawn does!
they’re all pretty smart for their age
like if they go out to buy something, they’ll combine their money to get a value pack (i explained this a bit in ten’s family description if ya wanna check it out)
they’re just super cool and just a really good dynamic
lani is honestly the most empathetic of the entire group of kids
like from a young age she was already doing her best to listen and understand the emotions of others
and like from a young age her advice was actually good?
she’s really pretty
like a lot of the guys in her classes had crushes on her
the only dudes she cares for are ethan and shawn tho
pero yeah
like she was just a sweetheart who was really mature for her age and still shocked everyone haha
>> as a teen/adult <<
she becomes a solo artist
she does a lot of chill vibe songs
like she loves chill r&b songs
lani is just so aesthetic too
she films a lot of her music videos in nakamoto yui’s flower shop
she gets along well with yui because they’re both rather calm by nature
she’s honestly just super iconic
she inherited her dad’s poreless skin
like she’s so wholesome and kind
she’s more on the quiet side
she has so many fans lol
she get’s overwhelmed with them a lot tho
again, still jaehyun’s biggest fan
a lot of people like her because she’s not living the pish posh life
like you know those hidden cams that see the reactions of celebrities and stuff?
like her reactions are really really the same ones she shows on tv
like her personality is just so genuine and kind
everyone who meets her tells that she’s like that too
as a solo artist, she loves to learn more about music
she learns a lot from kun’s oldest, qian lei.
lani understands a lot about music and they work together to write songs and stuff
it’s definitely not a competition between her and the other music artists amongst nct’s kids
like they all are so supportive of one another with any and every concept
if the company has luna, youngmi, and aria’s group do something a little odd
all of the music artists in the group would still go nuts over it lol
they all support and love each other
the person she loves and supports the most is her brother tho
like they don’t usually quarrel a lot like kaleb and aria or noah and leo
almost every show/interview she’s on, everyone asks her about her brother
and she just fills with so much pride
she’s so proud of her little brother and all of his accomplishments
like no jealousy whatsoever
she’s also like super humble
she forgets that she’s an idol sometimes
like her manager would be like “lani, DPR LIVE wants to collab with you, are you down?”
and she’s like “THE DPR LIVE??? what??? why me??? what?? is this a prank???”
her manager is like “lani... don’t forget that your famous too...”
she takes a while to understand certain jokes
like her brother makes a lot of jokes but a ton of them just fly over her head lol
snacks are still her favorite thing
her manager has to stop her from eating snacks because her fans give her so many and she just wants to eat them all forever lol
ethan becomes a rapper and they collab the most out of all the people she collabs with
they honestly lowkey realize they like each other and just start dating haha
shawn is a pretty dense dude
but the second ethan and lani got together he was like “bruh even I COULD see that you two liked each other.”
they became the celebrity couple of the century™
they’re honestly that couple that’s like “okay, why haven’t they been together like this entire time?”
anyway, lani is just so empathetic and kind and just so happy to be alive and born into her big and beautiful family
JUNG LEON: >> as a baby <<
also inherited his father’s dimples and smile whiskers
he was pretty smiley like his sister
he also wore headbands a lot because he had so much hair lol
but honestly
he was an alien lol
he was weird
but it was so cute
like if people asked him a simple yes or no question
he’d answer incorrectly
allow me to provide an example:
“is your name jung leon?”
he was so giggly and stuff
loved to make people laugh from an early age
like whenever any of his uncles would watch him
he’d make them laugh so hard
like most days, leon would just be chilling in the living room giggling the day away
and like nothing is happening but he would find ways to make himself laugh
like there was a mirror attached to his little play mat
and he’d look at himself, smile, then laugh, then repeat
leon would learn this while jaehyun was on tour and like you would have to explain to him that your child isn’t insane
he just thought everything and anything was funny
those days were the best for y’all tho
like every single day, leon would do something that made you just laugh like crazy
whether it was somehow taking his socks off and putting them on his ears
or somehow moving his diaper from the front to the back
he just made you laugh
jaehyun was so happy to have a son
i mean, he’d be happy regardless
but still
i feel like he would just be so happy to have a mini him
and that is exactly what leon is
a mini him
lani looks a little more like you
but leon is all jaehyun
leon inherited the trait that turns his ears red when he’s crying/embarrased
he honestly loved to play too
like he honestly needed to be doing something all of the time
leon simply just didn’t know when to stop
he eventually learns, but still
he just can’t stop/won’t stop hahaha
>> as a child <<
still kinda weird
he’s really funny tho
like he’s genuinely a comedian
he makes you and jaehyun laugh a lot
he’s best friends with the squad™ of him, jungwoo’s middle daughter, kim jieun, hendery’s middle son, wong mochou, and haechan’s middle daughter, lee haeun.
all of them together is just a treat
they’re all so loud but all of their personalities are just so unique
leon is the oldest in the group so he’s sort of the leader
i’m just gonna say it
they’re all crack heads
the most calm out of all of them is kim jieun
but she even still has a huge personality
leon is like the clumsy leader
like he tends to fall a lot
but they’ll follow him when he falls lol
like if they’re just walking a line or just in a group
and leon trips
they’ll all fall with him lol
leon is definitely the class clown
but he’s not like super annoying
he has “class” (badum tsssss)
leon can just be so genuinely weird sometimes
he doesn’t really make any super inappropriate or bad jokes
he’s still a little bit of an alien
just a straight up weirdo sometimes
lani cares for him a lot
and he looks up to her
they don’t really quarrel with each other
like they’re both just chill with each other
every year, they work together to get a birthday gift for you and jaehyun
and every year they succeed in getting the best gift for the two of you
when lani was old enough to watch leon by herself, their gift to you was a date night lol
leon picked up a love for basketball at this age
he learned that he was lowkey really good at it lol
jaehyun would play basketball with him as often as possible
it was the sweetest :,)
leon is also really good with scary things
like he seems fearless
he is scared of one thing and one thing only
the pure and utter rage of the maknae of their squad, lee haeun
take all of the burning rage haechan has and put it in his daughter
that is haeun
when she’s mad, she’s MAD
leon isn’t scared of spiders, snakes, heights, etc.
he’s scared of angry haeun lol
he’s just a goofy soul that is just vibing tbh
>> as a teen/adult <<
ooh boy
he’s so handsome
he’s also so funny
he becomes a model™ 
like with a face like that? why waste it?
he works under noah seo
leon and noah both do a lot of modeling gigs together and stuff
leon is honestly following in noah’s footsteps
at first, a lot of the high class modeling agencies didn’t like leon because they thought he smiled too much and his dimples were too deep
noah teaches leon how to be an independent model and leon is honestly thriving
so many people use him in music videos like just because he’s so handsome?
people also started to realize that he’s like really really funny
like he’s almost always smiling
and his jokes are just so funny
they realized this and were like “okay, time to put him in front of a camera just to see what he does.”
and like
he’s just so goofy
not only is he a well known model
he becomes a well known comedian/tv personality
he embraces his goofy personality and honestly just vibes
he’s also really good at keeping up with the trends
like when he models, he’s pretty serious
but like right after? one of the funniest people you’ll meet
he’s just super quick witted and comes up with so many good jokes
lani can’t catch on to some of the jokes but it’s okay
he’ll give his sister a second lol
he’s also kinda dense when it comes to girls
leon is super confident in his looks and everything like that (like lucas level confident)
but when it comes to girls?
he just doesn’t think he’s good with it lol
which is a lie bc he’s actually really good with girls
he’s really really really good at making people like freak out over him
like he does the thing his dad does that makes everyone weak in the knees
he poses, runs his finger through his hair, and just stares
everyone melts whenever he does this
he still loves basketball
he plays a bit in his free time
when it comes to acting tho?
he sucks lmao
he just can’t stay serious for too long
like in front of flashing cameras, he’s fine
he can honestly fit any concept
but if you have him act like a serious role?
he can’t do it
he’s really good at doing the funny roles
but he honestly just can’t do serious roles
he still is scared of haeun
he also still respects his sister
he’s just a goofy dork who’s just living life lol
i honestly just can’T jaehyun’s my ult and just thinking about him as a dad just uGHHGHHGHG
also, i’m sorry if i started to get carried away, i just honestly couldn’t help myself
anywayyyy i hope you guys liked it! i’m so hyped for winwin’s family lol
again, requests are open and let me know if you want me to tag you so you can stay updated everytime i add onto nct’s family things!
- amy <3
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atopearth · 4 years
Fate/hollow ataraxia Part 3 - Chibi is Justice (Phase 3)
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Lmao, I love how Avenger thought the way Bazett died against Assassin was so hilarious. It seems she's pretty numb towards the repetitive resurrections now though. Avenger is right though, Bazett is so violent lmao, she solves everything so practically and violently, it's pretty hilarious, especially when she got impatient at Avenger taking too long to unlock the gate to a Master's (looks like Rin's) house so she just broke in loll. It's pretty cute how Avenger protected her from the milk trap lmao. I wonder if the world Bazett is in, and the world Shirou and them are in aren't connected yet? It seems kinda connected since Shirou and Saber supposedly saw stuff like the house where those randoms died, and they saw the place where Bazett resurrects, but considering the fact that even though they both patrol around at night, yet haven't seen each other, do we need to get through a bit more things for it all to escalate?
I'm not sure if Avenger is the same Avenger that was supposed to be born in Heaven's Feel and whether his story is the same since he just kinda tells Bazett that Angra Mainyu isn't his real name because a friend sacrificed his life to save him, so he kinda just took the friend's name and repaid the world with it, so his hero name is basically honouring his friend whilst he's lost his identity. Anyway, lmao at Bazett telling him her background as if she's sharing her practical work experience lol. Her story in a sense is similar to the Matou since she's from an elite family that retained their unique power but lost influence as an important family, so she kinda tries to prove herself within the Magic Association even though they don't care or like her because their traditions and families are so ingrained, there's no place for anything else to shake the balance. It's funny how Avenger justifies it that he's right that she's technically 30+ (she's 23 lol) because she never really had a childhood so she's been an adult most her life lol.
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Ohh so the reason why Shirou could never really "progress" was because of his lack of training. He hasn't done any sort of magic and training in so long! Aww the little kid Saber was watching playing soccer looks like a mini Shirou haha! Lmao when she threw the ball into the goal and everyone was stunned hahaha. HAHAHA, Saber kicked the ball and it broke🤣 so cute how Shirou fixed the ball for them. Wow, they've really upped their game for this fandisk! The battle sequence between Shirou + Saber against Archer was so fluent and cool! I really loved how Shirou was able to think of a pretty good plan of getting Saber to Archer super fast using his last Command Spell, so that she can cut him down right after he shoots his arrow and won't have time to react against her attack. It all looked really good too! I'm also really glad that Shirou was able to use his skills again. It's really been a while! However, when Saber asked if this was really all right, I wasn't really sure. Like, obviously they had no choice since Archer was out to kill them, but at the same time, if Archer was so ready to kill them, there must be something big going on that they're not aware of.
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Okay, I legit died laughing when the mini game to defeat Illya and her castle came up lmaooo. It was so hilarious!! The chibi characters are so cute and lmaoo at Saber saying food names when she fights. Legit died when I used Excalibur and she said chashu men/noodles hahahahah, I couldn't concentrate on fighting hahahah. I love how Caster uses Assassin to fight, and it was so funny when Rider rode her Griffon because it looked like some chibi horse hahahaha. I loved the mini game, it was absolutely great. I want to play it again now lmao. Illya losing and then pressing a red button to destroy everything was such a funny finale hahaha. I love seeing the Taiga Dojo Taiga lmao. The quizzes are pretty funny lolll! I love the night quiz where Taiga wants to be the main heroine of Fate so bad lmaooo. Oh, and Sella giving Shirou a storeroom to sleep in was hilarious, poor Shirou🤣 HAHAHA at Sakura getting petrified when Saber told her that Servants don't get fat from eating etc, especially since Sakura tries hard to maintain her weight and everything hahaha. I loved how Rider had to drag the Sakura who turned into a rock away lolll. It was so funny when Sakura called Rider a traitor since she never told her that her body won't change no matter how much they eat🤣🤣 Sakura is so cute, her and Shirou fighting over who should bath first was cute, but when he pushed her in and she started going crazy with her delusions thinking that they were going to bathe together in their swimsuits was just hilarious🤣 Saber being scared of sinking in the water was pretty cute, lmao when she was dashing through the water though hahaha. Never thought she would be able to walk on water because she had the blessing of lake fairies lol. Aww it was so cute how Saber sunk into the water when Shirou said her body shape was nice and everything hahaha. Also lmao at Archer and Lancer invading their little picnic at the poolside and stealing their food lolll. I never really thought about it, but hearing Archer complain/give tips on how Shirou can improve his cooking is kinda cute and funny at the same time since he would know best what he needs to improve on🤣 Anyway, I love it when Saber is such a sore loser that she forces Shirou into competing with her (in this case, swimming) until she wins and is satisfied with her wins hahaha. She's so proud of winning after it all too lmao.
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Whoa, I didn't expect the H-scenes in Eclipse, I was so shocked lmao, I had to look behind my shoulder to make sure no one saw me because it was so sudden hahaha! Anyway, I've never been a fan of the Fate H-scenes so yeah, this wasn't any better imo. Lmao, I love how Himuro is so interested in Mitsuzuri's love life and wants to know who her boyfriend is, she's so weirdly obstinate, it's kinda funny🤣 I'll admit that I'm definitely warming up to the trio of Himuro, Makidera and Yukika now haha. It's so stupid yet hilarious how they're so insistent on finding out who Mitsuzuri's dating lol. They've got some crazy dedication haha, legit died when Taiga started thinking Shirou was becoming more and more of a player with all these girls lol. Honestly I know Minori (Mitsuzuri's younger brother) doesn't mean harm, but he really gets out of hand when it comes to his dislike for Shirou. Anyway, I'm glad Himuro dragged him away lol, and with that, I think I kinda like the idea of Minori and Himuro together hahahah. Lmao at the Mitsuzuri dating thing was actually because she was desperately looking for someone to be her boyfriend to win the bet with Rin, so she told her brother to disguise and pretend to be her boyfriend, that is pretty embarrassing hahaha.
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LMAO at Archer and Lancer having a fishing battle or something, it's hilarious how petty Archer seems towards Lancer hahaha. Omggg Saegusa can see Kojirou and they're so cute and friendly together!? It's such a random match but I love them. They have such a peaceful atmosphere. LMAOOO when Shirou bluntly asked Illya if he could use her castle dining room for a dinner date and Illya thought it was her and there were like pigeons flying in the background, and then Shirou says for Sakura and she sulks in her chibi sketch form hahahahaha. I nearly died from laughter with that transition.
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 Awwww! Sakura in the pink evening dress with ribbons on her hair (kinda like Rin) is so cutee! The dress in itself is kinda ugly tbh but Sakura is adorable. Awww Shirou in a tuxedo is pretty cute too! Anyway, I honestly think it's so sweet of Shirou to have granted Sakura's wish for a fancy dinner like this. Like sure, he really didn't do much besides have the guts to ask Illya for help, but the fact that he remembered her wish and did what he could to grant it was sweet enough. The way Shirou accepts everything about Sakura including all her flaws, and saying all that in his own clumsy way makes my heart so warm. Hearing Illya talk about some memories of Kiritsugu fondly makes me happy that there were at least a few memories they were able to cherish together. Seeing Illya so happy and excited to play and talk with Shirou always makes my heart so warm tbh. The CG of Shirou and Illya sharing a bed together is so heartwarming, I love it. She never got to see Kiritsugu ever again, but at least Illya now has Shirou who will always dote on her and do his best to protect her. Tbh, in the beginning, I really didn't like Illya and always thought there's no way I'll like this murderous little girl, but omg she's invaded my heart so much, I love her, and her relationship with Shirou. Sella and Liz interactions are so funny, I love how Liz is just outing her to Shirou about how Sella is afraid of ghosts lmao. HAHAHA, I loved how Shirou got so scared of whatever he saw in the wine cellar, he ran out and pulled Sella along with him, and described it to her when she told him not to hahaha. The funniest thing was that it was actually Liz with a halberd lmao, that is definitely scary😂 It's interesting to know that Liz is actually the Dress of Heaven to kinda complete Illya, I'm not sure if I forgot that or if it was never mentioned, but now it's kinda understandable why Liz is a guess a bit more different compared to Sella who is basically full maid. Lmao, the more Sella and Liz appear, the more I love them. It was so funny when Liz gave him that possibly 200 years old card that is most likely cursed and then laughed as she left hahahaha. Omgg, it's so funny but I never really thought that Sella, Liz and even Illya drive to and from the castle!! Lmao when Shirou asked Illya if she drove a Bersercar HAHAHA😂😂😂😂 To be fair, that's what I would have assumed😂
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Archer saving the kitten stuck on top of a tree and then going on a long ass rant about heroes of justice was hilarious. But, I have to say, the things he said were pretty interesting and right to an extent, especially the idea of heroes stunting the growth of people like this kitten who will start to always think that someone like a hero will save them so they don't need to think about saving themselves. Anyway, now that Gilgamesh isn't in a "serious" game as he says, his silliness and ridiculousness is so much more funny. I love how careless he is to get caught up in crap but be too prideful to ask for help hahahah. And it was so funny when Rider dragged Saber away calling them losers for their masters' affections since Shirou and Sakura are going to the pool together and she doesn't want to interfere even though she probably wants to join lol. Aww Sakura in her swimsuit is cute. Okay, I change my mind, her side angle is hot hahahha. I can understand why Shirou was so stunned hahahah. HAHAHA, I nearly died of laughter when Sakura told Shirou she's not good at backstroke, and he said that would be awesome hahahahaha, he's a pervert🤣🤣 Omg that underwater kiss though! Shirou was being silly as usual, trying too hard to make Sakura happy and staying underwater past his limits, so she gave him "air" through the kiss haha, Shirou is lucky~ LMAO when Rider and Saber popped up at the pool hahahaha. Omg Rider's swimsuit is hot though, I love it. Sakura and Shirou holding hands back home is so adorableeee, I wish their date lasted longer~~ Aww Saber being fascinated by the penguin shaved ice machine is so cute! To be fair, I've always been interested in those too, they're so adorable! I would eat shaved ice just to play with it loll. Well, Bazett's "Noble Phantasm"-like thing is pretty much a cheat if you can negate Saber's Excalibur. But I wonder why everything keeps repeating itself? Oh, and I died when Shirou and Shinji had a "duel" at the harbour LOL, it was so random but hilarious hahahah.
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Anyway, yayyy, I'm finally up to the next phase lol! Sure took me a while to finish this one up, I got distracted by so many things hahaha. But yeah, even though I take a long time to get through this game, I honestly really love it whenever I take the time out to read it. The slice of life shenanigans are the best way to brighten up my life lmao, they're all so funny!! I love how this phase really developed Liz and Sella, they're so much more likeable than I initially thought haha. All the swimming pool shenanigans were so funny and nice too. I'm definitely loving Sakura much more than before haha, and Saber has such a special place in my heart now, she's so silly lolll. I really hope to see Rin soon though!
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fantroll-purgatory · 5 years
Here he is, the meme himself
And what a wonderful meme concept. However, this profile is pretty bare bones. If you’re gonna do a parody, you have to go whole hog, whether it’s a loving parody is an actual criticism of the culture around something. One of the hardest parts of parody is really knowing what you’re talking about and so you Might know a lot about Tiktok, but I wouldn’t be able to guess that from this profile. So we’re gonna just go through and try to nudge that up a little.  
Alternia or Beforus or some type of AU?
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why):
Tiktok Badapp
It explains itself
It sure does. I know your intent is to be very obvious and goofy right out the gate, so we won’t fuss around with this. 
8 Sweeps or 16 years old
Tik tok “badass” users with light up items
The light up and gas mask and stuff strays a little into like, cybergoth/rave aes territory, which I think is actually fun and something you could expand upon to add to his character. Like you know those videos that used to go viral of tons of goth kids swinging their arms under bridges to wild music? He could do that for the meme, but, like, intentionally.
Tik tok also has a pretty wide userbase of like, video gamd and anime fans, so trickling a little bit of that into the themeing of the character might be a good idea.  
No particular goal in life
This is meant for you, not for your character. I’m guessing you just wanted a general overview of this guy. 
Strife Specibus:
Psionics my dude
Psionics usually aren’t the exclusive weapon a character uses! Sollux, for example, has throwing stars. 
Maybe you could give him like… Light Sticks 
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It fits that glowing aes he has going on, so it fulfills a utility need for him (looking cool). 
Fetch Modus:
Try to pick a popular tiktok meme. I know Pretend Instruments was a big thing on there in 2018, maybe he could have to have a Mime Modus where he has to pretend to use the item he wants in order to retrieve it? 
Blood color:
Symbol and meaning:
Gemus (Prospit + Breath)
Sign of the Alert
God I’m trying to think of stupid tiktok jokes for here too. misslessMatesprit, as a reference to the Hit Or Miss meme. terrible just terrible. You could also do fluorescentTastemaker.  
Shortns evry wrd dwn to a bsic set of letrs
Special Abilities (if any):
Hummingbird fruit fly hybrid
Remember that outside of special cases (tinkerbull being a wing mutation reference), winged lusii don’t really start until Jade. Now, Tiktok is a breath player, so I could allow it, but also… There was a meme last year about trying to pat your cat to the beat of Flamingo and I just think a Wingless Flamingo Cat is such a funny idea. Enough to consider, at least. 
Phone addict, constantly texting or on a alternian tik tok equivalent, sees himself higher online, offline not so much, tries to act like at cool badass, he would be if he would fall at after single tap lmao
We gotta pull this in a little more. First of all you should probably name your Alternian tiktok equivalent. But other than that, he’s a breath player, so you know he’s gonna be like, a leader of the pack type. Is he an influencer? Does he start a lot of memes? Does he do a lot of dumb shit for fun and accidentally end up influencing other teens to do the same? Is he kind of irresponsible like a lot of online personalities? Does he also run an alternian youtube channel where he vlogs every moment of his life? These are the kinds of things you’ve gotta consider. 
Alternian tik tok, light up clothing items, v a l i d a t i o n
As I said up above, I think maybe expanding on these interests is a good idea. Does he like video games, maybe? Does he like goth/rave/etc aesthetics? Does he like to party? Maybe he could like Cosplay, since that’s a big thing on Tiktok, people running cosplay accounts. 
Somethin Of Breath
I am honestly kinda waffling between Witch and Mage for him. Something active… But he’s not a creator, destroyer, or thief. I’d probably lean witch. 
Land of Drift and Nectar
Dream Planet:
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Design notes: Trolls below jade don’t usually wear patterned clothing, so the checkered shoes would probably have to go in favor of some solid block colors or like a Single stripe of black or white across an otherwise solid color. You should also remember he needs his symbol on him. Otherwise this is solid! 
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Gonna post about the fan call later, need to pull myself together first, send good wishes cause I might be on my death bed.💀
Yes #robbed of interactions, glad we had ISAC at least. And Ateez probably won't attend MAMA cause they will be touring lol
As expected of girl group dances king Kim Kibum <3 FOREVER 1 made me tear up as well 😭 I'm really happy this cb happened even though the song is mild. The fact even the girls who are out of SM came back, ahhhhh. It's bittersweet when I think of Jessica, but with all the books scandals I don't know what to think anymore
Right no ads, no random anime hentai massive mommy milkers, no having to perform gymnastics to click in the right place dihsjshdushsudie
I had to ask some people if they knew Noddy's gender and some were like "who tf is Noddy"..... but others knew he was a boy. Mother Baek, plsssss. The Noddy gate is so funny 😅
I did lie, not even the Park Seonghwa can make me like plain water 🥴
I know I won't be the one making it out alive if you pull something worse than Khronos, Baek count your days as well 🔪
I think the idea behind SuperM was cool and it was nice to see seniors and juniors together, but it just didn't give me what I expected 😅 "the kpop Avengers" I had to laugh 🤭
Hwips, hwnose, hwaist, hwlips, hwneck - think about those 🥰 jk, happy Yunho fic writing jdhshshsjshshsdb
Ahhhhh MU I quite like so we're good, I like most red teams in Premier League. Wooyoung is the worst cause he supports Barca AND Tottenham, like be serious and pick a struggle ://// God the parallels between football fans and kpoppies 😭
I was a bit shocked when the description said Showterview will be more serious, but at least the Ateez episode was very unserious lmao, but some interesting questions were asked and it didn't feel awkward at all. Spoiler alert: me and Hwa spoke about Sunmi 👀
Nah because if I were a fanfic writer I would be a Shitstar one no question, so I can't blame you. Wow, that driver guy is pretty busy isn't he? So many side jobs
Wait a minute, I was supposed to be the one hacking you, not the other way round. I have nothing of importance of my devices, you on the other hand.... Ah the art bitch result is much nicer than mine, hahahah
Hwa... That half wink, just a slight eye twitch yyyyeahhh... also the eyebrows they gave him that day, mwah!
Omfg Woo's look like clogs lmao but have you seen Hwa's new stompers
When ADHD kicks in at 2am
Omg RIP to Hongcruella, this era needs more powerful hairstyles, only Mingi is somewhat delivering, but blonde San will be gone soon, so please bring on the colours 😭
Sexy of them to put the many faces of Park Seonghwa on the thumbnail - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Gonna post about the fan call later, need to pull myself together first, send good wishes cause I might be on my death bed.💀
Yes #robbed of interactions, glad we had ISAC at least. And Ateez probably won't attend MAMA cause they will be touring lol
the txt and ateez interactions too!! love the vlive interactions and the random things they do when they see each other 😭 the mingi and kevin interactions aLWAYS HAVE ME 📉📈📉📈 bp’s not coming here dbdbd gtg ateez 😭😭
As expected of girl group dances king Kim Kibum <3 FOREVER 1 made me tear up as well 😭 I'm really happy this cb happened even though the song is mild. The fact even the girls who are out of SM came back, ahhhhh. It's bittersweet when I think of Jessica, but with all the books scandals I don't know what to think anymore
THE LEGENDARY KIM KIBUM 🤌🏼🤌🏼 they LOOKED SO HAPPY DOING IT TOO 😭😭 15 years and they’re still so strong fr the longest running gg <3 yEAH SONGS MILD BUT THE VOCAL LINE??? SLAPPEDDD,,, oh omg yeah the whole book scandal things are so 📉🧍🏻‍♀️but like krystal??? >>>
Right no ads, no random anime hentai massive mommy milkers, no having to perform gymnastics to click in the right place dihsjshdushsudie
MOMMY MILKERS RBWKDFBSJDJDK EXACTLY OH ARE U WATCHING BIG MOUTH?? how’d do u find it so far :3 dbdbdb also ppl r joking about how yoona’s finally in a kdrama that actually hit big 😭😭😭🔫
I had to ask some people if they knew Noddy's gender and some were like "who tf is Noddy"..... but others knew he was a boy. Mother Baek, plsssss. The Noddy gate is so funny 😅
NAURRR I THINK MAYBE IM MORE BLINDER THAN I THOUGHT I WAS FBWNDBS 😭😭 everyone i asked said it’s a boy ??? 😭😭 my life’s been a LIE ABSOLUTELY L I E
I did lie, not even the Park Seonghwa can make me like plain water 🥴
I know I won't be the one making it out alive if you pull something worse than Khronos, Baek count your days as well 🔪
☺️☺️ <33
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I think the idea behind SuperM was cool and it was nice to see seniors and juniors together, but it just didn't give me what I expected 😅 "the kpop Avengers" I had to laugh 🤭
NDNDND NO YEAH THAT PART DEF WAS CRINGY 😭😭 but their vocals were so pretty except u know who
Hwips, hwnose, hwaist, hwlips, hwneck - think about those 🥰 jk, happy Yunho fic writing jdhshshsjshshsdb
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Ahhhhh MU I quite like so we're good, I like most red teams in Premier League. Wooyoung is the worst cause he supports Barca AND Tottenham, like be serious and pick a struggle ://// God the parallels between football fans and kpoppies 😭
LMFAOOOO WERE U GONNA FIGHT ME DBDBD IF I SAID CHELSEA hEy BARCA IS OKAY 😭😭 i have their jersey, BARCA IS GOOD OKAY? OKAY. i don’t even wanna talk about tottenham’s inconsistency 😭😭
I was a bit shocked when the description said Showterview will be more serious, but at least the Ateez episode was very unserious lmao, but some interesting questions were asked and it didn't feel awkward at all. Spoiler alert: me and Hwa spoke about Sunmi 👀
YEAAAHD BDBD THE SIBLING LIKE INTERACTIONS WERE SO FUNNY i was def sceptical abt it at first but it was so very chill and nice nothing awks or anything 😭😭 OH???? U GUYS DIDNFHDHDFH WHAT’D HE SAY DBDB
Nah because if I were a fanfic writer I would be a Shitstar one no question, so I can't blame you. Wow, that driver guy is pretty busy isn't he? So many side jobs
no literally. everyone has to be a shinestar at least once in any career ever, YEAH UR UBER’S QUITE BUSY BUT ALWAYS HAS TIME FOR YOU
Wait a minute, I was supposed to be the one hacking you, not the other way round. I have nothing of importance of my devices, you on the other hand.... Ah the art bitch result is much nicer than mine, hahahah /// Hwa... That half wink, just a slight eye twitch yyyyeahhh... also the eyebrows they gave him that day, mwah!
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Omfg Woo's look like clogs lmao but have you seen Hwa's new stompers
When ADHD kicks in at 2am /// Omg RIP to Hongcruella, this era needs more powerful hairstyles, only Mingi is somewhat delivering, but blonde San will be gone soon, so please bring on the colours 😭
HES SO CUTE 😭😭😭 NO LITERALLY HONGRUELLA SHOULDVE LIVED ON FOREVER IT SUITED HIM SOOOO MUCH TO THE POINT IT LOOKED NATURAL😭😭 MINGIS BLUE STREAKS ARE SO SO PRETTY i am actually gonna pass out if san dyes his hair black again bc that’s just straight up death 😭
Sexy of them to put the many faces of Park Seonghwa on the thumbnail - DV 💖
sexy of them to think i will watch it & i did <3 out FBI agent rn
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bestie who this???
i felt san’s reaction heavily
a whole fanfic moment bestie WHEN IS IT MY TURN LORD WHEN FBDBDB
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0 notes
condomglitter · 7 years
@austerre don’t be scared it’s not a starter it’s just an extremely self indulgent drabble lmao
    It wasn’t the first time she’d been approached, hackles raised, by some gate keeping trogdolyte searching for validation as of yet undiscovered in their peers. Each condescending confrontation followed much the same tired script, as few noted the badge at her hip that marked her as a KaibaCorp employee before they questioned her presence in the VIP section. 
    Maybe it was how she dressed -- neither in merch, nor a flashy outfit, but comparatively quiet combinations that were (unlike many who surrounded her at these venues) on trend more often than not. Maybe it was how she kept a watchful eye on her phone, fielding emails and requests for Seto while he focused on his matches. Or, perhaps, it was simply the calling of self-proclaimed ‘nice guys’ to further destroy her precious little faith in their gender; regardless, though, someone always stepped up to the plate when it came to challenging her. As if, she thought bitterly, she could not tell them details about their supposed hero that would make their pasty little heads spin.
    Most days, she was content to note that her interest was purely professional, tapping the employee badge at her side and returning her focus to worthier figures. Namely, Seto’s. Dueling was but a card game, to her, but watching Seto at his most ruthless? That, she could enjoy all day. Assuming, of course, no one was breathing down her neck about it. 
     Her job was usually enough to keep her from demeaning their client base, particularly the fans who paid the exorbitant VIP package price to see Seto Kaiba up close and personal. Though she was certain he wouldn’t hold a well deserved quip against her, of all people, she didn’t want to put a bad face to the company name. Her restraint, as far as professionalism went, was stronger than her temper. 
     Though, that was MOST days. Today...
     She couldn’t quite put her finger on why THIS particular one had stepped so firmly upon her nerves, in stark contrast to those other countless times. There were just... SO many reasons to detest the raven haired man who sat behind her; interestingly, though, he hadn’t been the first to annoy her that day.           Only the last. Poor man.     No, her temper had been set initially on edge by someone else entirely, who had seemed to have a knack for it. 
     In contrast to the supposed ‘super fans’ who so rarely recognized her as Seto’s assistant, despite her constant presence at his side, the woman who had slipped into the seat beside her and introduced herself without pause seemed to know exactly who she was. Perhaps, even, too much. 
     “My name’s Cindra, King. You’re Natalie, right? Kovak?”    That was the first thing that set her on edge. That name, long abandoned, hanging in the air like a poison on her breath. It drew her mouth into a tight, thin line, and her response was ICY from the start.     “Arrington.” She corrected, in a voice that brokered no argument. It wasn’t an invitation to continue the conversation, but Cindra seemed to take it as such, prattling on          (as if Natalie didn’t look two steps away from snapping her idiot neck)     regardless. 
     “Oh, I’m so sorry,” She said, seeming to Natalie to be less than sincere as she laid one hand over her heart. “I wasn’t sure, the articles all said that was your real name -- “     “One of their many mistakes.” The increased venom in her tone had about as much effect on the other woman as her initial icy response -- which was to say, none at all. Briefly, Natalie was amazed at her nerve, but quickly quashed the almost admiring thought under one indignant heel. She didn’t want to admire this woman, whoever she was. 
     “Oh, I’m sure. You are Seto Kaiba’s assistant, though -- right?”      Her raised eyebrows and quick (read: sarcastic) glance down at her ID badge seemed answer enough, as Cindra continued with an amused smile. Apparently, she thought Natalie was being funny, and not intentionally rude.      Odd.     “I knew I recognized you. We don’t get as much coverage on duelists here as Domino City does, but I like to try and keep on top of news. That must have been so tough, having all those lies printed about you. I know the feeling -- the paparazzi are brutal, aren’t they? I didn’t realize.. but when I started getting some recognition, they tore me apart too. It certainly wasn’t what I’d expected out of making it, or... sort of, anyway.” 
     It was the sympathy she offered that held back the snide comment at the tip of Natalie’s tongue, which questioned what ‘recognition’ Cindra spoke of. Instead, she took a moment to recall the details of the VIP list, noting Seto’s mention of a young duelist with a dragon deck that was only second rate. A compliment, as far as his reviews went. She had won her ticket, Nat thought, in a KaibaCorp tournament -- which meant that her story had a high likelihood of actually being true.      It occurred to her, then, that Cindra - for all her social niceties and supposed confidence - actually seemed rather... nervous. Her smile was a touch too wide, her voice almost breathless, and her eyes were... frantic, perhaps, as she continued. 
     “I was really afraid it would affect my career, but it hasn’t yet. I was hoping to apply for a summer internship, though, at KaibaCrop, and wondered...”
    Lo, the point of their little meeting. Though her own nerves were still terse from their initial greeting, Cindra’s forceful attitude could certainly benefit her if she were to gain a position at the company -- and Natalie wasn’t certain she could fault her for trying to prepare to speak to her, like this. 
     “KaibaCorp only refers to reputable sources.” She informer her, dropping the combative tone in favour of a more professional attitude. “The media, however, holds very little sway within our decisions.”
    “Oh, that’s -- really great to hear.” Her attitude, thought Natalie, must have been the result of nerves. She seemed honestly relieved, relaxing visibly as much of the tension melted away at Natalie’s words. As she continued, she seemed less like a know-it-all bitch, and more like a young woman excited to reach for her goals - something even Natalie couldn’t crush her admiration for.     “It’s -- a dream of mine, to work there. I know it’s a harsh environment, don’t get me wrong, but he’s really just such an inspiration, and I think I could learn a lot from working there. That’s how you started, right? As an intern? Do you -- Did it improve your dueling, or just your business skills...?”
     Though Natalie had been initially quite annoyed, she found herself now warming to the social duelist, and surprised even herself with a light, conversational laugh as Cindra’s words seemed to bubble out of her. 
     “Well, considering I couldn’t tell a trap from a spell card before, I’d say they’ve improved. You can’t help but pick things up around that place, but I was never a duelist.I was hired for my business experience; what I know, I had to learn on the job. Your knowledge would certainly be an asset, depending on the position you want to apply for.”
    “Really? Wow. I mean, those magazines never said anything about you dueling, but I just thought they were glazing over news that they couldn’t sensationalize -- what’s it like working for Kaiba, as a non-duelist?”
    Ordinarily, Natalie was evasive at best on the topic of what it was like to work with Seto - especially when those articles were mentioned. The other woman seemed genuinely interested, though; and given enough time to chat, Natalie got the sense that they could perhaps get along enough to be friendly. She was, quite frankly, growing on her. 
    “Well, like you said... he’s an inspiration.” She was careful with her tone, but still her heart fluttered traitorously in her chest, and she wondered if she managed to hide the glow she felt as she praised him. “You don’t have to be a duelist to know that.”
    Cindra’s lips parted, probably to unleash another question; before she could, though, there came the sound of something like a scoff from behind them. Cindra heard it too, turning in union with Natalie to see where the derisive noise had come from.
    The culprit was staring down at Natalie from where he sat, reclined in the highest seat of the VIP section. His arms were folded over his chest, though they were the only part of him that was not spread out like some sort of space-hungry animal. His legs were spread and straight, taking up far more room than he was warranted. At his hip, Natalie noted, a deck pouch hung. Clearly, then, he was a duelist, though his face was not one she recognized.      (Not, though, that she cared to recognize third rate losers who had to pay to get close to Seto. 
    “Sounds like someone has an opinion.” Cindra observed dryly. “Pity -- no one asked.”
    “Oh, sorry, did I interrupt your fangasm? My bad -- I’m just trying to watch the duels.” His retort certainly had an edge to it. If not for his tone, Natalie perhaps could have found his complaint a valid one. He didn’t stop there, though, fixing her with a particularly scathing look.      “Some of us are actually here because we give a shit. You know -- seeing as we’re actually duelists. Not just... inspired women.”
    His tone more than explained what he thought of that, and with how he raked her up and down with his eyes, she expected exactly what came next. That did not, however, make it any more enjoyable. 
    “Since you’re so inspired by great duelists, though, I’m sure I could show you a good time when this is all over. Let you play with my deck, even.”      Oh. There were so many things wrong with that innuendo. Cindra made a small noise beside her; something that seemed somewhere between a choke and an indignant gasp. Natalie, however, only raised her eyebrows and returned the raking gaze that the duelist had treated her to. From head to toe, she scrutinized him, stripping him down in her mind’s eye and finding the results paltry. He couldn’t know that, though; in response to her gaze, he sat up from where he’d been reclined, seeming to enjoy the attention.     Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the guard at the door shifting where he stood, responding to how the other man moved in his seat. She wasn’t worried about him sitting up, though, and lifted her fingers quietly toward Gray, the guard, as he straightened. Even in but her peripherals, she saw him stop, though he did not return to the door. Instead, he fidgeted with the comm unit on his shoulder, and stood dutifully nearby. He likely didn’t approve of her decision, but he would never argue with it; not over something so petty.
     “A good time, huh..? Like... with a great duelist?” Her tone was flirtatious and light as she leaned into the back of her chair, returning the confident grin that the duelist bore.      “Of course -- “     “Do you know any? Like, would we meet them later?” Her vapid blink made him pause, as she interrupted him, but he seemed unwilling to quite drop the opportunity to flirt with her despite her apparent idiocy. Evidently, he hadn’t been listening too closely to their conversation - if he had, he’d have known that she already knew a great duelist. His ignorance didn’t help him as he leaned down toward her, resting his hands upon the back of the seat in front of him. 
    “You’re looking at one, sweetheart. In the flesh. Hideko Moria. First place champ, in this area. This tournament isn’t even worth my time." His posturing would have been more impressive, if his name had been at all familiar. It wasn’t, though. Alas.      Her laughter, cutting and sharp, was not the answer he expected to that. He seemed confused, but she was genuinely amused. Cindra, bless her heart, joined in as well. Shaking her head, Natalie waved one dismissive hand toward Hideko, sighing when her laughter faded. 
    “Oh, that’s funny. You think we’d want anything to do with your deck? Your pouch seems pretty small -- if, you know, that’s the innuendo you really want to go with. We’re here watching Seto Kaiba. Why would we want anything to do with second rate ‘champs’,” The finger quotes, she thought, made him mad. “like you?”
    “We’ll see who the real second rate champ is when he gets in here. I’m going to challenge him-”    “Not with that ‘deck’.” Her dry comment made Cindra snort with laughter, her hands flying to cover her mouth. Hideko seemed further irked by her mockery, rising to his feet in anger. The door to the booth clicked -- likely, more security, come to deal with the toddler’s tantrum. Again, she spotted Gray moving behind her, but raised one hand to still him.
    “What the hell do you know. You’re not even a duelist.” The dark haired man spat at her, but earned only more amused laughter for his efforts. Carefully, she unhooked her ID badge, holding it out for him to see. She waited a moment, her face and eyes clearly communicating what she thought of how long it took him to read it, before elaborating verbally -- much, again, to his chagrin.       “Executive Assistant to the CEO of KaibaCorp. Natalie Arrington. I wish it were a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Moria, but I’ve had more pleasurable meetings with our fax machines. I think you’ll find I know quite a lot about great duelists. Not so much about third rate losers, though, which explains why I don’t know your name. Tell me, if this tournament wasn’t worth your time, why is it that you had to pay a fee to be invited into the VIP section, instead of facing Mr.Kaiba on the field?”      “I-”      “Don’t answer, I actually don’t care.” She didn’t give him a chance to speak, rising from her seat and smoothing her skirt around her hips. “You will not be challenging Seto, today, because you’re not worth his time. You’re not even worth mine, and I’m - as you said - not even a duelist. I’m quite sure, however, that I would be more than enough to deal with you."
    “Your time? You’re a glorified secretary, and you don’t even have a DECK --”     “Or anything to PROVE, to the likes of YOU.”
    The sound of Seto’s voice startled them all, and as one, they turned toward the door. It seemed that the click she had heard was not just security entering to supervise their little spat. How she had managed to miss the commanding presence of her lover, she could not say -- but somehow, she had. He stood near the door, now - six towering feet of imposing fury as he fixed Hideko with his coldest glare, his leather clad arms folded over his thick chest. If she had found him pleasing to her eye from on the field, to see him in such a mood here made it all the more tempting -- but she had something more to focus on than the probability of him doling out punishment. Namely, how Hideko was still speaking, even in the face of Seto’s intimidation.
     “Well well, if it isn’t the prince of darkness himself. No offense, Mister Kaiba, but you need to lift your standards. Your little secretary’s mouthy, for someone who can’t even duel. I guess that’s how you make yourself feel better, though -- by surrounding yourself with people who just make you look good, right? Since she doesn’t know the first thing about the game, I bet she thinks you’re just the greatest, doesn’t sh-”
    In Natalie’s mind, she had a vision of hitting him with a chair. Instead, she stepped between Seto and the imbecile who was baiting him forward, asking for more than he could possibly handle. On one hand, seeing Seto destroy him - either physically, verbally, or in a duel, would have been satisfying.    But on the other, he was insulting her as much as he was her boyfriend - and she wanted the taste of his defeat for herself. So she placed herself between him and Seto’s temper, laughter still on her lips. 
     “Your attempts to goad Mr.Kaiba into giving you the time of day are cute, Mr. Moria, but as I said -- you will not have the pleasure of challenging him today. If you would like to try and assert your self worth in the only way you know how, I would be more than happy to duel you. Otherwise, you may join Mr.Moruba here as he escorts you off of the property.” 
    “Natalie --” Seto’s tone was hard to read, from only one word. She assumed, though, that he didn’t think it was a good idea. He was the better duelist, the one that Hideko had come to challenge -- but Natalie refused to give him what he wanted. It didn’t matter, though -- the other duelist was riled, now, and though Seto was who he had come for, he had not forgotten the vicious redhead who had mocked him without pause.
    “With what deck, Red? I know you’re new to this, but you need cards to play.”
    “She can use mine.” The offer came not from Seto, but from Cindra, who Natalie had nearly forgotten about in the chaos. She was holding the stack of cards as she approached, taking a position next to Natalie and offering them out. “That is -- unless you’re scared to duel a secretary. Shouldn’t be a problem for you, seeing as you wanted to challenge Kaiba.” 
    Natalie had been betting on Hideko’s refusal, gambling on a bluff she couldn’t back up without cards of her own. As it turned out, though, she didn’t need to -- reaching out, she took Cindra’s deck from her hands, glancing only briefly down at some of the cards. She recognized their names, from strategies Seto had mentioned before...     Which meant Hideko had no further reason to refuse. Sure, he could claim it wasn’t ‘worth his time’, but then he would need to leave. She could see the gears turning in his tiny skull, and was prepared for the demand that came forth next. 
    “When I finish with you, I will get to duel HIM.”     “If.” she shrugged, hearing the creak of Seto’s grip tightening against his leather sleeves. My, but he was angry. If Hideko did defeat her... well.      He wasn’t in for a pleasant duel.
    “You don’t need to do this.” He repeated to her, in a low and dangerous voice. Over her shoulder, she shared with him a small smile -- one that said more than clearly that she wanted to. His eyebrows quirked higher in surprise, but he unfolded his arms, and very deliberately unhooked the duel disc from his wrist.      Natalie had expected to duel simply on a mat, but she did note that Hideko wore a similar disc upon his own arm. With a flick of his fingers, Seto beckoned her closer, but she didn’t need the instruction he offered to put it on. She had, after all, seen all of the documents to create the damn thing. In a few quick snaps, it was secure against her arm, and she could have sworn she saw Seto’s lips twitch again.      (Apparently, he liked the sight of her, wearing his disc. She filed that fact away, for later.) 
     The booth wasn’t the ideal place for a duel, but there was room -- slipping Cindra’s deck into the proper slot, Natalie stepped into the area that security cleared, facing Hideko with as much care as he deserved. Which was, to be clear, none. Her flippant air upset him, but she didn’t care much about that, either. Thus, the duel began -- with the holographic displays that she had watched Seto create, the flair that the Kaiba name was known for, and Hideko’s veins bulging in his forehead. 
    To his credit, being so annoyed didn’t affect his game as much as Natalie had thought. He started the duel strong, which seemed to only enhance his insufferable confidence to the point of breaking her own considerable patience. With each card he set down, he explained it’s stats and effects in the most condescending of tones -- right up until the tide began to turn. 
    He had been so consumed with his own superiority, he hadn’t stopped to consider that she hadn’t been simply setting cards down at random. As the key to her strategy slipped free on her next draw, control shifted quickly into Natalie’s hands, and she did not waste it by explaining it to Hideko with every move. His explanations quickly halted as he tried to form a counter, but it was already too late for him to regain the ground that he had lost. 
     It was with a smile void of mercy that she watched his life points scroll steadily downward, and when the chime rang zero and the holograms faded, she wasn’t certain that she had ever felt quite as satisfied as she did just then. He was stunned into silence, still clutching what had been left of his hand, and she tutted quietly to herself as she gathered Cindra’s cards back into one stack. 
     “Next time you would like to question KaibaCorp’s standards, Mr. Moria, please remember that a secretary was the one who put you in your place. Mr. Moruba, would you please escort Mr. Moria away? I’m sure it won’t be difficult to find where he belongs. Just follow the smell of disappointment and trash and he should fit right in.”
     Gray seemed only too happy to step forward, cutting Natalie’s view of Hideko’s indignant shock and sputtering short. She thought she heard something like ‘cheating’ as he was escorted out, but didn’t care to listen, turning toward Cindra as she sifted through her clutch for one more card to add to the deck. This one did not bear the signature brown swirl of a duel monster’s card, though -- instead, it was crisp and white, the lack of colour striking a notable contrast between it and the rest of the borrowed deck. 
     “Thank you for letting me use this. You really do draw inspiration from him, don’t you?” She shared a smile with the other woman, who flushed and nodded, torn between watching Natalie and staring over her shoulder where Seto no doubt lingered. He was far too close for Natalie to want to discuss Cindra’s deck, which bore so many similarities to his own it had been simple for her to recall strategies Seto had toyed with before. She didn’t let him steal her own focus away, though, ignoring him in favour of tapping her card with one fingertip as she passed Cindra’s deck back into her hands. 
     “This is my direct line. Call me when you apply for that internship, alright? I’d like to personally review your file, if that’s okay with you.”      “Y-yeah, that... that’d be awesome! Thank you so much!” The taller woman took her cards back in both hands and clutched them close, now apparently finding it difficult to speak. Seto’s presence tended to have that effect on people, though. Especially, Nat thought, when they admired him - and it didn’t help that he was looming so close. 
     It was already out of character, for their public charade, for him to have taken a back seat in the decision of what to do with the so called ‘champ’ who had challenged him, but the fact that he was standing so near only made it all the more strange. She supposed, then, that it didn’t much matter at that point that he brushed his hand against her elbow, demanding her attention in a way that she could not refuse. It took everything she had to keep from jumping at the sudden touch of his skin against hers, and the lightning arc of her heart starting in her chest. 
     She expected to need to excuse herself away from Cindra, and was already detaching the duel disk from her arm, suspecting that he would want it back when he was through scolding her for taking such liberties while representing him in public. Appearances, after all, needed to be kept. When she turned toward him, however, she found him frozen in place, his usually stoic expression strangely... reverent. 
     His face alone brought colour to her cheeks, but she fought for her composure despite how light his look made her feel. They were still in public, a fact of which she felt painfully aware. Though security was busy clearing the booth of the VIP attendees, directing them to the lounge in which Seto would soon join them, a few still lingered, their attention captured by the exchange. 
    “Apologies, Sir.” She said in a too-soft voice, her fingers falling still against the clasps that held the disk upon her arm. “I didn’t intend to delay your schedule, b-”     “Amazing.” His voice cut her off, and what he said robbed her of all attempts to uphold the act they had become so good at displaying in public, and her composure. Her cheeks burned crimson and she froze as well, her fingers seeming locked upon the disk. If Seto realized that the others had not all left, he didn’t show it, his words seeming to escape him before he could stop himself. 
    “You glanced at that deck, and still managed to build a strategy to WIN. It wasn’t even your deck, princess...” He paused, perhaps to find his own composure after the slip of his private nickname. One hand lifted as if he might touch her again, and despite herself, she leaned toward it. They each managed to resist, though, and Seto quickly continued on, his blue eyes burning with unchecked admiration for the woman that he loved.      “That takes skill. It was nothing short of brilliance, Natalie.” 
     That statement alone would have been enough, but he did not stop there. Later, she would wonder if it was intentional, a test of her restraint -- but if it was...     Oh. How she had failed, in the face of the words that came next.
    “I’m proud of you.” 
     They struck a tender chord with the red haired woman, one so rarely touched, even by him. Her vision blurred and her throat felt tight, but the tears that threatened to fall were far from miserable. That familiar sappy smile that she reserved for him was splitting across her face, and her heart felt likely to burst if he said anything more. To Natalie, he may as well have proclaimed his love on live TV -- and she couldn’t have hidden the effect it had on her, no matter what she tried. 
     She didn’t dare to speak immediately, nodding her thanks as she rushed to loose the duel disk from her arm; searching, honestly, for any excuse to turn her gaze away from him. Their guests were nearly clear of the room, now, but that did not mean that they hadn’t seen or heard any part of their exchange -- and if they spotted her now, god, they HAD to know the truth. She was putty in his hands, and though she had just before decried the inaccuracies of the gossip articles... Well.     There was no denying now that Seto Kaiba’s assistant, if not the man himself, had a furious crush on her boss.
     Mercifully, though, as Natalie glanced warily about the room, searching for evidence of witnesses. she spotted only Cindra, lingering near the door. As their eyes locked, and Seto’s hands lifted to free her from the duel disk in a tender fashion unexpected from the ordinarily severe duelist, she lifted one finger to her lips, and turned away, leaving them in privacy together. 
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rozymochi · 8 years
Wrecker | 01
word count: 3.392
genre: fuckboy!Jungkook, best friends w Jikook, angsty shit and fluff in later parts
A/N: So another series guys. I just can't help myself, lol. I was really inspired to write this one and I think I like wrecker more than my other serie better. Oh and the love story thingy won’t happen between y/nxjimin only y/nxjungkook. :) Although Jimin is my bias, I can write more about Jungkook, i live for fuckboy Jungkook lmao. I hope u like it xo
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You had always thought that idols were just people set up bij agency’s with too much fame. They only had to dance and sing and thousands of girls/boys would come after them. But you never thought you would become friends with one of them. Until Jimin and Jungkook came in your life, crashing in to you, literally.
-1 year ago - Jungkook POV “ Hyung we need to go now, there is no time for your hipster selca’s! Our flight is almost departing!” “ Slow down Jungkookie, no stress. Just one more for twitter than we can go.” “ Park Jimin-ssi, there is no time!” And with that I pulled Jimin away from the starbucks while he was taking pictures of himself as always. It wasn’t my fault this time, that we were late again. I’m usually stuck with Jimin when we’re flying, not that it’s unpleasant. It’s just that we both take a lot of time for everything and we’re extremely slow. So two slow people? Nah, that can’t be good. “ And you call me hyung while treating me like this. How dare you to drag me to the gate huh! I blessed Busan girls with this beautiful selca yesterday, did you bless Busan?” He said nagging me, while I was still running with him to our gate. Damn, why was it so far away. “ I blessed Busan with my birth and my… Shit!” I crashed into some girl who was apparently running too. “ Yah, look out. I’m late for my flight already and now my shirt is wet too!” It looked like she wanted to sound angry, but actually she looked really cute with my coffee spilled over her shirt. It was kind of funny. “ I’m sorry can I do something for you to make it okay?” Jimin said, apologizing for me. I was still impressed by her cuteness. “ No it’s okay. It’s your fault that my shirt is wrecked and I’m late again.” She faked a smile. Damn she has an attitude. The most surprising was that she didn’t recognize me or Jimin. “ Aren’t you guys from that blood sweat and thingy video?” I was laughing out loud right now. “ Yes we are indeed. I’m Jungkook and this is my tiny friend Jimin from Busan.” Jimin hit my leg but I liked teasing him so much. “ Oh yes the scouting boys, I remember my friend talking about that. Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N” Her name sounded foreign but also not. When I looked at my watch, I was shocked to see our plane was supposed to depart 5 minutes ago. We were late again. “ Shit, hyung, we are late again!” I began to run, but Jimin just stood there with the girl watching me run to the gate. “ What’s the point of running, PD-nim can’t be that mad again. And MAMA rehearsal only starts in 5 hours, chill down.” He was right, we could just say we had to pee and forgot the time. “ Well let's talk with the coffee spilled girl then.” “ Yah! I have a name!”
Y/N POV Well that was interesting. I just met two idols and I wasn’t even excited or something. I just wanted to take a picture with them in case my friends wouldn’t believe me. “ So, I have to go change my flight. It was nice meeting you bye!” Just when I was about to leave. Jimin grabbed my hand, refusing to let me go. “ Why don’t go together. We have to change or flight too. We can grab some coffee and talk a bit.” To be honest, I really didn’t want to be alone. But talking with idols with girls running over them didn’t seem like the best idea ever. “ I don’t really know, what if someone thinks I’m a crazy fan only wanting to talk with you.” “ Then we will tell you are just a girl with coffee on her shirt.” Well guess who spilled the coffee. Jungkook didn’t said anything but just stood there staring at my shirt. When I looked down I saw my shirt became a little bit see through. “ Oh no, I don’t have a spare shirt in my bag.” What was I supposed to do now? “ Oh wait I have one, it’s white too and without coffee.” Jungkook grabbed a shirt out of his bag and handed me it. It smelled like soap. “ I’m going to change in the washroom!” I said walking to the washroom. “ Don’t you dare to run away!” Jimin said. When I came back, Jungkook was filming himself with his phone. When he saw me he immediately came over to me and my face showed up on his phone. “ So army, this is y/n. The girl who we just met.” He said. “ Who look y/n, everyone is calling you pretty!” Jimin said giggling. And he was right, all the comments on Vlive were about me. Their fans were calling me pretty. I felt pretty flattered. “ Hi guys, I’m y/n nice to meet you.” I blushed, I never showed my face on social media. So all these compliments were new to me. “ We have to go and change our flight. Sorry PD-nim, we will gladly accept our punishment in Hong Kong.” He joked a little saying his last words and stopped the live. They were going to Hong Kong to? “ Are you guys going to Hong Kong?” “ Yes have you been there? The food is awesome!” Jimin said. “ I actually am going to Hong Kong today. My friend is living there and told me she wanted to do something for her birthday.” It was true, I met Yuri my best friend in high school. We parted when we went to the university. My university was in Korea and Yuri’s was in Hong Kong. But we never lost contact and always were together for our birthdays and most holidays. “ Oh you are Korean?” Jimin asked. “ No not really, my father is Chinese and my mother is European.” My mother was Croatian and my father Chinese. That’s why I had dark green eyes instead of brown like every asian. But the rest of my features looked all asian like. “ That’s why you have green eyes, but you look really like a real Korean, and you speak Korean well.” Jungkook said while inspecting my face. “ Well we are going to Hong Kong for the MAMA awards.” “ Oh shit.” Jimin said “ we have to change our flights quick, a hour passed already.”
- 8 months ago - After the first day you met Jimin and Jungkook. You went to the MAMA awards after to visit them with Yuri. Yuri like the real kpop fan freaked out after seeing you on their vlive. Now it’s been 2 months and you were sitting with them here in their dorm. Your head laid on Jimin’s shoulder and your feet on Jungkooks lap. In the time you guys spent together, you fell in love with Jungkook. But you couldn’t just say that because you know became best friends. And the first time you met them you had a thing for Jimin. But that faded away when you realized it was just friendship between you and Jimin. On the other hand you did really like Jungkook, from the way he laughed at your stupid jokes to his little scar on his face that got your notice when he showed off his features ( that’s what you thought, he was actually just being the golden maknae ).
“ Y/N spacing out again?” Jimin ticked your head, like you were a brainless human being. “ Huh sorry what did you say?” You were to busy with thinking about Jungkook not even noticing Jimin was talking to you. “ You always seem to be like this when Jungkook is in front of you.” That little jerk Jimin. You hadn’t told him about your crush on Jungkook, but he did notice. And he confronted you with it. Although you had denied, you still blushed. And he knew he was right. “ Jimin pabo, what are you talking about. I was thinking what to wear to the party tonight.” “Oh yes you have a party right? Can we come with you pleaseeeeeeee.” Jungkook was such a cutie. He could beg like a puppy, but fight like a monster. “ Well, I don’t know if it’s aloud to take outsiders..” The truth was that I wanted to go out again. I needed this after all the stress. And if I take them with me, they would only draw attention. And that means that all the fake girls would come and talk to me like I’m their best friend, only to get in bed with Jungkook or Jimin. “ Pleaseeee y/n, hyung and I will behave. And when we come with you, there will be lots of people who want to dance with you.” “ That’s only because they know y/n is our friend.” Jimin said, I knew he didn’t really like parties. Because when he goes to one, he goes completely wild. And that’s one thing an idol can’t do. “ If you help me picking my dress for tonight, and buying me food, then yes I will take u guys to the party.” “ Yes! Thank you y/n! You are the best! Jimin will take you to the mall today.” And he stormed to his room, and left both me and Jimin confused.
“ I don’t understand why I have to go with you. Not that I don’t like it. It’s just that he insisted on going and now I can’t go to Yoongi hyung.” Jimin pouted, he was always a sucker for Yoongi, Jimin looked up to Yoongi and always wanted to do everything with him. “ Well, I don’t understand why he wants to go so bad. Like it’s just a frat party, nothing special. If he wants to go out, you could go to a fancy club with the boys or something.” I sighed. I just hoped that Jungkook would take me to the mall, but yeah that won’t happen today. “ It’s okay y/n. It’s not like he doesn’t like you. He totally likes you, maybe he just wants to go to see you in a short dress.” He grinned, what an asshole. An asshole who I cared so much for.
In the mall we were looking for something I could wear. These days everything is just so short and revealing, that just wasn’t exactly my style. But Jimin said one night would do no harm. So here was I standing in the changing room with a too short pencil skirt on and a bare shoulders crop top. It looked pretty, I admit. But just too revealing. You could see my cleavage if I bent down. “ Y/N-ssi are you done with changing already? Or are you not showing me the outfit? Show it to me please, show me the red one I picked.” And with the red one he meant this too short off the shoulder crop top. I stepped out of the changing room and Jimin gulped when he saw me. “ Jimin isn’t this a little bit too revealing?” “ uhm… well… Jungkook won’t dislike this.” “ I don’t know Jimin…” I was really not sure about this outfit, insecure, I thought my legs were too thick, my belly too fat and my arms clumsy around my body. “ You look stunning. I will pay for the outfit, just wear this tonight. If Jungkook doesn’t notice you then obviously someone else will.” “ No thank you Jimin, I will pay myself.” So with that, I bought the outfit. With my own credit card. And Jimin bought ice cream for me. On the road back home, we talked a lot about our love life which we don’t talk about a lot. “ Why do you actually like Jungkook, y/n-ssi?” He asked “ I don’t really know. The first time I saw Jungkook he was really handsome I have to admit, but I mostly like his personality and how he treats me and stuff.” “ Oh yes, when I was in love with Sunny, I liked everything about her. We just didn’t click, although she was the best girlfriend I ever had.” He was with sunny a few months before we met. I heard a lot about he since Jimin loved her dearly, they just fought a lot. And it got tiring. “ Who was your first love y/n?” He suddenly asked. “ To be honest, it’s Jungkook.” “ What? Really, so you haven’t had loved anyone before? Not even in high school?” “ I’m sure that Jungkook is my first real love, because I have never felt this feeling ever before. I had crushes in high school, but that isn’t love.” My first crush was indeed in high school. His name was Jackson, he did ask me for prom. But I said no, because Yuri and I were supposed to go date-less together. And no one means more to me than Yuri. “ That’s impressive y/n. You know, Jungkook has never loved someone, he never told me he really liked someone. He just likes to fuck.” Jimin said like it was the most normal thing ever, but it was my first time hearing it. “ Jimin, does Jungkook fuck around?” “ Oh, you have never heard it? Well, he used to yes, now not so much.” So Jungkook still does fuck around, wow what a information. “ I’m sorry I told you this y/n, this is so disappointing for you. I should watch my mouth.” “ No Jimin, it’s not your fault he fucks around. It’s just that I didn’t thought of him like that.” I was a little bit disappointed, because Jungkook was always so sweet and honest about everything. I didn’t see this one coming. “ Good, don’t think about Jungkook in that way, he truly is a good guy.” “ I know Jimin, I know.” After coming home, you changed in your outfit and you guys left for the party. Jungkook and Jimin both looked good in their sort of matching outfit, Jungkook in black pants with a white v-neck, and Jimin the other way. Jungkook did stop breathing for a moment when he saw my outfit, maybe it was because he hadn’t seen me like this before. I blushed and just kept walking. Wouldn’t want my feelings to ruin this night. It was a nice party. The alcohol was good, there was a lot of soju. But your favorite whiskey was there too. You could easily drink some shots without getting drunk or passed out. After a while you saw Jimin leave with girl to go the the front yard. Finally he had been getting his free time and his mind of Sunny. And Jungkook, well he disappeared the second you came in this house. In high school you went everywhere with Yuri, but now both of your friends were gone you had to look for company. The first guy you laid your eyes on was probably Jinyoung, he looked a lot more different during school days. You shared an English class and he was really nice. Maybe you should just talk to him. “ Hey Jinyoung! Long time no see.” “ Indeed y/n, you look sexy tonight.” He always made really sarcastic jokes about everything, and most of the time to make you feel good. He praised a lot, just like Jimin. “ Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself either. How have you been doing?” You didn’t want anything else but a friendly conversation, but there were already eyes on you and Jinyoung. He was one of the popular guys of the school. “ Doing this and that, pretty busy I guess. You came with Jungkook and Jimin again?” “ Yes, next time I won’t tho. They always leave me alone.” “ How can a pretty girl like you be left alone?” Suddenly a girl came to him and asked him to dance with him. “ Oppa, can you dance with me. I have been waiting all night for you.” “ Yeah sure Tiff. Y/n I see you at English, bye hun!” And he walked away with the girl.
I was a little bit bored and alone. I declined a lot of offers from guys to dance with me. This outfit really draws attention. I got up and went upstairs to find a bathroom. I wanted to fix my make up and find Jimin after. I opened a few doors, but none were a bathroom door. I walked into a few people in ( almost ) fucking. And I was fucking sick of it. Damn these parties and all the horny people. Why isn’t here a fucking bathroom. There was still two doors in front of each other. This was the only blue door, so I assumed it would be the bathroom door. But no just another bedroom. But when I looked clearly, I saw two people fucking in the bed. A voice that was so familiar, it almost sounded like… Jungkook “ Leave the fucking room and close the fu…” Jungkook stopped in his sentence when he recognized the person standing in door. “ y/n?” I couldn’t hold my tears, my heart broke and I ran away. He had asked me to come to this party only to fuck with some random uni girls? Did he use me to come into these parties, where there won’t be any paparazzi and enough girls who want to go to bed with him. Sure, Jimin warned me saying Jungkook fucks around. But I didn’t prepare for this feeling, I felt broken. And he wasn't even my boyfriend, I couldn’t be angry and I didn’t have any right to be mad at him. The first person who came to my thought was Jimin, I had to find him. I should tell him.
“ Jimin, Jimin!” I shouted with tears in my eyes. I ran of the stairs to the front yard. I saw Jimin drinking with a few other guys, but I couldn’t hold back my tears. “ What’s, going on? What the fuck happend?” He asked worriedly and taking me to a much quieter place. “ He was banging a random girl, and I walked in on them. I couldn’t hold my tears. Jimin why am I like this. Why does it feel like he betrayed me when he isn’t even my boyfriend?” “ This is how it feels when your trust is broken in the one you love. Come here y/n.” He hugged me and patted my head. The only thing I wanted right now was to cry in my bed. Why was I even sad? I knew there was no chance Jungkook and I could be together, but I always thought there was a connection. But apparently the only connection he saw was getting free uni girls to fuck with. “ Jimin, can you take me home please?” I said still sobbing. “ Offcourse y/n, grab your coat, we’re going right now. You should go home and rest.”
The ride home was horrible. Jimin wanted to cheer me up, but he stood no chance. I always saw Jungkook in the good light, never like this. I always thought Jungkook was no fuckboy like everyone is right now. But he is, and my thoughts will never be the same. Maybe it was my fault for falling for him. Because he didn’t even knew. When we arrived at my home Jimin asked to stay with me, but the last thing I wanted was for him to give up his friday night to stay with a sobbing girl with her first heartbreak. “ Y/N You know you are no trouble to me, if there is anything I can do for you I would. But I am not good with feelings.” I forgot that all this maybe have led Jimin to think about Sunny again, and I felt really guilty for that. “ I know it is hard for us both. I think I just need to figure this out on my own. Thank you Jimin.” And he left.
All night I laid in bed, thinking about Jungkook. Did I even see the real Jungkook. Why did I knew so few about my best friend whom I was in love with. My did my tears keep streaming down even when I didn’t want to. Why was I like this. Did love hurt so much?
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Lauren (9:54 am): Camz
Lauren (9:54 am): what time is your exam?
Lauren (9:54 am): i didn’t see you leave
Camila (10:00 am): after lunch
Camila (10:00 am): i left at 7:30
Camila (10:00 am): took me forever to fall asleep last night
Lauren (10:01 am): oh shit
Lauren (10:01 am): i saw you messing with your phone
Lauren (10:02 am): but i blacked out pretty soon
Camila (10:07 am): yeah i saw
Camila (10:08 am): there was a time that you got up and i thought you were talking to me
Camila (10:08 am): but then you turned to the pictures on the wall and you pointed at it
Camila (10:08 am): i don’t know if it was your dog or your little cousin
Lauren (10:12 am): OMG
Lauren (10:12 am): i remember that
Lauren (10:12 am): i remember getting up and saying something
Lauren (10:12 am): but i have no idea what was going on in my head
Lauren (10:12 am): hahahhaha
Camila (10:13 am): i was shit scared
Camila (10:13 am): not gonna lie
Camila (10:13 am): don’t ever do that again
Lauren (10:13 am): really?
Camila (10:13 am): yes lol
Lauren (10:13 am): ahahaha it was just a dream, camz
Camila (10:13 am): you can dream in your sleep
Camila (10:13 am): you don’t need to get up and talk
Camila (10:13 am): thank you
Camila (10:13 am): i don’t have to put up with that
Lauren (10:19 am): i think i was dreaming about cruella de vil
Camila (10:22 am): nooo
Camila (10:22 am): it was something cute
Camila (10:23 am): coz you talked with baby voice like you were talking to your dog or a kid lmao
Lauren (10:25 am): damn
Lauren (10:25 am): it was a dog for sure
Lauren (10:25 am): shit i can’t remember
Lauren (12:34 pm): good luck with the exam!!
Lauren (8:42 pm): mi casa, su casa
Camila (9:06 pm): i’ll come by in a while
Lauren (9:08 pm): after you ignored me….
Lauren (9:08 pm): i called you and you didn’t even look at me
Camila (9:10 pm): sorryyy
Camila (9:10 pm): in the hallway?
Lauren (9:17 pm): you little piece of shit
Lauren (9:17 pm): you know where
Camila (9:20 pm): i didn’t hear you, seriously
Lauren (9:20 pm): liar
Camila (9:20 pm): my roommate’s friends left *actually sobbing rn*
Lauren (9:20 pm): uhuuuull
Lauren (9:27 pm): anyway, if you wanna come by
Lauren (9:27 pm): i’ll be here :)
Camila (9:29 pm): okay
Camila (9:30 pm): be there in a bit
Camila (9:30 pm): i’m checking my email and i have to send something to lori
Camila (9:30 pm): but i’m not gonna sleep there
Lauren (9:30 pm): sure
Camila (9:30 pm): if i crash there pam will think i don’t live here anymore and she’ll bring more people
Lauren (9:30 pm): it’s okay
Camila (10:06 pm): are you going to study or watch another movie?
Lauren (10:07 pm): i won’t study
Lauren (10:07 pm): yeah we can watch something
Camila (10:09 pm): think about something to watch
Camila (10:10 pm): are you watching anything rn?
Lauren (10:10 pm): yeah it’s almost over
Camila (10:12 pm): let me know
Lauren (10:32 pm): come over bby
Lauren and I used to have our little banter almost every day and continued with our sleepovers. Yes, still holding hands with a very confused Camila. We both knew something was up but neither of us had ever said anything about the matter.
I shared an elective nutrition class with the rest of the group because Lori was too incompetent to find classes that would actually serve us somehow, and on that same week where everything was happening so fast between us, we had decided to look into our horoscopes during class. I know it’s disrespectful but that class was boring as fuck, and not one of us would had chosen to be there if we had a choice. Lauren used to sit beside me on the same desk every week and on that particular day we started to search for our zodiac signs personality traits. After reading up on everything, we switched to our weekly love horoscope. After we both silently read mine at the same time I felt the need to say something.
“Like I actually have a love life….that’s bullshit, nobody is interested in me anyway,” I purposely said. It wasn’t a complete lie though, I wasn’t accustomed to anybody taking notice in me but what’s new, right? But at the same time I wanted to get under Lauren’s skin, I knew she was paying attention to what she was reading, and she was paying attention to me. She didn’t say anything but I could feel her struggle to try to not look bothered by anything I had said or she had read. Also, I wanted to kind of provoke her, to maybe play hard to get by showing her that I wasn’t fully aware of her interest in me. Although I noticed those little things, I still wasn’t sure if what I was seeing was true, it could easily be my mind playing tricks on me. That was what confused me the most.
There has been a time when me and the girls crossed paths when I was coming back from class and they were going to theirs. We just exchanged a few glances and smiles, we had seen each other a few hours back after all, but Lauren complimented my outfit in a very suspicious way, at least that’s what I thought at the time. I just shrugged with wide eyes at Dinah and Ally like I didn’t understand why Lauren had said that, because they didn’t know about any of the stuff that was going on between me and her.
Another time she touched my leg from under the dining hall table, that little intimacy that most couples have, and I froze in place with the thought of possibly having that all the time in the future. She had flirted with me so many times which made me more confused. Sometimes I tried to distance myself from her, to try and sort things out on my own. Lauren was literally driving me crazy and I decided it was time for me to do something that either would confirm my suspicions or end everything for good. The only thing I was sure was that things couldn’t stay the way they were.
It was almost Halloween and we still didn’t know what to do. The fact that Dinah’s birthday was one day before halloween put some extra pressure on us to find something fun to do and celebrate both dates together. On one our little gatherings, Dinah found out that Skrillex was playing in New York City and she was a big fan. I wasn’t a big fan of his style of music and I knew neither Ally nor Lauren were too, but after seeing Dinah’s excitement we all agreed to go. She would be really happy and I would be spending Halloween in New York to the sound of a major artist of our generation so it was a win-win situation.
We didn’t have much time to plan our costumes, we didn’t have money to spend with that stuff too, we were already spending a lot with the bus and concert tickets. Needless to say that we wouldn’t book a hotel to spend the night because well, it was NY and the party would be going on through the whole night, so we’d catch the first bus in the morning.
The day of the show finally arrived. I had spent the whole week prior to that day discussing my relationship with Lauren with my friends from Australia, at the same time that everything was happening between us, and came to the conclusion that I would take that opportunity to solve the mystery once and for all. It was halloween and we’d be drunk for sure. If I tried something on her and things didn’t work out the way I had planned, I’d have the alcohol excuse and so would she. Also, It would be crowded and dark, and people wouldn’t pay attention to us anyway. That wouldn’t make it any easier though. It was a plan, but it would depend on me having the balls to do anything when the time comes.
We were getting ready to go and Lauren was doing my makeup because I’m too clumsy to do that kind of shit. We had decided to paint our faces like mexican skulls and just pick a black outfit. That would be cheap and it’d be cold there anyway. After everybody were done with makeup and clothes, we tried to take some photos. I have this weird habit of laughing at everything and anything, sometimes I would look at Ally and start to laugh out of the blue because I don’t know, her face was funny I guess. But this time I couldn’t stop laughing when we were trying to take pictures and the girls started to lose their patience, including Lauren. I literally couldn’t stop and it wasn’t my fault. They should’ve have known that at this point. But they behaviour towards me just made me grumpy afterwards.
“I can’t stop, it’s not my fault,” I tried to argue but I guess they didn’t care anymore. I was quiet for the rest of the trip to NY. As usual, Lauren sat beside me on the bus and guess what, Paul was bitching again.
“He said that he wasn’t okay with me going tonight but I told him on the day we had decided to go and he was fine with it. But now he’s changed his mind and told me to have fun and do what I’ve always wanted to do, like, what the fuck,” Lauren told me and I just laughed, I had to. I had nothing to say anymore and she knew it too. It was not my business and I was still pissed about the pictures earlier, but that piece of information gave me hope to what could happen later that night. Lauren was pissed at him and she sure would try to enjoy her time, just like he’d said. So I just closed my eyes and tried to rest for the rest of the trip.
We finally arrived and now was time to start drinking. We did know that you have to have money to drink in NY, so we had to drink beforehand because buying drinks there was a no-no. After eating some burgers and drinking some of our stuff, we headed to the pier where the event would take place. It was night time already and we gathered in line outside to wait for the gates to open. Ally and Dinah were drunk at this point, Lauren was tipsy but I wasn’t quite there yet.
“I wonder if today you’ll finally kiss a girl, Mila,” Ally brought it up. Indeed it was the perfect opportunity to finally lose my girl kiss virginity.
“I will try to help you, okay?” We were sitting on the sidewalk outside and I tried not to look at Lauren when our friend said that. I honestly didn’t know what would happen but I was okay with Ally’s help. I just shrugged at her comment not knowing what to say, but from my peripheral vision I saw Lauren getting uncomfortable with what she had said. Either she was planning on making a move too, or she felt awkward with the thought of me eventually kissing another girl that’s not her. But mostly likely it was just my imagination and Lauren was perfectly fine and didn’t care who I was kissing or not. By the time the gates were opened all of my friends were wasted, I felt like I wasn’t even near drunk which sucked because whatever would happen that night would require a drunk Camila.
So we bought a couple drinks from the bar inside the place and I almost had to sell one of my kidneys to pay for it but at least I would be drunk. We made our way to the front where some DJ was playing. The drinks were finally kicking in and the place was starting to get crowded. Ally decided it was time to put her plan on the move and started to ask any girl in front of her if they wanted to kiss me. I was so embarrassed at this point but she wouldn’t stop, until one girl gave me a peck on the lips. Of course it didn’t count as a kiss, in fact I had pecked my friends on the lips before, but that calmed Ally for a bit. I was glad to have her helping me, she didn’t know about Lauren but I knew she was just trying to help, and that I appreciated.
About an hour or so inside the party, and no sign of Skrillex yet, Dinah wanted to use the bathroom, so Ally went with her because the place was huge and it wasn’t safe to be alone in there and get lost, especially being drunk as we were. I stayed behind with Lauren. Neither of us were paying attention to the music at this point, it wasn’t like it we loved it anyway. We were talking when both of us spotted a guy near. He was handsome, so I turned to Lauren making an ‘ok’ sign with my hands to inform her about the cute boy. She then encouraged me to go talk to him. I don’t know why she did that, we were both intoxicated with alcohol but it really confused me.
I went anyway.
He really wasn’t into me, all he did was point in Lauren’s direction and I understood that he wanted her. I don’t know why but I was laughing like an idiot about the whole situation.
“Noooooo, she has a boyfriend,” I tried to speak over the loud music and turned in Lauren’s direction smiling like a retarded. But then he gave me a peck on the lips and kept pointing towards Lauren, like that was my reward for trying and now he had the right to claim his big prize. I didn’t care about it at the moment, I would choose her too because who wouldn’t? But that was a fucked up thing to do.
“Noooo,” I was trying to make him understand that he wasn’t getting anything from Lauren, not while I was around. The boyfriend excuse was valid but it didn’t apply to me. Also, I was okay with kissing other people and I forgot to think if that would affect Lauren’s feelings or not, if she had feeling for me at all. But at the same time I didn’t want her kissing somebody else besides me, just thinking about it scared me. What a hypocrite. I made my way back to Lauren’s side still smiling and leaving the stupid boy behind, it was funny when it happened and I didn’t care about any of it. I’m a really happy drunk person.
“What did he say?” Lauren was giggling.
“He wanted to kiss you but I said you were not available, stupid” I was giggling too. What an idiot. She didn’t say anything after that.
It was just me and her next to each other in the middle of the crowd and we hadn’t said anything for a while. Lauren was so close to me and I thought that was my chance, maybe the only I’d have, but I was fucking scared. I didn’t know what to do, “What does one do when trying to kiss a girl for the first time?”, “Should I ask her? No, that would be stupid”, my mind was running so fast. I thought about giving up the idea but I really wanted it to happen and I had promised myself to do something about our situation, there was a great opportunity and I wouldn’t waste it. So I just put my hand on Lauren’s lower back and that was it. It was what she was waiting for.
Lauren turned to me and we both leaned in for the kiss. It all happened so fast and so clumsily because of our conditions. It was a sloppy kiss. We were hungry for each other and our tongues were everywhere, so I intertwined my hand to Lauren’s hair for more stability. I don’t know how much that little make out session lasted but we both needed some air at some point. Now that Lauren’s lips weren’t against mine it felt kinda weird. I couldn’t look her in the eyes because I was so embarrassed about the kiss. That kiss mattered more than she would think. It wasn’t perfect or even romantic in a way, but it was my first time kissing a girl and that girl was nothing less than Lauren Jauregui. The Lauren that I looked after when she was sick. The girl that would hold my hand in her sleep, and cry on my shoulder when her stupid boyfriend was being an asshole. The one that would compliment me and give me attention when nobody else did. The one that could make me feel less lonely in the middle of my complex existence. What if she didn’t like it?
“The girls are taking too long”
“We should go look for them,” I couldn’t stay there alone with her with nothing to do or talk about. Ally and Dinah were the perfect excuse to get us out of that situation. I held her hand led her through the crowd. We met the girls halfway to the bathroom and now the four of us were making our way back to the same spot.
“Ally, I kissed Camz,” Lauren was giggling again and it seemed like she was drunker than before. Ally was so out of her mind and didn’t care much about it, just smiled. I pretended that I hadn’t heard it and continued making my way through the bodies in front of me. Not that they would notice if I did, though. When we reached our destination I rapidly grabbed my phone and texted one of my friends saying that I had finally kissed a girl. It may sound stupid and vain but it was a huge deal to me.
Friend: Okay, so you have to stop drinking now because I need you to remember every detail tomorrow when you tell me the full story, but I’m so happy for you, Mila <3
I laughed so hard at his words. I needed to tell my friends that it had finally happened, and it was Lauren, but that would have to wait until the next day. Yes, I would shamelessly kiss and tell.
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atopearth · 4 years
Fate/hollow ataraxia Part 1 - Slice of Life for the Emiya Household (Phase 1)
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I never realised Fate/stay night has a sequel!! Apparently it’s pretty light hearted? We shall see~ That horror story in the beginning though, loll such a typical one. Ooh, so this is set half a year later~ or not!! I was thinking this is another horror story or something but is this like an alternate Fifth Holy Grail War or something? Not sure how to feel about the new perspective from a Master that comes from the Association alongside with a Servant that lives to kill? Not surprised she misunderstood him since he didn’t clarify that he wasn’t the one who killed the people in that house but hmmm not sure what to think of this match up. On the other hand, these Edelfelt sisters who are Masters of the same coin and thus can have a normal Saber and Saber Alter is really cool!! These alternate Rin and Sakura look so beautiful! Ooh so it was just Shirou’s “dream”? LMAO at Rin wanting to make a mini gem sword in Illya’s castle and then failing and causing a massive explosion that should have killed normal people but she came out totally fine, just extremely poor due to all the money she used to try and make it (to show off to others in London that she’s not a country bumpkin). That was hilarious, especially with the silly faces they had before everything went wrong hahahahah. Anyway, I guess this story is based after an ending that is similar to what happened in Heaven’s Feel without the romance etc? Or maybe it’s just one culminating all the good stuff together since Illya is alive and with Taiga haha. Regardless, I love it. I love seeing everyone in a more casual setting now, and it’s so cute how Rider tried her best to make miso soup, I think I’m really looking forward to seeing all the Servants more haha. Ooh, so Rin’s failure nearly turned this into a world where all the possible outcomes of this town were drawn in, so I guess that’s what Shirou’s dream was about then? How the town is going to become convoluted because of these possibilities?
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LOL at Shirou’s “subtle” way of asking Caster whether she’s been feeling the same instinct as Rider and Saber on wanting to attack other Servants (since the Holy Grail War seems to have restarted?), he legit just asked if she’s going back to acting as crazy as she used to be hahahah. Honestly though, Caster without her hood is so beautiful, I’m so glad we get to see more of that here! It’s kinda cool how Shirou was the victor of the war by forcing everyone to kinda stop fighting rather than killing them all. But yeah, seeing Caster enjoying a peaceful tranquil life with the person she loves is nice, since that’s all she really wanted anyway. Makidera Kaede seems like an interesting character, she’s a bit like Taiga in how reckless she is, but Taiga is much cuter haha. I loved how Rider changed the channel to news when Taiga was watching anime hahaha, Rider’s like an unintentional bully haha. LOLLL, is Makidera a fan of Rin as well? Hahaahha,I loved how she asked Shirou where she could get the same pendant, and when she realised it was like a gift from Rin she hit him and said he doesn’t deserve her lmao. Really though, the events and ! stuff is quite confusing lol, I thought you could do all the events before going forward with the story but it seems that you can’t….guess I’ll just roll with it using a random walkthrough and see how it goes lol. LMAO at Kaede’s teaching directions at track and field, she legit just told the runners that are falling behind to knock down the ones in front of them hahahah. Himuro seems like the mysterious mystic type that can read minds tbh hahaha. I’m surprised she’s in the high jumping team. Yukika seems like the nice manager of the team~ Oh dang, Assassin is still guarding the gate to Ryuudou Temple? At least he sees ghosts passing by all the time so I guess he’s not bored?🤣 I’m not sure who the white haired girl is, but it’s interesting to see that Fuyuki ends up getting destroyed by these “beasts” that want Shirou to grant their wishes if he doesn’t do things properly??
I find it hilarious that when Shinji tries to get Shirou to skip fifth period, Shirou seriously considers it because Shinji (the picky eater) said he found a place with amazing pasta, so he really wants to try it hahahah, you’re so cute, Shirou! HAHAHA, when Shirou chose to eat lunch with Issei instead of Shinji, that was funny hahaha. Now that Shinji doesn’t have his killing tendencies etc, he’s so much more bearable. I loved it when Shinji ran away half crying and half laughing lmao. I loved his revenge against Shirou and Issei by showing off the amount of girls willing to feed him. Issei and Shinji with their childish fights is hilarious. Seeing Saber so happily talk about her past/hometown fondly rather than as regrets really makes me happy, especially that smile she has!! Now that Sakura and Shirou are reminiscing about how quiet Shirou’s place used to be (in terms of people living there) compared to now where Rider and Saber are there, Sakura lives here on the weekends, Rin occupies a room too, and Taiga comes along with Illya for meals, it really is so lively haha. Aww it was so cute when Sakura said she missed the times they could be alone together~ Honestly, I think the Sakura with no baggage is really cute now haha. HAHAHA, I honestly didn’t expect Lancer to like fishing!! He’s so chill about it too with his snacks lmao, he’s totally fitting in hahaha. Omgg he supplies the fish for the Emiya residence and Shirou didn’t even know!! I can so imagine Taiga stealing all his hard work at the end of the day lmao. Is Kotomine really dead? That’s kinda saddening if he doesn’t appear, I mean, if Zouken gets to stay alive, Kotomine should get screen time tooo~ Lmaoo at Caster complaining about Assassin not wanting to sweep the staircase so she has to do it hahaha. Assassin’s logic is right though!! It’s a waste of her magical energy to make him materialise and do it hahahaa. It’s pretty funny how much Assassin causes trouble for Caster though, I think I’m loving all the slice of life tbh, FSN imo really lacked in developing and putting more time into showing the Servants’ personalities, so I’m glad we get to see this here.
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Hmmm I wonder why Archer snipes Shirou and kills him when he’s trying to pass the bridge to Shinto?🤔 OMG Lancer in casual clothes (not the fisherman one LOL) is so cool!!! Like dang, I knew he’d look great but wow! I hope Archer looks just as good~~ Anyway, that’s the end of Phase 1? Not sure what to think right now since most of it was just slice of life. Not saying it’s bad though! I actually really enjoyed the slice of life more than I thought I would haha, I think the interactions between the characters are really fun and interesting, and it really gives more time for the Servants to shine imo.
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