#dad jaehyun
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 7 months ago
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[12:41 pm]
(cw: f!reader, a child, pregnancy complications, "Mommy" and "daddy")
"Mommy is tired?" dad!Jaehyun heard his little girl ask.
"A little bit, princess. The baby is getting bigger so Mommy just needs to lay down more, but she's not sleeping," Jaehyun explains in a sweet voice, pushing her unruly hair away from her face.
This was tough to explain to a 4 year old. Your first pregnancy had been a breeze compared to this one. Your first pregnancy almost five years ago came with some nausea that plagued you for the first few months, labor was long and arduous, but there was nothing that really hindered you from going about life as normal as possible. This pregnancy wasn't the same.
This time around you came down with gestational high blood pressure, which at your last appointment didn't look to be getting much better, so your doctor had put you on bed rest. You were doing your part by taking your medication daily and staying off your feet, but man was this a pain. You hated laying around and doing nothing, especially when your need to nest was nagging at you. You hated it, but you also knew that you wanted to avoid the induction being too early.
Jaehyun grabbed some food from the fridge and played it for you, lunch time. A healthy meal that he himself knew didn't sound super delicious, but he was being just as cautious as you were, if not more. "Let's take Mommy her lunch, princess," Jaehyun told his daughter.
She squealed excitedly, running to the bedroom with her Belle costume swishing around her legs. She pushed the door open and ran to the bed, climbing up onto the foot of the bed before settling beside you. Jaehyun smiled at the sight of his two girls. You were sat up against the headboard, folding laundry- which you had insisted on doing, Jaehyun didn't want you lifting a single finger, but you were stubborn.
"Lunch time, my love," Jaehyun smiled, walking over to you and handing you the plate. He tried not to laugh as your face scrunched up into a look of disappointment and smidge of disgust.
You stabbed the fork into the food and sighed before bringing the food to your mouth. If the bed rest worked, you'd be back on your feet in a week. Your doctor wanted to see if the bed rest would prove useful paired with the medication she'd put you on. You couldn't speak without the medical knowledge she'd possessed, but your blood pressure was going down and staying consistent. Your legs weren't as swollen and when Jaehyun took your blood pressure each morning it wasn't as high and remained consistent.
"I gave you your medication this morning right?" Jaehyun asked while holding up the pill bottle.
You hummed in agreement, swallowing your food, "as if you'd let me forget. I took it with a whole glass of water and ate it with my avocado toast. Hey, have you not been doing her hair? She looks like the brush hasn't touched her hair since I brushed it after her bath last night."
Jaehyun looked away, avoiding your gaze. Doing his daughter's hair wasn't a skill he had perfected yet. So yes, you were right, a brush hadn't touched her hair since last night. On the other hand, everything else had been taken care of. Your daughter didn't spend the whole day in her pajamas, she was dressed in real clothes, even if her Belle costume covered it up, she had brushed her teeth this morning, already eaten two meals today, and Jaehyun had her practice writing her name. On all levels, besides hair, he was killing it.
"Bring me the brush and some rubber bands please," you asked him sweetly, using your hand to tame the hair on the little girl's head.
He raised a brow, "finish your lunch and then I'll get you what you asked for."
You rolled your eyes, stabbing the fork into the food more harshly with a look that asked 'happy?' Your daughter turned her eyes away from the show on the TV and rubbed your belly, placing a small kiss on the apex. "Sister is making you tired, Mommy?" she asked, laying her head on your stomach.
You sighed tiredly, "yeah, princess. We don't want sister to get here too early so the doctor says I have to rest."
"But I want sister here already," she tells you with a pout.
Jaehyun takes the now empty plate from you while you brush your fingers gently brush through some of the tangles in her hair. "If the baby comes early, she won't be healthy, princess. We want her to be healthy right?"
"Yes," she sighs out, "Mommy, can you do my hair? Daddy doesn't know how."
Jaehyun rolls his eyes as he hands you the things you asked for, watches as his daughter willingly lets you comb the tangles from her hair gently, and watches as your fingers work deftly to braid it away from her face. He loves it.
He presses a kiss to your stomach, not trying very hard to keep the words that slip from his lips low and quiet, "if you want to give us a surprise and come out as a boy, that's fine. I'll still love you. Save me."
When two similar slaps to his arm come at the same time he can't help but laugh, if he's surrounded by girls that act like you and are the perfect mix of your genetics, he'd die a happy man.
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scarletwinterxx · 29 days ago
Every second from now I'm gonna love you completely - dad jaehyun scenario
helloooo ~ maybe i've been missing jaehyun a bit more these past few days so i wrote this. if you're new here or been here for a while🤣 my first ever series i wrote was a dad jaehyun au, it's like my first born. when i wrote that i was still trying to find my writing style, all i know was i wanted to write it. so excuse my mistakes there haha but in case you haven't read it or want to re-read it, click here !!
sooo yea, i have a few more stories lined up. thank you all sooooo much for the love🤍
my x acc - niniramyeonie 😊💛
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2025. Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(pic not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon, and you’re sitting on the couch, flipping through a book, when Jaeyoon, your husband’s carbon copy, plops down beside you with a loud sigh.
You glance at him. “What’s up, baby?”
Jaeyoon props his chin on his hands. “Mom, can I ask you something?”
You smile knowingly. “You’re always asking me something, Jaeyoon.”
He grins, then immediately launches into his first question. “If a fish gets thirsty, does it drink water?”
You blink. “Uh… technically, yes. But freshwater fish absorb water through their skin, and saltwater fish drink water through their mouths.”
Jaeyoon’s eyes widen. “Woah. So fishes are just drinking and absorbing all the time?”
You chuckle. “Pretty much.”
He nods like he’s processing something groundbreaking. Then—“Okay, next question.”
You raise an eyebrow. “There’s more?”
“Do clouds get tired from floating all day?”
You stare at him for a second before bursting into laughter. “Jaeyoon, where do you come up with these?”
Jaeyoon shrugs, completely serious. “I just think about them.”
You shake your head, pulling him into your arms. Your once little newborn now here having the most random conversions with but you won’t have it any other way.
“You have the biggest brain.” you mumble against his hair
Jaeyoon grins, cuddling into your side. “And I have one more question.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Last one?”
“Last one,” he promises. Then, looking up at you with those big, curious eyes, he asks
“Why do you love me so much?”
Your heart melts on the spot. You hug him even tighter, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Because you’re you, Jaeyoon. You and your sister is my heart beating outside my chest, you’re the best parts of mom and dad”
Jaeyoon sighs happily, snuggling closer. “That’s a good answer, Mom”
You smile. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He yawns. “Okay, I’m done asking for now.”
You smirk, stroking his hair. “For now?”
But Jaeyoon doesn’t answer—he’s already drifting off, safe and warm in your arms. And you know that tomorrow, and every day after that, there will be a million more questions.
A few hours later, the sky is darker outside. Jaehyun is sitting in his home office, fingers gliding over his laptop keyboard as he reviews a contract. It’s the weekend but he’s trying to catch up on some work after taking a family vacation. The room is quiet except for the occasional clicking of his mouse—until the door swings open without a knock.
Jaeyoon, his youngest who is now 5, marches in “Appa, what are you doing?”
Jaehyun doesn’t even look up. “Working.”
The little man who looks just like him pads closer, tilting his head. “What kind of working?”
Jaehyun sighs, glancing at his mini me. It’s like whenever he looks at his son he sees himself, something you always say is unfair but still love completely
“CEO work.”
Jaeyoon gasps dramatically. “Woah. That sounds so important.”
“It is.” he chuckles at his son’s amusement at such a mundane adult thing. 
Instead of leaving, Jaeyoon clambers onto Jaehyun’s lap, making himself very comfortable. Jaehyun automatically moves his arm to keep the documents from getting messed up, but he doesn’t protest.
Jaeyoon peers at the screen. “What’s that?”
“A contract.”
“What’s a contract?”
“A business agreement.”
“What’s an agreement?”
Jaehyun sighs through a chuckle. “When two people decide on something together.”
Jaeyoon nods like that makes total sense. Then, after a beat he speaks again “Can I type?”
Jaehyun lifts an eyebrow. “Depends. Are you going to send my company into chaos?”
Jaeyoon beams. “Maybe!”
Jaehyun shakes his head but moves his laptop slightly so Jaeyoon can reach the keyboard. “Okay, go ahead.”
Jaeyoon excitedly taps a few random letters: hgfldj.
“Wow,” Jaehyun says, nodding seriously. “That’s some next-level business strategy.”
Jaeyoon grins. “I’m a CEO too now.”
“Yeah?” Jaehyun leans back. “What’s your company called?”
Jaeyoon thinks for a moment, then dramatically announces, “Jaeyoon’s Snack Empire!”
Jaehyun laughs. “Sounds like a profitable business.”
“Yep. We sell ice cream, barbecue and cookies.”
“Smart.” Jaehyun grins. “I’d invest.”
Jaeyoon gasps. “Really?”
“But I want 50% of the company.”
Jaeyoon narrows his eyes. “Appa, that’s too much!”
Jaehyun smirks “Negotiation. That’s part of being a CEO too.”
Jaeyoon groans dramatically, sliding off Jaehyun’s lap and climbing onto his desk instead. “This is so hard.”
Jaehyun just chuckles, adjusting his laptop. “Welcome to my world, buddy.”
Jaeyoon sighs but doesn’t leave, now playing with a paperweight on the desk. Jaehyun lets him, continuing to work as his little boy fidgets and chats about everything. And even though Jaehyun is busy, he doesn’t mind at all because no matter how important his work is—his little CEO-in-training will always be more important.
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Chaeyoon bursts through the front door, kicking off her sneakers without much care. Her backpack slides off her shoulder as she yells, “Mom! You won’t believe what happened today!”
You glance up from the kitchen counter, where you’re slicing fruit for Jaeyoon’s afternoon snack. Your five-year-old son is sitting on a stool, swinging his legs while munching on a cookie.
“What happened, sweetheart?” you ask, wiping your hands on a towel.
Chaeyoon drops her backpack with a thud, walking over with wide eyes, as if she’s about to share the most shocking news of the year. “A boy—Mom, a boy—asked me to get ice cream with him after school.”
You blink, taking a second to process. “Oh?”
Jaeyoon gasps dramatically beside you. “Noona, are you getting married?!”
Chaeyoon groans. “Jaeyoon, no! It’s just ice cream!”
You bite back a smile, setting the knife down. “So, who is this boy?” you ask, keeping your tone light
Chaeyoon sighs, pushing her hair back. “His name is Minho. He’s in my class. We sit next to each other in science, and I guess we’re kinda friends?” She pauses, then adds, “But I didn’t say yes yet.”
“Why not?” you ask curiously.
She frowns. “I dunno. It felt... weird?”
Jaeyoon leans closer, eyes shining. “Did he say you’re pretty?”
Chaeyoon glares at him. “I’m not talking to you about this.”
You chuckle, running a hand through her hair despite her protests. “Well, I think it’s sweet that he asked. Do you want to go?”
She hesitates. “Maybe? But also... I don’t know what Dad would say.”
Ah. There it is.
Jaehyun, your loving but sometimes very overprotective husband, has always been a little sensitive when it comes to his little girl growing up.
And you can already imagine his reaction.
You smile, wiping your hands on a dish towel as you watch your daughter shift nervously. “Well,” you say casually, “if you want to go, then you can tell your dad. I’m sure he’ll say yes.”
Chaeyoon’s eyes widen in pure betrayal. “Mom!”
Jaeyoon giggles beside you. “Appa is gonna explode!”
You laugh, ruffling your son’s hair before turning back to Chaeyoon. “Sweetheart, your dad never says no to you. If you tell him, I bet he’ll—” you pause, thinking of Jaehyun’s usual soft spot for his kids, “—well, I’m pretty sure he’ll say yes.”
The truth is, even you aren’t entirely sure how Jaehyun will react to this one. He can’t say no when Chaeyoon asks for another bedtime story or when Jaeyoon wants to sleep in your bed after a nightmare. He folds instantly when they give him their puppy-dog eyes.
But this? His little girl being asked out for ice cream by a boy? This might be the one thing that actually shakes him.
Chaeyoon huffs, crossing her arms. “You just want to see what he says.”
You grin, leaning on the counter. “Maybe a little.”
Jaeyoon claps excitedly. “I wanna tell Appa! I wanna see his face!”
Chaeyoon groans, but she’s laughing, too. “I should just say no and avoid this whole thing.”
You tilt your head. “Is that what you want?”
She hesitates, then sighs. “No. I think I wanna go.”
“Then you should tell your dad,” you say simply, enjoying this way more than you should
Just as you say that, the front door opens, and Jaehyun walks in, loosening his tie with one hand. “I’m home,” he calls out, his voice warm but tired from the workday.
Jaeyoon immediately jumps down from his stool and runs to him. “Appa! Noona has big news!”
You bite your lip to keep from laughing as Chaeyoon groans again. “Jaeyoon!”
Jaehyun raises an eyebrow, looking between the two of them before his eyes land on you. “Big news?” he repeats, stepping further inside.
You give Chaeyoon a small smile. “Go on, sweetheart. Tell him.”
And as she shifts nervously, you watch Jaehyun. He’s completely unaware that his world is about to be shaken.
Jaehyun’s brows furrow slightly as he looks at Chaeyoon. “What’s going on?”
Chaeyoon groans, shifting on her feet. “Ugh, this is so embarrassing…” She glances at you for help, but you simply smile and motion for her to go on.
Jaeyoon, impatient as ever, blurts out, “A boy asked Noona to eat ice cream with him!”
Jaehyun blinks. Once. Twice.
Then, very slowly, he turns to Chaeyoon. “What?”
Chaeyoon groans again, covering her face. “Ugh, I knew this was going to be a thing.”
Jaehyun stays completely still, processing. You watch as his jaw tenses ever so slightly, and you swear you see his fingers twitch like he’s fighting the urge to tighten his tie again. You bite your lip, thoroughly enjoying this.
Jaehyun clears his throat. “So… a boy.”
Chaeyoon nods reluctantly.
Jaehyun continues, “And he asked you to get ice cream?”
Another slow nod. Jaehyun blinks again, still looking like his brain is buffering. Then, he shifts his gaze to you, as if asking for backup.
You shrug innocently. “I told her if she wants to go, she should ask you.”
His eyes narrow slightly. He knows exactly what you’re doing.
Jaeyoon tugs at Jaehyun’s sleeve. “Appa, are you okay? Your face looks weird.”
Jaehyun exhales slowly, rubbing a hand down his face. Then, after a long pause, he looks at Chaeyoon again. “Who is this boy?”
“Minho,” she mutters.
“Minho,” Jaehyun repeats, like he’s committing the name to memory for later investigation. “How old is he?”
“He’s in my class, Dad.”
Jaehyun nods, still processing. Then, in a very calm but very careful voice, he asks, “And why does he want to take you out for ice cream?”
Chaeyoon shrugs. “I don’t know. Maybe because we’re friends? And he likes ice cream?”
Jaehyun exhales again, then finally looks at you. Help me, his eyes plead.
But you just smile sweetly. “So? Can she go?”
His lips part like he wants to say no. You know he wants to say no. But this is Chaeyoon, his baby girl. The same baby girl who used to sit on his lap and call him her prince. The same one who still kisses his cheek before bed. And as much as he wants to protest, Jaehyun has never been able to say no to her.
He sighs, finally dropping his shoulders. “Is he coming here?”
Chaeyoon shakes her head. “We were just gonna meet there after school.”
Jaehyun nods slowly. “Fine. But—” he raises a finger, his CEO voice slipping through, “—I want to meet him first.”
Chaeyoon groans but smiles. “I knew you were gonna say that.”
Jaeyoon pumps his fists. “Noona’s going on a date!”
“It’s not a date!”
Jaehyun mutters under his breath, “It better not be.”
And as you watch him struggle between being a protective dad and trying to respect Chaeyoon’s growing independence, you can’t help but laugh.
Jaehyun shoots you a look. “You set me up.”
You grin. “Maybe a little.”
Later that night, after the kids are asleep, you and Jaehyun finally crawl into bed. The room is dimly lit, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting warm shadows across the walls.
Jaehyun lets out a deep sigh as he sinks into the mattress, rubbing a hand down his face. “Today was… a lot.”
You chuckle, turning to your side to face him. “Oh, you mean finding out your baby girl is growing up and might actually hang out with a boy?”
Jaehyun groans dramatically, throwing an arm over his eyes. “Don’t remind me.”
You laugh, scooting closer and resting your head against his shoulder. “You survived.”
“Barely,” he mutters.
You trail a finger along his arm, feeling the tension still lingering in his muscles. “You know, you are going to have to deal with this eventually. She’s not always going to be your little girl.”
Jaehyun removes his arm from his face, turning his head to look at you. “She’ll always be my little girl.”
You smile softly. “I know, but she’s also getting older. And you can’t scare away every boy who looks at her.”
He smirks. “Wanna bet?”
You laugh, swatting at his arm. “Jae”
He sighs again, rolling onto his side so he’s facing you. “I just… I know she’s smart, and I trust her. But the thought of some boy liking her—of her liking him back—it makes me insane.”
You gently brush a strand of hair from his forehead. “Because you don’t want to let her go.”
Jaehyun exhales, his eyes softening. “Yeah.”
You press a kiss to his forehead. “You don’t have to. She’ll always need you, just in different ways.”
He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer. “You always know what to say.”
You grin. “That’s why you married me.”
Jaehyun chuckles, his grip tightening slightly. “One day, some boy is going to look at Chaeyoon the way I look at you.”
Your heart warms at his words, but you also see the slight panic in his eyes. You press your palm against his cheek, making him meet your gaze. “And when that day comes, you’ll be okay. Because you’ve shown her what real love looks like.”
He stares at you for a moment before exhaling and burying his face in your neck. “You’re too good at this.”
You laugh, running your fingers through his hair. “I just know my husband.”
Jaehyun hums against your skin. “Remind me to keep Jaeyoon small forever. I can’t handle two of them growing up.”
You smile, pressing a kiss to his temple. “Good luck with that.”
He tightens his hold around you, as if holding onto this moment—onto you, onto the family you’ve built together. And even though you know he’ll always be a little overprotective, a little reluctant to let go, you also know that no matter what, Jaehyun will always, always be the best dad to your kids.
You’re still wrapped up in Jaehyun’s arms, the warmth of his body keeping you perfectly comfortable, when you suddenly feel something or someone climbing onto the bed.
A small hand pats your cheek. “Mom.”
You groan softly, burying your face into Jaehyun’s chest. “Mm… too early, baby.”
Jaeyoon isn’t deterred. He pats your cheek again, more insistent this time. “Mom. Appa.”
Jaehyun grumbles lowly, his grip on you tightening as he tries to stay asleep. “Five more minutes, buddy.”
Jaeyoon ignores him completely. “Noona is going on a date today.”
Both you and Jaehyun immediately open your eyes.
Jaehyun sits up so fast that Jaeyoon nearly topples over. “It’s not a date!” he says, voice still groggy but fully alert now.
Jaeyoon giggles, climbing onto his lap. “But Appa, they’re getting ice cream.”
Jaehyun exhales, running a hand down his face. “Why does this feel worse when you say it like that?”
You stifle a laugh, sitting up as well. “Sweetheart, did you come in here just to remind us?”
Jaeyoon nods enthusiastically. “Uh-huh. And also because I’m hungry.”
Jaehyun groans, flopping back onto the bed. “This family is going to be the death of me.”
You laugh, pressing a kiss to his cheek before turning to Jaeyoon. “Alright, let’s get you some breakfast.”
Jaeyoon claps happily and slides off the bed. But before he leaves, he turns to Jaehyun with a mischievous grin. “Appa, what if Noona kisses Minho?”
Jaehyun sits up again. “That’s not happening!”
Jaeyoon giggles and sprints out of the room before Jaehyun can say anything else.
You shake your head, laughing as you reach for Jaehyun’s hand. “You okay, babe?”
He groans, throwing himself back onto the pillows. “No. I need coffee. And maybe therapy.”
You chuckle, tugging him up. “Come on, big guy. Let’s get through today first.”
Jaehyun sighs dramatically, but when he looks at you, there’s warmth in his eyes. “Only because you’re here.”
You smile, squeezing his hand. “Always.”
Later after school, you’re in the living room with Jaeyoon who’s sprawled out on the floor, coloring in his favorite book. He hums a little tune as he draws, completely unbothered by the fact that his Noona isn’t home yet.
You, on the other hand, are very aware of the time. Not because you’re worried but because you know who will be. Right on cue, the front door opens. Jaehyun steps inside, immediately loosening his tie and checking his watch. Again.
You don’t even get the chance to greet him before he says, “What time did you say Chaeyoon was coming home?”
You smirk. “I didn’t say.”
Jaehyun lets out a long sigh, kicking off his shoes. “It’s already past five.”
Jaeyoon looks up from his coloring. “Appa, you checked your watch like a hundred times.”
Jaehyun ignores him, turning to you instead. “Have you heard from her?”
You shake your head, amused. “She texted when she left school. She’s probably still with Minho.”
Jaehyun visibly clenches his jaw. “Still?”
You chuckle, patting the couch beside you. “Babe, relax.”
Jaehyun does not relax. Instead, he pulls out his phone, scrolling as if that will somehow make Chaeyoon text faster. “I should’ve picked her up.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Oh? And then what? Sat between them at the ice cream shop?”
Jaeyoon bursts into giggles. “Appa would’ve stared at Minho like this.” He scrunches up his face, narrowing his eyes into an intense glare.
You laugh. “That’s exactly how he’d look.”
Jaehyun groans, running a hand through his hair. “This isn’t funny.”
You reach over, tugging him down to sit beside you. “It’s a little funny.”
Jaehyun grumbles but lets you pull him close. He leans back against the couch, checking his watch again.
“She’ll be home soon,” you assure him. “And when she gets here, you can interrogate her all you want.”
Jaeyoon gasps dramatically. “Appa’s gonna use his CEO voice!”
Jaehyun huffs. “I am not.”
Jaeyoon grins. “Are too.”
Jaehyun doesn’t argue because maybe he is. Just a little. Just as Jaehyun is admiring Jaeyoon’s latest masterpiece, a crayon drawing of your family with an extra large version of himself. There’s the sound of the front door unlocking.
Jaehyun immediately checks his watch again.
You smirk. “See? She’s home at a perfectly reasonable time.” Jaehyun doesn’t respond. Instead, he stands up, crosses his arms, and waits.
Chaeyoon steps inside, setting her backpack down before kicking off her shoes. “I’m home!” she calls out casually.
Jaeyoon runs up to her, arms flailing. “Noona! Did you have your date?”
Chaeyoon groans. “It wasn’t a date, Jaeyoon.”
Jaehyun clears his throat. Loudly. Chaeyoon turns her head and there’s her dad. Standing in the middle of the living room, arms crossed, looking exactly how she expected him to.
She sighs, dragging her feet toward the couch. “Okay, let’s get this over with.”
Jaehyun raises an eyebrow. “Get what over with?”
“The interrogation.” She plops onto the couch, throwing her arms over the backrest. “Go ahead, Appa. Ask your many questions.”
Jaehyun doesn’t waste a second. “How long have you known him?”
“Like a year, we’re classmates”
“Why haven’t I heard about him before?”
She sighs. “Because you’re like this.”
Jaehyun ignores that. “Does he have good grades?”
Chaeyoon blinks. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“I need to know if he’s responsible.”
Chaeyoon groans. “Yes, Appa, he has good grades.”
Jaehyun narrows his eyes. “What did you talk about?”
“Ice cream. School. Normal stuff.”
“Did he—” Jaehyun’s expression turns even more serious. “—hold the door for you?”
Chaeyoon stares. “…Yes?”
Jaehyun exhales, nodding slowly. “Okay. That’s a start.”
You shake your head, fully entertained by this. Jaeyoon climbs onto the couch beside Chaeyoon. “Did you hold hands?”
Jaehyun immediately looks at her.
Chaeyoon gags. “EW. No.”
Jaehyun nods approvingly. “Good.”
Chaeyoon groans again. “Ugh, Appa, you’re so dramatic. It was just ice cream.”
Jaehyun eyes her for a moment before finally sighing, sitting down beside her. His posture softens a little. “I just want to make sure you’re safe.”
Chaeyoon leans against him with a small smile. “I know. And I promise, Minho is just a friend.”
Jaehyun lets out another deep breath, wrapping an arm around her. “Okay. But next time, I want to meet him.”
Chaeyoon pulls away, eyes wide. “Appa. No.”
Jaehyun shrugs. “I need to make sure he understands that you have a very intimidating father.”
Chaeyoon groans dramatically, flopping onto the couch. “You’re impossible.”
Jaeyoon grins, climbing onto Jaehyun’s lap. “Appa, when I get a girlfriend, you can meet her, okay?”
Jaehyun blinks. “What?”
You burst out laughing as Jaehyun looks like he’s about to have an entire crisis.
Chaeyoon smirks. “Yeah, Appa. You have two kids to worry about.”
Jaehyun groans, rubbing his temples. “I need another coffee.”
And as the kids giggle, and you lean into him with an affectionate smile, you realize you wouldn’t trade this chaotic, loving family for anything.
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The call from Jaeyoon’s school comes in the middle of the afternoon. You answer, and the moment you hear the words "Jaeyoon had a little accident during an activity," your heart skips a beat. The teacher quickly reassures you that he’s okay ust a scraped knee and a little bump but you’re already grabbing your bag.
Jaehyun, who had just gotten home early from a meeting, notices the shift in your expression. “What’s wrong?”
You exhale. “Jaeyoon tripped at school. He’s hurt, but they said it’s not too bad.”
Jaehyun’s face hardens. “Let’s go.”
Within minutes, the two of you are in the car, driving to the school. Jaehyun grips the steering wheel tightly, jaw clenched. He doesn’t say much, but you can tell his mind is racing.
When you arrive at the nurse’s office, Jaeyoon is sitting on the little cot, his legs swinging as he stares down at his bandaged knee. His face is scrunched up in frustration. The moment he sees the both of you, his lips press together in a thin line, and he immediately sits up straighter.
“Hey, buddy,” Jaehyun says softly, crouching down to his level. “What happened?”
Jaeyoon crosses his arms. “I tripped during the race.” His voice is a little wobbly, but he clears his throat, blinking rapidly. “But I’m okay. I didn’t cry.”
You exchange a glance with Jaehyun before sitting beside Jaeyoon. “It’s okay if you want to, sweetheart.”
Jaeyoon shakes his head stubbornly. “Big boys don’t cry.”
Jaehyun sighs, reaching out to pull Jaeyoon into his arms. And the moment he does, Jaeyoon completely melts  He buries his face in Jaehyun’s chest, his small fingers gripping onto his father’s shirt. A choked little sob escapes him, and then, suddenly, he’s really crying.
Jaehyun just holds him tighter, one hand cradling the back of his head. “It’s okay, buddy. You can cry.”
Jaeyoon sniffles, his tiny shoulders trembling. “I tried so hard, Appa.”
“I know,” Jaehyun whispers, rubbing his back. “And you’re still the bravest boy I know.”
Jaeyoon clings to him, sobbing softly. Jaehyun doesn’t rush him, doesn’t tell him to stop he just lets him feel everything, lets him be small in this moment.
You stroke Jaeyoon’s hair gently. “You know… being strong doesn’t mean not crying. It means getting back up even when you’re hurt.”
Jaeyoon sniffles, pulling back slightly to look up at Jaehyun. “Really?”
Jaehyun nods, wiping a stray tear from his cheek. “Really. And you did get back up, didn’t you?”
Jaeyoon nods hesitantly. “Yeah…”
Jaehyun smiles, kissing the top of his head. “Then you’re the strongest boy I know.”
Jaeyoon lets out a little hiccup, then slowly finally smiles. “Okay.”
You and Jaehyun exchange a soft look, hearts swelling with love for your little boy.
And as Jaehyun lifts Jaeyoon into his arms, holding him close all the way to the car, you know no matter how big he gets, Jaeyoon will always have a place to feel safe.
The drive home is peaceful, the soft hum of the car engine filling the quiet night. Jaeyoon and Chaeyoon are completely knocked out in the backseat, their heads tilted at awkward angles, mouths slightly open.
Jaehyun glances at them through the rearview mirror and smirks. “Didn’t even last five minutes.”
You chuckle, watching Jaeyoon’s little chest rise and fall steadily. “I knew Jaeyoon would fall asleep fast, but Chaeyoon too? She must’ve been really full.”
Jaehyun shakes his head fondly. “She tried to act like she wasn’t, but I saw her struggling with that last piece of meat.”
You laugh softly, resting your head against the car window. The streetlights blur past, casting a warm glow over the quiet city. The moment feels so calm—just the two of you, with your babies fast asleep in the back.
Jaehyun exhales, one hand still on the wheel, the other casually resting on his lap. “Feels like just yesterday they were tiny.”
You smile, your heart swelling at the memories. “I know… Remember when Chaeyoon was born? We had no idea what we were doing.”
Jaehyun lets out a low chuckle. “You figured things out fast. I was freaking out every five seconds.”
“You were not.”
“I was.” He shakes his head, eyes still on the road. “I was scared to even hold her at first. She was so small.”
You glance back at your daughter, now twelve, long legs curled up on the seat. “She’s not so small anymore.”
Jaehyun sighs. “No, she’s not.”
There’s a beat of silence before he smiles softly. “Jaeyoon, though… That boy came into this world yelling.”
You laugh, covering your mouth to keep quiet. “Oh, God, he was so loud. The nurse literally said, ‘Wow, this one has a lot to say.’”
Jaehyun grins. “And she was right. He hasn’t stopped talking since.”
You sigh, glancing out the window. “Sometimes I wish we could go back. Just for a little while. Hold them when they were tiny again.”
Jaehyun reaches over, taking your hand in his and squeezing gently. “I know.” His voice is soft, full of understanding. “But we’re still here. Still watching them grow.”
You smile, lacing your fingers with his. “And freaking out over ice cream dates.”
Jaehyun groans, tilting his head back. “Don’t remind me.”
You laugh, squeezing his hand. “You’ll survive, babe.”
He glances at you with a smirk. “Will I?”
You grin, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “Of course.”
Jaehyun chuckles, eyes crinkling as he pulls into your driveway. “As long as I have you.”
And as you sit there, watching your babies sleep peacefully in the backseat, you realize—these moments, the quiet ones, the ordinary ones—are the ones that make life so beautiful.
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4ranghaes · 2 months ago
ੈ✩‧₊˚ bnd with pregnant!reader
ot5 bnd x reader [fluff, afab!reader, pregnant!reader]
a/n - i just felt a bit weird writing woonhak, considering he’s younger than me idk,, hope you still enjoy!!!
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sungho🎀 [4 months along]
“wait! wait, wait,” he said quickly, slamming the car door on his side before running round and opening your own.
you chuckled, “thank you, ba–”
“here,” he said, taking your hand, placing his other hand on your back as he helped you out the car.
“sungho,” you sighed, as he rushed to grab your bag and lock the car before ushering you inside, “sungho!”
he stopped, turning to you. he’d just reached the front door of your house, key in his hand as he stopped.
“you need to stop fussing over me,” you laughed, “i’m fine. i’m barely even showing yet!”
sungho sighed, placing his hand protectively on your back as the two of you walked inside, “i know. i’m sorry, i just– i already worried about everything when you were just you! now it’s you and our baby, in one person?! everyday i think i’m going to combust when i think about it.”
you collapsed on the sofa, your body tired and achey. even if you weren’t showing, pregnancy was still doing a number on your body. you laughed at your husband’s words, beckoning him to your side, “i need you to be normal, for my own sanity. and i need you to calm down, for your own health.”
he nodded, leaning on your shoulder, wrapping his arm round your waist, “i’ll try.” he sighed in contentment, his thumb rubbing gently on your stomach, “that was a good scan today.”
you nodded, placing your hand over his, “i love hearing their heartbeat.”
sungho grinned, looking to you and nodding, “i know, makes it feel real that there’s a little person in there! i can’t believe it.” he quietened down again quickly, massaging your legs he knew were aching, kissing your forehead softly. “son or daughter?”
you chuckled, placing your hands over your stomach and humming, “i have no idea.”
“come on,” sungho jeered, “mum’s instinct?”
you smiled, butterflies erupting at the sound of being called mum for the first time, “the instinct is that they’re beautiful and loved, no matter what.”
“yeah…” your husband hummed, “but a daughter would be lovely, right?”
you giggled, nodding as you played with his hair, “and you’d spoil her completely, i’m sure.”
riwoo 🦦🍡 [3 months along]
“was that a dream?”
you hummed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes before snuggling into your husband’s chest, “what?”
“last night,” he said, staring at the ceiling. he glanced at you, a small smile on his face as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close. “i could swear i had a dream that you told me you were pregnant.”
you giggled, “hmm, i wonder why.”
riwoo chuckled, “i can’t believe it. i feel like i need to do something… tell someone? buy something?”
you laughed, “just hold on. i think we should wait until 20 weeks to tell people. that’s what they suggest, anyway.”
“sounds good,” he nodded, sighing with contentment, “wow. i mean, before the years over we’re gonna have a baby. at christmas! oh wow. do you think it’s gonna be a boy or a girl?”
you giggled, closing your eyes from sleepiness, “i don’t know, sanghyuk.”
“i need to research,” he hummed, stroking your hair, “i don’t know anything about pregnancy or babies.”
“did you know they can already hear?” you smiled, rolling onto your back and placing your hand on your stomach. nothing was showing, but just the idea was exciting. riwoo looked shocked, scooting down the bed and resting his head on your chest, his hand on your lower stomach.
“they can hear me?” he smiled, stroking the skin softly.
“yeah,” you said, stroking riwoo’s hair, “go on, say something. i’ve done it a couple times.”
“okay,” he chuckled, humming for a moment as he swiped his hand over your stomach, “hey baby. i– i don’t know anything about you yet. haven’t even seen a scan. but i’m your dad. um… i guess you’ll get to know me pretty well. i’m excited to meet you, in 7 months. it feels long, but i’m sure it’ll go by quickly, and then you can celebrate christmas with me and your mum. speaking of your mum… you’re inside her now, so she’ll take good care of you. but i hope you treat her well too, don’t make her too ill. um… i don’t really know what else to say so i’ll say bye for now but i’ll speak to you again soon, okay? i’ll play you one of my songs too! feel free to kick or whatever to respond if you like it–”
“five months.”
“usually you don’t feel the baby kick until five months,” you smiled, stroking your husband’s hair back as he turned his face to look at your face now, instead of your stomach.
he frowned, “that’s so long.”
“come on, we have to get up now,” you groaned, stretching before sitting up.
“okay,” riwoo sighed, pressing a quick kiss to your stomach and leaping out of bed, “i’ll start the coffee— oh.”
you grumbled, glaring at him, “don’t rub it in.”
jaehyun🪻🐕 [6 months along]
“hiya pretty girl,” he said, bursting into a smile as you wandered into the living room.
you glared at your husband, “don’t patronise me.”
“i’m not,” jaehyun laughed, “come on, sit down, i’ll rub your feet.”
“you will?” you asked, almost tearing up in gratitude.
“of course!” he exclaimed, voice soft like a melody as he helped you onto the sofa before pulling your legs up so they were resting in his lap.
“sorry i was grumpy,” you said sheepishly, as he started massaging your soft-covered feet and legging-covered calves.
“it’s okay,” he beamed, “be as grumpy with me as you want, my girl! you’re carrying my baby.”
one of his hands trailed up to rest on the bottom of your rounded stomach. you smiled, placing your hand over his before dragging it upwards to where your daughter’s little feet were kicking repetitively.
“woah, harsh!” he gasped over-dramatically, rubbing the spot with his thumb.
jaehyun was good at leaving you to your own devices during pregnancy, knowing that too much worrying and fussiness would be overbearing for your already over-loaded body and mind, but sometimes you didn’t mind a bit of fuss.
“do you want anything particular for dinner?” he asked, moving back to massaging your feet.
you hummed, “no, i don’t have anything in mind. you can choose.”
“okay,” he said suspiciously, “but i’ll check with you first, yeah? i want you to eat.”
you smiled, nodding and going back to your phone.
“oh check your emails, by the way,” he said, barely even looking at you as he spoke, “i ordered some things for the nursery.”
you clicked on the app, eyes widening at the confirmation email you’d received that morning. “some things?! jaehyun, this is the whole nursery!”
“well we needed to get it done, right?” he shrugged.
“oh thank you,” you cooed, removing your legs from his lap and instead cuddling into his side, “how did you know i was stressing about that last night?”
“you wrote it on a post-it note to remind yourself, and then forgot to put it up,” he chuckled, kissing your forehead, “no need to worry anymore, though.”
you sighed, pregnancy brain ruining your ability to even think anymore, “thank you, love.”
“that’s okay, pretty girl,” he smiled down at you, “and hey, why don’t we go clothes shopping soon? hmm? you know we’re gonna love that.”
you smiled, nodding as jaehyun pressed a soft kiss to your lips, “you’re the best.”
taesan 🎸🐈‍⬛ [7 months along]
“dongmin, have you seen my tape?”
“woah,” he smirked, sitting up on the bed as he ogled you in the doorway.
“what?” you sighed.
you were stood wearing nothing but a crop top that only covered your boobs nowadays, with booty shorts, and your hair which had finally had a wash after a week was put away messily.
“you look gorgeous,” he blinked, face unwavering as you rolled your eyes.
“please,” you scoffed, practically waddling over to your husband.
he smiled, “no, i’m serious. i don’t think i’ve ever been more turned on. god you’re sexy.”
“oh my god keep it in your pants! i’m already pregnant,” you rolled your eyes, standing in front of him, “now can you answer my question?”
“your tape? oh the belly supporter one? yeah, it’s in the dresser,” he hummed, “i’ll get it, you sit down.”
he swapped your positions so you were sat on the edge of the bed and he wandered over to grab the tape, coming and helping you stand back up to put it in position.
“how could you possibly find me sexy right now?” you laughed, looking at yourself in the mirror as you planned where to put the tape to support your body the most.
“cause you’re all mine,” he murmured, kissing your shoulder as he stood behind you, “and everyone knows it. and you’re so cool, you’re carrying a person, our person.”
you smiled, taesan’s hands snaking round your waist and resting on your stomach as his head rested on your shoulder.
“sorry i find cool and powerful women so sexy,” he shrugged.
“wow you’re such a feminist,” you laughed, taesan shaking his head as he chuckled. “speaking of, how’s the nursery coming along?”
“nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about, princess,” he hummed, kissing your shoulder as he went and grabbed his laptop off the bed, “in two weeks it’ll be done, and we’ll be fully ready for our little guy. okay?”
you nodded, smiling as taesan continued to stand behind you, admiring you in the mirror. you basked in the moment for a while longer, sighing in contentment as you leaned against his body.
“fuck,” you cursed under your breath, seeing a large wet spot appear on your crop top.
“fuck,” taesan murmured, “i need to get you pregnant more often.”
you glared at him, “not helping.”
leehan🪸🐠 [5 months along - warning: mentions of like,, being able to see the baby move? some people find that gross so i wanted to leave a warning😭]
“up here!” you called from the bedroom, as leehan came through the front door after work.
you heard your husband sprinting up the stairs, two at a time as he usually did, appearing in the bedroom doorway with a goofy smile on his face.
“hey, how was your— woah.”
he stopped his question, looking at your rounded stomach which was seemingly moving beneath the skin.
“this is so freaky,” you chuckled, “i mean, interesting. but weird, right?”
“that is so cool,” he said, quickly coming to the side of the bed and kneeling down, peering closely at the skin.
you laughed, “she’s really in there, huh?”
“hey, baby,” leehan spoke, poking your stomach gently, “why you wriggling so much? you uncomfortable?”
you chuckled at his words, stroking the hair on the back of his head as he resting his chin on the mattress.
“wah,” he spoke, placing a hand flat on your stomach, letting it be moved by your unborn child, “wah. hi baby, it’s daddy. remember me?”
“i hope so, considering you speak to her twice a day,” you laughed.
he smiled, kissing his fingers and pressing it to the skin. he continued to blink, in a quiet fascination of your baby, and of you, for carrying her inside you.
“is it uncomfortable?”
“no,” you shook your head, “feels weird though. i couldn’t even describe it if i wanted to.”
he nodded thoughtfully, “how long has she been doing this?”
“all afternoon,” you said, before adding sheepishly, “i phoned the doctor at first. they were a bit pissed at me, i think, cause it turns out it’s absolutely nothing to worry about. but i just thought this movement seemed excessive, right?!”
“yeah, they’re a dick,” leehan said, voice almost emotionless, “you’re just worried for your baby, you’re being a good mum.”
you smiled, “thanks, love. anyway, they said she’s probably just moving position, but it’s early enough that they’re confident she’ll move back before it’s time to come out.”
“she’s just an acrobat, hmm?”
“or a dancer, maybe?” you smiled, leehan looking at you shyly before looking back to your stomach.
“i want to name her sua,” he said, suddenly.
“sua?” you repeated, “as in… water themed?”
he nodded, “either that or i name her after a fish, so it’s up to you.”
you laughed, leaning over and kissing his head, “sua sounds perfect.”
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yongility · 1 month ago
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NEO TV # rockabye ꗃ╭╯lee taeyong. ──────── ⵌ MASTERLIST.
𒄬 genre: single dad au / ceo au / fluff / slighty angst.
𒄬 prologue:
Taeyong had lived his life according to a script. A legacy passed down to him, a role he was expected to fill. CEO. Leader. Son of the great Lee family. Now, fate was rewriting his story. A phone call. A name he barely remembered. A child—helpless, waiting, unknown. His entire world had been built on certainty, on carefully planned moves. But no amount of preparation could have led him to this moment, standing on the precipice of a future that wasn’t his to control. All his life, he had been told who he was meant to be. Now, as his daughter wrapped his finger into her little hand— he knew his life won't be the same... and maybe those changes were meant to bring beautiful things into his life.
𓍢 ⌗ chapter #1: 𓈒 𓆇 ━━ the call that changed everything. 𓍢 ⌗ chapter #2: 𓈒 𓆇 ━━ a father's first steps. 𓍢 ⌗ chapter #3: 𓈒 𓆇 ━━ the weight of parenthood. 𓍢 ⌗ chapter #4: 𓈒 𓆇 ━━ drifting closer, drifting apart. 𓍢 ⌗ chapter #5: 𓈒 𓆇 ━━ where the heart belongs.
☆ more..!
𒄬 warnings: adult language / death mention / parenthood struggles / taeyong's mom is mean.
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phoxphenex · 1 year ago
hi ! ur last post abt baby dreamies is so adorable! can you bring one to 127? 💌
reader is referred to as mom
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nneteyamss · 15 days ago
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snowball-doie · 7 months ago
will live and die on the hill of daddy!dom!jaehyun taking his breeding kink EXTREMELY serious. when he promises to breed you as he's balls deep in you-- he fucking means it. that shit's never a joke for him lmao.
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lattaeyongs · 2 years ago
[11:49 AM] As you type something on your laptop at the dining room table, you watch dad!Jaehyun console his daughter, who stubbed her toe on a nearby wall. Tears threaten to fall down her youthful cheeks while she sits on the floor, Jaehyun rubbing her toes and cooing. "That wall was mean," she wines in her four-year-old voice. With a cartoonish grimace, Jaehyun sternly points at the wall. "Bad wall!" You can't help but softly chuckle to yourself at the whole ordeal.
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nctsplug02 · 2 years ago
Hey Ash, big ass fan here!
Can I request the first time Mr. and Mrs. Jeong found out they were going to be parents?!?
I love your work. <3
Expect the Unexpected jeong.j
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GENRE: fluff
WARNINGS: pregnancy!
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wife: babe
wife: i’m not feeling well :(.
you: what’s wrong, baby?
jaehyun quickly responds.
wife: i’ve been throwing up all day
wife: i feel very weak
wife: i don’t think i’ll be able to cook tonight
you: so no homemade spaghetti?
wife: not tonight, sorry
wife: could you maybe pick up some take out on your way home?
you: i can do that
wife: thanks, i love you
you: i love you more
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“honey, i’m home! and, i have food!” jaehyun hears footfalls as he shuts the door and kicks off his shoes.
“food?” you’re in a paper sheet face mask with a face roller in your hand. “yep, let me wash up and we can eat together.”
you nod and walk over to him, taking the bag of food and then his brief bag.
“oh, baby. you don’t have to carry my stuff.” jaehyun makes an attempt by trying to take his bag but you shy away. “it’s okay.”
you make your way to the kitchen and you set his bag on the dinner table.
“hurry and wash up! i’m starving.” jaehyun chuckles and pulls off his blazer, tossing it off onto the couch and walking over to you.
“you can eat first.” you shake your head, grabbing two plates and utensils.
jaehyun washes his hands and then walks back to you. “okay! it’s dinner time— oh, no.” you cover your nose as your mouth starts to fill up with a crazy amount of saliva.
“what’s wrong?” jaehyun asks you as you turn around with pinched eyebrows and drooly lips. he follows you to the living room and fans you with his hands while you gag silently.
“the smell, oh god.” you scrunch your face and shake your head. “but, you love chow mein.”
“i do but, it smells more oily than usual. i feel sick, again.” you frown.
jaehyun bites his lip and places his hands on both your cheeks. “want me to.. make you something?” you shake your head. “i think i’ll just eat noodles tonight.”
“are you sure?”
you nod. “positive.”
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you rest your head on jaehyuns shoulder while he laughs his ass off with his friends.
“we seriously need to plan another boys camp out.” jungwoo says.
“i agree.” taeyong says holding up his can of beer.
the girls were inside the house, drinking and karaoking while you stayed outside with jaehyun in his dark grey hoodie.
you were fine all day until around six is when your mood began to change.
you were feeling sick and dizzy. the smell of alcohol burned your nose and made your gag repeatedly. the medium rare stake had you gagging and pale.
you sigh and turn your head away from the live bonfire. “you okay, baby? feelin’ any better?” you shake your head with a slight whine.
“i still feel like throwing up.” jaehyun clicks his tongue and frowns. “wanna go home?”
“i don’t want to be a burden and pull you away from your friends and the fun.” jaehyun shakes his head. “nonsense, baby. they’ll understand. you aren’t feeling well and they know.”
you bite your lip and look up into his eyes. “okay, let’s go home.” jaehyun grins and kisses you before turning back to his friends.
“uh, me and y/n are gonna head out. she’s still not feeling well.” jaehyun stands and helps you up.
“yeah, don’t worry. we understand.” yuta says and the others quickly agree.
“get home safe, guys.” they say as you and jaehyun walk to the car. “you guys, too!” jaehyun shouts and helps you into the passenger side.
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“no, mom. i just feel sick, that’s all.”
“are you sure you aren’t pregnant?!” your mom screams over the phone.
you chuckle and shake your head. “no, mom. i just have a little cold. or fever, who knows.”
“i do and you’re pregnant!” you pull the phone away from your ear and you make a face when hearing your mother scream.
you bring the phone back to your ear with a sigh. “mom, there’s no reason to shout. we’re on the phone.”
“honey, i know you’re pregnant. i can feel it. i can sense it. it’s a mother sense, you’ll know soon.”
you sigh and shake your head. “mom, you’re crazy. im on the pill. plus, me and jaehyun always use a condom.”
“why? you guys are married! what’s the need of a condom?”
“me and jaehyun aren’t.. really ready for kids yet. i mean, mom, we just got married.”
your mother scoffs. “i may not remember how long ago you got married but you and jaehyun did not just get married.”
“whatever mom, i love you but we’re not like you and dad who decided to have a baby right after their marriage.”
your mother laughs. “condoms don’t always work, you idiot. get a pregnancy test and just see if it’s positive or negative. you never know, honey.”
“no buts. call me when the results are in! love youuu!” she sings with smooches.
“love you too, mom.” she hangs up and you bite your lip.
you pull your phone from your ear and you toss your phone on the pillow next to you.
the next minute you’re out the door with your keys, phone and wallet, heading to the nearest store that sold pregnancy tests.
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“hey, i’m home, honey.” jaehyun says, shutting the door and kicking off his shoes.
“hey, baby. welcome home.” you walk up to him and you hug him tightly.
you pull away and bite your lip. “wanna help me fold laundry?” jaehyun nods and slips off his brief bag.
jaehyun follows you to the bedroom and sits on the bed with you, helping you fold laundry and talking about his day at work.
“—tax returns, then— oh.” he holds up the tiny sage green onesie and tilts his head. “did you accidentally mix our laundry with mrs white upstairs?”
you suck in a breath and you exhale slowly. “what’s wrong, baby?” jaehyun looks at you and lowers the tiny outfit. “what’s wrong— why’re you crying?”
“i’m sorry,” you cover your face and shake your head. “that’s for us.” you point to the onesie and you wipe under your eyes.
“for us— what do you mean?” jaehyun wipes your jaw as tears drip down them.
“i mean, im pregnant.” jaehyun stills. “pregnant?” you nod. “like, with my baby?” you laugh and nod. “who else’s baby would it be?” jaehyun scoffs a laugh. “i—i don’t know?!”
“oh, my god.” jaehyun stands. “i’m gonna be a dad.” he says quietly. “i’m gonna be a dad!” he says more loudly and begins jumping around.
you laugh at his reaction. “we’re gonna be parents, baby.” jaehyun says reaching down and cupping your face.
“god, i love you. i love you so much, baby.” jaehyun says in between each smooch. “we’re gonna be the best fucking parents ever! best fucking parents, baby.”
your cheeks will hate you after this moment but it is so worth it.
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tzuyusluv · 2 years ago
❥ Jaehyun As A Dad
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genre -> fluff
pairing -> nct’s jaehyun x reader
warnings -> babies
word count -> 0.1k
summary -> nct jaehyun as a dad
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• The most dad to ever dad
• Loves using those baby carriers on his chest
• Constantly talking to your baby
• He’s doing the dishes and he likes ‘how did you like the new episode of your cartoon?
• He totally gets sucked into the cartoons
• Him and your child sitting together on the couch and leaning forward watching the cartoon intensely
• Lets them decorate their own bedroom
• ‘You want a dinosaur bedroom? I have the decals. You want a princess bedroom? I have the canopy bed ready. You want a space themed one? I have a astronaut helmet in the garage
• Picnics! Especially when your baby is doing the tummy time, he’ll lay down and start to talk to them or make jokes to see their smile
• His Lock Screen and favorite picture is you and your baby kissing his cheeks
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 6 months ago
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[3:17 pm]
(cw: dad!Jaehyun, children)
You turn to your daughters from your crouched position in the hallway, "remember, quiet. Like spies, ok?"
Your twin daughters nod, hands over their mouths to muffle their giggles. You all move toward the living room and more specifically, a distracted dad!Jaehyun, on the couch. Jaehyun's eyes are locked on some action movie playing, completely engrossed and unaware of the three people heading toward him.
"Go!" You exclaim. In a flash of pink and tulle Jaehyun is suddenly trapped as one daughter sits on his lap and the other sits on his feet.
His eyes widen in surprise before he laughs, "what's going on!"
"Makeover!" you all cheer.
He sighs and pretends to struggle, but he knows there's no escaping your three pairs of hands. You begin working on his hair, massaging and lightly scratching his scalp. His eyes fall shut as he lets himself enjoy the scalp massage.
One of his girls begins to paint his fingernails, when he peeks an eye open he sees that her polish of choice this time is a glittery blue. The girl on his lap begins to brush on blush on his cheeks and forehead. It actually feels pretty relaxing, even if he knows he'll look like a mess after his makeover.
He can hear random explosions from the movie as he becomes "pretty."
"Appa, you want purple or green?" The makeup artist asks.
"I want purple," Jaehyun answers, his eyes still closed.
"No, Appa wants green because the green eye shadow has sparkles like the nail polish," his other daughter adds.
"Oh yeah, green is good," the first replies. Jaehyun wants to laugh, what was the point of even asking him?
He can feel the eye shadow brush moving roughly over his eyelids and even into his eyebrows. He can feel wetness from the nail polish halfway down a couple fingers and he can feel you pulling sections of his hair into small pony tails all over his head.
"Are you girls making me beautiful?" He asks after a few minutes.
"No talking, Appa. Time for lipstick."
"Yeah, and no moving your fingers, you're messing me up!"
Jaehyun huffs out a laugh. Sure, that's what's messing her up, not her still developing fine motor skills.
"One more bow and I'm done," he hears you say.
“So beautiful! Appa’s nails are done too!” The younger of the twins adds with a clap of her hands.
He hears a hum and then, “I’m done too! I want a picture with Appa!”
“I don’t get to see myself first?” Jaehyun asks as he finally opens his eyes to fully take in the sight of his daughters in their matching princess dresses and cute buns in their hair, no doubt done by you. They had bright pink blush spread across their cheeks and a bold blue eyeshadow that went onto their foreheads. It’s an adorable sight.
You move from your spot behind the couch with your phone in your hands as the girls clamber on either side of Jaehyun. They all give you their identical smiles with a chorus of “cheese!”
You smile to stop yourself from laughing at the picture on your screen, “you all look so pretty!”
You pass the phone over to Jaehyun, who notes the matching blue glitter smeared on your own nails. As his eyes focus on the picture his jaw drops as he fights hard to keep a deep laugh from escaping him. He looks like a clown, an avant garde makeup look, maybe from far away it would look better. He instead chooses to say, “wow… I look so…”
“Beautiful!” His daughters exclaim in unison.
“Yes, that’s what I was going to say,” he replies. In response you give him a light shove to his shoulder as he sends himself the picture you took despite his thoughts on his makeover. These days with his little girls weren’t going to last forever.
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archiesms · 8 months ago
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4ranghaes · 4 months ago
Helloooooo! First off, I wanna start off by apologizing for stalking your page! It’s just so good I couldn’t stop reading all your posts! Especially gongfourz 3some was probably the best one I’ve ever read on here 😩😩
You mentioned before wanting to write dad au so, if it’s not too much to ask, what do you think bnd members would be like as dads? You don’t have to write about all of them but I’m thinking about Sungho in particular is absolutely a girl dad!! Have a wonderful day love 🫶🏽🫶🏽
ੈ✩‧₊˚ bnd as dads!
ot5 bnd x reader [fluff, fem!mum!reader, dad!bnd]
warnings - post partum!reader in sungho’s, pregnant!reader in leehan’s and woonhak’s (leehan’s has pretty detailed descriptions of feeling the baby so i apologise if that’s not your style)
a/n 1 - NEVER apologise for stalking my account i LOVE it i LOVE receiving notifs🥰🥰🥰 and thank you SO much ahh thats crazy praise❤️❤️💕
a/n 2 - AHHHH okay!!! so these are my headcanons for the kids i already had - so i hope you enjoy!!!! i got SO carried away with this…
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sungho🎀 [namgi = 6, changmin = 4, kyunghee = newborn]
“okay,” sungho said nervously, though the two boys holding his hands couldn’t detect the tone, “we’re gonna be quiet when we go in, okay? mummy might be in pain, and the baby will cry if you’re loud, okay boys?”
his two sons nodded diligently, holding on tightly to their dad’s hand as they walked through the hallways of the hospital. changmin was babbling a tune to himself as namgi looked around curiously. sungho took a deep breath; he’d been by your side for days on end as you were hospitalised prior to the birth of your daughter, and he didn’t leave your side for the whole 24 hours after she was born. going home to see his boys, no matter how much he loved them, was painful. now, he was plagued with even more worries of the first meeting.
“do you remember meeting changmin for the first time, namgi?” he asked, squeezing the hand of his eldest.
namgi looked up at his dad, thick glasses sat on his nose and nodded with a cheeky smile. sungho looked questioningly at his son, making him giggle.
changmin whined, “hyung! you were– you were 2! you don’t remember!”
“i do so!”
“boys, boys. quiet, remember?” sungho laughed, cursing himself internally for starting the debate as the three finally reached your room, “we’re here.”
changmin gasped, looking at his dad in excitement. sungho looked between the two boys, seeing almost perfect reflections of himself looking back before pushing the door open without letting go of either of their hands.
“okay…” he whispered, “quietly…”
the two boys giggled at the sight of you; four days being probably the longest they’d gone without you in their very short lives. you waved, beckoning them to your bed – which they happily left their dad’s side to run to.
“mummy!” changmin laughed, dashing over to you and climbing on your bed, but stopping himself before he wrapped his arms around you.
“where’s my hug?” you pouted.
“daddy said you might be hurt!” namgi said, pulling himself onto your bed and playing with the material of your clothes - pyjamas from home, finally no more of a hospital gown.
you glared at your husband, who laughed at your expression; ever the worrier. “boys, i’m okay. you can hug me.”
changmin giggled, flopping onto your body as he wrapped his small arms around you.
“but mummy…” namgi said, prompting you to look at him, “where’s the baby?”
“she’s right here!” you whispered with excitement as you pulled the incubator next to your bed closer so your sons could peak a look.
“little sister,” changmin laughed, enamoured with the bundle, though he was confused all the same.
“why don’t i hold her, and you two can come and say hello?” sungho offered, the two little boys scrambling off the bed to follow their dad as he walked round to the incubator.
he scooped the bundle of blankets out the cot with a slight gasp, sitting down on the side of your bed. he pulled the blankets off, revealing her bear onesie as he repositioned her in his arms.
you sat forward, leaning against sungho’s strong back to peak your own look at your only daughter, your head resting on his wide shoulder.
“she’s pretty,” namgi giggled, poking at her clothes gently to get a better look at her face.
“right?” sungho cooed, looking down at his daughter with a honey-filled gaze. you smiled, kissing his shoulder gently as he looked back at you. “you alright?”
you rolled your eyes with a laugh, rubbing his back gently, “you left me for less than 24 hours, sungho. i’m fine.”
he smiled, kissing your head gently before turning back to his children.
“ooh! what’s her name?!” changmin suddenly exclaimed, looking between you and sungho.
sungho turned to look at you, eyebrows raised expectantly after he left you with a final list of names just 12 hours ago.
“kyunghee,” you smiled at your boys, “park kyunghee.”
riwoo🦦🍡 [yuri = 6, wooseul = 1]
“we’re going to go to hybe for a bit instead, okay?” riwoo said, beckoning yuri to stay close to him as they walked along the streets of yongsan, “mummy will meet us there.”
yuri’s hand stayed on her little sister’s pram even as she jumped up and down, “yay! yay! yay!”
“mummy,” wooseul repeated, her pronunciation still that of a baby.
riwoo smiling and moving the hood of the pram to look down at her proudly. “that’s right, baby.”
“that’s right, baby!” yuri parroted, stroking wooseul’s cheek softly, “ah, we’re here! daddy, we’re here!”
“i know, yuri, i know,” he laughed, beckoning yuri to run into the building first, the body guards and receptionists well aware of the charming little girl; confidence personified, especially when with her introverted dad.
greeting the staff first, he followed after, pushing wooseul’s pram through the halls and elevators to koz’s floor, and finally into the designated bnd practise room.
“the lee family has arrived,” riwoo announced, yuri running into the room and hugging her uncle jaehyun’s legs tightly.
“yuri-ah! wooseul-ah!” he exclaimed, picking up the older lee child before bounding over to greet the younger.
“yes we’re very busy on our daddy-daughter date so if this choreo emergency could hurry along,” riwoo said, looking back at the other members also stood in the practise room.
they laughed, taesan stepping forward to explain. “it’s not much, hyung, but we’ve swapped some parts around and we can’t figure out what to do with the positioning anymore.”
riwoo nodded along, thinking for a moment about the choreography he’d made the day previous and how to change it to suit the new requirements of the song.
“yuri, wooseul, watch this,” jaehyun whispered, now sat on the bench at the back of the practise room with a lee girl either side of him, “your dad’s about to be really cool.”
yuri giggled at his silly voice as wooseul stared up at jaehyun with big shiny eyes. he laughed, patting her head with a coo.
“you’re so cute, wooseul-ah,” he cooed, pulling her onto his lap and hugging her close. woonhak and sungho came and joined them on the bench, pointing excitedly at riwoo as he started mapping out some of the choreo.
yuri giggled; practise rooms the most comfortable place for her at this point. since birth, she’d assisted sanghyuk to his dance practises, and immediately upon enrolment in school made sure to join any dance academy or club she could. she watched her dad with a twinkle in her eye; wooseul more bothered about jaehyun’s shiny necklace as he giggled at the younger child.
“yuri-ah,” woonhak smiled, tickling the girls waist, “how are your dance lessons going, you think you could do this?” riwoo turned round to face them, smiling at woonhak’s words.
“of course,” he bragged, “yuri’s the best in her class, right?”
yuri giggled, leaping up and running to her dad, as he held her face in his hands pulling a funny face down at her. “aren’t you, yuri? that’s what your teacher said, hmm?”
yuri smiled shyly, burying her face in her dad’s leg as the members started encouraging her.
“show us, yuri,” sungho smiled, “show us your dance!”
riwoo smiled proudly at his daughter, pulling her out his leg and leaning down to whisper in her ear, the little girl nodding excitedly in return.
“okay! a special performance from yuri, then,” he announced, walking over to turn on ‘nice guy’ as taesan and leehan went to the side of the room, riwoo moving to stand behind yuri and watch her intently.
“huh?!” woonhak exclaimed loudly.
“our song?!” jaehyun laughed, joining woonhak’s shock.
“let’s go, yuri!” leehan cheered, the little girl giggling as she started dancing to the chorus. riwoo watched her proudly, knowing her skills like the back of his hand.
after she finished the moves she knew, she ran to her dad, burying her head in his leg again as he laughed, petting her hair.
“and wooseul?” jaehyun asked, standing the girl up on his lap.
riwoo laughed, walking over and picking up his youngest daughter, twirling her round the room as though they were slow dancing, “dance genius too! see?”
jaehyun🪻🐕 [jangmi = 5, nari = 4, dongbaek = 10 months]
“remind me why we had another child?”
jaehyun laughed, pushing your messy bed hair out your face as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “cause they’re adorable and we love them.”
“but we just got back to normal sleep!”
you heard his laugh echo through the hallway as he collected your youngest daughter from her cot. recently moved from a moses basket beside your bed to her own room, she wasn’t taking the change well - and neither was anyone else in your house for that matter.
“mummy! daddy! dongbaek-ie’s crying again!” jangmi exclaimed, appearing in your bedroom doorway, rubbing her eyes with the backs of her hands sleepily.
“we know, baby,” you smiled, not bothering to move from where you lay your pillows, instead bringing back jaehyun’s side of the duvet to invite her in. “daddy’s got her, she should stop soon.”
“i do like her…” jangmi trailed off, looking at you cheekily.
you raised your eyebrows, awaiting her next words. “myung jangmi, are you telling me you don’t love your little sister?”
she giggled, laying down beside you and nuzzling into your side, “i like nari.”
laughing loudly, you started tickling her body to tease her, “what?! jangmi! how dare you!”
if the crying from the baby didn’t do it for your middle daughter, laughter certainly did. more and more like your husband each day; nari loved to be where the laughter was.
“mummy,” nari smiled as she appeared in the doorway, teddy gifted by uncle woonhak tucked under her arm.
“come on then,” you smiled, patting the bed beside jangmi as your two daughters got into the warmth beside you.
“uh?!” a loud voice came from the doorway. jaehyun had mock offence on his face, your youngest daughter laying on his shoulder with his protective hand on her back. “my bed’s been overtaken!”
“it’s our bed now!” nari laughed, sticking her tongue out at her dad.
jaehyun pretended to cry, rubbing his face in dongbaek’s tiny body. “dongbaek-ah, save me from your horrible sisters!”
the two girls beside you just laughed, squeezing up to your body so jaehyun could sit on the other side. he raised his knees up, laying the almost-1-year-old on his thighs. she wriggled sleepily as he stared down at her lovingly.
“what do you think dongbaek’s gonna be when she’s older?” he asked, turning to look at jangmi.
both his older daughters were now sat up, staring down at their little sister in wonder.
“an astronaut!” nari cried, jangmi shaking her head defiantly.
“i think an artist.”
“no i’m gonna be an artist!” nari yelled, patting her chest proudly.
“there can be more than one artist, nari!” jangmi scoffed, jaehyun laughing at the interaction, stroking jangmi’s hair to cool her down.
“what do you want to be, jangmi?”
“a singer,” she smiled, settling down beside her dad as he lifted his arm to wrap around her.
“a singer?!” he gasped, a proud smile growing on his face.
“a singer?!” you repeated, “like daddy?”
jangmi nodded, growing shy as she hid her face in her dad’s side.
“woah, you’re so cool, jangmi-ya!” you smiled, brushing her hair affectionately, “and our nari’s going to be an artist too, my girls are so talented!”
“and dongbaek!” nari smiled, peering down at her sister, “even if she’s boring.”
dongbaek was finally starting to settle again, the sight of her dad putting her into comfortable sleep. jaehyun sighed in relief, placing her back on his shoulder.
“right,” he said, voice quiet, “back to bed.”
jangmi and nari whined, protests escaping their mouths immediately. jaehyun silently started signalling wildly to the sleeping baby on his shoulder as his girls started to giggle.
“bed!” he said again, both of them piling out the room as he turned to look at you, rolling his eyes.
you just laughed, “that’s all you.”
taesan🎸🐈‍⬛ [baekho = 8, seulgi = 4, deoksu = 1]
“baekho,” taesan sighed, “you can’t take a bat to school.”
baekho whined, looking to you after his dad seemingly crushed his dreams. you laughed, shaking your head, “he’s right, bud, i’m sorry. you can’t take a bat to school, no matter how much you like baseball.”
the little boy stormed out the room, taesan looking at you and shaking his head with a sigh, “everyday i feel more of a reason to call my mum and apologise for my behaviour as a child.”
you laughed, lifting deoksu out of his high chair and beginning to clean his mouth with a wet wipe, “hmm. and somehow i still think you were worse.”
taesan chuckled, busying himself with cleaning up all the mess from breakfast as baekho came back in the room, full baseball uniform adorning his body instead of the clothes his dad had picked out for him earlier this morning.
“you know what? yeah,” taesan shrugged, “that’s a good halfway point.”
his eldest son sat on the sofa, a serious pout on his face as he crossed his arms. you sat beside him, after placing your youngest on the floor, stroking his cheek softly.
“baekho-ya,” you spoke, “you know if it was up to us, we’d let you take your bat in, right? but both you and us will get in trouble if we let you take it, okay? we’re not trying to ruin your fun, i promise.”
taesan smiled, watching you talk to your son with softness. the beatles continued to play out from the speaker in the kitchen, deoksu toddling over to his dad once he noticed.
“daddy,” he said, taesan bending down to look at his young son with eyebrows raised, “beat-les song right now.”
“yeah!” taesan smiled, kissing his forehead as his heart felt filled to bursting with joy, “do you like it?”
deoksu nodded, giggling as he began dancing (or bobbing up and down). taesan stood up, watching him with a loving gaze. suddenly, he was ripped from the moment suddenly as he glanced at the time.
“god. baekho! seulgi! it’s time to leave!” he yelled, looking at you in confusion, “where’s seulgi?”
“she wanted to pick out her outfit herself this morning,” you shrugged, “and i’m not going to be the one stopping her.”
taesan rolled his eyes, why did his children have to be such mirrors of him?
“seulgi-ya!” he yelled, watching the bottom of the stairs for his daughter to appear. “we’re going to be late!”
“i’ll get the baekho in the car,” you murmured to your husband, kissing his cheek as you placed your dirty coffee cup on the side of the sink. you picked deoksu up, beckoning your eldest son to follow you out. “come on you, shoes and coat.”
taesan sighed as he watched the three of you leave, moving to go up to seulgi’s bedroom to check what she was doing – before he could even reach the bottom of the stairs, however, there she was. her fanciest off-white dress on her body with a soft red cape-style coat over the top. her hair was done in plaits - presumably your only contribution to her outfit, but she’d added a dress-up tiara on her head. he broke out in a smile, heart swelling at the beauty of his only daughter.
“well hello princess,” he chuckled, “going to kindergarten like that today?”
she nodded definitely, smiling up at her dad, “don’t i look pretty?”
he beamed, crouching down and opening his arms for a hug (which she quickly accepted), “you’re the prettiest, darling. put on your shoes quickly, though, we need to leave.”
“yes, daddy!”
he smiled, watching her lovingly as she slipped bright yellow crocs on her feet. he laughed at the new addition to the outfit, shaking his head.
“oh, princess seulgi!” you exclaimed, appearing in the doorway of the house again as your daughter walked out to the car, an air of determination about her, “have a good day at school!”
she giggled, waving goodbye to you and her little brother, climbing up into the car. you looked to taesan who seemed to be in a daze.
“time, taesan,” you said, walking over, deoksu still sat on your hip as you placed your hand on your husband’s face, “i know you’re head over heels for your daughter but you’re gonna be late.”
he snapped back to reality, winking at you as he rushed to the door, “only head over heels for you, my darling. have a good day!”
leehan🪸🐠 [sua = 6, haesu = fetus (6 months)]
“what’s this?”
“what do you mean what’s this?” leehan laughed, his daughter’s small finger trailing over his lips as she looked up at his face from where she lay on his lap, “they’re my lips!”
sua giggled, trailing her finger to poke her dad’s eye, “what’s this?!”
leehan chuckled, taking ahold of her hand and pretending to eat it, sua laughing loudly as his mouth tickled her skin.
“what are you doing?” you giggled, walking into the living room to see your husband and your daughter in their own world as they stared at each other.
“sua’s learning what a face is, apparently,” leehan laughed, tickling his daughter’s stomach as she squirmed on his lap.
“mummy,” sua said suddenly, peering at you. you tilted your head to see her straight on.
“yes, sua baby?”
“can the baby hear us?” she asked, playing with her dad’s hands absentmindedly.
“yes!” you smiled, taking a careful seat on the sofa next to the two, a hand atop your rounded stomach, “why? you want to talk to him?”
sua nodded, suddenly shy as she sat up.
“say whatever!” leehan encouraged, brushing her long brown hair out her face, “i talk to him every night.”
“really?” she giggled.
leehan nodded, a serious expression on his face, “of course! and i spoke to you when you were in mummy’s belly. do you remember?”
sua’s eyes sparkled, exactly the same as her dad’s as they looked at each other - as though trying to gage the other’s reaction. “of course,” she giggled, leehan gasping over dramatically in response.
“you do?!”
she nodded, before turning back to the task in hand as she looked at your stomach. she twisted her head to the side in confusion.
“he’s really in there?” she chuckled, looking up at you.
you smiled, wiping some of whatever she had for breakfast off the side of her mouth as you nodded. you looked down to your stomach, observing for a moment before feeling around. taking sua’s hand, you placed it on the top where your son’s feet were pressing into your skin.
“feel him? right there,” you said, sua’s eyes widening as she sat up suddenly, “he’s kicking me.”
“hey! don’t kick mummy!” sua laughed, placing both her hands on your stomach. she moved closer to the skin, speaking loudly. “hello in there. helllooooo—”
“hello kim sua,” leehan said, putting on a funny voice.
sua turned to glare at her dad, as he just laughed. “dad. i’m 6 now, you can’t trick me.”
“ah, okay, i’m sorry,” he smiled, “go on.”
the little girl turned back to you and the baby, resuming her original position.
“i’m kim sua, can you hear me?” she spoke, watching the surface as though a reply would come, “i’m your sister. and you have to be nice to me because i’m older, okay?”
leehan laughed, burying his face in your shoulder, “where did she get that from?”
you laughed with him, shaking your head, “she’s not allowed to hang out with han seulgi anymore.”
“right?” he said, smiling proudly down at his daughter, “let’s make her hang out with lee yuri. she loves her sister.”
“that’s because she has a little sister, not a little brother,” you said, peering at leehan as he nodded in thought. the two of you were still watching your little girl intently, though she wasn’t listening to a word you were saying; preoccupied with her conversation to her little brother. “i think she’s going to be a good sister though. look at her.”
leehan smiled, nodding, “she loves him already.”
you nodded, leaning your head atop leehan’s as sua suddenly turned to look at you two. you raised your eyebrows in anticipation.
“daddy,” she started, “…can you do the voice again?…”
leehan chuckled, acting confused at the very request. you smiled at him, stroking your daughter’s hair. “speak to your brother again, sua. try one more.”
“can you hear me, baby?” she asked, “answer me!”
“yes hello kim sua,” leehan said in a funny voice, your daughter bursting out in giggles, “i’m your little brother.”
ot6 / woonhak🧸 (this is a bit different cause i felt weird writing him as a dad - takes place FAR in the future!)
“i think this may be the first time in my life i’ve seen him cook,” sungho gasped, watching woonhak carry out the main dish and place it in the middle of the table.
woonhak smiled sarcastically, jaehyun patting him on the back reassuringly.
“it’s okay, baby,” jaehyun cooed, “you’re proving yourself now!”
“ah stop calling me baby, seriously,” woonhak whined, taking his seat next to you at the dinner table. all of the members and their partners were there, woonhak’s heart beating with what could only be described as nerves as you took his hand. “you all have your own children, why am i still the baby?!”
leehan smiled affectionately opposite him, “no matter how old you are, you’re still our baby.”
“yeah!” taesan cheered, raising his glass, “to our baby!”
“to our baby!”
woonhak chuckled off the comment, looking to you nervously as he played with your fingers.
“seriously, though,” sungho spoke, his glass still raised, motioning towards you and woonhak, “thank you for having us, mr. and mrs. kim.”
you smiled, cheersing him back with your own glass (juice, not wine like the others had).
“well actually,” woonhak started, clearing his throat suddenly as looked between his members, “i– we did have something to toast to tonight. a– a reason to force you all to get babysitters and invite you all here.”
“not that we’re not thankful for it,” riwoo laughed, the others joining, but stopping soon after when they saw their maknae’s serious face.
he smiled at his older brothers, the ones who had practically raised him since youth. you squeezed his hand as he spared a glance back at you before looking to his brothers again. the smile on his face was infectious, his heart now pounding with excitement as he grasps the news he’s about to announce.
“y/n’s pregnant,” he beams, the silence thick afterwards as he looks between them, “we’re having a baby!”
jaehyun’s the first to break, a loud cheer escaping his mouth as he bounds out of his seat, pulling woonhak into a hug. the rest of the boys soon follow; some energetic, some seemingly in a daze.
jaehyun turns to you, pulling you into a tight hug.
“seriously,” he smiled, tears welling up in his eyes, “congratulations.”
“why are you crying?!” you exclaimed, slapping his arm as the rest of the members suddenly latched on to their leader’s tears too, teasing him beyond belief.
“i’m just so proud of him,” jaehyun sniffled, pulling woonhak into another hug as the younger boy whined loudly.
“get off me! i’m a dad now,” he teased, the other boys all looking on lovingly, leehan’s hand stroking woonhak’s hair, while a couple of the others were supporting jaehyun.
“wow,” sungho said, as everyone started taking their seats again.
“does this mean we’re old now?” riwoo laughed in disbelief, sharing sungho’s sentiment.
“no!” woonhak cheered, nothing could offset his mood with news this good.
sungho sighed, “speak for yourself. namgi’s already 12.”
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boynextdoorcoverpoison · 10 months ago
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yunogf · 5 months ago
idk finding and posting pics of jaehyuns dad when jaehyun himself has never posted any is kinda weird......
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hyuckmov · 2 years ago
short break from the asks to say happy father’s day to the one and only
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