#The old ADHD housecleaning trick
bonefall · 2 years
I am very interested in your rewrite but am having a hard time keeping track do you have a masterpost or a timekine somewhere?? If not that's okay bc this is a thing for you and u don't have to keep it organized for other ppl
Anon I'm so sorry I am weeping. I've been trying to fix my masterpost for like several months and I keep getting distracted. This is like... an ongoing problem that I sit down to work on it, get distracted by asks and more side ideas, and then the next thing I know it's been a week and barely any progress
Right now I'm working on a huge "guide" for the masterpost, literally a semi-masterpost, that collects stuff for each individual reduxed character
If you would like though, the messy "active construction project" of a masterpost I currently have is right here
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