#The nymph yn
weirdenbyferret · 1 month
Hey what if I made a spiderman au
just asking, I totes didnt actually do it...
....I totally did
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Sun and Moon are the heroes of the city, and mc/yn is a minor villain! Lore for the boys will be in a seperate post at some point but not rnnnn
And then theres the main villain, The Mantis
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Btw, totes unrelated, a baby mantis is called a Nymph :3
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garnetea · 1 year
dream a little dream of me.
who roronoa zoro x fem black! y/n. length 715 words! warnings fluffy smut! nipple suckin. semi-wet dream. napping on a hammock. it's mostly fluff.
leman's letter! this's a little old, i just wanna get out some zoro stuff tbhhh. also, reader being chunky is implied a little but not as heavily as my last zoro piece; do with this as you will! and not super proof read..
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ★
A tranquil breeze provided by lingering nymphs sets Y/n and Zoro's shared hammock into a subtle rock, as the cool evening air tickles their necks and foreheads with delicate brushes. Zoro's mossy hued hair nestles against the bare warmth of Yn's chest, while dozing somewhat noisily, accompanying the forming pool of drool in his mouth with light exhales and snores.
It's a rare sight to see such an event as this; the typically stubborn and stoic swordsman being so vulnerable and adorable, finding comfort upon the plump breasts of his corpulent lover. The weight of his sleepy head is relaxed and trusting in your presence, though he'd never go as far as admitting that this is because you're beyond precious to him. Instead, he grants you with another arm full of sweetly softened breaths and incoherent mumbles. 
Though, when Zoro's unconscious mumbles and grumbles grow audible to a noticeable degree, you worry that he'll wake up before he's truly rejuvenated, which will leave you with an unpleasantly grumpy boyfriend on your hands. Therefore, you place your foot on the grassy ground below, moving the comforting weight of your hand from Zoro's scarred back to his messy bundles of hair. Rocking your foot in place, ever so carefully, you breathe out a motherly, "Shhh." Smiling affectionately as you do so, all to lull the furrow-browed man back into uninterrupted rest.
However, before long, your smile slowly fades as the man's nap takes its own route of self satisfaction. Suddenly, he's leaking a pool of built up saliva from the confinements of his parted lips and onto your exposed chest. You watch tentatively and attentively with increasingly intrusive ideas, as the shimmering dribble graces the crevice separating your tits, and smears over the comfortable stiffness of your dark nipples. Due to Zoro shifting in his sleep. 
"Dios mío, not now, Noa.."
Your hushed pleas of cessation to this evolving scenario went unheard and uncared for as Zoro shifts even more against his lover's mattress of a body, with a stiff knee pressed between your spread thighs as he finds himself in a more comfortable position. It's nothing a few inches backwards you can't fix, but the pressure from Zoro's knee on your lap becomes the least of your concerns as the sleepy swordsman's lips habitually latch onto the perkiness of your nipple.
The tip of your skin was brushing his lazily parted lips. A subtle gesture which — even if it holds little force, since he is in fact asleep — sends your nerves and self control into an uproar, tempting your excitement to run rampant in the blood stream riveting your quickened heart. The blood stream which is suddenly rushing its intensity downward to entice the arousal of your clit in the process.
Embarrassing as it may be in such a pure setting as this (being doused with the soft kisses from a loving sunset, along with the distant tunes of Sanji playing the acoustic guitar for another lovely woman), the sensation of Zoro's uncharacteristically needy lips against your skin rids you a necessary amount of sanity. You have to fight the urge to wake the swordsman from his hazy dreams and find pleasure in a more sensitive area than your sloppily abused chest, but that urge is quickly combated with the stirring of Zoro's facial expression as he rests. 
Seemingly on cue, you drop the rocking movement on the ball of your foot and the height of your heel against the ground, leaving your body limp as you abruptly force your eyelashes to a close and rest your head correspondingly. A sleepy guise, of course.
In turn, Zoro lazily raises his head and yawns obnoxiously, only stopping his inconsiderate movements when he realizes your "sleeping" state. He'd smile softly at the serene sight if it weren't for the moist substance coated over his lover's chest, and the same substance being slickly fastened to his own rosy cheeked front. With noticeable fluster, he mumbles, "Sorry bout' that.. had a weird dream." Before laying himself in the same comfortable position and continuing his previously unconscious adventure, since by the heat and fattened pudge beneath your loose shorts, you seem to have been enjoying the scenario just as much as him. "Eh, I know you don't mind. Just stay there and be quiet a while longer, alright?"
★ garnetea productions. all rights reserved, do not plagiarize.
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mirrorbvllhoon · 2 months
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FATE (Orpheus!Heesung x Eurydice!Fem!reader)
I lost everything
Become an undead monster
But now
I know what I have to do (I know)
Follow the blood testament
₊˚ ✧ Fate (Dark Blood)
WC: 1.8k Warnings: mentions of death/dying and that's all I think (?)
There once lived a young man bestowed not only with beauty, artistry and grace that no other mortal had ever possessed, but blessed with a beautiful voice and a talent with words as well, his name was Heesung, whose existence was blessed by the great Apollo, the god had bestowed him with a talent to sing and play the lyre, bewitching everyone who surrounded him, neither enemies nor beasts could resist the power of his melodious voice and his ability with the lyre, and although many had dreamed of being with him, his heart already belonged to a beautiful young wood nymph, y/n.
Y/n, not only loved Heesung, but his talent as well, there was no other nymph in the forest or woman on the earth who adored his voice and his talent as she did, she loved every part of Heesung, when he was playing, people were bewitched, coming from everywhere to contemplate the view and listen to his melodies, a creation of him, however she stayed there to listen to him even when everyone else had left, as if hours didn’t exist and time was frozen, sometimes Heesung got jealous of his own talent and how it captivated the young woman.
“Why do I feel you love my music more than you love me?” He had asked one time, in the intimacy of the presence only the two of them shared under the moonlight, his hand still playing, the music of his made even the wind enamored to sing and dance with the leaves of the trees and the rivers flow.
“Don’t be foolish my love, I love your music because it comes from you, and I love you, it’s only natural from me to love your music as well” the young woman had answered before kissing her lover’s cheek and rested her hand on the nape of his neck.
Days and weeks had passed and anyone who had the privilege of attending the young couple’s sacred wedding, could swear by any god and temple, how they longed and loved for each other, there was no other mortal love who could be as pure and sincere as Heesung and yn’s.
The couple was ready to be promised in marriage, already in their wedding attire, the two of them stood in front of Hymen, the god of marriage, who they hoped could bless their sacred union, but oh were they wrong, did they even know the fate awaiting them?
“Although you’re meant to be, life is beautiful for it is ephemeral, time is tickling and perfection is not meant to last” said the god, who far from blessing them had given them one last chance to separate their lives and reconstruct their fate, but oh, fate is not meant to be constructed or deconstructed, it is just meant to happen,
Although fear crippled in their love, and the same tried to break their perfect wedding day apart, the sweetness of their young love kept arising, until one cruel day where the gods of fate decided to mischief, chaos arose from one singular mundane scene.
There was y/n who with the rest of her nymphs, stood in the middle of their forest, dancing and enjoying herself in the gift the gods had blessed them with, when a young foolish shepherd of name Aristaeus saw her, and astonished by the beauty of her, beauty that he desired but couldn’t have, started to make advances and eventually chase her, because what mortals always desire is what they cannot have, and his ambition cursed the young woman and her lover to an imprecation that not even the cruelest mortal was boarded with, as y/n kept running and finally found rest in a secluded area of the grand forest, fate again, decided to toy with her, she was barely regaining her breath when she felt a pair of fangs in her talon, a snake had bitten her and as if her life hadn’t been important the snake left, crawling to the forest after completing her task, in a second instant she exhaled, awaiting to be transported to the underworld, her lasts thoughts were of her short life with her now husband, remembering how Hymen had advised them of the fate that awaits him as well.
What a surprise did Heesung find, when he arrived at the forest to search for his wife, she hadn’t arrived at sunset, as she always did, he found the nymphs, he found the dead shepherd who perished by the same bite of fate as y/n, but in the darkness and cold of the night, he couldn’t find his lover, and when he finally did, he was faced with her cadaver, and as the night was full of death and darkness, life had left y/n’s body so many hours before, he held her close to her chest, as if hoping that the gods would bring her back for only a glimpse of time, but it never happened, she was far gone.
And with the cloak of Nyx abandoning the sky, and the sun arising on the blue canvas, Heesung, full with grief played his lyre and sang, being this the only things remaining that could remind her of his lover, in that very moment every object in this earth and sky, whether it had life or not, every mortal good or evil, rich or poor, wise or fool, every god and goddess learnt about the pain he was bearing through his powerful melody that could move them to sorrow and grief.
Full with lamentation, Heesung arrived in the presence of Zeus, hoping that he, of all gods and goddesses could grant him his one true desire; to have y/n back, however the olympian god couldn’t interfere in the affairs of the underworld, as it was his brothers domains and not his, nevertheless he encouraged the Heesung to descend to the underworld, and ask it’s king, Jay, for help.
Once Heesung had arrived to the deepness of the underworld he encountered cerberus, the three-headed dog, who guarded the underworld for any mortal to trespass, but with the melodious symphonies that his voice and lyre made, the dog stayed down, and allowed the young mortal to trespass, the same happened when Heesung encountered with the boatman Charon, who moved by his symphony, agreed to allow him to cross the styx river without any cost.
Jay and his wife, the rulers of the underworld, were surprised to say the least, when the young man’s presence entered their domains.
“How dare you, a simple mortal, to invade my domains? You should tell me your motives unless you want to perish in the abyss for eternity” scolded Jay, his tone deep and strong, his voice resonating through the valley of the dead.
“I’m begging you to allow me to retrieve to the world of the living my beloved y/n..:” Heesung started talking, but his words weren’t enough to demean the feelings that burdened  him, so with his lyre he started to sing, about the life that was taken away from them, of love and sorrow and lost, of fate and it’s bittersweet ways and of the pain that y/n’s departure had left him with.
The whole tartarus stopped, the furies for a moment forgot to punish the sinners and thieves to shed tears, the captive souls in the styx stopped their laments and cries, Sisyphus stopped rolling his stone moved by the youngster’s voice, and even Jay, the king of the dead, shed an iron tear.
Finally, Jay asked for y/n’s presence to be brought before them, when the young couple reunited with a passionate kiss and a hug full of love and hope, the king had one last commandment for the couple, before they could depart for the path to the living world, and hopefully, for their merry life awaiting them.
“Y/n must follow you Heesung, you will have to lead her way, and you are not allowed to look back for her, for if you do so, her soul will be taken back to the depths of the tartarus and you will lose her again”
The young couple looked at each other, before giving the underworld’s king thanks and preparing themselves to start making their way upwards to the living land, with Heesung leading, and y/n following; but Heesung was afraid, afraid that the god, with mischief boiling in his olympian blood, had tricked him, each step he gave, he couldn’t hear her lover’s step following him, or her voice humming a melody he had composed time before, he couldn’t hear her breathing, as if she wasn’t there, yet Heesung stood with his head up, and tried to not succumb to the temptation of looking back, scared to loose her or scared by the feeling of having lost here even before walking towards the earth.
When finally the light of the sun had touched their skin and engulfed their eyes, and when he stood his feet on the earth’s grass, he succumbed afraid of being tricked and losing her lover before even having her, he looked back, and in that very moment, Y/n was engulfed by the underworld, and taken aback cursed by the inhuman love Heesung had for her, the same reason Jay had given him that task, he knew that for Heesung, that would be impossible, for he loved y/n.
Days passed and Heesung swore to never love another woman, because in his eyes and heart there was no place for another woman, there was only y/n. So he played the lyre full of melancholy and love, putting the air and the trees to dance with the spring of the night, and the birds to chipper with the haze of the sun, moving the world with his music full of the love he had for y/n.
But Hymen’s prophecy hadn’t been completed, for a group of jealous women, who couldn’t understand how such a being full of love, music and poetry couldn’t dare to love again, they decided to end his life as a punishment, throwing his lyre to the river, where a group of muses transformed it into a beautiful constellation that would embellish forever the cloak of the night, remembering for eternity the love that once upon a time moved the world with it’s melodies.
But for Heesung, death was far from a punishment, for in the afterlife he could reunite again with his beloved, and in dead they could live the life, life itself had taken away from death, death couldn’t tore apart the love Heesung had for y/n for even in death his soul crawled towards her, engulfed in her presence he could find peace, to this day the couple walks along the styx river, sometimes Heesung is leading her and looking back to see her beloved following, other days it’s y/n going upfront, but no matter who leads or follows, they always look back, longing for the presence of the other, and the safety of knowing that they’re not alone, hoping that once they drink from the lethe and allowed to step on the earth again, fate will reunite them again, for one life or death or a thousand of them wasn’t enough to contain their love.
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
a/n: Hope that you enjoyed reading this story, feel free to comment, reblog or like <3
tags: @solfolgi
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hellbornsworld · 7 months
Hey can you help me with finding a fanfic. Jungkook is a genie or nymph there and Yn found him on the beach. Jungkook fucked her really hard roght on the beach. Can you help me to find it
I came across this fic but I don't know the name for the fic sorry
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mingkist · 2 years
would perhaps love yunhoyn post discreet pics of each other when theyre on dates on bubble/universe/wtv platform? if yes how would fans react 😵‍💫
this is such a fun question!!
and yes they would, esp on yn’s part who (since she’s an SM artist) would have her own personal insta, there’s subtle photos like two plates at a dinner table (then later yunho posts pics on his universe of him at dinner), flowers that yunho has bought her, photo of her room/dorm where you can see sign ateez albums.
and if one of them gets starts getting ship with another idol then they’re going to make it clear, i can see photos of yn wearing yunho’s clothes, them being on the other’s set, photocards on the back of clear phone cases or bubble updates saying “the ateez members came for dinner today” then “i think wooyoung’s trying to steal my boyfriend from me” then watch the fan go insane !!!
plus!! sook who we know is a huge yunhoyn shipper would also posts about their relationship, she’d update her bubble with “unnie’s making us dinner”,,, it’s a picture of yn’s back and to the side you can see yunho (badly cropped) passing her something. and just lots! and i mean LOTS! of badly cropped yunho/mingyu.
as for fans i think they will receive it well and want more from them cuz —as a fan myself, i love seeing idols in relationships interacting. since they were friends before they began dating and were on a lot of shows with each others, i think there would already be a huge amount of shippers so their relationship would mostly strive in the public eye.
lots of yunhoyn edits where it’s audio clips of them talking about eachother, with them sneaking smiles, or yn straight up roasting yunho and he’s just looking at her with the doe-est of doe eyes ever then the caption would be “i miss cassioteez”. ship edits using their lore, with yunho being a pirate and yn being a water nymph with comments saying how they’re even meant to be in their own universes.
i do think that interaction between them would die down tho, no more cassioteez content, they won’t be able to really talk during music shows, if they appeared in behind the scene contents before, they won’t anymore, all because their company asked them to keep it down low.
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ladyelain · 2 years
Do you think G*yn is Lucien or Eris’ daughter they don’t know of?
I might be the only one, but I really hope Gwyn isn’t related to the Vanserras at all. It would create too much drama to be covered in two books, imo. It’s a completely new story line we don’t really need, since every relevant character of the series is already tied to the Autumn Court in some way.
I’d much rather see Gwyn have her own story and get to know more about her mother’s heritage, the nymph species, and her twin sister.
Also, I feel like if SJM had something planned, there would have been some kind of indication in acosf. I could be wrong, but I don’t recall Gwyn so much as appearing on the same page with Eris or Lucien.
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9. Jonni Price Visitor experience manager, RSPB Conwy Photographed by Matt Horwood
Tell us something about yourself that nobody else knows. Um. I can lick my elbow? Which most people think is impossible… so it’s a great way of winning free drinks!
What do you enjoy doing in your own time?  I’m a keen birder with a love for invertebrates too, so if I’m not at RSPB Conwy, I’m usually on another reserve somewhere birdwatching, chasing butterflies or diving in ponds! I’m mad about football too, and also enjoy running, camping, fishing and gardening.
Tell us a bit about your work as a visitor expperience manager? What do you love most about it? I’m involved in all aspects of visitor experience at RSPB Conwy. From events planning and social media, to signage, interpretation and more! I’m passionate about making sure that the reserve is a place for both wildlife and people; creating opportunities for our visitors to connect with nature, and inspiring the next generation to care for wildlife and the environment too.
If you had to pick one thing, what are you most passionate about? My last point above is one which I feel particularly strongly about, and is probably the aspect I enjoy the most about my job too. Inspiring people (especially young people) about nature, through hands-on experiences… and science! I began my career with the RSPB at Conwy as a volunteer education intern (AKA professional pond-dipper!) back in 2016, helping to lead school visits on the reserve. I lead similar activities with families and youth groups etc. in my current role, but I will still never tire of seeing the eyes of a child light up at their first sight of a dragonfly nymph, or their first stroke of a smooth newt!
What makes you angry?  In the middle of a nature climate emergency, where should I start? I suppose the sheer ignorance of the natural world, and absence of care which many people seem to be capable of these days. Particularly when those people are in power, and are in control of what state the environment will be for generations to come.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Hm. Just ‘one thing’ feels a bit limited! Could I change the decade we’re in instead? That way we could see a lot of the changes I feel that we now need, already in place. And we could (hopefully) avoid ending up in the mess that we are today! Without certain technological and industrial advances, people simply had to be more connected to their environment and in tune with the natural world. And with wildlife like wild boars, beavers and wolves roaming our woodlands, the world was a little bit wilder too! Do you feel connected to nature and/or wildlife and if so, tell us a bit about when you first found an interest or felt connected. Absolutely. I feel that I always have been, from a young age anyway. Since sitting on the banks of fishing lakes with my grandad watching dragonflies dance, and tending to the allotment with my grandma collecting caterpillars and creating ponds. I used to catch bugs in the garden and nearby fields for hours on end, pot them all up and sit for hours with a book identifying as many as possible. Some would then get transferred to tanks and jars in my ‘museum’ (bedroom), where I would charge entrance fees to see them! As you can imagine, my mum and dad weren’t always amused by this, and I my arachnophobic sister wasn’t too fond either. Despite this though, they never stopped me being a bug nerd and encouraged me in all I did… even if it did result in the occasional escaped insect emergency! *** 9. Jonni Price Rheolwr ymweliadau, RSPB Conwy Llun gan Matt Horwood
Dywedwch rywbeth amdanoch eich hun nad oes neb arall yn ei wybod. Um. Gallaf lyfu fy mhenelin? Pa un sy’n amhosib ym marn y rhan fwyaf o bobl… felly mae’n ffordd wych o ennill diodydd am ddim!
Beth ydych chi'n mwynhau ei wneud yn eich amser eich hun? Rydw i’n adarwr brwd gyda chariad at infertebratau hefyd, felly os nad ydw i yn RSPB Conwy, rydw i fel arfer ar warchodfa arall yn rhywle yn gwylio adar, yn erlid glöynnod byw neu’n deifio mewn pyllau! Dw i’n wallgof am bêl-droed hefyd, a hefyd yn mwynhau rhedeg, gwersylla, pysgota a garddio.
Dywedwch ychydig wrthym am eich gwaith fel rheolwr ymweliadau? Beth ydych chi'n ei garu fwyaf amdano? Rwy’n ymwneud â phob agwedd ar brofiad ymwelwyr yn RSPB Conwy. O gynllunio digwyddiadau a chyfryngau cymdeithasol, i arwyddion, dehongli a mwy! Rwy’n frwd dros sicrhau bod y warchodfa yn lle i fywyd gwyllt a phobl; creu cyfleoedd i’n hymwelwyr gysylltu â byd natur, ac ysbrydoli’r genhedlaeth nesaf i ofalu am fywyd gwyllt a’r amgylchedd hefyd.
Pe bai'n rhaid i chi ddewis un peth, beth ydych chi'n angerddol amdano fwyaf? Mae fy mhwynt olaf uchod yn un yr wyf yn teimlo'n arbennig o gryf yn ei gylch, ac mae'n debyg mai dyma'r agwedd rwy'n ei mwynhau fwyaf am fy swydd hefyd. Ysbrydoli pobl (yn enwedig pobl ifanc) am fyd natur, trwy brofiadau ymarferol… a gwyddoniaeth! Dechreuais fy ngyrfa gyda’r RSPB yng Nghonwy fel intern addysg wirfoddol (AKA trochwr pwll proffesiynol!) nôl yn 2016, gan helpu i arwain ymweliadau ysgol â’r warchodfa. Rwy'n arwain gweithgareddau tebyg gyda theuluoedd a grwpiau ieuenctid ac ati yn fy rôl bresennol, ond ni fyddaf byth yn blino o hyd o weld llygaid plentyn yn goleuo ar eu golwg cyntaf o was y neidr, neu eu strôc gyntaf o fadfall lefn!
Beth sy'n eich gwylltio? Yng nghanol argyfwng hinsawdd natur, ble ddylwn i ddechrau? Tybiwn yr anwybodaeth pur am y byd naturiol, a'r diffyg gofal y mae llawer o bobl yn ymddangos yn alluog i'w wneud y dyddiau hyn. Yn enwedig pan fydd y bobl hynny mewn grym, ac yn rheoli pa gyflwr fydd yr amgylchedd am genedlaethau i ddod.
Pe gallech chi newid un peth am y byd, beth fyddai hwnnw? Hm. Dim ond ‘un peth’ sy’n teimlo braidd yn gyfyngedig! A gaf i newid y degawd yr ydym ynddo yn lle hynny? Y ffordd honno gallem weld llawer o'r newidiadau yr wyf yn teimlo sydd eu hangen arnom yn awr, sydd eisoes ar waith. Ac fe allen ni (gobeithio) osgoi diweddu yn y llanast yr ydym ni heddiw! Heb rai datblygiadau technolegol a diwydiannol penodol, yn syml iawn roedd yn rhaid i bobl fod yn fwy cysylltiedig â'u hamgylchedd ac yn unol â'r byd naturiol. A chyda bywyd gwyllt fel baeddod gwyllt, afancod a bleiddiaid yn crwydro ein coetiroedd, roedd y byd ychydig yn fwy gwyllt hefyd!
Ydych chi'n teimlo'n gysylltiedig â natur a/neu fywyd gwyllt ac os felly, dywedwch ychydig wrthym am pryd y daethoch o hyd i ddiddordeb gyntaf neu pan wnaethoch deimlo cysylltiad. Yn hollol. Teimlaf fy mod wedi bod erioed, o oedran ifanc beth bynnag. Ers eistedd ar lan llynnoedd pysgota gyda fy nhaid yn gwylio gweision y neidr yn dawnsio, a gofalu am y rhandir gyda fy mam-gu yn hel lindys a chreu pyllau. Roeddwn i'n arfer dal trychfilod yn yr ardd a'r caeau cyfagos am oriau o'r diwedd, eu potio nhw i gyd ac eistedd am oriau gyda llyfr yn adnabod cymaint â phosib. Byddai rhai wedyn yn cael eu trosglwyddo i danciau a jariau yn fy ‘amgueddfa’ (ystafell wely), lle byddwn yn codi tâl mynediad i’w gweld! Fel y gallwch ddychmygu, nid oedd fy mam a dad bob amser yn cael eu difyrru gan hyn, a doeddwn i ddim yn fy chwaer arachnoffobig yn rhy hoff chwaith. Serch hynny, nid oeddent byth yn fy atal rhag bod yn nerd pryfaid ac yn fy annog ym mhopeth a wnes … hyd yn oed pe bai'n arwain at ambell argyfwng pryfed a ddihangodd!
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saintobio · 2 years
For some reason I’m not mad at utahime and Gojo I mean was she the best option for him to move on? Definitely not but also she’s been the only person ( besides obviously his friends and mom) that has been by his side and didn’t judge him for his past mistakes and also tries to understand him so I get why Gojo likes her and while yes dating your besties ex isn’t the best thing to do I really believe she just fell for him and she probably tried to fight those feelings but it happened anyway . it’s also true that Gojo deserves a chance to move on. When sn ended i remember one of the things that made me the saddest was the fact that Gojo was basically trapped in time bc he couldn’t move on while YN moved on, grew as a person and found a new love so this is him trying to move on and good for him I think it’s also time for him to forgive himself and continue with his life.
The scene in the office where he’s trying to communicate with yn in a healthy way shows at least to me that he’s really trying to change his past toxic behaviour and how he felt “embarrassed” when yn found out his rs with utahime also shows that he really doesn’t want to hurt her anymore he just wants to move on and try to find his person like yn did with Toji. Now do I think utahime and he will last ? Tbh I don’t think so but who knows I just think Gojo should move on first before trying anything but one thing I love about ur writing is that is super realistic and honestly most ppl try to fall for other ppl to get over their exes and sometimes IT works. Another thing I liked about Gojo in this chapter is that he was very clear with Utahime he didn’t promise her anything and didn’t hide his real feelings/ situation!!! Finally Gojo you could’ve done this sooner … with your ex wife you know 😒
I think yn is the one who left me a little confused in this chapter her whole pov just sounded like she was trying to convince herself that she’s happy and that she loves toji bc it’s the “ right thing to do “ or “ what it feels right” but I’m still not sure if she loves toji bc of him or bc she just wants the security that Gojo never gave her. When she said she felt like she was in the middle of a couple again it made me very sad but idk if it’s bc she still feels something for Gojo or she’s just feels confused bc she is seeing him moving on with her best friend . Oh and one last thing I think it’s depressing how Gojo is becoming the understanding, caring, communicative, loving man yn wanted him to be but for another woman honestly if I was her I would be crying and throwing up but again it was her who told him to move on 😣
Lastly writing is amazing Saint !!! you’re the best at writing angst please never stop this chapter was amazing
Anonymous said
As much as it hurts, I know it’s better off this way, with both of them going their separate ways. I know that gojo will always have a place in y/n’s heart and y/n will always have a place in gojo’s heart. Not much of a question but I’m really proud of y/n. She just wants gojo to be happy but I know that first love wound is gonna hurt for her. Ep 7 was more of a comfort, I really liked it. Make sure to not overwork yourself saint, I really appreciate how hard you work for us <3.
@anime-nymph said
I adored this chapter. You might have seen my rb but I'm actually really happy with the way things are turning out. I think it helps that I'm not worried about who or what our end game is. Whether it's Gojo, Toji, or literally no one, the experience of this story itself has been so satisfying and immersive. No matter how it goes, i just need to see it. The heart is so complicated and I love the absolute ambiguity of it all. Sure there have been plenty of wrongdoings and need for forgiveness, but at the current point in the timeline, I really don't see anyone as right or wrong.
Side note: I had a blast reading people's comments on the most recent chapter. Everyone is so mad 😂
Anonymous said
Am I the only one who is not hating on utahime because she's with satoru? Like I am super mad about her not telling y/n about her and satoru and at gojo (I feel like I'm always mad at gojo in this fic💀) but at the same time she's not really trying to sabotage anything because y/n and satoru are done with each other and satoru isn't being dumb and actually isn't filing a case for sachi and they're both now trying to move on.
He's trying again to be better and accept his sins and things are looking up for y/n as well so yeah I'm not really mad at anyone except momjo atm tbh.
(Dont get me wrong yall I've been in yn's position recently but in a way less intense sense and I'll forever be mad about hime not telling yn about he and satoru but I just think I'm not mad at any of them rn.)
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awww yeah they’re put in a really conflicting situation so i can see why there are also a number of readers who are seeing the brighter side of things (without completely invalidating the fact that yn has the right to feel betrayed). and thank u for reading <33
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deepseavibez · 3 years
I would love to scream into your dms but I really need to lay it on thick because I am absolutely a lost cause for Bleeding Butterflies!
It's so detailed! From the mythology that actually isn't and then the details of how they fell for each other.
Name dropping some of the most known supernaturals with their characteristics and the reality of what they were capable of like a werewolves and nymphs and necromancers?! In the Middle of a BATTLEFIELD?!
Their powers have me hollering like I did when I read eldritch scream because weird and sinister was the first thing I thought of when I read it.
The intricacies right down to the literature involving the fruit and the prophecies and controversy surrounding it??!
This is so brilliant. I have sentences in mind swimming and breathing life into me rn, age old dance of predator and prey,,,whoever said patience is a virtue needs to be shot,,,, HE'D SETTLE FOR A LIFETIME, HE'D START WITH A NIGHT!!!!
Bleeding Butterflies is absolutely one of the most fascinating, captivating, universes I have ever had the pleasure of reading.
Please always write Blue, as long as it makes you happy. You're so GOOD at it. Not just the emotions and each individual personality with their quirks and own reasons to love yn and each other and the way it works in the storyline. I cannot wait for more this is pure greed clouding my every logical sense.
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weirdenbyferret · 27 days
Was hit with an au idea yesterday. Sadly, I can't write for shit but I just HAVE TO TALK ABPUT IT
So uh... dca au. Sun and moon are creatures from norse mythology. More specifically a sjörå and a skogsrå (basically 'evil' nymphs, sjö meaning lake and skog meaning forest.) YN being either a human or a källrå (källa meaning spring or well in this case) and ending up lost in the forest, wandering away from their village (... or pond) on accident, and ends up seduced by them.
I was trying to link the English wikipedia pahes, but they're really short and don't actually say much about the nature of the myths, but I'll do my best to quickly translate the important stuffz
The skogsrå (also known as the forest maiden or Råndan), is mostly a beautiful humanoid, but has some animalistic features, usually deer hooves and a tail. They often seduce men and women who end up lost in the forest, but they might drive the humans who disrespect her or the creatures (animals and the more magical beings, such as fairies) mad, making them walk in circles until they drop dead from exhaustion. Those who have once been seduced by a forest maiden will forever wish to return to the forest as their chests ache for the mysterious creature, and those who anger one either die mysteriously or end up extremely sick. It is said that the only way to kill a forest maiden is to shoot them with a silver bullet.
The sjörå (aka. the Nixa/Nikse or lake maiden) is basically the same thing, except they live in lakes. They are scared of steel, but are generally less aggressive then the forest maidens. On the other hand, they are more desperate for human contact and will frequently pull humans into their lakes, only to find out their lovers cannot breathe under water. They do not kill humans out of spite, but rather out of either through tragic accident or hunger. Unlike the mermaid, the sea maiden does not have a fish tail, but rather scales on their back and long dark, green hair.
(Källrå (water fairies, spring trolls or pondfly) are the friendliest in the rå subtype, being afraid of humans most of the time, and only harming if it is first harmed, recemble short humans with frog like features. They are the only rå that never seduce humans. Every water fairy watches over a pond each, the ponds they watch over being said to have healing properties. If one spots a large frog near a pond, that was believed to be the creature in animal diguise, hiding from the humans who come to drink from the pond. The water was also said to show glimpses of the future. You had to be careful not to look for too long though, as the källrå might get mad at you, thinking you are judging them, and stealing your reflection.)
Sorry that this is like... SO LONG, I just wanted to tell someone about this idea I had. I would be honored if you could give me feedback, your fics are amazing...
Sending this anon cuz I'm kinda embarrassed ugeggegs....
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
Hello xD
May i ask for a3, anything of masumi x izumi ?
I love your writing hehe xD also happy new year ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks before ❤️❤️
Headphone Hero - Masumi X Reader
Thank you for allowing me to change some things about the ask. Reminder to everyone, I do not write characterXcharacter for any works. I only write Character X Reader, so thank you for allowing me to change it to an X Reader instead.
Also on my writing schedule, I will only be answering asks due to my busy schedule with my education as well as my health appointments.
"Can you run an errand for me Masumi?"
He glanced up, and realising it was his beloved Director, he immediately stood up. His abrupt standing cause Izumi Tachibana to take a few steps back.
He got closer to Izumi when she beckoned him to take a glance at her phone. He was surprised, thinking it was an actor but was quickly briefed that the girl was her cousin that would be coming to assist as their prop specialist.
"LN YN huh?" He muttered. The Director went on to say where the girl would be, and asking him to escort YN to Mankai Company.
"I have to warn you Masumi-kun," She said. "YN-chan has the worst luck…"
It wasn't often that the Director was ominous about the supernatural. "What do you mean by that?"
"Um, you'll see… Anyway, hurry! YN-chan has a bad sense of direction that could rival Tenma-kun's!"
The Summer Troupe leader, overheard the Director's comment and pouted to her despite the laughter that broke out between Yuki and Kazunari.
He didn't give it much thought about what the Director said, and left the building. He did feel a little jealous at the thought of the Director's cousin taking over Izumi's attention from him… Well he'll suppose he'd give you a fair warning to you first…
He wasn't so sure about his surroundings that much, since he'd mostly spend time around the Mankai vicinity. Veludo Way was still lively as ever, as street acts and performances were held around the street.
Following the address on his phone, he noticed the walkways and streetlights were less whimsical as he neared the train station.
"She should be here…"
Masumi glanced around, shifting his feet around with his headphones in one hand. Then he'd notice a jacket similar to Izumi's…
"Oh! When would Spring be such a wonderous event!"
There was a doozy looking girl twirling around what it would've been roughed out thugs, in addition to the crowd she was gathering.
Oh god… Was she in trouble now?
Putting his headphones over his head, he sauntered to the girl who, in his actor eyes, looked like she ran out of lines to say. He got on one knee, drawing his hand to her palm.
"Oh nymph princess! You are quite bold to leave your elf prince behind! I worry for your being, as your fragile body surely grows frail with the evil aura of the spirits!" He blurted out whatever came to his mind. Princess? That was only something he'd call Izumi…
He didn't expect the girl to jump in his arms. Not to ruin the show, he held on tightly to YN as much as he could before running off, not caring about the shocked faces of those intimidating men.
After running for quite a few streets, Masumi set you down and handed your bag over.
"You looked like you were in trouble."
You grinned, strapping your bag onto your shoulders. "Well, if it weren't for you my Headphone Hero, I'd surely be!"
Those words oddly made him blush. He'd never thought he'd feel this way again from someone else other than Izumi. He wasn't quite sure what he was feeling… Was it… stronger than his admiration for the Director?
"So you're the guy who kinda has a crush on Izumi-chan!"
"I think…"
You cocked your head at him. "Well, if you ask me, I admire my cousin," You said. "But… to be honest with you, Usui-kun… You're not her type."
"Hey, I just saved you, nymph princess."
You shrugged, "I'll accept that, Headphone Hero." You slumped slightly, trailing behind him. "Hey, I know I might seem a bit of an airhead, but… I had a feeling I'd like you too."
"W-What?" He stuttered. He didn't assume you were an airhead, but he was a stunned by your confession.
Was… was this an actual confession? He wasn't sure if this matched whatever those girls at his school would come up with during Valentines. Headphone Hero was also a nickname that warmed his heart. He snapped out of his thoughts the moment you called out to him.
"You know I get lost easily, and I can't reach Mankai Company by myself!"
"YN-san! Wait up!"
Two years passed by. He wondered to himself, if anything would ever change between you and him. He had to admit, you weren't Izumi but you were someone who still managed to intrigue him. He was quite bewildered about the whole ordeal.
He still wondered to this day how you could have such a huge impact.
He shook off those thoughts for now, pushing the door to Mankai Theatre open. He knew Tsuzuru would be up in arms about him being late again.
He'd usually keep his head down, but the cheerful aura of the room drew his gaze to the stage, and he remained fixated on the familiar backside and hair-do of a certain someone…
Your body faced him, bouncing with joy, seeing him once more.
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delicrieux · 4 years
would u be willing to post the list of references u used for parm?? bc ive caught a few but like. ion kno if i caught all of them!!!!
💀 yes it’s very embarrassing tho but u asked for it. this list includes like 1 greek myth but no others since this is already too long aksbwndnaj
it’s rly mostly shakespeare im,,,i love shakespeare i live for shakespeare i die for shakespeare shndnwmsiajs aNYWAY!!! (& yes before you ask i DO know all the mentioned quotes by heart 💀)
from shakespeare, obviously:
1. summary, “the course of true love never did run smooth” (a midsummer night’s dream);
2. “all the world’s a stage” (as you like it);
3. “is love a tender thing? it is too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like thorn.” (romeo & juliet);
4. “be ruled by me/ forget to think of her” (romeo & juliet) (i think this is one of my fav quotes of like all time lmao);
5. “worthy prince, i know ‘t” (king lear (its my fav play hehe));
6. “love, and be silent” (king lear);
7. in the end, when corpse grabs the skull & questions what should he do, it’s a reference to hamlet’s famous monologue!
from shakespeare, but not obviously at all!:
1. the submergion of persephone by the nymph is an allusion to ophelia’s drowning, as once persy re-emerges she sees hades (the god of the underworld). no death is actually involved in this, i was just thinking of hamlet en général & i was like yes ophelia! makes sense since later hades is alluded to be hamlet!:)
2. “an inadequate answer. it tells you nothing. you try again” is an allusion to “nothing comes of nothing. speak again” from king lear!
3. “‘she’s a witch’ [...] half expecting her sisters to jump out the shadows” is a reference to the witches in macbeth!!:)
4. persy’s “unhand me” is also an allusion to hamlet’s “unhand me, gentleman. by heaven, i’ll make a ghost of him that let’s me.”
4. “damn you, stars!” is “then i defy you, stars!” from romeo & juliet:)
5. “you’re angry, feasting on that anger like savage men feast on meat” is a reference to volumnia’s “anger’s my meat; i sup upon myself” from coriolanus.
other authors:
1. from lord byron’s cain: “are ye happy?”/ “We are mighty”/ “are ye happy?”/ “no: art thou?”
2. some poetry from sappho!! as fitting 💗
3. pygmalion’s myth from ovid! pygmalion falls in love w his statue & it comes to life, similarly to how aphrodite seeing persy stops mimicking a statue!😽
4. everyone’s fav euripides “i’ll take care of you.” / “it’s rotten work.” / “not to me. not if it’s you.”
5. the very last line is derived from e. e. cummings’ “unloves the heavenless hell and homeless home”: “(eternity being so sans until twice i have lived forever in a smile)”
this whole fic is written circular—starting from persephones pov & ending w hades along w both of them being the representatives of the natural cycle of life and death! and yk what?? i think thats p neat.
there are also sum visuals i kept thinking abt whilst writing, namely klimt’s the kiss when writing aphrodite’s kiss & solomon’s sappho & erinna , ofc boticelli’s birth of venus makes an appearance also with dite. if you’re curious to how gods drunk on nectar looked, i imagined scenes like alma-tedama’s the roses of heliogabalus, first meeting of corpse & yn is inspired by simmon’s hermia & lysander , persephone emerging from the water was both godward’s girl with a mirror and ives’ undine. ig they count as refs as well?
well anyway this is all i recall might update it if i remember sumtin else lol srr for the long post 😔 also!! how many did u catch?! 😼
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orbitariums · 4 years
war nymph | bucky barnes ♡
request: ooo write something of bucky and an asgardian reader (who’s thor and loki’s sister) and is the goddess of war. and like they just came back from a mission or something like that. the reader shows off her skills/powers and bucky gets turn on? make it rough and kinky 😳
note: the title is inspired by grimes’ creation called “war nymph”, that’s also yn’s avenger name/goddess name. i know a nymph isn’t the same as a goddess buttt idc! quickly (kind of) written, straight to the point! also i love the idea of an asgardian goddess who’s loki & thor’s sister (we not talking ab hela but i love her too LOL). def would write drabbles/headcanons ab this character if y’all want that. lmk!
word count: 2.6k exactly!
warnings: smut, nsfw, slight voyeurism kink, rough, cute trash talk, both reader and bucky have dom energy? which is fun
here we go!!
"She does it again," Thor praised you, smothering you as he placed his arm around your shoulder.
You, Thor, and Bucky were all getting on the Quinjet, joining a few of the others - that included Steve, Natasha, and Sam. You had just completed another mission in which you were to find and possibly disarm an 0-8-4. You came to find out the weapon originated from a Hydra base, and it was mostly with your help that the weapon was able to be disarmed, and that you were able to escape the Hydra members who tried to stop you from doing just that.
    Thor and Bucky weren't completely useless, of course, but this was a time when your abilities as a war goddess of Asgardia shone. You could quickly disarm weapons and multitask by beating the shit out of someone at once, whether it be with your brute strength of through the use of a weapon. You were familiar with every weapon there was, and incredibly skilled in many fighting tactics. If there ever were a mission for you, it was this one. They called you War Nymph, a title no one dared to challenge.
    "Get off me, you big slob," you grimaced, wriggling away from your brother Thor's grasp. You'd grown up with Thor on Asgard - you were an Asgardian first, and an Avenger second. Your family, specifically your brothers Thor and Loki, always came first. You were always respected on Asgard for your abilities — now they were being put to further use on the Avengers team.
      "And to think I was complimenting you," Thor scoffed, being dramatic as usual.
     "You're not wrong to. What would you ever do without me?" you teased, prompting Bucky to chime in.
    "She's right. I gotta say, I'm impressed."
Bucky Barnes — where to start with him? Sergeant turned Winter Soldier turned Avenger turned... boy toy? You didn't know how exactly your relationship with Bucky was to be defined, but it was definitely physical. Around others, you communicated through mostly sarcastic remarks, but away from the others, it was a different story - still sarcastic remarks, except during your sexual encounters.
      So, true to your nature, you quickly quipped,
     "I gotta say, I can't say the same to you, Barnes."
     "Oh, really?" Bucky raised his brows with a playful smirk.
    "Easy," Natasha intervened, gearing up the Quinjet. "We don't need a repeat of what happened last time you two started with the sarcastic remarks."
    "Oh, you can say that again," Steve scoffed, settling into the seat next to Natasha while you and Bucky leaned against the walls opposite each other, smirking knowingly at each other.
    "It wasn't that bad," you rolled your eyes.
    "We all almost died," Sam snapped.
Last time you and Bucky had your gos at each other, you ended up "play fighting", in the meeting room. But "play fighting" between a war goddess with multiple superpowers, including telekinesis and super strength, and an advanced combatant with super strength, wasn't your typical idea of a play fight. Of course when the rest of the team broke it up, you continued in private... but maybe "fighting" wasn't the right word to use.
    "Oh, don't be such a baby, Sam," Thor smiled. He was well versed in play fighting with you and Loki as a youth on Asgard, and even he had been at the bad end of your powers.
You on the other hand had moved on from the conversation, more interested in sharpening just one of your many knives.
    "Really though. I'm very impressed, War Nymph. You never fail to impress me more and more every single time," Bucky said, and unbeknownst to the others, in his voice there was a secret tone, one only you could decipher - he would be showing his appreciation greatly when you landed. It was so clear to see. The more you showcased your powers, the more you proved your many abilities, the more Bucky wanted you, the more he admired you.
    Your knife made a sharp "shing" noise and you smirked, Bucky's needy eyes traveling to the source of the sound - ogling your trusty hands.
     "I'm sure," you winked.
By the time you got home, Bucky was desperate, trailing behind your feet like a lost, yet murderous puppy. He wanted you, and he wanted you now. He made that known, whispering in your ear, his lips far too close to your neck to just be work-related chatter. Still you kept things under wraps, promising him "soon, soldier." The entirety of your debrief meeting was spent with a frustrated Bucky glaring at you with a dead face, but you knew behind his expression lurked a fire.
    When it was all over, you and Bucky were the last two in the room.
    "Meet in my room?" you asked, but Bucky was silent.
    He shook his head slowly, approaching you with a stern look on his face.
    "No. Let's just do this here."
    "Here?" you laughed, looking around the deserted meeting room, which had glass panels that could easily be walked past and seen through. "You can't be serious-"
     But apparently he was, because he had you pushed against the wall, lips pressed against yours, cutting you off and silencing you with ease. So all that need in his eyes hadn't been just for show, and you felt it through his pants as well. The kiss became passionate and sloppy, burning with desire. You moaned into his mouth, making him even harder, and started feeling the tell tale signs of arousal - your beating heart to match your other beating heart.
    "Bucky-" you panted, the minute his lips detached from yours, breathless. His hands ran along your body and tugged at your clothing, wanting every bit of it off. "Someone could see-"
You were grasping on to every bit of logic that you had left, and there wasn't much. Bucky made you delirious with desire, made your heart race like no other, and you had the same effect on him. Logic wasn't necessarily winning here. You wanted him, and you wanted him now. And he had made it very clear that he didn't care where he had you.
    He smirked, looking into your eyes with a mischievous glint in his own,
    "You act like that's such a bad thing."
You rolled your eyes, pulling him back in - he had you all figured out. The idea of someone seeing the two of you, though horrifying, was also incredibly arousing. Whatever it was, it got adrenaline pumping through your veins like nobody's business. You didn't really care, who were you fooling?
    "Just fuck me," you murmured against the hot skin of his neck, guiding his hand into your pants, feeling the cool metal of his prosthetic hand against your wet pussy, gliding back and forth against your slick folds.
    "Are you bossing me around?" Bucky teased, grinding his hips against you so you felt the outline of his cock against your core.
    "Yes," you retorted. "And that's an order."
    It wasn't long before both your uniforms were off, and you both did this quickly, your nimble fingers working to complete the task. You needed to make this quick, and if that meant it was rough, then so be it. You weren't usually gentle, anyways. But Bucky took his time going down on you anyway, kneeling on the floor and kissing hot, wet kisses against your stomach and thighs as he went down, your hand tugging at his long, black hair. You domineered him as he buried his head between your thighs, sucking and kissing at your clit while his tongue worked your slit. You raised up one of your legs and settling your foot on his shoulder so he had easier access to you.
    "Look at me," you forced his head up, hand tugging harshly at his hair, and he moaned into your throbbing core as you made intense eye contact with each other. You couldn't help but sigh in pleasure, leaning your head back against the wall. You had forgotten the dangers of doing this long ago, now you were lost in satisfaction. "Fuck, Bucky, you eat it so good," you moaned precariously, making his dick twitch in his boxers.
    He wanted to make you come two ways - on his face and with his cock inside you, and he would work to ensure that it happened. When it came to sex with Bucky, you were both competing with each other to give the other the most pleasure, to be the most dominant. You were the perfect mix, two competitive assholes with superpowers.
    He kitten licked up from your entrance to your clit, all the while rubbing his fingers in circular motions against your clit, sure to use the hand with the metal arm, which you loved so much. Your hips bucked against his tongue and you began to roll your hips up and down against his face, moaning and whimpering at the access he had to you. He let you do this for a while before pulling back and instead pushing two cold fingers in, making your hips twitch at the unexpected sensation. He curved his fingers upwards and had you hooked, fucking down on his fingers, to his astonishment.
    "That's it baby, fuck my fingers," he praised you, and attached his lips to your clit again, sucking and licking. "Am I good for you? Good enough to make you come?"
     You gasped out the words,
     "Yes, Bucky, fuck. So good for me, baby, I'm gonna cum."
     "Go ahead," he started thrusting his fingers in and out faster, harder, feeling his knuckles bottom out against your skin, which was glazed over with your arousal and his spit. He watched as his fingers disappeared inside of you, still aiming his tongue just above his fingers so he could taste you when you finished. He always wanted to taste you, to feel you in your entirety - there was something about an Asgardian war goddess that was irresistible.
     You came with a cry of shock, and slowly rolled your hips around Bucky's fingers as he pressed his tongue against you to taste you.
     "Fuck," you sighed, licking your lips and breathing harshly.
     "Taste yourself," Bucky insisted, rising to his feet and pressing his lips against yours, initiating a long and needy kiss. You palmed him through his boxers, feeling his hard cock in your hands, before slowly bringing him out, stroking him softly and tugging at him. He chuckled darkly. "You're playing a dangerous game."
    "They call me War Nymph. I'm always playing dangerous," you smirked, locking eyes with him.
     He hummed, nodding almost understandingly.
    "Hmm. I'm not quite done with you yet."
    "I was hoping that wasn't your A-game," you teased.
    "Oh, far from it," Bucky quipped back, smiling playfully, until all playfulness was over and he had you turned around, his hand pressing down into your back. "Fucking bend over," he leaned over you and whispered in your ear.
     You whimpered at the command and did as you were told, supporting yourself with your hands against the wall and arching your back. Bucky found no use in waiting, and you felt the tip of his cock toying at your entrance at record speed, slicking himself in your arousal and watching as he teased your folds.
     "Fuck," he whispered, his jaw clenching hard.
     "It can be yours, soldier. You just have to earn it," you panted out, glancing over your shoulders to get a good look at him.
      You knew that would motivate him, and it did more than that. He slammed into you with no regards, making your whole body lurch forward. You both let out obscene moans at the feeling of his sudden entrance. You felt his cock stretch you out, filling you up amazingly, and he felt the stretch of your walls around him, a reminder of his size.
    "You like when I stretch you out?" Bucky prompted, and you moaned quietly in response, only making him buck his hips harder into you, in search of a proper answer. Again that metal arm came in contact with your warm skin, only this time his hand was wrapped around your neck, forcing you to look up, almost at him, while he fucked into you from behind. "I asked a question."
    You moaned, your voice ragged and breathless in addition to the hand over your throat,
    "Fuck, yes, Bucky. It's so fucking good."
     "Yeah? Is it mine? Did I earn it?" he panted, slowing his thrusts and rolling his hips in so he fucked deep inside of you, so you felt it in your stomach, your walls clenching around him.
    You nearly cried out,
    "Yes, yes you earned it, it's your pussy, Bucky, make it yours."
    "Mhm," he moaned, his breaths unstable. He slid in and out of you slowly and gently, going as deep as he could, silencing himself just to hear your moans and pants. Then he got an idea, sliding almost all the way out. "Fuck yourself, YN."
    You moaned at the delicious thought, whimpering as you moved your hips back on him while he stood still, cherishing the feeling of his cock gliding against your walls, wanting to savor every part of him. He was big, and thick, and you could tell as you fucked back onto him. You started out slow, until Bucky brought his hand on the small of your back and started to guide you, slowly but surely, until you were moving faster, making little moans escape from your lips each time your ass met his thighs. It was rough and hard, the way he fucked you, his hand making you move faster each time.
    "So good, baby," Bucky moaned, almost whining, and watched as your body followed his lead with ease. "I'm close."
    "Oh god, me too," you panted, and he started to slam into you to get you to that point, listening to the pretty moans and practical screams that left your mouth at that point. If it weren't for the fact that the meeting room was sound proof, by now everyone would've heard you, and it was just pure luck that no one had walked past yet.
     But when you came, it was explosive, and Bucky's orgasm followed soon after, your orgasms falling on top of one another's, colliding in such a divine way. You kept your hips rocking back on his, wanted to stay there until the sound of footsteps reminded you that such a thing would be irresponsible. You got dressed in record speed, practically throwing Bucky's clothes out of the way. You had your needs, but you were still a goddess. You wouldn't be caught slipping, even if this wasn't a bad way to "slip." You adjusted yourself, back to normal by the time Scott walked past and waved mindlessly, with no clue of what you and Bucky had just been up to.
    "'It's your pussy'?" Bucky repeated, quoting you with a knowing smile on his lips as he cocked his head.
You scoffed,
    "Don't get too ahead of yourself, Barnes. I was only saying that so you would fuck me for real. You've done better."
      "Oh yeah?" Bucky grinned, matching your playful insults easily.
     "Oh yeah, much better. But this wasn't half bad," you smirked, running your hand along his face. You gave his cheek a gentle slap. "Ok! I'll see you."
     "See you," Bucky replied.
As you walked away, you turned to note,
    "You should appreciate my skills more often. You know, if it's going to lead to this."
    "Sure thing."
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cupsofsuga · 4 years
Hello! This is the anon from before (the dolt who sent in a request not knowing they were closed), if it's okay, can I please ask the yanderes when or what moment did they know that YN was destined to be with them? Or rather, when did they fall obsessively in love with them?
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send me an ask! - X
gif creds - X
thank you for sending me an ask, wildflower!
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━━━ Just shy of 15! As the horrors of high school advanced in ridden leaves and hot apple cider, Jin found himself longing for a lost lover. His sublime-drowned blossom; his honey-infused summer. Y/N L/N, the beauty whose face adorned every love song to cease to exist. You had drifted apart from the beginning of middle school and had left Jin to long for infinity and your breathless romance. God, he just misses you so much. So much, he has truly forgotten what it means to feel anything. He can't pray violence on those who stole you away, he can't beg to the stars for his flowerchild to return home. He must sit and welter within this eternal, empty ache. And as the school bell sings its song, he feels it. There you were, blowing bubblegum with your California heart, just on the corner of the sidewalk. There you were, so feverish and real. Therein, Jin feels his heart bloom under the early September sky. With you, he can finally feel.
❝ Jesus, what are you doing to me? It’s like you’re in my veins and I can’t escape you! ❞
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━━━ At the café! Vulgar poison stains Yoongi's throat as hours pass by like Autumn winds. There are no words to explain this loneliness— dependent like bloodstains and velvet silence, but before the silence of eternal nights swallows him whole, you in your pink moonlight, effervescent glow catch the young boy off guard. Yoongi chokes on his cherry bubblegum, feeling his heart elate with the blood of June. He is flustered, fascinated, in every means enthralled with a single stranger. Yoongi couldn’t put his finger on what was just so… captivating about you. Eye-to-eye contact is ethereal enough, but he pleads for these neon feelings to be mutual. He wants to reciprocate all the delight, euphoria, and sunlight you have so generously gifted him. Whether that’s by slaughtering this planet till we are nothing but dust or littering his studio apartment with crumbled sheets of failed poetry, he’ll do it in a heartbeat. Yoongi would do anything and everything for you.
❝ Oh, my Y/N, I swear… If stars could speak, you’re name would be whispered throughout this entire galaxy… ❞
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━━━ Walking home from school! As the boy jumps into rain puddles with his damp, yellow converse, an alleyway stripped on sunlight stands before him. Hoseok then ventures into the darkness, right before the finding you, a black sheep who laughs in amusement at his fear. Now, he had presumed you to steal his lunch money or force him to do your homework, just like the rest of the junkies, but he had been greatly mistaken. You offer him a seat, as well as a swig of the cheap whiskey you kept at your knee. With that smile— oh, that laughter. Hoseok had found warmth in the silver-stained, cold moon. You, the blossoming of delicate lilies, robbed him of his heart with that sultry smile and rough voice. He is stunned into adoring silence, for there is no way someone this beautiful is talking to him, let alone acknowledging his existence. Life is no longer saturated and instead filled to a brim with hallucinations and nymphs. Life is now bold.
❝ You’re so… pretty… Gosh, I really want to kiss those bruises all over your knuckles. ❞
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━━━ In the library! Namjoon visited the estate frequently in hopes of catching sight of the purple swan who somehow possessed the strength to soothe the cracks and clots of sorrow that bathe within his heart. There was always that alluring essence you possessed, but god, finally talking to you? It’s like lullabies against whispered starlight; melodies of unspoken folklore in the light of Summer. Oh, it is everything to drown in you. This dull life Namjoon has endured has finally been given light. And this man is willing to bleed himself dry if it means keeping the loss of twilight within his possession. He longs to be the one that can see the roots of your smile, to taste the tears of your eyes in July, to find just how far the depths of your soul may reach. It is endless, this battering heart of his. As you speak words of petals and angel’s feathers, his heart faints for what seems like the millionth time since he had first laid eyes on you. You have gifted him berries in winter’s embrace, gifted him meaning in a sea of soul’s dust. At last, you have given Namjoon life.
❝ I am still stunned into silence by just how special you truly are… How do you do it? Be so incredibly beautiful in a world like this? ❞
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━━━ At his father’s meeting! You sparked up a conversation, complimenting Jimin on his judgment of books with daylight within your irises. Just with that small act of kindness, so much joy grows within him at once, he fears his bones may shatter under the weight of it all. He has found an enchanted garden as he gets drunk off the hazy pink skies and nymph’s songs. He tastes cotton candy within your expression, manifested cupid’s kiss within the depths of your soul. Jimin has found the pure heart of an angel within you, a single stranger whose fate has been declared by a single compliment. From staying up till 4AM crafting a scrapbook littered with polaroids, loving messages to his lover and souvenirs from previous dates moments (including a single strand of your hair he found on his shoulder once) to redoing a batch of brownies 13 times in a single day all because you said they were your favorite, this boy is desperate to feel his heart elate when you speak your honeyed validation. Jimin loves you and that shall be the end of it.
❝ My sugarplum, your voice itself could make flowers grow! It certainly makes my heart grow, heh! ❞
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━━━ The night of the theatre play! Taehyung gazes into your eyes for the sum of the movie and perceives himself enchanted with the war zone of your mind. How you tilt your head like a puppy when you're pondering over a scene or how your lip gently curls when a specific line or shot grips your liking. Oh, you are heaven beneath the mystic moon! As the evening drenched in honey nectar comes to an end, Taehyung trails after you back to your estate. And this was merely a pinprick of the blooming that will occur after. Little did he know of just how sweet this grey life can blossom into. An infatuation, like the first sunrise in the meadow after a heavy winter, flutters through his ribcage. Taehyung is willing to mold and shape himself to become the perfect boyfriend for someone as captivating as you. This may sound generic as every cliche fairytale you’d find etched into golden pages, but every time he looks at you, it’s just - fuck - he can’t imagine living a single second without you. You are addictive and Taehyung cannot seem to let you go.
❝ If someday the moon calls you by your name, don’t be surprised, because every night I talk to her about you. ❞
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━━━ Town’s sweetheart meets the burnout! It was only supposed to be some stupid school-project, not a star-stained stroll through the ethereal trails of Versailles. You were only supposed to be a fleeting stranger, not a reminiscence of a summer morning’s moonflower in its complete bloom. But, you’re just so warm. Those would be a fool not to fall for such a seraphic soul like yours. The personification of sunshine, the manifestation of Venus. Oh, you are such a dream! This idea plagues Jungkook’s mind with paradisiacal intentions through the depths of midnight. He dreams of the melody of birds and the velvety sound of your voice as he rocks himself into an empty slumber, ignoring the burden of his father and the rodents at school. Although the revelation that he’d wake up alone in his cold sheets lingers within the back of his mind, the idea of awakening to your illuminating face melts any form of negativity. Such a fate engrossed with charm and an angel’s battering heartbeat to wake up with you every morning. Oh, one day. Maybe one day…
❝ I don’t care who calls me greedy, I am a selfish lover. I want you all to myself. Mine, mine, mine! Mine only… ❞
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cookiecutterwrites · 5 years
Names in All Our Diversions Dipped in Gold
A long-winded look at some PUNS
My rules for names in AOD: Names must have some basis in Thai culture AND they must sort of pass for names in both English and Thai.
Major characters’ names are just their classical/mythical/folklore reference, OR their species name, minus 1 or more syllables:
Chala and Matcha double up in both categories!
Chalawan (ชาละวัน) ➳ Chala
Suppanamatcha (สุพรรณมัจฉา) ➳ Matcha
Chalawan is not only the name of the Crocodile Lord in the folktale Krai Thong, it’s also an extinct genus of crocodilian and the general term for a big crocodile. We’re talking real big chonkin’ murder log. Matcha is Sanskrit for ‘fish’, and Suppanamatcha is the mermaid from the Ramakien.
Avians in AOD refer to any being that is part-bird. Kinnara is the species Naree belongs to, which have a human head and torso, the legs of a bird, and detachable wings and tail. Female Kinnara are called Kinnaree.
Kinnaree (กินรี) ➳ Naree
Akirah is a bit of a reach. Her name was especially tricky because she pulls from the widest range of reference characters, including Hanuman, Mora, Chantakorop, and Sudsakorn. This is what I settled on:
Chantakorop (จันทโครพ) ➳ “Akirah”
Since Matcha is associated with starlight, the moon, and daybreak, I figured it was only fitting for her soulmate to be named Akirah (อคิราห์), meaning ‘Sunbeam’!
Minor characters’ names are mostly puns that fit their role in the story:
Fahsai (ฟ้าใส) is an avian girl who’s name means ‘Clear Skies’
First is Commander of Chala’s Royal Guard
Yn and Chan are Siamese twins, as in cat brothers of the Siamese breed, named after conjoined twins Chang and Eng Bunker
Winn is a hongse, a majestic swan-ostrich hybrid, who can be paid to fly people through the city like a rideshare. He’s essentially a glorified flying motorcycle taxi, or a ‘Win Motorcyc’.
Karanta (กรัณฑา) is the physician closest to Krung Taibadan’s royal family, though she openly criticizes them of viewing their subjects as expendable, mindless cogs in a machine that live to serve a Queen. Her name means ‘Honeycomb.’
Mai (ไม้), the wood nymph, who’s name means ‘Wood’.
Then there are the names I just liked and so they’re there but they have no real significance:
Vichienne (or Vichiern), which I’ve decided to spell like it could almost be French, for no real reason other than because I Felt Like It(tm).
Toey, the lost soul, who’s name means Pandan.
... and many more!
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callmegodofthedead · 4 years
So when YN leaves are theyre any annoying nymphs that like to try and come into you? What usually happens?
Most of them keep their distance simply out of respect and also because Y/N’s the goddess of spring so she kinda has dominion over them, though she’s never one to flaunt that
We’ve been together so long that most people just know it isn’t worth the trouble trying
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