#The neigbhors
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hahaha, I love marsis
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hypegirl1 · 5 months
In my dreams(Rodrick Heffley X Fem!reader)
AN:WASSUP Y´ALL?I had no inspiration to write these last months,I´m sorry,but I finally got it back lmfao I basically had a breakdown while listening to In my Dreams by RV and ended up having inspiration,damn...(This is proof read so dw,also I have no idea why tf this is so long) Summary:You´ve been in town for a few weeks since you moved,however,Rodrick doesn´t notice until one day,when he sees you on the school hallway Word count:1786 Warnings:Language(Ig?) Genre:Fluff(Ig)
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"Nah dude,last week was amazing,what do you mean?"
"I know dude,but like,what about the girls?We don´t get bitches"
That´s the conversation Rodrick was having with his friends at the school´s entrance,the infamous Rodrick Heffley.It hasn´t even been a month since you arrived and you already knew pretty much everything about him:he had 2 little brothers,was the drummer of a band he made,was never that smart and he loved messing around with people,well,pretty much an average teenager,right? He lived in front of your house,and you always saw him at school(when he went),never talked at all,not even a "hi,who are you?never saw you around". It looked like he never realized you were there,but at the end,you didn´t cared,until now.
"Bro,I´m telling you,when we become famous,we will get A LOOOT of bitches"
That´s the last thing they said before Rodrick bumped into someone for not looking.
"Hey!Watch your-step"
"Sorry,I was rushing and didn´t saw you,are you okay?"
That´s when Rodrick realized that the girl that bumped into him,was one that he never saw around before,was he dreaming?
"Yeah yeah,sorry,I was in the way"
Damn,is it hot in here?
"I´m glad,I have to go,see you around Rodrick!"
Rodrick was just standing there like a lamp post,what just happened?
"Dude,you good?"
"Yeah yeah,it´s just...who´s that girl?I never saw her around"
"Y/N?She moved into your neighbourhood a few weeks ago,you didn´t realized?"
"What?She´s been living next to my house and I didn´t realized?"
"Dude chill,just say hi to her"
"As if it was that easy..."
The bell rang,that meant that the day was over,everyone started filling the hallways,Rodrick got in his van and headed home as quickly as possible,they were right,the house in front of the Heffley´s now belonged to your family,how come he didn´t realized?
"Uhh mum,who are our neigbhors?"
"You mean the Y/L/N´s?"(your last name)
"Oh,they have 2 daughters I think,Y/N and Kelsey are their names,If I´m not wrong Y/N is your same age and Kelsey is about Greg´s age,why the question?"
"Just asking"
Damn,your house was literally in front of Rodrick´s,how come he didn´t realized?is it because he nevers pay attention to the stuff that he doesn´t care about?Oh but he did cared now,what should he do?Go over to your house to just say hi?Invite you to have dinner with his family?No way,you had been in town for a few weeks now,and it was too soon to get you to meet his disaster family...He had been thinking in his room about what to do for the last 10 minutes,until he realized that he left his bedroom door open,and saw that Greg was there spying on him.
"What the fuck do you think you´re doing here?!"
Greg panicked and started running towards his room,but Rodrick had already started to chase him,he was lucky that he locked his door just in time.
"Where you spying me?!"
"Maybe-I mean no!"
"You better open this door if you want to live Greggy"
"I saw you earlier talking with mom about the new neighbours and got curious that´s it!"
Wait,hold on,maybe Greg new something that he didn´t?
"Do you know them?"
"Yes,Kelsey is in the same class as me,she´s nice,I could say she´s my friend now"
"And do you know something about her sister?"
"Why should I tell you that?"
"Greg I swear to god that if you don´t tell me I´m breaking down your door"
"Okay okay!But don´t do that please.I always see her sister after school,she picks Kelsey up because her parents don´t get home til night,as far as I know,she´s super nice,she always offers to take us and Rowley home"
"That´s all I know!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! I promise!"
"Fine,tomorrow I´ll go pick you up and your other guy friend from school"
"What?no way,I´ll preffer to go by feet"
"I said that you´re coming with me"
Greg knew that his older brother had something going on in his mind,but it probably was worse if he said a word.Good,he had some basic info about you,but what else?The plan was that tomorrow,he would show up to pick up his little loved brother,he had to give you good vibes and not the type of guy that is 24/7 bickering with his brother,wait,maybe it was too late?I mean,you already knew a lot about him,how would you react if you suddenlt saw him as a perfect man instead of the angsty boy he is?Meh,It doesn´t matter,people change all the time.Of course,he could talk to you at school,but you weren´t in the same class as him,and let´s say that he wasn´t that brave enough to talk to you at school.
The rest of the day went by as usual,except for the fact that Rodrick looked super distracted in today´s rehearsal for Löded Diper,he was barely able to start the song,his friends were worried,this wasn´t usual in him,and all just because he couldn´t get your pretty image off of his head,your figure,your hair,your eyes,your lips,he remembered everything as if it depended on his life.
But it just got worse when he saw you there,you where at the entrance of your school,sitting on the stairs,writing on your notebook,you looked so dreamy,the day was sunny and clear as glass,your hair flowing with the little wind that was coming,the way your top and shorts hugged your figure,so unbothered by the rest of the people around you,on your own little world,you looked so unreal...
You felt that someone was watching you,and as you turned back you saw him.
"Rod!What are you doing there?Come sit with me!"
You gave him what was probably the sweetest smile he ever saw,he could melt any moment.
"What?Oh sorry"
He sat next to you,he was nervous,why were you being so nice to him?
"Are you okay?You look nervous,is something bothering you?"
"No no it´s just that...you´re so pretty Y/N,I could stare at you for hours and not get bored"
"Aww you´re so sweet,since when are you so romantic?You didn´t told me those things when we started dating,I love this side of yours"
Wait,dating?No way,since when does the school loser date a pretty girl like you?Did he had amnesia or something?
"What?Rod are you okay?Yes,for a month now,are you sure you´re fine?"
He couldn´t believe your words,this was so unreal,when did this happened?
"I swear I´m fine,it´s just that- sometimes it´s unbelievable for me to know that I have the most perfect girl in my life"
Now he had no idea what he was talking about or since when he speaks like this,this situation was kinda weird,but it all changed when he heard someone from a distance calling his name.
"Rodrick?Rodrick,come on,Rodrick!"
Suddenly he was at his room,and that´s when reality hit him,he was just dreaming about you...
"Rodrick you´re gonna be late for school come on,get up"
His dad left the room,leaving a sad yet happy Rodrick,he was happy in that dream,but after waking up,damn,he missed that...
This was probably the first time ever that Rodrick got dressed in a nice way only to go to school,he tried really hard,he had to give you a good impression about him,but let´s say that his parents and his younger brother Greg were kinda concerned when they saw him like that...
At school,he only saw you at the time between classes,but you did say hi to him everytime you saw him at the hallways,he was too stunned to say hi back,damn...
And as the day ended,you got on your car on the way to your sister´s school to pick her up as usual,when you got there,she was talking with her friends.
You parked and got off the car and walked to Kelsey,she was laughing with her friends.
"Kelsey,come on let´s go home,give me your backpack"
She hugged you as strong as she could,since she was born she always saw you as her idol,she thought you were perfect,even though you didn´t saw yourself like that,you wished that puberty didn´t made your little sister hate you,but as things looked like,that wasn´t going to happen.
"Do you guys need me to take you home?It´s kinda hot today"
"No need Y/N,but thanks,my brother will pick us up"
"Are you sure?If you guys don´t want to wait here I could take you home real quick"
"No need thanks,here he comes"
And he did,as Greg finished talking,a white van parked next to the school,black letters on one side that said "Löded Diper",Rodrick´s van
"Greggy!My dear brother,how are you doing?"
Rodrick petted Greg´s head,leaving him with his hair like a bird´s nest
"I´m-fine I guess"
"It´s the first time I see you pick up your little brother from school"
"Y/N?What a surprise!"
You could tell that something was off,he seemed nervous,uncomfortable.
"Hey!I wasn´t expecting to see you here,you know Greg always walks home"
"Oh well It´s because-I´m always in a rush you know?"
"Yeah,next time,don´t be scared to say hi to me in the hallways,I don´t bite you know?"
Oh god,you realized that he never said hi back,of course you realized,you´re not dumb,what has he thinking?
"Uhm,Greg you can get in the car,I´m going to talk with Y/N for a moment"
"You go Kelsey,I´ll be there now,so,what did you wanted to tell me?"
"Uhm well,you have been in town for a few weeks now,and I never introduced myself properly"
"Neither I did,don´t worry,I should have introduced me first before saying hi to you without you knowing who I am"
"Oh,fine then haha"
"Should we start over?I´m Y/N,your neighbor,I like shopping and going outside,how about you?"
"I´m Rodrick,your new neighbor"
Suddenly,there was a very awkward silence,usually you knew how to get out of these,but there was something that didn´t let you speak or say something.
"Uhm...yeah that´s it"
"Yeah!cool cool..."
Silence...just silence...oh god why was this happening?
"Well...I have to leave,I gotta take Kelsey home,see you tomorrow!"
You started walking towards your car,and before opening the door you heard Rodrick´s voice calling as he ran towards you.
"Y/N wait!"
"I...gotta tell you something else"
"Well tell me"
"I-i like you"
"Don´t take this weird!But,I didn´t knew who you were til yesterday when we bumped into each other,it was love at first sight,I´m not looking for an answer or something,you can act as if this never happened,but I just want to tell you that in my dreams,you loved me back"
That was...weird?no,it was romantic,no,weird,so many emotions started to cross your mind,he dreamed about having you?
"Rodrick I-"
"No,I´ll just leave"
He started to walk away,leaving a confused you behind him.You knew why you said hi to him at school,you wanted to know him better,there was a spark in him that you never saw before.
"Rodrick wait!"
He turned around,looking at you.
"I didn´t answered.Meet me today at 4pm at the park,maybe...we can get your dream to come true"
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dustbon · 1 year
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This is the first festival Azul visits in the islands as a new resident! The neigbhors gathered to... uh, celebrate whatever, and there was plenty of good food, music and fun! Azul even met someone interesting~
Later that evening, Az discovered it was monsoon season.
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I watched the movie a third time. Because I'm Very Normal about this movie and Not At All Obsessed.
And a thing i noticed this time (i don't think i will stop noticing things for a while lol) is how well they did things that other stories normally always lose me with?
.....okay that was very openended, this movie did so much what others didn't lol.
I'm talking about threat-escalation specifically though lol
Spoilers under cut.
Second parts of movies books series you name, often lose me the moment it goes from 'hey I'm new to this thing and damn i gotta save my friends' to 'hey let's go save the world'. Bc idk a lot of the time stories lose the part that actually made them interesting in that transition.
Also i just like the low-threat situations. I like friendly neigbhor hood spiderman that has to save one city and not the world. i like there to be consequences that can't be justified with 'well we all gonna die if we don't do this so it doesn't matter and nothing is on the table besides that'. I like it when the stakes are 'I need to somehow deafeat the villain, not die, keep my job, not jeopordize my relationship with my family/friends/partner etc and this is getting really complicated now'.
But this movie did smth really really interesting by yeah, raising the stakes, but also like. not. It wasn't a thing of 'hey we need to create more tension to show how Serious everything is now and because last time we saved the city lets now save the world'. The threat from the first movie? It just never went away. We just didn't know it.
Like, the first movie was 'let's not destroy the multiverse' and the second movie also has the general theme of 'gotta stop the destruction of the multiverse', but also Miles primary worry is 'gotta save my father'.
Which is the opposite of what normally happens. The threat Miles specifically worries about isn't the destruction of the multiverse. It's his father death. In a way the stakes have been at same time been held up, upped and lowered.
Held up, because 'the multiverse is dying' is still very much a thing.
Upped bc there's a frame in Miles vision about the Spot where like most of the spiders lie dead to the feet of Spot (maybe) implying that even if Miles did defeat him it could lead to all the multiverse being without spiders.
i need to get my hands on that movie so i can actually show what i mean instead of always relaying on my memory lol
Lowered, because Miles main priority currently is his dad. One person. (not that he doesn't want to save them all, but his father is like. A main priorty that nobody else has) and a lot of the time sacrficing ppl for the good of the world is a Thing that i simply don't like in stories, because it often contradicts the original message from 'saving one person is important' and makes it too large-scale and suddenly it is okay that people die, because the world is at stake and nothing matters.
In the same lane, a good part of the movie wasn't a epic battle against a invulernable being. It showed Gwen doing her usual job, Miles doing his usual life (the mf pigeons he avoided to get in his room lol, love to see you growing my dude) and even in the Spidersociety there had been just. Business as usual. Until they all tried to catch one fiveteen year old Spiderling and failed. (That was so good. It was so good. Miley my boy, that was epic)
(Is there any indication for how long the spidersociety exists, actually? Did it really only start after the collider incident in Miles world? gonna have to keep an eye out for that, bc if yes that means that Miguel has one hell of a year or two behind him)
And in the midst of all of that the movie never lost their jokes. It was dramatic and tragic and i laughed tears. The whole theater collectively snorted at scences, winced in sympathy and had a collective outrage at the cliffhanger. A lot of the time when things get serious, get tragic, stories become to heavy and the few light hearted scenes tend to feel forced. But this movie was like. yeah. We're up against the destruction of the multiverse, but Mayday also needs to take a crap and not even Miguel is going to get away from that no matter how stone faced he remains in the combined force of Peter B., Hobie and Mayday.
Another part of the Dramatic Doom Trap has been so easily sidestepped by the movie like its. easy. (It's not. It's really not. I can not emphatize enough how well made this movie is and how often it takes easy traps to fall into in modern media and just bounces around them like they mean nothing.) The threats faced are all consequnces of actions. It's very directly related to decisions that have been made, some by our heroes, others by our bad guys. And therefore the threats are directly tied to the future decisions of the characters. Their internal struggles are not a B-Plot, not a side story. Not a 'oh we remembered that you were teenagers so you have to worry about the destruction of the world and your crush to keep it #relateable' . It's interwined with the main story line, in a way it IS the main story line.
Miles struggle with who he is and who he wants to be is evident in all the layers of his life. In the way he interacts with his parents, his decisions about his future (the whole scene in the counselors office?), the way he treats his villains (cracking jokes about Spot, then the whole thing about 'villain of the week'), his struggle between being Miles, son of his parents, and Miles, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and how no one truly knows who he really is, the way how this inner conflict comes to a climax against all the other spider-people, how the 'Imma do my own thing' is the answer to a lot of his 'side-struggles' but also directly tied to the very heavy and big question of 'destruction of the multi-verse'.
Gwen's struggle with her father about what is right and what is not is in a way the same struggle she has with the spider ppl about what is right and what is wrong, just on another level and the other side of the coin. The same issues that make her unable to find a band makes her unable to ask for help with the whole Spot-situation at the beginning. The same struggle about right or wrong in combination of her inability to trust, rules/canon or gut feeling, makes it that she doesn't talk to Miles about what is going on, kickstarting a lot of the plot just as much as Miles actions did in the first movie. Her decision, resolving of her struggle, to talk and to take things into her own hands is the same for her band and for her to gather ppl to help Miles, to go against the 'rules'.
(I mean 'creating my own band' is a pretty nifty metaphor for 'following my own rules'/parallel to Miles 'i create my own story')
(Do i even need to mention Hobie here again and how he was the literal embodiment of the whole thing?)
My point is, Miles is not just about to rewrite the rules of the multiverse because that's what the story needs, Gwen isn't just gathering allies because it's very convnient to have support for Miles, both things are direct results of their struggles throughout the whole movie (and the one before that). And that makes it so damn interesting to watch.
Btw shoutout to my friend that i dragged along, that hadn't even seen a trailer and came out of this thing shell shocked and looking like they weren't fully in this world yet (understandable) just to have me vibrating out of my skin next to them finally able to talk about all the things and parallels and theroies that currently dictate my entire exsistence and never complaining once about but only suggesting that we should do cosplay about it. (Neither of us has ever done cosplay).
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
god i hate the lack of nuance in everything these days. is most violence and sexual violence committed against children by family members or those previously known. y e s. does this mean that stranger danger, being safe online, and being aware of trafficking schemes is unimportant?? no????? wtf
like some years ago a 15 year old romanian girl was literally stolen off of the street, trafficked, raped, and killed after she managed to escape. that shit happens. it happens all over the world. there have indeed been many cases of pedophiles hanging out outside of schools and picking up children, this has literally happened, children have died this way. the "do you want to come see a puppy/candy" thing is a real thing that happens which has lead to at least one truly horrid case w a 8 year old girl that i can think of off of the top of my head- shes dead now, god rest her. in poor nonwestern countries i have heard horrrid cases of western men moving to empoverished villages, befriending the local people, being offered housing and care, and all the meanwhile they are raping their children, its fucking vile. trafficking schemes in which some woman tries to get you in a car/etc are absolutely real and they exist, ive literally had a woman come up to me, spin some story of how shes being followed, begged to be let in my car and driven anywhere; when i offered the apartment complex (neigbhors all around etc safer safer for me also for her technically) she instantly changed her entire demenor, calmed down some, asked for a cig, and walked away. it was weird af and clearly not a real thing, nor did she seem like she wanted to do it frankly - she looked me in the eye while she was begging and said in a more sincere tone, im sorry. weather it was trafficking or robbery or some other shit i wasnt about to find out. that shit, is real. this happened in southern california btw, a hotspot literally known for sex trafficking (of mainly girls and women of colour) but this generation is too woke to care about that. moldova idk how it is now but orphaneges would kick girls out at 16 - traffickers were essentially waiting for them..... ive heard of a lot of cases of women being trafficked when they went on cruises, its clearly a part of the industry, ran by stranger men....,,, like,,
yes most csa comes from family, extended family, family friends, or others who tend to have regular access to a child (nannies, teachers, etc). women are mostly domestically abhsed. one of the most common trafficking schemes is a man pretending to be a girls or womans boyfriend for awhile, or offering work, and then trafficking her. yes it is common that these sort of relationships lead to trafficking, that extended or even close family or family friends tend to be responsable for a large part of trafficking. but. this doesnt. s o m e h o w mean that children shouldn't be weary, that they should be overly trusting of random adults, or that you shouldnt look over your damn sholder and be aware that yes, it is actually possible to just get trafficked out of the god damn blue because the world is fucked
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A flyer seen on a street sign that reads "Together we can block encampment evictions" "Protest your neigbhors".
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autumnbrambleagain · 2 years
i love that i moved into the fucking woods and ended up with a neigbhor who bass-blasts so hard my entire fucking house shakes and has a horn that's the same as a train horn and they honk it whenever they drive down the road
let me kill
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a-s-t-a-r-i-o-n · 2 months
9:30am: got a phone call from my mom, telling me she lost her cat
10am: i arrive at my mom’s, searching first the appartment
10:30am: she told me only one window was like a little bit opened, so i climb on the roof of the postoffice under her building, find the cat stuck on the neighbors’ blinds, climb on the neigbhor’s window but finally got her
what a sunday morning
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rjalker · 2 years
also, I got more acorns, but the neigbhor kids aren't outside so I'll have to give them some to play with next time I see them
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marusagorjup · 3 years
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I have been super busy with work projects lately, so here's a study from My Neighbor Totoro that I managed to finish in between.
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beeedelweiss · 3 years
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Look at these silly little shits
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ellovett · 3 years
the apartment cat just shit in front of my door pls
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coffin-flop · 4 years
anybody else obsessed with living communally because contextless noise is a savior for concentration?
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eebbapanda1 · 3 years
Meeting La Squadra pt.2 (Pesci and Proscuitto)
Hello again. I finally wrote part two. These are way harder than I thought they would be. I hope you all enjoy. Gentle reminder that this is a collge!neigbhor! reader AU and that the meetings are all platonic. Later on, if I keep writting they might become romantic. I will try to have Melone and Ghiaccio next. Have a great day everyone.
Pesci never really minds being the only one left behind at the base. He gets it really, the poor man has always been insecure, and he really does not love the murdering side of his job.
Plus, being alone means no one is insulting him or startling him by appearing out of nowhere (the biggest offenders to that last one are Risotto and Illuso if you were wondering).
Hearing a knock out the door, however, did scare him for a second. He was not exactly sure if he should open. On the one hand, no one in the team gets visitors. On the other hand, usually when people do come it's some higher up with a job for them. On the other hand if it was true they had a new job, being the only one behind would probably mean that he was going to have to do it.
The man was having a small freak-out session until he heard whoever was behind the door call out “Hello? Risotto, are you home right now?”
Now that was odd.
No one he had ever met from Passione would speak like that. Most of them would say some nasty stuff actually. But they were looking for the Capo, which was even weirder. Because out of everyone in La Squadra he was the one who interacted with outsiders the least.
Even so, he decided to open the door and was met with the sight of you, a bashful expression on your face, holding a small bag. “Hi, is this where Risotto lives?” you asked, head to the side like a lost puppy.
“Yeah, but he's not home right now.” Pesci felt kinda bad when he saw your face fall.
“Oh, that's ok. If you´re his roommate can you give him this?” you handed him the bag which smelled delicious “You see, I promised I was gonna pay him back since he helped me out. That was a week ago, but between classes, and studying, and stuff it all got kind of complicated. Also, you can take some if you want. I made you too many of anything because I forgot to ask what he liked”
You both chatter for a while after that. Pesci though you seemed like a genuinely nice person if a bit soft-spoken through it all.
Your double-take when he mentioned having six roommates, Risotto included, did make him want to laugh. Since according to you “that” pointed look at the bag “is not enough for seven people”.
Pesci did not have the heart to tell you that on some days it was nine.
“Ok well then” he heard you say “Give me an hour and I´ll be back, ok?” He nodded as an answer to your question
“Perfect, I´ll be back!” with that, you hurried over to your house.
´I wonder if we could be friends.´ Pesci thought before closing the door.
Prosciutto had noticed small changes in Pesci during the last few days. He seemed somewhat more confident or maybe just less clingy. It did make him proud, his protege seemed to finally be growing up.
Both men were on their way back home from a mission when Pesci spoke up “H-hey aniki… do you think we can um… maybe hurry up a little. I may have… plans pretty soon.” The young man seemed nervous, eyes looking everywhere except towards Prosciutto.
The man in question was actually quite shocked, having other plans were usually Illuso´s idea, or Fromagio's, not Peci´s.
“Hey, Pesci! No way I found you here too!” a soft voice called from their left. A short, young person soon came into view, they were carrying a backpack.
“Oh hey! I wasn't expecting you here” said the green-haired man. Soon the two of them were chatting away, barely paying attention to the blonde man.
Wait. Are these Peci´s plans? They are kind of cute.
“Um… are you one of Peci´s other roommates?” they asked “Because if you are, you can totally come with us.”
They were both so hopeful about it, he might have felt bad if he said no.
“Ok then” the shorter one of the three muttered. (just so everyone knows, the shorter one is probably always reader)
So now here was Prosciutto on his way with a pair of overly excited twenty-something-year-olds, on his way to God-knows-where.
Aaaaand now they are at a café…. what?
“We're here” Pesci announced.
“So that's why I got lost! It was two lefts and then a right.” the shorter one sheepishly stated.
“Yeah, this place has really good coffee for pretty cheap too.” he finally spoke up, having felt left out the whole way over.
“That sounds like heaven!”
The three of them decided to order and stayed for a while. Prosciutto soon learned that the person met up with was actually the mysterious new neighbor who had sent them enough baked goods to feed an entire army. He really needed the recipe for whatever the muffins were made out of.
“Those are chocolate and carrot cake. A professor of mine made them once and I have been trying to replicate them ever since. I´m glad you liked them.” the neighbor said.
The three of them spent a nice time at the little café.
Prosciutto was glad to have met them, he was honestly excited for that recipe.
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deadweight-at7am · 3 years
Water came up through the floor of my basement this past Friday. I didn’t realize it until it was over with, but it’s not like there was anything I could do. Hydrostatic pressure. We got this horrific storm that dumped tons of rain. I have been trying to dry the carpet but it’s started to mildew (who puts carpet in an English basement? wtf) I’m going to have to eventually rip it all out and try to waterproof the entire basement but for now I’ve been running a dehumidifer and trying vinegar/baking soda on it to get the stink out. It’s starting to work? But it’s going to take some elbow grease. Just one more thing on my list of 80 million things to worry about.
Last night after trick-or-treating was over some person’s car that is parked on my street right in front of my neigbhors’ house had their alarm going off - on and off sporadically. Then it continued to go off at 1:45, 2:30, 4:45am it woke me up each and every time. I was PISSED. I left a nasty note as well as someone else on the windshield but the fucking car hasn’t moved, it’s till in the same spot. I was up at 4am with shitty ass insomnia cleaning the utensil drawer in my kitchen. That’s how annoyed I was. I got a total of 3.5 hours of sleep. I had to wake up at 8am and take my youngest to school. Then came back and slept for 2 hours. Then had to get up to get back at the stupid basement carpet. 
I’m not having the best start to my week.
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