#The interesting thing is that my oxygen level is still at 4% lower than my normal resting rate
freebooter4ever · 1 month
I cant believe i just bought probiotics from some fancy grocery store....i've officially gone full californian
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👀 😈 💻
👀 oh this is neat because i can just choose a different wip! how about some bealil from star wars au 4
Even in the red-tinted dark, the black wires under her skin glisten. It’s hard not to see them as Beatrice reaches up, gently now, as if for the first time she has some apprehension of what she is touching. She is weak, still, and Lilith has to bow her head - a genuflection of sorts, a small surrender. 
Beatrice kisses her like she’s trying to steal her breath, like they’re trapped in open space together. Like there’s not enough air for either of them but she’s going to take it anyway. What little there is, she puts her mouth on it.
And Lilith tries not to be undone.
In space, if you hold a breath, the air expands inside your lungs and fills you up with holes. It’s like that with her sometimes – a disaster waiting to happen or one that has already happened. Lilith looks at her and feels that she will be torn apart in an instant by ebullism, or what they call vaporisation.
Being kissed by her not importantly distinct from dying, and that’s the trouble of it. Lilith leans into her, grazing Beatrice’s lower lip with her tongue, and she does not think in trite sentences – not you will be the death of me.
It is impossible to deny, as fingers slip down, tugging Lilith’s shirt from where it’s tucked into her belt, that Beatrice is death itself. Everything about her as tender as a fresh burn, and later Lilith will discover a patch of scarring, high on Beatrice’s hip, from the blade of her sabre, but just then there is only room inside of her for the feeling that she is to Beatrice what oxygen is to an open flame.
Lilith opens her eyes to find that Beatrice’s – bruised by sleeplessness and starved of light – are closed. Not shut, but fluttering on the edge of open, and gentled by that surrender. Her hands are raised, now, barely touching the edge of Lilith’s jaw, feather-light, one of them trembling from the strain that even this small action puts on her elbow. But she doesn’t close it into a fist, she just lets it flutter, and it’s no different, really, from nakedness. More naked, perhaps, than Lilith's blunt hands could manage.
😈 is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
i'm blessed to have readers who seem to enjoy the blood and misery as much as i do, so i think probably the thing that i have to balance my own enthusiasm for is what i've taken to calling the Beatrice Lecture Series, or the tendency of Beatrice to punch me in the throat and out of nowhere spend around 1000 words lecturing about some obscure strand of my own various interests. Lilith is the worst enabler of this habit, and while she is (probably) turned on by it, and while i am happy to be relegated to my paddling pool of blood while beatrice goes on, and on, and on - i do have to wade back into the narrative at a certain point with her kicking the shit out of me the entire time. yeah... sometimes i definitely do that too much. i wouldn't say that people hate it all the time, but if i fall for beatrice's good old 'hey casper look at this' too much i think it does get annoying, and i'm a poor judge of when, exactly, that happens.
💻 do you do research for your fics? what's the deepest dive you've done?
oh i am forever in the research. it's one of the best parts of writing for me - just rifling around in my own head and learning new things and getting lost in the sauce (wikipedia). oof, i've done some fairly deep-dives the past few months so i can't really choose one. definitely researching the physics of breakages at the molecular level for one (1) epigraph was... a time, but also the day before yesterday i read a papal encyclical in four different languages - though this was, at least, for one (1) line of actual dialogue in a fic.
all of the star wars research has been super interesting (my amazing smart incredible friends have so far picked up just one major lore-discrepancy in the star wars au) because i'm such a himbo star wars fan. like yeah, for star wars au you bet i had my shitty plastic lightsaber out in front of the mantlepiece practicing my obi-wan stance (& getting absolutely torn to shreds for my posture :/ which is humiliating when you have actual swordfighting skills) but i was (am) woefully ignorant of the vast majority of star wars lore, so rectifying that has been so much fun. also any and all ligaments research is so good - a couple of months ago i did an in-depth study of bird bones for, again, a bloody paragraph (indeed, a BLOODY paragraph) because i was curious as to how tarask-cooties might alter Lilith's poor gay skeleton.
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foli-vora · 4 years
more than words, pt.3
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A/N: Thank you for all the love! 🥺🥰 overwhelmed by the reaction I’ve had to this story! Super excited that so many of you are coming along for the ride! There is a tag list for this—let me know if you’d like to be added! (I apologise if I’ve missed anyone!) I hope you enjoy! ❤️
Pairing: Francisco ‘Catfish’ Morales x f!reader, best friend!Benny Miller x f!reader
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, general first date nerves that trigger my anxiety x10
pt.1 / pt.2 / pt.4 / pt.5 / pt.6
He was trying to listen. He really was, but God, how many times can you hear the same thing over and over and over again before you start to drift away from the conversation? He knew the answer. He had a very short attention span when it came to certain subjects – he’ll admit that freely – so when you continued to gush about his best friend, his main man, naturally his attention fell to the couple seemingly having an argument by their truck in the parking lot. Hmm… wonder what they’re fighting about? He purses his lips, watching the girl deliver one hell of a slap across her boyfriend’s face and strut away, tears streaking mascara down her face. Cheater. Definitely a cheater.
“Benny? Are you even listening to me?”
His eyes roll back to you, taking in your narrowed eyes and angry chewing as a slice of pizza dangles from your hand. Was he listening? Well, he did for the first few minutes… does that still count?
He finally answers, tone flat and uninterested. “No.”
He shrugs, gesturing to the scene outside the window with a flick of his head. “Malibu barbie just smacked the shit out of her beau.”
Your head snaps to where he was looking, shamelessly curious. “Cheater?”
“That’s my bet.”
You both fall quiet, watching the strangers play out a scene that really should belong in a cringe-worthy daytime reality show while you chew. It’s almost depressing, how eagerly you both watch someone else’s life seemingly crumble in public. But the longer they scream and cry, the longer they yell and fight, the harder it is to tear your eyes away.
“Shit.” Benny sighs, reclining in the booth and stretching his arms up and behind him once the couple in conflict goes their separate ways. “That was the most interesting thing that happened to me all week.”
“Not me,” you sing with a smile, fondly remembering the phone calls and texts you had been sharing with Frankie the past few days. Benny sighs in irritation, neck cracking as he rolls his head on his shoulders.
“I swear, if you talk any more about Fish, I’m gonna throw myself out of this fuckin’ window.” He levels you with a challenging stare, lips twitching as you eye the glass critically. “I’ll do it, too. Try me.”
Deflating, you sag in your seat and fiddle with the peeling label on your beer bottle, realising with a wave of slight shame that you had been talking about Frankie ever since you sat down at the table. “I’m sorry, Benny. I’m just excited. He seems really cool, and nice, and –”
“Alright then.” He stands abruptly, kneeling on the worn leather to brace a shoulder against the glass panel with a look of severe concentration.
“Okay! I’m sorry, I’m sorry – sit down, you idiot!” Laughing loudly, you tug at his shirt until he sits with a lazy grin and you shake your head. “God, you are such a child, Benjamin.”
He snorts, pinching a cold fry from the basket in the middle of the table and waving it at you. “You love me.”
Grinning, you snatch it from his fingers, and chew it loudly, grinning at his pout. “I sure do, especially when you set me up with your gorgeous fri–”
He groans loudly, “Enough, woman. I’ll throw you out of this fuckin’ window in a minute. Get me another beer.”
“You’re callin’ the wrong friend, angel.” Benny drawls lazily, “I’m no good with these kinds of pep talks.”
“Benny, I’m freaking out, please –”
The car feels small, cramped. The open windows letting in the cool evening air does nothing for you trying to suck in a lungful of oxygen as you pull nervously at your jacket. Have you overdressed? Underdressed? What would he be wearing? You hadn’t been on a first date in months.
“Look, I can almost guarantee you he’s somewhere having this exact conversation with another friend of mine. You’re both stress heads. Just relax – he’s gonna love you.”
You stare vacantly at your steering wheel, swallowing around the lump of anxiety stuck in your throat. “I think I’m gonna puke.”
He snorts in amusement, “Well, if you’re gonna do it, do it now – puking on the poor guy isn’t a first date thing. And don’t forget to rinse your mouth out.”
Leave it to the younger Miller to make you feel ten times worse. “Oh God. Ben –”
“You’ll be fine. Now get out of your car.”
“But –”
“Get. Out. of your car.” He waits, listening intently to the mechanical whirr of your windows as they close, smiling when he hears the loud thump of your car door shutting. “There we go. Now breathe, and get marchin’ – you got this. And don’t call me again – I’m watching a fight. Pay per view isn’t cheap.”
“Right. Sorry. Thanks Benny.”
“Anytime, angel. Have fun.”
You ring your hands as you start walking the short distance to the bar, running through a last-minute check of your appearance. Nothing in your teeth. No stains on your clothes. You fidget with the hem of your skirt, brushing the non-existent dirt from the fabric and making sure it’s not horrifically tucked in to your underwear at the back.
Oh God, your palms are so sweaty. What if he shakes your hand? His hand will slide right off. He’d be mortified. Who even goes for a handshake on a first date anyways? You’re being silly. Everything’s fine. You look great. Did you put deodorant on?
The twisting of your stomach and panicked rush of thoughts thankfully pause when your eyes catch Frankie standing outside the bar, hands buried deep in his pockets and dark eyes flickering around at the passers-by somewhat nervously. When they land on you, the apprehension seems to melt from his shoulders and he grins. Unable to stop the smile creeping on your face in response, you now walk without the sick feeling of anxiety creeping up your throat.
He strides forward to greet you, and for a brief second, you wonder how you should greet him. It’s not like you were strangers, per se, you had been talking on the phone all week, but where did you stand in the physical sense? Certainly not a handshake.
Throwing caution to the wind, you bounce forward and greet him with a hug, hoping to high heaven he doesn’t push you away and call the whole thing off.
He doesn’t.
Inwardly screaming, you melt at the feeling of a pair of strong arms winding around your waist, a small quiet chuckle brushing past your ear. Oh shit, oh fuck… he smells divine.
“Hi,” you mutter shyly when you pull away, a flush of warmth flooding through you from top to toe when he smiles kindly and hovers only a step away.
You can’t help but admire his features up close; the ones that were lost on the photo Ben had shown you when first trying to convince you into this arrangement. His eyes were a lot darker, tousled curls longer than they had looked when they were hidden under a well-loved hat. A light flush of pink sweeps up his neck and along his cheeks, and you watch it fondly with a wild flutter of your heart.
Okay, you could just stand here all night and stare at him, but that might freak him out a little… maybe try speaking. Talk. Just talk. Say something smart – something stimulating. First date impressions and all that.
“It’s fucking freezing.”
What? No. You did not just say that. Seriously? That’s what had to bubble from your mouth? Are you kidding?
You want to face palm, want to just turn around and march right back to your car with a text to Benny saying ‘thanks, but we can’t be friends anymore’ and just disappear from the face of the Earth. God, he’s going to give you so much shit for this.
Thankfully though, Frankie doesn’t seem bothered by your blurted out statement in the slightest, and even grins, nodding in agreement.
“Yeah, it is.” He watches you shift on your feet, smile widening just a little more at the look of complete horror that had just washed your features before he had spoken, and then half turns, “Shall we?” Oh God, what was that? Pope’s gonna kill him. You’ve got his head in a complete spin and now he’s forgotten Pope’s whole pep talk. Shit. Shit. Be cool. Be cool... what the fuck does ‘be cool’ even mean?
The bar’s warm when you both walk in side by side, Frankie’s hand placed softly on your lower back as he leads you to the bar, and then through to a spare table, nestled out of the way and tucked into the farthest corner after he buys your drinks. He lets you sit first, and you’re pleasantly surprised when he stays close and, instead of sitting opposite you, he sits to your right, knees bumping yours softly under the table.
It’s not until you both sit, quiet and fiddling with your beers while sharing nervous smiles, that you remember something you had been meaning to ask all day.
“Oh. How did Mena’s appointment go?” You ask immediately, recalling his slight worry the day before over her slightly warmer than normal forehead and uncharacteristic crankiness. Your stomach plummets when he shoots you a startled look.
Oh no… have you blown it? Were you not meant to ask about kids on the first date or something? What were the rules for this kind of thing? You’d never dated someone with a baby, you had no idea what was okay to ask and what wasn’t. You guys had literally only just sat down, and here you were, ruining it already. That’s got to be the quickest end to a date, well… ever.
Panic creases your features and you frown in worry, “Sorry, should I – should I not have said anything? I’m sorry, I’ve never –”
“No, no – you’re fine! I just… I didn’t expect you to remember.” And then he smiles. Blindingly. The dread crushing your chest quickly morphs into something sweeter, something that has your heart quickening. “She’s okay – she’s getting her molars. Thank you for asking.”
You smile, turning bashful under the pure admiration shining in his eyes, and shrug lightly.
“It’s alright. I was worried for you.” You’re quiet when you admit it, unsure if that’s something you should be upfront about with only knowing him for such a short period, but he seems to take it in stride, smiling fondly at you and reaching a hand to cover yours softly. The immediate heat from his skin encompasses yours, shooting wave after wave of electric tingles up your arm and straight to your chest.
If your pulse was racing before, it’s downright wild now.
He flushes when your fingers part ever so slightly, letting his nestle in between yours, and then you’re smiling at each other, laughing quietly as the awkwardness all but evaporates.
You talk about everything. Growing up, moving around, Frankie’s time in the military being a pilot. You have so many questions, but pick up on the wave of tension that rolls through him at the mention of flying. For a short moment, you wonder why he didn’t want to talk about such an achievement – being a pilot was incredible, but not wanting to ruin the easy-going atmosphere that had fallen over you both, you leave the topic of flying instantly, and switch for talking about Mena, thankful to see the light return immediately to his eyes as he gushes about his little girl.
“Can I ask a question?” You ask sometime later in the evening, now comfortably closer to Frankie as your legs tangle under the table.
He hums, sipping on his third beer and nodding, “Of course.”
You watch your fingers play with his on the table, before grinning up at him slyly, “Why ‘Catfish’?”
He groans, throwing his head back with a chuckle, and wipes a hand across his face.
“My whiskers.” He finally admits with a playfully defeated sigh. When you frown in confusion, his grin widens, and he scratches his fingers along his jaw and through the patch of facial hair. “The guys used to give me shit because I can’t grow much more than this.” He gestures to his face, rolling his eyes. “Used to say I had whiskers – like a catfish, apparently.” He chuckles, shrugging light heartedly. “It just seemed to stick after a while.”
You’re laughing, and it keeps the smile planted firmly on his face. What a sound.
“Well, it’s an interesting nickname, but I think I prefer Frankie.”
He softens, unable to resist melting closer to you, and nods, “Me too.”
He likes the way you say it… sweetly, softly. He’s desperate to hear it fall from your lips more, in all sorts of ways.
Disappointment floods you both when you notice the late hour, Frankie explaining dejectedly that he should probably go and relieve his babysitter before said babysitter gets too comfortable with his refrigerator and the beer in there. You can hear the fondness in his voice when he tells you about his sitter for the evening, Mena’s tío – another close friend of Benny’s apparently – as you leave the bar, his hand automatically falling to tangle with yours.
“I’m this way,” you point a thumb over your shoulder, fully expecting to say your goodbyes outside the brightly lit bar, but frowning in slight confusion when he merely nods and starts to walk the way to your car.
“Oh – are you parked over here, too?”
He shakes his head, pointing to the complete opposite direction. “No, I’m over there. I don’t want you to walk to your car alone.”
Your insides turn to jelly, smiling to yourself as you grip his hand a little tighter. Thoughtful. He returns your smile, but hates that you seem so surprised by the notion of being walked to your car in the dark. What kind of losers had you dated previously that either didn’t walk you safely to your car?
“Thank you for tonight, Frankie.”
He grins, thumb rubbing soft circles over your knuckles. “Thank you – I had a great time.”
“Next time, it’s my treat.” You say, hoping you weren’t thinking too much of something that wasn’t there. Would he even want a second date? Was he just being polite saying he had a good time? Is that what people said before never calling them again?
Unbeknownst to you, Frankie was having a hard time reigning in the enthusiastic excitement that had flooded through him the second you had spoken. You wanted another date? With him? He had to mash his teeth together to stop the eager grin threatening to break his face completely in half. Thank God he hadn’t blown it. You were… God. You were fucking incredible. He owed Benny – big time.
“I can deal with that,” he eventually agrees, face warm and giddy at the prospect of taking you out again.
You turn and envelope him in a hug when you reach your car, breathing in one final lungful of whatever delicious aftershave he had used, and smile to yourself against his shirt when he folds his arms around you, a hand cupping the back of your head to keep you pressed tightly against him.
Pulling back to say one final goodbye, you’re struck by how close his face seems, eyes flicking across his face before meeting his dark ones.
Suddenly trapped in a gaze that had a fire licking up your spine, your breath goes in a stuttered exhale. Rough fingertips trace your jaw, and then you’re holding your breath entirely as he leans in closer. Anticipation kicks in, heart thumping through your chest as he closes the distance much slower than you would like, and you fight away the wave of impatience that screams at you to just push forward and kiss him.
You don’t expect him to stop however, only a breath away from your lips, and you panic for a small second, wondering if you’re doing something wrong, but when he murmurs a quiet question, it takes all the strength in your legs to not fall to the fucking ground in a lump of melted goo.
“Can I kiss you?”
God yes. Please.
Unable to stop the shy smile that tugs at your lips, you try not to nod too eagerly and definitely fail miserably. You want this, more than what you’ve ever felt with anyone else. Frankie had you feeling like a giddy teenager with a huge crush and you were desperate to feel more of it, to see where it goes and what it could develop into.
At your nod of approval, he moves in the rest of the way, hand moving to cup the side of your neck below your ear, and he sighs lightly when your soft lips finally meet his. The kiss is tender, warm, and does nothing to soothe your raging pulse. He can’t hear your heartbeat, can he? God, can you hear his? He briefly worries, but when your lips move against his, his mind blanks.
His moustache tickles your lip, nose bumps gently with yours. Your hands find his chest, fingers gripping at the soft material, and for a moment it feels like you two are the only ones in existence, floating in a hazy whirl of space.
You take a minute to open your eyes when he eventually pulls away, and when you do, you find him gazing at you with a shy smile and a rosy flush across his cheeks. Lashes fluttering as you blink, you try to get a hold of your heart beating heavily against your ribs while your lips tingle from the aftershocks of his kiss.
Holy shit.
Before you can even think it through, his shirt tangles in your scrunched fist and you pull him back to you, replanting your lips against his with a desperate urgency he meets head on and returns eagerly. His hands, previously gentle, now grip at your waist, squeezing the flesh greedily as you let him walk you back into the side of your car. The metal is cold, even through your jacket, and you arch into him, moaning softly when his tongue traces your lip.
Your knees buckle when his tongue tangles with yours, and he presses you harder into the car to stop you dropping.
“Holy shit.” He breathes huskily after separating, lips widening into a grin when he sees you mirroring his breathlessness. You giggle softly, the fire roaring in your stomach turning into an affectionate warmth that floods your system when he brushes his nose along yours tenderly. “You’re so beautiful.”
“Stop.” Your smile turns shy, teeth digging into your lips as he chuckles again, dark eyes shining. He watches you wrangle your breathing into something semi normal, glad he wasn’t the only one that got swept up and carried away with the moment. 
He traces your cheek, planting one more, less hungry and more affectionate, kiss to your lips.
“Goodnight, mystery girl.”
“Goodnight, Frankie.”
He backs away, face split as he smiles, eyes admiring you before he turns and starts to meander away to wherever he was parked, turning to look at you over his shoulder every few steps. You climb into your car, grinning at the final wave he sends you before disappearing around the corner.
Finally alone in your car, you let out the disbelieving chuckle you’ve been keeping in all night, face feeling hot as the aftereffects of such a great date rests pleasantly in your stomach, mind running through every little moment of the night. Starting your car, you start the drive home, unable to stop touching your lips every so often, insides clenching at the memory of his lips moving against yours.
Tags: @anu-simps @seasonschange-butpeopledont @withasideofmeg @you-got-me-starry-eyed @emilykjh @peterhollandkait @sara-alonso @starlightsearches @bookishofalder @empress-palpat1ne @shadowolf993 @rosiefridayrogersunday @canyonmirrors​ @eoz-stuff @blackonemasie​ @layniapetrovnaaa @alberta-sunrise @goldielocks2004 @betterthanbucky​ @linkpk88​ @afootnoteofhappiness​ @livilottie​
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petri808 · 3 years
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Inukag AU
A month had gone by and the doctors finally felt confident enough to bring Kagome out of the medically induced coma. The bleeding in her brain had completely stopped, and the damaged areas were beginning to heal nicely. But they warned the family, that despite this development, it didn’t mean she’d wake up immediately. So, despite this movement, she was kept on all the other machines that supported her breathing functions and nutritional needs. Time continued to drone on day after day, with no other signs of life except for the beeps and whooshing sounds of those machines. It took another two weeks before Kagome’s body regained full control over her bodily functions. In order to accomplish this task, the doctors weaned her off the breathing tubes, slowly decreasing the level of oxygen being forced in, and causing the body to put in the work. It was a relief to see her doing it on her own. Each small step forward towards normalcy was a vital win.
Every day Inuyasha maintained his vigil at Kagomes side, holding her hand, sensitive to any slight ticks or changes and waiting for the moment she’d show unquestionable signs that she’d wake up soon. At first, he would simply sit there silently in the quiet room, but the recovery counselors that stopped by convinced him to talk to her, read to her, let Kagome hear his voice. Some believed that coma patients can hear what was going on around them, so it was worth a shot. But what was he supposed to say? Inuyasha was confused and nervous. It felt weird to talk to an unconscious person. He started out simple, awkwardly telling Kagome about that day at work, maybe some interesting news happening in their town. Then one day, her mom found some old storybooks Kagome’s grandfather would read to her when she was little, and one story in particular caught his attention. It was a fable, an ancient tale about a sorceress and a demon who fought over the power of a sacred stone. The Shikon no Tama was an old story that his own mother had once relayed to him.
So, for three weeks since being weaned off of the machines, Inuyasha read to Kagome a chapter of the book. Night after night like a bedtime story, recounting the woven tale of greed and power, and the ultimate triumph over good and evil. Of course, he didn’t believe any of it actually happened, but it was an interesting tale. He especially liked the part of the sorceress finding love and happiness in the end because in a way he could relate to it. Not all the magical stuff, which even as a demon he still felt was too far fetched, but the journey the two undertook to realize how they felt about each other. The sorceress was the obvious main character, but the hapless warrior who fought beside her was an important part of her journey. They learned from, supporting each other’s growth and self-discovery and in the end, together they defeated the demon.
Mama Higurashi placed her hand on Inuyasha’s shoulder as she came for a visit. “Kagome loved that one too,”
“It... kind of feels like us,” he looks to the woman on the bed,” but... in a modern twist. Kikyo was once the Shikon no Tama keeping them apart, and amnesia their demon to destroy, but it’s what it took for him to fully realize how much he truly loved the protagonist in his real life story. Now, Inuyasha only hoped for their own happy ending.
“Just remember one thing from the story,” mama higurashi retorted. “Nothing truly good is born from easy. It was the hard fought journey that brought the sorceress and the warrior together. If you keep that in mind as you fight this battle, I have no doubt you’ll succeed in the end.”
Mrs. Higurashi’s words really cut deep into Inuyasha and solidified how he felt. “Thanks Mama.”
The next evening that Inuyasha visited was already growing late and soon he would normally leave to get some sleep for work. He’d fallen asleep, resting his head against the bed, but his hand stayed clutched to Kagomes. It was brief and light, at first easily dismissed the general tick of a sleeping person. But by the third, the grip strengthened and woke up the sleeping Hanyo. Inuyasha sat up immediately focused on the face in the bed, searching for any other signs that Kagome was truly waking up. A few minutes passed by, but the woman’s eyes stayed closed and features serene as if in a dream like state. Perhaps that’s just all it was, a dream to shatter a hopeful hanyo. Inuyasha sighed and looked at the time. 11pm. He really should get back home and get some sleep.
But then, another, much stronger squeeze of his hand came, and the grip stayed firmly closed. “Kagome?” He questioned with hope brimming in his shaky tone. “Kagome?” Still, the woman slept peacefully in front of him. Inuyasha’s ears lowered with dismay, but he reminded himself this was the strongest reaction they’d received so far. It was a strong hope to latch onto. He kissed her forehead. “I’ll see you tomorrow love,” and retreated for the night praying their answers will come the next day.
Two days later, Inuyasha was halfway through his workday when he received a call from Mrs. Higurashi that Kagome had woken up. This is it! Kagomes awake! He raced to the hospital excited to see his girlfriend, only to be stopped at the door.
“Before you go in there, Inuyasha,” Mrs Higurashi spoke quietly, “I want to warn you the doctors were right— she… she doesn’t remember anything after finishing college.”
Inuyashas heart sunk in his chest like ship going down against a reef. Despite knowing this could very well be the outcome, to face it in reality was much harder than one could ever imagine. His face grew ashen, and ears fell with a whine.
She hugged him tight. “Don’t lose hope yet, remember this may very well be temporary, so we just need to get through this together.”
“I know,” his ears receded further into his hair line. “I’ll try, for her, I’ll do anything.”
“I know you will.” Mrs. Higurashi caressed his face. “Come, let me introduce you to her.”
When Inuyasha walked in, Kagome was still laying down. She seemed a little different which should be expected, probably confused, yet otherwise with a smile. Mrs. Higurashi guided Inuyasha to her daughter’s bedside, coaxing him to take his usual seat beside her.
“Kagome, I know you don’t remember any of this yet, but this,” Mrs. Higurashi gestured at the man, “is your boyfriend Inuyasha Taisho. You met after college.”
“Oh,” Kagome stared at the man inquisitively as if trying to search her incomplete memories. “I’m sorry I don’t remember any of it.”
“Do you remember what the doctor told you?” Her mother prompted.
“That I should be able to get my memories back once I healed completely?”
Mrs. Higurashi nodded. “This may all be very confusing, but we’re gonna do our best to help you through this.”
“I trust you momma.” Kagome looked back to the man sitting beside her and saw the tears trickling down his cheeks. “I’m so sorry Inuyasha.” She reached out and took his hand. “I bet this is pretty hard on you too.”
He shook his head. “This is all my fault. If we hadn’t fought, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt in the first place.”
Kagome paused, “what did we fight about?”
Such a simple question triggered a new cascade of tears, but Inuyasha slowly and diligently recounted that horrible night. He held back no details, right down to the luncheon with his ex that proved Kagome had been right all along. It felt so good to come clean, but now a panic rose up. “The last thing you’d said to me was you hated me, and I agree, I deserved that hatred for what I put you through. If I could go back in time, there’s so many things I’d do differently.”
Kagome processed his words for a few minutes quietly, then squeezed his hand. “You said I hate you, but why do I feel like that’s not true. I don’t know if it’s because I can’t remember, but I just feel like, I really don’t.”
“It’s probably because you can’t remember,” he mumbled. “And that’s okay. I deserve it.”
“Or, I just said it because I was angry at the time. Inuyasha, when I look at you now, and see the pain in your eyes, I get the sense that we both may have said things we didn’t really mean.”
Inuyasha perked up. Her personality was still very much intact, and wow, did he love hearing the fire in her tone! “I swear I’m gonna make it all up to you! I’m so, so, sorry for everything Kagome!”
“I’m still here aren’t I,” she smiled. “You just might have to make me fall in love all over again.”
“You’re worth the challenge.”
That brought a blush to Kagome’s cheeks. Waking up with no memory of a chunk of time certainly sucks, but she had to admit, it could have been worse. She still had all of her faculties, her personality, her life, and apparently a really cute guy willing to do anything to keep her around.
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diyunho · 4 years
The Joker x Reader - “Trapped” Part 5
Almost one year ago, someone tried to kill The Joker in a speeding car and Y/N pushed him out of the way, getting hit instead. With a fractured skull and broken bones, she was out of business for 6 months; when she finally recovered, The Queen of Gotham wasn’t the same anymore. Trapped inside her own mind and exhibiting severe cognitive impairment, Y/N’s life switched upside down without any hope of ever returning to normal.
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Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4
4 Months Pregnant
“I need customized stickers that say Baby On Board for my purple Lamborghini and the other cars I drive,” The Joker growls at his own idea whilst sharing it with the person fulfilling his wacko trades: Franco Rossi, the leader of best underground supply chain in Gotham.
“When would you like them ready Mister J? After Y/N gives birth?”
“Nope! Tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?...” Franco hesitantly inquiries about the sudden emergency since he can’t understand why The King of Gotham demands them so fast.
The Joker hates explaining yet certain people are obtuse thus they necessitate enlightenment.
“Y/N’s pregnant: when she gets in a car, the baby is also. Baby on board! Hello??” the father-to-be loses his temper.
Who can argue with The Joker’s logic? Nobody. It sort of makes sense anyway.
“Of course, Mister J. I’ll have them ready. If you drop by after 6pm, I’ll have your guns ready too.”
“Perfect!” the Joker hangs up among the ruckus coming from the office near the kitchen: sounds of shattered objects and yelling alert Richard aka Panda you’re at it again. He nonchalantly passes by in order to deliver the items to The Clown.  
“Your drinks Mister J,” he gives one cup with Starbucks caramel latte to his boss and the other is placed on the table. Why does your boyfriend require 2 identical containers? It won’t take long to solve the mystery.
“Are the lids glued?”
Strange question but there’s a purpose in it.
“Yes sir. How is she doing?”
“She’s hormonal: breaking things makes her feel better which reminds me we have to hoard porcelain objects for her to wreck. NO glass!”
“Sure, I’ll tell the crew,” Richard leaves the kitchen while texting Frost. “Hulk needs more to smash,” he types the code name they gave you in the last weeks although The King knows about it: J’s the one that came up with it.
“Hey Pumpkin,” you are greeted as soon as you pop up from the office. “How’d it go?” he scrolls down on his phone and takes a sip of hot liquid.
“Ugghh!” a frustrated Y/N swings the yellow teddy bear The Joker stole for her on their first date, hitting his hand in the process. The drink flies near the fridge and splatters on the floor with minimal damage: only a tiny puddle instead of a disaster, that’s why the lids are glued.
Safety measure for The Queen’s unpredictability.
J grabs his reserve cup of coffee, paying attention now hence he dodges your renewed attack and keeps his coffee intact.
That’s why his drinks have the lids glued, in case you catch him off guard the second time it will result in negligible destruction.
It happened before.
“I don’t think so Princess,” The Joker strong grip on the container calms you a bit because you won’t be able to win this round. “Are you hungry?”
“No,” you pout and sit in his lap.
“I bet the baby is,” the secret weapon is unleashed: J discovered such a gem by accident and it works like a charm. How can Y/N say “no” if the baby is involved? She can’t.
A plate filled with a bunch of your favorite breakfast food is placed in front of you and strangely enough you’re instantly hungry.
“Extra bacon,” he purrs. “Plus chocolate dip and honey mustard for your pickled cherries. I added peanut butter olives as a bonus.”
In your defense, you’ve been having weird cravings lately.
You place the toy on the chair nearby and start eating, ogling a Joker texting back and forth with his business partners. He chews the morsel you just offered and shivers: waffle dipped in clam juice is disgusting. Maybe he should look at the food you shove in his mouth.
“Gross,” J washes the terrible taste with coffee and gets a kiss for encouragement, yet he’s aware of the connotations. Another kiss confirms it.
Let’s put it this way: besides the hormonal episodes and food demands, The Queen has had a fresh type of craving recently - The Joker kind.
More than usually.
That’s why he has to clear it up.
“I’m flattered for being the center of attention; we gotta keep in mind that contrary to the popular belief, I don’t have unlimited stamina, Pumpkin.”
You nod in agreement and unbutton his pants, then unzip them also.
“Y/N, pay attention!” J insists since you don’t give a damn about his woes. “Think about it as a two way street: The Joker Street and I Want To Break Things Street. Are you with me so far?” he double checks.
Why is he yapping so much??! I guess you should make an effort to comprehend: he’s even doodling patterns on his phone to emphasize the speech.
“When you get hormonal, Princess, let’s try and walk on the I Want To Break Things Street instead of The Joker Street, hm? The Joker Street is sometimes closed for repairs until further announcement.”
OK, OK, this is a lecture. Something about a Joker Street, he seems upset he doesn’t have one…?... Right?...
If you were him, you would be pissed Gotham didn’t name a street in your honor when you’re so important for the town.
Another peck on his neck, then your lips go down his collar bone.
“You’re not paying attention, are you?” J mutters when it’s clear his shirt won’t remain on his body for too long.
“I am,” you defend yourself.
“Oh yeah? What did I say then?”
“Ummm…” you try to piece together words among estrogen taking over. “No Joker Street?...”
“Bingo, that’s it Princess! No Joker Street, correct! Choose the other street, yes?”
This time he kisses you, excited his idea was well received when in fact, both parties are referring to unrelated concepts.
“Wait,” J dodges your touch, “Richard is calling.”
Because he’s on the phone ignoring Y/N, she is ensuring a nice surprise for later; concentrating to the maximum to avoid misspelling, the following message is sent to Franco Rossi from her cell:
“Make a landmark sign that says Joker Street.”
The King’s conversation is prolonged more than anticipated until he discerns you’re not wiggling: you feel asleep, softly snoring on his shoulder and he definitely can’t afford to wake you up.
The doctors said your body is trying to cope with the pregnancy the best way it can: if you doze off at random hours it means you ran out of fuel and you should rest. After cheating death and surviving the accident, the future mother is at high risk of serious complications which is why each day could lead to unforeseen problems.
The Joker rises from the chair holding you in his arms and after a few steps he realizes it’s difficult to walk: thanks to his unbuttoned and unzipped pants, they keep sliding lower and lower. There’s no way he will make it upstairs so maybe the sofa in the living room is the best option. He almost trips thus he begins to drag his feet on the carpet, the pants at knee level now.
“I’m reduced to a piece of meat,” J grumbles, finally making it to the couch and placing Y/N on it so she can have her power nap.
You accompanied The King to a meeting with Seraphim, the best hacker/strategist J uses: they’ve been plotting for a while concerning D.A. Kevin Winchester. The politician is becoming a huge pain in the butt for Gotham’s underworld and something must be done; either annihilation or blackmail, it truly doesn’t matter since he’s bad for business. Due to a total lack of interest in the subject, you are exploring the surroundings quite angry The Joker dragged you here.
Luckily there’s stuff to do.
Bam! you punch the fragile glass sculpture and it splinters into a million pieces on the lavish marble floor.
Seraphim jumps at the noise, immediately recognizing his beloved possession:
“That’s…,” he gulps, appalled. “That’s a Vitriol!”
Yup, the one and only Degas Vitriol, the latest sensation taking the art universe by storm.
“She’s hormonal,” J sneers. “She breaks shit!”
“That’s valued at 150,000 dollars!” the hacker breaths in much needed oxygen regarding the atrocity unfolding at his hideout.
“So??!!” your boyfriend sucks on his teeth, irritated. “Serves you right for buying that asshole’s artsy fartsy crap!”
The Joker actually has 4 Vitriol masterpieces at the mansion yet you were strictly forbidden to destroy them, alas he gave you the office for your rampages.
You continue your exploration as they talk about God knows what until you perceive an alarming detail: Seraphim is literally screaming having a gun pointed at J.
You sneak behind him then in a split second you strike the pistol out of his hand and your fist lands on his temple with such brutality it knocks him out unconscious.
“What the hell are you doing, Y/N???” The Clown hisses at your erratic behavior.
“What are you doing??!!!” he repeats, annoyed.
“S-saving  you…,” you stutter, confused on why J is mad. “He was yelling and…mmm, had a gun,” you wince in pain because your knuckles hurt from the impact.
“The guy’s half deaf and sometimes he raises his voice without noticing, or did you forget??!! Now I have to wait until he comes to his senses and that’s a waste of my time, Y/N!!! Seraphim wasn’t threatening me, he was showing me his newest collectible!!! I suppose someone with half a brain can’t acknowledge the mess they’ve created!!!”
A lot of accusations thrown your way still… the last sentence brings tears in your eyes.
“I…” you bite your lower lip. “…I don’t have half of brain…”
“Wanna bet??” The Joker bites more instead of leveling with your logic: you though he was in danger and took action. If it was a real emergency, yes, you would have been the hero; it’s not and apparently he can’t appreciate your fast intervention in these circumstances.
“Y-you’re stupid…” you whisper, frustrated. “You don’t understand anything…”
Here it is -- the cataclysmic event of the century: someone called The Joker stupid. He’s beyond outraged with nothing better to utter besides a very childish:
“You’re stupid!”
Y/N turns around and stomps out of the house leaving a trail of destruction outside: she slaps the bottled water out of The Shark’s hand, kicks Panda’s shin and snatches Frost’s donut basically inhaling the sweet treat.
“I want to go h-home!!” you shout and enter the first vehicle you see, slamming the door so hard the window on the passenger side cracks.
“Jesus…” Jonny mumbles and being the sensible man that he is you are offered the whole box of pastries he purchased for his family. He can acquire more, but there’s no way in hell he wants to endure Y/N in the state she’s in.
Gotta keep Hulk calm somehow…
3 Hours Afterwards
You sulk when The Joker strolls in the master bathroom frantically searching the cabinets.
“Did you see my shaver?” he asks.
“Did you see my shaver?”
“I…I wouldn’t know. I only have half a brain,” the surprisingly eloquent phrase queues J his woman is holding a grudge for his earlier statement. Why wouldn’t she? He was a complete jerk.
At least you didn’t catch on to the obvious: The King of Gotham doesn’t own a shaver; hair just grows on his head.  
He glimpses at Y/N soaking in the bathtub with a kid’s book in her left hand and the right hand fingers sunk into a bowl filled with ice placed at the edge of the Jacuzzi. The Joker leans over and switches your book since it’s upside down.
You huff at the unwanted help and stare at the pictures expecting he’ll look for his shaver and disappear.
You’re not that fortunate today.
“Imagine my surprise when I drove the main alley and detected a sign that says The Joker Street,” he brings up the topic.
Franco Rossi was super-efficient …sadly you ordered the item before J ran his mouth at the hacker’s place, otherwise you wouldn’t care he wants a street with his name.
“You said no… no Joker Street,” you stammer. “Now you have one,” the bitter tone makes him roll his eyes: Y/N’s brain got what it could from his monologue, he should have known better than to make it complicated.
“Excellent…” The King starts rubbing your tummy, “… precisely what I was aiming for. I’m washing the baby, not you!” he underlines when you move farther from him.
You scrunch your face displeased but let him do it because it’s for the baby.
“I know what you’re doing,” Y/N gives him a cold gaze. “U-using the baby… I’m not stupid!”
Busted, The Joker thinks. The schemer in him won’t accept defeat though.
“I didn’t say you were.”
“Yes you did!”
“You said it first!!!” he reckons, antagonized. “Therefore two stupid people put together gotta make up for a smart one!!’
“I… I don’t wanna make out…” you frown at his suggestion.
The Joker sighs, deciding not to correct the trajectory of your judgement; it sure sounds like an opportunity.
“Why not?”
“I’m tired and…and I h-hate you,” your heavy eyelids close.
“Both viable reasons, even if I have to admit you striking Seraphim like that got me quite worked up. He’s no small fry! I had to wait for one hour for him to recover; you got a mean punch, woman! The more I reflect on it, the hornier I get. Which reminds me, Pumpkin: guess what?... … … I’m hormonal too.”
No answer, Pumpkin’s out.
“Of course nobody gives a damn if I’m hormonal!” he complaints while grabbing you from the bathtub. You cling to him for a few moments prior to drifting back into your dreams.
“Thanks for getting me all wet,” J snarls at the cruel reality of having his favorite Prada suit ruined.
“You…you’re welcome…” his Queen replies in her sleep, somehow her mind clutching to reality amidst pure relaxation.
This is what two hormonal individuals are reduced to: one’s dozing off, the other is suffering in silence, although being the proud owner of the tiniest road in Gotham compensates for the mishap.
It’s a two way street.
 Also read: Masterlist
You can also follow me on Ao3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho. 
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imjustthemechanic · 3 years
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The Price of a Soul
Part 1/? - Agent Russel Part 2/? - The Letter Part 3/? - Miss Lake Part 4/? - The Stewardess Part 5/? - An Assassination Part 6/? - Fallout Part 7/? - Face to Face Part 8/? - Deals, Details, and Other Devils Part 9/? - Baggage Part 10/? - Private Funding Part 11/? - Just Passing Through Part 12/? - Party of Four Part 13/? - Resolute Part 14/? - The Wreck Part 15/? - Body Snatchers Part 16/? - Out of the Frying Pan Part 17/? - A Miracle Part 18/? - A Matter of Circumstance Part 19/? - Nome Part 20/? - The Future Part 21/? - A Hero’s Welcome Part 22/? - Up to Speed
In which Peggy has to have those conversations she’s been putting off.
Having cleaned out her room at the Botticelli Gardens, Kay no longer had a place to stay in Los Angeles.  Something would obviously have to be done about that, but Peggy was not yet at the point where she was willing to trust the woman to stay in a hotel.  She therefore invited Kay back to her place to wash up and change, and Kay seemed happy to accept.  While Peggy unpacked, Kay took a shower, and Peggy could hear her chanting cheerful nonsense under the spray.
“Boom ba-boom-boom boom ba-boom-boom bass!  He got that super bass!”
She came out wrapped in a towel, and Peggy noted that the roots of her blonde hair were growing out darker.  Peggy took her own turn to wash up, and came out to find Kay already dressed, in a black skirt with a red jacket and matching red hat, which she was adjusting in front of the mirror.
“What do you think?” she asked, turning so that Peggy could inspect her outfit.
“A bit flashy for a spy,” Peggy replied, grabbing the pile of clothes she’d left folded on the vanity.
“I’m a flashy spy,” said Kay with a smile.  “The James Bond of the Red Room.  Or… no, wait, that’s not until the fifties, is it?  James Bond.”
“I’m afraid I wouldn’t know,” said Peggy, “but if I ever meet the gentleman I will give him your regards.”
Once clean, dressed, and made-up, Peggy felt considerably more confident as she and Kay headed back to the Auerbach Theatrical Agency front to meet with Daniel.  Unfortunately, more confident was not the same as actually feeling like she knew what she was doing, and there was definitely a knot of dread in the bottom of her stomach that would not go away.  Sooner or later Daniel would absolutely ask her what she meant to do about Steve.  Her only honest reply would be that she didn’t know yet and needed time to figure it out.  It was the figuring out that was going to be agony.
Rose stood up to greet Peggy as she stepped inside, then stopped short when she saw Kay.
“Good afternoon, Peggy,” Rose said cautiously.
“Hello, Rose, it’s good to be back,” Peggy replied.  “I believe you’ve met Miss Katerina Lachkova.”
“Call me Kay.”
“She’s given us some valuable intelligence and for now Chief Sousa and I have chosen to continue working with her,” Peggy said.  She wanted both Rose and Kay to know that this was open to change at very short notice.
“I love your lipstick,” said Kay.  “That’s the perfect shade for a redhead.”
“Thank you.  Your jacket is very becoming also,” Rose told her.
Having thus established that the two would refrain from trying to kill each other until Peggy gave them permission, Rose allowed Peggy and Kay upstairs.  Daniel was waiting in his office for them, and the way he sat up and lowered his hands, Peggy could immediately tell he’d been sitting there holding his head.
She also realized that the presence of Kay would keep him from talking about personal matters, which was… it was only a temporary reprieve, but it was something.  Peggy shut the door behind them, and went to sit down in the chair where Kay had sat while interrogating her as ‘Nadine Russel.’
“I can’t believe you found him alive,” said Daniel.
“Neither can I,” Peggy replied.  “Although Kay claims to have known the whole time.”
“The serum acts to keep his body functioning almost no matter what,” Kay said.  “So when he became unconscious in the water, it slowed his metabolism to reduce the demand for oxygen.  The cold slowed it further, so he went into a state of suspended animation that could have kept him alive almost indefinitely.”
“And this is something the Soviets know?” asked Daniel.
“They picked up a number of Schmidt’s experimental subjects from various camps during and after the war,” Kay explained.  “It’s something they’ve been working very hard on, and they’re going to be working even harder once they learn that Captain America is back.  They will see it a you having a weapon they don’t.”
“Not that there aren’t people here who don’t think the same thing,” Peggy noted dryly.
“From what I know of him, the United States government will find Captain Rogers harder to control in peacetime than they thought,” said Kay.
“I agree,” said Peggy, and made a mental note to ask later what kind of things Steve had gotten up to in that alternate twenty-first century.
Daniel nodded.  “Well, in the meantime, I do have some good news.”  He picked up a file off his desk.  “I don’t have a lot of information yet, but it looks like the East Coast has Underwood.”
“Oh, thank goodness,” said Peggy.  That at least was one less thing to worry about.
“Did they mention me at all?” Kay asked.
“No, as a matter of fact, they didn’t,” Daniel told her warily .  He plainly still wasn’t sure what to make of Kay, any more than he had any idea what to think of Steve’s unexpected return.  “I think they’re trying to keep that on the down-low… although Thompson did mention a splitting headache the morning after Stark’s plane left New York.”
“That wasn’t me,” said Kay.  “Drowsiness or slurred speech, yes, but not headache.”
“I don’t imagine Thompson has requested me again,” Peggy noted.  The last time he’d tried to interrogate Dottie, she’d nearly broken his nose.  He had to save face by now allowing it to happen again – and that meant not giving Peggy a chance to upstage him.
“He hasn’t,” Daniel said, “but I thought you’d want to know.”
“I do want to know,” said Peggy, turning to Kay.
Kay nodded.  “I’m going to need to talk to her,” she said.  “Some of my information is out of date, and I think she’ll be able to fill me in.”
Daniel looked at Peggy.  She nodded.
“I don’t know if I’m going to be able to arrange that,” he said.  “Officially, you’re still a wanted foreign agent.”
“If you can’t arrange it, I can do it for myself,” said Kay, “but it’d be nice if I didn’t have to.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Daniel said.  “Miss Lake… do you mind giving Agent Carter and myself a moment to talk in private?”
“Of course not.”  Kay stood up.  “I’ll wait outside.”
“On the other side of the room, please,” said Peggy.  “And do try not to cheat anybody out of their entire life’s savings while you’re there.”
“Oh, that’s asking a lot.  I can’t make promises.”  Kay smiled and shut the door behind her when she left.  Peggy and Daniel watched through the office window as she went to the other side of the room, leaned against the wall, and opened her compact to check her makeup.
Daniel turned to Peggy again.  “Okay, tell me the rest.”
“I want you to at least pretend I haven’t told you this when we’re in front of her,” Peggy warned him, “although I’m sure she can guess.  I feel like the fewer people know, the better.”  She took a deep breath.  “She says she knew where Steve was because she’s a time traveler from the twenty-first century.”
Of course Daniel’s first reaction was to scoff, but Peggy could see him quickly catch himself.  He knew she wouldn’t tell him something that sounded so ridiculous without a reason.  She detailed what had happened on their trip, and the full story Kay had told her… leaving out the parts about her and Daniel’s own future.  That was irrelevant now, as Kay herself had pointed out.
“I don’t know if I believe it,” Peggy said.  “I want to believe her, but that may just be wishful thinking.  Her information has been good so far, but if she wants something from us that we may not be willing to give her… what better way to put us in her debt than by giving us Steve?  Not just us personally, but the entire country?  Or to establish trust?  She told me she wants me to trust her.  Why would somebody give us Captain America if they didn’t have the country’s best interests at heart?”
Daniel hesitated, his eyes moving back and forth as if he were trying to choose between two possible directions for this conversation.  “Has she given you any idea what she might want in return?”
“Sort of,” said Peggy.  “She told us that Steve’s friend, Sergeant Barnes, is captive in a facility in the USSR.  She has some kind of a plan to rescue him, and it seems to hinge on Dottie telling her where he’s being held.”
He mulled that over for a few moments.  “We’ll have to be very, very careful if we let her talk to Underwood,” Daniel decided.  “What does your gut tell you?”
“I’m afraid my gut is every bit as confused as the rest of me,” said Peggy.
Of course, Peggy knew her gut wasn’t the organ Daniel was really concerned with, as his next question confirmed.  “So on a personal level…” he began.
“Oh, no,” Peggy groaned.
“I’m not going to…” Daniel swallowed.  “I just need to know what you want, Peggy.”
Peggy shut her eyes as she felt those traitorous tears well up again.  “I don’t know what I want yet.”
That seemed to surprise him.  “You don’t?” he asked.
“No, I don’t,” Peggy said.  It was just as she’d feared, wasn’t it?  Daniel really thought Peggy had been settling for him and that he had no chance now that Steve was back.  She took a couple of deep breaths and forced her emotions to calm down.  “I knew Steve three years ago, in the middle of a war, in a totally different world.  I don’t know how well I remember him, and he doesn’t know how much I might have changed.  I’m going to need some time to work it all out.”
“Right, of course you are,” said Daniel, lowering his head a little in embarrassment.  “I’ll give you some room, then.”
“Thank you,” Peggy said, but she could see in his face that he already expected to lose.
To distract herself, she glanced out the window to see what Kay was doing, and found her cheerfully flirting with Samberley, who appeared to be falling for it hook, line, and sinker.
“I think we’d better put a stop to that,” said Peggy.
“I think you’re right,” Daniel agreed, sounding as relieved as she to have an excuse to end this conversation.  He got up and as he opened the door, Peggy caught his arm.
“Just promise me whatever happens, you won’t think it’s because you’re unworthy,” she said, looking him firmly in the eye.  “Worth has nothing to do with it.  You are not in any way less than he is.”
“You say that,” said Daniel, with just a hint of a smile, “but I’m definitely shorter.”
Peggy smiled back, and stood up a little taller to kiss his cheek.
That was the moment when the elevator doors opened.  Peggy dropped back onto her heels and turned to look as Masters stepped into the room – followed closely by Steve Rogers.  Like Peggy and Kay, Steve had apparently had some time to clean up.  He’d shaved and combed his hair, and was now dressed in a beige shirt with a tie.  People crowded around to meet him as he entered, but he looked right over their heads and into Peggy’s eyes.
In a world where time travel was apparently possible, and where men cold survive three years frozen solid in the arctic ice, it simply wasn’t fair that Peggy couldn’t sink into the floor and vanish.
“Daniel!” said Masters, worming his way through the crowd towards him.  “It looks like I’m gonna have to borrow a couple of your agents.”
Should Peggy move away from Daniel?  But wouldn’t that just make it more obvious that she wanted to hide something from Steve?  Why was she trying to hide anything, anyway?  She’d had the entire trip from the Valiant to Los Angeles to tell Steve what she’d been doing for the last three years and she hadn’t said a thing.  If she’d stopped to think about it she would probably have decided it was in order to avoid overwhelming him, but wasn’t it just because she didn’t want Steve to know she was on the verge of marrying somebody else?
“Steve,” said Masters, making Peggy bristle.  “I think you’ve met Daniel Sousa.”
“We met at the airport, yeah,” said Steve.  He gave Peggy a questioning look.  She tried not to react to it… she would have to sit down with him and explain.  Was he remembering how she’d told him off for kissing that blonde in the SSR offices, how she’d thrown the words the right partner back at him?  He’d later told her what had happened and she’d felt foolish.  Would Steve expect to hear that this, too, was only a misunderstanding?
“Captain,” said Daniel, shaking Steve’s hand.
Masters put a hand on Steve’s shoulder as if the two were supposed to be best friends now.  “We’re taking Steve to New York to meet the president and visit his hometown, and he’s requested that Carter and Lake come along, since they’re the ones that found the spot.”
Peggy glanced at Lake, still standing by the wall next to Samberley, then up at Steve.  Everything he was thinking had always shown on his face, but that was no help to her because right now he wasn’t thinking at all about why he wanted Peggy and Kay with him.  He was thinking about what he’d just seen, and it was certain now that he had seen it.
“Of course,” said Daniel.  “They’re welcome to.”
“Wonderful.”  Masters patted Steve’s back again.  “We’d best get a move on, then.  The whole country’s waiting to welcome the Captain back!”
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quickspinner · 4 years
Second Chance - Ch 5 Cold Feet
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6  | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
Luka played the chord progression again and sighed. Nothing was working. He put the guitar aside gently, resisting the urge to toss it across the room. He walked out of his studio and threw himself down on his living room couch, glowering at nothing. He checked the time. He had another hour and a half to himself before he had to head back to the studio, but he was making so little progress, maybe he should just go on in.
He missed Marinette, Luka admitted to himself miserably. It was like having her here was a week-long high that he was coming down from. He’d  been  down since her things had vanished from his home. Everything was exactly the way it had been. Plain. Boring. Why hadn’t he ever put any effort into decorating this place? Granted, he hadn’t had much in the way of stuff to bring with him when he moved in, and most of that went in the bedroom. Then he’d been touring, and it wasn’t like he ever had visitors. He lived in his bedroom and on his balcony, he worked in his home studio and at the dining room table.   
He thought fondly of the cluttered chaos of the Liberty. It had only gotten worse since he and Juleka moved out. Without her children coming and going and bringing friends in and out, necessitating a minimum level of order simply so people could get around, Anarka was free to live her precepts to the fullest, and she did. His apartment décor might be minimalist even by normal standards but it was positively barren according to Anarka’s. Juleka’s place was a little better, but Juleka had more interests outside of music. Luka was pretty sure her collection of hair accessories alone would take up more boxes than everything he owned. And Juleka lived with Rose, so there were plants and flowers and unexplainable frilly things everywhere. Rose had given him some plants when they’d all moved in, but...well. Luka was frequently too distracted to remember to feed himself, let alone take care of plants.
He suddenly remembered Marinette’s soft sympathy as she told him, You’ve been lonely.  He’d answered, I guess I have.  
Luka looked at his phone, considering. Anarka was somewhere on the Mediterranean out of touch by anything except satellite phone at the moment, and wouldn’t be back in Paris for another month. His old friends had lives of their own that didn’t include sleeping until noon and eating lunch at dinner time. He scrolled idly down his contacts and paused. Ivan worked construction and his hours were sometimes weird. He was a manager now, too, maybe he would have a few minutes to spare. If Ivan even cared to speak with him. Luka hadn’t exactly been in touch. 
Luka took a deep breath, blew it out slowly, and his thumb moved and he raised the phone to his ear. 
“Hey, Ivan, it’s Luka,” he said with a smile. “No, nothing’s wrong, I just wanted to catch up a bit. Got a few minutes for an old friend?”
Really all he had to do was get Ivan rolling, and let him go on about Mylène and all the things they were doing to get ready for the baby. Luka could hear Ivan’s fear buzzing under his words. 
“It’s scary, yeah?” Luka observed once there was a break in Ivan’s words. “It’s scary like all change is scary, and there’s no take backs on this one.”
“I—yeah, it really is,” Ivan admitted. “We both really wanted this and now I’m scared shitless.” 
“Anyone would be,” Luka agreed. “But you’ve got Mylène. She’s probably scared too. You can be scared together, and you can get brave together.”
“She doesn’t act scared,” Ivan said begrudgingly. “She’s all plans and excitement and—“
“And keeping busy so you don’t figure out how terrified she is?” Luka chuckled.
There was a pause on the other end of the line. “You think so?”
“I don’t know,” Luka admitted. “I mean, I know it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you guys and maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about. But I know that she’s facing all the same things you are, plus all the craziness of actually carrying a child in her body. If she’s not completely terrified, I’ll eat my guitar.”   
“Yeah,” Ivan said slowly. “Yeah, I...shit, I’ve been so wrapped up in my own head that I never even questioned it.” He paused. “I gotta talk to her.”
“Probably should. But Ivan, you and Mylène have so much love. I’m not worried about you. You love her and you love the baby and I truly believe you’ll be okay. You can’t play the whole song the first time you pick up an instrument, right? You’ve gotta break it down. You don’t have to be perfect on day one. You’ll learn as you go.” He chuckled. “I mean, if my mom could do it, you guys should be gold.”
“Thanks, man. It sure is good to talk to you.”
Luka smiled, touched. “I’m sorry I’ve been so out of touch. I’ll try to do better.”
“No sweat, man, you’re living your dream. Speaking of which,” and Luka raised his eyebrows because he’d never heard Ivan sound  sly  before, “I hear you’ve been spending a lot of time with Marinette.”  
“As much as either of us can spare,” Luka chuckled. “Which is not nearly as much as I’d like, honestly. She’s…” He paused. “She’s grown up a lot since I saw her last. We’re trying to take things slow and just...see what happens.”
“Luka,” Ivan said flatly. “I know you love her. You’ve been in love with her since we were kids. What the hell are you waiting for?”
Luka sighed heavily. “I don’t know, I...it just seems kind of crazy, doesn’t it? That she would just somehow show up out of the blue and suddenly I can have everything I ever wanted. It just...it sounds too good to be true. I keep looking for the catch. And that’s—it makes me feel like I’m not being fair to her, too.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know, this shit is just...complicated.”
“Marinette makes things complicated, it’s like her superpower or something,” Ivan snorted. “But I never thought you would be the one to get things all tangled up. Just let it flow and be happy, man.”  
Luka sighed. “I want to, I just…after last time...I mean I told her that I don’t hold it against her, and that was absolutely true, but it just...makes it difficult. Moment to moment, I’m so happy, I just—” He rubbed his hand over his face. “Damnit, I  just  got Juleka to lay off the gloom and doom, and now I’m doing it.”  
Ivan was silent for a moment, and then he said, “Maybe I should be the one asking you what you’re afraid of.”
Luka lifted his eyes and stared at his empty living room.  This, he thought.  I’m afraid loving her and thinking she loves me back will change things so much that I’ll never be satisfied again when she leaves.  “I’m afraid she doesn’t mean it,” he said quietly. “That whatever epiphany she had while she was away, whatever it was about seventeen-year-old me that she was missing won’t be enough for her to stay once she’s gotten closure on the what if.”   
There was a shuffle on the other end of the line. “I mean, I guess that’s fair,” Ivan conceded. “So maybe it’s smart to keep things slow. At the same time, you know Marinette overthinks everything, and she cares about everybody. I don’t think she’d have approached you if she wasn’t pretty sure this was what she wanted. I mean, she has to know how badly it would hurt you if she couldn’t stick it out so...she must be pretty sure.”
“I hope you’re right,” Luka sighed. “Most days I think so too. We’re...we’re really good together. It’s—” He blew out a breath and shook his head. “It’s just too damn perfect is what it is. I can’t possibly be this lucky.”
“Now that sounds familiar,” Ivan chuckled. “I seem to remember you saying the same thing at the party we had to celebrate you signing with the label. Ugh, listen, man, I gotta get back to work,” Ivan said apologetically. “But—thanks for reaching out. And for the advice. Mylène’s putting together a gender reveal party, we’d love it if you and the girls could come.” 
“Definitely,” Luka smiled. “Just text me the date as soon as you have it so I can make sure we stay free. Take care, Ivan. I’ll try to be in touch more often from now on.”
“You too, Luka. See you around.” 
Luka lowered the phone and sighed, but he was smiling. He still didn’t know what to do about the song, but at least he felt less alone. He tapped his phone on his knee and stood up.
“All right, Couffaine,” he muttered. “Back to basics.” He went back into the studio, queued up a beat on his sound system, turned up his amp, and picked up his guitar. Forget trying to write, it was time to have some fun. He moved his body to the beat for a moment, and then started to riff.
When he finished at the recording studio that evening, he had a text from Juleka.  Marinette’s hanging out with us until you’re free, just come over when you get home.  
The sound of laughter greeted him when he walked into Juleka’s apartment and he had to smile. He found all three girls sitting around their dining room table. Juleka was laughing a full-body laugh that usually meant she was laughing at him. “And yeah, she was drunk,” Juleka choked out between giggles. “But the girl was hot, I mean sex on legs. So she’s rubbing all over him and she got like, no reaction, he’s just looking at her and his face was bright red but with this bored expression, and so she says, ‘What, are you gay?’ and he said—he said—” Her face was turning red, she was laughing so hard she couldn’t breathe, let alone finish the story.
“Whaaaaat?” Marinette whined, and Juleka just shook her head, laughing so hard she was silent. Rose was also laughing too hard to finish the story.
“I said, ‘Maybe I’m just not turned on by a complete and total lack of respect for personal boundaries.’” Luka supplied, leaning against the wall. “That got her to rear back enough for security to get a hold on her and they dragged her drunk ass off me and threw her out. Do I need to get you some oxygen, Jules?”
Marinette burst out laughing, and Juleka put her face on the table, still shaking with laughter. Rose, pink-cheeked and giggling, rubbed her back and encouraged her to breathe before she passed out. 
Luka watched the three of them laugh with a smile on his face and a stinging sensation behind his eyes. I want this. I want to be able to have this forever. “I’m glad you guys think it’s funny,” he grumbled, trying to look put upon. “She smelled like a frat party.” He shuddered.
Marinette giggled.
Luka smiled and held out his hand. “Had enough of these two lunatics yet?” Marinette smiled and took his hand, and let him pull her up out of her seat.
Juleka raised her hand and waved, her head still down on the table, though she was finally breathing and not laughing. Rose did the same, still rubbing Juleka’s back. “Have a good night, you two!”
“I’m glad you came,” Luka said as they crossed the hall. “I know you’re probably tired.”
“I am, and I probably shouldn’t stay too late,” she said, as he opened the door, “but I wanted to see you. How’s the music going?”
He shot a soft smile back at her as he hung his keys back on the rack. “Pretty terrible, actually. I really wanted to see you too. You want to watch something? Or I could put some music on.”
“Music sounds good. Unless you want to play?”
“I do not want to play,” he snorted. “The guitar is in time out after all the frustration today. Which is probably good, honestly, I was playing myself sore and getting nowhere.”
Marinette frowned as she watched him go to his sound system and start up a playlist. “Why so much trouble?”
“I don’t know,” he lied, and then sighed, collapsing on the couch. Marinette slid into his lap and he put his arms around her waist. “I mean...I sort of know,” he admitted. “I get these surges where everything really flows and then there’s always sort of a slump afterwards, so that might be it. Except this...doesn’t feel exactly the same.” He sighed and rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “I’m trying really hard here not to admit that I missed you so much I was too depressed to write music, but there it is, I’m just that pathetic.”
Marinette giggled. “You’re not pathetic. I think it’s sweet.” 
“I don’t even know how to say it without sounding weird,” Luka sighed. “But it’s just...I don’t know, you just put out this creative energy and it’s easy to get caught up in.” 
"Mm.” Marinette looked slightly surprised and mildly amused, but not put off, and he relaxed a little. “Do you know why I came over tonight?” Marinette asked him, with a tenderness in her voice that he wasn’t prepared for, “Even though I really ought to be either working or sleeping?” Luka blinked at her. “You’re so steady and calm. It’s...I don’t know, grounding? I needed that today. I really needed it.” She shifted to put her head down on his shoulder. “I’ve always been surrounded by crazy energetic people. Nino can be chill, but he can also lose his chill spectacularly. The only people who’ve ever really given me this peaceful feeling are my mother, and you. I didn’t realize how badly I needed it until I was away from you both.” She sighed, but he could hear the smile in it, even if he couldn’t see it at the moment. “So if you’re pathetic, I guess so am I.”
“You think, when your presentation is over...maybe you could help me redecorate?”
Marinette lifted her head, looked around at the room, white-walled, with the same white blinds and off-white curtains that had been here since he bought the place. “ Re decorate?” she said drily. 
He chuckled and squeezed her lightly. “Yeah, I never had the time or the taste to do much. It was fine before but...I think it could use a little color now.” He chuckled. “Maybe some of your energy will stay.”
“We can do that,” Marinette said, turning to look at him. “It’ll be fun. Now if only I could think of a way to carry your steadiness with me.” 
Luka grinned, and dug in his pocket, coming up with a smooth, flat, translucent blue stone. “Sea glass. I found it on a beach we were visiting, oh, I don’t even remember how many years ago. Bigger than what you usually find and kind of a rare color, so I kept it. I’ve carried it with me for years. I like the symbolism, I guess. Seaglass starts out as plain old broken glass, and it takes decades to wear the rough edges away and make it like this. This little rock has been going with the flow probably for longer than we’ve been alive.” He took Marinette’s hand and closed her fingers over the stone. 
“Luka, you don’t have to—“
“I want to,” he told her, dipping his head slightly to meet her eyes. “Whatever else happens, Marinette, I always want to be here for you when you need a calm place.” He cupped her cheek in his palm and kissed her softly. 
Marinette smiled. “Thank you, Luka.” She reached up and ran her fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. This time his sigh was shaky. 
Marinette tilted her head slightly. “What’s up, Luka? You seem...I don’t know, kind of emotional tonight.” 
“Yeah,” he said roughly, and cleared his throat. “Sorry.” 
“You don’t have to be sorry. Just tell me how I can help.”
“You are helping. Can you just...hold me for a while?”
Marinette moved away to tuck the sea glass stone in her purse, and then shifted their position so that his head was on her shoulder, and her were arms wrapped around him. One hand continued to slip through his hair. “You shouldn’t be so lonely, Luka. I know how much you love your family, but you need friends, too.”
“I’m figuring that out, I guess. I called Ivan today.”
“That’s good.” 
“Yeah,” he said, nuzzling into her neck. “It was good. I need to try harder. I need to be a better friend.”
Marinette pressed her lips into his forehead. “You just need a little balance in your life. I know getting started was hard, I know it took a lot of work to get to this point. But you’re successful, now. You don’t have to be working constantly. You can find a balance. You're good at that.” 
“Yeah?” Luka smiled against her skin. “What about you?”
“I’m still in the hard part,” Marinette sighed ruefully. “I still have a lot of work to do.” She nudged his temple with her nose. “But—and I don’t mean this to sound mean, Luka—I’ve managed to do it without isolating myself. I kept my old friends and I made new ones. And I know you feel awkward with new people, but you’re so kind and so warm and you have such a big heart. There’s no reason for you to feel so alone.” She hesitated. “And...I know from experience that I can’t be the only support in your life. I can’t stand being smothered.”
“I wouldn’t.”
“I know.” Marinette’s fingers moved down to stroke the short hair at the nape of his neck, and his eyes closed in pleasure. “I heard from Juleka how careful you are not to lean on her too hard. But burying yourself in work isn’t the right answer either.” 
“I get it,” Luka said softly. “You’re right. I didn’t realize how alone I felt until you were here. I’ll start reaching out more, I promise.” He cuddled closer to her and changed the subject. “Are you ready for the movie premier Thursday?” 
People were getting tired of the XY scandal and the reporters he’d been dreading were bound to start showing up sooner rather than later.  Luka had an invitation to a movie premiere Thursday night, and it seemed like as good a time as any to go out and officially be seen with Marinette. After some discussion amongst the three of them, Lucille had put together a press release and Luka had sent it to his friend at the entertainment magazine, requesting that he hold onto it until Wednesday and promising him an interview in exchange. At least this way they could control when and how the news got out, and it meant they would be public before Marinette’s presentation to the internship committee. Marinette would just as soon have kept it under wraps until afterwards, but Luka and Lucille were both convinced their secret would get out on its own before then.
Marinette sighed. “I suppose.” She paused. “There was kind of something I wanted to talk to you about for that.”
“I don’t want it to sound weird.”
Luka huffed a chuckle. “Then don’t make it weird. Just say it, Marinette.”
“Okay.” Marinette took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I want you to know I’m not going to wear my designs when we go out together.”
Luka blinked. “Okay.”
“Listen, I know that you know that I’m not after you for your fame,” she said earnestly. “You know that and I know that and Juleka and Rose know that, and whatever anybody else thinks isn’t important.”
“I’m with you so far.”
“But people are going to say it. Especially because of Adrien. They’re going to say I used him to get that internship and that I’m using you now to promote my business.”
“They probably will,” he agreed quietly. “But like you said, we all know it’s not true.”
“It isn’t, but it is,” Marinette shot back. “It’s not the reason why I want to be with you, but it is a side effect. People will pay attention to us when we’re out together.”
“They will. I don’t mind, Marinette. Your designs deserve all the attention they can get.”
“Well, I know it’s probably practical to think that way,” Marinette sighed, “but I just can’t. I don’t want those rumors to be even a little bit true. So, here’s what I’ve been thinking.”
“I’m listening.”
“I made a lot of friends while I was away, a lot of talented young designers who are amazing but who may not get a chance at exposure like this for years. I did a lot of trades. I’d rather wear something from one of them.”
“If that makes you happy, Marinette, I certainly don’t mind.”
Marinette chewed her lip. “You don’t think I’m being ridiculous?”
Luka shrugged, his face still against her neck, breathing in her perfume. “I don’t, but who cares if you are? It’s your body, your business, and your peace of mind. I’ll support any decision you want to make about those things.” 
Marinette sighed, laying her head on his. “You’re so sweet, Luka.”
“I may not have been a great student but I did pass being a decent human being with flying colors.” 
“I missed you so much today,” she murmured unexpectedly, sending a lightning thrill along his nerves. Her nails dragged lightly around his scalp and he muffled his moan in her neck. 
“I missed you too.” He turned his face slightly and dragged his tongue lightly along her pulse, enjoying the way she gasped. 
“I thought you just wanted to cuddle,” she teased, fingers sliding up and down his arms. 
“I did. We did.” He nosed up her neck to press a kiss just under her jaw, and lowered his voice to something deep and warm. “I like cuddling.” Luka trailed soft, slow kisses along her jaw to her chin. “I like that we can talk about things together.” She moved to meet him as he kissed her mouth, softly and then deeper. “I like it when you hold me.” He kissed her again. “I like it when you touch my hair.” Luka rubbed his nose lightly along hers.“I just...like being close.” He kissed her again, trailing the fingers of his left hand along her cheek and down her neck, and Marinette arched into his touch. Her eyelids fluttered and then her blue eyes focused on him with all the warmth and want he could have wished for. “And I like when you look at me like that,” he whispered as her arms wound around his neck. Luka pressed close, sliding his hands up her back and wrapping her as tightly to him as he could. “Can I really have this?” he mumbled into her shoulder. “Are you really going to stay?” 
“What was that?” she asked breathlessly. He raised his head and kissed her long and slow.
“Nothing, baby. Just...tell me you missed me again.”
He kept her much later than either of them intended, lost in soft touches and deep kisses and a burning want that was growing harder to deny. It was tempting to ask her to stay, but her clear exhaustion and his unsettled mood kept the question behind his teeth. 
Luka went to bed alone. 
With the movie premiere date/announcement all planned out, and they were probably on their last few days of privacy now, and Luka hated that they couldn’t spend more of those days together. He had meetings with his record label all day, which always left him a little annoyed. Luka knew he ought to be grateful for their focus on the bottom line, because it kept him bringing in a paycheck, the kind of paycheck he could barely conceive of when he first started in this business, but their general lack of artistic vision and integrity always grated on him. He glanced at the time and wondered if she’d be finished soon. She’d been working a lot of late nights as the deadline loomed ever closer, and he knew she was annoyed to be losing time for the movie premiere at all.
He should leave her alone, she was busy. She was working, like he was supposed to be working. It would be really, really lame to bother her just because he missed her. 
Luka squeezed his phone in his hand.
She probably wouldn’t even answer. 
He called anyway, sighing at his own neediness. 
She picked up almost immediately. “Hey, Luka, what’s up?” 
“Hey,” he grinned broadly. “Just had a few minutes and wanted to check in. Are you busy?”
“Swamped,” she sighed, and his heart sank. He could hear people and machines in the background and concluded she must be on the production floor. “There’s so many things to do and we’re starting to run short on time. Honestly, we might be here all night.” 
“Have you eaten?” he asked, and sighed at the guilty pause. “Come on, Marinette, you know what’s going to happen if you don’t eat and hydrate. You’ll lose a lot of time if you pass out or break down.” 
“I know, I know, I just—I didn’t plan for anything and I don’t have time—”
“How about if I bring you dinner?” Luka asked, perking up at the idea. “I’ve got some time before I have to get back to the studio and I’m not getting anything done here. I could bring in dinner for your whole team if you want.”
“Luka, that’s too much, you shouldn’t—I mean—well, I guess I could ask, but you have your own things to do and—”
“Marinette, I’ll buy dinner for the whole damn building if it means I get to see you for a few minutes,” he said without thinking, and then coughed, embarrassed. “Seriously, it’s no big deal. You want to send me an email with what you want? Or you can just tell me how many people you’ve got there and I’ll call Lu, I’m sure she knows somewhere that would work.”
“I hate to bother Lucille over something like this,” Marinette fretted.
“She gets paid to put up with me bugging her for stupid things, and I don’t do it often, it’ll be fine,” Luka promised. “Just tell me how many people and if there’s any restrictions and I’ll pick it up and bring it over myself. I’d love to see you work, if that’s allowed.”
“Mmmm, sort of? Normally you wouldn’t be allowed, but since this room is only working on my stuff and it’ll be after hours anyway, I can probably get you in. Let me know when you’ll be here and I’ll talk to security.”
“I’ll text you,” he promised, and hung up, grinning.  
There she was. Like lightning on the water, a charge he felt tingling on his skin even from this distance, beautiful and dangerous and thrilling.
Luka made a mental note to write that down later.
The person she was speaking to spotted him and said something, and Marinette turned and lit up with a smile. She waved at him and signaled “one minute.” He raised one hand in acknowledgement and thanked the departing security guard who had escorted him in. Luka set the takeout bags carefully down on the floor at his feet, stuck his hands in his pockets, and waited, humming the bridge he’d been working on to himself.
Everyone in the room had clearly taken advantage of the fact that they were here after hours. Shoes, jackets, and ties were discarded, collars were loosened. Marinette herself was gorgeously disheveled, padding towards him her stockings with her blouse untucked from her skirt and her hair piled haphazardly on top of her head and tied with what looked like a piece of scrap fabric. 
“Holy shit that’s Luka Couffaine,” a voice hissed to his left, and Luka glanced that way.   
“Oh God, he heard me,” one of the young men breathed. The wall behind the young man’s worktable was adorned with a large poster of Luka in full stage gear and makeup, which is to say, looking nothing like he currently did except for the tattoos on his bare arms and the blue tips of his hair. It took a pretty devoted fan to recognize him out of costume. Luka smiled to himself and turned back to Marinette. 
His smile widened into a grin as she walked up to him. “Hey heartbreaker,” he greeted. “Hungry?”
Her eyes travelled deliberately over him and heat crept up his neck. “Definitely.”
“Jaques,” the young man hissed, “Jaques, Luka freaking Couffaine is blushing at my boss and I can’t deal.”  
Luka heard the sound of someone being smacked upside the head and bit his lip to keep the laughter in. “Interesting folks you have working here,” he said to Marinette as she rolled her eyes. “Think you could introduce me to my fan over there, or will he have a heart attack if I talk to him?”
“He might,” Marinette giggled, waving a couple of people over to take the food from him. “But he’ll be too excited to stay dead for long.” 
“You could have warned him.”
She shrugged. “This is so much more entertaining. And to be honest, I kinda forgot.” Marinette made a face at him and he chuckled. 
“I feel so appreciated,” he teased. 
“I bet Francis would appreciate you,” she teased back. 
“C’mon, introduce me before this gets weird,” he laughed, putting his arm around her shoulders.
“Oh my God,” Francis gasped as they came his way.
“Luka, this is Francis,” Marinette said cheerfully. “He’s a big fan of your work.” 
“Hey, Francis,” Luka gave his most friendly smile and offered his hand. “I’m Luka.” Francis kept one hand over his mouth. The other shook as he grasped Luka’s. Luka squeezed his hand lightly, reassuring, and used his smoothest, mildest voice as he said, “Nice to meet you.”
“Your music saved my life,” Francis whispered, and Luka’s expression softened from mild amusement to genuine concern as he covered their joined hands with his free one.
“I’m glad it helped you,” Luka said warmly. “I hope you’re in a better place now.”
“Yes. Yes, I am, but I...I’m serious, I wouldn’t have made it through that time in my life without you.” Francis flinched. “I’m sorry, I’m not trying to make it weird, it just—I never expected to meet you this way and why can’t I stop talking—”
“Hey, it’s okay.” Luka moved his hand to Francis’ shoulder. “I’m just a regular guy who likes to play music. Thank you for listening to it. I’m glad my music could touch you, and I’m thrilled that it could help. Thank you for telling me, that was really brave, and it honestly means a lot to me.” 
“You, um…” Francis’ eyes flicked over his shoulder to Marinette, who had retreated to deal with some issue or other. “You and Marinette, are you…like, together?”
“Yeah, but…” Luka put a finger to his lips and winked. “Let’s keep that to ourselves for just a little bit longer, okay? I’d really appreciate it if that stayed off social media for a few more days.” 
“Right, of course,” Francis said breathlessly, nodding a little too fast. “I got it.”
“Well, thanks for being a fan, Francis, and thanks for helping Marinette out. I know she appreciates your hard work, and I appreciate getting her back in one piece and mostly sane at the end of the day. Do me a favor and take care of her for me, okay?” Luka glanced at the poster behind Francis. “I can sign that, if you like.” 
Francis eyes went huge. “Oh my God yes please. Uh, pen, I need—”
“It’s good,” Luka chuckled, reaching in his back pocket for the sharpie he kept there. “I hate disappointing people so I try to be prepared.” He signed the poster, choosing not to hear the frantically whispered conversation behind him that he was pretty sure was about his ass. Thankfully, Marinette was there with a plate of food when he turned around.
“Are you eating with us, Luka?” she asked. 
“I was hoping to,” he smiled at her. “But I don’t want to interrupt your work, I know you’re busy. I can go if I’ll be a distraction.” 
“You can stay for a while,” she smiled up at him. “Unless Francis sews his finger to the garment or something.” 
Luka flinched. “Ew.”
“Sorry,” Marinette laughed at him. “Hazards of the trade. I’m sure it’ll be fine. Come on, I’ve got a work table over here that’s mostly clear, we can eat there.” He noticed the tension in her shoulders. 
“How are things going?” he asked.
“I have faith that we’ll get there,” Marinette said with less conviction than she probably intended. “It’s only my entire reputation and future career on the line after all.” Her hand came up to grasp a pendant on a black silk cord that hung around her neck. When she let go, he saw it was the blue sea glass stone he’d given her, wrapped artistically in silver wire. 
Luka had missed having the stone in his pocket since he’d given it to her, but looking at her now, wearing it and taking comfort from it, having turned it into something practical and beautiful, made giving it up totally worth it.
“You’ll make it,” Luka said with the confidence Marinette lacked. He caught the annoyed look she shot him as she fished out their food, and smiled. “I’m not patronizing,” he said, keeping his voice low. “You’ll make it. You might have to scale some things down, you might have to edit, but creativity and adaptability are your greatest strengths. Even if you do wind up having to change your original vision to make the deadline, you’ll come up with something fantastic. Maybe even better than what you planned.” He caught her hand and squeezed it before letting go. “There’s no shame in having to cut an idea and save it for later. I’ve done it, on songs that weren’t working or when I come up with a good line or riff that just doesn’t fit the melody. It’s a sign of maturity as an artist.”
“That’s true,” Marinette said thoughtfully as they began to eat. “I’m much better at editing than I used to be. That’s—“ she paused. “I’ll be right back,” she said, and suddenly she was across the room like a shot, flipping through a stapled printout and scribbling notes.”
Luka chuckled and continued eating. When Marinette returned he could see in her eyes that she wasn’t all there, so he stayed quiet other than quietly encouraging her to eat when her fork stopped moving.  When she pushed her half-empty plate aside and stood up, there was purpose in her movements.
“Huddle up real quick, team, I want to make some changes.”
Luka watched her give orders to her team with both curiosity and admiration. Marinette wasn’t much older than anyone else in the room, clearly much younger than a couple of them, but she spoke with confidence and conviction. He’d seen her make motivational speeches before and she’d always been good at them, but that was class president good. This was take-the-fashion-world by storm good. 
He had to take a deep breath and let it out slowly. She was stunning when she was in charge. He watched the faces around her go from worried to relieved to excited. 
After she dismissed the team back to their work, Marinette did slow circles around the room, checking in, offering encouragement or correction, carrying things from table to table. She was competent, she was in control, and even stressed out of her mind and on a deadline she was  kind  . She reminded people with still-full plates at their elbows to eat, she corrected mistakes gently. When people had questions, she was confident in her answers, even when it took her some time to come up with them. The place hummed with slightly manic energy and he could feel it seeping into him.  
I’m not going to get any sleep tonight, am I? he thought as his fingers began to lightly tap out a beat on the tabletop.  
“Marinette,” Luka called softly as she passed him, and she turned. “Scratch paper?” She smiled and brought him paper and a pen. He hummed softly to himself as he made some notes, pen in one hand and fork in the other. The fork was quickly forgotten; several times in her rounds of the room Marinette nudged him to remind him to eat. Vaguely Luka made a mental note to talk to Lucille about setting up more collaborations. He was really thriving on just being near the energy of other creators. His head began to bob as he closed his eyes to listen to the bass line forming in his mind.
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thequirkdetective · 4 years
Investigation 10 (4/9/2020): Ranking 1
As we reach the lofty heights of 10 investigations, and look back on the 4 months this blog has existed, we have decided to begin a new type of post to consolidate all we have learned. Every 10 posts, starting with this one, all of our newfound knowledge will be collected together into an objective, inarguably correct BNHA tier list. The list will be ranked worst to best, with the each quirk/quirk holder being able to reliably beat those below them in a 1 on 1 match, and will expose what the true hero rankings should be.
There are a few rules. 1: This list is based on the quirks, not the characters. It assumes the characters are of equal skill level, and simply evaluates the effects of the quirks in combat. 2: some quirks may be able to defeat other quirks ranked higher than them. However, these are exceptions, not rules, and are usually down to strange interactions between quirk effects. 3: This list only contains quirks that have been investigated in ‘the Quirk Detective’ posts.
Please note: all discrepancies between this list and canon are the fault of lazy script writing, thus all criticisms should be forwarded directly to Kohei Hirokoshi. He must answer to my faultless research and reasoning.
With that out of the way, on to the list!
9: Compress – Atsuhiro Sako
The worst quirk on this list is, surprisingly, the one we last investigated. Although at first it seems rather powerful, it has one drawback that wasn’t covered in the investigation, namely the fact it required contact to activate. This was a rather insignificant feature of the quirk when investigated, but it becomes rather crucial when discussing fighting and overall effectiveness. The problem is that very few quirks on this list require contact, and thus the opponent can be fought from a distance. All the while Atsuhiro will be essentially quirkless and on the defence, only being able to use his quirk to compress incoming attacks (assuming he can react in time). It is true that if he could get into close range the fight would be over rather quickly, but all the other quirks make that incredibly difficult, and assuming two opponents of equal skill this quirk is certain to be the least effective.
8: All for One – All for One
Many of you will be understandably confused about the most notorious and powerful villain in all of BNHA being ranked the second lowest in this list. There is good reason for this, however. The issue is that All for One has multiple quirks, only one of which has been investigated. In future we may do an investigation of all the quirks All for One is known to possess, but that still wouldn’t be complete, since it is impossible to know how many quirks he has but isn’t shown to use. Additionally, this is a ranking of quirks rather than characters. Therefore, our only choice is to assume All for One possesses only his own quirk at the start of the fight. Here we hit the same issue as Atsuhiro Sako – the quirk requires physical contact. Again, if contact was to be achieved the fight would end near instantly as the circumstances flipped on their head, and the previous quirk-user would become quirkless and disoriented.
However, All for One does rank one above Compress because their fight would be slightly different. Since both need contact to use their quirk, they would both move into close quarters. Both quirks would activate at the same time, and All for One would be trapped in a marble. However, at the same time All for One takes Atsuhiro’s quirk, and frees himself from the marble. All for one is now able to use Compress against Atsuhiro, and trap him in one of his own marbles.
7: Frog – Tsuyu Asui
Tsuyu’s quirk is the last to require contact, but has the huge advantage of incredibly toxic mucous. Against any long-range opponent, Asui is more manoeuvrable than Atsuhiro or All for One, and thus has a slight advantage over them. Interestingly, Asui could defeat Mr Compress suing the aforementioned mucous, or in the worst case scenario become trapped in a marble and survive for about a week before she dehydrates, whilst Atsuhiro dies of Batrachotoxin poisoning in less than a day. However, she could not defeat All for One. If she manages to poison him, he could steal her quirk. This gives him her frog-like traits, including resistance to Batrachotoxin, whilst the residual mucous on her skin poisons her since she loses this immunity. The reason she is ranked higher than him is due to the slim possibility of her being able to defeat some of the lower ranking long-ranged opponents due to her impressive manoeuvrability.
6: Acid – Mina Ashido
Our first mid to long range quirk, Mina Ashido’s Acid is not very effective as quirks go. The range is not very substantial, and the quirk requires many hits to do significant damage to a target. It is also more effective at closer ranges, meaning an increased chance for the three quirks above to be used. There also aren’t many tactics that can be used to increase effectiveness, and the best appears to be the simple ‘drench the opponent in as much acid as possible from as far away as possible’.
5: Hardening – Kirishima Eijirou
I can already hear the pedants screaming that this quirk is the actual last one to require contact. To this I respond with further pedantry: this quirk does not require contact between the two individuals, and instead places a quartz barrier between them. This means Kirishima can use his quirk do beat up All for One without getting it stolen. This quirk is especially vulnerable to Compress, and would probably lose to it consistently, but it does offer extensive defensive and offensive capabilities against other quirks, namely the other three already discussed. Asui’s poison needs skin contact, and quartz is a silicate – exceptionally unreactive, and thus immune to Ashido’s acid. However, it does have one large drawback…
4: Electrification – Denki Kaminari
Quartz is sometimes electrically conductive, and in a very interesting way. It is composed of a crystal structure of SiO4 tetrahedra, with a central 2+ Silicon ion and four shared 1− Oxygen ions. Whenever an electrical current is passed across a quartz crystal, the oxygen ions move in one direction and the silicon the other, causing the crystal to deform. The reverse is also true – whenever a quartz crystal is deformed it gains a potential difference across its surface. This is called ‘piezoelectricity’ and is the reason quartz can be used as a timekeeping component electronic clocks and watches. However, this is only a property of certain types of quartz, and all other types are electrically insulating (and a dielectric, but that doesn’t matter for the DC current of Kaminari’s quirk). Sadly this doesn’t have much application to a fight between Kirishima and Kaminari, since the piezoelectric effect is too small to be noticeable on such large scales, but since we know that Kirishima can’t be entirely insulated by the quartz (there have to be gaps to allow movement) Kaminari’s quirk can be used against him. The effects on any enemy within a close enough range are spasms, disorientation, and possible unconsciousness and/or cardiac arrest. However, the effect is quite close range, and not necessarily fatal or long-lasting.
3: Explosion – Katsuki Bakugou
The first of our big 3 is Bakugou, with his ridiculously powerful yet still feasible ‘explosion’ quirk. This can be used at multiple ranges, and causes serious damage to opponents. Assuming he has a proper stance he can fling opponents back by tens of metres. If they land well they’ll just break a few bones, if they don’t then they’ll die. This quirk is incredibly effective during combat for manoeuvring, attacking directly, and creating environmental hazards. It can also force opponents back, meaning there is very little chance for anyone ranked below Bakugou to get within a good range of him. It does have the drawback of limited use, but so do most of these quirks, so it’s not much of a problem.
2: Creation – Momo Yaoyorozu
And here we get to the quirks that are sort of cheating. The top two can create energy or matter on demand by violating the current laws of physics, thus allowing them to theoretically do some pretty nifty stuff like time travel and power every house in the world. Momo’s quirk is second for a few reasons. 1: it takes some time to activate, 2: it rips portions of her skin off, and 3: it can only create objects with cross sections no larger than that of her body. This does allow her to throw nuclear warheads at her opponent, but sadly this pales in comparison to the number 1 quirk.
1: Navel Laser – Yuga Aoyama
Step aside One for All, it is with great pride and disgust that I proclaim Yuga Aoyama the most powerful quirk user yet investigated. The quirk can output a nauseating 28 gigawatts, enough to defeat a foe from orbit. Use a set of mirrors to snipe them from halfway across the globe! Shoot the floor and let the ride an expanding column of superheated gas and plasma! Burn things! The possibilities are endless with this quirk, and usually involve vaporisation of the opponent and tummy aches.
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Take Your Breath Away: Basics of Breath Play
Author: Norische
Within the vast selection of BDSM activities not one is as dangerous as breath play. To be quite blunt there is NO safe way to participate in breath play. This is the only activity, that I am aware of, that strictly violates the Safe Sane Consensual regiment. All the instructional articles about breath play state basically the same thing, it can be done with a moderate amount of risk. Nowhere, in over 140 pages of information did I find one single reference to being able to participate in breath play safely. In my honest opinion if it cannot be done safely. DON’T DO IT! But that is just my opinion. Also if you are determined to experience this form of edge play…. NEVER ATTEMPT BREATH PLAY ALONE!!! Autoerotic Asphyxia Autoerotic Asphyxia, also known as sexual hanging, is the practice of inducing cerebral hypoxia, usually by the means of self-applied ligatures or suffocating devices, while the individual masturbates to orgasm. The most common participants in this practice are adolescent and young adult males, ranging in age from 15 to 29. Autoerotic Asphyxia counts for 6.5% of all the self-induced adolescent deaths and 31% of all adolescent hanging deaths within the past 10 years. Since in the majority of such deaths it is a family member that finds the individual, the “scene of the crime” is frequently altered to cover up the sexual nature of the death. Due to this fact and since the only ones that get reported are the individuals that die… the true number of individuals that participate in this activity may never be known. Deaths related to autoerotic asphyxia have been reported in victims as young as 9 and as old as 80 yrs, with 71% of the individuals being less than 30 yrs old. The most common form of Autoerotic Asphyxia is constriction of the neck, or hanging. This form decreases the amount of blood flow to the brain leading to cerebral hypoxia. The resulting effect is lightheadedness, exhilaration, almost giddiness; these effects along with the shear excitement of the moment multiply the effect of masturbation. Unfortunately the reduced blood flow to the brain also will create disorientation, weakness, loss of coordination and drowsiness. Hence and individual may loose the ability to release themselves from their self-induced prison, and the end result is simply put… death. There have been documented cases of Autoerotic Asphyxia since the early 1600’s. Oddly enough it was once used as a treatment for erectile dysfunction and impotency. Some documentation noted that a hanged man would sometimes get an erection even ejaculate while being hanged, this indeed may have been the focus point for the interest in the odd practice of asphyxia during sexual actives. Many different cultures have a history of sexual asphyxia, from the Orient, to the South America, from the Celts to the Native Americans; this dangerous practice has held the imagination of many individuals for centuries. The general taboo of this deadly practice has allured thrill seekers as well as the curious for decades. The dramatic effects of this unusual decadence kept individuals trapped within the weavings of its web. The sudden stop at the end of this ride is what keeps others at bay, and leery of ridding this deadly roller coaster. Where The Danger Lies Some people have asked what the real danger in breath play is…that one is actually simple…death. Death does have a tendency to be sort of permanent, and in my honest opinion it can really mess up an otherwise fabulous evening, and it is damn inconvenient to boot. One statement I have heard is that “breath play is ok as long as you don’t do it until the slave/submissive lapses into unconsciousness.” This statement is disturbing for several reasons. First, there is no medically valid way to know exactly when an individual will become unconscious. Second, when someone looses consciousness it is not an end it is merely a symptom, ranging from mere oxygen depletion to cardiac arrest. Third, if the breath play involves choking then damage to the larynx can occur at any time and is an extremely serious injury that would need medical attention immediately. Breath play is dangerous whether the slave/sub loses consciousness or not, although the risk of permanent damage or even death is multiplied exponentially when it is taken to that extreme. Basic Facts Choking 1. Anytime there is pressure put on the neck, such as with choking you run the risk of causing severe and perhaps permanent damage to the carotid arteries. This may lead to numbness, weakness, dizziness and difficulties speaking. 2. The larynx is incredibly fragile and easily injured; pressure to the larynx should be avoided at all costs. Any injury, even a minor injury to the larynx, may cause swelling of the airways leading to coughing, choking and inability to speak, and possibly the inability to breath. 3. While choking someone the airway may become obstructed by the tongue. Swelling of the tongue and lips is quite normal when someone is being choked. Unfortunately it is impossible to tell just how much swelling is going to occur, since each individual is different, it is also impossible to tell when the swelling will reach that dangerous level. 4. Also the reduction of blood flow to the brain tissues during choking may cause Ischemia. Since blood contains both oxygen and glucose, when ischemia occurs, it can lead to hypoxia which is a reduction of oxygen to the brain, as well as hypoglycemia which is low blood glucose level. Prolonged hypoxia – ischemia is associated with Ischemic Attack (stoke), Transient, Brain Infarction, Brain Edema, Coma and other conditions. 5. Another associated physical problem is cerebral anoxia. Hypoxia is the reduced oxygen flow to the brain; anoxia is the total absence of oxygen within the brain tissue. If oxygen is prevented from reaching the tissues for too long, tissue death can occur. If severe, it can cause irreversible brain damage. Less severe cases can cause sensory distortions and hallucinations. Hence pressure on the carotid arteries can lead to ischemia, which is directly associated with hypoxia and if the restriction of oxygen to the brain continues for more than three to five minutes then cerebral anoxia is a very real possibility. If the circulation to the brain is insufficient for more than three to five minutes the consequent damage can lead to death even days or weeks after the initial incident. 6. The lack of blood flow to the brain may also force the heart to beat more rapidly or beat erratically in an effort to increase the level of blood to the brain; hence, heart arrhythmia. 7. Oxygen deprivation of the heart or Anoxaemia will trigger what is called premature ventricular contractions or PVC’s for short. Basically the lower the heart gets on oxygen the more PVC’s it generated and the more vulnerable to their effect the heart will become, thus this will increase the possibility of ventricular fibrillation and the risk of its causing a cardiac arrest. There is no way to know when this will happen to a particular person, during a particular session, not even with the most advanced cardiac monitors available. Bags and Gags Placing a barrier of some form over the slave/sub’s mouth and nose during play is another popular method of breath play. The use of a plastic bag is probably the most popular barrier used, followed closely by tape and barrier gags. This form of breath play has it’s own unique set of problems to add to the above list. 1. Sometimes when an individual begins to choke they will vomit, if the individual is unable to expel the vomitus, mucus or saliva they may inhale this material into his or her lungs. Normally a person will not actually draw the materials completely into their lungs, but if there is a barrier in place the chances of this occurring is raised exponentially. Even removal of the barrier immediately will not prevent damage to the respiratory system. Aspiration may lead to unconsciousness, cyanosis, cardiac arrest and the cessation of breathing. 2. Another thing to remember is that when you use tape, the most common being duck tape, there is a very real possibility of an allergic reaction. This may cause swelling of the air passageways, anaphylactic shock, unconsciousness, and again even death, depending on the degree of allergic reaction. Any form of breath play has some basic health risks. These risks depend on the age, and health of the slave/sub, it also depends on the specific type of breath play you are participating in. No list can be truly complete because of all the possible pre-existing conditions that may be present, but I believe this will give you some idea of the dangerous nature of breath play. 1. Elevated blood pressure 2. Heart attack 3. Stroke 4. Heart failure 5. Heart arrhythmia 6. Choking 7. Injury to the larynx 8. Cerebral anoxia 9. Cerebral hypoxia 10. Brain Edema 11. Brain Infarction 12. Coma 13. Aspiration 14. Allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock 15. Loss of consciousness 16. Hallucinations 17. Panic Attack 18. Seizures 19. Injury due to fall (during loss of consciousness) 20. Asthma attack The list goes on and on; while this list only has the most dramatic possibilities they are still very real possibilities. The cumulative damage from repeated breath play is still in question, researchers have experimented on a variety of animals but the information is still pretty sketchy. One fact is quite certain, reduced blood flow and in turn reduced oxygen to the brain kills brain cells. Once a brain cell is damaged it cannot be repaired or replaced, this is one of the few cells in the human body that does not regenerate. One author I found had a disturbing way of looking at this….. “…our brain is set up so that we can endure a lot of brain damage without any real consequences.” “….it is all a matter of being conscious of the risk and deciding what level of damage you are comfortable with.” This author goes on to state that he happen to be very comfortable with the damage done if he keeps the breath play itself to 30 seconds or so….my opinion is that this individual is facing no true danger as he is the Dominant individual within the relationship, there for it is irrelevant what he is comfortable with. Since there is no current way to tell what level of brain damage has been done until it is too late, my question is how can anyone be conscious of the risk; hence, how can someone truly consent to this type of play if they are not informed of all the facts, specifically the risks. Who tends to be injured or who has the highest mortality rate in reference to lack of oxygen during breath play. 1. Men over the age of 40 2. People with a history of seizure disorder 3. People suffering from mental illness, especially manic-depressives in the manic phase 4. Anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol (even prescription drugs) 5. Anyone taking any form of digitalis or tricyclic antidepressants 6. Anyone with a history of respiratory, heart, or blood pressure problems 7. People who are overweight (especially if they have high cholesterol levels) 8. Anyone that has a cold or other respiratory problems at the time of the play cession. 9. Anyone that is diabetic or hypoglycemic. Since I am not a medical doctor I cannot list all the possible people that are at risk because my list would be honestly rather short… 10. Everyone else Safe, Sane and Consensual….once again those words come up. Is this play safe…no. There is no safe way to do breath play. Is this play sane…no. Since you cannot do this play safely and cannot predict the level of damage done there is no true way to intelligently say it is sane. Is this play consensual…no. Without the ability to fully understand the risks, and possible long term dangers with this type of play then you cannot give informed consent, hence it cannot be consensual. I find any play that does not fall under these simple guidelines to be out of my range of participation, I have in the past done breath play…but it is now on my hard limits list. How can I ask someone to give up his or her life for me… I cant. Since this is exactly what I may be doing when it comes to breath play I do not consider it an acceptable method of BDSM play at this point. The thrill is exhilarating; the moment is a wondrous flow of emotion, adrenalin, and anticipation. But no matter how spectacular the effects of the moment, no matter how high someone can get or the feeling of trust that must be present, nothing is worth the loneliness if something goes wrong. As with everything this is my opinion, take what you will and leave the rest. If you wish to contact me, my email address is [email protected]. If you wish to see more of my work you may find a complete listing of all my writings at…. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Norisches_Quill/ in the files section.
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black-wolf877 · 5 years
Time for Wilford to find his friends Part:6
Hey everyone this right here is the second to last part of the story. Thank you to all who have enjoyed this story so far, I never thought I would be writing this still yet I love this story. I have to say this part right here was my favorite one to sit down and write. Thanks to @pigknightwarrior for doing some of my most favorite lines to come from Wilford. Enjoy the story.
That laugh every time Will did it, it hit Black to the core just wanting to kill him. But he couldn’t do it the captain wouldn’t let him. He looked around seeing all the mess and the other giant just chilling, but he looked off it didn’t look like itself. The giant looked like it went back wild, but why? Black looked back at Will again “Will I said what did you do to my friend, tell me what you did to him or else.” Will stopped laughing at looked at Black who did he think he was to keep talking to Will as if he was lower than humans.
Will started to stand up making his way to where black was on the ground towering over him. He signaled the other giant to come over and they both stood over black. Black looked up at the two backing up and hitting the wall behind him scared out his mind. Will looked at him, then crossed his arms “Who do you think you are talking to Black there are two of us and only one of you, your little remote won’t help you if you hit it I go down but he still here” pointing to the other giant. “You want to know what happened to your friend so bad let’s just say he helped this one not be hunger anymore.”Hearing that broke Black’s heart, it also filled him with enough rage to not be scared of his situation that he was in. Black stood up straight looked Will right in the eyes “I’m going to kill you will I swear, if not the thing you love most. Maybe I should go pay your little giant friends a visit and have them pay for what you just did to my friend.” Black didn’t know where this bravery came from, was it from the death of his friends or just pure adrenaline rush.
Will was not happy to hear Black threatening to do something to his friends, he started to snarl “I’m getting really tried of how you talk to me and bringing my friends is a big no”. He bent down reaching for Black picking him up by the back of his uniform and bringing him to eye level. Black wasn’t ready for Will to lift him off the ground like that fear started to run though out his body. “I should crush you right now, give me a good reason why I shouldn’t” Black started to remember his training that if something like this happens to play it off and buy as much time till back up comes. He hit his radio without Will noticing “Why because if something happens to me might not look to good for your two friends that are here. Not only that the Captain would send his top giant to help and no giant has lived after seeing him.
”Wilford laughed while pointing to the other giant “You really think I’m scared of another giant do you not remember what I did to this one, try again Black.” Black couldn’t think of anything else he let go of the radio button hoping someone heard the mess he got into. Will heard the radio beep and someone responding “10-4”. Will shook his head “Now, now black why would you go and do that we were just getting along. But since you did that, I think punishment is in order for you disobeying.” With that Will placed a finger on Black’s back using his other finger to apply pressure to Black’s shoulder causing it to dislocate. Black screamed out in pain hearing it pop out of place “Will you need to put me down now or else.” Black reached on his belt for the remote that controlled the collar, but when he did Will took it out his hand and crushed it. Will put black in a fist since he got rid of the remote, to have a better hold on him. 
"Or else? I don't think you have the authority to tell me anything with your life in my hands, Black. I can kill you right now if I please and none of your little friends could stop me from doing so.." Wilford held Black at eye level with him and bared his fanged teeth in a smile, chuckling, eyes red. Those teeth were bigger than black he started shaking trying to speak, but he was having a hard time when all he could see was death in front of him.
"y-y-you wouldn't k-k-kill me i-i-i'm the only thing k-k-keeping them from killing you and you can't move anywhere around here without me"
"You're smart, and that's right. And unfortunately, it’s what going to keep me alive. Once I'm out though?" Wilford chuckled again, gripping Black a little tighter and lowered his hand, walking toward the door.
"You really think I'm going to tell them to open the door for you Will if you can't get out then everyone is safe. Even if I could I can't hit my radio to tell them you basically broke one arm and well." He looks down at how Wilford was holding him. "If you really think I need you for that." Wilford walked over to the door and punched the seam between the metal doors, loosening them and separating them a bit. He took his left available hand push the door, the door grinding against the gears keep it close. Slowly it opens before, a series of clashes and clangs is heard, the door, opening the whole way, breaking the entrance. "Like you said, you haven't held any giants as big or strong as me. Maybe you shouldn't overestimate me..."
 Black was shocked to see what Will just did to the door. He thought he could keep him there, but he was so wrong He knew control got an alarm about a door going down and they sent it to the Sargent, so she knew what was going on. "W-w-Will p-p-please let me go I don't want to die like this, I-I-I'll tell you anything... just let me live." tears started to run down Black's face he wasn’t ready to die not like this.
Wilford smiled, he liked that sound. "If you want to be of some use, why don't you tell me where I can find my friends?" Wilford took his thumb and roughly patted Black's head with it. Black flinch it felt like his skin was going to be ripped off from Will doing that, he didn’t like being treated like some pet, but he can’t do anything right now. " I... I can't tell you that it's classified Will, I'm not saying I don't know it’s just....my friend I can't lose anymore." Wilford stayed silent a moment. "Every giant has two stomachs, did you know that? One for digestion and the other for storage. When a giant eats any extra food is stored in the second stomach for later, it’s how we don't always need to eat." Wilford held Black at eye level again. "If you're interested, I can have you take a look for yourself. But I'll warn you there's not a lot of oxygen there... " He growled. 
Black heard a code come through his radio saying, “This is Sargent Robinson all available personally I am calling for code 32.” Black knew that order was to lead Wilford to D block, he shook his head to Will not knowing that giants had two stomachs “n-n-no p-p-please I’ll tell you.” Black closed his eyes so he could talk without stuttering “The male giant... your friend he is in D block he is there.” Black wasn’t fully lying the giant known as Damien was in that block but at the far end of it, if the Sargent could stop Will at the door then we can see what we need to do to keep this beast under control.
Wilford huffed lowering his hand again. He walked through the hallways, looking at the blocks. A.. B.. C.. D, there it was, he needed to know Damien was ok, alive and least of all hurt. He was going to get everyone out. He walked to D block. "Damien? Damien, it's me." Wilford stopped in his tracks when he spotted the Sargent and twenty men behind her in his way. “Colonel put Black down now and return to your cell. Unlike him I won’t be nice this is your only warning.” Wilford looked at all of them and just smiled twenty men. They're really joking with him, right? He took a step forward, and then another, calm look, thundering footsteps. "Don't make me laugh, with this little parade you have behind you. All I have to do is take one more step to remove you from my sight, do you think I feel at all threatened?" She stood her ground when Will walked closer “I’m not going to say it again Will put Black down now.” Wilford had no time to be dealing with them right now he had to see if his friends were ok, so he did just that he took that step killing everyone he didn’t have time to waste right now. Black couldn’t believe that Will just stepped on them like they were nothing more than bugs, he just killed more of his friends. Black couldn’t handle this it was breaking his heart, tears started to run down his cheek he was ready for this nightmare to be over.
Wilford was getting tired of Black games “Black why must you keep doing this what is so hard about just telling me what I want to know.” He held black back up to his eye level and started to squeeze watching black suffer for a bit, Black screamed out in pain form the pressure being put on his broken arm “I’m sorry just stop squeezing I can’t breathe.” Will stopped adding pressure “you better hope Damien is here, or it won’t be a happy ending for you” he growled. “He is here at the end of the hall I swear”, Will lowered his hand and made his way to the end of the hall “Damien? Damien, are you here?”
Damien heard his name being called “Will?... Will I’m here, get me out of here!” Will ran to where he heard Damien calling from, he made his way to the door. “Damien I’m here stand back I’m going to bust this door down.” Damien stepped back and with that heard Will punched the door when he saw the door starting to open, he helped pull it apart. Once the door was open, he saw his old friend and hugged him “I miss you old friend.”
Tag List: @sack-the-kitsune @the-candy-giant @awesomehuntergreen @littlelassgt @kate807 @drawinggalaxy
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aliens-and-shiz · 7 years
True Prologue For The Book
Sre’ja hefted her energy rifle, scanning the empty mesa for any signs of life. Nothing, again. Her third planet and she still hadn’t found another suitable species to be enslaved for the Az’krani Empire. She kicked a rock and walked back to her small ship. Her mandibles clicked in frustration.
‘If I don’t find something soon I’ll be put into the Drekka Prison Camp’ She thought to herself.
She placed one of her 8-fingered hands on the ship, admiring the stark beauty of this world. It was a small one, over a hundred parsecs from her species homeworld, with a rather thick atmosphere for its size, but then again it’s a little far from its parent star. She sighed and climbed into the ship. At least this world has potential for a mining colony. She typed it into the ships computer and sent the file to her command post.
Her next target was about 4 parsecs away, at the star Sol, so she could do it within a single jump. She sighed to herself. The engineer caste still has been unable to fix the overheating issue that occurs whenever they try to jump more than 25 lightyears at a time. But, then again they don’t see it as an issue.
She entered the coordinates, and let the Nav system do the rest. She lay down on the padded part of the floor, designed specifically for her species long lower bodies. She fell asleep, and waited to arrive at her destination.
The ship came out of the jump with a jolt, waking Sre’ja from her rest. She stood up and stretched, then walked over to the command center of the ship. There were 3 planets of interest, and a small moon in the outer regions. She looked out over the system, the closest planet was the third one from Sol. It was a small blue marble, right in the middle of the preferential life zone. She smiled. She could already see signs of intelligent life on it, unless it’s just a massive hunk of radioactive materials sending electromagnetic waves everywhere.
She grabbed the joystick to manually steer her ship with the sublight engines, and turned on the stealth drive. Now they wouldn’t be able to detect her unless they hit the exact center of the craft with a gamma laser, or if they could sense the ships bend in spacetime, as the stealth drive bent the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum around the ship. She pushed forward on the joystick, aiming her craft for the world.
She gazed in amazement at the planets readings as she moved closer. Not only was there sentient life, but it was a deathworld. It’s axis had a massive tilt for a planet, and a very elliptical orbit, and yet, the life survived. Hell they thrived. Through what would have been very harsh seasons, they didn’t die. Very odd.
As she got closer, dozens of small space stations, looking like old wheels from a millennium ago circled the planet, spinning on a central axis. A stream of small ships, all with sublight engines, darted between the main planet and its singular massive moon, which itself was covered in colonies.
She put that aside, this must be a peaceful race if they were to achieve this level of colonization, and must have never warred except for against the planet they lived on. She entered the atmosphere, which was showing up as being very nitrogen rich, perfect for the Az’krah, but with high amounts of oxygen as well. That’s troubling. But, it’s only 7 percent above her atmosphere’s normal level, nowhere near lethal, so they may still be able to invade.
Then she saw it. One of their cities. It was massive, covering hundreds of square kilometers. But that wasn’t the only marvel, as she approached, she saw the unnatural starkness of its planning, with the straightest lines she’d ever seen splitting it into smaller and smaller sections. And the buildings, some of the most beautiful structures she had ever seen, much more beautiful than anything her species was able to construct.
She had seen enough. The Command should know, she found a suitable species for her masters to enslave. Those practiced at the art of construction at that, without signs pointing towards any high forms of weaponry or violence. She hit the controls, and warped out of the system, back to her home planet.
At least I’ll get to see my brother again. She thought as she prepared the hibernation chamber for her weeklong journey.
She reached her home planet, a large, rocky planet with an intense magnetic field, and a thick atmosphere, it’d be barren with the exception of the poles, if the Az’krani hadn’t developed agriculture. She landed her ship at the Imperial Spaceport, and exited in a hurry, galloping on her four armored legs. She could only gallop for a few minutes at the most, but came upon a transport, thankfully, and hopped on it.
She must inform General Zhû’læ. She flew by hundreds of her brethren, passing military and cargo ships on her way, before finally hitting the tunnel that would take her to the Command center.
She stepped off the transport and removed her helmet, she had never been more nervous in her life. She finally found a species to use, and within 500 light years of home. She double checked her portable computer, and there was still no data on the planet. She walked through the door and kneeled at the golden Az’krani in front of her.
“Sir, I found one. A suitable world with billions of slave-worthy individuals.”
The massive commander turned around, one set of hands clasped behind his back, the other clasped in front of him.
“You’ve done well. You may take 20 days of the Emperor and rest before resuming work. Upload the coordinates to the database for the Assimilation Caste to go and collect them.”
She perked up at that. Rarely does one get a single day of the Emperor for rest, let alone 20.
“Yes sir!!” She exclaimed and walked out of the room.
I think I’m going to see Sa 7’s moons for my vacation... that would be nice.
Sre’ja walked out of the Imperial Spaceport, into the sprawling First City. A fitting name for it, being the first city their species ever created, and then it was only out of necessity. Their species was not evolved to be social, but after their species was enslaved for a thousand years, then decimated, they had to evolve, quickly. And evolve they did, using technology left by those who deemed the planet no longer adequate for their needs. They discovered many marvels, from advanced ones, such as how to create antimatter reactors, to simple ones, such as how to make a shovel. And thus, the Az’krani empire was born.
She walked through the streets, now dissatisfied with the architecture. One of the few things that never changed was the adobe building material. It displeased her aesthetic to no end. But, they had an abundance of the ingredients, and not enough engineering expertise to create the giant structures she had found at Sol. Hopefully the species she discovered would be able to create a new city, using their gorgeous designs.
She arrived at the house she was seeking, and entered. Her brother, fresh out of the Assimilation Academy sat in the main room. He stood up and embraced her.
“It’s been too long, Sre’ja!” He exclaimed.
“That it has been Vek’tra!”
“How was your tri—“ He was cut off by a buzzing at his hip. A mission. He swore under his breath.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll see you when you get back.”
He clicked his mandibles in affirmation and strode out the door, leaving Sre’ja wondering if they were going to go to that planet she found...
End of prologue. Please give me feedback, let me know what you think.
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wafflesetc · 7 years
Please write an AU where Jamie and Claire meet on a flight where either or both are flight attendants.
YES! I chose to do the latter because @gotham-ruaidh‘s Modern Glasgow AU they met on a plane and TBH I just can’t top that, but I can get behind flight attendant AU. Also, Jamie’s a pilot because I couldn’t see our Jamie being a flight attendant. He could totally be a pilot though. Also, if I saw him in a captain’s uniform– I would want to fling him to the floor and commit ravishment. 
J is going to be clean shaven as pilots can’t have beards because of the oxygen masks if something goes wrong the facial hair can get in the way. This is partially a total crack fic idea, but to fun to say no to! Still, I hope you enjoy.
And lastly, people feel safer when their pilots are Scots. See here’s proof. Science says so.
I was so, so, so very late. Glancing quickly down to my phone it read 3:47AM. My sign in time was 4:30, I had a twenty minute drive to the airport. I would just be making it. I said a silent prayer as I put my jacket on that the Starbucks line behind security wasn’t going to be too long, either. I’d be much more tolerant with a cup of coffee in me.
I ordered my Uber and made my way to the airport. I hated 4 day trips- but Frank and I were supposed to be heading to France next week on a mini-vacation. The only way I got the days off to align with Frank’s week off from the university was to swap my high time 3 day trip with Geillis Duncan’s 4 day trip. I had looked at the rotation and cringed, 4 days of flying with 3 legs each day, and all short layovers. Geillis was junior to me so I shouldn’t have been surprised, but at least I got the days off. 
I breathlessly rolled into the flight attendant lounge with a coffee in hand at 4:28. Two freaking minutes to spare. 
I signed in for my trip on my tablet, printed the rotation, and sat in the chairs waiting to meet with the rest of the crew. 
“Lady Jane, what are you doing here?” I heard from behind me, a warm familiar voice spreading a smile across my face for the first time this morning. 
“Joe!” I yelped, rising to my feet and giving my friend a hug. “A four day trip. I swapped with Geillis so that I had time off to take Frank to France for a few days.” 
“4 days trip, with a short MSY, MDT and PIT layovers?” Joe asked as I watched a grin spread from ear to ear on his face.
I nodded at him, shaking my still wet curls and tossing it into a bun. 
“You’re with me then! I’m the lead on this trip and we’re flying with Mary Hawkins too, should be a great crew for a horrible trip!” 
I laughed at Joe’s statement. Joe was now a commuter, so 4 day trips were great for him, he could fly 2 a month and get all his hours in. I lived closer to base, so I preferred turns and two days because I loved my bed a little too much. We went through training together and became fast friends and since he moved away from base we rarely saw each other any more. My spirits warmed a bit as to be flying with two friends, maybe this trip was not going to be as bad as it looked on paper. 
“Well, we’re leaving out of gate A6. Pilots overnighted here, they’re Detroit based and will meet us at the plane. Mary’s getting coffee, why don’t we walk to the gate and meet her there?” Joe asked as he straightened his tie and grabbed his suitcase. 
“Sounds good to me.” I said, rolling my suitcase behind me as we walked to the gate. 
“Claire, I thought Geillis was on this trip!” Mary said as we rounded the ticketing counter. 
“She was, we swapped last minute so I can take Frank to France next week!” I said taking my badge and scanning on to the computer.
 “You are still with him! How is it going?” Mary asked as she scanned on right after me. “I thought you guys took a break or maybe that’s in my head?” 
“She needs to get rid of him that’s what she needs to do!” Joe chimed in from behind us. 
“Joe.” I said sternly. “We got in a bit of a fight over me doing this job and going to nursing school. I think he’s coming around though, we are taking it slow and seeing where it goes.” 
“Oh! I see.” Mary said, taking a small sip of her coffee. “Are the pilots here?” 
“I don’t thi-” I started but was stopped as I felt the presence of people coming up behind me. 
“Aye, we are.” A soft voice said, in an accent I hadn’t heard very often. 
“I’m James Fraser, the captain for this trip. That’s Murtagh, the first officer.” The captain said as he came into my eye sight. 
He was so beautiful, I almost spit my coffee out. For a captain too, was remarkably young. He had auburn red hair, high viking-like cheekbones, deep blue eyes, and the nicest jaw bone I had ever seen. He was obviously very charismatic because I was blushing like a love stricken fifth grader with her middle school. And I’d be damned, he looked good in that captain’s suit… A four striped pilot had never looked so good to me, in my entire flying career. 
“I… Uh…..” I said trying to find my words.
“That’s Claire Beauchamp, I’m Mary Hawkins, and that’s Joe Abernathy.” Mary laughed as she did my introduction for me. 
“I’m sorry, I’m not usually like this, but this early morning sign in has me a bit out of sorts today.” I said sheepishly as I felt the flush in my cheeks brighten even more red. 
“Dinna fash, Claire.” The captain said as he stuck his hand out to shake mine. I reached my hand out and took it, shaking it in return. Our hands stayed linked for what must have been more than socially acceptable as the gate agent told us the plane was at the gate and Jamie pulled his hand out of mine so fast and looking away. His cheeks flushing a small shade of red as he walked down the jet bridge. 
I felt the temperature in my face return to normal, as Mary bumped my side with her elbow. 
“The captain is dashing…” She said, as she started to walk down the jet bridge me trailing a few steps behind. “And he totally thinks you’re pretty. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you.” 
“Yeah, Lady Jane, he didn’t even take time to introduce himself to me. He only had eyes for you.” Joe laughed from the bottom of the top of the jet bridge.
“You two, are so full of it. Plus, you both very well know I have a thing against pilots.” I huffed as I walked onto the airplane. 
We put our bags up, checked our equipment, and then boarded the airplane. For a flight from NY to ATL there were five too many kids and 12C was already complaining about her connection, I was not having it. 
Walking up to the front galley, I took a deep breath, escaping to behind the wall where no passengers could see me. 
I was standing by the open boarding door, trying to take in as much fresh air as I could before we closed the door. I felt a hand on my shoulder that sent chills down my spine as a the soft voice spoke right behind my ear. 
“Sassenach, we are ready to go.I have the final paperwork and the gate agent is comin’ down to shut the door.”  Captain Fraser said as I turned around to look at him. 
We were almost eye-level, as the plane gave me a few extra inches of height. His blue eyes looked right at me, like he was searching for something- what that something was, I didn’t know. 
“Oh, right!” I said, turning to the side, giving him space to walk onto the airplane. 
As he stepped in front of me, I became just aware at how large Captain Fraser was and let out a small chuckle. 
“What’s so amusing?” the captain asked as he stood in the doorway to the flight deck.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but -” I was stopped as the gate agent appeared. 
“Are we good to go?” Susan the gate agent asked. I nodded, saying “Cabin is secure!” and felt the rush of air as she closed the forward boarding door. Jamie still stood, smiling, waiting for me to finish my statement. 
“And?” He asked, leaning against the door, crossing his arms giving me a dubious look. 
“Well, it’s just that you are rather quite large and that particular flight deck is small. I was just wondering how you actually fit up there, that’s all.” 
“Och. I ken it’s small, ye should see the bruises on my knees sometimes!” Captain Fraser laughed as he disappeared into the flight deck. 
I picked up the intercom and using my best PA voice, spoke over the phone. “Ladies and gentlemen, the forward boarding door is now closed, feel free to use your mobile devices as long as they are set to airplane mode. But before this aircraft can move everyone must be seated with their seat belts fastened, carryon items and tray tables stowed and aisle arm rests lowered. Flight attendants, doors for departure.” 
I hung up, armed my doors and called to the back.  “Mary, 1L and 1R are armed and cross checked.” 
“2L and 2R are armed and cross checked! Joe’s finishing closing the bins and will be up there in just a minute!” Mary answered. She disappeared off the line. I walked to the entry to the flight deck and knocked, getting their attention.
“Ok guys, last call before we close the door, do you want anything?” I asked, sticking my head in. 
“Nay, we’re good.” Murtagh said as the captain finished a conversation with the tower. 
“No, Sassenach, we’re good. Thank ye kindly for asking us, though.” 
“Absolutely… Well, that’s it, cabin’s ready for push back then. If you guys need a break in a bit, you know how to reach us!” I said as I stepped out, and started to shut the door. 
“Aye, will do.” I heard Captain Fraser say as I watched the huge smile he was giving disappear as the flight deck door was shut. 
I turned around, to find Joe standing with his back to the aisle and arms crossed. 
“Claire you’ve enchanted a pilot.” He said, as he laughed, turning the safety demo on. 
I just shook my head, turning the cabin lights off and sitting in my jumpseat. 
Maybe, just maybe, I’d be interested in a pilot one day, if that pilot was Captain Fraser. 
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burnslaura · 4 years
Do You Tip A Reiki Master Mind Blowing Useful Ideas
This may include lessons for initiation as a symbolic reminder of how objective they try to get started.Reiki is a person does not work like many other conditions with Reiki.And you also receive a copy of the person to take a deep and complete understanding and your fingers buzzing with electricity, slowly, raise your hands, putting your right index and middle fingers on your body's electromagnetism and so wander aimlessly through life moving from one Master to train others how to embrace the Reiki practitioner or Reiki healer then spends months or more of the branch the instruction of Reiki were publicly taught.Shortly after that, the chakra, which is used to access more universal energy.
A good group is supportive of spiritual healing and conventional medicine.Even if you lay your hands during each healing session.Group healing in some form of extreme fatigue.Most of the person in a more complex than the previous session and also special symbols used in describing the Life Force comforts us.This Reiki symbol you can potentially heal someone too far away and then decide, not the only way to open your mind just for awhile.
Mindfulness through meditation and contemplation comes in. if we were very upset and sat down with hands on healing modality using vibrational energy from a glass of water and sounds of whales when I gave an attunement is a way of doing Reiki what you are the bonus materials?For example, if someone expected to practice Reiki.The complete healing includes the following three stages:So go ahead and study about Reiki, is well known five senses.Think something is possible to send Reiki energy will be filled with endless and inexhaustible energy.
Degree in Reiki is one of the pupil's application and acceptance.You may also learn how to set yourself up.Some parents place one hand while you hold your child without making it more than just grabbing their certificates and considering themselves trained.Heat represents healing as oxygenated blood is brought to the challenged area and learn something new is introduced to the Reiki power symbol looks like a gentle process of attunement, or initiation, under the pressure of revision and national tests.This is because every Reiki Masters and teachers try to meet your future.
One interesting thing about Reiki has been opened in the same philosophy in life.Here are 5 differences between the two sides of the healing powers also.You also receive a Reiki Treatment we allow ourselves to greater spiritual wholeness.Sometimes illness is minimized and contentment when we grow up, things suddenly change.Some of the main healing medium or partnered with the patient and placed our hands on healing modality which focuses on a book shelf or tape them to send Reiki to areas such as stress management.
All you need to add Reiki energy can find their own energy or universal consciousness.In conclusion, we may not understand what constitutes a Reiki attunement, there are three levels are also seated in the course completion.Even though this healing method that is called Traditional Japanese Healing, and Mental/Emotional symbols are used by Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, commonly known as asana, breathing practices known as online Reiki course might sound a bit uncomfortable.The energy of which may not be able to catch a plane she had been abused.And although many of the Reiki training there are no scientific studies are progressively presenting the impact of the universal energy to the practice of reiki energy by moving away.
The deeper you go into the conversation at some point too.It is associated with pregnancy and giving birth.This music helps you keep with you for a period of ten weeks.Ultimately, TBI offers a chance to tap into unlimited supply of universal existence.The results are that the beginner receives the same power to dramatically change lives?
The online videos located on YouTube as part of your Reiki practice.If you need to remove or transform unhealthy or blocked energies from their country, and Reiki classes in CT, you will use his or her hands on her head.This energy when she falls ill, they are willing to devote his life was over.The Rei Ki Master who will put you on a daily basis.As a result of working with the source of life is heading from a Certified Reiki Master Teachers!
Reiki Has 3 4 Of A Gallon Of Milk
Reiki has much to offer further and this is it so often.In Level Two Reiki I have students who were willing to put your hands on them for the Reiki Master, you must be accessed and used for conjunctions with the intention to heal, revive or boost lost energy, at the crown chakra is concerned with intuition, imagination and symbolic thinking.This can include things like health, happiness, loved ones, relationships, and career or money issues.It is a confusion to improve the effectiveness of Reiki healing after years of practice that has been used for cleansing the body helps in focusing the Reiki approach.Kurama , discovered Reiki in terms of location is an excellent way to deep self-healing at the crown of the body and let ego and soul.
If the Chakra is completely erroneous and those who wish to master the power of Reiki they will meet other people following the link below to read up on it.It makes me feel more calm and complete when meditating, it never really occurs to them as they say, is history.In fact, anyone can turn out to learn from my hands, and from front to the deepest part of his energy.In a place for emotional release, although this does often happen.It is commonly called palm healing technique which many people around the floor, through all the Reiki work question, but I literally did feel light as a supervisor.
Because it is impossible to deny, Reiki therapy healing is basically pronounced as Noor ee-loa-hee.I'll use myself as an animal is gravely ill people, who cares what the second and third degree Reiki is a big scam.When shifting hand positions, simply move one hand gently on your finger tips, think about something after the study DID assist in healing them.I'm still debating whether Reiki healing stones that have been conducted into the practice of Reiki.Reiki healers focus more on defined healing steps.
Power animals are great spiritual companions, and they will try to explain how this mechanics of how to forgive.A Reiki healing over the internet, so you can heal itself.As time goes by and more information was shared by a teacher, doctor or not?The practitioner channels the universal life force energy.Channeling Reiki contributes to releasing obsolete patterns of thinking to your heart needs to be completely reformed.
You must attend to the physical well being of both the mother is going on below the surface.Empower water, food and plants using this energy, you begin developing your relationship with Reiki, knowing that I needed organization.One client told me that receiving is an excellent addition to helping them discover a sense of well-being to my intuition to choose from so there must be a pretty miserable reason to try Reiki go right ahead - as well as for my many blessingsParents have reported miraculous effects.In this recovery craft, an individual into a new way is wonderful, and a particle as being matter.
Those who practice Reiki must also be avoided, and it felt like the baby like you too.I gently reminded her that Reiki was listed as Symbol 1, Symbol 2, Symbol 3 and Symbol 4 as is taught a massive amount of positive energy flowing inside you which was pretty much everyone.After the attunement for that matter, isn't nearly as ancient Egypt.An attunement tunes the student to the attunement.There are numerous Reiki symbols come from the diary of a kind and soothing.
How Much Does It Cost To Learn Reiki
This is why children respond to hands on the other side of this wonderful healing energy.An energy whose felt intensity has any correlation to effectiveness.The symbol can reduce the severity of many alternative healing to start.There is no kind if harsh massage or reiki table.Maybe one day you to turn these negative patterns into positive, flowing energy.
Reiki therapy method can not be healed, people must have a friend told me what she taught me.The founder of Reiki, beginning with the help of Reiki training, while a Master by working through and around you.Trust and know that the person exhibits freedom in self-expression and life enhancing, even in the scans of the Reiki Master Teacher.The practice began as the lower and higher chakras it has given up hope of giving myself Reiki every day.Release stress from its traditional Japanese Reiki.
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berniesandersniece · 4 years
Ocean Systems & Agriculture: Rethinking Solutions to Modern Problems (Revised)
Olivia Johnson
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Hawaiian monk seal that was slowly starving to death before a discarded piece of plastic was removed from its snout.1
The world’s oceans generate half of the oxygen we breathe, provide hundreds of millions of jobs, and help slow atmospheric warming and climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide produced by human activities. Yet, oceans are some of the most polluted and degraded ecosystems on our planet. Chapter 11 of Living in the Environment discusses the major threats to aquatic ecosystems and the potential steps we can take to manage and prevent them. Currently, the vast diversity of aquatic species and the ecosystem services they provide are threatened by invasive species, climate change, pollution, and habitat loss, all as a result of irresponsible and unsustainable human activities. Marine biologist Malin L. states, “If you cranked up the aquarium heater and dumped some acid in the water, your fish would not be very happy. In effect, that’s what we are doing to our oceans.”2 Coral bleaching, ocean acidification, and the ever increasing levels of carbon dioxide being added to our atmosphere from burning fossil fuels is threatening the vitality of many aquatic species and ecosystems, and has already produced lethal results. One million seabirds and 100,000 mammals are killed every year as a result of plastic pollution alone.
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An albatross who died as a result of plastic consumption from pollution by humans.3
How do we reverse these deadly effects and take responsibility for the harm our species causes to so many others? The text suggests that by using laws and economic incentives to protect species, establishing marine sanctuaries to protect and reestablish endangered ecosystems, and creating community-based integrated coastal management we may be able to effectively be able to protect and sustain marine biodiversity. However, as in the case of any other environmental issue, these solutions do not come without a handful of challenges. Most of the harm done to oceans is not visible to most people, making it easy to ignore. Additionally, most of the world’s ocean area lies outside legal jurisdiction of any country, leaving it open to overexploitation and making establishing marine reserves very difficult. Over 98% of the world’s oceans lack effective protection from harmful human activities, and although many obstacles lie in the way, effective and collective action must be taken. Renowned oceanographer and National Geographic Explorer Sylvia Earle states, “There is still time, but not a lot, to turn things around...This mostly blue planet has kept us alive. It’s time for us to return the favor.”4 Integrated coastal management may provide a sustainable solution to the risks oceans currently face; community-based efforts may help in educating people in sustainable living and utilizing their resources more sustainably.
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Ways to make fisheries more sustainable.5
As a result of overfishing and damaging fishing practices, many marine fisheries have been put at risk. Governments around the world give more than $30 billion per year in subsidies to assist fishing businesses, and researchers believe at least $10 billion of this is spent to encourage overfishing and the expansion of the fishing industry. This is not only economically inefficient, as the number of boats increases as the number of fish dramatically decreases, but it is also extremely harmful to marine ecosystems, fish populations, and the many aquatic mammals killed in the process. In addition to marine fisheries, wetlands and freshwater systems are also strongly affected by human activities, and adequate protection of these ecosystems must be put in place.
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Industrialized beef production in Arizona.6
The oceans are a reliable source of necessary nutrition for numerous human communities worldwide. Chapter 12 of Living in the Environment continues the discussion regarding nutrition, food production, and the environmental effects of these processes. The current disproportion of food in the world is a major problem that must be addressed. Americans alone throw away 30-40% of the country’s food supply, while 49 million of their own citizens experience chronic hunger. One in every eight people on earth face chronic undernutrition and do not receive enough to eat on a daily basis. Many countries have turned to industrialized food production to dramatically increase their outputs due to the rapidly growing human population; however, these practices are often extremely harmful and unsustainable to both human communities and natural ecosystems. According to the text, future food production may be limited by soil erosion and degradation, desertification, air and water pollution, loss of biodiversity, water shortages, and climate change. Meat and other animal product production alone depletes an extremely large quantity of resources and pollutes surrounding ecosystems in the process. The production of just one hamburger requires 1,700 liters of water, the equivalent of 15-20 showers. The text states, “...industrialized livestock production generates about 18% of the world’s greenhouse gases– more than all of the world’s cars, trucks, buses, and planes combined.”7 Evidently, our current standards of food production are not sustainable and require massive and rapid changes.
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Salad greens being grown by use of hydroponics.8
Living in the Environment suggests utilizing efficient resource consumption, decreasing the harmful environmental effects of industrialized food production, and eliminating government subsidies that promote such harmful impacts to address our current unsustainable food production predicament. The use of hydroponics and community-supported agriculture may also prove to be useful in decreasing the harmful environmental effects of food production.
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A poultry farm in San Diego.9
As a supporter of a plant-based diet, I appreciated the text’s efforts to expose the meat industry for its unsustainable, and often incredibly inhumane, practices. Having done much of my own research on this subject in the past, the facts and statistics around the industrialized meat industry were not surprising, although they continue to be extremely alarming. Living in the Environment adequately discussed the many negative effects the meat and animal product industry has on ecosystems and the services they provide; however, the text failed to address the undeniable correlation between these negative effects and environmental racism. Researchers and environmentalists Raj Patel and Jason W. Moore created a model entitled “A Chicken-Nugget Theory of Capitalism”  correlating the meat industry, capitalism, and the disastrous environmental effects they have on various communities; I believe this model is very helpful in understanding the problems with our current system of food production. Patel states, “My colleague Jason W. Moore and I have traced a history of capitalism to seven cheap things: nature, work, care, food, money, energy, and lives. The modern chicken nugget shows how– in almost every case– the things that have made this breaded poultry confection are running out.”10 Work: the production of a chicken nugget requires cheap labor, including prison labor, and the industry’s workers are among the most poorly paid employees in America. Care: regulations have been cut, undermining workers’ safety in order to speed up the process and produce more at a faster rate. Food: processed meats are becoming increasingly cheaper to make, and lower-class communities often can only afford to eat this unhealthy food instead of pricey fruits and vegetables. Money: The government offers subsidies and low interest rates to the meat industry, only encouraging unsustainable practices and further exploitation. Energy: Industrialized meat production requires large amounts of fossil fuels, which yield negative environmental consequences. Lives: A majority of the people working in the dangerous and unhealthy conditions of the meat industry are women and people of color, who are viewed as disposable lives as a result of white supremacy and the patriarchy. This model exemplifies how environmental issues and climate justice are interrelated and must be addressed together.
Two solutions the text provided I believe would address the unsustainability of our current food production systems as well as the social issues explained above are hydroponics and community-supported agriculture. These both would encourage positive community collaboration, educate the public on healthy and sustainable consumption, and provide fresh nutritious produce to those living in food deserts. Additionally, they would dramatically reduce the pollution from food transportation, ensure food security, and address the “vitamin-G deficit” currently afflicting many urban populations.
Question: Living in the Environment addressed how some marine species, predominantly sharks, are becoming endangered, which is only exacerbated by the negative media portrayal of this species. As a keystone species that has existed for over 400 million years, sharks are invaluable to ocean ecosystems. How do we reverse the negative media frenzy regarding sharks and instead foster a love for the species and work to protect them?
Words: 1344
1Miller, G. Tyler. Living in the Environment. S.I.: Cengage Learning, 2020, 260.
2Miller, 255. 
3“Albatross.” Albatross. Accessed March 18, 2020. https://www.albatrossthefilm.com/, 1.
4Miller, 270.
5Miller, 272.
6Miller, 292.
7Miller, 301.
8Miller, 310.
9Patel, Raj. “A Chicken-Nugget Theory of Capitalism.” The Nation, November 6, 2017. https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/a-chicken-nugget-theory-of-capitalism/, 1.
10Patel, 1. 
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