#The general tomfoolery of the 118
missingexaltation · 24 days
Everyone's talking about what they want from 911 season 8 but this is just popped into my head and won't go away.
There's some dumbass reason why some of the 118 need a helicopter (treasure map part 2 maybe? Or something equally dumb.) It's NOT an actual emergency, just general tomfoolery.
So naturally they go to Tommy, who initially refuses because it's a dumbass reason and the poor guy just wants to go home and have a nap after finishing his shift of...flying a helicopter.
But the 118 deploy their not so secret weapon of Buck, who pouts and gets Tommy to give in because Tommy has zero capability of saying no to him.
So they all get into the nearest available helicopter, and when they're all settled Tommy just looks over at Buck and says "ok Evan, whenever you're ready.", and Buck is like "wait you want ME to fly this thing?"
Because he's been taking lessons, and is more than capable. Tommy's just all "I told you I'm not gonna do it" and the 118 in the back are all contemplating their life choices and wondering if it's safer to get the hell out now.
(Buck's actually not a bad pilot in training, and they pull off their shenanigans without crashing 😂.)
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 1 month
118+ Got That Dog In 'Em
I.E: Which dog breeds I associate with 911 characters & why.
Bobby: Redbone Coonhound
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- When I think of a coonhound I always think of Duke, who was a redbone that my grandparents had when I was little. Duke was always right on mine & my sister's heels, watching for any sign of threat but still letting us play around. He was observant, smart, & loyal. Bobby is always keeping an eye on his team & right on their heels when they need him. He's always struck me as the most observant character & he's the wise father figure.
Athena: German Shepherd
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- No it's not just because GSDs are commonly police dogs. We have a GSD, Boxer, Husky mix named Ethel. I can always tell when her GSD side is showing versus her Boxer or Husky because she goes into protective mode. Athena is fiercely protective of her family, both blood & found. She's quick to stand up for them & have their backs. I also feel like Athena has a little mischief in her & maybe it's just the Boxer or Husky bleeding through but so does Ethel.
Hen: Siberian Husky
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- As we all know, Huskies are VERY vocal. Hen strikes me as the type to always speak her mind no matter what. From what I know about Huskies from social media & Ethel, they're very loyal, insanely smart, & kinda silly. I saw a text post one time with Hen & Karen as the background that said something like, "I love being in STEM (shenanigans, tomfoolery, escapades, & mischief)." Hen is definitely a silly goose when she wants to be but she's also very smart & loyal to a fault.
Karen: Rottweiler
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- Rotties can be silly little gooses but they're also very loving & protective. Karen takes care of her people & protects them when it's needed. However, she also enjoys a little STEM (see Hen's above) every now & then.
Chimney: Boxer
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- To me, Boxers have always struck me as a protective & loyal dog disguised as a clumsy goofball. I think Boxers are smart & they do silly shit to make us smile & I think Chim is the same way. I don't know why but Chimney just screams clutz to me & I've seen some Boxers do some clutz ass shit.
Maddie: Shiba Inu
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- Okay, Shibas are regarded as independent, affection, & intelligent dogs. They're also known to be stubborn. Maddie can be an independent woman who don't need no man but she knows she doesn't have to be because she has Chimney. She showers everyone she cares about with affection & she's hella smart. I feel like stubborn just runs in the Buckley genes though because she & Buck both have their moments.
Buck: Golden Retriever
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- I feel like it's just general consensus at this point that Buck is a golden retriever at heart. He's got lots of energy, a heart of gold, & a tendency to get himself into weird &/or sticky situations. I've seen some goldens get stuck in some weird shit. Buck is always giving his all & doing what he thinks is right. We all know he's a yapper but there's no way in hell he's gonna sit still either.
Tommy: Saint Bernard
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- My first thought was, "Oh yeah Tommy is definitely like a Doberman or something," but then I thought about how soft he is with Buck & how I guarantee this man could get into some STEM of his own. I was thinking about bigger dogs that are fluffy & silly & I remembered the Beethoven movies. It's been a LONG time since I've seen them but I do remember that dog getting into some crazy shit & being loyal to his humans. So yeah, Tommy is a St Bernard. They're both hard working, a little silly, & super loyal.
Eddie: Pitbull
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- Okay, hear me out. Eddie might look all rough & tough on the outside but that man is just a giant teddy bear. Enter the Pitbull. When I think of badass looking dogs, I always think of a Pittie but they're also very sweet & loving dogs when raised right. They can make great guard dogs but also fantastic cuddle buddies. I genuinely believe it takes the right kind of person to raise a Pitbull, just like it takes the right kind of people *cough* the 118 *cough* to understand & support Eddie.
Chris: Beagle
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- Beagles are commonly owned as hunting dogs because of their intelligence, skill, & energy. Chris is hella smart & observant. I swear that kid keeps track of shit that no one else does. He's got lots of energy & loves to have fun. I once knew a pair of beagles that were always attached at the hip & playful as ever. There was another beagle that was a truck dog & she was sweet as could be & always ready for an adventure.
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