#The disaster twins will always be my favorite duo
alltheyearsblog · 1 year
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Day two of @rottmnt-week. Your Favorite Duo.
Forever and always the Disaster Twins. Leo and Donnie are always my favorite in any iteration, and Rise! is no exception to that fact.
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sketchiefoxie · 4 months
#TMayNT 22 Favorite Turtle Duo
For this one, it depends on if we’re talking canon or fanon.
For example, canonly I adore Smarts&Crafts!
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They’re so goofy and fun together, and the trust they display is so heartwarming! Mikey and Donnie, the classic ADHD and autism group get into a lot of hijinks and fun together. They don’t mask around each other, and they display large amounts of trust in one another. They’re always hugging each other, which is something that Donnie doesn’t let his other brothers do as often. (Not Mikey tho lol, he hugs everyone.) Donnie trusts Mikey’s advice when he’s having problems with Sheldon, and trusts him to make good plans with him in the repo junkyard. Meanwhile, Mikey is INCREDIBLY trusting of Donnie, to the point of letting himself fall at the top of a building!! The same building that Leo continually brings up to Baron Draxum, complaining “You threw me off a roof!!”
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Fanonly, my favorite duo has got to be the disaster twins!!
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The whole “twins who aren’t twins” thing is precious to me!! My sister and I have been mistaken as twins for our whole lives, despite the fact that we aren’t lol. I have seen so much wonderful fan content for the twins, and the most consistent factor I have seen, is a strong sibling bond. Carrying for each other, even when fighting. Being allowed to safely unmask, and be their authentic selves. The way that they play off each others strengths, such as Leo relying on Donnie’s smarts, and Donnie relying on Leo’s charm as the face man. They have a very “hey you can’t be mean to my twin, only I can say that crap to him” mentality.
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Also, as a bonus;
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them. They’d build a nuclear bomb, explode the world and simply nod and say “ah good times. Wanna grab pizza?”
prompt list below the cut.
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purplepixel · 2 months
uhm... Hi.......nervous laugh I come bearing a bunch of questions
35.) Which character relationships are your favorite to write/draw?
36.) Which character do you have the hardest time writing/drawing?
37.) Do you write/draw for one specific iteration, or multiple?
38.) Do you generally stick close to canon, or diverge from it?
39.) Do you have any TMNT OCs?
40.) Do you give the turtles tails?
Answer as many or as little as you like, and hope you have a great day/night! :}
Hi :] I have a lot of answers!
35. Which character relationships are your favorite to write/draw?
UGGGGGH I DONT WANT TO SAY DISASTER TWINS BUT...it's prob disaster twins. Their banter is too fun. Drawing them interacting is TOO FUN. I'm like ugh about it bc they are overrated, I hate being predictable, and PBJ duo IS RIGHT THERE. But dammit writing/drawing them comes too easily to me that I can't NOT say they're my favorite. It's the fact that they have the potential for the best banter and always seem a little at odds with one another until it actually matters. Half of me does often wonder how much fan projection this is.
36. Which character do you have the hardest time writing/drawing?
I haven't really written too much to tell which character gives me the most trouble. I recently wrote a snippet with splinter's pov and that was fine. I think all of them are equally challenging bc writing in general is hard for me LOL.
Drawing wise, the non turtle characters trip me up. I don't struggle with any of the turtles anymore, but characters like splinter or casey I'm like :| how draw non turtle?
37. Do you write/draw for one specific iteration, or multiple?
While I have drawn some 2003 and 2012 art, It's mostly rise for me.
38. Do you generally stick close to canon or diverge from it?
It's more so the characterization that I try to stick as close to canon as possible. But I'm all about that canon divergence. I have noticed that I kind of self trap myself into the mentality that anything I come up with, must make some sort of sense to canon. Even with something like my rise/Pokemon au which...is an au. It automatically breaks canon. Like, be free, pixel. You can do what you want. So ya I stick close to it, but Ive been trying not to limit myself
39. Do you have any TMNT OCs?
I am not creative enough for that haha. The only OCs I'll be doing is taking preexisting characters and changing them/adapting them into rise. If that counts. But no, I don't have any mutants, yokai, or human OCs for TMNT
40. Do you give the turtles tails?
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
fic assumption: ... is it cheating to say 'you really like the disaster twins'
Damn what gave it away
I actually do really like all the duo combos - one of the things I like about Rise is the way the characters and their dynamics are written that means each duo has their own unique flavor. When I’m just watching the show, a lot of my favorite episodes and moments are actually PB&J-centric - Donnie and Mikey have a way of hyping each other up and indulging each other’s silliness in a way no other pairing with either of them has. But each duo has great potential for character building and conflict and shenanigans.
The reason why I write so much about disaster twins is because both of them hit on the part of my character analysis brain that produces the most dopamine lol
I actually had kind of a crisis midway through writing Corrupted Upgrade because I started to feel like it should have been a Brains and Brawn fic instead. Uh, I guess spoilers now, and I’m also rambling so let’s reconvene after a cut…
ANYWAY when I had the initial idea, it was always with the plan that Leo was going to go in after Donnie. A lot of my fics start when I get a sort of single idea in my head, and for CU it was Leo making the crack about how he’s not afraid of beach balls, then going in and realizing it’s not beach balls and now he has to put the clues together. And from that idea sprang the whole outline of how the fic would play out.
Partway through though, I thought, well, shouldn’t Raph be the one coming after him? Raph is the leader - in Donnie’s nightmare, Raph is the one who made the final decision to throw Donnie out. So Raph should be the one pulling him back in. And that made a lot of sense really!
…Unfortunately I had committed the fic for a big bang which meant I had a deadline that was at that point rapidly approaching and there were artists trying to draw fanart for it and if I had changed the whole plan then that would have upended everything. And it’s not like I can just find/replace Leo for Raph and change up some dialogue, they would have had completely different approaches to the situation.
So yeah I didn’t do that. And a part of me is sad because I think it would have made a great Brains and Brawn fic! And there aren’t enough of those in the world.
So I guess this is my confession that there exists an alternate version of Corrupted Upgrade in my head where Raph goes after him instead.
I’m not actually sure what Raph’s solution would be, though. I didn’t get that far in thinking about it. Maybe he just kidnaps him idk lol. Like “you are coming back right now young man we are TALKING about this”
Something fun to consider lol
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nyaboshi · 5 months
what song makes you feel better?
7. what color brings you peace?
23. favorite piece of clothing?
30. what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
also bonus question, (besides disaster twins) favorite rottmnt duo? :D
7) A light pink always makes me feel good. Or an unsaturated blue.
23) I have a corset and a red tailcoat. Both of which I adore and wish I felt up to wearing more often.
30) Ooo, hm...
Probably my mom. Literally, like... Just coming home and seeing my mom makes me feel at home.
Also, my lifelong stuffed animal. When I hug him, I feel safe and comforted, like one does when they're at home.
Bonus) Donnie and April! They're so goofy. Literally besties. They'd go from hugging to insulting each other within seconds. XD
Thanks for the asks!! <333
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torturedblue · 1 year
In honor of 5 years of ROTTMNT, I present: Things I would love to see in Rise season 3+ *inserts Fairly Odd Parents 'If I had one' meme*
Part one of a list of ideas the previous shows have done that I’d love to see their version of if we get any more seasons 🤞🏽 (Part 2)
The Pulverizer. Dude was hilarious in 2012 and to take it even further, the idea of Rise Donnie also having to be the one to deal with the guy honestly seems so funny. Hopefully their version would have a happier ending tho...
TigerClaw. Do I even need to explain? He's my favorite 2012 villain and honestly the coolest one and clearly the Rise guys would think so too with all their tiger quips lol. And it would be nice to have a really serious villain that’s also not Shredder/Kraang level dangerous but still more of a challenge for the turtles. Since Draxum joined the light side Big Mama’s really the only one left
Bebop and Rocksteady of course. 2012 and 2016 Bop & Rock are so funny I think they'd be even funnier in Rise considering it’s the funniest TMNT show
Spike. Rise Raph deserves a pet.
Usagi. Genuinely wondering how Rise would portray him—and with this Leo being so different than the 2003 and 2012 characters, if and how they might still become close friends. I’m now too much of a leosagi shipper fr, probably mainly because I just love their friendship in 2003, also I think bc he's always an adult in the 03 and 12 versions, plus they barley got to know each other in 12, so overall it’s just an idea that doesn’t really click with me. Not to mention l'm so damn asexual I think I just love to see such a good friendship satay that way. But considering how serious Usagi's character always is I'd like to see if they'd change that in Rise to match their style or keep him the same way. If he is more serious it’d be an interesting contrast to Rise Leo’s constant joking and silliness
A musical episode bc honestly come on they would've killed it. And they're all just too musical theatre to not indulge in it at least once. Especially the Broadway baby disaster twins
Dropping the "Rise of the" in the title since after the season 2 finale and movie they have officially… arisen. Since the whole point starting off was these turtles aren't as trained or shaped etc, now that they are it would be cool for them to officially become the TMNT again. Not to mention they finally said the name in the movie so it would really top it off
A cure for the ooze. Draxum presumably could make his own 'retromutagen' like in 2012 and it'd be interesting to see a plot where all these mutants around New York could actually get back to their normal lives if they wanted to. Especially since Draxum had his reformation arc he really should be undoing his mess lol.
A Raph and Donnie episode
A Raph and Mikey episode
Huh despite being leader and the oldest Raph really got the least amount of solo/duo episodes
How they met April bc we need the story around that. Gd we're just missing so much background context from the show getting cut short
How they found the lair. 2012's Lone Rat and Cubs was such an amazing episode and it was awesome seeing what it was like for them before finding a home. In 2003's first episode we also see them find their new permanent home, and having the same backstory for Rise Splinter and the boys could be so touching. Especially being on the run from Big Mama and Draxum. We caught that glimpse of him still in a Liu Jitsu costume as a rat and living in a box. I’d love to see between that point and whenever they moved in to their home. I also think it would be a good reminder of how much Splinter was really struggling both during childhood, while he was starring in those movie yet Sho was still trying to get him back into Hamato business, and then his time in captivity after
An explanation behind why Yoshi is called Splinter, we never got our explanation in Rise… or 2012 either now that I think about it. Even 2003's reason kind of felt like a stretch, even though it was a cute story behind Splinter's owner Yoshi losing his girlfriend. I can’t remember if Bayverse explained it and I haven’t seen the original show, but I think each version has had a different reason they give
Fungus Humongous. One of my favorite 2012 episodes that would be awesome translated to the Rise boys. We know Donnie's hallucinated fear could be beach balls and Mikey's would prob be the Gumbus or some kind of ghost. Raph's could be Mrs. Cuddles, although he did conquer that fear. I wonder what Leo's would be… I always found it interesting he didn't have any special fears like his bros. But there is something about Leo strikes me as the kind of guy who doesn't have those irrational fears or gets scared easily, so seeing an episode where they could give him an advantage could be cool. Although, since this would be after the movie he could see Kraang, or him losing his family, and his insecurities with leadership would definitely be a realistic factor. It'd probably work well as another Halloween episode
Bishop; I think in the movie the fact that female Kraang stayed back was going to introduce him. I think a lot of people know him more famously from 2012 show ofc, but my favorite use of him was definitely 2003. Dude was unhinged and a whole ass machine and seeing the Rise boys face off against him would be so cool. Not to mention he gave us the 2003 Rat King episode, another one of my favorites
Spirit Quest type episode. They have such cool mystic powers and ninpo abilities and seeing them meditate and experimenting with them would be so cool. Not to mention the costumesssss I mean how bad ass would they look in some of the 2012 get ups
Turtles in space and the Triceratons. I've recently seen by other Rise fans that the triceratons might be been hinted to from a shot in the movie with a triceratops skull in the Kraang’s ship and apparently were being worked on by the creators. 2003 and 2012 each did these plots in different ways so I wonder if Rise would approach it as a season long thing or maybe just a fun arc. Either way these guys were made to go to space and seeing them freak out over actually getting to be like Jupiter Jim would be awesome. And again, getting to see their space outfits!
What kinda stuff do y’all wanna see from future seasons from rottmnt?
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misteria247 · 2 years
📢 for Disaster Twins about character ask game? 🥺👉👈
Oooooooo-!!! Yes my favorite disaster twin duo!!!!
📢favorite thing about them in canon:
Hmm for Donnie I'm gonna have to go with his overdramatic antics. From his windows sounding cries during the Lair Games to his "But at what cost....?" Line over a comic book being crinkled his overdramatic nature is by far one of my favorite things about this genius. Every line he gives always makes me laugh.
For Leo I'm gonna have to go with his jokes and comedic gags. Even though a lot of those things are his coping mechanisms for his crippling self esteem issues he's still by far the funniest dude besides his twin. From his dorky puns like "All washed up" to his little quips during battles his lines too are the ones that always make me laugh.
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someone1348 · 2 years
Do you have any favorite dynamics whether it be for tickles or just in general? Can be for ROTTMNT, Ducktales, or whatever you want! 💖 Hope you’re well!
YOU ARE AMAZING! I hope you are doing well too my friend! 💖 I do I have a lot for both so bare with me!
My favorite duo in general is Mikey and Donnie! The B Team!!! They are the sweetest pair! And I'm a huge Mikey kin so their dynamic brings me peace and happiness
Donnie is Mikeys biggest supporter vise versa and it's just so sweet
Also Mikey being the only one he's fully comfortable with giving him hugs
Mikey being Donnies biggest comfort like ah!
Mikey looking up to Donnie because he practically raised him all by himself, yes!
I love them so much!
My favorite duo for tickles is Leo and Donnie the Disaster Twins! In both ways as well whoever is the ler it's the best regardless, switch them too, even better! They are both so incredible and deserve the world!
They are so chaotic I love it
But also the soft side to them both is the sweetest thing and I absolutely live for it!
Underrated pair that I love so much that I just had to mention too is Leo and Mikey! Their dynamic is so incredible! My sweet boys! This goes for both things too tickles and non tickles! They are a great pair!
Mikey going to Leo as his personal protector whenever he's scared
Leo supporting Mikey in everything
They're so precious!
My All time favorite Duo is Louie and Huey! They are the best brother pair I swear! Don't get me wrong I love all the triplets together (and Dewey is my highest Kin!) BUT! Their dynamic holds a special place in my heart!
One of Hueys Favorite 30 things is making sure Louie is having fun and its the first thing he writes on every single one of his checklists as he makes them! It's the sweetest thing ever!
Louie is the most easily frightened of the three too so he's always running to Huey vise versa when Huey gets overstimulated he's running to Louie for help
They both encourage each other all the time
They both use each other's help for schemes
Louie knows what makes Huey the most happy!
They just so great!
Tickle wise for these two:
Louie is the most ticklish and is tickled by everyone but if he ever wants to be tickled he'll go to Huey first
Huey has claimed himself to be "Louie's personally tickle monster" and he's always met with the youngest lightly pushing him and red face hiding in his hoddie going "stop that's so embarrassing don't say that out loud"
I know for a fact Louie tickled him to make up for what happened on Halloween (a future fic hint lol!)
And Huey gave him some cheer up tickles whenever Louie is upset (I'm forever a Della Duck hater I don't care! /hj /lh)
Huey and Louie are oldest and youngest brother goals it's insane
They have definitely teamed up on Dewey
Huey has also come to Louies rescue if he's in a tickly situation
They're so perfect! My sons! /p /gen /pos
Was this too long lol Oops!
-K :]
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midnightwins22 · 2 years
Updated Rise of the TMNT Rankings List
After re-watching Rottmnt for probably like the fifth or sixth time now, I decided to update my rankings list because I have made some changes. If you see numbers besides the rankings, that is how many spots they have moved up or down since my last rankings
Top 10/S-Tier (aka the best of the best; the ones that made me laugh, cry or a combination of the two)
Lair Games (+1)
The Clothes Don't Make the Turtle (+1)
Anatawa Hitorijani (-2)
Mystic Library
Insane in the Mama Train (+5) (animation is so amazing and the boys in their Hamato outfits is just *chefs kiss*)
Hidden City's Most Wanted (+3)
End Game (-2)
The Evil League of Mutants (-1)
Battle Nexus: New York (+2)
Amazing/A-Tier (Not enough to make top 10 but ones that I would still rewatch over and over again and that I love and adore so much)
The Fast and the Furriest (+15) (I love this one so much and I can't really explain why it's just makes me laugh every time)
The Purple Game (-3)
Shreddy or Not (+1)
Shadow of Evil (-1)
The Purple Jacket (+6) (Donnie just being Donnie…need I say more)
Turtle-Dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man (+6) (Mikey and Donnie are amazing as always and that scene between Splinter and Donnie gets me every time)
Cloak and Swabgart (+10) (So wish we got more Sunita and April adventures because they work so well together)
Flushed but Never Forgotten (-2)
Bug Busters
Man vs Sewer (-2)
Pizza Puffs (-6) (Still a really funny episode and amazing just not as much as it used to be)
Great/B-Tier (Still love these episodes but not enough that they are my favorites. Great but not top tier)
Donnie vs Witch Town (+5)
Down with the Sickness (-4)
One Man's Junk (+4)
How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will (+5)
The Gumbus (+32) (Leo and Mikey have made me love this episode so much; not to mention the animation in this episode is just straight up amazing)
Breaking Purple (+5)
Mind Meld (+5)
Stuck on You (+5)
Operation: Normal(+9) (It's the Disaster twins I had to include it in the great list)
The Mutant Menace (+9) (any adventures in the Turtle Tank are always a plus)
E-Turtle of the Spotless Mind (-10) (sorry but the other three parts of just better in my opinion, though I still love for what it did with Splinter's character)
Good/C-Tier (Episodes that are sort of middle tier and just only good but that I still enjoyed, sometimes)
Smart Lair (-3)
Mystic Mayhem (+3)
Repo Mantis (+8) (Donnie and Mikey aka PB & J duo make this episode for me)
Reparin the Baron (+14) (I love Mikey and Draxum in this episode)
The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek (+10)
Late Fee (-14) (sorry but this episode is just too silly for me now the more that I watch it)
Mystery Meat (+12) (April, Draxum, and Mikey are just the ultimate dream team)
Sparring Partner (+14) (Raph is just too much of a sweetheart)
Mrs. Cuddles (+11) (Mrs. Cuddles is terrifying and I love it)
Hot Soup: The Game (+7)
The Hidden City Job (-8)
Raph's Ride Along (-10) (again too silly and the hidden city police are just so dumb it's bothers me to no end. Raph is still amazing though)
Shell in a Cell (+3)
Bullhop (-10)
Snow Day (-7)
Fists of Furry (-7)
The Longest Fight (-5)
Donnie's Gifts (-5)
Origami Tsuanami (-5)
Always Be Brownies (+1)
Pizza Pit (-12) (Mikey is the only good part of this episode. Everything is is just...eh)
Sidekick Ahoy! (+16) (I don't know why but this episode has grown on me)
You Got Served! (+3)
Portal Jacked (+1)
Meh/Ok (D-Tier) (Bottom of the pack. Not necessarily bad episodes but just ones that are just simply ok and don't have much for rewatch value)
Air Turtle (+1)
Warren and Hypno, Sitting in A Tree (-4)
Todd Scouts
Bad Hair Day
Goyles, Goyles, Goyles
Jupiter Jim Ahoy! (+1)
Minotaur Maze (-1)
Mascot Melee (+3)
Nothing But Truffle (+5) (not as bad as it used to be but still kinda meh. I hate seeing my baby Mikey cry but he was also kind of a jerk in this episode)
War and Pizza (+3)
Hypno Part Deux (-3)
Al Be Back (-2)
Newsworthy (-1) (Just an overall boring episode and I really do not like Warren Stone. This is one of those episodes that I would definitely not be re-watching unless I'm just in the mood)
This was once again very hard to make as I like some of this episodes equally and my top 20 could honestly interchanged. They are all just that good and amazing. Safe to say that I miss this show so much and I am just hoping that we get some news soon regarding whether or not there will be a season 3. Or at least put season 2 on Netflix. If not, then I am satisfied with what was given to us and I am grateful everyday for this show and my beloved turtle babies.
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princessfayebug · 1 year
Aww hi there!~ Can I request some platonic ROTTMNT headcanons with a sibling reader, but instead of them being a turtle, they're a fat-tailed gecko! (have you seen them? they're so cuteeee) 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜
they're around the same age as Mikey — the older siblings have their work cut out for them; if Leo and Donnie are the disaster twins, then Mikey and Reader are the Sun and Moon twins :')
Mikey's the Sun: bright, loving, bubbly, encompassing warmth and lively whereas Reader is the Moon: calm, soft-spoken, beautiful, serene.
as "twins" , they share a love + affinity for the arts, being comforting presences in their own way, and are both equally as terrifying/able when they're triggered w/ a healthy dose of homicidal tendencies XD /lh
I just need some sibling fluff (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠) & your writing + formatting is so cute!! can't wait to see if & whatcha come up with!!<33
stay hydrated. that is a loving~ threat. cheers! 💫
A/n:Hi there anon!! I'm so so sorry I'm just now getting to your request trust me I wanted to but I just don't have motivation to do stuff sometimes. But I decided to finally get off my butt and write because you've been waiting the longest! Hope you enjoy and again so sorry for the long wait! Also yes fat tailed geckos are adorable!! And tyy<33
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Platonic Rottmnt Mikeyx Reader Headcanons(Request)
Reader is a fat-tailed gecko mutant with a sibling dynamic with the turtles!
•So everyone knows y/n and Mikey are a force to be reckoned with
•Dr.Delicate Touch AND y/n together?? Yeah you're dying tonight bud
•Y/n is usually pretty chill and calm and Mikey is always sweet and optimistic but the minute you hurt someone they love, take away something they, or just ruin something they care about they're out for blood
•Long story short y/n and Mikey are a chaotic duo
•Y/n and Mikey both loooooove art so they're always working on projects together
•April:Uhh Mikey what are you doing? And where's Y/n?
•Mikey:We're painting the lair to make it look nicer! Y/n should be back in a minute they're out getting more paint and supplies
•I feel like Mikey and Y/n would be like the "matchmakers" of the family and would just constantly try to set their older siblings up with their crush or something
•I also feel like Y/n and Mikey are both good listeners and good at helping people sort through their feelings but in different ways
•Mikey would have you talk things out
•And y/n would have you do some kind of breathing exercises and calming activities to ease your mind
•Separately these methods are just ok but together they can really help resolve arguments and misunderstandings. Not always but it helps alot
•And for that reason they've been dubbed the "therapy twins"
•They're always using the "but we're the youngest" card to get out of trouble when Splinter gets upset
•When Draxum got on their side y/n took a little longer to get on board with it than Mikey did but eventually came around and helped back Mikey up when he defended Draxum
•Mikey's the "follow your dreams! Do what your heart tells you!" twin and Y/n is the "Lets be realistic, is this really practical?" twin
•Dont get me wrong y/n is all for following you dreams but ya gotta be rational and realistic about it
•Y/n and Mikey made cute little charm bracelets for everyone including their favorite colors, something they like, and something unique to each sibling
Hope you enjoyed, I tried my best! Also sorry if there are any typos I proof read it twice but sometimes I miss stuff until after posting it
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snugglecat453 · 2 years
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BOOM DISASTER TWINS. I bet you can clearly tell that they are quite literally my favorite duo. I’ve always favored twins for some reason- that’s a weird thing with me!
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sccredhead · 2 years
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First Donnie Sketches for TMNT:Fusion! I absolutely adore this dork he and Leo have always been my favorites.
Donnie definitely has more of the 2003 qualities with being more of a loner pacifist but he gets irritated very quickly with his brothers. He’s the teams mechanic, scientist, and the other half of the disaster twins duo!
Never leave Donnie and Leo alone with plans, they will always end up setting fire to something. However, Leo and Donnie unwinding together = peak fluff.
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Another, The Owl House plays Among Us because I have no self control.
Let's talk imposter duos
Shockingly, Luz and Boscha are a dangerous team
Both are just so competitive
They both try to out-do each other
Everyone just drops like flies
They also will accuse each other
And even vote each other
It really helps them blend in
Luz says fuck it to the long con if she's paired with Boscha
She knows Boscha will get a kill asap
And she'll rub it in Luz's face that she 'carried' the team
Luz just can't have that
Y'all already know
That Amity and Luz are a perfect team
Amity never accuses Luz anyway
So no one even suspects it when she defends her
Amity knows that Luz loves the long con
So she'll go along with it
She'll avoid killing and build trust
It isn't Amity's favorite tactic
But it's Luz's favorite
So she'll do it
Once they start killing
They are both so in sync
Double kills constantly
They are pretty sneaky about it
They always create good alibis
They are both competitive
But in a healthy way with each other
They both wanna win
So they will do what they need to to win
The only tail
Is Luz will never vote for Amity if they are a duo
Luz wouldn't sell out her girl like that
Viney and Emira
Is a gay mess
Emira has the best luck
And Viney has the worst
So Emira has to join in on the yelling to cover for Viney
Usually Viney gets voted out quickly
And Emira will be salty about it
Even go as far as to expose herself
Emira: *calls meeting*
"You got some-"
"Vote me now, I'm the other imposter"
"You homophobes killed my girlfriend and I don't wanna kill without her"
Amity (dead): *unmutes mic* "For the love of gOD please vote her so we can restart this disaster"
Now hear me out
Edric and Boscha
Both complete wild cards
Both give zero fucks
Both will kill with witnesses
"Edric was standing on Skara's dead body!"
"Yes I was. Vote me, I'm the imposter"
"Now Willow, you know Ed always accuses himself and no one else was around to see it"
Willow gets voted off
"I saw Boscha walking away from the body!"
"Umm, excuse you?! I walked by that body at least 4 times, get your facts straight"
"....imma skip vote"
Pure chaos with these two
(@voiidwrites inspired this next duo)
Skara and Gus
Two horrible imposters on their own
But together?
Somehow Gus can lie when paired with Skara
She just shares his same energy
He knows she wouldn't judge him for not killing quickly
Skara plays the whole "idk how to play"
And Gus always backs her
They will walk everywhere together
And everyone thinks that Gus is just helping Skara
Skara totally uses the
"How do I vent like (insert name) did?"
"...only imposters can vent..."
"...oh, nevermind!"
The wonder twins
Edric and Emira
They will take out at least 5 people before the first discussion
Between Ed being a wild card
And Em constantly using the vents
It's easy for them to slide by
Ed plays his wild card bit
And Em is such a smooth talker
No one suspects them
The only one that can see through Emira's bs is Amity
Viney can too
But she loves hearing Emira's smooth talk
Viney will let it slip for a few rounds
But then she'll have no mercy in voting her off
Now for a surprising duo
Jerbo/Barkus and Luz
These three LOVE the long con
And all three have a hyper fixtation on this game
So they know each task
How long each task takes
Which tasks you can fake
Memorized the maps
Know all the vents and where they connect
It's a scary team
They will wait and wait and wait
Like the lobby gotta call meetings just to see if anyone is dead
After a bit of playing
Everyone catches on that the long con is their tail
That's when Barkus comes in
He just knows when to strike
He has the kills scattered just enough that it covers the long con
Willow and Amity
Another dream team
The queens of self reporting and no one suspecting them
They both can just spin a good lie
They are both methodical and can describe where they were
And what task they did
One will kill someone in front of a crewmate
The other will have their back and get the innocent crewmate voted off
"Amity was with me! Tell them-"
"It was Viney. Me and Willow came up from storage and we both saw Viney stab Boscha"
"What?!?!! No-"
Viney gets voted off
Everyone just vibes so well together
That any duo imposters are an incredible team
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anjuschiffer · 5 years
The Host Club’s Busy Week: Who Let the Rich in the Bakery?!
So during the middle of the night (at least it was for me), a group of us in the Maribat Discord server came up with this AU and thus this was born. Wanna thank @ficsforthestars for instigating this AU! I had a blast writing this.
Also, some things to know before you read: Mari goes under the name Marin when she's part of the school and Mari/Marinette outside of school. Adrien and Felix are called Twins since they look identical despite their different personalities and having different surnames.
With that, I hope you enjoy this!
“A competition?” The twins asked, Adrien and Felix looking at one another and then back at Damian. 
It was another day at the Host Club, the boys lazing around as Mari was crowded by the clients that were in the club at that moment. 
Today’s event: Tea with Marin (with cakes made by Marin). 
Damian smirked. 
“Marinette’s parents own a bakery, correct?” A series of nods. “Well, it just so happens that they’re very popular despite being a small commoner’s business, which leads to my next point.”
Damian shows them a flyer, Richard and the rest of the boys wondering what it was. 
“A piece of paper.” Tim says after skimming the flyer, going back to resting his head on the club’s pillow stash. “A flyer to be exact.”
“Correct.” Damian puts the flyer back into his case, Felix noticing other photos and templates in the leather file. Templates were marked in red, some notes scattered around the paper. 
What was Damian up to?
“What does this have to do with Marinette and her parent’s bakery?” Richard asked, something in his gut not sitting right. 
“Well, the bakery needs part-time workers or any volunteers that can help them this upcoming week.” Damian pulled out his remote to summon the club’s screen projector, showing some photos of Marinette’s parent’s bakery filled to brim with customers ordering cakes and other pastries, Sabine and Tom wearing panicked faces. 
Many of the orders and pastries were pink and red themed, the boys quickly picking up on the theme: Valentine’s Day. 
“But we also have our Valentine Day’s event coming up.” Jon chirped in, worried about possibly having to cancel their event to volunteer at the bakery. Not that he minded. Maybe he’d get to try some cakes there. 
“Like if we would ever raise a finger to prepare for the event.” Felix reminded the group, everyone nervously chuckling except for Damian. 
“Back to the matter at hands, we’ll be competing to see who can deliver the most pastries for that entire time we are there.”
Damian changes the slide, showing a map of the area around the Dupain-Cheng Bakery. There were dots scattered across the city, a lot circling around the outskirts of the city and around the bakery itself. 
“Sounds fun!” Adrien squeals, Felix placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“Seeing as this is a competition, I’m sure there’s a prize involved.” 
“Nothing gets by you, does it, de Vanily?” Damian wipes out a tiny envelope. 
“What’s it got?” Jon asked, wondering what a small envelope the size of Damian’s hand would contain. 
“A one day baking class with Marinette.” The boys simply looked at each other and blinked, turning back to Damian new with confused faces. 
“We can literally just ask if she-“
“-with just Marinette teaching you in the bakery.” Damian grinned as he watched everyone straighten in their seats, wanting to laugh at the serious expression that morphed onto Grayson, Agreste and de Vanily. “A one-on-on class. Usually it’s take a lot of membership points to even gain a class with her parents, but with their daughter?” Damian chuckled. “You’d have to buy a year’s worth of pastries to gather the amount of points needed to purchase the class session.”
“We’re rich.” Tim bluntly stated, gaining a few agreements. “We can literally buy three year’s worth of-“
“Drake, do they look like a factory to be able to produce that quantity of goods?” Tim mumbled a no. “There you have it.”
“So, who’s in?” All the boys raised their hands. “Let the game begin.”
Marinette felt a shiver go down her spine as she drank some tea with the ladies, turning her head to see the boys arguing with each other. 
A storm was brewing. 
“STOP GROWING MUSHROOMS BY THE OVEN SENPAI! YOU’RE GOING TO RUIN THE DOUGH!” Marinette screamed, pulling Dick away from their oven, allowing himself to get dragged out of the kitchen and into the staircase that lead to the apartment. 
Adrien and Felix giggled as they watched their friend get scolded by Marinette, quickly going over to the counter to hand Damian over the money they had gotten from their recent delivery. 
“Did he mess up again?” Felix asked Damian, accepting the water bottle the Wayne had offered. 
“He sure did.” Tim replies, sipping on his coffee. 
“And he was so sure he was going to get it right this time.” Damian grinned. “He ended up getting lost towards the end and had to get our driver to help him, only to be off by a whole number.” 
“Should’ve seen how embarrassed he got when he knocked on the wrong house door and apologized for bothering them.” Tim said, smirking into his  coffee. “Wish I had known about this instant coffee sooner. Don’t have to wait for it to be grounded or anything! Just add water and it’s done!”
“Well thanks to you, we’re a bag short.” Marinette scowled, causing Tim to jump. “I swear I just saw you drink a cup a minute ago.” Mari said, rubbing her temple as she made her way back into the kitchen. 
“It was actually five minutes ago.” Tim mumbled, taking another sip from the coffee before planing it down to help ring the customer at the counter. 
“Wait, just how much has he been drinking?” Adrien said, turning to Damian for answers. 
“For every five cups he pours, one of them ends up for him.” Damian answered, glaring at Tim as he attempted to steal another cup. “This coffee is for the elderly lady over there so you can’t have it.”
“Party pooper.” Tim muttered, watching Damian give Jon a blind eye. 
Said boy was sitting with the elderly lady, chatting away as the two ate some brioche. 
“I thought you guys were here to help, not to be babysitted.” Marinette growled through her teeth, making everyone go back to their respected jobs. 
She knew, she just knew it.
That shiver that rippled down her back that day was this. She was being warned about this disaster. 
When the Club appeared at her door that morning -at four of the morning mind you-, she knew something was up, she knew they were plotting something. 
And today was not the best day to interfere with her life. Today was one of the busiest days of the year, so Mari didn’t need this ball of stress to start the day, knowing there was more stress awaiting for her further on. 
But just as she had finished scolding them and demanded them to go back home, her father decided to walk by, his face brightening upon seeing them. 
He started to cry and hug Marinette and thanking her for getting her classmates to help them out, thanking Marinette for always being so concerned for her parents. 
As Tom welcomed them in, Mari could only watch in complete annoyance as she watched them have their way. 
Oh the work that awaited them, which led to now. 
Felix and Adrien had finished delivering their 49th order while Richard was still on his 23rd. 
While Mari wished she could go and encourage Dick, but she couldn’t, even if she wanted to. 
Her parents had their hands full and she was needed in the back, trusting Damian with the money, counter and managing his monkeys. 
He wasn’t the Club’s manager for no reason after all. 
With a heavy sigh and after slapping her hands on her cheeks, she headed back to the kitchen. 
“Thank you all for helping us today.” Sabine said with a bow, the boys also bowing, though at different times. 
“Marinette’s lucky to have wonderful friends like yourselves.” Tom said, patting his daughter’s head. Marinette gave her father a smile but dropped it when she turned to see the club members, her eyes narrowed. 
“If anything, we’re lucky to have Mari for a friend.” Jon said, running up to Sabine. “Now we know where she gets her kind personality from!”
Thank Jon was the only thing that rang through the member’s mind, thanking the oblivious boy and his sunshine personality. 
Sabine hugged the boy. “I’m just so happy that my little girl is getting along with her classmates and making friends.” She let go of Jon, who wobbled to compose himself. “We were worried she wouldn’t make any, seeing as it’s a very prestigious school the lot of you attend.”
The twins looked at each other before grinning, Mari not liking it one bit. 
“Don’t worry about a thing Mme. Cheng!” Adrien said with a chirp, Felix noticing the cue to continue. 
“The three of us are in the same class and club.” Felix said, smiling at the cooing Sabine gave them. He continued. “We are very close friends, spending a lot of time together, working on club activities and schoolwork.”
“And because we spend so much time together, we’ve practically her favorite duo. We are best friends after all!” Adrien ended with a smile, shaking Felix’s hand behind his back upon noticing how Dick wilted at their right. 
“Oh Mari!” Marinette was smoldered by hugs, the Club enjoying every bit of it. 
“So, who won?” Felix asked, sipping on some Earl Grey. 
The weekend had passed, the Club spending their glorious three days there, getting fed by the Dupain-Cheng’s. 
Jon -in particular- adored Sabine, one of favorite things about her was how comfortable he felt around her. Almost like having a second mother. 
Tim enjoyed simply being in the bakery, to sit in the aroma of freshly made coffee was heavenly. 
The rest simply liked the bakery because of Marinette and the feeling of being home despite only being there for a few days. 
“Yeah! Tell us Damian!” Jon chirped, stuffing his face with some cookies the Dupain-Cheng’s had given him. 
“Well,” Damian pulled out his screen projector again, taking out a pointer. “Seeing as Jon and Tim lost interest in the competition as soon as they set foot in the bakery, that leaves the rest.”
He changed to the next slide, showing four lines on the map along with dots of the same color. 
“Ooo, what are those lines and dots for?” Jon inquired. On the map, there were lines of different colors along with matching dots. 
“These four lines show the route each of us took when delivering the pastries. The dots show the orders that were successfully delivered.” 
At the corner, there was a guide that named which color belonged to who. Damian smirked when he saw Richard cower behind Tim while the twins glanced at each other before Cheshire grins graced their faces. 
Felix tried his hardest to not laugh while Adrien didn’t bother to hide it. Turning around from his place, Adrien laughed at his senpai. 
“Look at yours Richard! Your blue line is all over the city! And you only got 30 dots on the map!”
Richard curled into himself, his face burning with embarrassment. 
It wasn’t his fault that all the streets looked alike!
“Sad to see that you got lost while being a few meters away from the bakery.” Felix added, smiling at his amount of dots on the map: 96. Meanwhile Adrien felt cheated. 
“Why does Felix get 96?! We went the same way! We should’ve gotten the same amount!”
“You only got 69 because you failed to notice Felix sneaking in other orders as he joined you.” Damian filled in, wondering why-
“Wait… how do you have over a 100 orders?” Oh. So the sleep-deprived idiot noticed. “You were inside the bakery the entire time. Did you cheat?!” Tim accused, Damian raising a brow. 
“Me, cheat?” Damian put the projector away. “No my dear brother. I simply found a loophole.” He took out another remote, the boys watching in anticipation. “I simply used drones to deliver the orders, no walking necessary.”
“SO YOU DID CHEAT!” Adrien and Richard yelled, Felix simply frowning. 
“And as I’m the sole winner, I’ll be using the opportunity to gather more photos for Marin’s monthly magazine.” Damian smirked. “It has become a club favorite, even gaining more demand than his Majesty himself.” Damian wanted to laugh upon seeing Richard wilt even more, dragging himself to a corner to mope. 
“I should’ve known.” A voice spoke up, causing everyone to whip their heads to their eavesdropper. 
“You did all of that just for fun?” She growled, walking up to the boys, her arms crossed over her chest, tapping her foot. “For your entertainment?”
“A bit, yes, however-“ Damian was shortly interrupted by a fuming Marinette. 
“So you did!” Marinette yelled, grabbing Richard’s attention. “I can’t believe you guys!”
“Marinette, we didn’t mean-“ Adrien started, only to see Richard walk up to Marinette and placed his hands on her shoulders. 
“It started as a competition.” Richard said, dropping his hands once he had her attention. “And we shouldn’t have treated something so serious like that as a simple form of entertainment. Sorry.”
Marinette looked at Richard, averted her gaze and turned away from him. 
He had that look again. Glazed baby blue eyes and a thin line for a smile… the chirp in his being gone. 
Letting out a sigh, Marinette turned back to the ashamed group of boys. 
“It’s fine. I’ll look over it this one time.” Marinette turned to Damian. “However, whatever prize you were thinking of giving better not be rewarded as a condition for me turning a blind eye.”
Damian nodded, ripping the envelope from the beginning in half, making the boys scrunch up their faces. 
“We’re sorry Mari. We promise not to do something like this again.” Jon spoke up, making Mari feel guilty for getting angry at the group. Darn him and his baby doe eye strategy. 
“Like I said, it’s alright.” Marinette restated, now wondering how she was going to tell them what she came for.
“Did something happen Mari?” Jon asked innocently, the club fully knowing she was the softest for him. 
The perks of being a young, childish prodigy. 
“Well, my parents wanted to thank you all for helping out at the bakery the other day, so they want you guys to come over next week.”
“Next week?” The boys sang, watching Marinette fidget under their gaze. 
“You see… it’s my birthday next week.” 
Everyone went haywire, Richard quickly picking up Mari and spinning her around, shouting that his little girl was growing up. Damian started to jot something down and made phone calls. Tim simply blinked before muttering something into his phone and falling asleep. 
The twins managed to pull Mari away from Richard to only squish her between the two, throwing one arm each over her shoulder. They talked about how they felt betrayed that Mari kept her birthday a secret and how now they had to go shopping for her gift. 
Something about a house and a new building caused her to break away from them, warning them that they better not do anything of that extreme for her. Ever. 
Jon offered her to buy her his favorite cake from this world-renowned patisserie, which upon hearing their name, Mari paled. 
She knew that person, her parents’ idol and there was no way in hell was she going to allow Jon to buy her something worth thousands of Euros over a simple birthday cake. 
Damn rich kids. 
But seeing them fawn over her like this, to argue and have fun like this… it was like a dream. 
A dream that was her reality and that she was thankful for. 
She was blessed to be surrounded by such loving people. 
She couldn’t wait to tell her parents that they all said yes. 
It’d be a nice day filled with friends at her parent’s bakery, having cake and-
The floor began to rumble, scaring the entire club members and the other people there, a few of the girls screaming for dear life.
The floor parted open, Nino standing on a rising platform, light beams beaming pastel colors and Nino bopping his head as party music blasted from his speakers. His turntables glinted and his mixer sparkled as people began to gather around the uprising studio.
“Who invited that moron of a DJ?” Damian snarled, noticing the twins tense. “It was you two, wasn’t it?”
They looked at each other and then at Damian. “What? He’s cool.”
Everyone watched as Nino lowered the music and whipped out a microphone, grinning madly. 
“Hey dudettes! You’re probably wondering why I’m blasting party music, but get this!” A spotlight came out of nowhere, landing right on top of Marinette, causing her to freeze. “Starting today, we’re going to countdown to Marin’s birthday! Give it up for the soon-to-be-birthday dude!”
All the girls that were present at that moment turned their heads in unison to look at Mari, proceeding to squeal and surround her, asking her why she had hidden her birthday from them.
This was why Mari thought to herself as she was pushed and pulled on from the mob of girls she was surrounded by. She listened as some girls promised to bring her some pricey fabrics, threads, perfumes and other things from high-end brands Mari only wished to glance at and never touch.
This is why she didn’t say anything, but Nino just had to go and say something, didn’t he? Nino and his loose-lipped self.
That following week, up until her birthday, Mari came home with a mountain of gifts, her parents panicking upon seeing the gifts and not knowing what to do. Meanwhile, one thing rang in her mind.
Damn these rich kids. 
After settling on what to do with the gifts, Mari excused herself to her room, her eyes landing on a box on her desk upon setting a foot in her room. 
She picked up the box, noticing how delicately it was wrapped, a pastel pink paper with ladybug print all over it, a single red ribbon at its side with a note underneath.
The note had her name, Marinette using this sign to open it and cry upon seeing the picture. 
In a simply glass frame with a single ladybug in the corner, there was a single picture of the day the stupid idiots went to volunteer at the bakery, everyone smiling at the camera.
Marinette wiped a tear as she placed the frame on her desk, a single phrase in her mind.
Damn these rich idiots… what would I do without them?
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Just Fools in Love
Chapter two: A Game is Afoot
The night sky hung over you as you got off the train. The giant castle made you very much aware of your surroundings as you walked. Your group decided to stay together as you all got into a carriage, you sitting next to Angelina. "Dad always says this place was like home to him." You muttered. "Well hopefully we'll feel the same." Angelina encouraged. You leaned back and sighed, clearly thinking about something. "I'm sure he's nice Y/n." Angelina assured. "It'd be a disaster if he weren't." You said. Fred rose a brow but said nothing. "You guys excited!?" Angelina asked the group as a whole. There was half given "yays" in response. "we are going to have fun. Come on you guys!" Angelina groaned. "Wooh!" George said making you laugh. "Yeah. We've got this!" You agreed, highfiving Angelina. Fred smiled and nodded.
You all ended up at the docks, you and Fred in a boat. "Nervous?" He asked. "a little." You admitted. You looked at the night sky though and smiled. "It sure is pretty tonight though." You muttered. The stars in your eyes made Fred suck in a breath. "Do.. do you like the stars?" He asked. "You can't really see them where I live. But yeah." You told him. "you can practically see everything from my house... I like the stars too though" Fred said. You smiled and then looked down. "Are we... Friends?" You asked him curiously. "I wouldn't have sat with you if we weren't already." Fred assured. You smiled and he did too before the boat finally docked.
Fred got out, extending a hand to you you took it and climbed out before straightening the oversized jacket on you. You all stood behind the giant doors of the Great Hall. Angelina stood next to you. "Ready?" She asked. You looked at Fred and George and nodded. "I think so." You nodded. The doors opened and you were met with the glow of levitating candles. Angelina stood next to you, staring at the scenery with wide eyes. Fred and George were bewildered as well, looking around them. "Wicked." The boy said in unison, earning a laugh from you. An older woman approached the front of the hall with a chair and a hat. "Ready?" Angelina asked again, Fred noticing how many times she seemed to ask you. Perhaps it was to calm her nerves? Or... Maybe yours? "Best get this over with." You muttered. An older boy from earlier ran over as the group of first years approached the front. "came back for my jacket" James said. You took it off. "James..." You swallowed. "You're nothing like her Y/n. You'll be okay." He assured. You nodded as your brother sat back down.
"Y/n Black." The woman called. You sat and the hat was placed on your head. It grumbled in thought. "Curious. Very curious." The hat began. "Very powerful." It muttered. "but you share your father's legacy. Gryffindor!" It announced. a wave of relief washed over you, you sitting next to James at the Gryffindor table. "knew you wouldn't be a Slytherin." He whispered to you. "Libby Darling" the woman called. "When should I speak to Dumbledore?" You asked. "After the opening feast." Regulus answered, moving next to you. "You're going to want to get comfortable." Regulus added. "Angelina Johnson." "Think she'll be Gryffindor?" James asked you. "she's the embodiment of Gryffindor." Regulus snorted. "Gryffindor!" "See." Regulus laughed. Angelina sat down with you. "Looks like there's nothing to worry about here." She said, nudging your side. United inside looking at Albus Dumbledore.
you felt unsettled, knowing why you needed to see him later. A fork rattled on the table and regulus frowned, nodding to you while looking at James. James tapped your shoulder and the fork stopped. "I'm sure you'll do great Y/n. Don't worry." James assured. "Fred Weasley." You exchanged a look with Angelina. "Know him or something?" Regulus asked. "We became friends on the train." Angelina said. "Gryffindor!" "Oh yeah, we know his brother." Regulus nodded. You moved and Fred sat next to you. "Surprised you weren't in Ravenclaw?" Fred asked you. "little bit. But I'm not disappointed." You shrugged. "George Weasley" "Think George will end up here too?" Angelina asked. "Probably." Fred nodded. "Gryffindor!" "And the group stays together!" Angelina said earning a laugh from George as he sat down. "What is a group of four even called?" Fred asked. "What do you mean?" Angelina asked. "Two is a duo, three is a trio, what's four?" Fred asked. "Crowded?" Regulus joked making Angelina roll her eyes and you elbow his side in response. "Quartet." You answered. "We're a quartet." George said earning a wince from everyone. "Makes us sound..." "Like a terrible singing group." Fred said. You snorted and Angelina wheezed. "Do we need a name or something?" You finally asked. "Maybe." George nodded. "My dad had a name for his group." You said. "Oh?" George seemed interested in this information. "The Marauders." You told him. "Can we steal that?" Fred asked. You chuckled. "We're not stealing it. We're simply the next generation." You chuckled. "They're going to flip." Angelina laughed.
"My dad's the nutjob that gave me the map." You shrugged.  "Map?" George asked. "I'll show you later." You said. "Let the opening feast commence." Dumbledore announced. Food appeared and you covered your glass. "Smart." Fred laughed. "I take heed in your warnings" you assured him. He chuckled and you smiled. "So how many siblings do you have?" Angelina asked. "There's Percy, Bill, Ron, Charlie and Ginny." George listed. "Big family." You noted. "What about either of you?" Fred asked. "Me, Regulus and James are it." You shrugged. "Only child." Angelina said. "You mean lucky." You said. "We're right here Y/n." Regulus said. "I know." You said not looking up with a smirk. Fred smiled and James shook his head. "You're the favorite Y/n. You know that." James said. "Dad does love his little girl." Regulus teased. You rolled your eyes and smacked Regulus's arm. "So. Ever debate killing your brothers?" You asked. George laughed and Fred nodded with a snort. "Ron irks us all the time. He's coming here next year." Fred answered. "What about your sister?" You asked. "She won't enter until our third year." George said. "And Charlie?" Angelina asked. "Graduated." Fred answered. "Last year." George added.
"Seventh years are excused." The older woman announced. You felt James' hand on your shoulder and he nodded to Dumbledore. You got up and left. "What's that about?" George asked Angelina. "Even I don't know the whole story, can't say." Angelina shrugged. Dumbledore nodded at whatever you were telling him and the two of you disappeared through a door. "Any reason why she had to talk to the headmaster up front?" Fred asked. "Little tip: the Black family hold a lot of secrets." Regulus said. The twins looked to Angelina who was nodding with Regulus in agreement. "You guys do bare your demons, that's for sure." She sighed. Regulus left after the sixth years were called. "You really can't tell us anything?" George asked. "we just met you guys tonight. She's not going to say anything about this for a while probably." Angelina sighed. Fred stared at the spot where he last saw you standing, deep in thought. What the heck were you hiding?
You stood in Dumbledore's office, noticing the Phoenix on it's perch. "what's its name?" You asked curiously. "Fawkes." Dumbledore answered. You let out a sigh and looked at Dumbledore. "Can you promise me that this will keep everyone safe around me?" You asked. "With the proper training, yes." Dumbledore nodded. The pen from earlier levitated between your fingers. "Alright." You muttered, watching it turn slowly in the air.
"Let us begin."
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beyond-the-mirror · 5 years
DMC x Pokemon AU - Which pokemon they would choose
So an idea appeared out of nowhere in my head: If Pokemon somehow existed in the DMC universe and pokemon training and battles were officially a thing too, which pokemon would the crew choose as their companions?
For these headcanons, I will give each character two kinds of pokemon: the first one will be a pokemon they would totally choose as a friend and partner for adventure as well as competitive battles, and the other will be one they would keep at their side mostly as a cute or silly companion, whether it’s a baby pokemon or a fully evolved one, it’s one they are really fond of and always look after.
So let’s get started! More bellow the cut because it’s a really long post.
Ideal partner: Houndoom
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He considers Houndoom’s general appearance as cool and badass, of course he would love having a literal hellhound in his team.
If you think about it, they share lots of similarities: The same color palette, the devil motif, the fact that Dante has horns too when in DT or SDT form… it’s as if this pokemon was made with him in mind.
Dante found him when he was a little puppy Houndour. The poor thing was all alone in an alley near his shop and seeing him crying out made his heart ache.
So he brought the little one back home and nursed him. Now he’s a powerful Houndoom who loves nothing more than to fight alongside his trainer. There’s nothing that can stop those too when together.
Silly companion: Alcremie
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One reason only: Infinite strawberry sundaes.
That’s it.
Would totally have an entire team made of Alcremies. He wouldn’t even battle or anything. He just wants to enjoy his lifetime supply of strawberry sundaes.
Ideal partner: Aegislash
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Vergil is a man of the sword, so it’s clear he would choose an Aegislash as his partner.
The first time he spotted this particular Honedge, he knew. He could see the great power dormant in them, so it was a matter of awakening said potential.
He trained them vigorously, making them evolve into a Doublade, and finally, into an Aegislash. To this day, not a single pokemon has managed to defeat them, the only exception being Dante and his Houndoom.
That won’t stop them though. They are both too prideful in their quest for strength and power.
Silly companion: Snom
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Yeaaah, this is a weird one. Snom is such a cute baby, maybe this adorableness can melt Vergil’s heart?
It was Dante who gifted his twin a Snom. To quote him: “You’re too grumpy. Maybe this cute little guy can help you ease some of that grumpiness away.”
Wherever he goes, the little baby follows behind. Vergil will never admit this out loud but he does smile at the peaceful sensation his silly friend gives him.
Also imagine him trying to pronounce their name in that nasal voice of his. SHnom. 
Ideal partner: Corviknight, Umbreon and Dusknoir
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It was a tie between these pokemon since they represent V’s three demon familiars: Griffon, Shadow and Nightmare respectively.
Corviknight may have a playful personality, but during battles he’s dead serious. He’s down right merciless and enjoys tearing apart his foes.
Umbreon is as calm as a housecat, but beware! She is a fierce one and won’t think twice to attack those who step out of line. Even more ruthless than Corviknight.
Dusknoir is as mysterious as the man himself, but V still trusts them and lets them do pretty much their own thing. Despite V never giving them orders, it almost looks as if Dusknoir can understand his thoughts telepathically. No one is sure how the hell he does it though. Quite a mystery indeed.
Silly companion: Mr Rime
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Both wear a coat. Both carry a cane. Both love to tap dance. See what I’m getting at?
The first time V spotted a Mr Rime and witnessed their comical moves, he couldn’t help but laugh in endearment.
You will often find them enjoying a nice cup of tea together. They may speak different languages, but somehow they understand each other so perfectly.
When feeling in a dance mood, he and Mr Rime will dance together in perfect harmony and sync. Singin’ in the Rain is their favorite musical btw.
Ideal partner: Toxtricity
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It only made sense to grant our punk boy Nero a punk pokemon like Toxtricity.
Both share an explosive and energetic personality, as well as an identical inclination towards rock and metal music. They especially love taunting their foes by doing an air guitar together.
The way these two fight is absolutely brutal. Do not anger them, you cannot defeat them.
However, despite their looks like they could kill you, they are actually sweet cinnamon rolls in front of the right ones. Pet them, they are good bois after all.
Silly companion: Mankey
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Two grumpy bois grumpying around. Don’t talk to them, they are angy.
Kyrie often teases them with how identical they are. They literally share the exact same expression when angry.
Nero says it’s not funny. It is.
Little Mankey only calms down when given pets and cuddles. “Just like you Nero!” she teases again. 
Ideal partner: Luxray
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Step aside everyone. Two bewitching and electrifying devils are coming through.
Trish was new to the world when one day she encountered a Shinx, except their fur was yellow? Wasn’t the fur supposed to be blue??
She took them to Dante and Lady for an explanation. Their eyes widened in complete awe. “Trish… it’s a shiny. You found a shiny!” “…Oh.”
Now the two are an inseparable and lethal duo. Many have made the mistake of challenging them, only to end up battered and humiliated.
Silly companion: Yamper
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Just look at this good boi.
A cute pupper? AND with electrical powers?! Trish is so in!
You bet she spoils her Yamper rotten. She particularly adores baby-talking her lovely companion to no end.
“Have you seen my puppy? He’s not lost or anything, I just wanted to show you how awesome he is” Yep. She did this at one point or another. 
Ideal partner: Inteleon
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A couple of ‘Walking Arsenals’ indeed. Ready to take on any challenge they may encounter.
Lady remembers how she met her partner when they were a tiny and shy Sobble. Now that they’ve become such a strong pokemon, Lady feels so proud of their growth.
Extremely resourceful, even in dire situations. Will use all the tools at their disposition to finish their job.
Their sniper skills are unparalleled so you’d better watch out. In a battle of wits, there’s no beating this duo.
Silly companion: Eevee
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Lady is such an Eevee fan, her childhood dream was to befriend one and have numerous adventures together.
So when she finally got one many years later, she actually started crying happy tears. (It was a gift from Dante. He figured she deserved a companion after what happened in the Temen-ni-gru incident.)
She spends her free time playing with her adorable Eevee, there’s even a whole collection of toys for their playtime together.
If you happen to have an Evolution Stone with you, DO. NOT. COME. ANY. CLOSER. Lady adores her Eevee just how it is. You have been warned.
Ideal partner: Gardevoir
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I personally consider Kyrie as a woman with a righteous heart and a strong sense of justice just like her brother Credo, so it’s no surprise her pokemon partner is actually a Gardevoir.
Mess with them and hoo boy. So you have chosen death.
She and Gardevoir are actually among the strongest teams in the region. In fact, to this day, Nero and his Toxtricity haven’t been able to defeat these two in a pokemon battle.
Do not underestimate these girls. They can and will drag you through the mud if you dare hurt them or their loved ones.
Silly companion: Wooloo
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Kyrie melted at the sight of Wooloo. So soft, and adorable, and puffy!
She loves knitting, so they would be perfect to provide her with lots of top quality wool. 
Once during Christmas, she donated handmade sweaters to the children at the local orphanage. Wooloo and her were so happy to help the little ones, they made it a tradition for them to do every year.
The sweaters and scarfs she knits with the help of her friend are actually very fashionable and pretty. Everyone in the crew loves showing theirs off any chance they get.
Ideal partner: Arcanine
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A fire pokemon with majestic fur, excellent speed and an extremely keen sense of smell. Nico knew Arcanine would be a perfect partner to have.
She can count on their powerful fire to melt the metals she needs to forge her weapons. Her works of art have been made possible thanks to them and she could not feel more thankful.
Using their olfactory sense, Arcanine can track and retrieve any demon parts or carcasses which can later be used to create Devil Arms.
Although they are not that interested in competitive battles, they’re still a very strong duo that should not be taken so lightly. 
Silly companion: Rotom
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So one day a wild Rotom sneaked into Nico’s van, causing a ruckus everywhere. Despite the disaster, Nico was incredibly fascinated since Rotom sightings are extremely rare.
She befriended the poltergeist pokemon almost right away. She even built a device for them to inhabit (just like Ash’s Rotomdex in the anime).
Now they’re Nico’s very own pokemon assitant! Thanks to her device Rotom can communicate, take pictures and save files and notes, which is perfect for her work.
Also they’re really nice to have a chat with! Just beware the unflattering pics they may take during battles.
Ideal partner: Absol
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It’s easy to see the similarities between Lucia and her Absol.
With Absol being erroneously blamed for natural disasters and Lucia being an artificial demon her creator labelled as ‘defective’, you could say they both share similar backstories. They felt outcasted by everyone else.
These two are incredibly agile fighters, using graceful and precise moves that prove to be lethal to their foes.
Personality wise they both appear to be stoic and aloof, but they’re actually very kind. They do tend to worry a lot about their friends though.
Silly companion: Espurr
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Espurrs are known to constantly try to control and contain their enormous psychic power with all their might. Lucia understands her cute little companion all too well.
Being with each other has helped them both a lot, their shared company feels therapeutic for them.
Also Lucia enjoys cuddling Espurr. They feel so soft like a plushie!
Often have staring contests with each other. They always end with a tie though.
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