#The creature not the desert
sweetmorningdew · 10 months
I feel like talking about brownies!
These pint-sized house fairies have woven their way into the fabric of Celtic mythology, leaving behind a trail of delightful stories and enchanting traditions.
The origins of brownies can be traced back to ancient Scotland, where they were believed to be helpful spirits dwelling in homes and farms. The name "brownie" is thought to have derived from the Old English word "brounie," meaning "small or dusky brown creature." In appearance, brownies are often depicted as small, humanoid beings with wrinkled faces, adorned in earth-toned clothing.
Legend has it that brownies possess a mysterious and beguiling power - the ability to complete household chores under the cloak of darkness. While humans slumbered, these mischievous creatures would tidy up, mend clothing, and even assist with baking. However, there was a catch: brownies despised being watched or rewarded for their work. If caught, they would vanish forever, leaving behind only a faint whisper of their magical presence.
One beloved tale recounts the story of a weary farmer who found himself struggling to keep up with his never-ending tasks. Late one night, he decided to place a small bowl of cream and a handful of oats by the hearth, hoping to entice the fabled brownies of the land. To his astonishment, the next morning, his chores were completed, and a faint voice echoed through the air, saying, "Wee folk are pleased, so reward we shall not take."
Brownies were not just known for their helpful nature; they were also protectors of households and guardians of children. Stories are told of brownies who would watch over sleeping babes, ensuring they were safe from harm. Mothers would leave out gifts of milk or honey as tokens of gratitude, entrusting their little ones to the care of these mystical creatures.
Interestingly, the concept of house fairies similar to brownies can be found in various cultures across the world. The Scottish brownie shares similarities with the English hobgoblin, the German kobold, and the Scandinavian tomte. It seems that the importance of these tiny, benevolent spirits transcends borders and connects humanity through a shared fascination with the magical and the unseen.
While today, the belief in brownies may have become less prominent, their presence lingers in our hearts and minds. They remind us to appreciate the small joys in life, to find the beauty in ordinary things, and to cherish the magic that can be found within our own homes.
So, the next time you find a mysteriously folded shirt or a sparklingly clean kitchen counter, remember to thank the invisible helpers who might just be the delightful brownies, dancing through the night and bringing a touch of whimsy to your cozy abode.
Sources: - Briggs, Katharine. "An Encyclopedia of Fairies". Pantheon Books, 1976. - Campbell, John Gregorson. "Superstitions of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland". James MacLehose and Sons, 1900. - McNeill, F. Marian. "The Silver Bough - Volume 4: A Calendar of Scottish National Festivals, Halloween to Yule". Stuart Titles Limited, 1995.
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cinnamon-flame · 4 months
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Hello I am back with more Viva Piñata doodles! Turns out if you think enough about fluffy piñatas you can force your way through art block (at least for a while)
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The typical Viva Piñata experience, I love you Pretztail but why are you like this I drew so many Pretztail as a "do over" of my first Viva Piñata drawing from 2018
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that's when it all started
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glovelylovely · 7 months
one day you think: i want to die.
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and then you think, very quietly: actually. actually.
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i think i want a coffee.
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a nap.
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a sandwich.
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a book.
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and i want to die turns day by day into
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i want to go home,
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i want to walk in the woods,
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i want to see my friend,
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i want to sit in the sun,
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i want a cleaner kitchen,
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i want a better job,
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i want to live somewhere else,
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i want to live.
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(poem from duckbunny, but with a lesbian twist. post inspired by bittersweetresilience.)
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desertduality · 7 months
Lonely river spirit Scar who gently pushes any mending books away from Grian’s fishing pole because he wants him to keep coming back. If the visitor catches one he’ll leave, and it’s been so long since Scar had company
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andfangs · 4 days
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"My jeans split right down from crotch to knee. It was just a reminder of the times we are in. You can make all your best plans but it’s one foot in front of the other with a lot of wind blowing where you probably wish it wasn’t." - Hamish Linklater [x]
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chari-artist · 4 months
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Been following @dingodoodles and Co's Fool's Gold Sands podcast and haha, I wanted to try drawing Sandra with all 10 of her heads! ('cause I think she's very neat.) Sorta imagine they're situated as a set of 3, 4 and then 3 again.
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barnlarn · 8 months
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A desert dragon protects her eggs from the intense sun
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dinodanicus · 20 hours
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Traveling across miles of blazing hot sand a golden sand bauble vigorously searches for food. Its unique golden carapace helps reflect the sun's rays and allows it to hunt during the heat of the day. while the large pale organ in the center of the bauble helps with temperature regulation and moisture retention.
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ouroborosreilig · 1 year
can i subject your scar and grian to psychological torture like conditioning them to be afraid of mumbo jumbo
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i cant believe ur involving mumbo in this now
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jessie-lou · 1 month
If you haven't seen this yet... see it now
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exobiotica · 2 years
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First Light
Dawn breaks in the desert, revealing a scurrying frenzy of creatures returning to shelter after the night’s mischief. Tallest among them, the Cycloptic Night-Seeker surveys the scene looking for any last morsel of food before the day’s solar onslaught forces its retreat into shadow. The Testapallidus at its feet may prove an ideal treat, unless the sand-swimming Armored Loricatus captures it first. Though the Testapallidus’ hard dorsal shell protects it from most threats, the Night-Seeker possesses a keen intellect, curious disposition, and two formidable front appendages that are as dextrous as they are sharp. Usually too quick for the large hunter, a trio of gregarious Desert Sentinels are more concerned with ambush predators such as the Loricatus, and one inflates its signaling air sacs in alarm. Already, members of the desert’s daytime cast are making an appearance. Luteos have positioned themselves at the top of the ridge to greet the first slanted rays. Relying on photosynthesis for a large portion of their metabolism, they tilt their bodies to follow the sun throughout the day. In a short time, more heat-tolerant daylight denizens will take the stage and play out their part in the everyday drama of the high desert.
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artechoceneexplorer · 4 months
A Survivor in Hell:
Dante's Dumingo
Perfectly adapted for flying across the harsh Ourean Mountains interior, the "Abominharenas", and feeding on scalding hot brine pools, Dante's Dumingo not only survives but thrives in the most inhospitable environment on the surface of Artechocene Earth
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Dante's Dumingo, as is name implies, is a Dumingo, an anatid in the family Anabalaenidae or the "Baleen-beaked Ducks". They are a family consisting of many migratory and gregarious species in several genera, all adapted for filter feeding in various environments. The genus Infernanas is particularly known for liking more extreme environments than its relatives, like soda lakes deep in the Sahara, boiling hot pools in remote islands up in the north Pole, or brine pools up in the highest mountain ranges.
But to survive in the Ourean mountains and surrounding deserts, this species had to adapt for every inhospitable conditions known, and yet, it has been able to survive every one of them. It's thick coat of white feathers is a great insulator against both the cold at night and at great altitudes, and against the scorching temperatures of the day. The clearer feathers on its back also help it deflect most sunlight that hits its body, and the dark patches around its eyes help it see with the glaring sunlight. Its thick skin is able to withstand scalding water and impressively high ion concentrations of different species. Its physiology and filtering systems also allows it to drink extremely water of high temperature, salinity, acidity or alkalinity.
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glasscitadel · 4 months
Desert Ibaxi
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"An uncommon species native to Alexei's home planet, the ibaxi is a fierce and cunning predator known for its ability to bellow, burying itself into sand to lie in wait for scavengers to mistake its bony back and fleshy protrusions for an uncleaned corpse."
Here's the "I ain't reading all that" part <3
Alexei claimed this shift at 11 years old and frequents it for comfort :>
Age Average: 28y
Adult Weight Average: 95-120lbs
Height Average: 32-36 inches
Planet of Origin: Signa 32A
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
While other unique variations of the ibaxi species are also found scattered primarily across the northern hemisphere of the planet where the suns' concentration are highest, the ones that thrive in the deepest areas of the desert are the most uncommon and the most feared.
Domestication of this specific breed has been long since abandoned and highly discouraged due to their wildly aggressive nature, but it's still surprisingly common to hear of trainer deaths as a result of eclectic animal collectors' desire to own them. Otherwise, this desert breed is protected as a wild variant, and anyone smart knows to leave them alone.
While their primary strategy is defensive, luring their prey to them, they are still very capable of hunting, which they actively do individually in the early hours just before the suns when the desert is coolest and small prey forage.
Their nostrils close while buried under sand, and they then breathe through the holes along their necks and backs, which push out a noxious gas that very accurately smells like baking decay. The protruding spines resemble picked at remains (that may appear fleshy and gross, but act much more like cartilage and feel pleasantly smooth to the touch), the perfect combination of smell and sight to trick scavengers into coming closer for a nibble.
If those curious and with good eyesight become wiser the closer they approach, the released smell is overwhelmingly enough effective to convince them there's no danger.
Chasing speeds average about 35mph (57km/h) and can reach up to 50mph (80km/h) in short bursts, with quick turns and reflexes. When in the need to cool down, the scaled ridges along their forehead, upper back, and tail will part to reveal sensitive tissue that rapidly shed body heat. In the afternoon, once the suns have firmly settled and the day is at its hottest, packs will gather to try and secure their big meal for the day if there was little individual morning luck. Proceeding finding areas with recently cleaned kills, they bury themselves among the bone remains and wait for unsuspecting scavengers.
Their growls are much less dog-like and more closely resemble the bellowing tremors of alligators (though not as extreme, and not limited to males), and work the same way, allowing them to shake and displace the sand around them while they lie to quickly burrow and hide. When large packs gather and bellow together, the sound and vibrations can be heard and felt for nearly half a mile, terrifying and alarming to anyone or anything close-by.
In the case of territory breach, bellows are an effective communication tool to determine power and age. Those in their prime, large in size, and leaders of packs have the deepest, most guttural voices, able to intimidate away their competition from a considerable distance.
As ibaxi age, their lungs lose the elasticity needed to bellow deeply enough to bury, and instead will stay within their territory sleeping grounds and wait for the pack to bring back food.
Pack sizes have been recorded to reach up to 20 members, but most are not seen with more than 16, with typically 3-5 of those elders.
Pups are born no more than two at a time and are not able to bury themselves until they reach adolescence when their lungs fully develop, so mothers will bellow gently close to them in their dens to sink them before heading out to hunt.
So if you come across what looks like an abandoned den with a few bones left in it and a very awful smell, you may want to hit the road before the momma returns... if the stay-at-home grandparents haven't gotten to you yet.
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p1nkc4lyps0 · 10 months
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you tumblarinas seem to enjoy when i draw the autism creature [ie my second most liked post] so heres a couple doodles i found while archiving of some tisms, including a batch [haha] of sweet treats inspired creatures from november/december 2022
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rraaaarrl · 11 months
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honored that they visit at night once in a while tbh 🥹
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jestroer · 2 years
They are silly
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