#The boxleitner family
wordgirl-rebooted · 4 months
oh yea I made Steven a brother-
bc he does mention having a niece in the show soooooo he has to have at least one other sibling-
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one thing the boxleitner brothers share- it's their passion in their careers. Tho Marlo is more of a workaholic compared to Steven. Steven has to bring him lunch so he won't forget to eat
Semi older doodles/design
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anddd Steven's niece - Echo
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clarissasbakery · 2 years
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uhhhh swap au cómic i made a while back based off one by @////awwlba!!! family fluff makes me weak ❤️
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ninjastormhawkkat · 7 months
Shadow Phoenix Au - Becky Boxleitner - Part 1
Becky Boxleitner - She is 14 in the au. She is a meta human/magical being hybrid. She has gained her meta powers from her mother and her magic from her dad. She still has the same canon powers with some differences. With her flying abilities, whenever she uses them, bioluminescent wings appear on her back. The look like bird wings. These magical wings are made of heat, light, and fire. Becky can use her wings to slice through objects with intense heat look like a welding torch was used. She can also use her wings as a shield and make them glow. The glowing is useful when Becky needs to blind her opponents temporarily and make an escape. Her hero costume is designed differently from canon. Her color scheme is ruby red with yellow lining. Her suit, gloves, and boots are shaped like flames. Becky wears a hood over her head with the same color scheme as her body outfit. She also has a Nightwing (bird like) eye mask with a flame pattern. As for the rest of her powers, most are meta human powers inherited from her mother and are canon to the show. Her vocabulary skills are a mix of magic and meta human. One power in this au that Becky has is her pyrokinetic abilities. She can summon and control fire as well as weaken it or make it intense. Becky also has a strong resilience to heat but she isn't immune to powerful heat sources like the earth's core or the sun. Personality: Since Becky is older in this au, she is more mature than her counterpart. She still loves Pretty Princess and Magic Pony as well as the Squishy Fun Bots. Becky doesn't act brash in her decisions and is more cautious and wary when villain's try to trick her. She can still be hot headed sometimes (pun not intended) and can only be calmed by her dad, Bob, or her close friends when she gets angry. Becky is open towards and treats all species on Earth equally as well as recognize that every species has good and bad people. Becky does take her hero job seriously, but she does have an ego from time to time (her dad's fault). Becky understands that she has magical powers and knows how to use them. She doesn't realize yet how powerful they are because as far as she knows, magical powers had skipped over her dad and got passed onto her. Becky wears her hair down in civilian mode but has it in a braided in her hero mode. As for her civilian outfits, she doesn't stick to her canon outfit and just wears a different choice for different days. Becky will define words but not as often in this au. For two reasons, one, she doesn't see a need as to define words to help people, mainly just telling them to look it up. She will give definitions to young kids and some of her villains. She will also define difficult words not used in everyday conversation. The second reason is because her words are magical in a way. Basically if she defines them casually, nothing happens. But if she defines a certain word when her emotions are intense such as catastrophic or miscellaneous, then yeah, something happens and it is not always good. Family: Becky is close with her dad and her grandparents. She has asked about her mom at a young age but stopped after seeing her dad seem sad, talking about her mom. Becky knows her mom is alive but she and her dad had to split because of personal issues and Steven was the only one capable of raising her. Becky has visited her aunt a lot and likes spending time with her when she is not busy. She notices the poor woman gets stressed a lot with her work. Becky has met her uncle Victor a few times and he is nice to her, but Becky notices some tense feelings between her dad and uncle even though no one will elaborate on that. She is closer with her grandpa Matthew than her grandpa Carl. She likes her grandpa Carl but he always appears to be zoned out and mutter unintelligible words sometimes. He also acts paranoid and frightened of his own shadow a lot. Her dad explained its just old age and he is well taken care of by his cousin and Matthew though Becky hasn't met the cousin. @melodythebunny @dualnaturedscientist
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gacmediadaily · 6 months
@greatamericanfamily - #AuroraChristmas is coming to #GreatAmericanChristmas 2024, starring @JillWagner @Jesse_Hutch @LaurenHolly & @boxleitnerbruce! 🎄 #GreatAmericanFamily #WelcomeHome
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celebclippinz · 1 month
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Magazine clippings
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benanazauce · 2 years
hey guys!! I’ve made an aggie.io if you wanna join, basically just draw whatever you want on the canvas, GO INSANE!1!1!1!1!1 RAAGGHHHH!!
https://magma.com/d/i84ZYizRKW yippee!!
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melodythebunny · 2 years
Here is something for the mouse brain family au but angst twist. Steven, Carrie, Becky, Blu, and Chase get fused to a family of vicious lab mice. Dr. Two Brains, Carriemouse, Miss Mousebrains, Mousebraingirl, and Mouse Boy come into existence.
Fair City is toast.
I did not see this T-T
I really REALLY need to finish responding to the asks.
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unhingedexperimenter · 2 months
(You can tag me on my tgs side blog. I also apologize but I know a few Scottish words. So to anyone reading this I apologize for the inaccuracy.) Becky Boxleitner noticed a change in the atmosphere as she and her pet monkey Bob walked into the sixth grade classroom. All of the students were excitedly chatting with one another. Becky and Bob exchanged confused looks at the scene. 'What is going on?' They both thought. Becky walked to where her friends Violet Heaslip, Rose Franklin, and Todd Scoops Ming were sitting, also joining in the excited yet low volume chattering. "Hey guys what's going on?" Becky asked her friends. They each turned their heads to greet their friend. "Hey Becky guess what, we're getting a new teacher for our class!" Scoops exclaimed. Becky looked surprised at the announcement. Bob also mimicked her facial expression. "Wait really? What happened to Miss Davis?" Becky asked, wondering what happened to their old teacher. It was just a week only into the new school year so a sudden teacher exchange was a complete shock to Becky especially since there were no announcements about it beforehand. "Miss Davis had to move back home because of a family emergency." Rose Franklin answered. "The principal had to scramble to find a new teacher to fill in for our class. It was all last minute stuff." Becky nodded in understanding of her friends' answers. It was a nice perk to be friends who were upcoming reporters. Soon the final bell rang which indicated for every student to take their seats. Becky took her place beside her best friend Violet and Bob plopped down next to her. Soon a man who looked to be in his mid 30s walked in and towards the desk. He had curly brown air, an arched nose, and reddish brown eyes. He wore a tan button-down shirt with a red vest as well as brown slacks and dark suede shoes. The man gave a pleasant and warm smile to all the students there. "Hello my name is Dr. Henry Jekyll and I will be your teacher for the school year." Becky and the other kids ears perked up as they took note of the man's accent. Even Tobey became slightly interested in his new teacher. None of them were sure where their new teacher was from. Dr. Jekyll gave a light chuckle as if he could sense their growing curiosity about him. He lightly clapped his hands together to gain their undivided attention and focus. "Well since this is my first time teaching here, why don't we all play a little game so we can all get better acquainted with each other. Here's what to do. One at a time, say your name and share a wee bit about yourself. Likes, family, interests and all that. I'll go first to show ya what ah mean. Again. My name is Dr. Henry Jekyll. I was born in Glasgow but ah moved to London where I attended university. I have a five year old wee lassie or daughter named Amber. I enjoy chemistry and reading on occasions. Now who would like to go next?" @unhingedexperimenter
Of course Tobey had taken the opportunity to place attention on himself and to have a reason to boast about himself. “My name is Tobey McCallister the third and I will be the most intelligent student you'll meet here.” The others had rolled their eyes, used to this kind of behavior from their peers. Becky seemed to be the most annoyed by it. Having been forced to put up with his destructive tantrums in the past. Henry smiled just as warmly as before. Unbothered by the obnoxious behavior that the boy had been displaying. Tobey had been going on about himself for a good few minutes before the teacher finally spoke up. “Ahem, yes. Thank you for that Mr. McCallister. Would anyone else like to tell me a bit about themselves as well?” No one could tell that behind the facade, Dr. Henry Jekyll was becoming more irritated by the moment. Not by the child but by the pest that refused to leave him be. Scoffing within his head at what they just heard. He didn't share the disembodied voice's opinion but wanted to give the other children a chance to introduce themselves as well. To the others' shock, Tobey seemed to have taken this well. Quickly going back to his desk with no issues. Becky was relieved at that. Soon the other children had started to introduce themselves to their new teacher with little to no issues. He seemed genuinely nice enough to her. This new teacher didn't seem like most of the adults within this city. Some she had to define words repeatedly for. Dr. Jekyll knew what he was teaching and knew his vocabulary. It was Violet who had brought Becky out from her own thoughts, calling her name. Waving a hand in front of her face. “Becky?” The girl smiled in an embarrassed manner. “Huh? Yes?” Violet smiled, patient with her best friend. “Why don't you introduce yourself now? Nearly everybody else already did.” She had given a surprised expression. Becky hadn't realized that she was so lost within her thoughts until then. She stood up and began speaking. “My name is Becky Boxleitner and I also like libraries,reading and Pretty Princess.” The presence that was grating at the teacher's nerves had deemed this too dull to enjoy. Leaving Dr. Jekyll be to his teaching. Well, getting to know his students. He was happy to see that they were engaged in these activities that were meant to break the ice. Though one student in particular had caught his attention the most. Becky. While she did seem rather bright, there was something strange about her behavior at times. Pausing whatever she was doing at the time to listen in on something. Thinking it went unnoticed. Even once looking alarmed and she made an excuse to go to the bathroom. He had allowed it. Feeling that it would've been better to have let her. It seemed…oddly familiar. As if he had seen that behavior somewhere before but couldn't figure out exactly where from. When the school day was finally over, Becky had gone to go home like the others. Dr. Jekyll had of course stayed behind to set more things up within his new classroom. Making a plan on exactly what he'll actually start teaching the next day. Though, the grating voice had returned to be a thorn in his side. “Come on. Leave this boring stuff alone. Leave it until tomorrow. I've been pent up for far too long. Let's have some fun.” This had earned an eye roll and a loud huff from the teacher. “No, I've got to get this done now. You will have enough time tonight. Just be patient until then.” A shadowy figure formed in front of Dr. Jekyll. A frown on its face. “But this is so extremely dull. I want to stretch my legs. I want to make myself known already.” Dr. Jekyll glared. “And that is precisely why I'm so hesitant to let you out so soon. At least let us get acclimated to our surroundings first.” The figure let out an annoyed groan. “You know you want this as much as I do. Otherwise you'd never have any actual fun in the sad and pathetic life you call yours.”
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mynameisvarian · 6 months
The Boxleitners AU (WordGirl)
Basically a Becky Boxleitner AU but I give Steven himself more character development and plot relevance before ultimately being fused to a mouse.
Before Squeaky (Season 1-2-3)
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●•• Steven Boxleitner's fusion with Squeaky occurs much later than in the show in order to give him a much more in-depth character development to show his relationship with his daughter and his positive impacts on the people of fair city as a whole before his descent and transformation into Dr. Two Brains.
●•• With her identity as a superhero with an advanced vocabulary that's only know by her companion and sidekick, Captain Huggy Face. Becky Boxleitner is unable to talk much about her problems and difficulties with her own father because of the fear that all her hero-ing would get him hurt one day if he did find out.
└ • Though during somewhere between Season 3 and before it's finale, Steven does manage to figure out her identity and tries to be helpful by providing help whenever she needs it.
●•• The Boxleitners live in a fairly nice neighborhood that's located near the outskirts of the city that is also coincidentally the same neighborhood that a decent amount of WordGirl's enemies inhabit, Their house is right next to the Butcher and Granny May's houses with Maria the Energy Monster secretly living in one of the powerlines across the street.
└ • Steven has become friends with many of his definitely not villains in their civilian identities neighbors, Examples are:
└ ✧ The Butcher (Jerald T. Butcher) - Jerald is surprisingly great friends with Steven as they'd met when Jerald had decided cook some bbq but unfortunately broke his own barbecue grill on accident though he ultimately met up with Steven when he'd heard that the man was inventing a machine that cooked meat much faster, This little interaction had then led to become the thing many of the neighbors look forward to every week, The Weekly Neighborhood Barbeque.
└ ✧ Granny May ( Granny May) - May has always treated the Boxleitners as close family ever since the day that they'd started visiting her when during one of the neighborly bbq she'd let slip that she felt alot more lonely since her family and grandkids were off on vacation with even her own mom being busy aswell and that she wished more people visited her more often, the next day Steven brought his daughter and their pet monkey over and chatted which eventually turned into them baking cookies and listening to Granny May's childhood stories every Friday after Becky gets home from school. (Colonel Mustard, Granny May's cat has also taken a liking to them)
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└ ✧ Mr. Big (Shelly Smalls) - With Wordgirl being able to foil his plans quickly he went under a fake name (Dr. Small) to seek the help of Steven Boxleitner to make a mind control bunny button which he ultimately used on Steven after the man found out about his true identity. Although even after being mind-controlled Steven still forgives Mr. Big and still do business with eachother like the time Shelly requested for a perfume that naturally causes bunnies to follow him.
➜ This leads to an episode that centers around Mr. Big using the bunnies against Wordgirl with steven on the other hand wasn't told what the perfume was for.
└ ✧ Energy Monster (Maria the Energy Monster) - Though their interaction was short, Maria had managed to convince Steven that teenage girls turn into large Electrical Monsters when they hit puberty after he'd given her a device that turned certain Electrical charges into sounds that then let her communicate.
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➜ In an altered version of "Dinner or Consequences" Maria doesn't have the device removed and is able to communicate throughout the show permanently.
★ Becky is aware of their true identities but ultimately keeps quiet so her dad's new found friendship with them wouldn't end.
●•• Steven's assigned government owned lab and Becky's school that's just a few blocks away is located near the epicenter of the city so he normally just drops her off there when he's going to do some experimentation in the laboratory and if ever Becky gets out of school early she'll just walk to her dad's workplace to see and make sure that Steven hasn't accidentally blown himself up because of being too distracted and wait for him to finish so he can drive both of them back home. (On occasions, she'll just turn into wordgirl and fly back to their house if her dad was just at home.)
└ • Becky had once been in the presence of a dozen miscoloured mice on one faithful afternoon when she'd decided to visit Steven, Each cage had been surprisingly lavish and contained three mice each plus everything their little mouse sized hearts desired, When asking about the indoor mouse zoo she was told that they were rescued from an illegal smuggling case in the far north of the city with the smuggler subjecting the mice to harsh living conditions to which made Becky automatically angry at herself for being unable to help these poor creatures as WordGirl.
└ • Upon noticing his daughters clear reaction and the regret plastered all over her face, Steven placed his hand on Becky's shoulder and added that the mice were only temporarily in his care so they could be relocated to a place where all their needs will be met and that earlier today a nice elderly couple had generously donated over a pound of fruits and cheese for the poor mice which seemed to make his daughter's mood lift. He failed to mention how the perpetrator hadn't been caught yet and is probably roaming the city doing illegal smuggler things.
└ • At one point, Steven had introduced Becky to a little lab mouse that he'd affectionately named "Squeaky" in the count that the little mouse was the most noisiest and the most likely to bite her fingers if given the chance. He'd mentioned aswell that squeaky was one of the mice that was rescued from the smuggler incident so the hostility to humans was understandable.
➜ On a side note, Her dad had shown her how squeaky could break down walls and walls of drywall to get to a singular piece of cheese, It's unsure if Squeaky was experimented on by the Smuggler or if the small mouse was always like this.
●•• Steven still makes the mind-reading device but for different reasons such as to read squeaky's mind to figure out the smuggler's identity and if more animals were being illegally brought to fair city and maybe be able to help the authorities catch the criminal but with a lot of things happening here and there the mind-reading device didn't get to the testing phase until season 3.
The timeline is pretty messed up but basically any episode that's set in Season 1-3 that contains Dr. two brains as a main character is instead placed into Season 4 or tweaked so that it's Steven instead, The invasion of the bunny lovers is also put into Season 2 rather than 6.
This post is prone to being edited due to me always getting ideas on how to improve an AU so don't expect this to stay the same :D
(If you saw the sudden style change between images, Image 1 was drawn directly on FLIPACLIP while Image 2-3 was sketched on paper then placed into FLIPACLIP)
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wordgirlified · 5 months
craziest part of wordgirl is the botsfords don’t remember adopting becky, which either means the people of fair city don’t give birth, tim and sally have massive memory problems and assume the birth of their first child is just another thing they forgot, or someone implanted fake birthing memories in their heads. and the rest of her family’s heads. and her family’s friends. the whole city i guess. do lexiconians have the subconscious ability to alter the minds of people around them? did lexicon notice becky’s situation and decide the best course of action was to make some kind of ray that would alter minds to make hiding her identity easier? did one of two brains’/boxleitner’s inventions mess up and do that somehow? i need answers
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craigpetersennz · 9 months
I'm still in a bit of a state of shock. I only just found out that Cindy Morgan passed away at the end of December.
I was lucky enough to meet Cindy and Bruce Boxleitner at a comic con in New Zealand in 2012. Cindy was lovely to chat with.
Yori was one of my heroines when I was growing up, on a par with Princess Leia. I was surprised that she wasn't included in Tron: Legacy since she, Tron and Flynn were a trio equal to Leia, Han and Luke (at least to me).
I'm glad that Cindy saw some of my recent Yori: Hidden art when I was still posting to Twitter. Her Likes and comments totally made my day!
You will be very much missed, Cindy, by me and all your many fans. My thoughts go out to her family and friends.
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your-pal-nebula · 5 months
My Silver Boxleitner fictotype: I recall everything that happened to me during my time in Fair City* as if it was yesterday. I remember my father, our henchmen, our lair, my friends, the thrill of crime, and everything else about my life with bitterness that I can not partake in it currently. Sometimes, I find mystery daydreaming about the rest of The Evil Villains Association, and how we all acted like a family that had been together since the beginning of time, despite none of us actually being blood related. Though, I do my best to smile because it happened and not be bitter it has ended.
My Velvette fictotype: Yeah, I... think I remember being her??? Vaguely??? I don't really miss being her but I can like... remember some of the Hazbin Hotel scenes with The Vees like I was there??? And Velvette is the only Hazbin I've ever looked at and thought "That's me!" so... guess I'm fucking Velvette now lol
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ncisfranchise-source · 2 months
George Schenck, a television writer and producer for the beloved long-running series NCIS, died peacefully at his home in Brentwood, California on August 3. He was 82.
His death was announced by his family.
Schenck was the son of the late TV producer Aubrey Schenck and great-nephew of the legendary Nicholas and Joseph Schenck, who ran MGM and 20th Century Fox during Hollywood’s Golden Age and were part of the industry’s major movers and shakers for much of the first half of the 20th Century.
With more than 40 years as a producing partner with Frank Cardea, Schenck’s prolific producing credits stretch back to the late 1970s and early ’80 on such popular series as Fantasy Island (1981); Bring ‘Em Back Alive, the 1982 adventure series starring Bruce Boxleitner; and the 1984 detective series Crazy Like a Fox starring Jack Warden and John Rubinstein as a father and son investigator team.
But his signature series was NCIS, the long-running series – it began in 2003 and continues today – that depicts a team of special agents for the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. The show combines the twin dramas of military life and police procedural.
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Schenck joined the series as a writer, taking over as co-showrunner (with Cardea) following the 2016 death of showrunner Gary Glasberg. Schenck retired in 2018.
Mark Harmon, who won acclaim and legions of devoted fans playing NCIS Supervisory Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs for the first 19 seasons of the series, said in a statement, “So sorry to hear the news on George. The professionalism and tenacity of George and Frank changed the face of the show. I’m so appreciative of the team and teamwork they both represented.”
Born February 12, 1942, in New York City, Schenck graduated from the University of Southern California and earned a graduate degree in the first class of the Film School’s new writers’ program. After school, he served in the U.S. Navy.
After a brief solo career as a writer on independent movies, Schenck collaborated with Cardea on many successful series such as the aforementioned Crazy Like a Fox and Bring ‘Em Back Alive as well as Pros and Cons (1991) starring James Earl Jones and Richard Crenna and the short-lived The Cosby Mysteries (1994).
Schenck, known as a devoted mentor to many aspiring TV writers, was predeceased by his wife of more than 50 years, Virginia Schenck, who died last year. He is survived by their two sons Kirk and Jeff, daughters-in-law Allison and Natalie, and grandchildren Aidan, Andrew, Ryan, Jordan and Owen.
A private memorial service will be held for family and close friends. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the Writers Guild Foundation in George Schenck’s memory, supporting young writers pursuing their dreams.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Wordgirl related ig...unless you want to info dump about other stuff. Either way I'm all ears.
Alright *stretches arms* let's go.
Funny Headcanons.
-Dr. Two Brains both bought him and Becky matching parent-child shirts. These shirts specifically say "Just a Normal Looking, Human Family". They wear it just cause.
-Becky at one point in her childhood will have officially tasted every type of food made with cheese that is in existence on Earth. So will Bob.
-Scoops finds Dr. Two Brains scarier as a parent than as a villain.
-Dr. Two Brains is often a designated driver for Becky and her friends since the other parents have jobs that makes them work a set of hours per week. He drives them to Pretty Princess movies and other places where most people would not expect the villain to show up.
-Two Brains still does tea parties with Becky and Bob. He gets the Henchmen involved so he doesn't have to be the only adult at the table, but the Henchmen love doing the tea parties as much as Becky and Bob do.
Wholesome and Family Headcanons
-Before Bedtime, if Becky falls asleep on the couch, Two Brains carries her on his back like a parent mouse and takes her up to bed.
-For one Halloween, Becky and her class decided to dress up as Wordgirl and her gallery of Villains. Violet dressed up as Wordgirl since most of the class agreed that she looks like her a lot. Becky dressed up as her dad. Two Brains had a hard time taking her picture while crying tears of pride.
-During the "Henchmen Appreciation Day" episode, Becky stole all of the pony and unicorn stickers. The police don't even suspect her.
-The only illegal thing that Steven has done involving Becky is forging documents for her to get into school since he did find her in a forest only with a monkey.
-Becky does not like thunderstorms and rainstorms. She stays close with her dad until the storms blow over. He comforts her through singing.
-If and when Becky does dance, Two Brains sometimes mimics her dance moves so she won't feel bad about her dancing skills.
Angst Headcanons 😈
-Becky does not feel anything for her bio alien parents. She does want to visit Lexicon to learn more about her culture, but does not want to visit her bio family. They had more than a decade to find her, she wonders why they haven't yet?
-Becky has nightmares about Miss Power killing Dr. Two Brains which really upset her. Two Brains has nightmares about Miss Power manipulating Wordgirl and killing her off when she tries to rebel.
-Becky somewhat blames herself for Steven's accident and wishes she were there to prevent things.
-For the amazing cheese and the experimental cheese ship, Steven has never discussed with Becky his past relationships before her adoption. He feels it's too painful to talk about the past.
-Dr. Two Brains hates seeing his child be upset and crying. He feels really guilty seeing Becky so upset after his accident and when he allowed Squeaky to take over for a while.
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gacmediadaily · 7 months
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@jillwagner - God has blessed my life again by allowing me to work along side these actors . I admire them and I feel so honored to share my next Christmas film with them . This one is very special to me . Thank you to the entire cast and crew of this film . I sincerely mean it when I say it has been one of the best working environments of my entire career. @laurenholly you light up the screen , @boxleitnerbruce no one like you !!! you are TRON ! Need I say more ?!!! Hahahah and @jesse_hutch your effortless charm will have everyone swooning in this movie ;-) I can’t wait for you all to see movie ! 2 words for you …. REAL SNOW!!!!! ( and lots of it ) Link to article : https://deadline.com/2024/02/great-american-family-holiday-movie-lauren-holly-bruce-boxleitner-jill-wagner-1235842274/
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Well since you’re asking for questions I might as well have my first ask on Tumblr sent to you. What’s your favorite thing about Tron 1982, Tron: Uprising, and Tron Legacy if you have any favorite things about them.
I love hearing your opinions on this series since I’ve only been into Tron for a few months.
And because I can’t say it enough, love your 5 stages fic to death.
Oh!!! Honoured to be your first ask!
Fave thing about…
- Tron 1982: … I want to say Bruce Boxleitner’s luscious behind, but really… my real fave thing is how queer this movie was, and how unusual it was at the time in not featuring a romance plot for Flynn, the stereotypical main dude, instead ending with that polycule-like group hug at the end. Also, the way this movie actually incorporated contemporary tech knowledge into its concept of the world inside the computer.
- Tron Uprising: The art. THE ART. This show is so damn pretty. All the world building is nice, and I love the characters, but THE ARTSTYLE IS SO GORGEOUS 😭
- Tron Legacy: The way it is, underneath all the cyber aesthetic and action movie bluster, actually an intimate examination of inter-generational trauma and the breakdown of family relationships. (Being a reader of 5 Stages, you know this is my jam xD)
I think all Tron media have something to offer -I enjoy all of them, for different reasons!
And thank you so so much for reading my fic, hearing that I have a reader who enjoys it is legitimately the most encouraging thing! 💖
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