#The animation industry covers for a radfem
Jane is back, hi Jane! Say do you have no hobbies or something? Must be pretty funny to obsess over someone who can’t hurt you, who is not talking to you, is still in end of life care (which you denied) and you even made up theories of how a totally unrelated person is Ang, damn she really lives rent free in your head!
I also heard that xenocrat, whom you shared murder fantasies with, was your boyfriend! That he’s apparently from Ang’s circle is something i don’t really know about as I don’t remember Ang ever being involved with someone who would stick to a white racist woman, who uses her poor poor uwu victim status that’s completely made up to be transphobic and ableist!
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since @angvondrapedo aka Jane amber likes to lie about people “fabricating” evidence, let me just leave a link to an archive of this post. Can’t really fabricate archive entries now, right? So let me get this straight:
Jane Amber, aka @angvondrapedo is allowed to be racist, is allowed to make murder fantasies she sent to her then boyfriend Xenocrat and lie about Ang ever grooming her
Jane Amber, aka @angvondrapedo is allowed to use the n word multiple times as a white trans woman, is allowed to behave like a kiwi farms reject, is allowed to continuously obsess over someone who has never evidently gone after REAL CHILDREN but who you claim is a pedophile regardless over cartoons
And you stick up to your equally racist and weird friends, who make stalker comics about someone you hate, someone you’ve blocked and shouldn’t care about but nooo we continue to shed crocodile tears while living a lavish life, proudly calling herself murderer and crying about getting told to stop being a hobbyless child
because let’s face it, if you really cared about bringing justice, you’d actually involve the authorities. You have the money! You can show us all that your “harassers” are in the wrong! Except you somehow believe they’re not going to do anything, why? Because you’re trans?
more likely because you have no evidence! Not even your own pedobox “evidence” actually proves you were groomed and that people were worried! And only naive idiots who virtue signal how “righteous” and “pure” they are believe your lies and contribute to your scams so you can continue playing the victim!
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