#The Zogratis siblings
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the-geek-librarian · 9 months ago
"What's your antidepressiants"
The Zogratis having a healthy family dynamic and Dante owning a cafe bar
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mercillery · 1 year ago
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♡ Very interesting duo we have here... Two is always better than one, anyway!
♡ First things first, Julius is not content with even the thought of Lucius crushing on you. He’s bothered by that fact, and he would prefer it if you stayed away from Lucius and stuck with him instead. It’s not even out of jealousy; it’s out of concern for your safety. It’s Lucius Zogratis, after all.
♡ Lucius, for his part, finds the situation rather amusing. When it comes to winning you over, Lucius has an unwavering faith in his ability to win your heart and sweep you off your feet before any other man can. In short, Lucius isn’t taking the situation too seriously, for he knows that he can and will have you.
♡ Not that Julius lacks confidence; rather, what I'm trying to convey is that, despite his confidence to win your love, he carries an immense amount of worry for you. Because Julius is the one who knows Lucius best, he fears that Lucius is merely using you.
♡ The situation is complicated, and it’s unlikely that it won’t be any better for you either. Sure, you have two powerful men trying to be yours, one might even say you’re suffering from success.
♡ But you can’t love two people at once, can you?
♡ Unless you can 👀
♡ But anyway, enough with all the complexities of this situation—let’s move onto the benefits of earning these men’s hearts!
♡ Julius and Lucius would literally have to alternate because they are two souls sharing a single body. But I don't think Lucius is a fair player. Since he is the dominant soul, he has the authority to determine whether or not to allow Julius to regain control.
♡ What I’m trying to say here is that if Julius or Lucius wish to spend time with you, they literally have to fight over who gets control of the body. In most cases, it's Lucius who ends up taking over, since he’s the dominant soul and all.
♡ Either way, no matter who’s in control of the body, I'm positive they’ll provide you with a beautiful experience. 
♡ You can anticipate being taken to locations with stunning scenery that are moderately populated if Julius has possession of the body. He will lead you to gorgeous flower-filled gardens, select a flower for you while you're preoccupied and not paying attention, and then surprise you.
♡ Julius won't limit himself to gardens, of course. He'll turn to other naturally beautiful places, frequently taking you to spots where you may feel the sun on your face, feel the wind tousling your hair, and hear birds singing as you and Julius stroll through verdant meadows.
♡ Furthermore, Julius will change his appearance so that no one can identify him, so you shouldn't worry about someone ruining your moment with the Wizard King. In other words, before Lucius takes back control of the body, Julius makes sure to treasure every minute he spends with you.
♡ You will also be taken to beautiful locations by Lucius when he is possessing the body. Lucius will take you to places where you feel as though you are up near the stars, where the soft light of the moon falls on your face, and where you and he can be alone with no one else.
♡ If you have a fear of heights, prepare to face your fears. Of course, he won’t go too crazy with choosing the locations once he finds out about your fear of heights. However, you should still prepare. The man can literally fly, and he wants you to show you what it feels like to roam around the night skies freely.
♡ Lucius, to put it briefly, likes isolated, nighttime locations. One of his favorite tricks is to subtly caress your arm, waist, or neck a few times, just enough to get you flustered.
♡ To sum up, the two men's drive to win your heart will never waver, even if one soul is more dominating than the other. You can decide who you love and whether to quit this game.
I feel like I went off track with this one, oops sorry. Let me know if this even made sense at all I feel like I struggled to explain some stuff here 🫠
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woolrulesintheworld · 2 months ago
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I had to do it with Them.
It suits them so well.
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neo-zone · 30 days ago
Julius : "You're so funny". Thank you. My twin soul wiped out my memories because he foresaw me trying to stop him to the point I didn't know I had siblings, I came from neighboring enemy kingdom, and my magic derived from Supreme Devil. He then proceeded to use me and my three younger siblings as necessary tools to manipulate without our knowledge and consent, all for his long-planned large scale mass murder scheme in the name of achieving world peace and equality
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goffilolo · 2 years ago
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Not Dante, not Vanica, not Lucius, but a fourth bonus sibling.
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rooiart · 1 year ago
Adding some Zogratis art to you timeline ✨️
Hi it's been a while I forgot to update my blog
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one-leaf-grimoire · 2 years ago
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Juno and her father.
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altblock-tm · 8 months ago
actually now that I think about it. WHY were there so many fucked up siblings in Black Clover. the series was actually riddled with them
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whackdreamer · 2 months ago
Theory on the mystery behind the Zogratis siblings.
I stopped making these analysis and theory posts because when BC moved schedule we get less content and less lore. And little lore to play with means we leave much to assumptions. But for this I wanna mention this little detail I noticed.
Looking back on the Dark Triad's profiles we see their ages unmarked or simply -???-
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But why is this so. I bet this isn't a mistake. In fact I think it is a big hint as to why... Its because
These three all died already.
Meanwhile only him among the siblings lived, Lucius Zogratis. Hence a revealed age.
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But when did they die? I say they died long before. Before the Clover battle with Spade, before the Zogratis coup, and maybe even before getting their devil contracts....
So when exactly? My guess, its that Chapter 333 (odd looking number?? A hint to trinity!?) hints to it. Look at how this page is laid out. Its one page but I cut it into halves. The upper half, all siblings can be seen. Lower half, its just Lucius. The Dark Triad died somewhen between these 2 scenes. See how the way they oddly contrast. Lucius grew up and he's all on his own, 5 headstones lay before him.
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Further explained, the 2nd pic looks like the devil binding circle under the Faust household but yet we see headstones (maybe graves!?) occupying the circle at Lucius'. Its odd coz Nacht kept their binding circle clean and untouched even when he no longer summoned anymore.
Based on what we see in hints of the triads past, esp Zenon, last we see Lucius, Dante, and Vanica all alive was when they all have contracts to their respective devils already.
But, I belive its possible or most likely, the triad died, Lucius (in desperation) had contract with Astaroth, revived the siblings with soul magic, had them form their own contracts shortly.
It could explain why he's so obssesed with the idea of undying bodies. Lucius witnessed his siblings die. (Maybe from the war or some other conflict. This might also lead the following plot points to circle back to Diamond Kingdom and explain the political tension between the nations of Clover-Spade-Diamond which was implied.)
But that's just all my theory. A Whack Theory.
My next analysis and theory post in mind is "Digging into the possible past of Lucius (and Spade) based on his Judgement Day plan." Maybe. If I am not lazy. 😅🤣 Or lets just wait for the next chapters on January 😂😭
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rapuaurinko · 9 months ago
This is really chaotic
Also it's my opinion, if you disagree that's totally fine, but you won't change my mind
So starting from the bottom, the D tier, we obviously have Solid, only started respecting his younger sister after it turned out she's much stronger than him and saved their whole family, bullied her before and was a bitch. He may have a neutral/decent relationship with his other siblings but that's because they were also bitches to Noelle
Langris is in the D tier too for obvious reasons, like sorry, but that's true. Maybe bro changed later, maybe he even held hands with his brother and fought by his side later, but that's only because Finral was a good brother to him, so fuck Langris
In the C tier we have Nozel. AND DON'T TRY TO CHANGE MY MIND. I get that he couldn't tell anyone about the curse, but what's that gotta do with letting his younger siblings THAT HE HAS POWER OVER bully Noelle??? AND JOINING THEM?????? Bro said he wanted to protect her, but than didn't protect her from her own family who she should feel safe with. No one can make me like you, Nozel Silva. Byakuya Kuchiki did it better.
I also placed Baro in the C tier, maybe because I don't really remember this arc, but I think he wasn't a good brother? But I wouldn't say he was the worst. I DON'T REMEMBER, SORRY.
Now we're starting with the B tier, which is a tier for people who are brothers but I can't really rate them? Maybe they didn't act really 'brotherly'??
(I know that now you're probably scared because you haven't seen a certain someone, but bear with me please)
We're starting this tier with Gordon, Gordon has a younger sister, they seem to like eachother, are really similar and that's all we know. So he's in the middle.
Next we have Neige who I also may not remember but he listened to and trusted his brother, so idk what to do with him, but I won't just ignore him here 🙄🙄 Kay, next
Kiato. Once again, him and Kahono have a close relationship, but we can't really say something about what kind of brother he is from that, maybe they just get along well. So middle tier for him.
Next is Kirsch. The guy is a beauty obsessed narcissist and Mimosa doesn't like him, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's a bad brother?? And even tho I didn't pay much attention to him I don't think we see him interact with his sister much?? And that's the reasoning behind this
Than we have Lumier, who's also a brother even tho I almost forgot (I keep forgetting who's sister Tetia was 💀). And I mean we either saw him with Licht, or Licht with Tetia during the flashbacks so we can't say much about his skills in being a brother, they just had a good relationship
And last in this tier we have the Zogratis brothers, Dante and Zenon. Well they are bad people, but it doesn't mean they're bad brothers. Once again. IDK WHAT TO SAY ABOUT THEM, NEXT TIER
This tier is special.
It's the Gauche tier.
Putting aside the way he acts and reacts to his sister, he might be too obsessive about her, like not letting Asta talk to her, howEVER, THE WAY HE GAVE HER A MIRROR THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FOR COMMUNICATION BUT ACTUALLY IT'S ALSO TO PROTECT HER?? THIS IS SO CUTE, COME ON.
Every time I think about them I curse Tabata that he made Gauche the way he is because if he didn't have those disgusting reactions to her I woul probably love his character.
We also have two honorable mentions, and those are one, Magna Swi-
It's one of the reasons I love him 😞😞
The other honorable mention is Klaus, Klaus is also older brother material for many (like four kids at best), love him
Moving on to the A tier, starting with a questionable choice that is Asta and Yuno.
Maybe they're not really brothers, but they are brothers to me. They irritate eachother any chance they get but at the same time we can see that they are really invested in the rivaly, like most of the times if not all we see Yuno smile is when he's talking to Asta, they're so brothers, THEY SHARE A BIRTHDAY
Next we have (manga spoiler) Nacht who I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT BECAUSE HE WASN'T IN THE TIER LOST I MADE TO PREPARE MYSELF??? But he goes to the A tier because yeah. I don't like this guy, but his backstory with his brother is so sad AND THE WAY THEY COMPERED NACHT AFTER MORGEN'S DEATH TO NIGHT WITHOUT A MORNING KILLS ME. HE LOVED HIS BROTHER SO MUCH, I CAN'T :((
Another manga spoiler, but my dearest Yami Sukehiro???
Too bad Ichika saw him as the worst man alive later 😀😀 CAN'T WAIT FOR THEM TO INTERACT IN THE UPCOMING CHAPTERS
(end of manga spoilers)
We also have Fuegoleon in the A tier, because we can see that Leo admires him a lot and we can also see that Fuegoleon cares.
When it comes to him being Mereoleona's brother however-
I meam he's the victim of having an older sister I guess, bro had to fight for his life- (I love Mereoleona sm)
Leo's also in the A tier, like come on, he cares so much IDK WHAT TO SAY IT'S 11 PM SORRY, BUT HE DESERVES THE SPOT.
Now moving to S tier!!!!
We have three characters here
One of them iss
En Ringard who appeared in likeee
Idk, not many episodes, but he was so brother that he brothered kids that weren't his siblings
Also insulted Solid, so good job 🥰🥰
Second in the S tier is (manga spoiler) Morgen (almost forgot about him too even tho I'm literally after writing about Nacht???) BRO LITERALLY SACRIFICED HIMSELF FOR HIS BROTHER, NO BETTER WAY TO SHOW HIS LOVE FOR HIM IMO, MORGEN AND NACHT MAKE ME SAD SOMETIMES, I HATE HOW THEY HAVE TO FIGHT BECAUSE OF THAT BITCHASS LUCIUS
(end of manga spoiler)
And the third one is Finral
Finral's only mistake as a brother was leaving, so I still think he deserves a S tier in his brothering skills
That's it, thanks for reading this bullshit with possible mistakes, typos, and grammatically incorrect sentences. Also possible information I watched this shit one year ago.
Tier list in case someone forgot:
S: Finral, En, Morgen
A: Fuegoleon, Leopold, Nacht, Yami, Asta, Yuno
Honorable mentions: Magna and Klaus
Gauche tier
B: Kiato, Gordon, Lumiere, Kirsch, Neige, Dante, Zenon
C: Nozel, Barro
D: Langris, Solid
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the-geek-librarian · 6 months ago
dark triad for the bingo ask! :D
*kicks donw door*
My blorbos,,,,,
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Tabata im still wating on more contet of them
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mercillery · 5 months ago
hi there can you make a continuation of the college au zogratis siblings confessing that they have a crush on y/n but y/n said no bc y/n is not ready for a relationship with them?
btw i wish you are doing well and i definitely love your writing style 💕
NOTES: Zogratis siblings aaaaaaaAaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I love them. I hope you’re doing well too, anon. <3
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Zenon actually takes the rejection like a champ. There’s no dramatic pause, no brooding silence, no stormy expression like you might expect. Nope. Instead, he just nods. Like…really nods. One of those slow, deliberate nods that makes you wonder if he’s processing the situation or mentally reviewing his grocery list.
“Okay,” he says, his face calm as ever, but there’s a tiny glint of understanding in his eyes. You almost expected something more—maybe a little frustration or at least a flicker of disappointment. But nope, Zenon is just Zenon, unflappable and composed, as if you’d just told him the weather forecast, not that you weren’t ready to date him.
He doesn’t push, doesn’t pry. He’s not the type to get mad or act hurt because you didn’t leap into his arms after his confession. If anything, he respects your decision without question, like the stoic guy he is.
No pressure. No drama. Just Zenon, chilling with the fact that feelings are complicated and people need time. He’s not going to hold it against you, and honestly? You kind of appreciate that about him. If only more people could take a no as coolly as Zenon does. He could probably write a self-help book about how to handle rejection with grace.
Honestly, there's not much to unpack here. He’s just cool with it. Like, he gets it—maybe even better than most. Zenon’s not exactly the poster child for romantic relationships, or any relationships for that matter. His idea of intimacy is probably limited to nodding at someone from across the room. So when you say you’re not ready, he’s like, “Yeah, makes sense.” He’s not about to pressure you, and he’s definitely not going to pull a rom-com “Wait, but I love you!” moment.
BUT (and here’s the kicker), although he won’t openly admit it, if you ever change your mind? He’s there. Oh, he’ll be there. The second you give him even the slightest hint of readiness, Zenon’s already in position like it’s a chess game he’s been waiting to win. He’ll probably keep his poker face on, but don’t be fooled—inside, he’s absolutely down for it.
Now, unlike Zenon, Vanica isn’t the type to just nod and move on. Oh no, she’s got a whole different approach. While she’s not going to full-on force you into a relationship (because, you know, boundaries exist), she’s definitely persistent—like a stubborn, hyper puppy that just won’t quit. When you tell her you aren’t ready for a relationship, she hits you with the classic “yeah, anyway,” as if your response was merely a speed bump on her road to victory.
You thought saying “no” would end the conversation? That’s cute. The next day, she’s right back at it, asking you again with that wild grin of hers. “So, you ready now?” And then the day after that, “How about today? Feel like being my partner yet?” She’s relentless, but in that charming, chaotic way only Vanica can pull off. You could say you’re not ready a hundred times, and she’ll just shrug, fully convinced that one of these days, you’re going to cave.
It’s like a daily ritual at this point. You say you’re not ready, and she laughs, twirls a strand of her hair, and replies, “Well, I’ll be here tomorrow!” It’s less pressure and more persistence, like she’s playing a long game and having way too much fun with it.
Like I said, Vanica’s not about forcing you into a relationship, but she’s got consistency down to an art form. If persistence were an Olympic sport, she’d have a gold medal. Every day, she’s back with the same question, and let me tell you—this girl could go on forever. Do not, I repeat, *do not* underestimate her determination. You could tell her "no" a thousand times, and she’d still be like, “Okay, cool. See you tomorrow!”
In short, Vanica is *not* going to stop chasing after your love. She’s like a determined romantic Terminator—she *will* be back. Honestly, you’d have to move to another dimension to avoid her at this point, and even then, she’d probably find a way to follow. And if you think she’ll eventually give up? Wrong. She’ll literally rise from the dead, all “surprise! Miss me? Sooo, you ready to be with me now?” The chase is never over with Vanica—she’s in this for the long haul, no matter how long that haul might be.
I’m so sorry but he’s a prick.
The guy has “entitled” written all over him. The moment you tell him you’re not ready for a relationship, it’s like he’s suddenly hard of hearing. “Not ready? What does that even mean?” To him, that’s not an excuse—it’s more of a challenge. And Dante? He *loves* a challenge.
So, yes, he absolutely pushes you into a relationship. Subtlety isn’t exactly in his vocabulary. He doesn’t care if you say you’re not ready—he’s decided that you *are*, and that’s the end of the discussion. By tomorrow morning, the entire campus will know that you two are “official,” whether you agreed to it or not. Honestly, it’s like Dante thinks relationships are a dictatorship, and surprise!—he’s the dictator.
He’s the type to “make” you ready for a relationship, whether you actually want it or not. It’s all very... *Dante.* Control is his game, and you’re just a piece on the board he’s moving however he pleases. If you’re not ready? Too bad, because he’s ready for both of you. By the time he’s done, you’ll practically need a press release to convince people you *aren’t* dating.
In my last post about this, I mentioned how Dante would shoves a bouquet of flowers in your face—yeah, that’s not an exaggeration. He’s not exactly subtle. Right after, he invites you to dinner, and boom—you’re suddenly on the spot. Don’t think for a second this happened by accident. Oh no, Dante *absolutely* did this on purpose. The man’s got strategy, and his strategy is making you so uncomfortable that rejecting him feels impossible.
Here’s the thing: if there’s one thing Dante Zogratis *cannot* handle, it’s rejection. Especially when *he’s* the one putting his pride on the line. This guy is used to people throwing themselves at him. He doesn’t confess, he gets confessed *to.* So, the moment he flips the script and confesses to you? You better believe he’s expecting nothing but a “yes.” No playing dumb, no pretending you didn’t hear him, and definitely no blunt rejection. That’s why he puts you on the spot—to corner you into saying yes.
He’s not giving you a way out because, frankly, he doesn’t believe there *is* one. In his mind, you’ll say yes because that’s just how it works with Dante. It’s his world; you’re just living in it. So, when he hands you those flowers and invites you to dinner with a charming smirk that says, “I *dare* you to say no,” know that he’s already decided how this is going to go down—and spoiler: it’s not in your favor.
Don’t even think about saying you’re not ready for a relationship. He’ll shrug you off, sure—he might even pull a Vanica-style “yeah, anyway,” but trust me, he’s *not* backing off. He’s the “Oh, you’re not ready? Well, good thing I wasn’t really asking” kind of pushy. You can practically hear the unspoken “I’ll make you ready” in his voice. He’s relentless, like a bulldozer with a superiority complex.
The very last line for Dante’s part was "either you reciprocate his feelings, or you destroy your life by declining them." Yeah, that wasn’t just for dramatic effect—it’s the cold, hard truth. Dante doesn’t handle rejection like a normal person. Instead of taking it on the chin, he uses his reputation and popularity to make sure *you* feel the consequences. Rejecting him? Big mistake. Your social status? Consider it in the negatives. You’ll go from minding your own business to being the person who dared to turn down *Dante Zogratis.*
Yeah, he sucks. He’s the kind of guy who’s convinced you’ll come around, whether you like it or not. To Dante, your feelings are just a minor detail to be adjusted along the way. He’s already decided the outcome—you’re either with him, or you’re dealing with the fallout of crossing him. Sorry!
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rakubalka · 6 months ago
After the Spade arc, how is everyone fairing?
Is there anything specific we should know abt the Zogratis siblings in thus Au or are they the same?
After the Spade arc a lot of people are fairing the same as canon but there are some difrences
/Also everyone yes everyone gets the promotion equal to their efforts . And if someone tries to downplay the efforts of Asta they are getting quite literally half the magic knight squads on their ass and his very vengeful siblings . And the whole of the Black Bulls ./
For example Yuno gets started on his training to be the future monarch of Spade . Because you can't just ignore such a big thing when writing . It also has the result of him trying to learn how to run a group of people which is why he and Mimosa got put directly under Klause who got the vice-captain position . Captain Charlotte is also trying to beat how to deal with politics into his brain , it's a slow process.
Asta also got started on the training necessary for running the kingdom when he does take the position . Why does Asta get the position you might ask ? Because he is strong enough to be in the running , can be trained to run the kingdom and most importantly actually wants the position for a difference of literally everyone other than Yuno who is no longer in the running . His eventual raing will also be remembered in history not only because of being the wizard king with no mana but also for being one of if not the youngest wizard kings in history as people normally get the job only after they have gotten in their 30's at minimum .
Julius going missing and the judge dude's death is also a very big and important plot point on more than a few smaller arc's which will act as somewhat of filler because that is quite literally years wasted if we just time skip . So we will be using the time as essentially training and character development arc's for everyone even and if Asta isn't with them at the time of the arc's . And every arc and mission they complete will have consequences be it good or bad .
Noelle also gets started on her training as future captain of the Black Bulls as it is a position she actually wants . To be her squad captain means to be their spear and more importantly shield and she wants to be that to protect her family . She also started getting the hang on even more weapons and even more different elemental mana so she is stronger than ever . She might have also been adopted officially or not by Captain Jack .
Charlotte also finally does confesses to Yami not like in canon with him not remembering . Well he does not remember , but after he does come into consciousness she does confesse her felling for him with her curse no longer there so she can hear his own answer of his own feelings . Because she is an properly adjusted human and adult person and Yami not returning her feelings is something she is going to respect . While not immediately recuperate the two do go to a few dates and decide they are going to start to date . They also come to the conclusion they are both poly and just talk like healthy people as to what their boundaries are with each other . As a result while dating each other Charlotte also starts to date Meroleona and Yami starts to date Vangance . And they both started dating Vanessa .
Finral is becoming more and more overpowered by the day .
Zora and Magna diving even deeper into rune magic and being terrifying for it .
Fuegoleon trying and failing to make the fire spirit accept other people as rulers of Diamond .
Overall there are differences from canon but everyone is overall happy .
The Zogratis siblings are the same as in canon maybe a little more fleshed out but overall the same . They are still dead father Spade .
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yellowgreendinno · 10 months ago
☽Twisted Love☾
Fem!Nozel Silva x Yandere male!Vanica Zogratis. (Nobuko & Vance) A/N: hope you enjoy the oneshot! 💗✨ (what have I done)
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Nobuko Silva never slept alone. It was an unspoken rule among her siblings and closest friends that someone would always be with her during the night. Whether it was Nebra or Solid in one of their rooms, or Fuegoleon coming over occasionally, they all understood that Nobuko needed the comfort of another presence. Even Kirsch would stay with her when he had the chance. To the outside world, it might have seemed that the powerful Silva heir was simply a scaredy-cat, unable to handle the dark. But the true reason was far more sinister.
One night, fate took a cruel turn. Nebra and Solid were away on a mission, Fuegoleon was preoccupied with his duties, and Kirsch had pressing responsibilities. Nobuko found herself alone in her grand, yet suddenly foreboding, bedroom. She tried to convince herself that she could handle one night on her own, that she was strong enough to face her fears.
The hours ticked by, and as the clock struck 3 a.m., Nobuko stirred from her restless sleep. A cold shiver ran down her spine, and she awoke with a start. Her heart pounded as she sensed another presence in the room. Slowly, she opened her eyes and found herself staring into a pair of terrifyingly familiar red eyes.
It was Vance Zogratis, the man who had tormented her since she was fourteen, the man who had killed her mother. His obsession with her was nothing short of a nightmare, and he had come once again to claim what he believed was rightfully his.
Nobuko's instinct was to scream, but before she could, Vance's hand clamped over her mouth. His touch was cold, and his eyes gleamed with a twisted blend of lust and obsession.
"Shh, my sweet Nobuko," Vance whispered, his voice a sickeningly sweet murmur. "You don't want to wake the entire castle, do you?"
Nobuko's eyes widened with terror, her body trembling under his grip. She tried to push him away, but he was too strong. The fear that had plagued her for years came rushing back, paralyzing her.
"Why are you here?" she managed to whisper through his fingers, her voice shaking.
Vance's smile was predatory. "I came to see you, my love. I couldn't stay away any longer. You know how much I need you."
"You're insane," Nobuko spat, trying to muster as much defiance as she could. "You'll never have me. Never."
Vance's eyes darkened, and he tightened his grip on her. "Oh, but I will, Nobuko. I've waited long enough. You and I are meant to be together. It's time you accepted that."
Nobuko's mind raced, searching for a way out. She knew she couldn't overpower him physically, but perhaps she could buy herself some time. "What do you want from me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Vance leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear. "I want you to be my wife, Nobuko. The mother of my children. I want you to love me as I love you."
Nobuko felt a wave of nausea wash over her. The thought of being with Vance, of being trapped in his twisted fantasy, was unbearable. "You killed my mother," she said, her voice breaking. "How can you say you love me?"
Vance's expression softened, as if he genuinely believed his own lies. "I did it for us, Nobuko. She was standing in the way of our love. I had to remove her to be with you."
Tears filled Nobuko's eyes, and she shook her head. "You're delusional. What you've done is unforgivable."
Vance's smile faded, replaced by a look of cold determination. "You'll come to understand, my love. In time, you'll see that we belong together."
Desperation gripped Nobuko as she realized there was no reasoning with him. She needed to find a way to alert someone, to get help. But how? Vance's presence was a suffocating weight, and her options were limited.
"Please, Vance," she said, trying to sound as placating as possible. "Just let me go. We can talk about this later, when I'm not so scared."
Vance's grip loosened slightly, and he looked at her with a mixture of pity and adoration. "I don't want to scare you, Nobuko. I just want us to be together."
Taking advantage of his momentary hesitation, Nobuko summoned the last of her courage and brought her knee up sharply, aiming for his groin. Vance grunted in pain, his grip loosening enough for her to break free.
She scrambled off the bed and ran for the door, her heart pounding in her chest. But Vance was quick to recover, and he grabbed her arm, yanking her back with brutal force.
"You're not going anywhere," he growled, his red eyes blazing with anger. "Not until you understand that you belong to me."
Nobuko's mind was a whirlwind of fear and desperation. She had to get away, had to find help. As Vance dragged her back toward the bed, she screamed with all her might, hoping against hope that someone, anyone, would hear her.
At that moment, the door burst open, and Fuegoleon Vermillion stood in the doorway, his eyes wide with horror and fury. He took in the scene before him and his mana flared with righteous anger.
"Get away from her!" Fuegoleon roared, his voice echoing through the room.
Vance turned, a sneer on his face. "Ah, the gallant knight arrives. You're too late, Fuegoleon. Nobuko is mine."
Fuegoleon's flames ignited, illuminating the room with a fierce glow. "Over my dead body," he growled, advancing on Vance.
Nobuko felt a surge of relief and gratitude, her heart lifting at the sight of her protector. Fuegoleon's presence was a beacon of hope in her darkest hour.
Vance's red eyes flickered with uncertainty, and he released Nobuko, stepping back. "This isn't over," he hissed, his voice filled with venom. "I'll be back for you, Nobuko."
Fuegoleon didn't give him a chance to escape. With a swift, powerful movement, he unleashed a torrent of flames that engulfed Vance, driving him back and out of the room. The demon man vanished into the night, his screams echoing through the halls.
Fuegoleon rushed to Nobuko's side, his arms enveloping her in a protective embrace. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.
Nobuko clung to him, her body trembling with relief and exhaustion. "I am now," she whispered, burying her face in his chest.
Fuegoleon held her tightly, his heart aching at the thought of what she had endured. "I'll never let him hurt you again," he vowed, his voice firm and resolute. "I promise."
As the night wore on, Nobuko found solace in Fuegoleon's presence, knowing that with him by her side, she could face any nightmare. And as they sat together in the quiet aftermath of the battle, she realized that she was no longer alone. She had a protector, a confidant, and a friend who would stand by her no matter what.
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rooiart · 2 years ago
Adding some Zogratis art to you timeline ✨️
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I intend to update this series every week or 2 weeks
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funky-sea-cryptid · 1 year ago
the reason i call magna "magnus" in magna zogratis aus is bc magna is a latin word for great/huge/big/mighty and magnus is a conjugation of it. magnus is technically the "masculine" term for it which fits his "manly" aesthetic.
all the zogratis siblings have latin/european names (vanica is our only exception, which i believe is french?) and lucius is a little cunt so of course he's going to name his son "MAGNUS" ah yes this is my son. greatness.
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