#The Writer&039;s Room
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radiofreeskaro · 1 year ago
Radio Free Skaro #949 - Official Pretend
Radio Free Skaro #949 - Official Pretend - post-Gallifrey One Doctor Who news wrap-up! - Blu-ray release schedule update! - Pamela Salem remembered
http://traffic.libsyn.com/freyburg/rfs949.mp3 Download MP3 It’s the week after Gallifrey One but your dedicated town criers The Three Who Rule are here to give you the latest facts from the worlds of Doctor Who including a BFI showing of The Celestial Toymaker on March 2, a surfeit of scripts from the BBC, even more Blu-rays from the BBC Shop (sorta), and even more Big Finish news, most of it…
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thequeereview · 8 months ago
Exclusive Interview: Tim McArthur is back in the habit with Sister Mary's Playtime summer Provincetown residency
British performer, writer, and director Tim McArthur got his professional start on stage as a young high-kicking dancer in UK pantomimes, going on to make memorable turns in showstopping dame roles. He’s starred in productions of Assassins and Into The Woods by his musical theatre hero Stephen Sondheim, the musical parody Blair on Broadway, The Silence of the Lambs spoof Silence!, and three runs…
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malakkc-poetry · 2 years ago
Double Bronze certificate!
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filipmagnuswrites · 2 years ago
A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf - Book Review
I read this in August 2022, wrote the review several weeks or months later, and promptly forgot that it existed. I’ve been on a binge of classic works of literature, both fiction and not. Virginia Woolf’s extended essay, A Room of One’s Own, is one of those key works of criticism that you have to get to. As a piece of creative non-fiction, it’s exemplary, a masterpiece of polemics at a time,…
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spoffyumi · 3 years ago
book sale, author event, and all the other things going on!
book sale, author event, and all the other things going on!
It has been a hot minute since I last posted an update – I’ve been dealing with some writer’s block, and while I still haven’t fully broken through that, I do have a few things you all might be interested in! book sale My Wolf Point series is on sale over at Smashwords! You can find book 1, Hitchhikers, and two of the prequel novellas for free, and books 2-4 are available for 50% off. The sale…
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susanhannifordcrowley · 7 years ago
Knowing What You Want As A Writer
Knowing What You Want As A Writer
I have been traditionally published by smaller publishers, and I’ve taken my returned rights on some of my books and re-published them on my own. The tide keeps changing in publishing, and sometimes it’s hard to keep up.
Currently I have a lot on my plate.
1. I have to get back to a convention and set up those plans.
2. Vampire King of New York is being re-edited and having a new book cover.
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booksteacupandreviews · 4 years ago
#BookSpotlight : Photographed in the Writer’s Room by Michelle L. E. Price @rararesources @MichelleLEPrice
Hello Readers! I’m happy to shine spotlight on Photographed in the Writer’s Room by Michelle L. E. Price to celebrate publication day, organized by  Rachel’s Random Resources. Please check out the book details in this post. Photographed in the Writer’s Room by Michelle L. E. PricePublication Date: 14th February 2021Genre: Sweet Romance, ChickLit, RomCom Synopsis: Former TV star Brandi Tyler’s…
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chaosmechanica · 7 years ago
Sestinas: Writing Workshop
Jackie Martinez With a Mask, by Mark J. Sebastian Sestinas
Oh, the dreaded sestina. Poets seem to really love it or really, reallyhate it. It’s very name makes poets weak at the knees; I’m sure some of you are quivering as you read this very line. But it’s not that bad: it’s just another poem with a unique structure to play with. Surprisingly, considering I’m both a teacher and a grad student, I…
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sourabha · 5 years ago
Today's op-ed
Today’s op-ed
To write about a massive talent like Woolf is a daunting mental and emotional adventure. I have tried… with immense, ridiculous, melancholic love for the mystery and magnificence that she was.
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galvanicteam · 5 years ago
Writer's Room #2
Time to take another look behind the scenes of #BurningSky with Into the Writer's Room 2
This time it’s all about Chapter 4 as the most recent outing in the prologue to our little adventure epic introduced a major new character and expanded on some important character dynamics. So let’s get stuck into it.
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The Development of Ramos
Sharlenne: Ramos is such an interesting character and he has this really big presence, even though he’s not actually around all that much.
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#100daysofwriting | day 039
a daily writing project created by @the-wip-project // tagging some of my fellow writers joining in on the fun: @kinetic-elaboration, @thelittlefanpire, @easilydistractedbyfanfic, and @hopskipaway
It turns out that all of my October deadlines for prompts can be shifted throughout the rest of the year so I’m feeling some extreme relief today! Think one of my next steps will be really sorting the order I want to *aim* to write in for these while still leaving some room for when inspiration strikes. I also think this means that if I want, I can just really dive back into my Midsommar fic and get it finished without completely avoiding my other stories.
What kind of traits make a character interesting?
For me personally, I’ve always preferred characters that have a gray area to their personality or choices. Or at least complex heroes, even if they’re still the good guy. Pretty much the “what’s a good trait about them and how can that same thing be a weakness or a flaw at the same time.” Because the genres I like are usually heavy on the plot (sci-fi, thrillers, fantasy) or have expected bad endings (horror), I prefer a character that at least feels flushed out, regardless of the traits. I think a lot of people seek comfort or personal validation through the characters they like and that’s totally great! Just not for me!
Fic(s) Worked On:
Bellarke, Tarzan AU
Made more progress today in writing it! I think my outline is primarily done as well, at least the bare bones of it. It’s due August 1st but I think I’ll be on track to get it done on time!
Bellarke, Darklina AU
I started the most basic form of an outline! I don’t have to start this one for a while but since I’m also working on minimal working knowledge of Shadow and Bone, I am going to have to do some extra research while I outline! So I at least wanted to get the file going for now
Bellarke, Mythology AU
More just outlining! Trying to get a general idea of the plot and the arc it’ll take + how many chapters it’ll be. Easily a prompt that could spiral into a massive story, which I’d prefer it not to. But it also is complex enough that I want to give it justice which means it’ll definitely be a multi-chapter! I also really want it to have a ~vibe~ so I’m trying to already plot that out in my outline as I go to make it more immersive from the get go
link to my ao3 | masterlist of these posts
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realzephyr · 8 years ago
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Lana Vawser  ~ 02-04-2017 There is major breakthrough upon the writers right now. Those of you who are writing manuscripts, the Lord is releasing winds of acceleration upon you and these manuscripts are going to be birthed faster than you could ever have imagined. I had a vision and I watched as the Lord released these winds of acceleration and His angelic hosts to minister to you, and cause…
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starsgivemehp · 8 years ago
Well I found this on dA and was bored
100 truths! 
001. Real Name: Samantha 002. Nickname: Sammy 003. Zodiac Sign: Gemini 004. Gender: Female 005. Primary School: gosh I’d hope so 006. Intermediate School: also hope so 007. Secondary School: university...? yes 008. Hair Color: dark brown 009. Long or Short: it’s about down to my shoulders now 010. Loud or Quiet: quiet most of the time, loud with friends 011. Sweats or Jeans: neither. skirts. 012. Phone or Camera: phone 013. Health Freak?: HAHAHAHAHA 014. Drink or Smoke: nah 015. Crushing on Someone? Everyone 016. Political Orientation: Democratic 017. Piercings: Ears (they’re probably closing tho) 018. Tattoos: None... yet. HAVE YOU EVER [BEEN IN]: 019. Airplane: yes 020. Car Accident: ish? not a bad one tho 021. Fist Fight: sssssorta? It was one punch per eh 022. First Piercing: ears 023. First Best Friend: Ain’t my friend anymore 024. First Instrument: violin tbh 025. First Award: no lie fam I got a reward for most improved musician in 6th grade band 026. First Crush: best friend 027. First Language: English 028. First Big Vacation: uhhhh... I’ll go with... Italy, sophomore year in high school LASTS: 029. Last person you talked to: My friend Sage 030. Last person you texted: Dad 031. Last person you watched: Uhhhh... some sin tbh lol 032. Last food you ate: a donut 033. Last movie you watched: Guardians of the Galaxy 2 probably 034. Last song you listened to: I’M WORKING ON MY NEW BLOG’S PLAYLIST SO I’m actually not gonna give you the LAST ONE just the most relevant 035. Last thing you bought: gas. And 2 monster energy drinks 036. Last person you hugged: hrm... my dad probably FAVES: 037. Food(s): Sushi for actual food. Chocolate for junk food. 038. Drinks: boba tea tbh 039. Clothing: skirts and t-shirts 040. Book: UHHHHH. tbh. Who knows. For the moment, I’ll let my literature nerd come out and say “Wuthering Heights” 041. Color: Blue 042. Flower: tiger lily 043. Music: Owl CITY, FAM 044. Movie: Shit fam idk. Who knows. idfk. I like Marvel movies. Harry Potter. Musicals? Musicals. 045. Shoes: tbh I prefer flipflops but they break so ;~; sneakers 046. Subjects: English IN THE LAST YEAR I..... 047. [] kissed in the snow 048. [] celebrated Halloween 049. [x] had my heart broken 050. [] went over the minutes on your cellphone 051. [x] someone questioned your sexual orientation 052. [] came outta the closet 053. [] gotten pregnant 054. [] had an abortion 055. [x] did something you've regretted 056. [x] broke a promise 057. [x] kept a secret 058. [x] pretended to be happy 059. [x] met someone who changed your life 060. [] pretended to be sick  061. [x] left the country 062. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't like and liked it. 063. [x] cried over the silliest thing 064. [] ran a mile 065. [] went to the beach 066. [] stayed single CURRENTLY: 067. Eating: nothing 068. Drinking: monster energy drink 069. Getting ready to: MAKE THIS NEW BLOG WHEE 070. Listening to: Daemon and Howl’s playlist for the blog tbh 071. Plans for tomorrow/today: I have to keep packing my room, weeeh... 072. Waiting for: everything YOUR FUTURE: 073. Want kids: NO 074. Want to get married: eventually 075. Careers in mind: Teacher and writer 076. Lips or Eyes: Eyes 077. Shorter or Taller: I ain’t growing anymore sadly 078. Romantic or Spontaneous: BOTH 079. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: gosh I hope so 080. Sensitive or Loud: both? 081. Hookup or Relationship: Relationship 082. Troublemaker or Hesitant: both HAVE YOU EVER: 083. lost glasses/contacts: nope 084. ran away from home: nope 085. held a weapon: nOPE 086. killed somebody: WHAT THE FUCK LOL 087. broken someone's heart: probably 088. been arrested: nope DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 090. Yourself: AHAHAHAHAHAHA 091. Miracles: not really 092. Love at First Sight: euh, no 093. Heaven: no 094. Santa Claus: pffft no 096. Magic: lol I wish
ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 097. Is there one person you want to be with right now?: like... anyone who will cuddle me lol 098. Are you seriously happy where you are with in life right now?: Nope 099. Do you believe in God?: nOPE 100. How much do you hate me for tagging you in this?: I stole this lmao
Tagging: whoever the heck wants
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literaturegeek53 · 6 years ago
A Room Full of Death - A Short Story
A Room Full of Death – A Short Story
‘Drip, drip!’
In this silent and eerie room brimming with dust and impregnated with the sense and touch of death the minuscule drops of water leaking from a tightly shut faucet sounded like thunder. Each drop took exactly three seconds before dripping after the former.
‘Drip!’ (Thunder)
Silence again.
And that is how it continued.
The first thing Sam’s eyes spotted as they regained…
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galvanicteam · 5 years ago
Writers' Room #5
[NEW POST] It's time to take a look behind the curtain on Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 of #BurningSky in Writers' Room no. 5 #Writing
It’s that time again, folks!
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bachiles · 6 years ago
Need a Book Recommendation? Here Are a Few to Consider.
Need a Book Recommendation? Here Are a Few to Consider.
It’s obvious that I surround myself with books.
It’s a good thing.
It really is.
When I find books that I love, that resonate with me  I like to share.  So today a quick post about 4 books that I have read recently or am reading that I love.
First up is The Great American Read: The Book of Bookswhich is promoting The Great American Read by PBS.  It is a fabulous book that Chris got me for…
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