#The View From Stow Hill
annespooky · 1 year
NME | 2 juillet 2014
Manic Street Preachers – Futurology Sur leur 12ème album studio, les Manics prouvent qu’ils sont toujours les ennemis de l’avidité, de la conformité et de la corruption ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Al Horner Continue reading Untitled
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melancholyflower · 1 year
NME | 2 juillet 2014
Manic Street Preachers – Futurology Sur leur 12ème album studio, les Manics prouvent qu’ils sont toujours les ennemis de l’avidité, de la conformité et de la corruption ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Al Horner Continue reading Untitled
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forasecondtherewedwon · 7 months
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remember it once - epilogue
Fandom: The Artful Dodger Pairing: Jack x Belle Rating: E Chapter: 8 / 8 Word Count: 2816
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Will it be the same? Belle wonders this, not in her mind, but in her limbs. She drags her heavy tread up the steps, her tired body aching to be swept from the ground by Jack’s arms. She tugs at the fingers of the tough leather gloves that cover all the way to her elbows, rubbing her chafed skin once they’re off, yearning for fingers that will slip gently between her own. Will either of us be the same?
Belle leaves it in her body’s hands—that if there’s any back to get back to, her body will find the way when the time comes, will walk the old paths again, will find the high hills with the clear views and feel what it is to be home.
In the meantime, her mind bends to science, to medicine. She works from the morgue long enough to discover a method for stabilizing the wounds, burning away necrotic skin and halting the symptoms’ progression, though not reversing it. Thankfully, it neutralizes the aggression, drastically reducing the risk of patient attacks. The military maintain their perimeter, but slowly, slowly, Prof, wielding his rusty authority, is able to convince them to let in new patients as their others calm.
While in the hospital, she wears the long gloves, cutting up and sewing more pairs for Sneed and the nursing staff, all made from fine, barely-worn boots and hunting attire her father scavenged from Government House. They are protection from the patients’ nails and teeth; Belle deduces, by the comparatively generous development of her own symptoms, that she could only have been scratched. Small mercies. Used to reading her body as another would a book, she learns and records her limitations. She rests as often as it feels right and necessary to, applying herself to her study of the disease at all other times, at the odd hours they have all adopted at the hospital that feels like an island surrounded by the hazy waters of a dream.
Belle conducted her preliminary experimental treatments on Sneed. She would’ve done them on herself, but he stopped her, reminding her of her condition. As though she did not feel the weight of her belly, bearing it with her feet, back, and hips—another process she leaves her body to manage, trusting it to see her through. But she conceded, and so he exhibits the most breath-stealing scars. He was off his feet and wearing a single boot while he recovered, adapting readily to making his rounds of the wards in a wheelchair as he had done after Fagin shot him.
Because she has been able to help, because the disease is no longer spreading within the hospital walls, because, after treating Sneed, she treated herself, Belle recognizes when it is time to leave the morgue. She’s many months into her pregnancy, and her fathers—she’s found she has two—insist that she carry on with her experiments from the home laboratory Jack set up, always planning for it to be something they shared.
In the transfer, Fagin and the Governor driving the carriage with Belle stowed inside, they are beset. The Governor is yanked from the carriage and bitten. The teeth marks are close to his heart, as Belle has been, he tells her softly, since the day she was born. Since even before. She tends to him in the parlour of her home with what supplies Jack has not taken with him onto the ship, feeling Fagin’s watchful presence at her back. They were going to return to the hospital, to bring the rest of what she needs. Fagin is reluctant to go back alone—not out of fear of what’s out there, but that Belle will be in danger from her own father in here. Eventually, she forces him out, the weeping that threatens to break from her body like water from a dam too clear in her voice. He goes. He returns. She tries and tries, but her father worsens. She did not start soon enough, he is not a young man, he has had a fondness for drink.
There is no violence, no confusion of mind. There is no time.
Quietly, Belle’s quantity of fathers drops back down to one.
She can’t always trust her mind, which sometimes forgets. If she thinks, if she makes herself remember too clearly after a hazy waking, it seems so daunting to just… go on. The dread grips her and pins her to the bed. So she doesn’t think; she works, and her body wonders. Her lips and her wrists and her hips miss the one who would comfort her most, because she forbids it of her mind. She puts her ring away.
Following the death of the Governor, Belle dismisses Fagin. Well, she tries. She dismisses him several times a day: when he comes poking around the second-storey laboratory, when he nudges plates of plain crumpets along the table at which she labours. Infuriatingly, he stays. Weeks become months and she quits trying to convince him not to. Thank god for it, because he cautions her against testing solutions on her skin before they’re truly ready, keeping her whole as she inches towards a cure. He’s there to hear her, just down the hall, when she cries out twice in succession. The first time, it is in pure joy. The second, in shock at the sudden gush of fluid over her slippers.
Jack is aware of his flaws. The quick thinking and even quicker hands demanded by his profession have not made him a patient man. His history has meant he is kind by effort, not by nature. Both his patience and his kindness are tested continually onboard the ship. Some days feel endless. He has the people he’s brought, and those who brought him. Hetty’s presence steadies him; Fanny’s reminds him of Belle in the oddest ways, at the strangest moments. Mostly, it is tense, but they are living, and so it’s difficult to complain.
They make port with great wariness, taking on supplies but never new passengers or crew. Jack often goes ashore; it breaks up the tedium. He always takes his sword. What he observes is that some towns appear unaffected by the disease, others have discovered methods of containment, and still others are so spookily empty that they are underway again without bothering to disembark. He doesn’t know what’s happened in those places, whether they’re empty because the people were smart and fled, or…
Due to their extreme care and the sharp orders of Lady Fox, who doesn’t allow anyone’s guard to lower, all onboard remain healthy. Except for the seasickness. But that is manageable and endurable, and bringing water to the green-faced passengers gives Jack a feeling of usefulness when he stalls in his research. He and Hetty have been at work in the captain’s quarters, transfigured into their floating laboratory. They have their meticulousness in common. He conducts thorough (if slow) experiments, and she notes everything down to ensure they do not repeat their mistakes. They work so seamlessly together that the only thing Jack ever gets cross with Hetty about is the fact that she’s not doing something as Belle would, that she’s not reading that case in the medical text in Belle’s voice, that she’s not Belle.
But they form a community. They sew and read and play cards to pass the time. Children cavort on the deck in clear weather. Of course, beneath it all, as surely as the hull of the ship, is the grief. The fear and anxiousness. There are no complete families here, only siblings without parents, mothers without daughters, men without their wives. For the most fortunate, it’s temporary; there is the hope of reunion upon their return to Port Victory. If Jack ventures from the lab, drowsy and stretching his arms high over his head to crack his stiffened back, someone will inevitably inquire about his progress. Charlie has taken to attempting to shield Jack from these questions, but whacking the members of a closed community in the shins with his crutch is an untenable solution. Occasionally, Jack must try to come up with answers to How’s it coming? Anything new? When might we see home again? and How do you think they’re getting on without us?
The trouble is that it’s all wrong. Until they met, Belle was very much the expert on the theoretical side of things, Jack the hands-on experimenter. Now, Belle is back home, confronting the disease every day in the flesh while Jack drifts with the tides on a ship full of people who are perfectly well. He can’t advance by active testing; he must puzzle things out with his mind alone. At some point, Fanny joins him and Hetty. She’s been privy to her sister’s methods, though she didn’t pay them the strictest attention at the time, and if there’s anything she can do that will lead to her sister being helped, then she’s prepared to do it. Especially as the theoretical process rather appeals to her for its distinct lack of blood and guts.
So it is just their minds, their three minds, until. Until. They are finally close enough that Jack and Hetty both go ashore at the next docking (Jack won’t, can’t, risk Fanny). They’ve never done so before, afraid to send the two people with the greatest medical expertise, but they’ve traveled as far as they can—almost literally, upon the waves for many long months—and they need a human subject. They’re in search of someone who isn’t too far advanced, someone who can still give conscious permission, someone who understands that this isn’t a guaranteed cure, though they do promise to return with one when they can.
After their first small triumph, they change the ship’s heading. With each successive bit of progress, they advance towards home. All along the coast, they apply measured treatments, docking longer so they might observe their patients. This makes their passage back to Port Victory a crawl. They hunker down rather than attempting to beat bad weather, they hug the shore and avoid the faster currents farther out. They watch symptoms halt. They watch people get better. One man, a tradesman turned doctor by the circumstances, improves so quickly that they decide to invite him aboard. Apparently, the man has delivered five babies since the current state of affairs began—three to the same woman without losing a single soul. Jack tells the man there will be a place for him at the hospital (if the hospital still stands—it is horrifying to let his thoughts linger too long), that he has hoped to hire more talented doctors, no matter that he didn’t go to Oxford like Sneed (Jack even misses Sneed). Jack also sees how Hetty is with this man, how he is with Hetty. He longs for Belle more than ever. The nearer their journey comes to its end, the more he fights the urge to dive overboard and swim to her.
It's been years since Jack last saw Port Victory from the sea—and then, he never saw it and thought, Home. Nor did he feel it deserved its name, but he feels differently now. He’d survived so much when first he reached that port. He’s done so once again. It is a victory to have protected these people, to have worked alongside Hetty and Fanny to devise a treatment, a cure. Really, it’s a victory to be alive. He stands on the deck as the blue sky blanches, giving way to the orange and gold that will accompany the sun to its rest. For the second time, he is filled with joy and dread, doubly flooded, too much emotion for one person to hold. Will she be waiting for him as he once waited for her? Will either of them be the same?
Belle stirs, waking. Even with Fagin living downstairs, she’s become a fearfully light sleeper, her fragile oblivion shredding like a cobweb at the slightest sound. Groggy, she sits up to find there is still some light seeping through the bedroom curtains. What was it this time? Fagin banging around in the kitchen? A soldier at the door wishing to issue the report she demanded on the state of the hospital? The baby?
In case it is the latter, Belle makes herself get up. Her memory is still a project for her, improved through effort, but at the moment, it will not yield the location of the robe she removed before climbing into bed. No matter. It isn’t as though Fagin has never seen her in her nightgown. Her slippers are next to the bed, so she dons them. She pads across the hall.
What would this room have been, had the house belonged to another man? For Belle, it is a sanctuary. Because of the hour, she doesn’t bring a candle; even in darkness, she would know her way, having fallen asleep here many nights over the past several weeks since giving birth. There are no surprises in the weight of the door she now eases open, in the welcoming creak of the boards beneath her feet as she steps inside. What startles her is herself: an involuntary sound leaves her as she takes in the shape of a figure standing over the crib. He sees her at the door and turns.
“I hoped this might become the nursery,” he says.
Belle stumbles across the floor and into Jack’s arms, blinded by tears of love and relief, heedless of the baby’s confused cry at the sound of her mother’s distress.
For several minutes, she has less to say to him than she has since they first made each other’s acquaintance. The sun slips peacefully away as they hold each other harder than they ever have. Jack is scarcely more composed than she is, and promises that everyone who boarded the ship is fine, that her sister and mother are fine. Hiccupping her words, she tries to tell him about her father. He hushes her and holds on all the tighter; Fagin explained when he let Jack into the house. She doesn’t need to say. Jack is here now.
“I should probably keep going, see the hospital,” he says before sighing his regret into her hair.
Belle draws back a little.
“We found a cure,” they say together.
The baby’s cries are rising into a blaring, ripping wail, obscuring her parents’ words. They look at each other with confusion, unsure of what they heard.
“You didn’t.”
“We did.”
“So did we.”
After the attack that introduced the disease into her body, they have been careful about their contact. Even through affection, rather than violence, there was a risk of Belle infecting Jack. She has yearned for so many months to be kissed as he kisses her now. Her fingers delve into his hair, his grip into her waist through her nightgown. She has made herself think of nothing but what was necessary to find a cure, then, once that was accomplished, what was necessary to preserve the life of their daughter. Now, the kiss is thought as well as feeling, every memory of his touch reinstated in her mind. Every look, every brush, every closing of his hand over hers as he guided her scalpel on an incision.
They separate and a high laugh leaves Belle. She bends over the side of the crib, collecting their child, easing her body into the bouncing sway the baby prefers. Jack begins and begins again, trying to tell her of their methods for combatting the disease. She hears enough to understand that they’ve found two different cures, arrived at two different solutions, both sound.
“Incredible,” she breathes.
“Yes,” he agrees, but he’s looking at the small, soft creature in her arms.
“Oh, yes,” Belle says. “Your daughter.”
Jack does not appear ready, but neither was she; she offers the baby and helps him correct his hold until he has her tucked against his chest.
“Daughter,” he chokes out. And this makes him cry like nothing else has.
“Norma,” she provides.
Jack nods, sniffling. She wipes the tears from his cheeks.
“Like the opera,” he says. “The music you had Fanny play.”
“Oh, thank goodness.” Belle releases a heavy sigh, pressing a hand to her heart. “I didn’t realize how worried I was that you might think it was some derivative of ‘Norbert.’”
“A PERFECTLY GOOD NAME!” Fagin calls up the stairs.
Jack cranes his head away from the baby before shouting back, “QUIT LISTENING IN!”
Jack looks at Belle with an expression of exasperation and he is here, and they are whole, and it is just as it was before.
Norma shrieks as though tacking on instructions for how she takes her tea.
It is, inarguably, even better.
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whinlatter · 1 year
think it's time for a sneak peek of Beasts chapter seven… 👀
realised i never shared a sneak peek with last chapter’s author’s note! so while i’m finishing up with chapter seven thought i’d throw some vibes and a little glimpse of what to come your way (plus an august hinny song for the ages…) 🌲🌑🦌🧺🪶 💌
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She keeps her wand raised, waiting, until last she hears the thick crack, the unmistakable sound of Apparition, a few feet away from her, further down the dark grassy verge. As her horse slowly climbs back towards the brow of the hill, shedding its cool light over the field, she sees a dark figure emerge - head, first, then body, swung loose from a cloak. He, too, raises his wand. And then there were two - the proud horse joined by the noble figure of the stag, tall, strong-bodied, long-legged and upright. She stows her wand, face cracking into a bright smile. It’s only as the stag moves closer, coming into clearer view, that she realises something is terribly wrong. Where the antlers once stood are two thick, blooded stumps. It's as if the stag's once mighty antlers have been cleaved from the creature’s head by force, the slice of a knife, blow of an axe. She stiffens, raising her wand sharply. Behind her, Buckbeak starts to bristle.
...and, lastly, because today is august 1st i therefore am obligated to share this intensely hinny in deathly hallows coded classic (on the first day in august / i want to wake up by your side / after sleeping with you / on the last night in july)...
art credits: cinderella by viktor paul mohn | the depths of the forest by guiseppe camino | strange creatures from casell's book of knowledge | deer in the forest by eugen krüger | through the west wood by kaelycea
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thewritingautisticat · 7 months
Writing Patterns Tag Game
Thank you @late-to-the-fandom for the tag!
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 fics and see if there's a pattern!
I'm going to post some lines from both my novels and my Sonic fanfics!
1. The Flames of Revolution (Days of Resistance prequel novel)
It was midnight when the man came.
2. Random OC oneshot based on Days of Resistance that I don't have a name for yet:
Kidnapping him was their first mistake.
3. Alone (but not forever) (a Sonic the Hedgehog fic)
There had to be something wrong with him.
4. Phoenix (my superhero novel)
It was most likely a trap.
5. (Unnamed Sonic oneshot WIP)
You just gotta play it cool a little longer.
6. Shattered Pasts Repaired into Refracted Futures (a Sonic Prime fanfiction)
It was a beautiful day in Green Hill and Sonic was determined to enjoy every moment of it.
7. Promise You (Won't) Leave Nine Alone (another Sonic Prime fanfic)
Nine stared out at the distant streak of light. Please make it, Sonic. Please.
8. Stealing Hearts and Stealing Kisses (a Knuxouge fanfic)
Rouge flapped her wings harder as Angel Island came into view. Almost there. She was an experienced flier, but it was a long trip up to the floating island.
9. The Sea Curse (yet another Sonic Prime fic)
The fox peered out from his hiding spot behind two crates in the ship's hold. No one had spotted him since he'd stowed on a few days ago. Thank goodness.
10. The Dragon's Jewel (one of the books in my fantasy series, The Lion Academy)
Aracus made out his twin's figure on the road ahead and breathed a sigh of relief.
I seem to have two main types of openings: out-of-context thoughts that are meant to draw you in, or some sort of action.
Gently tagging: @sparkles-rule-4eva @tildeathiwillwrite @themswritinwords @magic-is-something-we-create @luckyy19 @bumblebeescribbles @blind-the-winds if you haven't been tagged or want to play again! No pressure!
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webuiltthiscity · 7 months
Views from Strawberry Hill, the island in the middle of Stow Lake
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lookalivesunshine2007 · 10 months
playlist explanation as requested by @r-capa !! 100% this is the most effort i’ve put into a playlist ever and i think it turned out so well. i hope anyone who gives it a listen enjoys it as much as i do. i’ll link the playlist again so people who see this post first wont have trouble finding it. its also decently late for me so sorry about any grammatical errors lmao :)
Starman (David Bowie) honestly this is really just a vibe establishing song that fits better with events that take place pre-movie, but i can't bring myself to get rid of it lol. feel free to skip this one (depending on when you see this it might not even be on the playlist)
Starlight (Muse) the “real” start of the playlist and the initial “we’re in space on a mission wow this is so cool”
Muse’s vibes in general are super space-y i feel. A nice little “before everything went wrong” song. it’s a super upbeat song with rad space vibes, plus lyrics like;
“far away, this ship is taking me far away”
“i will be chasing starlight until the end of my life”
Violet Hill (Coldplay) is Capa reminiscing about earth while sending his message to his loved ones, as well as the rest of the crew doing the same. (Capa specifically because he’s the only one we visually see do it). It’s also partially fitting to be about the crew’s dedication to completing their mission and the state of earth as they left it. Some lyrics that really stood out to me in this song were;
“Was a cold and dark december, from the rooftops I remember there was snow, white snow” among other lines about freezing and winter.
“I don't want to be a soldier who the captain of some sinking ship would stow far below '', basically the crew just refusing to sit around doing nothing while the earth freezes.
The “love” mentioned throughout could fit the crew’s love for earth displayed by their willingness to be a part of the Icarus II mission.
Hysteria (Muse) is when Harvey discovers the emergency beacon from the Icarus I, and they decide to change their course. It also goes into the shield repair scene, and Kaneda’s death. No particular lyrics (besides maybe the chorus very loosely) stick out for me but the overall message and vibe of the song fit so well with these scenes for me. I imagine the solo/bridge of this song is where Kaneda dies. The rest follows not ridgid/particular events.
Icarus (Bastille) Mace, Capa, Searle, and Harvey have just boarded the Icarus I. This song basically covers their entire time aboard the Icarus I. A ton of the lyrics fit so well in my opinion, especially when applied to Capa specifically. This song also covers the four aboard the Icarus I deciding that Capa is the most important, and Capa, Mace, and Harvey crossing the gap between the two ships to get back to the Icarus II. I find the bridge is best for the little quiet moment where they are preparing to take the leap between the ships. I’ll quote the chorus here so you can really get the vibes.
“Icarus is flying to close to the sun and Icarus’s life it has only just begun. This is how it feels to take a fall. Icarus is flying towards an early grave.” SO GOOD. These can be applied to the crew as a whole, as well as explicitly to Capa.
Viva La Vida (Coldplay) With only half the crew left, and the discussion and discovery of the Trey incident, the crew is basically just waiting for their death now. This song is representative of everyone still alive essentially making peace with their fates now that they are aware they don't have enough oxygen to make it home.
Psycho Killer (Talking Heads) PINBACKER. I feel like there's very little explanation needed for this one but i’ll get into it anyway because i LOVE this song. The song is quite literally about a serial killer. The scenes I think fit well with this song are basically just the ones with Pinbacker making his way through the crew LOL.
“I can’t sleep cause my beds on fire” OKAY SUNBURN MAN.
“we are vain and we are blind” fits so well with his views of fundamentalism.
The line “je me lance vers la glorie” translates to (roughly) “I launch myself towards glory” which again, brings us to his fundamentalism characterization and the “holy” mission he talks about throughout.
Apocalypse Please (Muse) The lyrics. OH MAN. It so perfectly encapsulates the final part of the movie, where Capa basically blows the Icarus II and its airlock open and makes his way to the payload, fighting Pinbacker and setting off his bomb. The last minute sounds “sparkly” if that makes sense, which I feel is PERFECT for when Capa does set off the bomb and we see it start to go off, sparkles and all. These are some of my favorite lyrics that relate to these scenes;
“Declare this an emergency. come on and spread a sense of urgency and pull us through. And this is the end, this is the end of the world”
“come on it's time for something biblical”
“proclaim eternal victory come on and change the course of history”
My Way (Frank Sinatra) This whole thing is basically Capa as he “meets” the sun. It's a kind of recounting of the events that led up to this place while time is slowed down. I like the upbeat and triumphant but overall melancholy feel of the song and it just makes it fit super well here.
“and now the end is near and so i face the final curtain” and honestly most of the lyrics. This is just a really versatile song that’s great for cinematic type playlists in general.
Capa Meets The Sun (Underworld) a song from the movie’s soundtrack that serves as a moment for everything to really sink in, and an extra moment before you go on with your day. I loved that this ends with the message Capa sent to his loved ones, and it's a perfect way to end the playlist. I wanted to put the main theme (Adagio in D minor) as the final song, but I felt this one fit the intended purpose better :)
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travelena · 4 months
England 🇬🇧 - London, Cotswolds & Cornwall
Day 1 - London
Dishoom for lunch! We went to the covent garden location though there are many and each has a slightly different decor/vibe. Then walked around Soho and Big Ben, etc. Then we did dinner at Kricket which was mid.
Lots of places we wanted to go but ran out of time: Columbia Road Flower Market, Spitalfields Market, Borough Market
We did have one dinner near the airport which was fantastic: Zayani Indian Restaurant
High tea locations I researched: the beaumont, sketch, Oblix at the Shard (great view), Petersham Nurseries (whimsical, but in richmond), The stage at the Londoner (moody bar interior), The Ritz (pianist), The orchid lounge, the bloomsbury, Fortnum & Mason, Harrods, The Savoy, Claridge’s, The Orangery at Kensington Palace
Other London food recs though so many more: Dishoom (indian), Da Maria (italian in kensington), Daphne’s italian- cool atmosphere, Villa Mammas - middle eastern, Fait Mason - middle eastern w/ cool interior, Chet’s (thai), The Tamil Prince (order the channa bhatura), Malaysia Deli, Lyaness (cocktail bar), Tayyab’s (punjabi food, lamb chops)
Day 2 - Oxford & Cotswolds
Stopped at Oxford on our drive to the Cotswolds and it was amazing - could've spent more time walking around campus. We had a quick lunch at the Vaults & Garden near the Radcliffe Camera. We didn't have enough time but I would've liked to go into the Bodleian Library and walk around Christ Church meadow. Lots of old buildings and you really feel the history here and can imagine all these brilliant minds sharing this space through time. Then we left Oxford and went to Burford for a quick cream tea before going to our Airbnb on a very cute lush estate with horses and chickens and walking paths through the rolling hills. Could have also stopped at Bibury if time allowed on this route but we didn't have enough. Had a nice dinner at The Willow in Bourton-on-the-Water.
Day 3 - Cotswolds
Went to lower slaughter, bourton-on-the-water, Upper slaughter, stow-on-the-wold. Walked through the villages and enjoyed the quaintness. The main things to do are walk around and take it in, there are some nice countryside walks to do as well. Overall, all about slow living and would be a nice weekend getaway from London. We also spent some time enjoying our accommodation and doing countryside walks near the horse paddocks as well. Overall, very bucolic but the countryside honestly looked like Bucks County Pennsylvania.
Day 4 - Drive to Cornwall
Drove to Cornwall, this day was cold and rainy and I was sick. Didn't do too much except drive. All the drives took longer than the GPS predicted. If more time would've stopped at Dartmoor park on the way and done a hike (Hound Tor hike 2-3 h, or wistman woods 1h, or saddle tor & Haytor Rocks). We stayed just outside St. Ives
Day 5 - Cornwall
Drive to Sennen cove→ Land's End-> porthcurno beach → pedn vounder beach (nearby and gorgeous but can't remember if we went or not) →Mullion cove→Kynance Cove (enjoy Lizard)
We did a lovely afternoon tea. at Polurrian on the Lizard and then cliff walk from the property. This was a highlight!
Walked around St. Ives at sunset - gorgeous!
Cornwall food places I researched: Porthminster kitchen (st Ives - had a great whole fish here), the sea room (st Ives), hub box (st Ives), the Cornish bakery, silco is a cute cafe w tapas in st Ives, harbour fish and chips, moomaid (ice cream st ives)
Day 6 - Cornwall
Went to the beach on the other side of St. Ives and walked along the path from Godrevy Point stopping at Fisherman's Cove. Phenomenal cliff walk - could've gone much farther and hiked more of the coast. Pretty much anywhere along the cornwall coast is gorgeous, could spend much more time exploring/enjoying this area.
Day 7 - Bath
Stayed at Brooks Guesthouse which was cute. Met up with Edith and walked around, saw the old Georgian style buildings around the Royal Crescent where they now film lots of period pieces. Then had drinks next to Bath Abbey (there is a tour/ticket you can get to go inside as well) and saw the dam & Pulteney Bridge. Other attractions there are the roman baths and the Jane Austen Centre. Went to dinner at Bandook which was pretty good but small portions. Tash and I had drinks at The Botanist which was an absolute highlight - live music, gorgeous interior, and amazing cocktail menu. Still thinking about this a year later.
Could've spent some more time in Bath, London & Cornwall. Other cornwall plces I would like to go are: Perranporth, Porthtowan, TintagelNorth Devon, Dorset National Landscape. Would've also liked to do a Jurassic Coast road trip and seen the seven sisters and cliffs.
If more time in Bath I would've liked to do afternoon tea at the Pump House
Would've stopped at Castle Combe if more time.
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ascianblood · 1 year
Eva Lore (FFXIV) - 6/15/23
A dump of lore for my FFXIV au oc Evangeline for my own archival. Not to be mistaken for Alaqa, who is the canonical version of Eva. TRIGGER WARNING FOR: Mentions of mental and physical torment, suicide, and homicide. 
Basic Information: Evageline Kagon (born Alaqa Kagon). 25 years old. Au Ra, Xaela. 4′9.  Alaqa was as any other Kagon tribeswoman, who spent most of her time under the cover of the night hunting beasts for meal and sport. She was very good with blades, but preffered her dual knives over a more traditional spear. She was so remarkable with her blades that the tribe often relied on her to bring back game from hunts and prepare them accordingly. There isn’t much to mention about her childhood or family, but they were stable and very close. She had one older brother, Orin, and two younger brothers, Dei and Dodai. I’ll probably make a more in-depth post about her familial relationships at a later date. 
As she grew older, she started having rather violent nightmares out of nowhere; horrible views of people being ripped to pieces, their flesh torn asunder, as well as vicious screams. She could hardly even stand to sleep, let alone hunt or participate in tribe activities. She found herself feeling isolated and perturbed, anxious that what she was seeing was a premonition of suffering from the Dusk Mother. Her family worried for her, but she refused to elaborate on her sudden changes. Eventually, the terrors became so pronounced that she refused to sleep altogether, for she would wake in a writhing fit, unaware of her surroundings. 
And then came the voices. Rather than the screams she had known, these voices whispered to her in frightened tones, and repeated over and over for her to leave. She couldn’t stand it anymore, so at the break of dawn before the sun could crawl over the Steppe’s hills, she left her home. She knew that she would never be allowed to return, but the voices urged her, almost controlling her. So she fled, as far as her meager feet could take her.  Upon the shores of the Ruby Sea, she stowed away within a Confederate vessel and prayed that Nhaama would release her of her torment. It must have been over two weeks of scavenging within the small confines of the ship when she landed in Limsa Lominsa. Her condition had stabilized since leaving the Steppe, but the voices had been replaced by a burning migraine so heavy she felt as if her whole body was a flaming ember.  She needed money. Badly. So when she arrived in the city proper, she lent her blades to odd causes. The procuring of meats, perhaps bodyguard duty here and there. Sometimes, a hit request; her first real taste in spilling mankind’s blood. Her Lominsan connections grew, and she was forwarded to the Adventurer’s Guild. There, she was officially enrolled, and continued with her tasks until she was approached by Jacke, leader of the Rogues. Dual blades being her specialty, she agreed to join them. It was here that she adopted the name that Jacke gave her, Evangeline, or “angel”. Her membership within the Rogue’s guild ultimately lead her to the Scions as well, where Minfilia promised her aid from her migraines. The story goes as MSQ does, but Eva never truly becomes better. In fact, she becomes more and more unstable the more animals, men, and gods she fights. Every ascian battle left her uncomfortable, but for a reason she could not place. Unknown memories started finding their way into her mind, like lost puzzle pieces. Minfilia never could rid her of her pain, and after her passing, Eva felt as if she had been cheated. Once friendly and outgoing within the Scions, she became colder. She still seemed kind, but on the inside, she was becoming jaded; nihilistic, even. In SB, she truly changed for the worst when Zenos made an appearance. At this point, she had grown an aqquired lust for blood, whether it be man or animals. She needed to kill, and Zenos matched her need with his own. She was beginning to lose sight of reason. It took all of the patience within her not to cut down the very beings she called friends.  And then in ShB, Eva is met face to face with the ascian Emet-Selch when he so kindly introduces himself. It is then that she remembers fully. The Sundering, her relationship with him, and how their beautiful life had turned sour so quickly. She knows she must speak to him, and they do, alone in her chambers of the Pendants. He reveals to her that he had been calling her for years now, hoping she would find her way to him. The Nightmares, the voices, the constant headache, and the memories; all of his design, for he had forced her sundered soul to remember things which she otherwise would have never remembered in the first place. She hated him. Despised him. It mattered not their previous relationship, as loving and gentle as it was. The pain of thousands of years was still fresh within her mind, a gaping wound pried open that she had not had sufficient time to heal, unlike his millennium of recovery. Yet she knew that she still loved him, as vile as he had become, and when he offered her his hand in comaraderie towards the goal of recovering the sundered world, she accepted. All of ShB is spent with the two together, secretly working together in favor of the rejoining. Emet is always with her, but not in view. The only times the Scions know he’s there is when he willingly allows himself to be seen.  Their relationship becomes one of physical desire and lust, but being far beyond the path of reason, also becomes one full of pain. A love and hatred so deep that they know not how to deal with it effectively, leaving only a truly broken reflection of their previous relationship. Emet enjoyed using her like a tool or a toy, and often reveled in the monster she had become. Eva, in turn, grew so restless that she craved for the deaths of anyone she did not care for. There is a constant battle throughout ShB because Eva wishes to slay all of the Scions, but Emet refuses to allow her to do so as it would completely ruin their plan. She even thought about the death of Emet herself. She wanted things to return to how they used to be, but at the same time, she was so far removed from feelings of love. In the end, she figured that the sooner she died and was reborn as her full self, the better.  This continues until the final battle with Hades, where Eva pretends to kill him. No, she does not kill him. She knows she could, but he had become her only source of entertainment, and she knew that their plan would ultimately not fail. She was a rabid dog on a leash, following his command. Elidibus is another story. I’ve not fully thought out why she fells him, but for now, let’s say it was because she cared for noone at this point other than Emet, though she despised him.  In EW, Eva’s story ends with the end of the entire world. Fandaniel’s summoning of Zodiark marks the end of her life. In the original version of this story, I let her and Emet die, but not be returned to their ancient days. I am thinking of allowing the possibility of the rejoining working, and them returning as whole beings with all of the trauma still stockpiled from their previous incarnations.  This is all for now. I really just like to draw them and their ridiculously horrible relationship. 
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gxldings · 2 years
To Protect Filigree Feelings
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Grann 777
The Liberation Army has reunited with Prince Leif of Leonster to free the Munster District of Grannvale’s Occupation. A short-lasting peace has been returned to the countryside; birds fly free over its grassy hills.
“So you came.”
Why is there that harshness in his tone, that edge to his words? He has arranged this meeting, set preparations in Leonster to meet over dinner. He, The Black Knight Ares, has donned the guise of a nobleman once more. Well-versed in the art of war, he forced himself to remember the art of diplomacy so he could speak among the people, bidding them reserve a seat in the kingdom’s finest instead of any kind of monetary compensation. 
(You care little for money anyways. When villagers offer their funds for the strength of your sword, you scoff in disgust. You are not a mercenary--not anymore.)
So why is it that his voice still carries hostility? It does not intend to hurt this boy, now that it has learned of the truth. The writing of his own father should have softened it by now, yet even though his heart is willing to accept that Sigurd’s kin is worthy of the breath he draws, his words are not so keen. Perhaps that is why he must have this conversation. It ought to smooth things out in his speech; it should make it clear that no animosity exists on his end. 
Not that any ever existed in Seliph’s, mind you. From the very beginning he was intent on being friends. Looking back now, Ares very nearly cringes at himself. He had been so wrong...
“... You have my thanks.” A bit better. He’ll get there. For now though, he is loathe to watch the other man be guided to his seat at the restaurant. Best in Leonster, he was told. It even has a view of the open plains, though taking a glance out the window now reveals they are inky black in the dead of night. It’s hard to make out any features, the outside world appearing like some infinite expanse of void. But Ares did not come here to stargaze all night. He turns to see the waiter leaving them with a menu--one, for them to share--and now only he and the Chalphy remain.
His forearms prop up against the table, positioned so his fingers can form a bridge at his mouth. Ares is considering his words a tad more carefully, staying his hand from making any kind of threat or tension between the two. He watches Seliph for a second more. Just what is he thinking? Is he surprised? Gladdened? Annoyed that he’s been made to come all the way out here from Mease Castle? The Black Knight opens his mouth to speak, but quickly bites his tongue. I’ll spare you the pleasantries, he wanted to say, to get to business as quickly as possible. But perhaps, it is better--it is friendlier--to let the other set the pace. 
“Now then, shall I get straight to the point?” 
His hands leave the table, one to tap at his leg in anticipation, the other to rest just outside his pocket. Stowed inside is the letter from his father, ready to be produced and set on the table should Seliph wish this to be quick. It should explain everything.
After all, that’s exactly what his cousin had told him.
//ares at seliph; starter for @sunsinger​
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europeincoming-24 · 5 days
Discover the Richness of Cultural Europe Tourism: Uncover the Cotswolds and Experience Christmas in Rovaniemi
Europe is a continent steeped in history, tradition, and culture. From its ancient cities to its picturesque countryside, every corner of Europe tells a story. For travelers seeking more than just sightseeing, cultural tourism offers a deep dive into the heart and soul of the continent. Two standout experiences that capture the essence of European culture are exploring the charming Cotswolds in England and celebrating a magical Christmas in Rovaniemi, Finland.
Cultural Europe Tourism is all about immersing yourself in the traditions, history, and way of life of different regions. Unlike conventional tourism, cultural travel allows you to experience a destination through its local customs, food, art, and heritage. Whether it's attending a traditional festival, visiting historical sites, or engaging with local artisans, cultural tourism brings you closer to the true essence of a place. Europe, with its diverse cultures and rich history, is a perfect destination for those looking to broaden their horizons and gain a deeper understanding of the world. From the classical music halls of Vienna to the ancient ruins of Rome, cultural Europe tourism offers endless opportunities to learn and explore.
One such cultural gem is the Uncover the Cotswolds, a region in England known for its rolling hills, honey-colored stone villages, and historic landmarks. Often referred to as the "quintessential English countryside," the Cotswolds are a haven for those seeking to uncover the beauty of rural England. The area is dotted with charming towns like Bourton-on-the-Water, Stow-on-the-Wold, and Bibury, each offering a glimpse into traditional English life. Walking through the Cotswolds, you’ll find yourself surrounded by lush meadows, ancient churches, and historic estates. The region is also home to numerous cultural attractions, such as the Blenheim Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and the birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill. Visiting the Cotswolds allows you to step back in time and experience the tranquil beauty and cultural heritage of England in its most picturesque form.
Another unique cultural experience is celebrating Christmas in Rovaniemi, the official hometown of Santa Claus, located in the heart of Finnish Lapland. Rovaniemi offers a truly magical holiday experience, where you can immerse yourself in the traditions and festive spirit of Christmas like nowhere else in the world. The town is home to Santa Claus Village, where you can meet Santa himself, send postcards from the official Santa Claus Post Office, and cross the Arctic Circle. The enchanting atmosphere of Rovaniemi is enhanced by the surrounding snow-covered landscapes, with opportunities to engage in quintessentially Finnish activities like reindeer sleigh rides, husky safaris, and viewing the mesmerizing Northern Lights.
Rovaniemi’s Christmas celebrations are deeply rooted in Finnish culture and traditions. The local markets are filled with handmade crafts, and the air is scented with the aroma of traditional Finnish pastries and warm glögi (spiced wine). A visit to Rovaniemi is more than just a holiday getaway; it's an immersive experience that captures the spirit of Christmas in its purest form. The combination of cultural authenticity and winter wonderland scenery makes Christmas in Rovaniemi a bucket-list experience for travelers seeking a festive cultural adventure.
In conclusion, cultural tourism in Europe offers endless possibilities for discovering the continent's rich heritage and traditions. Whether you’re uncovering the idyllic beauty of the Cotswolds or experiencing the magic of Christmas in Rovaniemi, cultural travel allows you to connect with the places you visit on a deeper level. These experiences offer more than just a holiday; they provide an opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture, creating lasting memories and a greater appreciation for the diversity and history that make Europe so unique.
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tajmirror · 1 month
Royal Rajasthan Tour by Taj Mirror Tours company
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Taj Mirror Tours Royal Rajasthan Tour With the Royal Rajasthan Tour, provided by Taj Mirror Tours, set out an amazing trip across the realm of kings. Deep into the heart of Rajasistan, a land renowned for its grand forts, lavish palaces, energetic culture, and rich past, this immersive trip will transport you. Discover the majesty of India's royal past as you tour the famous cities of Jaipur, Jodhpur, Udaipur, and Jaisalmer, each providing a different window into the state's royal past.
Overview of Travel Starting in Jaipur, the Pink City, and Rajasthan's capital, the Royal Rajasthan Tour Grand forts, opulent palaces, and vibrantly colored bazaars define Jaipur. Starting with a visit to the magnificent hilltop fortification Amber Fort, which provides amazing views of the surroundings, You will then tour the City Palace, a vast edifice still home to the Jaipur royal family. Along with the Jantar Mantar observatory, a UNESCO World Heritage Site with 18th-century astronomical instruments, the Hawa Mahal, sometimes known as the Palace of Winds, is visited on the tour for its complex façade.
From Jaipur, the trip proceeds to Jodhpur, sometimes known as the Blue City, because of the vividly blue-painted homes in its old town. Perched on a rocky hill above the city, the massive Mehrangarh Fort is among the biggest and most striking forts in India. Within the fort sits a museum showcasing royal relics, weapons, and artwork. The tour also includes a visit to the Umaid Bhawan Palace, a grand palace currently run as a luxury hotel and museum providing a window into the splendor of the Jodhpur royal family.
You then will head to Udaipur, sometimes known as the Venice of the East or the City of Lakes. Renowned for its gorgeous backdrop with palaces, lakes, and gardens, Udaipur is The City Palace, a magnificent edifice with a view of Lake Pichola, will highlight your trip. On the lake, you will also enjoy a boat trip where the magnificent white marble palace known as Lake Palace appears to float on the water. Other attractions include the Saheliyon Ki Bari, a medieval garden with fountains and shops, and the Jagdish Temple, noted for its complex carvings.
The trip ends in Jaisalmer, the Golden City, right in the middle of the Thar Desert. Golden sandstone buildings and a grand fort rising like a mirage from the desert sands define Jaisalmer. You will tour the live fort known as Jaisalmer Fort, home to thousands of people still today. Inside are temples, exquisitely carved havelis (mansions), and a busy marketplace. Along with the tour is a visit to the Sam Sand Dunes, where one may have a camel ride and see a breathtaking desert sunset.
Frequent questions Q: Comprising the tour package is what? A: The travel package covers lodging in opulent hotels, guided visits to Jaipur, Jodhpur, Udaipur, and Jaisalmer, entrance fees to all sites, private air-conditioned conveyance, and a few chosen meals.
The tour lasts how long? A: Depending on the schedule and any customizing choices you decide upon, the Royal Rajasthan Tour usually last ten to twelve days.
Q: Would first-time Indian visitors find the tour appropriate? A: Indeed, the trip provides a thorough introduction to Rajasistan's rich architectural and cultural legacy, so fitting for first-time tourists.
Q: When should one travel to Rajasthan? A: October to March is the ideal season to visit Rajasistan since the temperature is lower and more pleasant for sightseeing.
Q: Is the tour customisable? A: Taj Mirror Tours gives you the freedom to alter the trip to suit your tastes including extra stops or events.
Is dinner included? A: The hotels offer breakfast every day; depending on the schedule, certain additional meals are also served. One can schedule additional meals at extra expense.
For the trip, what should I pack? A: Stow cozy clothes and walking shoes. Depending on the season, you might also wish to pack a shawl or jacket for evening cooler temperatures. Remember to have a decent camera to show the magnificent scenery and buildings.
Q: How am I scheduled the trip? A: Either directly through the Taj Mirror Tours website or by calling their customer service line for help to schedule the Royal Rajasthan Tour.
Where history, culture, and architectural beauty come together in an amazing travel experience, the Royal Rajasthan Tour by Taj Mirror Tours is a fascinating trip across India's most royal state. This trip guarantees lifetime memories whether your interests are in great palaces, meandering through energetic markets, or camel riding in the desert.
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occasiononmain · 2 months
Unforgettable Wedding Venues in Gastonia, NC
Gastonia, North Carolina, is a charming city that combines Southern hospitality with modern amenities, making it a perfect destination for couples looking to tie the knot. With a variety of stunning wedding venues that suit every style and budget, Gastonia offers a picturesque backdrop for your special day. From historic sites to lush gardens, here’s a guide to some of the most memorable wedding venues in Gastonia.
1. The Gaston Country Club
Located just a short drive from downtown Gastonia, the Gaston Country Club offers an elegant setting for weddings. With panoramic views of the golf course and a beautifully appointed ballroom, this venue can accommodate both large and intimate gatherings. The outdoor patio is perfect for ceremonies, allowing couples to exchange vows surrounded by nature. Their experienced staff is dedicated to making your wedding day seamless and stress-free.
2. The Historic Newport Cotton Mill
For couples looking for a unique and industrial chic setting, the Historic Newport Cotton Mill is an ideal choice. This renovated cotton mill offers a rustic charm combined with modern amenities. With exposed brick walls, hardwood floors, and large windows that let in natural light, the venue provides a stunning backdrop for wedding photos. The spacious layout allows for a versatile setup, accommodating both ceremonies and receptions.
3. The Southern Charm Farm
Located just outside Gastonia, The Southern Charm Farm is a picturesque barn venue that embodies the essence of a Southern wedding. Surrounded by rolling hills and lush greenery, this rustic venue is perfect for couples who desire a countryside setting. The barn features modern amenities while retaining its original charm, making it a wonderful spot for both ceremonies and receptions. Outdoor ceremonies can be held overlooking the serene landscape, creating a magical atmosphere for the exchange of vows.
4. Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden
For nature lovers, Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden offers a breathtaking venue for a wedding surrounded by beautiful flora. With several outdoor ceremony sites, including a picturesque gazebo and a courtyard adorned with seasonal blooms, the gardens create a vibrant and romantic setting. The indoor event space is equally stunning, with floor-to-ceiling windows that provide stunning views of the gardens. This venue is perfect for couples looking to incorporate nature into their special day.
5. The Factory
The Factory is a versatile event space that offers a modern and industrial vibe right in the heart of Gastonia. This venue can accommodate both small and large weddings, making it suitable for any style. The Factory provides a blank canvas that allows couples to customize their wedding decor to match their vision. With high ceilings and an open floor plan, it offers endless possibilities for creativity.
6. The Eno River Winery
For couples seeking a more intimate and unique setting, the Eno River Winery offers a charming space surrounded by vineyards and scenic views. This intimate winery can host smaller weddings and is perfect for couples who appreciate fine wine and natural beauty. The outdoor patio is an ideal spot for ceremonies, while the rustic tasting room offers a cozy space for receptions. It’s a delightful choice for a romantic destination wedding.
Gastonia is a hidden gem when it comes to wedding venues, offering a variety of options that cater to every couple’s dream. From elegant country clubs to rustic barns and magical gardens, there’s a venue for every style and preference. When planning your special day, consider Gastonia for its charm, hospitality, and beautiful venues that create unforgettable memories. Let the enchanting backdrop of this lovely city be the canvas for your love story, and start your journey together in one of these remarkable locations.
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   Important Tips for Moving to Burlington, VT
Burlington, Vermont, a picturesque city nestled on the shores of Lake Champlain, is a vibrant and charming place to call home. Known for its stunning natural beauty, vibrant arts scene, and friendly community, Burlington offers a unique blend of urban and rural living. If you're planning to move to Burlington, here are some important tips to make your transition smooth and enjoyable. Additionally, we'll explore transportation options, including the Burlington to Stowe shuttle and car service in Burlington, VT, to help you navigate your new home.
1. Understanding Burlington’s Climate
Burlington experiences a humid continental climate with four distinct seasons. Winters can be long and harsh, with average temperatures in January hovering around 20°F (-6°C). Snowfall is common, so be prepared for snow removal and winter driving conditions. Summers are warm and pleasant, with average temperatures in July around 70°F (21°C). The fall foliage is spectacular, making it a popular time for outdoor activities.
Tip: Invest in high-quality winter clothing and gear. A good pair of snow boots, a heavy-duty coat, gloves, and hats are essential. Also, ensure your vehicle is equipped for winter driving with snow tires and an emergency kit.
2. Finding Housing in Burlington
Burlington offers a variety of housing options, from historic homes in the Hill Section to modern apartments downtown. The South End is known for its artsy vibe and proximity to Lake Champlain, while the Old North End offers more affordable options with a diverse community.
Tip: Start your housing search early, as the rental market can be competitive, especially in the summer months when students return to the University of Vermont. Websites like Zillow, Craigslist, and local real estate agents can be helpful resources.
3. Navigating Transportation
While Burlington is a walkable city, having access to a car can make life more convenient, especially if you plan to explore the surrounding areas. Public transportation is available through Green Mountain Transit, which offers bus services around the city and to neighboring towns.
Tip: Consider using a car service in Burlington, VT, for reliable transportation. Local car services provide comfortable and efficient travel, whether you're heading to the airport, a business meeting, or a night out.
4. Utilizing the Burlington to Stowe Shuttle
Stowe, a popular destination for skiing and outdoor activities, is just a short drive from Burlington. The Burlington to Stowe shuttle is a convenient option for those without a car or who prefer not to drive in winter conditions.
Tip: Check the shuttle schedule in advance, especially during peak seasons, to ensure availability. The shuttle provides a hassle-free way to enjoy a day trip or weekend getaway to Stowe’s renowned ski slopes and hiking trails.
5. Embracing the Local Culture
Burlington has a thriving arts and music scene, with numerous galleries, theaters, and live music venues. The South End Arts District is a hub for creativity, featuring local artists and makers. The Flynn Center for the Performing Arts hosts a variety of performances, from Broadway shows to concerts and dance performances.
Tip: Get involved in the local community by attending events, joining clubs, or volunteering. The Burlington Farmers Market, held year-round, is a great place to meet locals, enjoy fresh produce, and discover handmade goods.
6. Exploring Outdoor Activities
Burlington’s location on Lake Champlain offers endless opportunities for outdoor recreation. Boating, fishing, kayaking, and paddleboarding are popular activities in the summer. The Burlington Bike Path, which runs along the waterfront, is perfect for cycling, jogging, or leisurely walks.
Tip: Take advantage of the numerous parks and natural areas around Burlington. Oakledge Park, North Beach, and Red Rocks Park are just a few places where you can enjoy the outdoors and stunning views of the lake.
7. Understanding the Cost of Living
Burlington's cost of living is higher than the national average, particularly in terms of housing and utilities. However, the quality of life, safety, and access to amenities often justify the higher costs.
Tip: Budget accordingly and explore cost-saving measures, such as carpooling, using public transportation, or shopping at local markets and thrift stores. Consider energy-efficient appliances and practices to reduce utility bills.
8. Getting Involved in the Community
Burlington is known for its strong sense of community and civic engagement. Numerous organizations and initiatives focus on sustainability, social justice, and community development.
Tip: Attend city council meetings, participate in local events, and join community organizations to stay informed and get involved. The sense of belonging and contribution will make your transition smoother and more rewarding.
9. Accessing Healthcare and Education
Burlington is home to the University of Vermont Medical Center, providing high-quality healthcare services. The city also has excellent educational institutions, including the University of Vermont and Champlain College.
Tip: Establish a relationship with a local healthcare provider and explore educational opportunities, whether for yourself or your children. The city offers a variety of programs and services to support lifelong learning.
10. Enjoying Local Cuisine
Burlington’s food scene is diverse and vibrant, with numerous restaurants, cafes, and breweries offering a wide range of cuisines. From farm-to-table dining to international flavors, there’s something for everyone.
Tip: Explore the local food scene by visiting popular spots like Church Street Marketplace, where you can find a variety of dining options. Don’t miss out on trying Vermont’s famous maple syrup and cheese.
11. Staying Informed and Connected
Staying informed about local news and events is crucial for new residents. Burlington has several local news outlets, including the Burlington Free Press and Seven Days, that provide comprehensive coverage of local happenings.
Tip: Subscribe to local newspapers, join community social media groups, and sign up for newsletters to stay connected and informed. Engaging with local media will help you integrate into the community and stay updated on important issues and events.
12. Preparing for Emergencies
Burlington is a safe city, but it’s important to be prepared for emergencies. Familiarize yourself with local emergency services, including fire, police, and medical facilities. The city also has resources for natural disasters, such as flooding or severe weather.
Tip: Create an emergency plan for your household, including contact information, meeting points, and essential supplies. Stay informed about local emergency alerts and weather updates.
Moving to Burlington, VT, is an exciting adventure filled with opportunities to explore new landscapes, cultures, and communities. By understanding the local climate, housing market, transportation options, and community resources, you can make a smooth transition and fully enjoy all that Burlington has to offer. Whether you're using the Burlington to Stowe shuttle for a weekend getaway or a car service in Burlington, VT, for your daily commute, you'll find that this vibrant city has something for everyone. Embrace the local culture, get involved in the community, and take advantage of the natural beauty that surrounds you. Welcome to Burlington!
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wendelalice · 4 months
I’m going to have one more - much briefer - go, because if I have a lot to say tomorrow I won’t have the energy to remember what Inhave just lost.
So in a nutshell
We had a tour round the Railway Museum at Peterborough this morning. MORE than just interesting. We learned a lot about the history of the importance of Peterborough to the industrial development of Sth Australia as it was the junction of north south and east west trains. Peterborough was a railway town, once with a population of 5000. It is now a tourist town - thanks to an energetic council and some locals 20 years ago - with a population of 1600. The Roundhouse and Turntable enabled 100 steam trains to be looked after a day with a large workforce working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in three 8 hour shifts. 3 different railway gauges came together at Peterborough, thus the use of the turntable. The depot employed more than 1000 people to look,after 100 passing trains a day.
It took about 15 years to qualify as a steam engine driver, spending years as a cleaner, fireman (it was always a male profession) mechanic and then driver, the reason being that the driver had full responsibility for the train if there was a breakdown. So respected was that position, that they were referred to as Mr …, not by their first name.
We learned so much - way more than I can remember. One story I liked is the establishment of a train carriage fitted out with equipment for mothers and babies to visit the Clinic Sister, who travelled in the carriage once a month doing vaccinations and helping mothers and monitoring babies’ health and progress. The Sister lived in the train when she visited each area.
Driving from Peterborough to Rawnsley Park Station was a very different drive than Broken Hill to Peterborough, which was flat and straight. The road was no longer dead straight for miles and miles, there were some gentle hills to drive up and getting closer were the Flinders Ranges, it felt as though they were encircling us as we came closer. The surrounding countryside appeared to be a little softer looking. We drove over lots of dry water courses (they haven’t had rain since February and then only a bit) but you can see beautiful red river gums on the banks and one can only hope rain will come again soon. I can only guess that - like the area we travelled yesterday - that there would be a lot of flooding when the creeks ran.
Camping can be testing…. you have to turn around in the van slowly, everything has to be stowed away properly, you have to press this button before that button p, you have to remember to disconnect hoses and electrical cords before driving off and for heaven’s sake DON’T leave the keys in the van and shut the doors and walk away for more than a couple of minutes as it will automatically lock!!!😱
But by FAR the funniest thing I have seen is the morning ritual of people heading to The Dump (where the toilet canisters are emptied). The canisters are so sophisticated now they come with little wheels and a pull out handle so they don’t have to be lifted. I see people pull their little canister along (just like an overnight bag!) greeting each other as they pass by!!! I don’t know why it makes me laugh but it does. Something about the public view of something so private! We use the bathrooms.
Now I am going to post this and try some photos later. I wrote a long screed about an hour ago and lost the lot when adding photos!!
Tomorrow we are going to Wilpena Pound. We can’t drive on dirt tracks around this area - or anywhere for that matter - as part of the hire company restrictions which is a pity. But we will see what we can see.
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frank4457 · 4 months
Vermont's Waterbury: Paradise for Outdoor Enthusiasts.
Nestled in the heart of Vermont, Waterbury is a haven for those who thrive in the great outdoors. From adrenaline-pumping mountain biking trails to serene cross-country skiing routes, this picturesque town offers something for every adventurer. Let's explore the myriad of activities that make Waterbury, Vermont a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts.
Mountain Biking: Waterbury boasts a network of exhilarating mountain biking trails that wind through lush forests and rugged terrain. Riders of all skill levels can find their perfect trail, whether it's the technical challenges of Perry Hill's singletrack or the scenic beauty of the Cross Vermont Trail. With stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, every ride is an adventure waiting to be discovered.
Skiing and Snowboarding: When winter blankets the landscape in a layer of snow, Waterbury transforms into a winter wonderland for skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts. Nearby resorts such as Stowe Mountain and Sugarbush offer world-class slopes and trails for all abilities. Whether you're carving down steep black diamonds or enjoying a leisurely glide through pristine powder, the thrill of the slopes is undeniable.
Hiking: Lace up your boots and explore Waterbury's extensive network of hiking trails that meander through scenic forests, past cascading waterfalls, and up to breathtaking vistas. From leisurely strolls along the Waterbury Trail to challenging ascents of Camel's Hump, there's a hike for every adventurer. Keep an eye out for local wildlife, including deer, moose, and a variety of bird species that call this area home.
Kayaking and Canoeing: With its abundance of lakes, rivers, and streams, Waterbury offers endless opportunities for kayaking and canoeing enthusiasts. Paddle along the tranquil waters of the Winooski River or explore the hidden coves of Waterbury Reservoir. Whether you're seeking a peaceful morning paddle or an adrenaline-fueled whitewater adventure, the possibilities are endless.
Fishing: Cast your line into the clear waters of Waterbury's lakes and rivers and reel in the catch of the day. Anglers will find ample opportunities to hook trout, bass, and other freshwater species in the region's pristine waters. Whether you're fly fishing along a babbling brook or trolling for trophy-sized fish on the reservoir, the tranquility of a day spent fishing is hard to beat.
Camping: Extend your outdoor adventure with a camping trip under the starlit skies of Waterbury. Choose from a variety of campgrounds and campsites, ranging from rustic tent sites to fully-equipped RV parks. Fall asleep to the soothing sounds of nature and wake up refreshed and ready for another day of exploration.
In conclusion, Vermont's Waterbury is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts, offering a wealth of activities to satisfy every adventurer's craving for excitement and natural beauty. Whether you're shredding the trails on your mountain bike, carving up the slopes on your skis, or simply soaking in the serenity of the great outdoors, Waterbury has something special to offer. So pack your gear, hit the road, and prepare to embark on the adventure of a lifetime in this outdoor playground.
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