#The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!
imaradevar · 1 year
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NAME: Imara Pari Devar
AGE: 31
BIRTHDAY: May 17, 1992
ZODIAC: Taurus Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Pisces Rising
FACE CLAIM: Simone Ashley
OCCUPATION: Dental Hygienist
HOMETOWN: Philadelphia, PA.
Imara cannot answer what it's like to be in India. For that, her parents are grateful. Not that they wanted to abandon their roots when they found a home in Philadelphia, but they wanted nothing more than a life filled with better opportunities for their daughter. Who wasn't onboard for their departure was her father's mother, thinking that America will only wash their family from their culture. It only took a phone call for Imara's grandmother to find herself hopping on a plane unannounced.
As if the pressure in the house wasn't already stressful; Imara felt the need to always stay in line - to never take one misstep. She was forced to always be so golden. That's why, when presented with the knowledge her grandmother had established an arranged marriage for Imara - she nodded and smiled. But, when she turned 18, Imara backed out. Though this person became her best friend through the debauchry that her grandmother was putting them through, she didn't necessarily love them. Imara also couldn't give up on the American Dream just yet. Due to this, her grandmother headed back to India, but Imara was cut from the rest of the family overseas.
It didn't help that her mother had gotten sick, and instead of going to Princeton or Yale, Imara enrolled in a dental hygienist program locally so that she could stay at home and be with her mother. A year went by, her mother passed, her father went back to India to be with the rest of the family as they grieved, and Imara stayed in the United States. Recently, Imara moved to Cape May. She's still trying to figure out where life is taking her, but at least she could finally let her hair down a little.
Imara comes across as intimidating due to being perceived as all 'put-together.' This is far from the truth. Though she is mature, she merely is just an expert at portraying herself as elegant. Affable, the woman is able to carry on a conversation with anyone - even when she would prefer to be locked in her apartment with a good book. Imara is well-read, and it shows in how she speaks. Her benevolence is one of the very first things that people notice; Imara usually bending over backwards in order to help a stranger. When it feels that the rest of the world had walked out, Imara makes sure that she is still there for others in her life. She is very easy to please, but she does tend to have a richer taste palette (it's the Taurus); enjoying upscale dining, and self-indulgent in self-care. Imara isn't into cooking; takeout boxes loiter the inside of her fridge, and she keeps planning on taking a cooking class but it's constantly pushed off. Imara is a creature of habit. She loves organization and scheduling in all aspects of her life. She always starts her morning with a london fog and acai bowl at Bella Vida Cafe. The interesting thing about Imara is that she's not easily won in the romance department. This comes from the fact that she's just used to being on her own, but also that she's been supporting herself for so long that she doesn't see the need to really settle down. She has a fun switch, and can easily be found dancing on tables if she's had one too many margaritas.
+ Epicurean, Mature, and Reliable
- Tenacious, Overbearing, and Introverted
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ruthellisneda · 6 years
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!
These days, Acai bowls are the hottest thing on the streets.
It’s been called “the healthiest breakfast on the planet” by some news outlets.
The hype machine is operating at full capacity for this South American berry. It’s a superfood that will help you lose weight, extend your lifespan, and help defend your body against aging!
Are these claims true?
Clearly the people marketing acai berries and bowls don’t care – as long as they can hype the crap out of it, there’s money to be made.
Hell, I walked down the street the other day and saw a place named “Acai Ya Later.”
If you’ve been reading Nerd Fitness for a while, it’s no secret I’m a fan of a well done pun, even if they need to mispronounce “acai” to make it work.
Unfortunately, I’m not a fan of bogus health claims, even if there are puns involved!
So today I’m gonna dig into the facts about acai berries, acai bowls, and eternal life from fruit.
No hype.
No acai supplement to sell you. No “superfood” claims.
Just the truth. And funny gifs. Always gifs.
What is an acai berry?
The acai berry is the small purple fruit found on the acai palm.
They come from Brazil and other northern regions of South America. 80% of the berry is actually the seed, which for the most part people don’t eat.
This leaves only about 20% for the flesh and skin of the berry, the stuff people generally do eat.
Why should you care about acai?
Generally, the answer lies in the word “antioxidants”.
I know, “Why the hell do I care about antioxidants?”
Great question.
Antioxidants are substances that fight a process called oxidation.
When your body interacts with too much sunlight, toxins in smoke, air pollution, alcohol, and other challenges, it can create “free radicals,” AKA molecules with an unpaired electron.
And these molecules? They are single and ready to mingle. So when they collide with an electron that’s already paired, they more or less steal it.
This molecule then has to steal another electron, and the process continues. You can see how this could get out of hand. While some free radicals are normal, too many in our bodies can indeed lead to cancer [2].
Note that “Free Radicals” are different from “the New Radicals,” a one-hit wonder:
Which brings me back to antioxidants.
Depending on the particular molecule, antioxidants either provide the free radical with an extra electron, or break it down altogether.
The point: antioxidants neutralize free radicals, making them harmless.
That’s why antioxidants are important.
In our quest to get to the bottom of the hype on acai, antioxidants will prove critical. But I want to address an even more important point before we get there.
How do you pronounce “acai”?
We need to talk about how you actually pronounce “acai?” I’ve seen it make all sorts of people tongue tied.
And you want to sound important and all-knowing at your next cocktail party, right?
It’s “”ah-sigh-ee.” Like this:
Often times, when exotic fruit is brought to the West, it’s name is changed so it’s easier to pronounce.
Story time: This happened with the fruit “kiwi,” actually called “Yang-tao” in China. But marketers banked on “kiwi” being easier to say than Yang-tao, pronounced “yahng tou” in English. So they named it after the famous kiwi bird from New Zealand.
And boom, that’s why you know kiwi fruit as “kiwis.”
Such a name swap didn’t happen with acai.
Acai has kept its original Brazilian name, which is why us English speakers trip up pronouncing it[3].
Which is a logical segue to our next section.
Why are acai bowls so popular?
The credit of the acai berry being popular outside of Brazil can be attributed to Ryan and Jeremy Black, two brothers from Southern California.
Together with their friend Ed Nichols they realized the acai berry could have a potential gigantic market in the West.
The Black brothers and Nichols came across acai on a trip to Brazil. The locals encouraged them to try it, proclaiming the health benefits of the berry: an energy boost, kickstarted immunity, and detoxification.
They got HOOKED on these things, and from then on, whenever Ryan, Jeremy, and Ed were in Brazil, they would search for an icy acai bowl.
On one such trip, the Black brothers and Nichols discussed how great it would be to enjoy acai back in the States.
Strange fruit from Brazil with antioxidants?
Exotic, healthy, and easy to make grandiose claims about?
And that’s why acai bowls can now be found in every city in America with a punny store name.
What’s in an acai bowl? What are some typical acai bowl recipes?
In Brazil, the acai (in the form of frozen pulp) is generally served in a bowl with granola and bananas. Sometimes a fourth ingredient would be used, the Amazonian fruit guarana, which contains more caffeine than coffee.
Simple enough.
How about here in the states? That’s where acai bowls get cray.
You’ll for sure get acai berries, granola, and banana. And maybe guarana. But how about some of the following:
Apple Juice
Almond Milk
Almond Butter
Mango Juice
Peanut Butter
Soy Milk
Pick a handful of the above, mix them in a bowl, and BOOM! Acai bowl.
One thing most ingredients listed or referenced have in common, is they are carbohydrate and/or sugar heavy. Some, like agave and honey, are more or less just sugar.
Which brings me to an important and really fun point:
Fact checking the acai bowl hype
There are a lot of health claims associated to the acai berry. Some of which make my eyebrows raise. Others make me nod approvingly. And one or two that make my soul hurt. 
Which is why I’d like to introduce my new favorite Nerd Fitness game, “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire”:
CLAIM #1: “There are good antioxidants in acai berries.”
Acai berries are indeed high in antioxidants[4]. Which is great, for the reasons we talked about earlier. When people talk about the benefits of the acai berry, it more or less comes down to antioxidants.
I support this claim. Now, I will mention just about any berry you pick (blackberry, blueberry, raspberry) is also a great source of antioxidants. But I won’t completely steal the acai berry’s thunder.
CLAIM #2: “Acai berries are nutrient dense.”
REALITY: Also true!
Acai berries contain as much Vitamin C as blueberries. Plus acai is a great source of Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and E. They also contain plenty of minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, and copper.
Good stuff there. As a proponent of eating REAL food that are nutrient dense, I would throw acai into that category. An acai berry is REAL food.
CLAIM #3: “Acai berries aid digestion.”
REALITY: eh, sort of.
Fiber aids digestion. And acai skin and pulp contain fiber. So acai aids digestion?
Sure, that’s true. But it’s not the complete picture. All sort of things contain fiber, like every other berry you’ve ever heard of. Plus, some food like carrots, are more much fibrous than the acai berry.
There is no special acai ingredient to improve digestion. If fiber is what you’re after, an acai berry isn’t a bad decision. But it’s not the single best option.
CLAIM #4: “Acai has anti-aging powers.”
REALITY: Bollocks! Hogwash!
Antioxidants are a good thing, because keeping your cells healthy and clear of free radicals is important. But are your wrinkles going to smooth out with the help of a berry? Or really, anything shy of botox? Don’t buy into this.
Acai have no special anti-aging magic. If the claim is antioxidants reverse aging, sure, in that they keep cells healthy. But not in the “I’m going to reverse time” way.
CLAIM #5: “Acai will improve libido.”
REALITY: Poppycock!
Will eating nutritiously lead to improved health? Which will improve how your body functions? Which could include libido? Sure.
Is there a berry out there that will make you awesome in the bedroom? No.
CLAIM #6: “Acai berries help weight loss.”
“Acai is a nutrient-rich source of antioxidants, much like many other fruits, but there is nothing magical about the fruit to cause weight loss.” Thank you David Grotto, RD[5].
Promises like better health, improved libido, and weight loss sell well. That’s why you’ll come across them. But as the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Naturally, the idea that a berry will make you lose weight is silly. It depends on what else you are consuming, and in what quantities, in addition to the acai berry. I’m going to cover this more extensively below.
Can I lose weight eating acai bowls?
It truly depends on how you used to eat and what else you eat every day.
To help paint this picture, let’s talk about the carbohydrates and sugars in an acai bowl.
Let’s start with the traditional acai bowl: acai puree, granola, and some banana. That will run about 355 calories, including 50 grams of carbohydrates, with 18 grams of those being sugar.
For comparison, the average bagel from a deli will have about 350 calories and 50 grams of carbs.
And that’s just a traditional bowl: what about the Americanized versions?
Acai puree often has sugar added to it, since the acai berry itself isn’t too sweet. Plus, an acai place might also pour things like honey and agave into the bowl. And don’t forget fruit contains quite a bit of sugar.
When you add it all up, it becomes a lot.
Let’s analyze the 12 oz. Acai Berry Bowl from “Juice It Up”: acai puree, a strawberry juice blend, actual strawberries, blueberries, and guarana. This rakes up:
340 calories
66 grams of carbohydrates
60 grams of sugar (more than a can of Coke!)
If you called this meal a “carb bomb” or “sugar bomb,” I wouldn’t disagree with you. And none of this factors in additional toppings like coconut flakes or granola.
You can see how all of this adds up quickly. Acai bowls with over 90 grams of sugar are not unheard of.
That’s why I cringe when I read the Huffington Post’s article that acai bowls are the world’s healthiest breakfast[6]. I have no problem if you eat an acai bowl for breakfast.
But don’t let the good attributes of a South American berry distract you. Carbs, calories, and sugar don’t count less just because there are antioxidants present.
Eating a pile of pureed carbs, topped with carbs, and sprinkled with carbs, might be only a slightly better decision than a bowl of Lucky Charms.
All of this to say: be smart and learn about what you’re eating! Know the caloric, carbohydrate and sugar makeup of the food you eat, even if it’s “super.”
What’s a better plan for breakfast?
If you are going to eat breakfast, shift your focus from a pile of carbs to something loaded with protein and healthy fat. It’ll help fill you up in a more calorically-efficient manner, provide your muscles with rebuilding fuel, and not spike your insulin levels like sugar/carbs can do[7].
Eggs are a breakfast staple that Team Nerd Fitness wholly endorses. You can read our five favorite quick recipes here.
If you need some other examples for meal ideas, check out our post on 10 meals that can be made in 10 minutes.
But that’s only if you actually want to eat breakfast. You can also…
SKIP BREAKFAST. Some people forgo breakfast all together! Like me. It’s called intermittent fasting. It lets you make one less meal decision for the day, you’re less likely to overeat in a day, and it can help manage your insulin levels.
So start with protein in the morning. Or skip breakfast. But personally I wouldn’t start with a bucket of sugar in puree form if I was trying to lose weight.
Bummed out that your superfood breakfast isn’t that super? I hear ya. There’s nothing worse than TRYING to be healthy and discovering the food you thought was helping you lose weight is actually making things worse! Crap. Fun fact: I used to eat tons of granola bars and thought they were healthy (nope, carb and sugar bombs – might as well have been a Snickers!)
So whether it’s making sense of healthy breakfasts, learning how to eat better the rest of the day, or even just having an accountability partner to check in with, Nerd Fitness has helped thousands.
If you are looking for a personal coach that will help you stay accountable without judgement, help guide you to make better food choices, and get you results results that stick, check out our uber popular 1-on-1 online coaching program!
It’s kind of like having Yoda in your pocket (through your phone, not the Force…yet).
If this sounds like something that could help you, schedule a free call! You can talk to our team to see if we’re a good fit for each other! Click the image below to schedule now.
Be wary of anything called a superfood!
If you ever read anything about a “superfood,” let this act as a public service announcement.
Be skeptical. Marketers love this term because it’s not defined, regulated, or provable. Meaning it can be used at whim to sell whatever to desperate folks trying to lose weight with zero repercussions
The acai is a well hyped piece of fruit thanks to a serious marketing engine and lots of money at stake.
Like most berries, it has good antioxidants and nutrients. Good stuff.
And If you like the taste and want to treat yo self? Occasionally, hell yeah.
Should you eat one everyday for breakfast? Especially smothered in granola, drizzled with honey, and topped with more carbs/sugar?
There’s likely a better option if you’re not seeing success and losing weight. Here’s our advice on healthy eating for weight loss.
Don’t let headlines and hype distract you from what’s really going on. Tons of calories and sugar in the AM is a bad strategy if you’re trying to lose weight.
What do you think? Am I being too harsh on acai? Or does this berry deserve to have some of its hype squashed. Let me know in the comments.
Also, do you have any other “superfoods” you want us to take on in future “Liar,..
0 notes
joshuabradleyn · 6 years
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!
These days, Acai bowls are the hottest thing on the streets.
It’s been called “the healthiest breakfast on the planet” by some news outlets.
The hype machine is operating at full capacity for this South American berry. It’s a superfood that will help you lose weight, extend your lifespan, and help defend your body against aging!
Are these claims true?
Clearly the people marketing acai berries and bowls don’t care – as long as they can hype the crap out of it, there’s money to be made.
Hell, I walked down the street the other day and saw a place named “Acai Ya Later.”
If you’ve been reading Nerd Fitness for a while, it’s no secret I’m a fan of a well done pun, even if they need to mispronounce “acai” to make it work.
Unfortunately, I’m not a fan of bogus health claims, even if there are puns involved!
So today I’m gonna dig into the facts about acai berries, acai bowls, and eternal life from fruit.
No hype.
No acai supplement to sell you. No “superfood” claims.
Just the truth. And funny gifs. Always gifs.
What is an acai berry?
The acai berry is the small purple fruit found on the acai palm.
They come from Brazil and other northern regions of South America. 80% of the berry is actually the seed, which for the most part people don’t eat.
This leaves only about 20% for the flesh and skin of the berry, the stuff people generally do eat.
Why should you care about acai?
Generally, the answer lies in the word “antioxidants”.
I know, “Why the hell do I care about antioxidants?”
Great question.
Antioxidants are substances that fight a process called oxidation.
When your body interacts with too much sunlight, toxins in smoke, air pollution, alcohol, and other challenges, it can create “free radicals,” AKA molecules with an unpaired electron.
And these molecules? They are single and ready to mingle. So when they collide with an electron that’s already paired, they more or less steal it.
This molecule then has to steal another electron, and the process continues. You can see how this could get out of hand. While some free radicals are normal, too many in our bodies can indeed lead to cancer [2].
Note that “Free Radicals” are different from “the New Radicals,” a one-hit wonder:
Which brings me back to antioxidants.
Depending on the particular molecule, antioxidants either provide the free radical with an extra electron, or break it down altogether.
The point: antioxidants neutralize free radicals, making them harmless.
That’s why antioxidants are important.
In our quest to get to the bottom of the hype on acai, antioxidants will prove critical. But I want to address an even more important point before we get there.
How do you pronounce “acai”?
We need to talk about how you actually pronounce “acai?” I’ve seen it make all sorts of people tongue tied.
And you want to sound important and all-knowing at your next cocktail party, right?
It’s “”ah-sigh-ee.” Like this:
Often times, when exotic fruit is brought to the West, it’s name is changed so it’s easier to pronounce.
Story time: This happened with the fruit “kiwi,” actually called “Yang-tao” in China. But marketers banked on “kiwi” being easier to say than Yang-tao, pronounced “yahng tou” in English. So they named it after the famous kiwi bird from New Zealand.
And boom, that’s why you know kiwi fruit as “kiwis.”
Such a name swap didn’t happen with acai.
Acai has kept its original Brazilian name, which is why us English speakers trip up pronouncing it[3].
Which is a logical segue to our next section.
Why are acai bowls so popular?
The credit of the acai berry being popular outside of Brazil can be attributed to Ryan and Jeremy Black, two brothers from Southern California.
Together with their friend Ed Nichols they realized the acai berry could have a potential gigantic market in the West.
The Black brothers and Nichols came across acai on a trip to Brazil. The locals encouraged them to try it, proclaiming the health benefits of the berry: an energy boost, kickstarted immunity, and detoxification.
They got HOOKED on these things, and from then on, whenever Ryan, Jeremy, and Ed were in Brazil, they would search for an icy acai bowl.
On one such trip, the Black brothers and Nichols discussed how great it would be to enjoy acai back in the States.
Strange fruit from Brazil with antioxidants?
Exotic, healthy, and easy to make grandiose claims about?
And that’s why acai bowls can now be found in every city in America with a punny store name.
What’s in an acai bowl? What are some typical acai bowl recipes?
In Brazil, the acai (in the form of frozen pulp) is generally served in a bowl with granola and bananas. Sometimes a fourth ingredient would be used, the Amazonian fruit guarana, which contains more caffeine than coffee.
Simple enough.
How about here in the states? That’s where acai bowls get cray.
You’ll for sure get acai berries, granola, and banana. And maybe guarana. But how about some of the following:
Apple Juice
Almond Milk
Almond Butter
Mango Juice
Peanut Butter
Soy Milk
Pick a handful of the above, mix them in a bowl, and BOOM! Acai bowl.
One thing most ingredients listed or referenced have in common, is they are carbohydrate and/or sugar heavy. Some, like agave and honey, are more or less just sugar.
Which brings me to an important and really fun point:
Fact checking the acai bowl hype
There are a lot of health claims associated to the acai berry. Some of which make my eyebrows raise. Others make me nod approvingly. And one or two that make my soul hurt. 
Which is why I’d like to introduce my new favorite Nerd Fitness game, “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire”:
CLAIM #1: “There are good antioxidants in acai berries.”
Acai berries are indeed high in antioxidants[4]. Which is great, for the reasons we talked about earlier. When people talk about the benefits of the acai berry, it more or less comes down to antioxidants.
I support this claim. Now, I will mention just about any berry you pick (blackberry, blueberry, raspberry) is also a great source of antioxidants. But I won’t completely steal the acai berry’s thunder.
CLAIM #2: “Acai berries are nutrient dense.”
REALITY: Also true!
Acai berries contain as much Vitamin C as blueberries. Plus acai is a great source of Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and E. They also contain plenty of minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, and copper.
Good stuff there. As a proponent of eating REAL food that are nutrient dense, I would throw acai into that category. An acai berry is REAL food.
CLAIM #3: “Acai berries aid digestion.”
REALITY: eh, sort of.
Fiber aids digestion. And acai skin and pulp contain fiber. So acai aids digestion?
Sure, that’s true. But it’s not the complete picture. All sort of things contain fiber, like every other berry you’ve ever heard of. Plus, some food like carrots, are more much fibrous than the acai berry.
There is no special acai ingredient to improve digestion. If fiber is what you’re after, an acai berry isn’t a bad decision. But it’s not the single best option.
CLAIM #4: “Acai has anti-aging powers.”
REALITY: Bollocks! Hogwash!
Antioxidants are a good thing, because keeping your cells healthy and clear of free radicals is important. But are your wrinkles going to smooth out with the help of a berry? Or really, anything shy of botox? Don’t buy into this.
Acai have no special anti-aging magic. If the claim is antioxidants reverse aging, sure, in that they keep cells healthy. But not in the “I’m going to reverse time” way.
CLAIM #5: “Acai will improve libido.”
REALITY: Poppycock!
Will eating nutritiously lead to improved health? Which will improve how your body functions? Which could include libido? Sure.
Is there a berry out there that will make you awesome in the bedroom? No.
CLAIM #6: “Acai berries help weight loss.”
“Acai is a nutrient-rich source of antioxidants, much like many other fruits, but there is nothing magical about the fruit to cause weight loss.” Thank you David Grotto, RD[5].
Promises like better health, improved libido, and weight loss sell well. That’s why you’ll come across them. But as the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Naturally, the idea that a berry will make you lose weight is silly. It depends on what else you are consuming, and in what quantities, in addition to the acai berry. I’m going to cover this more extensively below.
Can I lose weight eating acai bowls?
It truly depends on how you used to eat and what else you eat every day.
To help paint this picture, let’s talk about the carbohydrates and sugars in an acai bowl.
Let’s start with the traditional acai bowl: acai puree, granola, and some banana. That will run about 355 calories, including 50 grams of carbohydrates, with 18 grams of those being sugar.
For comparison, the average bagel from a deli will have about 350 calories and 50 grams of carbs.
And that’s just a traditional bowl: what about the Americanized versions?
Acai puree often has sugar added to it, since the acai berry itself isn’t too sweet. Plus, an acai place might also pour things like honey and agave into the bowl. And don’t forget fruit contains quite a bit of sugar.
When you add it all up, it becomes a lot.
Let’s analyze the 12 oz. Acai Berry Bowl from “Juice It Up”: acai puree, a strawberry juice blend, actual strawberries, blueberries, and guarana. This rakes up:
340 calories
66 grams of carbohydrates
60 grams of sugar (more than a can of Coke!)
If you called this meal a “carb bomb” or “sugar bomb,” I wouldn’t disagree with you. And none of this factors in additional toppings like coconut flakes or granola.
You can see how all of this adds up quickly. Acai bowls with over 90 grams of sugar are not unheard of.
That’s why I cringe when I read the Huffington Post’s article that acai bowls are the world’s healthiest breakfast[6]. I have no problem if you eat an acai bowl for breakfast.
But don’t let the good attributes of a South American berry distract you. Carbs, calories, and sugar don’t count less just because there are antioxidants present.
Eating a pile of pureed carbs, topped with carbs, and sprinkled with carbs, might be only a slightly better decision than a bowl of Lucky Charms.
All of this to say: be smart and learn about what you’re eating! Know the caloric, carbohydrate and sugar makeup of the food you eat, even if it’s “super.”
What’s a better plan for breakfast?
If you are going to eat breakfast, shift your focus from a pile of carbs to something loaded with protein and healthy fat. It’ll help fill you up in a more calorically-efficient manner, provide your muscles with rebuilding fuel, and not spike your insulin levels like sugar/carbs can do[7].
Eggs are a breakfast staple that Team Nerd Fitness wholly endorses. You can read our five favorite quick recipes here.
If you need some other examples for meal ideas, check out our post on 10 meals that can be made in 10 minutes.
But that’s only if you actually want to eat breakfast. You can also…
SKIP BREAKFAST. Some people forgo breakfast all together! Like me. It’s called intermittent fasting. It lets you make one less meal decision for the day, you’re less likely to overeat in a day, and it can help manage your insulin levels.
So start with protein in the morning. Or skip breakfast. But personally I wouldn’t start with a bucket of sugar in puree form if I was trying to lose weight.
Bummed out that your superfood breakfast isn’t that super? I hear ya. There’s nothing worse than TRYING to be healthy and discovering the food you thought was helping you lose weight is actually making things worse! Crap. Fun fact: I used to eat tons of granola bars and thought they were healthy (nope, carb and sugar bombs – might as well have been a Snickers!)
So whether it’s making sense of healthy breakfasts, learning how to eat better the rest of the day, or even just having an accountability partner to check in with, Nerd Fitness has helped thousands.
If you are looking for a personal coach that will help you stay accountable without judgement, help guide you to make better food choices, and get you results results that stick, check out our uber popular 1-on-1 online coaching program!
It’s kind of like having Yoda in your pocket (through your phone, not the Force…yet).
If this sounds like something that could help you, schedule a free call! You can talk to our team to see if we’re a good fit for each other! Click the image below to schedule now.
Be wary of anything called a superfood!
If you ever read anything about a “superfood,” let this act as a public service announcement.
Be skeptical. Marketers love this term because it’s not defined, regulated, or provable. Meaning it can be used at whim to sell whatever to desperate folks trying to lose weight with zero repercussions
The acai is a well hyped piece of fruit thanks to a serious marketing engine and lots of money at stake.
Like most berries, it has good antioxidants and nutrients. Good stuff.
And If you like the taste and want to treat yo self? Occasionally, hell yeah.
Should you eat one everyday for breakfast? Especially smothered in granola, drizzled with honey, and topped with more carbs/sugar?
There’s likely a better option if you’re not seeing success and losing weight. Here’s our advice on healthy eating for weight loss.
Don’t let headlines and hype distract you from what’s really going on. Tons of calories and sugar in the AM is a bad strategy if you’re trying to lose weight.
What do you think? Am I being too harsh on acai? Or does this berry deserve to have some of its hype squashed. Let me know in the comments.
Also, do you have any other “superfoods” you want us to take on in future “Liar,..
0 notes
neilmillerne · 6 years
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!
These days, Acai bowls are the hottest thing on the streets.
It’s been called “the healthiest breakfast on the planet” by some news outlets.
The hype machine is operating at full capacity for this South American berry. It’s a superfood that will help you lose weight, extend your lifespan, and help defend your body against aging!
Are these claims true?
Clearly the people marketing acai berries and bowls don’t care – as long as they can hype the crap out of it, there’s money to be made.
Hell, I walked down the street the other day and saw a place named “Acai Ya Later.”
If you’ve been reading Nerd Fitness for a while, it’s no secret I’m a fan of a well done pun, even if they need to mispronounce “acai” to make it work.
Unfortunately, I’m not a fan of bogus health claims, even if there are puns involved!
So today I’m gonna dig into the facts about acai berries, acai bowls, and eternal life from fruit.
No hype.
No acai supplement to sell you. No “superfood” claims.
Just the truth. And funny gifs. Always gifs.
What is an acai berry?
The acai berry is the small purple fruit found on the acai palm.
They come from Brazil and other northern regions of South America. 80% of the berry is actually the seed, which for the most part people don’t eat.
This leaves only about 20% for the flesh and skin of the berry, the stuff people generally do eat.
Why should you care about acai?
Generally, the answer lies in the word “antioxidants”.
I know, “Why the hell do I care about antioxidants?”
Great question.
Antioxidants are substances that fight a process called oxidation.
When your body interacts with too much sunlight, toxins in smoke, air pollution, alcohol, and other challenges, it can create “free radicals,” AKA molecules with an unpaired electron.
And these molecules? They are single and ready to mingle. So when they collide with an electron that’s already paired, they more or less steal it.
This molecule then has to steal another electron, and the process continues. You can see how this could get out of hand. While some free radicals are normal, too many in our bodies can indeed lead to cancer [2].
Note that “Free Radicals” are different from “the New Radicals,” a one-hit wonder:
Which brings me back to antioxidants.
Depending on the particular molecule, antioxidants either provide the free radical with an extra electron, or break it down altogether.
The point: antioxidants neutralize free radicals, making them harmless.
That’s why antioxidants are important.
In our quest to get to the bottom of the hype on acai, antioxidants will prove critical. But I want to address an even more important point before we get there.
How do you pronounce “acai”?
We need to talk about how you actually pronounce “acai?” I’ve seen it make all sorts of people tongue tied.
And you want to sound important and all-knowing at your next cocktail party, right?
It’s “”ah-sigh-ee.” Like this:
Often times, when exotic fruit is brought to the West, it’s name is changed so it’s easier to pronounce.
Story time: This happened with the fruit “kiwi,” actually called “Yang-tao” in China. But marketers banked on “kiwi” being easier to say than Yang-tao, pronounced “yahng tou” in English. So they named it after the famous kiwi bird from New Zealand.
And boom, that’s why you know kiwi fruit as “kiwis.”
Such a name swap didn’t happen with acai.
Acai has kept its original Brazilian name, which is why us English speakers trip up pronouncing it[3].
Which is a logical segue to our next section.
Why are acai bowls so popular?
The credit of the acai berry being popular outside of Brazil can be attributed to Ryan and Jeremy Black, two brothers from Southern California.
Together with their friend Ed Nichols they realized the acai berry could have a potential gigantic market in the West.
The Black brothers and Nichols came across acai on a trip to Brazil. The locals encouraged them to try it, proclaiming the health benefits of the berry: an energy boost, kickstarted immunity, and detoxification.
They got HOOKED on these things, and from then on, whenever Ryan, Jeremy, and Ed were in Brazil, they would search for an icy acai bowl.
On one such trip, the Black brothers and Nichols discussed how great it would be to enjoy acai back in the States.
Strange fruit from Brazil with antioxidants?
Exotic, healthy, and easy to make grandiose claims about?
And that’s why acai bowls can now be found in every city in America with a punny store name.
What’s in an acai bowl? What are some typical acai bowl recipes?
In Brazil, the acai (in the form of frozen pulp) is generally served in a bowl with granola and bananas. Sometimes a fourth ingredient would be used, the Amazonian fruit guarana, which contains more caffeine than coffee.
Simple enough.
How about here in the states? That’s where acai bowls get cray.
You’ll for sure get acai berries, granola, and banana. And maybe guarana. But how about some of the following:
Apple Juice
Almond Milk
Almond Butter
Mango Juice
Peanut Butter
Soy Milk
Pick a handful of the above, mix them in a bowl, and BOOM! Acai bowl.
One thing most ingredients listed or referenced have in common, is they are carbohydrate and/or sugar heavy. Some, like agave and honey, are more or less just sugar.
Which brings me to an important and really fun point:
Fact checking the acai bowl hype
There are a lot of health claims associated to the acai berry. Some of which make my eyebrows raise. Others make me nod approvingly. And one or two that make my soul hurt. 
Which is why I’d like to introduce my new favorite Nerd Fitness game, “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire”:
CLAIM #1: “There are good antioxidants in acai berries.”
Acai berries are indeed high in antioxidants[4]. Which is great, for the reasons we talked about earlier. When people talk about the benefits of the acai berry, it more or less comes down to antioxidants.
I support this claim. Now, I will mention just about any berry you pick (blackberry, blueberry, raspberry) is also a great source of antioxidants. But I won’t completely steal the acai berry’s thunder.
CLAIM #2: “Acai berries are nutrient dense.”
REALITY: Also true!
Acai berries contain as much Vitamin C as blueberries. Plus acai is a great source of Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and E. They also contain plenty of minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, and copper.
Good stuff there. As a proponent of eating REAL food that are nutrient dense, I would throw acai into that category. An acai berry is REAL food.
CLAIM #3: “Acai berries aid digestion.”
REALITY: eh, sort of.
Fiber aids digestion. And acai skin and pulp contain fiber. So acai aids digestion?
Sure, that’s true. But it’s not the complete picture. All sort of things contain fiber, like every other berry you’ve ever heard of. Plus, some food like carrots, are more much fibrous than the acai berry.
There is no special acai ingredient to improve digestion. If fiber is what you’re after, an acai berry isn’t a bad decision. But it’s not the single best option.
CLAIM #4: “Acai has anti-aging powers.”
REALITY: Bollocks! Hogwash!
Antioxidants are a good thing, because keeping your cells healthy and clear of free radicals is important. But are your wrinkles going to smooth out with the help of a berry? Or really, anything shy of botox? Don’t buy into this.
Acai have no special anti-aging magic. If the claim is antioxidants reverse aging, sure, in that they keep cells healthy. But not in the “I’m going to reverse time” way.
CLAIM #5: “Acai will improve libido.”
REALITY: Poppycock!
Will eating nutritiously lead to improved health? Which will improve how your body functions? Which could include libido? Sure.
Is there a berry out there that will make you awesome in the bedroom? No.
CLAIM #6: “Acai berries help weight loss.”
“Acai is a nutrient-rich source of antioxidants, much like many other fruits, but there is nothing magical about the fruit to cause weight loss.” Thank you David Grotto, RD[5].
Promises like better health, improved libido, and weight loss sell well. That’s why you’ll come across them. But as the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Naturally, the idea that a berry will make you lose weight is silly. It depends on what else you are consuming, and in what quantities, in addition to the acai berry. I’m going to cover this more extensively below.
Can I lose weight eating acai bowls?
It truly depends on how you used to eat and what else you eat every day.
To help paint this picture, let’s talk about the carbohydrates and sugars in an acai bowl.
Let’s start with the traditional acai bowl: acai puree, granola, and some banana. That will run about 355 calories, including 50 grams of carbohydrates, with 18 grams of those being sugar.
For comparison, the average bagel from a deli will have about 350 calories and 50 grams of carbs.
And that’s just a traditional bowl: what about the Americanized versions?
Acai puree often has sugar added to it, since the acai berry itself isn’t too sweet. Plus, an acai place might also pour things like honey and agave into the bowl. And don’t forget fruit contains quite a bit of sugar.
When you add it all up, it becomes a lot.
Let’s analyze the 12 oz. Acai Berry Bowl from “Juice It Up”: acai puree, a strawberry juice blend, actual strawberries, blueberries, and guarana. This rakes up:
340 calories
66 grams of carbohydrates
60 grams of sugar (more than a can of Coke!)
If you called this meal a “carb bomb” or “sugar bomb,” I wouldn’t disagree with you. And none of this factors in additional toppings like coconut flakes or granola.
You can see how all of this adds up quickly. Acai bowls with over 90 grams of sugar are not unheard of.
That’s why I cringe when I read the Huffington Post’s article that acai bowls are the world’s healthiest breakfast[6]. I have no problem if you eat an acai bowl for breakfast.
But don’t let the good attributes of a South American berry distract you. Carbs, calories, and sugar don’t count less just because there are antioxidants present.
Eating a pile of pureed carbs, topped with carbs, and sprinkled with carbs, might be only a slightly better decision than a bowl of Lucky Charms.
All of this to say: be smart and learn about what you’re eating! Know the caloric, carbohydrate and sugar makeup of the food you eat, even if it’s “super.”
What’s a better plan for breakfast?
If you are going to eat breakfast, shift your focus from a pile of carbs to something loaded with protein and healthy fat. It’ll help fill you up in a more calorically-efficient manner, provide your muscles with rebuilding fuel, and not spike your insulin levels like sugar/carbs can do[7].
Eggs are a breakfast staple that Team Nerd Fitness wholly endorses. You can read our five favorite quick recipes here.
If you need some other examples for meal ideas, check out our post on 10 meals that can be made in 10 minutes.
But that’s only if you actually want to eat breakfast. You can also…
SKIP BREAKFAST. Some people forgo breakfast all together! Like me. It’s called intermittent fasting. It lets you make one less meal decision for the day, you’re less likely to overeat in a day, and it can help manage your insulin levels.
So start with protein in the morning. Or skip breakfast. But personally I wouldn’t start with a bucket of sugar in puree form if I was trying to lose weight.
Bummed out that your superfood breakfast isn’t that super? I hear ya. There’s nothing worse than TRYING to be healthy and discovering the food you thought was helping you lose weight is actually making things worse! Crap. Fun fact: I used to eat tons of granola bars and thought they were healthy (nope, carb and sugar bombs – might as well have been a Snickers!)
So whether it’s making sense of healthy breakfasts, learning how to eat better the rest of the day, or even just having an accountability partner to check in with, Nerd Fitness has helped thousands.
If you are looking for a personal coach that will help you stay accountable without judgement, help guide you to make better food choices, and get you results results that stick, check out our uber popular 1-on-1 online coaching program!
It’s kind of like having Yoda in your pocket (through your phone, not the Force…yet).
If this sounds like something that could help you, schedule a free call! You can talk to our team to see if we’re a good fit for each other! Click the image below to schedule now.
Be wary of anything called a superfood!
If you ever read anything about a “superfood,” let this act as a public service announcement.
Be skeptical. Marketers love this term because it’s not defined, regulated, or provable. Meaning it can be used at whim to sell whatever to desperate folks trying to lose weight with zero repercussions
The acai is a well hyped piece of fruit thanks to a serious marketing engine and lots of money at stake.
Like most berries, it has good antioxidants and nutrients. Good stuff.
And If you like the taste and want to treat yo self? Occasionally, hell yeah.
Should you eat one everyday for breakfast? Especially smothered in granola, drizzled with honey, and topped with more carbs/sugar?
There’s likely a better option if you’re not seeing success and losing weight. Here’s our advice on healthy eating for weight loss.
Don’t let headlines and hype distract you from what’s really going on. Tons of calories and sugar in the AM is a bad strategy if you’re trying to lose weight.
What do you think? Am I being too harsh on acai? Or does this berry deserve to have some of its hype squashed. Let me know in the comments.
Also, do you have any other “superfoods” you want us to take on in future “Liar,..
0 notes
albertcaldwellne · 6 years
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!
These days, Acai bowls are the hottest thing on the streets.
It’s been called “the healthiest breakfast on the planet” by some news outlets.
The hype machine is operating at full capacity for this South American berry. It’s a superfood that will help you lose weight, extend your lifespan, and help defend your body against aging!
Are these claims true?
Clearly the people marketing acai berries and bowls don’t care – as long as they can hype the crap out of it, there’s money to be made.
Hell, I walked down the street the other day and saw a place named “Acai Ya Later.”
If you’ve been reading Nerd Fitness for a while, it’s no secret I’m a fan of a well done pun, even if they need to mispronounce “acai” to make it work.
Unfortunately, I’m not a fan of bogus health claims, even if there are puns involved!
So today I’m gonna dig into the facts about acai berries, acai bowls, and eternal life from fruit.
No hype.
No acai supplement to sell you. No “superfood” claims.
Just the truth. And funny gifs. Always gifs.
What is an acai berry?
The acai berry is the small purple fruit found on the acai palm.
They come from Brazil and other northern regions of South America. 80% of the berry is actually the seed, which for the most part people don’t eat.
This leaves only about 20% for the flesh and skin of the berry, the stuff people generally do eat.
Why should you care about acai?
Generally, the answer lies in the word “antioxidants”.
I know, “Why the hell do I care about antioxidants?”
Great question.
Antioxidants are substances that fight a process called oxidation.
When your body interacts with too much sunlight, toxins in smoke, air pollution, alcohol, and other challenges, it can create “free radicals,” AKA molecules with an unpaired electron.
And these molecules? They are single and ready to mingle. So when they collide with an electron that’s already paired, they more or less steal it.
This molecule then has to steal another electron, and the process continues. You can see how this could get out of hand. While some free radicals are normal, too many in our bodies can indeed lead to cancer [2].
Note that “Free Radicals” are different from “the New Radicals,” a one-hit wonder:
Which brings me back to antioxidants.
Depending on the particular molecule, antioxidants either provide the free radical with an extra electron, or break it down altogether.
The point: antioxidants neutralize free radicals, making them harmless.
That’s why antioxidants are important.
In our quest to get to the bottom of the hype on acai, antioxidants will prove critical. But I want to address an even more important point before we get there.
How do you pronounce “acai”?
We need to talk about how you actually pronounce “acai?” I’ve seen it make all sorts of people tongue tied.
And you want to sound important and all-knowing at your next cocktail party, right?
It’s “”ah-sigh-ee.” Like this:
Often times, when exotic fruit is brought to the West, it’s name is changed so it’s easier to pronounce.
Story time: This happened with the fruit “kiwi,” actually called “Yang-tao” in China. But marketers banked on “kiwi” being easier to say than Yang-tao, pronounced “yahng tou” in English. So they named it after the famous kiwi bird from New Zealand.
And boom, that’s why you know kiwi fruit as “kiwis.”
Such a name swap didn’t happen with acai.
Acai has kept its original Brazilian name, which is why us English speakers trip up pronouncing it[3].
Which is a logical segue to our next section.
Why are acai bowls so popular?
The credit of the acai berry being popular outside of Brazil can be attributed to Ryan and Jeremy Black, two brothers from Southern California.
Together with their friend Ed Nichols they realized the acai berry could have a potential gigantic market in the West.
The Black brothers and Nichols came across acai on a trip to Brazil. The locals encouraged them to try it, proclaiming the health benefits of the berry: an energy boost, kickstarted immunity, and detoxification.
They got HOOKED on these things, and from then on, whenever Ryan, Jeremy, and Ed were in Brazil, they would search for an icy acai bowl.
On one such trip, the Black brothers and Nichols discussed how great it would be to enjoy acai back in the States.
Strange fruit from Brazil with antioxidants?
Exotic, healthy, and easy to make grandiose claims about?
And that’s why acai bowls can now be found in every city in America with a punny store name.
What’s in an acai bowl? What are some typical acai bowl recipes?
In Brazil, the acai (in the form of frozen pulp) is generally served in a bowl with granola and bananas. Sometimes a fourth ingredient would be used, the Amazonian fruit guarana, which contains more caffeine than coffee.
Simple enough.
How about here in the states? That’s where acai bowls get cray.
You’ll for sure get acai berries, granola, and banana. And maybe guarana. But how about some of the following:
Apple Juice
Almond Milk
Almond Butter
Mango Juice
Peanut Butter
Soy Milk
Pick a handful of the above, mix them in a bowl, and BOOM! Acai bowl.
One thing most ingredients listed or referenced have in common, is they are carbohydrate and/or sugar heavy. Some, like agave and honey, are more or less just sugar.
Which brings me to an important and really fun point:
Fact checking the acai bowl hype
There are a lot of health claims associated to the acai berry. Some of which make my eyebrows raise. Others make me nod approvingly. And one or two that make my soul hurt. 
Which is why I’d like to introduce my new favorite Nerd Fitness game, “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire”:
CLAIM #1: “There are good antioxidants in acai berries.”
Acai berries are indeed high in antioxidants[4]. Which is great, for the reasons we talked about earlier. When people talk about the benefits of the acai berry, it more or less comes down to antioxidants.
I support this claim. Now, I will mention just about any berry you pick (blackberry, blueberry, raspberry) is also a great source of antioxidants. But I won’t completely steal the acai berry’s thunder.
CLAIM #2: “Acai berries are nutrient dense.”
REALITY: Also true!
Acai berries contain as much Vitamin C as blueberries. Plus acai is a great source of Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and E. They also contain plenty of minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, and copper.
Good stuff there. As a proponent of eating REAL food that are nutrient dense, I would throw acai into that category. An acai berry is REAL food.
CLAIM #3: “Acai berries aid digestion.”
REALITY: eh, sort of.
Fiber aids digestion. And acai skin and pulp contain fiber. So acai aids digestion?
Sure, that’s true. But it’s not the complete picture. All sort of things contain fiber, like every other berry you’ve ever heard of. Plus, some food like carrots, are more much fibrous than the acai berry.
There is no special acai ingredient to improve digestion. If fiber is what you’re after, an acai berry isn’t a bad decision. But it’s not the single best option.
CLAIM #4: “Acai has anti-aging powers.”
REALITY: Bollocks! Hogwash!
Antioxidants are a good thing, because keeping your cells healthy and clear of free radicals is important. But are your wrinkles going to smooth out with the help of a berry? Or really, anything shy of botox? Don’t buy into this.
Acai have no special anti-aging magic. If the claim is antioxidants reverse aging, sure, in that they keep cells healthy. But not in the “I’m going to reverse time” way.
CLAIM #5: “Acai will improve libido.”
REALITY: Poppycock!
Will eating nutritiously lead to improved health? Which will improve how your body functions? Which could include libido? Sure.
Is there a berry out there that will make you awesome in the bedroom? No.
CLAIM #6: “Acai berries help weight loss.”
“Acai is a nutrient-rich source of antioxidants, much like many other fruits, but there is nothing magical about the fruit to cause weight loss.” Thank you David Grotto, RD[5].
Promises like better health, improved libido, and weight loss sell well. That’s why you’ll come across them. But as the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Naturally, the idea that a berry will make you lose weight is silly. It depends on what else you are consuming, and in what quantities, in addition to the acai berry. I’m going to cover this more extensively below.
Can I lose weight eating acai bowls?
It truly depends on how you used to eat and what else you eat every day.
To help paint this picture, let’s talk about the carbohydrates and sugars in an acai bowl.
Let’s start with the traditional acai bowl: acai puree, granola, and some banana. That will run about 355 calories, including 50 grams of carbohydrates, with 18 grams of those being sugar.
For comparison, the average bagel from a deli will have about 350 calories and 50 grams of carbs.
And that’s just a traditional bowl: what about the Americanized versions?
Acai puree often has sugar added to it, since the acai berry itself isn’t too sweet. Plus, an acai place might also pour things like honey and agave into the bowl. And don’t forget fruit contains quite a bit of sugar.
When you add it all up, it becomes a lot.
Let’s analyze the 12 oz. Acai Berry Bowl from “Juice It Up”: acai puree, a strawberry juice blend, actual strawberries, blueberries, and guarana. This rakes up:
340 calories
66 grams of carbohydrates
60 grams of sugar (more than a can of Coke!)
If you called this meal a “carb bomb” or “sugar bomb,” I wouldn’t disagree with you. And none of this factors in additional toppings like coconut flakes or granola.
You can see how all of this adds up quickly. Acai bowls with over 90 grams of sugar are not unheard of.
That’s why I cringe when I read the Huffington Post’s article that acai bowls are the world’s healthiest breakfast[6]. I have no problem if you eat an acai bowl for breakfast.
But don’t let the good attributes of a South American berry distract you. Carbs, calories, and sugar don’t count less just because there are antioxidants present.
Eating a pile of pureed carbs, topped with carbs, and sprinkled with carbs, might be only a slightly better decision than a bowl of Lucky Charms.
All of this to say: be smart and learn about what you’re eating! Know the caloric, carbohydrate and sugar makeup of the food you eat, even if it’s “super.”
What’s a better plan for breakfast?
If you are going to eat breakfast, shift your focus from a pile of carbs to something loaded with protein and healthy fat. It’ll help fill you up in a more calorically-efficient manner, provide your muscles with rebuilding fuel, and not spike your insulin levels like sugar/carbs can do[7].
Eggs are a breakfast staple that Team Nerd Fitness wholly endorses. You can read our five favorite quick recipes here.
If you need some other examples for meal ideas, check out our post on 10 meals that can be made in 10 minutes.
But that’s only if you actually want to eat breakfast. You can also…
SKIP BREAKFAST. Some people forgo breakfast all together! Like me. It’s called intermittent fasting. It lets you make one less meal decision for the day, you’re less likely to overeat in a day, and it can help manage your insulin levels.
So start with protein in the morning. Or skip breakfast. But personally I wouldn’t start with a bucket of sugar in puree form if I was trying to lose weight.
Bummed out that your superfood breakfast isn’t that super? I hear ya. There’s nothing worse than TRYING to be healthy and discovering the food you thought was helping you lose weight is actually making things worse! Crap. Fun fact: I used to eat tons of granola bars and thought they were healthy (nope, carb and sugar bombs – might as well have been a Snickers!)
So whether it’s making sense of healthy breakfasts, learning how to eat better the rest of the day, or even just having an accountability partner to check in with, Nerd Fitness has helped thousands.
If you are looking for a personal coach that will help you stay accountable without judgement, help guide you to make better food choices, and get you results results that stick, check out our uber popular 1-on-1 online coaching program!
It’s kind of like having Yoda in your pocket (through your phone, not the Force…yet).
If this sounds like something that could help you, schedule a free call! You can talk to our team to see if we’re a good fit for each other! Click the image below to schedule now.
Be wary of anything called a superfood!
If you ever read anything about a “superfood,” let this act as a public service announcement.
Be skeptical. Marketers love this term because it’s not defined, regulated, or provable. Meaning it can be used at whim to sell whatever to desperate folks trying to lose weight with zero repercussions
The acai is a well hyped piece of fruit thanks to a serious marketing engine and lots of money at stake.
Like most berries, it has good antioxidants and nutrients. Good stuff.
And If you like the taste and want to treat yo self? Occasionally, hell yeah.
Should you eat one everyday for breakfast? Especially smothered in granola, drizzled with honey, and topped with more carbs/sugar?
There’s likely a better option if you’re not seeing success and losing weight. Here’s our advice on healthy eating for weight loss.
Don’t let headlines and hype distract you from what’s really going on. Tons of calories and sugar in the AM is a bad strategy if you’re trying to lose weight.
What do you think? Am I being too harsh on acai? Or does this berry deserve to have some of its hype squashed. Let me know in the comments.
Also, do you have any other “superfoods” you want us to take on in future “Liar,..
0 notes
artificialqueens · 7 years
Supersonic; Work Of Art (Shalaska) - shadyqueenie
A/N: Hi honeys! I know I said “see you at the end of November!1!!”, but I’m really getting bored here in Nagano-shi and I suffered a lot the jet-lag.
With this one-shot I went outside my comfort zone for two main reasons – first of all, it’s a Shalaska (💕✨) and second, there’s a small (small, small, extra small) smut scene. (Aaaaand I’m not going to do that again for a long time.) Bla, bla, bla, English is not my first language, bla, bla, bla sorry for grammar mistakes and so on. Kisses! Your Duh, Shady✨
“Work of Art” is part of the Supersonic Collection [Those one-shots are slightly connected with each-other, you can read them here . The common thread is the fact that almost everyone works at Vanguard Magazine, an important fashion magazine.] Alaska is Trinity’s personal assistant. She knows she doesn’t belong at Vanguard Magazine, but she tries her best because if you work there for a year then you can work wherever you want. So she wears pink haute couture dresses and does everything Trinity asks her. But Alaska is lonely at work, and declines every invitation from her colleagues. Because Vanguard’s Alaska is not the real Alaska.
“Alaska?” Trinity Taylor’s voice sounded metallic and sassy through the intercom “Can you please come back to my office?” The blonde girl sighed, looking at her lunch box. She longed for her homemade egg fried rice since that morning – and her boss was ruining that precious moment. And why the hell was Trinity calling her through the intercom if the only thing that separated them was a glass wall?! She screamed every day, 24/7, but she had to play the bitch role with her through an intercom. Alaska shrugged, looked at her reflection in the mirror in her desk and checked if her ponytail was still up and tight (and of course it was) and headed towards her boss’s studio. “What is it?” she asked as she approached the door. She put on her face the brightest of her smiles, but something in the way Trinity was looking at her lunch made Alaska think that she’s going to scream in a minute. “I should be the one who asks question – what is it?” she asked, pointing at her bowl. “It’s the acai bowl you asked…?” “I asked for an acai bowl with tropical fruits” she lifted the spoon “Since when a raspberry is a tropical fruit?” Alaska tried her best not to insult her. Mangos, raspberries… who cares? Probably she was going to threw them up within a handful of minutes “The cafeteria run out of tropical fruits and I thought that berries were- “ “Well, my dear Alaska, I don’t pay you to think. I pay you to get me an acai bowl with tropical fruits” Trinity raised an eyebrow resentfully and pushed the bowl away from her sight “I’m done with lunch today” she sentenced. The clicking of Alaska’s heels sounded really loud as she approached Trinity’s desk and took with her the bowl. She dared to raise another smile but Trinity wasn’t paying attention to her anymore. Trinity made Alaska sighing at least twenty times per day. “What a fucking waste” she breathed as she threw the bowl.
Alaska paid a shit-ton of money for the art school and she was regretting it. In her college days she wanted to write about her fashion sense and art and a bunch of shits for a magazine. She didn’t care for what magazine – just an important one with a budget high enough to pay for her journeys. Almost everyone in her class wanted the internship at Vanguard Magazine, but in the end Alaska and her straight A’s won – and she didn’t even ask that place. “It’s a great opportunity, Miss” her professor said pleased “a year in Vanguard Magazine and then the world” she joked. When the internship ended, Trinity was so pleased about Alaska’s work that offered her a place as her personal assistant “My last assistant was dumber than lobster bait and spent her time counting calories. But you are naturally extremely skinny, don’t you?” Trinity smiled at Alaska’s nod “The paycheck is good, and the work room is full of those pastel dresses you like so much that you can have” added Trinity, emphasizing the words ‘pastel dresses’ with a disgusted tone. Alaska smiled as she stretched her dress’s folds. Yes, she wanted to be a journalist. She wanted to write about art and fashion and a bunch of shits. But a bunch of shits don’t pay the rent “All the dresses I want?” she tried. “As long as you don’t raid Bianca’s atelier” it was the first (and apparently last) time that Alaska heard a joke from Trinity “You will always stand by my side. Which means that if you look ugly, I’ll tell you and I will make you change and-” “I’m in” Alaska cut off the conversation. Alaska saw the same pleased smile that her professor had months ago in Trinity’s face. From that moment on, Alaska filled her wardrobe with expensive dresses and her mind with stylists’ names. She was about to finally starting eating when Detox’s assistant showed up “Are you busy tonight?” asked at point-blank range. Alaska looked at her for a full minute before replying. That woman looked bored. Of course she was bored – being the assistant of someone who clearly doesn’t need an assistant must have been stressful. As much as having three x in her own name. “Emh…” whimpered Alaska, trying to buying time “Yes. Yes, I’m sorry – but I already have something scheduled.” Roxxxy sighed while she tucking her hair behind the ears “Ok Alaska, I’ll try to make it clear. * I know you started working here recently, and so you might be a bit intimidated. But you can’t turn down all our invitations. We, all of us, are trying to be your friends” she pointed out “We – the assistants – have to group together, support each other. Otherwise working here will be like working in hell” Alaska looked up – to her, Vanguard was hell already “I know and I’m so, so sorry. But really, I can’t tonight. Maybe next week?” Alaska tried her best to look apologetic, but Roxxxy didn’t seem the kind of woman who takes a pity – especially because Alaska said the same thing a week before. And the week before that. “Sure” she answered before leaving. The blonde breathed a sigh of relief and finally she could focus on her meal. Not that she thought that Roxxxy and her clique were bad people – well, maybe they were, deep down she didn’t even know them. But she wasn’t interested in making new friends. She was well aware of the existence of the ‘assistants’ clique’, in which Roxxxy Andrews played Queen Bee’s role – but to Alaska’s ears sounded like the dumbest thing in the world. They weren’t in high school anymore.
Alaska was really careful not mixing her career life with her private one. Her work at Vanguard Magazine would have lasted for a year, maybe two. She didn’t want to be involved in that world made of excessively expensive dresses and calories reduced at bare minimum. She didn’t want to be subsumed in that crazy world, she was in it enough for her own tastes.   So Alaska built up a character – she needed an armor to protect herself. Always dressed in pink tones (which she chose because she knew Trinity absolutely hated that color), always extremely efficient but at the same time extremely lonely. A nerdy Barbie. Alaska often joked with her friends about how that job was more like an acting game to her, but her longtime friend Jinkx could tell Alaska was always stressed as hell, and now and then asked her why she accepted that job in first place. Alaska has never really had a proper answer to her – she didn’t want to reply with the truth.   Everything she knew was that she needed that job to be someone in the future. That’s what she was (always) thinking about – the future Alaska. And it didn’t matter if present Alaska has to work for the place she deposited the most, wearing hideous dresses and swallow some bitter pills. The only thing she could (at least) do was being disagreeable, so no one would have talked to her – and she was being successful, apart from the continuous Roxxxy’s invitations.  
After leaving work at 6p.m., Alaska stopped at the restaurant in front of her house and bought a takeaway curry udon bowl. For a moment she thought about scolding herself – she was definitely too much into oriental food, but then she remembered one of the reasons Trinity hired her. She was naturally skinny, she can have rice for lunch and udon for dinner and still looking freakishly gorgeous. Or at least freakishly skinny.  Suck it, assistants’ clique. With the bowl in her hands she crossed the street and entered her house’s building. She didn’t lie to Roxxxy – she had something scheduled for the night. Even if that meant eating everything she could find in the pantry and watching late night trash TV’s programs. As she put the key in her flat’s door, she heard a feeble meow from the other side “Ehy, Hairspray” Alaska smiled as soon as a little black fur ball came to cuddle against her legs “Are you ready for our night?” She put the udon bowl on the table and picked up the kitten, who replied at her affection by purring. The first thing she did when she entered her bedroom was throwing ungracefully away her shoes and bag (and by doing that gesture she imagined Bianca shouting “They’re MiuMiu, you ungrateful cunt!”) and finally Vanguard Magazine’s Alaska got replaced by the real Alaska. Yes, because Trinity wasn’t the only one who hated the pink color. While Vanguard Alaska loved pink and tight buns, the real Alaska loved the color black and messy big hair. At work she was quiet, polished – almost unremarkable, but deep down Alaska loved attending concerts dressed in nothing but a bra and a cut-off jeans and hopefully flirting with one of the band member (in which she often didn’t succeed, though). She enjoyed drinking cold beers and watching horror movies. And art, of course. She was, basically, an outsider – a freak. The real Alaska was someone the girls at Vanguard could easily made jokes about, like the ‘cool people’ did during her high school years – that’s why she didn’t want them to know her. After all, as she repeated herself every morning before leaving her flat “It’s just a year”
She was watching without putting too much attention a stupid reality on TV while eating her udon bowl. A bit of curry sauce fell into the sofa and Hairspray tried to lick it “No, no, no, no” Alaska scold him. She was going to go back to eat when the phone notified a new message incoming, which made Hairspray hissing “Calm down tiger – it’s just the phone” smiled Alaska, looking at the message. [Jinkxy 🔮✨, 8.12p.m.] Girl. What are you doing tonight? Alaska typed “Chocking to death” but she didn’t want to sound that melodramatic. So she cancelled the message and replaced it with a vague ‘Nothing’. [Jinkxy🔮✨, 8.14p.m.] Ivy and I are going to a vernissage in Williamsburg. Wanna join? She blew air out of her cheeks. She was already in her pajama, but she had a terrible day at work and really wanted to see her Jinkxy again. Alaska looked at her kitten “What would you do in my place, Hairspray?” she asked, hoping for a reply – but the cat just licked his paws “Sure” she rolled her eyes. Her phone rang again. [Jinkxy 🔮✨, 8.17p.m.] Come on, free booze and art… isn’t that so Alaska?!
An hour later Alaska reached for the couple. It didn’t take long for her to get ready – usually she just wore the first things that came out from the wardrobe, and every time she managed to make them work. The taxi left her in front of a former factory. Alaska rolled her eyes – reusing an abandoned factory for a vernissage? How original. At the entrance, the black sing with silver letters featured a single word. Needles. Her mind was elaborating a witty comment about that name’s choice, but her attention got caught by her friend’s voice “Lasky!” Alaska walked towards them with her arm crossed in her chest, the cold breeze made her legs shaking – November in NYC wasn’t suit for short leather skirt. “It’s so intriguing, isn’t it?” asked Ivy with a smile, referring to the event. Ivy was so optimistic and pure and genuine that gave Alaska cavities. Plus, she truly believed Alaska was a really talented art critic – and always asked what her impressions were. Flattering, but annoying. “Let me guess… New Gothic art?” asked ironically Alaska. She didn’t want to sound bored, but since she saw Ivy’s expression falling she added “I think it’s great!” The blonde watched her friends heading towards the building. She despised that kind of art since the day she studied it in her college years. But a lot of her friends thought she was into those gothic arts – wearing black dresses didn’t help that much, though. She sighed and followed them. The room was extremely big – even if the paints were enormous, they kind of disappeared framed to the wall. She instantly grabbed a glass of Prosecco and walked towards the paints. “Weber” she said softly after looking closer at a couple of them. “What?” “Nothing” Alaska shrugged “Those paints remind me of an artist I studied at school” she explained, tossing the glass in her hand. “Easy, girl!” joked Jinkx. “Round two?” Alaska asked ignored her friend. She couldn’t like the paintings, but she could get drunk at the expense of this Needles. Jinkx smiled softly – she always gave Alaska that condescending smile that made her feel very little “Stay. I’ll go” she offered after few seconds. Ivy excused herself soon after “I’m going to powder my nose” she said playfully. And Alaska was left alone. Alaska stayed still in front of a paint. They were all black, or white – some of them had a splash of burgundy paint but that was all. Maybe they weren’t that bad but God, she hated New Goth art so much. As if those artists didn’t have enough creativity to produce something new.   “What to you think?” asked a voice behind her. At first Alaska jumped at the voice “Well,” she started with her usual slowness “What can I say? It is clear to me the tribute to Marnie Weber’s collages – even if those ones are darker and more decadent. Maybe a bit too pushed, I’d say. But what concerns me (yes, concerns) is the artist’s name. What kind of stage name is ‘Needles’? it’s pretentious as fuck. I bet if we’d ask him some explanations he’d talk our ear off about Sid Vicious and Sex Pistols. Like, we get it – you’re a punk/Goth/rebel and so on. Relax kid, your name is as anonymous as your works” she threw all those words up as alcohol after a shots’ night. The feminine and high voice behind her laughed out loud “I bet you’re right. I thought I was the only one that saw something about Weber inside there – yet I was wrong.” Alaska turned around and for the first time and saw to whom that voice belonged. She was a woman with extremely harsh features, her hair was half white and half black – like Cruella de Vil. And yet, throughout it all (that dark attitude, her thin figure and that strange hair), Alaska found her extremely beautiful. “Hi” she found herself babbling. “Hi, I’m Sharon” said the other holding out her hand. Her smile reminded a grin. “Alaska” replied the blonde, shaking that thin hand weakly. Trinity scolded her a million times for how Alaska shook hands “a strong shake means confidence” her boss always repeated her – but in that moment Alaska could barely remember how people do shake hands. “So, Alaska – would you like to keep on talking about it?”
Jinkx was coming back with two glasses of Prosecco, when she saw her friend talking with someone she has never seen before. “Who is she?” whispered Ivy in Jinkx’s ear, as curious as her friend. The redhead shrugged “I don’t know” admitted as she and gave Ivy the glass that was meant to be Alaska’s “Hopefully we’ll see Alaska again at the end of the night”
The conversation between Alaska and Sharon went ahead and their constant chat disturbed people in the room whose (in Alaska’s surprised) seemed to really like the paintings. So they moved towards the balcony, not until they got a new glass of Prosecco. Alaska played her fingers on the lip of the glass, waiting for Sharon to speak again. “So, what do you do for living?” Sharon finally asked. For a moment Alaska thought about lying to her. She could set a stupid lie like “I’m a salesgirl at American Apparel” and everyone would have bought it, but eventually she went for the truth “I work at Vanguard Magazine” “The one full of anorexic models?” “Yes, exactly” Alaska gave up defending the magazine month’s ago. Whenever someone made jokes about how skinny and sick their models were Alaska just nodded. She didn’t care. “And you?” Sharon smiled as she took a sip of Prosecco “Let’s say I work in the field of art” “You’re so lucky” said Alaska recklessly looking at the city lights in front of her. “Ehy, your job is about art too” said Sharon quickly as she catches Alaska’s glance “I do really believe that fashion is an art” added. Alaska sighed. Maybe Bianca and her clothes were doing art. Maybe Detox and her team. But booking Trinity’s appointments and bringing her lunch wasn’t so artsy “Today my boss scolded me because in her lunch – an acai bowl, which I find disgusting – there were berries and not tropical fruits. Where’s the artistic part in all of this?!”   “Quit your job then” said out of the blue Sharon. It was so obvious to her she couldn’t believe Alaska hasn’t thought about it yet. “A year there and then I can work wherever I want” it was the first time that Alaska repeated her mantra to someone else – someone who wasn’t her kitten Hairspray. Maybe because talking about her problems to a stranger was easier than to Jinkx – that’s why people go to psychologists. Sharon realized she hit a nerve and soften her tones “I’m sure you are full of potential, and that you don’t need to spend a year at Vanguard if this makes you sad. In a way or another you’ll succeed, and you’ll get your dream job” she said, pinching softly one of Alaska’s cheek. “Do you believe it?” the blonde shivered at the gesture, and shivered even more when Sharon’s hand moved from her cheek to her bicep, stroking it gently. It was a new, strange feeling. She couldn’t believe the absurdity of the situation – a stranger was comforting her. A stranger that was definitely turning her on. “I know it” Sharon reassured her “You should have heard yourself talking about Marnie Weber and those works. You’re passionate, brilliant and smart. That’s what you are – you just have to fight for what you really want” Alaska really wanted to believe Sharon and not being scared about her future anymore. Being Alaska wasn’t easy – since the day she entered college her life was focused on finding the perfect job and feeling realized. Few friends, almost no relationships and an inexistent social life – she sacrificed her youth for something she didn’t know yet. But in that moment Alaska couldn’t care less about her future, her job, Vanguard or some stupid acai bowl. If there was something she would have fought for in that moment, then that thing was kissing Sharon’s lips painted in black. Her head was filled with questions – kissing a woman? She has never kissed a woman before… will she answer the kiss? What if she’ll reject her and scream? Screw that, Alaska kissed her. It was, by far, the most awkward kiss she has ever had. Because it took a moment for Sharon to answer the kiss, but when she did it Alaska felt her body relax. Literally – she feel into her arms. Sharon tasted like Prosecco and toasted tobacco, even if she didn’t smoke. While Alaska wrapped her arms around Sharon’s angular shoulders, she wondered if she tasted like Prosecco too. “Come with me” whispered Sharon against her lips, leading her back inside. Alaska followed her dutifully.
Alaska found herself trapped between the sink and Sharon’s body. She didn’t even realize they were in the toilet room until she looked away from Sharon’s body, when the latter turned to lock the door. She couldn’t help but stare at the other woman’s back throughout all the way to the toilet – as if everything around her went blur.   As Sharon went back and kissed the blonde deeply, Alaska let out a loud moan. “Quiet” whispered Sharon, closing Alaska’s mouth with her hand “The exhibition is just at the other side of this door” and then she made Alaska sitting on the sink. Sharon didn’t even need to pull Alaska’s dress off, since she wore a ridiculously short leather skirt and no thights (which she thought it was such a brave choice). Without wasting a single moment, Sharon hooked her fingers to Alaska’s panties and pulled them down “Classy” she commented ironically, with Alaska’s pair of red lace panties intertwined in her fingers. The blonde grunted and rested her head against the mirror, breathing heavily as Sharon’s hands moved again towards her thighs, spreading her legs. Usually those kind of things happened on second-rate romantic movies – thought Alaska – the ones in which the protagonist has a one-night stand with a stranger at the very beginning of the film. Those kind of things usually don’t happen to someone like Alaska. She smiled at her own bravado. The last thing Alaska saw before closing her eyes again was Sharon making her way down her body. Sharon was impatient and in a handful of seconds she was licking the other’s girl clit roughly. When she started sucking too, Alaska had to cover her mouth and biting her lips to avoid screaming in pleasure. She was extremely disappointed as she felt Sharon’s mouth pushing away from her. Was she doing something wrong? Was she annoyed by her moans? Alaska opened her eyes and saw Sharon staring back at her, with an evil grin printed on her face.  Definitely Sharon was enjoying it as much as Alaska “Relax, ok? You’re strung tight as a violin” she whispered as she could read her mind. Without a further word, Sharon substituted her mouth on Alaska’s clit with her fingers. She kissed and bite and sucked Alaska’s inner thighs, without taking her eyes off the other girl, who was now placing her legs over Sharon’s shoulders. The blonde’s skin burned under Sharon’s touch. Without any doubts she was leaving marks on her. “S-Sharon… I’m-” Alaska couldn’t add anything else because Sharon inserted a finger in her “Is that what you wanted?” asked panting. Alaska’s moan muffled by her hand was the answer Sharon needed to ear, as she putted other two fingers and moved them inside her partner. Alaska’s body was shaking and Sharon knew she was close, so she thrust more quickly. And she was so, so right – Alaska had to bite one of her hands when she came, the other one rested helplessly on Sharon’s head.
Sharon pulled herself away from Alaska’s body and looked at her own reflection in the mirror, trying to fix her lipstick “I think that those ones belongs to you” she said playfully, giving Alaska her panties back. Alaska’s glance was still on the floor while she wore them again. As her bravado faded away, her cheeks were so red she thought that they would catch on fire. She has never done something like that before. She wasn’t that kind of girl. All that embarrassment didn’t allow her to see what Sharon was taking out from her bra. “By the way” started the latter, giving her a black business card “Marnie Weber’s influence is obvious because she’s the artist I grew up with. Artistically speaking, I mean. Black is a stylistic choice. I don’t look for decadence, it just helps building up a character. And seeing your heavy eye-liner line I’d say it works for you too. Oh, and Needles is really my surname – even if I have to admit I really like Sid Vicious and the Sex Pistols.” Sharon said all of that very slowly, as she previously absorbed Alaska’s cadence, and she seemed to enjoy every single word that left her mouth. On the contrary, Alaska felt the ground beneath her fallen away. Needles, the extra pretentious and dark artist wasn’t a man, but the woman with whom she just had a rendezvous. Fuck, fuck, fuck. She tried to get a word in edgewise but Sharon spoke first “I have to go, you know – I was trying to sell some paintings before a certain blonde here focused all my attention. But in the card I gave you there’s my gallery’s address written – come over when you’re feeling like you want to verbally destroying my work again” and after winking she disappeared. For all that time Alaska’s mouth was wide open – as if she got caught in the act. Well, she was really caught in the act. She waited two minutes before exiting the room. “Here you are!” Jinkx reached her out immediately “I saw you with that spooky girl and the next moment you disappeared! Where the hell have you been?” Before replying, Alaska looked around “Sorry,” she whispered still shocked “I didn’t fell well” Jinkx’s glance was painted with concern “Oh sweetheart, your cheeks are so red… Do you feel like you have fever?” asked, touching her forehead. The blonde shook her head “I think it’s just this place… it’s extremely hot in here! I’ll just hail a taxi and go home” “Are you sure?” asked her friend again, stroking softly her cheek. Jinkx knew how to be so sickly sweet. Not even Alaska’s mother has ever given her so many attentions – and Jinkx wasn’t about to give up “Ivy and I are going to a club… are you sure you don’t want to join us?” Alaska nodded. She needed her home, a hot shower and some cuddles from Hairspray.
Alaska spent the night with her face buried in her hands because of her gaffe. As she entered the taxi she put the black business card with address, email and site written in silver letters inside her wallet. Sooner or later she would have to write to Sharon, or come over her gallery, and she would have to say sorry. That situation also confirmed her biggest fear – she wasn’t ready to write about art. She didn’t even know artists’ faces. Next to her, the kitten slept peacefully. Alaska faced him and stroked gently his fur “My dear Hairspray, we’re going to die alone. Alone and at Vanguard”
The next morning, she arrived at her workplace an hour earlier. She put the most hideous pink tulle dress Bianca gave her and rushed towards the cafeteria. Not even her giant white-framed sunglasses could have covered her dark circles. As she went to the cafeteria and opened her wallet for paying her dark coffee, she noticed the black business card among the receipts. She was bored and she had a spare hour – she decided it was the perfect time to look at Sharon’s works. Alaska came back to her desk and turned her computer on. She ignored all the mails and the notifications from social media and typed Sharon’s website link. For every painting that scrolled down she let out a sigh. Unfortunately, Alaska still didn’t like the New Gothic art – though she started appreciating some of its features. “And what’s this?” Alaska didn’t even heard Trinity as she arrived. Why people loved talking behind her?! “it’s nothing, it’s just…” she tried to justify herself, but Trinity – as always – talked over her “Oh my God. One of those paintings could be the perfect gift for my goddaughter’s birthday. You know, she’s in that phase of every teenager’s life in which she’s obsessed with vampires and all those soft porn bullshits” Alaska imagined a little Trinity reading Fifty Shades of Grey, and did her best not to laugh. “Go to the gallery of this… Needles? – well, what a strange name, – and buy the most gothic paint you can find” stated Trinity, giving Alaska’s her wallet “There’s the checkbook inside. Any price will be fine” Alaska gasped “But-” “But what?” “That is not supposed to be my job” replied puffing her cheeks. “You are paid to be my assistant” said Trinity scornfully “If I want one of those paint, then you’re going to buy me one of those paint. Understood?” she threw her bag on Alaska’s desk “Put this in the wardrobe and don’t waste my time anymore” “Breathe, breathe, breathe” Alaska repeated to herself while sit in the back seat of a taxi, heading towards Sharon’s gallery. The taxi driver looked at the blonde dazed, but Alaska was too worried for guarantee her mental stability to a complete stranger. As she got out of the taxi she found herself in front of a gallery as so many others in Williamsburg, with one of the paintings in the window and nothing more showed. Before entering Alaska peeked into the inside – the furniture was black as the walls, the only point of lights were the light bulbs that enlightened every single piece of art and a computer screen that was hiding a girl with orange hair. Alaska breathe with relief. Maybe that was a shared gallery, and she was one of the other artists. Or maybe she was a salesgirl. But that girl wasn’t Sharon for sure. “Welcome!” said the orange head as soon as Alaska crossed the threshold “Oh, did you miss me already?” Alaska was mistaken – for sure “My boss saw me looking through your website and now she wants one of your work for her goddaughter’s birthday” explained rashly (which was unexpected even for herself speaking so fast), looking down at her MiuMiu’s pink satin sandals. She shivered at the thought that she was wearing a pink dress – what would have Sharon thought about her in that moment? Sharon looked up and down the blonde and then smiled “Sure. Please, have a round” she said as she brought her attention back to her computer. Alaska started looking at the paintings as she did the day before. She was glad Sharon didn’t ask her why she was looking at her website. For a moment that seemed last forever, the only sound that could be heard in the room was Alaska’s clicking of heels. Then, Sex Pistol’s Pretty Vacant echoed from the speakers. Definitely not a coincidence. “You look good in pink” started Sharon as she approached Alaska. The blonde smirked “And you in orange” Sharon run her hands through her hair “What can I say? Tonight when I came back home I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to dye my hair” she moved a hand in Alaska’s hip “I couldn’t sleep because I still was so excited” she explained, whispering in her ear. “About that” rushed Alaska, freeing herself from the other’s woman grip “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have said all those mean things about your art. Pretty rude of me” and before Sharon could add anything, she continued “I’ll take this” she said looking the price tag framed next to the paint she chose. Sharon nodded and went back to her computer “Have a sit, I have to write the bill” she pointed at the empty seat at the other side of her desk “Would you like something to drink?” Alaska shook her head “I should come back to Vanguard soon” she said. She sat still and rested her hand on her knees. She has never felt so nervous before, and her posture made it pretty clear.   “I hoped you had already quitted your job” breathed Sharon as she wrote the bill “I really meant what I said yesterday” “I’m halfway my goal” said automatically Alaska. She lost the count of how many times she said that line to herself. “Ok” acquiesced Sharon as she pulled the bill out of the pad “Then, that makes 1300 dollars” “But in the price tag…” started Alaska, but Sharon cut her off. “Yeah, the price tag says 1200 dollars. But since you don’t want to want to quit this hideous job, your boss owns you at least a proper lunch” she grabbed her coat, the bag and the keys “Come on. I’ll promise that where we’re going they don’t serve acai bowls” she joked. A grin appeared in Alaska’s face as she wrote the check. She quickly grabbed her bag and reached Sharon, who was keeping the door open for her “And I promise I won’t read your work today” she said playfully as Sharon closed her gallery. “Oh sweetheart” Sharon titled her chin up and brushed her thumb against the blonde lips “with this cute mouth of yours you can do everything you want”  
* Yeah sorry guys – I had to.
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dazzledbybooks · 5 years
The Bold Type meets The Social Network when three girls vying for prestigious summer internships through a startup incubator program uncover the truth about what it means to succeed in the male-dominated world of tech. This summer Silicon Valley is a girls' club. Three thousand applicants. An acceptance rate of two percent. A dream internship for the winning team. ValleyStart is the most prestigious high school tech incubator competition in the country. Lucy Katz, Maddie Li, and Delia Meyer have secured their spots. And they've come to win. Meet the Screen Queens. Lucy Katz was born and raised in Palo Alto, so tech, well, it runs in her blood. A social butterfly and CEO in-the-making, Lucy is ready to win and party. East Coast designer, Maddie Li left her home and small business behind for a summer at ValleyStart. Maddie thinks she's only there to bolster her graphic design portfolio, not to make friends. Delia Meyer taught herself how to code on a hand-me-down computer in her tiny Midwestern town. Now, it's time for the big leagues--ValleyStart--but super shy Delia isn't sure if she can hack it (pun intended). When the competition kicks off, Lucy, Maddie, and Delia realize just how challenging the next five weeks will be. As if there wasn't enough pressure already, the girls learn that they would be the only all-female team to win ever. Add in one first love, a two-faced mentor, and an ex-boyfriend turned nemesis and things get...complicated. Filled with humor, heart, and a whole lot of girl power, Screen Queens is perfect for fans of Morgan Matson, Jenny Han, and The Bold Type. Screen Queens by Lori Goldstein Publisher: Razorbill Release Date: June 11th 2019 Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Realistic Fiction Review: Screen Queens by Lori Goldstein is such a fantastic book. This is something that we needed in the book industry. With how fast pace the tech industry is, I think we forget that women still struggle with the same things in every industry. In a lot of ways women have gained freedom but we still don't win in the workplace. I think that comparing this book to The Bold Type is pretty accurate. This book focuses on three girls that join an incubator tank to design a new app. It is about their struggles of being girls in a program and with trying to prove themselves because they fact that they are girls. I love how much empowerment this book gives girls and women alike. Lucy, Maddie, and Delia are all at ValleyStart for their own reasons. Delia is ready to be a part of the tech world. She is at ValleyStart to make her parents proud and to try to break into an industry that she loves. For Delia this is an opportunity of a lifetime. For Lucy this is an opportunity to meet big wigs in tech as a future CEO. All she wants to do is prove to her mom that she can accomplish her goals in life without her. Maddie is at ValleyStart to build her design portfolio. These three girls are thrown together to build an app together. I love that this story is told in the three perspectives of these young women. I feel like this really helped the reader get the full picture on what is going on at ValleyStart. I really enjoyed that these women were thrown together and became friends The had lots of issues along the way but in the end they were there for each other and that is how women should be. We should be there for each other rather than tear each other down. Goldstein wrote an amazing book. I really loved this book and I thought that Goldstein did an amazing job. You should definitely read this book. There is so much empowerment for women.  Favorite Quote: Because that's how they were all related. The women that came before, the women of now, and the ones to come. All empowered. For the future they'd create.  Five Things Every #TechGirl Needs 1. Snacks. Long hours of planning and coding demand snacks. Many startups and tech companies have fully stocked kitchens with food and beverages available for free around the clock. Sneak into one and you’re likely to find everything from organic granola to acai bowls to honey lavender lattes, jugs of cold brew with almond milk, and of course, ramen.2. A cool phone case. You never leave home without your phone, so why not use it to showcase who you are? Your favorite artist, motto, book (ahem!), stamp your phone case with it! Your favorite vacation spot, dog, cat, turtle, whatever, one flash shows the world your personality and what you hold most dear. Don’t let your phone go naked!3. Headphones. For times when you are head down, deep in coding, drawing, or whatever your passion is, you need to block out the world and focus. A great set of wireless headphones is key. Skullcandy is making headphones designed specifically to fit women. Pretty cool.4. Collaborators. In the world of a tech, a unicorn is someone who is a tech genius, a wizard able to do it all. If you aren’t a unicorn yourself, the best thing to do is surround yourself with collaborators who complete the skill set needed to create the next killer app. Lucy’s the project manager, Maddie’s the designer, and Delia’s the coder. Together they form a formidable team, and the apps they create prove it. Get yourself a squad!5. Thick skin. Here are the facts: Only 20 percent of tech jobs are held by women even though women make up more than half the workforce. The number of female computer science majors has dropped in the past two decades by more than 20 percent, down to just 18 percent. Only 11 percent of executive positions at Silicon Valley companies are held by women. Here’s what we do about it: Encourage more girls from a young age to think of STEM as a career path. The more women who enter the field, the more role models these young girls will see. It is a cycle that will feed itself. Yet it won’t be an easy road. Women entering this field are sure to encounter some of the discrimination and harassment that the girls in SCREEN QUEENS do. They face this with the strength that comes from knowing someone has their back. So along with that thick skin, make sure you have a team and support one another every step of the way. Excerpt: Four. Still. Only four.Lucy shifted in the hard wooden chair across from her mom’s desk and clutched her phone tighter. She swiped up and down with such force that her Caribbean Blue Baby fingernails would have scratched the glass had she not been diligent about using a screen protector.Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat, Facebook . . . Swipe, swipe, swipe. The likes, favorites, followers, friends . . . she had enough. Enough for her ranking on the Pulse app to be higher than four.Four?Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe.The pink plastic bracelet the bouncer had secured around Lucy’s wrist danced up and down the same way she had last night, after name-dropping her way into the hottest new club in San Francisco’s Tenderloin District. The fact that she didn’t actually know Ryan Thompson, founder of Pulse, was a technicality that would soon be remedied.Her ♥ our fingers are on the pulse ♥ tee only given to Pulse employees opened doors closed even to most of Silicon Valley’s elite. She’d snagged it from a hipster-preneur six months ago at a party in Fremont. He was so busy claiming he left Pulse of his own accord (uh-huh) because his eco-friendly (read: nonprofitable) idea was going to change the world (i.e., drain his bank account) that he scarcely knew what he’d lost. All it took was a deftly spilled cocktail, an exorbitant dry cleaning bill, and Lucy’s favorite tank (note: pomegranate margaritas don’t come out of silk), but it was worth it.Soon she’d have one of her own.And she’d no longer be a 4.♥♥♥♥Really?The likes on her Instagram story from last night alone should have bumped her up to a 5. Thumping. But here she sat. Still at 4. Still Thudding.She stared at the string of hearts on her Pulse profile knowing that, somehow, this was all because she was wait-listed at Stanford.And that, Lucy knew the exact “how” of: Gavin Cox.Freaking Gavin Cox.She shouldn’t have done it, but her blue fingernail moved on its own, navigating to his profile.Level 6. Throbbing. Gavin Cox was Throbbing and she was Thudding. If only she possessed a male member and a wingspan like Michael Phelps, she’d be Throbbing too. But now that high school was over, winning state would no longer be a crutch for Gavin, and his Pulse would plummet. He’d be lucky to be Beating—a measly 3.Lucy was tempted to knock her mom’s expansive cherry wood desk. But Lucy Katz didn’t believe in luck. Lucy Katz didn’t hope. Lucy Katz didn’t dream. Lucy Katz did.She knew what she wanted.And it wasn’t this.Thudding and wait-listed and this drab third-floor office in this mud-brown building in this sad little Sunnyvale office park.So it wouldn’t be.Tired of the edge of the chair digging into the soft underside of her knees, she scooted forward until her wedge sandals reached the floor.Her mom was twenty minutes late.As usual.Lucy knew enough to show up for their scheduled lunch a half hour after its start time, but she was on time.As always.Lucy planned like other people breathed.Which was why she wasn’t nervous about Stanford. It was a blip. A minor inconvenience. Nothing that an internship at Pulse wouldn’t wipe away like a hard reset on her MacBook Pro.She stared at the gently tanned skin of her exposed ankles and wiggled her toes, enticing circulation to resume after being dangled two inches off the floor despite her heels. She pulled her pink-and-white-striped notebook onto her lap and leafed through the pages, refreshing herself on all the notes she’d taken thus far on ValleyStart, the summer tech incubator program she was about to begin. The five-week competition ended with one team winning an internship at Pulse. If she succeeded (please), she’d spend the rest of the summer at Pulse with Ryan Thompson. And Pulse, well, not even Stanford could ignore a pedigree that included Pulse.Satisfied it was all already committed to memory, she closed her notebook and stared at the shiny gold L floating on the center of the cover—the only Hanukkah gift she’d received last year, sent in a FedEx envelope from her mom’s assistant.She tucked it under her arm and stood, passing by windows that looked out on row after row of blue, red, black, white, and green hybrid cars lined up like Crayolas in the parking lot, the closest the office came to having a pop of color. A four-by-six double frame propped beside her mom’s three monitors was the only personalization in the room.One side held Lucy as a baby, swaddled in her mom’s arms with her dad looking off to the side, toward the London office he’d soon head. The second photo once again displayed the three of them, this time on graduation day, just a few weeks ago. Her dad had scheduled a week of meetings before and after in order to attend.Two milestones in Lucy’s life, as if nothing had happened in between, with the frame leaving no room for anything to come.The graduation photo hung crooked in the frame. She could just see her mom hurriedly shoving it inside with one hand, typing an email with the other, while on a conference call with Singapore, Melbourne, and Dubai.Lucy set her phone on the desk. She pulled off the cardboard backing to straighten the photo and out fell the slip of paper behind it: a smiling baby—not Lucy, simply the picture that had come in the frame. How long had her mom kept that other child beside Lucy? Long enough to forget to print one to take its place, long enough to no longer notice that she should.On the desk, her phone vibrated and lit up with a text.ValleyStart: Team assignments are in! Meet Your Mates!Lucy’s arm shot out like a rattlesnake and her notebook fell, knocking into one of her mom’s monitors.“Lucy!” Abigail Katz entered the room and rushed forward in her expensive flats.“Got it!” Lucy’s tennis-trained reflexes saved the monitor before it took down the others like dominos.Considering Lucy had read and re-read the acceptance packet about a thousand times and been waiting for the past two months to see who she’d be spending the next five weeks with, her restraint in not jumping on the ValleyStart portal instantly was extraordinary.It’s actually happening.Her pulse quickened, and she was almost dizzy as she circled one way around the desk, back to the hard chair. Her mom rounded the corner from the opposite direction, adjusted the tilt of the monitor, and sat down in front of it.With the seven-inch height difference between them, Lucy could only see her eyes. And the tiredness in them.Lucy would never deny that Abigail Katz worked hard.But that was all she did.“I’m sorry, Lucy.” Abigail smoothed the ends of her chin-length bob. The barest hint of gray dusted the roots—a constant battle, waged every three weeks as she colored it back to brown. “They needed some guidance in a branding meeting that wasn’t on my schedule.”“Right,” Lucy said.Abigail reached into the top drawer of her desk and pulled out two protein bars. “Just a quick lunch, then, okay?”Peanut butter. Lucy hated peanut butter. “Sure.” She peeled back the wrapping. Not even peanut butter could ruin her ValleyStart high.“All set for tomorrow?”“Packed the car this morning.” She bounced (just a little) in her seat.Abigail stopped chewing. “Not an Uber or Lyft?”“It’s ten miles.”“Right. Ten.”Half the number of fender benders Lucy had been in. Who has time to spend learning to be a perfect driver?“Fine. Whatever.” Lucy pretended there was no judgment in her mom’s question and forced a bite of the peanut butter. “I’ll leave the car.”“Better plan. You won’t need it anyway.” Abigail set her own half-eaten bar down. “You have to focus. Palo Alto High School may have been competitive, but ValleyStart’s in another league. The top startup incubator for high school graduates in the country with only sixty accepted out of—”“Three thousand applicants, I know.” An acceptance rate of only two percent. Two. Stanford’s was four. The sole explanation . . .Freaking Gavin Cox.The only other applicant from her high school to make it into ValleyStart.Lucy pushed her heels into the floor and all thoughts of Gavin where they belonged—in the past.“I’ve been focused, Mom. I’m certainly not going to stop now.” Top ten in her class, 4.8 GPA, tennis all-star, two marathons under her belt, and still a lecture on being “focused.” Lucy regretted the bite as her stomach churned.“Nothing wrong with reminders,” Abigail said, just as one dinged on her computer and phone in unison, the sound as familiar to Lucy as the squeak of her bedroom door.Lucy stood.“Wait. It’s just . . .” Abigail’s eyes slowly drifted from her three monitors to Lucy’s expertly draped off-the-shoulder tee and perfectly cuffed dark-wash jeans. “I’ve always given you freedom because you’ve shown that you can handle it. Up until now.”Now meaning not getting into Stanford.“But with this, with this new world you’re entering, well, I just want you to be aware of the pressures and the importance of how you present yourself.”“Present myself? I’m not a poodle in some dog show.”“That’s not what I meant.”“Then what do you mean, Mom?”“Letting off steam in high school is one thing, but now you’re an adult.”“So I’ve heard.” Her mom had repeated the same phrase ad nauseam since Lucy’s eighteenth birthday three months ago.“Believe me, Lucy, it’s no secret how little you’ve wanted to heed my advice lately. If and when that changes, you know where to find me.”Right here in this same baby-poop-brown office you’ve lived in since I took my first steps . . . which, naturally, you missed.Heat rose in Lucy’s chest, and all she wanted to do was give her mom a reminder: that the phrase was “work hard” and “play hard.” And the playing bit could yield the same—if not better—results as the working. Connections made things happen. Just ask her Pulse tee.“Sure, Mom.” Lucy brushed her hand through her long dark hair, forgetting she was still holding the brick of peanut butter. She picked a crumb off a strand by her chin and watched as her mom slipped on her computer glasses and turned the world right in front of her eyes crystal clear, blurring everything else beyond—including Lucy.Lucy headed for the door. “Just one small thing . . . in order to give me freedom or anything else, you’d actually have to be around.”She didn’t wait for her mom to look up; she simply wrapped her hand around the metal knob and closed the door behind her with barely a sound, making sure she “presented herself” properly.How am I even related to her?Lucy only made it halfway down the hall before she slowed, leaned her head against the crap-colored walls, and tried to stop her heart from racing.Level 7. Seven hearts was Racing.Like everyone her age, like everyone in the world, Lucy knew the Pulse levels as well as her home address. “What’s your Pulse?” were the first words off of anyone’s lips upon meeting, the first background check determining worthiness for everything from friend to blind date to party invites, probably even job offers.The brainchild of Ryan Thompson when he was only a year older than Lucy, the app amalgamated an individual’s likes, favorites, views, thumbs-ups, and more from every major social media platform, translating it to a simple Pulse level, ranking you from zero, Dead, all the way to ten, Crushing It. Over time, as the app evolved, Level 10s became top influencers, the people everyone wanted to be or be seen with. Advertisers and the entertainment business soon realized that Level 10s’ smiling faces could increase sales and media coverage. Now, 10s got complimentary everything, from the newest iPhones to dips in Iceland’s Blue Lagoon. To be a 10 was to live with all the perks.Once Lucy and her team won the ValleyStart incubator, Pulse would be her second home for the rest of the summer. The prize of an internship at the most successful tech company in the past ten years was worth more than any amount of money.She’d use it to her advantage. Starting now.Lucy opened the Stanford portal and did what she’d wanted to do for weeks, since she was accepted into ValleyStart. She requested a second alumni interview. She knew it was irregular, but she explained that she had new information she was delighted to share—namely the incubator.Lucy then lifted her chin higher and straightened her top. As she passed by the largest office—a suite—she ran her finger along the three little letters on the nameplate: CEO.Pulse would secure that future.At the elevators, Lucy logged into the ValleyStart portal to find not just the names of her teammates but her assigned mentor: Ryan Thompson.For the first time since arriving at her mom’s office, Lucy smiled. About the Author: Author of SCREEN QUEENS, coming from Razorbill, June 11, 2019, and available for preorder now (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and IndieBound) about three teen girls who attend a startup incubator in Silicon Valley and learn what it means to compete in the male-dominated world of tech. My Young Adult Contemporary Fantasy series Becoming Jinn and Circle of Jinn is a modern spin on the traditional tale of wish-granting genies (Feiwel and Friends/Macmillan). Obsessed with books, beach, and Game of Thrones, Find me at @loriagoldstein and follow my blog and sign up for my newsletter at http://bit.ly/24E6Zjn, my Instagram at http://bit.ly/2x7UFhf my Tumblr at http://bit.ly/1Mbzk8a. Like my author page on Facebook for fun book-related photos, tidbits, and happenings as well as news on upcoming releases. Giveaway: Prize (1): Win a copy of SCREEN QUEENS by Lori Goldstein and two swag packs (US Only) Prize (2): Win (1) of (20) paper doll character cards for Lucy, Maddie, and Delia (INTERNATIONAL+US/CAN) Starts: June 18th 2019 Ends: July 2nd 2019 a Rafflecopter giveaway Tour Schedule: http://fantasticflyingbookclub.blogspot.com/2019/05/tour-schedule-screen-queens-by-lori.html June 18th The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club - Welcome Post June 19th Moonlight Rendezvous - Review + Favourite Quotes The Reading Corner for All - Review + Favourite Quotes Young Adult Media Consumer - Review + Favourite Quotes Devouring Books - Review Confessions of a YA Reader - Promotional Post June 20th The Book Thief Without Words - Review Snark and Squee - Review Kayla Reads and Reviews - Review Wall-to-wall books - Review June 21st The Hermit Librarian - Interview Book-Keeping - Review + Favourite Quotes A Few Chapters 'til Love - Review + Dream Cast Hauntedbybooks - Review + Favourite Quotes Bemused Bibliophile - Review June 22nd L.M. Durand - Review + Favourite Quotes Magical Reads - Review + Playlist Kait Plus Books - Review + Favourite Quotes Musings of a (Book) Girl - Review + Favourite Quotes Pooled Ink - Promotional Post June 23rd The YA Obsessed - Review Belle's Archive - Review Frayed Books - Review Firstbooklove - Review Dazzled by Books - Review + Favourite Quotes June 24th Morgan Vega - Review + Playlist + Favourite Quotes The Clever Reader - Review + Favourite Quotes Bookish In Bed - Review Mind of Luxe - Review Kourtni Reads - Review + Favourite Quotes
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jonasmaurer · 5 years
Friday Faves
 Hi friends! Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? We’re officially on baby watch and I feel like a little kid heading towards Christmas morning. Baby August will be here ANY DAY and the girls can’t wait to meet their new cousin. I’m so thrilled for Kyle and Meg! By the time I write next week’s Friday Faves post, he’ll be here!!
Other than Baby Watch 2019, we have some fun plans for the weekend: a soccer game with friends, girls’ night, date night, a birthday party, taxes (ew) and finishing up the house. This is in between the usual weekend fun of pancake mornings, staying in our jammies as long as humanly possible, and playing outside with the girls.The Pilot made a ton of progress on the garage while I was in Portland, so we’re just putting the final touches on everything in between hauling boxes to recycling and Goodwill. It will be so nice to have our garage gym set up again!
(Our lil garage gym from when we were in San Diego)
It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! Please shout out something you’re lovin’ in the comments section if you’d like to join in the fun.
Beauty + fashion:
This floss! Is it weird to be so excited about floss? I picked this up at the Beautycounter conference. In the shop, they had quite a few products from clean brands they love. I was intrigued by this floss since I’d recently heard that certain floss brands are not so great for you, and even though it was expensive for the floss world. I decided to give it a whirl.
The verdict? It has a gentle mint flavor and is a thicker strand so it feels like it really cleans in between my teeth. Floss isn’t usually something I’m that picky about, but now that I’ve tried the good stuff, I guess I can’t go back. 
  My second Trunk Club delivery! (<— referral link) It wasn’t quite as big of a home run as my first trunk – some of the sizing was off – but I LOVED this Madewell dress. It will be super cute this spring and summer with sandals and a jean jacket or with wedges and hoops out to dinner. You can check out my full review of Trunk Club here. I especially love it because you can see what they’re going to send in advance (and decline certain items to be replaced by something else) and we don’t have a Nordstrom in Tucson. This gives me a way to have some items curated for me and try them on before I purchase. It’s like a lil Nordstrom shopping experience right at home. (Plus if you have a Nordstrom card, they waive the $25 fee! <— this fee goes towards anything you’d like to purchase)
Read, watch, listen:
Definitely check out this podcast episode with Shawn Stevenson and Chalene Johnson. They’re two of my favorite people – and huge inspirations for me in the fitness industry – and this issue was filled with so much truth, knowledge, and motivation.  
I loved this article with dad texts (and all of the heartfelt and hilarious comments).
Dinner party tips from the QUEEN.
A very interesting peek into the life of one of my favorite Peloton instructors.
Why RDs don’t recommend keto for weight loss or as a lifestyle (and I 100% agree with them).
Great list of mom hacks. I never leave the house without a snack bag.
Good eats:
I’m officially back on the acai bowl train. I recently grabbed one with a friend at Nekter and it was SO.GOOD. If you’re looking to make one at home, here’s my go-to recipe).
  Ok I need to try this for an easy, savory dinner.
A Mediterranean chicken sheet pan recipe.
Prep & Pastry is growing. So pumped about this! 
A guided cooldown; perfect for post-workout.
Pick up those weights, friends.
My latest post for WebMD is here! This one is all about finding a workout that works for you.
Exercise can have a biggest impact on weight maintenance than nutrition.
Don’t forget to check out this week’s total body strength + HIIT video!
  Happy Friday!
Congrats to the winners of the sneaky lipgloss giveaway: @fit_lindsaymae and @wigglewoggle ! I’ll have your lip glosses on the way today and stay tuned for more sneaky giveaways.
The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.
Friday Faves published first on https://olimpsportnutritionde.tumblr.com/
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gabriellakirtonblog · 6 years
Best Fitness Articles — October 7, 2018
We scan the net, but if you’d like to submit your article for consideration, please do so via The PTDC Article Submission Form.
The Top Article of the Week
How Do You ‘Create’ Discipline? (With Warcraft, Wagyu Beef and One Single Chip From The Packet) — T-Nation
As a personal trainer, you’re ability to cultivate and teach self-discipline will shape your career. Here’s how to make that shape pretty.
General Health
Trauma & Body Image — Jessi Kneeland
Let Me Show You The Secrets Of A Midlife Yogi — Beth Campbell, Thrive Personal Fitness
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!— Steve Kamb
So You Were Asked If You’re Pregnant and You’re Not? Here’s What You Can Do Next — Christine Mooney, Chronicles of Strength
Here is my excuse (aka reason) — Eat To Peform
  Strength Training
How to Stay Small and Weak — Sharon Moss, Girls Gone Strong
How To Build Muscle and Strength While Injured — Joe Huskey, JMax Fitness
All You Need to Know About the Barbell Bench Press — Molly Galbraith, Girls Gone Strong
The Art of Being an Emotionally Detached Strength Athlete – Joe Schillero, Elite FTS
What is Sport Specific Training and what is Dynamic Correspondence — Christian Bosse
  Fat Loss
5 Tips for Long Term Weight Loss Success — John Falkinder
The New (Ultra-Simple) Way To Calculate Your Macros — Tom Venuto
Fitness Shouldn’t Be A Midlife Crisis — James Fell
Paleolithic Nutrition: A Powerful Concept That Should Be Protected and Preserved — Eirik Garnas
Why Not Every Fit Pro Should Write — Erica Suter
Problematic Athletes Make You A Better Coach — Brandon Morrison, Lift Big Eat Big
Two Words That Can Help You Get More Clients — Brian Hilliard, Entrepreneur
The post Best Fitness Articles — October 7, 2018 appeared first on The PTDC.
Best Fitness Articles — October 7, 2018 published first on https://onezeroonesarms.tumblr.com/
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fitono · 6 years
Best Fitness Articles — October 7, 2018
We scan the net, but if you’d like to submit your article for consideration, please do so via The PTDC Article Submission Form.
The Top Article of the Week
How Do You ‘Create’ Discipline? (With Warcraft, Wagyu Beef and One Single Chip From The Packet) — T-Nation
As a personal trainer, you’re ability to cultivate and teach self-discipline will shape your career. Here’s how to make that shape pretty.
General Health
Trauma & Body Image — Jessi Kneeland
Let Me Show You The Secrets Of A Midlife Yogi — Beth Campbell, Thrive Personal Fitness
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!— Steve Kamb
So You Were Asked If You’re Pregnant and You’re Not? Here’s What You Can Do Next — Christine Mooney, Chronicles of Strength
Here is my excuse (aka reason) — Eat To Peform
  Strength Training
How to Stay Small and Weak — Sharon Moss, Girls Gone Strong
How To Build Muscle and Strength While Injured — Joe Huskey, JMax Fitness
All You Need to Know About the Barbell Bench Press — Molly Galbraith, Girls Gone Strong
The Art of Being an Emotionally Detached Strength Athlete – Joe Schillero, Elite FTS
What is Sport Specific Training and what is Dynamic Correspondence — Christian Bosse
  Fat Loss
5 Tips for Long Term Weight Loss Success — John Falkinder
The New (Ultra-Simple) Way To Calculate Your Macros — Tom Venuto
Fitness Shouldn’t Be A Midlife Crisis — James Fell
Paleolithic Nutrition: A Powerful Concept That Should Be Protected and Preserved — Eirik Garnas
Why Not Every Fit Pro Should Write — Erica Suter
Problematic Athletes Make You A Better Coach — Brandon Morrison, Lift Big Eat Big
Two Words That Can Help You Get More Clients — Brian Hilliard, Entrepreneur
The post Best Fitness Articles — October 7, 2018 appeared first on The PTDC.
Best Fitness Articles — October 7, 2018 published first on https://medium.com/@MyDietArea
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couch2competitor · 6 years
0 notes
lindafrancois · 6 years
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!
These days, Acai bowls are the hottest thing on the streets.
It’s been called “the healthiest breakfast on the planet” by some news outlets.
The hype machine is operating at full capacity for this South American berry. It’s a superfood that will help you lose weight, extend your lifespan, and help defend your body against aging!
Are these claims true?
Clearly the people marketing acai berries and bowls don’t care – as long as they can hype the crap out of it, there’s money to be made.
Hell, I walked down the street the other day and saw a place named “Acai Ya Later.”
If you’ve been reading Nerd Fitness for a while, it’s no secret I’m a fan of a well done pun, even if they need to mispronounce “acai” to make it work.
Unfortunately, I’m not a fan of bogus health claims, even if there are puns involved!
So today I’m gonna dig into the facts about acai berries, acai bowls, and eternal life from fruit.
No hype.
No acai supplement to sell you. No “superfood” claims.
Just the truth. And funny gifs. Always gifs.
What is an acai berry?
The acai berry is the small purple fruit found on the acai palm.
They come from Brazil and other northern regions of South America. 80% of the berry is actually the seed, which for the most part people don’t eat.
This leaves only about 20% for the flesh and skin of the berry, the stuff people generally do eat.
Why should you care about acai?
Generally, the answer lies in the word “antioxidants”.
I know, “Why the hell do I care about antioxidants?”
Great question.
Antioxidants are substances that fight a process called oxidation.
When your body interacts with too much sunlight, toxins in smoke, air pollution, alcohol, and other challenges, it can create “free radicals,” AKA molecules with an unpaired electron.
And these molecules? They are single and ready to mingle. So when they collide with an electron that’s already paired, they more or less steal it.
This molecule then has to steal another electron, and the process continues. You can see how this could get out of hand. While some free radicals are normal, too many in our bodies can indeed lead to cancer [2].
Note that “Free Radicals” are different from “the New Radicals,” a one-hit wonder:
Which brings me back to antioxidants.
Depending on the particular molecule, antioxidants either provide the free radical with an extra electron, or break it down altogether.
The point: antioxidants neutralize free radicals, making them harmless.
That’s why antioxidants are important.
In our quest to get to the bottom of the hype on acai, antioxidants will prove critical. But I want to address an even more important point before we get there.
How do you pronounce “acai”?
We need to talk about how you actually pronounce “acai?” I’ve seen it make all sorts of people tongue tied.
And you want to sound important and all-knowing at your next cocktail party, right?
It’s “”ah-sigh-ee.” Like this:
Often times, when exotic fruit is brought to the West, it’s name is changed so it’s easier to pronounce.
Story time: This happened with the fruit “kiwi,” actually called “Yang-tao” in China. But marketers banked on “kiwi” being easier to say than Yang-tao, pronounced “yahng tou” in English. So they named it after the famous kiwi bird from New Zealand.
And boom, that’s why you know kiwi fruit as “kiwis.”
Such a name swap didn’t happen with acai.
Acai has kept its original Brazilian name, which is why us English speakers trip up pronouncing it[3].
Which is a logical segue to our next section.
Why are acai bowls so popular?
The credit of the acai berry being popular outside of Brazil can be attributed to Ryan and Jeremy Black, two brothers from Southern California.
Together with their friend Ed Nichols they realized the acai berry could have a potential gigantic market in the West.
The Black brothers and Nichols came across acai on a trip to Brazil. The locals encouraged them to try it, proclaiming the health benefits of the berry: an energy boost, kickstarted immunity, and detoxification.
They got HOOKED on these things, and from then on, whenever Ryan, Jeremy, and Ed were in Brazil, they would search for an icy acai bowl.
On one such trip, the Black brothers and Nichols discussed how great it would be to enjoy acai back in the States.
Strange fruit from Brazil with antioxidants?
Exotic, healthy, and easy to make grandiose claims about?
And that’s why acai bowls can now be found in every city in America with a punny store name.
What’s in an acai bowl? What are some typical acai bowl recipes?
In Brazil, the acai (in the form of frozen pulp) is generally served in a bowl with granola and bananas. Sometimes a fourth ingredient would be used, the Amazonian fruit guarana, which contains more caffeine than coffee.
Simple enough.
How about here in the states? That’s where acai bowls get cray.
You’ll for sure get acai berries, granola, and banana. And maybe guarana. But how about some of the following:
Apple Juice
Almond Milk
Almond Butter
Mango Juice
Peanut Butter
Soy Milk
Pick a handful of the above, mix them in a bowl, and BOOM! Acai bowl.
One thing most ingredients listed or referenced have in common, is they are carbohydrate and/or sugar heavy. Some, like agave and honey, are more or less just sugar.
Which brings me to an important and really fun point:
Fact checking the acai bowl hype
There are a lot of health claims associated to the acai berry. Some of which make my eyebrows raise. Others make me nod approvingly. And one or two that make my soul hurt. 
Which is why I’d like to introduce my new favorite Nerd Fitness game, “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire”:
CLAIM #1: “There are good antioxidants in acai berries.”
Acai berries are indeed high in antioxidants[4]. Which is great, for the reasons we talked about earlier. When people talk about the benefits of the acai berry, it more or less comes down to antioxidants.
I support this claim. Now, I will mention just about any berry you pick (blackberry, blueberry, raspberry) is also a great source of antioxidants. But I won’t completely steal the acai berry’s thunder.
CLAIM #2: “Acai berries are nutrient dense.”
REALITY: Also true!
Acai berries contain as much Vitamin C as blueberries. Plus acai is a great source of Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and E. They also contain plenty of minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, and copper.
Good stuff there. As a proponent of eating REAL food that are nutrient dense, I would throw acai into that category. An acai berry is REAL food.
CLAIM #3: “Acai berries aid digestion.”
REALITY: eh, sort of.
Fiber aids digestion. And acai skin and pulp contain fiber. So acai aids digestion?
Sure, that’s true. But it’s not the complete picture. All sort of things contain fiber, like every other berry you’ve ever heard of. Plus, some food like carrots, are more much fibrous than the acai berry.
There is no special acai ingredient to improve digestion. If fiber is what you’re after, an acai berry isn’t a bad decision. But it’s not the single best option.
CLAIM #4: “Acai has anti-aging powers.”
REALITY: Bollocks! Hogwash!
Antioxidants are a good thing, because keeping your cells healthy and clear of free radicals is important. But are your wrinkles going to smooth out with the help of a berry? Or really, anything shy of botox? Don’t buy into this.
Acai have no special anti-aging magic. If the claim is antioxidants reverse aging, sure, in that they keep cells healthy. But not in the “I’m going to reverse time” way.
CLAIM #5: “Acai will improve libido.”
REALITY: Poppycock!
Will eating nutritiously lead to improved health? Which will improve how your body functions? Which could include libido? Sure.
Is there a berry out there that will make you awesome in the bedroom? No.
CLAIM #6: “Acai berries help weight loss.”
“Acai is a nutrient-rich source of antioxidants, much like many other fruits, but there is nothing magical about the fruit to cause weight loss.” Thank you David Grotto, RD[5].
Promises like better health, improved libido, and weight loss sell well. That’s why you’ll come across them. But as the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Naturally, the idea that a berry will make you lose weight is silly. It depends on what else you are consuming, and in what quantities, in addition to the acai berry. I’m going to cover this more extensively below.
Can I lose weight eating acai bowls?
It truly depends on how you used to eat and what else you eat every day.
To help paint this picture, let’s talk about the carbohydrates and sugars in an acai bowl.
Let’s start with the traditional acai bowl: acai puree, granola, and some banana. That will run about 355 calories, including 50 grams of carbohydrates, with 18 grams of those being sugar.
For comparison, the average bagel from a deli will have about 350 calories and 50 grams of carbs.
And that’s just a traditional bowl: what about the Americanized versions?
Acai puree often has sugar added to it, since the acai berry itself isn’t too sweet. Plus, an acai place might also pour things like honey and agave into the bowl. And don’t forget fruit contains quite a bit of sugar.
When you add it all up, it becomes a lot.
Let’s analyze the 12 oz. Acai Berry Bowl from “Juice It Up”: acai puree, a strawberry juice blend, actual strawberries, blueberries, and guarana. This rakes up:
340 calories
66 grams of carbohydrates
60 grams of sugar (more than a can of Coke!)
If you called this meal a “carb bomb” or “sugar bomb,” I wouldn’t disagree with you. And none of this factors in additional toppings like coconut flakes or granola.
You can see how all of this adds up quickly. Acai bowls with over 90 grams of sugar are not unheard of.
That’s why I cringe when I read the Huffington Post’s article that acai bowls are the world’s healthiest breakfast[6]. I have no problem if you eat an acai bowl for breakfast.
But don’t let the good attributes of a South American berry distract you. Carbs, calories, and sugar don’t count less just because there are antioxidants present.
Eating a pile of pureed carbs, topped with carbs, and sprinkled with carbs, might be only a slightly better decision than a bowl of Lucky Charms.
All of this to say: be smart and learn about what you’re eating! Know the caloric, carbohydrate and sugar makeup of the food you eat, even if it’s “super.”
What’s a better plan for breakfast?
If you are going to eat breakfast, shift your focus from a pile of carbs to something loaded with protein and healthy fat. It’ll help fill you up in a more calorically-efficient manner, provide your muscles with rebuilding fuel, and not spike your insulin levels like sugar/carbs can do[7].
Eggs are a breakfast staple that Team Nerd Fitness wholly endorses. You can read our five favorite quick recipes here.
If you need some other examples for meal ideas, check out our post on 10 meals that can be made in 10 minutes.
But that’s only if you actually want to eat breakfast. You can also…
SKIP BREAKFAST. Some people forgo breakfast all together! Like me. It’s called intermittent fasting. It lets you make one less meal decision for the day, you’re less likely to overeat in a day, and it can help manage your insulin levels.
So start with protein in the morning. Or skip breakfast. But personally I wouldn’t start with a bucket of sugar in puree form if I was trying to lose weight.
Bummed out that your superfood breakfast isn’t that super? I hear ya. There’s nothing worse than TRYING to be healthy and discovering the food you thought was helping you lose weight is actually making things worse! Crap. Fun fact: I used to eat tons of granola bars and thought they were healthy (nope, carb and sugar bombs – might as well have been a Snickers!)
So whether it’s making sense of healthy breakfasts, learning how to eat better the rest of the day, or even just having an accountability partner to check in with, Nerd Fitness has helped thousands.
If you are looking for a personal coach that will help you stay accountable without judgement, help guide you to make better food choices, and get you results results that stick, check out our uber popular 1-on-1 online coaching program!
It’s kind of like having Yoda in your pocket (through your phone, not the Force…yet).
If this sounds like something that could help you, schedule a free call! You can talk to our team to see if we’re a good fit for each other! Click the image below to schedule now.
Be wary of anything called a superfood!
If you ever read anything about a “superfood,” let this act as a public service announcement.
Be skeptical. Marketers love this term because it’s not defined, regulated, or provable. Meaning it can be used at whim to sell whatever to desperate folks trying to lose weight with zero repercussions
The acai is a well hyped piece of fruit thanks to a serious marketing engine and lots of money at stake.
Like most berries, it has good antioxidants and nutrients. Good stuff.
And If you like the taste and want to treat yo self? Occasionally, hell yeah.
Should you eat one everyday for breakfast? Especially smothered in granola, drizzled with honey, and topped with more carbs/sugar?
There’s likely a better option if you’re not seeing success and losing weight. Here’s our advice on healthy eating for weight loss.
Don’t let headlines and hype distract you from what’s really going on. Tons of calories and sugar in the AM is a bad strategy if you’re trying to lose weight.
What do you think? Am I being too harsh on acai? Or does this berry deserve to have some of its hype squashed. Let me know in the comments.
Also, do you have any other “superfoods” you want us to take on in future “Liar, Liar Pants on Fire” posts?
-Steve, who is definitely NOT hiding from Brazilian acai marketing companies in my apartment closet, so don’t bother looking there.
PS: If this article has you flipped upside down, and now you don’t know WHAT to eat, in addition to our 1-on-1 Coaching program, we also have a free 10-level Nutrition Blueprint you can download for free! Print it out, hang it on your fridge, and start making better food choices today.
You can get yours fo’ free when you sign up in the box below:
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
I identify as a:
ALL Photos Sources can be found in this footnote here[8]
Footnotes    ( returns to text)
Study on free radicals and cancer found here.
Fun fact: if you say “acai” three times into a bathroom mirror a free radical shows up and slaps you in the mouth.
Check out the study here.
Check out that WebMD article here.
Check out the Huffinton Post piece here
Study on protein vs. carbs on insulin is here.
Photo: indian jones, acai berry, old man, acai bowl, acai bowl II, rockstar, jump, eggs, ninja
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first! published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
0 notes
fitnetpro · 6 years
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!
These days, Acai bowls are the hottest thing on the streets.
It’s been called “the healthiest breakfast on the planet” by some news outlets.
The hype machine is operating at full capacity for this South American berry. It’s a superfood that will help you lose weight, extend your lifespan, and help defend your body against aging!
Are these claims true?
Clearly the people marketing acai berries and bowls don’t care – as long as they can hype the crap out of it, there’s money to be made.
Hell, I walked down the street the other day and saw a place named “Acai Ya Later.”
If you’ve been reading Nerd Fitness for a while, it’s no secret I’m a fan of a well done pun, even if they need to mispronounce “acai” to make it work.
Unfortunately, I’m not a fan of bogus health claims, even if there are puns involved!
So today I’m gonna dig into the facts about acai berries, acai bowls, and eternal life from fruit.
No hype.
No acai supplement to sell you. No “superfood” claims.
Just the truth. And funny gifs. Always gifs.
What is an acai berry?
The acai berry is the small purple fruit found on the acai palm.
They come from Brazil and other northern regions of South America. 80% of the berry is actually the seed, which for the most part people don’t eat.
This leaves only about 20% for the flesh and skin of the berry, the stuff people generally do eat.
Why should you care about acai?
Generally, the answer lies in the word “antioxidants”.
I know, “Why the hell do I care about antioxidants?”
Great question.
Antioxidants are substances that fight a process called oxidation.
When your body interacts with too much sunlight, toxins in smoke, air pollution, alcohol, and other challenges, it can create “free radicals,” AKA molecules with an unpaired electron.
And these molecules? They are single and ready to mingle. So when they collide with an electron that’s already paired, they more or less steal it.
This molecule then has to steal another electron, and the process continues. You can see how this could get out of hand. While some free radicals are normal, too many in our bodies can indeed lead to cancer [2].
Note that “Free Radicals” are different from “the New Radicals,” a one-hit wonder:
Which brings me back to antioxidants.
Depending on the particular molecule, antioxidants either provide the free radical with an extra electron, or break it down altogether.
The point: antioxidants neutralize free radicals, making them harmless.
That’s why antioxidants are important.
In our quest to get to the bottom of the hype on acai, antioxidants will prove critical. But I want to address an even more important point before we get there.
How do you pronounce “acai”?
We need to talk about how you actually pronounce “acai?” I’ve seen it make all sorts of people tongue tied.
And you want to sound important and all-knowing at your next cocktail party, right?
It’s “”ah-sigh-ee.” Like this:
Often times, when exotic fruit is brought to the West, it’s name is changed so it’s easier to pronounce.
Story time: This happened with the fruit “kiwi,” actually called “Yang-tao” in China. But marketers banked on “kiwi” being easier to say than Yang-tao, pronounced “yahng tou” in English. So they named it after the famous kiwi bird from New Zealand.
And boom, that’s why you know kiwi fruit as “kiwis.”
Such a name swap didn’t happen with acai.
Acai has kept its original Brazilian name, which is why us English speakers trip up pronouncing it[3].
Which is a logical segue to our next section.
Why are acai bowls so popular?
The credit of the acai berry being popular outside of Brazil can be attributed to Ryan and Jeremy Black, two brothers from Southern California.
Together with their friend Ed Nichols they realized the acai berry could have a potential gigantic market in the West.
The Black brothers and Nichols came across acai on a trip to Brazil. The locals encouraged them to try it, proclaiming the health benefits of the berry: an energy boost, kickstarted immunity, and detoxification.
They got HOOKED on these things, and from then on, whenever Ryan, Jeremy, and Ed were in Brazil, they would search for an icy acai bowl.
On one such trip, the Black brothers and Nichols discussed how great it would be to enjoy acai back in the States.
Strange fruit from Brazil with antioxidants?
Exotic, healthy, and easy to make grandiose claims about?
And that’s why acai bowls can now be found in every city in America with a punny store name.
What’s in an acai bowl? What are some typical acai bowl recipes?
In Brazil, the acai (in the form of frozen pulp) is generally served in a bowl with granola and bananas. Sometimes a fourth ingredient would be used, the Amazonian fruit guarana, which contains more caffeine than coffee.
Simple enough.
How about here in the states? That’s where acai bowls get cray.
You’ll for sure get acai berries, granola, and banana. And maybe guarana. But how about some of the following:
Apple Juice
Almond Milk
Almond Butter
Mango Juice
Peanut Butter
Soy Milk
Pick a handful of the above, mix them in a bowl, and BOOM! Acai bowl.
One thing most ingredients listed or referenced have in common, is they are carbohydrate and/or sugar heavy. Some, like agave and honey, are more or less just sugar.
Which brings me to an important and really fun point:
Fact checking the acai bowl hype
There are a lot of health claims associated to the acai berry. Some of which make my eyebrows raise. Others make me nod approvingly. And one or two that make my soul hurt. 
Which is why I’d like to introduce my new favorite Nerd Fitness game, “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire”:
CLAIM #1: “There are good antioxidants in acai berries.”
Acai berries are indeed high in antioxidants[4]. Which is great, for the reasons we talked about earlier. When people talk about the benefits of the acai berry, it more or less comes down to antioxidants.
I support this claim. Now, I will mention just about any berry you pick (blackberry, blueberry, raspberry) is also a great source of antioxidants. But I won’t completely steal the acai berry’s thunder.
CLAIM #2: “Acai berries are nutrient dense.”
REALITY: Also true!
Acai berries contain as much Vitamin C as blueberries. Plus acai is a great source of Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and E. They also contain plenty of minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, and copper.
Good stuff there. As a proponent of eating REAL food that are nutrient dense, I would throw acai into that category. An acai berry is REAL food.
CLAIM #3: “Acai berries aid digestion.”
REALITY: eh, sort of.
Fiber aids digestion. And acai skin and pulp contain fiber. So acai aids digestion?
Sure, that’s true. But it’s not the complete picture. All sort of things contain fiber, like every other berry you’ve ever heard of. Plus, some food like carrots, are more much fibrous than the acai berry.
There is no special acai ingredient to improve digestion. If fiber is what you’re after, an acai berry isn’t a bad decision. But it’s not the single best option.
CLAIM #4: “Acai has anti-aging powers.”
REALITY: Bollocks! Hogwash!
Antioxidants are a good thing, because keeping your cells healthy and clear of free radicals is important. But are your wrinkles going to smooth out with the help of a berry? Or really, anything shy of botox? Don’t buy into this.
Acai have no special anti-aging magic. If the claim is antioxidants reverse aging, sure, in that they keep cells healthy. But not in the “I’m going to reverse time” way.
CLAIM #5: “Acai will improve libido.”
REALITY: Poppycock!
Will eating nutritiously lead to improved health? Which will improve how your body functions? Which could include libido? Sure.
Is there a berry out there that will make you awesome in the bedroom? No.
CLAIM #6: “Acai berries help weight loss.”
“Acai is a nutrient-rich source of antioxidants, much like many other fruits, but there is nothing magical about the fruit to cause weight loss.” Thank you David Grotto, RD[5].
Promises like better health, improved libido, and weight loss sell well. That’s why you’ll come across them. But as the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Naturally, the idea that a berry will make you lose weight is silly. It depends on what else you are consuming, and in what quantities, in addition to the acai berry. I’m going to cover this more extensively below.
Can I lose weight eating acai bowls?
It truly depends on how you used to eat and what else you eat every day.
To help paint this picture, let’s talk about the carbohydrates and sugars in an acai bowl.
Let’s start with the traditional acai bowl: acai puree, granola, and some banana. That will run about 355 calories, including 50 grams of carbohydrates, with 18 grams of those being sugar.
For comparison, the average bagel from a deli will have about 350 calories and 50 grams of carbs.
And that’s just a traditional bowl: what about the Americanized versions?
Acai puree often has sugar added to it, since the acai berry itself isn’t too sweet. Plus, an acai place might also pour things like honey and agave into the bowl. And don’t forget fruit contains quite a bit of sugar.
When you add it all up, it becomes a lot.
Let’s analyze the 12 oz. Acai Berry Bowl from “Juice It Up”: acai puree, a strawberry juice blend, actual strawberries, blueberries, and guarana. This rakes up:
340 calories
66 grams of carbohydrates
60 grams of sugar (more than a can of Coke!)
If you called this meal a “carb bomb” or “sugar bomb,” I wouldn’t disagree with you. And none of this factors in additional toppings like coconut flakes or granola.
You can see how all of this adds up quickly. Acai bowls with over 90 grams of sugar are not unheard of.
That’s why I cringe when I read the Huffington Post’s article that acai bowls are the world’s healthiest breakfast[6]. I have no problem if you eat an acai bowl for breakfast.
But don’t let the good attributes of a South American berry distract you. Carbs, calories, and sugar don’t count less just because there are antioxidants present.
Eating a pile of pureed carbs, topped with carbs, and sprinkled with carbs, might be only a slightly better decision than a bowl of Lucky Charms.
All of this to say: be smart and learn about what you’re eating! Know the caloric, carbohydrate and sugar makeup of the food you eat, even if it’s “super.”
What’s a better plan for breakfast?
If you are going to eat breakfast, shift your focus from a pile of carbs to something loaded with protein and healthy fat. It’ll help fill you up in a more calorically-efficient manner, provide your muscles with rebuilding fuel, and not spike your insulin levels like sugar/carbs can do[7].
Eggs are a breakfast staple that Team Nerd Fitness wholly endorses. You can read our five favorite quick recipes here.
If you need some other examples for meal ideas, check out our post on 10 meals that can be made in 10 minutes.
But that’s only if you actually want to eat breakfast. You can also…
SKIP BREAKFAST. Some people forgo breakfast all together! Like me. It’s called intermittent fasting. It lets you make one less meal decision for the day, you’re less likely to overeat in a day, and it can help manage your insulin levels.
So start with protein in the morning. Or skip breakfast. But personally I wouldn’t start with a bucket of sugar in puree form if I was trying to lose weight.
Bummed out that your superfood breakfast isn’t that super? I hear ya. There’s nothing worse than TRYING to be healthy and discovering the food you thought was helping you lose weight is actually making things worse! Crap. Fun fact: I used to eat tons of granola bars and thought they were healthy (nope, carb and sugar bombs – might as well have been a Snickers!)
So whether it’s making sense of healthy breakfasts, learning how to eat better the rest of the day, or even just having an accountability partner to check in with, Nerd Fitness has helped thousands.
If you are looking for a personal coach that will help you stay accountable without judgement, help guide you to make better food choices, and get you results results that stick, check out our uber popular 1-on-1 online coaching program!
It’s kind of like having Yoda in your pocket (through your phone, not the Force…yet).
If this sounds like something that could help you, schedule a free call! You can talk to our team to see if we’re a good fit for each other! Click the image below to schedule now.
Be wary of anything called a superfood!
If you ever read anything about a “superfood,” let this act as a public service announcement.
Be skeptical. Marketers love this term because it’s not defined, regulated, or provable. Meaning it can be used at whim to sell whatever to desperate folks trying to lose weight with zero repercussions
The acai is a well hyped piece of fruit thanks to a serious marketing engine and lots of money at stake.
Like most berries, it has good antioxidants and nutrients. Good stuff.
And If you like the taste and want to treat yo self? Occasionally, hell yeah.
Should you eat one everyday for breakfast? Especially smothered in granola, drizzled with honey, and topped with more carbs/sugar?
There’s likely a better option if you’re not seeing success and losing weight. Here’s our advice on healthy eating for weight loss.
Don’t let headlines and hype distract you from what’s really going on. Tons of calories and sugar in the AM is a bad strategy if you’re trying to lose weight.
What do you think? Am I being too harsh on acai? Or does this berry deserve to have some of its hype squashed. Let me know in the comments.
Also, do you have any other “superfoods” you want us to take on in future “Liar, Liar Pants on Fire” posts?
-Steve, who is definitely NOT hiding from Brazilian acai marketing companies in my apartment closet, so don’t bother looking there.
PS: If this article has you flipped upside down, and now you don’t know WHAT to eat, in addition to our 1-on-1 Coaching program, we also have a free 10-level Nutrition Blueprint you can download for free! Print it out, hang it on your fridge, and start making better food choices today.
You can get yours fo’ free when you sign up in the box below:
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
I identify as a:
ALL Photos Sources can be found in this footnote here[8]
Footnotes    ( returns to text)
Study on free radicals and cancer found here.
Fun fact: if you say “acai” three times into a bathroom mirror a free radical shows up and slaps you in the mouth.
Check out the study here.
Check out that WebMD article here.
Check out the Huffinton Post piece here
Study on protein vs. carbs on insulin is here.
Photo: indian jones, acai berry, old man, acai bowl, acai bowl II, rockstar, jump, eggs, ninja
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first! published first on http://fitnetpro.tumblr.com/
0 notes
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!
These days, Acai bowls are the hottest thing on the streets.
It’s been called “the healthiest breakfast on the planet” by some news outlets.
The hype machine is operating at full capacity for this South American berry. It’s a superfood that will help you lose weight, extend your lifespan, and help defend your body against aging!
Are these claims…
View On WordPress
0 notes
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!
These days, Acai bowls are the hottest thing on the streets.
It’s been called “the healthiest breakfast on the planet” by some news outlets.
The hype machine is operating at full capacity for this South American berry. It’s a superfood that will help you lose weight, extend your lifespan, and help defend your body against aging!
Are these claims…
View On WordPress
0 notes
denisalvney · 6 years
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!
These days, Acai bowls are the hottest thing on the streets.
It’s been called “the healthiest breakfast on the planet” by some news outlets.
The hype machine is operating at full capacity for this South American berry. It’s a superfood that will help you lose weight, extend your lifespan, and help defend your body against aging!
Are these claims true?
Clearly the people marketing acai berries and bowls don’t care – as long as they can hype the crap out of it, there’s money to be made.
Hell, I walked down the street the other day and saw a place named “Acai Ya Later.”
If you’ve been reading Nerd Fitness for a while, it’s no secret I’m a fan of a well done pun, even if they need to mispronounce “acai” to make it work.
Unfortunately, I’m not a fan of bogus health claims, even if there are puns involved!
So today I’m gonna dig into the facts about acai berries, acai bowls, and eternal life from fruit.
No hype.
No acai supplement to sell you. No “superfood” claims.
Just the truth. And funny gifs. Always gifs.
What is an acai berry?
The acai berry is the small purple fruit found on the acai palm.
They come from Brazil and other northern regions of South America. 80% of the berry is actually the seed, which for the most part people don’t eat.
This leaves only about 20% for the flesh and skin of the berry, the stuff people generally do eat.
Why should you care about acai?
Generally, the answer lies in the word “antioxidants”.
I know, “Why the hell do I care about antioxidants?”
Great question.
Antioxidants are substances that fight a process called oxidation.
When your body interacts with too much sunlight, toxins in smoke, air pollution, alcohol, and other challenges, it can create “free radicals,” AKA molecules with an unpaired electron.
And these molecules? They are single and ready to mingle. So when they collide with an electron that’s already paired, they more or less steal it.
This molecule then has to steal another electron, and the process continues. You can see how this could get out of hand. While some free radicals are normal, too many in our bodies can indeed lead to cancer [2].
Note that “Free Radicals” are different from “the New Radicals,” a one-hit wonder:
Which brings me back to antioxidants.
Depending on the particular molecule, antioxidants either provide the free radical with an extra electron, or break it down altogether.
The point: antioxidants neutralize free radicals, making them harmless.
That’s why antioxidants are important.
In our quest to get to the bottom of the hype on acai, antioxidants will prove critical. But I want to address an even more important point before we get there.
How do you pronounce “acai”?
We need to talk about how you actually pronounce “acai?” I’ve seen it make all sorts of people tongue tied.
And you want to sound important and all-knowing at your next cocktail party, right?
It’s “”ah-sigh-ee.” Like this:
Often times, when exotic fruit is brought to the West, it’s name is changed so it’s easier to pronounce.
Story time: This happened with the fruit “kiwi,” actually called “Yang-tao” in China. But marketers banked on “kiwi” being easier to say than Yang-tao, pronounced “yahng tou” in English. So they named it after the famous kiwi bird from New Zealand.
And boom, that’s why you know kiwi fruit as “kiwis.”
Such a name swap didn’t happen with acai.
Acai has kept its original Brazilian name, which is why us English speakers trip up pronouncing it[3].
Which is a logical segue to our next section.
Why are acai bowls so popular?
The credit of the acai berry being popular outside of Brazil can be attributed to Ryan and Jeremy Black, two brothers from Southern California.
Together with their friend Ed Nichols they realized the acai berry could have a potential gigantic market in the West.
The Black brothers and Nichols came across acai on a trip to Brazil. The locals encouraged them to try it, proclaiming the health benefits of the berry: an energy boost, kickstarted immunity, and detoxification.
They got HOOKED on these things, and from then on, whenever Ryan, Jeremy, and Ed were in Brazil, they would search for an icy acai bowl.
On one such trip, the Black brothers and Nichols discussed how great it would be to enjoy acai back in the States.
Strange fruit from Brazil with antioxidants?
Exotic, healthy, and easy to make grandiose claims about?
And that’s why acai bowls can now be found in every city in America with a punny store name.
What’s in an acai bowl? What are some typical acai bowl recipes?
In Brazil, the acai (in the form of frozen pulp) is generally served in a bowl with granola and bananas. Sometimes a fourth ingredient would be used, the Amazonian fruit guarana, which contains more caffeine than coffee.
Simple enough.
How about here in the states? That’s where acai bowls get cray.
You’ll for sure get acai berries, granola, and banana. And maybe guarana. But how about some of the following:
Apple Juice
Almond Milk
Almond Butter
Mango Juice
Peanut Butter
Soy Milk
Pick a handful of the above, mix them in a bowl, and BOOM! Acai bowl.
One thing most ingredients listed or referenced have in common, is they are carbohydrate and/or sugar heavy. Some, like agave and honey, are more or less just sugar.
Which brings me to an important and really fun point:
Fact checking the acai bowl hype
There are a lot of health claims associated to the acai berry. Some of which make my eyebrows raise. Others make me nod approvingly. And one or two that make my soul hurt. 
Which is why I’d like to introduce my new favorite Nerd Fitness game, “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire”:
CLAIM #1: “There are good antioxidants in acai berries.”
Acai berries are indeed high in antioxidants[4]. Which is great, for the reasons we talked about earlier. When people talk about the benefits of the acai berry, it more or less comes down to antioxidants.
I support this claim. Now, I will mention just about any berry you pick (blackberry, blueberry, raspberry) is also a great source of antioxidants. But I won’t completely steal the acai berry’s thunder.
CLAIM #2: “Acai berries are nutrient dense.”
REALITY: Also true!
Acai berries contain as much Vitamin C as blueberries. Plus acai is a great source of Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and E. They also contain plenty of minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, and copper.
Good stuff there. As a proponent of eating REAL food that are nutrient dense, I would throw acai into that category. An acai berry is REAL food.
CLAIM #3: “Acai berries aid digestion.”
REALITY: eh, sort of.
Fiber aids digestion. And acai skin and pulp contain fiber. So acai aids digestion?
Sure, that’s true. But it’s not the complete picture. All sort of things contain fiber, like every other berry you’ve ever heard of. Plus, some food like carrots, are more much fibrous than the acai berry.
There is no special acai ingredient to improve digestion. If fiber is what you’re after, an acai berry isn’t a bad decision. But it’s not the single best option.
CLAIM #4: “Acai has anti-aging powers.”
REALITY: Bollocks! Hogwash!
Antioxidants are a good thing, because keeping your cells healthy and clear of free radicals is important. But are your wrinkles going to smooth out with the help of a berry? Or really, anything shy of botox? Don’t buy into this.
Acai have no special anti-aging magic. If the claim is antioxidants reverse aging, sure, in that they keep cells healthy. But not in the “I’m going to reverse time” way.
CLAIM #5: “Acai will improve libido.”
REALITY: Poppycock!
Will eating nutritiously lead to improved health? Which will improve how your body functions? Which could include libido? Sure.
Is there a berry out there that will make you awesome in the bedroom? No.
CLAIM #6: “Acai berries help weight loss.”
“Acai is a nutrient-rich source of antioxidants, much like many other fruits, but there is nothing magical about the fruit to cause weight loss.” Thank you David Grotto, RD[5].
Promises like better health, improved libido, and weight loss sell well. That’s why you’ll come across them. But as the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Naturally, the idea that a berry will make you lose weight is silly. It depends on what else you are consuming, and in what quantities, in addition to the acai berry. I’m going to cover this more extensively below.
Can I lose weight eating acai bowls?
It truly depends on how you used to eat and what else you eat every day.
To help paint this picture, let’s talk about the carbohydrates and sugars in an acai bowl.
Let’s start with the traditional acai bowl: acai puree, granola, and some banana. That will run about 355 calories, including 50 grams of carbohydrates, with 18 grams of those being sugar.
For comparison, the average bagel from a deli will have about 350 calories and 50 grams of carbs.
And that’s just a traditional bowl: what about the Americanized versions?
Acai puree often has sugar added to it, since the acai berry itself isn’t too sweet. Plus, an acai place might also pour things like honey and agave into the bowl. And don’t forget fruit contains quite a bit of sugar.
When you add it all up, it becomes a lot.
Let’s analyze the 12 oz. Acai Berry Bowl from “Juice It Up”: acai puree, a strawberry juice blend, actual strawberries, blueberries, and guarana. This rakes up:
340 calories
66 grams of carbohydrates
60 grams of sugar (more than a can of Coke!)
If you called this meal a “carb bomb” or “sugar bomb,” I wouldn’t disagree with you. And none of this factors in additional toppings like coconut flakes or granola.
You can see how all of this adds up quickly. Acai bowls with over 90 grams of sugar are not unheard of.
That’s why I cringe when I read the Huffington Post’s article that acai bowls are the world’s healthiest breakfast[6]. I have no problem if you eat an acai bowl for breakfast.
But don’t let the good attributes of a South American berry distract you. Carbs, calories, and sugar don’t count less just because there are antioxidants present.
Eating a pile of pureed carbs, topped with carbs, and sprinkled with carbs, might be only a slightly better decision than a bowl of Lucky Charms.
All of this to say: be smart and learn about what you’re eating! Know the caloric, carbohydrate and sugar makeup of the food you eat, even if it’s “super.”
What’s a better plan for breakfast?
If you are going to eat breakfast, shift your focus from a pile of carbs to something loaded with protein and healthy fat. It’ll help fill you up in a more calorically-efficient manner, provide your muscles with rebuilding fuel, and not spike your insulin levels like sugar/carbs can do[7].
Eggs are a breakfast staple that Team Nerd Fitness wholly endorses. You can read our five favorite quick recipes here.
If you need some other examples for meal ideas, check out our post on 10 meals that can be made in 10 minutes.
But that’s only if you actually want to eat breakfast. You can also…
SKIP BREAKFAST. Some people forgo breakfast all together! Like me. It’s called intermittent fasting. It lets you make one less meal decision for the day, you’re less likely to overeat in a day, and it can help manage your insulin levels.
So start with protein in the morning. Or skip breakfast. But personally I wouldn’t start with a bucket of sugar in puree form if I was trying to lose weight.
Bummed out that your superfood breakfast isn’t that super? I hear ya. There’s nothing worse than TRYING to be healthy and discovering the food you thought was helping you lose weight is actually making things worse! Crap. Fun fact: I used to eat tons of granola bars and thought they were healthy (nope, carb and sugar bombs – might as well have been a Snickers!)
So whether it’s making sense of healthy breakfasts, learning how to eat better the rest of the day, or even just having an accountability partner to check in with, Nerd Fitness has helped thousands.
If you are looking for a personal coach that will help you stay accountable without judgement, help guide you to make better food choices, and get you results results that stick, check out our uber popular 1-on-1 online coaching program!
It’s kind of like having Yoda in your pocket (through your phone, not the Force…yet).
If this sounds like something that could help you, schedule a free call! You can talk to our team to see if we’re a good fit for each other! Click the image below to schedule now.
Be wary of anything called a superfood!
If you ever read anything about a “superfood,” let this act as a public service announcement.
Be skeptical. Marketers love this term because it’s not defined, regulated, or provable. Meaning it can be used at whim to sell whatever to desperate folks trying to lose weight with zero repercussions
The acai is a well hyped piece of fruit thanks to a serious marketing engine and lots of money at stake.
Like most berries, it has good antioxidants and nutrients. Good stuff.
And If you like the taste and want to treat yo self? Occasionally, hell yeah.
Should you eat one everyday for breakfast? Especially smothered in granola, drizzled with honey, and topped with more carbs/sugar?
There’s likely a better option if you’re not seeing success and losing weight. Here’s our advice on healthy eating for weight loss.
Don’t let headlines and hype distract you from what’s really going on. Tons of calories and sugar in the AM is a bad strategy if you’re trying to lose weight.
What do you think? Am I being too harsh on acai? Or does this berry deserve to have some of its hype squashed. Let me know in the comments.
Also, do you have any other “superfoods” you want us to take on in future “Liar, Liar Pants on Fire” posts?
-Steve, who is definitely NOT hiding from Brazilian acai marketing companies in my apartment closet, so don’t bother looking there.
PS: If this article has you flipped upside down, and now you don’t know WHAT to eat, in addition to our 1-on-1 Coaching program, we also have a free 10-level Nutrition Blueprint you can download for free! Print it out, hang it on your fridge, and start making better food choices today.
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ALL Photos Sources can be found in this footnote here[8]
Footnotes    ( returns to text)
Study on free radicals and cancer found here.
Fun fact: if you say “acai” three times into a bathroom mirror a free radical shows up and slaps you in the mouth.
Check out the study here.
Check out that WebMD article here.
Check out the Huffinton Post piece here
Study on protein vs. carbs on insulin is here.
Photo: indian jones, acai berry, old man, acai bowl, acai bowl II, rockstar, jump, eggs, ninja
The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first! published first on https://www.nerdfitness.com
0 notes