#The Taejin masterposts are back!
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taejinchronicles · 7 years ago
BV2EP3 | Taejin theory masterpost: U ok Tae?
So it was highly requested by you pretty cupcakes (tks for the asks and messages!!!) the continuation of my Bon Voyage 2 Taejin masterposts with analysis, pix and my two cents on the Taejin cause. Let me tell ya, this will be a huge masterpost, so grab yourself some snacks and lets do this!!!
Even upset, VV looks like the most gorgeous creation in the universe:
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If you read my Ep2 masterpost, Taehyung was really annoyed about the Namj*n bromance day and decided to go full possessive mode with Jin. We have been left wondering what would happen since our boy was clearly sad and jealous of Jin’s day with RM and about the exchange of gifs between them. The sculpted turtle that RM gave to Jin was something symbolic to V cause he and Jin went on a beach date by themselves on day 1 and saw the turtle. Perhaps this is why the turtle gift was so upsetting to V, he knew that this moment was stolen from him because to the grand public the turtle thing would automatically become a Namj*n thing. I put myself in VV’s shoes, and knowing his history with being overshadowed by Namj*n I understand why Day 3 was mostly about him sulking, avoiding Jin, sulking, possessive about Jin, sulking, annoyed with Namj*n and so on...
1. Matching red hats + close watch on Namj*n: BTS’s first commitment was the hike to the waterfall. V was wearing a red cap to match the red hat he gave to Jin cause ya know how Taejin has a thing for couple’s outfits right. And also V was legit breathing on Namj*n’s neck during the hike.
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2. The Namj*n pas de deux: Poor V was jamming violently to Spine Breaker while being exposed to Namj*n’s happy dorky pas de deux.
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3. Namj*n pose & jealous V: Taehyung's torture continues as Jin and RM pose really close and cutely on the waterfall group pic. When the pic is taken the camera focus on V who looks straight at Namj*n with THAT FACE...a picture worths more than a thousand words.
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4. ETS and V sulking: BTS decides what to eat and VV is sitting far away. V was tired and distant. And also kinda sad. On some moments it almost felt like he was about to doze off or cry. 
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5. Taejin, together but apart: At the van Taejin was sitting next to each other as they often do, but not engaging any physical or verbal contact. As RM continued talking about the Namj*n friendship day, V blocked Jin and everyone else by wearing headphones. Meanwhile Jin was staring pensively at the landscape.
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6. RM’s Bon Voyage reaction: it was Joonie’s turn to do the Bon Voyage thing so everyone’s reaction to RM’s cutesy hat flip was enjoyment but V gave that “not so amused” look, esp after Jin’s spontaneous compliment to RM.
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7. Taehyung love sick over Jin: I had to gif this cause, come on, that’s just so freaking cute. The way V looks at Jin! His love sick expression, eyes dancing from Jin’s face to his “south area” than up to his face again. Taehyung’s bedroom eyes, sorry but that’s not bromance, that is not complimenting Jin’s looks, that is not even a boy crush. Grab that info, take into consideration.
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8. V’s territory: As BTS walked towards their picnic spot, V obviously placed himself between Namj*n (yeah, that is a trend my people) making everything possible with his body movements to make sure there was plenty of space between Jin and RM. 
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9. V’s territory part 2: At the picnic table of course V sat in between Jin and RM. With an effective angular body language, V expressed the desire to create a clear barrier separating his territory.
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10. Happy meal together: Meal is ready and Eat Jin is celebrated with his expertise on the yummy food. V is happier being closer to Jin and, for the first time on the day, exchanges words with the object of his angst and affection.
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11. Taejin’s domestic bliss: At the grocery store RM, Suga, Jimin, V and Jin got their food cash to spend. Soon as they enter Jin goes domestic mode and starts to talk just to Taehyung about the huge american apples. RM and Jimin go their own separate ways leaving Taejin alone.
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12. Side by side: it’s no biggie but I find it extremely cute how Taejin always walk side by side or close to each other. When there is no fixed formation predefined by management, you can see that they are naturally drawn to each other like it’s their second nature. The couple matching outfit makes it even cutter!
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13. Visual duo doing their visual thing: on that group pic, Jin was holding V’s shoulders so lovingly. And the way their heads lean towards each other, awww so cute how the body speaks. Ahhh, one romantic scenery can mend a jealous heart.
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14. Jin is taking care of V: Remember last year on BV1 that iconic moment when V was so moody texting and sulking and Jin was carefully watching him from a distance only to back hug him for centuries? There is this season’s version of it. VV is again sulking, texting and turning his back to Jin, attentive loving gorgeous Jin is watching our angsty boy’s every move, his entire body facing V and even if he is speaking to J-Hope, his eyes don’t leave him. Wasn’t that the perfect moment and scenario for an iconic Taejin back hug?
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15. Third wheeling Cupid Jimin: when BTS discuss their goals Jin says he wants to perfect his guitar technique. Our official third wheel angel Jimin said Jin sent him a video of his guitar practice. Although the rest of BTS was totally unaware of the video of Jin’s evolution on guitar, V promptly said (the video or Jin playing guitar) was so cool. Lovely Jinnie was flustered by Vmin’s double love.
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16. I give Jinnie my stars: At the observatory V and Jin were together and V showed him the stars and planets. Only to Jin. He was so proud of his astronomy knowledge saying he studied it! My heart was touched by this moment cause we can see how important it is for him to please and surprise Jin, to make Jin proud of him, he was like a kid all excited to tell an adult he learned something at school. And Jin the sweetheart, the true gentleman showing genuine interest and excitement, making V’s planet naming sound as important as Galileu Galilei’s life work. Not to mention that Venus is the planet of LOVE…We see you Taehyung…we see you!
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17. Taejin sleeps together funny drama feat. Hobi: at BTS’s lodge, the one filled with lizards, they were playing rock paper scissors (I swear the day BTS don’t play that game, catastrophe will fall upon us) for the beds and bedrooms. Jin was playing opposite J-Hope and won. V was the “MC” of the game and soon as he knew Jin would probably share a bedroom with Hobi or someone who was not him, he grew unease. Smiling but his body language touching the back of his neck, gave away his discomfort about the bedroom situation. When Hobi also wins and Jin celebrates him him, V’s instant reaction is to cover his mouth. In body language that means he cannot speak against awful news and his hands in begging position tries to reach for Jin, meaning he is begging Jin to come back to him. Notice that after Jin’s bedroom is decided the rest of the game with the other members runs smoothly and V doesn’t respond that way to the rest of BTS. The funny thing is that V ended up sleeping with RM! Well better sleep with RM than RM sleeping with Jinnie right Tae?!
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That was it! What an episode that was!
V was obviously upset about something. Maybe it was just him being sleepy, tired or moody, but it feels very coincidental that the mood corroborates his behaviour towards Jin on the previous day. As I said on my last masterposts on Jealous V vs Namj*n, I don’t think this is about RM as a treat to his relationship, I don’t think he sees RM as a rival for Jin’s love. It is about his growing desire of Taejin being the stablished Jin love reality. He knows the ARMY ship Namj*n so add it to V’s constant need to express romantic affection for Jin versus Jin’s acceptance of the necessity for fan service ships then we have a recipe to Taehyung’s angst.
I think Taehyung wants to be as public as possible about Jin cause it is in his nature to be truthful, I don’t think he can perpetuate secrets. He’s not reckless and understands he’s an idol who cannot open up about everything, but there is this real sweet boy inside the idol facade that just desires to be proudly recognised by everyone he loves. His loyal friendship with Jimin, his admiration for RM and Suga and Hobi, his big brother protectiveness towards Kookie, his respect for his family, V wants all his emotional allegiances to be out there, so of course he wants his relationship with Jin to be seen and accepted. It’s still that same 4 years ago shy Taehyung who looked at Jin as he could not believe his luck to be living with the most handsome man he has ever seen. The same boy that everybody noticed from day one he had a crush on Jin. The same boy that has been crawling to Jin’s bed for years. The difference is that now he’s got hit by the intensity of conquered affection, he has won a place in Jin’s heart so it is upsetting for V to be contradictory to his heart just cause they are in public. I can imagine the frustration. It explains the mood changes, the introspection, the jealousy and possessiveness, his need to please Jin and praise/defend him to earn his love and respect and the passive aggressiveness when he feels that Jin denies him or promo another ship loudly in front of the cameras.
Because that adoration is so intense and he is so young, I think when it comes to Jin he even forgets BTS is their job and he’s got to separate what’s performance from what’s real. Someone as gentle and emotional as V is, really wants to wear his heart on the sleeve, he wants PDA, he needs to touch, hold, hug and confess to the four corners of the world that Jin makes him happy. So when he sees Jin being affectionate to RM, someone who is legit shipped with Jin by the fandom “stealing” his official role as Jin’s (visual BTS pair?, lover?, boyfriend?, partner?, platonic sleep together for years buddy? true ship?) number one interest, he snaps and shuts Jin out. It’s the same possessive-jealous pattern we saw on ISAC because of KenJin, Jin running around after V like a lost puppy while he ignored Jin like some sort of punishment. And we can notice that behaviour pattern only happens with Jin, he is not possessive with the other boys not even with his bestie Jimin.
Jin on the other hand loves to socialise with all the members (not only RM but also Kookie on this episode) and even talk to total strangers. He is comfortable in being social and he is aware of their roles as entertainers and how to separate business from personal life. Although he is not impulsive and explicit about it, he cares about V’s feelings more than anything even if that means the need to keep a safe distance to protect what they have. I feel like Jin tries constantly to shelter him, to create a safe haven when the innocent beautiful and delicate true Taehyung can be free and happy, even if the price is to have Taejin as a ship ignored by the fandom. It’s in Jin’s nature to protect and love all his boys but with V it’s like he is always walking on thin glass. There is deep affection but also Jin’s necessity for secrecy, not cause he is ashamed of V but cause he is protective of what they have.
Because the nature of their relationship in my perspective romantic, Jin doesn’t know how to behave in front of the cameras with him. Jin refrains himself to be engulfed by affection like on that iconic stage kiss or like when he shares too much information (we shower together, we sleep together and so on) so he prefers not to focus on V while on camera. Both Jin and V can’t quite behave bro-like around each other actually. Since the start there has always been awkwardness and tension between Taejin, it used to be polar opposites they were superglued platonic flirting or just pretending they didn’t exist. Although now things have changed and we don’t see that unrequited love tension anymore, I think both Jin and V go back to that pattern when things go a bit sour. They oscillate between “you are all I see" to "you don’t even exist" all the time, there is no in between “bro-like” Taejin. For a ship that legit doesn’t have promo at all (for instance there is never vlives with just Taejin like there is with jinmin, sope or jinkook) Taejin is the one pairing that despite of the lack of fan service push, do behave like two people who know each other intimately and really spend a lot of time together (notice that semi off-camera like on BV2 with their beach date, matching hats shopping, V picking Jin the shirts he wanted him to wear and off-camera like on their fancafe talks, secret dates, singing the same love songs of each other’s spotify playlists, sleeping together, matching outfits, walking around holding each other’s arms when they think nobody is watching, answering the same things about what they plan for their future...they act like well...like partners).
Jin being the business driven man he is, understands the responsibilities of being and entertainer, he gives his body and soul to BTS, he is professional about it and knows he is protecting V and the boys by keeping their thing (and all the boys personal relationships) private. With V’s emotional nature, RM’s introspection, Suga’s dedication to his craft, Jimin’s loyal heart and Jungkook’s innocence, Jin and J-Hope are the ones who really are conscious about the importance of protect their privacy, Jin being the entertainer one and J-Hope the practical one. This is why of all the members of BTS Jin is the one who really engages dynamic relationships with all the other boys constantly, regardless of the predefined ships and subunits management and the fandom has specified. He doesn’t exclude anybody and in a sense he is the heart of BTS, the loving glue that keeps them strong.
This is a study and analysis, I dunno the boys so situations can have a complete different meaning since no one knows what’s going on on their private lives. This is why rather focus on behaviour and body language, cause that is an unconscious way to express the truth and one’s emotions. So it doesn’t really matter the nature of Jin and V's intimate emotional bond, we can see that Jin doesn’t need his personal relationships to be publicly accepted therefore understands the need for privacy while Taehyung is keen to make his affection known therefore he is often jealous of sharing Jin with others either by insecurity or by fear of non-acceptance. This is a pattern that has been going on for quite sometime and I’m afraid it’s the pattern we will keep seeing in the near future. 
Oh boy that was one huge masterpost! This episode was a full angsty trip on jealousy, understanding the dynamics and differences between Jin and V and the dynamics between ships. Regarding the ships, I still have not done the masterposts on some subjects I often got messages about like comparing Taejin to Vmin or Namjin and Jinkook (send me msgs of what ship you want me talk about first) or the rest of BV2 (gonna do those...weekly I hope!!!), tks for the patience dear readers. You can also read the first episodes analysis here:
Lots of love.
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purple-ktj · 4 years ago
"Let's give a benefit of doubt to antitaejinnies. Can you make a list of some taejin moments excluding on-stage ones as that are labelled fan service irrespective of however intense or genuine they may seem and also the off-stage ones which can be called brotherly caring? Which are the ones which can never be called scripted or family bond or brotherly love?"
Received this ask a while back, thought I'd answer it for fun since I'm in a slump right now. I'm not concerned about antis because no matter what you explain, they're just there to troll. But I thought it'd be fun to revisit older moments especially since there's just so much right now and they're so sweet and domestic with each other. So basically, a list of off stage unscripted non-platonic Taejin moments. Sounds simple enough. Contexts of each moment listed applies.
Note: It's all moments you know of and have seen before, it may be boring, you can give this a skip. This is more for my own entertainment. Also remember to take everything on this blog with a pinch of salt.
Some updates for FAQS:
A few masterposts are WIPs but at this rate I may just save them for the winter bears birthdays.
Working on the Tumblr and CC asks, will post later. 
The CC has been fun so far, thanks for coming to fangirl and hype Taejin moments with me as they happen :)
In no particular order or preference:
Jins graduation vlive
Without a doubt, belongs here. Would have given benefit of doubt that he simply wanted to help remove the cream but- he's only focused on lips, and he didn't remove much anyway, there was still cream on Jin's lips. Add in Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi's reactions.
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Ppo ppo
Also without a doubt belongs here. Taejin going off cam, their matching outfits, everyone's reactions. He's said it before to his baby nephew when they're playing but Jin is neither a baby nor his relative to be asking kisses from.
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Jin-hyung hands 
Seems cute and fluffy at first glance until you think twice, two fully grown men in bed together making heart shaped shadows in the afternoon sun and making a mutual conscious decision to show it off on social media with a purple heart and #Jinhyunghands as the captions. It spells r-o-m-a-n-t-i-c. Take their dynamics into consideration- there's nothing brotherly about this.
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Jin: Come here
Tae: Don't get excited just because it's your birthday
I don't know what to caption this with but just- why would he say this to Jin on his birthday?
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Groom/ husband Kim seok Jin
One- it's not the first time he's called Jin groom/husband, two- he said Husband Jin after singing 'She' and blatantly asking Jin out for a dinner date in the middle of filming, three- why even call him groom or husband in the first place?
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Rolling stone paper message 
I feel sorry but also very grateful for your heart/thought that always cares about me, Seokjin-ah. I love you very much.
(Is this a wedding vow or...)
Translations from https://twitter.com/BTSARMY_Salon/status/1271810478570782721?s=20
Additionally, it's interesting to note how the rest of BTS used formal language with Jin except for Taekook, and Tae takes the opportunity to confess his love while JK asked Jin to go fishing. (I've cried over this when it came out and I'm still crying over this now. His sincerity and heartfelt emotions in this...)
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Are you my birthday gift? 
Jin: Please don't lie on my bed.
Tae: But it's your birthday. (???)
I know the main focus is Jin asking him 'are you my birthday gift' which is pretty straightforward but, what Tae said is equally if not more straightforward. Also the member's reactions: priceless.
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JK: Who will you (Tae) go healing with?
Jin: With me. (Of course)
Very subtle but strong romantic implications. Complete with tucking his hair behind his ear.
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MAMA 2018
Taejin during the whole of MAMA 2018, backstage and off stage. Also Jin feeling self conscious enough to nudge Tae off even though it's just supposedly harmless and cute leaning on his shoulders.
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MAMA 2016
I don't know how else to describe this but Taejin in the entire 2016 MAMA was just. Not brotherly at all. Especially not this entire segment of them being all over each other.
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Winter Package 
I just don't see what's the harm in sweet warm cuddles between brothers so why did Jin nudge him off, again?
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Season's greetings 2017
Out of all his moments of jealousy, this one is probably my favourite. Even going as far as to intentionally 'mistake' Jin for Yoongi. Pretty loud and clear and straightforward. Also it's funny how JK was trying his best to help distract Tae but failing miserably because Tae was fixated on Jin.
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Vlive 2017
They nearly kissed while on stage.
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Jin firmly announcing that Tae doesn't drink coffee. Another subtle moment but with strong romantic implications. Jimin went "Oh yes! He doesn't drink coffee" as an afterthought and in the SOOP episode recently Namjoon forgot and offered him some.
An elaboration why I included this moment here: it's not so much the fact that he remembers Tae's preferences. I'm sure they all do. But in that moment, when everyone is focused on the teacher and the class, Jin is the one who takes the initiative to tell the teacher that Tae doesn't drink coffee. Which is why I've added in the fact that his BFF and soulmate Jimin also added on that "Oh right! Tae doesn't drink coffee" as an after thought. So the reason I listed it there is because Jin is very attentive and tuned into Tae's likes and dislikes as if it's at the forefront of his mind, which is the implied romantic part. 'Tae comes first' for Jin.
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Couple hoodie at airport
Simply because Koreans love to boldly match each other when they're dating and Taejin intentionally decided to do so at the airport where everyone can see it.
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Kkul FM 2017
Taejin's sexual tension in this entire show was something else. No words.
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Jin is romantic boy
A more 'brotherly' answer would be "Jin is the most romantic out of all the members." Keep in mind this happened right before their burn the stage fight and had a tearful making up.
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Birthday confession
This could have been sweet and brotherly had Jin not looked so shy after saying "Happy birthday, I love you".
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GDA backstage day 2 interview
This was such an intense moment of appreciation while saying "I'm happy to have spent every single day in 2017 with hyung and.... *locks eyes* let's go on a trip together in 2018. And then he gets shy.
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iheartradio 2018
Self... explanatory...? Whenever I watch this I break out in cold sweat.
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19 May 2020 vlive
You'd expect Jin to join in rubbing his pecs and praising his successful workout instead of being all nervous especially after that wild piggyback on stage earlier.
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2020 Gayo Daechukje
Same category as the moment in Winter Package when Tae is just harmlessly cuddling him but gets nudged off.
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Music Bank ON
Host: What word do you use most recently?
Tae: Candy/sweets
Host: Which concept suits your best? Sweet or salty?
Jin:  Sweet, cause my face is sweet
(Me: He just said Tae can come and eat his face.)
That could have passed off for a very cute, flirty joke, except that Tae simply couldn't stop himself from reacting and looking back at Jin. Also Jimin, JK and J-hope's reactions.
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Dynamite vlive
Tae blowing his neck. Yeah.
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Intentional footsies
As many have pointed out, they have a habit of rubbing their feet at the seemingly most random times.
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Kkul FM 2016
This was just... golden. From Tae fake laughing so that he can get slapped by Jin and the entire... scene was just indecent.
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M Countdown 2019
They're on stage but not performing so I'll consider this. Everything about this belongs here. Whatever Tae was doing to his neck, Jin exposing his neck for more and letting Tae do whatever, and Namjoon's reaction. This moment haunts me day and night.
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2016 Xmas vlive
This will be here for the simple reason that no other members will do that to Jin. Not just the fact Jin doesn't like people touching his face, but their dynamics in this entire vlive.
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BV1 Hug
Including this for all the obvious reasons. The pink shirt, such a tender moment out of seemingly nowhere, the duration Jin hugged him despite their 'strange' interaction in BV1. It even feels a little underrated and underappreciated, this hug.
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purple-ktj · 5 years ago
Hey there! Sorry if you've talked about this before, but can you tell us your opinion on the "hold me tight" and "love is not over" theory? Maybe make a masterpost on this? There are many people who say that taejin were acting weird/cold with each other in late 2015 and early 2016, but honestly I'm not sure I see it, so maybe your perspective on this could help many of us understand the taejin "drought" from that period, in connection to the songs they both wrote (if there is any).
Hello! No I haven’t talked about any of their song meanings or interpretations before. I’ve been thinking about this ask for the longest time. (I know I took ages to respond to this, sorry) After thinking about it a lot, I think will not be making a post on either songs. 
Reason being, I tried to piece together a post on this to see if I could make any sense of it in my head. I realised I couldn’t. Hold Me Tight was written by Taehyung and rap line, I have no idea which verses are from him. While Love is Not Over was written by Jin and Jungkook, again I’ve no idea which verses are from who. But then again, even if they did specify, it’s too vague to pinpoint a particular interpretation unlike 4 o’clock which is relatively straightforward. 
But, I wouldn’t disagree that these 2 songs likely hold a special meaning for the both of them if the member’s reactions towards them during Muster was any indication. These two songs were released in 2015, which means they must have been written in that year or earlier, which brings me to my second point: the drought. I’ve been watching a lot of debut Bangtan till 2015 videos to understand their dynamics better back then. And I think a post on 2015 to 2016 would be more feasible to write about and maybe even link it to the two songs they co-wrote. I get where you’re coming from, about the drought, because it seems to me that the famous drought is probably not what most Taejinnies had in mind. For now all I can say is, 2015 isn’t the only time they were ‘cold’ to each other. I’ll be continuing with my ‘research’ a bit more before I do a post on it. Thanks for asking (and waiting)! 
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purple-ktj · 5 years ago
Hi. I noticed that you mentioned in your articles that Jin and v practically ignored each other during 2015/16 period. Why do you say that? As in are there any video evidences where it seems like that?
Hello! If anyone noticed I haven’t been updating because life has been a rollercoaster ride for the past month and I didn’t have access to my computer. But thank you for taking the time to read and drop your asks and messages (I’m fully aware that I still owe the previous anon a post on the Xmas vlive…) 
I’ll try to be back more frequently but still answer like a snail (thank you for your patience, seriously) but as of now I still don’t have the luxury to churn out heavy masterposts like before so I’m going to answer as simply as possible. 
If I’m not wrong, I vaguely remember writing something like that in one of my asks (?) probably. That they’re either stuck at the hip or standing at opposite ends of the room. I wouldn’t say they ignored each other the whole time but they had multiple personal conflicts between the both of them. I don’t have enough material and research on 2015 so I can’t really go into detail there. The ‘angst’ happens most obviously in 2016. I’ll use a few instances as examples: 
19 Jan 2016 Vlive (available on vlive app)
-Taejin wearing matching shirts, Jin plays the ukulele while Tae looks at him fondly. They’re still very friendly and chummy at the start of the year
31 Mar 2016 
-Tae starts Hwarang. Somewhere during this period Taejin’s dynamics changed. They get a little distant
17 May 2016 BV1 filming (aka the best example, just watch this whole season and compare it to season 2)
-Taejin is cold to each other throughout BV1. Absolutely zero interaction from the moment Tae arrives and meets the group, until Jin actually hugs Tae from behind. Not even eye contact. They’re ignoring each other and/or keeping minimal contact. They cool off and get closer during the campfire part which is after the hug, but is distant again at the Santa house where they’re about to end their trip and return to Korea
The angst goes on till mid 2017, throughout the Hwarang filming period till the Burn the Stage fight took place and you can go through my archives to read my post on BV1. Anyway, I’m really sorry if my answer came up short. If it helps, you could watch this video as well and see for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cv2B7U-yqhA&t=171s I think she has great compilations and a great eye for details concerning Taejin. 
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taejinchronicles · 6 years ago
Words cannot describe how much I missed you and your blog so much. I hope one day you will come back and pour your love , your support of Taejin love to us. I will be here if tumblr not disappeared waiting on you 😥. Stay healthy and happy!
Hey there ‘words cannot describe’ anon,
Thank you so much for your lovely message missing me and the blog. Even tho there are a lot o big Taejin accounts on twitter and stuff, I’ve been receiving a lot of msgs for me to comeback because of the detail of the masterposts and how many things I’ve said about Taejin in the past were proven right. So I’m back with reblog and stuff and hopefully, masterpost in the future. Even on my social media detox, I keep supporting Taejin everyday and I feel so happy that you are as well. Our beautiful duo deserve all our love and appreciation. 
Stay healthy and happy too!
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 7 years ago
Hello. I understand you and your desire to leave my thoughts to myself. Negative was and always will be. I believe that you should not stop. Keep doing what you like. Taejin is one of the softest ships. I love him with all my heart. This ship is as convenient as Jin and Taehyung themselves. I accept any of your decisions. In any case, I will support you. You are a very tolerant person. I respect you and your work. Please take care of yourself, rest well. I'll wait for your messages anyway. ~✨♡✨~
Hey there Fromthehearteri,
Thank you for your kind message. It means a lot!
Yes, tolerant and calm person I am but to be quite frank, I have little motivation to continue the masterposts. Sadly some of the engagement in this fandom can be too exhausting to justify the hours I’d spend to create content. I’ve been trying to come back, but questions about literally each and every BTS fan-made ship interaction, repetitive drama and unreasonable personal assumptions fill my asks, so it is complicated for me to continue with the analysis at the moment. 
I love and support Jin+Taehyung and BTS with all my soul but I probably will not continue with the analysis cause, at the moment it seems quite pointless. And also, my masterposts don’t have many likes or reblogs. I mean, it doesn’t matter cause this isn’t a job for me, but of course it feels like I’m wasting time by researching and putting quality content here when the positive engagement do not justify the effort. 
Thank you for being understanding. Have a lovely day!
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 7 years ago
Hye! I have been following your blog for a long time and i seriously am in love with your blog! The first time i get into bts, i quick to notice taejin interaction which then lead me into this ship.. especially the couple clothes thingy. I want to ask, did you also notice that jin and tae wear the same bracelet for a while now? I saw them wearing it from fire era until bv2.. Or am i overthinking it? Hope you can help me in this since i have been wondering bout this a lot. Lots of love ~
Hey there bunnybueno,
Tkx for the lovely message, for following my blog and being in love with it!  
Same with me, Taejin just had all the distinguished attributes of an obvious relationship since the first BTS video I saw in my life. To be honest I have never seen two idols or two celebrities with such a strong bond and clearly defined mutual affection as Jin and V. And it’s not just fan-service banter or even physical attraction, between Jin and V we can see genuine mutual romantic affection and that is what makes them so special and unique.
Yes, Jin and V wore matching bracelets for a long period from 2015-early 2016, they also shared another bracelet in various occasions from 2015 until 2016 and there is the current Gucci bracelet. So lets do a masterpost. 
1. TAEJIN BRACELETS | Engraved cuff bracelets.
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The iconic Taejin cuff bracelets, (first?) seen on that 2015 Vlive in Thailand. Jin wore this matching bracelet until late 2016. It was a couple bracelet made in sterling silver and it had a custom made engraved message on it. These types of bracelets are often used by couples or loved ones, there is a love quote outside and the lovers initials on the inside of the bracelet. Notice that this is not a random bracelet that you can find on any shop, the Taejin cuff bracelet is special and most likely custom made. 
Jin with the cuff bracelet in 2015
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V with the cuff bracelet in 2015
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Jin wore his Taejin engraved cuff bracelet in 2016
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The bracelet seen on that 2015 Thailand Vlive
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Because the couple cuff thing happened in 2015 Thailand, we can assume Taejin were already close enough to be rocking a matching engraved bracelet by mid-end 2015. The date of the bracelet is important to understand a bit better the Taejin timeline since some people are quite confused by Jin and V’s behaviour and their erratic interaction back then. If you ask me, Taejin were already in a relationship in mid 2015. They kissed on stage, they were wearing matching bracelets, Jin was in a behaviour and public-image transition and Taehyung was already displaying a possessiveness and clinginess towards Jin that was unthinkable when he had a very well documented (and platonic) romantic obsession with Jin. 
2. TAEJIN BRACELET | The rope themed cuff bracelet
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This is another Taejin matching sterling silver cuff bracelet Jin and V wore this bracelet in various occasions from 2015 until 2016. These are matching cuff bracelets, both in in silver with a distinguished rope type of design in the middle of the cuff. Jin ofter wore if together with the Taejin engraved cuff.
I don’t remember seeing Jin wearing any of the Taejin bracelets in BV2 (Taejin wear Gucci bracelets in 2017 but not matching ones), but he still wears the engraved bracelet from time to time, the Tajin bracelet still is Jin’s most worn piece of jewelry. I think Jin likes to do those romantic things for Taehyung cause he knows he cares about this kind of stuff as we saw on BV2 with the matching hats and also with his obsession with buying Jin designer clothes and matching outfits. Remember in BV2 when V gets Jin the matching hat and Jin says cause he bought it for him, he will wear it every single day in Hawaii? So yeah, that’s how Jin is, a romantic boy! Also couple outfits/items is a huge thing in Korea and Japan, they consider it a romantic kawaii gesture and a proof of affection.
The bracelet makes a comeback in this iconic Taejin moment
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Another thing to keep in mind, all BTS members like to wear similar-share stuff and some shippers use that as a proof of their ships. It got to such extreme that about a month ago a V’kook shipper bought them a Tiffanys couple rings and gave it to them separately at a fan meeting. Both Taehyung and Jungkook wore the ring cause they had no idea the shipper gave the rings as an intention to legitimize V’kook. When Taehyung noticed it was a couple ring he immediately took it off and gave his away to Kookie. Some huge BTS youtube fan channels claimed this was a proof V’kook was engaged. LOL can you imagine the desperation (not to mention the disrespect) to deceive V and Kookie to make the imaginary ship less delusional? So let’s not jump to conclusions when any of the boys wear the same stuff or ‘couple’ items cause sometimes it is a fan gift, sometimes it’s their stylist choice or sometimes it is cause of their close brotherhood.
But you know, Jin and Taehyung’s decision to wear a custom matching bracelets was their own. The Puma couple hoodie was definitely not a fan gift and neither was the BV2 couple hats Taehyung bought for them or their choice to dress in matching outfits quite often or his current obsession to dress Jin in his own Gucci items or Burberry. Also the Gucci ring was something V himself got for Jin on their Las Vegas date. None of those evidences belong to a crazy conspiracy created by the fandom to prove a fictional chip. This is about their choices made in their private lives and it has nothing to do with fan-service or a commercial ship push. 
So you are not overthinking. By the end of the day the explanation is quite simple: Jin and V probably like to have tangible tokens of their affection like normal people in a relationship often do. 
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 7 years ago
Thx for protecting Taejin Chronicles with LOVE.
Hello there my precious people,
After a few days on hiatus to have some quality time on my own, I come back to tumblr with a hatred post about Taejin, targeting Taejin Chronicles, my blog. 
A person has decided to use the Taejin tag, to demand the fandom to ‘shut down’ Taejin Chronicles and to make the army stop ‘allowing’ my blog to exist because they think my posts are delusional. They are extremely intolerant towards Kim Seokjin’s closeness to Taehyung and therefore attack Taejin. Since they have tagged ‘tae’kook’ in the post, I do believe they are a V’kook shipper. And strangely enough, this person is monitoring the taejin tag, aggressively saying they don’t want the Taejin ‘delusion’ and my posts to get notes.
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Regarding what that person has mentioned as their personal reason a call out to shut down my blog, Taejin Chronicles’ analysis and masterposts are made to celebrate Kim Seokjin and Kim Taehyung’s closeness, respecting whatever that relationship is for them. This blog has never claimed to say “how Taejin is truly real" as this person said on their hateful post. You readers all know this, Taejin Chronicles is not here to judge Taejin’s relationship claiming their behavioural evidences as whatever label some people seem to apply to them, this blog is here to support Jin and Taehyung and to cherish that affection with a light heart. 
You all know Taejin Chronicles does not support attacks on any ship, we are free to love any relationship cause they are all beautiful and I always suggest that my readers should treat all the relationships in BTS with respect, less than a week ago I did an extensive post about how all the ships can coexist peacefully and how against the so called BTS ‘ship wars’ this blog is. Regarding V’kook, I have recently expressed that, despite of my personal choice to do not support the intrusive side of creating evidences and attack other ships, I have no intentions to be a ‘debunk ship’ blog and kindly suggested that everyone is free believe in whatever they want to believe. Therefore I cannot understand why a shipper of another BTS ship would feel entitled to demand the BTS fandom to ‘shut down’ Taejin Chronicles, a Jin + Taehyung support blog, when all this blog does is to celebrate Taejin and ask people to be positive and non-judgemental about all the BTS boys and respectful towards their relationships. Here is my post and what I said:
“Same goes to any BTS ship, one ship does not compete with another, it’s not a game and they all love each other and every interaction is precious. My personal motto is to cherish all the interactions but avoid the misjudgment of seeing their closeness as a ‘who is the canon’ ship competition. All ships can coexist peacefully without the ship wars.”
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Even with the positive message of tolerance reinforced on my posts and the personal request to respect all the BTS boys, this person needs an outlet to spread their hateful feelings towards Jin’s closeness to Taehyung, just because I do analytical posts based on psychological knowledge that supports the Taejin mutual affection Jin and Taehyung themselves display open-heartedly. The respect and celebration of Taejin unites us as supporters of Jin and Taehyung’s beautiful closeness, whatever is the nature of their private relationship, without judgement or prejudice. And it is quite unfortunate for that person to be truly negatively affected by something as beautiful and touching as Jin and Taehyung’s adorable relationship.
This post has just a few notes, and to my surprise those were all comments defending Taejin Chronicles. My precious beautiful people (you know who you are), I am truly honored and touched by your kindness, the protectiveness and the loyalty you all have shown, not just to me and Taejin, but to stand up against intolerance. Thank you so much, you make me proud to believe the message of love is always stronger than hate. Taejin is such a tiny fandom and yet some people are out there spreading hate against them, this makes me sad but it’s also a positive message for us to don’t give up supporting Jin and Taehyung’s beautiful relationship.
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Even though I was a target to their post, I try my best to distance myself from any distorted Taejin hostility and to have a non-judgemental approach about them. In the end of the day, we don’t know what are they going though in life to have the need to be vile to other people (and Taejin), we don’t know if this person is afflicted with mental health issues. I have compassion for that person’s pain and I sincerely hope they learn to love instead of hate. It’s the message of BTS, love.
This person has tagged Taejin Chronicles, but since Taejin and my posts are so troubling to this person, I hope they find comfort in distancing themselves from the taejin tag in order to help healing their emotional distress. Its a sad thing to see this blog is spreading their hostility on the Taejin tag, but let’s always fight hate with love, protecting our special little Taejin bubble of beauty and peace. The only reason I’ve decided to make this masterpost is cause many of you search the Taejin tag and are exposed this person’s blog and could find it very upsetting. Hate is never an easy thing to deal with, especially when targeting Jin’s closeness to Taehyung. Another reason it’s cause it is tagged on the Tae’kook tag as a reinforcement about the ship wars and also on the Kim Seokjin tag. If our beloved Taejin tag gets infected with further intolerant posts about Kim Seokjin and the Taejin relationship, please send me an ask we will find a way together to handle such situation. And again, I’m not here to say they are this or that, this blog is not here to expose anything, it’s about our little fandom having a conversation to spread the love and the light on Jin+Taehyung’s relationship.
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Taejin Chronicles is not here to question the nature of Jin and Taehyung’s private relationship. The analytical and non-judgemental nature of my masterposts are created for the reader to treasure the beautiful Taejin mutual affection, regardless of what your heart chooses to believe.
I’m sincerely proud of Taejin and my fellow Taejin Chronicles supporters, so once more and always the message we all need:
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 7 years ago
My dearest, Have you watch the BTS Run ep 27 ? I found it really sweet that Taehyung moves closer to Jin's place at the last minutes of that episode 😍 I would like to know if there were any other occasion(s) where Taehyung did that too ? And please give your awesome analysis about it 😘 Thank you ❤️
Hey there lightaejin,
Yes dearest, I’ve watched it. Indeed he moves closer to Jin by the end of the video cause he knew the filming was almost over, I’ll go back to it soon. But first things first, how about I use your lovely ask to masterpost BTS Run ep.27!!! Yes? Yes! Yes!
1. HAHA Jungkook’s Hawaii look shirt: Got to love their sense of humor printing Kookie’s infamous pic on their shirts. To be honest I quite love that pic of Kookie, he looks adorable, healthy and just like a 20 year old Golden Baby. Protec!
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2. Someone is in a mood: Poor V is in a constant bad mood for banter these days. Perhaps their hectic schedule is making him moody. We can notice that when any BTS video starts, of course he eventually gives in and starts to enjoy the banter.
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3. The curse of Tae’gi: LOL I love when V and Suga coincidentally end up in the same group, Suga’s way to treat him is just hilarious. LOL Romeo and Juliet now! I feel Suga is MVP in everything these days.
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4. Team Kim Seok Jin foreverrrrrr: I love Jin! RM’s reaction when he got stuck with the name Kim Seok Jin team! But Kookie loves his hyung and would follow him to the end of the universe. I love.
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5. Jealous V vs Team Kim Seok Jin: He just cannot help, poor baby just doesn’t deal with sharing Jin very well. A smile for the camera and then possessive Tae.
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6. Taejin clothes exchange: As masterposted earlier, I think it’s cause they had mentioned it was colder in the morning but hotter outside in the sun. Once they got inside I think Jin was feeling a little cold (Jin is always wearing comfy sweaters and cozy tops so I am pretty sure he is the type who feels cold easily) and we know Taehyung is a true gentleman when it comes to his Jinnie so he offered his hoodie and got Jin’s shirt on top of his own long sleeve tee. Basically he takes care of his Jinnie, bless him.
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7. Merch attack: Oh give me those plushies!!!
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8. That RM signature scream: HAHA go to 5:56 but please turn the volume down!
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9. Taejin’s son name defined: Taehyung will officially call their son Kimchi! HAHA LOL at Jin’s response “Last name KIM, first name CHI” to caps “perfect” and “satisfied” with hearts! buahahah. I guess their boy will be named Kim Kim Chi!
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10. V-Hope feat Yoon’jin: we got the duos swapped and both Suga and Jin are eagle eyeing V-Hope in full banter mode. Taehyung is so cute in his little fast speed side walk to be next to Jin and leaving Sope to argue! Got to love these 2 duos! Can you imagine their double dates?!
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11. Jealous V vs Nam’jin: Surely in a game where Nam’jin is a team we would see loads of Jealous V. As Jin freaks out about getting an answer right he grabs Namjoon by the wrist and celebrates with his team. But oh look at Taehyung’s face and body language, he looks at them, nervously fidgets his fingers and looks down, suddenly he looks rigid and very blue. He simply cannot with the Nam’jin push, poor boy.
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12. Jin is too funny: look at him looking at Jin!
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13. Jimin likes sour food: Kookie was so domestic about Jimin! Them Jikooks are all dying of feels out there! Kookie was very cute and lively, I love. I also adore when he teams up with Jin cause he enjoys himself more when his fave hyung is around.
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14. Sope being Sope: What are they even doing? LOL Sope is priceless!
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15. V is sexy: Suga cheers up V saying he is sexy and heart-eyed Jin just whispers “he is sexy”. Yeah Jin, we know he is sexy. And we know you think he is sexy.
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16. Dat look: Just after his sexy performance, our Jinnie could not help but look at Taehyung like this.
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17. Hypochondriac Suga: Suga really worries about high blood preasure and diabetes. We are the ones worried about heart attacks cause of his MVP cuteness.
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17. Jealous V vs Nam’jin Part 2: Namjin interacts, Taehyung eagle eye them.
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18. Doctor Sutrange: our MVP!
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19. V vs Nam’jin Part 3: Namjin interacts, Taehyung eagle eye them again and again and again. The world might be falling apart around him, but his eyes will always find Jin.
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20. Taehyung is ready to join Jin: As the filming approaches towards the end, an impatient V stands up and goes to Jin’s direction. 
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Great BTS Run as usual and all the boys seem to have had a lot of fun! Taehyung was very tender and caring about Jin (as he always is) and wasn’t moody anymore in the end. The clothes swapping thing was so adorable and he was more controlled on his jelly moments! Jin could not control his fondness on the Kimchi moment and also when Taehyung did his cute sexy dance, like cute Jinnie heart eyes glowing. 
There have been several other occasions when we see both Taejin moving closer to each other when they think the camera is not filming anymore. Because they do not promo their relationship on camera, I guess its just their second nature to get back together once the filming is over. Even on airports, events and when their formation is not pre-defined, Taejin is always next to each other. Their need for each other’s company is absolutely lovely! 
Tks for the question.
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 7 years ago
Can we talk about Tae's outfit on Daily Denny LOL?
Hey there ‘Tae’s outfit’ anon,
Yep we can talk about it darling, I will also use your ask as an excuse for a Taejin in America masterpost about this particular interview and fashion! 
Our prince V out there rehearsing for the AMAs in Burberry pajamas! Got to love him! While every human being in this world would legit look like an umbrella wearing that outfit, Taehyung looks so damn cute, so lovely, so cuddly and ready to go to bed to have a nap with Jin.
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I also have the impression Taejin were the ultimate sleepy duo at that AMAs rehearsal + Danny interview, Taehyung was indeed wearing a very expensive pajamas, but Jin also prefers the oversized comfy hoodies when he is sleepy. Poor Taejin, they need a nap.
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As a bonus we have sleepy Taejin mirroring their reactions, entire body language and facial expressions at the Daily Denny interview. It is quite entertaining to just observe them actually!
Notice that Jin and Taehyung are the only ones fully mirroring, and this is quite common in most interviews they are in. Mirroring happens when the brain responds to the psychological symbiosis like the two people are in sync, this is the first indication of mutual attraction and co-dependency and it is easily noticed in couples who even start to physically look-alike. 
It is easy to spot these body language responses when the boys are giving their full attention to someone else, like for instance an interviewer, cause they cannot mask their basic unconscious reactions like when BTS are just amongst themselves. This is why people are freaking out on my asks about the absurd amount of obvious Taejin confirmations caught on camera in America, it’s getting very easy to the trained eyes to spot their dynamics. 
Jin and Taehyung cannot help but mirroring each other, this is how the body responds when people are emotionally intimate and deeply attached to one another, like Taejin have been for a few years now. 
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And again.
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And again.
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And again.
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Oh going back to the science of fashion, Taehyung is living a Burberry fever. We saw him rocking the Burberry scarf on his way to LA.
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And guess what, we also saw Taejin in Burberry on that adorable cooking Vlive Run where Taejin were wearing a Burberry couple outfit. Jin with a cashmere cotton sweater and V with a signature Burberry wool overcoat. The lovely taejinaddict has just reminded me that Jinnie has actually confirmed it was Taehyung who gave him this sweater on his 2016 birthday, so yes, we can say it was his intention for Jin to wear Burberry as a matching outfit with him on the Vlive.
So the question is, since Taehyung is a Gucci boy but our minimalist-geeky Jin is not (apart from their stage clothes, Jin only wears that Gucci ring he got from Taehyung in Vegas and Tae’s white Gucci snickers), are they finally finding a common style in the more traditional brand Burberry? 
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What we do know for sure is that Taejin love the couple outfit mania, it’s their thing (the hoodie, V picking Jin’s clothes in Hawaii, their secret date at the BigBang concert in couple outfits) and I feel it’s mainly cause of Taehyung’s fashion passion and his obsession for Taejin to become this ultimate fashionable couple. And we know Jin always indulges his beloved VV’s needs (to the point of wearing the couples red hat V bought him throughout his entire Hawaii trip) so I believe we will be seeing lots more ‘boyfriends in Burberry’ Taejin in the future.
One last thing about V’s outfit. This Burberry pajamas look is so iconic that V was previously featured on Teen Vogue just cause of it! Yep it was worth of an Teen Vogue article, this look. I mean, what a true style icon Jin’s boyfriend mirroring pair and bedmate is.
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And the more I see Taehyung’s fashion, the more I realise this little fashion prince can rock virtually anything he wants, he could wear a trash bag and get away with it looking like the most stylish person in the planet. It’s an art really, his awesome style.
Tkx for the question.
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 7 years ago
Hi..I really love your blog since Taejin is my new fav pairing. I want to ask you " Did Tae ever feel jealous toward Yoongi ? Like he felt it against NamJin. Because Jin seems to be very close to Yoongi and always boasted that he is the best roomate for Jin.
Hello there Najlakookie,
Thank you for the love and I’m happy Taejin is your new fav pairing.
Perhaps you have missed it but I did a Jealous V analysis on one of my latest masterposts where there is a bit of Yoongi, you can read it here:
Blank Tae or Jealous Tae?
I’m sorry there is not much to say about V being jealous of Suga so this will be  more of a BTS business strategy kind of masterpost, i hope you don’t mind. 
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I think V is not jealous cause he and Jin currently go out with Suga and J-Hope quite often so whatever he experiences there, is not a motif for jealousy to him. And as I said, V just feels jealous when there is a public push of Jin being shipped with other members, I think he would not be able to live with the other members if he was non-stop jealous of Jin, he’d have a stroke! Sure he doesn’t like Jin to be touched or give his attention to nobody else but I think he sees Suga as the least threat amongst the members. I suspect that’s cause he knows Suga better than we do, or cause Suga could be in a relationship.
Like for instance, on this funny moment where Suga was holding Jin in place. V was not ok with any of what was happening, but not cause of Suga. He was not ok with the situation of his Jin being exposed and subjected to any hand that wasn’t his. But the only thing he did about Suga was placing both his hands way down on Jin’s derriere like his body language was saying “Let me check and make sure you all understand that I am the first one here, marking a territory that is mine”. He was way more annoyed with Jungkook’s enjoyment of the slap, Bangtan’s cheering and even Rapmon who did not even touch Jin!
LOL the way V touched Jin’s derriere is like so loving, like Jin’s booty is the most precious treasured thing. HA!
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LOL Jealous Tae vs Bangtan: but look at his ultra tense body language and the “how dare you” pose at Kookie and Rapmon!
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So even though I do think Suga respects and appreciates Jin a lot, I don’t really see that much of a deep emotional bond between them. Don’t get me wrong, they adore each other, but they are definitely not romantically interested on each other.
But let me go back to the subject and explain why Jin and Suga’s bond has being widely fan serviced on the comeback:
On a marketing point of view, I do think BigHit is creating a buzz with the rap line + SOPE + the roommate card cause, after this year’s hyung line and Jin’s fandom rant, they need to reinforce the hyung line. 
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This is a much needed change since this fandom often pays attention just to the Maknae line and BigHit has ignored the importance Hyung line for too long. Basically they have not promoted the Hyung line efficiently so far. They need a strategy change that has been ongoing with SOPE and previously with Nam’jin.
The Rap Line and Sope push to promo the Hyung line.
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And Taejin sowing love here and there: Taejin has being sightly promo here and there, most notably on DNA mv (no surprise there since BigHit has constructed the entire BTS MV theory about Taejin as a romantic pairing) and DNA choreo and also getting more space for cuteness and mutual shoulder attacks.
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Since Nam’jin has proven to be highly accepted but complicated in an internal level (since Jin and V grew inseparable), the producers have changed how Jin is seen by the fandom, transforming him into what I like to call multi-ship Jin. Namjoon is also a fluctuating member, engaging the rap line, Jimin and Taehyung in a more fluid manner and being gradually set apart from Jin. 
Detaching Nam’jin just a bit: Like recently when Jin said he and Rapmon had dinner but they have nothing interesting to say. It’s like the marketing saying, see we are still Nam’jin and they are still cute but ya know, Nam’jin is not really so close. 
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Jin talks about Taejin and Sope having a dinner with PD Bang: Jin said he had a double date dinner, Taejin and Sope with their producer. Again reinforcing the Hyung line, praising the producer but subtly sowing Taejin.
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Jin is now universally shipped and this works very well since Jin himself is an easy going person who is the best on BTS to understand and put in practice the marketing strategies with a business man mind. 
Cause the Jin fandom was so vocal about the mistreating of Jin Big Hit has decided to push Jin with as many band members as possible cause they believe this is what the Jin fandom means when we say we want Jin to have more space in the band. 
Of course this has been proven problematic for V due to his territorial and jealous nature, and this is a subject I often talk about.
I hope this quick explanation has helped you understand a bit more of why Jin has been fan serviced and pushed with the Hyung line lately. In a way I feel that the comeback has been beneficial to the Hyung line, especially J-Hope who’s having the spotlight he deserves and to Taejin who have more lines and more freedom to PDA. And it also removed the unnecessary heavy load out of Jimin and Kookie’s shoulders. I myself am quite content with the change.
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 7 years ago
Did u see the latest vlive? Jin wasn’t there and tae looked so down...he hardly spoke 3 times and one of which was to remind them again that they should think of jin 😘 I love taejin so much
Hello ‘Tae looked so down’ anon,
Yep I have seen it and to be honest I was quite concerned not only about Jin being sick but also how V was super down without his Jinnie. Let’s go through it in a detailed masterpost and see his reactions throughout the video.
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I mean the difference between his general mood and the other members was so obvious, he was legit depressed, barely speaking, not looking at the camera and it felt like he did not want to be there at all.  
Look at:
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J-Hope asked Taehyung to show himself on camera: J-Hope who was truly concerned about V, requested him to show himself to the fans, then pushed him forward since he barely moved. Taehyung couldn’t even smile.
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Look at his face: My poor baby. I have been saying for centuries that J-Hope has more maturity than anyone else in BTS when the subject is relationships, so I feel he was really trying to cheer him up and make him participate. 
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Rapmon gave food to a motionless V: Everybody was attacking the meat, V tried to grab a bite but gave up midway so a concerned Namjoon, the good soul, gave him some food.
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Jimin looks at V before mentioning Jin: Jimin is about to talk about Jin and just before gives a concerned look straight at a still gloomy Taehyung like he was asking for permission. 
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Jimin talks about Jin being hospitalised looking at V: Jimin mentions Jin’s hospitalisation and keeps looking at Taehyung like he was waiting for a feedback. Taehyung doesn’t look back.
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Jin suggested this place: Jimin talks about the first time he came to the restaurant with Jin to buy Jungkook’s birthday present. Everybody gets solemn about Jin not being there, nobody looks at Jimin in the eyes.
V rubs his eyes consistently for more than the normal “eye itch” time. In body language V’s eye rub means the brain’s attempt to to block out a deceit, it means he had something to hide regarding Jimin’s story about Jin’s restaurant suggestion or Jin’s situation in general.  
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Taehyung opens his mouth for the first time: only to give a cute and concerned message to Jin on camera saying he should not sleep with the AC on. We could get a glimpse of Light Up V for a few seconds.
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Tae vs JinJiKook (or whatever they are called LOL): as Jikook discusses their bond with Jin and how they hang out together all the time, V looks at them with that jealous of his Jin death stare we all know so well. I guess it’s not only Tae vs Nam’jin now, we have Tae vs JinJiKook too!
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V really can’t with JinJikook: As Jikook carries on talking about their bromance ship name, Taehyung rubs his ears for a long time, in body language this means JinJiKook is extremely unpleasant to him. The gesture is an attempt at preventing the sounds from reaching a deeper part of the brain blocking his anxiety and nervousness, with a defensive posture. When ear grabbing is done while listening to others speak it is due to his disbelief as in “I can’t believe what I’m hearing”.
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He then looks straight at Jungkook with contempt with his hand still in his ear and the down pressed lips + not amused tongue in cheek. His body language expresses he is displeased and sees Kookie’s mention of Jin as something disrespectful, like a personal offence. It’s a mind reaction that says, I don’t like what I am hearing, I don’t like how this taste, I don’t like you. His body is saying “Do not talk about Jinnie” his displease expressed as the contempt look towards the offender to demand respect, in this case Jungkook whose mistake was the enjoyment of being bro-shipped with Jin.
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My hope, my angel is concerned: J-Hope notices Tae’s mood again and decides to cheer him up by mentioning his earrings. He knows our fashion boy so well, style talk always makes him feel better.
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Taehyung thinks about Jin all the time: when it’s quiet cause everybody is eating, completely out of the blue V says “We need to think about Jin”. Since it’s silent V saying something of a massive importance, BTS respects his request and send Jin positive messages. This comment is very important cause it shows how Taehyung is constantly thinking about Jin, even when everyone else was talking about food, awards, the comeback. This means that at that moment, Jin’s health and the fact he was absent occupied his mind more than the fandom, awards and food. 
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Going back again to analyse even further his fuelled body language response to JinJikook, especially towards Jungkook, I don’t believe he sees JinJikook or Jungkook as a threat to his relationship. Here we see a similar pattern he displays with Nam’jin, it’s not about the ship itself, it’s about his jealous and possessive nature towards Jin, he just doesn’t wanna see anybody else being shipped with Jin, even if it’s just for fun. 
I think the main reason why he got annoyed with Kookie, it’s cause Kookie is younger, therefore he thinks his position as Jin’s special someone deserves Kookie’s respect. There were many other situations when Jin’kook was happening and Taehyung looks legit mad at Kookie. Of course his possessiveness with Jin is most times a passing situation and soon he returns his usual cute older brother behaviour towards Jungkook. I did give a lot of thinking about Kookie’s close relationship with Jin and why does he sometimes acts like he is clueless about Taejin, but that is a talk for another masterpost. 
I see that, as usual, this is a fandom who loves to dilute emotional situations to primitive notions of the boys behaviours. Again fans mistakenly took his behaviour as just tiredness from the comeback, nobody seems to connect the obvious, that Jin’s absence affected V’s state of mind. Although I’m sure everybody is pretty tired, his emotional behaviour speaks louder than just being physically drained. Tiredness makes you lethargic, light headed and sometimes irritated, Taehuyng was not like that, he was reclusive, sad but aware enough to respond to mentions of Jin and even to express jealousy through his unconscious body language response.  
So sum it up, he was deeply concerned about Jin, all his body language and behaviour show that Jin was his focal point. Nobody else was acting like he was acting, and BTS (esp J-hope and Rapmon) was treating Taehyung with caution and concern. It just breaks my heart to see him like that, and it makes me kinda worried about Jin’s emotional state as well, since for me it’s pretty clear there is more that just a cold, going on behind the scenes. But to see V’s concern, to see him wither without his Jinnie, the mutual respect and trust, their intimacy, the ever growing emotional alliance between these two princes makes me so happy for them. They embody my personal notion of true love.
I feel that Taejin is giving us so much on this comeback, but sadly most of that they do has been underrated and misread by a fandom who is self-restrained by their predefined fan service ships and lack of sensibility to understand what’s in front everybody’s faces. As I said in the past, this is Ok as long as Taejin are safe but the lack of recognition of their beautiful relationship leaves a bitter sweet taste in my mouth.
Tkx for the question anon, I also love Taejin very much. 
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 7 years ago
do u have jin jealous moments? (-:
Hey there 5hinee-nie,
It is rare but I do have Jealous Jin moments, yes! But I have to organize them all to do a masterpost. 
Soon I promise! But as you wait for it, here is a memorable case of Jin vs Hwarang cast.
JK, JM and Jin get salty over V saying ‘I love you’ to the actors of his drama.
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Then Jin legit storms!
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And demands him to say ‘I love you’ in the group chat:
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HA he responds “yes, I love you” to Jin! (while Jimin Third Wheels)
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After Jin’min start to play without him, V ends the bickering saying it’s Jin who actually never says ‘I love you’ LOL:
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Of course it’s a banter kinda of fan service jealousy, but very cute cause Taejin start to take it seriously. After Taehyung says “I love you” he playfully calls out Jin for never saying ‘I love you’ back! HAHA oh my Taejin drama…
Lots of love.
PS: HAHA Jimin Third Wheeling is the kinda of Taehyung bestie who always agree and team up with Jin. Fact confirmed. 
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taejinchronicles · 7 years ago
Hi! I was just wondering if you're planning to answer every asks that were sent to you? Because I'm really, really looking forward for you to answer some of the asks I've sent at some point.
Hello there ‘looking forward’ anon,
It’s my plan to answer every ask that has been sent to me. But I don’t know exactly when I’ll be able to answer each question, my asks are on the rise and surpassed the 3 digit mark a while ago.
There are amazing asks back from when I started the blog in June-July, still unanswered. But often I get the chance to answer soon as I get an ask, mostly when the question is about something that is fresh on my mind. It all depends on my brain process really and if, on my leisure time, I’ll be up to focus the demanded energy on that masterpost.
I have got psychological questions, divergent point of views, asks about the same topic, multi-topic asks, all that could lead to a long discussion and deep analysis. The triage is complicated cause if I could I’d spend all my time just watching V and Jin being the Taejin dorks we love.
Because the content of my answers are carefully conceived, please understand that these take a substantial amount of time and extra effort to create. I’ve commented in the past that I have been really busy and, regardless of my devotion to Jin, BTS and Taejin, I must prioritise life.
Thank you for sending me asks, for your interest in reading my posts and your patience. I really appreciate it!
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By the way I’m very humbled and thankful for the unbelievable positive feedback my blog has been receiving in such short period of time. The ones that have been sending asks please know that I am reading your questions and I appreciate your patience and support. Thank you for the love, sweet followers!
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 8 years ago
I love reading your masterposts! They're so incredibly detailed and backed with pictures and facts that you just have to believe in the canon-ness of TaeJin... Are you planning on writing more?
Hello there Anon,
That’s so sweet of you to message me with your love! We Taejin shippers are really scarce in this fandom, so I’m glad you are enjoying my masterposts on our two shinning stars. 
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I think detailed analysis make more sense, cause since (I firmly believe) they are a real life couple, Taejin are really subtle, especially Jin who is very careful not to make it public. But as we saw on Bon Voyage and on how they talk to each other, Jin and V spend most of their free and busy off-screen time together, but because they don’t do loud things for fan-service like other pop BTS ships, so many people just don’t even see what’s right in front of their faces. If my masterposts help Taejin to be celebrated, that’s a victory!
I plan to do more masters yes, I have a queue (sorry for the delay my friends) of very interesting unanswered asks waiting for me to jump into. These take time and brain exercise so thank you all for the patience! 
Lots of love!
PS: Lots of ppl send me asks about Bon Voyage episode by episode and Summer Package analysis. I’ll do it! 
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