#The Sundrop
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tangledbea · 1 month ago
"In the movie, the original flower was created by 'a drop from the sun', so we always thought that the tear was that same drop that had been in the flower (and then Rapunzel). So to us she passed along the magic and it's now gone (or, if you'd like, you could assume Flynn/Eugene has it now, but I think that bringing him back from the dead used up all the magic)." --Mark Kennedy, story artist on Tangled
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lazlolullaby · 2 years ago
Moongene concept, lingering Sundrop scars, and bonus RTA s3 rewrite
My friends i’m not an artist, so just take these words and go.
Rapunzel has a clear indicator of her being nearby the Moonstone - her hair floats upward and glows. I think it’d be nice if Eugene had some kind of effect on his body as well.
and uh...season 2 ending rewrite into season 3 AU happened
More under the cut
Eugene has been healed by the Sundrop twice at least.
(I feel like Rapunzel certainly banged him up while putting him in the closet and did a healing when she tied him up in the chair, but eh. It was offscreen and not dramatic enough.)
1st time: Cut on the palm on his hand, healed by wet hair directly on the wound.
2nd time: Stab wound in his stomach, healed by tears on his cheek.
Both of those scars glow when he’s near the Moonstone. He doesn’t know it at all because he’s got his gloves on and his shirt on, but he feels it. His hand sweats, his stomach/liver area is warm. He dismisses it as nerves, but once they’re in the chamber...
“Rapunzel you’re glowing~”
“So are you~” Rapunzel strokes his cheek, where there are bright little dots.
“Aww. wait what?” Eugene flinches, pulls out his compact mirror (because of course that man would have a compact, have you not been paying attention) and pulls off his glove. The scar itself is glowing a steady gold, and there’s a faint impression of hair strands surrounding it, also glowing.
(if Cassandra would have let him open up his shirt, they’d see an impression of the Sundrop flower - perpetually blooming, glow flickering in time with his heart. Arianna also was healed by the Sundrop as well, so she has glowing lips from when she drank the tea.)
“That’s - a nice thing you did, Sunshine.” because clearly it was just happenstance that he was healed and made it here, of all places. And this kind of ties in with my impression of Eugene - that he doesn’t really feel like he’s worth much, he has to upsell himself.
“When you take care of people and things – you go for the burning building first. The kids who broke an arm or are throwing up. Being as independent as I was, I just waited my turn. Other people got affection, I got leftovers.” Secondhand clothes from the older kids and secondhand affection from fans of Flynnigan Rider. He’s just – used to it. It’s what he thinks he deserves.
Edmund may have told him it’s his destiny to protect the Moonstone, that he’s worthy. but it doesn’t sink in. Not until Rapunzel reaches for it, and his scarred hand twitches.
It’s an easy grab, all things considered. Just a dash forward and (ignore that look of pain and shock in her eyes, shut yours tight, man this hurts) Easier than the Crown, at least. The remnants of Sundrop that was in him react with the Moonstone, both protecting him and causing a minor shockwave that throws everyone to the walls.
(he doesn’t want to think about if the full Sundrop made contact, he won’t think about what almost happened, it won’t ever happen, now.)
He looks up. Cassandra is holding Rapunzel back. Betrayal in both of their eyes.
“I can’t let you do this!” He’s not going be be able to get Rapunzel’s trust, her love back.
But he owes her an explanation. “I can’t let you die.”
(aaand cut to black. Cliffhanger baby~ and most of what’s left is an outline of s3, kind of mixing around the episode order too.)
Eugene’s Armor - skill skintight, but he places the Moonstone near his stab scar, the blue band is like a sash across his body.
“Woah oh ho! What a rush!” He looks up at his hair, it’s bright blue and he’s like “No. Bad color.” A silvery white. “heavens no.” black with dark blue strands. “Better.”
“What is going on?”
“The Sundrop - you saw how just a remnant just hurt everyone. I don’t want that for you.” Eugene starts. “If someone can control the Moonstone - retract all of the Black Rocks. That’s it. The world is safe, right?”
“Right.” Rapunzel nods. “But - what’s going to happen to you?”
He laughs, “Isn’t it my luck to be loved by the most compassionate woman in the world?” but he doesn’t answer. There’s not really an answer.
Eugene reaches for his knife, and the Black Rocks just - start encircling him, crawling over his skin. He uses his finger to make a divot and presses the Moonstone inside the hilt.
All at once the power fades. If he calls upon it, he could get armor. (so he couldn’t be hurt again.) But if he doesn’t. “Ah. Finally found a use for my second-favorite knife!” (it’s the knife that is strapped to his leg in his s3 outfit.)
So Eugene and Edmund start working on removing the Rocks. And - it’s great. They’re bonding - Lance has convinced Edmund that he’s his second son, Adira has been accepted back into the fold, there’s viable land underneath and Rapunzel is very sure she sees some curious travelers on the horizon that would like to settle down.
They’ve already made a new Caravan and were just about to leave, removing the Black Rocks on the path back to Corona. The other mystery this season is how to remove the Sundrop from Rapunzel. They want to stop by the Great Tree and research the library there - it may have an answer.
...and then the Balloon comes, and Rapunzel has to go back to her Kingdom immediately to save it from the Saporians.
Eugene can’t leave, he has to take the slow path back to Corona. Lance stays behind with him. They use Hamuel as their mail service.
(So instead of Rapunzel being betrayed by Cassandra and feeling her absence, wanting to reach out and come back and be friends again, how to deal with a friend fallout, it’s Rapunzel missing her partner Eugene, and how to deal with being apart from the person you love, and appreciating the other people in your life a bit more.)
They deal with the Saporians - instead of Eugene picking the lock to the jail cell, Cassandra gets the spare key since she knows where it is.
Most of the episodes do fine with Cassandra pinch-hitting for Eugene. She gets to be Captain like she’s always wanted, since her father is in the wind. But it’s not really fulfilling - she still has to listen to Rapunzel, and the Guards still listen to Rapunzel - Cassandra is slowly getting frustrated.
“King and Queen of Hearts” Rapunzel is missing Eugene fierce and is pouring all of that romantic energy into making Arianna and Fredrick remember and love each other again. She sees how Cassandra is trying to help and thanks her.
The “Return of the King” episode is actually a check back in on Eugene and Lance, and it’s combined with “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?” because I still want Lance to be a Dad. Eugene is able to let his father know he belongs in Corona with Rapunzel - and Catalina speaks up and wants to go with them.
“Islands Apart” - Cassandra gets to confront her father about everything. His favorite version of her is a little girl - he still sees her as a kid and she’s mad about it.
“No time like the Past” is a story that Lance is telling Angry and Catalina while they’re on the road. Eugene is just like “eughh I miss my wife tails...i miss her a lot.”
“Race to the Spire” is a split perspective episode, Eugene and Lance find out about the Mind Trap, send Hamuel to tell Rapunzel, and they race there. Rapunzel and Cassandra race there as well. There’s a Reunion and it’s glorious and sweet.
“Be Very Afraid” is Eugene’s fears getting the better of him now that he’s back in Corona, and it’s affecting the Black Rocks, turning them Red. Solved like Canon, but Eugene has his fears solved with help from Cassandra and Lance, because - yeah they are his friends.
“Cassandra’s Revenge” is changed to Cassandra getting frustrated and stealing the Moonstone for One Episode Only. Rapunzel and her have a big battle talk, and she sets the Moonstone down and fully steps down from being Captain of the Guard, feeling like it’s not her.
“Flynnposter” Cassandra is there tracking down Brock-as-Flynn, so she sees how much he’s changed from the start. Cass nominates Eugene as Captain of the Guard. (but we all know it’s Maximus that’s really in charge.)
“A Tale of Two Sisters” this is where the reveal of Cassandra being Gothel’s kid goes - it’s a rough reveal for both of them. Cassandra is starting to learn that it’s not her origins that make her who she is. But also Rapunzel is a Princess and is a Princess and Eugene is a Prince is a Prince so...that doesn’t hit really well.
Edmund “disowns” Eugene and Lance so they don’t have to go back to the rebuilt Dark Kingdom. “We’re orphans...again.”
The Demanitus Scroll has a way to combine a person with magic and then separate a person from their magic. So they use it on Rapunzel so she’s normal - well. more normal than magical.
and uhh...for the finale we can have Hector pop back up trying to steal the Mind Trap because he’s worried that someone is going to control him and the Brotherhood. Culminating in him stealing the Moonstone, controlling the Brotherhood so the same doesn’t happen to him.
Cue huge finale fight.
Cassandra actually tries to reach out to Hector, saying she understands what it is to chase after a dream and be loyal to something that isn’t their destiny. This works. And Cassandra and Hector go traveling into the sunset as besties, trying to live their own lives.
Rapunzel and Eugene live happily ever after, as if that was even in question.
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leapfog1 · 2 months ago
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busy day
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sunny-sourzii · 21 days ago
Guys you should totally let him out he is fellow human☺️☺️
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fluffffpillow · 6 months ago
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xitsensunmoon · 2 months ago
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My hand slipped... Close ups and a little suggestive joke under the cut
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infinitewinderword · 18 days ago
☀️Sun & Moon Cursor Packs!!!🌙
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all made by me!!
my strawpage! https://infinitegg14.straw.page/
Eclipse cursor sub post!
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Download Sun and Moon cursors here:
New!! Now with Eclipse!:
These cursors are free to use!
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i just kinda did this in one night!!! hope yall like it! i tried and tried to look for cute cursors for them but i just have no luck....so i took matters into my own hands because who is going to stop me.
sharing is appreciated!!! ⛅
Cursor setup tutorial for windows
also rb with a picture of u using it will bring much joy to me :3c
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notdysfunk · 2 months ago
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Doodled some very happy boys!! Might colour it later... 🔆🌙
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hexcii · 1 month ago
The guys ever
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quake-sparks · 3 months ago
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I, personally, don't think they'd be good with animals. Lol
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void-creechur · 3 months ago
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*drops this and skitters away*
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tangledbea · 6 months ago
Do you prefer the original idea of the flower just being a literal drop of sunlight, or the even more complicated origin that was introduced in the series? Personally I prefer the what the movie was going for.
I prefer the movie version.
I love magical worlds, don't get me wrong. Faerie realms and high fantasy where people are casting spells, etc (I play D&D for goodness' sake and love other, more magically-drenched Disney movies), but the way Tangled set up magic in their universe is so sparse as to be something unique and special. The series made it too much for the world that the movie set up.
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oddshine · 3 months ago
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Imagine being built and designed to be a theatric stage actor only to end up as a mediocre child entertainer ✋😭
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leapfog1 · 2 months ago
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bringing fnaf over with me into 2025
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smoljeanius · 3 months ago
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Guys what if the brainrot’s coming back
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fellatitledthemf · 1 year ago
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