#The Rise of Skywalker spoilers
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letthewhumpbegin · 3 months ago
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Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
My GIF masterlist
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casual-violinist-fangirl · 11 months ago
The Bad Batch and the Mandolorian really do be propping up and trying to breathe life into this one disaster of a line from Rise of Skywalker:
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darth-memes · 10 months ago
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twinsunstars · 10 months ago
no but considering rise of skywalker and palpatine actually surviving and living as project necromancer succeeded years later? hemlock must be so happy in whatever hell afterlife he’s in
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the-force-awakens · 1 year ago
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#just trio things: peek-a-boo
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ihassheepquake · 8 months ago
So Tatooine has gotta be some weird Vergence right? If we're going with Mae & Osha were able to be born/conceived with magic because Brendock is a Vergence (it wasn't strictly said but it seems pretty obvious), then the same is likely true about Anakin but it wasn't magical intervention but rather the will of the Force itself. Or at least wherever he was born has gotta be a Vergence (if I remember correctly, he wasn't actually born on Tatooine in Legends but I don't think that's been explored in canon).
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oldschoolvillageidiot · 2 years ago
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“Names mean almost everything” is just a fancy way of saying “Nostalgia means more than story.”
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bumpingbees · 1 year ago
Wait Will is actually Katherine and Elizabeth's brother? Pacat actually pulled a Leia Luke kiss on us? 😂😂😂 damn I feel like what nerds (affectionate) felt when Star Wars first came out.
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misswitch19 · 2 years ago
Maybe this is just me, but I have very particular feelings on Rey being a Skywalker, bc yes, obviously she is a Skywalker and not a Palpatine (I'm not going to even touch that), but I feel like people need to acknowledge that she's not a Skywalker just bc she got Leia's and Luke's lightsabers. No. Rey is a Skywalker because both Luke and Leia met her for five minutes and immediately picked her over Kylo Ren as the family favorite. She literally is the girl that goes to her ex's family dinners bc they invite her and not him. She literally assumed his place as heir to the Skywalker legacy, and she is so funny for that. She is Rey Skywalker, and she will forever be one of the baddest bitches in the galaxy
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letthewhumpbegin · 9 months ago
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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
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edwardshundredyearoldspunk · 9 months ago
rey palpatine-skywalker wishes she could serve as much narrative cunt as ruby sunday
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short-wooloo · 1 year ago
Ahsoka season 2 (or mando season 4, or Book of Boba Fett season 2, or whatever the fuck half baked show comes next):
Sabine: "Somehow Thrawn Has Returned!"
Senator Xiono: "yeah, you helped him"
Sabine: "we're not sure how this happened-"
Senator Xiono: "you did it because one person mattered more to you than the entire galaxy"
Sabine: "-maybe it was ancient sith magic!"
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(1) “Through the power of studio interference and damage control due to fan backlash, I present to you your forced redemption arc!”
(2) “As we all know, true love is when one partner fatally wounds the other. Also, when one brutally slaughters their partner’s friends and allies!”
(3) “Anakin lost his mom, was dicked around by the Jedi, grew up as a slave, has trauma from fighting in a whole ass war, and thought he was going to lose his wife Padme before he went Sith. And he still had to think about it! Meanwhile, you went Sith…over a misunderstanding!?!?”
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neitherabaron · 2 years ago
Ok, I watched Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull for the first time in probably 15 years last night and it’s actually much more fun than I remember now I’ve had all this time to get over the fact it was aliens all along. It does have all the usual problematic Indiana Jones stuff going on, but it feels like there’s maybe a little less of it in this one? Low bar, but still.
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little-goose · 4 months ago
“But the solavellan ending only feels satisfying if you think about them as a story not as people?”
Yeah????????? My sweet honey bunches of oats, did you miss the whole part of DAI where your inquisitor has to grapple with the fact that only a few people will know them as a person and not as an almost mythologized figure? That those myths are being actively written and warped while they’re still alive? That their whole “you’re not the chosen one, but you make choices that have weight, and you can’t ever control how the entire audience listening to your story will perceive it through the lens of their own reality”?
The parallels of the maker and andraste and rebuilding the golden city and how all of the different mythologies in Thedas are just one big messy soap opera that everyone perceives differently is a kinda part of the point
It’s supposed to be bittersweet or tragic because you as the player know them better than Rook and the Veilguardians of the Galaxy do
It’s not perfect and it’s not happy but it is still a satisfying ending imo
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tredawakandan · 2 years ago
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Haven't rewatched the star wars movies in awhile but got sad after I rewatched a scene lately. The scene being Rey hearing all the Jedi before she defeats Her Grandaddy 😅.. Initially I thought it was cool hearing all the voices again , but then I began to realize something (I'm sure everyone already knew this😭) . Everyone is already confirmed dead that she hears except Ahsoka🧐. Now I began to think Well Jedi are able to use Telepathy to an extent etc 😅 .. But after I was done coping I had to go back and check off every Jedi that was heard. Yep They're all dead😢💀💀💀. Ahsoka being one my favorite characters in star wars+ her show currently airing just hit me in the gut🥺🤕. Welp hopefully she doesn't die anytime soon relative to our real world time🤔. I'm guessing since Dave Filoni created her... In his new alleged movie that will happen in a couple of years(that complete the journey of Mandalorian, Ahsoka etc) will feature her dying😢. Cheers to her till then 🥂
Bonus: I never knew she was only 5 years younger than Anakin😂
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