#The Presidential Tower Prices
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real-estate-01 · 3 months ago
The Presidential Tower
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sirfrogsworth · 10 days ago
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Well, that's just not true.
The most famous protest in US history was peaceful and effective.
I just don't think these tiny protests with people waving snarky signs are doing much at the moment.
Activism and protesting need to be strategic and organized. If you can only convince 20 people to stand outside a Tesla dealership, that probably won't do much.
If you get 250,000, that is another story.
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Smaller peaceful protests can work if you do them right. Like say, filling the lobby of Trump Tower.
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I think activism requires action from many vectors. Sometimes that does require civil disobedience. Vandalizing Teslas seems to be scaring people into selling them or just not buying them.
And the boycotts in Europe are plunging the stock. If Elon loses the company, that would be huge. Apparently he used his Tesla stock as collateral to buy Twitter.
But the Left's biggest issue right now is lack of organization. We are so splintered. We are riddled with infighting. And it doesn't help that Democratic leadership is... uninspiring.
I really hope we can get our shit together soon. I think AOC and Bernie and Tim Walz doing town halls in red districts is a good start. The Republican leadership has directed reps to avoid speaking to the people.
Numbers work. I think they work better than anything. Authorities are scared of numbers which helps with the peaceful part. And if shit goes down, the authorities end up looking bad. When police arrested 60,000 people during Gandhi's Salt March, it was a real bad look. Because it was just a bunch of people walking and making their own salt.
I think activism needs to make our leaders fear the populace. But we also have to win hearts and minds. And sometimes those goals can be conflicting or we forget about one over the other.
There were ~90,000,000 people that did not vote in the presidential election. If we could reach them and win the House back, that could really limit the damage.
So we need to not just fuck shit up.
We need to win hearts and minds. Make some motherfucking salt.
If it were me in charge, I'd start organizing mass acts of compassion.
Set up food drives in places where egg prices are highest. Give out some free eggs.
Set up a job fair in places that have mass government job losses. Find small local businesses that are hiring. Have clothing donations for job interviews and people to help write resumes.
Set up free mobile health clinics in deep red places that are about to lose Medicaid. Free check ups for kids and veterans and anyone else. And some vaccines to piss off RFK Jr.
If we organize and help the people who Trump is hurting, we can win those hearts and minds.
Don't give up on peaceful action as a tool. If done right, it can be more powerful than anything else.
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mariacallous · 7 days ago
I'm sharing this because I think it's kind of atrocious. Hasan Piker *and* Richard Reeves?! And it gets worse from there.
By the time I landed at LAX and switched my phone out of airplane mode, Hasan Piker had been streaming for three hours. I put in an earbud and watched as I filed off the plane. Visible behind him were walls of framed fan art, a cardboard cutout of Bernie Sanders sitting in the cold, and Piker’s huge puppy, Kaya, taking a nap. Piker had already shown off his “cozy-ass ’fit” (sweatpants with kitschy bald eagles, a custom pair of platform Crocs), and recounted his experience the previous night at the Streamer Awards, a red-carpet event honoring A-listers on Twitch—the popular live-streaming site where he is one of the biggest stars, and the only prominent leftist. He’d begun the day’s broadcast by rattling off a standard opening monologue: “Folks, we’re live and alive, and I hope all the boys, girls, and enbies”—nonbinary people—“are having a fantastic one.” To anyone listening for shibboleths, this would have pigeonholed him as a progressive. Also within view, though, were three towers of Zyn cannisters, and a “Make America Great Again” hat, which he sometimes wears ironically. He has the patter of a Rutgers frat bro and the laid-back charisma of a Miami club promoter, both of which he was, briefly, in his early twenties. Now he’s thirty-three—so old, in streamer years, that his fans call him “unc.”
I ordered a Lyft, then flipped back to Piker’s stream. By then, he was talking about the overthrow of the Assad regime in Syria, which had happened overnight. I watched as he cycled from BBC footage to Wikipedia, pausing every few seconds to add a diatribe or a joke. The angle he was developing was that Western journalists seemed too eager to portray the leader of the Syrian rebel forces in a heroic light. “I’m very skeptical of the fucking former Al Qaeda guy,” Piker said. A little while later, his doorbell rang, and he leaned over to buzz in a guest—me. I looked up from my phone to see him standing in his doorway. He doesn’t run ad breaks, so whenever he needs to do something off-camera, like answer the door or use the bathroom, he plays a video and attends to his business quickly, before his viewers can get bored. “I’m live right now, but we can talk when I’m done,” he told me, already walking away. “Try and stay out of the shot.”
In last year’s Presidential election, Democrats lost support with nearly every kind of voter: rich, poor, white, Black, Asian American, Hispanic. But the defection that alarmed Party strategists the most was that of young voters, especially young men, a group that Donald Trump lost by fifteen points in 2020 and won by fourteen points in 2024—a nearly thirty-point swing. “The only cohort of men that Biden won in 2020 was eighteen-to-twenty-nine-year-olds,” John Della Volpe, the polling director at Harvard’s Institute of Politics and a former adviser to Biden’s Presidential campaign, told me. “That was the one cohort they had to hold on to, and they let it go.”
Candidates matter; so does the national mood, and the price of groceries. Yet some Monday-morning quarterbacks also noted that, just as 1960 was the first TV election and 2016 was the first social-media election, the 2024 Presidential campaign was the first to be conducted largely on live streams and long-form podcasts, media that happen to be thoroughly dominated by MAGA bros. The biggest of them all, Joe Rogan, spent the final weeks of the campaign giving many hours of fawning airtime to Trump—and to his running mate, J. D. Vance, and his key allies, such as Elon Musk—before endorsing Trump on the eve of the election. “At no point was I, like, ‘Only I, a dickhead on the internet, am qualified to teach these kids why we need a functioning welfare state,’ ” Piker told me. “I just felt like no one else was really in these spaces trying to explain these things. Certainly not the Democrats.”
Piker has almost three million Twitch followers, and, as with most guys who talk into microphones on the internet, his audience skews young, male, and disaffected. At the peak of his Election Night stream in November, he had more than three hundred thousand viewers. He broadcasts seven days a week, eight to ten hours a day, usually from his house in West Hollywood, and he doesn’t use visual pyrotechnics to hold his viewers’ attention. Most of the time, what you see on his stream is an overlay of three things: a fixed shot of Piker sitting at his desk; a screen share of whatever he’s looking at on his computer; and his chat, where fans supply pertinent links, caps-lock shit talk, and puppy emojis, all surging in real time up the right side of the screen.
Although Piker hates Trump, he’s hardly a loyal Democrat. At bottom, he’s an old-school hard leftist, not a liberal. (On his bedside table he has some protein Pop-Tart knock-offs and a copy of “The Communist Manifesto.”) Many of his opinions—for example, that the “American empire” has been a destructive force, on the whole—would surely be off-putting to the median voter. But he is just one of many independent media creators with an anti-Trump message—in recent weeks, the political-podcast charts have included “The Bulwark,” “This Is Gavin Newsom,” and even a show called “Raging Moderates.” For a couple of weeks last month, a liberal show called “The MeidasTouch Podcast” beat out “The Joe Rogan Experience” for the No. 1 spot. “Corporate media, too often, has a both-sides perspective,” Ben Meiselas, one of the “MeidasTouch” co-hosts, told me. “We do not mince words about the threat to workers, the threat to democracy.”
One piece of fan art on Piker’s wall is a cartoon of him operating a day-care center, shielding a roomful of lost boys from the malign chaos of the open internet. “You gravitate to him because he’s just a voice you find relatable,” Piker’s producer, who goes by Marche, told me. “A lot of people don’t even put a political label on it, at least at first.” Piker gets up early every morning to work out, posting his daily stats so that his fans—his “community”—can follow along from home. He gives dating advice and motivational speeches. At a moment when there seems to be an ever-shortening algorithmic pipeline from bench-pressing tips to misogynist rage, Piker tries to model a more capacious form of masculinity: a straight guy, six feet four and movie-star handsome, who’s as comfortable wearing camo to a gun range as he is walking a red carpet in split-toe Margiela boots. Once viewers have come to trust him, they may be more open to his riffs on the rights of the poor or of trans people—delivered not as a primer on Judith Butler but in the register of “Bro, don’t be a dick.”
I pulled up a chair, just out of frame. Kaya ambled toward me, vetting my scent. Piker talked, almost without interruption, for four more hours, holding forth about recent internet drama, a documentary about the history of NATO, and the UnitedHealthcare C.E.O.’s assassin, who had not yet been identified. Within reach of his rolling desk chair was a mini-fridge full of cold brew and Diet Mountain Dew. Some of his takes were too unpolished for prime time. (“Bro, these guys are so cucked,” he said, critiquing a clip from a rival podcast on the right.) Then again, a live stream isn’t supposed to be a tight, scripted lecture. It’s supposed to be a good hang.
“I gotta end the broadcast here,” he said, shortly after 8 P.M. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” After turning the camera off, he seemed to deflate a bit. Comments were still floating up one of his monitors—the thousands of fans in the chat had dwindled to a few hundred, the inner circle who were devoted enough, or lonely enough, to keep one another company after the feed had gone dark. “The Democrats are smug and condescending, and everything they say sounds fake as shit,” Piker said. “Trump lies constantly, yes, but at least people get the sense that he’s authentically saying what he’s thinking.”
He put his feet up and reached for a fresh Zyn pouch. “Young men, like a lot of Americans, feel increasingly alienated,” he continued. They can’t afford college or rent, they can’t get a date, they can’t imagine a stable future. “The right is always there to tell them, ‘Yes, you should be angry, and the reason your life sucks is because of immigrants, or because a trans kid played a sport.’ And all the Democrats are telling them is ‘No, shut up, your life is fine, be joyful.’ ” No one has ever accused Piker of being a moderate, but in this case he is trying to forge a compromise. “My way is to go, ‘Look, be angry if you want. But your undocumented neighbor is not the problem here. You’re looking in the wrong direction.’ ”
In 2015, the economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton wrote that “white non-Hispanics without college degrees” were experiencing an anomalous spike in mortality from opioids, alcohol, and suicide. They later called these “deaths of despair.” In 2016, J. D. Vance, then an anti-Trump conservative, published a memoir, “Hillbilly Elegy,” about the struggles of white rural families like his own. Promoting the book on PBS, he explained (but did not yet excuse) why such voters were drawn to Trump: “I think that the sense of cultural alienation breeds a sense of mistrust.” The first Trump Administration didn’t deliver many material gains to the rural poor—deaths of despair continued to rise, and wages continued to stagnate—but at least Trump spoke to their anguish and seemed outraged on their behalf. In retrospect, the question may not be why so many non-urban non-élites became Trump Republicans but what took them so long.
Around the same time, social scientists started to notice an overlapping crisis. The statistics were grim—twenty-first-century males were, relative to their forefathers and their female contemporaries, much more likely to fall behind in school, drop out of college, languish in the workforce, or die by overdose or suicide. The title of a 2012 book by the journalist Hanna Rosin declared “The End of Men.” The following year, the economists Marianne Bertrand and Jessica Pan published a paper called “The Trouble with Boys.” In one survey, more than a quarter of men in their teens and twenties reported having no close friends. When Covid hit, men were significantly more likely to die from it.
“In the fifteen years I’ve been looking at the statistics, the outcomes for men have not changed,” Rosin told me. “What did change, tremendously, is the culture.” The last Democratic Presidential candidate to win the male vote was Barack Obama. When Bernie Sanders ran for President, he had a zealous male following, but many top Democrats treated the “Bernie bros” less like a force to be harnessed than like a threat to be vanquished. A “White Dudes for Harris” Zoom call raised millions for Kamala Harris’s campaign, but it would have been anathema to her base if she’d given a speech about what she planned to do for white dudes. This was, meanwhile, a key part of Trump’s appeal.
In a 2022 book, “Of Boys and Men,” Richard Reeves, a social scientist and a fellow at the Brookings Institution, blasts Republicans for exploiting “male dislocation” and misogynist fury at the expense of women’s rights. But he also lambastes Democrats for “pathologizing masculinity.” He gives an example from his sons’ high school in Bethesda, Maryland, where boys passed around a spreadsheet ranking their female classmates by attractiveness—behavior that Reeves describes as “immature,” even “harmful,” but not worthy of an international incident, which is what it became. He writes that “indiscriminately slapping the label of ‘toxic masculinity’ onto this kind of behavior is a mistake,” likely to propel young men “to the online manosphere where they will be reassured that they did nothing wrong, and that liberals are out to get them.”
At some point between Bill Clinton playing the saxophone on “The Arsenio Hall Show” and Hillary Clinton describing potential voters as “deplorables,” the Democrats came to be perceived as the party of scolds and snobs. Liberals used to be the counterculture; today, they’re the defenders of traditional norms and institutions. This may not have been the best political strategy at any time; it certainly isn’t now, when trust in institutions has never been lower. It’s impossible to know how many young men fit into this category, but there is clearly a kind of guy—the contemporary don’t-tread-on-me type who demands both the freedom to have gay friends and the freedom to use “gay” as an insult—who resents the idea of his morality being dictated by the family-values right or his speech being curtailed by the hall-monitor left. When pressed, many of these young men seem to have bought the pitch that, of the two parties, the Republicans were the less censorious. This may have been a miscalculation—the current Trump Administration has already banished dozens of words from government websites and, just last week, arrested a former Columbia student for what seems to be protected speech—but you can’t convince voters that they’ve been misinformed simply by lecturing them. The lecturing is part of the issue.
“Democrats got used to speaking about men as the problem, not as people with problems,” Reeves told me. “But of course men do have problems, and problems become grievances when you ignore them.” He knows a lot of well-connected Democrats in Washington, and for years he has urged them to campaign on men’s issues—“not in a zero-sum way, certainly not taking anything away from women, but just to show boys and men, ‘Hey, you’re also having a tough go of it, we see you.’ And the response I always got was ‘Now is not the time.’ ”
Rosin told me about a husband and wife she’d met in Alabama, in 2010. The husband lost his job, and the wife became the breadwinner, an arrangement he experienced as deeply shameful. “She would put the check down on the kitchen table, she would sign it over to him, and he would cash it, and nobody would speak about it,” Rosin said. “But then ‘man-victim’ became a viable identity.” As Rosin stayed in touch with the man, he started exhibiting a more “mischievous” expression of men’s-rights sensibilities, wearing a T-shirt that read “My Cave, My Rules.” This coincided with the rise of Trump, the man-victim’s patron saint. He didn’t offer detailed policy solutions to any of the underlying sociological problems, but, again, he addressed them directly. (“It is a very scary time for young men in America,” Trump said in 2018.)
Like most internet terms, “manosphere” is vague and protean; it has been applied to Ben Shapiro, a father of four who delivers conservative talking points in a yarmulke, and to Andrew Tate, a Bugatti-driving hustler who has been charged with human trafficking. In 2016, after a reedy Canadian professor named Jordan Peterson refused to use gender-neutral pronouns, he was taken up as a folk hero, like Galileo standing firm against the Inquisition. Peterson has almost nothing in common with, say, Dave Portnoy, another mascot of the bro-sphere, who mostly just wants to be left alone to eat pizza and drink beer by the pool. Yet they all seem to be meeting a demand in the cultural marketplace, one that could be as simple, at its root, as a dorm-room poster of Marlon Brando on a motorcycle or Johnny Cash flipping off the camera.
Last month, Richard Reeves was a guest on a popular podcast hosted by Theo Von, a formerly apolitical comedian who recently went to Trump’s Inauguration. Von, an infectiously affable guy with a mullet, presents himself as a curious goofball with essentially no prior knowledge on any topic. At one point he spoke—without much nuance, but also without apparent malice—about the plight of the white man. “I’m not speaking against any other group,” he said. “I’m just saying . . . you can’t make white males feel like they don’t exist.” Von grew up poor in a small town in Louisiana. “Yes, I know there’s privilege, but if you grew up with nothing you didn’t fucking feel any privilege sometimes.”
If Von had made this observation at a Trump rally, or on X, he might have been led from just-asking-questions guilelessness to more overt white aggrievement. If he’d made the same point in a liberal-arts seminar, or on Bluesky, he might have been shouted down. (When I got to this part of the podcast, I have to admit, my own inner hall monitor was on high alert.) But Reeves, looking a bit trepidatious, tried to thread the needle, introducing some academic caveats without coming across as a scold. “The U.S. has a uniquely terrible history when it comes to slavery,” he said. But he also noted that low-income white men were at particularly high risk of suicide. “Two things can be true at once,” he said.
The hallmark of social media is disinhibition born of anonymity. On the internet, no one knows whether you’re a dog, a Macedonian teen-ager, or the Pope wearing a puffer jacket. Podcasts, on the other hand, are built on parasociality: Michael Barbaro isn’t your friend, but, after making coffee with him in your ear a hundred times, you start to feel as if he were. And then there’s the world of always-on streaming, in which the temptations of parasociality are even more acute. The inputs are both aural and visual. The hosts respond to your comments in real time, at all hours. You can remind yourself not to bond with the pixels on the screen, but you may fall for the illusion all the same, like a baby chick imprinting on a robot. Piker treats fans in a way that can be confusingly intimate, giving them avuncular life advice one minute and thirst-trap photos the next. His Twitch handle is Hasanabi, “abi” being Turkish for “big brother”; his fans are called “Hasanabi heads,” or “parasocialists.”
Even as most of his fellow-streamers have drifted to the right, Piker has remained a staunch leftist. His explanation for this is that he is from Turkey, where “the idea that American economic and military power runs the world—that was, like, ‘Yeah, duh.’ ” He was born in New Jersey and grew up mostly in Ankara and Istanbul, in an upper-middle-class family, spending summers with relatives in the U.S. and watching a lot of American TV. (He speaks English with an American accent.) His father, an economist, is “more of a neolib, World Bank-loving type,” Piker told me. “We argue about it all the time, but it’s not heated.” His mother, an art-and-architecture historian, is more aligned with his politics. “The inequality is just so blatant,” she told me. “It was never fair, but now we have the internet—everyone can see it.”
Despite Piker’s brand as a brash outsider, he is, in an almost literal sense, a nepo baby. After graduating from Rutgers, in 2013, he moved to Los Angeles and got a job with his maternal uncle, Cenk Uygur, who happened to be the founder and host of “The Young Turks,” one of the biggest left-populist talk shows on the internet. The show had a considerable footprint on YouTube, but Piker helped it adapt to punchier formats that were better suited to Facebook and Instagram. “You’ve got to understand, I remember when this was a pudgy kid and I was changing his diapers,” Uygur told me. “Now, suddenly, he’s this handsome man, he’s dynamic, he’s killing it in front of the camera.” Piker hosted a recurring video segment called “Agitprop,” and picked fights with the right-wing influencers of the day, such as Tomi Lahren and Representative Dan Crenshaw. He got himself in trouble—“America deserved 9/11” was not a particularly good take, even in context—but he also expanded his name recognition. In 2017, BuzzFeed dubbed him “woke bae.”
Although he made some of the outlet’s most popular videos, he didn’t own the I.P. (Even when the boss is your uncle, you can still be alienated from the means of production.) So, in 2020, he decided to go solo, on Twitch. His mother joined him in Los Angeles, and they formed a pandemic pod in a two-bedroom apartment. “He was on there non-stop, shouting about video games or sex advice or whatever,” she told me. “His fans would see me in the background, cringing, and they would send me earplugs in the mail.” That year, he spent forty-two per cent of his time live on camera. (Not forty-two per cent of his waking hours—forty-two per cent of all the hours in the year.) In a call-in segment called “Chadvice,” Piker coached men through the small terrors and triumphs of daily life. One twenty-eight-year-old from Finland described himself as having an Asperger’s diagnosis and an “abject fear of rejection”; Piker, with solicitude and just enough amiable ribbing, spent half an hour talking him through the social mechanics of a first date.
When Twitch first launched, it was a niche platform where bored adolescents could watch other adolescents play video games. In 2014, Amazon bought it for nearly a billion dollars—an eye-popping amount, at least back then—even as mainstream analysts knew almost nothing about it. “My demographic hem is showing,” the columnist David Carr admitted in the Times; still, he concluded, “there is clear value in owning so much screen time of a hard-to-reach demographic of young men.” One article referred to Twitch as “talk radio for the extremely online.”
I first met Piker in February of 2020, on Boston Common, while covering a rally during Bernie Sanders’s Presidential campaign. Most of us travelling correspondents were youngish reporters from oldish outlets, wearing blue button-downs and carrying notebooks in the back pockets of our Bonobos. Piker wasn’t much younger, but he dressed as if he were from another planet, in black nail polish and cargo pants that, at the time, struck me as incomprehensibly wide. He carried an “I.R.L. backpack,” a portable camera setup that streamers use (I learned) when they venture out into the world. Admirers in the crowd kept interrupting him and asking for photos, a nuisance that, for whatever reason, didn’t afflict the rest of us. I still didn’t get why viewers would hang around on his stream all day when they could get an unimpeded view of Sanders’s speech on YouTube. Obviously, my demographic hem was showing. You might as well ask why a fan would watch a football game at a bar when he could concentrate better alone, or read a summary of the game in tomorrow’s paper. Piker’s followers wanted to watch the rally through his eyes because they wanted to be his friend.
In October, 2020, Piker spent a couple of hours playing the group video game Among Us with some special guests, including the congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They occasionally mentioned the ostensible purpose of the event—getting out the vote—but mostly they made easygoing small talk. On Election Day, Piker streamed for sixteen hours straight, chugging energy drinks. His mother made several onscreen cameos, delivering him plates of home-cooked food. “I wouldn’t do it for this long if it wasn’t for you,” he told his viewers at the end of the night. “Love you bro!” a commenter typed. “See you tomorrow.”
After the 2024 election, Democratic strategists argued that what the anti-Trump coalition needed was a “Joe Rogan of the left.” There once was such a person. His name was Joe Rogan. “I’m socially about as liberal as it gets,” Rogan said earlier this month. He has a live-and-let-live attitude about sex, drugs, and abortion. (He is also extremely open to conspiracy theories about 9/11, J.F.K., and Jeffrey Epstein, an inclination that was left-coded until very recently.) In 2014, when Rogan was a fan of “The Young Turks,” Piker met him at the Hollywood Improv, and they sat and talked for two hours. (The topics included “weed, psychedelics, the state of media and girls,” Piker wrote at the time. “Top ten coolest moments of my life.”) During the 2020 Democratic primary, Rogan interviewed three Presidential candidates—Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang, and Bernie Sanders—and concluded that Sanders was his favorite. “I believe in him,” Rogan said. “He’s been insanely consistent his entire life.”
It’s hard to fathom now, but Rogan’s support was then considered a liability. “The Sanders campaign must reconsider this endorsement,” the Human Rights Campaign wrote, citing transphobic and racist remarks from Rogan’s past. In retrospect, this was the height (or perhaps the nadir) of a kind of purity-test politics that was making some swing voters, including Rogan, feel less at home in the Democratic coalition. In 2022, Neil Young removed his music from Spotify to protest Rogan’s vaccine skepticism; Rogan took ivermectin, which CNN mocked as a horse dewormer. “I can afford people medicine, motherfucker,” Rogan told CNN’s chief medical correspondent, adding that the medication had been prescribed by his doctor. “This is ridiculous.”
In 2016, every one of Trump’s baby steps toward normalization—doing a goofy dance on “Saturday Night Live,” getting his hair ruffled by Jimmy Fallon—was treated as a scandal. But by 2024 anyone with access to Spotify or YouTube could find hours of flattering footage of Trump looking like a chill, approachable grandpa. While interviewing Trump at one of his golf clubs, Theo Von used his free-associative style to great effect, prompting as much introspection in Trump as any interviewer has. (Von: “Cocaine will turn you into a damn owl, homie.” Trump: “And is that a good feeling?”) Trump invited the Nelk Boys, prank-video influencers with their own brand of hard seltzer, to eat Chick-fil-A on his private plane. He sat in a Cybertruck with the baby-faced, fascist-curious streamer Adin Ross, testing the stereo. “Who’s, like, your top three artists?” Ross asked. “Well, we love Frank Sinatra, right?” Trump said. Ross invited him to pick a song, and Trump, “thinking that it’s gonna come back under proper management,” picked “California Dreamin’.”
Collectively, these shows reached tens of millions of potential voters. Most were presumably young men, many of them the kind of American who is both the hardest and the most crucial for a campaign to reach: the kind who is not seeking out political news. Trump ended his parasocial-media tour by sitting in Joe Rogan’s studio, in Austin, for three hours. That’s too long for anyone, even a champion of rhetorical rope-a-dope, to go without gaffes—which was part of the point. While repeating his timeworn case that the 2020 election was rigged, Trump let out a shocking Freudian slip—“I lost by . . .”—before quickly trying to recover: “I didn’t lose.” Rogan laughed in his face. No one cared. On YouTube alone, the episode got more than fifty million views, and the reaction was overwhelmingly positive. “Unedited/uncensored interviews should be required of all candidates,” one of the top comments read.
Harris tried. She appeared on a few big podcasts—“Club Shay Shay,” whose audience is primarily Black, and “Call Her Daddy,” whose audience is mostly female—but she never made inroads with the comedy bros. (The closest she got was an interview with Howard Stern, a former shock jock who now seems wholesome, like Little Richard in the era of Lil Baby.) Harris’s staffers tried to get her booked on “Hot Ones,” the YouTube show on which celebrities answer innocuous questions while eating sadistically spicy chicken wings, but even “Hot Ones” turned her down. Her campaign staffers insisted that she wanted to do Rogan’s show, but that it fell through for scheduling reasons. Rogan claimed that he was eager to interview her, and that he was even willing to keep certain topics off-limits. “I said, ‘I don’t give a fuck,’ ” he told Theo Von. “I feel like, if you give someone a couple of hours, and you start talking about anything, I’m going to see the pattern of the way you think . . . whether you’re calculated or whether you’re just free.”
Imagine the set of a prototypical man-cave podcast, and “Flagrant,” co-founded by the comedian Andrew Schulz, wouldn’t be far off: four dudes lounging around, with a few plastic plants and a shelf of brown liquor behind them. Trump sat with them in October, and Schulz and the other hosts buttered him up, asking him about his kids. “Barron is eighteen,” Schulz said. “He’s unleashed in New York City. Are you sure you want to reverse Roe v. Wade now?” An hour in, they cut to an ad break. “Hard-dick season is upon us, and you gotta make sure that you’re stiffed up,” Schulz said. “BlueChew has got your back.”
“Flagrant” is taped weekly at a studio in SoHo. I visited one Wednesday in February. Schulz arrived just after noon, opened a fridge stocked with cans of tequila- and THC-infused seltzer, and grabbed a bottle of water. He sports a mustache and a chain necklace, and his hair is tight on the sides and slicked back on top. (During a show at Madison Square Garden, a fellow-comedian described Schulz’s look as “the Tubi version of Adolf Hitler.”) He’s a throwback to an old New York archetype: the melting-pot white guy who tells hyper-specific ethnic jokes with a sly smile and, for the most part, gets away with it. He did a crowd-work special that included sections called “Mexican,” “Colombian,” and “Black Women.” His newest special, about his wife’s experience with I.V.F., includes moments of real tenderness, but he still insists on his right to do old-fashioned bits about the battle between the sexes. “We all have feelings that are a little bit wrong,” Schulz said. “ ‘Take my wife, please’—that’s a fucked-up premise, but there’s a seed of a feeling there that’s real. It’s the comedian’s job to make you comfortable enough to laugh at it.”
Schulz grew up in lower Manhattan, where his parents owned a dance studio and he went to public school. “My family was super liberal,” he told me. “This was in the nineties, when being a liberal, to me, just meant ‘I don’t hate gay people or Black people’—normal shit.” He now thinks of himself as apolitical, and he acknowledged all the reasons to distrust Trump, but the word he kept using, whenever Trump came up, was “enticing.” “I still appreciate a lot of the policies Bernie talked about, universal health care and all that,” he said. “But culture-wise? Vibe-wise? When all you hear from one side is ‘That’s not funny, that’s over the line’—realistically, where are people gonna feel more comfortable?”
Trump is known for his bloviating, but Schulz suggested that his greater talent may be a kind of listening. “Democrats are tuned in to what people should feel,” he said. “Trump is tuned in to what people actually fucking feel.” Schulz noted that, as a boundary-pushing performer, this was also one of his own key skills: gauging micro-fluctuations in an audience’s reaction. When Trump appeared on “Flagrant,” he talked about being taken to a hospital in rural Pennsylvania after he was shot, and how impressed he was with the “country doctors” who’d treated him. “I laughed at that, ’cause I just thought ‘country doctors’ was a funny phrase,” Schulz told me. “He clocks me laughing at it, and in the next sentence he immediately says it again, and he watches me to make sure I laugh again.”
“Flagrant” bills itself as “THE GREATEST HANG IN THE UNIVERSE!” I spent the rest of the day watching Schulz and his co-hosts tape an episode (and then an extra segment sponsored by an online betting platform, and then an extra extra segment for Patreon), and I could imagine some places in the universe that would have been greater. One of the running gags in the episode was that the hosts kept pronouncing the word “prerecorded” as “pre-retarded.” At one point, a host volunteered how many times he’d masturbated in a single day, and his record was so formidable that the others looked worried for him. In fairness, though, even a solid hang can’t be scintillating all the time. One function of a long-standing friendship, including a parasocial one, is simply to while away the hours, even when there isn’t much to say.
When it comes to parasocial media, MAGA has had a long head start. Before Dan Bongino was Trump’s deputy F.B.I. director, he was a popular, blustery podcaster; after Matt Gaetz withdrew from consideration as Attorney General, he announced that he would host a TV show and a podcast (his third). During the Biden Administration, about a dozen Republicans were both active podcast hosts and sitting members of Congress, while most Democrats hardly seemed interested in trying. Before the “Flagrant” taping, Schulz and I had been discussing which qualities the Democrats should look for in their next crop of leaders, and afterward he returned to the question. “They need someone who can really hang,” he said. “Obama could hang. Clinton, for sure—Bill, not Hillary. Trump can hang.” I ran through the shortlist: Pete Buttigieg? Schulz wrinkled his nose—too polished. A.O.C.? “When she’s being the working-class chick from the Bronx, I could see it,” he said. “But when she starts going on MSNBC and doing ‘We have an orange rapist in the White House’—then you start to lose people.”
Schulz said that he’d invited Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to appear on the show “numerous times,” to no avail. (The Harris campaign says that Schulz never sent a formal invitation.) He couldn’t be sure why Walz had stayed away from podcasts like his, but he had guesses. “If we’ve got on a guy who was in the military for twenty years, at some point I’m gonna go, ‘Cut the shit, Tim, you know how guys really talk,’ ” Schulz said. “And then let’s say we start busting balls, making gay jokes, whatever—does he laugh? If he does, he pisses off his people. If he doesn’t, he loses our people.” Walz was added to the Presidential ticket because he was able to talk like a regular person who could make the opposition seem “weird” by contrast. But, things being as they are, Schulz said, “the Democrats can’t let a guy like that loose.”
When Trump was on “Flagrant,” Akaash Singh, a co-host who refers to himself as a “moderate,” encouraged him to consider practicing self-restraint. “What we love about you as comedians is you shoot from the hip,” Singh said. “If you get elected, would you be a little more mindful of how powerful your words are?”
“I will,” Trump said. “And I’m gonna think of you every time.”
“Let’s go!” Singh said, jumping up and pumping his fist. “I might actually vote.”
Piker starts streaming at eleven every morning, so everything else has to happen before then, or at night. At 7 a.m. one day, he drove Kaya to a nearby park, to take her for a walk, then played basketball for half an hour. He saw me eying his car, a Porsche Taycan. “It’s not the flashiest model I could afford,” he protested, before I could say anything. “But yes, admittedly, it is a fucking Porsche.” When Piker is criticized by the right, it’s usually for soft-pedalling the brutality of Hamas, or the Houthis, or the Chinese Communist Party. (Piker is such a relentless critic of Israel that, last year, the advocacy group StopAntisemitism nominated him for “Antisemite of the Year”; when asked his opinion of Hezbollah, he once shrugged and replied, “I don’t have an issue with them.”) By the left, he is more likely to be dismissed as a limousine socialist who lives in a $2.7-million house. He has his own clothing brand, called Ideologie.
While driving home, he took a call from his manager. A major production company wanted to discuss a potential TV show, hosted by Piker, in the vein of “Borat” or “Nathan for You.” His manager asked if he wanted to be interviewed by Megyn Kelly on her radio show. “No.” A daytime show on Fox News? “No.” Buttigieg’s people had asked if Piker would interview Buttigieg on his stream. “Probably not, but I’ll think about it,” Piker said—too centrist. “If he’s thinking about running for President, I don’t really wanna be giving him clout.” In his kitchen, he took a few fistfuls of supplements: creatine, fish oil, Ashwagandha. Still on the phone with his manager, he sat at his desktop, skimming stories he might cover. Then, a few minutes before he went live, he started seeing news alerts: Luigi Mangione, the suspect in the UnitedHealthcare assassination, had just been arrested. Whatever else he’d been planning to talk about was now irrelevant. “Holy shit, they got him,” Piker told his manager. “I gotta go.”
“Mamma mia!” he said, on air. “This is the first day where there will be no Italiophobia on this broadcast.” Already, his chat was full of spaghetti emojis and “FREE LUIGI!” Piker walked a fine line—celebrating Mangione as “hotter than me” and speaking in generally exalted terms about “the propaganda of the deed,” but trying to stop short of overtly glorifying murder, which is against Twitch’s terms of service. “We, of course, do not condone,” he said repeatedly. “We condemn.” (Recently, he was suspended from Twitch for twenty-four hours after musing that someone may want to “kill Rick Scott,” the Florida senator.)
In fact, he reserved his condemnation for the finger-wagging from the “corporate media,” as exhibited everywhere from Fox News to CNN. “Bro, they can’t let anybody have anything,” he said later. For six hours straight, his chatters sent him links to new information as it emerged—Mangione’s Goodreads account, his Twitter history, his high-school valedictorian speech. On my own, I would have been tempted to spend the day following the same bread crumbs, struggling to retrace Mangione’s path to radicalization. But it was easier to let Piker and the forty thousand internet sleuths in his chat make sense of it for me.
Many of Piker’s viewers come to him with inchoate opinions. He aims to mold them. But, he told me, of the stream, “at the end of the day, it still has to be relatable and entertaining.” One of his maxims is “Read the room.” In his case, this means posting many hours of content about nothing in particular. Stavros Halkias, a comedian and a friend of Piker’s, told me, “He’s built up enough trust with his audience that, if he’s being boring and academic for forty minutes, they’ll stick with it until he starts doing something more interesting, playing a Japanese dating simulator or whatever.” Some days, he puts on a Trump hat and streams as Hank Pecker, a “Colbert Report”-style satirical character updated for the MAGA era. In another room of his house, Piker records a weekly podcast with three buddies, an apolitical chat show on which one of the most heated topics of recent debate was proper manscaping technique, and another was whether one of them farted. Marche, the producer, was proud to tell me that the podcast’s audience is about sixty per cent male—“which sounds like a lot, but actually most shows in this space are eighty-twenty male, or eighty-five-fifteen.” One theory for this lopsidedness is that, given all the “End of Men” statistics, women have better things to do with their time, such as holding down meaningful jobs and cultivating lasting relationships, while men are stuck playing video games with their imaginary friends.
Recently, on a MAGA-bro podcast, Piker reached across the aisle, adapting “eight hours for what you will” to the current decadent moment. “Deep down inside, most people just wanna be comfortable,” he said. “They wanna have a roof over their heads, they want a fuckin’ nice meal, get some pussy . . . play Marvel Rivals.” In recent years, Piker has stopped using the word “retarded,” but he still uses the word “pussy,” even though it may sound misogynist, and “lame,” despite fans who consider the term ableist. “I don’t give a shit,” Piker said. “If you can’t handle it, then I guess I’m not for you.” When his commenters try to tone-police him, Piker will often single one of them out and say, “Congratulations, chatter, you’ve won Woke of the Day.” It’s not a compliment.
The day after Mangione’s arrest, Piker had back-to-back interviews with Lina Khan, then the chair of the Federal Trade Commission, whom Piker called “the LeBron James of regulators,” and with the writer Ta-Nehisi Coates, promoting his new book. In the chat, a user named PapiJohn36 wrote, “Not to be parasocial, but I love this man.” Piker’s mother stopped by during the Coates interview. “Hasan, check your messages!” she shouted from the kitchen. Piker, grudgingly but dutifully, read his mother’s message aloud: “I got his book for the content and fell in love with his writing.”
“Thank you, Hasan’s mom,” Coates said. In the living room, Piker’s father was sprawled on the couch watching “Love Actually.”
Halkias, the comedian, showed up later that afternoon, with a bag of dirty laundry and a calendar featuring photos of himself posing in the nude. While many of Halkias’s comedian friends have taken a reactionary turn, he has stuck to his progressive principles, but he has never been a hall monitor. (He got his start on a podcast called “Cum Town.”) “Ladies and gentlemen, boys, girls, and enbies,” Piker said, “we’ve got the left’s Joe Rogan here in the building!” In the “Rogan of the left” discourse, both Piker and Halkias are frequently mentioned as top prospects. Even if they were secretly flattered by the designation, the least alpha thing they could do—the least Roganesque thing they could do—would be to thirst for it. “Free Luigi,” Halkias said, taking a seat. “He’s too sexy to be behind bars.”
As a model for the future of progressive media, Piker checks only some of the requisite boxes. A while back, he was a guest on “Flagrant”; when I asked one of the show’s staffers about Piker’s performance, he gave it a middling review. “Good guy, clearly knows his shit, but he sort of comes off like he thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room.” Piker sometimes succumbs to the socialist bro’s cardinal sin of pedantry, and he can seem like a jejune know-it-all trying to reduce any societal problem to a one-word culprit, usually “capitalism” or “imperialism.” Some segments of the Democratic coalition would find Piker to be edgy, or crass, or even despicable. But, if “Rogan of the left” is to mean anything, it would surely mean a higher tolerance for controversy, even at the risk of alienating parts of the base.
On the scale of “whether you’re calculated or whether you’re just free,” Piker is freer than most Democratic surrogates, Ivy League overachievers who sound like chatbots trained on stacks of campaign brochures. But he is less free than the average MAGA bro, who is unconstrained by the need for any consistent ideology. “He’s funny, but not that funny,” Halkias told me. “You can tell him I said that.” Halkias has his own podcast, on which he gives advice to callers. On the normier part of the spectrum are liberal influencers like Dean Withers and Harry Sisson, who have transferred the “debate me, bro” spirit of early YouTube to TikTok Live.
One afternoon, in L.A., I visited the office of Crooked Media, which was decorated with some Yes We Can iconography and had glass-walled conference rooms with cheeky names such as “Sedition” and “Conspiracy.” When the company began, in 2017, its three founders, former Obama staffers named Jon Lovett, Tommy Vietor, and Jon Favreau, were treated as audacious upstarts challenging the media hierarchy. Now they are middle-aged bosses in Henleys and tapered jeans. We sat in “Legitimate Political Discourse.” A long table had been laid with LaCroix and PopCorners. “We have become the out-of-touch lib establishment,” Vietor said. Lovett added, “My, how time flies.”
Crooked now has more than a dozen podcasts, including its flagship show, “Pod Save America.” Vietor recounted a time, a few years back, when a friend invited him to appear on a show put out by Barstool Sports, a bro-y podcast network that leans right. Vietor, worried about guilt by association, turned it down. “Looking back, that was so stupid,” he said. “The ‘how dare you platform someone you disagree with’ era is over. Fuck that.” (He has since appeared on the show.) In 2018, Favreau was hosting a show called “The Wilderness,” about how the Democratic Party lost its way, and wanted to include a clip of Obama reaching out to the white working class. “A younger producer listened and went, ‘I’m not sure this plays well today,’ ” Favreau said. “And I went, ‘That’s part of the problem!’ ” After the 2024 election, Piker appeared on “Pod Save America.” Lovett got pushback from moderate fans, who objected to Piker’s anti-Zionism, and from progressive fans, who objected to Lovett’s next interview, with a Democrat who wants restrictions on trans women in sports—but he shrugged it off. “It’s a big tent,” Lovett said. “It’s got Dick Cheney in it. It’s got Hasan Piker in it.”
The “Rogan of the left” formulation isn’t entirely vacuous, but it’s easy to misinterpret. Rogan-like figures can’t be engineered; they have to develop organically. Their value lies in their idiosyncrasies—their passionate insistence on talking about chimps and ancient pyramids, say, rather than the budget ceiling—and in their authenticity, which entails an aversion to memorizing talking points. Many Democrats assume that what they have is a messaging problem—that voters don’t have a clear enough sense of what the Democrats are really like. But it’s possible that the problem is the opposite: that many swing voters, including Joe Rogan, got a sense of what the Democrats were like, then ran in the opposite direction.
The good news for Democrats is that the right does not have a monopoly on relatability. A week before his interview with Trump, Theo Von conducted an interview with Bernie Sanders while wearing a Grateful Dead shirt. “You ever see the Grateful Dead?” Von said, as an icebreaker. Sanders, apparently unfamiliar with the concept, frowned and said, “Um, no.” From any other politician, this would have been malpractice, but with Sanders the crankiness is part of the crossover charm. (“He literally just talks common sense,” one of the top YouTube comments read.) A few months later, Rogan interviewed Senator John Fetterman. “Trump is not polished, but you get a sense of who he is as a human being,” Rogan said. Fetterman agreed, alluding to a line from “Scarface”: “All I have in this world is my balls and my word.”
Reeves, the social scientist, told me, “There is a strong correlation between which Democratic lawmakers are in my inbox and which ones have the year 2028 circled on their calendar.” Senator Chris Murphy, of Connecticut, read Reeves’s book in 2023 and praised it on X; many of Murphy’s constituents, including his fourteen-year-old son, took issue with his post. Nevertheless, he persisted, writing a follow-up on Substack: “We should try to do two things at once—fight for the equality of women and gay people, while also trying hard to figure out why so many boys are struggling and why so many men are feeling shitty.” Sanders and Fetterman share what could be described as populist instincts, but ideologically they are leagues apart. On the level of pure affect, though, they may represent elements of a style that other politicians could crib from. “Personally, I find the performance of masculinity to be totally boring,” Hanna Rosin told me. “But if that’s what fifty-one per cent of Americans need—someone who reads as some version of ‘gruff, manly dude,’ but whose heart is still in the right place—then I’m willing to go along with it.”
Twitch stars often appear on one another’s streams, hoping to pick up some new fans. One afternoon, Piker headed to Zoo Culture, a gym in Encino owned by a streamer and fitness influencer named Bradley Martyn, to do a “collab.” It would also feature Jason Nguyen, a twenty-year-old Twitch star from Texas who goes by JasonTheWeen. “Bradley’s a big Trump guy, and we talk politics sometimes, but mostly we just talk about gym-bro shit,” Piker told me. “Jason probably leans Trump, if I had to guess, but his content isn’t really political at all.” (“I dont lean towards anyone,” Nguyen wrote when reached for comment. “I dont want anything to do with politics 😭.”)
By the time we got to the gym, Nguyen was already there, performing for the camera by flirting with a woman on a weight bench. “Is Jason rizzing right now?” Piker asked Martyn, who nodded. “Is it working?” Piker asked the woman. She replied, “A little bit.” Before she left, she gave Nguyen her Discord handle.
“Bradley, I’ve got something for you,” Piker said, removing his long-sleeved shirt. Underneath, he was wearing a tank top with a Rambo-style cartoon of Trump and the words “LET’S GO BRANDON.” “I was coming into hostile territory, so I had to fit in,” Piker said.
“It’s perfect,” Martyn said.
Martyn, who is six feet three and two hundred and sixty pounds, looks vaguely like Bradley Cooper on steroids. (Martyn has taken testosterone supplements, which Piker once brought up in a jocular debate about trans rights: You do hormone-replacement therapy, so why can’t they?) Nguyen is much smaller. “My chat just said, ‘There’s three muscleheads in the gym right now,’ ” Nguyen joked, not even pretending to look at his phone. Piker roasted Nguyen with a fake comment from his own chat: “Jason looks like a twink.” They wandered from station to station—first bench-pressing, then deadlifting—as their cameramen followed. “We’re just here to have fun,” Piker said. Then, dropping into a mock P.S.A. voice: “And also reach out to the young men out there who are lost—who feel anchorless, rudderless—by lifting some heavy weights.”
One flat-screen TV showed Joe Rogan interviewing Elon Musk, on mute, with no captions. Two shirtless guys, between reps, compared crypto wallets. “During Covid, they let liquor stores and strip clubs open, but they shut us down,” Martyn told me. “And then all the inflation, all the wars—it’s not like I trust any politician, Trump or Kamala or anyone, to be a perfect person. It’s just—if we never try anything new, how can we get a different result?” Last fall, when Martyn interviewed Trump, he brought up “the deep state” and asked, “How would you actually make an effective change there?” It wasn’t a specific question, and Trump didn’t have a specific answer. “We’re changing that whole thing around,” he said. Apparently, this was good enough for Martyn.
The day after the 2024 election, Martyn appeared on Piker’s stream to explain his support for Trump. They started with small talk. “Why do you have so many Zyn containers behind you?” Martyn said.
“I fucking slam those bad boys daily,” Piker said.
“Look at us relating, bro,” Martyn said.
When they got around to politics, Piker said, “One side at least acknowledges that people are angry—the Republicans.” The Democrats’ proposed solutions were inadequate, he said, but Trump would only make things worse. Martyn smiled and replied, “You’re gonna have to say sorry when he does what he says he’s gonna do.”
They ended the gym session by daring each other to take turns sitting in Martyn’s cold plunge. Piker resisted at first—“I didn’t bring a towel, a bathing suit, nothing”—but he went in anyway, in his gym shorts, and his commenters went wild. “Hey, Hasan’s chat, I hope y’all are happy he took his shirt off,” Nguyen said, facing Piker’s camera. Then he checked his phone: the woman from the weight bench had already sent him a message.
“Wait, she did?” Piker said, with a grin. “You’re about to lose your virginity, I think.”
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steelbluehome · 5 months ago
Trigger Warning: American Politics
Why is anyone voting for Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party?
The New Republic
"In fact, no Green Party candidate has ever won federal office. And Stein’s reign has been a period of indisputable decline, during which time the party’s membership—which peaked in 2004 at 319,000 registered members—has fallen to 234,000 today."
"Mohamed Almawri ...decided to become part of a bloc of Arab voters and cast a “conscience vote” in Michigan. For him, that means voting for Jill Stein.
“We’re going to make history as the Muslim community standing against a U.S.–funded genocide,” Almawri told me. “We’re holding this administration accountable,” ...“The value of defeating the Democratic Party makes Trump a price we’re willing to pay,” he said"
New York Times
"“We are not in a position to win the White House,” another speaker, Kshama Sawant, a former member of the Seattle City Council, told a crowd of about 100 inside an Arab American cultural center. “But we do have a real opportunity to win something historic. We could deny Kamala Harris the state of Michigan.” ...“I like her very much,” Mr. Trump said of Ms. Stein at a rally in June. “You know why? She takes 100 percent from them.” ...figures with ties to Mr. Trump and Republicans who have worked to help Ms. Stein secure ballot access.
In Wisconsin, a lawyer who was previously involved in lawsuits seeking to overturn the 2020 election results represented the Green Party. In New Hampshire, a veteran Republican operative submitted signatures for Ms. Stein.
Jay Sekulow, who defended Mr. Trump at his first impeachment trial, has worked on behalf of the Green Party in Nevada, a rare battleground where Democrats have successfully thwarted her.
“We have never knowingly received help from Republicans,” Ms. Stein said, a claim that Democrats find ludicrous. “Now, they might have done this once or twice, having kind of snuck in under the radar.”"
U.S. News and World Report
"Stein is ...targeting voters like me – progressives, and especially Arab Americans. In the battleground state of Michigan, there are at least 206,000 registered Muslim voters ...Stein recently asserted that “under Democrats, the anti-war movement goes to sleep.” On the contrary, the anti-war movement – led by progressive organizations like ours, Common Defense – successfully pressured President Joe Biden and the Democratic establishment to end the forever war in Afghanistan; advocated for Congress to reassert its War Powers Resolution authority; and has called for a cease-fire since the war began in Gaza last year. What has Stein achieved for the anti-war cause? Nothing.
Trump has never engaged with progressives or Muslim Americans, and that won’t change if he’s elected again. When he first campaigned in 2015, he called for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” When he became president, he signed an executive order banning people from six Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., blocking desperate families of refugees seeking asylum from wars and repressive governments in the Middle East and North Africa. At home, he boosted distrust and hate of Muslim Americans, repeating false claims that “thousands and thousands” of Arab Americans in New Jersey cheered on 9/11 as the twin towers came down.""
USA Today
""All you do is show up once every four years to speak to people who are justifiably pissed off, but you're just showing up once every four years to do that, you're not serious," AOC said. "To me, it does not read as authentic. It reads as predatory." ...The Green Party selected Stein as its presidential nominee in 2012, 2016, and 2024, ...Stein also ran unsuccessful third-party campaigns to become Massachusetts's governor in 2002 and 2010."
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privatetajmahaltour · 16 hours ago
Full Day Old and New Delhi Tour by Private Taj Mahal tour Company
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Full-Day Old and New Delhi Tour by Private Taj Mahal Tour Company
Delhi, the heart of India, is a fascinating mix of old-world charm and modern elegance. A Full-Day Old and New Delhi Tour by a Private Taj Mahal Tour Company offers a comfortable, in-depth, and personalized experience, covering the best attractions of both the historic and contemporary sides of the city.
Why Choose a Private Full-Day Delhi Tour?
Private Air-Conditioned Vehicle: Travel comfortably with a dedicated driver.
Expert Local Guide: Learn the history and significance of each site.
Flexible Itinerary: Customize your tour based on your interests.
Skip-the-Line Entry: Avoid long queues at top attractions.
Tour Highlights
1. Pick-Up from Your Hotel or Airport
Your day begins with a private pick-up from your hotel, airport, or preferred location in Delhi, Noida, or Gurugram.
2. Explore Old Delhi
Red Fort (Lal Qila) – The Mughal Marvel
Start your journey with a visit to the Red Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that served as the main residence of the Mughal emperors.
Jama Masjid – India's Largest Mosque
Visit Jama Masjid, one of India’s most impressive mosques, with towering minarets and a vast courtyard.
Chandni Chowk – Rickshaw Ride Through Bustling Lanes
Experience the chaos and charm of Chandni Chowk, one of Delhi’s oldest markets. Enjoy a rickshaw ride through its narrow lanes, full of street food, jewelry, spices, and fabrics.
Raj Ghat – Mahatma Gandhi Memorial
Pay tribute to Mahatma Gandhi at Raj Ghat, the serene memorial where he was cremated.
3. Explore New Delhi
India Gate – The War Memorial
Drive past the India Gate, a tribute to Indian soldiers who lost their lives in World War I.
Rashtrapati Bhavan – The Presidential Residence
Stop for photos at Rashtrapati Bhavan, the grand official residence of the President of India.
Humayun’s Tomb – A Mughal Masterpiece
Visit Humayun’s Tomb, a stunning red sandstone mausoleum that inspired the Taj Mahal’s architecture.
Qutub Minar – The Tallest Brick Minaret in the World
Explore Qutub Minar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of Delhi’s most famous landmarks.
Lotus Temple – The Iconic Bahá’í House of Worship
Admire the Lotus Temple, a modern architectural wonder and a place of meditation.
4. Lunch Break at a 5-Star Restaurant
Enjoy a delicious buffet lunch at a luxury restaurant, serving Indian and international cuisine.
5. Shopping at Local Markets
If you love shopping, your guide can take you to:
Dilli Haat (Handicrafts & Souvenirs)
Connaught Place (Fashion & Brands)
Khan Market (Luxury Boutiques & Cafés)
6. Drop-Off at Your Hotel or Airport
After a day of exploration, your private driver will drop you back at your desired location.
Best Time to Visit Delhi for a City Tour
October to March: Pleasant weather, ideal for sightseeing.
April to June: Hot, but early morning tours are still enjoyable.
July to September: Monsoon season, but fewer crowds.
Why Book with a Private Taj Mahal Tour Company?
Personalized Service: Private guide, flexible itinerary.
Comfort & Convenience: Private vehicle with hotel pick-up/drop-off.
Expert Knowledge: Local insights into history and culture.
Time-Saving: Skip-the-line access at major attractions.
A Full-Day Old and New Delhi Tour by a Private Taj Mahal Tour Company is the best way to experience the rich heritage, vibrant culture, and modern elegance of India’s capital. From ancient Mughal forts to bustling markets and modern landmarks, this tour provides an unforgettable insight into Delhi’s soul.
1. How much does a private full-day Delhi tour cost?
Prices range from $50 to $150 per person, depending on inclusions like guide services, transportation, and meals.
2. How long does the Delhi city tour take?
The tour lasts about 8 to 10 hours, covering major attractions in both Old and New Delhi.
3. Can I customize my Delhi tour?
Yes! A private tour allows flexibility to focus on places of your interest.
4. Is pick-up and drop-off included?
Yes, private transfers from your hotel or airport are included.
5. How do I book a private Delhi tour?
You can book through a trusted private tour company for a seamless and stress-free experience.
0 notes
realestatesupdates · 4 days ago
Best Builders in Pune Offering Premium Flats for Sale
Pune’s real estate market has been witnessing significant growth, attracting homebuyers in search of premium living spaces. Several reputed builders have been offering high-quality residential projects across the city, ensuring modern amenities and convenience. Among them, Ceratec Group has been recognized for its commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction. 
Why Pune is a Preferred Destination for Premium Flats?
Pune has emerged as one of the most sought-after residential destinations due to its rapid urbanization, IT hubs, and renowned educational institutions. The city’s well-planned infrastructure has been contributing to the rising demand for luxury housing. With modern amenities, seamless connectivity, and an enhanced lifestyle, Pune has been offering homebuyers the perfect blend of comfort and convenience.
Key Qualities of the Best Builders in Pune
To be considered among the best, builders must exhibit certain qualities that set them apart.
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Modern Amenities & Smart Living Features – Smart home solutions, sustainable architecture, and eco-friendly initiatives have been incorporated.
Strategic Location Selection – Properties have been developed in prime localities, ensuring connectivity, convenience, and value appreciation.
Ceratec Group: A Leading Builder Offering Premium Flats in Pune
A strong reputation has been built in the real estate industry by Ceratec Group through its customer-first approach. With a focus on quality, innovation, and sustainability, residential projects have been designed to provide luxurious yet practical living spaces. Catering to diverse homebuyer needs, the group has been consistently delivering projects that blend affordability with modern features.
Premium Residential Projects by Ceratec Group
1. Ceratec Presidential Towers
Location: Ravet, Pune
Overview: This project features elegantly designed apartments that cater to modern living. It offers a range of configurations, including 1 BHK and 2 BHK units, equipped with contemporary amenities. The strategic location provides easy access to major IT hubs and essential services.
2. Ceratec West Winds
Location: Maan, Pune
Overview: Known for its spacious layouts and premium amenities, Ceratec West Winds includes 2 BHK and 3 BHK apartments. The project emphasizes green living with landscaped gardens and recreational facilities, making it ideal for families seeking a balanced lifestyle.
3. Ceratec Avika
Location: Yewalewadi, Kondhwa
Overview: Designed with a focus on comfort and community, Ceratec Avika offers 1 BHK and 2 BHK homes that blend modern architecture with thoughtful amenities. The project is well-connected to key areas of Pune, enhancing convenience for residents.
Why Choose Ceratec Group for Premium Flats in Pune?
Several factors make Ceratec Group the preferred choice among homebuyers:
Customer-Centric Approach – Every project has been developed with attention to quality and detail.
Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Living – Green initiatives and energy-efficient designs have been implemented.
Timely Project Delivery – A strong track record of delivering projects on schedule with assured quality.
Premium yet Affordable Luxury – Premium flats in pune have been offered at competitive prices, ensuring excellent value for money.
Pune has continued to emerge as a prime location for homebuyers seeking premium flats with modern amenities. With a strong reputation in the real estate market, Ceratec Group has been reshaping the city’s skyline by offering high-quality homes. Those in search of luxurious yet thoughtfully designed flats in Pune can explore Ceratec Group’s projects to find their dream home.
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arantajtour01 · 21 days ago
Full Day Old and New Delhi Tour by Arana Taj Tour Company
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Full Day Old and New Delhi Tour by Arana Taj Tour Company
Discover the Best of Delhi in a One-Day Guided Tour
Delhi, the heart of India, is a mesmerizing blend of ancient history, rich culture, and modern development. Exploring both Old and New Delhi in a single day might seem overwhelming, but with Arana Taj Tour Company, you can experience the city's most iconic landmarks in a comfortable, well-organized manner.
This Full Day Old and New Delhi Tour covers historic monuments, bustling bazaars, and stunning architecture while giving you deep insights into Delhi’s past and present.
Why Choose Arana Taj Tour Company?
Arana Taj Tour Company offers expertly curated tours designed to make your Delhi experience enjoyable and hassle-free. Here’s why they are the best choice:
✔ Expert Local Guides – Discover fascinating stories behind every monument. ✔ Comfortable AC Transportation – Travel in a private, air-conditioned vehicle. ✔ Skip-the-Line Access – Avoid long ticket queues. ✔ Flexible Itinerary – Customize your tour based on your interests. ✔ Great Value for Money – Affordable pricing with top-notch services.
Itinerary of the Full Day Old and New Delhi Tour
1. Hotel Pick-Up (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM)
Your tour starts with a pick-up from your hotel, airport, or any preferred location in Delhi. Your expert guide and chauffeur will ensure a comfortable and informative journey throughout the day.
Exploring Old Delhi – A Glimpse into Mughal India
2. Jama Masjid – India’s Largest Mosque
Your first stop is the Jama Masjid, built by Emperor Shah Jahan in 1656. This grand mosque is a masterpiece of Mughal architecture, featuring:
Towering minarets and majestic domes
A massive courtyard that can accommodate 25,000 worshippers
Breathtaking views of Old Delhi from the top of the minaret (optional climb)
3. Chandni Chowk – A Rickshaw Ride Through the Bustling Market
Next, hop on a traditional cycle rickshaw and explore Chandni Chowk, one of Delhi’s oldest and busiest markets. Experience:
Narrow, vibrant streets lined with shops selling spices, jewelry, and textiles.
Mouthwatering street food like parathas, jalebis, and samosas.
A blend of history and chaos in this 17th-century marketplace.
4. Red Fort – A UNESCO World Heritage Site
Marvel at the majestic Red Fort, a symbol of Mughal grandeur. Built in 1648, this iconic fort was the residence of Mughal emperors and is famous for:
Its massive red sandstone walls and intricate carvings.
The beautiful Diwan-i-Aam (Hall of Public Audience).
The sound and light show (optional evening visit).
(Note: You will see the fort from outside, as entry requires extra time.)
5. Raj Ghat – Gandhi Memorial
Pay tribute to Mahatma Gandhi at Raj Ghat, a peaceful memorial where he was cremated. This serene spot is surrounded by lush gardens, making it a great place for reflection.
Exploring New Delhi – The Modern Face of the Capital
6. India Gate – A Tribute to Fallen Soldiers
Drive past the India Gate, a 42-meter-high war memorial dedicated to Indian soldiers who died in World War I. Take pictures and enjoy the beautiful gardens surrounding the monument.
7. Rashtrapati Bhavan – The Presidential Residence
Get a glimpse of the magnificent Rashtrapati Bhavan, the official residence of the President of India. While entry is restricted, you can admire the grand architecture from outside.
8. Humayun’s Tomb – The Inspiration for the Taj Mahal
Visit Humayun’s Tomb, a stunning Mughal-era mausoleum built in 1570. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is known for:
Its Persian-inspired architecture and lush gardens.
Being the first garden-tomb in India.
Serving as an architectural inspiration for the Taj Mahal.
9. Qutub Minar – The Tallest Brick Minaret in the World
Explore the Qutub Minar, a 73-meter-tall masterpiece of Indo-Islamic architecture. This UNESCO-listed site features:
Intricately carved Quranic inscriptions.
The famous Iron Pillar, which has not rusted in over 1,600 years.
A complex of ancient ruins and tombs.
10. Lotus Temple – A Symbol of Unity and Peace
End your tour at the Lotus Temple, a Bahá’í House of Worship shaped like a lotus flower. This serene site welcomes people of all faiths and is ideal for:
Meditation and quiet reflection.
Admiring modern architectural brilliance.
Capturing stunning photos of its unique design.
11. Drive Back and Hotel Drop-Off (6:00 PM – 7:00 PM)
After a full day of exploration, relax in your private vehicle as you head back to your hotel or preferred drop-off location in Delhi.
Tour Inclusions and Exclusions
What’s Included?
✔ Private air-conditioned transport ✔ Professional English-speaking guide ✔ Complimentary bottled water ✔ Hotel/airport pick-up and drop-off ✔ Rickshaw ride in Chandni Chowk
What’s Not Included?
❌ Entrance fees to monuments ❌ Lunch and personal expenses ❌ Tips and gratuities for guide and driver
Why Take a Full Day Old and New Delhi Tour?
🔹 Covers the Best of Both Worlds – Explore historic Old Delhi and modern New Delhi in a single day. 🔹 Hassle-Free Experience – No need to worry about transportation or ticket bookings. 🔹 Rich Cultural & Historical Insights – Learn from knowledgeable guides. 🔹 Customizable Itinerary – Adjust stops based on your preferences.
Tips for a Great Delhi Tour Experience
✔ Wear Comfortable Shoes – You’ll be walking a lot! ✔ Dress Modestly – Some religious sites require covered shoulders and knees. ✔ Stay Hydrated – Carry a water bottle, especially in summer. ✔ Beware of Scammers – Stick to your guide’s recommendations. ✔ Try Local Food – Don’t miss Delhi’s famous chaats, kebabs, and sweets!
Final Thoughts: A Perfect Delhi Experience
A Full Day Old and New Delhi Tour by Arana Taj Tour Company is the best way to experience the historical grandeur, cultural richness, and modern charm of Delhi in a single day. Whether you’re a history lover, a foodie, or a photography enthusiast, this tour offers something for everyone.
Book your tour today and explore Delhi like never before!
1. How long does this tour take?
The tour lasts approximately 10-11 hours, including travel time.
2. Can I customize the itinerary?
Yes! You can discuss modifications with your guide to suit your interests.
3. Is the tour suitable for kids and elderly travelers?
Absolutely! The tour is family-friendly, and private transportation ensures comfort.
4. What is the best time of year to visit Delhi?
The best time to visit is October to March, when the weather is pleasant.
5. Do I need to carry cash for entrance tickets?
You can pay by card at most places, but having some cash is recommended.
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gurugramlandbasee · 1 month ago
Elan The Presidential Gurgaon – Price, Floor Plans & Booking Details
Elan The Presidential: Redefining Luxury Living in Sector 106, Gurgaon
Looking for a premium residence in the heart of Gurgaon? Elan The Presidential in Sector 106 is set to redefine luxury living. Strategically located along the Dwarka Expressway, this under-construction project blends modern architecture, top-tier amenities, and an upscale lifestyle.
Whether you seek elegant design, world-class facilities, or seamless connectivity, Elan The Presidential isn’t just a home—it’s a statement. Let’s explore why this project stands out as a top choice for homebuyers and investors alike.
Elan The Presidential – An Overview
Developed by the renowned Elan Group, Elan The Presidential is a sprawling 30-acre residential community featuring 8 high-rise towers with 32 floors. It offers 866 ultra-luxurious apartments in 3 BHK, 4 BHK, and 5 BHK configurations, catering to individuals and families who desire opulence and comfort. Expected to be ready for possession by October 2027, this project is the epitome of modern urban living.
Why Choose Elan The Presidential?
With numerous residential projects emerging in Gurgaon, Elan The Presidential sets itself apart with:
1. Prime Location & Seamless Connectivity
4.9 km from Dwarka Expressway, ensuring smooth connectivity.
17.3 km from Indira Gandhi International Airport, ideal for frequent travelers.
2.7 km from Gurgaon Old Railway Station, providing easy commuting options.
Close to major commercial hubs, schools, hospitals, and entertainment centers.
2. World-Class Amenities for an Elevated Lifestyle
Imagine mornings in a yoga and meditation zone, afternoons by the swimming pool, and evenings enjoying the multipurpose hall with friends. Key highlights include:
Fully equipped gymnasium, jogging & cycling tracks.
Jacuzzi, spa, and wellness center.
Squash court, aerobics center, and landscaped gardens.
Library, coworking spaces, and children’s play area.
3-level basement parking & 100% power backup.
3. Luxury-Focused Floor Plans
3 BHK apartments – Perfect for small families seeking elegance.
4 BHK & 5 BHK apartments – Designed for grandeur and spacious living.
Premium features like treehouse sit-outs and themed parks.
4. Sustainability & Smart Living
Eco-friendly architecture balancing luxury with sustainability.
Smart home features ensuring energy efficiency and security.
Sector 106 – The Perfect Address
Situated in Sector 106, Gurgaon, Elan The Presidential offers a lifestyle rich in convenience and connectivity:
Entertainment Hubs: Fun N Food Water & Amusement Park (11.9 km away).
Education Institutions: Euro International School (2.1 km), The NorthCap University (7.5 km).
Nature Spots: Basai Wetland and lush green parks nearby.
Rated 3.5/5 by residents for its accessibility, security, and infrastructure.
How Does It Compare to Other Projects?
RERA Registered (#GGM/626/358/2022/101), ensuring transparency and trust.
Developed by the reputed Elan Group, with five successful projects and three ongoing developments in Gurgaon.
77.6% property price appreciation in Sector 106 in just one year, making it a smart investment choice.
Investment Details & Booking Information
Price Range: ₹4.36 Cr – ₹13.65 Cr.
Flexible payment plans available – Reserve your apartment by paying just 10% of the Base Selling Price (BSP).
Strong potential for high ROI, given Gurgaon’s booming real estate market.
Explore Floor Plans & Brochure
Curious about the layouts? Download the Elan The Presidential Brochure PDF from the official website or call us at +91-97-9206-9206 to receive it directly in your inbox.
Secure Your Luxury Home Today!
If you’ve been dreaming of a lavish home in Gurgaon, Elan The Presidential is where your search ends. Whether for personal living or investment, this project offers unmatched value, elegance, and future appreciation.
📍 Visit us: Dwarka Expy, Block R, New Palam Vihar Phase 1, Sector 106, Gurugram. 📞 Call us: +91-97-9206-9206.
Embrace a new standard of luxury living at Elan The Presidential—where elegance meets exclusivity!
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mennahassan · 1 month ago
Cairo is characterized by a popular atmosphere and various activities.
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Tourism in Cairo varies between entertainment, historical and cultural places, and the city is famous for the popular atmosphere and various activities that can be practiced morning or night in many tourist places in Cairo varied between archaeological and modern monuments. You can visit Egypt through EGYPT TOURS provided by Cairo top tours.
Cairo is also characterized by having the Nile River, whose cornice is teeming with visitors to enjoy watching it, so whatever kind of activity you are looking for, you will find it in Cairo. Spend your holiday with your family by booking 3 Days Cairo Stopover to enjoy the beautiful Nile.
The Hanging Church has many advantages, historical status and unique architectural style that encourages you to put it in your plan to visit tourist places in Cairo. You can book the best trips by EGYPT TRAVEL PACKAGES recommends visiting Egypt sites.
The Hanging Church is one of the oldest and most important religious symbols known among Cairo's tourist attractions, and it is one of the first buildings constructed in the style of a basilica, and it was named hanging due to its location above the ancient Roman gate of Babylon, which gives the impression that the church is suspended in the air. Book your tour now by 2 Days Cairo Short Break to see the Egyptian civilization.
The Grand Egyptian Museum is not only one of the newest places to visit in Cairo in 2023 and 2024! It is a meeting place for lovers of civilization and watching it in a new dress among the luxurious modern halls with rare pharaonic monuments on top of which is the statue of Ramses II in the main hall. Book Cairo City Break 2 Days To see palaces and ancient history.
The Mohammed Ali Palace is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Cairo, which witnessed the period of the royal reign in Egypt, as well as being one of the most beautiful, elegant and luxurious museums in Egypt. Book your tour now 3 Days Cairo Short Break or City Breaks in Cairo 3 Days to visit the best renowned monumental landmarks. Where you will find yourself in a world where symbols from history are intertwined with the ingenuity and art of Persian and Mamluk architecture.
The palace consists of the reception Sarai, the clock tower, the Avenue, and the mosque. There is also a hunting museum, a residence Sarai, a throne Sarai, a private museum, as well as the Golden Hall. Book 4 Days Cairo City Break To see palaces and ancient history.
Abdeen Palace is one of the presidential palaces that is an important historical symbol that has been moving to modern Cairo since the royal era to this day. Book your tour now by CAIRO SHORT BREAKS PACKAGES to see the Egyptian civilization.
The palace consists of two floors, where the upper floor includes the salamlak suite for receptions, ceremonies and official interviews, as well as the meeting hall, the Winter Garden, the Royal Theater, the throne hall and the Khedive Ismail salon. You can book the best trips through EGYPT CLASSIC TOURS with the best prices by Cairo top tours.
If you are looking for special tourist areas in Cairo, the Ibn Tulun mosque is one of the most important because it is the only mosque in Egypt whose features have not changed for hundreds of years! It also has the oldest existing minaret in Egypt and the only one that is predominantly of the Samarra style with a listed spiral minaret. Book Cairo Short Break in 4 Days to enjoy the historical adventure in cairo.
One of the most important tourist places in Cairo is the Babylonian fortress, which is known as the wax Palace because it was lit by wax columns on its walls and was also called the Babylonian fortress; it is a large fortress that includes buildings, of which two large towers remain in the tribal gate, one of which is the Hanging Church and the other is the MarGerges Church. On the other side, several churches were built, such as the Abu Sarja church, the Church of the Virgin and St. Barbara, and a synagogue. You can book the best trips by Cairo City Break in 5 Days to see the great Churchs.
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tourist-destinations · 2 months ago
3 Days in Abu Dhabi: A Family Itinerary
UAE’s capital city is packed with cultural attractions, amazing architecture, theme parks, majestic desert landscapes, and many more. You can easily spend 3 days in Abu Dhabi exploring them. The city offers the perfect mix of cultural heritage and modern outlook and makes for one of the best destinations for a great vacation. Here’s an itinerary for your family:
Day 1
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Begin your day at Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, one of the largest and most beautiful mosques in the world. With the exception of Fridays, it opens at 9 AM every day. Guided tours are offered after 10 AM.
Although there is no entry charge, guests are asked to wear modest clothes. It should take about two hours to explore the mosque.
After visiting the mosque, proceed across the street to the Wahat al Karama War Memorial, which is open to the public from 9 AM to 7 PM and where you may read about the wars and martyrs of other nations.
After lunch, you can visit Umm al Emarat Park. Umm al Emarat Park is the biggest park in Abu Dhabi and among the top places to visit in Abu Dhabi with kids. Kids can pet and admire camels, baby goats, cows, and ponies at Animal Barn. Families can enjoy the many plants in the shade house. Admission to the park is free of cost.
Next, you can head to the 74th-floor observation deck of Jumeirah at the Etihad Towers hotel complex, where you can enjoy a 360-degree panoramic view of the city and Arabian Gulf.
Take a desert safari in the late afternoon and venture out into the desert sands beyond the city.
Activities offered by Abu Dhabi Desert Safaris include sandboarding through the dunes, quad biking, henna painting, camel rides, and dune bashing. Live entertainment and a traditional Bedouin dinner under the stars will round out your evening.
Most trips will return to your city hotel; however, some desert camps allow you to stay overnight (for instance, Arabian Nights Village is worth the investment in a Bayt or traditional house).
The price of packages vary as per the offerings and activities involved.
Day 2
Set off on a peaceful early morning escape to the Eastern Mangroves.
Enjoy a refreshing 3-hour tour that gives an amazing experience with nature, where you can kayak along calm canals, see rare bird species, and take in the lush surrounds of Abu Dhabi's distinct ecology. No entry fee is required for Eastern Mangroves.
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Qasr Al Watan (Presidential Palace) is one of its kind attractions to visit in Abu Dhabi.
The main purpose of the Presidential Palace is to hold meetings of the UAE Cabinet and the Federal Supreme Council.
The Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, the President of the United Arab Emirates, the Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, and the Ruler of Dubai all have offices in the Palace complex, not residential residences.
"Qasr al Watan" opened to the public in March 2019 to provide visitors with a more thorough understanding of the UAE's heritage, governance traditions, and ideals, despite being a working palace that hosts state visitors and summits. The Qasr Al Watan Library, the main palace complex, and the gardens are all open to visitors. The entry fee for adults is 60 AED. However, there is no entry charge for those under 12 years old.
Enjoy beautiful waterfront views, luxurious yachts, and the famous Yas Viceroy Hotel with its amazing F1 circuit backdrop while strolling along the marina boardwalk in the evening.
With more than 370 stores, global brands, and a variety of food options, the nearby Yas Mall provides an outstanding shopping location. Both Yas Mall and Marina are open to the public without any charge.
Day 3
Start your morning with marine animal exhibits and animal encounters while taking a ride through a boat. Generally, mornings are less crowded, and there is less waiting time to enjoy. You can also check out Seaworld Abu Dhabi. Seaworld Abu Dhabi tickets prices vary based on the age of the visitor, season of the year, and day of the week. But it is worth checking out. 
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Louvre Abu Dhabi is famous for its unique dome-shaped roof called "Rain of Light." The Louvre Abu Dhabi museum has art collections from ancient civilizations of Egypt to creations of contemporary artists of Europe.
Louvre Abu Dhabi tickets are around 60 AED for adults, and those are levied on visitors under the age of 18 and senior citizens of the UAE.
You may enjoy a beautiful sunset at Corniche Beach as you end your 3 days in Abu Dhabi. There is a designated area where guests can enjoy swimming in the ocean without risk.
You can enjoy a leisurely stroll with your children along Corniche Beach's lengthy, paved walkway. On occasion, the beach hosts a number of concerts, festivals, and events.
The Abu Dhabi 3-day itinerary comprises a wonderful combination of contemporary architecture, natural marvels, and cultural history. The city offers an experience that goes beyond the usual expectations of tourists, promising memories of amazing diversity and beauty.
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smartworld69gurgaon · 4 months ago
Elan Presidential Phase 2 – The Pinnacle of Luxury in Sector 106 Gurgaon
Elan Presidential Phase 2, located in Sector 106 Gurgaon, is a landmark project designed for those who seek a perfect blend of luxury and convenience. Built by Elan Group, a trusted name in the real estate industry, this project redefines opulent living with its modern architecture, world-class amenities, and prime location near Dwarka Expressway. Whether you’re a homeowner or an investor, Elan Presidential Phase 2 promises unmatched value.
What Makes Elan Presidential Phase 2 Stand Out?
Location Advantages: Situated near the Dwarka Expressway, the project offers excellent connectivity to Delhi, IGI Airport, and Gurgaon's prime locations. Elan Presidential 106 is surrounded by renowned schools, hospitals, malls, and business hubs, ensuring a convenient lifestyle for residents.
Unparalleled Amenities: The project boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including a grand clubhouse, infinity pool, fitness center, and landscaped gardens. Residents can enjoy a luxurious lifestyle without stepping out of their community.
Competitive Pricing: Despite its premium offerings, the Elan Presidential Phase 2 price is set competitively, making it accessible to a broader audience seeking luxury at a reasonable cost.
Architectural Brilliance: The thoughtfully designed apartments ensure ample natural light, ventilation, and spacious interiors. Elan Presidential Sector 106 truly stands out as a masterpiece of modern living.
Why Choose Elan Presidential Phase 2?
High ROI Potential: Sector 106 is a rapidly growing area, and with its strategic location and excellent connectivity, property values are expected to appreciate significantly.
Lifestyle Benefits: The project offers a perfect balance of urban conveniences and serene surroundings, making it ideal for families and professionals.
Proven Developer: Elan Group’s legacy of delivering quality projects on time ensures peace of mind for buyers and investors.
Future Prospects:
As Gurgaon continues to develop as a hub for residential and commercial projects, properties in Sector 106 are in high demand. With its premium offerings, Elan Presidential Phase 2 is set to become a landmark in luxury living.
For those seeking a luxurious and well-connected lifestyle, Elan Presidential Phase 2 is a dream come true. Its prime location, world-class amenities, and elegant designs make it a standout choice in Gurgaon's real estate market. Whether you’re planning to move in or invest, this project promises a rewarding experience.
Other projects
BPTP Lutyens 102, a new residential project in Sector 102 Gurugram, offers a blend of elegance, modern design, and premium living. The project is strategically located, providing excellent connectivity to key areas in Gurgaon and Delhi NCR. Known as BPTP Codename Lutyens, the development includes thoughtfully designed spaces, catering to families seeking luxury and convenience. Residents can enjoy top-notch amenities and a serene environment, making BPTP Lutyens Sector 102 Gurgaon a perfect choice for those desiring an upscale lifestyle.
Trump Towers 2 Gurgaon, located in the heart of Sector 69, stands as a symbol of luxury and exclusivity. This world-class residential project offers meticulously crafted apartments with state-of-the-art architecture and unparalleled amenities. The prime location ensures seamless connectivity to business hubs, shopping centers, and major city landmarks. Designed for elite living, Trump Towers Sector 69 Gurgaon provides breathtaking views, modern interiors, and exceptional lifestyle facilities, redefining the standards of opulent urban living.
MVN Mall, situated in Sector 37D Gurugram, is a vibrant commercial destination near the Dwarka Expressway. The mall is designed to accommodate diverse retail outlets, dining options, and entertainment spaces, making it a go-to location for shoppers and businesses alike. Its strategic location ensures easy accessibility for residents and visitors from nearby areas. With a focus on modern infrastructure and convenience, MVN Mall Sector 37D Gurgaon emerges as a key retail and lifestyle hub, offering a dynamic experience for all.
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dubaiactivities · 5 months ago
Qasr Al Watan: Unveiling the History of a Royal Palace
Qasr Al Watan Palace has been very unique and appealing in terms of the experiences of luxury and history. This marvelous royal palace in Abu Dhabi is visitor- friendly and anyone interested in architectural designs, history, culture and governance of the UAE could visit the palace. Every detail of the architecture in the Great Hall, every piece of art in the exhibition galleries tells a story of the UAE’s history and vision for the future. It’s up to you if you are mesmerized by the collection of manuscripts in the library or fascinated with the dome over your head; this palace tour would make you travel through the history of the Emirates.
To prepare for your visit it is advised that you order Qasr Al Watan tickets online in advance, especially when visiting during the busy months. The Qasr Al Watan Ticket price is relatively cheap, affordable by most travelers, and it costs a little more depending on age and other activities such as guided tours. It provides full access to the palace’s main ornamental garden, as well as other exhibits that are designed to introduce guests to the culture of the United Arab Emirates and tell the history of the country. In that case, let me assure you, history lovers and other guests of the UAE, that Qasr Al Watan is something to see.
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A sneak preview of the Royal Heritage of UAE
Qasr Al Watan or the Palace of the Nation is a comparatively young landmark of cultural tourism, which was opened to the public in 2019. The palace is used by the UAE President, hosts many official governmental meetings, and stands as an impressive example of architectural mastery of the UAE history, present, and future. Having received its architectural inspiration from the domes and the grand halls of the buildings, as well as intricate designs, Qasr Al Watan embodies the values of the UAE, such as unity, respect for traditional culture and heritage, and an ambitious vision for the future.
This architectural wonder is situated in the Presidential Palace complex and contains both official and art and cultural facilities. It was designed to become a center where people could learn more about the history of the country and see how the UAE turns into a developed state.
Exploring the Mystery of Architecture and Design
It is a striking venue that broke the ground in 2015, and it has elements of Islamic and Arab architecture and combines modern and tradition. First of all, the richness of the decoration impresses visitors, starting with the main cupola, one of the largest in the world, towering above at 60 meters. The word ‘Arabic’ is used for the calligraphy, arches, and stunning mosaics on the walls make it look traditional and at the same time modern.
Even the interior of the building is interesting and the rooms are gilded with gold, marble and precious stones. The palace also has an architectural sense of depicting commitment to excellence and tradition of the UAE where every corner of the building has a story to tell about the country. Not only crown dining rooms but even corridors are adorned with stunning work, and all the themed areas are designed to reflect the history and dreams of the nation.
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The Culture and History
Beyond beauty of architecture, Qasr Al Watan of the UAE has immense social significance in the process of maintaining its pride and cultural heritage. There are several exhibition places in the palace that exhibit the cultural history of the United Arab Emirates. One of the most beautiful structures in the palace is the “Qasr Al Watan Library” that hosts a plethora of manuscripts, books, and artifacts that depict the history of the Arabian region.
The palace also includes tangible and digital installations that give the visitors a general idea of how the UAE is being governed, its culture and its vision. The “Spirit of the Union” is an exhibition in honor of the establishment of the UAE and the “Emirates of the Union” is an exhibition that focuses on the emirates and their role and achievement in the success of the country. These exhibitions offer a profound and spiritual experience and make people comprehend where the UAE has come from and where it is going.
A Peep into the Royal Palace
What most of the visitors to Qasr Al Watan get to see is how the royal family of the UAE lives. The palace provides a number of opportunities to look at the interior that represents a personal sphere of the royal family, their bedrooms, offices, and other rooms. Apart from being a home of the ruling royal family, the palace is used for sittings, receptions, functions, and state banquets.
It is, a showpiece not only in terms of aesthetics but also in terms of its utility, which is to serve as a venue for all major political and government activities. Islamic architecture with the incorporation of the modern technologies is ideal for these high level meetings.
Tourist Attractions at Qasr Al Watan
The Great Hall: The main part of the palace with the high dome and fine carving on walls and ceilings. The Great Hall is used for official ceremonies and it represents strong and united UAE.
The Gardens: Flower gardens and greenery around the palace enable one to have a look at the outer part of the palace. People can walk quietly while admiring the trees and ponds that are present around the park.
Exhibition Galleries: These galleries give an insight of the cult, political and historical dimension of the UAE accompanied with royal collections and papers.
The Palace’s Library: Book lovers cannot afford to miss the Qasr Al Watan Library because it houses unique manuscripts and publications of importance within the UAE’s history.
Visiting Qasr Al Watan: What You Need to Know
This is a real palace that is currently open for the public and people can can see the interior and learn more about its history on a guided tour. The palace presents numerous educational programmes and activities, which makes it rather appropriate for tourists, schools, and everyone who wants to learn more about the UAE.
For anyone who is thinking of paying the palace a visit, then one should dress appropriately since it is a royal palace. These include; the clothing should not be revealing and tight fitting, no shorts or sleeveless tops are allowed. The palace is also situated in a strategic area within Abu Dhabi and there are many companies that organize trips to Qasr Al Watan for their clients.
It is not just a palace of the emir; it is a symbol of the UAE’s history, its desire to share that history with the world, and the UAE’s future. The visit of this great palace can help to learn more about traditions, art, architecture and even government of the United Arab Emirates. Regardless of your interest in architecture, history or culture trips, Qasr Al Watan is a place that you’ll always remember and which will give you more insights into the history of the Emirates.
For tourists in Abu Dhabi, it is an exciting destination, and one which gives insight to the luxurious lifestyle within the UAE, and its history.
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A Complete Guide To The London Pass
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Whether you are visiting London for the first time or are a regular visitor, there is so much to do in the British capital that it may be overwhelming at times. This is where the London Pass can actually help you and make your trip far better. It is highly useful, especially for those who want to explore the capital and see numerous sites in a relatively short time.
For those looking for flexibility in their stay, consider booking self-catering apartments near Kensington. With easy access to public transport and popular attractions, these apartments give you the freedom to explore London at your own pace.
About The London Pass
The London Pass is a sightseeing card. It opens over 90 places of interest in London. The goal of the pass is to allow tourists to consider major tourist attractions in London without purchasing tickets for each facility. However, you purchase the pass at a premium, and once you have used the pass number, any attraction that is marked requires no additional fee to enter. This can cut the overall cost of undertaking a tour on a particular day and save time.
Read also: Hyde Park Winter Wonderland: London's Ultimate Winter Destination
How Can London Pass Help You?
With The London Pass, you get entry to many of London’s top attractions such as the Tower of London, The Shard, Westminster Abbey, and the London Zoo. Here is what you get:
● Access to over 90 of London's top attractions
● Skip the lines with Fast Track Entry at selected sites
● Enjoy seamless entry with a single digital pass
● Save big on multiple attractions
● 90-day money-back guarantee for peace of mind
Where To Use the London Pass?
The pass can be used at a variety of places. Some of the highlights include:
● The Tower of London
● St. Paul's Cathedral
● Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre
● Windsor Castle
● Kensington Palace
● London Bridge Experience
● Thames River Cruise
How Does the Card Work?
Using The London Pass is simple. Once you purchase it, you can download the digital version on your phone or get a physical card. The pass is activated the first time you use it at an attraction. From that moment, it's valid for the duration you choose—whether that's one, two, three, or even up to ten consecutive days. Once active, you can visit as many included attractions as you want each day. All you need to do is show your pass at the entrance of participating locations.
What Are the Prices?
The cost of The London Pass depends on the number of days that one wants to use it. A one-day pass costs about £104 and for children £69.
Where Can You Stay in London?
You should consider using Presidential Serviced Apartments in London. These apartments provide an opulent feel combined with the comfort of home-like accommodation for every traveler. Being situated in the central part of the city, they afford great opportunities to visit key attractions.
Final Thoughts
London Pass is a great choice for those travelers who don’t want to waste their time buying tickets for several attractions in London every day. The card is rather adjustable and convenient and may effectively decrease your time and expenses.
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westenoverseasindia · 6 months ago
Life of an Indian Student in Italy a Journey with Western Overseas
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Italy is one of the most visited countries by Indian students who want to pursue international education and have an engaging Italian experience. Italy’s rich prehistoric past and impressive monuments, presidential research facilities, as well as some of the best college courses, make Italy one of the best places for learning. The journey to further education overseas, however, does need careful planning and that’s where we, at Western Overseas come into the picture to make your journey to this exciting phase seamless.
High-Quality Education: Italy has many universities that are well known for their courses in different areas such as fashion designing, architecture, engineering, art and design, etc. some of these universities include Politecnico di Milano, University of Bologna and Sapienza University of Rome. This is because the majority of these courses are taught in English to favour the Indian students simplifying the choice to match their desired interests.
Low-cost housing and loans and grants to assist towards achieving the cost of the unit: One could consider that the cost of living in Italy is rather low in comparison with prices in other countries of this region. But as far as living expenses are concerned, the expenses can be managed starting from shared student accommodation to cheap meals. Universities in the country are also known to provide scholarships and this makes education in Italy even more affordable.
Cultural Immersion: Studying abroad doesn’t only involve attending classes; it involves being a part of the culture of the host country like in this instance Italy. Traveling to Italy offers many benefits that cannot be offered by any other country; from organic, homemade Italian foods to historic Italian cities such as Rome, Venice, and Florence among others. Another important aspect of communication could also be learning very basic Italian you do not know what your day will be like, but you realize that you are in Italy, and you will have to deal with Italians daily.
Building Connections and Networks: There are many opportunities within universities in Italy to meet other students including through cultural and ethic-related student groups and Indian international communities. Establishing a network is important for one’s self-fulfillment as well as self-actualization.
Travel and Explore Europe: Another interesting thing about Italy is its geographical location; it is in the middle of Europe making it very easy to visit other countries such as France, Switzerland, and Spain just to mention but a few. However, there are numerous places of interest within Italy itself as it is a country with a great history, great art, and beautiful nature. Many of the cultural attractions include visiting famous Towers and castles, participating in festivals and other activities, excursions, visits, and other attractions and activities.
Italy provides a wealth of benefits for international students, especially those from India:
World-Class Universities: Italy boasts some of the oldest and best universities in the European region and has competitive programs across different fields.
Affordable Education: However, Italy is comparatively cheaper when it comes to tuition fees; many universities have their scholarships for most students from other countries among the most important things to consider when choosing a country to study in.
Cultural Immersion: Italy offers a cultural experience with history, arts, and architectural structures which givesstudents new experiences in different ways of life.
Networking Opportunities: Italy is also an ideal place because it is home to a large community of students and numerous partnerships with educational institutions, which makes the necessary network in the course of a career.
Strategic Location: Geographically located in the center of Europe, Italy has a border with other European nations; thus it offers students opportunistic ways to experience different cultures.
Language Skills: Even though most of the courses are delivered in English, mastering this language improves interaction and social and professional activities.
Why Choose Western Overseas? Thank you for choosing Western Overseas for your study abroad plans, we are here for your all services which are beneficial for Indian students. Our service is quite an extensive one, enabling students to choose the correct course to apply for, get scholarships, as well as find the accommodation they need, so they will not experience any difficulties in the process of application. Our dedicated visa consultants guide you through the visa process and prepare you for life in Italy through travel advice, cultural adjustment, etc. during our pre-departure briefing. Once you get there, our post-arrival assistance ensures you are well-equipped with ideas on how to open a bank account, get a part-time job as well as join community forums. Western Overseas decision is not only about getting enrolled in university but also creating success orientation. Thanks to our knowledge, we guide you through all these issues which can be difficult when studying in Italy yet yield an efficient and enriching experience.
Conclusion: Life for an Indian student in Italy is a rich tapestry of academic, cultural, and personal discovery and learning. The youthful and active students’ lifestyle coupled with relatively cheap universities and rich cultural encounters make Italy a preferred destination for the learners. By choosing Western Overseas, you would obtain the necessary support and assistance that would help you overcome numerous challenges and suit your future study in Italy as an adventurous experience of getting a quality education for a further successful future. Begin your migration with Western Overseas now!
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scentedconnoisseurduck · 8 months ago
Famous places of Dubai
Dubai, a city known for its towering skyscrapers, luxurious lifestyle, and vibrant nightlife, is a destination that seamlessly blends modernity with tradition. From the iconic Burj Khalifa to the cultural richness of Qasr Al Watan, Dubai offers a myriad of experiences for travelers. In this article, we'll explore some of the must-visit attractions in Dubai, including a detailed look at Qasr Al Watan and Qasr Al Watan tickets.
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1. Burj Khalifa
The Burj Khalifa, standing at an astonishing 828 meters, is the tallest building in the world and a symbol of Dubai’s ambition and innovation. Visiting the Burj Khalifa is a must-do activity for anyone coming to Dubai. The observation decks on the 124th and 148th floors offer breathtaking panoramic views of the city, the desert, and the Arabian Gulf. The experience is enhanced with interactive displays and high-powered telescopes that provide a deeper understanding of the city’s landscape.
Ticket Information: Tickets can be purchased online or at the entrance. It's advisable to book in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons, to avoid long queues.
2. The Dubai Mall
Next to the Burj Khalifa is The Dubai Mall, the world’s largest shopping and entertainment destination. It's a haven for shopaholics with over 1,200 retail outlets, ranging from high-end brands to local boutiques. Beyond shopping, the mall offers:
Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo: Featuring a massive tank with thousands of marine animals.
VR Park: An indoor virtual reality theme park.
Dubai Ice Rink: A full-sized ice skating rink.
Reel Cinemas: A state-of-the-art cinema complex.
Tip: Allocate an entire day to explore the mall, as there’s so much to see and do.
3. The Dubai Fountain
Located outside The Dubai Mall, The Dubai Fountain is the world’s largest choreographed fountain system. It performs daily, with water jets that shoot up to 150 meters, synchronized with music and lights. It's a spectacular show that’s free to watch and is best viewed from the Waterfront Promenade or a traditional Abra boat on Burj Lake.
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4. Qasr Al Watan
Qasr Al Watan, also known as the Presidential Palace, is a cultural landmark that showcases the rich heritage and history of the United Arab Emirates. Located in Abu Dhabi, a short drive from Dubai, this stunning palace offers a unique insight into Arabian governance, knowledge, and craftsmanship.
Exploring Qasr Al Watan:
The Great Hall: The palace’s centerpiece, adorned with intricate designs and a massive dome.
House of Knowledge: Exhibits showcasing contributions of the Arab world in various fields.
Palace in Motion: An evening light and sound show that narrates the story of the UAE’s past, present, and future.
Ticket Information: Tickets can be purchased online through the official Qasr Al Watan website or at the entrance. Prices vary based on the type of experience, such as daytime tours or evening shows. It’s recommended to book in advance, especially for the Palace in Motion show, as it tends to sell out quickly.
5. Jumeirah Beach
Jumeirah Beach is one of Dubai’s most popular public beaches, offering stunning views of the Arabian Gulf and the iconic Burj Al Arab. It’s an ideal spot for sunbathing, swimming, and water sports. The nearby Jumeirah Beach Walk is lined with cafes, restaurants, and shops, making it a perfect place to relax and enjoy the day with family and friends.
6. Dubai Marina
Dubai Marina is a bustling waterfront community that offers a mix of leisure and entertainment options. The Marina Walk is a scenic promenade featuring restaurants, cafes, and boutiques. You can also take a traditional dhow cruise or a luxury yacht tour to experience the marina from the water. The area is especially vibrant in the evening when the city lights create a magical atmosphere.
7. Desert Safari
For an unforgettable adventure, book a desert safari. This thrilling experience includes dune bashing, camel riding, sandboarding, and quad biking. In the evening, enjoy a traditional Arabian barbecue under the stars, complete with belly dancing and cultural performances. A desert safari is a fantastic way to experience the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the UAE.
8. Dubai Creek
Dubai Creek is a historic waterway that divides the city into Deira and Bur Dubai. A traditional abra ride across the creek is a must-do activity, offering a glimpse into Dubai’s past. The nearby Gold Souk and Spice Souk are perfect for shopping for unique souvenirs and experiencing the vibrant market atmosphere.
9. Dubai Miracle Garden
Dubai Miracle Garden is a floral paradise featuring over 50 million blooming flowers arranged in intricate designs and shapes. The garden is a visual delight and offers numerous photo opportunities. It’s a great place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature with family and friends.
10. Global Village
Global Village is a cultural and entertainment destination that features pavilions from over 75 countries. Each pavilion offers unique shopping, dining, and cultural experiences. Enjoy live performances, street food, and carnival rides. It’s a fantastic place to immerse yourself in diverse cultures and enjoy a fun-filled evening.
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the-draw-pirate-roberts · 11 months ago
My application to become President of University of Arizona
Good Afternoon,
Your wonderful staff member, Paula Grates, has assured me that this is the proper avenue in which to contact you: The UArizona Presidential Search Advisory Committee. In short, I expect the due diligence of your members seeing and critiquing this document, and if not, expect more emails. Directly to the Board members. This is a promise. Anywho, with those formalities out of the way: Let’s talk business! My CV may be unimpressive to the untrained eye, but I have years of experience bending over backwards to both the hoi polloi and those useless, festering pustules that for some reason people think have power (Administration, the Managerial Class, and Ivory Tower Bootlickers alike). In addition, I’ve currently served 7 years here at the University of Arizona, specifically in our wonderful Library! Library Service has taught me many things, how to deal with vagrants, vagabonds, and all manner of violent individuals, as we are one of the rare institutions that does not provide security! In addition to this, I have learned to operate on a razor-thin budget. As we have regularly received cuts throughout the years, UAL (University of Arizona Libraries) has excelled at cutting to the bone to make sure the vultures get their pound of flesh. Most staff are underpaid and overworked, being classified as Grade 4 Employees (according to University HR and our Job Library) and placed at the very bottom of the pay range. Due to this we are constantly understaffed and have a turnover rate that rivals a fast-food joint! What I’m trying to say is that I can handle a team of hungry and bitter wastrels, which our current President seems to have forgotten the old adage of “Bread & Circuses.” While I know he is loathe to bring all staff to a reasonable $25 and hour Salary, the least he could do with his $40,000 Car Grant is deliver some pizzas to his staff. After all, he has a golf cart that flagrantly ignores our campus rules and his office is next to the Cholera Machine known as Dominoes, right at our wonderful Student Union! Now on to some projects that I plan on implementing to get us that sweet, sweet cash money. First, we replace CatCash. As is, we are losing money on Credit Card and bank transactions. We replace it with the proprietary Crypto Currency “Wildcat Coin.” As we will be directly in control of minting and producing the amount of coin, we can easily replace all of our direct cash flows with extra fees via Etherium (GAS fees in the nomenclature). This will allow us to control both inflation/deflation of Wildcat Coins Price and obfuscate our fees. Generating a roll over “Slush Fund” that can sustain us for decades! In order to offset the disastrous environmental effects of Wildcat Coin, we will announce that the University of Arizona is going to be the first “Green” College Campus (We can add any number of qualifiers to ensure this is true, what else is a marketing team for?). We will cut our contract with Wepa Prints, and exclusively use email and D2L for all submissions and forms. This is the last free one y’all get (Never sell yourself short as my momma always said). We really must capitalize on our Athletics Department. It seems queer to me that a unit that exists to generate revenue never seems to return on that promise. What sounds like a better return on investment: A Surgeon teaching others their trade , or an assistant to a guy that says “Throw the ball good?” As a first proposal is to direct that money stream back into Academic Units, as well as changing the pay grade structure of Coaching Staff here at the University. Their base pay will be adjusted to our new standard minimum wage of $25 per hour, and they can earn bonuses based on performance. Losers get Loser pay, which should still be livable because they are at least OUR losers. You can expect more new, fresh, innovative ideas should you be brave enough to buck the mold and pick me! Fondest Regards,
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