#The Pirates the Parrot the Puzzles and the Talking Boats
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the-zapped-part-timer · 2 months ago
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myronsilvernext · 8 years ago
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“It’s the only way to keep Penn safe! He’ll understand.”
“Take care of him, Phyllis.”
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bagels44 · 8 years ago
25 Day Penn Zero Season 2 Challenge day 11- Favorite Season 2 Boone Design
His boat design from "The Pirates, the Parrot, the Puzzles, and the Talking Boats". I have no reason for choosing this other than the fact that he thought of "Disco Letter Monkey" in this form and my friend and I bring it up every once in a while, laughing like idiots, and acting like it's an inside joke of ours.
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royaltealovingkookiness · 6 years ago
30 Days of Zutara - Day 19: Dragons
“I hate you,” the little princess yelled at his brother and ran towards the house with tears running down her face.
“What’s going on, Ziyi?” Both children stopped at the voice of their grandfather who was watching them from the doorstep. The girl stepped closer and he crouched down to the level of the children, drying her tears.
“Iroh is telling me that only firebenders can be dragons,” the little princess cried.
“Is that true?” Zuko turned to his grandson with a stern gaze.
“Well, dragons are the original firebenders. That’s just how it is,” shrugged the boy.
“It’s true that dragons are firebenders, but they are so much more than that,” the former fire lord explained, “They are creatures of storm and lightning.”
“What do you mean?” the boy frowned.
“Have I ever told you the story of Druk’s birth?” Zuko asked his grandchildren.
A pair of golden and a pair of blue eyes looked at him curiously. “No, grandpa, you never told us.”
“Well, it started with the pirates,” he smiled as they sat on the steps of the small courtyard of the Ember Island summer house.
“You are telling it all wrong. It started before that…”  Katara interrupted with a tray of cool watermelon juice.
“Who’s telling this story?” Zuko frowned.
“You are obviously not telling it right, Zuko,” grinned Katara.
“I’m telling it just fine,” he grumbled. “So there I was on the pirate ship, trying to find the stolen treasure, then suddenly I was surrounded by at least ten pirates.”
“What did you do?” asked Iroh, eyes wide with excitement.
“I pulled out my swords,” Zuko sprang to his feet, demonstrating the stance waving his imaginary dao blades.
“And then I saved you,” interrupted Katara.
“I was doing just fine,” he glared back at her.
Dragontail Bay, 35 years ago
Zuko crept along the ship, silently like a spirit. Well, he was the Blue Spirit again, even if for just one night. The voice of the pirates, drinking and singing echoed over the water. He crawled to the level below the deck, and sure enough, he found the treasures stolen from the sun warriors in the little storage room next to the kitchen. He pulled out his sack and packed the precious stones inside it. He used his sword to take the golden egg-shaped stone, remembering the glue-flood from the previous time he touched it.
He tied up the sack, and inched back up to the deck, trying to climb down to the small boat that he paddled out to the pirate ship. As he was about to lower himself with the rope, he found himself eye to eye with the ugly green lizard-parrot. The hideous creature screeched. Suddenly Zuko was surrounded by pirates. He dropped the sack on the floorboard and pulled out his dao swords, ready for action.
Before he could attack, a figure covered in black jumped in front of him, seemingly out of nowhere.
“I’ll save you from the pirates,” her voice was gently mocking, as a pair of big blue eyes shined at him through the slit of her mask. She raised her hands and two giant waves crashed over the pirate ship, sending the pirates into the water.
“I was handling them...” Zuko grumbled. “How did you know I was here?”
“I have my ways,” she grinned. “Suki told me.”
“I’ll fire her,” muttered Zuko. This was his chance to get out and do something other than tedious paperwork and endless grin-and-shake. He begrudged the women in his life treating him like some helpless damsel-in-distress.
“I guess that’s why they call you the Fire Lord,” Katara retorted.
Zuko rolled his eyes. “Leave the jokes to Sokka. Or you know what, you are both equally terrible…It must be that South Pole moonshine…”
Katara shrugged and looked around. “So what are we looking for?”
“I already found it,” Zuko motioned to the bag. “The stolen sun warrior treasure. Can you bend the ship northeast?”
“You see, you do need me,” she smiled, visibly pleased with herself as she started to steer the ship in the direction Zuko pointed at.  “So what are these treasures?”
Zuko opened the bag. “I’m not really sure. But the sun-warrior chief was pretty worried. When I last touched one of them, I spent the night glued to a window with a very grumpy Avatar.”
“I’m sure that was an enlightening chat,” Katara laughed.
“Well, Aang complained that he had to pee the whole time.”
Katara made a face. “Eew, thanks for oversharing. I really didn’t need to know that.”
Zuko grimaced at the reprimand and pulled out the golden egg-shaped gem. “I think it was this one. It felt alive.”
Katara touched her hands to the stone, then her expression became puzzled. “Because it is alive, Zuko. I can feel a heartbeat inside.”
“So you returned the treasures, then what?” asked Ziyi.
“Then came the interesting part. Because as it turns out the treasure with the beating heart inside it was the first viable dragon egg in many many years.”
“But since your grandfather was the first…” Katara interrupted again.
“You are telling it wrong.” Zuko looked at her with a frown and turned back to the children. “Since I was the first one to touch it, I was the only one who could hatch it.”
Sun Warrior Island, 35 years ago
Zuko honestly expected a bit more fanfare as he returned to the sunwarrior island with the sack full of treasure. Ham Gao unceremoniously snatched the sack out of his hand, and peeked inside. He took out the egg-shaped gem with a frown on his face and handed it over to the Chief.
The Chief held it in his hand for a long moment muttering to himself and looking rather worried. Then he turned to Zuko. “You have to hatch it, otherwise it will die.”
“What do you mean hatch it? Like a turtleduck? Sitting on the nest?” he squeeked.
Katara imitated Zuko’s grimace and the children giggled.
“I did not say that,” Zuko protested.
“Oh, yes you did.”
“I thought, I’m telling the story,” he grumbled.
“Just continue, please!” exclaimed Iroh.
The sun warrior chief looked at Zuko like he was suggesting to dress the dragons in pink kimonos.
“No.” He said on his booming voice. “Dragons are born in storm and lighting.”
Zuko looked at the bright blue sky. “But it’s a clear day,” he said matter-of-factly.
Katara interrupted. “I can try to bend the clouds for you.” Zuko sighed. Of course, she could.
The sun-warriors for the first time seemed to notice her presence. Zuko muttered a belated introduction. “This is Katara from the Southern Water Tribe. She’s a friend.”
Ham Gao looked at them with a knowing grin. “If you say so.”
“There is just one problem,” Zuko stared at his feet, as if the black boots could reveal a solution to his dilemma.
“What?” He squirmed uncomfortably under the gaze of the Chief.
“I don’t know how to make lightning...” he admitted quietly, feeling horribly inadequate and cursing all the spirits that Katara was a witness to his humiliating defeat.
“Well, that’s just great,” Ham Gao sneered.
“Let me talk to him,” Katara told the sun warriors and pulled Zuko aside. “What do you mean you don’t know? Everyone in your family knows,” she whispered.
“Well, I don’t - OK?” yelled Zuko and all the sun-warriors stared at them. The Chief shook his head. “Actually, I know in theory, I could just never do it,” Zuko added on a lower voice.
“Have you tried?” Katara put her hand gently on his shoulder, her blue eyes looking at him with concern as if she was trying to calm down a toddler throwing a tantrum
“Of course I tried,” exclaimed Zuko again.
“Fine, just asking, don’t bite me. What does your uncle say?” she asked.
“He said that I had to get rid of the turmoil inside me. Which is ridiculous, because I don’t have any turmoil,” Zuko continued with agitation. “I mean, we ended the war, things are getting better, everything should be fine now. I should be able to do lightning, and still….” his voice trailed off.
Katara listened to his tirade then grabbed his hand. “I think I can try to help you with that.”
“How?” Zuko sighed.
“Do you trust me?” she asked and he nodded silently. “Then let’s go.”
They climbed the stairs all the way to the top of the bridge that connected the dragon lairs and laid down the egg in the middle.
Katara waved her hands around rhythmically, until dark clouds gathered over their heads. Zuko watched with amazement the dancing girl and the gathering clouds. She made it look so effortless and he couldn’t even make a tiny miserable lightning. Struggling made him stronger, but he wished lately that he didn’t have to struggle quite so much with everything.
“Ready?” Her voice interrupted his internal monologue.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” he grimaced.
She stepped closer to him and whispered, “Close your eyes.” Zuko obeyed. A moment later, he felt her lips brushing his softly, almost chastely. Zuko leaned into the kiss. It was sweet like mango and salty like sea prunes. It felt like home with warm fires and cool water, everyone eating dinner together and nobody challenging each other to agni kais. It felt like being complete.
“Do you feel calmer?” her voice filled him with confidence.
“I do,” he rasped, resting his forehead against hers.
“I believe that you can do this Zuko,” she whispered and squeezed his hands.
Zuko reluctantly broke the contact. He stepped back, took a deep breath and concentrated on her kiss, that suspended moment of complete calm, like the sea before the storm. Like the blue of her eyes.
“Bend the clouds,” he told her.
The moment he felt the raindrops falling on his face, he circled his hand and surrendered to the energy coursing through his veins. This was it -  the collision of water and fire. The messy soup of creation. He watched himself almost from the outside, as a bright blue electric spark zigzagged from his fingertips, straight to the egg.
The eggshell broke, and moments later a little red scaly face peeked out from the golden fragments, blinking curiously with golden eyes.
Zuko smiled as he kneeled next to the baby dragon. “Hi, little one.” He softly caressed the scaly head with his fingertips. The dragonskin felt warm and dry, just like the rubbery surface of his own scar. Zuko felt exhilaration; if dragons could be brought back from the edge of extinction, maybe there was hope to undo the rest of his family’s dark legacy.
“He’s adorable,” giggled Katara. “Congratulations, you got yourself a baby.”
“You mean, we got ourselves a baby,” Zuko corrected her. It was both a question and a plea.
“I guess.” Katara conceded. “What shall we call him?”
“Druk. Thunder dragon”
“I like that,” she linked her fingers into his.
“So you see? That’s why dragons are children of both lightning and storm. Waterbenders have as much claim to them as firebenders.” Zuko finished the story.
“Especially when it comes to midnight feedings,” Katara injected.
“And since Ziyi is waterbender, just like your grandmother,” Zuko smiled at Katara, “she has as much right to be a dragon as you, Iroh. I don’t want any more arguments about it. You understand?”
The boy nodded solemnly. “I promise.”
Ziyi smiled proudly. “Grandpa, can we go dragon-riding tomorrow?”
“If your grandmother agrees…”
“Sounds fun…” Katara hugged her grandchildren. “More watermelon juice?”
Full collection - AO3
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katie-daykin · 6 years ago
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Surface Pattern Inspiration
Before beginning any designs for my packaging, I want to look at some existing Seaside/Pirate themed surface patterns to help inspire my own work. I have various illustrations that I used in my Lauren Child artist response, (ship wheels, boats, pirate hats and hooks, swords etc...) that I intend to create similar versions of for my final piece, to use in repeating patterns/surface designs. This collection of images is to help inspire compositions and arrangements. 
The first thing I notice about all the images is that they have limited colour palettes. This makes it so the already busy patterns don’t become even busier by having lots and lots of different colours. Colour schemes are something I’ve talked about in my character design but it’s definitely something to consider when illustrating objects that may become part of a repeating pattern. 
Secondly, there’s a limited amount of illustrations/objects in each image. I had quite a few illustrations in mind that I wanted to include in a repeating pattern but I think it’s important to not overcrowd the image. I think it’s also important for the illustrations to follow a theme. For example, the very first image seems to be seaside themed with; chips, sandcastles, ice-creams, seagulls. The 8th picture seems to be pirate themed with; pirate ships, treasure chests, pirate hats, parrots, skulls. My whole product is ‘Sailors vs Pirates’ themed so my repeating patterns (whether they include my characters or not) need to include illustrations that suit this theme.
Next, the majority of these surface patterns don’t overlap. All but 3 images have spacing in-between every illustration. Although I like the overlapping in images 2 and 3, I think spacing would suit the look I'm going for, much better. The patterns in images 2 and 3 are many variations of the same object. Number 2 is lots of different shell illustrations and number 3 is lots of illustrated types of seaweed. I think in this situation, those images work well, however I don’t think images 1, 4 and 8 would look nearly as good as they do, if they were done the same way. I think due to the fact they feature a variety of objects, the spacing gives the image some clarity and makes it more aesthetically pleasing. It also allows you to appreciate each individual image for what it is.
Finally, I want to mention the compositions in the surface patterns. Some of my favourite images from this collection are numbers 4, 6, 7 and 8. All these examples have really tightly packed illustrations, that have spacing in-between them, and are positioned in a ‘puzzle like’ way. The illustrations in these surface patterns aren't necessarily in lines or have any specific order but still manage to clearly be repeating patterns. Some illustrations are much smaller than others, some illustrations are upside down. Each illustration is placed in a way to fit the shapes of the illustrations around it. I think this kind of composition, (alongside limiting the amount of illustrations and considering spacing and colour schemes), creates a really nice surface pattern. Number 10, for example, has a variety of illustrations that do overlap and are ordered in a very uniform way that perhaps isn’t as easy on the eye. You can sort of see that the pattern is; a line of pirates on islands with palm tree’s and then a line of octopus and boats with some skulls in-between. Establishing the pattern is a lot more difficult in images 4, 6, 7 and 8. I think the lack of uniformity is what makes a good surface pattern. That being said, number 10 still has some great elements like the consistent colour scheme and pirate theme as well as a good selection of illustrations.
I now hope to use these elements I've picked out, to help me create my own surface patterns for my product.
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karenpines · 7 years ago
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Penn Zero 25 Days Challenge (Season 2) - Day 1: The episode you were most looking forward to  Rockullan, Papyron, Scissorian -  The Pirates, the Parrot, the Puzzles and the Talking Boats
I’m baaaaack, wooooh. I know it have been, like, five months, but I don’t care. I so doing this challenge B) and this time I will finish it. 
I chose Rockullan, Papyron, Scissorian because it’s something that hooked me when I read it was going to be an episode about  a battle of Rocks, Paper, Scissors and I just found it very interesting. On the other hand, The Pirates, the Parrot, the Puzzles and the Talking Boats [I have a question, who chose these names? They’re cool, tho] because it was the first episode we had the designs of the characters and the world and it’s also the introduction to the second season, it was almost impossible not looking forward this one.
The gifs belong to @myronsilvernext ! (Myron, I miss talking to you!)
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ilonacho · 8 years ago
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The Pirates, the Parrot, the Puzzles and the Talking Boats! Season 2 is today!
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whatsnewcartoons · 8 years ago
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PENN ZERO: PART TIME HERO Season-long 3 week bomb
NEW episodes of Season 2 of Penn Zero: Part Time Hero premiere on MONDAYS TO THURSDAYS at 7.00AM on DIsney XD, starting with the Season 2 premiere “The Pirates, the Parrot, the Puzzles and the Talking Boat” on Monday, July 10th, and ending with the SERIES FINALE “At the End of the Worlds” on FRIDAY, July 28th.
New episodes air firstly at 7.00AM (when ratings are counted), and rerun at 11.00AM, 5.00PM and 8.30PM.
Monday, July 10th 7:00 am "The Pirates, the Parrot, the Puzzles and the Talking Boats" (Season Premiere) Tuesday, July 11th 7:00 am "Alpha, Bravo, Unicorn; A Game of Cat and Mouse" Wednesday, July 12th 7:00 am "Wings of Destiny; Sensitive Training" Thursday, July 13th 7:00 am "The Bewildering Bout of the Astounding Automatons; Back to the Past of Future Balls" Monday, July 17th 7:00 am "A Tale of Two Wizards; Rockullan, Papyron, Scissorian" Tuesday, July 18th 7:00 am "Be My Ghost; The Chinchilla" Wednesday, July 19th 7:00 am "The Kobayashis; Cereal Fugitives" Thursday, July 20th 7:00 am "The Last Mountain Beast" Monday, July 24th 7:00 am "Ninki Ninja Fight Town; My Mischevious Son" Tuesday, July 25th 7:00 am "That Purple Guy; Rootilda" Wednesday, July 26th 7:00 am "The Most Dangerous World Imaginable; Trading Faces" Thursday, July 27th 7:00 am "13 Big Problems; Mr. Rippen" Friday, July 28th 7:00 am "At the End of the Worlds" (Series Finale)
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disneytva · 8 years ago
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 July on Disney Networks 
Tangled The Series
In Like Flynn 7/23/2017 
Great Expotations 7/30/2017
Puppy Dog Pals
Hissy's Kitty; Polly Wants a Pug 7/07/2017
Captain Rolly; The Coolest Dogs in Town 7/28/2017
 Leave it to Beavers; Counting Sheep 7/14/2017
Mickey And The Roadster Racers 
The Haunted Hot Rod; Pete's Ghostly Gala 7/08/2017
Mouse vs. Machine; Grandpa Beagle's Day Out 7/28/2017 
 Stop That Heist!; Lights! Camera! Help! 7/14/2017
Star Vs The Forces Of Evil 
The Battle Of Mewni Part 1  7/15/2017
The Battle Of Mewni Part 2  7/15/2017
The Battle Of Mewni Part 3  7/15/2017
The Battle Of Mewni Part 4  7/15/2017
Mickey Mouse Shorts
Locked in Love 7/14/2017
 Touchdown and Out 7/07/2017
Milo Murphys Law
Missing Milo 7/22/2017
Penn Zero Part Time Hero
The Pirates, the Parrot, the Puzzles and the Talking Boats 7/10/2017
 Alpha, Bravo, Unicorn; A Game of Cat and Mouse 7/11/2017
Wings of Destiny; Sensitivity Training 7/12/2017
The Bewildering Bout of the Astounding Automatons; Back to the Past of Future Balls 7/13/2017
A Tale of Two Wizards; Rockullan, Papyron, Scissorian 7/17/2017
Be My Ghost; The Chinchilla 7/18/2017 
The Kobayashis; Cereal Fugitives 7/19/2017
The Last Mountain Beast 7/20/20
 Ninki Ninja Fight Town; My Mischievous Son 7/24/2017 
That Purple Guy; Rootilda 7/25/2017
The Most Dangerous World Imaginable; Trading Faces 7/26/2017 
13 Big Problems; Mr. Rippen 7/27/2017
At the End of the Worlds Part 1 7/28/2017 SERIES FINALE
 At the End of the Worlds Part 2 7/28/2017 SERIES FINALE
The Lion Guard 
Savannah Summit 7/07/2017 
 Babysitter Bunga 7/07/2017
The Traveling Baboon 7/14/2017 
Ono and the Egg 7/21/2017
TV MOVIE  The Lion Guard: Rise of Scar  7/30/2017
Elena Of Avalor
Wizard-in-Training 7/21/2017
Sofia The First
The Royal Dragon 7/21/2017
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the-zapped-part-timer · 2 months ago
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myronsilvernext · 8 years ago
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Thanks for the map! (and your belt.)
A Better Pirate
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itsfrittertime · 8 years ago
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The Pirates, the Parrot, the Puzzles and the Talking Boats
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jorgemoctezuma · 8 years ago
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Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero Season 2 Episode 1 The Pirates, the Parrot, Puzzles and The Talking Boats!!!
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spongey445 · 8 years ago
Penn Zero Vlogs: The Pirates, the Parrot, the Puzzles and the Talking Boats
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samakaphyllis · 8 years ago
What is the name of the episode in pirate world?
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myepisodecalendar · 8 years ago
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Penn Zero - Part-Time Hero Season 2 - Episode 1: The Pirates, the Parrot, the Puzzles and the Talking Boats AirDate: July 10th, 2017, 07:00 AM
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