#The Once and Future Throuple
flight-of-fantasy · 1 year
MERGWENTHUR FIC REC 👀 (re: arwen coming back to merlin)
I got you fam: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31888291/chapters/78959491
The King is Dead (Long Live the Queen) by @princess-of-the-worlds one of my favorite Merlin writers!
Fifteen hundred years after the death of his king, Merlin is still alive, biding his time in the twenty-first century until Arthur reawakens. Against all odds, a spate of rogue magic heralds the day Merlin has been waiting over a millennium for...except it's not Arthur who rises reborn from Avalon, but Gwen. Suddenly, Merlin is left faltering, forced to face the fact that the one certainty around which his immortal life turned has now been proven false. Somehow he must figure out why Gwen was chosen to return, find Arthur and bring him back, and possibly save magic while they’re at it.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Merlin (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gwen/Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Characters: Gwen (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Original Female Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Original Female Character(s) of Color, Original Female Human Character(s) Additional Tags: Parent-Child Relationship, Time Travel, Awesome Gwen (Merlin), POV Gwen (Merlin), POV Alternating, POV Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), POV Merlin (Merlin), Queen Gwen (Merlin), King Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Everyone Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Court Sorcerer Merlin (Merlin), Established Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Parent Gwen, Parent Merlin (Merlin), Parent Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Caring Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Caring Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Loving Marriage, Polyamory Summary:
Gwen survives a harrowing experience she had while out on a ride alone one evening across the grounds, after being swarmed by bandits near the citadel.
After, the person who assisted her in victory, returns to the castle to meet the Queen's husbands with a singular request.
For some reason, the young woman looks quite familiar to both, and Arthur won't rest until he knows why.
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liesmyth · 2 years
locked tomb characters ranked by how cringe they are
because this post by @wifegideonnav reminded me that they’re all losers, but some are even more losers than the others
Hot Sauce: 1/10. This girl is cool in all possible ways and definitely future lead researcher material. No cringe, zero notes.
Pyrrha: 2/10. By far the least cringe of The Olds. Yes her nicknames for Nona have dad joke energy but she’s very earnest about it and it’s cute.
Juno Zeta: 2/10. Total MILF. Very smart and should know better than to get flirty with We Suffer, but I get it.
Marta Dyas: 3/10. A complete badass with a very sensible outlook on avoiding unnecessary forms. Call me Judith because I would also make a pass at her at the first possible chance.
Commander Wake: 3/10. She made Pyrrha fall in love with her, seduced ever-loyal G1deon into hatefucking and galvanized a dying resistance movement. She was genuinely nice to Gideon those 3 seconds they interacted in passing! Then she had to go and hide under the bed of a mentally ill teenager.
Dulcinea: 4/10. Her horniness for revenge is epic. Let down Pal as nicely as she could and managed to outwit Cytherea when it mattered. Not cringe at all.
Camilla: 4/10. Yes, she could kill you in seconds but she did once sell cigarettes, her most liquid asset, for about a third of their market value.
Alecto: 4/10. Scary eldritch woman-shaped creature with a sword, comes highly recommended by Pyrrha Dve. Loses points for confusing Middle English and thinking John was the best possible Sailor Earth when he was clearly the worst.
G1deon: 5/10. Utterly willing to burn for what he believes in. Yes, he probably needs some perspective but he made sure the baby had enough air before kicking Wake out of the airlock and Matthias Nonius thinks he’s an okay dude.
Pash: 5/10. She has that freedom fighter swag and the cool hair but she is a terrible bodyguard coasting on nepotism, sorry to say.
Palamedes: 6/10. He didn’t clock the serial killer pretending to be his ex because he was too busy going to painfully extreme lengths to avoid interacting with her.
Naberius: 6/10. My controversial opinion is that Babs is the least cringe of the Third House throuple. Yes he looks and acts like a peacock but he puts up with Corona snacking on him for no reason and is still nice to her, and gives Ianthe solid romantic advice.  
Nona: 6/10. Cringe in the unselfconscious way of a young teenager, and put this ability to use making Pal fess up to his nurse kink. She will never be cool but it’s part of her appeal.
Mercymorn: 7/10. Speaks in onomatopoeias. She knows she is insufferable so she’s gonna do her best to make sure to be the most insufferable person in every room. Once called John Gaius “the best man I who ever lived” to his smug face and not even blowing him up later makes up for that.
Ianthe: 7/10. Looks like a wet rat. Hopelessly dramatic but she pulls it off. Declares her love for Harrow at every turn in the most transparent possible way then pretends she’s just being snarky. Some cool points for actually getting shit done
Coronabeth: 7/10. Terrible taste in love interests. Her freedom fighter era was hot but she thinks pompadour hair is a good look? Also, the way she spent her whole life lying about necromancy speaks of extreme conflict avoidance. Cringe move.
Judith: 7/10. She deserved to suffer and has suffered more than she deserves. It’s cringe how she clings to her imperialist brainwashing but she gets a point for rightfully understanding she should be wary of Corona, something Ianthe still can’t even grasp.
Ortus: 7/10. Yes he quotes his own epic poetry WIP at people but he also had to grow up on the Ninth with nothing better to do. Genuinely a very nice guy.
Cytherea: 8/10. Her unhinged vibes are very hot but she killed a couple of nerds and two teenagers instead of anyone who was actually dangerous. Cringe of her!
Silas: 8/10. Smarmy cloud-looking motherfucker. He is a child Pope and I guess he can’t help the inherent cringe of the Eight. But that’s still no excuse for bringing a portrait of John all the way to Canaan House just to hang it in your bedroom, dude.
Gideon: 8/10. Babygirl is a horny virgin with the vocabulary of a nerd. Harrow is bones over tit in love with her and she fails to notice after living in Harrow’s brain for eight months. Gets points for managing to maintain impressive biceps on a diet with no protein.
Augustine: 9/10. Extremely cringe because of how hard he tries to pretend he’s not cringe. Cigarettes on a space station and effectively performing swag don’t make up for how much he clearly wants to suck John’s dick. Which he did at least twice.
Harrow: 10/10. Spent most of her life being mean to Gideon because she was too hot to deal with and lobotomized a coffee shop AU into existence. Thinks Ianthe Tridentarius is beautiful. Once built a bone cocoon to sleep in after not drinking water for two days. Should’ve told God months ago that she just didn’t want to eat his fucking biscuits and stop offering.
John: 10/10. Unfortunately, this scale only goes up to 10 but we all know it’s not enough. Deeply cringe in a myriad of ways, chiefly among them the way he inflicts his barely veiled incest kink on all his friends. That one dad joke was gold, though.
This was getting too long but for the record: Aiglamene is cool and so is Abigail Pent. Magnus is not cool but he’s a fun time. The Terrible Teens are exempt from judgement on account of being 14.
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disasterstans · 6 months
I am a DIE-HARD BUDDIE SHIPPER!!! in my mind they've been married for 4 years, but anyone with eyes can see that BuckTommy/Kinkley😂 are sort of cute together, and while yes I think Tommy isn't Buck's forever (that's Eddie's job! Thank You!) I still think they should have some time together and be happy during that time, it doesn't mean I hate Buddie, or I'm jumping ship, it just means I think they're great for now. I think it's more genuine for Buck to explore his bisexuality with Tommy before he ends up with Eddie (he deserves to be taken care of for once), but I also just think Tommy would be a good fucking boyfriend to Buck and that's enough. I think 911 is one of the first fandoms I've been in where shipping the same character with different people is an act of treason, like it's normal everywhere else😂😂. Also are we forgetting that when Mr. Eddie 'panic attack(anxiety and overthinking extrodinaire)' Diaz has his queer awakening someone will need to anchor him. So since Eddie will probably have his realisation with Buck.....
Buck needs to already have some things figured out before he gets with Eddie, so that when Mr. Edmundo 'Catholic Guilt' Diaz kisses a boy and likes it, Buck can ground him.
If they're both having their queer freakout (for lack of a better word) at the same time, it'll take away from the foundation of their relationship and it might bring doubt or issues down the line, because they're both rookies when it comes to queer relationships so...
You don't have to like Tommy, but if nothing else appreciate what his service now will do for Buddie's relationship in the future. 😂
Also HOT TAKE! but I think they'd make a cute throuple😂 just saying...👀
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beelmons · 1 year
pretty pretty pretty please could we please have something aaron x reader x spencer, you write them so well!! I am obsessed with them, I always love when the team finds out that they are all together like the confusion ahhh, btw the last post you made was amazinggggg, thank you for your writing!!!
For future reference, I've written more Hotch x Reid x Reader here and a second one as a collab with @ihavemanyhusbands here
Ahhhhh thank you so much!!! They are really my favorite combo to write and I'm so happy you enjoy them so much <33333
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1 + 1 = 3
Pairing: Hotch x Spencer x Fem!BAU!Reader (throuple) CW: mentions of cheating (that isn't cheating), slightly nsfw (mentions of nsfw words)
"We can't tell him. It's going to kill him." Morgan said, his arms crossed over his chest.
"He's our friend, Derek." Penelope pressed.
"But so is Hotch." JJ pointed out "Listen, guys, we don't know what might be going on. Maybe it's a misunderstanding."
"Really? So she was just checking his temperature with her tongue and accidentally got bent over the desk?" Garcia snarked back at her friend.
"Guys, here he comes." Tara cleared her throat to break the gossiping circle that had formed.
At some point, their trained eyes had figured out that you and Spencer were seeing each other. No one knew how serious it was, only that the both of you seemed to beam whenever you crossed paths or eyesights, and that you were clearly trying to keep it a secret.
Interestingly enough, something similar seemed to be happening with Hotch. Leaving on time, taking more days off, and shutting his phone after 8pm. The man seemed renewed, and they could only suspect of a woman being the reason behind it.
"Spencer." Penelope didn't waste any time before approaching the man that had just entered the bullpen and dropped his bag onto the chair of his corresponding desk.
Regardless of their reluctance to confront him, Morgan, Tara, and JJ followed after her, surrounding their friend without a possible escape route.
"Hey, guys, what's up?" Reid asked, observing the odd positions and body languages of his partners.
"There's something we think you should know." Garcia took the lead, however, she stopped herself when it came to voicing out the actual deed, simply looking at Morgan to ask him to take the initiative.
He sighed in displeasure, but complied. "We think your girlfriend is cheating on you."
"My girl-" he stopped himself, but the expressions on the rest of group's faces were clear enough that there was no use in lying, they knew, and they also knew it was you "Why would you think that?" he tried to change the question, not denying nor confirming.
"I stayed late yesterday, and I couldn't help but notice that they were here too." JJ said.
"Everyone stays late from time to time." he tried to persuade them away from the topic.
"Kid, they were locked in his office." Morgan added.
"Third party interruptions can really mess up the work flow." Reid tried once again.
"Oh, come on, Spencer! Wake up! You know perfectly fine they were doing activities that are specifically forbbiden according to the section three, subsection one, of the FBI Ethics and Integrity Program Policy Directive and Policy Guide!"
"What's going on?" Hotch's voice from behind startled the group.
You had walked in together, since he had been kind enough to drive you to the office since your car had been getting some repairs.
A mixture of concerned and pissed-off eyes seemed to land on both of you, and you could see Aaron's eyes narrow trying to figure out why it was. To your surprise, though, Spencer was also glaring in your direction, with an anger that you had not seen much before.
"You said the office was out of limits." Spencer snarked, his arms crossing over his chest.
"That's the part you're concerned about?" Tara asked with clear disbelief in her eyes.
"Alright, clean with it, what are the three of you involved in?" Morgan asked with stern.
"I don't think this is a conversation we should have out here." you tried to disrupt the questioning.
"Sir!" Penelope almost yelled "I am sorry I was the one who started all of this ruckus, however something I've come to notice is that, whenever we have secrets, they tend to bite us in the arse, so please, please, I think if you're sleeping with Reid's girlfriend we have the right to know." her speech was a little to fast for everyone to follow, and so they seemed to be frozen in place.
You basically hid behind Aaron, your hand unconsciously reaching for his. Hotch, on his part, brought his free one upwards to rub at his forehead annoyedly.
"I am." he admitted.
"Hotch!" Morgan yelled disapprovingly.
"It's not what it looks like, guys." Spencer barged in, his initial anger now dissipated by the way he saw the two of you get roasted.
Reid dropped his arms to his side in defeat "Biologically speaking, we're not necessarily wired to be monogamous."
"Oh, God." Tara expressed.
"Please don't tell me this is a Game Of Thrones situation" Penelope said, eyes and mouth wide open in surprise.
"No!" the three of you yelled in unison, and you finally decided to face the group. "I started dating Spencer months ago, then Hotch and I were having like a fling or something, one thing led to another, and after having a thorough discussion we decided to have a realtionship." you explained "The three of us."
There was a silence that took over the room as the rest of the team processed the news. You pursed your lips and Aaron cleared his throat, trying to prompt someone else to start talking before the air got too tense to breathe.
"Are you happy in this arragement?" Tara was the one to take the lead.
"For my part, I am" Aaron clarified.
Spencer made a thoughtful face, as if he had to ponder how to answer. "Yeah." he nodded when eyes landed on him "I am."
Finally, the curious stare took their turn on you, and you couldn't help but shrug. "Two wonderful men, and most importantly, three incomes? I'm ecstatic. " you joked.
Your little jester attitude broke the tension that had grown into the room, and you could see how their bodies relaxed as they slowly accepted your explanation.
"We can give you some specifics if you're still curious, but this is not the time or place for that. We'll have you over for dinner some time. For now, let's get to work." Hotch commanded as he lot go of your hand.
You smiled in his direction and Spencer made a face at you that there was a pending discussion, and your little escapade without him wouldn't go unpunished. However, you scattered along with the rest of the team, except for Penelope who remained wide-eyed by Reid's desk.
"You okay?" Morgan asked, landing a hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah." she began to said "I just didn't think the day would come where Hotch was more progressive than me."
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
I started thinking of that Alpha!Dream and Alpha!Calliope bitching Hob prompt from a while ago. This one: https://gabessquishytum.tumblr.com/post/735255882065199104/more-immortal-throuple-omegaverse-3-hob-during
It had been a year since Dream and Calliope had claimed Hob and made him an omega. Much had changed in that time, it took months more for his body to make the full change from alpha to omega, for him to learn and adapt to new instincts, to reassure his friends and allies he was safe, and, most annoyingly, to learn the rules and etiquette surrounding his new station. He had made his tutors despair once he’d learned everything he needed. It was more fun for him when when a noble knew he was deliberately snubbing them.
His body had changed so much. He had put on more weight and now had a healthy layer of fat over his muscles. He looked softer in the face, shoulders, and thighs. His tummy gently sloped over his belt and his chest was more padded. He could still break a man with his hands, but he had learned people seemed to underestimate him now that he was an omega.
He had yet to return either of his mating marks. He wanted to make Dream and Calliope work for it. He didn't mind having been claimed, nor becoming an omega, but he wanted to be romanced. Instinct had proven they fit together, now they had to win his heart. He had expectations of a proper courtship.
Dream and Calliope were determined to woo him by the time Hob's heats stabilized and it was safe to have children. There were a few missteps, in the beginning: pretty and useless trinkets, soft and delicate clothes, though Hob did take an especially gauzy outfit or two for future sexy times. They figured things out eventually. Hob had great fun flirting with his alphas and scandalizing the nobility during the process. They had better get used to it, and him. He was only willing to bend so far. Truly, it didn't take long for Hob to fall in love, not with the way his alphas tried so hard to win his heart and respected his agency, not when they would take turns outside his chamber door to comfort and ease him through his heats.
When he finally accepted their suit, Dream and Calliope were overcome with emotion. They didn't…they thought they have to work harder and longer, maybe up to or even beyond his first stable heat cycle. Hob had every right to be angry with them. It was hard to fight off one alpha in rut, much less two. He had had very little choice in the matter. Hob immediately put their fears to rest.
In the week leading up to his heat Hob spent very little time with his chosen alphas. Instead, he wandered the castle and palace grounds, trailing the sweet, heady scent of pre-heat. It clung, thick and pungent, to those Hob called friend. It was driving Dream and Calliope crazy. They were getting very little work done, following that delicious scent whenever it crossed their path. If they were lucky it would lead to Hob, wherein they would be showered with kisses and coaxed into a cuddle, more often than not they would find a soldier, servant, or, on occasion, the odd noble Hob had befriended.
The last two days before his heat Hob rarely left his rooms. He had to make sure his nest was perfect for his alphas. He had taken their favorite and most comfortable clothes to weave into the nest. The bottom was padded with the covers of their shared bed. Pillows were tucked and stashed, building out the edges. He fiddled and fluffed until satisfied.
On the day his heat finally hit, Hob had just enough presence of mind to garb himself in his favorite silk lingerie and drape himself in the best of his courting jewelry. Before he left his room he grabbed a diaphanous robe that complemented his outfit.
Dream was pacing the parlor of their private suite, while Calliope sat white-knuckled on the sofa. The castle had been emptied, outside the few servants needed to keep them fed and watered. The thought of others, competition, near Hob was enough to send them into a near frenzy, only the faint sounds emerging from his room kept them from scouring the grounds for intruders. As Dream passed behind Calliope the door to Hob's room opened. When he stepped out Calliope’s breath caught in her throat and Dream had to anchor himself lest he lose control. This was it, they were finally going to be claimed by their omega.
His scent billowed out from the room, a teasing delight for the senses. Hob was beautiful, incandescent. A robe teased the edges of his body, belted at the waist. His lingerie, where visible, concealed as much as it revealed. Along his arms glinted golden bangles and bracelets. Delicate strands of jewels encircled his neck. Dream's ruby in pride of place. Gilded chains sparkled in the light where they were braided into his dark hair. He was a summer afternoon, sharp vanilla and juicy oranges, heat heavy on the tongue.
He padded into the room on bare feet, headed for his alphas. He pulled Calliope to her feet, pulled her hands to his faced and dropped a kiss on the backs of both before scenting along her dainty wrists. “My queen, will you join me?”
She growled, low and wanting, and dug her fingers into his hair, pulling him down for a searing kiss. “Yes, of course, sweeting,” she breathed against his lips.
Hob laughed. “Only for the two of you.”
He moved her hands to his waist so he could reach for Dream and draw him close. His arms went around Dream's shoulders as he dragged his nose along the other man's scent gland. Dream whined, high in his throat. His hands landing on Hob's hips to pull him closer still. “And you, my king? Will you let me make you mine?”
“Yes, my treasure,” he rasped. “We will be yours as you are ours.”
Hob sighed, pleased, and led them to his, their, nest. He crawled in first, positioned himself in the middle as artfully as he could manage. “I expect to be with child by heats end, and will be most disappointed if you fail.”
His alpha’s moaned and scrambled after him.
It got much longer that anticipated, but I had fun with it.
Super duper very much incredibly obsessed with this!!!! Especially how youve written it and all the lush descriptions!!! Am also absolutely love this whole au concept in general tbh. The role reversal of Hob being bitched and then Dream and Calliope submitting to him utterly... the power dynamics make me drool.
And I'm soooo into the process of the body shifting from alpha to omega. Can you imagine Calliope and Dream watching and trying to hold themselves back as they watch their omega coming into himself? The changing distribution of his weight, the way he slowly outgrows clothes designed for alpha body types, the way they catch him admiring his naked body in the mirror almost every day. Calliope has bitten her fingernails down so badly because she needs to do something to stop herself from going right over and burying her face in Hob’s soft belly. The belly that might soon carry their child.....
Hob slowly begins to realise that despite the unfortunate circumstances of his changing from alpha to omega... he would have chosen this. This is who he was meant to be. And Dream and Calliope are meant to be his alphas. He is proud to be theirs, proud to build a nest for them, proud to present his dripping heat-slick hole for the very first time. He is so excited to get pregnant by his alphas, he can barely manage to keep up the dominance in his voice as he commands them to fuck him full of heirs.
They didn't find their omega in the easy way, but they did absolutely find the right one. Dream and Calliope look forward to long lives filled with love. And the snarkiest omega in the land. He was quite literally made for them.
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packsvlog · 3 months
Hey there! New follower here 👀 heard your ask is open (disclaimer: it's been a while since I've sent asks so I forgot how to format these) I was wondering if you could matchmake me with a character of your choice 🫶🏼
My characteristics:
• I'm an academic girlie and like helping peoplel around me (I take a lot of leader roles in uni)
•I can be quite bitchy in a way because I don't tolerate shit (or you can call it headstrong)
•I think I have a pretty good moral compass
•Very reasonable and logical when it comes to problems
•People say that I'm an independent woman (I am but I also secretly want to be babied by my S/O
•Plays volleyball
•Physically chubby but confident with my body
•Loves books, reading, and dancing
Thank you so much! On another note I hope we can interact more in the future, I'm looking forward to new moots/friends on this app🫶🏼🥹
hii luv, first of all, i want to say that you seem like a role model, i love intelligent strong woman! and pls, let’s interact, i would love to as well.
✶ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: nanami and gojo.
ps: this are different relationships, not a throuple.
The thing that made Nanami Kento entranced by you was your strong input on whatever displeased you. Some people might think you’re an unpleasant company, but he loves to hear your complains on anything, mostly because he shares them as well. You both are the couple that “tsk.” whenever anyone pisses you off, and side eye each other, as a way of saying “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”
This man loves your independence, he is a feminist (that’s a fact), he encourages you to do anything in this world, says it’s all yours to conquer. But, let’s be real, you haven’t payed for anything since he started to take you out. You dare whine, although is something you secretly loves, Nanami just smirks. He knows you, this facade you are putting only makes his smile larger. Nanami believes your money is yours and his money is for the both of you.
Your relationship is a very mature one, something the two of you are grateful for, because whenever a problem arrives or there is a slightly miscommunication, you sit down and talk your feelings to the other — that’s how you both have engraved in your minds the other’s mannerisms.
Whatever your job is, your academic inclination makes you his students’s favorite person to go whenever in need of help. Yuuji is always scratching his head with homework but you teach him well, Megumi is smart himself and just need clarification in some topics, while Nobara tries to girly talk with you. Your way of teaching her is through painting her nails and pretending the subject is gossip, as a result, her grades are top of the class.
Nanami tries to give you space when the students are over at your house individually, studying in your dinning table, but he’s always pulled by something and sits on your sofa, catching glimpses of you teaching, it makes his heart swell with pride and love — he hopes in the future is you with your babies, actually.
Nanami, as said before, loves to spoil you. He knows all your tastes, once every three weeks he stalks your cart from your favorite stores’s app and chooses what to buy. All is gifted to you with a bouquet of different flowers surrounding your favorite one and sweets. The audacity he has to be the most perfect man ever.
He does take you by surprise with a small weekend getaway for a little island, presenting you with tanning, all massages he can provide and playing volleyball with you. He is not as good as you, but Nanami can make some points. He blames the sand or sun on his skin, forgetting he have sunglasses on.
You love your body, Nanami loves it more. He likes to buy the dresses for your most expensive date nights, all eyes on you, but only his matter. He knows that, that fuels him a lot. Seeing you in summer dresses and bikinis does make him salivate — is summer, hot and sweaty, but he is by your side all the time. You haven’t applied sunscreen on your self since you arrived, his hands do it for you.
Every night on the trip, and every night on your home dates, Nanami and you are always at some point slow dancing to a calm song in the background, while you both whisper love confessions and asks about the day. He kisses your head every chance he has, and you peck his lips in response.
Loving Nanami is an easy task, you both fit each other perfectly, like mind reading. He loves to spoil you and at the same time to let you be the strong woman you are, letting to baby you inside your house, where all he does is hug you and say many many many “I love you.”
────〃✿ FUN FACTS.
◛ ₊· What made him fall for you was you snapping and shouting at Gojo — it was also the first time ever he saw you.
◛ ₊· He has a collection of watches to wear on special days, some of those he bought with a matching bracelet to always use with you.
◛ ₊· You used to be a jujutsu sorcerer, by your headstrong and moral compass, I think you would leave it all at some point after meeting Nanami to purchase a normal career, he hopes secretly to do the same some day and starts a new life with you.
◛ ₊· In the future, you both would be living in a coastal area, he is going be a bakery owner, making pastries, and his most famous piece is named after you.
──── ✿ ──── ✿ ──── ✿ ────
Gojo Satoru loves to be an annoying ass, but annoying you specifically has his knees weak. It’s not that he is an asshole, he just likes to pretend to be so he will get a reaction out of you — he always succeed.
Let’s say that you are still studying, maybe even purchasing a doctorate. Satoru is the proudest person ever, but he still will come behind you on your desk and kiss your most sensitive spot on your neck and behind your ears. His tactic works, unfortunately.
Every exam season, on your last one, Gojo always comes picks you up in his clearly expensive car, with bouquets and chocolate. He once tried holding a sign of “so proud of you” but you threatened to empty his snack drawer.
Gojo is a sucker for your “bitchy” personality. Wether is directed to him or anyone else, he loves how snappy you become and your comebacks. That’s why he loves to get you worked up, kissing your angry self is something he desires from time to time.
You try to make sure your boyfriend knows how important your independence is for you, but Satoru doesn’t care. He sends you the money for your whole school tuition, so you can leave your part time shitty job and focus on college (you begrudgingly accepts), he wants you to achieve your dreams, and hard work is really important to build character, but Gojo thinks you already are perfect and humble, and you have the right to have things easier — he is begging for you to use his money.
He pays for everything the two of you do, he only lets you pay for his sweet treats from time to time. Satoru loves the date nights and random trips to anywhere in the world, but mostly he actually loves paying for anything college related, he wants you to achieve your dreams. Besides the tuition, he gives you a new notebook, ipad, comfortable clothes, pays for any side courses you may want to take and study trips for conventions.
Satoru may be annoying, but he is the most supporting person ever. If any presentation you have is open to the public, your man is going. After, he gives you a lot of hugs and takes you out to dinner in any place you want.
Gojo does enjoy to test your buttons, but in sincerity, you would’ve never chose any other way! A man who worships any achievement of yours, that encourages all your desires and still, at the end of the day, hidden in your apartment, treats your as if you were a delicate flower to his touches and kisses, yeah, you are not letting him go — and he doesn’t want that either.
────〃✿ FUN FACTS.
◛ ₊· Gojo first thought of you was how pretty you looked with a scowl on your face.
◛ ₊· If given the chance to change his eye color, he would chose yours.
◛ ₊· Whenever you are studying in your house, he likes to sit by your side. Once he told you that he read somewhere the best way to learn something, is to teach others. He may be lost in whatever you are explaining to him, but he is wonderstruck with how smart and perfect you are.
◛ ₊· He loves to feed you his favorite candies so he can kiss you after and taste them on you.
◛ ₊· Satoru is easily satisfied! You once paid for strawberry ice cream, randomly, and he was the sappiest person on the planet for the rest of the day.
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mynameismckenziemae · 1 month
Okayyyy so I know this is far in the future but how does back to school night for our favorite trio/throuple??
Once they get to school? It goes great.
Beforehand? Not so much.
Liv cannot find the safety scissors. She knows she picked a pair up. She knows she brought them home from the store. She remembers putting them in the backpack. But they’re not in the backpack…
Bradley’s quietly worrying as he paces around the living room. What if kids make fun of their kiddo due to having 2 dads AND a mom? What if someone’s mean and makes them cry? Will the teacher let them go to the bathroom when they need to? What if they falls and scrapes their knee and he’s not there to kiss it better? Will they have enough time to eat her lunch?
Jake cannot stop crying. He’s been looking at baby pictures all day and get over the fact that that little baby is starting kindergarten.
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envy-of-the-apple · 6 months
Read through EKM again and again and every time I seem to pick up something new!
It almost seems like Suguru sees himself as a lesser Satoru, strong but not the strongest. He has his own strange fascination and then yearning for Ms Moon, the way he constantly watches her, picks up on all her little movements, attributes meaning to her actions.
When she leaves, he’s not just guilty or angry at what it does to Gojo, her audacity to leave him in shambles, it’s that she chose to leave Geto too. Rejecting Satoru Gojo is rejecting Suguru Geto, who’s built his whole life around the sun. That moment where he desperately wanted to reach out and grab her at that office…then that visceral anger when he realises that not only had she been quietly living her own life, she hadn’t (in his eyes) thought of them once after she left while Satoru is constantly seeking out physical replacements for her and Suguru constantly compares those replacements to her memory and digs up old year books to refresh his mind about her.
Geto does so much self-deception in this. He thinks he takes Ms Moon’s refusal to accept her fate, his outrage and hurt at her departure, on Satoru’s behalf but no, he takes it so personally. He’s not disgusted at her the way he is at the lackeys and hanger-ons, he’s disgusted that he and Satoru feel the need to chase after her when she’s not anywhere on their level.
Egotistical ass. I’m obsessed. The metaphor on the Earth is very fitting. The Earth needs to revolve around the Sun to live but it also needs the Moon the revolve around it to live as well. Just not as blatantly as the need for the Sun.
The cheating one will probably blow my mind. I can’t wait to see the new dynamic. But given the emotional range of these two, even with assistance, I bet half the cheating moment is going to be those two morons fantasising about their missing third, being all excited for their future throuple only for the belated realisation that there was no discussion with their aforementioned third and she sees this as cheating and is really hurt and pissed about it, especially at the idea that she was a ‘practice girlfriend’ to help Suguru learn how to be vulnerable and Satoru to be honest and open about his feelings, all so they could be good boyfriends to one another. Which they can’t deny happened but telling her that’s true but they also can’t function in a relationship without her…the audacity!
I seriously adore the idea of her moving on, taking the high road of forgiveness and sending out a wedding invite to her ex boyfriend and ex friend.
Pretty sure if that had happened in SEM verse there would have been bloodshed. Or Satoru highjacking the wedding and being a terror about it.
ughhh him reaching out to Ms.moon could almost be innocent. For a moment he feels that nostalgia when they were all just kids, still in school. And then he's remembering the distance between him and you, how much higher he is. And it brings him back. It's honestly a little sad, in a way. His superiority complex will always stop him from forming a connection that isn't Satoru.
the cheating fic is filled with so much audacity believe me, my eye was twitching as I was writing their dialogue lmaooo
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ughhhh could you just imagine tho???? you're finally over suguru, you can finally trust again and they just force you back in because they don't feel complete without your touch. It would be infuriatingly pathetic if they weren't so much stronger than you.
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prior their meeting when satoru reveals everything...yes, he definitely would....but i think he'd feel super super guilty. Technically, you guys haven't broken up (at least, in his fucked up mind) so isn't this kinda' like cheating? again he's crazy
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fionapplespiano · 4 months
Even if Jean didn't get pregnant from that dream, I do think she is pregnant, or that she and Scott are going to have a baby soon.
I mean, the evidence is there:
- Before the massacre at the Hellfire Gala, Scott and Jean said that they had an announcement to make…maybe it was that she is pregnant. And I’m sure the baby would have survived Jean’s death due to some Phoenix magic shenanigans.
- In the description for the second Phoenix book, it says that Corsair, Scott’s father, “got the inside line on huge news”…that he’s going to be a grandfather again?
- They kept saying these vague statements along the lines of “something being up with Jean”, and this was before XMF 4 and her merging with the Phoenix again
- In that psychic dream sequence, they said “We planted. We created. We loved.” Like planting and creating a human being? Could be!
- It also seems like now more that ever there’s been speculation about Jean being pregnant, but that could be just me. But, maybe I’m not reading too much into this, and they’re really could be basis for this.
And I know what some people are going to say: “Jean can’t be pregnant right now, she’s gonna be in space doing Phoenix things”. Pregnant women can still work and be active, like that was ever a problem for our telekinetic Jean. And I’m sure the Phoenix would keep the fetus safe. Also, the Phoenix can teleport, so I’m sure Jean can make frequent trips back to earth to visit Scott and go to prenatal appointments.
I know I probably sound like a mad theorist right now, but I’m really hoping Jean and Scott are going to have a baby soon. I mean, Jean has like 800 kids and she’s NEVER been pregnant once. I just think it would be nice for them to have a baby that they don’t have to send to the future, and isn’t from an alternate timeline. It seems like a new step forward in their relationship now that the throuple has been retconned out of existence.
I guess we’ll find out either this week or next week whether or not I’m correct. I’m not going to be devastated if they aren’t having a baby, because I know that their love will still be going strong even light years apart ❤️
Also pls ignore any grammatical errors, it’s late at night and I’m about to go to sleep. I’ll fix them in the morning lol.
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I love how Mergwenthur Week this year lines up with NaNoWriMo being in full swing, as well. As if I needed another reason to procrastinate writing my original novel ideas, to write more about my favorite throuple.
(Not like I really need a reason though, let’s be honest. I will go down with this ship.)
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hpowellsmith · 9 days
Which of your ROs are fully monogamous or are open to polyamory but doing that wasn't an option available in the games?
Oh, you mean if circumstances were different would they be up for a polyamorous relationship?
Rys from Noblesse Oblige would be. But it would be extremely unlikely for them to be as emotionally close with someone else as they are with the PC.
I think the Blood Money romanceable characters would be except Nico, most of them just wouldn't want to be in a throuple with the other ROs.
Someone once asked whether Hartmann and Freddie from Creme de la Creme could be polyamorous with the MC, and I did quite like that idea, though it would be something that would be a lot further in the future. I think Hartmann would find it pretty challenging to do.
Raffi from Honor Bound is open to nonmonogamy which can be experienced in-game through romancing them and Denario at the same time (though the two of them don't have much of a relationship); they would be up for a throuple/polycule situation with any of the other ROs but the others aren't into that. RIP Raffi
Blaise, Karson, Hyacinthe, and Asher in particular do not want nonmonogamy; I don't see Auguste or Rosario seeking it out or enjoying it. I also don't think Beaumont, Fiore, or Savarel would be very interested in it if it wasn't the specific other partner involved. Overall though, it all would depend on the situation, the relationships involved, and whether the characters knew the other people the MC was seeing (and what they thought of them).
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bookish-bi-mormon · 4 months
Reading the Once and Future King and like ... I know polyamory doesn't solve everything. But these bitches really should've at the least tried a throuple before they let it get this bad.
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finrays · 11 months
The real tragedy of King Arthur, reading The Once and Future King from a modern vantage point, is that these three don’t realize what an absolutely KILLER polycule they’d make, and the throuple hasn’t been invented yet.
Like, the way Arthur and Lancelot are written in this SCREAMS “There’s something a little queer about this,” and if those perspectives and options were common, how would the outcome of the story change? Would Arthur’s rule still be doomed to fail if he and Guinevere just kind of decided “Well… the obvious solution here is that we both just bring Lancelot into our partnership.” He already confides in them both quite a lot and they all have a lot of big feelings for each other… maybe this would have been the best thing for all three of them.
Alas, it was Mid Evil times, where Sir Bedivere gets to chop his wife’s head off for just SUSPECTING her of adultery and still gets to become a knight at court, and they were too hamstrung by their own religious fervor and adherence to the codes of chivalry to find out that answer.
But damn if Arthur reaching over to squeeze Lancelot’s knee affectionately while they sit together under an arbor and watch the younger knights practice their archery isn’t stirring up the thought in my head, lol.
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respectthepetty · 2 years
I'd like to thank everyone for watching the ninth episode of Never Let Me Go live and posting about it, so I knew exactly what I was getting into before I even pressed play.
But I'm also going to apologize to all of you, because I am over the moon with excitement because I'm hoping Jojo is giving me a redemption for 3 Will Be Free's Shin who (spoiler) DID NOT KILL HIS FATHER WHEN HE SHOULD HAVE!
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Please, Jojo, let us have the ending Thana Kit deserves -
Shin Remixed - The Rise of Nuengdiao
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Hold on. That doesn't feel right.
Shin Rebooted - The Fall of Kit
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Why did Nueng AND Chopper take shooting lessons if they aren't going to put them to good use?!
As much as both boys have wanted to avoid the family business, the past few episodes have shown us they are actually good at it:
Nueng had no issue hitting the guy in the alleyway.
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He was very comfortable taking the money to the baddies. He mentioned if he couldn't do that, he didn't deserve to inherit the family business, something he has never wanted before.
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And he called the man's bluff by basically telling him that he didn't want this smoke.
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Nueng is a man of words, not actions, so he tried to lie to Palm about not loving him. When that didn't work, he jumped into action! He drugged Palm, left him with his credit card and necklace, and took his ass back to claim the throne. *That's growth*
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His cousin, Chopper, has looked away from violence, yet had no issue with beating up Phum and some rando to protect Ben.
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He also was fine intimidating An in the bathroom.
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Now that Ben knows what Kit has done, Ben is in danger of being Kit's next victim.
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While Kit is motivated by power, Chopper and Nueng are motivated by love. Kit has already killed two parents while one rots in prison and another is in a coma. If one more person dies due to Kit's actions (Tanya! Only because Nueng is so sure she is going to wake up), these two cousins are going to make like Mario and Luigi and fuck up an entire kingdom.
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3 Will Be Free's Shin ended up taking over the family business after his father's death (THANK YOU, MAE!), but occasionally met his girlfriend, Miw, and boyfriend, Neo, on the beach where they had a business (THROUPLE SUPREMACY!).
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Nueng already mentioned several times that he wants to see Palm on the beach and has suggested that they run a business there.
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Nueng assures Palm he WILL be alive and hopes to see Palm happy with someone else in the future.
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But he should already know that Palm is ride or die for HIM.
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Palm has already killed for him (KILL KIT DAMN IT!) and is willing to put his life on the line to protect Nueng. Palm is going to inform Nueng that they either stay together forever and meet at the beach once a year or they die together right now and see each other in heaven all the time because Palm is not going to love another.
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The only thing standing in our boys' way is the tension coming from Nueng not being able to trust Chopper.
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But, if there is one thing our boy Chopper is capable of, it's winning over a tough crowd.
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I have high hopes that they will come together to take down Kit even though this show has surprised me multiple times (Chopper not being the culprit, Chanon not being the killer, Ben knowing Chopper liked him, Palm not believing Nueng didn't love him, etc.).
However, I haven't forgotten it gave me one thing I truly desired:
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Someone pointed out the tattoo IS in Mandarin, so if Nueng gets one too, I'm going on a budget for Lent @wen-kexing-apologist!
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Sorry this episode made you scream @grapejuicegay, but...
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Kill Kit.
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tm-trx · 3 months
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"December 32 days" cover / Onew on Song Stealer
"Glorious Day" / Kim Jae Joong
"My One" / B.D.U.
The last five minutes of episode 22, Follow Your Heart. I should have seen it coming, but I did not. Can't wait to see the fallout.
The AO3 July/August DDoS Attacks: Behind the Scenes - A quick read, and an interesting look at the timeline of what happened last year.
Idol Minds and Idol Moves by KT Salvo - the first two books in a m/m contemporary romance trilogy - One thing I loved about these books is how different the two main characters feel. I have read too many m/m romances where the two leads were almost interchangeable. The third book is out in August and I've already preordered.
Bridgerton s3, pt 2 {finished: 4 stars for the full season} - I wish they'd either aired the full season at once or week to week. That break in the middle did it no favors. But the second half was satisfying and fun to watch.
Deep Night {finished: 3.5 stars} - A rare college BL that spends most of its time off campus. I loved that. The club and its staff/patrons all felt lived in and fleshed out. Having the second pairing love triangle end in a throuple was fantastic, but the fact that we only saw the very beginning of that relationship makes me wish we had a second season coming. Or at least, some future fic.
Follow Your Heart, ep 1-22 - I have loved both leads in previous dramas (Luo Yunxi and Song Yi), so I was hopeful when I started it. And I was not disappointed. It's such a fun show. I thought it was just a historical/palace drama, but then they sprung shapeshifting on us. (Anyone else think for a hot second she was a werewolf??) The characters are all great and the different narratives feel balanced across the board.
Sunset x Vibes, ep 3 - Even the silly scenes aren't bothering me, which is a feat. Sun is the biggest (softest) tease ever and I love him.
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