#The Object Group Chat Quotev
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starryskywashere · 6 months ago
I Love Nightime!!
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I don't think Orbit is impressed by this, but I personally love nighttime.
I don't think Orbit is doing well but I'll have to keep you all updated, but all I can say is that she hasn't been acting normal ever since we started the group chat.
( Not Starry Here but for context incase you accidently stumble across this: https://www.quotev.com/story/16567520/The-Object-Group-Chat/2 )
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nemobeatrice · 2 years ago
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FuGio Week 2023 Day 3: Video games - Phasmophobia with the Boys
Giorno had just finished his homework and was about to play a game on his computer until Fugo sent him a message on Discord.
“Babe, check your Steam. I bought you something,” it read.
He got on Steam and received a gift from Fugo. It was Phasmophobia.
“Thanks,” he texted. “But what’s this game about?”
“Four people hunt a ghost. Narancia and Mista want us to play it.”
“Mista’s aware that there will be four of us, right?”
“Narancia and I had to convince him it’ll be five if we include the ghost. I know you usually play a game at this time, but could you maybe wait and install this?”
“Sure, I already have it downloaded. It’s installing quickly.”
A few minutes passed, and Phasmophobia finished installing.
“It’s done,” Giorno texted him.
“Excellent,” Fugo replied in text. “Could you join the voice chat? Here’s the code to join our game.”
“Sure, give me a second.” Giorno searched for his headset, and once he found it, he turned off all the lights in his room and joined the call.
“Giorno, hey!” Narancia’s microphone sounded distorted.
“What the hell?” Fugo commented. “Why does it sound like your mic is in your throat?”
He giggled. “Do you want to know?”
“Sorry, I was getting some chips and a soft drink,” Mista said. “Sup, Giorno!”
Giorno brought the mic close to his mouth. “Hey, I’m doing alright.”
“No, Giorno!” Fugo cried. “Not you too!”
“Just do you know, I have no idea how to play this,” he said in his normal voice.
“Well, there’s only one available map to you,” Narancia explained. “Don’t worry. It’s easy. Just let us do everything.”
“Let Giorno help,” Fugo said. “Here’s the code to join us. Oh, and we’ll use the game chat to talk. Mute the Discord call unless you die.”
Giorno got on Phasmophobia, clicked on multiplayer, and copied and pasted the code to join their private game. Once he joined the server, he saw a blond-haired guy, a brown-haired guy, and a brown-haired woman.
“Giorno, change your player model,” Mista said. “If you want. Click on the board.”
“Wait, Mista, is that you?” he asked. “Are you a woman?”
“I don’t want four guys.”
Giorno changed to an Asian woman. “There’s three white men to pick from and no Asian guys.”
“Oh, I can change into a guy now. Except, I don’t want to. Alright, which map are we voting on?”
“6 Tanglewood Drive,” Fugo answered. “This is Giorno’s first time. I’ll also bring everything.”
“Everything?” Narancia said. “Sweet!”
“Don’t mess this up! I’m looking at you and Mista. Wait, where’s Mista?”
Mista was upstairs playing basketball.
“Ugh, let’s just go,” Fugo said. “Tell me him to come down here. Okay, Giorno, what equipment do you want? You can only handle three things, but you’ll need a flashlight, which takes up a slot.”
Giorno looked at the equipment. “I don’t have to buy all this?”
“No, I have everything covered.”
“I’ll take the spirit box and the camera.”
“Alright, so you’ll be in charge of taking photos of the bones and cursed objects. You can take a picture of the ghost, but I wouldn’t risk it. Also, if anyone dies, take a picture of their bodies. You can only take five photos with each camera. When using the spirit box, you want to keep the lights off and, depending on how the ghost will respond, either alone or in a group. However, some ghosts will not respond to it. Once we find the ghost’s favorite room, you’ll want a response as soon as possible. Any more questions?”
“No,” Giorno replied.
“Alright.” Fugo turned around to see if Narancia and Mista were there. They weren’t. Both of them were playing basketball. “Oh my god, these idiots.” He went upstairs. “Come on! We have a ghost to hunt.”
The three came down.
“Alright, click on the board when you’re ready. Since this is Giorno’s first time, we’ll play on amateur.”
Giorno readied up, and so was everybody else. The game then teleported them into a truck.
“Alright, do you see this board right here?” Fugo guided him. “This is the ghost’s name and how they respond to it. There are also optional things for us to do, but we’ll ignore that for now. It looks like Yoshihiro Kira responds to people who are alone. Oh, and as for the map, that’s important too. And that bar right there, that’s our sanity. The lower it is, the ghost will target you for it when it triggers a hunt.”
“Um, I think the ghost targets anyone indiscriminately regardless of sanity, except for the banshee,” Narancia said.
“Whatever. Just make sure it’s not low.”
“How long have you guys been playing this?” Giorno asked.
“I bought it a week ago,” Fugo answered. “But the others had it longer.”
“And somehow you’re a higher level than us,” Narancia commented.
“I played it by myself. That’s also how I’m filthy rich.”
“Hey, Fugo,” Mista said. “You’re not the richest guy in the group.”
“Oh? Please explain.”
“The game gave me 200 cameras, and I sold them all.”
“200? How?”
“I don’t know!”
“Alright.” Fugo walked to the truck’s door and grabbed the key. “Let’s go!”
He pushed the button to open the door and headed inside.
“Oh, Giorno,” Fugo spoke on the radio, “make sure you turn on the lights, or your sanity will drain.”
Giorno checked the blue room, and nothing was there. Then he headed to the baby's room, found a right humerus next to the wardrobe, and photoed the bone with his camera. “Found a bone in the baby’s room. Is the ghost here?”
“I’ll need to check,” Fugo said. “I have the thermometer. I was in the kitchen, and the temperature was 17 degrees Celsius.”
“I have a camera,” Mista said. “I’ll see if there are any ghost orbs.”
The lights in the room suddenly went off.
“Who?” Narancia panicked.
“Someone head to the garage,” Fugo said. “That’s where the fuse box is.”
“Ugh, I’ll get it,” Mista said.
The lights came on, and Fugo was there.
“Hey!” he said. “I could’ve gotten the lights, but I wanted to see how you were doing. Are you enjoying the game so far?”
“I wasn’t expecting to find the bone so fast,” Giorno answered. “What’s the temperature in the room?”
“That’s because the house is small. 14 degrees Celsius. It’s not here.”
“Freezing temperatures in the basement,” Mista said. “I can see my breath. There’s also a summoning circle. Giorno, you might want to take a picture of it. God, shit! The chair just moved.”
Narancia laughed. “I’m coming. I also got a lighter for us to summon the ghost.”
Giorno and Fugo came down to the basement.
“Okay,” Fugo started, “the ghost could be a demon, hantu, jinn, moroi, oni, onryo, revenant, shade, mimic, twins, or a yurei. Make sure you circle freezing temperatures. Does anyone have the D.O.T.S.?”
“I do!” Mista said. “I always carry one with me if I’m holding a camera. I’ll place a camera on one of the shelves.”
“Alright, we’ll have to leave Giorno here in the dark.”
“Wait, can I summon the ghost?” Narancia asked.
“Not yet. We want to see if Kira will respond to the spirit box. You’ll want to ask how aggressive it is, where it is, or an age-related question. If it responds, then circle the spirit box as evidence.”
The three left, leaving Giorno to himself in the dark.
“What do you want?” he asked.
Kira did not respond.
“Where are you?”
“How old are you?”
Once again, silence.
“I asked three questions, but the ghost didn’t respond,” Giorno spoke into the radio.
“Yeah, about that,” Fugo said. “You’ll have to repeat some of the questions.”
“Can I summon the ghost now?” Narancia asked.
“Hold on. Everyone, make sure you turn off every electronic. Giorno, once Narancia summons Kira, you’ll want to take a picture quickly and run. The ghost will activate a hunt, and you’ll be unable to leave the house. Hide in a closet or something.”
“Wait, can I change my equipment before we summon the ghost?” Giorno asked. “I don’t like using the spirit box if I have to repeat asking questions.”
“You probably need to say the ghost’s name, but I should’ve figured you’d hate the spirit box. Narancia, do you have the UV flashlight?”
“No, I don’t,” Narancia replied. “I think it’s still in the truck.”
“Then what do you have?”
“The lighter and candle.”
“Do we even have the optional objective to have the ghost snuff out the candle?”
“I didn’t read.”
Fugo sighed. “Of course, you didn’t read. Doesn’t matter. Light the candle.”
“Giorno, could you hand me the camera?”
“Sure,” Giorno said.
Someone switched the lights on, and the three returned to the basement. Giorno dropped the spirit box and camera and headed to the truck, grabbing the UV flashlight.
“I can grab more things. What else should I grab?” Giorno asked.
“I placed a journal in here,” Mista replied. “How about another video camera?”
Giorno took the camera and sprinted back to the basement.
“Okay, good,” Mista commented. “Place the camera in front of the journal.”
He did as Mista said.
“Okay, we’re all set,” Fugo said. “Light the circle!”
Narancia lit the circle, and Yoshihiro Kira appeared. His skin was gray, he still had some of his hair, which was white, and his figure was slim.
“Run!” Fugo yelled.
Everybody except Narancia sprinted out. Giorno went to the blue room and hid in a closet. His heart pounded like the time he asked Fugo out.
“Narancia?” Mista called out on the radio.
The ghost’s footsteps got closer and closer but then went away.
“Is it gone?” Giorno asked on the radio.
“Wait a few seconds,” Fugo replied.
“Hey, guys,” Narancia spoke in the Discord call. “I’m dead and took multiple photos. You’ll need to get another camera.”
“Damn it!’ Fugo responded. “Alright, I think the ghost is gone.”
“We’re going to make that ghost pay!” Mista said. “Where’s the spirit box? I got something to say.”
“I’ll get a camera and photograph Narancia’s body. Mista, do whatever you want. Giorno, stick with me. I’ll take photos of the ghost’s fingerprints. By the way, where are you?”
“I’m in the blue room currently in the closet.” Giorno stepped out and saw Fugo heading towards the exit. He returned a few seconds later.
“Okay, so here’s what you want to do,” Fugo began. “Shine the UV light at doors, except for the exit, light switches, windows, keyboards, and mirrors.”
Giorno and Fugo wandered the house for a bit. They found evidence on the basement door and took a photo.
“Circle fingerprints,” Fugo ordered. “Since we have freezing temperatures and fingerprints, the ghost could be a demon, hantu, or jinn. Since nobody’s in the truck, Giorno, you head over there.”
Giorno returned to the truck.
“The bitch is a demon,” Narancia said.
“I think so, too,” Mista agreed. “And before we check off one last thing, I got something to say to Yoshihiro Kira. You are a nasty little fuck. You know that, leaving your fingerprints all over the place? Fucking clean after yourself, you piece of shit, dumb bitch!”
“Hey, dumbass, you’re talking on the radio,” Fugo reminded him. “Let’s go downstairs to see what he’s doing.”
The couple returned to the basement. Mista had the spirit box in his hand.
“I bet you have dick cheese, you nasty manwhore!” Mista continued to insult, causing Narancia to laugh. “How many kids do you have? One? A hundred? Do you hug your children? I bet you don’t! You’re probably a deadbeat dad who—”
Yoshihiro Kira appeared right in front of Mista and killed him.
“Damn it!” Fugo shouted. “Run again!”
Giorno hid in a locker in the garage.
“Guys, I’m dead,” Mista said.
“I think the ghost is after me,” Fugo said.
Everything was silent. Although Giorno couldn’t tell where the ghost was, he started counting down to guess how long the hunt lasted.
“The ghost is gone,” Fugo said. “Come on. Let’s take a picture of Mista’s body.”
Mista’s body lay next to Narancia’s.
“Perfect,” Fugo commented while taking the picture.
Giorno looked at the journal and noticed violent scribbles on it. “We got evidence of writing!” He brought his journal and circled demon as evidence.
His boyfriend took a photo. “Wow, this went perfectly.”
“Perfectly?” Narancia sounded offended. “We’re dead!”
The couple sprinted to the truck and left.
The game returned them to the lobby, bringing them to the board. Since Giorno had the ghost type correct and the team photographed the evidence, he now had more money.
“Should I buy anything?” he asked.
“No, you don’t have to,” Fugo replied. “Do you have 10 Ridgeview Court unlocked?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Perfect! We’ll do that one. I’ll bring everything again. Everyone, click on the board. We’re heading to Ridgeview.”
Everyone readied up. When the four loaded in the truck, Giorno first took the strong flashlight and thermometer but stared at the sound sensors.
“I’m guessing these pick up the ghost’s sounds,” he said.
“Yeah,” Fugo replied. “We should probably use these to locate the ghost’s room. Hmm, what’s the ghost’s name.”
The two checked the board, and the ghost’s name was Reimi Sugimoto. It said she also responds to everyone.
“Since there are four of them, shouldn’t we all grab one?” Giorno was back on topic about the sound sensors. “I was thinking that Narancia and Mista use the EMF readers.”
“Well, I want one person to use the spirit box. Maybe Narancia can have the EMF reader while Mista holds the spirit box.”
“I’m cool with that,” Mista said.
“I have no idea how to use the EMF reader,” Narancia said.
“If it’s at four, run,” Fugo informed. “There’s a low chance the ghost could activate five. Don’t worry. Giorno and I will find the ghost’s room before you two can.”
“Oh, we’ll see about that!”
Everyone grabbed the sound sensors and left the truck. Fugo rushed to the basement to turn on the fuse box and place a sensor on one of the shelves. Giorno placed his near the master bedroom, while Narancia placed one near the garage. Mista planted his sound sensor somewhere in the second-story hallway.
“I just checked the basement room’s temperature,” Fugo said on the radio. “Not cold enough for it to be the ghost room. I’m going upstairs.”
Giorno went to the truck to fetch the UV flashlight while Narancia grabbed a photo camera. While on their way, they noticed the sensors picked up some noise on the second floor.
“Noise on the second floor,” Giorno said on the radio.
“Perfect,” Fugo said. “Aha! There’s a music box in the girl’s bedroom. Also, the temperature is the coldest here, but it’s not freezing.”
“Wait for me!” Narancia said. “I’ll take a photo of the object!”
Narancia sprinted out of the truck.
“I’ll get the cameras,” Mista said.
“I’ll get the D.O.T.S.,” Fugo said.
Giorno walked out of the truck and explored the house for fingerprints on the second floor. Meanwhile, he could hear Narancia communicating with the ghost, and Mista constantly went in and out of the house, placing equipment in the girl’s room.
“Are you friendly?” he asked. “How old are you? How close are you? Are you French?” Narancia would go on repeating the same questions.
“Hey, you might be at that for a while,” Fugo said. “Do you mind dropping your camera?”
“Giorno, I’m coming to you. Where are you?”
Giorno headed to the girl’s bedroom. “I’m right here.”
His character model approached his. “Oh, perfect! I see you’re carrying a UV flashlight. We’ll be perfect together.”
“Wait!” Narancia stopped them. “If it takes a while for the ghost to appear, can I use the music box?”
“Yes, but you must tell us before you use it,” Fugo turned around and answered. He faced Giorno again. “Let’s check the bathroom and see if she touched the mirror.”
They checked the bathroom, but Reimi hadn’t left any prints yet.
“We have ghost orbs!” Mista said. “I checked the cameras on the truck.”
“I wouldn’t circle that yet,” Fugo said. “It could be a mimic.”
“D.O.T.S.!” Narancia yelled. “Oh god, fuck! The ghost!”
 Everyone inside scrambled to find a hiding spot, causing Fugo and Giorno to split up. They ran downstairs. Giorno hid in a locker in the garage, while Fugo hid in the basement.
“I hate this game,” Narancia complained on Discord. “I died in the bathroom upstairs.”
It had been 25 seconds. The hunt should be over.
“Okay, I think it’s over. Circle D.O.T.S. and ghost orbs as evidence. Reimi could be a banshee, raiju, thaye, yokai, or yurei,” Fugo said. “I’m going to go back upstairs.”
Giorno got out of the locker and joined his boyfriend. Once he met up with Fugo, he used the UV flashlight in the bathroom, revealing that Reimi touched the mirror and door.
“It’s a banshee,” Fugo said. “We can go now.”
“Did you take a photo of my body?” Narancia asked.
“What about the bones?”
“Forget the bones. Let’s leave.”
They returned to the truck and left, returning to the lobby.
“Man, we can find the ghost quicker when we place those sensors,” Mista commented.
“Why was I the only one dead?” Narancia asked.
“Your body was in the middle of the room,” Fugo said.
“There was no place to hide!”
“Don’t run into the bathroom then. Anyways, are you down for one more?”
“Nah,” Giorno replied. “I’m exhausted, and it’s getting dark. Maybe tomorrow?”
“Oh, later then! I love you!”
“I love you too.”
Giorno quit the game and turned off his computer.
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