#The OP was cropped out of the screenshot and since the original post has been deleted. And at the time there was 0 notes on it
kdsburneraccount · 1 year
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twitterdotcom · 7 months
saw a bad take gaming take in one of the tags on here comparing 2 games, that I had to stop myself from replying to. It was just so over confidently wrong, even when the person admitted they hadn't actually played the games they were talking about????
its since been deleted, but not before someone in the fandom that was being dissed saw it screenshot it and then posted it to twitter where its now becoming a copy pasta due to the way it was worded 😭😬
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sanderssideswriting · 3 months
So I decided to take a quick snoop on twitter, with what's been going on the last day or so. And I and horrified to report that Twitter is somewhat aware of our existence. And this post in particular is pissing me off, so let's break it down.
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So, the screenshot that op on twitter posted, it's hard to see because of the cropping but if you squint you can see that the anon says; "Maybe Thomas will understand that when he gives zero communication with fans, then they simply stop being fans?!"
Pretty straight forward, it's standard stuff that's discussed here. Thomas's lack of communication and how long it's been since the last proper sanders side episode. And it's a gripe a lot of us have with the series, it's taking a long time, there's little communication and it's frustrating.
and the OP on twitter says "disrespectfully shut the fuck up. Thomas is one of the few content creators using his platform to help Palestine, and you want to boycott HIM because you don't have your season finale yet? Put this energy where it matters. This shit is pissing me off."
Glad we can agree on something op. But that's where out similarities end it seems.
Because why did you take the original post of "if there's little to no communication (and long wait times) between episodes then people will move on to other things where that isn't an issue." to bringing up Thomas's fantastic advocacy and fund raising for Palestinians. If you reread the post again, it specifies to boycott the finale, not Thomas himself, not the work he's doing to help Palestine. Just the finale. The second screenshot though it's harder to read is someone saying that they think people shouldn't buy merch until the finale is released.
As far as I'm aware no one has ever criticized Thomas for supporting Palestine and trying to fundraise. At least not the on #ts crit #ts critisism #ts critical or #thomas sanders all of which I follow and look at religiously. And if there are those people out there they're wrong, obviously. But that's not what we, in this little corner of Tumblr discus.
I've seen other people here get death threats for criticizing Thomas. This isn't a big space, there are only a few people who make regular contributions to the tags no to mention we share them with people who criticize Taylor Swift.
There can and should be a place for people to critisize and air their grievances in peace. Especially since, as Thomas once said himself:
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None of this stuff is being seen by Thomas directly, we're not on twitter, if Thomas does have a tumblr he's not getting tagged. I at the least never use the main sanders sides tags.
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badaziraphaletakes · 7 months
I don't understand why you and your followers can't write "I read a take that said this" instead of posting the actual screenshot, which triggers a witch hunt for the OP to send hate for that specific shot you posted. If you post the takes with the handles attached, hate will be sent even more easily to the OP. If you read the OP's name and then choose at your discretion what to post... how do you manage it? Do you decide how many times the same person can be the target? What are the criteria?
I read under another post that people are happy to be blocked by so called Aziraphale haters. But, if someone wants to be blocked and never see their takes again, why do they specifically go after the “haters” to send screenshots to you and hate to the OP? Why don't you block them and instead wait for them to block you? I ask this with sincere curiosity. I assume that you are in good faith and don't want the fandom to be reduced to a small group of people. I don't write meta or analysis, so I'm not worried about being the target of anything. But a user I’ve been followed since season 2 who posted a lot of interesting metas (a bunch of them supporting Aziraphale and talking about his trauma) deactivated their blog for receiving a lot of hate after simply saying that maybe (not even definitely) Aziraphale screwed up in the end. It seems to me that the tones are a bit overheated. And posting the screenshots, even if you are in good faith, helps to keep the discourse going, in my opinion. I don't know, you have to do what you think is best, of course.
I don't understand why you and your followers can't write "I read a take that said this" instead of posting the actual screenshot
I have written about this in previous posts. LSS people are too scared to reply to the original takes, and it is reassuring to people who felt hurt by the takes to see the specific takes that are triggering to them get called out. I get a message to that effect, thanking me, at least once a day.
If you post the takes with the handles attached, hate will be sent even more easily to the OP.
We have never done that, we have never considered doing that, we never suggested doing that, and we are never going to do that. They will ALWAYS be anonymous.
If you read the OP's name and then choose at your discretion what to post... how do you manage it? Do you decide how many times the same person can be the target? What are the criteria?
About 80% of the takes that are submitted to us are submitted with the handles cropped out. We're instituting a policy for at least awhile of having the handles included when they are submitted to us so we can avoid it sharing too many posts by any one person (still a super weird coincidence that that ever happened - though I think it's relevant to point out here that by far the most obvious explanation for how that happened is that, since that person apparently has a ton of followers - so the reason so many people submit their takes to us is BECAUSE A LOT OF PEOPLE SEE THEM! - Occam's Razor). But we will always crop out the handles before posting. I (Mod X) have even cropped out non-default background colors to help with that. We take this seriously.
When the names are included I make a point of not posting too many by one person. I actually have thrown out a ton of that person's takes when people have submitted them to us with the handle attached, because I wanted to keep things in balance. And I have SIGNIFICANTLY toned down the commentary attached to many of the bad takes people have submitted to me.
I read under another post that people are happy to be blocked by so called Aziraphale haters. But, if someone wants to be blocked and never see their takes again, why do they specifically go after the “haters” to send screenshots to you and hate to the OP? Why don't you block them and instead wait for them to block you?
This is exactly how it unfolded, as it happens. The person who, it transpires, we posted a lot of takes from (but NOT the majority of the takes we've posted - it turns out that, as far as we can tell, we posted more from them than any other one individual, but we are certain that the majority of the takes we posted were still from other people) blocked the blog about ten minutes after it was created - because they said "depression doesn't exist" and we replied with a link to an article on MayoClinic saying that depression *does* exist (it's another term for Major Depressive Disorder. But I digress). Seriously, THAT was what they blocked us for. They didn't even reply.
And we have NEVER encouraged people to harass OP's. Omitting handles was supposed to prevent that. It should have prevented that.
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