#The Next Full Moon Will Be the Last of Four Consecutive Supermoons
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michaelgabrill · 2 months ago
The Next Full Moon Will Be the Last of Four Consecutive Supermoons
The Next Full Moon is a Supermoon; the Beaver, Frost, Frosty, or Snow Moon; Kartik Purnima; Loy Krathong; the Bon Om Touk (”Boat Racing Festival”) Moon, the Tazaungdaing Festival Moon; and Ill Poya. The next full Moon will be Friday afternoon, November 15, 2024, at 4:29 PM EST. This will be early Saturday morning from […] from NASA https://ift.tt/DI85x6F
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orbemnews · 4 years ago
Pink Moon 2021: When is the Pink Moon over the UK? Moon 'heralds the coming of spring' This year’s Pink Moon is the second of four consecutive Supermoons that will peak in the spring and summer. Supermoons are one of the few astronomical phenomena you can enjoy regardless of your position on the globe – and the next Supermoon is no exception. At their best, Supermoons can appear up to 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than usual. What is a Supermoon? A Supermoon is said to appear during a Full Moon phase at or near the Moon’s perigee – its closest orbit of our planet. Because the Moon’s path around the Earth is elliptical and not perfectly round, it is closer or farther from us every night. And since the term Supermoon is not a scientific one, there is some debate over how many Supermoons there are this year. If you consider every Full Moon near perigee this year to be ‘super’ then we have four Supermoons in total – on March 28, April 27, May 26 and June 24. If you only consider the closest Full Moons at perigee in a given year, then we only have two Supermoons this year – on April 27 and May 26. READ MORE: Life after death: THIS is the process you will go through when you die When is the Pink Moon over the UK? The Pink Moon will make its grand appearance next Tuesday, April 27. Full Moons appear once a month – with the exception of a rare Blue Moon – at the halfway point of the lunar cycle. Because the cycle lasts about 29.53 days, Full Moons don’t fall on the same date each year. Here in the UK, April’s Full Moon will reach peak illumination by about 4.31am BST. The Pink Moon will peak about one-and-a-half hours before its sets for the day, but it will rise again around 9pm BST. What is the meaning behind the Pink Moon’s name? The Pink Moon’s unusual name is popularly attributed to the time-keeping traditions of Native Americans. According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, various tribes would give the Full Moons names that reflected seasonal changes in the wildlife and landscape. The arrival of the Strawberry Moon in June, for instance, would signal wild strawberries would soon be ripe for picking. The March Moon, meanwhile, is said to be named after earthworms burrowing through the ground at the start of spring. Unfortunately, this means the Pink Moon will not be turning pink next week. Instead, it is said to be named after a type of pink flower that covers the fields at this time of year. Amy Nieskens of The Old Farmer’s Almanac said: “April’s Full Moon is known as the Full Pink Moon because it heralded the appearance of wild ground phlox or moss pink, one of the first spring flowers. “It is also known by many other names to herald the coming of spring, including the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon and the Fish Moon.” if(typeof utag_data.ads.fb_pixel!=="undefined"&&utag_data.ads.fb_pixel==!0)!function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod?n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0;t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script','https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js');fbq('init','568781449942811');fbq('track','PageView') Source link Orbem News #Coming #Heralds #Moon #Pink #Spring
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lovehaswonangelnumbers · 5 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/sept-2019-astrology-reality-re-weaving-is-underway/
Sept 2019 Astrology ~ Reality Re-weaving is Underway
Sept 2019 Astrology ~ Reality Re-weaving is Underway
By Marcia Sisterstar
Hello, Beautiful,
It’s been three days since the Moon and the Sun performed the sacred marriage of cosmic energy that renews our connection with life each month. The hieros gamos, the ancients called the timeless magic that’s unfolding all month from the Virgo house of your birth chart.. 
What the second of 2019’s three consecutive new supermoons has just delivered to you, is a game-changing infusion of Virgo power. And, in quintessential Virgo style, while it’s officially over, it’s far from finished.
That’s because as Luna made herself new, she and the Sun were surrounded by all three planets of the inner solar system. Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Known as a stellium, it intensifies the power of the sign by orders of magnitude. All month you’ll be feeling htat power — in the most intimate and immediate parts of your life. How you think, what you love and value, your drive and ability to take action — it’s all sourced by these three planets.
And for the first half of this lunar cycle, they’re re-weaving your reality — breath by breath, thought by thought, choice by choice.
The Moon and Venus, the solar system’s two primary agents of Cosmic Feminine energy, have already begun their reality transformations (within and around you) as they’ve conjoined the Sun. Today and tomorrow, it’s the core agents of the Cosmic Masculine — Mars and Mercury, whose codes drive your action (Mars) and perception (Mercury) — who are in the transformation zone with our Star. 
This morning, Mars transmuted himself in the Sun’s fire as he made exact alignment. In 9 degrees of Virgo, the Red One created the seed of the motivation and action style that will lead you through the next two years — ones that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. In the coming days, that seed will be powerfully supported by Saturn and Mars, and then stress-tested by Jupiter and Neptune.
*Tomorrow night, it will be Mercury’s time to enter the fires of our solar system’s Great Heart. In the days ahead, a transformed Messenger will follow the Red One into the cosmic realignment zone that is your life for the tests that will ready him — and you — for th adventure of a lifetime.
For Mars, this is a whole new beginning. For Mercury, as for Venus, it’s an initiation into the wisdom phase. Both are becoming the Evening Stars who will soon be guiding us through one of the most exciting, bewildering, shocking, and reality-bending times of our lives.
Virgo: the zodiac’s most misunderstood sign goes multidimensional
Too often seen as an OCD nag and neatnik, the Cosmic Virgin is in fact a reality re-weaver. Far more than the zodiac’s maid service, tidying up the messes of our lives, she’s actually the force within us all who brings spirit and matter, cosmos and earth into deep, creative alignment. And this month, she’s going multidimensional.
When Luna, now a delicate new crescent, formed a 45-degree semi-square with the Sun this morning, she was signaling us: her incubation period is over. She’s ready for action. 
And so are you. Not just any action. The action that will re- weave spirit and matter together, on the multiple levels of your reality where profound shift is occurring. There’s some extremely potent dimensional weaving in play throughout September — and far beyond. If you’ve been watching 11 consecutive days of rain falling over the Amazon, as circles of prayer, meditation, and energy work formed around the globe, or of Hurricane Dorian’s slow shifting away from the coast of Florida, as similar groups formed, you’ve been witnessing that potency. If you’ve been tapping into the field with your own prayers, meditation, or energy work, you’ve been experiencing this interdimensional re-weaving yourself within you as well as around you.. 
Even then, when so much is happening beneath the surface, it can seem as if “nothing” is happening on the outer level. Don’t let that lead you to underestimate the power of what’s underway, within and around you — or to ignore it. The Virgo seed that’s ready for action is infused with the codes of quantum breakthrough — delivered by Uranus in the mighty flowing wave astrologers call a trine to the New Moon — and those codes are making their way through the global field like seeds bringing the spring through the dark, heavy earth to the surface. 
In this case, you’re the seed, the fertile and resistant earth, and also the surge of the new. That’s going to become more clear than ever over the next eight days. — when an almost dizzying array of conjunctions, trines, and oppositions are rewiring not only your perceptions, your values, and your motivation and drive. They’re also rewiring your ability to navigate multiple realities. 
The narrowing gap between timelines and reality fields
Within and around you, metamorphosis is occurring. It’s happening in the narrowing gap that we normally experience between short-term developments — a new moon, some new intentions, and new beginnings for your personal life — and the longer-term movements of the outer, reality-shaping planets and the solar system itself. 
Our longer term direction is towards a much deeper connection with our galaxy — and beyond. New planet discoveries in the solar system’s outer, trnasformational edge, like the cascade of discoveries about our universe have opened new pathways in human consciousness.  The breakdown of old systems makes it much easier to step into these expanded realities — if we can integrate the energy. Otherwise we may find our personal circumstances collapsing with the old paradigms. Even then, though , we are wired into the Universe, carriers of expanded reality codes, even when things seem most hopeless. That’s what it means to carry the Universe within us.  The inside-out job of reality transformation
Transforming reality, is an inside-out job, not the other way around. Our part is to connect to what is already dormant within us — with our hearts, our intentions, and our bodies too — and to align with, integrate, and ground what we uncover within. 
The transformation of deep reality structures is well underway. Pluto and Saturn have been closely conjunct all year, and are now just over four months from their first conjunction in Capricorn — the sign of the most ancient and enduring structures — since 1285. Paradigms were collapsing 700 years ago, too —  as both a 200-year holy war and  feudalism came to an end and new and unimagined reality is opened up. 
2020 begins with the historic conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. It will end with the first air-sign conjunction of the two reality-shapers, Jupiter and Saturn in 500 years. Their last air sign conjunction was in the same sign where the two guru planets will meet on the 2020 Winter solstice — Aquarius, our consciousness destination in this unprecedented sea crossing. That 1405 meeting gave rise to the period some historians refer to as the “miracle centuries” that transformed Europe.  The good future is already within you. It’s time to bring it more fully into your life, and our world.
What they will give rise to in 2020 is taking shape within us now. The work we have to do to birth a new reality is already present. Our challenges and our desires are already pointing us to the path to the good future.
It’s the very crises we face, personally and collectively that are pushing us to tap the power to transform. The keys to unlock that power have been within us since we were born. In a time of global crisis, the codes that connect us to the Universe, and allow reality timelines to shift, are waking up. 
Reweaving your reality
Over the next two weeks, the entire inner solar system is participating in re-weaving your reality in the most personal and immediate of ways — as the planets in the Virgo stellium make a mind-blowing series of 21 connections. Following the conjunctions of Mercury, Venus and Mars to the Sun, they’re all conjoining each other — and the edge-dweller Orcus, who carries the sovereign and reality-creating power of your soul vows. 
In rapid succession, the inner trio will then go on to form squares, trines, and oppositions — 14 in all — to Jupiter, Saturn, Nessus, and Pluto. Throughout this process, they’ll be realigning the relationship between your thoughts, values, and drive with abundance, manifestation, domination, and power — and making possible a far deeper level of integration than ever before.
This is happening from within you. It’s already there. Before “doing” anything or “making something happen,” let your intentions, perceptions, and choices come into deeper alignment — and intend, see, and choose from there. 
8/31-9/3: Creation and consolidation of new ways of seeing, wanting, and acting:
The Sun conjuncts he Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Orcus
Thee Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Orcus conjunct each other
9/2-12: Confronting the dominator and expanding the new by dropping the dead weight of disconnection 
The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars oppose Nessus, the Abuser
Venus, Sun, Mercury, Mars square Jupiter
9/7-14: Discerning illusion from inspiration 
Mercury, Venus, and Mars oppose Neptune
9/14:   Moving forward as Saturn stations dirct and begins to move forward — th day of a Pisces Full Moon
9/21:   Unraveling illusion from inspiration and holding a bigger space for the Real
Jupiter squares Neptune for the third and final time, opening a bigger space for a deeper, wider, and truer connection to the Oneness.
Medicine for Reweaving
Virgo is extremely sensitive and can be overwhelmed by over-stimulation. 
By sending overwhelm into the Earth as you make direct connection through bare feet or hands, or  connect with the Earth Mother’s frequencies by holding her crystalline forms, you open a channel of access to her vast reservoir of  already aligned high-frequency cosmic energy.
 By adding the power of breath — breathing in through your feet from the heart of the Earth, and exhaling out through your crown, all the way to the heart of the Universe — you’re accessing the air element at a time when none of the solar system’s core planets are in an air sign. It’s air that gives us perspective, keeps our fire burning, and prevents our water frequencies from becoming stagnant and our earth frequencies from getting stuck.
Until Mercury enters Scorpio  in early October, Neptune (and the Moon, for just a couple of days at a time every tne days or so) is the only planet in a water sign. To avoid becoming brittle and parched, give yourself abundant access to the life-renewing qualities of water. Drink lots of it. Take long showers or baths. Read poetry — or better yet, write it. Listen to your emotions, and also to music.
The times you took birth for have arrived. It’s time to stay in your one-of-a-kind magic than ever before. May it bless you, and all whose lives you touch, over and over, every minute of the exciting days ahead.
With all the love, and the blessings of the stars,
Marcia (aka Star Sister)
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