#The Most Energetic Man In The World and his weird teal lizard... out and about...
graviconscientia · 8 months
tumblr enable siideblog questiions now challenge~
Name: siimon "cookiie" castor~
Age: 28iish sorta kiinda~
Do you like to cuddle?: II WIILL HANG ON YOU LIIKE A BABY KOALA~ so yes!!~
Can we make-out?: um yeah absolutely!!~
A night in or dinner out?: omg~ ummmm~ a niight iin can be so super speciial, but iif neiither of us feel liike cookiing or settiing up, goiing out iis fun two!!~
Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: AH HOW CAN II PIICK??~ strawberriies can be fed two each other so ii'm gonna piick those, but iice cream iis so versatiile two~
What makes you a good Valentine?: :3~ ii'm liiterally so so cute and sweet and ii'll treat you two my very best ANY and EVERY tiime we meet, date, or just hang out!!~ ii've been told my giifts are thoughtful and creatiive also~ and ii try so so hard two treat you how you need two be treated, not just how you want two be~
Would you cook for me?: certaiinly!!~
Would you let me cook for you?: absolutely!!~
mads iis gonna be my valentiine but nobody saiid you only had two have ONE!!~ 💜💙💗
You make a valid point! I could have multiple Valentines... We both have two hands...
Your gifts are so thoughtful and creative! Whoever told you that was correct! I am happy to confirm that, too. I do think we should go on a date soon. It would be fun, wouldn't it? Who could possibly have more fun than us?
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