#The Magicians of Madh
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booksteacupandreviews · 2 years ago
The Magicians of Madh (Meandering Magicians #1) by Aditi Krishnakumar - witty middle-grade fantasy
#TheMagiciansofMadh entertaining, amusing, witty #middlegrade #fantasy and mystery set in the magical city and royal academy @PenguinIndia Check out full review ⬇️
The Magicians of Madh is entertaining, amusing, witty middle-grade fantasy and mystery set in the magical city and royal academy The Magicians of Madh (Meandering Magicians #1) by Aditi Krishnakumar Publication Date : July 10, 2018 Publisher : Duckbill Books and Publications Read Date : March 31, 2023 Genre : MG Fantasy / Mystery Pages : 224 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Disclaimer – This…
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albanian-studies · 7 years ago
Witchy Albanian Vocab.
Inspired from @noonymoon who made one for German. You can check that out here.
THE ELEMENTS / Elementet 
fire - zjarr
water - ujë
air - ajër
earth - tokë
spirit - shpirt
WITCHCRAFT / (no translation)
witch - shtrigë
magician - magjistar
wand - shkop magjik (lit. magic stick)
broom - fshesë
chalice - kupë
crystal - kristal
candle -qiri
cauldron - kazan
bell - zile
incense - temjan
potion - ilaç
charm - hajmali
amulet - hajmali (same term is used)
talisman - hajmali  (same term is used for all three) 
spell - magji, formulë magjike
curse/hex -mallkim
banishment - syrgjynosje, dëbim
divination - parashikim
fertility - fertilitet
fidelity - besnikëri
peace - paqe
protection - mbrojtje
destiny - fat
memory - kujtesë, memorie
contentment - kënaqësi
happiness - lumturi
enthusiasm - entuziazëm
awareness - ndërgjegjësim
friendship -  miqësi
admiration - admirim
acceptance - pranim
prosperity - begati
abundance - bollëk
health - shëndet
empathy - ndjeshmëri, empati, prekshmëri
harmony - harmoni
knowledge - njohuri
beauty - bukuri
courage - kurajë
healing - shërim
wisdom - mençuri
success - sukses
energy - energji
curiosity - kuriozitet
dreams - ëndrra
friends - miq
pets - kafshë shtëpiake
animals - kafshë
truth - e vërteta
trust - besim
goals - qëllimet, synimet
love - dashuri
luck - fat
joy - gëzim
aries - dashi
taurus - demi
gemini - binjakët
cancer - gaforrja
sagittarius - shigjetari
capricorn - bricjapi
aquarius - ujori
pisces - peshqit
leo - luani
virgo - virgjëresha
libra - peshorja
scorpio - akrepi
earth - Toka
sun - Dielli
moon - Hëna
mercury - Mërkuri
venus - Afërdita/Venusi
mars - Marsi
saturn - Saturni
uranus - Urani
neptune - Neptuni
pluto - Plutoni
hope - shpresë
euphoria - eufori
passion - pasion
compassion - dhembshuri
serenity - qetësi, kthjelltësi
freedom - liri
poetry - poezi
poet - poet
poem - poemë
poetic - poetik
writing - shkrim
writer - shkrimtar
artistic - artistik
art - art
(to) paint - pikturoj
(to) draw - vizatoj
drawing - vizatim
painting - pikturë
(to) photograph - fotografoj
fantasy - fantazi
imagination - imagjinatë
surreal - surreal
(to) create - krijoj
daisy - margaritë
peony - lulegjaku, bozhure
carnation - karafil
tulip - tulipan
sunflower - luledielli
gerbera - margaritë
orchid - orkide
iris - iris
lilac - jargavan
gardenia - gardeni
jasmine - jasemin
magnolia - manjolë
hyacinth - zymbyl
lily - zambak
poppy - lulekuqe
violet - vjollcë
wildflowers - lule fushe
petals - petale
thorns - gjemba
wolf / wolves - ujk/ujqër
owl - buf
bat - lakuriq nate
cat - mace
dog - qen
bird - zog
fish - peshk
rabbit - lepur
bear - ari
tiger - tigër
lion - luan
leopard - leopard
cheetah - gatopard
raccoon - rakun
otter - vidër
deer - dre
butterfly - flutur
moth - flutur nate
fox - dhelpër
raven - korb
frog - bretkosë
horse - kalë
forest - pyll
woodland - pyjor
earthy - tok
flame - flakë
bonfire - zjarr (i madh)
mother - nënë
nature - natyrë
cosmos - kozmos
universe - univers
stars - yje
moor - kënetë
WITCHY / (no translation)
enchanting - magjepsës
enchanted - i/e magjepsur
supernatural - mbinatyror/ i mbinatyrshëm
fairy - zanë
fairies - zana
elf - elf
unicorn - njëbrirësh
wish - dëshirë
wise - i mençur
celestial - qiellor, hyjnor
mythical - mitik
magical - magjik
(to) bewitch - magjeps
spiritual - spiritual
spirit - shpirt
soul - shpirt
soulmate - shpirt binjak
twin - binjak
psychic -psikik
sigil - sigil
seal - vulë
wax - dyll
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booksteacupandreviews · 2 years ago
March was a feel-good month #MarchWrapUp
Which was the best book you read in March? Check out mine in this monthly Wrap Up Post ⬇️
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