#The Iron Horse Chronicles
robertleemurphy · 3 months
Bear Claws Audiobook Available Now
Bear Claws: The Iron Horse Chronicles–Book Two is now available as an Audiobook on Amazon.com. The audiobook is narrated by Brian James Stenberg. You can download the audiobook at: Amazon.com: Bear Claws: The Iron Horse Chronicles, Book Two (Audible Audio Edition): Robert Lee Murphy, Brian James Stenberg, Robert L. Murphy: Books  
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celestiamour · 5 months
‧₊˚✧ ❛[ one loss after another ]❜
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ft. peter pevensie x gn! reader — prince caspian, the chronicles of narnia
╰₊✧ peter realizing that his lover didn’t get past the gates┊1.1k words (prt two)
setting: the telmarine age (prince caspian) contains: angst!! prince caspian spoilers, guilt, descriptions of battles, mentions of death & murder, open ending, maybe ooc/lore inaccurate
➤ author's note: mmmm, narnia brainrot…
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all around him was the state of his troops being massacred, the same troops who swore to follow him to the very end and were now paying the price of his foolishness with their lives. they were heavily outnumbered and deep in enemy territory while more and more telmarines joined the battle from seemingly nowhere. the call to retreat has been made several times, but some narnians were dealing with as many as three soldiers at once and the wave of archers from above raining arrows on them all certainly wasn’t helping. they were being held back, and as much as peter wanted to stay and help as many escape as possible, there were too many and the brave minotaur giving his life to hold the gate open wasn’t going to be standing forever.
he could feel his heart beating up to his ears and the wind rushing past him as he rode his horse past the archway with several others, but it wasn’t loud enough for him to ignore the battle cries and the howls of pain of those who didn’t make it behind him slowly becoming distant. as soon as he managed to flee, the minotaur collapsed on the spot and the heavy iron gate crashed atop his body. there were so many who were still trapped, trying to climb the metal bars in a futile attempt while getting stabbed in the back while some others decided to kill as many of the enemy forces as possible until their dying breath. whatever they were doing, they were all yelling at their noble king to turn back around and get away before miraz could chase after him.
it was difficult to listen to them and tear his eyes away from the entrance of the castle, but it was even more difficult to resist the urge to cry as he got to a safer distance. he failed them, he failed them all. he didn’t dare to look at the survivors, keeping his head down in shame and disbelief. he was supposed to be a king, the fabled magnificent high king of old who once saved the land from the white witch, but it was time for him to look the truth in the face and admit that he was still the troublesome schoolboy from finchley who wasn’t fit to rule anymore, much less mythical beings who were threatened to being driven to extinction.
when he finally lifted his head to address the remaining few, he felt his heart now drop. “w-where is…?!” panic was setting in as his world started spinning. lucy was back at base, susan was right in front of him, edmund just flew in with the help of a griffin, but you weren’t anywhere to be found. he thought he was going to be sick, tightening his hands on the reins and ready to go speeding back, “they must still be in there…! i-i need to go back!”
“you can’t!” susan exclaimed, the centaur whose back she hopped earlier on was now blocking his way.
“i have to! they’ll die in there!” despite being one of the most proficient with swords (even more so than him) and one of the best fighters at his disposal, he never wanted you to endanger yourself in battle and now regrets not trying harder to convince you not to join them.
“peter, you need to stop and think! you don’t have any way to get back in there— even sneaking in wouldn’t work now that they are high-alert! you’ll just get yourself killed while we need you to lead us. besides, you know that if anyone can make it out alive, it’s them, and if they can’t, then you need to stay alive to avenge them!”
she was right, and he knew that he should be listening to her since he still has the narnians and his younger siblings to protect, but his mind was racing even faster than his heart was earlier. he doesn’t know how he’ll handle the grief if you don’t make it, not after the massive scare of assuming you were already gone while he was away from narnia just to find you frozen in time thanks to aslan’s magic. ever since then, he’s kept you as close to him as he could, but now he’s afraid that fate is continuously trying to rip you away from him.
he took a deep breath, trying to collect his thoughts and swallowing his fear to put on a brave facade in an effort to lift the spirits of his troops, telling everyone to head back to aslan’s how before they will figure out how to recover and their next plan of action. he didn’t follow them immediately, not wanting to see the likely spiteful look in their eyes and hear the possible gossip about how incompetent he is, and instead looked back at the telmarine castle. it was much quieter now and darker with the looming knowledge of death indirectly by his hand, but the faint sound of metal clashing against metal was enough to give him a glimmer of hope you were still alive.
and alive you were, swinging your sword like the battle just started! they just couldn’t seem to pin you down, tripping over each other as they tried to swarm you and arrows hitting their own men instead of you. there might have been even more deaths by friendly fire than there was from you, but you were only here to raise hell for them to avenge your fallen friends. if you were going to die behind these walls, then you were going to take down as many of them as possible with you! you didn’t really know if there were other narnians still alive or if it was only you, but it didn’t matter right now when you were putting all of your strength to defending yourself.
the general leaned over to catch the attention of his king who was focused on you, “that one might single-handedly wipe out everyone in the palace if we don’t intervene right now…”
miraz couldn’t help but smirk, what was a warrior like you doing serving the boy king of a lost cause? you would be much better suited in his own army, maybe as a captain or as a lieutenant. “indeed… capture them and bring them to me after a night in the dungeon, perhaps they would make a good ally with a bit of convincing…” too bad for him, your loyalties are to the high king peter pevensie the magnificent and none other. that single night that he foolishly allows you to spend in his prison will be more than enough time to break out and make your way back to camp.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 3 months
Tag Game: WIP Questionnaire
Thanks to @diabolical-blue and @paeliae-occasionally for the tags here and here!
Blank Questions:
1. What’s the first part of your WIP that you created? 2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be? 3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why? 4. What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share? 5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP? 6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them! 7. How do your characters travel/get around? 8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now? 9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in? 10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
Gently tagging @faytelumos @thewritingautisticat @pluttskutt @illarian-rambling @somethingclevermahogony
@scaewolf @grimmdivinity @crwn-nrth and open tag! :D
Answering for The Legend of Orian Goldeneye under the cut:
1. What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
I actually created Jas first. I fleshed out her design as a portal fantasy protagonist ages before I started thinking up the plot to TLoOG. It consisted of a character sheet with her name, appearance, and general sense of her personality, though that would get fleshed out later as I wrote the first draft.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Oooooo I had to think long and hard about this, but I'd love for the song Ghosts That We Knew by Mumford & Sons to be the hypothetical intro. I think the lyrics reflect a lot of the characters' motivations, backstories and relationships.
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
Killian because I like to whump him, Jas because she's me but slightly to the left, Orian because he's precious baby, Diana because she's a bard, Henrik because he means well but needs improvement, Azura because she is multifaceted.
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
I suppose other works in the portal fantasy genre such as The Chronicles of Narnia, Beyonders, The Owl House or the Cosmere (I guess?? Worldhoppers are portal fantasy protagonists???) would have overlap. I would say amnesia trope as well but it might be surprising to learn that I haven't read very many books with it. While there are some Wheel of Time elements I don't think there'll be very much overlap compared to the rest.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
This storming rewrite draft. I have a plan that I'm going for but I'm currently at a standstill because Diana didn't originally exist the way she does now and I'm trying to find a good way to introduce Azura that isn't just Orian talking about her. Seriously the first draft was very different than what I'm trying to do now and I'm having issues.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Does Octavian count? Sure let's say his wolf form counts. Also Henrik's horse.
Octavian's wolf form doesn't come out very much, it tends to operate on instinct and its instincts usually are kill and maim and maul. But if Octavian's cornered he won't hesitate to call out to it and transform.
Henrik's horse's name is Swiftling, she's a powerful mare, former warhorse and as no-nonsense as a horse can possibly get. Asta's stallion learned early on that she won't tolerate anything she considers beneath her. A very fitting horse for Henrik.
7. How do your characters travel/get around?
Well Henrik obviously has his horse. Most of the story takes place in Saint's Shoal, so everyone just walks until they have to travel to Iron Hollow, a city some distance away. Then Diana hires a wagon and horse for the journey.
Some dreamshapers can warp space inside the dream, but only for themselves. Morpheus is one of these. Azura and Orian are not.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
I just got to Diana's introduction and am gearing up for Azura's. In the first draft Azura was introduced when kidnapping Jas, but I changed that because of reasons. I'm currently having a bad bought of writer's block in this scene though, and I'm considering trying to write it from a different POV instead. Orian's maybe? I'll have to decide soon.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
Portal fantasy
High Fantasy
Sarcastic female lead
Dreamcore magic system
Child of prophecy
Badass female villain
Lots and lots of whump
Minimal romance
Low/no spice or smut
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
That I finish this rewrite draft hehe
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Hello, I came across your Kencyrath rec post and I am tentatively intruiged. That said I wanted to ask about a trigger before I dive in. Suicide is pretty strong trigger for me. I can handle it if it's mentioned, but detailed descriptions of the act or a lot of time spent in a suicidal character's head/thoughts dealing with suicidal ideation would not be. Is this an issue in the Chronicles of Kencyrath, and if it is, do you have a different recommendation?
Okay SO.
The Kencyrath exist in a honor/shame society, in which going against the code of honor (lying, breaking your word, etc) is considered a sin that can only be forgiven through an honorable death. Sometimes this takes the form of going into battle without the intention to come back, generally without armor, but it also takes the form of ritualized suicide with a specific kind of knife. I would call it a very specific kind of suicidal ideation, in which it doesn’t come so much from a depressive headspace as it does from a kind of rigidly religious one. There isn’t a ton of time spent in the heads of characters actively pursuing ritual suicide, nor what I would call traditional depressive suicidality, but it IS a very present element of the society, including people freely making choices with the understanding that they will be expected to take their own life afterward, or people being forced to take their own life as an alternative to being dishonored. Think samurai rules or Imperial Chinese rules and you’ll be in the right ballpark. Ultimately I can’t know the inside of your brain, but if onscreen suicide discussion or aftermath is a concern, I might table this series until you feel more ready for it.
In terms of alternative recommendations, buckle up, I have a list based on what part of the Kencyrath pitch you were into. These recommendations are made with the assumption that all the OTHER content warnings for the Kencyrath are not a problem, but I’ll note any really major ones and include a broad rating according to AO3 rules. Anything with an asterisk by it heavily features the big Chivalric Devotion vibes of the main Kencyrath dynamics. I read a lot of that.
Sprawling politics:
The Unbroken* (drafted soldier impresses daughter of the empress, they try to stop a war, full of double-crossing schemes and gallant ladies, cw colonialism, M for violence, sex, and extremely real colonialism)
The Captive Prince* (dethroned prince is sold into slavery under his mortal enemy, definitional enemies-to-lovers content, cw sexual assault, E for a very sexually relaxed culture in a bad way)
A Taste of Gold and Iron* (unambitious prince gets tangled up in a currency fraud scheme and gets a shiny new bodyguard, E for a very sexually relaxed culture in a good way)
October Daye series (starts out classic urban fantasy, rapidly becomes Blood Magic and Politics The Series, for those committed to a long series, T for violence)
Pulp fantasy adventure vibes:
Hero and the Crown/The Blue Sword* (classic sword and sorcery fantasy, for DnD lovers and people who read Horse Girl Books as kids, General Audiences)
Silver Under Nightfall* (vampire couple teams up with vampire hunter to cure a magical plague, the polyamorous murder romance you need in your life, cw coercive assault and body horror, E for gore and numerous threesomes)
Heaven Official’s Blessing***** (translated Chinese novel, very old fallen god returns to Heaven and Does His Best, for those committed to a LONG book, currently on volume 8, T for violence)
Witch King (body hopping demon tries to solve his own murder with his found family in tow, perfect standalone book, T for violence)
Spicy magic systems:
The City We Became/The World We Made (sentient cities and extra dimensional invaders, for everyone who read a lot of Avengers In NYC fic back in 2012, cw racism and survival sex work, M for sex)
Gideon the Ninth/The Locked Tomb series***** (everyone knows about this series, it’s the one with the lesbian space necromancers, cw for just the craziest flavors of abuse, M for violence and cannibalism I guess, also fits the below category)
The Gilded Ones* (what if all the misogynists who said women were demons were absolutely correct, and it was fucking rad, cw for SO much sexism and also religious indoctrination, T for violence)
A Soul to Keep* et al (okay oKAY LOOK THIS IS MONSTERFUCKER CONTENT BUT I RECOMMEND IT, local cursed woman gets forced to marry a demon, they argue a lot and the sex scenes are REAL bizarre, cw kidnapping and the second book deals with a character coming out of a severe depression, HARD E for monsterfucking, obviously)
Interpersonal relationships that are just SO fucked up:
A Dowry of Blood (a letter from Dracula’s first wife to the man himself, cw domestic abuse, M for adult themes and sex)
Remnants of Filth/Yuwu* (translated Chinese novel, loyal general becomes the jailer for his traitorous ex-lover, cw slavery and discussion of sexual assault, E for sex)
The Salt Grows Heavy (homicidal Little Mermaid and plague doctor wander through an apocalypse together, actually read everything Cassandra Khaw has ever touched, the absolute pinnacle of horror, cw all her stuff for really creative violence and body horror, M for violence and gore)
Anyway if you have any other book recommendation questions and/or you read any of these and enjoy them, hit me up, recommending books to people is genuinely one of my great joys in life.
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thefirstempress · 6 months
Warrior Princess in Exile
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Link: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D46566089/
As mentioned a while back, I'm planning a spin-off of sorts to The First Empress, starring Viarra's mom, the Warrior-Princess Lutaxa of the Andegamni tribe. Lutaxa's people are based on the ancient Celtic tribes, and in particular the Pre-Roman Gauls. My working title for the story is Warrior Princess in Exile, though I'm open to other names. I finished the first full scene earlier and thought I'd share it here. As always, feedback and comments are welcome!
“Though she was mother of one of the most powerful women in the world, Lutaxa of the Andegamni was never crowned queen of anywhere. Technically she was princess-consort of Kel Fimmaril when she gave birth to the future Empress Viarraluca and her brothers. Meanwhile, she was more of a warlord or war-chief to the Andegamni tribe than queen. As Iron-Age Gannic tribes rarely kept a calendar, we can’t know for sure when she was born, though sometime in late 55 or early 54 BE seems most probable. While Empress Viarra was famous for her gargantuan height, we know that Princess Lutaxa was slightly taller, and like her daughter was also famous for her bright copper hair. She was reputed to have a will like iron and an edge like obsidian. And although she wasn’t present for Viarra’s famous usurpation of the Hegemony of Andivel that began the great empress’s rise to power, we know from accounts by Viarra and her colleagues that Lutaxa was a mighty warrior-princess in her own right and bequeathed both her martial prowess and political savvy to her Titan of a daughter.” —from Empress Viarraluca: Life of a Titan, by Zahnia, the Chronicler
35 BE, Early Summer
Part of her wishing she didn’t have to wear this bronze helmet and scale-armor on the most humid day of the summer so far, Princess Lutaxa of the Andegamni tribe took a swig from her water-skin as she watched the approaching scout riders. She wiped sweat from her eyes, trying not to smear her blue and black war-paint more than it already was. The weather wasn’t even particularly warm, but the inescapable moisture in the air bordered on oppressive.
“What d’ye report?” she demanded as the scouts rejoined the rest of the four-hundred-warrior war-band.
“Is like ye grandfather predicted,” a tall, shirtless spear-warrior named Velitax reported from his horse. “The traitor Cenali and their allies send another war-band tae attack our fortifications from behind.”
“Up the old wagon road?” Chief Adgenix—Lutaxa’s second-cousin and Grandfather’s master-of-horse—asked as he trotted up beside her.
“Aye,” a brigandine-clad shield-maiden named Cavarixa confirmed, nudging her horse closer. “We think seven-hundred strong.”
“From clothes and the crimson war-paint, I recognized their guides from the Iatta tribe,” Velitax added.
“So much for the Iatta’s claims of neutrality,” Adgenix groused behind his long, droopy brown mustache.
“Or maybe they have traitors of their own,” Lutaxa offered. “Grandfather, Father, and the others can piece that together when the Cenali and their allies are defeated. For now, let’s deal wi’ these foes so we can get back tae Grandfather and the rest of the army!”
“Aye, Princess,” Adgenix nodded, grinning and thumping his fist against his bronze breastplate.
“I’ll take the shield-warriors and hunters and hit their vanguard’s flank, while ye take ye horse-warriors and hit their rear as hard as ye can,” Lutaxa ordered. “Let’s see if we cannae smash the rest of their war-band between us and drive them back intae the forest.”
“Aye!” Adgenix grinned again. The scouts rode off with him to rejoin the rest of his seventy-odd cavalry-warriors.
Hefting her shield and spear in her left hand and two javelins in her right with her broadsword dangling from her hip, Lutaxa gave a quick, sharp whistle to signal the rest of her warriors to move out. Her copper hair was twisted up into a topknot and tucked under her conical bronze helmet. The helmet included hinged cheek-flaps to protect her face and a short, angled brim to deflect arrows away from her head. Painted dark blue with wolf-like devices, her wooden shield was tall and oval-shaped, held behind a central bronze boss. Under her scale armor, Lutaxa wore a maroon-dyed, long-sleeved wool shirt with crimson, navy, and pine-colored checkered pants. Lastly, she wore soft-leather ankle-boots to partly muffle her steps.
The wealthier warriors and shield-maids in her band were armed and dressed similarly, some with leather brigandine or bronze plate instead of scales or with tall, hexagonal shields instead of oval. Most of these warriors were either nobles who could afford to buy armor and spend most of their time training or were veterans who’d used spoils from past victories to buy armor and better weapons.
Most of her warriors, however, were conscripted farmers and tradespeople who wore little if any armor and carried either tall oval shields or more often simple round-shields. These warriors usually carried a single spear and a few javelins with maybe a dagger, hatchet, or cudgel as a sidearm. Hunters and huntresses conscripted into Grandfather’s army served as ranged support and typically carried either a longbow or shield and sling with sidearms similar to the poorer warriors. Though the conscripts’ training ranged from rudimentary to nonexistent, the Gannic tribes were a naturally strong and hardy people made mightier by harsh northern winters.
All shades of brown, black, blonde, red, or copper could be found among Gannic hair colors. Northern Gan tended to wear their hair long and wild, twisting it into topknots before going into battle. Though younger men sometimes grew short beards and older men often grew long beards, the more common facial hair was beardless with long, drooping mustaches. And while it varied from tribe to tribe, many men and women also plucked or shaved their body hair during the spring and summer.
Most Gannic shield-warriors and shield-maidens wore war-paint and dyed wool garments plain or with striped, checkered, tartan, diamond, or herring-bone patterns—though fighters who went shirtless were not uncommon. Zealots of warlike gods such as Vindicatus or Atepu were known to fight with only their weapons and war-paint. As in, no clothes: just spears, swords, and shields, with scrotums or snatches bared to all.
While Lutaxa could appreciate the courage it took to charge into battle stark-naked as well as the harrowing effect that screaming, painted nudists could have on enemy morale, such zealots tended to fight bravely and die quickly.
Admittedly, her war-band was a far cry from the disciplined, semi-professional Venarri armies and mercenary Tollesian phalanxes she’d encountered during the two years she’d spent fighting as a mercenary for the Venarri kingdoms and city-states to the south. The Tollesian hoplite sell-spears had been particularly impressive, with their tall spears and bronze or linothorax armor, and Lutaxa remembered being relieved her warriors were fighting beside them instead of against them.
Uncle and Grandfather had used the pay and spoils their tribe acquired from those campaigns to fund this war against the treacherous Cenali. After two years of campaigning, Grandfather—the great War-Chief Camulatix—had forced their foes into a grand showdown at the fortified village of Carix. Expecting the Cenali to send a flanking force around the nearby mountain to attack the village from the west while the main Cenali horde attacked the eastern and southeastern fortifications, Grandfather had assigned Lutaxa’s war-band to locate and ambush this force.
Creeping amid the trees a quarter-mile south of Carix’s stone- and palisade walls, Lutaxa located the wagon-road that she knew the Cenali would be using. Crouching with her warriors amid the tall grass, brush, pines, and other foliage, she readied her javelins and war-horn for the enemy’s arrival. Minutes later, she could hear the tramping of horses’ hooves amid the muttering and footfalls of leather-booted or barefoot warriors.
Crouching nearby, a stark-naked shield-maid named Saglia made a low growling noise as the first invaders came into view. Daughters of Atepu—followers and priestesses of the divine patroness of women warriors, huntresses, and jilted brides—were known to be particularly fearsome, painting their bodies in garish designs and bleaching their hair with lime. Saglia muttered a war-chant to herself, wearing only her blue-and-crimson war-paint, her bleached hair twisted into a topknot that dangled above her right ear.
Armed, clad, and painted similarly to Lutaxa’s war-band, the Cenali vanguard consisted of a few dozen mounted warriors mixed with shield-warriors and hunters. The Gan tending to be a fairly tall people with a lengthy stride, these warriors maintained a steady, mile-eating pace in order to reach their destination quickly and still have enough stamina to fight.
Once the enemy war-band came parallel to her group, Lutaxa raised her war-horn to her lips and blasted out the attack signal. All at once, her band let out their savage battle-cry and loosed their javelins, arrows, and sling-stones into the enemy’s unshielded right flank. Throwing both javelins before charging in, Lutaxa grinned as the first javelin took a rider from his horse while the second tore into a spear-warrior’s leg. The melee warriors led the charge, screaming and shouting as they engaged the startled invaders.
Using the slope to her advantage, Lutaxa screeched a battle-cry her mother taught her and rushed down upon a cavalry-warrior who was trying to get his frightened horse under control. Not giving him the chance, she shoved her spear deep into his kidney. The warrior screamed and fell from his horse, bleeding heavily. The horse responded by freaking out and charging off into the pines.
Lutaxa turned just in time to deflect a spear-thrust with her tall shield. The unarmored spear-maid facing against her managed to block Lutaxa’s return attack but found herself forced to back off as another of Lutaxa’s warriors attacked her unshielded side. Unable to handle the press of the Andegamni warriors, the young spear-maid tripped backward over one of her fallen comrades.
The spear-maid had beautiful golden hair, Lutaxa decided, and could potentially be a valuable battle-captive. Instead of stabbing her to finish her off, Lutaxa flipped her spear around to smack the woman in the temple to knock her out.
As the shield-warriors assailed the vanguard, the hunters, slingers, and javelin-warriors still amid the trees turned their missiles toward the middle of the enemy column, not yet engaged. Lutaxa smirked as two enemy warriors dropped their weapons and ran into the pines on the other side of the wagon-road.
Using her height and the leverage it gave her, Lutaxa punched her shield downward against an enemy shield, staggering the shirtless warrior backward. As the warrior stumbled, she used the opening she’d created to stab her spear deep into his chest.
Around her, the enemy vanguard crumbled at her warriors’ assault, more and more survivors fleeing into the trees. Screaming out another battle-cry, Lutaxa stepped over her fallen enemy to engage a grizzled warrior in what looked like an older bronze breastplate looted from a Venarri foe. The enemy warrior snarled and threw a javelin from less than ten feet away before drawing his broadsword and charging. Lutaxa knocked the javelin aside with her shield before side-stepping his charge and stabbing out with her spear. The spear struck less than an inch too low to catch the warrior’s unprotected armpit, instead deflecting off his bronze cuirass.
As the warrior turned to face Lutaxa, however, the shield-maiden Saglia shrieked out a war-cry and threw her spear into the side of the bronze-clad warrior’s head. Though the spear wasn’t balanced for throwing and the older warrior’s helmet deflected the attack, it knocked him off balance enough that Lutaxa could shove her spear deep into the bastard’s neck.
Lutaxa decided to include seducing Saglia as part of her victory celebration. Meanwhile, Saglia drew her broadsword and raced forward to pounce shield-first on another enemy warrior, tackling him to the ground and stabbing him repeatedly as she frothed at the mouth.
As Lutaxa’s war-band continued to cut their way through the enemy warriors and hunters, a cry came from the back of the enemy mob that they were under attack from both sides.
“Horse-warriors!” an enemy shouted. “We’re attacked from behind!”
Tall enough to easily look over the heads of the struggling Cenali warriors, Lutaxa smirked at the sight of Adgenix’s cavalry scattering the enemy rear-guard. Beset from two sides, the Cenali and their allies stood less than a minute before their horde broke. Lutaxa stabbed through a javelin-hunter’s defenses, her steel spear cutting deep through his chest and pinning the bastard to the ground as he fell. Drawing her broadsword, Lutaxa looked about to see the enemy scattering.
“Chase the fockers tae the river!” Lutaxa screamed to her warriors, a victory cheer going up from their ranks.
In a victorious frenzy, her war-band charged headlong after their routing foes, cavalry taking the lead and trampling deep into the disintegrating enemy war-band. Lutaxa and her shield-warriors chased down and cut down or captured every fleeing Cenali they could catch while her hunters and javelin-warriors lobbed their projectiles at retreating backs.
A deep river flowed less than a quarter-mile to the south of the wagon-road. Venarri merchants she’d met had a name for the river, but Lutaxa couldn’t recall it. Swift and bloated from the spring melt-off, the river was over an eighth of a mile across and was unfordable this time of year. Nevertheless, many Cenali warriors threw down their arms as well as armor if they wore it, leaping into the swift waters to escape the Andegamni warriors’ retribution. Many others threw down their weapons and surrendered.
Lutaxa estimated perhaps two hundred enemies struggling in the swift current. A few hunters lobbed arrows or sling stones after the escaping swimmers. At least one enemy warrior screamed as an arrow stuck deep in his back. The poor bastard screamed and thrashed, bleeding heavily as the current carried him off.
“Save ye arrows!” Lutaxa ordered, sheathing her sword and breathing hard from the battle adrenaline. “Any fockers can make it across deserve tae escape. Ye,” she continued, turning to a surrendering enemy spear-maid in leather brigandine and a bronze-rimmed leather cap. “Who’s in charge of ye war-band?”
“Fock if I ken,” the red-haired, freckled warrior admitted as one of Lutaxa’s warriors took her sword and dagger and another bound the woman’s hands. “I watched ye slay Chief Vocorix with ye own spear. I dinnae ken who’s left in charge after him.” She titled her head. “Ye are Princess Lutaxa, aye?”
“Aye,” Lutaxa confirmed. So the grizzled warrior that Saglia helped her slay must have been their war-chief.
“Ye reputation precedes ye,” the spear-maid nodded. “I suppose Chief Vocorix dinnae expect ye Chief Camulatix tae send his mightiest grandchild tae fight us.”
“Flattery will get ye everywhere,” Lutaxa smirked, raising the woman’s chin with two fingers. The spear-maid was handsome and brawny, probably in her thirties and looked like an experienced fock. Maybe Saglia would like tae share a battle-captive tonight, she mused to herself.
“Secure the prisoners and round up our wounded and theirs!” she barked to her war-band. “Adgenix,” she added, addressing him and handing the captive spear-maid off to her warriors. “Have ye horse-warriors stay alert in case any Cenali who escaped try anything. Once we’ve secured the captives and wounded, ride ye horse-fockers back tae Grandfather’s horde, see if ye cannae help the battle there. We’ll catch up tae ye.”
“Aye,” Chief Adgenix smirked before turning his mount to gather his horse-warriors.
When she was around fourteen winters old, Lutaxa rode her first battles with Adgenix’s cavalry—back when she was still small enough and light enough to ride in combat. While still a proficient horsewoman, her size and weight tended to reduce her mounts’ speed and stamina significantly, especially when riding with full armor and kit. As such, she tended to prefer to lead the charge beside the shield-and-spear warriors.
“Make any looting quick, loves!” Lutaxa added, watching a young spear-warrior conscript trying on a bronze helmet from a dead Cenali warrior. “If needed, we can loot them more thoroughly when we come back tomorrow tae gather our dead.”
A few nearby warriors grumbled, but not loudly.
“Saglia!” Lutaxa announced upon spotting her new favorite Daughter of Atepu. “Thank ye for ye help fighting they war-chief, love!”
“Aye, ye are most welcome, ye highness!” Saglia laughed, stripping a bronze dagger with an antennae-style crossguard and pommel from a dead warrior. From another corpse she took a leather bag full of what sounded like knucklebones. She scrounged a leather cord to tie both, since being naked she didn’t even have a belt to tuck them into.
“As thanks, would ye care tae celebrate by sharing a battle-captive or two with me tonight?” Lutaxa asked, kneeling to help up an allied warrior with a leg-wound.
“That sounds fun!” Saglia agreed, moving to support the warrior’s other side. “I will warn ye,” she added, “I have focked three men tae death, so dinnae bring any captives ye want tae keep alive.”
“I cannae tell if ye are serious,” Lutaxa observed, looking over the wounded warrior’s head at her.
“Aye, she’s serious,” the injured spearman nodded, limping between them. “One of them was my poor, stupid cousin who heard she focked two men tae death and decided tae try her anyway. Dumb bastard died from a broken pelvis.”
“Aye, two men died from broken pelvises, the other from a ruptured bladder,” Saglia added. “Several others were injured for weeks.”
“I killed a man in bed, but he was an assassin sent by the Cenali,” Lutaxa admitted. “He disguised himself as a bed-slave tae get close tae me. I was a bit surprised when he drew a knife, but he was even more surprised when I swatted his knife away with one hand and broke his neck with the other before he could react,” she added, flexing her huge left hand. “Any of ye injured partners women?” she asked next.
“Nae sae much,” Saglia shook her head. “Focking a lass needs a different technique and motions, aye? Lads get hurt, but lasses just cannae walk straight for days.”
“I think ye and I will get on great,” Lutaxa laughed.
19 notes · View notes
sophia-sol · 9 months
wow it's a new year! gosh. well let's talk about the IMPORTANT things, like this round-up of all the recs I did over the course of this month on mastodon! this month you will find:
3 article recs 6 tgcf recs 6 cql/mdzs recs 4 original short story recs 1 multifandom rec 1 doctor who rec 1 2ha rec 29 yuletide recs
(yuletide fandoms are: My Cousin Rachel, Jane of Lantern Hill, Sunshine, All the Horses of Iceland, Gods of Jade and Shadow, Debrief, Deeplight, Yudah Cohen, Winter's Orbit, Goncharov, Left Hand of Darkness, Mr Queen, Ocean's 8, I Want To Go Home!, Knives Out, Tortall, When the Angels Left the Old Country, The Blue Castle, Vespertine, Jeeves & Wooster, Chess (Musical), Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Ocean's Echo, The Goblin Emperor, Temeraire, and the Enchanted Forest Chronicles.)
Black Silk, Brown Silk: China and Beyond—Traditional Practice Meets Fashion, by Abby Lillethun, 2008
just read this interesting article on a technique for dyeing silk fabric a black colour in southeastern Asia, which can be called gummed silk or mud-treated/mud-dyed/mud-coated silk or a variety of other names
The article is about the socio-cultural context of the fabric's use in the last century and a half, which is fascinating, but now I want to know more about the chemistry of what goes on in this dyeing process. Especially since this is a process that involves iron in creating the black colour, and my understanding is that iron-rich dyes tend to corrode fabric over time, but gummed silk is specifically noted as being durable!
(the internet only wants to provide me fluff pieces about chinese fashion when I try searching) anyway the article is worth reading in itself even if it doesn't do everything I want it to!
Blue to black: Hypotheses on plant use complexity in traditional dyeing processes in Southeast Asia and China, by S. Li, A.B. Cunningham, Y. Shi, Z. Qiu, A. Hartl, X. Ding, S. Wu, Y. Wang.
I just read this paper on traditional indigo dyeing methods in Southeast Asia & China and it's so INTERESTING.
did you know: humans have been dying textiles with indigo dyes for at LEAST 6,000 years? despite it being a very complex multi-stage process? I am so impressed. (I'm also impressed we manage to have evidence of this! archeological research into the history of fibre arts is always a trial, for obvious reasons)
an indigo dye vat needs to be an alkaline environment that has been fermented to grow anaerobic bacteria
the dye vat will need various ingredients included to promote the fermentation and the correct type of bacterial growth, as well as to create the alkaline environment, and is monitored and maintained over time to make sure it goes right
the reason you need all this is because indigo particles don't actually penetrate the fibres; you need to reduce the size of the indigo particles, and when they're small enough you can turn them into leuco-indigo which CAN penetrate the fibres. then when the material you're dyeing is exposed to air, the leuco-indigo turns back into indigo and is trapped in the fibres!
if you want to overdye the indigo to create black, you also need a source of tannins as well as hyperaccumulator plants to be a source of metal mordant
so if you have indigo you can dye fabric black without using iron! iron corrodes fabric over time, and is the other main way to create a black dye, so this is amazing
modern industrial indigo-dyeing uses toxic reducing agents instead of the fermented dye bath, and this paper is intended to provide information on how sustainable dyeing could be done in a modern context as well. which, rock on. I love this.
Mickey, Disney, and the Public Domain: a 95-year Love Triangle, by Jennifer Jenkins
really enjoyed this article about Mickey Mouse and what it means practically speaking for Steamboat Willie to join the public domain in 2024! TGCF TGCF
Ming Yi's Monologue, by Zdenka
The original Ming Yi doesn't get much attention in fanworks, perhaps understandably since he never appears on-screen in tgcf while alive (or as a ghost, or otherwise able to exist and communicate), but he's a fascinating character to speculate about through what we know of him!
This short work is from Ming Yi's pov, a poem addressed to He Xuan from after death
it's so much fun! I love the pov, and I love the air of menace and resentment from ming yi towards his usurper. Perfect ending.
300 words in length
party city, by verity
rule 63 modern au hualian
it is so SOFT and suffused with care that I am all emotions!!!!
also. the outfits. I die.
3k words in length
My Love for You is Crimson, by elfowlgirl
xie lian gets an idea for a fun adventure and hua cheng loves to indulge his husband's mischievous side (I LOVE THIS)
the idea: if hua cheng went to heaven wearing clothes that aren't red, would anyone recognize him?
a charming and cute fic!
3k words in length
thanks to [email protected] for the rec!
Double Trouble, by corduroyserpent
wow?!?! jun wu is such a disaster and this is amazing
post-canon, jun wu has a qi deviation that splits off a younger version of himself as bai wuxiang
mei nianqing suggests that jun wu can fix it by dual cultivating with himself. jun wu is NOT into it but makes it work with mei nianqing's help.
3k words in length
thanks to to [email protected] for the rec!!!
we all have a hunger, by spicecandy
beefleaf modern reincarnation! reincarnation isn't usually my thing but I liked how it was handled here
he xuan has not developed any more chill over the years between when sqx dies and when sqx is finally reincarnated
he xuan's pov is very fun. the drama! the pathos! meanwhile sqx is clearly just having a nice time bonding with he-jie. beefleaf always about contrasts :)
I believe in u, he xuan! you can do it! have an actual relationship with sqx!!
also the gender stuff is great.
6k words in length
thanks to [email protected] for the rec!
shadowplay, by bloodletter
a postcanon beefleaf reconciliation fic; it's a wip and the first chapter was just posted today
sqx wakes up in a mysterious cave and finds that hx has saved her life and taken her there
the gothic vibes are out of this world and I love it so much, I am just eating this up, it's delicious. there's even a bit where sqx is standing on rocks looking out over a tempestuous sea!
hx is peak drama kid, peak capital-R Romantic, peak cannot-let-things-go. and sqx is unable to look away
I cannot wait to watch the rest of this unfold!
For the Love of Quilting, by Scrippio
a super cute modern au where wangxian are quilters! I love how much the author is clearly familiar with quilting and is able to imbue the fic with insider perspectives on the art/hobby
I love when writers port "these characters are super skilled at The Thing The Show Is About" into a completely different domain like this, especially when it's a domain that doesn't get much attention from fandom usually!
the dynamics between wwx and lwj are also so fun, the way they click so easily, and push each other, and inspire each other, and love each other
also I dearly want to see all the quilts that are described in the fic lol
5k words in length
It's Only Time, by soupytwist
wangxian fanvid set to "It's Only Time" by the magnetic fields
I tend to be a hard sell on vids set to slower songs but this one totally captured me
a gorgeous look at the endlessness of lwj's love
thanks to [email protected] for the rec that brought this one to my attention!
Hold On, I'm Coming, by inkjunket
wangxian fanvid set to "Hold On, I'm Coming" by Book featuring Ndidi O
damn this vidder is so good at using the motion of clips with the music to create and build intensity!
I love how clear the arc is of what the vid is doing, even with almost no words in the song
thanks to [email protected] again for reccing this one!
Ready For It?, by wrensandroses
fanvid focusing on jin guangyao, especially his relationships with lxc and nmj and qin su
set to "Ready For It" by Taylor Swift
this was so much FUN. the song makes it a real bop, experiencing jgy and his uhhhhhh Choices. the vid makes excellent use of his patented customer service smile also!
thanks yet again to [email protected] for the rec!
like a virgin (feels so good inside), by wildwestwind
modern au where wei wuxian is a camboy and wen ning is his roommate
wei wuxian is bad at recognizing boundaries and wen ning is bad at having them and it leads to them having sex together on camera
they are both disasters and I love them very much!
3k words in length
thanks to [email protected] for the rec!
Salt in Our Sentences, by hansbekhart
exploring the relationship between Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji; the three months of almost-friendship when they were searching for Wei Wuxian together, and then the many years of hatred that followed
and yet lwj saves jc's life when he's injured in a night hunt. but they still hate each other.
the deep well of bitterness on both sides, as both feel fully justified in their hate! god it's so good. the vibes in this fic are impeccable.
2k words in length
thanks [email protected] for the rec!
Maladaptive Camouflage, by Ann Leblanc
a woman with a gun is faced with two identical people who both claim to be her wife
it's a fascinating short horror story about shape-shifting monsters who can duplicate human forms
told through the pov of a shape-shifter!
2k words in length
Catch and Release, by Nemainofthewater
an original xianxia short story on ao3
in which an unorthodox cultivator gets himself adopted by a small child who turns out to be part of a major righteous sect, despite the unorthodox cultivator's attempts to remain a lone wolf unencumbered by attachments
totally adorable and delightful!
1k words in length
My Bonsai Lover in Winter, by Rachael K. Jones
I'm not quite sure what to make of this short story but it's odd and lovely and I enjoyed reading it so I'm sharing it with you as well.
content note for body horror I think
1k words in length
There’s a Door to the Land of the Dead in the Land of the Dead, by Sarah Pinsker
about queer intergenerational friendship and mentorship, about being a young adult trying to find your place, about death and what it means to you, about living through the death of all your peers and coming out the other side, about hope and love and making connections.
holy shit this gave me so many emotions. READ IT READ IT READ IT.
also I adore the title. pinsker writes great titles.
6k words in length
Bicycle Race, by seekingferret
multifandom vid set to Queen's "Bicycle Race"
no serious deep meaning, just a whole lot of different people bicycling in a whole lot of different fandoms!
charming and fun to watch
Rest, by Aria
I left the doctor who era of my life behind in 2012 but when one of my beloved doctor who friends posted a new fic today inspired by the newest doctor who happenings, I had to read it
and guess what I had SO many feelings! the doctor! and donna! and finding ways to rest and live a linear life on earth with people he cares about and learning how to find the mundane things worth paying attention to!
3k words in length
oh, to be in love (and never get out again), by verity
rule 63 modern au f/f ranwan
chu wanning has atticwifed taxian-jun
cwn is SO horny for her wife (wives) but can't let herself just enjoy that
1k words in length
The Collar Tightens, by nemali
fic for My Cousin Rachel
post-canon fic from Louise's perspective!
Philip is haunted by the ghost of Rachel!
Louise struggles to keep up the mindset that of COURSE she must be happy to be married to Philip!
-1k words in length
Longest and Lasting, by Jougetsu
fic for Jane of Lantern Hill
fic about Aunt Gertrude through the years, her relationship with her mother and siblings, and growing into the person we see through Jane's eyes in the book
so good and believable! poor Gertrude. she never had an opportunity to escape, or to learn how to want something other than her mother's approval!
1k words in length
under our skins, by Wildcard
fic for Robin McKinley's novel "Sunshine" featuring Mel and Mel's tattoo artist!
told through the notes kept by the tattoo artist on each tattoo associated with Mel
Such a great glimpse into Mel's side of Sunshine's world!
1k words in length
The Nameless Mare and the Mountains, by tryfanstone
Take the beautiful novella All the Horses of Iceland, and tell it from the perspective of one of the horses!
just as beautiful and numinous as the original!
1k words in length
descent, by misura
fic for Silvia Moreno-Garcia's Gods of Jade and Shadow
such a fun pov choice to have it from Vucub-Kame's perspective!
I loved the arguments between Vucub-Kame and Hun-Kame, and between Hun-Kame and Casiopeia!
2k words in length
Souls in the River, by primeideal
Fic for the two-person roleplay game Debrief (I LOVE DEBRIEF!!!!)
featuring Dora and Jean, the wives of the player characters in the game, and I love how it makes them real people with their own complex relationship with each other!
I also love what it does with footnotes, it is a GENIUS way of doing pov things for this particular canon
ahhhh there are so many great details in the fic too!
3k words in length
the lord survives the rainbow of his will, by XenomorphLiebe
fic for the Frances Hardinge book "Deeplight"
focusing on the friendship between Hark and Jelt
absolutely perfect creepy vibes, and capturing what's compelling to Hark about his friendship with Jelt despite everything
also perfect bits about Quest as mentor-figure!
4k words in length
An Occasion On Which Yudah Cohen Was, Shockingly, Not Required To Meddle, by whetherwoman
fic for the Yudah Cohen series of short stories by Rebecca Fraimow
ft. exactly what the title describes
and ahhhh what a DELIGHTFUL story, a perfect little addition to the world of Yudah Cohen that feels exactly right!
it feels like Yudah Cohen and his family and the people around him are the kinds of people about whom endless stories COULD be told, and this is simply another absolutely correct story about his life.
2k words in length
Groundhawk Day, by Caracalliope
fic for Everina Maxwell's book Winter's Orbit
a timeloop on Kiem and Jainan's wedding day! oh noes, what will they do!
I love the timeloop as an external factor they have to face together
Kiem is so KIEM! I love him so much. the way he is delighted every time by whatever Jainan's done with his hair and clothes!
and I am so glad the fic cares as much as I do about the external non-romantic relationships for both of the romantic leads. how Bel is an integral part of things no matter what, and how much Jainan and his sister love each other
4k words in length
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Goncharov, by berlincorpography
fic about the made-up film Goncharov, by which I mean, fic about the made-up academics who study the real-in-their-world film Goncharov and have fights about it in academic journals, and also write fic about it
told entirely via text messages, ao3 comments, academic paper abstracts, and emails
yes obviously it's enemies-to-lovers
it's completely delightful, I love everything about it
6k words in length
thanks to [email protected] for the rec!
Uncautionary Tales, by Roadsterguy
fic for The Left Hand of Darkness, set generations after canon!
a young person of Gethen dreams of journeying out to join the rest of the Ekumen; their parent tells them the story of the Envoy and of Estraven
I love this outside perspective on the characters we know and love from canon, and what must have/might have happened to them, and the stories they've become in the generations since!
the original characters are wonderful also, bringing a great dynamic to the discussion of what it means to be a Gethenian vs an Outsider, and to the consideration of what a story means and what it means to tell that story
yuletide always brings fabulous left hand of darkness fics and this one is no exception!
2k words in length
Some Things that No One Teaches You, by DachOsmin
another Left Hand of Darkness fic!!! just as good as the other one! god I love fandom
genly and estraven on the ice, while estraven is in kemmer; a classic premise
this one is so sweet and loving, so full of genly being obtuse about things but trying so hard regardless, and estraven wanting him despite it all!
2k words in length
Instructions for those who have relocated in space, time and/or genitalia, by Jang Bong Hwan - by halotolerant
have I watched Mr Queen? no I have not. but I HAVE had friends tell me about it and that's nearly as good, in that it means I could read this fic and understand and appreciate it
Jang Bong Hwan is writing down maxims about how to survive the experience of bodyswapping through time and space, for reference for future people in the same situation
Jang Bong Hwan gets a little off topic. a lot.
Jang Bong Hwan loves Cheoljong so much!
delightful and charming throughout, such an engaging and endearing narrative voice
7k words in length
Double Down, by chasesstarlight
pre-canon story for Ocean's 8, telling the story of how Lou and Debbie met each other and the first con they worked together!
a fun story with a con that does a good job of fulfilling the story's needs
I really enjoyed the Debbie/Lou dynamics!
6k words in length
The boys are back in town, by scintilla10
post-canon fic about I Want To Go Home! featuring young adult Mike and Rudy going back to the camp for a reunion weekend
super cute and sweet, and I loved how much camp turns out to be just….camp. Chip is a reasonable person who's grown up some more and was embarrassed about how at a loss he'd been as a counsellor, the new camp director is making changes to the programming, the other attendees are into the group bonding activities but don't force Mike and Rudy to do anything
and it leaves Mike and Rudy a lot of time to just hang out and figure out what they mean to each other!
8k words in length
the most riveting intermission, by 061828
cute little fic for the Knives Out universe, about Benoit Blanc and Phillip's first meeting!
from Phillip's pov and I loved seeing Benoit Blanc from his perspective
2k words in length
The Duke's Curse, by Ghostinthehouse
Tortall fic set in the Alanna era, about the ways different parts of the country deal with the famine, in the year after the use of the dominion jewel
I liked the realistic look at what the differences would be in how hard the famine is depending on the main sources of food, eg in Pirate's Swoop which can look to the sea, vs Trebond with its field crops, and the people who have to go hungry vs the people who merely have to eat less deliciously than usual.
I would have loved the inclusion as well of a place where the people in charge don't care as much about the well-being of the commoners through the famine, but I understand why the fic didn't want to go there!
2k words in length
if it were physical, it would show, by orthostatics
a Tortall fic set during the era when Duke Roger is dead the first time, from Alex of Tirragen's pov
omg I am OBSESSED with this minor canon divergence au that takes seriously the question of what Alex's motivations are
the fucked up relationships between Alex and Delia, Alex and Roger, Alex and Thom! Alex's obsession with and failure to understand Alanna! Roger continuing to be horrible from beyond the grave!
5k words in length
Known, by Kass
a lovely post-canon fic about Uriel after When The Angels Left the Old Country, as its relationship with Ash evolves but remains the cornerstone of its life
also full of Jewish geekery (as the tags of the fic say too!) which feels so right for fic of this book!
3k words in length
Zichronam Livracha, by azhdarchidaen
another fic for When the Angels Left the Old Country, this one set 200 years later in the present day
Ash and Uriel have continued to live in the US, and have brought Essie and Rose's papers to donate to a Jewish archive
I love the archivist, and I love Uriel and Little Ash, and I love that from both sides there's kindhearted delight at seeing young people interested in preserving history!
1k words in length
a place where joy is known, by redgear
a fic about The Blue Castle! a fic about Abel and Barney's friendship!!!
I love this look at what their friendship is like - and at what Abel's perspective on Valancy is like!
1k words in length
the place you need to reach, by go_gentle
Artemisia/Marguerite fic for the book Vespertine, a post-canon adventure
look I have a terrible memory and don't remember most of what happened in Vespertine but I DO remember I loved the book, and this felt like a great addition to it
Artemisia stops getting letters from Marguerite and immediately knows it means something is wrong and goes after her
investigating a creepy group of people with the help of her revenant!
Marguerite isn't just a damsel waiting for rescue!
I really enjoyed it
8k words in length
Supporting Partner's Suit, by Persiflager
a delightfully charming Jeeves/Wooster story wherein Wooster is bodyswapped with Honoria Glossop
I loved the original character Tilly and I was SO cheering on the Tilly/Honoria ship!
and of course Wooster and Jeeves are beautifully themselves as always
6k words in length
Building Bridges, by the_alchemist
fic about the musical Chess!
Anatoly/Svetlana navigating their relationship in the aftermath, in all its complexities
navigating the feelings and the realities of their lives and what they are and aren't capable of being for each other, but being connected on some level despite it all!
second person pov
6k words in length
A Winter Wood Warming, by Terrantalen
post-canon Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell fic, about Arabella and Emma and a trip to Faerie
much of it told through letters and journal entries
I love the developing relationship between the two women, how important they are to each other, and how Arabella's relationship with the missing Jonathan is treated at the same time
and the sense of the numinous fits just right into the way it's handled in canon!
what a good fic. one I will definitely want to return to to reread.
9k words in length
Secrets Kept, by softboypassing
post-canon Temeraire fic about Laurence/Tharkay exploring Tharkay's estate for the first time
really good at vibes and the themes and the narrative voice! loved this one!
7k words in length
Guidance Lights and Caffeine Shots, by lc2l
coffee shop au for Ocean's Echo!
wherein Tennal runs a froofy indie coffee shop and Surit is on a budge that doesn't allow for froofy drinks
super cute!
4k words in length
Interregnum, by Samizdat
Goblin Emperor fic set during the period between the crash of the Wisdom of Choharo and the coming of Edrehasivar VII
featuring various other people whose lives were changed by what happened!
I loved seeing all these other little perspectives on the upheaval of that time
5k words in length
Procrastinating with Princesses, by azurefishnets
an Enchanted Forest Chronicles fic that takes place post-canon, about one of Kazul's grandchildren
featuring a dragon who doesn't want to have to choose a gender in order to be considered an adult, and a princess who's also a prince
the next generation finding their own ways to be "improper" and shock the the older generation! gender experiences outside the binary! a very fun dragon-and-princess relationship! I loved it all
8k words in length
5 notes · View notes
llaberration · 4 months
Coyne's Chronicles: Shadow Over Yfiria - Chapter 11
Trevor slowed his gait a little as he felt Belfus squeeze his flanks, glancing back and upwards at the man quizzically.
“The glow... it's shifting,” murmured Belfus, staring intently at the college seal in his hands. He held it down for Trevor to see. The glowing stone was no longer the one pointing ahead down the path, but had begun to take a left direction, shifting as though they were no longer following directly.
Trevor stamped his hooves and made a little bucking motion, indicating he wanted Belfus to get off, and the Soldier, understanding, dismounted quickly, before the Druid got impatient and tried to buck him off properly.
Trevor returned to his human form, flung his long, curly hair out of his face and and grabbed for the seal, looking at it, turning it in his hands. “It could just be that they're following a bend again... the path doesn't all go in one direction and I've told you that before...”
“I know... but this was a much more sudden change... the bends and turns were gradual... this wasn't.”
Trevor walked a few steps backwards down the path, then paced a good ten metres forwards before scratching his head. “You might be onto something there...” he said, looking up in the direction of the pointer, “we must be close... but... why would they have stopped here... there's nothing...” he glanced at the ground, lowering himself to a crouch and running a finger over a heavy set of hoofprints. “These are pretty fresh... not the freshest but...” he looked along the track and saw they deviated from the path, heading off in the direction that the seal was pointing. “No... they were ahead... why have they stopped?” he frowned, some latent danger instinct telling him this wasn't right. It wasn't what he had been expecting. “I don't like it...”
“Well... what were you hoping would happen? We were bound to find them sooner or later?”
“Yes but not having stopped. I thought we'd find them on the road... my plan was to get ahead of them and then... you know... do the giant snake thing... or something.”
“Sounds like you had a reaaaaaally good plan set out there my friend,” sighed Belfus, dusting off his armour. “Well. We're here now and the situation has changed. So I think the best thing to do is go scout it out carefully. Looks like an old quarry from here so let's go around and look from above at what's down there.”
“Okay...” Trevor agreed, “that sounds good... we can decide what to do when we know what's happening in there...”
Belfus hid his pack in some bushes and the two of them quietly snuck up the hillside behind the quarry, dragging themselves to the edge and looking carefully down into the area below. Trevor held the tracker up carefully, frowning as he saw that even though they were now facing a completely different direction, the glow still firmly directed them to the quarry below. Honestly, he hadn't known quite what to expect... the scent of ancient magic left behind from Alan's kidnapping had him thrown firmly off-kilter even then but now... it made even less sense.
It was just a guy.
With a horse.
An unassuming guy with an unassuming but large horse.
A bit on the short side, dark curly hair, skinny but wearing reasonable quality clothing... apart from those strange, worn iron bands on his wrists the guy looked normal.
There was no sign of Alan, but the stone still firmly indicated this was where he was. If he was dead the glow would have gone out. “Apparently Alan's down there...” he whispered. “Somewhere. But that just looks like some guy that stopped for a rest...”
“It does. he doesn't even look like he's armed... no evidence he's any kind of trouble...”
Trevor chewed his lip. “I don't think he'd be much of a threat to us... I mean... I can turn into a bear and you you're a soldier right? I've never seen you fight but I assume you can.”
Belfus swelled up a little, “I assure you I am a warrior of some respectable skill.”
“Okay good. Well. I'm going to go in there first... I want you to hang out behind me in the bushes... and if I need backup, I'll give you a sign.”
“Are you going to attack?”
“No. Not attack. Well. I'm going to play it safe. See what happens.”
“What exactly is your idea of playing it safe?” asked the Soldier, but Trevor did not answer, already clambering down the hill. “Trevor?”
Coyne sat quietly on the rock, patiently waiting. He knew they had company. Fez, currently curled safely on the rock beside him in his travelling cloak, had spotted them a while ago. Having been fed a hearty meal of rat, he'd regained his strength a little, and they had been quietly relaxing for a few hours, giving the druid time to catch up to them.
The mimic tried not to react as he heard something crashing in the bushes outside the quarry, sitting calm and still as the huge form of a brown bear came charging out of the woods at him. He had been warned this was a possibility, but even though he knew he wasn't prone to death, some distant instinct in him didn't really care for sitting so calmly in the path of a charging bear.
The creature reached him in a few loping strides and then jumped to its full, towering height, letting out a thunderous roar.
Coyne waited until the sound died down, then looked up politely, “You must be Trevor,” he said with an unassuming smile, trying hard to pretend that the roar hadn't turned all of his insides to concentrated liquid terror. He stood up and reached out, taking one of the bear's clawed hands and giving it a polite shake. “He did warn me that you might... be a bear.”
The creature's jaw dropped in confusion, rather than aggression this time.
“It's okay, Alan's fine. I can assure you what happened was just as much a surprise to me as it was to you,”
The creature shook off its surprise, dropping down to all fours and giving a threatening growl, looking around as though it was confused.
“You're looking for Alan, I get it,” said Coyne, nodding. “It's fine, he's here, my 'colleague' just wanted to have a chat with him. He's not been hurt...”
The bear growled again, and Coyne gave it a shrug, “If we'd been doing him harm, would he have warned us about you? Would he have told us your name was Trevor?”
The bear narrowed its eyes, then right before him, began to change. There was a swirl of smoky, green magic as the beast shrank and shifted down to a more normal sized shape, a normal guy in somewhat scruffy travelling robes. “Well then,” he said, flicking long, curly hair out of his face, “Where's Alan?”
“Kind of a long story there...” said Coyne, holding up his hands. “Don't worry. He's not hurt. He's just... y'know what, I'll let him explain but first we should address the... soldier in the bushes.”
“Oh, right,” Trevor turned, “Belfus. You can come out he knows you're there.”
“I mean... with all that armour on it would have been hard not to notice him right?”
“Right?!” Trevor exclaimed, “I'm glad someone agrees that armour is not stealthy!”
Coyne smiled, and they watched as the other man rolled himself out of the bushes and stumbled over to them, brushing leaves off himself. “Jolly good then,” he said, nodding to Trevor. “Did you... find out what the situation is?”
“Not yet, not really. But I don't think this guy is a danger and honestly anyone who's happy to face down a bear like that is someone I'll hear out.”
Coyne gave a grateful grin, “Thanks... that wasn't easy. But please...” he gestured to two rocks nearby, “Take a seat.”
The both of them sat down, looking a little puzzled, as neither of them had expected this to be how the situation went. “So... where's Alan,” said Trevor, “You said he wasn't hurt.”
“He's fine,” said Coyne, “But... I need you guys to promise you'll hear out the whole situation here without taking any violent action, okay? We don't want to hurt you, and I hope you don't want to hurt us so can we just make a truce for now? Agree that we'll talk this out like grown ups?” he looked at Belfus, “No... soldier shenanigans... you guys can be a little rough and ready with the...” he made a stabbing gesture, “Make holes first ask questions later... thing.”
Belfus held up his hands, “As long as you don't try to harm us, I see no reason we'd try to harm you.”
“Okay good,” Coyne reached into his bundled up cloak and retrieved Alan, leaving Fez safely hidden for now. He turned and showed the two men the tiny mage in his hands, drawing simultaneous gasps from both of them.
“What the f...” Trevor began, but Alan held up his hands to silence the druid.
“I'm fine Trevor. It's okay... they haven't hurt me, and my size is a temporary situation I hope.”
“But... where... and why... and how... did you end up here?” Trevor visibly stumbled on wanting to know which question he wanted answered first.
“Remember when I wandered off at the wall?”
“Muttering the word 'orange' like a madman? Yeah...”
“I had just seen Coyne walk in...” Alan gestured at the man holding him. “I'd never seen someone with orange energy before... nothing like this... so... I followed. I went after him a ways... and he turned on me... and at the time I didn't really know what happened... magic kind of enveloped me and then I was trapped in a coin pouch moving across the landscape. As it turns out... Coyne's colleague had spotted my eyes and was... more than a little interested in them so he used some magic to shrink me so Coyne could get me away from other people... he just wanted to talk but couldn't do it at the wall.”
“That leaves more than a few questions unanswered,” grumbled Trevor. “Magic can't just shrink people, that isn't a thing. Even the more powerful mages can only shrink simple objects, and even then there are known side effects. Shrinking a whole person, having them live through it, and doing it that fast is. Well. It's impossible.”
“Impossible for a mage,” said Alan, “Coyne's colleague... or... boss I guess, isn't a mage.”
“This is the reason I wanted you to promise no stabbing,” said Coyne, “Fez is not a mage, or a man, he's a dragon.” It felt strange to say it like that. So openly.
“A dragon. As in. Huge, flying, firebreathing murderlizard, that kind of dragon?” Trevor's voice was a mix of disbelief and concern.
“Yes,” Alan confirmed.
“I was helping him get past the wall because he can't really pass unnoticed, and obviously didn't want to be impaled,” said Coyne. “We were only trying to pass through I swear... but when he saw Alan, he wanted him. Something about 'the eyes of an ancient' honestly I don't understand the details but it turns out your little friend here is a lot more special than the college realised,”
Alan blushed a little bit, “They haven't hurt me. Really. They've been civil apart from this... one thing... but we're not going to discuss that.”
“You say that this 'dragon' of yours 'wanted' Alan... what does that mean?”
“He puts people under contract, that's all. To be his assistant. I'm his assistant. His treasurer, coinpurse, accountant... that kind of thing, and he wanted to sign Alan up as well.”
Trevor scoffed, “You said no of course?” he looked expectantly at Alan.
Alan fiddled nervously with his glasses, “He. Uh. He's really persuasive. He made me an offer... train me to control my eyes, something the college has never done, give me something to allow me to see normally in the meantime, it's only a five year contract and he'll stop me ageing through that time so I don't even 'lose' anything material.”
“Yes but of course you said no. You'd not be fool enough to deal with a dragon, right Alan? Right?”
“He also agreed not to harm you and Belfus. You were following us... and I didn't want to risk him hurting you.”
Trevor slammed a hand into his face, palm-first. “You said yes.”
“Trevor. He's nice. He's given me these!” Alan tapped his glasses, “I can see. I have never once seen clearly since the day I got these eyes! Do you have any idea what it's like?! Don't you realise I've never even seen your FACE before?!”
“What?! Of course you've seen me before we've lived together at the college for years.”
“No,” said Alan, “I haven't seen anyone's face properly since this happened to me,” he gestured to his eyes. “Even the least magical person, always hidden behind a haze of energy. But you... and the other mages... I've never once been able to look you in the eye like I am now.”
The two magic users fell silent for a long moment, just staring at each other, and Coyne sensed something was going on, but when he looked at Belfus, the soldier just shrugged cluelessly. “Ookay... anyway...” he said, clearing his throat, “Your little friend here is now under contract with Fez, like I am... so...”
“But... what about the college,” said Trevor, “You know they can track you too, and they're not going to just let you go.”
“That's the thing,” said Alan, “Fez can remove the ring. He can take off their tracker. He was going to just as soon as we'd explained to you. I can get away from them. You could get away from them with his help.”
Trevor glowered. “It has to be a trick. Nobody can escape Meadowfield's grip.”
“The college has never once caught a dragon through any means other than stumbling onto it and murdering it. If anyone can get away from them, it's a dragon. Come on Trevor, won't you at least agree to talk to him? I'm sure he'd hire a druid, then at the end of your contract you'd be free... no more risk of being... y'know... weaponised.”
Trevor went still at this, his hard expression wavering a little.
“You're not actually considering this...” said Belfus, looking shocked. “It's a dragon Trevor. They're dangerous...”
“So is the college,” said the druid, chewing on his lip. “The dragon just wants to talk?” he directed the question at Coyne and Alan.
“Just talk. Fez is reasonable and he signed a contract with Alan saying he won't harm either of you unless you take violent action against him first.”
“Then it can't hurt to talk,” said Trevor to Belfus, “Alright. Where is this flying monster?”
“Well I think you'll be a bit underwhelmed,” said Coyne, smiling as he set Alan down on his thigh and reached for his cloak, “We had to take measures to hide him to get him past the wall,” he gently herded Fez into his hands and lifted the scaly little body over into view. “Fez... meet our guests.”
Both men stared a little blankly at the small creature, who sat up in Coyne's hands, well balanced and dignified on the fingers, and gave them both a grin with his glittering teeth. “Good afternoon gentlemen.”
“That's your dragon?” asked Trevor.
“I... rather thought they were supposed to be...” Belfus gestured grandly with his hands, “Bigger.”
“Oh, he is. But... we had to sneak him past the wall so, he's currently a bit more compact,” explained Coyne.
“I suppose an entire dragon is a hard thing to smuggle,” said Belfus.
“That explains why the magic used on Alan smelled... different,” said Trevor, “It was dragon magic. Older than ours,” he narrowed his eyes at Fez. “Alan says you wanted to talk to us.”
“In particular, to you,” said the small dragon with a nod. “I have made my deal with your friend, that's not something that can be undone, that part is not what we are negotiating here. However, I can extend you a similar offer. Just as he wanted control of his gift... you want freedom from your College do you not? I cannot have you continue to chase us like this, so I believe we need to come to some other solution.”
Trevor made a face, “Getting right into it are we then?”
Fez smiled, “We have already laid in wait for some time for you to catch up. I am eager to resume our journey.”
“Fine. I suppose a dragon has many important places to be. Right then. Well. First of all, in terms of demands... you seem to have a pretty good idea what I want. If you can offer a good, safe, back door out of Meadowfield's grip, I'd be interested. However. It doesn't seem fair that Alan gets that, in addition to his new little trinket there, and I don't get to make any additional demands.”
“Alright, that seems a fair point. What demands would you have?”
Trevor took a moment to pause, considering this. What did he want that a dragon would have. “No, on second thought... I just want freedom,” he shrugged after a moment. “Nothing else holds much appeal for me really.”
The dragon nodded slightly, “I suppose I should have expected as much from a druid. Alright, well, what can you offer in return that would make that worth my while?”
Trevor frowned, “I'm a druid. I can turn into big scary things, or small sneaky things. That is kind of my skillset. Surely you'd have use for something like that?”
“But is that all?”
“What do you mean?”
“I chose Coyne to be my assistant because he's unique. I chose Alan because his eyes are all but unique... I don't expect the same from you, that would be unreasonable, but if I just wanted a druid I could hire any druid. Why should it be you?” the dragon gave him a coy smile, and Trevor found himself stumbling a little
“Because I'm... conveniently sitting here? I mean, I don't see any other druids around here. And you did already kidnap my colleague so... I presume the reason you would pick me is out of sheer convenience and a want to stop me chasing you?”
Fez chuckled, “That's fair enough. Well. We'll have to see about teaching you to be something other than a run-of-the-mill Druid along the way. I can't go around having anyone that's too ordinary with my group,” he paused, his gaze travelling to Belfus. “Which bring us to you.”
The soldier sat up a little, looking around, “Me?”
“You are a soldier of the wall. A faction I am not terribly fond of. You have nothing to fear from the college because your complete ordinaryness arms you against their interest. From the looks of you lugging your armour all this way you even take pride in what you are, am I wrong?”
Belfus puffed his chest out. “I am proud of what I do.”
“Indeed. That leaves us at an impasse does it not?”
“How so?”
“I cannot let you go running back to the wall to tell of your wild adventures meeting a dragon and losing two college mages into its clutches. At the same time, I believe going back with such a tale would be detrimental to both your career and continued state of aliveness. But you can't really come with us in the role of a soldier either. I have also contractually agreed with Alan not to harm you unless you harm me first, and since we are all being civil to each other at this moment... you can see that leaves us in a bit of a spot.”
Belfus scratched his head, “I... suppose it does. I like my life and honestly, I don't have anything to run from.”
“No? Do you have anything to return to?”
“My work.”
“Your work.”
There was an awkward silence before Trevor spoke, “I suppose you might have something to run from now... technically,”
Belfus paused, looking at him, “I do?”
“Well, Fez made a good point... you did tell Poffers that you were coming with me to investigate something magical. If you go back without the two of us, the college isn't going to care much for it. I didn't think about it before because I assumed we'd all be going back together but returning alone wouldn't be a good idea,”
“Ah. Yes,” Belfus looked thoughtful, “You do have a good point there...” he huffed, “Well then. We are a bit stuck aren't we? What do you want from me dragon? I am as you see, a simple guard of the wall, of limited use to a being such as yourself. I do not know what you could gain from signing any contract with me. But clearly, I cannot simply return to the wall without my friends here. I could attempt to slay you in order to free them but... I sense that would be a more difficult task than your size indicates. It also raises the issue that they do not appear to want to be freed as you offer them more than the college would,” he raised his shoulders in an exaggerated shrug. “I am at a loss for suggestions.”
The dragon licked his nose thoughtfully, and Coyne thought he saw just a glimmer of mischief in the reptile's eye as he spoke once more. “Perhaps you could be made more useful.”
“How do you mean?”
“You are, as you say, just a man. Are you content as such? Have you ever considered being something else?”
Belfus grimaced, “It seems to me than being anything else leaves one at something of a... disadvantage in our present world. Animals and magical creatures are hunted for resources or weapons... I would be a fool to want that.”
Fez smiled, “Ah but you see these things only through the eyes of a human. You see only one side of the story. Being anything else is freedom from your rules and regulations. It is licence to go where and when you wish...”
“Anywhere except over the wall...”
“You say that but look... here I am, a magical creature who a short time ago crossed the wall.”
“What exactly are you proposing,” Trevor spoke up, visibly suspicious, “You're starting to sound like the tricky dragons we're always warned about. Everyone else got a fair deal... why should Belfus have to change?”
Fez held up his hands, “Merely something to think about. There is time yet before he has to make his decision. It is not as though I have the means to change him into anything else at this time anyway. I shall make out your contract Trevor, and a simple one for you,” he looked at Belfus, “For the time being a short term one only agreeing to not stab anyone or tell anyone about any of this... is that reasonable for everyone?”
Coyne could tell the dragon was tired, and just wanted to rest before he properly dealt with this conundrum. He gently ran a finger down the small creature's back in a stroke, the same way one would stroke a cat, “You have the energy for this?”
Fez stretched under the stroke, nodding. “I do. But after this I will need you to take control for a while, put me away safely and resume our journey, for I will be too tired to be of much help, We are changing our course a little bit, but I will supply you that knowledge once we have resolved things here. Can you handle that?”
“Yes,” said Coyne, nodding.
“Good,” Fez straightened up, returning again to his human form in a puff of purple smoke, “So... to business,” he said, summoning a scroll from the air, and starting to work on yet another contract.
They sat in awkward quiet as Fez wrote up two scrolls. One quite long, the other relatively short, and on what appeared to be much lower quality parchment. When offered to the two men, the magical documents immediately adjusted their size to scale, allowing Trevor and Belfus to read.
“Seems a little simple...” said Belfus, turning his in his hands, “Just says I won't harm you, your associates or tell anyone about any of this until a new contract is forged or two weeks pass, whichever happens sooner.”
“Well... we have yet to come to a deal. All I need is an assurance of your trustworthiness until we do,” said Fez, “It does not need to be elaborate.”
Belfus shrugged, “Seems reasonable to me.”
Fez nodded, “And you?”
Trevor, finishing his reading, pointed to some writing at the bottom of the page, 'smallprint' if you will. “What about this? It says 'Upon signing I agree that any additional magical procedures required by Mylfeziah to proceed with his journey will become immediately active' that seems bad... what does that mean?”
“Oh that's on mine too,” said Belfus, pointing.
“Oh, that's just a caveat to ensure any magic you have active at the moment that would affect our ability to continue will be dispelled by an alternative magic,” said the dragon, waving a hand dismissively. “So... you will be immediately affected by a spell as it says but only one to ensure we may all continue in peace,”
“Sounds... reasonable...” said Trevor, his eyes narrowed to slits at the dragon, still suspicious.
“If that is agreeable, hold your contracts out to me for a moment...” said the dragon, using a nail to cut the side of his finger.
They both did so, and he skilfully flicked a drop of blood onto each, “Now you do the same,” he said.
Belfus frowned a little, but took a small dagger from his waistband and made a tiny cut on his finger, dropping it onto the page.
Trevor used his shapeshifting to change just his teeth to sharp points, bit a small cut on the side of his hand, and squeezed a drop onto the paper.
Both contracts sizzled and hissed before rolling and returning to Fez, who caught them, and filed them back into nothingness with a flourish of his hand. “Excellent,” he said, folding his hands, “Now just a moment and the spell will activate. Don't worry, it can be a little dizzying at first but... you're quite safe.”
Coyne's brow furrowed a little bit. Dizzying... surely Fez wasn't going to... he blinked as both men were suddenly engulfed in purple magic, disappearing immediately. “You didn't...” he said to Fez. “More?!”
Fez, changing back into his dragon form, gave a toothy grin to the mimic. “Sorry Coyne... it's much easier to travel this way.”
A moment later the magic faded, and the two men were revealed, still on their rocks, but tiny now, like Alan.
“Oh he's not going to like this...” warned the other mage, “You should probably have said to them that this is what you were going to do...”
Coyne sighed, moving Alan and Fez onto the rock and standing, reaching out to gently scoop the two small bodies closer and gently bring them to rest beside Alan. He could see they were both very much alive, but stunned from the change. “I really hope you never do that to me,” he said, looking at Fez.
“Of course not. Not at the moment anyway, I need SOMEONE reliable out there to drive,” said the dragon with a smile. It was a weary smile though. Coyne could tell the dragon had used the last of his energy on this, and was ready for rest.
“WHAT?!” Trevor was awake.
“Shh, it's okay,” said Alan, quickly kneeling beside the other mage, “You're okay,”
“Alan... I'm tiny...” said the druid, looking accusingly at Fez. “You didn't say this would be the magic that would activate,”
Fez smiled, “I didn't say it wasn't,”
“Oh for goodness sake...” Belfus sat up with a groan, “We both fell for that one didn't we?”
“We do only have one horse,” said Coyne, “I suppose it would have been problematic to carry on any other way...”
“I am a druid,” said Trevor, standing up, staggering a little, “I am literally a portable horse,”
“Granted,” said Fez, flopping up onto Coyne's lap, “But you are also tired are you not? The chase all this way to find us, using your powers to scare Coyne as a bear?”
Trevor scowled, “I could do more...”
“But you do not have to. Now we can all rest, and trust Coyne to continue our journey.”
“Rest like this? Are you mad? We're in danger from just about everything now...” said Trevor, his eyes on the sky above them, checking for predatory birds.
“Oh...” Alan's eyes widened as he realised they didn't yet know about where the dragon intended for them all to travel, “Trevor... it... kinda gets worse yet...”
“Worse?!” exclaimed the druid.
“Yeah... you remember how Fez was saying he needed to be smuggled past the wall? Well... he has an... unusual way of travelling with Coyne...”
Fez smiled broadly, looking up at Coyne, “Why don't you demonstrate? I am quite ready for some rest.”
“What if they don't want to join you?”
“They can ride in your coinpurse if they really prefer it,” he glanced at the two men, “But I wouldn't recommend that, it's not comfortable.”
Coyne sighed, gently scooping the small creature up and opening his mouth. Fez felt limp in his hands, tired and floppy once again, and he knew the dragon badly needed some sleep to regain some of his spent magic. For someone who hadn't had to wrangle even one assistant for a while, taking on three... and a maybe, had been a lot of magic for him. He gently stroked along the dragon's back again and started to ease him into his mouth. Fez helped, heaving himself forwards, his slender head and neck plunging deeper, seeking out that safety he was growing increasingly familiar with.
Trevor let out a gasp of disgust and surprise as he saw this, the dragon's small form swiftly squirming itself into the mimic, whose neck bulged with the shapes of the powerful little body as they slipped beneath the flesh. As soon as one hand was free, Coyne raised it to conceal this as much as he could, but Trevor had seen quite enough, and turned to Alan. “No.”
Alan, part mesmerised by the horror of the process, blinked, “Hm?”
“No. Nope. No thank you. I will take the coin pouch.”
“It's pretty uncomfortable in there,” said Alan, “I was kept there when I was first taken and... it wasn't a lot of fun.”
“I think I will take 'not a lot of fun' over being eaten,” said Trevor.
“I think I'm with Trevor on this one,” agreed Belfus, “This does not seem safe at all...”
“It is... Coyne isn't like you and I... he doesn't eat food in a traditional sense. He can't really digest anything so... no acid. It's basically just a storage pocket for him,” Alan tried to explain.
“What... exactly is he anyway?” asked Trevor, “The dragon said he was unique... but he just looks like some guy.”
“He's... well... he's complicated,” said Alan, not quite feeling right trying to explain to them on Coyne's behalf... he did not yet know the man well enough to make that assumption. “But he's nice, and really quite kind from what I've seen...”
Trevor frowned a little as he looked up at the man, seeing him now looking shyly at the ground, a hand on his stomach as the small dragon completed his trip down. The cloth over the area tightened visibly as Fez settled in, and Coyne hesitantly looked at them, “Sorry... I know that's weird to watch... but I have to protect him and he's tired now...”
Alan came forwards a little, and Coyne extended a hand in an almost automatic movement, allowing the small mage to step up onto it. “It really is safe,” said Alan, “If you won't join us, you can ride in the coin pouch but... don't come crying to me when you have a bad back.”
“Wait... you're not going to...” Trevor began to exclaim, but fell silent as Coyne lifted Alan to his mouth and gently, shyly opened it to allow to tiny mage to clamber in of his own free will.
Coyne, knowing they needed to get moving again, felt a light touch on his palate, the tiny press confirming the mage was ready, and he closed his mouth to swallow. The small body felt like a mere snack compared to Fez, and took almost no effort for him, easily sliding down in a few gulps to join the much more substantial weight in his belly. He quickly saw the others still staring at him and blushed, “Sorry,” he repeated, “I know... it's... weird. But they're safe and warm... it's that or...” he drew the coin pouch from around his neck and showed them. “I don't really have any other accommodations at the moment...”
Trevor was still stunned into silence after watching his friend get reduced to a mouthful, and even when his choices were laid out before him, he didn't manage to recover his voice. He just stumbled silently to the offered pouch, climbed in and slid to the bottom of it, his jaw half-agape the entire time.
“Right... well then...” Coyne looked at Belfus, “And you?”
The solder stood with his arms folded for a long moment, considering this, “I say... it's a jolly tough choice...” he admitted, “Don't you have a... pocket or anything softer?”
“No...” admitted Coyne, “When I bought these clothes I honestly didn't know this was what I'd be doing or I might have thought about it... for now this is all I have.”
Belfus sighed, “I suppose I'd better stay with Thenore... sorry... Trevor. He's struggling with this, and I think I might be as well... a little touch of shock at...” he gestured vaguely, “all this.”
“I think I can understand that...” agreed Coyne. After all, just a week ago he'd been scraping about in the dirt begging for coins and looking at the end of his life. “I know it's a lot to take in, if you guys need anything you can shout for me,” he offered a hand to help the soldier climb into the pouch.
Belfus seemed to consider him for a moment before giving a satisfied nod, using the offered hand to climb up and into the small space, sliding down beside Trevor, who was muttering to himself.
Coyne gently closed the purse and tucked it back into his shirt before sliding off the rock with an 'oof,' his belly weighing him down as he went to Bubbles. As they had been waiting for the druid to catch up and after feeding Fez, he had put a little time into cutting her mane with his little dagger. He hadn't gone overboard, just trimming the front up to a length that allowed her to see. She still needed a lot more grooming overall but... seemed glad that now she could actively hunt out thistles for herself with a bit more ease.
He carefully took her reigns, and used a nearby rock to clamber up onto the enormous animal before heading her back towards the road. He gently ran a hand over his stomach, “Fez... you haven't told me what our new destination is... where am I going?”
There was a sleepy movement as the dragon squirmed against his hand, waking up just enough to send him a brief image in his mind. It was just a snippet of knowledge, barely a memory, sped up to its key moment... flying... soaring high above the forest, this forest, but long ago, when the land had been a lot less populated, and before the wall had existed. He could see everything below him, spread out like a map... but the focus was on a clearing deep in the forest... that was where they were going now.
Coyne frowned a bit, looking around. Trees. Trees. Few more trees... the only recognisable feature in the land was the quarry he had just left... and that was more recent than the memory Fez had given him. He needed to get his bearings using something he could see. Sighing, he started to steer Bubbles along the road, starting to compare rock formations to the vague map in his head, looking for something he could use. “You could have been a little more helpful,” he said softly to himself, stroking his stomach gently, knowing full well that Fez was too tired to have done anything more.
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And so the group is finally all together and on their way.
Fez has gone from having zero assistants to having three in a matter of days.
A reminder that owning an assistant is a long term commitment, and they require a lot of care and hard work to train.
Don't be like Fez. He has no idea what he's getting into.
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hiding1ntheforest · 1 year
Horse Sacrifice, Symbolism, & Mythology of the Anglo-Saxons
Germanic horse sacrifice has it’s roots in a similar cultural practice of the Indo-Europeans, which originated in the Eurasian Steppe and eventually expanded Westward. Matter of fact, the earliest discovered horse burial dates back to approximately the 4th century BC in what is modern day Ukraine. The Eurasian Steppe also happens to be where horses were first domesticated 6000 years ago. It is likely that the horse sacrifice present amongst the Indo-Europeans traces back even further to the Proto-Indo-European peoples. Horses first began to be used in Britain during the Bronze Age, in which they were used to carry carts. Throughout the Iron Age, horses were utilized to transport goods during battle, a custom that survived among the Anglo-Saxons. Within the past few decades, several excavations have unearthed fascinating horse burials indicating ritualistic horse worship, as well as suggesting the existence of a horse cult. This post delves into the many burials, mythology, and worship of horses amongst the Anglo-Saxons.
Connection to the Gods
The spiritual significance of horses was greatly recognized by our Germanic ancestors. They were of course crucial for their physical capabilities, but the Germanic peoples viewed them as links to the divine and possessors of sacred knowledge. Tacitus discusses this in his work Germania, claiming that the Germanic peoples divined the future from the neighing of horses. Furthermore, Tacitus beautifully explains the attentive treatment of these animals: “These [horses] are nourished by the State in the same sacred woods and groves, all milk-white and employed in no earthly labour.” This description certainly asserts the prized status of horses within Germanic society. In the Vedic religion, Hayagriva was a horse headed god mostly associated with wisdom, who is also Vishnu incarnate. Those with educational aspirations or hopes to obtain higher knowledge would have worshipped Hayagriva. The concept of horses being creatures of spiritual wisdom is very much an Indo-European belief. Additionally, there are a plethora of horses mentioned in the Sagas. The most notable is Sleipnir, Woden’s eight legged horse who travels to Hel in Baldrs draumar. Most of the gods have their own horses, and the valkyries ride down to battlefields to collect the slain while mounted on them. The horse Grani in the Volsunga Saga is said to be related to Woden’s majestic horse. The Anglo-Saxons may have believed that horses also had the ability to traverse transcendent realms and were the means of transportation to the afterlife.
Kings & Warriors
Horses have long been associated with the ruling class. The majority of Anglo-Saxons did not own horses as they were expensive to maintain and there were a myriad of other animals much more useful in their society. Horses were instead reserved for the wealthy elite and times of war. The significance of the horse amongst nobility is certainly rooted in Indo-European culture. Ashvameda, a horse sacrifice ritual of the Vedic religion, exemplifies this. The rite aimed to validate a ruler’s authority and status. Ashvamedha was a rather elaborate event which made use of many men, animals, and other resources. Some horses were even selectively bred for the use of Anglo-Saxon kings during battle, as suggested in The Anglo-Saxon chronicle. However, it is worth nothing that it has been debated for decades whether the Anglo-Saxons used horses exclusively as a mode of transportation to battle, or if they fought while mounted as well. Regardless, the importance of horses in warrior culture is unequivocal. Horses take on more of an adventurous role in the Anglo Saxon Rune Poem: “Riding seems easy to every warrior while he is indoors and very courageous to him who traverses the high-roads on the back of a stout horse.” The rune poem demonstrates the brave nature of horses, and perhaps has a more arcane double meaning referencing a more metaphysical journey. It was also not uncommon for horses to be gifted to each other (again, typically for use in combat) indicated by several prominent tales such as Beowulf. A 10th century collection of manuscripts known as the Exeter Book contains a poem called The Wanderer, in which a rather sorrowful narrator reflects on the past’s events and lessons. The entire poem is filled with imagery of warriors in the mead hall, fighting alongside and honoring their friends, as well as the gloom of a bloody battlefield. More importantly, however, is the second half of the poem: “Where is the horse gone? Where the rider? …Alas for the mailed warrior! Alas for the splendour of the prince!” The poem not only strengthens the bond between the warrior, the elite and the horse, but highlights the introspective all-knowing aspect as well. Although a blatantly Christian poem, many scholars are confident that this poem predates the Exeter Book. The meaning of this poem and it’s imagery is very much rooted in the pre-Christian Anglo-Saxon warrior mindset. Additionally, knowing that many pagan beliefs were syncretized with the new foreign faith, may suggest that this poem is more pagan than one may expect. The Anglo-Saxons had their own ancestral horse gods in the form of Hengist and Horsa, whose names translate to “stallion” and “horse.” The two brothers originated in Jutland, eventually leading the Angles, Saxons, and their fellow Jutes to settle in Britain. During the 5th century, the brothers arrived in Kent and later reigned over this region. Horsa was killed during a battle between the native Britons, leaving Hengist to rule over Kent. Hengist and Horsa are also descendants of Woden, as asserted by Bede and other royal genealogies- another reason horses are closely connected to the divine, prophetic abilities, and wisdom. Hengist and Horsa’s existence as great kings and warriors emphasizes the idea that horses are noble, honorable creatures; the totem animal of great leaders.
Horse Inhumations & Consumption
Numerous horse burials have been excavated across Northwestern Europe the past couple of decades. For the sake of conciseness, I’ll focus on three. The first horse burial worth noting is the Suffolk horse burial which dates back to 600-700 AD. The excavation unearthed the remains of a horse and an Anglo-Saxon warrior. The warrior was buried alongside a shield and sword, and scholars believe the horse was likely a sacrifice. The Wulfsen horse burial of Germany contained the remains of three horses dating back to 700-800 AD, and human remains were discovered in the surrounding areas. One of the oldest horse burials uncovered in England is that of the Pocklington chariot burial, which consisted of the remains of an elite Iron Age Briton, two horses, and a chariot. All of these burials acknowledge the large role horses played in the culture of warriors and nobility among the Northwestern Europeans. The muslim writer Ahmad ibn Fadlan even described a funerary ritual for a chieftain farther North in which two horses were made to run laps, then cut up and placed into a ship to be buried. Consumption of horse meat amongst the Germanic peoples also occurred, though it was not as common among the Anglo-Saxons. This practice was completely expunged from England upon the arrival of Christianity. Post conversion, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records periods in which horse consumption resumed upon times of famine.
Other Information
Horses played a large role in fertility rituals, especially those dedicated to the God Freyr, though I have not seen this specifically recorded among the Anglo-Saxons. The 12th century work Liber Eliensis claimed Queen Aelfthryth used magick to transform herself into a horse while behaving in a promiscuous manner. A story in the Flateyjarbok describes a strange ritual among the Norse where a woman sought out a sacred horse penis. Moreover, there is a link between horses and the celestial bodies, as attested by the Eddas and Bronze Age archaeology.
Horses were a prominent feature of the elite Anglo-Saxon class and warrior culture. A connection to the divine, Woden, and magick is made obvious by literary records. It is very likely that horses were vessels to the afterlife, perhaps explaining the several burials and funerary sacrifices featuring them. They may have even been a symbolic animal to Freyr/Ing cults and fertility cults across Northwestern Europe.
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shadow-wasser · 7 months
First and Last Lines
Fic meme: post the first and last lines of the last 10 fics you posted. WIPs are welcome. I'm going by AO3 update date, though some of these are very old fics. In this one, I'll be skipping two pieces that are not strictly "fic" - a fandom meta essay and a fansong.
The Land Before Sburb
First: From above, two beings observe a planet full of vibrant life.
Last: Meanwhile, the tiny descendants of dinosaurs curl up to sleep, content for now, in a slowly spinning world of Wind and Shade.
2. Guide to the Zodiac
First: The Prince of Hope, The Emperor, the Aquatic, The White, the White Philosopher, the Wrathful, One Who Leads to Rivers of Self-Knowledge, He Who is Evening and Morning, The Stormcrow, The Prince Who Sits Beside Worshipful Kings, Bearer of the Staff, The Thrice-formed Prince, the Adversary.
Last:  Rare is the one who escapes from this grip, but they are said to be richly rewarded for their efforts.
3. A Horse with No Name
First: Winter had fallen in the wood, the snow heavy and white.
Last: By sunrise, he was gone.
4. Crup of Hogwarts
First: Feeling eyes on his back, Harry turned to look over his shoulder.
Last: It struck him as strange and disconcerting that a wizard as wicked as Riddle would be kind to animals.
5. On the Formation and Occurance of Phantump in Paldea
First: The purpose of this journal is to chronicle my studies of a potentially undescribed phenomena preventing the formation of Phantump in Paldea.
Last:  Imagine that, a ghost reading about ghosts…
6. Into Thin Air
First: Your name is Roxy Lalonde, and you are about to break your employment contract.
Last: The next time you video chat, he's got a clown painting framed on his wall, plain as sober day.
7. How I Became Yours, Revised
First: The Iron Ostrich was not the fanciest nor the nicest of taverns the Earth Kingdom had to offer.
Last: Whether they would have regretted saving her was, by that time, a moot point.
8. The Last Earthbender
First: Fire. Air. Water. Earth.
Last: It is.
9. Avamorphs
First: I’m Sokka.
Last: I closed my lemur eyes, and saw Black.
10. Ill Wind
First: With the doors shut tight, the inner sanctuary of the Northern Air Temple was dark, and the air was thick and burning
Last: He thought of going back to the apartment, but decided he would rather sleep on the street.
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dan6085 · 1 year
Here are some TV series with high ratings from Rotten Tomatoes:
1. **"Breaking Bad" (2008-2013):** A high school chemistry teacher turned methamphetamine producer teams up with a former student. (Rating: 96%)
2. **"The Wire" (2002-2008):** Explores the city of Baltimore and its relationship with politics, media, schools, and the maritime industry. (Rating: 94%)
3. **"The Sopranos" (1999-2007):** Follows the life of mob boss Tony Soprano as he tries to balance the demands of his crime family with his personal life. (Rating: 92%)
4. **"Fargo" (2014-present):** Inspired by the film, each season features new characters and storylines, all connected by crime and moral dilemmas. (Rating: 94%)
5. **"Better Call Saul" (2015-present):** A prequel to "Breaking Bad," focusing on the evolution of the character Jimmy McGill, a small-time lawyer. (Rating: 97%)
6. **"Game of Thrones" (2011-2019):** Based on George R.R. Martin's novels, it explores the power struggles among noble families as they attempt to control the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms. (Rating: 89%)
7. **"Stranger Things" (2016-present):** Set in the 1980s, a group of kids in a small town encounters supernatural forces and government conspiracies. (Rating: 87%)
8. **"Black Mirror" (2011-present):** Anthology series exploring the dark side of technology and its impact on society. (Rating: 83%)
9. **"The Crown" (2016-2022):** Chronicles the reign of Queen Elizabeth II from her wedding in 1947 through present day. (Rating: 90%)
10. **"Mindhunter" (2017-2019):** FBI agents investigate and understand serial killers by interviewing them and applying psychology. (Rating: 97%)
11. **"BoJack Horseman" (2014-2020):** An animated series following the life of an anthropomorphic horse actor dealing with self-worth, addiction, and relationships. (Rating: 93%)
12. **"The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" (2017-present):** A housewife in the 1950s discovers her talent for stand-up comedy and pursues a career in the male-dominated industry. (Rating: 86%)
13. **"Patriot" (2015-2018):** An intelligence officer tries to prevent Iran from going nuclear, leading to various high-stakes and darkly comedic situations. (Rating: 91%)
14. **"One Day at a Time" (2017-2020):** A sitcom focusing on a Cuban-American family dealing with everyday life struggles. (Rating: 99%)
15. **"Sherlock" (2010-2017):** A modern adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories. (Rating: 78%)
16. **"Veep" (2012-2019):** Follows the life of former Senator Selina Meyer as she becomes the Vice President and later, the President of the United States. (Rating: 93%)
17. **"Westworld" (2016-present):** An amusement park for rich vacationers, the park is looked after by robotic hosts until they start malfunctioning. (Rating: 78%)
18. **"The Good Place" (2016-2020):** Afterlife comedy where a woman realizes she hasn't been a good person and tries to earn her spot in the "good place." (Rating: 97%)
19. **"Rick and Morty" (2013-present):** Animated series following the misadventures of an eccentric, alcoholic scientist and his good-hearted but easily influenced grandson. (Rating: 94%)
20. **"Chernobyl" (2019):** A historical drama miniseries depicting the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and its aftermath in the mid-1980s Soviet Union. (Rating: 96%)
Please check Rotten Tomatoes or other reliable sources for the most current ratings and reviews of these TV series.
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robertleemurphy · 5 months
Eagle Talons Audiobook Available Now
Eagle Talons: The Iron Horse Chronicles–Book One is now available as an Audiobook on Amazon.com. The audiobook was narrated by Brian James Sternberg. You can download the audiobook at:  https://a.co/d/9AxeaO6    
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celestiamour · 4 months
‧₊˚✧ ❛[ silly block game ]❜
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ft. lucy pevensie, edmund pevensie, susan pevensie, peter pevensie (seperate) x gn! reader — the chronicles of narnia
╰₊✧ playing minecraft with the pevensie siblings┊1.5k words
setting: modern au, no mentions of narnia contains: fluff & crack, modern alternate universe, they are children in the image but ages are unspecified (so it could be romantic or platonic), mentions of in-game player & pet deaths,
➤ author's note: i had a dream that peter died in my arms while we were playing minecraft and decided to write cute headcanons when i woke up like a loser
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━━━ .°˖✧ lucy pevensie ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ favorite biome - cherry grove, favorite mob - frogs, favorite flower - lily of the valley, favorite wood - birch, favorite block - moss
╰₊✧ she takes her time when it comes to completing the game and may take forever to get to the end dimension, prefering to play on peaceful mode so that she can focus on exploring and creating with keep inventory on since she doesn’t want to stress out about playing, enjoying everything it has to offer and will continuously pause on making progress to admire the scenery (but sometimes she turns it on easy mode to give her a little challenge when caving). oddly enough, even if the difficulty was on hard mode, she never seems to encounter any hostile mobs and they all decide to attack you instead while mining. it’s not an uncommon occurrence for her to tell you that she found her eighth patch of diamonds only for you to scream in response because you found a zombie spawner. she’ll manage to make it out of a pillager outpost without losing so much as half a heart while you’re looking like a pincushion, how does she do it?
╰₊✧ more of a farmer player who is mesmerized by all the different types of flowers and will have a goal of harvesting all of them to make colorful fields that stretch on for longer than your render distance will allow you to see. she’s most excited about updates that have new plants, wood types, and animals, keeping pets of all kinds even if they aren’t meant to be domesticated! her base is practically a zoo and is always full of life just like she is, yet it still naturally blends in with the area so well that it seems naturally generated at first glance. on a creepier note, the more hidden areas might have a skull or two placed to fit an overgrown and abandoned aesthetic, but at least it’s pretty with all of the spore blossoms!
╰₊✧ lucy hates villager trading farms with a passion, finding them too inhumane despite the fact that the villagers are npcs without sentience of any sort. it breaks her heart to see them in such cramped living conditions whose only purpose is for trade, so she’ll work on freeing them while you’re offline. she’ll spend hours upon hours gathering materials in secret to build a nicer village than the one they formally resided in before dismantling your system, with a good amount of iron golems to protect them from hostile mobs since she didn’t want to restrict them by building a fence or walls. (don’t worry, all of them are named and she’s kept a book on all of their trades so that you can keep track! the hard part is only tracking them down, but the big village is a thousand times better than the ugly trading hall you had before).
━━━ .°˖✧ edmund pevensie ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ favorite biome - ice spikes, favorite mob - horses, favorite flower - torchflower, favorite wood - dark oak, favorite block - prismarine
╰₊✧ he enjoys speedrunning, the only thing standing between him and being on the leaderboard is minor slip-ups that cost the entire game. he tends to get too cocky, especially once he’s gathered all he needed from the nether fortress and prematurely celebrates before a blaze knocks him off the edge, so you bet that you’re going to hear him come up with the most creative insults you would ever hear over the discord call (not including swears because he will be scolded for his language by someone in his house). his best record of beating the game is around forty minutes, nothing to gawk at, but something that he’s very proud of after all of his practice.
╰₊✧ if it’s not a world dedicated to that, where he doesn’t need to build a base, then he’ll place down all of the essentials and call it a day without a roof over his head. it’s not like he can actually get wet from the rain or sunburn from the sun, so he doesn’t bother and just lives like that until you persuade him to at least dig out a hole in a mountain to keep away from night-time mobs and expand whenever needed. his scattered chests are a mess, by the way, you can’t find anything while he just spam clicks and glazes over the screen to find something in his strange little system. he insists that he knows where everything is and that organization isn’t needed.
╰₊✧ also a total prankster, but will never blow up builds or destroy anything of yours because he knows how much time you put into it for a minute of amusement. he likes watching where you log out and trapping you in that spot with obsidian, something that you can easily get out of with a pick but is still annoying enough for him to get a kick out of it. once he wasn’t sure where the exact spot was, so he spent an entire real-life night meticulously encasing the area in glass and then flooding every block of air with water. he wondered multiple times if the effort was worth it in the process, but he cried tears of laughter when you couldn’t get out at all since you drowned before you could break the glass and then swim out. it was an endless cycle of “died by drowning” until you offered him a chest of iron blocks for your freedom.
━━━ .°˖✧ susan pevensie ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ favorite biome - mountains, favorite mob - foxes, favorite flower - rose bushes, favorite wood - mangrove, favorite block - quartz
╰₊✧ has mixed feelings on redstone, something that makes so much yet so little sense. it’s something that she likes to think that she mastered quickly, but you can always hear her muttering under her breath about how an entire contraption broke because of something dumb like the repeater being a tick off. she always covers up these machines with big, elaborate builds in a unique gothic style that you’ve only seen from her— although most of these builds are hollow since she doesn’t know how to design the interior, leaving entire towns empty until she lets you fill them up with various shops and villagers to make it feel more lived-in.
╰₊✧ refuses to throw anything away and maybe has a bit of a hoarding tendency, you cannot convince her to toss so much as a rotten potato into the lava because she “might need it in the future” even though it’s the most worthless item in the game. her storage system is immense and conscientiously organized with item frames and color signs while practically overflowing, but she has copious amounts of everything and is very generous when it comes to sharing as long as you ask beforehand! (as a result, her least favorite mobs are creepers because she needs to sort out the damaged chests before everything disappears, a complete nightmare)
╰₊✧ has god-like accuracy with any projectiles and has mending on her bow because she hates how expensive it is to get a new one with maxed-out enchantments and argues about how it’s so much better than infinity once she made the switch. you need an inventory slot with at least one arrow anyway, so why can’t you just have the full stack when you can always pick up more by killing skeletons? it may be a bit pretentious of her, but she might mock you that you just have a skill issue when she sees you being a bad shot before giving you some tips on how to improve.
━━━ .°˖✧ peter pevensie ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ favorite biome - fields, favorite mob - dogs/wolves, favorite flower - oxeye daisy, favorite wood - spruce, favorite block - diamond ore
╰₊✧ from “the sky’s the limit” to “whatever floats your goat,” the game isn’t done until he’s gotten all of the achievements no matter how stupid they may be! he’s pretty serious about completing, but once he’s finished, you can see him start goofing off and being more ridiculous. unlike his brother who plays the pranks, he tends to be the victim of them and can’t get revenge at all because his traps are a bit obvious (lucy always helps him out in that department). on the other hand, he’s great at pvp and fighting mobs, best with a sword, and likes to start raids to fight for fun with the “hero of the village” effect being a massive ego boost as well.
╰₊✧ his builds are pretty boring and cramped since he never upgrades it as needed, his house is really just a box made out of planks from the surrounding area. he didn’t think that you could create anything pleasing to the eye in a game where everything is made from cubes, so you’ll need to open his eyes to the fact that he can construct whatever he wants and how the only limit is his creativity. he won’t advance any further than using two different types of woods and including cobblestone, it simply isn’t his strong suit and he would much rather spend his time exploring and slaying his enemies instead.
╰₊✧ he has so many dogs, it’s not even funny, you need to turn down the volume for passive mobs whenever you’re at his base because they are barking nonstop. it’s not intentional either, he just somehow constantly forgets that feeding them makes them breed and can’t ever resist not giving them some steak when they tilt their heads at him. he gave up on naming all of them since he didn’t have enough tags and dying all of their collars after building a separate home for them, but the original ones that he tamed in the wild remain in his bedroom. despite the number of dogs, he refuses to take any of them on adventures with them because he will cry when unnamed number two hundred-something dies after sniffing lava and holds a funeral with a proper burial place.
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, August 12th (part 1)
FRED: It's almost as if your essence is straddling a dimensional void, which may be the key, assuming that the amulet you used to save the world is some sort of trans-reality amplifier capable of focusing massive quantities of mystical energy. SPIKE: And what in the King's English does that mean to the dearly almost departed? FRED: It means that if I can defy most of the laws of nature, there's a good chance I'll be able to anchor you to this plane and make you corporeal. SPIKE: Well... might be a hug in your future after all.
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor. Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Walk With Me by Mirrored_Illusions (Buffy, Dawn, faith, T)
I Will Remember Trust by VoronaFiernan (Buffy, Spike, Angel, T)
That Bastard Beggar's Horse by batzulger (Buffy, Jonathan, Willow, T)
Realities by heckate (Willow, G)
Once More With Gallavich by LadyEkaterina (Ensemble, Shameless crossover, T)
Creating Lies in the Waiting Room by Hecate (Bufy & Dawn, G)
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Summers Meets Summers by cjsmalley (Scoobies, Danny Phantom crossover, not rated)
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Backstage 48: Listen to the Mockingbird by aadler (Giles, K+)
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Walk With Me by MirroredIllusions (Buffy, The Walking Dead crossover, FR15)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Runaway, Chapter 7 by 19BBY (Buffy/Spike, not rated)
Distance and Perspective, Chapter 2 by Trace_Coburn (Ensemble, Jagged Alliance 2 crossover, T)
You Are Worth Saving, Chapter 8 by Kittenwritings (Spike/Fred, M)
Fuel’s Aflame, Chapter 6 by wickedrum (Buffy/Spike, not rated)
The Other Woman, Chapter 11 by aliceinwonderbra (Buffy/Faith, E)
Spiderwebs, Chapter 32 by Willow25 (Buffy/Spike, T)
Buffy The Princess Consort, Chapter 2 by MattanzaMFedora (Buffy/She-Ra, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power crossover, not rated)
Supporting Natasha Romanoff (and Iron Man too), Chapter 27 by SomeMeaninglessName (Willow/Natasha Romanoff, Marvel Universe crossover, T)
Your Timing Needs Work, Chapter 22 by cosplayermadness (Buffy/Spike, E)
but I’m bending the light connecting you to me, Chapter 5 by winterlovesong (Buffy/Spike, T)
The Year With No Slayer, Chapter 18 by Nonkosherian (Faith, T)
Father Figure, Chapter 5 by dragonwriter24cmf (Giles/Joyce, T)
What's Meant to Be Will Always Find A Way, Chapter 3 by charmed4lifekaren (Angel/Spike, T)
You Are Doing Great, Babe: Chapter 1 by buffyslayer81 (storylove81) (Buffy/Pike, E)
Divide & Conquer, Chapter 50 by Removes_and_Cleans_Glasses_00 (Buffy/Giles, E)
Infiltré, Chapter 11 by MissKitty28 (Buffy/Spike, G, in French)
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Rewrite, Chapter 36 by hopelesswanderer (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Seven, Chapter 52 (complete!) by Holly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Time We Had, Chapter 51 (complete!) by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Those 2 again, Chapter 39 by Julikobold (Buffy/Spike, G)
the broken gates of kingdom come, Chapters 4-5 by disco-tea (Buffy/Spike, R)
Dawn the Vampire Slayer, Chapter 18 by LJ94 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Oh The Sights You'll See, Chapter 22 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
California Sun, Chapter 3 by To Be Hers (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Bloom, Chapters 1-2 by ashcrashed (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Closure, Chapter 15 by The Danish Bird (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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It Travels With Redheads, Chapter 7 by Traszgo (Willow, The Amber Chronicles crossover, FR15)
Undulating Flames, Chapter 68 by dogbertcarroll (Xander, suprise crossover, FR15)
Back to the Light, Chapter 2 by MountainKing (Ensemble, Doctor Who/Torchwood crossover, FR18)
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Those 2 again, Chapter 39 by Julikobold (Buffy/Spike, R)
She Came Back Wrong, Chapters 11-17 (complete!) by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Alphabet of Spuffy, Chapter 18 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Swipe Right to Connect, Chapters 3-4 by ashcrashed (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Because I could not stop death, Chapters 1-9 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: "You're in love with pain" by blushing dove (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Manip: Buffy and Spike by quillsparkle (worksafe)
Artwork: Can we rest by tubesock86 (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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The new tattoos we got with my girlfriend! by sickmary
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Fanvid: Dark Buffyverse - Monsters by SlayerVid
Fanvid: Buffy Summers - I'm not a robot by Faith Victoria
Fanvid: Drusilla - The Devil by SlayerVid
Fanvid: Tara and Willow- (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)- Stronger Together by Multifandom_Fanatic
Fanvid: Tara MaClay- (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)- Courage In Me by Multifandom_Fanatic
Fanvid: Tara MaClay- (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)- If I Believed In Me by Multifandom_Fanatic
Fanvid: Buffy and Angel - Walk Me Home by juliaroxs241
Fanvid: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season One Edit // Wundatrip by Duskas by Sophie
Fanvid: untitled Buffy fanvid by Kevin Jenkins
Video: Best of Buffy the vampire slayer Spike by Spike.55 (Spike cosplay, in French)
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer S01E10 HD Remaster Colour Correction 3 by The Scenes That Made Me
3D character creation video: Buffy: Buffy the Vampire Slayer by SlidersOnTheStorm
Video: Broforce Broview - Broffy the Vampire Slayer by NoESanity
Video:💫 SC VI Fandom: Legends: Buffy Summers by OURWORLD TV [MA 18] (worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Bad Eggs analysis by coraniaid
ReWatch: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: S6, E21 - 22 [Two to Go and Grave] by kimannebb
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My thoughts on season 4 of Buffy! by Quiet-Living8975
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Video: An Unnecessarily Unhinged Deep Dive Into the Buffyverse - Part 1 by Monica Louise Bryant
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer | The Xeppo: A Xander for Zoomers by Cool Channel DreadTube
Video: Spike's Destiny | How William the Bloody Earned His Soul by 5ft Geek
Video: Retro Cheese Review Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Retro Cheese Review
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 1 Review by Let's Play A Game!
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 2 Review by Let's Play A Game!
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 3 Review by Let's Play A Game!
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1992 Review by Preston E. Garrison
Video: The BTVS Twisted Guide - Episode 6: The Pack by Twisted View
Video: Dead Things S6 E13 Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast by Lisa M. Lilly
Video: Shadow-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Video: BUFFY: A CAÇA VAMPIROS (Temporada 2) - Resenha crítica by Resenhas Malditas
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Fic rec: The Butterfly Effect by cousinjean [Buffy/Spike, NC-17] recced by spuffyarchive
Fic rec: Choices by lafillesauvage (Buffy/Spike, M) recced by gh-0-stcup
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Fic search: Tara fanfic recommendations where either she doesn't die or is resurrected somehow by Used_Ad342
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
The Secret of Moonacre (2008)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
No one has ever read a truly terrible book and thought “I could fix this by making it a movie!” This means The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge - the inspiration for the 2008 film The Secret Moonacre - must be great. You couldn't tell from this snooze-fest but I have to believe it.
After her father's death, Maria Merryweather (Dakota Blue Richards) inherits a book titled The Ancient Chronicles of Moonacre Valley. It tells of a curse cast upon two feuding families by the Moon Princess (Natascha McElhone). Sent to live with her estranged uncle Benjamin (Ioan Gruffudd) along with her governess, Miss Heliotrope (Juliet Stevenson), Maria begins exploring the grounds of the castle she now calls home. There, she begins wondering if the story she's read is based on some truths.
Seemingly pieced together from bits of other fantasy films and obviously released to capitalize on the Harry Potter craze, Moonacre is profoundly dull. The only "original" elements of this story are scraps the bigger franchises rejected, such as the Capulet and Montague-like feud between the two families - a quarrel that makes little sense. On one side is uncle Benjamin and the handful of servants he employs. On the other is the de Noir family and their soldiers - all of which looks like they come from the Middle Ages, despite the film being set sometime in the 18th century. At least I think that’s when it’s set. There are a number of historical anachronisms which clearly indicate the story is set at some point in the past but when? Who knows? Anyway, the villains have this huge army and aren’t above murder as their skull-filled dungeons clearly prove, so why haven’t they just taken Moonacre Valley by force? We’re probably not meant to wonder such things, as this film is meant for children and children alone, but you can’t help it. None of the characters are interesting and the magic is as captivating as the protagonist. You just kind of sit there, waiting for it to end so you can walk away while averting the eyes of anyone else who had the misfortune of seeing the film too.
This is a terrible-looking picture. The special effects are so lousy I assumed the engorged moon in the sky was unintentional until it’s revealed the celestial body is on a collision course for Earth - part of the curse set by The Moon Princess. It’s obviously a low-budget production so more forgiving reviewers might be kinder to it but not this one. There is too much time wasted on useless characters such as the possibly magical cook (who I was thought was some kind of elf creature based on the DVD cover) to think even a big budget would've saved this project. While we’re on that subject, take a look at the quote on the back! “The Little White Horse was my favourite childhood book” says J.K. Rowling. That’s the best they could scrounge together for the home release? Merlin’s beard. Did I really pay $5 to see this?
The best thing about The Secret of Moonacre is that its instantly forgettable. If someone ever decided to properly adapt it, no one would ever say "oh, they're remaking that movie again? no thanks!" No one - not even those who acted in the film - will remember this adaptation exists. I can’t picture anyone saying they enjoyed the film - even ironically. (On DVD, January 25, 2019)
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bills-bible-basics · 2 years
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A GREAT NATION? -- a poem by Bill Kochman A poem by Bill Kochman. Visit my poetry page at https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/ to see all my poetry, along with related Bible study resources, all in one place, and organized by poem category. Thanks! To see other poems related to this one, please go here: https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/index.html#America "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." Proverbs 14:34, KJV "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14, KJV "But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him." Acts 10:35, KJV "For the Lord will not cast off for ever: But though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies. FOR HE DOTH NOT AFFLICT WILLINGLY nor grieve the children of men." Lamentations 3:31-33, KJV "Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?" Ezekiel 18:23, KJV "Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I HAVE NO PLEASURE IN THE DEATH OF THE WICKED; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?" Ezekiel 33:11, KJV "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH, but that all should come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9, KJV "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12, KJV "And he [Jesus] had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength." Revelation 1:16, KJV "Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth." Revelation 2:16, KJV "And out of his [Jesus'] mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God . . . And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh. Revelation 19:15, 21, KJV "Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?" Jeremiah 23:29, KJV "Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel." Psalm 2:6-9, KJV "And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder." Matthew 21:44, KJV "Righteousness Exalts a Nation" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse248.html "Don't Provoke God to Anger" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse492.html "Don't Harden Your Heart" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse167.html "But They Refused to Listen" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse389.html "Foolish Rebellion of the Wicked" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse198.html "Our Sins Won't Remain Hidden" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse155.html "God's Desire for Healing and Repentance" KJV Bible Verse List:
https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse302.html Article: "Don't Ever Underestimate Our Spiritual Enemy": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/DontUnderestimateOurEnemy1.html Article: "What is Wrong With Modern America?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/whtwrng1.html Article: "Do You Want Love and Light, or Rod and Wrath?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/lovelit1.html Article: "Beholding the Evil and the Good": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/evilgd-1.html Article: "Abortion: The Slaughter of the Innocent": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/abort-01.html Article: "The Fruit of the Womb": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/fruitwm1.html Article: "The Gay and Lesbian Agenda: To the Point!": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/homosex1.html Article: "When Sin is No Longer a Sin": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/whensin1.html Article: "Queen James Bible: Blasphemous Abomination Exposed!": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/queen-james-bible-1.html "Homosexuality Lesbianism Bestiality Transvestitism" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse138.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/a-great-nation-a-poem-by-bill-kochman/?feed_id=10705&_unique_id=6342220c0ef00&A%20GREAT%20NATION%3F%20--%20a%20poem%20by%20Bill%20Kochman
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lrninglnguage · 2 months
A little more Brazilian songs recommendations
Following on from the last post, here's a list of songs that narrate a single scene, instead of a story, because I love recommending things.
'Tá rindo, é?' by Ana Carolina feat Seu Jorge
Yes, Ana Carolina again. I love this particular version of the song (with Seu Jorge), because Ana Carolina is already an amazing artist, and then she joins Seu Jorge, who is just so incredible, and the result is perfect. Love this two together. This song tells a conversation between two friends. It's a celebration of the resilience and optimism in the face of everyday adversities. You can find the lyrics in Portuguese and English side by side here.
'Conversa de Botequim' by Noel Rosa
Seu garçom, faça o favor de me trazer depressa Uma boa média que não seja requentada Um pão bem quente com manteiga à beça Um guardanapo e um copo d'água bem gelada Feche a porta da direita com muito cuidado Que não estou disposto a ficar exposto ao sol Vá perguntar ao seu freguês do lado Qual foi o resultado do futebol
This song is a sung chronicle that portrays the daily life of bars in Rio de Janeiro in the 1930s. The lyrics describe a customer making a series of requests to the waiter, ranging from a simple meal to favors personal, such as lending money and objects. Through a humorous and ironic narrative, Noel Rosa subtly criticizes the society of the time, exposing the trickery and cunning of the common carioca. You can find the lyrics in Portuguese and English side by side here.
'De Frente Pro Crime ' by João Bosco
Tá lá o corpo estendido no chão Em vez de rosto, uma foto de um gol Em vez de reza, uma praga de alguém E um silêncio servindo de amém O bar mais perto depressa lotou Malandro junto com trabalhador Um bêbado subiu na mesa do bar E fez discurso pra vereador
This song is a social critique that portrays indifference and the trivialization of violence in big cities. Through a narrative that describes a crime scene, the composer exposes how urban life can be dehumanized and how people can become insensitive in the face of tragedies. You can find the lyrics in Portuguese and English side by side here.
'Feira de Mangaio' by Clara Nunes
Fumo de rolo, arreio de cangalha Eu tenho pra vender, quem quer comprar? Bolo de milho, broa e cocada Eu tenho pra vender, quem quer comprar? Pé de moleque, alecrim, canela Moleque, sai daqui, me deixa trabalhar E Zé saiu correndo pra Feira Dos Pássaros E foi passo-voando pra todo lugar
This song is a celebration of northeastern culture and life in street markets, places of meeting and commerce that are vital points for the economy and daily life of cities in the interior. The song's lyrics, rich in typical Northeastern elements, describe the variety of products for sale, from foods such as corn cake and cocada to items such as cangalha harnesses and horse halters, showing the diversity of what can be found in these retail spaces. popular commerce. Clara Nunes was one of the greatest artists in Brazil. You can find the lyrics in Portuguese and English side by side here. By the way, the genre of this song is "Forró"
'A Banda' by Chico Buarque
Estava à toa na vida O meu amor me chamou Pra ver a banda passar Cantando coisas de amor A minha gente sofrida Despediu-se da dor Pra ver a banda passar Cantando coisas de amor
This song, composed by Chico Buarque in 1966, is one of the most emblematic works of Brazilian popular music. With a cheerful melody and a rhythm reminiscent of carnival marches, the song narrates the passage of a band through the city and the effect that this passage has on the people who observe it. The lyrics are a celebration of life and love, capable of transforming people's routine and state of mind. Chico Buarque is considered by many critics to be the greatest living artist in Brazilian music. I'm gonna be honest, I like him better for his songwriting than for his singing, but he's really amazing. I'll bring more of his songs. You can find the lyrics in Portuguese and English side by side here.
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