#The Hotch-Hiker
ohbo-ohno · 10 months
I think you said somewhere that you really like(d) Criminal Minds (if you didn't, sorry).
Imagine the BAU tracking down Ghost either because they are chasing a serial killer or are investigating ex-military!Johnny's disappearance. (Or considering the last ask, investigating the reoccurring murders of several hikers with suspicious scuffle and dragging marks near them that don't lead to a body).
Imagine them not being suspicious of Ghost in the first place but then seeing Johnny and how they interact and latching onto that. (Maybe Johnny is wearing shorts and his knees and legs are just blue and green, obvious hand prints all over his body. Maybe he gets told to fetch them some tea and he stumbles, but the stumble looked more like the went to get on his hands and knees until Simon caught him to break his fall)
Imagine them either catching Ghost and now they have to deal with a pissed off Ghost and a human that was trained out if being a human OR them almost catching Ghost and now Johnny has to deal with an angry Ghost on the run (though I imagine Ghost would enjoy the challenge) who blames him for getting them discovered. Nothing he can do to earn a good boy again :(
i DO like criminal minds! i've seen every episode up until derek/hotch leaves like 3 times each! love that show
im gonna choose to say that ghost doesn't kill anyone in the BAU, just because i dont want them to die LMAO but i looooove a good criminal minds crossover (i've read dozen of criminal minds/supernatural fics lol). anyways this ask SCREAMS dominant/submissive killers
im obsessedddd with the image of the BAU taking johnny in for questioning with the hopes of getting him to rat out ghost and poor johnny just being so stressed in that interrogation room. he's angry and snapping at them, has to be handcuffed to the table because he keeps trying to lash out at them and leave. hard cut to ghost in his own interrogation room, comfortable as can be, asking prentiss "he start biting yet? he gets real aggressive when he's stressed, might have to end up muzzlin' him yourselves."
and the BAU are, predictably, a little grosses out. they get that these two are in some weird kinky relationship, but johnny's dependence on ghost is verging on unhealthy. he's not defending his partner because he wants to, he's defending him because he's conditioned to (and of course, what's the difference?) so no matter how much the BAU hates how ghost talks about soap, there's not much they can do
they don't have any evidence to pin ghost down. the morning after their released from custody, both he and johnny are gone, and even garcia can't track them down
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kfans-writerblog · 1 year
Help her save her
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JJ walks in with a new case file in her hands everyone gather around the meeting tabel
Ok this from L.A California
From last 2 weeks 3 dead body found
All found in the woods hikers see the dead body then called the cops
"Wheels up in 10 " aaron hotchner said and got everyone to get packed up to fly to L.A
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In the jet *
Morgan asks " hey baby girl anyone found anything weird or stood out in the crime scene ? "
Garcia " hey sugar ofcourse I found something in common in every crime scene all 3 crime scene found a demon symbol draw from blood . Garcia out ! "
Now in LA police office
Reid and Emily put the photos and maps
Reid says "guys I found something! So every location is near each other making it a square shape most likely our unsub has a terrible trauma looking for a new home what they all have in common is they all have black hair and this location looks like to be some photography studio near 187 CASTELLAMMARE "
"Hey guys I got a letter for you guys it said signed by the demon killer " a police said
Emily said " hotch you ok you look so pale "
Hotch replies " the studio... that's the studio y/n gose to to take classes we need to get there now !"
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He runs and drives to the place "Morgan Emily come with me others stay here to get a profile "
5mins later
He runs into the studio " FBI HANDS IN THE AIR NO ONE MOVE "
but then there was nobody there
"Clear " they said but Morgan heard some shuffling he whispers "guys in here "
Morgan kicked the door open and he saw you getting hold in hostage by a guy
You said crying "aaron it's him he did it "
Hotch replies " your going to be ok . Let go of her and drop the weapon !"
"What do you want from me I don't even know you"
You try to defend your self and punch the guy in the chest but then he stabbed you in the back
"Y/N! NO ! "
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He hugged you and whisper "no no stay with me don't sleep Emily call the ambulance!!!"
" got it ! . Ambulance are on there way now !"
The ambulance showed up and they took you to the hospital and aaron joined you in the same truck while they drive he held your hand
"Y/n jack needs you your a good step mom a good friend we need you to take care of us "
You look at him " promise me you will always be our hero can you promise me that? "
He nods
And you guys arrived to the hospital quickly went to the operation room aaron was worried waiting outside
Time passes by quickly after 5 hours of operation the doctor came out to speak with the family "may I speak with y/ns family "
Aaron said " here I'm her husband is she going to be ok ?"
"Good news is she will be ok but she is in a coma right now might take her a few weeks to be awake bad news is she cannot use her lower body anymore loss too much blood and so the muscles on her lower back will not work anymore "
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He sigh "ok thanks doctor "
4 months later you woke up and you got scared because your legs can't movie
You call doctor and nurses and they contacted aaron and they say you are good to go home
" OH honey I'm scared my legs can't move " you got depressed and cry
" I'm sorry it's my fault I should've shot the guys arm now you can't even sigh walk"
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"Aaron it wasn't your fault I am sad but I don't want you to blame yourself for what someone did .he was the one who stabbed my back not you " You brushed his hair back
He kneels down "sweetie listen to me you will be ok I got something that will cheer you up look inside the blanket "
You look into the blanket
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" aww it's a cute doggie baby thank you I love it "
Aaron said "Honey don't worry about anything I got her trained already 😌"
You hug him " aaron ."
He replies "yes ?"
"Have I told you how much I love you before ?"
He kisses your cheek " no but I felt it I felt your love through your actions no matter how many days and nights I don't come home from work you will always take care of Jack for me and times I travel for work you don't spam me with messages because you know I'm busy and you understand my job and not everyone can do that you are my hero if i didn't have you I would be crazy and I will not be Jack's hero I love you "
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findyourfilm · 3 years
Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom, A Hero, The Find Your Film Awards
Two films that we love headline this podcast: Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom and A Hero. We also have our inaugural Find Your Film Awards!
0:00 - Intro - Eric and Bruce talk about watching BELLE on IMAX.
8:31 - A HERO review
23:32 - Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom - Nathan Day plug for Orpheus Descending
38:38 - The Find Your Film Awards
Join our CinemAddicts Facebook Group!
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Bruce Purkey (@brucepurkeyt)
 Eric Holmes (@hamslime77)
Greg Srisavasdi (@gregsrisavasdi)
  Check out this episode!
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thefemfatale · 3 years
Vanilla Baby - 2
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Spencer Reid x Female Reader
Summary: Reid and the new agent on the team do not get along well. Confident and charismatic, Reid despises Y/N for her work habits but can't seem to get enough of her.
Warnings: mentions of mental health, schizophrenia, and r*pe
Word Count: 1.4k
Reid intended to spend his well deserved weekend off in stacks of library books, devoid of all thoughts of work and Y/N. He would not even pause to strategize what he could to get her off the team. He didn't want to mess up this girl's job, but she just was unfit for the team and didn't have what it took to be an agent. Many people don't have the guts to fight crime every day and put your life on the line. The BAU was comprised of some of the best people in their fields, so it wasn't truly her fault. Reid chided himself for thinking of her and tried to get back to reading before he got a call from Garcia, "Urgent case, be ready in 30. We're debriefing on the plane. Sorry to ruin the weekend." Garcia stated grimly. Her usual flamboyance was hidden at the disappointment of an interrupted weekend. Everyone on the team loved what they did, but a break is often well deserved from the emotional intensity of such a career path. Reid was already in a bad mood when he entered the BAU. Of course he was on a bad luck streak as Y/N motioned for Reid to stop the elevator so she could go up with him. She was haphazardly dressed in denim jeans and a big wool sweater. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail and remnants of glitter still caressed her soft face. Loose curls framed her face that had escaped from her hair tie. It was 9:45 on a Saturday, so he could guess where she had spent the night. Her light smile turned to a slight look of confusion as he realized that he had been staring at her for too long a time. Reid quickly hit the elevator button and both of them went up in silence. Despite clear evidence she had not showered in the last few hours, the elevator still smelled lightly of vanilla when they left and walked to the conference room. Garcia stood in front of the board lacking her usual full face of makeup.
"Today we are traveling down to Florida! We have a serial killer and rapist on the loose. As of right now we have three bodies, all of which were broken out of various mental hospitals across the state. We have three females in their early 40's to mid 50's. He rapes them pre-mortem and they were found in shallow graves by a hiker. Hiker has an alibi. I'm trying to access the victim's records but I'm encountering some backlash. " Garcia presented as images of women in torn hospital gowns flashed across the screen. Reid watched Y/N wince slightly at the images, not enough to be noticed by anyone but him. Just a slight crinkle in the eye, a tenseness in the shoulders. "So we definitely have someone with mommy issues." Morgan profiled, a slight joking tone to his voice.
"We can talk on the plane. Leaving in 30." Hotch responded, standing up and moving to get ready.
"JJ and Morgan I want you guys interviewing the hiker and talking with police. Spencer and Y/N, I want you to go to the ME and check out the bodies. Rossi and I are going to the dump site." Hotch ordered, his eyes sticking on Spencer for an extra second, almost willing him to object. He didn't because he know Hotch's plan. Enemies on a team this close were not encouraged, so Hotch was making him spend enough time with Y/N until he found something to like about her.
"I know what you are doing." Reid whispered to Hotch as Y/N grabbed coffee for the road to the ME. The glitter on her cheekbones still shined under the harsh police station lighting like tiny diamonds reflecting off her skin.
"Then do it." Hotch responded harshly as he left a shocked Reid to climb in a cruiser with Rossi.
The ride was silent, Reid behind the wheel of a black suburban. Y/N sipped her coffee slowly and glanced out the window. The palm trees reflected in her Y/E/C eyes as they drove.
"You can sit in the car if you want." He stated in a monotone sigh.
"No, my master's in psychology I'm hoping I can get a look and figure out what they were in for." Y/N responded calmly, though her body language showed it was clear she felt the tension in the car. She hopped out and started for the ME as Reid gathered the keys and his badge. Y/N was already talking with the ME, a man around their age with a kind smile and buff physique. She stared up at him and bashed her eyes slowly as he spoke to her about the bodies. Was she flirting with him? Unbelievable. Reid rolled his eyes and interrupted their conversation.
"Ready?" He urged, wanting to get away from Y/N as fast as possible.
"I noticed some abnormal shrinking and enlarged, fluid areas in the cerebral tissue of all the patients. The last patient had the most shrinkage as you can see here," The ME pointed to a pale blonde body.
"Evident of schizophrenia, right?" Y/N interjected before Spencer could. He glared at her quickly, catching her intense gaze at the brain the ME was holding.
"There was shrinkage in each victim?" Reid questioned as he examined the body next to the one the ME was at.
"The unsub could be targeting middle aged schizophrenia patients as a replacement for a mother figure or maybe a romantic interest because of the rape aspect? The son could even have schizophrenia himself if the mother has, since it has strong genetic components." Y/N rambled but Spencer tuned her out as he focused on the brain of the second victim. A small hole incision was between her frontal lobe and amygdala.
"This one had a lobotomy done, most likely by the unsub due to the roughness of the incision."
"That was evident in none of the other victims." The ME stated slowly as he examined the brain Spencer was looking at.
"This is the only brunette," Y/N stated slowly as Reid could almost see cogs turning in her head.
"We better call the team, thank you." Y/N responded kindly to the ME, waving slowly as they headed out.
After an update to the team on what they had learned, the car returned to silence before Reid interjected harshly, "you know, if you could stop flirting with every medical professional we come in contact with that would be swell."
"I was not flirting with him. I was being nice. Plus why do you care I'm a free woman who can do whatever she pleases." Y/N responded firmly, turning to face Reid as he focused on the road. "I'm honestly shocked you would even say that. Just because your 'professional' includes only talking business doesn't mean mine can't include a little bit of kindness."
"You were eye fucking him like the whole time."
"Well you are the one examining my eyes! And sexualizing me!" Y/N huffed as she stared at Reid's white knuckles on the steering wheel.
"I'm trying to get you to be professional, you already stick out enough." Reid responded angrily.
"What is that supposed to mean." Y/N quickly said, and it was evident he had hit a soft spot by the way she slinked back into the chair and waited for a response. Reid turned back to the road as satisfaction mixed with guilt in his stomach. Tears pooled but didn't fall, except a single one that Y/N quickly brushed away. Reid still noticed.
They didn't talk for the rest of the case. Reid had obviously hit a rough spot for Y/N and the whole team felt it. They barely caught the unsub, Y/N being right again about a son with schizophrenia. The feelings of both happiness to avoid her and guilt about hurting Y/N swirled in his stomach as Morgan approached him when they got off the jet.
"Whatever is going inside that genius brain of yours, you need to figure it out. Y/N is apart of the family now and we need to treat her like it. Getting her kicked off has been a bigger distraction than whatever you think she does. You clearly aren't yourself and you're falling behind on your work." He ordered, in true big brother fashion like Morgan always did. Reid just nodded in response as he watched Y/N step off the plane with JJ. She walked past him without a single glance, no bright smile, no cliche comment or gleaming eyes. All that was left was a wind of vanilla.
@rexorangecouny @egglantine23
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readerstories · 3 years
I’m sorry- Aaron Hotchner x gn!reader
Idk if angry was the emotion you wanted, but for some reason that is what I was feeling like writing this time. Also, I cannot keep stuff with Hotch short apparently. (AO3)
Warnings/tags: established relationship, angst, fighting, hurt/comfort, Hotch being an ass, happy ending
Wordcount: 2696
Request: I was wondering if you could do a hotch x BAU!reader where Hotch says something in the heat of an argument and the reader gets super emotional and Hotch just tries to apologize and make it up to reader. Thank you💕💕
Sometimes, injuries happen at work.
You had done a quick assessment in the field, making a hard decision when you needed to. Going in without much backup had been a risk you chose to take.
Being hit in the head with an old briefcase that has metal edges had not been a possibility you had foreseen, but it happened anyways.
You had rounded a corner in the unsub’s home, gun raised and yelling his name, and he had gotten a good knock on your forehead. You had been dazed for a few seconds, but managed to tackle him and cuff him anyway, reading him his rights as you did so.
The hard edge of the briefcase had hit your forehead, making a small gash, which was not deep, but it was bleeding quite a bit like head wounds tend to do. It’s running down your face as you get the unsub up on his feet, so you have to close your left eye and wipe at it as you lead the cuffed man outside.
Once outside you hand him over to an officer, who gives your head a glance, but doesn’t ask as you turn away from him as he starts to lead the unsub towards a car.
Rossi spots where he’s talking to Hotch and the police chief and points towards the ambulance standing close. You nod, and wipe at your face with the edge of your jacket sleeve, catching Hotch turning around to look at you too, but you don’t catch the worried look in his eyes.
Walking over to the ambulance, you’re guided to sit on the back as one of the paramedics cleans you up.
Even though it looked bad with the blood, the clean up goes quick, and they say you won’t even need stitches.
And luckily no concussion either.
A few butterfly strips get applied to your forehead and you are allowed to go with a promise that you will take it easy for at least a day or two.
You’re asked if you have anyone to stay with just in case and you nod as an answer, the adrenaline of it all wearing off as you stand up and yawn. The paramedic smiles and wishes you good night, you do the same to them.
Joining Aaron at his car, he doesn’t say anything, his mouth in a thin line as he looks at the strips now adorning your forehead. Both of you had agreed from the start to keep PDA to a minimum at work, but you wish he would at least say or do something.
Ask you if you’re fine.
Hold your hand maybe.
Comment on how you should change out of your bloodied jacket.
Something other than the stony silence that follows you into the car.
It takes a few minutes of Aaron driving towards Quantico before anything is said.
“You were reckless.”
“I made a decision on the spot and it backfired a little, yes, but I was hardly reckless.”
“If he had a gun-”
“I would have disarmed him or shot him first.”
“You couldn’t stop a briefcase, you think you could do a gun?” Getting irritated, you glare at Aaron.
“Yes.” You grit out.
“You sure?”
“Aaron, what the fuck is this?” You see him clench at the wheel, his knuckles turning whiter as he concentrates on driving for a few seconds before answering you.
“You need a debrief.”
“Yes, from Rossi, at the office, not like this.” He scoffs, glancing at you briefly before locking his gaze back on the road. You see his jaw clench, but he doesn’t answer you, so you don’t say anything either.
Neither of you speak again until you’re back at headquarters. Aaron beelines for his office, and you’re hot on his heels, not paying any attention to the rest of the team already gathered at the bullpen.
“Aaron-” You try to speak as you close the door behind you, but he interrupts you.
“You should take a week off.” You stare at him as he rummages through some papers on his desk, not even looking at you as he speaks. “One paid week off should do you good. After all this.” He gestures at you and finally looks away from the papers again.
“Hotch, if this was anyone else, you would let them come back after a day to sleep in.” Aaron sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“I don’t have to explain my reasoning to you.” His voice is angry, but simmering with tiredness just beneath the surface.
The silence in the room as you don’t even give an answer to the statement is deafening. There’s a look in your eyes that he never wished to see directed at him.
Ice cold anger. Mixed with disappointment, and something else he can’t quite place. Sadness perhaps?
You unclip your gun from your holster, placing it on his desk with your badge.
“See you in a week, Hotchner.” The use of his full last name hurts, you might as well have used bullets.
You don’t let him give you any response to your statement, opening the door and striding out of his office, not slamming the door behind you as much as you want to. Your steps down to you desk are fast, as fast as they can be without fully running.
You gather your things quickly, ignoring the rest of your team.
Morgan tries to stop you with a hand on your shoulder, but you evade him with a glare, making him back off.
All the things you need on your person, you’re out of the glass door seconds later. You slam on the elevator button, debating on just taking the stairs to run off some steam while also getting out of here.
Rossi joins you as you wait, and you hear him open his mouth to speak, but you beat him to it.
“If you try to say something to get me to stay, I swear to god, I will put you on the ground.” Your words and glare makes Rossi’s eyebrows rise, but he keeps his mouth shut and takes a few steps away from you.
Finally the elevator doors open and you get in, pushing the button for the parking garage and the button to close the door faster in quick succession. With one last glare at the bullpen the elevator door closes in front of your face.
While you try your damnedest to set a new speed record for leaving the building, Rossi goes back to the bullpen, where the rest of the team sends him questioning glances.
“What even happened?” Morgan wonders out loud. “I’ve never seen them so angry before.”
“I don’t know.” Rossi is looking at Hotch, who is moving around in his office, partly shielded by the blinds. Everyone is looking between each other and Hotch’s office, the first one daring to go up there ends up being Rossi.
He knocks softly on the door with a knuckle, making Hotch look up from where he is standing next to his desk and reading some paperwork in his hand.
“You want to talk?” Hotch scoffs, putting the papers down on the desk.
“I’m fine.” Rossi closes the door behind him.
“But they clearly weren’t, so come on, spill. What did you do?” Hotch clenches his jaw, sparing a glance down at the bullpen, where the rest of the team tries to pretend they’re busy.
“I told them to take a paid week off, they protested, I insisted.” Hotch sighs as Rossi scoffs.
“For such a smart man you sure are dumb sometimes.” Hotch’s head snaps back by the comment, looking like he wants to answer and defend himself, but Rossi holds up a hand to stop him.
“You messed up. You must have known telling them to take a week off just for this was a bad call.”
“I didn’t.” Hotch's eyes are like steel, but there’s hurt hiding behind, if it’s at Rossi’s words or your actions he doesn’t know.
“But it was. Fuck Aaron, what are you even still doing here?” Hotch squints his eyes at Rossi, who throws his hands up into the air.
“You should be running after them and begging them to forgive you for doing the wrong thing. Preferably with their favorite flowers and candy in hand, or some sort of gesture, because this-” He gestures at Hotch and your gun and badge on his desk, “Is not good for anyone.” Hotch watches him for a few seconds.
“Just go Aaron.” Seemingly making up his mind, Hotch gathers his stuff, only stopping right next to Rossi and giving him a glance.
“I-” Rossi pats Hotch’s shoulder.
“Someone had to knock some sense into you. Go.” Hotch nods, out the door in seconds. The team watches him go, neither of them saying anything before Hotch is gone and Rossi joins them in the bullpen.
“They going to be okay?” Morgan asks.
“Let’s hope so.” Rossi answers, staring at the glass doors.
“I hate when people fight.” Garcia says quietly as Morgan pulls her into a side-hug.
You don’t know if you should even be driving right now, but can’t find it in yourself to care or think too much about it.
You just need to get somewhere where you can be alone and clear your head. Somewhere there’s less people and more open space.
And lucky for you, you know just the spot.
Almost on auto-pilot, you drive your truck away from work, heading out on the main road, not driving for long until you turn onto a small side road. It can barely even be called that, small and uneven as it is, but it’s no problem for you truck where you drive it with sure hands.
You end up in a clearing near the water, a small beach barely touched or seen by anyone else, except maybe the occasional hiker. You debate going down to the water, but instead you park your truck with its back towards it, flipping the tailgate down so you can sit on it.
Jumping up to sit on the tailgate, you pull out the newly bought pack of smokes and lighter from your pocket. You had quit years ago, but tonight seems like a good idea for bad habits, you think to yourself as you light one.
Taking a drag, you can already tell you will regret it later with the aftertaste you know it leaves, but you continue smoking nonetheless. 
Turning some old candy wrapper in your pocket into an improvised ashtray and putting it on the right side of you, one cigarette turns into two, soon morphing into a third.
It’s just seconds after lighting your forth cigarette that you hear another car approach. Which is odd, because you were certain few people know about this place, but you’re not too worried, your private gun resting in the back of your pants a comforting weight.
The car rounds the last bend of the small road, coming to a stop not too far from you, lights illuminating your truck and the beach beyond. Turning to look, you’re almost blinded by the lights, but they are quickly shut off as the car is turned off, and you realize you know the car.
Aaron’s car.
You snort.
The trip out here from the main road couldn’t have been comfortable for his car, or for Aaron.
You turn back around just as the driver door starts to open, and you ignore the sound of Aaron’s steps in the dirt in favor of taking another drag of your cigarette and staring into the water.
Aaron comes around your truck, leaning against your truck’s tailgate on your left, keeping his distance. He places a plastic grocery bag in the space between you. It makes a dull thud and despite you trying to ignore it, you find yourself curious.
“Peace offering.” Aaron explains as you eye the bag. You reach over and push at the top of the bag so you can peek inside. A couple of your favorite snacks, drinks, and a DVD with the logo of a movie you had talked about wanting to see. You push the bag behind you into the truck bed, taking another drag of your cigarette.
“How did you find me?” You don’t look at Aaron just yet, but you can tell he is looking at you.
“You told me about this place a few months ago and how you go here to relax sometimes and I- I just thought with how I acted-” Aaron sighs. He holds out his hand just in your field of vision, gesture clear. You give him your cigarette, watching him for the first time since he arrived as he takes a drag, letting the smoke lazily spill out from his lips with practiced ease.
“Didn’t take you for a smoker.”
“I had a phase in college.” He offers, taking another drag before giving the cigarette back to you. You take a drag yourself, letting the silence linger for a moment before you speak.
“You know you were being stupid.”
“Yes.” You’re just slightly surprised with how there is no hesitation in the one-word answer, but you’re a little content as well.
“If it had been anyone else in the team you wouldn’t have reacted that way.” Aaron sighs, putting his arms back on the tailgate, using them as leverage to hoist himself up so he’s sitting on the tailgate too, still keeping his distance.
“No one else in the team are you.” You wait for him to say more, taking a last drag of your cigarette, putting it out with the three others in the candy wrapper.
“I’m sorry.” Aaron admits, but you still don’t say anything. “I was acting and thinking like your significant other, and not your boss. I let my worry get the best of me, and I tried to find a way to shield you from any further harm in what little way I could by telling you to take a week off.” You nod, at least seeing his reasoning a bit clearer now.
“I’m not taking it.”
“You are but-” He holds up a hand before you can protest and glare at him too hard “-but so am I.” You blink, staring at him for a few seconds.
“You are?” He nods, and you lean forward to place the back of your hand on his forehead. He almost jolts at your touch, but doesn’t move away.
“What are you doing?”
“Checking if you have a fever.” Hotch scoffs, but a small smile peaks through as you let your hand fall down. He felt fine, and other than looking a bit tired and very sorry, he looks fine too.
Hotch takes your hand in his, bringing it up to kiss your knuckles and you can’t help the fond smile on your face.
“I’m sorry.” He offers up again, letting go of your hand in favor of moving closer so he can put an arm around your waist and lean his head on your shoulder as you look at the water again. You hum, turning your head ever so slightly so you can kiss the top of your head. You can’t see the little shy smile on Aaron’s face, but you can almost hear it in his almost hopeful voice as he speaks.
“Does that mean I’m forgiven?” You hum, moving your hand to rest on his knee.
“Mostly. But you are the only one doing chores this week.”
“That’s alright with me, as long as I get to spend time with you.” His hand on your jaw turns your head towards him, letting him give a brief kiss to your lips, and then a feather light one just below the butterfly strips on your forehead.
“You’re a fool Aaron.”
“I’m only a fool for you.”
“Cheesy.” You roll your eyes at him with a smile as you get down from the tailgate, Aaron joining you, standing close so he can give you another kiss.
“Always.” He says with a grin, making his eyes light up and you can’t help but kiss him.
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timetravelassasin · 3 years
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Summary: You rescue some guys from an elevator. 
A/N: Hello my lovelies I recently started to rewatch Criminal Minds and I got this idea from one of the episodes. I hope you guys like it. 
Spencer and Morgan were off to check out a victims apartment with Hotch. It was supposed to be something simple and quick. 
“Are you two ready to go,” Hotch asked, looking at Spencer and Morgan. 
“Ready when you are,” Morgan answered. 
Hotch nodded before heading to the car. The team was brought in after several victims were found dead in a pile. The pile was discovered by a hiker who immediately called the police. The apartment building the three of them were going to go check out was not in the best conditions. Spencer should have realized that taking the elevator up to the apartment was a horrible idea. 
“Can you get in there,” Spencer asked, walking into the elevator with Morgan. 
“I’ll take the stairs,” Hotch smirked, walking away. 
Morgan laughed before pressing the button for the elevator. It had only gone up three floors only for it to stop right in the middle of the floors. Spencer quickly pressed his back to the wall and held on to the rails. 
“Why did it stop,” Spencer asked. 
“I don’t know,” Morgan said.
He decided it would be funny and jump up and down in hopes of making the elevator move. Little did he know that it would only make it worse. 
“No, don’t do that,” Spencer said, a little frightened. 
“Why not,” Morgan asked, wondering. 
“Cause there are six elevator-related deaths per year, not to mention ten thousand injuries that require hospitalization. Chill out,” Spencer answered, holding tightly to the railing. 
“Those sound like pretty good odds to me. What- what are you scared Reid? You're scared,” Morgan smirked. 
“I’m not scared. I don’t wanna be in an elevator with you honestly,” Spencer said, looking away. 
“What if I press the buttons,” Morgan said, pressing the buttons only for them to have no effect. 
Spencer was starting to get worried. The elevator was not moving and the buttons were not working. It was rather frightening especially with Morgan being there and being so reckless. 
“Hit the button,” Spencer said, pointing to the emergency button.
Morgan pushed and pulled the button but nothing was happening. The two of them started to freak out and decided to start calling out to Hotch. At one point Morgan tried to open the doors at one point only to fail. 
“Morgan, Reid,” Hotch called out. 
“Hotch save us we are stuck,” Spencer called out, scared. 
“I’m calling the firefighters for help,” Hotch chuckled. 
It was only ten minutes later that Spencer and Morgan could hear the firefighters prying the door open. Spencer could feel his heart stop when he saw the doors open. He pushed Morgan to the side in hopes of being the first one saved. 
“Are you two alright in there,” a feminine voice asked. 
“Yes, please just get us out of here,” Spencer said. 
The feminine voice chuckled before fully opening the doors and helping him out of the elevator. Morgan followed after and glared at Spencer for pushing him to the side. 
“The owner should really get this elevator fixed. I’m just glad you two are safe,” the feminine voice said. 
“Yes, thank you for that,” Spencer said, finally looking up at the voice. 
In front of him stood a female firefighter with her helmet on and no jacket. Hotch was standing beside her and smirked as he noticed Spencer start to blush. 
“Let’s promise not to tell anyone what happened in there,” Morgan said, resting his arm on Spencer’s shoulder. 
“I won’t if you won’t,” Spencer said still looking at the firefighter. 
“I’m glad you two are safe. I will have to make a report to have the owner fix the elevator before someone dies,” she said, walking away. 
“You should of gotten her number,” Morgan smirked, noticing the way Spencer looked at the firefighter. 
“Um, I’ll be back in a bit,” Spencer said, shoving Morgan to the side. 
He walked up to her and asked for her name. She happily gave him her name and he shyly asked if he could take her out once the case was solved. Morgan happily made fun of him the whole time as they made their way back to the office. 
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glowingspence · 3 years
Cabin feels
Summary: The team takes a weekend long vacation in a cabin.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2:
“There he is!” Morgan exclaims and pulls the chair next to him back for Spencer to sit on, “Thought Rossi might have lost you on the way.”
“I have the map memorized.” Spencer admits in a soft voice, so hesitant Derek has to overplay how it made his heart clench for a moment.
“Good choice. Probably better, because we took at least three wrong turns on the drive here.” He complains and looks at Emily.
“It’s not my fault, you decided to drive.” Emily points out while Derek wraps an arm around Spencer, moving his hand up and down his upper arm when Spencer leans closer and asks with a whisper if he can have a cookie too. 
Worried Derek looks at Hotch about the anxious behaviour from Spencer but the team leader ignores it and quickly switches over, “Garcia and I did some research and we have prepared a few things we could do over the next few days.”
“That’s right!” She exclaims, a big smile on her face over the thought of spending the next day with the whole team out here.
“We of course don’t have to do every one of them but just hear us out first, please.” Hotch unfolds a note in front of him, “We have boats we can use and down the river is a restaurant that lives from hikers and tourists staying in cabins that are spread along the river, we could take the boats down there and then hike back. It’s apparently all a cooperative with one big company here so they bring the boats back, if we don’t want to use them on our way back to the cabin. Secondly we have a climbing exercise in the mountains.” Hotch can feel JJ’s and Spencer’s anxious eyes on him, both of them not a fan of highs, “We just wanted to share that this is an option but I would prefer if we don’t do that.” Under the table he places his hand on JJ’s thigh, squeezing ones.
“I am not a fan either.” Derek speaks up.
“I would say we strike that out.” Roosi agrees too.
“We will. Wel have a lot of other things we can do. We can just go hiking and swimming in the lake it’s warm enough and there is a fireplace outside which means we can make marshmallows.” With that Spencer’s face lights up for the first time since they are here, “I think we just agreed to that.”
“I packed marshmallows we can do that.” Hotch promises him, “And we thought we could maybe cook something together first.”
“Why don’t we do the boat thing today?” Derek suggests, “I mean getting down to that restaurant and hiking back will probably take a while and the other stuff we can just do tomorrow here at the cabin.”
“I would like that.” Hotch agrees and quickly the decision is made and sealed. “Are you okay with this?”
“Yes,” Spencer confirms while sitting on the front porch, redoing his shoe laces, “I don’t like getting wet.”
“Well, you probably will get wet at some point.”
“Not on purpose. I don’t find that funny.”
“Okay, why don’t you tell Derek that? He is with in your boat and maybe he has an idea to protect you from the water?”
“He will just tease me.” Spencer tells him and gets up from the ground, “He will probably do it on purpose then.”
“Just talk to him.”
“I don’t want to, i will just stay here-” He tries to go back into the cabin but Hotch grabs him by his arm,
“We said we would work on this.”
“On what?” A few times Spencer tries pulling away before he gives up, 
“We said we would work on trust here and you gotta trust Morgan that he is going to treat your wish with respect.” 
“I am not your stupid team goal project, let me go.” With that he rips his arms away and flees into the cabin.
“What’s going on?” Derek calls from the shore before Hotch waves him over, “What is it?”
“We will go ahead and wait for you. Talk to him, please.”
“Of course, we will catch up.” Derek watches the others climb into their boats before he walks into the cabin, finding Spencer curled up in the corner of the living room. “Our boat is ready, we can start paddling now, if you want.”
“I don’t want to, you guys can go alone.”
“That kinda fails the purpose of team bonding, don’t you think?” He sits down at the end of the couch, looking down to Spencer who has his head turned away from him. “Is this about the field trip-”
“Don’t talk about that!” Upset Spencer starts hitting his head with his fist for a couple of times. 
“Okay I won’t talk about that. I promise.” Spencer looks up to him, sceptical scanning his movements and facial expression for any hint that he is lying but then he takes his hands down again and goes back to the steady rhythm of rocking back and forth between the couch and coffee table. “Why do you not want to go with us?”
“Emily and you are gonna tease me.”
“About what?”
“I don’t like getting wet and I know you will splash me on purpose.”
“We aren’t kids anymore, if you tell us not to, we won't.” 
“I don’t like your teasing. I don’t find it funny.” Spencer tells him, “You are not funny.”
“I promise you, when you get on that boat with me, I am gonna do nothing but help you okay? I am not gonna make fun of you.” 
“Hotch said I might get wet anyway.” Spencer voices his concern, “I don’t want that either.”
“We will look for a solution okay? It is just us here, we have all the time in the world.” Skeptical Spencer follows him out to the water and let’s Derek show him where to sit and how they will hold the paddle, “You are probably going to get wet here.” Derek points at his thighs, “But we can lay your jacket over it okay?”
“What if we flip over?”
“We would have to make a lot of mistakes for that to happen.” He calms him with a chuckle, “Do you need anything else from the cabin? I am gonna get your jacket for you and lock this place up.”
“Okay, don’t paddle off without me!” He threatens him with a wink and Spencer is left alone on the water.
“Let’s wait here.” Hotch calls to the boat with the girls, “Morgan and Reid should be here any minute.”
“I don’t think Reid is much of a help in paddling.” Emily points out.
“Derek will cancel that out.” Garica argues.
“Are we sure they didn’t kill each other?” JJ questions, “I mean, was it really smart to stick these two in a tiny boat together?”
“It was their choice.” Rossi states. 
“You tired already?” Derek asks unsure when Spencer taps out of their rhythm again before he stops himself and pulls his paddle in, “Let’s take a break.” He pulls a water bottle out of their backpack and holds it out for Spencer who has his back turned to him, “Man, this looks beautiful. Don’t you think?”
“It does.” Spencer is quiet for a moment before he closes his bottle and turns halfway around to hand it back to Derek, “I am sorry I snapped at you and Hotch at the cabin.”
“Thank you but it’s okay.”
“It’s not, I shouldn’t have yelled.”
“Maybe not but I could guess where it was coming from.”
“Can you always guess?”
“No, sometimes I have no idea what goes on in that mind of yours and sometimes you snapping at me doesn’t make any sense to me but-” Derek grabs his paddle, “you tell me when you are ready, that is all I need.”
“Sometimes I don’t”
“Those are the times I already knew.”
Chapter 3
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mrvltwimagines · 4 years
Thinking Thin
SUMMARY: You knew you couldn’t hide your habits forever, you just hoped you could’ve hid them a bit longer.
WARNINGS: Eating Disorders, Low Self-Esteem, Self Degradation 
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I knew that what I was thinking was just my mental illness talking. While looking at my body in the mirror, I knew that the words I was thinking about what I saw were words only I thought about myself, but it didn’t stop me from thinking them and believing them.
Pulling my t-shirt up a little higher, I felt a sense of dread come over myself when I take in my overall form. My stomach still hung a bit, and from a side view even tight pants couldn’t stop the protruding shape of it. I wanted to cry. I wanted to physically cut the fat off of myself. How humiliating it felt to be fat when I worked in the field that I do, surrounded by beautiful people. How did the team not look at me and doubt my work? How did they feel so comfortable trusting me with their life when I don’t even have my own put together? I sighed as I pulled my shirt back down and tucked it back into my slacks. After throwing a cardigan on to help me cover up a bit more, I was out the door and on my way to work.
The second I walked out of the elevator and towards the bullpen, I could feel my anxiety rising. I had joined the BAU team close to a year ago. I was close with them all, comfortable on an emotional level with each of them, but when it came to my insecurities and every day struggles to just stay alive or even just eat a meal, they were oblivious. So when I was having a bad day like today, my anxiety sat a little higher on my scale and I could only hope that I could keep it low key.
“Good morning, y/n,” JJ sweetly greeted me as I set my bag down. She was sitting on Reid’s desk, him in his chair and Derek standing next to them. I blushed at the attention I got as they followed JJ’s eye-line, and offered back a similar greeting before taking a seat and letting out a sigh.
“Rough morning, princess?” Derek chuckled. I wanted to say yes, but I knew the question was generic and made more for the purpose of humor.
“Just feel like I’m always tired nowadays. As much as I hate to say it, it’s like I need cases to keep me alert and busy,” I offered back. It wasn’t a lie, I was tired. It might have to do with the little food intake, or the restless sleep, but what they don’t know doesn’t hurt. I did feel more alert when working a case, but that’s to be understood since every case is dealing with murderers. If I wasn’t alert, it’d be a bit questionable.
“Well you are in luck then, missy. Hotch wants us all in the conference room, we have a new case,” Garcia chimed in, speed walking past the four of us and towards the conference room. I watched the others stand up and begin to follow her, but the second I stood up I felt the dizziness set in and stopped myself from moving for a second, needing the support of my desk to not topple over. The dizziness subsided and I cleared my eyesight before standing up straight and trying to blow off what just happened. I looked around to see if anyone caught that, my heartbeat picking up a bit when I made direct eye contact with Spencer right before he disappeared into the conference room. The panicked feeling in my chest grew as I walked towards the room. I could only hope he either saw the end of what just happened, or that he was just curiously looking around and looked at me the same time I looked at him. I didn’t have much time to think before entering the room where everyone was already seated, quickly making my way to my own seat in between Emily and Derek.
“Alright team, last night in Washington, a third hiker was found with a limb missing,” Garcia started, flashing pictures of the newest and previous other victims with different body parts missing from each of them. Beginning to brainstorm with the team, my thought process was somewhere else. I really tried to stay with them, and to throw in my own insights, but it was hard when trying to avoid eye contact with Spencer when I could feel his gaze on me a lot of the time. What was he thinking? 
Soon enough Hotch announced that we’ll be flying out in thirty minutes, and everyone started to separate to go grab their to-go bags and finish up any last minute tasks. As I walked out of the conference room, I jumped a bit at Reid standing up straight and pushing off of the railing right outside the door.
“Jesus Spence, are you trying to kill me?” I chuckled, throwing a hand over my heart to be dramatic. My heart was actually beating fast, only continuing its pace once I made direct eye contact with him. He offered a shy smile, tucking his hands into his pockets.
“Sorry, I truly didn’t mean to scare you,” he chuckled, “I just wanted to check in with you, see if you were feeling alright?”
“Oh yeah, like I said earlier, just a bit tired.”
“You looked like you were on the verge of passing out right before we went into the conference room. Are you sure you’re alright? Are you feeling sick?” He pushed on. My cheeks went red knowing he had witnessed my dizziness spell earlier. My mind whirled with all my potential answers, but I just couldn’t think of a good one.
“Oh no, I’m not sick. I’m fine, I promise,” I tried to sound confident in my answer, waving him off while beginning to walk by him. I jumped a bit at the feeling of his hand gently wrapping around my forearm, stopping me from walking away.
“I’ve noticed you have moments like what I saw earlier a lot recently. You know you can talk to me about anything, what’s going on?” My eyes widened a bit at how observant he’s been. Of course he wouldn’t forget what he’s seen considering his ability to memorize literally everything, but I didn’t expect him to notice me as much as he has.
“I-“ my mouth clamped shut at the sound of Hotch calling everyone to start to head out. I took the distraction to pull my arm away from Spencer and speed walk to my desk, grabbing my bag and following the others to the elevator. I begged myself not to turn around and look at Spencer, but it was inevitable when hopping into the elevator and facing the doors to see him joining the rest of us. He wasn’t looking at me, and I let out a deep breath. I knew the conversation wasn’t over. I knew he was not making a scene for the sake of my privacy, which I’m thankful for, but I just never wanted this conversation to pick back up.
* * *
The second we got to Washington and split up, any previous thoughts were thrown to the curb and our attention was fully on the case. Hotch, Reid and I made our way into the police station, and the chief of police was quick to fill us in on everything he knew about the case. Thanking him, we were quick to be left on our own to try and figure things out.
The day went by quickly, everyone joining back at the station around 8pm with more and more information, getting us closer to figuring out the unsub. Spencer’s been watching me a bit, and I could tell he had something to say every time I declined wanting anything to eat and instead settling with drinking more coffee. To settle his mind a bit, I made sure to eat a small vending machine granola bar within his eyesight hoping he would be satisfied seeing me eat something. Before we knew it, it was 11pm and we were all exhausted, ready to head to the hotel for the night and pick back up in the morning.
“Alright, we have four rooms. Who wants to board with who?” Hotch asks as we’re packing up our things. This happens every time, and most of the time Spencer and I would share a room, but sometimes Derek and him would go with each other and I’d get a room by myself considering Rossi and Hotch usually go in one and JJ and Emily would share another.
“I’ll board with y/n,” Spencer called out quickly. Everyone else figured their situation after that, but my mind was racing and my stomach was sinking.
I knew there would be a day where hiding my habits would become a bit harder, I just didn’t want to believe that today might be the day that they may become exposed to someone else. I haven’t lost nearly enough weight for the team to notice, and I’ve been doing extremely well at keeping this personal matter at bay. I’ve never had to talk about any of this with everyone, so it’s a dreadful thought that in just under ten minutes there’s the potential that i’m going to have to try an figure out how to hide what’s going on to the extreme or end up telling Spencer what’s truly going on.
The thought of him knowing sent a buzz throughout my body. My mind told me it’s pathetic that I restrict so heavily, and to still be as fat as I am. Would he even believe me if I told him I have an eating disorder while looking like I do? Most days I want to laugh at myself for having an eating disorder and still being so heavy, and I know that Spencer is nowhere near as cruel as my own mind, but what if he doesn’t take it seriously? Would that hurt more than the constant nagging in my brain and pain throughout my body?
The car came to a stop and we all began to go our separate ways. Spencer grabbed our key from Hotch, and I slowly followed behind his tensed form. He didn’t say anything to me the entire elevator ride up. I could feel him side eyeing me and my cheeks burned red. 
I was expecting him to say something the second we got into our room, but he didn’t. Instead he simply announced that he was going to shower, and left me alone in the room. A sigh of relief left my lips before my mind went straight to overthinking. What if he just genuinely doesn’t care and he was simply “checking” on me earlier to at least acknowledge what he saw? What if he’s simply going to ignore it? Isn’t that what I want? Why do I feel so upset that he’s not asking me more questions, when i’ve been pushing so hard for him not to?
My mind felt like mush. I didn’t struggle like this everyday. Most days went on like normal. I’d wake up, drink coffee, head to work and just immerse myself into whatever project is going on so I didn’t have to think about food. Most days I’d eat at least one meal, two if I got a considerate amount of exercise in. I won’t deny that i’ve lost weight, but it just wasn’t enough, and that was proven by the fact that no one else seemed to notice either. No one on the team ever judged me for my weight, and I know they all loved me for who I am and not what I look like, but it’s hard not to compare myself when on the same team as women that look like JJ and Emily. They were skinny and pretty, men loved to stare at them, while I was always overlooked and ignored. I thought maybe, just maybe, if I lost some weight and tried a little harder, I might feel a bit more loved. And that’s where I felt conflicted. What I’m doing is unhealthy. I know that much, but I couldn’t just stop. It’s become an addiction of mine to really push myself and see how low of a calorie intake I can have each day while still feeling normal. It’s addicting to have control over this when everything else in my life feels so out of reach. 
“y/n?” my head snapped towards the bathroom door, seeing Spencer leaning against the frame. I didn’t realize I had sat down on the end of one of the beds, or that I had just been staring at the wall the entire time. His hair was wet, and he was dressed in a pair of pajama pants and a plain t-shirt. He looked so beautiful, too beautiful to want to be around someone like me. 
“What’s going on?” he asked. I’d be stupid to assume that he can’t read me like a book, but I knew that saying anything along the lines of “nothing” wouldn’t be a suitable answer for him. 
“I’m just tired.”
“Don’t give me that again, y/n,” he sighed frustratingly and I could feel my heart wrench. Was I annoying him? 
“You’ve changed in the past few months. I never see you eat, you’re experiencing dizzy spells, and don’t think I don’t notice how you either avoid your reflection in any reflecting surface or you simply grimace at what you’re seeing. Tell me what’s going on, and don’t lie to me.” 
I shook my head, willing myself to stop the tears that were forming and so badly wanted to stream down my face. I quickly turned my head to the opposite side of the room from him, feeling as if I might implode if I made eye contact with him.
“I’m just tired, Spence. Can we please just leave it at that?” I asked. I didn’t mean to sound so weak, I wanted to sound confident as to not add to his suspicions, but I messed that up too. 
“I’m not going to leave it at that. Do you think i’m stupid, y/n?” this time I couldn’t help but look at him. His voice carried anger and frustration, and it made a ball of guilt and shame expand in my chest. He held eye contact with me before sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Of course I don’t think your stu-”
“You must if you don’t think i’ve caught on to what you’re doing to yourself. You’ve lost a good amount of weight within the past few months, you’re not eating, you keep getting dizzy, your moods are constantly changing, and again - I see the way you look at yourself. Now are you going to talk to me or am I just stuck here keeping these assumptions to myself and letting you hurt yourself?”
My eyes widened at hearing all the things he’s noticed. I was definitely the stupid one for assuming he wouldn’t notice. He was staring me down. I tried to hold eye contact but couldn’t.
“I’m sorry,” I spit out. I don’t know what exactly I was apologizing for, but I know I felt guilty. I felt defeated and sad that while I was hurting myself, I was also making Spencer experience it along side with me unknowingly. 
“I don’t want you to apologize to me!” His exclamation was the final straw to get the tears running down my face. Could I possibly make this any worse? He clearly knows what going on, and I’m only making him more frustrated the longer I continue to not talk about it, but it was still so embarrassing. I didn’t want to talk out loud about this issue, almost like I felt I didn’t deserve to. 
“I want you to tell me you have an eating disorder. I want you to confide in me like I do with you all the time for my problems! I want to hear whats going on in your big, stubborn brain to make you think what you’re doing to yourself is okay!” he approached continued while approaching me. I still sat on the edge of the bed, and he stood right in front of me. I couldn’t help the slight jump at the feeling of his hands gently caressing each side of my face, tilting my head up, forcing me to make eye contact with him.
“I hate how I look,” I softly spoke through tears, “I’m surrounded by beautiful people and I can’t help the embarrassment that floods through me on the daily because I will never be worthy of anyones time. I have rolls and a stomach that hangs over, and I can’t wear shorts or skirts without my thighs chafing and sometimes even my jeans grow holes because they can’t take the tension of having so much fat rub together,” I could feel my regret bubble up with every word I was saying, knowing that whether it be tonight or tomorrow or the day after that, I will regret having talked about any of this out loud, but I can’t stop myself now. It’s been bubbling up in my system for too long.
“I can’t imagine being in a relationship with anyone looking the way I do. I can’t imagine anyone would find me attractive, let alone sexy. I can’t look at myself in the mirror, especially naked, how could I expect anyone else to want to? So i’m trying to lose weight. It might not be the best way, but it’s working. It’s working and it might have some negative side affects, but i need it to work, Spence. I can’t keep looking like this,” now I was frustrated crying. So frustrated that I look the way I do. Frustrated that i’ve never been skinny in my entire life, and that even as a kid I was ridiculed for my weight. Frustrated that what i’m saying won’t make sense to a lot of people, but for me it’s my entire existence. My days revolve around this happening to me, and to others they still just see a fat person. 
Spencers grip tightened a bit when I tried to pull away. His thumbs had been slowly helping wipe away the tears that didn’t seem to want to stop. For someone who claims so much that they didn’t want anyone to find out, I sure did feel all too relieved that the secret was out. I didn’t know what I wanted out of this, but by the look on Spencers’ face, at least I knew I have someone that loves and cares for me even while dealing with such a difficult thing. 
Without saying anything, he pulls me into his chest. My tears were beginning to subside, but the ache in my chest was still persistent.
“I hate to see you treating yourself like this,” he gently started, each word creating a small vibration on my cheek from the rumbling of his chest as he spoke, “You are so strong. You’ve been dealing with this without talking to anyone? How- how you even began to form these opinions and see yourself like this is a mystery to me, but y/n, you are so so beautiful. I don’t know how else to say that. You are so bright and warm, and you help bring everyone to a better place just by being present. It fucking kills me to hear you say these things about yourself, but I get me just calling you beautiful isn’t going to magically fix things.” I could tell he was thinking as he paused after that last second, “I want to help you. I miss your smiles, i miss going out to grab food with you as a small escape from cases. I miss joking around with you, and not constantly being afraid of watching you to make sure you don’t pass out. I know there’s a certain control factor in what you’re doing, but i want to help you get control on things in a healthier way. I don’t know what else to say other than i want to help you. I don’t want to watch you hurt anymore.” 
Silence fell over the room after that. My thoughts were all over the place, and I know his were too. He slowly pulled away from me, bringing his hands back up to my face, forcing me to make eye contact with him again.
“I like the control. I can’t let myself go back to before if i still look like this,” I whispered out. 
“I can’t let you continue this, y/n. I can’t sit around knowing you’ve gone hours without eating and that you’re constantly having inner turmoil telling you you’re worth so little. You’re so important. No matter what you look like, you are and always will be so important. You’re beautiful, and smart, and you are just... so important,” he responded, “you don’t deserve all the bad you’re putting yourself through. There’s so many other things that you can gain control over, but hurting yourself like this should not be one of them. I don’t know what or how to help you, that’s what i need you to tell me. What can i do for you? What do you need from me? because you’d be stupid to think that tomorrow once we wake up and get back to working the case that i’m just going to forget all of this. This will be on my mind until you get your life back.”
I couldn’t stop myself from crying again. A warmth spread throughout my body, hearing him being so supportive and the furthest from annoyed or frustrated like i thought anyone would’ve been was soothing my heart and mind. There’s clearly no coming back from this. Spencer knew my darkest secret and he’s here telling me he wants to help. This is my chance to help myself, and i’d be more than stupid not to do it.
“I just need support. I need help. I still so badly want to lose weight, but i need help working through my disordered eating mindset and i don’t know if i can do that on my own. I just... need help,” I couldn’t think of what else i could say, but i could tell by the slow nodding and the small smile that was forming on his face that he knew what i was implying. 
“I’m so proud of you, just know that. I’m proud that you talked to me and let me know what’s going on your mind. I’m all yours, y/n. I’ll always be by your side and willing to help, you just have to let me.”
I nodded to which he slowly bent down a bit and kissed my forehead. I was beyond relieved that the conversation had died down. I was relieved that someone else knew what was going on in my mind and that i wasn’t alone anymore.
“Now go get your pajamas on. We’ve got a long day tomorrow, and I don’t want you to be too sleep deprived.” he smiled. 
Even though there were two beds, it was figured by the both of us that only one was going to be used. Once I got out of the bathroom dressed in my pajamas, Spencer was quick to pull the blankets back next to where he was laying and indicate for me to hop in next to him. I settled down, his arms gently pulling me closer to him, and i rested my head on his chest.
“Thank you Spence, for everything. I don’t know what i would do without you,” I admitted after he turned out the lights and we were both settled and about to fall asleep.
“I love you, y/n,” he whispered, kissing the top of my head. I lifted my body enough to look at him to ensure he was meaning it the way i thought he was, and the look on his face solidified that it was.
“I love you more, Spence.” 
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Spencer Reid Imagine (xWinchester!reader)
Request: You are Sam and Dean Winchester’s little sister and dating Spencer Reid but the Winchester’s have go undercover as FBI and Reid’s team just so happens to be on the same case. Slightly angsty/fluffy
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
I am currently taking requests for:
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson
Damon Salvatore
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
A/N: Soooooo before I received this request, I’d never seen Supernatural. So, to get a feel of the show so I could write this, I watched the first episode aaaannnd now I'm hooked on the show. I think I’m on like episode 12 of season 1. 
*not my gifs, credit to owners 
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(This is based on Season 1, Episode 2 of Supernatural) 
You giggle at your phone, typing away. It was your boyfriend Spencer, who was on a case with the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit. He’d left this morning and had let her know he’d landed, then proceeded to tell her a joke he thought of on the plane. This boy.. 
“What are you giggling about?” Your brother, Dean huffed, looking at you through he rearview mirror. 
You sat in the back of the car while your big brothers, Sam and Dean sat up front. Your father was sending you three to investigate the mysterious disappearance of several campers in Colorado, which means there’s most likely something supernatural involved. 
“Nothing.” you mumble, putting your phone up. 
“I’m sure it’s that boyfriend of hers,” Sam teases. 
“Oh bite me.” you snap, hitting him in the shoulder. 
“Hey, no need to get physical, just stating facts.” He laughs, rubbing his shoulder. 
“Who the hell is this guy anyways? What’s his name? Tanner? Ben?” Dean asks. 
You couldn’t keep anything from your brothers, they found out about everything. You’d kept you and Spencer’s relationship under lock and key for maybe a week before your brother’s followed you and found you on a date with Spencer. They’d practically dragged you out of the restaurant and bombarded you with questions about who he was. 
“His name is Spencer. Not like you’d bother to get to know him anyways.” You cross your arms over your chest. 
“No one is good enough for our sister.” Sam shrugs. 
The two of them have been very protective of you ever since you were little and now it’s even worse, but you knew why. Your mother’s tragic death changed them and they were the only people you had, besides your dad, but he was consumed of finding what killed your mother and Sam and Dean practically raised you. 
“How much longer until we get there?" You ask, glancing out at the scenery passing by. 
Dean parked the car next to the trail, “What shall we be today?” He asks as Sam gets the box of identifications out of the glove compartment. 
“I’m thinking FBI.” Sam says, “In honor of y/n’s little boyfriend.” Sam and Dean chuckle. 
You groan and throw your head back against the head rest, “Seriously guys? How did you even find out?” 
“We’re the FBI, duh.” Dean says jokingly, stepping out of the vehicle. Sam does the same and opens your door. 
You rolled your eyes and take the identification from Sam, “I’m picking who we are impersonating next.” 
You hadn’t told Sam and Dean much about Spencer. Only his name, where you guys met and well, that’s about it. Obviously, they found out who he really was. Well, at least Spencer is off on a case and won’t see you three impersonating an FBI agent. 
You followed your brothers to the crime scene. There was another “animal” attack last night. 4 hikers missing and their campsite is torn to shreds. It looks like a bear did it but you guys know better than that. 
A officer stops you at the crime scene tape, “This is a closed crime scene.” 
Sam nods, holding up his identification, you and Dean following, “Yes sir, we’re FBI.” 
“Here to investigate the disappearance of the multiple hikers this week.” Dean adds.
The officer nods, pulling the tape up so you guys can walk through. You follow your brothers to the crime scene and begin looking around. 
“I don’t think a bear did this.” You say looking at the tent, “Those are some pretty big claw marks for a bear.” 
Dean nods, “Yeah I know.” He glances back at the few officers gathered around talking then motions into the woods, “Whatever it was dragged them this way.” 
Sam walks over and begins following the trail, “Yeah and look here.” He bends down, “The trail just stops here.” 
The three of you bend down to get a better look. The blood stops and so does the dragging marks. As if it just disappears in thin air right here.
“Definitely not a bear.” Sam says. 
Suddenly there’s footsteps marching towards them, “FBI FREEZE!” Voices yell. The three of you jump and face the group, hands up. There is 4 of them, all guns drawn. oh shit. 
Your eyes focus on a specific tall and brown curly headed person in front of you. It can’t be. 
“y/n?” Spencer asks, surprised, “What the hell are you doing here?!” 
You give a sheepish smile and a small shrug, “Investigating?” 
“Reid, do you know these people?” Hotch asks. 
Spencer sighs and begins putting his gun away, “Yes. That’s my girlfriend.” He looks at Dean and Spencer, mumbling, “And her brothers.” 
“Hey, Spencer, how are you doing, man?” Dean asks cooly. 
The rest of the team put their guns down and away, “You guys are impersonating FBI agents.” Hotch says, walking over. “That’s a felony. You know that right?” He pulls his cuffs out and cuffs Sam. 
Morgan cuffs Dean and Prentiss walks over to you, giving you a ‘sorry’ look before cuffing you as well. You looked at Spencer in disbelief, “Come on, seriously?” 
“You’re going to arrest us?” Sam asks. 
“That’s not going earn any points with us, Spencer boy,” Dean says and rolls his eyes. 
Hotch and Morgan drag Sam and Dean away to the parking lot. “Let me have a minute.” Spencer says to Prentiss, who nods and follows after Hotch and Morgan, leaving you and Spencer alone. 
He looks at you, “Y/n, what is going on? Why are the three of you impersonating FBI agents?” 
“If I tell you, you’ll never believe me.” You say, shrugging. 
He steps toward you, looking at you seriously, “y/n, we could arrest you here and now for impersonating an FBI agent. However, I think I can get Hotch to let it go if you tell me the truth.” 
You shake your head, whispering, “Spencer, you won’t believe me.” You look up at him. 
“Try me. It will be better than 5 years in prison.” 
You bite your lip before spilling the beans about everything. What you and your brothers do, what you’re doing here. The theory behind the disappearances. 
After, he leads you back to the parking lot where everyone is. Dean and Sam are lined up against Dean’s car with Hotch, Morgan and Prentiss standing in front of them. He walks you over and stands you in front of the car next to Dean, then goes and talks with the team. 
“Well, did you get us out of this?” Dean whispers. 
“I told him everything,” you whisper back, looking between Sam and Dean. 
Sam’s eyes go wide, “You did what?!” 
“He was going to arrest us, all of us! Including me!” You argue, “What was I supposed to do?” 
“I don’t know little sister, how about-” Dean is interrupted by Spencer and the team walking up.
 Spencer walks over to you and begins unlocking your cuffs. The cuffs release your wrists and you immediately rub them. 
"You’re off the hook this time. But we want your stash of I.Ds.” Spencer says, looking at you and your brothers. “And no more impersonating people.” 
Dean rolls his eyes, “Fine, whatever.” 
Dean and Sam stand with the team and tell them what they think took those hikers while you’re leaned against the car, Spencer standing in front of you. 
“Hunters, huh?” He smirks, “Never would have thought.” 
You laugh, “Yeah, well, I didn’t want to scare you off.” 
He shrugs a little, “I have a diverse imagination. It would take a lot to scare me off.” 
“So, were you really going to arrest me?” You say, playing with his tie. 
“Not you. But I was going to let them throw your brother’s in there for a little while.” He says, pushing a piece of hair behind your ear. 
You laugh, “Now, that would have been pretty funny to see. However, I don't think they would let you see me, like ever again.” 
I hope you guys enjoyed it! xx 
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ssa-daddyhotchner · 4 years
Undercover - Chapter 15
Chapter Selection
"What do we got now Garcia", I took at seat between Hotch and Morgan. 
"Okay today we have a case in one Reno, Nevada. This is Henry Baxter he was found yesterday by some hikers." We all look at the crime scene photo and Morgan speaks up. 
"What makes the police think this isn't just a murder." Reid takes a closer look at the details and makes the connection to a previous case. Garcia starts to speak but he cuts her off. 
"This looks like a case from 25 years ago. There were bodies of abusive fathers, this unsub was active from 84 to 89. After that he just disappeared." Rossi had a look of realization. 
"I remember that case Gideon and I worked on it. We got close to catching him but there was never another body. The FBI called us back to Quantico." 
"We'll talk more about it on the jet, let's go." Everyone stands up and go for their go bags. I get into the SUV with Hotch, we leave first before the team. The drive was quiet, we did talk about the notes coming to the our house and my ex. What we would do and if I'd tell the team if the problem escalated. 
We got out the car and walked to the jet going inside. I take a seat in the back by the window, Hotch sitting next me. "Sooo", he turned his attention from the case file. "Can you talk to Rossi about that trip, we all need one", a smile tugging at his lips. "I'll talk to him", I let out a small 'yay'. 
Aaron glanced out the window, he didn't see anyone. He leaned forward and pressed a gentile kiss on my lips. We didn't notice the already present, Spencer and Rossi standing the aisle. Aaron and I looked at them awkwardly. "I've seen you do worse no need to feel embarrassed." Spencer sat down and I felt my face getting red hot. Slightly remembering the night in the back of Spencer's car.
The rest of the team got there not long after, we waited till the last half hour of the flight to go over the case again. "Ok so first start with the dumping grounds. He displaying them, setting them in an upright position", Rossi finished speaking. 
"The stabbing and slicing is the outlet for sexual release. People that use a knife usually more introverted." Morgan stated, Garcia went on the tv. 
"Ok there was just another body found an hour ago, I just got wind of it. What do you guys need from me." Garcia finished then Hotch started. "Garcia I need you to look for men that are 50-60 that have lived in the Reno area since the 80's." 
"Look for that and any men between the age range that went to prison, he stopped killing for 26 years that doesn't just happen." JJ said while flipping through the case file. "Garcia I think that enough for now." 
Garcia ended the call and Hotch stood up, "Rossi and Morgan go to the most recent crime scene. Emily an Reid go to the victims house, talk tot he families. Y/n, JJ, and I will go to precinct to set up." 
Hotch went to the back of the plane to get a cup of coffee. I put my hand o his arm and turn to him, "Did you talk to Rossi." He finishes pouring his cup. "Yes", I smile and walk away to talk me seat. 
The plane lands JJ, Hotch, and I all go to the precinct. 
The case took about a week to solve; the unsub was Matthew Ford. He was in prison for 27 years due to attempt murder. We were on our way back on the jet, I was to the right of Aaron. We were on crowded in the center of the jet. 
Morgan was talking to Emily, JJ to Reid. Aaron was doing paperwork, his hand sitting on my thigh rubbing small circles. I had my eyes closed trying to get rid of my headache. Rossi was sitting in front of me. 
Aaron took out his phone and texted Rossi. He read the text and stared at him. I shrugged and he began talking. 
"Its come to my attention that when I mentioned the vacation all of you took me serious", we all said yes. "So you all want me to pay for it." 
I looked at Rossi, "Yeah so were we going. I really need this, you'll be helping all of us out. We're so stressed." I was somewhat over exaggerating. But we all did the vacation and Rossi has the money to do it. Hotch started talking, "Dave if it makes you feel better we can you this as an excuse to 'team bond'." 
Rossi glanced at all of us, "Fine but I choose where we're going." Yays were spread throughout the jet. I feel like I needed this the most. My mind was constantly on my ex, Hayley, combined with the stress of the job and what happened with Carmine I was feeling overwhelmed. 
Some nights I'd wake up covered in sweat and other I wouldn't be able to sleep at all. It was all still happening and made me feel useless. From the looks of it Aaron didn't have any problems with it. 
We got back to Quantico and Rossi had already made the plans and the location. 
"We're gonna go to Honolulu, surprisingly I've never been there. We leave at 8am and yes I bought your tickets but I expect to be paid back." Rossi stepped into his office and closed the door. Morgan, JJ, and Emily all gathered their stuff and went home to pack. I sat at my desk waiting for Aaron to finish the files that remained on his desk. 
My eyelids were starting to get droopy and I put my head down. "Why don't you go home and get some sleep", I picked up my head and saw Spencer sitting at his desk. "I would but Hotch drove me, I that you went home." 
"Nope, when we left for the case there were some files that still needed to be done. You know I don't like to leave things unfinished." I smiled a bit putting my head back down. 
"So, how are you and Hotch?" I didn't look at him. "Fine I just wish he'd hurry up!" I mumbled slightly yelling the last part. Spencer was still talking to me but everything started to fade away. 
I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder. Rossi stood above me, "Hotch told me to wake you up he's almost done." I nodded still tired and couldn't make out words. He walked through the glass doors and went home. 
I stood up and stretched walking into Hotchs office, "I'm almost down give me 5 minutes." 
"Ok", I mumbled rubbing my eyes and laying down on the couch. I felt drained but this time I couldn't go back to sleep. "Annnd done, ok we can go." I stood up from the couch and held my hand out. He grabbed it and we walked to the car.
Aaron got into the drivers seat and started the car. II got in and put my hand on his thigh. He looked down at the gesture, "Thought I was supposed to d that to you." 
I giggled, "Deal with it." I squeezed his thigh and he was stifling a laugh.  
When we got home I was somewhat awake and dropped all of my stuff off at the door dragging my way through the house and to the bed. I slummed down, not bothering to change my clothes, I still had to pack. 
Aaron wrapped his arms around me and we drifted off.
Aaron packed my things for me and we rushed out the door. We almost overslept and we sped to the airport. We made right before they closed the gate on us, Rossi had bought everyone first class tickets  and we sat down. "What the hell took you so long", Emily looked back at us. I glanced at Aaron, "I overslept and Hotch had to bring Jack to Jessica's. 
She turned back around and put on her head phones. Reid sat in the middle row reading a book, JJ and Morgan were talking a few rows ahead. 
The flight was around 13 hours and they were spent looking out the window and reading. We got there around 9pm and went straight to the hotel. Rossi got everyone a separate room except for me and Hotch. 
"Ok in the morning I wanna go to the beach. I need back my tan, can't get that in Virginia." Aaron chuckled in my ear as we were about to go to bed. "Ok sounds like a plan." 
"Night princess."  
I woke up to a call, I didn't wake up and instead Aaron answered. It was Spencer, "Hey are you gonna come down or do I have to get you." Aaron didn't answer instead he hummed. "Okay fine sleep in", he hung up the phone. 
Aaron nestled his face on my back and mumbled, "We gonna get up." I hummed in agreement. "Come on its 10:30am." That made me shoot my eyes open, I turned to look at him. "Alright come on." 
We got changed putting on my black two piece, got some towels and snacks and headed for the beach. When we got there, the sun was blazing ahead. There were people lining the beach with umbrellas and food. 
Aaron called the team while I took off towards the water, "Hey I finally got up. I met y/n at the beach. Are you guys coming?" 
"Yeah we'll be there." Emily hung up the phone and she told everyone else to go to the beach. I was looking back at Aaron while he sat there looking slightly awkward. I dipped my whole body in the water getting my hair wet. 
I walked out of the water and over to Aaron. I reached my hand out, "Do I have to beg you." A smirk formed on his lips, "Yeah you know what that'd be nice." I bent over and grabbed his hand pulling him up to me. "You're gonna go in the water. If you like it or not."
He moved his mouth to my ear, "You gonna make me." My breathing hitched, I looked over Hotchs shoulder and saw the team. "I could but that would mean I wouldn't be able to see this." The whole team rushed up behind his and started pushing his into the water dipping his head under. 
When he came back up his hair was sticking to his forehead a bit. His body more specifically his chest was glistening in the sun from the water. He looked hot as hell. I just wanted to jump on him right there. 
"Emily come here!", Morgan called out putting her on his shoulders. "Let go, come on y/n you think you can take this." I looked at the sight ahead of me and I started to laugh. "Yes I think I can take that."  I brought Aaron over to me getting on his shoulders. His hands squeezing my thighs keeping me on.
The guys practically charged at each other. My arms going out and almost knocking them down. Emily dipped to the side blocking the shove. I came back strong no pushing her off but made her back up enough so she fell of herself. 
Her body crashing into the water and Aaron and I brought our hands to the air and getting a well deserved high five. "Aww there always next time Derek." I was laughing; I was still on Aaron shoulders we didn't even notice we were still holding on to each other till Spence pointed it out. 
He swam over to us, "Y/n just staying you might wanna get down cause there starting to look at you." My eyes went wide and I hopped off. I dragged Aaron under the water will me placing a kiss on his lips before we went back up for air. 
There were two people I still hadn't seen. JJ and Rossi were staying on the beach under the umbrella they had brought. 
We were at the beach for about 4 hours. "I'm going to head back; you guys be free to do what you want." Dave called out walking away. "You guys wanna grab drinks", JJ, Emily and Spencer all raised there hands. They stood there staring at Aaron and I. 
Don't look at me like that, last time I got drunk the day was like hell. I'm willing but only tomorrow not tonight I wanna at last enjoys a few days." They nodded looking at Aaron. 
"I think I just grab some food and go tot sleep; maybe talk to Jack a bit." They understood and walked away. As we were walking to the street and to the hotel I spoke. "What are the plans for tonight cause I'm not letting you do that." I grabbed my hand and we headed for the hotel. 
"Well I'm thinking that tonight we head out." He stopped talking and left it at that. "Annnd?" He shook his head, "It's a surprise." 
"Ok fine hope it's worth it." When we got to the hotel my hair was dry but smelled like the ocean. I got undressed and hopped in the shower. Aaron followed after me; both of us washing off the salt water from our hair and bodies. 
We got out and ordered some food Aaron went out to get it form the restaurant. He brought it back and we ate. He put on tv and I fell asleep from the day in the sun. I was curled up on the couch and Aaron carried me to the bed laying me down. 
He covered me with the blanket. He set and alarm for 3am seeing as it was only 8pm when I fell asleep I'd get a decent amount of sleep. Aaron wasn't tired yet so he stayed on his phone scrolling through. He called Jack and he told him about his day at school and about the homework he had to do.  
I woke up and it was 12:30am I turned off the alarm I know that he set. I sat up against the headboard with me head in my hands slowly waking up. I felt a hand creep up my hand, I glanced over and I felt Aaron start stir. "You up?", he mumbled something but I couldn't hear him. 
"What was that?", I was smiling to my self. "I said yea baby. Can you get dressed so we can go." I nodded even though he couldn't see it. Getting up I put on a pair was sweatpants and a white crop with flip flops. Aaron stood and threw on some clothes and we left. 
Aaron still didn't tell me where we were going so I followed next to him. After about an hour of walking I finally gave in, "Ok where the hell are we going." I said through an annoyed laugh. 
"Alright close your eyes", I covered my eyes and reached out for his hand so I knew where to go. We walked for a about 10 more minutes. I heard a gentile fall and stream of water. It was running down on what seemed like the rocks and grass below. 
The air started to smell damp and I heard the crushing of water rushing. I had a feeling of where he brought me. I had mentioned it to him a few moths ago. 
"Open them." I uncovered my face and I was right. There was waterfall right in front of me. It was running off of a cliff at least 100ft high. There was pool at the bottom where the water crowded and flowed to different streams. The moon reflecting off of the crystal blue water. 
I looked up and the full moon was shining brightly. I lit up everything below, the stars danced in the sky along side it. "How'd I do", He said gazing do at me. When I turned to look at him the moon was shining in his eyes at the right angle making them look like pool of honey.
"Honey you did great", I was smiling through my teeth as I swung my arms around his neck. 
"You know what we have to do now right", I knew what he was thinking. "Okay maybe not all that, I know what you wanna do and you're a hell of a lot more confident that I am in that aspect. I'm not doing it." 
"Awe come on it'll be great and you know it." He started undressing and stepping into the water.
"Come on it'll be quick", I nodded he grinned sitting on the edge waiting for me to get in more. As he fully submerged he pulled me onto his lap. I was giggling till he pressed our lips together; his hand going directly on my hips.
My hands snaked up his chest to the back off neck. The warm water around us, waving around; set us in the mood even more. He started to move the hands that were on my hip and slowly grinded me on his growing bulge. 
He moved his hands and pulled off my underwear and threw them out the water. I moved his boxers down; he rose to pull his cock our. It stood up, my pussy going around it still grinding. "Stop teasing me little girl." He lifted my up and put his tip in my pussy letting me adjust. 
I started to bounce up and down on his cock. I held on to his broad shoulders keeping my balance. "God damn y/n", he groaned out. My edge slowly approaching. I clenched around him making him feel every inch of his thrusts. 
My breathing started to falter, "Aar-." I was growing tired of bouncing and Aaron hands returned to my hips assisting me. He lifted me up before slamming me down on his dick. He hit my g spot repeatedly. I took his hand off my hip and brought it to my clit. 
I was full of pleasure and the look of us in the blue water, the mist from the waterfall, and the way the moon was reflecting of him made him look like and actual fucking god. 
I moved my hands from his shoulders to his neck and into his hair. Grabbing tightly on his hair and pulling his head back to look up at me. I smile formed on his face. I dipped my head down and littered his neck with kisses.
Forming small hickys along his jaw. “Fuck y/n”, he groaned out getting closer to his orgasm. 
I could feel him twitching inside me, "Cum for me." I released around his and I could feel him fill me up. We stayed there catching our breath, "We should probably move before someone sees us." He laughed into my neck and pulled out. 
It was 5am, "We should head back." we got out of the poll of water and grabbed our clothes; we headed back to the hotel. 
@mac99martin @appleblossoms-posts @donttellanyoneireadfanfiction @oreogutz @marie1115  @wanniiieeee 
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rainy-day-gracie · 4 years
Old Friends 4
Spencer Reid x reader
This chapter includes more of Reader’s backstory, I included a brother, but if you don’t have a brother... just do whatever you want. More fluff!!
Enjoy :)
Chapter 5 has been posted!!
Chapter 4:
“C’mon, smarty pants! We can do it!” I was practically yelling in between pants and heaves. “So close!”
“I hate you so much,” I heard him wheeze. 
I was the only one in the world that could convince Spencer to go on a jog through the city, and I think he was regretting that decision severely. “Do it for donuts!” 
When we finally reached our end destination, he practically collapsed onto a nearby bench, his chest heaving up and down. 
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” I asked with a smile. “We’re close to the cafe and the subway, so we won’t even have to walk that far.”
“For the record, it definitely was that bad, YFN. Don’t try and sugar coat it.” 
I grabbed his wrist and pulled him off the bench. “We need carbs, right now. Carbs covered in chocolate and sprinkles, let’s go.” 
He groaned and followed me into the cafe. “Where will we get changed into work clothes?” 
“They have bathrooms at the BAU. Stop whining-“ I stopped talking as soon as I saw who was in front of me. 
Morgan looked just as surprised to see us, sweaty, tired, and together, at 7:30 in the morning. His surprised look quickly changed into an amused one, and Morgan started chuckling. “Well, hello, lovebirds.” 
“Hello, Morgan,” I said, feeling like I was caught. But we weren’t, right? We’re not dating, and all we did was go for a jog together. “Um, good morning.” 
I could feel Spencer’s nervous energy rolling off of him. “Hey, Morgan.” 
Morgan gave one last chuckle, and left the cafe without another word. Through the window I could see him pulling out his phone. There was nothing we could do about it now. 
It was only our luck. I chuckled slightly at the thought, and turned to the cashier. “Four chocolate covered donuts with sprinkles, an unsweetened iced tea, and a large coffee with lots of milk and sugar please.”
I sat at my desk, trying not to laugh at how Spencer winced every time he had to move his legs. Morgan kept looking over at us and chuckling. 
I tried to convince myself that it wasn’t a big deal. No matter what happens, we’re still old friends. We aren’t dating, and a jog in the early morning together isn’t exactly romantic. 
During our lunch break, JJ came up to me. “Why is Morgan giggling like a four year old?” 
“Well, Spencer and I went on a jog together this morning. We went to a cafe after and Morgan was there also.” I explained in a low voice. “He’s now convinced we were on some kind of date, which we weren’t.” 
JJ looked dumbfounded. “Spence must care about you more than we thought. No one’s ever been able to get him to go on a jog before.” 
I laughed. “Well, I think he now hates me for it so-“ 
“Hello, wonderful people!” Garcia called from the railing. “We have a case!”
“First victim, Bethany Conlin, was found beaten to death just outside of a small town, Pagosa Springs, Colorado.”
I raised my eyebrows. “Pagosa Springs?”
Garcia looked confused. “Yeah, What is it?”
“Oh um, nothing, it’s just my hometown.” Not much of a home anymore. 
“Oh cool! Anyways, a second victim, Cassie Holloway, was found by some hikers by a commonly traveled trail in the woods. Also beaten to death.”
I tried to keep tears out of my eyes. Cassie? 
The team quickly talked over theories for a profile. The only thing I heard was, “Wheels up in 30.”
Before we left, Spencer and Morgan both pulled me aside. 
“What’s wrong?” Spencer asked quietly. 
“You could barely keep it together in there.” Morgan added. 
I took a deep breath. “Cassie... She was my best friend until I moved away. She was the sweetest...” I squeezed my eyes shut to keep the tears from falling. “And she was murdered.”
They were both silent. 
I opened my eyes, anger replacing my sadness. “Let’s catch this son of a bitch.”
Hotch gave assignments on the jet. “Rossi, Reid, YLN, go to the ME to find out what you can about the bodies. Morgan, JJ, you guys go to the dump sites. Prentiss and I will interview the families.”
“Actually, Hotch,” I interjected. “Could I possibly interview the families? Um... Cassie Holloway was my good friend, and I’m from Pagosa Springs.” I looked down at the file in my lap. Cassie’s file.
Hotch considered it. “That would be alright. They might share more with you if they already know you. And YLN?”
“I’m sorry for your friend.”
Cassie’s parents looked exactly the same as they did when we were 10. Her mom had dark red hair, and her dad was bald. I used to think they looked scary, but now they just looked sad. 
I cleared my throat when I walked into the room. “Um, Mr. and Mrs. Holloway? I don’t know if you remember me but-“
Her mother gasped. “YFN? Is that you?”
I gave a small smile. “Yes, I’m here to catch Cassie’s killer. Um, have you seen her recently?”
Her father sniffled. “We saw her two days ago. We had dinner together, and... she was fine.” He erupted into a fit of tears. 
It hurt me in my chest to see this kind man that had practically raised me until I was twelve so broken up like this. “Did she mention anyone that had bothered her? Or someone she might’ve rejected? I know she’s a local bartender, maybe someone there?”
Her mother shook her head, rubbing her husband’s back. “You know Cassie... everyone loved her.” 
It was true. Cassie was one of the kindest souls I’ve ever come across. “One last question... does she know Bethany Conlin?”
Both of her parents looked at each other, then back at me. “Yes,” her mother breathed. “They were sorority sisters together in college.”
“Hotch!” I called across the station. “Bethany and Cassie were sorority sisters in college. They both went to Colorado State, they hadn’t spoken in a couple years, but it couldn’t be a coincidence that they both ended up dead in a week's period.” 
“This makes it highly likely that whoever is doing this went to college with them.” Hotch pulled out his phone. 
“What do you need, bossman?” Garcia called over speakerphone. 
“Garcia, Bethany and Cassie were sorority sisters in college. Can you find any incidents with the two of them that stand out or could be a motive?” I didn’t realize how fast my heart was beating until I stopped talking. 
“Hmmm... nothing jumps out, but I’m going to investigate further! Goodbye, my lovelies!” 
As soon as we hung up, the local sheriff approached us. “We just got an anonymous tip saying a third body would be found in an old abandoned bar on the edge of town,” the sheriff paused, and looked at me. “The caller said you had to be the one to find it first. Otherwise, and I quote, ‘there will be more than beaten bones next time’.”
I took a deep breath. “Let’s go.”
The abandoned bar smelled like stale beer and mildew. I felt an odd chill when I entered the door, Hotch and Emily waiting outside. 
Pulling out a flashlight, the eerie bar creaked with every step I took. It wasn’t until I saw the pair of feet lying on the ground that made me stop, the bar falling silent. 
Slowly rounding the corner, I saw the torn clothing and broken body of a young man, probably the same age as me. I looked at his pale hands, and then I saw the ring. A plain gold ring that read ‘be strong for me’. 
“Oh my god,” I whispered. 
My feet couldn’t carry me fast enough out of that bar. I ran outside, desperate for fresh air, and I heard shouts calling after me. 
“YLN!” Prentiss chased me until I stopped to lean against the car, my head in my hands. “Hey, you’re hyperventilating!”
I slowed down my breathing enough to gasp a few words. “The body... a ring... my fault... oh my god, this is my fault!”
Prentiss pried my hands away from my face. “What is happening?” 
“The body,” I gasped. “He was my brother... and I know who did this.”
The team all gathered at the station. I hadn’t spoken to anyone yet except for Hotch and Prentiss, and after hearing my story, they didn’t have any doubts about who it was either.
Spencer walked into the quiet room the police had given us, looking at me with a worried face. I nodded at him, just to say it was going to be okay. 
“Growing up, my father owned a large share of an oil company. When he died when I was very young, he left my mom everything he owned, which was a lot.” I thought back to when Mom first got the call about the car accident. My dad and his mistress were killed on impact. “We moved here to Pagosa Springs, a fresh start. But my mom was so upset about my dad’s death that she started drinking. Excessively.” 
I took a deep breath. “She would scream and shout and disappear for days at a time. We’re twins, my brother and I. We were eleven. I was about to graduate high school at a very young age and I didn’t know what to do. When I went off to college for the first few years and stayed with my aunt, my brother would call me every time Mom was off drinking. When he was a teen, he got into drugs and pills and anything he could get his hands on. And I wasn’t there to help him.”
“But Cassie was.” Hotch guessed. 
“Yeah, she's the reason my brother got clean. They fell in love and both went to Colorado State together. She gave him a ring to wear whenever he started to have cravings again. One time, Cassie called me when I was at MIT, saying her friend, Bethany, was raped and couldn’t go to the police because her parents would stop paying her tuition for ‘causing a scene’... she said my brother, YBN...” my voice broke for the first time. “She said YBN beat the crap out of Bethany’s rapist. His name is Kenny Rogers, and from what I’ve heard, he was a sketchy dude with a massive temper even back then.” I closed my eyes. “Anyway, that’s most likely who our unsub is.” 
“You’re YBN’s sister,” Spencer said. “After having his ego blown massively, Kenny probably carried that hatred for anyone that was related to YBN. And YFN has been in newspapers, articles, even on TV. Something probably caused Kenny to snap recently, his trigger, and he felt the need to hurt YFN somehow to really get back at YBN.”
Hotch called Garcia. “Garcia, we need all addresses on a Kenny Rogers.” 
Kenny Rogers was guilty. No doubt. When the team went to his place, they found pictures of all the victims and Kenny tried to run whenever they broke down the door. 
I stayed behind at the station. I couldn’t trust myself to not shoot Kenny on sight for what he had done. 
“Hey, Hotch?” I asked when they got back. “Could I take a few days off? To take care of things...with my brother?” 
Hotch gave me a pat on my shoulder. “Take as much time as you need, just let me know when you’re coming back.” 
“Of course sir, and thank you.”
I made sure to pull Spencer aside before he left. “Thanks for... um, helping me explain... earlier. I was worried they wouldn’t think it was connected, and you already knew all that stuff about my childhood.”
“Of course, you know I would do anything for you.” Spencer stood there for a minute, then suddenly embraced me tightly in a hug. That wasn’t something he did very often, or at all. “I just...” 
I chuckled slightly, wrapping my arms around his waist. “I know, Spencer.” 
After the team took off on the jet, I checked into the local hotel. It was nice and rustic, homey. 
I called Spencer when I had settled in. 
“Hey, how are you doing?” He asked. “The team seems to be getting more and more impressed by you with each case.” 
I gave a snort. “Well, that’s a relief. I was scared after my life story they would see me as some kind of kicked puppy. And, I’m okay Spencer. At least, I’m going to be.”
“What will you do about your brother?”
I felt a melancholy smile on my lips, playing with the loose threads on the blanket. “He’s been cremated, and tomorrow I’m scattering his ashes in the mountains. It’s what he always wanted. I hadn’t spoken to him in years, but he always wanted to come back home, and I couldn’t wait to get away.” 
Spencer was quiet for a while. “Hey, YFN, I just wanna tell you... you’re the strongest person I’ve ever met. You went off to college and still took care of your brother at age twelve, you took a gap year to take care of your sick mom, and in your first few months at the BAU you’ve been able to impress every single team member... and they aren’t easily impressed.”
Happy tears pricked my eyes. “Well, um... that was one of the sweetest things anyone’s ever said to me. And Spencer?”
“Thank you... so much.”
Spencer cleared his throat, like he was debating about saying something. “Um, YFN?”
“What is it?”
His voice lowered, like he didn’t want the team to hear. “In college, I... I was wanting to propose to you.”
My heart seemed to flutter and butterflies pounded in my chest. “Um... you’ve never told me that before. Why didn’t you... do it?”
He thought for a few moments. “Well, you were going to take care of your mom, and I was going to the FBI academy... also, I didn’t think you would say yes.”
“Wow... um, I don’t really know what to say.”
“Yeah, me neither.”
I gave a slight giggle. “You, speechless? I never would’ve guessed.”
Spencer laughed. “Well, goodnight, YFN. I’ll see you soon.”
“Goodnight, Spencer.”
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findyourfilm · 3 years
Belle, Italian Studies, Hotel Poseidon, and The Tragedy of Macbeth
Films reviewed include Belle (6:53), Italian Studies (31:55), Hotel Poseidon (19:51), The Tragedy of Macbeth (13:27), The Amusement Park (44:33(, Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched (41:14) and Other People (53:15).
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qvid-pro-qvo · 4 years
i love agents and asphodel! (i haven’t finished it shhh but i need to like prepare myself for the end so pls forgive me) and 23. adjusting the pace they walk in so you can catch up — as a short person this is my favorite thing 🥺
23 – adjusting the pace they walk in so you can catch up.
aaron hotchner x female!reader.
The outdoor cases always get under your skin. Even in the brightness of daylight, there are too many variables, too many places an unsub can manipulate and utilize the environment, too many noises you can’t track. It makes you antsy, and by the time you’ve made it to the body you’re ready to get out of there.
Not to mention, the terrain isn’t kind to you. Your boots are practical, and your outer gear is meant for this shit, but practicality can’t overcome reality. Your hair, even in a bun close to your head, gets caught in the low-hanging branches. There are fallen logs and tumbling rocks and places where even you can’t seem to fit through, and by the time you make it to the final hill to crest you’re exhausted trying to keep up. 
You look up ahead. Derek and Emily are scaling the area with ease, and you envy their legs, their movement with each other, just for a moment. You know you can do it, but you wish they wouldn’t leave you behind.
A bird caws, loud and aggressive. The leaves rustle with a stiff breeze, and you wince, zipping up your jacket, pushing forward, head down –
Your name is called. You turn, looking behind you, and it’s Hotch, moving quickly with a detective, almost about to overtake you. Well. That’s… embarrassing.
“Detective, this is another supervisory special agent,” he introduces, and gives your name to him. It’s a quick introduction, and then the detective is pushing forward, after tipping his hat and calling you “ma’am”.
Just a few more yards, right?
“You go ahead, Hotch, I’ll catch up,” you tell him. You glance forward again, see the detective reach the other agents, and bite back your sigh.
“It’s all right. We shouldn’t leave anyone alone in these woods. Prentiss and Morgan have got the initial sweep of the crime scene, we’ll come in and cover the environment.”
You look at him. He’s peering ahead, and then his eyes shift down to you as he takes a few steps forward. They seem to know everything, those eyes, and you watch as he nods up ahead.
“What do you notice, here?”
Your eyes move over the terrain. Scan the place where Morgan and Prentiss seemed to vanish, the fallen trees and rocks and bushes. Dread settles in your stomach.
“Coming from behind, anywhere, is easy. There’s too many things to hide behind, natural levels to manipulate. Someone who knows this land could be invisible if he wanted to.”
“I would agree. And, with the blitz attacks, he could guarantee that the victim never saw it coming.”
Another branch snap. You don’t jump, but it’s a close thing, your jaw clenching at the sound. Hotch looks over at you, brow furrowed.
“Are you all right?”
His gaze feels piercing, but you just clear your throat. Push on. Don’t want to tell your unit chief you’re scared of a few noises. “Uh, yeah, just. New hikers would be unfamiliar with the noises. Would be put on edge, or be unaware of what’s around them. Easier targets.”
Something flickers across his face, and suddenly he’s not in front of you, he’s beside you. There’s no comment, no teasing, just a nod as the earth flattens out. The sounds get drowned out, as he keeps poking your brain for ideas, your voices mingling into a rhythm that keeps you pushing forward. And by the time you finish sharing thoughts on the unsub’s methods, you’ve reached the crest.  
He walks with you all the way to the body, and you don’t know how to say thank you. For helping you push through a terrain you hated, for walking with you, talking with you. For being kind.
It’s not the kind of thank you that you can say (not now, not here), but you hope one day you can give him the sentiment.
currently taking prompts from this list here!
tag list:  @quillvine // @ssaic-jareau // @mooneylupinblack // @rachelxwayne // @greenie128 // @dilaudidwinchester
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imagineaworlds · 4 years
I Love You (Part Five) -- Aaron Hotchner
Written By: @desperately-bisexual​
Request: None.
Warnings: Cursing. Descriptions of murder and kidnapping. Being held hostage at gunpoint. All around mature content!
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Greenaway!Reader
Word Count: 5994
Timeline: Season 2 Episode 9. Day after part four.
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In the morning, Hotch drove me, JJ, and Spencer to the precinct from the hotel. We were up bright and early, but we were still way behind Gideon and Morgan, who must have left hours before us. Granted, they were hunting a killer who preyed at night, whereas we were searching for one in the day. It made sense that they needed to collect themselves and their itinerary for the day long before us.
After spending the day in the field yesterday, Hotch and I planned on taking some time to look over the evidence for any patterns or discrepancies which would help us catch the Mill Creek Killer. No one was perfect, not even our Unsub. He had to have made a mistake somewhere. There had to be something pointing us to him past just waiting to catch him in the act of performing his ritual. Realistically, that was what we had to do. But it was weighing on me, the guilt of letting another woman be taken and killed just so we could catch one man.
We all immediately got to work at the office. JJ found Mr. Meyers, the reporter who had contact with the Hollow Man, waiting in the lobby for her. They went off to discuss the Hollow Man separately, while Hotch, Spencer, and I continued on towards the boardroom. Sheridan was waiting there for us. It looked like he hadn’t even gone home at all. His clothes were the same as the day before, and his eyes looked as though he hadn’t slept in days.
Hotch noticed right away. He patted Sheridan’s shoulder to gain his attention, then told him to go home for a few hours. Sheridan, surprisingly, didn’t argue. He must have been waiting for us to come in to start working so that he could go rest.
Spencer went digging into one of the boxes for a piece of paper he wanted to scan; meanwhile, Hotch and I sat down at the table to start reviewing everything the detective and his team had collected before calling us in for help. Hotch was reading while reclining in his chair and mindlessly playing with the stubble on his chin.
I leaned back in my seat and put my feet up on the table. He didn’t even look up when he told me to put my feet down. I stared at him, almost daring him to look at me, but he didn’t. I went back to the papers I was evaluating and it took him another minute or so before he told me to put my feet down again. But he still didn’t look at me.
JJ burst into the boardroom and hurried over to us. We looked up at her to see the panic plastered to her face. “We just got a call about another missing woman. Merideth Dale. 25.”
I slid my feet off the table and sat up straight. “Does she match the appearance type of the other victims?”
“Perfectly. She was supposed to meet her friend for a bike ride this morning, but disappeared after calling from the trail.”
“Mark Twain National Forest?”
JJ nodded while handing both Hotch and I new case files. We both accepted them and hastily began flipping through the pages. There was a picture of Meredith Dale attached, and JJ was entirely right. She matched the description perfectly. It had to be our guy.
I flipped to the next page to find a mini map of where Meredith’s phone was found. She had been traveling on her bike along a fairly popular path before stopping at a bench to call her friend. That was where her friend found her phone and decided to call the police.
Spencer came back and Hotch caught him up to speed. I spun around in my chair to face the bigger map of the forest that was pinned to the wall. When I realized that the path was near where the second victim was found, I stood from my chair and approached the map so as to get a better look.
“What do you see?” Hotch questioned.
I squinted and got real close to the map before pointing to something with my index finger. I glided the tip of my nail along the paper as I followed the path Meredith was last seen on, all the way down to where the second body was found. Then I traced it to where the first victim was taken then found. And so on.
Hotch realized that I was spotting something important. He grabbed a spool of string from the table and came over. As I continued to trace the path between all of the victims, Hotch followed my finger with the string, marking the spots of the kidnappings and murders with pins. When we had marked all of them, I dropped my finger from the map and took a step back to get a clearer view of our work.
The Unsub was rotating between sectors of the park, but only a few number of them that were close to the highway. The paths he was taking and the sectors he was staying in were all easy to access and easy to escape from quickly. The parking lot nearby was huge, which meant that his car would blend in easily, and he had direct paths to the park where Ellen Carroll was taken, the bike path where Meredith Dale was taken, and all of the woods where the bodies were found.
But why rotate like that? And how the fuck had we missed this?
I snapped behind me while still staring at the map. “Spencer, call Garcia. Ask her to check the park rangers’ forest search schedules.”
“What are you thinking about?” Hotch asked me quietly.
I broke my concentration with the map for a second to make eye contact with Hotch. It was the first time that he had looked at me since I asked him about having more kids yesterday. For a moment, I got lost in his eyes. I didn’t think that I could miss them so much… Yet, even just a day without them made me yearn for all of his love. I thought about how I never wanted him to look away. But not all wishes come true. He broke eye contact first to look back at the map before I began my explanation.
“He’s staying relatively in the same area with the abductions and murders. And depending on the day, he takes the bodies to a certain sector of the forest,” I said.
“Yeah, but the first one is way deeper into the forest. It would take nearly three hours to get there, while the rest of them take not even an hour. So why the change after the first one?”
“He was nervous. He wanted to be cautious to not get caught with the first body because he was unsure of how to go about hiding it at that point. But once he knew what he was doing, he got more confident, and decided to stay closer for convenience and easy escape. And he only takes them from the most populated sectors, but takes them to the more secluded ones.”
“So, then, he knows about how the forest rangers operate. He knows when the parks open, when people will be around, when officers will be on patrol, and where to put the bodies so that they won’t be found for a few days. But how could he be sure that those sectors are safe?”
I pointed back at Spencer, who immediately took the cue to repeat what Garcia was saying over the phone. “The forest is broken up into six districts, and each of them are patrolled every…” Spencer paused as a realization dawned on him after Penelope told him something. He started interrupting and thanking Garcia for her help before hanging up and running to the map. “These sections are patrolled every three to five days, officially, but with department cutbacks, they’ve had to spread out the searches even more. Now they’re only being checked every five to eight days.”
“Approximately how long it took to find the bodies,” Hotch said, the realization dawning on him, too. “That’s why he’s rotating. He's dumping the bodies in the sectors that have just been checked so that he has the longest period of time to spend time with the bodies without being distrubed.”
“So we know where he’s going to dump Meredith Dale.”
“If he hasn’t already,” I added.
“The question is, where in the sector is he dumping the body? He can’t do it anywhere near where the last body was found.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem for him. The sectors are hundreds of square miles large. He could leave the body even five miles away from the first one and we still wouldn’t be able to find her in time,” Hotch said.
I turned away from the map and slowly went to sit back down. My mind was racing for answers. The Mill Creek Killer had to know that we were looking for him. And he had to know that we were close. He wouldn’t have rushed to take another woman if he didn’t think that way. That was his first mistake, though. He rushed and it gave us time to find him.
The mini map on the desk was staring at me for some reason. There was something I was missing in that map. Something important about where the Mill Creek Killer would have taken Meredith Dale. Where could he have taken her? Supposedly her friend was just up the path, which meant that right after the call ended, he would have approached her, taken her, and run before being seen.
The hiking path.
Just across from the bench where Meredith was last reported to have been was a small hiking path that led straight into the woods. It wasn’t a popular path, and it wasn’t clearly marked. Locals and experienced hikers liked to take it, though. At least that was what the park ranger explained to us yesterday when talking to us about the forest.
“Spencer, where does the path across from the bench where Ms. Dale went missing lead to?”
“Uh…” He started to trace the map. “Saltgrass Cove.”
“That’s where we’ll find her.” I stood back up, grabbed the case file, and hurried towards the door with Hotch and Spencer following closely.
Hotch drove the undercover cop car with the lights and sirens on. We arrived at the scene first, Sheridan and his team right behind us once we called from the car. By the time we got out of the car, found the path, and ran deep into the woods, the K-9 unit had released their dogs in search of a body.
We knew where we needed to look, it was just a matter of pinpointing the exact location. The dogs would certainly help, but we couldn’t just stand around while they searched. The team and the group of officers following us tried to keep up with me as I stepped off the path and started racing through the woods.
Hotch called after me to slow down, and I tried, but when we heard one of the search dogs barking south of our location, I started sprinting again. The dog kept barking to call over the entire force until his handler commanded him to stop.
I stopped at the edge of the clearing around Saltgrass Cove when I saw what the dog had found. Hotch came speeding up behind me, taking a few extra steps past before stopping, too. Spencer and JJ stopped behind us.
We were too late.
Meredith Dale’s body was lying in the middle of the clearing, covered with leaves, just as Ellen Carroll had been found. Only this time, Dale’s face wasn’t exposed. It could have been because the last body was tampered with before we got to the scene, or maybe it was because the Mill Creek Killer hadn’t come back yet to prepare or defile the body.
Detective Sheridan approached the body and pushed the leaves covering the face to the side. He cursed under his breath then started pushing the rest of the leaves away. Hotch sprang into action, running over and telling the detective to stop immediately. Sheridan halted, but didn’t move away. He looked up and Hotch asked why they shouldn’t examine the body.
“We need to leave the body as it is. He hasn’t completed the ritual yet, which means that he has to come back. And when he does, we’ll be here, waiting for him.” Hotch turned to the rest of the officers standing around, “Search the nearby area, find spots to hide in the treeline. If we’re going to catch the Mill Creek Killer at any point, it’s going to be today. Please, do not touch anything that you might think is evidence. Leave it all as it is for now. Once we catch this bastard, we’ll start to proceed with crime scene protocol.”
Everyone threw their hands up and groaned or sighed. They didn’t understand like we did how important it was to not touch a single thing. If the Mill Creek Killer was as smart as we profiled him to be, he would know if anything was out of place. Perhaps he would even know if one leaf on Meredith’s body was out of place. But by the time he would be able to get close enough to notice, we would have him. So Hotch leaned down and started covering the body again.
Everyone dispersed except for our team. We waited for Hotch to come talk to us. When he was done resetting the body, he dusted his hands off and approached us. “He’ll be back soon. She looked like she hasn’t been dead more than an hour or so. The blood was still fresh and her skin was only just now starting to grow cold. He’s rushing the process now, so we’ll likely see him in the next hour or so.”
“Should we set up watch times?” JJ questioned.
Hotch shook his head, “No. We need all eyes on this guy. It’s easier to trick people when they aren’t in large groups. We have the upperhand if we all stay. JJ and Spencer, why don’t you guys take up the north side of the clearing, Y/N and I will take this side.”
“Sure,” JJ and Spencer answered almost in unison. They smiled at each other after realizing what happened. Then, they left together to walk across the clearing towards where Hotch wanted them to stay for the next hour while we would wait.
Hotch pointed to a fallen log hiding behind a patch of bushes. “Let’s go there.”
We strolled over around the bushes and sat on the log. I wiped off the dirt from the hem of my pants. While running through the forest, mud had collected there, which was less than ideal. And we had some time to spare with stupid things like that. Besides, it was nice to not think about the dead girl a few feet away from us.
“I’m sorry,” Hotch began hesitantly. I raised a brow, but continued picking at the mud. “About yesterday…” My brow fell. “I didn’t mean to snap.”
“It’s alright,” I responded, sitting upright. “You were right. I shouldn’t have asked about it and certainly not while we’re trying to focus on a case. It was out of line.”
We both knew that this job came first for us. We had worked too damn hard to get where we were in our careers, and even though we loved each other very much, we had to respect that our careers were just as important to us. When we first started dating, we made sure to be very clear with one another that the cases come first, not our relationship. That might sound odd to others, but it was what worked for us. It was what made sense for us. It was how we made our relationship work.
“It wasn’t that.” Hotch took my hand and flipped my palm over in order to clean the dirt off my fingertips. I stared at his jawline as he stared at my hands. “Truth is, I’m scared to have that conversation right now. Ever since Haley left, I haven’t been so confident about the idea of raising a family. I hardly ever get to see Jack as it is. I couldn’t imagine having another kid and not being able to see them just as often.”
“Aaron... You don’t have to be afraid of having a family. The right person should just… get it. Your job is important to you, but, of course, you’re going to make the time you have with your family special. You do it with Jack every time you have custody of him. I don’t think for a second that Jack hates you for doing your job. In fact, I think he admires you.”
“Yeah, but we’re both gone all the time. When would we ever make time for a kid—”
“There’s someone coming,” Sheridan whispered from the trees nearby.
Hotch and I pushed ourselves off the log we were sitting on and turned towards the clearing. The Unsub had come from the direction of the hiking trail. And he approached Meredith’s body with intent, not like a civilian who had just happened upon the pile of leaves and was curious to see what was underneath. This had to be our guy.
As the Unsub crouched and reached out to brush away the leaves, we made our move. JJ and Spencer jumped out of the treeline to the north with their guns raised, while Hotch, Sheridan, and I jumped out from the south. Once we revealed ourselves, the other cops came forward from their hiding spots, too.
“FBI! Put your hands on your head and step away from the body!” Hotch shouted.
The man hunched over the body immediately put his hands behind his head and stumbled back from the body. JJ holstered her weapon, pulled out her handcuffs, and grabbed the guy. She pushed him against the tree and turned him around to get a good look at the bastard's face. We all expected her to cuff the guy then and there, and we would call it a day, but she hesitated.
“Meyers?” she questioned. We all looked around to each other for answers, but none of us had any except for JJ. “This is the reporter who has been talking to the Hollow Man,” she told us. “You’re the Mill Creek Killer?”
“What? No!” he exclaimed defensively.
“Then how the hell did you find this place?” I asked.
“I got another letter from the Hollow Man. He told me that the Mill Creek Killer had struck again and where to go for the scoop. I showed up here thinking that I was going to meet the guy, get an exclusive or something.”
JJ’s grip on Meyers fell and she took a step back. “How did he tell you this?”
“He sent me a letter. Here, take a look at it yourself.” Meyers pulled out a piece of paper from his back pocket, and while shaking harder than a chihuahua, handed it to JJ. “I swear, I didn’t do this.”
JJ looked over the letter as the sound of a helicopter flying overhead buzzed through the trees. We all looked up to see a news helicopter hovering over the crime scene. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. That was our one chance of catching the Mill Creek Killer, and the Hollow Man ruined it. Fuck.
Hotch grabbed my arm and turned me around so that we could talk privately for a moment. “We can arrest him for interfering in a police investigation, question him back at the precinct, but I don’t know how much help it’ll be.”
“If you thought we were rushing before…” I began, thinking long and hard about what was going to happen next with the Mill Creek Killer. With the news hovering overhead, he was surely going to see it and we wouldn’t be able to set up another sting. “He didn’t finish the ritual. He was already in a hurry to find a new victim because we were close to finding him, but now that he hasn’t completed the one thing that gives him relief, he’ll be desperate for another. He won’t wait anymore than a day. We have to find this guy now.”
“I just don’t get it. If these guys are friends of some sort, why would the Hollow Man lead the press to the Mill Creek Killer’s crime scene?”
I considered his question. Like Hotch said, if they were friends, they wouldn’t have betrayed the other like this. Even if they were a master and apprentice duo, too, it wouldn’t unfold like this. If the Hollow Man wanted the Mill Creek Killer to be caught, he would have contacted us directly. But he didn’t. He wanted the media to connect him to the Mill Creek Killer’s cases. By doing so, he has injected himself into another part of the situation. He wasn’t getting the attention he wanted for killing those prostitutes, so he resorted to diverting the attention on the Mill Creek Killer to himself.
“They’re not friends. They’re competitors. They both want the media attention, but neither of them want to turn in the other because they are fascinated by the other murders. The Mill Creek Killer has to know that the Hollow Man did this to take his attention away. So not only was the ritual ruined, but the media high afterwards. That means he’s not going to be thinking when it comes to his next victim. He doesn’t care about being careful now. He only cares about the attention.”
“He’s going to start taking them off the streets.”
“Or from their homes, their jobs, restaurants. Anywhere.”
“Hotch,” Spencer said, nearing us, “I just got a call from the precinct. A woman called 911, said that a guy just tried to kidnap her off the street.”
“So we were right,” I told Hotch.
He scratched his temple. “Alright, Reid, we’ll drop you and JJ off at the precinct. Sort out this Hollow Man mess while we go to interview the woman to see if it’s connected.”
A crowd had gathered around the caution tape surrounding the scene. Cops were standing around in the middle of the street, trying to redirect traffic and deal with the worried bystanders. One cop, specifically, was standing at the border of the scene, likely under orders to only let us in since they were waiting for us to show up and question the victim. When Hotch and I showed our badges, the cop smiled lightly and lifted the tape up for us. We ducked ever so slightly under before heading over to where the victim was standing with two officers.
We flashed our badges again to the woman and dismissed the officers so that we could talk to her alone. She had obviously been through this process of questioning a few times already, so she was already keen to tell her story again before we could even ask her to. A sign that she was still anxious about what had just transpired— and rightfully so, too.
She began to give us a detailed account of the man who approached her, what he said to her, and then how he tried to take her. Just as we had profiled him to appear, she explained that he was very handsome— which was why she had stopped to talk to him in the first place. He had approached her and asked if she had a phone that he could borrow since his car wasn’t starting and his phone was dead. When she couldn’t find her phone and he offered her the chance to come look at the car with him, that was when she declined; and when she did, he tried to forcefully take her.
“I’d been watching the news, and saw that they were looking for a guy who has been taking women during the day. I didn’t know what to do besides scream.”
We thanked her for telling us what happened, then Hotch asked if she would be willing to sit with a sketch artist in order to give us a visual of what her attacker looked like. She was more than happy to do so, and we immediately sent her along with another officer who would take her to the precinct to meet with the artist.
As we headed back to the car, Hotch got a call from Gideon. I leaned against the side of the car while he answered. From Hotch’s side of the call, I was beginning to get the gist of what was going on. Spencer, Gideon, and Morgan had finally found the way that the Hollow Man and the Mill Creek Killer were saying connected: the classifieds in the newspaper. That was how the Hollow Man was able to tell Jim Meyers where Meredith Dale’s body was.
I pushed myself off of the car and turned to Hotch. He raised a brow while still on the phone, letting me know that he was aware I had something important to say. If they were communicating via the classifieds, then that was how we were going to lure the Mill Creek Killer into our next sting operation.
It was getting late in the day, we would likely only have another hour or so to put another message into the classifieds for the morning paper. And Spencer was perhaps the only one who knew their speech patterns well enough to write a convincing coded message. But it was our only shot— it was our last shot, really.
So I told Hotch the plan I had pieced together in my head over the last few seconds, and he relayed the information to Spencer and the team over the phone. Spencer would have to write a message to the Mill Creek Killer from the Hollow Man, telling him that he was sorry for ruining his plans with Meredith Dale, so he wanted to make it up to him by giving him the gift of another victim. The location would be hidden in the message, and in the morning, we would take an agent out there who matched the descriptions of his usual victims to play dead in order to lure him in. Since he was desperate to complete the ritual, he was sure to come. I had no doubts. He wouldn’t be thinking straight, so he would fall for the trap easily. But we had to hurry.
Hotch hung up the phone with the team so that they could start working on the message. We headed back to the precinct and managed to catch the tail end of them working on it. By that point, though, Spencer was rushing as the deadline was only twenty or so minutes away. Meanwhile, JJ was talking to Meyers about controlling the Hollow Man in the media for the next day or so to keep him distracted from the Mill Creek Killer sting, and Detective Sheridan was asking around for a female detective that was willing to sit in as our cadaver for the sting. Most of the women were understandably not too keen on the idea, but there were two girls who offered and were brought to me and Hotch for consideration.
We walked them both through the plan and what the Mill Creek Killer would likely do— but it would be in a controlled space and we wouldn’t let him get too far. We just couldn’t afford to have another mess up like with Meyers. We needed to make sure we got the right guy this time. And by the time we ran through it all with both of the women, one decided they weren’t brave enough to take on the task anymore, but the other didn’t budge and insisted that she was ready.
Everyone slept at the office that night. There was no reason to go to the hotel when there was still so much work left to be done. I hadn’t even intended to fall asleep at all. Morgan and Gideon were discussing their case with us since they were struggling to connect more clues with the Hollow Man. The last thing I remembered before falling asleep at the table was looking at the pictures from the most recent crime scene. The Hollow Man had killed a sixteen year old girl prostitute behind a dumpster and her friend was the one to find her. And there were still no leads.
When Hotch woke me up in the morning, I was laying down on the couch in the break room, which had practically been turned into a second board room for our team to work in. I figured that Hotch must have moved me at some point, because he was sitting in a chair that he placed right beside me, reading through another file while tracing light figure eights on my shoulder.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” he smiled at me as I sat up.
I stretched and yawned away my exhaustion. “What time is it?”
“8:30. We’re leaving in about thirty minutes.”
“Did you guys make any progress with the Hollow Man?”
He shook his head and I shrugged disappointedly. It wasn’t a shock, but it was still upsetting that we weren’t any closer. Granted, if we were going to catch the Mill Creek Killer later, he was sure to give up his competitor after some interrogation, so maybe it didn’t really matter in the end what they did or didn’t find while I was asleep.
I stood up and stretched again for extra measure, acutely aware that Hotch was staring at me out of the corner of his eye. After a moment of waking myself up, I strolled over to the coffee pot and poured myself a cup before offering Hotch one, too. He accepted the offer and I poured another cup full, then walked back over to the couch. I handed him his drink as I sat down. I leaned forward and propped both of my elbows up on his knee closest to me and kept the warm rim of the cup pressed against my lips so that I could smell the coffee while also warming up my nose from the steam.
“What are you looking at?”
“We got the sketch back from yesterday’s victim,” he answered, holding the drawing up for me to see.
He was almost exactly how I imagined him. He was definitely attractive, if you could get past the fact that he was a total sociopath. His face was square. His eyes were light, bright, and wide. His lips were perk, perfect for kissing— which was always an unconscious factor people tended to put into consideration when it came to potential partners. And most noticeable about his appearance was his hair. He was clean shaven, and his hair was short and nicely cut. He didn’t match any physical features one would expect from a textbook sociopath. But that was definitely a reason why we hadn’t found him yet and why these women were so interested in going with him somewhere private. He didn’t look at all scary. That was what made him dangerous.
“Well, at least we’ll know if we get the right guy this time,” I laughed.
Hotch chuckled slightly but bit it back when he realized that he had let it escape him. My smile faded and I stared at his cheek for a second before feeling the urge to look at his eyes again. I let go of the coffee cup with one hand and went to hold his face in my palm. His skin was so cold compared to my warm hand, and he noticed it, too, right away. I dragged my thumb down his jawline, applying slight pressure towards his chin to make him look at me. He leaned into my touch, his eyes falling shut as he relaxed.
“We’re going to get this guy,” I reassured him. “And then we get to go home and see Jack.” He smiled at the thought. “We’re going to be okay.”
He opened his eyes and leaned towards me before kissing me. “We’re going to be okay,” he whispered against my lips. I kissed him again eagerly.
The door to the break room opened. Hotch and I immediately pulled away and looked over. “Hotch, Y/N—” JJ had come in hurriedly, but was slowly realizing that she had interrupted and regretted not knocking. “Sorry… Uh. We’re getting ready to head out. You guys should gear up.”
“Thanks, JJ,” I said. She smiled politely and backed out of the room much faster than she had come in. I started laughing once the door closed behind her. Hotch looked me up and down and started laughing, too. “Well…” I shrugged before kissing him again.
At the sting operation site, a makeup artist sat with the detective who was going to lay down as the body so as to make her look convingly dead. While JJ and Spencer were covering her body in leaves, Hotch and I reviewed the plan with her one more time. It was very possible that the Mill Creek Killer would come up to her and touch her, but we wouldn’t let him get much further than that. She just had to stay still until we decided to reveal ourselves. She would be okay, we promised that much.
When she was ready, we helped her lay down without rustling any of the leaves, then covered her face. Afterwards, when she looked as the other victims had, we all retreated into the forest to hide until the Mill Creek Killer would show up. I checked my watch to see that we had only five minutes until he was supposed to show up— at least according to the note we put in the classifieds. He could possibly have been too scared to show up on time, so we had to expect that he could perhaps show up late.
Hotch and I didn’t sit down or talk this time around. The stakes were too high to think about anything other than catching this asshole once and for all. I wouldn’t let him get away again. I couldn’t. And I was sure that the rest of the team felt the same way. In fact, I knew it. JJ looked as nervous as I did, Hotch’s silence told me that he was focusing on not jumping out too soon, and Spencer was searching the treeline frantically for any sign of movement.
Nearly five more minutes after the Unsub was supposed to arrive, we heard rustling in the forest coming from across where we stood. As a man walked into the clearing, he kept his head low, focusing only on the girl covered by leaves laying before him. He chuckled to himself and giddy approached the detective. He crouched down, tore off his jacket, and pulled out a tube of lipstick from one of the pockets. 
Once we saw the lipstick, we knew we finally had the Mill Creek Killer. The lipstick was his signature. He wouldn’t complete the ritual without it.
“Go,” I ordered quietly. Simultaneously, we all jumped out of the bushes and into the clearing with our weapons raised. Hotch ran at the Unsub and tackled him before he could put a finger on the detective. She sat up, her weapon pointed at him as Hotch put his knee on the Mill Creek Killer’s lower back and started handcuffing him. I turned to the detective, “You alright?” She nodded. “Good.” I held out a hand, she took it, then I pulled her up to her feet.
We did it. We won. We got the son of a bitch.
criminal minds family: @peggy1999​  @gorgeousdarkangel​ @marvelismylifffe​  @alex--awesome--22​
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myheartrevealedocs · 4 years
Untouchable- Ch 4: The Popular Kids (S1E10)
Summary:  A Spencer Reid x OC fanfic that retells select episodes, starting in season 1, from the point of view of Lydia Ambers, a forensic scientist.
Warnings: death, murder of teens, swearing, death threats
Ch 3 | Ch 5
~ ~ ~
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A few weeks later, Lydia was woken by a call from her sister. She did her best not to sound shocked as she picked up, but Rebecca always seemed to know what she was thinking. Lydia considered herself a very good liar until Beck was around.
“Hey Beck, how have you been?”
“I’m sorry I didn’t call you back, okay?” Right out of that gate, she was pissed. But Lydia felt some relief to know that she wasn’t calling because something was wrong. “You know that I’m just frustrated you left again.”
“I know,” she replied. “How’s school?”
She could hear her sister huff on the other side. “Boring. I don’t see what mom expects me to learn there.”
Lydia grimaced slightly when Rebecca said ‘mom’, but quickly recovered.
“College is good for you. It’ll help you figure out what you want to do.”
“You know how often I change my mind. I don’t understand how I’m supposed to just… decide my whole future. And if school didn’t help me the first 12 years, what’s another four going to do?”
“You have more freedom in college,” Lydia reasoned, but it was just more fuel to the fire.
“Which you obviously took and ran with,” she grumbled.
“Beck, I went to Santa Cruz. That’s barely an hour away.”
“Yeah. And then as soon as I thought I was getting you back, you hopped on a plane to DC. And I wanted to follow you, but mom keeps insisting that I go to community college first.”
“Sonia is just trying to look out for you,” Lydia explained. “I mean, what are you going to do when you get here? Have me take care of you?”
The other end was silent for a minute. Lydia felt guilty, knowing that implying her sister was a burden really wasn’t the best way to handle this situation, but Rebecca sometimes forgot that if she wasn’t making money for herself, someone else was.
“When will you be back?” she demanded.
“I don’t know. I’m going to try to keep this job as long as I can and after that I’m going to go where the work takes me. But I’ll come visit as soon as I can…”
As she spoke, her phone vibrated against her ear and she pulled away to see a message from Gideon.
Round table room in 20. Bring a go bag.
She sighed. “Beck, I have to go. My boss just texted me. Tell Sonia I miss her!”
Her sister was quiet for a minute, before snapping, “That job is going to suck the life out of you,” and hanging up.
Lydia shut her eyes tightly, counting the seconds between breaths. “I love you,” she whispered into the unresponsive phone.
~ ~ ~
“McAllister,” JJ started as Lydia rushed in, stepping up next to Gideon. “Western slope of the Massanutten mountain in Virginia. Two bodies discovered in the woods, both with apparent blunt trauma to the head.”
“Skeletons?” Reid asked as he looked over the photos in his case file.
“One of them. The second victim was just killed this morning.”
“How do we know there’s a connection?” Elle asked.
“Found about 75 feet apart with nearly identical head wounds,” Hotch explained.
Lydia shook her head slightly, still looking at the details over Gideon’s shoulder. Forest is an open area and the victims didn’t look like they’d been tied there. How could someone plan to hit both of them in the same spot over the head, when the victims were in open space and could move easily? That was difficult.
“Where’s the rest of the case file?” Morgan demanded.
“There isn’t one. The sheriffs are on the scene waiting for us.”
“Their location is only a half hour away by plane,” JJ explained for Hotch.
“What’s the rush?” Morgan continued.
“Well, there was evidence on the scene that could cause a bit of public uproar.”
As Hotch said this, Gideon picked up a picture for Lydia to see. Someone had carved a pentagram into a tree with the words ‘SATAN LIVES LOD’ underneath it. They were filled in with a red liquid, but Lydia highly doubted it was blood. It was too bright. Blood would be absorbed pretty quickly by the bark and definitely leave a dark stain. It was likely just paint.
“Satanic cult,” Gideon mumbled, dropping the photo onto the table for the rest of the room to see.
Hotch was obviously unimpressed. “Grab your stuff. We leave now.”
~ ~ ~
Lydia looked around curiously as they boarded the jet. It looked nice, but Lydia didn’t have much experience with flying, much less private jets. Gideon gestured for her to sit across from him, which she quickly did, noticing the rest of the team's hustle to get on the plane and take off.
Gideon gave her what she could only call his ‘profiling’ look as she got into her seat.
“What?” she started, calmly.
“You were almost late to the meeting,” he stated and she scoffed.
“You didn’t give me much notice.”
“Your apartment’s not far.”
“Well, public transportation’s a bitch,” she argued.
This was a game to him. Profiling people was his job, but getting them to come clean was an added bonus. He knew Lydia was busy when he texted her, otherwise she wouldn’t seem so distracted. Trying to get into her head and figure out what it was was fun for him. But Lydia was ready to play.
“Do you know anything about satanism?” he asked, veering from their previous topic.
She shook her head. “You think this is a satanist?”
“You don’t?”
Lydia smiled at him. He was good at opening up the floor for other people to discuss. “It feels planted to me. Blunt force head trauma is usually an extremely… violent way of commiting a murder. One hit wouldn’t be enough to ensure death. And they were killed out in an open space so I doubt the unsub had a lot of control over where they hit them. Identical wounds? That’s impressive.”
“That doesn’t mean it isn’t satanism,” he argued.
“No, but they wrote the message in red, usually meaning they want to pass it off as blood, but this…” she held up the picture “...is not blood. Who puts fake blood by a non-bloody victim?”
“I’m sure the victim was bloody when they put the message up,” Morgan said, Lydia turned to where he was seated.
“Well, I’m no profiler, but if these killings were supposed to be a message about worshipping Satan, why wait so long after the first person wasn’t noticed to kill another?”
He seemed to think about this for a moment. “Touche, Lydia.”
She smiled and turned back to Gideon. “Again, that doesn’t indicate whether or not it’s satanism, but…” she trailed off, letting him consider the suspicious circumstances.
“Try to keep an open mind when examining the crime scene,” he warned her, to which she agreed.
“Total blank slate,” she joked.
And her heart lifted at the sight of Gideon’s amused smile.
~ ~ ~
Lydia had already started pulling on her latex gloves as she followed Gideon off the path and towards the skeletal body. Reid and JJ were close behind them, trying not to slip on the steep ground or piles of leaves.
The body was surrounded by branches, arching over it ceremoniously. Lydia made a quick mental note to ask if one of the sheriffs had cut away the trees or if they’d found it like that.
“Mornin’,” a man called, approaching the group. He had on a blue deputy’s jacket and a gold badge. “John Bridges.”
“Yeah, we spoke on the phone. I’m Agent Jareau, this is Agent Gideon, Dr. Reid, and our crime scene analyst, Lydia Ambers, with the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit.” JJ recited the greeting so fast Lydia barely heard it. She couldn’t imagine the practice JJ had with introductions.
Lydia ignored the group as they continued speaking to the sheriff and started to examine the remains. She tried not to act surprised as she felt the presence of Dr. Reid leaning over her shoulder, making notes as well.
The clothes were torn and faded, but they hadn’t completely decomposed. Judging by how thin the fabric was, she would have given it a couple years before disappearing, meaning the body might not have been left that long ago. Maybe even less than a year. No wedding ring, but those are easily stolen.
“You guys must get a lot of this, huh? Satanic stuff?”
“Not really,” Gideon mumbled. “Who found the body?”
“Hiker found the first one at the trail,” Sheriff Bridges explained. “My deputies located this one while searching for evidence. Don’t even know if it’s a man or a woman.”
“It’s a man-” Lydia said at the same time as Reid. They both looked surprised for a moment and she gestured for him to keep explaining while she searched for more.
“The male pelvis is more narrow, and the opening at the bottom is heart-shaped, as opposed to oval,” he continued. He then picked up a stick, seeing as he didn’t have gloves, and poked at a weird substance at the bottom of the tree. “Melted wax?”
“Candle wax?” JJ inquired.
Lydia peeled a piece away, rolled it around in her fingers, and hesitantly smelled it.
“Candles are used in rituals,” Reid prompted, but Lydia shook her head.
“This was recent. Colored wax fades over time and some kinds of wax rot. This body is not anywhere near that fresh. If there was a ritual here, it wasn’t a killing.” She dropped the piece she had collected, rubbing the red flecks from her fingers. She looked up at the sheriff. “Did you have to move these branches when you found the body?”
He shrugged. “Yeah. It was buried down there.”
“I thought I told you not to be biased,” Gideon scolded.
“I’m not,” Lydia defended. “But this feels… placed.”
“Explain your reasoning,” he challenged.
She crossed her arms, standing up to meet his eyes. “The recent body was found on a hiking trail. That’s basically begging for someone to find it. This one was secluded and basically buried by the other trees. Possibly to hide it, which would make more sense for satanists, or because it’s been here so long that the elements grew around it. Both would indicate a different killer. Then, there’s the fact that the wax is new and was probably left after the second killing, not the first, so why leave it by the first body? And, as I said about the carving in the tree, if that was a message, they wouldn’t have waited for so long between kills and if it’s just part of the ritual, we would’ve found another one by the other body.”
He raised his eyebrow and Lydia waited for someone to argue with her, but he simply said, “Not bad.”
She let go of a tension she didn’t realize she was holding.
“Does L-O-D mean anything to you?” he asked Reid.
“Uh-uh,” he denied. “I don’t know of any significance in satanism, either.”
“Well, I’d have Garcia research this ‘LOD’ thing, if I could get a call out,” JJ admitted, frustrated.
“Not much of a chance of that out here,” Sheriff Bridges informed her.
“Are there any cults in the area that you know about?” Gideon asked. “Secret groups? People you see you don’t know much about? People who stay to themselves mostly?”
“This is a very religious area. Church on Sundays, fellowship of Wednesday, bible classes. If there was a secret group, I’d probably know about it.”
This made Reid laugh, and a cute smile tugged at his cheeks. “That’s an inherent contradiction.”
“Excuse me?”
Gideon stepped in. “He means if there was a group being secretive, you probably wouldn’t know.”
Sheriff didn’t take that one too well, but Gideon listened patiently as he argued that it couldn’t be someone from his town. Then, he instructed them to head back up to the trail where the other body was found.
“Find anything interesting down there?” Hotch asked as the four of them approached.
“Yeah, it does look like some kind of ritual site,” Gideon admitted. “Although Ambers has got some theories to suggest otherwise.”
The unit chief looked hesitant, but decided not to ask about them.
“Have any of you heard the expression ‘lod’ or the acronym L-O-D?” Reid asked as Elle helped him up the hill.
“Not me,” Elle responded and Morgan looked like he was about to agree before the whole team was distracted by a woman shouting.
“Cherish?” she cried, running up the hill. “Cherish?”
She was blonde and in her mid-forties. She was clearly distraught, trying to walk straight onto the scene, but the deputy held her back.
“Sheriff Bridges!” she shouted, still trying to push past the deputy.
“It’s okay, Harris. Let her in,” the sheriff said.
“Was Adam Loyd killed out here?” she demanded as she ducked the yellow tape.
“Who told you that, Veronica?”
“Was he?” she tried again. The sheriff tried to calm her, but she just interrupted him. “My daughter was with him. They were out running together this morning. Oh my god, and I can’t find her,” she started to ramble. “Cherish is missing. Cherish is missing! Help me, please!”
And finally, she broke down into sobs.
~ ~ ~
“What’s the protocol for murder turned missing persons case?” Lydia inquired as she followed Gideon around the trail.
“Well, you were right about one thing,” Gideon replied. “It’s not ritual satanism. We’ll build our profile after the search, but it’s starting to look like a killer cult.”
“Multiple unsubs. Easier to kill the guy and kidnap the girl. You think these people were targeted?”
“It’s possible. Cults aren’t usually prone to crimes of opportunity. They normally kill people as part of their message.”
“So, are the carvings and wax part of their message or are they trying to throw us off the scent?”
“Guess we’ll find out when we have more evidence,” he retorted. “Hey Hotch!”
They’d looped back to the site and Gideon immediately made a beeline for Agent Hotchner. Lydia was a few steps behind and missed whatever Gideon had said to him, but she could see his disapproval.
“Gideon,” he warned. “We talked about this.”
She caught up, standing next to her mentor.
“Ambers, you’ll be with Gideon during the search. Make sure the exercise doesn’t kill him.”
She smiled. “Yes, sir.”
Once he was gone and she was alone with Gideon once more, she turned on him. “What was that about?”
“I got into trouble after your first case,” he admitted. “The condition was that I would be in charge of you and make sure you weren’t making the FBI look bad.”
Her eyebrows shot up into her hairline. “Have I done something wrong?”
“No. But I’m not supposed to let you go off on your own. During your first case, I put you in charge of going down to forensics and looking for DNA while none of the team was present and then I let you take a vehicle by yourself to work with Hotch. You did good work,” he promised her, “but if something goes wrong, Hotch’s ass is on the line, just as much as mine or yours is.”
“I’m sorry.”
He sighed. “This is by no means your fault. I just want to give you more opportunities to work with the things you’re good at instead of following me around like a lost dog. My goal is to get our boss to realize you’re an asset to the team, but how am I supposed to do that if you aren’t allowed to make calls sometimes?”
“An asset…?” she asked. “Gideon, I’m just a forensic scientist. Barely that, I’m a crime scene technician. My job is to pick up things that look weird and put them in bags.”
“But you could do so much more,” he argued. “You were a chemistry major. You were at the same level as Reid down there and he’s got 3 PhDs. At the Crawford house on our last case, you were setting up the victimology with us. And like you said, that’s not your job. You record evidence, you don’t analyze it. Especially not in a big picture scenario. But today, you looked at the few photos we had and already determined that ritual killing didn’t make sense. I think you’re a wonderful addition to the team.”
Lydia tried to shake her head with disagreement, but another thought came to mind. “What did you just ask Hotch, then?”
“I wanted you to be in charge of one of the search parties.”
She laughed. “Really? What good would that do?”
“The more groups, the less people for each of us to profile. I thought we could trust you with it, but Hotch is still unsure.”
“No kidding. Gideon, I’m an intern. I appreciate the thought, but I really am okay with just… learning from you. Going to the scene and bagging the things you tell me to.”
Gideon smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “You’re too smart to be quiet for that long. You’d break sooner or later and begin to explain your theories. Might as well just let you get it out from the start.”
“Maybe that’s best,” she agreed. “But I know I’m not an agent. Feel free to tell me if I step out of line.”
“Do you want to be an agent?” he inquired.
“I just wanna look at crime scenes,” she explained, failing not to smile. “I don’t need the gun or the badge. I doubt I’d be any good at being an agent. Not that I’d flat out deny the opportunity, but it’s not exactly my dream.”
“Well, I think you’d be a good interrogator.”
This was news to her. “What?! I’m not exactly intimidating.”
“No, but interrogating suspects can go many ways. It’s all just a show. Sometimes we want an unsub to be so comfortable they forget they’re being watched and they slip up. Sometimes we want to put them on edge and make them think that confessing is the best option. And you’re a good actor from what I’ve seen.”
“What have you seen?” she challenged.
“To start, you claim that you hide your anger issues very well.”
She nodded.
“And you still won’t tell me what you were up to this morning when I texted you.”
Lydia rolled her eyes. “I don’t see why you care! It didn’t make me late and it hasn’t affected the case!”
“When Garcia told you she was going to do a background check on you, you said you didn’t have any secrets,” he responded.
“Fine. I was on a call with my sister. That’s all. Now tell me why it matters to you!”
This put a stop to the pace of their conversation. He gave her his profiling look for the second time that day and said, “It went bad, huh?”
“My sister and I always seem to be at each other’s necks… it went as well as I suspected.”
Gideon swallowed. “I ask because I care about you, Lydia. Tell me about your sister.”
Her breath hitched. He wanted to just… talk now? Gideon had just decided to be her friend?
She felt guilty for questioning his motives, but the suspicious nature in her won. “We can talk about my family when we aren’t working a case.”
He didn’t seem surprised by her answer, but as he left, she noticed that he was definitely disappointed.
~ ~ ~
Lydia sighed, looking over the note Elle had brought in after the search had wrapped up. She dusted it for fingerprints, but the thing was such a mess, having been written in charcoal, that if there were any, they would have been smeared beyond belief.
The corner was covered in blood, which Lydia would have tested, if it weren’t for the fact that the note claimed Cherish Hanson, their missing victim, would be sacrificed that evening. The team didn’t have time for her to take it to a lab and if they did, it would mean pulling Gideon from work to monitor her… she was starting to see why he thought this mentoring thing was frustrating.
So, she sat in the station and listened to them give a profile while she mindlessly looked over the photos and evidence they had to see if she got any brilliant ideas.
Sheriff Bridges’s son, Cory, was present for the profile, although Lydia wasn’t entirely sure why, and as the team finished up their description of the unsub, he was the first to speak up, admitting that he knew someone who fit the profile.
They wrapped up the meeting and took Cory to a private room to discuss the kid he thought was responsible. It hadn’t even been five minutes before the team was filing back out, and towards the door of the station.
“Drop what you’re doing, Ambers,” Gideon ordered.
She jumped up, running out of the station behind them. “What’s going on?”
“Kid named Mike Zizzo. He’s got a place where his group, the ‘Lord’s of Destruction’, hang out. We’re going to raid it, once we’ve got the teenagers cleared, I want you to sweep for evidence.”
“Got it.”
Gideon let her slide into an SUV with Hotch, Morgan, and Reid, before closing the door behind her, shutting himself out. “I’m not going on the raid.”
Hotch stuck his head out of the open window. “What’s up?”
“I don’t know, yet,” Gideon replied and walked off. He was following a girl. A high schooler who had been at the search with them.
“Gideon, you can’t just-” he started and Lydia saw him glance at her in the rearview mirror. She knew for a fact that if she hadn’t been there, Hotch would have let him do whatever he pleased. But Gideon was gone.
Frustrated, Hotch rolled up the window and drove off.
Lydia hoped it wasn’t her. In fact, she knew it wasn’t her. Hotch was very rule-oriented and Gideon was putting him on edge. But she felt so bad.
“Sorry that you’re stuck babysitting me,” she mumbled as they hit the road.
Reid glanced at Lydia and Morgan turned to Hotch, both of them unsure what interaction had just taken place. For the second time, Lydia made eye contact with the unit chief in his mirror.
“What did Gideon tell you?” he sighed, guilt evident in his voice.
“That we were getting you in trouble.” Lydia made her voice as light as possible so that Hotch knew she wasn’t totally serious, but she felt weird bringing it up around the others. She wasn’t sure how close they all were yet. Maybe if she spoke about the tension between Hotch and Gideon right now it would spread around the office like a fire and Hotch would be dealing with rumors on top of everything else.
“I’m going to be honest, Lydia,” he said, automatically making her nervous. “I like you. I think you’re very talented. But I’m starting to wonder if you’ve got some kind of spell on Gideon, because he takes every opportunity to insist that I should demand that Strauss give you a full-time job and I… I don’t know you that well yet.”
“That’s totally fine,” she told him. “I don’t… need a job. I promise I had no idea he even wanted me on the team until today.”
“Dang Hotch,” Morgan spoke up. “Did you really think Lydia was manipulating Gideon? I doubt she’s capable of it.” He turned around from the passenger’s seat and gave her a smile.
“Thanks? But I get it. It’s not ‘cause he doesn’t like me… I mean, I hope not,” she joked. “I’m just… more trouble than I’m worth.”
“I think Gideon’s right.” It was Spencer this time. “You’d be a good addition to the team.”
She sent him a smile, but he wasn’t looking directly at her, so she had to wonder if he saw it.
“We’ll talk about it if she doesn’t get me fired before the end of the year,” Hotch agreed, pulling up to an old house and parking outside. There were clearly a lot of people inside, music was blasting and their shadows haunted the windows. “Stay in the car until I give you the okay to enter the building,” he instructed, turning around to look directly at Lydia.
“Yes, sir.”
The two younger agents started to hop out, guns at their sides, leaving her alone with Hotch.
“Thank you for being understanding,” he said softly, then jumped out of the car himself.
Lydia leaned back against the car seat. He didn’t hate her. And Morgan and Reid didn’t argue about her joining the team officially either. It was immensely relieving. But her relaxed state quickly retreated as she reminded herself not to get her hopes up.
The commotion in the house took a few minutes to die down after the agents and deputies rushed in. They had the kids leave in a line, the deputies surrounding them on all sides to make sure they didn’t try to pull any stunts as they left, but everyone there just looked disappointed and perhaps embarrassed they’d been caught.
Morgan escorted out Zizzo in handcuffs, Elle on his tail to help get him into one of the vehicles. Then Hotch stepped outside and waved Lydia in.
She grabbed a pair of gloves and ran up, dodging the darkly dressed, metal covered teens, and followed Hotch.
The place looked as much the same inside as it did out. The walls were covered in graffiti, but it was very artistic. Whoever had set the place up took a lot of care in their work, nothing like the chicken scratch on the note Elle found or on the tree in the woods. The tables were covered in candles, most of them a deep red. And tons of creepy statuettes of goat heads and caricatured satans.
“Gideon claims you’re good at analyzing a scene,” Hotch admitted. “What are your thoughts?”
Lydia glanced at him hesitantly. “Well… my first thought is that I love the wooden arched doorway. And my second thought is that if Zizzo set up this house, he’s not our guy.”
Hotch tried not to look surprised. “And you say that because…”
“Because it may be uh… devil worship?” she said, for lack of a better word. “But it’s really nice looking. All those kids just want to defy their super religious parents and he’s made this place feel comfortable for them. They get to enjoy the cool art and decorations, drink some beer, hang out with friends. That’s normal teen stuff. The person who snatched a cheerleader from a hiking trail and killed her boyfriend wouldn’t care about these people.”
“Maybe he only cares for the people in his ‘in’ group,” he suggested.
Lydia shrugged. “Maybe? But it sounds like these kids drift in and out. I mean, Cory was invited once and he never mentioned any sort of initiation. They didn’t make him prove his loyalty. I bet they just offered him a beer and left him to his own devices.”
He didn’t respond to that, simply started walking to the door, the last of the kids finally having been escorted out. “I’m going to leave you here with Reid and Morgan. Search the place from top to bottom. A girl’s life is at stake.”
“Will do!” she called to him, watching his form disappear out of the door.
When she turned around she almost jumped at the sight of Dr. Reid’s approaching figure.
“He left you with us,” Reid mentioned, curiously.
“He must trust you guys not to let me fuck up,” Lydia informed him. “Sorry you got passed the babysitting hat.”
“Don’t apologize,” he told her, stepping away to look at the building around them. “I’m curious to see what you find.”
The last of the deputies began to file out and Morgan eventually ended up joining the two of them as Lydia ransacked all the drawers and cabinets she could find.
~ ~ ~
After about an hour, the last of the deputies had to leave to give a report to the sheriff, meaning the three BAU members were left without a car in the woods with no cell signal.
The two boys had gone outside to see the last deputy off and Lydia was just finishing up her work. The house was so dusty she was starting to think she could drown in all the thick air. But so far, she found nothing incriminating except all the satanist propaganda.
She kicked around the rugs on the floor of the opening room, searching for loose boards or any obvious evidence underneath them, when she heard Reid’s muffled voice say, “You had no right, man!”
She turned her head abruptly, stopping what she was doing to listen to the altercation outside.
“I- I confided in you. This is- You know, this is exactly what I get when I trust someone. It gets thrown back in my face.” He seemed distraught and Lydia had to fight her want to go ask what was wrong with the knowledge that Morgan was probably better to handle this situation.
“Mine started six months after I got into the BAU,” Morgan replied. Silence. “Yeah… Mine.”
She dropped down to search the wooden floorboards once more, but she couldn’t block out their conversation as she worked. She silently hoped that they wouldn’t come back in and find her eavesdropping on what appeared to be a very personal conversation.
Morgan started a story on one of his earlier cases as an agent. People getting strangled in Montana. He felt guilty for not starting a profile until after another death appeared, because he wanted to use it to confirm his theories. He started to have nightmares about the last victim, who died because he waited for the unsub to make their next move.
“What did you do?” Spencer asked.
“Gideon,” was Morgan’s reply. “He knew. I didn’t tell him. I was like you. I didn’t want anybody to know. He just… he knew.”
Lydia could feel a melancholy wash through her stomach as she realized that Reid was clearly going through something. And once more that was replaced by guilt as she realized she shouldn’t know that about Reid without his consent. She was just thinking about interrupting them, so she wasn’t subject to more of their secrets when Morgan said something that made her freeze in her spot.
“You think the team won’t understand? Take Lydia in there, for instance. Do you think she doesn’t see her roommate every time she shuts her eyes? To be honest, I don’t think I would have taken this job immediately after what she went through.”
There was an emptiness in her, consuming her and pulling her from her work. She really had tried to avoid thinking about Jenna at all costs. But it was difficult when her death was the reason Lydia had met the team in the first place.
“It’s been months,” Reid reasoned.
“Time means nothing when you lose someone like that. It will eat away at her for the rest of her life.”
Their conversation was put on pause when the sound of a car engine approached, coming to a rough stop outside the house.
“Did you find her? Cherish?” It sounded like Cory’s voice and Lydia stood up, wiping a tear with the inside of her arm before making her way to the door.
“Did Zizzo say anything?”
“We don’t know. We’ve been here the whole time,” Morgan informed him.
Lydia stepped out of the house, trying to ignore the concerned look Reid gave her as she jumped off the porch and instead found herself almost running into the pacing teenager.
He stopped, looking shocked to see someone else there, and his gaze lingered on her gloved hands for a moment too long.
“Cory, calm down,” Reid instructed.
“How am I supposed to calm down? Cherish is missing. Did you check all over?” he demanded, trying to push past Lydia and get into the house himself.
“We searched the whole house,” Reid confirmed.
“It’s clean,” Lydia agreed.
“What about the outbuilding?”
“Outbuilding?” Morgan repeated almost immediately.
“Did you check the other area? Back in the woods?”
“I didn’t know there was another area,” Morgan said.
“Yeah, it’s like a- like a sluice structure or something. He took me there once. It’s this way,” the kid rambled before taking off into the trees.
Lydia raised an eyebrow at Morgan who shrugged, then said, “Let’s go.”
~ ~ ~
The hike was brutal. Lydia was starting to feel the weight of the day wearing down on her as she followed the boys farther into the woods.
“It’s up here,” Cory called back to the group. “This is their secret place.”
That was sketchy to Lydia. A secret place on top of their already secret place?
Morgan pulled out his flashlight, scanning the walls in search of anything suspicious. And he definitely found it. A pentagram and the initials LOD were painted on the side of the building, same handwriting, same red paint.
He insisted that they stay put until he had searched the outside of the house. He knelt down and waved his light underneath the building, which was elevated so that it was level to the side of the mountain. Then, once he was sure that no one was nearby, he nodded for Lydia to follow him and they made their way up the stairs to the front of the building. 
Faintly, she heard Reid start talking to Cory, but couldn’t make out much other than the stress in the boy’s voice.
The door was shut, but Morgan didn’t even bother opening it, because the windows along the sides were large enough to step through and no longer had any glass coverings. He stepped inside first, sweeping the light in search of anyone in the room, then stepped out of the way for Lydia to follow.
And there she was. Poor Cherish Hanson, her skin all blue with a bloody rats nest for hair. She was long gone.
Lydia could see Morgan shaking his head, so she reached out and grabbed the flashlight from him. “You can go tell them. I’ll do a quick sweep of the scene and head right out.”
He nodded, but there was something in his eyes that made Lydia nervous. He seemed startled by the girl’s appearance, but after years on the job, she doubted that could be.
“Is she in there? Is she alright?” Cory demanded, the minute Derek had left.
Lydia shut them out for a minute, looking for anything out of the ordinary, but the place was long abandoned. The only places where the dust layer had been disturbed were around the door up to where the body had been left. But that was understandable, seeing as Cherish was likely killed while on her run and dragged up the mountainside. This killer was athletic alright.
Still, she kicked around the leaves on the ground for a minute to look for something out of place and gently looked over Cherish’s body for anything out of the ordinary.
There was a lot more to her murder than her boyfriend’s. The killer clearly didn’t expect her to be with Adam and had to hit her multiple times to ensure she was dead. The blood trailed down the side of her face and across her chest. But if there was anything to gain from the little details she had, she didn’t know what it was.
Seeing as the unsub had clearly used the door to bring the girl in, Lydia used it to leave and caught Cory’s attention as he spoke to Morgan.
“-because of that, we also gotta look for someone who might try to put himself right in the middle of an investigation so that he can influence things,” Morgan was telling the high schooler which suddenly struck Lydia as odd. Gideon had been insistent that the unsub would be on one of the search parties, for the same reasons Morgan was explaining to Cory, but Zizzo definitely wasn’t.
She removed her gloves and another thing occurred to her. Reid wasn’t there. She started down the stairs to ask Morgan where he’d gone, but Morgan didn’t stay there long enough for her to say anything and instead got closer to Cory.
“Especially if he knows exactly what it is that we’re looking for.”
She froze, her eyes fixated on the pair. Did Morgan think Cory had done this? It didn’t exactly fit their ‘killer cult’ profile from earlier.
Cory pushed away from the tree and instead stepped towards the building. “You mean, me?”
He faked innocence well, but Lydia could tell in that moment that he was panicking.
“That was more than just a lucky guess, wasn’t it?” Morgan asked, not yet realizing that Lydia had wandered outside or that Cory was slowly inching closer to her.
“I knew about the building,” he agreed.
“You also knew about Zizzo. And the satanism.”
Finally, he faced the two of them and realized the predicament Lydia was in. Cory had placed himself between her and Morgan, meaning if he got violent, Lydia was unarmed and Morgan couldn’t get to her.
And Lydia knew it, too. She made eye contact with the agent, hoping he would be able to signal to her what to do, but he hadn’t thought that much through. Sending Reid away was easy enough, but he had relied on the hope that Lydia would spend longer looking for evidence.
“I was only trying to help,” Cory argued.
“Well, you did that,” Morgan replied. Lydia saw him beckoning her forward with his hand at his side, hoping that if she could just get close enough, he could pull her out of harm's way. “We couldn’t have found this place without you.”
Once she took her first step off the stairs, Cory realized what she was doing. Before she could process what was happening, he had wrapped an arm around her neck and a gun was pressed into her left cheek.
Both the boys were yelling at her, she realized, but still failed to process what they were saying. Her hands were out in front of her defensively and she realized that Morgan had pulled his gun on Cory, but couldn’t shoot while she was in the way.
“Hey, Morgan,” Reid called, his voice coming from down the hill. “No one’s up there-”
“Reid,” he warned and the doctor froze at the sight before him, also whipping out his gun.
“This got all messed up,” Cory grumbled and Lydia couldn’t help but scoff.
“Clearly.” He pushed the barrel more firmly against her face, trying to increase the pressure. 
“Don’t be stupid,” Morgan said.
“She wasn’t supposed to be with him. It was his run. He runs it every day, not her!”
“Cory, listen to me. We can fix this. But you gotta let Lydia go.”
“I never meant to hurt Cherish. But make no mistake, I will shoot your girl, right now.”
“No, you won’t.”
He awkwardly tightened his grasp on her to cock the gun. “Tempt not a desperate man,” he threatened. “Put the gun down!”
“Okay. All right.” Morgan turned his wrist so that his gun was facing another way and slowly  lowered it. “You win.”
“Drop it. Drop the gun!”
“Ok. Ok! You win! I’m putting the gun down.”
He did as he said and after some hesitation, Reid did the same.
“You’re in control, Cory. Let her go.”
As Morgan argued with him, Lydia remembered her talk with Gideon that afternoon about having her questioning suspects. He told her that the profile would help them determine how to get an unsub to slip up. So, what did she know about Cory?
He was terrified. He’d really thought that his plan to frame Zizzo was foolproof. He hadn’t thought this far ahead and, by that logic, he wasn’t thinking about what he’d do if he made it out of this.
“What are you going to do, Cory?” Lydia said, steadily. “Shoot the three of us and then what? Skip town?”
“Shut up!” Her lips had been squished so far to the side of her face by the gun that she was barely understandable.
“I’d rather not. But listen, I’m gonna give you some advice. You’ll have to ditch the car and fast. It’s really nice, but it doesn’t blend in well. Switching the plates only gets you so far.”
“I said, be quiet! I will shoot you!”
“How do you plan to make money?” she inquired, still not listening to him. “You’re kinda screwed there. And I’d feel bad for you, but… you did kill two of your friends and are planning to kill me and two of my friends so the sympathy only goes so far.”
Morgan spoke up once more. “You’re just a horny kid who wanted to get rid of the cheerleader’s boyfriend.”
“No!” Suddenly, Cory’s anger was targeted back at him and Lydia felt his hand shaking, the gun relaxing then being pushed once more against her face.
“That was never my intent-” he started, as multiple things happened at once.
The gun was removed from her cheek in an instant and as he flung his arm towards Morgan, his grip across her chest loosened enough for her to extend an arm out and grab his left hand. Morgan took the distraction to run at him, knocking them both back against the stairs and Lydia struggled to keep Cory’s arm pointed away from them.
He got off one shot into the forest floor before she could grapple it away from him and she rolled off the stairs, hitting the ground painfully, to get out of Morgan’s way.
Morgan got in a solid punch across the face, leaving Cory with a bloody mouth and not much energy to fight back. And by that point, Reid had reclaimed his gun and had it trained on the boy as Morgan handcuffed him.
“You all right?” Reid asked, looking away from Cory and Morgan for a moment to watch her get up.
“Yep,” she replied. Her voice was strained after taking such a hard fall, but she didn’t seem upset. She brushed herself off and looked over her scraped up palms. “I did just get tackled by Morgan, though.”
The older man shook his head, pulling Cory up off the stairs. “You’re welcome, Lydia.”
~ ~ ~
Gideon sat against the back of one of the police cars, watching Reid and Lydia give their accounts of what happened to Hotch and Sheriff Bridges separately. Lydia was clearly exhausted, her clothes were covered in dirt, and there was a lack of patience in her face, but Gideon was proud of her.
As he stared, Morgan approached beside him, also leaning against the car.
“I see it now,” he said quietly, so only Gideon could hear. “Why you like her so much.”
“Do you?”
Morgan sighed. “Your girl had a gun pressed so forcefully against her cheek she could barely talk, but her voice betrayed no fear. I don’t think even you or Hotch could be that calm in a crisis. She didn’t talk at a fast pace or stutter on a single word. It was unbelievable.” 
“When we questioned her about her roommate,” Gideon explained, “she seemed guilty to Reid and I. I said something insensitive to her to see how she’d react, maybe give something away. Her anger only revealed to me a recognition in her eyes. I realized that she’d been here before. Questioned mercilessly. Accused. And suddenly I was the guilty one. So, I tried to switch tactics, but before I could, she was apologizing to me. She said she’d always had some anger management issues and told me that she’d calm herself down so that we could continue the investigation.
“Have you ever seen that before? She’d just lost her best friend and was more concerned about our case than she was her feelings. I knew right then her heart was twice the size of an average FBI agent. I don’t know what that sort of compartmentalizing does to her. I’m still trying to find out. But from where I stand, she looks like she’s capable of saving a lot of people.”
Morgan sucked in his lips, in contemplation. “All right. How do we let her do that?”
“I’m not sure yet.”
~ ~ ~
Lydia followed the team back inside, expecting to be given some paperwork for the case before she could go back to her apartment, but Gideon stopped her as she stepped into the bullpen.
“Lydia, you should really go home. I’ll handle anything you need to do.”
She rolled her eyes. “Gideon, please don’t think I’m freaked out after what happened today. I can handle myself, I promise.”
“I trust you,” he said, genuinely. “But you’re clearly exhausted and you’ve just started graduate school if I remember correctly.”
She nodded and had to stifle a yawn in order to not prove him right so blatantly.
“Go home. Get some rest. You didn’t sleep the whole plane ride. I’ll drop all your paperwork off tomorrow morning. Or, if you’d prefer, we could have a cup of coffee during my lunch break and you can tell me about your phone call with your sister,” he suggested.
Lydia blinked, but it was such an innocent and friendly suggestion she couldn’t help herself from saying, “That sounds great,” and watching him walk off.
Over the course of just one day, a lot had been revealed to her about Gideon. The rest of the team trusted him so much. And after finding out he’d gone to bat for her in order to get her this job, she really couldn’t say no.
She came back to her senses after a second to watch Reid walk past her towards the elevator.
“Oh! Dr. Reid!” she called, suddenly. 
He turned around, a look of utter surprise dawning on his features. “Yes?”
“How exactly do you plan to help me get my PhD in three years?” she inquired.
She’d been thinking about it a lot, now that she had begun her online courses. And everything about it seemed quite appealing, although she still couldn’t reasonably explain why. If she really was going to take this path, she knew she had to do it as fast as possible in order to save money, because she could barely afford the master’s degree she’d long since planned to get.
He smiled and Lydia couldn’t stop herself from smiling back just from seeing the look on his face. His presence was frankly a very welcome one, now that she’d gotten to know him better these past two cases and she found herself drawn into whatever he had to say.
“With my help, make it two,” he said, confidently and the two of them made their way to the elevator together. “Although, if I’m going to help you, I’d much rather you call me Spencer.”
“Spencer.” The name left an interesting feeling in her mouth, being attributed now to genius beside her. “Alright. As long as you’re okay with that.”
And he didn’t respond. Not because he wasn’t, or else he wouldn’t have suggested it. But just hearing her say his name so softly made his stomach do a flip… and he couldn’t understand why.
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emberfrostlovesloki · 4 years
Guess who got into Criminal Minds
I realize that I’m about five years late to this fandom but here’s the first chapter of a story I’m working on. I plan on making Spencer the focus later in the story. The story starts sometime during the middle of season !. Hope you enjoy.
Warnings for chapter 1: Description of murder and mutilated bodies. Discrimination against sex workers. 
To Be Held - Chapter One: Death in Seattle 
Derek was the last member of the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit to enter the bright room where the rest of the team was gathered. Hotch, J.J., and Gideon had already grabbed a file off of the table laden with paper and pictures. The late agent leaned over the table and swiped the file with the main information about the new case. “So, what are we working with here?” Derek asked.  Gideon looked up from his file and replied, “Two murders, one victim female and one victim male. The female was assaulted before her death. The male was…” There was a pause in Gideon’s fact list and Spencer finished the sentence for his boss. “The male was castrated, after his death.” Derek looked up at Spencer with a surprised look, and let out a long sigh. “So what are the similarities? A male and female murdered could mean two different M.O. therefore indicating two unsubs?” It was Elle’s turn to give up the information she had gathered. “It looks like one unsub  to me. I think the murders are very religiously symbolic. Apart from torturing the victims the unsub broke the wrists and feel of his targets and laid their bodies in the position of someone who had been crucified.” The team nodded their heads as they took in the new information. Gideon who had pulled out his phone looked up from the glowing screen. “The plane’s ready.Well fill in any other gaps of information on the flight to Seattle. Grab your stuff -- wheels up in ten. As the team filed out of the room Spencer was walking beside Derek and inquired, “So what made you late?” Derek looked at the genius and said, “I overslept.” Hotch turned and gave Derek a knowing look before dashing down the stairs to his desk. 
The BAU team was in the air and in their regular seats. So far the team had found out the identities of the two victims. The male was Jefferson Pyne, 19, sophomore at Washington State University, he had been studying fashion merchandising, had good grades, and was in the BYX fraternity.  The female was Sydney Grost, 31, she had worked as an escort in the greater Seattle and Washington area. Both Jefferson and Sydney’s bodies had been dragged into the woods where they were found two days apart by a hiker and cyclist. 
The plane landed smoothly on the runway. As Elle stepped out onto the tarmac she turned to J.J. and said, “Man this weather is really going to get to me. If Twilight has taught me anything from my youth, it’s that in Washington it’s always raining.” Before J.J. could make a joke about how Elle had read Twilight in her youth, Spencer chimed in with, “Actually, Twilight miscalculated how much it rains in Forks. It rains about 15% of the time, not 85% like Meyer’s implied.” J.J. and Elle tried to stifle their giggles as they both turned to look back at Dr. Reid. “You’ve read Twilight?” J.J. asked incredulously to Spencer. To her it was an almost impossible idea,that Dr. Spencer Reid, a man with three degrees and a genius level IQ had read Twilight. Spencer replied with, “Of course I have. It’s part of the cultural zeitgeist of the 21st century. I couldn’t not read it, could I?” The rhetorical question was all too much for J.J. and Elle and they turned around and giggled, quietly, but still, they had to laugh at the concept. They didn’t see Dr. Reid’s reaction, but he bit his lower lip in confusion, and wondered why reading a book that was immensely popular was funny in regards to him. 
As the BAU was whisked away to the East Precinct of the Seattle Police Department. Upon arriving at the glass exterior the team was greeted by the Police Chief. Gideon stepped forward in his position of authority, extending his hand and saying, “My name is Jason Gideon, head of the Behavioral Analysis unit. This is my team, agent Hotchner, agent Morgan, agent Greenaway, agent Jareau, and Dr. Reid.” The chief replied by firmly shaking Gideon’s hand, and replying with, “My name is Officer Carmen Best, it’s a pleasure to meet you, and your team. Let’s go inside and get started.” 
In a secure room of the police building the team settled down and waited for Chief Carmen to give them the general briefing which she began almost immediately after they were seated. “Two days ago we were made aware of the death of two individuals from the Seattle area. At first we assumed that there could be two different killers, due to the differences in the age and sex of the victims, as well as the method of bodily mutilation. However, after examining the bodies, the similarities were too hard to ignore. The escort company that Ms. Grost worked for is called Fantasy Girls. We've had police officers in plain clothes canvas the building a few times, but nothing seems out of place. Seattle has a lot of tourists from Canada and abroad. We fear that this might be a foreign attack and the unsub might get away before we can find and convict them. That’s all we have right now apart from the evidence you have been already given. Do you have any questions or observations so far?” Chief Carmen looked around the room to see what she was working with. Morgan cleared his throat and spoke up saying, “It’s unlikely that the unsub is not a U.S. citizen. It wouldn’t fit a typical profile. Also, I think this unsub must be older, around 30 to 50 to be precise. The technique of disposing of the bodies without anyone noticing means a more experienced killer. Likely someone who has killed before.” Everyone nodded at Morgan’s assertion. After a few seconds of silence Gideon stood and laid out the plan for the rest of the day. “Agent Hotchner and I will go out to the crime scene to see what else we can deduce there. Morgan and Elle, I want you to go out to Fantasy Girls office and profile the owner, employee’s, really anyone who might know something. Also talk to the cops that are doing the surveillance. Dr. Reid, you stay here and get started on the criminology, possible motives and areas the unsub could strike next. J.J. I need you on the media scene here. Get ahold of what the news has on this case, and keep it under wraps if it looks like a story is about to break.” With the orders given each of the separate groups went to do their jobs. 
Gideon and Hotch mainly remained silent as they made the thirty minute drive to the trailhead leading to the crime scene. Gideon swerved the steering wheel quickly causing the car to drift an inch on the wet pavement. Hotch let out a small laugh under his breath. Gideon looked over at him wondering what caused such a reaction in the severe man. “You drive like my wife Jason.” Stated Hotch. The statement had both men laughing until their sides hurt. By the time the two friends had caught their breath, the undercover car was pulling into the trailhead parking lot. Vita Nova was clearly printed on a metal sign next to the map of all of the trails in Olympic National Park. Hotch looked over the map and found the path they were looking for. It was titled Journey's Start. Aaron called behind him at Gideon saying, “We had better get a move on, the crime scene is about three miles from here.” Gideon replied, “You said it boss, let’s go.” As they started their walk, the world slipped away into a lush green path. Hotch fingered his gun. The forest muffled the sounds around them and it put him on edge. 
Just as Gideon and Hotchner started their hike, Elle and Morgan arrived outside the building hosting the Fantasy Girls headquarters. It was surprising to Morgan and he commented, “I was frankly expecting something more, flashy?” He gave Elle a quizzical look, hoping for clarification. Elle stated, “I imagine that this is the agency for Fantasy Girls. Escorts take men to bars and clubs all over town. Companies like this aren’t brave enough to have a facade where the girls work. It’s shady, but it keeps the company less liable for situations like this. Morgan nodded and the two exited the car and entered the crumbling brick building.  The FBI agents quickly scaled the two flights of stairs to find the office door marked 308 Fantasy Girls. As they walked in and an attractive, young woman walked out holding a folder in one hand and a check in the other.   She paused for a moment to look Morgan up and down before sliding out of the door and making room in the office. It was empty apart from an elderly secretary. Morgan walked forward and told the secretary, “We’re from the FBI and we need to speak to Riley Yeung.” The secretary, whose name tag said Nancy, clicked her tongue. “Mr. Riley won’t be happy to see you. He already gave a statement to the police. That was yesterday, maybe you should talk to them?” Nancy retorted.  Elle stepped forward, and in a warning tone said, “Speaking to Mr. Riley is imperative to making sure more innocent people aren’t killed. We must see him.” Nancy listened with apathy to Elle before picking up the phone at her desk and hitting one. “Mr. Riley, some suits form the FBI are here to talk to you.” As Nancy listened to the response on the other line she pursed her lips. After she hung up the phone and looked up to Morgan and pointed to the door to the left of her desk. “Mr. Riley’s office is at the end of the hall. He’s ready for you.” Morgan turned at the response and opened the door for Elle. As he stepped into the dirty hallway leading to the CEO’s office he overheard a comment that Nancy said under her breath, “Innocent people, all these girls are being paid to be sluts and whores. They’ll all burn in hell on day.” Morgan thought about turning around and interviewing Nancy, but he stopped himself, instead filing the comment away for another time. 
Meanwhile, back at the precinct J.J. and Reid were working at the table where the whole team had been two hours ago. J.J. was on her computer researching what the both online and print news media was saying about the murders. She was also  emailing her associates in CNN, MSNBC, and FoxNews, with the information she had. J.J. was also working with the police department on when a press briefing might happen. She also was asking Spencer what he had learned so far. As she got new information she added it to a general document with all of the current information. This procedure made filing the final paperwork at the end of a case much easier. So Reid, “what have you found about the illustrious Fantasy Girls website?” J.J. asked. Spencer didn’t even look up from his laptop as he replied with, “It appears that there are three models for requesting a Fantasy Girl.” He paused and swallowed at the idea of requesting a woman. He continued saying, “You can get an individual woman, or get a group of two to four women, and lastly you can host a ‘party,’ which can have up to twelve women.” Spencer breathed out, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. Looking at a screen for too long always gave him a migraine. J.J. looked up at him and asked, “So, have you found anything on Sydney Grost, or the other girls?” Spencer replied with, “Not that I can see from the Fantasy Girls website of social media. At least this company managed to keep the identities of the other workers safe. There’s hardly anything about them apart from promotional pictures and their aliases. However, there is one girl, she seems to be in a lot of pictures with Grost.” J.J. wondered if the owner of Fantasy Girls had just recently whipped the personal information about his workers. If they would be the next unwilling victims lying dead in the words. She wrote down the first part of her thought and then had an idea. “Hey Spencer, you should call Garcia. Send her the pictures with Grost and the other girl. She can find anyone, literally. I’ve seen her do it with about fifty potential Tinder dates. She even checked out a guy for me once.” J.J. smiled at the memory. Spencer raised his eyebrows at the story, but after a second he swivelled out of his chair, grabbing his phone and stepping into the hallway to call Garcia. 
“Office of the Supreme Overlord, may I inquire which of my feifs is calling?” Garcia loved the thrill of answering her calls oddly. She considered it one of the most interesting parts of her job. Of course, every once in a while she got reprimanded for her behavior, but it was alway worth the risk. When she heard, “Hey Gracia, it’s Spencer.” She replied with, “Ah, my favorite genius other than myself. How may I be of assistance?” There was a pause on the line and Spencer replied with, “I’ve sent you some photos. I need one of the women identified.” Penelope pulled up her email tab on the sleek computer system. Once she opened the attachment she couldn’t help but say, “Wow, they’re hot.” Penelope thought she hadn’t said it outloud but when Spencer responded with, “What?” she knew she was screwed. She cleared her throat and continued the conversation, “I’m assuming you want me to find the identity of the girl with black hair?” To which Spencer replied, “Yes. The other woman is Sydney Grost, aka The Violet Vixen, she was killed two days ago. I’m hoping if we can identify the other woman we can get a better profile on the unsub.” Penelope nodded along with the information. Her fingers were already flying across her keyboard, uploading the photos into a software that would analyze the basic characteristics of both girls. She hoped that the software would pick up information about both women. Even if one of them wasn’t alive anymore, it would prove that the program she had created was working. As she was working she asked Spencer one more question. “So what’s the other woman’s name?” He quickly said, “Venus Rising, of course that’s an alias. Garcia, I've gotta run and give J.J. a hand with something. Please call me back when you get something.” The line suddenly went dead. Penelope smiled. She loved that Reid never questioned that she could get something done, and he had said “‘Please.’” She took a big swig of Mountain Dew and went back to typing incredibly fast, monitoring her computer screen like the tech genius she was. 
Hotch and Gideon had arrived at the scene where the bodys had been found. Gideon hunched under the yellow caution tape that quarantined the area, while Hotch looked for any clues outside of the crime scene. The scene was very clean, Jason noted on his legal pad. Meanwhile, Aaron was examining a small trail that didn’t appear to be part of the larger system of the park. “Jason, I have something here.” He called out when he noticed something unique in the dirt leading out of the crime scene. Gideon walked to Aaron and squatted down to look at what his friend was looking at. When he didn’t see anything noticeable on the earth he asked, “What am I looking for?” Hotchner cleared some of the leaves off of the ground and dug some pebbles off the same area. “There’s a shoe tread, it’s faint, but look here, there's a star imprinted.” Hotch moved his pointer finger around the shape of a star. With Hotchner’s explanation the shoe tread became clear. Gideon responded with, “This unsub is good, he covered his tracks as he left the scene, and if I’m not mistaken that’s a Doc Marten tread. Good find.” Hotch replied simply with, “Thanks.” The younger man stood up and stated, “I’m going to try and follow this path and see where it leads. Also, when I get a signal I’m going to call Chief Best and get a squad out here to rope off the area where I find prints.” Gideon knew that Hotch was as good at his job, and very aware of the situation, but he could not help saying, “Be careful and stay aware.” Before Aaron walked into the overgrown woods. 
Once Hotch was out of sight Gideon went back to the scene. Now that he knew that there was something to look for. He swept the blanket of leaves off the ground with his foot. First he found one print, then another, and another. It was clear to him that the unsub had been to this location many times. He had scouted the site for the bodies, but a more important piece of information that that knowledge gave, was that the unsub had scouted his victims. As Gideon processed the information, something else caught his eyes. He leaned down, on the edge of a bush was a strand of orange rope. It was exactly where Mr. Pyne’s body had been found. Jason pulled out his phone and snapped a picture. Next he pulled on some gloves and put the organe fibers into an evidence bag for further analysis. 
Derek looked around the filthy office of Mr. Riley. The peeling and dated wallpaper was decorated with lewd photos of naked women. Mr. Riley appeared as repulsive as his interior design aesthetic.  He was responding to a question from Elle, “Ms. Greenaway, let me clearly say again that the girls I hire are not coerced in any way.” Elle was annoyed at the response and asked in a calm voice, “Would you tell me how your hiring process works, and who the girls interact with in that process.” Riley took a second, clearly trying to find a way of not totally answering the question. After Elle cleared her throat, waiting for an answer, he responded with, “The first step in becoming a Fantasy Girl is me. I make a job opportunity available on the internet. Next prospective girls will come in for an interview and a photoshoot. If I like a girl enough and I think she offers something new, I’ll give the girl a week to try the work and see if the appeal is there. Not all women want to be a sex worker, even if they think they might like it. IF the girl does well with the clients, and she likes the job, I give her a contract. A contract which she has a right to refuse.” Elle furthered the question by asking, “Who else reads the applications apart from you. Also who gets to decide if a girl is marketable?” Riley was clearly tired of questions he didn’t want to answer but said, “Nancy processes the applications and sends potential girls to me. If a girl in a trial can make at least 15% commission I’ll sign her.” Derek was both recording and transcribing the conversation in his notes. Morgan still felt put off by Riley and asked, “From your income statements it looks like you’re doing very well for yourself. If the murder of Ms. Grost hurts your profits, how are you planning on moving forward with the company?” “Agent Morgan, I’m sure I know what you’re thinking. You see this office, these photos and you're wondering how I’m lining my pockets while screwing over the girls that work for me. Sure I make a nice profit, but in the end I’m keeping these girls off the street. They get to work somewhere safe. The bars they work at have a partnership with me. If something is going wrong there’s always someone to help them. So I’m the good guy here. You have a list of all the current clients, I can’t tell you anything else.” After Mr. Yeung had finished his speech, Elle gave Derek a look that indicated they should go. She raised from her chair and said, “Thank you for the information Mr. Yeung. We’ll email you if we have any other questions.” 
Derek and Elle sat in the car for a moment before Elle had to get her thoughts out. “That man is really self centered and gross. But he really does think that he’s helping the women that work for him.” Derek nodded, “He constantly referred to them as “‘girls’” like they are younger and need protecting. I mean the oldest escort is 40, she’s not really a child anymore.” Derek stated. “I think when we meet some of the escorts we may have a better read on our friend Riley.” Elle said leaning back into the seat of the car. 
By the time the team had reconvened at the station the sun had set and it started raining. The pitter-patter of the storm outside could be heard above the debrief the team was going through. Hotch stated the conversation with, “I found a pair of boot imprints at the crime scene.” He tossed the picture of the tracks on the table for the team to see, “From analysing how far apart his gait is, plus the large size of the shoe, we can safely assume that the unsub is male and stands about six feel tall. The scene was very clean, too clean. I’ve requested a meeting with the coroner that performed the paperwork detailing his examination of the bodies.” Next Gideon jumped in, saying, “I also found some unique fibers at the scene.” He produced the bag of evidence. “I’ll leave these here, an analysis team is on it’s way.” Spencer took the chance to interject, “Hopefully the fibers will produce some elements we can trace back to where the unsub tortures his victims. I’ve sent some analysis out to Garcia. I’m hoping to identify a potential victim and coworker of Ms. Grost. I think she can tell me a lot about what happened.” Because J.J. had also spent the day with Spencer she went next, stating, “The media is surprisingly informed, but hasn’t really reported anything yet. There was an obituary for Mr. Pyne, but the press certainly hasn’t made the connection between the two cases yet. Probably because of the link between a sex worker and a teenager. It could look bad in a paper. I’ve contacted Mr. and Ms. Pyne and set up an interview at their house tomorrow. So far I've had no luck finding relatives of Ms. Grost. ” Lastly Elle filled in the team explaining, “Mr. Yeung is making a lot of money from his business. He may be coercing the women who work for him and he sees himself as a savior to them. He’s a misogynist, but from what I saw today he’s, nor anyone in his office would have the motive to murder one of their own employees.” The team took in the information. Spencer was writing down notes when Gideon cleared his throat saying, “This might have been a slow day, but we’ve made good progress before. If the unsub stays consistent then there will be another missing person by tomorrow. We must prevent this if we can. Let’s go get some rest and hit the ground running tomorrow. The team headed out to the cars, getting wet as they ran to the vehicles in the rain. 
Across town a figure clutched a necklace. He was mumbling the same phrase over and over, it was drowned out by the sound of the wind. He became silent when a car pulled into the driveway. He waited till the man in the car got out and went into the house. The man dropped the necklace and pulled out a gun from the waistband of his pants. He moved from behind the bushes and moved with confidence toward the house. If the rain wasn’t beating down so hard a neighbor might have heard the single shot from a gun that rang out into the night. 
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