#The Hellfox
ca-dmv-bot · 12 days
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Customer: (not on record) DMV: HELL Verdict: ACCEPTED
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micfool · 1 year
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My character reference sheet made by the amazing kiaun (Andres Barra).
I've had this character for many years now (I guess I should call it my fursona?), it's changed so much since I first conceived it. Glad to finally nail down a good ref sheet!
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knotsosfwarts · 2 years
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Older art of one of my Hellfoxes. His name is Dracaurius.
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provokedgoalie · 1 year
sel's pov when he helps bree remove her hand from the hellfox 🤧 his opinion of her changed in that moment. & then the guilt he felt for using the bond between him and nick in anger.
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nixie-writes · 1 year
stolas x hellfox!trans male!y/n romantic headcanons?
-as a kid,y/n are aggressive but as y/n grew up he become more mature and reserved
-y/n worked for stolas while caring for his elderly parents
-he often let stolas vent to him
-used to date Stella's brother but is bitter ex's with him
-he would defend stolas with his life
-friends to lovers trophy
-as a Hell-fox you were highly regarded. You had three tails and fox ears at the top of your head. You were aggressive and rude as a child but as you grew into your status you became more mature and reserved. At 14 you learned you were transgender and identified as a male. No one could tell your biology and assumed you were male.
-you worked for Stolas in security while caring for your elderly parents. They were at the end of their lives and you wanted to give them the best they could have, so you took up the job as security to make money to care for them.
-Stolas often vented to you, and you allowed him. He saw you as an equal, and felt he could confide in you about his feelings without you going off to tell anyone else about it. You confided in him as well, telling him you were trans. Stolas was very accepting of it and confessed his relationship with Blitzo to you. You accepted his relationship with the imp and promised to keep his secret.
-Stella never liked you. You once dated her brother, Andrealphus. Things didn't work out between you two - mostly because he was a self absorbed prick who only thought about himself - and you two broke things off. Since then Stella has hated you, and you never liked her yourself, only putting up with her for Andrealphus' sake.
-you were willing to defend Stolas with your life. Any time he got into an argument with Stella you were between them, stopping her from trying to hit her husband. When Stolas was kidnapped by Striker you worked with Millie and Moxxie to get him back, and visited him in the hospital every day.
-over time you found yourself developing feelings for Stolas. You didn't know what else to do but tell him. Stolas appreciated your honesty and returned your feelings, telling you he'd like you to get to know Blitzo and maybe be in a poly relationship with the two. You assured him you'd get along with Blitzo and treat him with care, and you two became lovers.
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rainbowchromatic · 12 days
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For Hellfoxes on Toyhouse.
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mundanemoongirl · 3 months
As a black reader/writer I feel compelled to talk about Legendborn and Bloodmarked by Tracy Deonn. I also want to hear what other readers think of the series and to see if I’m not alone in the way I feel about it.
I picked up Legendborn two weeks ago and finished it before the week was even over. It was everything I wanted in a book. A black main character, a magic system based on legends, a romance with a guy who is actually nice. I dove in Bloodmarked immediately and I have never been more disappointed in a book. I haven’t even finished it yet that’s how disappointed I am.
Spoilers for both books below
Bloodmarked stripped Legendborn of everything I liked about it. I mean, I loved the beginning and it felt in line with the first book, but from the second Bree escapes from the regents, it feels like a different book.
I first started feeling something was off when William, Alice, and Sel told Bree that she had to go into hiding. We had such good development from the beginning of the book—Bree is king but isn’t treated like one then Bree is finally treated like a king and starts making decisions for her people. Then we regress back to Bree is not treated like a king. Such a big deal was made out of the argument too. Bree said they were shattered, but then…everything is fine a page later. No one brings this up again.
The second thing I noticed is Bree’s friends told her she had no time to train then immediately search for someone to train Bree. I tried to give this the benefit of the doubt and assume they meant they had no time to train her while searching for Nick, but they had time to train her in hiding, but more inconsistencies kept happening.
When the gang went to the Crossroads Lounge, this is really when I felt Deonn lost the plot. We are damn near 35 chapters into this book and Nick hasn’t been found. My man was Kristoff’d. Most of the characters from Legendborn don’t exist anymore. Even new characters like Lark disappear and don’t seem to have any importance. Bree has learned nothing about controlling her powers and somehow seems weaker than in the first book. Remember, she defeated Vaughn. She punched through a hellfox. Now she needs now be rescued at every instance.
It doesn’t even feel like it’s written by the same author anymore. There is no plot. There is barely any mention of Bree’s mother, which was her driving force in the first book. And now a bunch of new, unneeded stuff is being added in.
I feel like everything about the lounge, Valec, and the other aether users could have been a spin off book without Bree. This series was supposed to be about camlann coming, which I guess waits for Lancelot to be ready.
Back to the inconsistencies. After William, Alice and Sel made such a big deal about how Bree is such a damsel and will die if she doesn’t go into hiding, the second Nick is in danger they’re like “ok bye Bree”. This one nearly took me out. There isn’t even a discussion about it. They just changed their minds for absolutely no reason.
I don’t get why Nick even told Bree where he was because when she first spoke with him he begged her not to find him because it was too dangerous. Guess he changed his mind for absolutely no reason too.
I again nearly lost it when Valec finds out that Bree is king. He not only said the pendragon was not welcome, he insinuated he would kill Arthur’s scion. He was so serious…and then said nothing when Sel, who was previously intent on keeping Bree’s identity secret, tells him she’s the king. Not one word about it. The only thing he does after is help her.
The part that made me stop reading entirely is when they said Bree was bloodmarked. First of all, don’t change canon like that. We saw it happen in Vera’s memory, why are you acting like we didn’t. Second of all, I don’t see what the point of doing that was. To me, it feels like it undermines what Vera did. Like yeah, Bree actually isn’t powerful as the product of racism, it’s because of a demon.
Don’t even get me started on Bree’s relationship with Sel. I knew from the first time she met him that the author would force them together, but I prayed the entire way she wouldn’t fall for such a stupid cliché. I was so happen when I saw the chemistry between Bree and Nick and thought I was mistaken, but now I feel worse about Bree and Nick being together. Because why would you have her kiss him for a second later to be swooning over Sel. It feels less like a love triangle and more like emotional cheating. I hate it.
I also hate how every ya author feels the need to make the girl end up with a guy who repeatedly hurts her instead of the one who treats her like the goddess she is. What are we trying to teach young girls?
I could say so much more, but in summary Bloodmarked feels more like a poorly written excuse for a love triangle than the black empowerment Legendborn was. Legendborn stood out among the crowd and it felt like something I needed. Bloodmarked is like every other ya fantasy and makes me wish Legendborn was a stand alone.
But I don’t know. Is it worth it to finish it?
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du-ud · 5 months
Hey guys so i made a little goober i really like them a lot so i hope you do to
Ok so their name is Herufokkusu (meaning literally Hellfox) but its shortened to Heru (or you could call them the hellfox ig)
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Ok so design wise they're kinda a Kitsune spirit but also kinda not at the same time
Think of like an Angel to Devil comparative
literal definition of Chaotic Neutral
ADHD incarnate
Pretty childish but that can shift
They're not really evil, just sorta like a "bored god" type situation
Also their whole body can completely shapeshift but the mask does not change
This is limited however (Think Jake the dog from Adventure time)
the little flame above their head serves little to no purpose, but it can use it to consume souls for whatever reason (this isn't like needed to survive, once more just the bored god thing)
pretty much behave like a cartoon character
Almost always have at least one tail present
very unempathetic and almost always acts in their own self interest unless you somehow get them to like you
(sorta) in power in hell, as in the gatekeepers can't get rid of them so they just do whatever they want (They aren't confused to hell and can go wherever they want btw)
wowie zowie thanks for reading!!
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charlieslowartsies · 1 year
We have some details of Mangle meeting Mike, but what about her meeting Max and Scraptrap again after they got hauled back to Freddy's? How rid that go?
Mangle is pretty wary/snarly when meeting new Adults, so while she did come out from the depths making nightmare staticy sounds at the newcomer daring to stand so close to their night guard, all it took was one good look at Max with both heads and she went from hellfox to excited sweetbean and MAULED him happily in greeting. She remembered what they had done and risked during the Toy's restaurant and she liked them both just fine, even if he and Scrap could never seem to live up to the Puppet's expectations. She was very excited to see he was still around, and quickly became the new favorite chase toy.
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citricsemotes132 · 2 years
Heya, sorry to be requesting so many things!! Again, just like before, please feel free to prioritize other asks, especially cause I saw your post abt school getting in the way of things (which I can totally relate to, sorry y’all are having to deal with that :( ).
I have a friend who’s part of a system! Blaze (blaze is a pronoun, not blaze’s name! /info /gen) is a hellfox and has “a Harley Quinn bat with spikes on it.” Was wondering if you’d be willing to make an emote or doodle of blaze holding blaze’s bat with like a,, chaotic evil facial expression if that makes any sense lmao. Like. Ears flattened and a “oh you’ve messed with the wrong fox” face.
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Here’s blaze’s face claim for reference! (Please excuse the blood, you don’t gotta include it if you don’t want!!!)
Thank you so much, whether you end up doing it or not! Have a great day!!
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srtlife · 2 years
VIDEO: 1000hp SRT Hellcat Swapped Foxbody Mustang Rips | Hellfox
VIDEO: 1000hp SRT Hellcat Swapped Foxbody Mustang Rips | Hellfox
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savagenewcanaan · 1 year
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mikesavagenewcanaan · 2 years
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Modena: Alla Tenda Marzo inizia nel segno della musica e del teatro
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Modena: Alla Tenda Marzo inizia nel segno della musica e del teatro. La Tenda vi aspetta con una settimana all’insegna della musica, suonata e “raccontata”, con improvvisazione teatrale in questi primi giorni di marzo: quattro appuntamenti della rassegna culturale inserita nell’ambito delle attività proposte dall’assessorato alle Politiche giovanili del Comune di Modena. Le iniziative sono a ingresso gratuito e iniziano tutte alle 21. Giovedì 2 ci sarà la terza e ultima serata di “Cantautori su Marte. Incontri senza gravità sulla canzone d’autore”, la kermesse promossa dal Centro Musica di Modena che propone un format fatto di incontri di parole e note per approfondire i temi, appunto, della canzone d’autore e delle nuove frontiere rappresentate dal digitale. Ospite dell’evento è Whitemary, nome d’arte di Biancamaria Scoccia, una delle principali interpreti italiane di musica elettronica, intervistata da Francesco Locane. Musica rock dal vivo nel weekend con due concerti di band locali curati dall’associazione Intendiamoci. Venerdì 3 salgono sul palco le artiste della formazione tutta al femminile Pandorea per presentare il nuovo ep “Bed Of Thorns”: cinque brani socialmente impegnati che spaziano dal diritto all’autodeterminazione alla difesa dei diritti dell’identità di genere fino alla sensibilizzazione sul tema della crisi climatica. Ad accompagnare le artiste sul palco, in apertura, i gruppi Hellfox e Refuse to lose. Sabato 4 ci sarà una serata in collaborazione con Revol Wave orchestra, collettivo di musicisti nato a Modena e attivo da oltre un biennio sul territorio locale. “La grande festa” è il titolo dell’evento che porta nella sala di viale Monte Kosica tre delle formazioni principali che fanno parte del collettivo: Sharasad, Mixotri e The Nihilists. La storia degli Sharasad, nati nel 2019, ha inizio in una piccola sala prove in cui, da un’idea di Lorenzo Balestrazzi e Lorenzo Corcione (chitarre), Gabriele Campioli (voce), Edoardo Cavalletti (basso) e Filippo Ferrari (batteria), nasce la curiosità e la volontà di scrivere e arrangiare brani inediti in grado di unire le diverse influenze rock, stoner, indie e british dei membri. I Mixotri sono un gruppo musicale alternative rock italiano nato nella primavera del 2018 a Modena grazie a Enrico Mercati (voce) e Riccardo Palmieri (chitarra); l’anno successivo esordiscono con “Prospettive dall’oblio”, album autoprodotto, anticipato dal singolo “Mentre la città brucia”. Dopo tre anni, nel 2022 esce il singolo “Sai”: la canzone sancisce ufficialmente il ritorno alle scene della band che ora include anche Francesco Bertoni (chitarra), Andrea Barbari (batteria) e Alessandro Bottura (basso). Ad aprire la serata sono, invece, i The Nihilists, progetto sempre modenese che mixa cantautorato, introspezione e prog psichedelico, accompagnando l’ascoltatore in un viaggio che mette a confronto con le emozioni e pone in una lunga introspezione senza misure dell’ego. Infine, domenica 5 spazio al teatro, con lo spettacolo di improvvisazione “Pari o dispari – Uno spettacolo per metterci in pari…opportunità”, curato da Improgramelot e dedicato alle tematiche delle pari opportunità. Il calendario completo di tutte le iniziative e le modalità di prenotazione sono consultabili sui canali social e sul sito web de La Tenda all’indirizzo http://www.comune.modena.it/latenda. Per informazioni: mail [email protected], telefono 059 2034810.  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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mods2nv · 2 years
1000HP “Hellfox” Hellcat Powered Foxbody Mustang | The Perfect Foxbody Swap?!
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booabug · 6 years
Hope you feel better soon! I p much post any love square things as they come, but here’s others.
DJWiFi That song they listened to in the panther cage, when Nino wanted to comfort Alya? Their song. Listen to it when they’re apart and down/missing each other. Their wedding song.
The two co-run a music blog… but it isn’t very active. Music scene isn’t really Alya’s thing, and writing articles aren’t Nino’s thing. Their most popular feature (read only thing that gets hits) are videos where Nino has Alya listen to rly out there tracks and her reaction.
Squad/DJWiFi [Older] Adrien loves getting his friends random gifts because things made him think of them. They are not allowed a receipt or price tag. Anyway, the best (unless you ask Nino) are gifts for Alya. Alya loves weird curios from like, 2nd hand, estate/consignment/film prop/picker etc. stores. At one point he gives her a horribly taxidermied fox.
Alya loves it. Nino DOES NOT. She randomly moves it around their place to freak him out. If you hear him screech, it’s most likely because of the hellfox.
BrOTP/Adrino These two have two modes: excitability feedback loop and sleepy feedback loop. You will either look away for a second and they’re gone when you look back, or you may leave them for for the entire day, come back, and they have not moved from where they were lounging when you left.
Wait I do have one Love Square one (post-reveal). When Marinette/Ladybug is upset, Adrien/Chat Noir will just… pick her up. Literally. Just carry her. He always has to keep from laughing (often fails and gets a whack for it) because she gets SO POUTY she hates that it’s instantly comforting because he’s so smug about it. He used to tease her, but then she got fed up and would actually fight him.
On the flipside, she can and will scruff him to get him to chill. Even untransformed, it works when she grabs the back of Adrien’s collar. Marinette gets him back for being a lil jerk about picking her up by doing it at the weirdest times. Formal charity gala. Is that Adrien Agreste being held in the air so his toes are brushing the floor by his girlfriend? Yes it is. Why-why isn’t he doing anything? Nobody knows. This just happens.
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