#The Driving Point WHY This Person Needs to Change/Reinvent Themself
mumpsetc · 2 years
Not to forgivr III for anything but I think right now Bot’s in the middle-ish of finding themselves out? Like they talk with Floor about what they wanna be/look like, but they’re still messy on that front, and their arc in the future is about becoming mire solidly their own person
Though there is Some setup with Bot about them being notably courageous/“badass” with how they were the first person to approach the volcano, but imo that’s rather weak character writing. It’s like dumbing their personality down into “#girlboss, gender-unspecified robot coming of age edition”, with nothing of real substance to back that.
It’s like. I can see where this is going already- a sorta shallow, “finding yourself” type arc continuing through however many episodes that ends with Bot going home their own person, yay! It makes it so they can eliminate Bot anytime they want and still have a somewhat-satisfying narrative ending for them, y’know?
Good Point, They Do Still Have Some "Being a Person" to Figure Out Beyond Gender Stuff and Them Continuing to Do So Till They Can Be Neatly Eliminated Would Make Sense for the ii Crew. I Guess I'm Just Frustrated Because You Can Portray Someone In the Midst of Finding Themself and Have That Character Be Something. God You're Right Though Bot is Probably Just Gonna Become Generically Nice Generically Badass and All Complexity Their Character Could Offer Passed Over Because That Makes Them Less Epic Squee Adorable. I'll Be Surprised if They End Up With Any Negative Traits at All and Isn't Just an Uncomplicated Bastion of Good.
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the-ipre · 4 years
what's the defiance if you dont mind me asking?
hello! welcome to the infodump :3 
short answer: the crew of star wars ocs made by me, @leenik-matagot, @not-from-the-absence-of-violence, and @drowninginstarlights. they’re a rebellion punk rock band and a found family, and star wars now belongs to us basically /lh. here’s an art dump!
longer answer:
the crew!
Cres J’ones, later Cres Defiance (she/they), is my oc. Cres is the drummer, the medic, the slicer, the general jack of all trades and master of none. She’s the heart of the crew, the weed friend, one of many who is allergic to vulnerability and bonds with people through physical contact and Not Talking About It.
Marlo Shenn (he/him) is Liam’s oc. Ex empire kid, he’s a bassist and pilot and self sacrificing protector. All of his hair (including chest and beard) has been dyed blue, because him and Cres make excellent decisions, and he needs to know who he is when he looks in the mirror. 
Nova Dillman (he/she/they) is Nico’s oc. Born and raised rebel, she’s the lead singer and guitarist and captain of the ship. Life is a performance and he knows that well, but along the way she makes genuine emotional connections even so. They definitely need therapy, but he keeps killing or seducing or cucking his therapists, so.
Dash Halcard (he/him) is Jack’s oc! Yet another ex empire kid, he’s the newest addition to the crew and plays tambourine and sings harmony, and later takes over bass from Marlo for a bit. He’s been running for so long and he finally gets to stay, the missing piece that they never knew they needed. Has a gay sex tattoo (a wampa and a rancor in a heart). They’re t4t.
Longest answer! under the cut because many thoughts head full <3
Marlo and Cres are Best Friends™, love each other to the point of self sacrifice, will never lose each other. They’ve made a promise that they’re the only ones allowed to kill each other, and surely that won’t come back for any dramatic irony :). Genuinely though, for people who have known so little love in their pasts, choosing each other time and time again, holding on and building their friendship from the ground up and one day realizing that they don’t ever want to let go. They watch shitty holos together! They paint each others nails! They’re best friends!
Marlo and Blue (yes from Campaign Star Wars, he’s ours now) are husbands! Good for them <3. They were childhood friends, then fuckbuddies, and then they caught feelings! Uh oh!
Nova and Blue are in a QPR that started off as just fuckbuddies (because this entire universe was made because Nico and Will wanted to kiss Blue <3 gay wrongs). Blue caught feelings (uh oh!) but Nova is aro and also terrified of commitment so ! times were tough for a while! But they worked things out and it’s excellent. Nova will not give anyone a straight answer on their relationship but he made out with Blue at his and Marlo’s wedding and also Blue has ‘boytoy’ embroidered on his capelet, so.
Even outside of all that the crew of the Defiance are friends, they’re family, Dash is Marlo’s hands when his are broken and Nova and Cres are gamers and together they’re all a family, on purpose, time and time again. Life commitment! Even after the war, they stick together, they tour the galaxy, they go back to their home planets, but they always come back to one another because they’re here, alive, defiant.
Cres grew up as the youngest of a bunch of siblings, never the best at anything and never all that important in the grand scheme of things. When she was eighteen she left home and her planet, went to go follow rock bands around the galaxy. They met a rebel named X who seemed larger than life, finally something so real that Cres could imagine she was real right back. They started being a part of the rebellion and it was fun, it was something, they were finally a part of something, and then in a single empire attack they lost X and their leg. After that, they travelled around the rock music circuit for a couple more years, ignoring the rebellion until they broke into the same ship as two other fools.
Marlo was an empire kid, second son who took all of the hits and punishments for his older brother. He was not allowed to exist for himself, and when he tried to, falling in love and getting engaged and able to finally imagine making a life, his family killed his fiance. Marlo finally left, a ring tucked away as the only remnant of his love. His brother tried to stop him, leaving a scar over his eye, and Marlo took the lightsaber he used and made it his, finally running. [Note from Will: ‘Marlo ‘idk what platonic love is until i’m at least 19′ Shenn’]
Nova’s parents were rebels from before he was born, struggles on their home planet giving way to the galaxy wide war. She never got to be a child, always aware of the rebellion as their parents were commanders. He and his friend K’ris share a kiss before a battle that feels like a broken promise when K’ris is killed and Nova loses a part of themself to the fight, bringing destruction down against their enemy. She stays with the rebellion and her family for a few more years before leaving and becoming an independent agent, still acting as a rebel but learning how to do so outside of his parent’s immediate gaze. 
Dash grew up as an ever observed empire child, never as good at playing the role as his twin sister, Nicali. His childhood friend, Rilis, ended up leaving him behind with no warning, and he had to face the fact that they had made the choice to go without him. He acted out to the point of getting naked at an Empire gala (good for him), which was the last straw before he left. He reinvented himself as a smuggler, jumping between crews for whatever jobs there were to be had, and found himself following the music scenes more and more, looking for Rilis all the while. He found himself drawn to the Defiance, breaking onto their ship and stowing away. Good for him!
Evil AU:
Marlo and Dash never left the empire, Marlo (Valkai in this, never having become Marlo in the first place) becoming an Inquisitor and Dash his personal fighter (and boytoy). Nova’s destruction went a bit too far at K’ris’s death in this and she left home to be a bounty hunter, working more and more for the empire. Tragedy from the inside, comedy from the outside, absolute buckets of homoeroticism, blood, and toxic polycule. Good for them!
(Cres never left home, never became anything, stayed numb and surviving and dull. A quiet desperate tragedy that she would not do anything to change. Why try to run when at the end of the day, you’re still you?)
Bad End AU:
Original Flavor- After Marlo gets kidnapped, he goes sith, loses himself to the death and bloodshed and cuts himself off from his family. When the others find him again, Cres reaches out, still sure that he’s him in there, and Valkai drives his lightsaber through their gut. She dies in his arms and he begs Nova to kill him, and they do. Dash runs, and never stops running, and Nova goes home, tells the rebellion that her friends died well. He burns the Defiance and dies on the battlefield.
Cool Ranch- Marlo stabs Cres, Nova kills Marlo, but they’re able to save Cres before she dies. Cres has to live without their best friend, knows that the friend still left is the one who killed him. Dash ran, and keeps running, and never comes back.
We also have a vampire au, knight au, pacific rim au, skyjacks au...there’s a lot <3
other fun facts!
- all of the members have the word Defy tattooed on themself somewhere (knuckles for Cres, collarbone and then hip for Marlo, wrist for Nova, heart for Dash). Fans will write Defy on themselves in sharpie before concerts
- all of the members have been kidnapped at one point or another. whoops!
- we have collectively written over 130k words in less than two months. we can not be stopped
- there are playlists for all the characters if you would like. cres’s comes with a 1.4k annotation <3
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