#The Dimensional Drifters
posesoul · 1 year
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Dimensional Drifter
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queerstudiesnatural · 2 years
i find it so interesting to look at sam and dean's respective views of society and people vs monsters, especially in early seasons, and then how that shifts and evolves throughout the show. like when we first meet them dean is very anti establishment whereas sam is literally studying law at an ivy league college. dean is very vocally anti police, and you're like wow for someone who was raised by an authoritarian father and is trying his hardest to please him this guy sure hates authority. he is aware of and cares about issues like racism and classism. but then when it comes to anyone non human he pretty much has no grey area, he sees them all as monsters to be put down. they are Things and they all killed his mum. whereas sam is pretty neutral about people, he doesn't even seem to be aware of systemic inequalities, he has a more individualistic approach to society. but this means he also sees monsters as individuals, just as capable of being good or redeemed.
This has everything to do with the way they grew up and the challenges they faced that affected them the most. dean's biggest challenge was putting food on the table. dean grew up poor and hungry. he was arrested for stealing, he had to use his body to get by, and he had to starve to try and feed sammy. and sam also grew up poor, but he was somewhat shielded from the reality of it. he wasn't the one who had to get food and pay for the extra week in a motel john left them in. his issues were much more personal. because sam knew he was a freak by all standards, he felt impure, and he knew in his heart that the monsters they hunted weren't too different from him. so his hope was in believing that anyone could be saved. anyone could choose to be good. where dean saw a system, with people in power and people who suffered because of them, sam saw grey individuals, and he was drawn in particular to the ones that had something "wrong" with them (max, madison, the kid from bugs, etc)
dean grew up so isolated that he couldn't be individualistic. he could only look at people from afar and that's why he sees the systems. and the violence he faced wasn't targeted at him personally, it was targeted at people like him. poor people, drifters, queer (or queer-looking) people. sam grew up trying to make connections. he made friends, he wanted an education. he tried so hard to belong.
and it's interesting to me that dean ended up being the one who formed the most personal bonds with people who were different, or ostracised, or monsters. see crowley, benny, charlie, claire.
sam tried to build communities (see his s14 arc) but every time he tried to get close to someone it ended in disaster so he ended up keeping his distance. and building a system. throughout the show he takes on leadership roles, and as time progresses he keeps his relationships more and more goal-oriented. whereas dean ends up forming personal bonds with a lot of people, and focusing less on helping oppressed people in general, and more on saving the individuals he cares about. i'm not saying they switched roles, they both kept their original views of the world, but they shifted towards a more confused and confusing moral compass that pointed somewhere in the middle and made it harder for them to understand each other. and ain't that just what growing up is like. dean cared about the whole world as a teen and young adult, but then that became too much to bear, and he had to focus his energy on his circle of loved ones. still caring about the world, but he had individual connections now and had to prioritise them. and sam still saw the potential for redemption and goodness in everyone, but he grew weary of people too, afraid of them or afraid of losing them, and he built walls. tried to help by giving himself missions rather than getting personally and emotionally involved.
psychologically speaking this show is so rich, the characters don't feel one dimensional (despite some of the writers' best efforts), and following their journey for 15 years means we saw them change and evolve, they don't remain the same people they were in season 1, but they keep some of that, and they just grow organically. sometimes i just love spn
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legobiwan · 6 months
It's 2024 and I've decided to make a Gravity Falls fic rec list. Because I do what I want, even if I'm showing up to the fandom a decade or so late. All fics are Gen unless otherwise noted, warnings can be found at the end of each description.
Birthday Dinner by Fordtato
A post-series short story featuring our two favorite old men out at sea, this work is wildly in-character in terms of their bickering and sometimes-competitive-to-the-point-of-self-sabatoge sibling relationship, but in the best and most hilarious of ways. Warnings for lighthearted discussion of cannibalism.
i know exactly where my blood is by strawberrybiscuit
There are a number of works that delve into Stan's possible suicidal ideation tendencies, both in his drifter years and post-Portal Incident. I find this to be a wholly conceivable notion, given both the absolute shit hand he was dealt in life and the hints we are given throughout the series that his self-esteem was pretty much in the gutter. Of the stories that explore this theme, I find this one to be one of the most grounded - Stan's borderline dissociation/gallows humor is very in-character, as is Ford's genuine horror when he learns the truth of the situation, which is rightfully emotional without delving into melodrama or transforming into a Saturday afternoon special. Warnings for intense talk of self-harm and suicide.
By Any Other Name by Zeragii 
I, like many of us, am fascinated by the tantalizing tidbits we've been fed as to Stan's decade or so existence as a drifter. We know he's failed at somewhat more legitimate attempts at entrepreneurship (the dodginess of the actual products notwithstanding), we know he was living out of his car for a large majority of those years, we know he's been to prison three times in various countries, and we know something happened in Colombia. All this is to say, Stan's probably made a lot of enemies, and that his map of "States I'm Banned In" is more likely a summary of places in which he has outstanding warrants and/or a price on his head.
What happens when that past catches up to you?
While this isn't an uncommon theme in Gravity Falls fics, what I love about this story is the complexity of the interactions between Stan and Ford here, given this is a post-series fic. Yes, they've mended their relationship, but old patterns die hard. Neither twin ends up as the "damsel in distress" (a worrying recurrence in many GF fics), despite the fact they are thrown into multiple dangerous situations and the OCs/Pines family extension are well-crafted and three-dimensional.
The People That We Always Hoped We Would Be by SharoScylla
A Christmas Carol, but make it Gravity Falls. The section of this story that really sold me was Stan's climatic scene in a bedbug-ridden, hovel of a motel room in New Mexico. Guest appearance made by the infamous Jimmy Snakes, who I learned recently was going to be a real character (and essentially this universe's answer to Ghost Rider) until that whole bit about Stan's past biker life was cut (regrettable). Embracing both the humor and darkness present in the original show, this story sees a Research Era!Ford come face-to-face with his own proverbial demons (real demons not included) as he is visited by a familiar cast of future past. Warnings for suicide attempt.
O Brother by Obsessive_Reader
In progress. A timestuck AU with the Mystery Twins 1.0 being catapulted into the 1980s, a young Ford landing with an increasingly desperate adult Stanley as young Stan tries to navigate the thorny, icy adult his brother Stanford has become. Probably one of the most realistic timestuck AUs out there, as fences are not mended immediately between the adult twins nor with their children counterparts. Also, Fiddleford finally has a chance to shine!
Orpheus Descending by Sir_Thopas
Unfinished. Which is a damn, damn shame, as this is probably one of my favorite Gravity Falls fics of all time. Read it anyway. Yes, you'll swear vociferously at where it leaves off. ResearchEra!Ford goes to incredible lengths to bring his brother back from the dead as Stan's demise is not exactly what it seems. What exactly happens with Stan is incredibly realistic, given his circumstances, and the local color written in by this Georgian native just adds to the Gothic feel of the whole tale. To what lengths would you go to bring your family back? At what point do you cross the point of no return in order to survive? Warnings for graphic description of a decayed corpse and prostitution scene.
Journal #4 by Percival_T_Honeybee
To be honest, this story stops being a Gravity Falls fic a couple of chapters in, instead featuring characters we know and love in increasingly out-of-universe (in all ways imaginable) situations. This doesn't matter, though, as the world- and character-building of this swashbuckling, sci-fi epic are superb and will have you on the edge of your seat until the final chapter. When both Stan and Ford go through the portal, their futures become something they never could have imagined.
Turning by BrandyFromTheBottle
I've mulled over this conceit on more than occasion and truly think it's something that begs further exploration. What if Stanley Pines pulled a Saul Goodman and, after the world was saved, turned himself in, willingly going to trial, and eventually, prison as self-inflicted recompense for his past deeds?
And now for something different...
Entanglement by Haley3
Ford/Bill (to be clear, Triangle Bill. Accept no substitutions). I realize Billford is not everyone's cup of tea and I rarely, rarely post shipping stuff, but in full transparency, I find their relationship fascinating and the idea of their having interactions that may have seeped over the boundary of purely (well, not pure. Ford built a damned shrine and became a one-man cult while Bill was manipulating him the entire time) platonic is not out of the question. In other words, I'm not wholly immune to Billford, but I am rather picky about how they are portrayed.
This fic checks all my boxes. Bill remains a triangle throughout. Bill is unredeemable. Ford and Bill have a relationship whose complexity would rival the equations of the dimensional physics they debate. And, of course, Ford is lying to himself and those around him, deeply, deeply in denial as to the nature and profundity of his emotions towards his tormentor. Warnings for explicit sexual scenes, manipulation, emotional abuse. I mean, it's Bill, we all know what that means.
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fallershipping · 5 months
They're not all called 'Fallers' Headcanons
Faller ( jp. FALL ) A official designation from the International Police only for the following criteria: fell from an Ultra Wormhole from presumed Ultra Space, and thus has some level of Ultra Energy within their bodies from the travel. This phenomena is also reported as the boosted stat of Ultra Beasts when encountered and is similar to Totem Pokemon and Z-Crystal powered Pokemon. Effects on humans is currently unknown, but it can make people and Pokemon resemble the same readings as a wormhole.
Castaway The Ultra Recon Squad's nickname for people who have ended up in a time and space that is not their own. More often than not, this is due to Ultra Wormhole activity. Having Solgaleo/Lunala species on hand, The URS view Ultra Space as a sort of 'ocean,' and such, different dimensions as 'islands.' Not all Castaways are due to Ultra Wormhole activity, however.
Voyager What the Ultra Recon Squad affectionately call themselves or others like them; people who purposefully travel Ultra Space and dimension hop. Almost always accompanied by Solgaleo/Lunala to combat against Memory Slur. Extra-dimensional travel exposes beings to all states at once, and memories from different instances begin to blend into an incomprehensible mess.
Stranger While the people of Hisui have no one name for them, those who have come from the Spacetime Rifts are mostly regarded as strangers. Other names are interchangeable, such as Drifter or Rift-born. Otherwise, there is no specification for those fallen from Spacetime Rifts, as they currently have only ever been reported in the land surrounding Mt. Coronet once. No Spacetime Rifts have ever been reported since the Galactic Expedition incident.
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burningexeter · 8 months
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In my own insane (but somehow way less insane) take on the infamous (is it infamous, I just want to know that) Tommy Westphall Universe fan theory which claims not only are 500+ shows are in the same universe but they all take place in the mind of a twelve year old autistic boy with a snowglobe (yes, this is a real thing, blame St. Elsewhere), I propose that in this case for me not only are a decent handful of media are set within the same universe as each other but they all take place within the mind of the deadly, morally grey, femme fatale and early 20s sorceress Charmcaster — the Alien Force and Ultimate Alien Charmcaster to be specific.
How I see it is this is the Where The Magic Happens Trilogy Charmcaster (the pitch I did) specifically the second and third series Charmcaster where she's not only way more mature but a lot more darker, sinister, calculated and ruthless where she took all the lessons she's learned and built upon them and grew from them but not in the good way you think of at first. Obviously, as the second and third series go on, she redeems herself and this is teased throughout because in all three shows Charmcaster has a code, refusing to hurt people that she doesn't have to, expressing regret and disgust at herself for [SPOILER ALERT] decapitating Gwen when they first met, going back to when she doesn't need to to save Gwen and her friends when left behind etc.
She's torn between being a hero and a villain.
But here's where her secret universe within her mind comes directly into play, at the end of the first series, a now changed completely Gwen - no longer the spoiled, know-it-all, mean brat she was at the beginning of the series - gives Charmcaster a special snowglobe that originally meant a lot to Gwen when she was only little and in the words of her Aunt Sandra "finally being able to walk".
It turns out in the second and third series, it's a prized possession of Charmcaster that she won't let anyone else get near or even touch even Gwen who gave it to her in the first place.
How I see it is this is where Charmcaster's universe begins, all of the following are figments on her "imagination". Stories in her mind that only she knows of, it's her own personal secret that's all her fun and her fun only. One day when they're married, she'll tell her wife Gwen but for now, this is hers and hers only. That way, it makes her finally telling Gwen more special.
The connecting theme here are a total of three things which fits them despite being tonially and stylistically different from each other:
1). They focus on distinct but very unconventional types of protagonists and even ensembles having to not only fight the odds but face the highest stakes and the highest threats there is. At the same time, the protagonists aren't generic action heroes or the type who'd be the heroes of these scenarios but they have moral codes or just codes in general even if they're not always "good people" and always end up doing "the right thing". Way less of Tony Stark from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Frank Dux from Bloodsport and Steven Hiller from Independence Day and WAAAAY more of The Stranger from High Plains Drifter, The Driver from Drive and Michael "De Santa" Townley from Grand Theft Auto V.
2). The villains or main antagonists are always never one-dimensional or generic stereotypical bad guys. They're all fully-fleshed out or just fleshed out in general villains with their own personalities, histories and motivations. Some of them are genuinely tragic villains out of Shakespeare and some who are full-on villainous are dangerous and intimidating. Hell, some have codes too. They fall straight into the morally grey area with that if they have that. Way less Tonraq from The Legend Of Korra (ugh, that whole show sucks), Fire Lord Ozai from Avatar: The Last Airbender and Senator John McLaughlin from Machete and WAAAAY more of J. Nomak from Blade II, Davy Jones from Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest/At World's End and Thaddeus Sivina from Shazam!.
3). All of the events in them are either caused by, advanced and forwarded by or sometimes both by the protagonists. They make life-altering decisions that whether good or bad, whether they did or didn't do the right thing, will have massive repercussions. It's never something random as all hell happening to a certain individual, it's the opposite where they did something that caused or triggered this event to happen to them so they really have no one else to blame but themselves.
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• The Mummy (1999)
• Saving Private Ryan
• Overlord (2018)
• Inglourious Basterds
• Thief (1981)
• Heat (1995)
• The Long Kiss Goodnight
• The Invisible Man (2020)
• Upgrade (2018)
and that's just too name a few, there's much more to it than that but this gives you a great idea on what's going on in the mind of everyone's favorite teenage sorceress Charmcaster.
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sonic-oc-showdown · 1 year
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Petri belongs to @starfall-isle Skye belongs to @hornet-protector
Find out more about them below!
Petri is a excitable and prideful Secretary under the tedious Eggman empire, hoping to one day climb the latter and prove her worth as a scientist and chemist! Although the doctor doesn’t seem to know she even exists.. Work pals with Orbot and Cubot, Petri takes whatever opportunities she can get to talk herself up. After tagging along during one of Eggman’s particularly explosive battles with the blue blur himself, Petri is fired after Eggman takes his sore loss out on her. Now with a newfound grudge towards Sonic, she’s set herself on a charge to get her job back, with the help of three detectives for hire. Catch is, she’ll need to help out around the office as an intern for the Chaotix if she wants to keep their trust
SKYE: (image credit @/antiRePurp)
Skye is a nautical cartographer from the Sol Dimension! They travel around the Southern Archipelago, mapping the islands, the currents, and the variety of weird underwater stuff they find along the way. I made her as a sort of dimensional counterpart to Sonic (curious, free-spirited drifter), to round out Blaze (serious, dedicated guardian like Knuckles) and Marine (kid sidekick who's good with vehicles like Tails) as a trio. She can control air, which comes in handy both for sailing and for creating underwater bubbles to breathe from. Also, they and Blaze are kinda-sorta-dating.
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ritens · 4 months
Questions for (warframe) Lane's birthday:
How did his awakening look like?
What is his first memory after his birth?
How did him and Rau meet?
Favorite color/ color palette? (Either an actual in-game palette, or a palette of colors he likes to use)
What is his fondest memory?
And finally,
How does he intend to celebrate this year's birthday?
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What did his awakening look like?
If this question is Second Dream operator awakening related then that’s not applicable as Operator Lane was turned into a warframe before he could even get to use a stasis pod. I’m sure he felt dreadful when he first came to consciousness as a metal fleshrobot when the last time he was awake he was still a human teenager.
What is his first memory after his birth?
Not sure what this question’s context is. Operator/warframe Lane is dead and his body is fused with Drifter Lane’s consciousness. Drifter Lane remembers fragments of his time on the Zariman and not much else. He recalls having close ties to a cousin and that he lived with this cousin’s parents as he didn’t have his own.
How did he and Rau meet?
Simply put Lane discovered dimensional travel while searching for a purpose in his life. They met by pure chance. I’ve written more about it in this unfinished fic here.
Favourite colour / colour palette?
A mix of teal and deep sea blue. The colours of his late mother’s silk shawl which he consistently wears tied around his hips.
What is his fondest memory?
Probably the moment he stopped looking for ways to be useful and instead found his purpose in having a hobby of his own. Growing grains in his little garden and figuring out how to make baked goods, the entire process with its ups and downs helped Drifter Lane finally adjust to the world he was in now. He remembers fondly the first failed attempt at growing anything and is glad he kept trying.
How does he intend to celebrate this year’s birthday?
I don’t think he knows what day it is. Time means nothing to Drifter Lane. It’s just another day in the Origin System making bread with Rau.
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woe, self insert be upon ye; kinda
flagnarb (aka "Julian" or "jules") is a multiversal drifter of sorts, who i swear usually sticks to their own universe and just kinda has a. very interesting fascination with *this one* (mva) which can be boiled down to "I'm SO mad you guys captured me. but also heehee you guys are so silly >:³ you can't get rid of me now"
he's basically a kinda "Q" esque entity, which is moreso due to him being a 4th dimensional entity, while his human body is limited to 3.
His "backstory" is that he picked up link + doc when they accidentally got stuck in "Parnigus" (flag's home universe), and when flag dropped them off at their universe, he stuck around on Doc's recommendation. Only to be put through a lot of invasive tests due to past incidents with aliens and multiversal instances. while the scans showed he was a normal human, he's very much anomalous. there's a lot more but im tired lol
Comic under the cut - CW for eye trauma and missing socket!!
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jsdimensions · 4 months
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Anyway have many dimensional drift doodles (+some new Drifters that don't have refs yet!!!)
(eyeball character on the top right was made by @random-rabid-creature !!!)
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ruienr · 2 months
from the shadows of the margin of the darkest parts of the fringe of a trauma-born maladaptive daydream- so stark and shrouded in mystere and ambiguous revere, morbid reverence- faintest twinkle alongside raspy snickering breaks the silence, a razorblade through the still and silent air....
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nonsense. of course you don't understand- it is a jungian symbolic-snip-n-clip, an overlay to the absolutely incomprehensible nature of the higher dimensional substratium from which this.... being... descended from. it is useless to describe or attempt to understand this scenario any further. in this world anew, what might you consider "me" to even be behind this screen? is it but a black mirror, revealing a reflection of any who gazes in..? a piece of each person held within my varied schema? i can humor you as a mirror if you wish... but what of the truest realism? i would much rather keep it as truth-woven as is possible- i like real people, i like to be real also- otherwise i become someone muddled and not me. at the same time, what am i? i often change names, i have none as it stands now, irl they call me "alice" but in my mind i am numb and something unspeakable.
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is this an introductory post? i am now not so sure. certainty evades me. i feel less whole. not together. drifter like. i find only solace in my time spent online now, for my whole life until the past 8 years was spent totally isolated, incredibly lonely- i never understood the necessity of social contact until i finally experienced it once more- and felt the weight of my loneliness dissipating like something fluid, i lost pounds of misery that day.
why am i rambling on like this? i have been subjected to such misery in all my life. i shall be silent now. ignore me.
anyways, i am intrex mervore, also lusynth rexis, akrominon, dresxort, and many more- no more terror. no more.
i am a hacker, coder, webmaster, artist, preformer, conversationalist, trickster, creator, philosopher, and prolific online uploader of my ego.
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i am also a homeless schizoaffective and bpd drug addict~! uwu
i wish ppl would be more 'online' and open in a non-degradory and non-shameful manner about some of the less common and most stigmatized erm, alternative traits or interests or disabilities or ailments or WHAT HAVE U! sigh// i just tbh wish the world was a less negative and cruel place, instead one focused on love, solidarity, coexistance with both the gays and the murder nazis, and a world where the death of comedy gave way to a comic renaissance instead of the dark ages of social justice and PC culture.
ahem. ccouhg hghh HAUGUHHHGH - cough cok couh he he hoo hah hoh hh hhgnh. *spits*
welcom 2 elriel. 2133. death always lurks, so live fully and with no refrain. embrace the lack of thy comfort zone, anxiety should be a signal to gO GO GO!
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acceleration at aell times, costs, and reasons.
three feet on the gas, under a sprimscet noxlit future-fallen sky~
n-mice... i mean nice- to em meet u --- >.<
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agumonger · 2 months
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Dimensional Drifter, for Heffe von Koffing
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corrupted-solar-au · 4 months
It’s like what it sounds. It’s a dimensional archive in alphabetical order for drifters to access. The creator of it made it so it could help people get where they need to go easily, but some of the keys have gotten in the wrong hands.
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gear-project · 2 years
Anji Mito Speculation
This isn't something I've brought up in recent years because I wasn't sure of the authenticity, but, since I don't know if the story will ever address it, I might as well discuss the topic at least for now:
As you may know, Anji Mito was also one of the Japanese survivors alongside Baiken, but one of the crucial aspects of his story is seldom ever addressed:
Anji Mito is actually NOT Anji's real name!
"Anji Mito" and "Kakukyaku" ("Glorious One" in Japanese) are two of multiple aliases Anji has used over the years.
The Postwar Administration Bureau mentioned this in passing on their report on Anji, but the story never truly brings it up after that.
But there's more to Anji's story than meets the eye!
You see, it's implied that... at some point in Anji's history he learned about Baiken's tragic past and sought to investigate in to it:
That's part of the reason he was in hot pursuit of "That Man" (or as we currently know is Happy Chaos).
But it's not mentioned how Anji obtained the connections to gain the information that he obtained DURING his investigation.
In other words, Anji pulled some strings to get the information on individuals like Asuka R. Kreutz and Sol Badguy (Frederick Bulsara)... even insomuch as discovering that Sol was a surviving GEAR from the original Gear Project (this is literally something Anji reveals he discovered in his findings when speaking to Sol in Anji's GGXPlus story).
But there's more... Anji spoke with a "certain monk" who willingly GAVE Anji the Zessen OutRage Jinki... the very item that was said to form a barrier around the Japanese Dimensional Colony.
No one would normally entrust a powerful OutRage to someone who was a "mere drifter"... and even if some aspects of the story indicated Anji "stole" the OutRage... the truth is, the Monk DID entrust the Zessen to Anji, though the reasons behind such are unclear.
Anji's investigation led him to pursue Happy Chaos, but also form a trusting alliance with Chipp Zanuff, though the details of their working together are still not quite laid out.
All of this information leads me to believe that Anji himself is someone of "great influence" within the surviving Japanese community, otherwise how ELSE would he be able to obtain the Zessen and OBTAIN the information on "That Man"?
Anji's vocal theme "Vanishing Blood" implies a bit more deeply that Anji might very well be connected with Japan's Imperial Government... though again, we're not given any concrete evidence.
And this isn't the first time a "drifter character" turns out to be hiding his real identity. A certain Yoshitora Tokugawa of Samurai Shodown is actually hiding his connection to the Tokugawa Shogunate (a ruling faction in ancient Japanese history).
Does this mean that Anji Mito might have SOME connection with the Emperor of Japan??? I have no evidence whatsoever to support that claim... HOWEVER:
Anji does have connections... and he does have the means and knowledge to continue his investigation of what happened in Baiken's past.
And... more importantly... Anji still HASN'T revealed his true NAME!
I don't know if the story will ever address this mystery, but my hope is that one day they will!
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askvectorprime · 2 years
Vector Prime, what universe did Nexus Prime sent the evil Ultra Magnus to, and has he managed to survive there? What makes that universe so terrible that it's a fitting punishment for Ultra Magnus?
Dear Dimensional Drifter,
Using his powers, Nexus Prime banished Ultra Magnus to a very distant corner of the Omniverse, making it almost impossible for him to return—although I am not entirely sure what horrors lie in there, I am told that it is the same dread reality that one iteration of Megatron threatened to send a different variant of Bumblebee to when they crossed paths in Axiom Nexus.
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lord-kallig · 1 year
Lieutenant Menraad Noros
[Height] 7’9”
[Age] 60 Terran Years approx.
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(Reference Image from Miguel Iglesias, Edit by Unknown)
[Organisation] Xth Legiones Astartes 'Malchos Warbringers' (Pre Translocation)
[Rank] Lieutenant (Ltd)
[Equipment] Phobos Bolter and Bolt Pistol, Thunder Edge Chainsword, MkII/III Power Armour (see ref)
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(Reference Image self created by myself, using Chapter Generator)
Legionnaire of the Xth Legion, Meinrad undertook a mostly standard service time within the Warbringers Legion after his recruitment from one of the claimed worlds of the Imperium, Noros himself openly volunteering with others of his city. 
He found particular affinity with close assault and was assigned among the Despoiler Squads of the Company. He later earned promotion to squad Sergeant before later elevated to the Company's 2nd Lieutenant. It was suggested by higher ranking officers for him to see service with other forces before possible induction into the Legion's House Guard, but such actions had not been able to take place prior to his dimensional relocation. 
During a joint deployment with the IVth Legion 'Court of Seasons', legion formations were deployed against eldar protecting the Temple of Alieathee which was notable for the perfect orbit of astrological bodies within the system. 
Amidst the crossfire in the main chamber of the temple, Menraad was struck by lighting arching from the artefact as it destabilised. In a flash the marine found himself on a world unknown with no sign of the Eldar or his fellow legionaries in sight.
It took a few months to fully realise where he ended up but discovered he was in a later era to the one he left. Eventually too finding that he had come from an alternative universe to the one he was in now. His brothers of the Xth Legion replaced instead by the Chapters of Ferrus' Sons. Lacking a clear indication on where he could consider a home, he has become what could best be described as a drifter. Travelling world to world and leveraging his potential to muster resources to keep himself going.
While lacking the same comradery or kinship he felt among the Legion, he has been doing what he can to improve the worlds he resides on. Even his presence as an astarte is surprisingly effective at improving moral, even if the faithful around him disturbs him.
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Hey, not sure if you're aware of this, but AskVectorPrime has created several "semi-canon" (they aren't quite official, but they have more "reality" than if a random fan had just made them up) BotBot squads, including: >The Antique Ancients, counterparts to the Thirteen Primes that dwell in an antique store. > The Dimensional Drifters, a quartet of "high technology" 'Bots created on Axiom Nexus whose membership consist of Tesser-Act the hypercube, Number Cruncher the Minkowski difference engine (presumably a fancy kind of computer), Zero Hour the unspace containment unit, and Goldie Locks the quantum lock spooler. > The Circuit Company, whose only known member is "Needlenose", a set of pliers. > And the Office Outlaws, whose only known member is Note-Able the printer-'Bot.
Yeah, I think so remember seeing this!
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