#The Daunt Rock Rescue
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stairnaheireann · 1 year ago
#OTD in 1936 – The Daunt Rock Rescue.
The Ballycotton lifeboat ‘Mary Stanford’ returns to its home port in East Cork following probably the most famous sea rescue in Irish maritime history. Ballycotton fisherman Patrick Sliney was Coxswain of the life boat which spent over 60 hours at sea, in a successful attempt to save six men from the lightship that guarded the Daunt Rock. The Royal National Lifeboat Institute website states: ‘A…
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theskzkiddo · 2 years ago
Hi! I hope that it is okay that I'm back 😊
You said you did headcannons right?
If you do could you maybe do one for skz with a shy and anxious little?
It is completely up to you how it is done! Like ot8 or just a few members or whatever you feel /pos
I loved the boards!!!!!! Pink and yellow are my favorites!
skz + shy/anxious little headcanons <3
an: i’m sorry this took a bit! but i hope you like it! :D
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1. they always have at least one of your comfort items with them when you guys go outside!
2. jisung is the best at talking you down and getting you out of your head
3. having said that! chan stumbles a bit on his words, but his are the ones that comfort you the most!
4. changbin can and will pick you up and just rock you back and forth while one of the members sing you a lullaby
5. minho has a secret book of your favorite meals/snacks/desserts! whenever he knows that you’ve had a particularly anxious day, he’ll make you something (even if he’s busy because seeing all the tension flow out of your body and the small smile on your face, makes it’s 1000000x worth it)
6. seungmin and i.n will gang up on you and tease you! you’re just so cute when you’re shy! can ya blame em? hehe
7. they have so many fidget/sensory toys! chewerly? check! pop it? check! stress ball? check! sensory slug? check!
8. if you wake up feeling not so good about the day and you’re just already lost in your head thinking about all the what ifs, they have a special routine for that! seungmin will come in to pick out your outfit, felix will get your bath/shower ready, minho and jisung will make your favorite foods, hyunjin will get a little art station set up in the living room, chan is getting your playmat and setting it up in the living room along with your favorite toys/stuffies, i.n will be getting your blanket/pillows and making you a little nap area so you don’t have to be away from them when your have to nap! and changbin will be carrying you the entire day! :3
9. sometimes slipping into your headspace is hard because! brain dumb >:(, but if your mind just won’t s t o p, jisung is to the rescue! and any other member! because while jisung is the best to help get you out of your head, any member is the best at physical comfort! just depends on who you wanna be held by!
10. felix reads you bedtime stories!!! you know the ‘twas a night before christmas read out loud they did? (IT MAKES ME FEEL S O SMALL) yeah, him and chan are the best at story reading! but! the other members tend to be silly and act everything out! hehehe
11. hyunjin loves painting with you but! since you’re just so shy he’s made a little barrier thing so you guys can’t see each others art until after you’re finished! (it helps calms your nerves a lot!)
12. i.n and chan will play peekaboo with you for hours! H O U R S, you’re just so sweet and your reactions are just t h e cutest (they love your smile)
13. whenever you guys go out to eat or anywhere really they will talk for you because they understand how daunting it can be to socialize with strangers :(((
14. they stim with you in public so you’re not the only one who’s doing it! (it helps bring the attention off of solely you and makes you feel more comfortable!)
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hughiecampbelle · 2 years ago
Dependence (Roy!Sibling x Kendall Roy)
Character/s: Kendall
Word Count: 1,583
Warning: addiction/addiction mention
A/N: Baby girl!!!! I love him so much!!! I love how this turned out too :) it's v angsty, v sad, and hopefully in character! I'm having a lot of fun writing for Succession! 💞 Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
Dependence Pt. 2 / Dependence Pt. 3 / Dependence Pt. 4 /Dependence Pt. 5
Being The Youngest Roy Would Include: Pt. 1
Being The Youngest Roy Would Include: Pt. 2
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He smelled rich, sharp, daunting. The kind of scent your father would have worn, the kind men like him always did. Bared their teeth to seem more intimidating. It wasn’t like him at all. You sniffled against his suit, knowing your tears sat damp within the fabric, ruining the press he’d probably had. Ruining everything, like always. His arms wrapped around you so fiercely, so violently, holding you in place. Keeping you from running. Escaping. You were trapped on the boat sure, but there were stairwells, closets, you’d swim back if it meant leaving the scene of the crime. Your mind ran with exits, those bright red signs a welcomed attraction. Anything to get away, to be alone, to self-destruct on your own accord. You rubbed your palms against your pants, itching out of his grip, your sleeves balled into your palms. Whatever this attempt at love was, it was beginning to suffocate. He refused to let go. Anger rose in your throat like bile. A fury you’ve tried to outrun began to settle in the middle of your chest. You wanted to throw the same tantrums your father forbid. Kick, and scream, and break everything in sight. Burn the whole world down if it meant feeling an ounce of relief. Break your own bones if it meant putting out this fire. Numb it all like you’ve been doing your entire life. Maybe your brother knew this. Maybe he didn’t want the scene, the mess, to have to pick up the pieces. Maybe not. Maybe he was just sad, needing someone to hug. You would never be sure.
You stifled a sob, shaking despite yourself. You could see your brother and sister, talking, crying, saying what they needed to. Whatever you said, whatever you told him or begged from him, it was already gone. Forgotten. Your lips moved rhythmically, asking the same thing, but you couldn’t hear it. You couldn’t hear anything, but this high pitch whine.. He rubbed your back, awkwardly at first, hesitant, and then comfortably. Soothingly. His throat vibrating, speaking, again going unheard. You squeezed your eyes shut, not wanting to be here anymore. Not wanting this moment to exist. The last time you’d seen your sister cry, your brother retreat into himself like that, decades ago. Before you knew any of what you knew now. Before you’d been at one another's throats long enough to forget why. The inky black of your world could only do enough. Their voices, muffled, coming back to you. Closer. The hurt dripping from their words like honey. Sticky. Sweet. The fear. You tried to pull away, get some space, air. Again he refused. 
Did I tell him I loved him? Y, yes- of, of course you did. Did I tell him I loved him? 
Your father didn’t love you. He couldn’t stand to look at you in your later years. It was your brothers, sister, coming to your rescue. Scheduling cars, calls, making space for you on their couches, spare rooms, while you picked yourself up from rock bottom. Detoxing in their bathrooms, their beds. All you knew was excess. Excess wealth, yes, but also booze, drugs, pills. Everything except love. Using since you were a child, too young to understand, old enough to know no matter what you did, it would never be what he wanted. Taking drinks of silver platters, mixing whatever you found in the bathroom cabinet, what you found in your brothers pockets, sick as a dog in the morning. He had to know. There were always eyes watching, ears listening, someone to leave clean clothes on your bed when you threw up on yours in the middle of the night or when blood ran from your nose down the front of your shirt. And yet, he never said a thing. He never thought you should see someone, talk it out, get help. The baby of the family. The most expendable. Con was already out by the time you came around, the rest following. An accident, they’d all joked as soon as you were old enough. There was some truth to it, though. A hard truth. Logan ignored Connor, he hit Roman, disregarded Shiv, he thought Ken was incompetent, but you? He loathed you for reasons you’d never get answers to. Too much like your mother, your sister thought. Too much like him, your brother said. Whatever it was, whatever reminder you were, it was enough for him. You weren’t trying to outrun him, his disappointment, his wrath, but rather your own. 
You’d always been an angry kid. Overcome, blinded, by rage. You couldn’t put it into words. You didn’t have the vocabulary. You shattered glasses. Slammed doors. Banged your head against walls. Screamed into pillows until your voice was coarse. When bruises showed, when tabloids dragged your name before you were twelve, you’d receive the only fatherly advice you’d ever get in your life. Summoned to his study, barely taller than the door handle. He didn’t even look up from his papers. When he was done, only two words spoken, the housekeeper led you out. Quiet down. As if you weren’t barely keeping yourself together as it was. You’d kicked a hole through the wall after that, your shoes dusty with plaster. You threw everything in your room like a tornado until, eventually, he took those things away. A bed, a dresser, that was all you were allotted. They tried to help. To understand. To give you advice. What was there to say? How could you defend yourself? He was so much bigger than you, so much more powerful. When your fork ended up in the table, he sent you to your room for days at a time. The door wasn’t locked, but it didn’t need to be. Every so often you could see him, in the crack between the floor, standing there, not saying a word. It wasn’t long after that that you had your first drink. Romans, you think, left unattended. Brown, thick, smelling of gasoline and tasting of fire. It wasn’t a lot, but enough. Enough to settle the fury. Turn the heat down. Take the edge off. Everything clicked. This is what he must have meant. Quiet down. Do what you needed to do without the allegations scorning his name. Do it in secret. 
They didn’t always know when you were drunk, high, both. You weren’t messy, you weren’t about to cause a scene or ruin your fathers reputation. The volume was turned down, that was all. It took them longer than any of them would like to admit to realize that you weren’t okay. That the occasional drink or sip was an everyday occurrence, that those long trips to the bathroom and bloody noses weren’t a coincidence. They had their own lives now, their own affairs. What their baby sibling did was not that the top of their priority list. You didn’t mind. It wasn’t their job to take care of you, it wasn’t your father or mothers, who moved away soon after your anger disappeared, sure you were finally okay. It was your job. Always had been. Now you saw her on holidays if you were lucky, once or twice a year. She thought you’d be better off with him. Leaving a baby in a wolfs den. No wonder you ended up the way you did: a complete disaster. You tried to get sober on you own. Stop cold turkey. That never lasted long. Not that he cared. The first time you overdosed, the second, third, he swept it under the rug. It was easier dealing with you now that you were sedated. A shell. You wouldn’t have gone to rehab if they hadn’t forced you, tricked you with an intervention. Again and again, they did this. For years. When you stayed with your mother, things were more bearable, but she didn’t want a child. She didn’t want to be a mother, so, when she grew tired, she’d ship you off to him again. 
Today, you were clean just over a year. From everything. You didn’t do chips or meetings, that would mean admitting to the public that you had a problem, and that wasn’t something you were allowed to do. This was an internal clock. Every day you wanted to cave in and every day you found a reason not to. Today you didn’t have one. Not a single reason came to mind. Because the man you spent your entire life being afraid of was dead and your family was falling apart at the seams. Con didn’t even know. No one had told him yet. Tom stayed on the phone, but no one was speaking. No one had anything to say.  Kendall never loosened his grip. He never let go. He wouldn’t not for a long time, not until he knew you’d be okay on your own. Too many times he’d failed you as an older brother. Every time he let Logan near you was a failure on his part. He was dead. He couldn’t hurt you anymore, but you could hurt yourself and sometimes that was more dangerous. Of course you’d told him you loved him. Of course you did. Even when you didn’t, even when you couldn’t, you did. He did, for the both of you. He wasn’t a perfect big brother, he wasn’t even a good one, but he could try now. He had to try now. For all the times he hadn’t been there. All those years.
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scotianostra · 6 months ago
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On September 7th 1838 the paddle steamer SS Forfarshire floundered on rocks near the Farne Isles on it's way from Hull to Dundee and a Victorian heroine was “born”
The Forfarshire struck a rock known as the “Great Hercules” and immediately started to sink. Some of the crew abandoned the ship in a lifeboat, not thinking about the passengers and their fate, and they were picked up at North Shields. The rest of the passengers and crew were forced to cling to the wreckage and wait for help. The report from the Berwick Advertiser describes what happened next.....
“This was the situation of the survivors till daylight, when the ebbing of the tide enabled them to quit their lurking places and land on the rock. Here they remained for some time, when their situation was descried by the keeper of the outer lighthouse, whose only companion at this dreary place was his daughter, a girl about 19 years of age. To resist attempting to alleviate distress is with some persons utterly impossible; such seems to be the character of William Darling and his daughter Grace.
“The conduct of these two individuals on this occasion is worthy of the highest praise, and we feel assured will not be allowed to pass unrewarded. Although the sea was raging with a fury which might have daunted even a bold spirit, this man and his brave daughter, disdaining all selfish considerations for their own safety, no sooner perceived the perilous situation in which some of their fellow creatures were placed, than they launched their boat, without hesitation into the foaming element, and pulled vigorously to their relief, a distance of “300 yards; and having returned with them all safe to his dwelling, everything that it afforded was willingly placed at their disposal. Such behaviour affords a pleasing contrast to that displayed by the crew of the vessel, who, had they possessed a spark of that generosity and courage which dictated the conduct of Darling and his daughter, would have lingered about the wreck, and in this way, they might have been instrumental in saving their companions from a watery grave.”
As news of her role in the rescue reached the public, her combination of bravery and simple virtue set her out as exemplary, and led to an uneasy role as the nation's heroine. Subscriptions and donations totalling over £700 were raised for her, including £50 from Queen Victoria; more than a dozen portrait painters sailed to her island home to capture her likeness, and hundreds of gifts, letters, and even marriage proposals were delivered to her.
Sadly Grace Darling died of tuberculosis in October 1842, aged 26. A Monument in St Aidan's churchyard, Bamburgh marks her grave, a very brave young lass and I hope you agree she deserves a mention on a predominantly Scottish page.
The pics include a memorial to her in St Aidan's, Bamburgh, Northumberland, it's near her grave and was deliberatley placed further away so as it is visible to passing sailors.
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blametheeditor · 8 months ago
Day 1 | Mirth
Gt July Prompt List
When stranded on an uncharted underwater planet, alone and surrounded by hostile lifeforms, there are only two possible outcomes: adapt and survive, or die trying.
Spoilers: For the game Subnautica
Content Warnings: Mentions of death and violence. Mentions of drowning and suffocation.
Introducing the Subnautica AU
Fritz finds himself laughing uncontrollably. 
In hindsight, it shouldn’t have been as funny as it was to him. But once he started to laugh, there was no stopping it.
Even though he’s positive he’s the only survivor of the ship that crashed on an undocumented and hostile planet. No hope of being rescued as he fights for his life using technology that might as well be magic to him. Nothing but certain death lying in wait for him at every corner. 
But maybe that’s why he had such a visceral reaction. To something as simple as a fish getting stuck in the rock and exploding out of sheer frustration. 
He hadn’t even been confident on how he should’ve reacted. The teenager thought he was a respectful distance from the sulfur plant inside the tunnel he was just outside of to collect materials. Apparently this particular crashfish didn’t appreciate it and decided to come after him. Seemingly attempted to be stealthy and decided to squeeze through a narrow hole. A move that, if it worked, would’ve left Fritz dazed and bleeding. 
Fortunately for Fritz, it hadn’t worked. Ended up with the territorial fish firmly stuck, unable to swim forward or backward. Went completely still for a full minute as the confused teenager watched before exploding. 
Not because anyone or anything got close enough to trigger the reaction. No, purely out of frustration. Decided that would be the best course of action. 
Fritz had stared for a good minute. Felt a smile tug on his lips when he realized what happened. Couldn’t hold back a small giggle after it bubbled in his throat. Unable to stop as his laughter grew louder, stronger, to the point there were tears in his eyes as he desperately tries to gasp for air. 
"Me too,” Fritz wheezes as he clutches his stomach, his body in pain but unable to stop, part of him not wanting to. “Me too.” 
How ironic the fish that tends to cause him the most grief is the one that makes him laugh for the first time in days. Most likely this will be the only time he finds a reason to, but he’ll take it. Hope that he can be treated to such a sight again in the future. Give him something to look forward to amidst the daunting task of surviving without any promise he’ll ever be rescued.
The flashing from his HUD warning he’s about to run out of oxygen jerks Fritz out of his daze. Takes a long and slow breath as he quickly swims up to the water’s surface. Sends fearful glances below him as his air replenishes. 
The last of his mirth vanishes when his eyes catch a blurry but unmistakenly large figure swimming in the distance. The Aurora stretching into the sky as smoke continues to bellow from the once magnificent ship. The reminder just how insignificant he is on a planet completely submerged in water. 
...if a fish half his size valiantly protects its home despite clearly being outsized and outmatched, then Fritz can too. It’s about time he finally looked at everything the Lifepod can make.
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chapelseed · 2 years ago
@alexoreality @q-ueen-potato
Dumb onset idea: what if Akainu is the bastard son of Xebec, while Dragon was the favorite
Well, one of OP's main aspects is found family, unrelated by blood.
So if Sakazuki was born first, he'd be notably significant as a D.
Except Sakazuki never smiled
Enter Dragon, the second son of Xebec, moody with smiles, and clearly the on daddy has the attention of.
Sakazuki doesn't like that, and after seeing the Rocks crew go at it again and again for petty reasons, it imbibed the mentality of pirates being nothing but scum.
Xebec doesn't even acknowledge Sakazuki's existence. Not even when he stabbed Dragon as a toddler.
This goes on into their adulthood and late teens, where Dragon sets off into the world
But, Sakazuki did something daunting: he informed slavers of Dragon's whereabouts, and was later informed that Dragon was purchased by the Celestial Dragons.
Finally, he proved he was worth notice!
But no, when Xebec learned of Dragon's situation, he enacted his plan to rescue him: an all-out assault on the WG.
Various high-profile targets were destroyed in the rampage, to the point of the God Valley Incident.
Sakazuki hid away on one of the Marine ships under Admiral Zephyr, later to become the Red Dog.
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samobservessonic · 1 year ago
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Last time we left off, the comic had just wrapped up its biggest story arc so far. It’s only fitting that we give Sonic a bit of a break after that, with a standalone story from Kitching & Rodriguez called “The Sentinel”
Now, I feel like this story was reprinted in a later issue that I did read, because I remember the art. I don’t actually remember what happens in it beyond a nagging feeling that it somehow connects to a group of characters we’ll see in future called the Drakon Empire. But I might be misremembering that
For now, we’re introduced to an unknown figure rising out of the waters of the Aquatic Ruins Zone (more Sonic 2 zones from Kitching, we love to see it), which the text box tells us hasn’t been seen on Mobius for thousands of years
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The figure (who we can assume is the titular Sentinel) doesn’t escape the notice of the Kintobor Computer, who passes the information onto Sonic, who decides to check it out. He’ll be doing this alone, as the other Freedom Fighters are all occupied. I like this, because they’re establishing that the group does other work outside of following Sonic. For Tails in particular, we’ll be seeing where he is later in this issue. Hooray for continuity!
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Sonic uses a star post to warp over there and it’s hard to miss the Sentinel, which he confuses for a giant badnik. Given the wide range of badniks we’ve seen in the comic so far, I can’t blame him for coming to that conclusion
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To add to this assumption, Sonic is immediately attacked by badniks, which he observes that Robotnik will station even in zones that he can’t use for his conquest. Given what we see the SEGA Robotnik go on to do, maybe Robotnik just likes to have a hand in any mysterious ruins, in case they turn up any ancient doomsday weapons further down the line
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Sonic makes short work of the badniks and even promises to get all the animal batteries inside them back home once he’s wrapped up here. Once again, StC Sonic might be blunt towards his team, but he really, really cares about looking after the people he’s saving
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But Sonic ends up falling into the water, which is rarely a good thing in the era of the early Sonic games. I included quite a few of these panels above, because I just like how this sequence looks - the scale of the ruins really does give a daunting feeling to how far Sonic’s fallen
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Thankfully, before he can drown, the Sentinel comes to the rescue
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I was actually a bit worried that a large part of this story would get taken up with the misunderstanding of Sonic thinking the Sentinel works for Robotnik, but thankfully this plot thread gets cut short by the Sentinel saying that it’s never heard of Robotnik and Sonic believing this
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The Sentinel names itself and explains that it was left here when its masters left the planet two thousand years ago, leaving the Sentinel trapped in the lake. Now that there’s no one left here to protect, the Sentinel has no further purpose and collapses into pieces back into the lake. Honestly, that’s the kind of relief that I’ll probably feel when I finally finish that other project I’m procrastinating on
Sonic tries to appeal to the Sentinel, since having a giant walking rock statue on their side could really help in the fight against Robotnik, but the Sentinel doesn’t stick around to even hear his words and that’s that On its own, this would probably be a quite underwhelming story, but I have a feeling that Kitching uses it to expand on this lore later, so I’m content to let him cook
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weatherw1tch · 7 months ago
— drucilla’s character info sheet. (or a quick cheatsheet on relevant info regarding dru)
name: drucilla pritchard
name meaning: drucilla means “mighty, strong.”
alias/es: drucilla is an alias, adopted to hide herself from marines. it came from a book she liked as a kid. pritchard came later, to honor the woman that took her in as a teenager.
ethnicity: white (irish)
one picture you like: this in particular because i imagine it as one of her freer, happier moments. in a modern au, it was taken during college.
three hcs you never told anyone:
learned her forgery skills, not from any pirate or wayward character she met on her own, but her parents. her parents were not above forging signatures to keep a roof over their head while on the run. she picked up mimicking voices from people watching, and duplicating art through her natural predilection for painting. in her modern verse, it’s how she’s made extra money.
her first kill was through her devil fruit. ended up with her jaws around their lower torso, savaging the boy. she threw up for an hour afterward due to the taste of blood (and how much she liked it), and with how much she was regarded as a monster, and since then, puts her swordsmanship first and uses her power as backup. it’s worked better this way for the element of surprise.
despite her flighty, self-saving habits, she’s incredibly loyal. she’s someone who can pull stories from even the most curmudgeonly people. will honor debts even if it’s more work on her end. she loves hard after years of being afraid to.
three things your character likes doing in their free time:
art. she’s a painter primarily, but sketches too. she doesn’t have much room to paint while on the sea, but in times when she has a stable place on land, hanging up her own art helps it feel like home. when she paints, she'll get it in her hair and on her clothes. many times, she leaves the splotches, liking the way it looks.
rock climbing. she’s always been fond of being out in nature, but after ten years of climbing ropes aboard pirate ships, she’s come to enjoy the familiarity and feel of being able to pull herself out of anything.
thrifting/antique shopping. she’s a great haggler with a good eye for special finds, but she also takes great appreciation in the history and make of items.
three four people your character loves (or important people mentioned in her canon):
iona pritchard. adoptive mother of sorts, village fortune teller that would never tell her if her powers were real or not. drucilla regrets keeping up a misguided wall between them, in holding tight to the memory of her birth parents. she took iona’s last name after her death.
isabela rivaini. captain and greatest friend. when drucilla found herself alone again and struggling, she met isabela and, after swapping similar stories, joined her crew. isabela taught her how to wield a sword, how to fight, how to sail. in return, drucilla gave her her utmost loyalty and use of her devil fruit powers.
dracule mihawk. this can be switched out if she ever interacts with another mihawk, but as i’ve used mine to flesh out her character, he’s become quite important to her story. he does her the greatest favor of aiding her in rescuing isabela, which cements her loyalty and affection, and in doing so, they find a kindred soul in each other. he calls out her bullshit, and she never lets his attitude daunt her.
rob lucci. this can be switched out if she ever interacts with another lucci, but as i've used mine to flesh out her character, he's become important to her story. they were childhood friends, both being orphans, before he was taken to guanhao. the loss hurt her deeply, until many years later when they reunited on opposite sides of the government / pirate divide.
two things your character regrets:
packing up and leaving after a fight with iona without letting her or the friends drucilla had made know. when drucilla came back to the village later, iona had died, and she was too guilt-ridden to check in with anyone else.
looking the other way when others were in life or death moments because she was more focused on saving her own skin.
two phobias your character has:
thunderstorms make her uneasy because she nearly drowned during one. she’s had a few close calls, but this one in particular was by far the closest. she felt her body start to shut down as she watched her crew get pulled under the water too.
the conflicting ideas that there’s either nothing after death or instead of heaven waiting for her, it’ll be hell, for all the horrible things she’s done.
extra headcanons:
can sing very well. in her band au with @a11sunday, she's a singer-songwriter tired of writing for other people who strikes out on her own at open mic nights.
knowledgeable about plants and flowers to an unexpected degree that comes from the brief period she was on her own. she usually has flower detailing on her clothes that she sews herself.
her first wanted poster doesn’t show all of her face, instead showing only her scarred eye and lower ¼th of her face peeking out from under the brim of her hat, like this. her updated poster after marineford shows the entirety of her face.
while she’s the type to be slow to rise in argument, usually having not necessarily a good head, but can pick and choose when she lets go of her anger, she has been banned from at least two bars across the four quadrants for threatening to bite someone and making good on it once.
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kylowritten · 2 years ago
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If the Slipper Fits
Pairing: Kylo Ren x ForceSensitive!Reader
Summary: Nobody wants to be the woman whose foot fits that slipper.
Warnings: Mentions of being abandoned, mentions of death
Word Count: 3k
A/N: At the bottom. Don’t read first unless you want spoilers.
Part Five
“You’re a terrible actress.”
The voice stirs you from your thoughts. You lock eyes with Rey, the hint of a smile on her lips.
“I’m not acting,” you say.
You weren’t trying to be deceptive by closing your eyes, if anything it was to avoid staring at your two sleeping companions.
“Well, you’re certainly not asleep,” she remarks. “Why don’t you come up here? I could use the company.”
Awkwardly, you untangle yourself from your position besides Finn and climb to the front of the ship. Rey has one knee folded and resting against the wheel, not at all daunted by the ever expanding universe beyond her.
“I was like you, you know,” she says.
“Like me?”
Her gaze turns towards the windows, stars streaking past. “One of the brides.”
“You were?” You straighten in your seat, both confused and somewhat delighted all at once. “What? How? I thought —”
“I know,” Rey cuts in with a grin. “I thought they were all killed too.”
You fall back in your seat, properly stunned
“What happens then? These women…you, they’re never seen again.”
“Well, that’s partially true. We don’t go back to the districts. After the ceremony, if we don’t have whatever he’s looking for — stars if I know — he releases us at the edge of the Wilds.”
The Winter Wilds lurk outside the border of the kingdom. Your district lays hundreds of miles from it, so you’ve never seen it in person. Supposedly, it’s a large, icy wasteland that separates your kingdom from the next, flush with viscous animals and plant life.
You frown. “He left you there?”
“He said it was best for me to never return,” Rey replies wearily.
“What did you do?” You ask, enraptured by this new development. Kylo didn’t kill the brides?
“I was relieved, at first,” she says with a laugh. “I thought it was a small mercy that he didn’t strike me down. The marriage didn’t count anymore, is what he told me, and that I was free and I should get out as soon as I can.
“My plan was to make it across the Wilds and to Renrek. But I quickly discovered how stupid of an idea that was. The Wilds is a terrible place. Luckily, I was only on my own for a few hours before they found me.”
“Who?” Your brows knit together. “The rebels?”
Rey nods. “They rescue every woman they can find that he leaves there. We either offer them a place in the resistance or someplace safe to go. It took awhile to put a system in place, but now we know when to expect the next one.”
You’re not sure how to process this information.
“I just don’t get it. Why does he leave you…us…at the edge? Why not just kill us?”
“I’ve asked myself that a lot,” Rey confesses. “I don’t know if we’ll ever know for sure.”
You were never in mortal peril, although he lead you to believe that was the case. Why? You couldn’t wrap your head around it. Leaving the brides at the edge of the Wilds wasn’t exactly noble, but it gave them a shot at survival.
“Does he know what they do?” You ask. “Kylo?”
“It’s hard to tell. He just keeps doing it. Leia says that he didn’t always use to be malicious, so maybe he’s grateful in some aspect.”
Rey smiles, this time ruefully. “Well, he’s not exactly saving us, but it’s no longer up to him to decide if we live or die. Kind of like he can wash his hands of us.”
This troubled you, but it made sense.
“Better wake up the boys,” Rey says suddenly. She shifts from her relaxed position to one of alertness. “We’re almost there.”
You’re not sure what to expect from the rebel base. The ship dips as it lowers, bringing you eye level with your mountainous surroundings. At night, you don’t know how Rey can navigate the ship throughout the staggering valley of rock cliffs, but she executes it flawlessly.
Breath catching in your throat, you watch as Rey takes a final turn and barrels the ship directly into the mountainside — and through it. A cleverly disguised holoscreen.
Blinking, you gradually adjust to the darkness inside of the mountain. The ship lands with a metallic thud, signaling to a handful of workers to appear and get the ship stable. Poe laughs as he catches you still death-gripping your seat.
“Freaky, right? It takes some getting used to.” He keeps talking as the four of you exit the ship. “It’s an elaborate cave system. Right now we’re at the mouth of it, but it snakes it’s way throughout almost the whole mountain. It’s disorienting at first, but you’ll get the hang of it.”
“Don’t go off by yourself, though,” Rey adds.
“We’re the latest tenants in the tunnels,” Poe explains with a cringe. “There used to be these things we call stonebadgers. We think they’re the ones who made the tunnels, and they aren’t super happy about being evicted.”
“Noted,” you say. As you venture further into the system of tunnels, it frightens you to think about what could’ve possibly made them.
The four of you can walk comfortably side by side, along with passing room. It appears to you that you were walking the main tunnel, which eventually branched into several others. Smaller caves were scattered throughout, peering in, you saw an array of different purposes — one cave was used as an infirmary, another a mess hall of sorts. You finally happen upon a tunnel that splits off from the rest, a dark blue curtain obscuring whatever lays behind it.
Finn pulls the curtain back. “After you.”
Not unlike the rest of the system, the curtain hides another rounded out room. This one was crammed with people, however, and shelves and displays of technology lined the walls. A steady hum of chatter greets your ears.
“This way,” Finn says.
To the side, a long table rests. Standing at the head of it, her back turned to you, was Leia.
Despite not being able to see her face, the former queen isn’t hard to place. She holds herself with the importance and self-assured qualities of royalty. As she turns, though, her face shows nothing but compassion, leading you to search for any traces of Kylo. It proves difficult to reconcile that the man you met, armored and barbed with anger, could be related to this woman.
“Oh, I’m so grateful to see that you’re okay,” she says, addressing your companions. Her brown eyes flicker to you. “And you must be our latest addition.”
Your cheeks burn slightly. “I suppose I am.”
“We appreciate your help in our endeavors,” Leia says. She looks to Finn, who hands her the tome.
“What is it?” You ask. Realizing the bluntness of your question, you rephrase. “I mean, I’m not sure how it’s going to help.”
Leia nods. “Follow me.”
You crowd around a more discreet section of the room. Laying the tome down on the table, she begins flipping through the pages. After a moment of fervent page turning, she finally finds what she’s looking for.
“This. Here.” Leia taps the page with her index finger. “It’s confirmation, more than anything. This is how we’re going to get our kingdom, and my son back.”
You peer at the page. The writing is almost ineligible.
“How?” Rey asks.
Leia’s eyes darken significantly. “Palpatine has a hold on Ben. If I’m correct, he’s been invading his mind and manipulating him since he was a child. It’s an ancient dark magic. I…I believe that Ben was so young, so vulnerable, it made it quite easy for Palpatine to do.” She pauses, her throat bobbing with suppressed emotion. “I should’ve done something. I didn’t know…all I can do now is get him back. And our kingdom.”
Finn, Poe, and Rey are obviously uncomfortable with Leia’s emotional confession. You jump to fill the awkward silence.
“I met Lyssa. She told me about the prophecy. Could it involve that?”
“Possibly. There were rumors of it, after he was born, that Ben would have unfathomable powers, fully unleashed once he met someone of equal strength. I wasn’t sure if I ever believed it. It’s hard to look at your small child and think that they could ever be capable of such things.” Leia shakes her head. “Although, if it’s true, it makes sense that Palpatine would want control of him. He would have the most powerful Force user in the kingdom under his influence.”
With your present company, you didn’t want to divulge just how true the prophecy was. You were having trouble coming to terms with it yourself. How else could you describe the tether that formed between you and Kylo?
Leia clears her throat. “Go rest, you three. You’ve done good. I would like to talk to our new arrival alone.”
Rey pats your arm as she leaves. Finn and Poe follow her, their heads ducked in conversation. You swing your gaze back to Leia to find her already staring at you, studying you.
“I could sense that you wanted to talk alone,” she remarks. She smiles, and the maternal nature of it makes your stomach twist. “You can trust me.”
Slowly, you tell her everything you know — the bond snapping into place, the possibility of your ability to control magic, Kylo’s proposal to teach you. To have you rule with him.
She listens very carefully the whole time, without disrupting you once. When you finish, she takes a moment before replying.
“Perhaps the prophecy is true after all,” she mumbles.
You blink in rapid succession. Hearing the confirmation of your suspicions is both rewarding and daunting.
“Your Highness?”
“You know my intentions,” Leia says. “I want to save my kingdom from Palpatine’s cruelty, and hopefully my son in the process. I knew I needed someone who could counter the damage that Palpatine had done.”
“You think I can?”
“I do. Walk with me.” Leia crosses the busy room and back into the tunnels. Her explanation is interrupted ever so often as she says hello to rebels going by. “You see, Ben feels that he can no longer trust anyone but Palpatine, who has been whispering in his ear the possibliltiies the prophecy poses. Now that I know that it holds some truth, it leads me to believe we have a chance at getting him back. You have a connection with him — you can corrode the dark magic that Palpatine has inflicted.”
“But how?” It doesn’t seem entirely possible to you that you could ever do such a thing. “I don’t even know if I actually have magic.”
Leia’s voice contains a heightened level of enthusiasm. “You must, or else the bond never would’ve happened. The Force is special in that aspect, a dyad can only be created between two individuals with equal power. I’m afraid Ben was right when he said you just haven’t had adequate training.”
She takes a deep breath, then stops so that you’re face to face.
“I want you to go back to him.”
“What?” A surge of disbelief overcomes you. “I just escaped! I can’t go back.”
She grimaces slightly. “I know it’s a lot to ask, but I wouldn’t if I didn’t think it was absolutely necessary. You’re the only one Ben will let close enough to try and reverse the dark magic.”
“Even if I can, I don’t know how,” you protest.
“That’s okay,” she says, quick to reassure you. “For the foreseeable future, my brother Luke can provide you with supplemental lessons to whatever Ben teaches you. Like can help you learn about the dark magic in order to destroy it.”
Your knees suddenly feel as if they might give out. “I don’t know.”
“Just…just think about it.” Leia squeezes your shoulder. “This could be our kingdom’s only hope for redemption.”
With those — not at all burdensome — parting words, she leaves you standing in the middle of a tunnel, dumbstruck. From the next room, you hear her firing out instructions to rebels, resuming her duties as general after presenting her plan to you. A mixture of dread and trepidation consumes you, and you blindly stumble back from where you came. Only, you haven’t at all mastered the system of tunnels, and end up happening upon a large room.
Wafting with steam, a hot spring resides in the center. Humidity presses against your skin. As you try to remove your shoes, thinking that a quick dip would feel lovely, you realize that you’re still wearing your dress from the ball. It’s muddied, torn from your excursions through the servants hallway, the forest, and now the tunnels.
You abandon all dignity. Shimmying out of the dress, you walk in your underclothes to the hot springs and sit down at the edge. You look down at your hand, resting on your palm is Kylo’s ring. When you exited the ship, you snuck it into your bodice, and had been careful not to lose it as you shed your clothes.
Could you really do everything Leia wanted?
She said you were the only one who could possibly save him from the dark magic invading his mind. The thought of someone slipping into your conscious chilled you despite the warmth coming from the hot spring. You flicked your toes in the water. How could you save him? You didn’t even know if you had magic, much less use it.
And lessons with Prince Luke? The brother of the queen had more or less become a myth, never to be seen besides the occasional adventurer claiming to have caught a glimpse.
Despite the magical component of it all, you weren’t sure you could get close to Kylo. You discount your initial, primal reaction to him — that was a fluke, something inside you unbidden. How would you gain his trust? It wouldn’t be easy, especially after you just fled his a palace along with the rebels who attacked it.
You doubted you had much time before Leia came to you with an answer.
The spring bubbles and gurgles from its source, a sheet of water rushing over a flat, horizontal piece of rock and splashing into the basin.
You knew the pain of losing a mother, and you had witnessed the grief in Leia’s eyes when she spoke about losing Ben.
How could you deny her the chance to reunite with her son?
You weren’t sure you could.
Then, a movement, deep within you, like a snake slipping through the grass. Him.
Should I be flattered you’re thinking of me while wearing such little clothing?
A/N: Comment how you feel about this chapter! What do you think about Kylo not actually killing the brides? And are we due for some smut next time?👀
Also, I’m dying to make a playlist for this story and I would love some new songs to inspire me. Drop some ideas!
Part Six
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mov1ngparts · 1 year ago
— drucilla’s character info sheet. (or a quick cheatsheet on relevant info regarding dru)
name: drucilla pritchard
name meaning: drucilla means “mighty, strong.”
alias/es: drucilla is an alias, adopted to hide herself from marines. it came from a book she liked as a kid. pritchard came later, to honor the woman that took her in as a teenager.
ethnicity: white (irish)
one picture you like: this in particular because i imagine it as one of her freer, happier moments. in a modern au, it was taken during college.
three hcs you never told anyone:
she’s skilled in forgery, whether it’s forging signatures or creating copies of famous art. in her modern verse, it’s how she’s made extra money.
her first kill was through her devil fruit. ended up with her jaws around their throat. she threw up for an hour afterward due to the taste of blood, and since then, puts her swordsmanship first and uses her power as backup. it’s worked better this way for the element of surprise.
despite her flighty, self-saving habits, she’s incredibly loyal. she’s someone who can pull stories from even the most curmudgeonly people. will honor debts even if it’s more work on her end. she loves hard after years of being afraid to.
three things your character likes doing in their free time:
art. she’s a painter primarily, but sketches too. she doesn’t have much room to paint while on the sea, but in times when she has a stable place on land, hanging up her own art helps it feel like home.
rock climbing. she’s always been fond of being out in nature, but after ten years of climbing ropes aboard pirate ships, she’s come to enjoy the familiarity and feel of being able to pull herself out of anything.
thrifting/antique shopping. she’s a great haggler with a good eye for special finds, but she also takes great appreciation in the history and make of items.
three people your character loves (or important people mentioned in her canon):
iona pritchard. adoptive mother of sorts, village fortune teller that would never tell her if her powers were real or not. drucilla regrets keeping up a misguided wall between them, in holding tight to the memory of her birth parents. she took iona’s last name after her death.
isabela rivaini. captain and greatest friend. when drucilla found herself alone again and struggling, she met isabela and, after swapping similar stories, joined her crew. isabela taught her how to wield a sword, how to fight, how to sail. in return, drucilla gave her her utmost loyalty and use of her devil fruit powers.
dracule mihawk. this can be switched out if she ever interacts with another mihawk, but as i’ve used mine to flesh out her character, he’s become quite important to her story. he does her the greatest favor of aiding her in rescuing isabela, which cements her loyalty and affection, and in doing so, they find a kindred soul in each other. he calls out her bullshit, and she never lets his attitude daunt her.
two things your character regrets:
packing up and leaving after a fight with iona without letting her or the friends drucilla had made know. when drucilla came back to the village later, iona had died, and she was too guilt-ridden to check in with anyone else.
looking the other way with some things because she was more focused on saving her own skin.
two phobias your character has:
thunderstorms make her uneasy because she nearly drowned during one. she’s had a few close calls, but this one in particular was by far the closest. she felt her body start to shut down as she watched her crew get pulled under the water too.
the conflicting ideas that there’s either nothing after death or instead of heaven waiting for her, it’ll be hell, for all the horrible things she’s done.
extra headcanons:
she can dance, but she can't sing. singing is relegating to humming while working or while drunk.
knowledgeable about plants and flowers to an unexpected degree that comes from the brief period she was on her own. she usually has flower detailing on her clothes that she sews herself.
her first wanted poster doesn’t show all of her face, instead showing only her scarred eye and lower 1/4th of her face peeking out from under the brim of her hat, like this. her updated poster after marineford shows the entirety of her face.
while she's the type to be slow to rise in argument, usually having not necessarily a good head, but can pick and choose when she lets go of her anger, she has been banned from at least two bars across the four quadrants for threatening to bite someone and making good on it once.
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writermuses · 1 year ago
closed starter for @xwhiskeymuses based on #16 - A kiss in the rain for the kissing prompt meme
The call came in at the end of his shift, a hiker hadn't called her family to let them know she'd made it back to her car. It was smart to let people know when and where to expect you, but Volero also thought it was stupid to hike alone. Worse still, Volo could feel the ache in his knees that a storm was brewing. Any hope of Anakin seeking the hiker out would be short lived. Pinging back on the walkie to verify where she'd parked, he called back, "I'll go over with Ani and we'll move up to Glacier Gorge and back down." Time was of the essence and he and his search and rescue dog were on a timer now. With his pack clipped around his chest and his boots laced tight, they got to work.
As the minutes turned to hours and the dark gray clouds ate away at what should have been the last bit of daylight, the other rangers and a search and rescue team repeatedly checked in, clearing out Rocky Mountain National Park trail by trail working from those at the place she parked and outward. When the rain started all he could do was curse and keep moving. "Chaos checking in, no sign, going to keep searching." They tried to argue on the other end, hold the search until the rain stopped, but he was confident in his training as a soldier and in Ani, so he ignored them and kept moving.
The rain didn't relent and mud clung to him, coating his pants up to his knees after he'd bent down to pull out his headlamp and flashlight. The temperature was dropping the longer it rained, but he kept moving along the path, slow and scanning for anything out of place. It was Anakin that saw the gap where rocks had seemingly slipped over the edge of the trail. Looking over, he saw her clinging to a small ledge a few feet down, too far to reach for her and on a ledge too small for the both of them. Calling out her name twice, he was relieved to find her conscious and that she wasn't hurt too badly to follow instructions. "I've got you, I'm going to throw down a rope with a loop, you're going to put around you so I can pull you up."
"Chaos checking in, found her and she's in a harness for me to pull up. Pinging my location for exfil." Wasting no more time, he began the daunting task of rescuing her alone, pulling in a steady but adrenaline laced cadence. When she was arms length he pulled her, falling back with the woman on his chest as the rain poured over them. Maybe it was adrenaline but as they laid there breathing heavily and staring into each other's eyes, something just snapped and their mouths came together in a heated kiss, tongues tangled until they both came up for air. He carefully rolled her over and sat next to her, hanging his head. "We probably shouldn't do that again. You okay? Where are you hurt? How'd you get down there?"
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fordecree7 · 3 months ago
Isaiah 31
Woe to Those Who Go Down to Egypt
31 Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help     and rely on horses, who trust in chariots because they are many     and in horsemen because they are very strong, but do not look to the Holy One of Israel     or consult the Lord! 2 And yet he is wise and brings disaster;     he does not call back his words, but will arise against the house of the evildoers     and against the helpers of those who work iniquity. 3 The Egyptians are man, and not God,     and their horses are flesh, and not spirit. When the Lord stretches out his hand,     the helper will stumble, and he who is helped will fall,     and they will all perish together.
4 For thus the Lord said to me, “As a lion or a young lion growls over his prey,     and when a band of shepherds is called out against him he is not terrified by their shouting     or daunted at their noise, so the Lord of hosts will come down     to fight on Mount Zion and on its hill. 5 Like birds hovering, so the Lord of hosts     will protect Jerusalem; he will protect and deliver it;     he will spare and rescue it.”
6 Turn to him from whom people have deeply revolted, O children of Israel. 7 For in that day everyone shall cast away his idols of silver and his idols of gold, which your hands have sinfully made for you.
8 “And the Assyrian shall fall by a sword, not of man;     and a sword, not of man, shall devour him; and he shall flee from the sword,     and his young men shall be put to forced labor. 9 His rock shall pass away in terror,     and his officers desert the standard in panic,” declares the Lord, whose fire is in Zion,     and whose furnace is in Jerusalem.
Isaiah 31 Diane Beauford
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soap-opera-daily · 11 months ago
The Young and The Restless Spoilers: Kyle and Nikki's Bold Strategy Rocks Genoa City
he Kidnapping Drama Unfolds: Once a seemingly perfect couple, Summer and Kyle find themselves entangled in relationship woes. Matters worsen when Claire, previously Jordan's accomplice, becomes a victim of his latest criminal act – kidnapping Harrison and Claire from the secure Abbott Mansion.
Kyle's Heroic Rescue Mission
With Jordan's demands escalating, Kyle faces the daunting task of rescuing his son. Despite doubts about Jordan's trustworthiness, Kyle must take action to ensure Harrison's safety. Nikki, skeptical of Jordan's intentions, joins forces with Kyle in a bid to save Claire and Harrison from Jordan's clutches.
Sparks Fly in the Aftermath
As Kyle and his allies execute the rescue plan, the aftermath holds potential for unexpected developments. Could Claire see Kyle as her hero, igniting a romantic spark between them? The possibility of a Kyle-Claire pairing adds a twist to their journey, leaving fans eager for what's to come on The Young and The Restless. Share your thoughts on this potential pairing and stay tuned to Soap Opera Daily for more spoilers.
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spandexcostume · 1 year ago
Affordable High-Waisted Leggings: Top 10 Picks Under $50 for Style & Comfort
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Are you uninterested in spending a fortune on high-waisted leggings that promise type and luxury, solely to be dissatisfied? Well, now we have simply the answer for you! In this text, now we have rounded up the highest 10 picks for reasonably priced high-waisted leggings, all priced below $50. These leggings are usually not solely budget-friendly but additionally supply the right mixture of favor and luxury, making them essential in your wardrobe. Let's face it – discovering the right pair of leggings could be a daunting process. With so many choices out there out there, it is easy to turn out to be overwhelmed and find yourself with leggings which can be both too costly or uncomfortable. That's the place reasonably priced high-waisted leggings come to the rescue! These leggings are designed to offer you one of the best of each worlds – type and luxury, with out breaking the financial institution. They are created from high-quality supplies that supply a flattering match, supplying you with the arrogance to rock any outfit. Whether you are hitting the gymnasium, working errands, or lounging round at residence, these reasonably priced high-waisted leggings are excellent for any event. Say goodbye to spending a fortune on leggings that do not ship, and say hiya to reasonably priced choices that may maintain you feeling and looking nice.
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Recommended Affordable high-waisted leggings
Pros of Affordable High-Waisted LeggingsComfortable FitThe high-waisted design offers a comfortable match that stays in place throughout actions, guaranteeing most consolation for the person.Affordable PriceThese leggings are budget-friendly, permitting people to get pleasure from the advantages of high-waisted leggings with out breaking the financial institution.Versatile StyleThe reasonably priced high-waisted leggings are available in a wide range of colours and patterns, providing choices that cater to totally different trend tastes.Durable MaterialDespite the reasonably priced worth, these leggings are created from high-quality supplies that guarantee sturdiness and long-lasting put on. Cons of Affordable High-Waisted LeggingsLimited Size RangeThe reasonably priced high-waisted leggings is probably not out there in a variety of sizes, making it difficult for people with non-standard physique varieties to discover a correct match.Less CompressionCompared to higher-end manufacturers, these leggings might supply much less compression, which may impression the help supplied throughout intense exercises.Limited FeaturesAffordable high-waisted leggings might lack sure options like moisture-wicking know-how or specialised materials present in pricier choices.Average StitchingWhile sturdy, the stitching on these leggings is probably not as exact or bolstered as these in higher-end counterparts, doubtlessly affecting their longevity. Impact on User Experience: The reasonably priced high-waisted leggings supply a number of benefits, together with a cushty match that enhances the person expertise throughout numerous actions. The reasonably priced worth makes them accessible to a broader vary of people, permitting extra folks to get pleasure from the advantages of high-waisted leggings. Additionally, the versatile type choices cater to totally different trend preferences, offering customers with the chance to specific themselves. The sturdiness of the supplies ensures that the leggings face up to common put on and tear, guaranteeing an extended lifespan. However, there are some cons to think about. The restricted dimension vary might limit sure people from discovering their best match, doubtlessly impacting their consolation and satisfaction. The decrease compression provided by these leggings in comparison with higher-end manufacturers might end in much less help throughout intense exercises. Additionally, the restricted options of reasonably priced high-waisted leggings, such because the absence of moisture-wicking know-how, might have an effect on their suitability for particular actions or environments. Finally, the common stitching high quality may end in shorter sturdiness in comparison with pricier choices. It's necessary to weigh these execs and cons when contemplating the person expertise of reasonably priced high-waisted leggings. While reasonably priced choices present consolation, budget-friendliness, and flexibility, potential drawbacks like restricted choices and options must be thought-about primarily based on particular person wants and preferences.
Top 10 rated Affordable high-waisted leggings
Factors to Consider
Size and Fit When shopping for reasonably priced high-waisted leggings, it's important to think about the scale and match. Look for leggings that supply a variety of sizes and measurements to make sure a cushty and flattering match. Check the scale chart supplied by the producer and examine it to your individual measurements. Keep in thoughts that leggings created from stretchy cloth will typically have a extra forgiving match. Fabric Quality The high quality of the material is one other essential issue to think about when buying reasonably priced high-waisted leggings. Look for leggings which can be created from a sturdy and stretchy materials corresponding to nylon, polyester, or a mix of those materials. Avoid leggings that really feel skinny or see-through, as they is probably not long-lasting or supply ample protection. Invest in leggings which can be designed to resist common put on and washing with out dropping their form or colour. Comfort and Breathability It is necessary to prioritize consolation when choosing high-waisted leggings. Look for leggings with a large and elastic waistband that sits securely in your pure waist with out digging in. Consider whether or not you favor leggings with a compression match or a looser, extra relaxed match primarily based in your particular person preferences and meant use. Additionally, decide for leggings with moisture-wicking properties to maintain you dry and funky throughout exercises or on a regular basis put on. Design and Style While affordability is vital, that does not imply you must compromise on type. Consider the design and colour choices out there when choosing your high-waisted leggings. Choose from a wide range of patterns, prints, or stable colours that fit your private style and magnificence. Look for leggings with minimal or no seen seams for a glossy and flattering silhouette. Additionally, contemplate whether or not you favor leggings with pockets for added comfort. Price and Value When looking out for reasonably priced high-waisted leggings, it's essential to think about the worth in relation to the worth you'll obtain. Compare costs between totally different manufacturers and retailers to make sure you are getting a superb deal. Take under consideration the standard of the material, sturdiness, and any further options provided. Remember that high quality leggings will last more and supply higher worth for your cash in the long term.
Tips for an Informed Purchase Decision
Read Customer Reviews Before making a purchase order, take the time to learn buyer opinions. Look for suggestions on the match, sturdiness, and total high quality of the leggings you might be contemplating. Pay consideration to opinions from clients with related physique varieties to get a greater thought of how the leggings might suit you. Check the Return Policy Make positive to verify the return coverage of the retailer or model earlier than shopping for reasonably priced high-waisted leggings. This will provide you with peace of thoughts in case the leggings don't meet your expectations or if you could trade for a distinct dimension or type. Consider Your Intended Use Think about how you propose to make use of the leggings. Are you going to put on them for exercises or as on a regular basis informal put on? This will provide help to decide the extent of help, breathability, and suppleness you want from the leggings. Choose accordingly to make sure your leggings fit your life-style and actions. Compare Prices Take the time to check costs between totally different manufacturers and retailers. Look for gross sales, reductions, or particular affords which may be out there. Keep in thoughts that the most cost effective choice might not all the time be one of the best by way of high quality and sturdiness, so weigh the worth towards the options and advantages provided by every pair of leggings. Consider Sustainability If sustainability is necessary to you, look for reasonably priced high-waisted leggings created from eco-friendly supplies or produced in a socially accountable method. Many manufacturers now supply leggings created from recycled supplies or have sustainable manufacturing practices. Supporting these manufacturers can align together with your values and contribute to a extra sustainable trend business. Remember, discovering reasonably priced high-waisted leggings that meet your wants and preferences is feasible with cautious consideration and analysis. Take the time to guage totally different choices primarily based on elements like dimension and match, cloth high quality, consolation and breathability, design and magnificence, in addition to worth and worth. By following the following pointers and contemplating your individual private preferences, you may make an knowledgeable buy choice and discover the right reasonably priced high-waisted leggings for you.
Best alternative for Affordable high-waisted leggings in 2024
How to Find and Choose the Right Affordable High-Waisted Leggings on Amazon
1. Read Reviews: One of crucial issues to do when wanting for reasonably priced high-waisted leggings on Amazon is to learn opinions from different clients. This will provide you with perception into the general high quality, match, and sturdiness of the leggings. Look for leggings with optimistic opinions and a excessive common ranking. 2. Check the Size Chart: Leggings can differ in sizing, so it is important to verify the scale chart supplied by the vendor. This will provide help to decide the right dimension to order and guarantee a correct match. Measure your waist and hips and examine them to the scale chart to seek out one of the best dimension for you. 3. Material: Pay consideration to the fabric composition of the leggings. Look for a mix that features a excessive share of polyester, nylon, or spandex. These supplies present stretch, consolation, and sturdiness. Avoid leggings with a excessive share of cotton as they is probably not as stretchy or sturdy. 4. Compression: If you are wanting for leggings that present some degree of compression or shaping, verify the product description for particulars on the extent of compression supplied. Leggings with increased compression may help easy and form your legs and waist, giving a extra flattering look. 5. High-Waisted Design: Look for leggings particularly labeled as "high-waisted" to make sure they'll sit above your stomach button, offering ample protection and help. This type is just not solely fashionable but additionally helps to flatter the waistline and maintain the leggings in place throughout exercises or day by day actions. 6. Price: Set a finances for your self and look for reasonably priced choices inside that vary. While pricing can differ, you'll be able to usually discover high-quality, reasonably priced leggings on Amazon. Don't be afraid to check costs, but additionally contemplate the general worth and high quality of the product. Common Issues and Solutions: 1. Sheerness: Some cheaper leggings could also be sheer or clear, particularly when stretched. To keep away from this challenge, look for leggings with a better share of nylon or spandex, as these supplies have a tendency to supply higher opacity and protection. Additionally, studying opinions from different clients can present insights into whether or not the leggings are see-through or not. 2. Pilling and Fading: Cheaper leggings could also be extra vulnerable to pilling or fading after frequent use and washes. To decrease these points, decide for leggings with bolstered stitching and a better share of polyester, as this tends to be extra sturdy. Follow the care directions supplied by the vendor to take care of the leggings' high quality. 3. Waistband Rolling Down: One widespread challenge with leggings is the waistband rolling down throughout actions. Look for leggings with a large and elasticized waistband particularly designed to remain in place. Reading opinions may offer you a way of whether or not clients have skilled this challenge with the actual leggings you are considering.
Cheapest options for Affordable high-waisted leggings
What are the advantages of carrying high-waisted leggings? High-waisted leggings supply a number of advantages in comparison with common leggings. They present higher protection and help for the midsection, making a slimming impact. The excessive waistband additionally helps to stop the leggings from sliding down throughout bodily actions, guaranteeing a cushty match. Additionally, high-waisted leggings may be flattering by emphasizing the pure curves of the physique. Are reasonably priced high-waisted leggings of excellent high quality? Affordable high-waisted leggings can certainly supply good high quality. While the worth could also be decrease in comparison with high-end manufacturers, many reasonably priced choices are created from sturdy and stretchy supplies that present wonderful consolation and longevity. It is necessary to learn product opinions, verify the material composition, and select dependable manufacturers to make sure you are getting the highest quality for your cash. Are high-waisted leggings appropriate for totally different physique varieties? High-waisted leggings are designed to be versatile and appropriate for numerous physique varieties. The excessive waistband helps to create a easy silhouette and may present further help to people with totally different sizes and styles. Whether you've gotten a curvy determine or a straight physique sort, there are high-waisted leggings out there in numerous sizes and types to suit and flatter your distinctive form. Can I train and interact in high-intensity exercises with high-waisted leggings? Read the full article
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ainews · 1 year ago
A new protective helmet design has emerged in recent years, carrying the daunting name of an “impaler” helmet. The intimidating look of this headgear is no coincidence — it was designed to keep you safe in a variety of hazardous conditions, from dirt biking to rock climbing.
The main feature of these helmets is their iconic spiky surface, which serves an practical purpose in deterring and deflecting debris from striking the wearer. When such debris is launched at high speed, it can cause serious damage. That’s why any individual engaging in extreme sports would benefit from using an impaler helmet to guard themselves from harm.
The material used to create these helmets is incredibly strong and durable. Often made from specialized reinforced plastic or steel, the spiky surface is not only beautiful in its own right, but is designed to remain secure and resist damage under heavy contact.
This new design has proven to be extremely popular for athletes who require a high degree of safety protection. It is also useful for activities such as motorcycling, horse riding, rescue operations, and even some industries require that employees use such a helmet.
In the industries where helmets are required, most of them have a spiky surface. In the case of rescue operations, the spikes of an impaler helmet can be used to provide a better grip when climbing or pulling someone out from a difficult and hazardous environment. All in all, this headgear is clearly suitable for a broad range of activities, offering the ultimate head protection with a unique appeal.
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chaps-pa1 · 1 year ago
Elevate Your Party with Professional Sound: Pa Sound System and Party Equipment Hire
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When it comes to throwing an unforgettable party or event in London or Surrey, having the right party equipment is essential. One of the most critical aspects of any gathering, whether it's a birthday bash, a corporate event, a wedding, or a music concert, is the audio setup. A high-quality PA sound system can make all the difference in creating a memorable experience for your guests. If you're in need of top-notch party equipment hire in London or Surrey, you've come to the right place.
Pa sound system
London and Surrey are known for their vibrant and diverse event scenes, and making sure you have the right tools to ensure your event stands out is crucial. This is where PA sound system and speaker hire services come into play.
When it comes to organizing an event, the right sound system is non-negotiable. A PA (Public Address) sound system is designed to project sound clearly and efficiently to a large audience. Whether you're hosting an indoor gathering or an outdoor festival, a PA sound system will ensure that your message or music reaches every corner of the venue.
Party equipment hire London
In London and Surrey, there are several reputable companies that offer PA sound system hire services. These companies provide a range of audio equipment options, from compact setups suitable for intimate gatherings to powerful systems capable of handling large-scale events.
Having a professional PA sound system at your disposal means that your event will have crystal-clear sound quality. You won't have to worry about guests struggling to hear the speeches, music, or announcements. Plus, it enhances the overall atmosphere and entertainment value of your event.
Pa hire surrey
London, being a cultural and entertainment hub, hosts a myriad of events, ranging from elegant soirées to rocking parties. To meet the diverse needs of event planners, there is a plethora of party equipment hire services available in the city.
From lighting and décor to seating and dance floors, London offers an array of options to make your event a success. Whether you're organizing a wedding, a corporate event, a birthday party, or any other special occasion, you can find all the equipment you need to create the perfect ambiance.
Speaker Hire Surrey
Surrey, with its picturesque landscapes and quaint venues, is a popular choice for weddings, garden parties, and other outdoor events. However, the challenge of ensuring that your guests can hear the speeches, music, and entertainment in an open-air setting can be quite daunting.
This is where speaker hire services in Surrey come to the rescue. These services provide a wide range of speaker options, including portable and wireless systems, which can be set up effortlessly in various outdoor locations. With professional-grade speakers, you can ensure that your guests don't miss a beat, even in the midst of nature's beauty.
In conclusion, when it comes to organizing a successful event in London or Surrey, you need access to top-quality party equipment, including PA sound systems and speakers. These essential components of event planning ensure that your guests have a fantastic audio experience and that your event leaves a lasting impression. With reliable party equipment hire services in the area, you can focus on creating unforgettable memories and worry less about technical issues. So, the next time you're planning an event, remember that the right audio equipment can make all the difference.
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