#The Boyz tarot
oraclemoontarot · 5 months
sunwoo's ideal type ★
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personality ୨୧
cards pulled: ace of wands, seven of wands, queen of pentacles, hierophant, two of pentacles, ten of cups, nine of cups, six of swords + knight of swords
Sunwoo likes someone who is creative and passionate. They are inspiring and bring colour into others lives. He also likes those who are hardworking, stand firm in their beliefs, nurturing yet also practical, he also seems to like those who are more feminine. He wants someone who is good with money, someone who doesn't spend too much or isn't too stingy either.
Sunwoo would want someone more traditional, maybe this might be because they are either spiritual or religious. With the two of pentacles, Sunwoo likes those who are adaptable; they can juggle effortlessly between their responsibilities.
Sunwoo wants someone who is family oriented - they could have a good relationship with their family - but also puts care into the relationship with him. With the nine of cups, Sunwoo's ideal type is someone who appreciates the finer things in life, or the little things within the relationship. Someone who appreciates him, and the memories shared.
With the six of swords, Sunwoo may want someone from a different background to him, most likely in terms of wanting a foreigner. And, with the knight of swords, Sunwoo likes those who are assertive when they want something. Someone who isn't afraid to speak their mind - he definitely likes those who are intelligent.
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lagoonalake · 8 months
Hi if you don't have too many requests again can you do the boyz ideal types pretty please? Thank you! <3
Hi! Here is part 1. Part 2 here
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Personality: the lovers, judgement, the world
This guy is not playing. He wants it all. Mainly he is attracted to very romantic, loyal, affectionate people, who would put the relationship first. Someone who can be calm on the surface but in the relationship is very passionate and intense, all or nothing, total devotion (that he would give in return as well). This would be a side of them that would only be shown to him. Or maybe if this person is an artist, and this passion could show up in their creations too. But their personality on the surface would be calm, gentle, stable, balanced, moderate. Someone who is logical, rational, good at making the best decisions. Who could help him manage his impulses or moments when he can be a bit more extreme. He only got major arcanas so relationships are very important for him and a partner would bring major changes in his life.  libra, pluto, scorpio, capricorn, taurus
Appearance: 9 of swords, queen of swords, the magician
Traditional beauty. Someone diplomatic and charming, always a nice smile on their face, who knows how to present. Very elegant, ladylike, true class. It’s not about having wealth or wearing luxury brands, it’s this person natural aura. Someone very proper, polite. Clear and pleasant voice. Lighter colors, light skin tone, blond hair or hair dyed a lighter color, but nothing too flashy or gaudy. Slender. Prominent chest. An almost cold and untouchable sort of beauty. Straight hair, structured appearance or outfits, beautiful hands, refined features, good bone structure.  virgo, gemini, libra, saturn
Turn offs: death, 3 of swords, king of pentacles
Someone who is too extreme, although he likes intensity intimately, he wants someone who is calmer than he is. Someone who breaks his trust, betrays him, spills his secrets, spies on him. Someone interested in his money. Someone who shows off their money.  negative taurus, scorpio, gemini
Personality: 9 of swords, 4 of swords, the wheel of fortune
He’s not really picky, and he’s the kind of guy who can get along with pretty much anyone. However, when it comes to his partner, his only requirements is that this person helps him with his anxiety, or at least does not add to it. And that the relationship feels meaningful and fated. He has to feel like he can learn from his partner, that they enetered his life for a reason. I don’t think that he’s been in a long term relationship yet, or if he has it wasn't that true love he needs, it doesn’t feel like it to me, more like he’s been searching for a while and is still waiting. He’s very open minded and eager to know different types of people though. He’s adaptable and open to changes and differences.  pisces, sagittarius, jupiter, aquarius, gemini
Appearance: justice, queen of wands, king of swords
Harmonious, balanced, symmetrical. A bit intimidating. Confidence. Can be attracted to the fierce fiery sexy type just as much as the more conservative, controlled cold type. He has diverse tastes. So again not picky, he just wants someone who looks good to his eyes and has a certain charisma. Could be attracted to more dominant types. leo, aquarius, capricorn, libra, saturn, aries
Turn offs: page of cups, ace of swords, 10 of swords
Someone a bit too needy and childlike, immature, someone blunt and not very good at communication. Someone with too many issues, unstable, chaotic. I think in general he is more attracted to independence, because he does not want to have to carry the other person’s weight or to have to act like a parent. He just wants a companion and does not mind being more of a follower.  cancer, uranus, mars, scorpio
Personality: the hermit, judgement, queen of swords
He is attracted to someone private, calm, quiet, a homebody. Dignified, inhibited, guarded. someone who possibly has been through a lot, and has managed to rise above their issues, he finds it inspiring and he also is a healing sort of guy, a giver so he’ll always gravitate towards more “wounded” souls. He also is a very balanced and reassuring, giving partner, so he tends to get along well with people who are looking for that stability after they went through very heavy chaotic periods in their lives. Someone who could be hard to get to know, a bit cold, does not let people in easily. Very strong boundaries, very cautious in relationships. But he is patient so he doesn’t mind. He actually likes the slow burn. And he wants very strong foundations so that it’ll last.  cancer, virgo, pisces, scorpio, capricorn
Appearance: 6 of swords, 9 of cups, 9 of pentacles
Someone who looks calm and relaxed. Even though they have been through a lot, they are very grounded now. Someone who looks mature, could be a bit older, but I’m feeling mostly that this person is very calm and mature, this is their vibe no matter their age. Nice smile, pleasant, sensual. He may like to watch people eat or whatever gives a person pleasure, he likes to watch that. Not in a sexual way (well not only, maybe lol) but more so he likes to see his person feel good. Balanced appearance, nothing too extreme or flashy. May like it when someone have their hair tied up in a bun. Likes to look at his partner interact with the elements lol, like under the light of the sun, eating fruits from a tree in a garden…etc. taurus, virgo, libra
Turn offs: page of swords, 8 of wands, 2 of cups
People who are too fidgety, nervous, always talking, always moving, a bit immature, too impulsive, who cannot sit still, exhausting energies. Who speaks loudly, always tries to entertain but it gets tiring… Also someone who is a bit needy, codependent. Overly emotional, who doesn’t have much control over their emotions. This may sound weird lol, but he prefers to be the one who makes the steps to connect, who makes the other person open up. He doesn’t really find it interesting when the person tries to get inside him or is already open emotionally. He likes someone who is a bit closed up at first.  gemini, sagittarius, mars, uranus, cancer 
Personality: ace of cups, knight of cups, queen of pentacles
Raw, deep emotional connection. He needs to feel the chemistry right away. A loving, affectionate, kind person who he can have true intimacy with. Someone romantic who would invest a lot in the relationship, kinda like Sangyeon’s type, who is all or nothing. He prefers a more reserved person, humble, minding their own business, trustworthy, loyal, reliable. Someone grounded and realistic, mature, responsible, authentic, real. Who can be cute and funny too, who he can have a good laugh with, a partner in crime. He wants to do everything with his partner, hold their hand all the time, he's a bit clingy in a cute way. Someone with specific habits that he’d picked upon. He likes to observe and notice the little details in a person’s life. He likes a certain routine in love, like benchmarks he can rely upon to stabilize him and cherishes the simple pleasures and moments of daily life.  scorpio, virgo, capricorn, taurus
Appearance: the moon, the lovers, knight of cups
Someone a bit mysterious and dreamy, with a romantic look. Soft features, kind face and smile, beautiful eyes holding a lot of emotions. He likes to stare in his partner's eyes. Effortlessly beautiful, who would look just as good in their pajamas (or naked lol). He prefers a natural beauty rather than someone too dolled up. Harmonious symmetrical features. A bit curvy, nice chest and booty. Sexy and sensual, someone who looks huggable, cozy, that he’d want to touch a lot. Long luscious hair.  libra, pisces, neptune, virgo, taurus
Turn offs: queen of wands, 6 of swords, 3 of pentacles
People who need an audience. Show offs who are always bragging. Attention seekers, loud, vulgar, crass, insensitive, overbearing, invasive people. This is very specific but people who don’t know themselves, who need other people's reassurance, approval, admiration, compliments for everything or else they feel like they don’t exist. People who are always fishing for compliments. People who still have a lot to learn about themselves, immature people, who change their mind all the time, who are easily influenced by others, who lack stability and a strong sense of self. Party people. negative gemini, leo, aries, cancer, neptune, pisces
Personality: ace of wands, the empress, 4 of pentacles
He is attracted to a ray of sunshine. Someone spontaneous, funny, simple. “What you see is what you get” type of person. Someone creative, artistic, playful, who laughs a lot. A bit hedonistic, someone who really wants to enjoy life at its fullest. Generous, very loving, friendly, kinda popular. Very easy going. Diplomatic, peaceful. Someone who always creates a soothing, light hearted, peaceful atmosphere wherever they go. Someone very magnetic that a lot of people are attracted to. This could be a specific person. Most likely an idol, who is kinda seen as a perfect woman. Very venusian energy. Very beautiful. He wants to possess this person but they have a lot of success.  libra, taurus, virgo, leo
Appearance: the high priestess, the hierophant, the devil
A femme fatale. Traditionally beautiful. Balanced features, healthy body…etc. A subtle intensity and sex appeal that he would pick up on very strongly. Voluptuous body even though they are slim, a very shapely figure, like very small waist and wide hips, sensual, hypnotic movements, dark eyes, very hypnotic gaze, long black hair, darker features. Eye make up. Someone who isn’t very revealing when it comes to their clothes, but that makes them even sexier.  capricorn, virgo, scorpio, taurus
Turn offs: page of wands, page of pentacles, 3 of swords
Considering we got two pages, it’s safe to say he clearly is put off by immaturity and may prefer an older or more mature partner. But he’s not really attracted to a beginner. Someone who is too loud and happy go lucky, and someone who isn’t very stable, who doesn’t take relationships seriously. Someone who would play with him and betray his trust, not really value or even understand or respect him by committing to him. Someone with a bad reputation who is not respected or well liked by others. aquarius, sagittarius, gemini, aries
Personality: the emperor, the sun, king of swords
Someone well-established. Someone famous, or very respected in their own sphere, regarded by all as “a catch”, or the best, the number 1. Someone who shines in their field and could be an inspiring leader. Similar to Juyeon someone with a good reputation, a perfect, immaculate image. A very charismatic artist (it has to be an artist for him) who knows what they want, has a vision. Someone clever, good at navigating the highest places, a smooth talker, excellent communicator, very charming and likable but a guarded strategist who can read between the lines and has strong boundaries, knows who to trust. Someone who despite their joyful charismatic appearance is actually quite private and doesn’t let many people in, you have to be special for that. Someone in the entertainment industry. Gifted, naturally talented and creative. Would probably prefer an older partner.  venus, capricorn, leo, libra, aries, scorpio
Appearance: 4 of wands, the sun, the hanged man
Again I’m hearing “a catch” XD, prestigious, who is beautiful and everyone thinks so, someone who stands out from the crowd effortlessly, is very confident in their beauty. Very classy and glamorous. Could prefer bright colors, blond hair, golden skin, yellow colors. Very bright, warm smile and voice. Big laugh. But also dreamy looking like a fairy or an ethereal being. A colorful and sophisticated style. Tall. Strong body full of vitality.   libra, taurus, leo, sagittarius, pisces
Turn offs : 2 of wands, 6 of wands, page of coins
When the confidence that he admires is fake or forced and it breaks the spell, someone who is trying too hard, the kind of person who talks about their achievements all the time, “me me me” types, who compliment themselves a lot. Someone immature and not very well established in the entertainment industry, like a newbie or someone who is just starting (I feel like his person must be a fellow artist in all cases).  negative leo, gemini
Personality: 2 of cups, 8 of swords, the devil
He wants that deep intimacy, so someone very romantic. Could tend to be involved in secret relationships. I feel like this describes his pattern in love. He tends to get involved with people who can’t give themselves fully to him, maybe who are already involved with someone else, or are married even, so the relationship has to be kept secret. It is very passionate and exciting, but a bit painful. His partners manage to convince him to stay together, and he accepts because he feels like he couldn’t find better anyway, he has those insecurities and blockages when it comes to love. He also tends to be a very healing presence, so he can attract energy vampires who suck him dry and when the relationship ends he is exhausted, and then prefers to remain isolated for a while. Deep down he wants something stable and serious, long lasting.  pisces, cancer, scorpio, pluto, taurus, neptune
Appearance: the sun, 6 of cups, the high priestess
Someone who stands out, who is charismatic and popular. The type who looks very warm and generous, giving, that everybody gravitates towards, who takes people under their wings without even realizing it. Magnetic people. Full of vitality and strength, healthy body, rays of sunshine. Earthy, warm, golden colors. People who laugh a lot, with a soft and kind face. Touchy. Reassuring presence. Beyond that, someone who would have a slightly more mysterious, darker, sexier side that they’d show only to him. Like a stare across the room only for him, the promise of something more.  libra, leo, earth signs, scorpio, pisces
Turn offs: 2 of swords, the devil, 2 of pentacles
It’s basically the negative side of what he is attracted to. Someone who has to balance out their double life. Not giving everything in the relationship. Being indecisive about the relationship. Someone who comes up with excuses, who tries to rationalize their shortcomings, to gaslight him and manipulate him. Someone who gives him gifts to make things better. Someone who manages to keep him addicted and acts possessive even though they are not ready to engage fully. negative scorpio, taurus, capricorn, aquarius, libra, gemini
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nori-the-cat · 4 months
Nori's tarot reading to-do list
These readings are a mixture of requested readings and readings I personally want to do.
Note: My to-do list is not a reflection of what will be posted next.
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How will RIIZE members apologise to their significant other? Boyfriend Edition.
RIIZE Dynamic - 03 Friendship: Seunghan & Sohee
RIIZE Dynamic: Eunseok & Seunghan
What is Sunoo like as a boyfriend? (Requested)
What is Jungwon like as a boyfriend? (Requested)
RIIZE Anton's Type (Requested)
RIIZE as Romance Trope (Requested)
Lists updated on 20-05-2024.
How will RIIZE members apologise to their significant other? Boyfriend Edition. [On hold]
RIIZE Dynamic - 03 Friendship: Seunghan & Sohee [On hold]
RIIZE Dynamic: Eunseok & Seunghan [On hold]
RIIZE Anton's Type (Requested)
RIIZE as Romance Trope (Requested)
Lists updated on 20-05-2024.
Aespa's Love Life (Requested)
Predicting TBLNGG (Requested)
Will RIIZE Shotaro become a leader? (Requested)
RIIZE Dynamic: Shotaro & Sungchan (Requested)
Byeon Woo Seok's Personality (Requested)
Byeon Woo Seok's Ideal Type (Requested)
MTL attracted to in TXT, Enhypen and RIIZE to Aespa and vice versa (Requested)
Does Itzy Yuna have a crush on The Boyz Younghoon? (Requested)
BoyNextDoor Taesan as a Boyfriend (Requested)
Predicting YGNBG (Requested)
Who in RIIZE is attracted to Aespa? (Requested)
Who in Aespa is attracted to RIIZE? (Requested)
Enhypen Sunghoon's Love Life (Requested)
Twice Jihyo Future Career (Requested)
Twice Jihyo & Yun Sung Bin Relationship (Requested)
Twice Jeongyeon Future Career (Requested)
Sunghoon's Ideal Type (Requested)
What does Sunghoon from Enhypen and NewJeans Haerin think/feel about each other? (Requested)
What do BTS members think of Jungkook's future spouse? (Requested) (Under consideration)
Lists updated on 21-05-2024.
RIIZE Anton's Type (Requested)
Aespa's Love Life (Requested)
Predicting TBLNGG (Requested)
Will RIIZE Shotaro become a leader? (Requested)
RIIZE Dynamic: Shotaro & Sungchan (Requested)
Byeon Woo Seok's Personality (Requested)
Byeon Woo Seok's Ideal Type (Requested)
MTL attracted to in TXT, Enhypen and RIIZE to Aespa and vice versa (Requested)
Does Itzy Yuna have a crush on The Boyz Younghoon? (Requested)
BoyNextDoor Taesan as a Boyfriend (Requested)
BoyNextDoor Riwoo - Personality Analysis (Requested)
Predicting YGNBG (Requested)
Who in Aespa is attracted to RIIZE? (Requested)
Who in RIIZE is attracted to Aespa? (Requested)
Enhypen Sunghoon's Love Life (Requested)
Twice Jihyo Future Career (Requested)
Twice Jihyo & Yun Sung Bin Relationship (Requested)
Twice Jeongyeon Future Career (Requested)
Sunghoon's Ideal Type (Requested)
Lists updated on 27-05-2024 Lists updated on 28-05-2024
RIIZE Anton's Type (Requested)
Predicting TBLNGG (Requested)
Will RIIZE Shotaro become a leader? (Requested)
RIIZE Dynamic: Shotaro & Sungchan (Requested)
Byeon Woo Seok's Personality (Requested)
Byeon Woo Seok's Ideal Type (Requested)
MTL attracted to in TXT, Enhypen and RIIZE to Aespa and vice versa (Requested) (Under consideration)
BoyNextDoor Taesan as a Boyfriend (Requested)
Predicting YGNBG (Requested)
Who in Aespa is attracted to RIIZE? (Requested) (Under Consideration)
Sunghoon's Ideal Type (Requested)
What do BTS members think of Jungkook's future spouse? (Requested) (Under consideration)
Lists updated on 29-05-2024
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astroyongie · 6 months
The Boyz March Reading 2024
note: please take my words lightly
Love: without any doubts this man is currently going through a harsh breakup. the person he was with was his everything and someone he wanted to be in an endgame with however it does seem like his mental health got in the middle of this relationship and ended up breaking things up for him, unfortunately. 
Career: his career is going a little better, considering everything, it does sound like Sangyeon has a very good sponsor that allows him to have outside opportunities from the group and develop himself whenever he will need to by himself. in another words, expect this man to have some stuff going on this year 
Self: he is trying to be a practical man and not allow his health to get the best of him and not allowing his personal feelings to tangle between his job and his prioritizes. he is focused on his career and on his wealth and financial background and for this he is putting on the stake everything he holds dear 
Love: Jacob is equally going through the pain of a past breakup at the moment, although on his case there's still pain but he has forgiven himself and the other person for the mistakes that has been done, he has a lot of inner monologue that is dark and self down putting and he truly needs to work on his self worth, because at the end of the day, it wasn't his fault. 
Career: he's going through a tough period for his work as well, because his mental health and his emotional immaturity makes him mess up stuff that makes his managers a little irritating. he is trying to work on that but his self doubts make it hard
Self: he is seeking justice for his world, for his situation in particular. he probably feel like the world is against him but Jacob is also someone with positivism and he is trying to find meaning behind things 
Love: at least for him things are going well. He is in a healthy relationship and things are going very well. for anyone asking, the person he is in a relationship with isn't a celebrity and they are a close friend of his circle. They have been together for a while now. it is probably the person he was with last year around the same time 
Career: things are a little complicated here, mostly because Younghoon has a vision of what he wants to do with his career but his sponsor is opposed to this and they want him to keep the same image he has and keep the same work he  has been doing so far. it frustrated him a little 
Self: he feels like his potential is limited because of his career choices and path. i feel like Younghoon probably wants to go out of the idol situation (probably make solo music, more acting or more modeling) he needs change but he lacks any plan that gives him long term success for it 
Love: he is in a complicated phase of his love relationship. because he is with this person but he feels a little stuck with the situation they are in, because his partner isn't ready to take steps that he wishes to take, to make things more official between them. They lack communication.
Career: the way some doors have been closed shut to his face simply because Hyunjae is someone hard to deal with as an idol. not because he is irresponsible, btu because he treasures and wants perfection and boundaries and most sponsors don't offer him that which makes him someone hard to work with 
Self: his physical health is probably not at the best at the moment, but his mental health is also taking a downgrade because he has been doubting his potential a lot lately. he probably has big dreams and yet he feels like he hasn’t the potential to reach it 
Love: Juyeon is equally in a relationship but the things are way quieter, more secretive. It doesn't feel like he wants the world to know, not even people close to him so he tries to keep it hidden, this decision is also probably because he doesn't want to be tangled in dating rumors with a fellow idol.
Career: it does seem like Juyeon had a big fight with another one of the members (from what i have picked up it was haknyeon) with whom he havent spoke ever since and with whom the conflit still lingers, botha rent on the same page when it comes to their feelings which makes the whole thing complicated. 
Self: he is overcommitted and that is hard for him. He has so much to think about, so much to do for the group and for his image that sometimes reality gets him hard. Juyeon is someone that cares way too much about public opinion and that impact his whole being 
Love: this boy is in love, in a relationship and thriving!! and let me tell you, the amount of love that can be felt here, the beauty of this person, the beauty of this relationship! this is definitely something that has the potential to be a long term successful relationship until the end 
Career: he is happy. with the group, with his sponsors, with his work, with his fans within the boundaries and the image he has created. kevin is the pinnacle of an idi that is healthy and happy with his current situation 
Self: he has been a little bit stressed out overall he is fine. He spends a lot of time with his friends outside the group and he is able to balance that life. might be partying a little too much tho 
Love: Another member that is going through a very harsh period of breakup and broken heart. Although he tried to hide it a lot, Chanhee has been having some troubles sleeping and focusing on himself with how affected he is. this is temporality, he just needs to accept the feelings 
Career: at least in his career he is lucky. His sponsor has been scratching a lot of good things for him and thus expects him to shine bright this year. also Chanhee has a good relationship with the other members and with people inside his company 
Self: he tries to stand out with a masculine energy, he tries to show that he is capable of things and that he isn't to be taken lightly. Chanhee doesn't like his idol image and he wants to be considered as someone more manly and serious 
Love: Boy is having a whole monologue of internal conflict because the person he likes and wants for himself is someone off limits and someone that he shouldn't be seeking. however he loves them and he still desires this person and because of that he doesn't know what to do. follow his heart or stay wavy for his own good 
Career: the way he has been judging everyone and everything inside this industry is just hilarious. but also, Changmin is super clever and all the decisions he makes are backed up with a well thought out plan. even his image, the way he portrays himself. this man is someone who knows how to get the good side of the public 
Self: he has been dictating his own choices, his own thoughts. he is healthy, both mentally and physically, he is thriving and enjoying listening people rant about their shity life because it makes him feel more alive (this might sound harsh but i am literally just allowing my fingers to write down all the energy i can capture)
Love: he went through avery negative period of his life with his partner, where things got violent, there was way too much happening, too many arguments, health issues mingled in the middle and just overall bad energy  however it does seem like him and his partner workout the difference and they fought this moment together 
Career: he is feeling a little out of place, a little vulnerable whenever he is around Juyeon ever since their argument. there’s a lot Haknyeon Wants to say to him but he doesn't have the courage to restart a fight 
Self: he is focusing a lot on his inner peace, on his mental health because he knows that if he is capable to have that in check, then he is capable to go on with life without worrying about the meaningless things that usually turn his days bitter 
Love: this guy is drinking in three different cups. Well, he has drunk in one that he has managed to leave it abandoned somewhere, the other one is rather tasty so he keeps close while his focus has been on the new one he has acquired. This writing might be weird, but again I am just mechanically writing what I see. to sum up. Sunwoo is single but he has been seeing three different people lately. 
Career: he thought he would change his game this year but it does seem like his sponsor changed their ideas recently, to hit him with the same music again. he is a little frustrated because he needs some change for his career but he isn't getting it for now 
Self: however he is happy with his life, he is okay with things as they are since he has found some stability on his days, his routine is allowing him not to think and to focus on things and release his frustration in healthy ways 
Love: he is in a  relationship but his lover isn't in korea at the moment and that makes him a little frustrated because each time one of them has to travel so they can see each other. despite that, they have progressed in their relationship and they are working to keep it healthy and steady 
Career: he is rather anxious about this work. The comebacks, the torus, the shows, all of this gives him a  lot of anxiety due to his fear of failing but also because he feels like he isn't the idol people think he is. the image he has to maintain is complicated for him
Self: Erik is definitely someone that suffers a lot from anxiety and some short of depression that deserves to be treated and looked upon. he needs to have more support for that part of his life
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ravenbloodshot · 10 months
Would The Boyz Members Seriously Date a Foreigner?
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Kevin: Not rn. He has dated one in the past but it didn't work out and it's likely he has this negative mindset of "my ex was like this so I'm afraid every person I date will be the same way". He may destroy a connection with people that want to date him out of fear of the unknown or being hurt again
Sunwoo: Sorta. I think he could date a foreigner but not seriously (not in the long-term). He may be the type to like noncommittal relationships or just knows better than to date clingy and codependent people, so I see he keeps the same energy whether he's dating a Korean or a foreigner. I think that the more people oppose him dating a foreigner, the more he'll fight to date a foreigner
Eric: Yes. (Idk if he has a mutable Venus but he has no ideal type). The good thing is Eric won't let society tell him who he should love or shame him into conformity, so he would publicly and seriously date a foreigner without being afraid of what ppl may think (bc he doesn't care). The bad thing is he is so wishy washy about what he wants not just romantically but out of life that he may ghost/ditch his partner (it wouldn't be bc his partner is a foreigner but bc of his lack of direction and his mental instability). Rn, he may have his eye on a foreigner.
Juyeon: Yes, he would. He doesn't let others/the public tell him who he should or should not date. I'm getting a vibe that someone older than him teaching him negative things about foreigners (for an example, saying "Foreigners are classless and promiscuous") but I don't think he took any of this persons teachings to heart. He's like " let me see that for myself" so he goes into relationships with foreigners open-minded and judgement free. The most influence this older person had on him is that he just makes sure to vet foreign partners before pursuing anything.
Hyunjae: Yes. The problem is he knows his family and friends will not approve so he may keep his foreign partner a secret (I heard "guilty pleasure" 😶). I'm definitely seeing a misogynistic and dictatorial father figure teaching/preaching all the wrong things to him about women. But Hyunjae is a curious soul and is attracted to the unconventional, so boogeyman stories told to him by his father won't scare him off of pursuing foreigners (that moon in Aquarius of his makes him want to rebel against society's rules). So overall, he would date a foreigner, it may give him a rush of excitement/adrenaline (like the high one gets doing something they think they shouldn't be doing)
Sangyeon: Yes. He wants a foreigner that's attractive, charming and simply a baddie. He may have a desire to be with a foreign celebrity or someone with some kind influence and power (could just be a person that has a lot of power over him, yall know how those Scorpios love their power imbalances). I do still think he wants to keep the relationship healthy and productive. He finds himself super attracted to foreigners so he definitely would date one.
Q: He would but not rn. He's still dealing with a heartbreak from an ex and he's just trying to remain single while keeping his options open. He wants to focus on building up his career as well so romance isn't exactly a priority but its not something he's completely putting off either. He's another one where I feel like the more society tells him he can't be with a foreigner the more he wants to.
Haknyeon: Yes. His heart is open to love and he doesn't mind courting and loving on a foreign partner. He may just be wary about seriously committing to anybody, likely bc he doesn't want a dating scandal to ruin what he's worked so hard to build. I'm kind of getting a vibe that he wouldn't hesitate to cut partners out of his life and he will choose his career over love.
Jacob: No. He cares what people say/think and he doesn't want his partner to get hurt by those that don't like interracial relationships or that are xenophobic. If he was to have a mixed kid he wouldn't want to stay in Korea to raise them. Its not like he himself is turned off by the idea of being with a foreigner it's just his fear/sensitivity of others being turned off by his relationship. I don't think he thinks he's strong enough to deal with the backlash, may see himself as too much of a coward to handle that kind of societal pressure. He's also quite introverted and isolated rn.
New: No. He has some fear of rejection and insecurities that block him from wanting to be with a foreigner (he'll never admit it though, he would just play it off as he's not interested/attracted to them). I see some tradition here as well, like wanting to follow a path his parents/grandparents did. He has some abandonment fears as well, scared his partner could leave anytime (he doesn't care for long distance relationships).
Younghoon: Nope, he views foreigners as more sexual beings than ppl you wife up. Like he would be interested in talking, hanging out, and being intimate with foreigners but he's not taking them seriously. He could also act more raunchy and sexual to them more so than he would if he was interacting with a Korean woman (being too aggressive and touchy). He's a player that's looking for fun, isn't taking anyone seriously especially foreigners.
Overall, I got a vibe from most members except New that they were attracted to the unconventional aspect of dating a foreigner.
Most to least likely:
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lovesickheize · 2 years
𔘓 sex with the boyz based on tarot . . .
maknae line version ( kevin new q haknyeon sunwoo eric )
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kevin moon:
really hot and sudden sex, an amazing sexual partner, understands his s/o's needs and desires and is up to bring them in the sheets if that makes them happy.
probably likes to top/dom.
mutual masturbation.
any lack of confidence (either his or his s/o's) will disappear. worshipping/praising. needs constant validation.
amazing aftercare, definitely sweet and funny.
gets jealous easily
looking for his true soulmate
choi chanhee (new):
lots of good sex, bringing new kinks in the sheets, creative sexually and doesn't mind if things don't turn out the way they are supposed to. experimentalist.
into one night stands. not very selective when it comes to partners (prefers strong and powerful ones), prone to infidelity, risk taker. not good for any long term deal.
probably has a dark secret or experience that made him act the way he does, related to him becoming a part of someone's happiness feels like a loss of freedom.
sweet lies and "darker seductive side" definitely heighten libido.
extreme passion and lust.
constantly looking for people to satisfy his needs, has probably turned into an addiction.
feminine energy, probably a sub/bottom.
ji changmin (q):
something abt it confuses him, but he is filled with good energy and ready for anything.
trust issues / intense jealousy. jealous/angry sex
passion, lust, dazzling in the sheets.
HIGH SEX DRIVE. continually on the lookout for others to help him satisfy this need of his.
cozy, prefers indoors sex, not really into exhibitionism.
sensuous, generous and will take care of his s/o's sexual needs and desires.
willing to put time and effort into understanding his s/o's needs, but finds it difficult to show his true feelings/kinks or own needs. likes giving more than receiving.
adventurous, experimentalist.
needs changes every now and then. 100% switch. can be full on vanilla one day and full on bdsm the next. otherwise he gets bored easily.
ju haknyeon:
isn't exactly sure about what he wants/likes, seems a bit inexperienced.
he still doesn't feel ready to go all in. he feels the need to take some time to think abt his likes and dislikes, what he is okay with and what he's not.
imaginative in the bedroom, and ready to play along with his s/o's fantasies, as long as they are not extreme.
romantic dates are often following by romantic sex. he isn't having sex, he's making love.
he might have been into one night stands for a while now, but he realised they don't really help him evolve sexually and emotionally.
he feels the need to spice up things, he's bored. however, he is still carrying his ex-partner's negativity and bad energy. he's not confident in the sheets anymore, might feel unloved.
he needs to feel loved and appreciated during sex. kinda surprised when he realises people are sexually attracted to him. into praising and body worship (mostly receiving).
kim sunwoo:
100% dominant & raw.
a lot of unachievable sexual fantasies and desires. sexually at a dead end; doesnt know exactly what or how he wants it. might be an experimentalist.
seeking for something prohibited, something exciting that's not allowed to be done. may be an exhibitionist.
stains ur mind. sex w sunwoo is a once in a lifetime type of experience (not bcz he is an idol, but bcz it's rare to find people as sexually active and excited as him).
hiding passion/desire bcz hes scared of norms. might be linked to a sexual trauma or a sexual experience he would rather forget. has certain sexual fantasies but is too shy to express them in a relationship.
sex filled with passion. teenager-like sex with great stamina. sexual adventures with a fun-loving person.
kinky ASF. is in search of someone that can spice up his sex life as much as he needs & make him confident. might be a sadist.
sometimes forgets to do basic stuff to get his s/o ready for what's abt to happen, hes too caught up and crazy-horny, gets right into the main thing.
might cheat. he is not fully emotionally available, might be up for an open relationship, cannot stand being repressed and values sex more than the romantic aspect of the relationship. he WILL cheat/break up if his sexual needs arent satisfied.
sohn youngjae (eric):
good energy, great sexual encounters.
might introduce something new into your sex life. exploring new fantasies and successfully taking them to the next level. experimentalist.
open to fresh ideas but has to talk abt them before practicing them.
he won't let you have bad thoughts about your appearance. is probably into body worshipping and praising (giving & receiving).
great balance: stability and nurturing energy. absolute harmony, great creativity. slight boy energy, but can go into dom mode rlly quickly. basically 100% switch.
angry sex & letting frustration go this way. probably gets jealous easily, likes marking.
• high sex drive.
i hope you liked my first tarot related post as much as i enjoyed the process<3 any feedback will be appreciated & requests are open!
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eunkitarot · 5 months
Omg eunki can you please do Sunwoo from the boyz as a boyfriend!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Thank you SO MUCH if you doooooo🤗❤️
Okay the boyz Sunwoo as a boyfie💗:
The fool,king of cups,3 of pentacles,knight of cups reversed,five of cups
-The fool-
Okaaaay we are talking about someone that gets infatuated with you. Bubbling excitement just to be with you.His feelings are also a blank slate – feelings that are not fully formed yet, and there is room to go much deeper. Butterflies in the stomach kikd of love. So yes i can see him being excited and clingy around. Sunwoo would wanna act cool but he would fail miserably lmao.
-king of cups-
He would be extremely devoted to you. He would love you so much. Valueing you deeply, just as they would his own family. Sunwoo is emotionally mature and level headed. So Even when things get hot, he can always keep a cool head while asking for what he needs. He also feels compassionate and understanding towards you. He recognizes that we all make mistakes. We are only human. Sunwoo would love you despite all of your flaws. In fact, he finds your flaws charming. He wants to make you happy, and he would want to make this relationship work.
-knight of cups-
Okay so everyone have shadow aspects to them and this is just Sunwoo's. On the down side, his feelings fluctuate ALOT. He feels romantic one day, and then cold the next. Sunwoo might have constant moodswings. He is all over the place with his feelings. Sunwoo's imagination is running at hyperspeed, and can often seeing things that are not there. He might make bold proclamations one day and not be able to live up to it the next.
(Help Katy Perry's hot N Cold playing in my head rn😭, thats exactly how he is gg to be, the lyrics is perfect)
-3 of pentacles-
With this card he is feeling collaborative. He is excited to see where your relationship can go, and how you can build your future together. Sunwoo feels supported by you in your relationship, and they feel like they deeply trust you.He also feels that the two of you each bring great qualities to the table, which makes your relationship better as a whole.Sunwoo loves how different you are from him. It spices things up.
-Five of cups-
Okay with this card Sunwoo might the type of person that hyperfocused on failures here. For eg if he kinda hurt you or you hurt him he would be hung up about it for so long. Instead of looking at the bright side, he keeps on looking at 'the cups he spilled'. In any case, he would have a hard time staying positive. Talk with Sunwoo to get on the same page with him would help . Sometimes, all he needs is a person to listen to him. He can be very self-conscious about how all of his actions are perceived by you.
Overall, i think Sunwoo is like the type of bf thats not perfect. I mean nobody is so-. He is very loving but he can also be intense at times. I hope u like this read 💗
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trolagygirl2022 · 11 months
Hi, Can you do a reading on The Boyz Juyeon’s ideal type please? -🦋
Juyeon's ideal type
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King of Pentacles, The Star, 10 of Pentacles, 2 of Pentacles, 7 of Swords, The Fool, 9 of Swords, Page of Pentacles, 10 of Wands, Page of Wands, 9 of Cups, 5 of Swords, 5 of Wands.
I know nothing about this group but this guy quite straightforward, I like his energy.
His ideal type if someone who is hardworking, financially stable (like has a lot of money) and can balance their work with personal life. Someone who is passionate and is devoted to him and can even fight of him. Someone who can satisfy his needs and someone who is responsible. A grounded person who is cunning and smart. Adaptable and flexible as well. Someone who thinks a lot about him and is quite meaningful. I think he would prefer being friends with someone or just someone he can joke around with.
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theninthdoor · 2 years
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⭒ When Idols First Meet Her
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kkoumiii · 1 year
❁ 𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧 | 이주연⎾𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚⏌*:・゚✧*:・゚
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/!\ Friendly reminder that my readings should not be taken at face value, I do not claim to hold the truth and I do not mean any harm to this idol, my readings are only for entertainment purposes. /!\
🌼 𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗿 - 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖡𝖮𝖸𝖹 🌼
1:16 ───ㅇ───── 3:20
⊱ ᴊᴜʏᴇᴏɴ's ϙᴜᴀʟɪᴛɪᴇs ⊰
• Avenger (Shadow Attribute) | 4 of Swords Rx | Tenth House ~ The World •
- Naturally hardworking, he finds it hard to do nothing
- He often seems clueless even though everything makes sense in his head —this is just his resting face—
- He is optimistic and determined, you won’t see him wallow in self-pity, at least not for too long
- This boy is curious and wants to learn everything about the world. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the type of person to want to travel around the world
- Modern-day Robin Hood in disguise, he is a man of principles. Juyeon acts and makes decisions according to a strong set of values he lives by
- Often lost in his thoughts, it’s sometimes hard to bring him back to earth
- Juyeon is open-minded and gladly welcomes differences. He would not trust someone who judges and forms an opinion too quickly at first glance
- This is very random but he might be interested in geography and/or history
- This man truly lives in his own world —we’re just part of it—, he runs at his own pace
- He wants to leave a significant impact on this world and to be remembered. His ambitious nature leads him to think big, the sky is the limit to him
- He knows where to focus his energy and does not waste time on things he deems as useless or unfruitful
- He seems to be a gullible person, he looks on the bright side of things even if the situation isn’t benefiting him, which makes him a bit delusional at times
- I think he is a lot more talkative than we give him credit for.
⊱ ᴊᴜʏᴇᴏɴ's ғᴀᴜʟᴛs ⊰
• Mother (Light Attribute) | The Judgement | Mercury Retrograde ~ Reinvention •
- Overprotective, Juyeon tends to prevent his loved ones from flying on their own wings and growing on their own even though he thinks he knows what’s best for everyone
- Feels the need to be needed (hope it makes sense) and wants to be admired, he is a bit greedy for fame
- I think he lowkey has a messiah complex
- As I already mentioned previously, this boy lives in his own world which leads him to neglect everything that doesn’t match it
- I literally heard “archaic” so I can interpret this as him being a bit old-fashioned at times. I can picture him telling a joke and people around him saying that it was lame or just him suggesting something that seems boring to most people
- Related to the point above, I feel like he’s often wide of the mark, in the sense that it takes time for him to react or get a joke —I picture him as a cute sloth somehow haha.— Overall, he seems to be slower than others
- Albeit open-minded, once he forms an opinion about something, he swears only by it
- He is a proud person and thinks that he is indispensable and special (I mean yes, The Boyz wouldn’t be the same without one of its members)
- He can be a bit authoritative at times and he tends to scold like a mom would
- He doesn’t always offer a helping hand to the right people, certainly due to his gullible nature.
⊱ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ϙᴜᴀʟɪᴛɪᴇs ᴅᴏᴇs ʜᴇ ᴀᴅᴍɪʀᴇ? ⊰
• Exorcist (Light Attribute) | The Fool Rx | North Node ~ Life's purpose | First House ~ The body •
To catch Juyeon’s attention, you have to be confident and decisive. He appreciates worry-free people who follow their desires and stay away from expectations. Independent, adventurous, and curious individuals inspire him. However, they should be aware of their limits and keep working on bettering themselves since Juyeon probably believes that there’s always something to improve —whether it’s physically, mentally, or spiritually, etc.— Since he seems to strive to become a guide to others, he looks up to people who embody this energy. To him, a perfect guide is hard-working, knows what he/she wants, and is ready to get out of his/her comfort zone while remaining chill and cool-headed. There’s an emphasis on working hard yet letting go of expected results, which leads me to think that it is primordial for him to keep a carefree and mischievous mindset no matter the circumstances. The point is yes, you obviously have to work hard to get what you want, yet you cannot control external factors, so there’s no point in worrying about something you cannot act upon.
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@monstaxdirtywonk enjoy this gif hehe 🤓
Thanks for reading <3
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oraclemoontarot · 5 months
Eric's ideal type ★
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personality ୨୧
cards pulled: empress, hanged man, wheel of fortune, two of cups, king of pentacles, ten of wands, page of wands, devil + high priestess
Eric wants someone who is nurturing, kind, and strong - someone who is beautiful inside and out; there's this welcoming, warm and feminine energy to them. with the hanged man, he wants someone who can see the different side of things, someone open-minded and can have unique and interesting conversations and views of the world. eric also wants someone who has achieved a lot, someone who had worked hard to get to where they are, he wants someone who he can see in high regard.
with the two of cups, Eric's ideal type is someone who is romantic and able to have a deep emotional connection with him, someone who values him and the relationship, someone he can truly connect with. he is definitely a romantic. he also would want someone who is stable, grounded and humble. they're practical and wise, they take things slow and steady, someone who can manage any burdens or responsibilities. He may also like someone with a story - they may have had a difficult upbringing or situation but, knowing they have come out of that and is a stronger person now, is attractive to him.
with the page of wands, he likely wants someone who matches his energy. they're lively and upbeat; full of life and enthusiasm which is contagious. they know how to have fun and when to not take things too seriously. with the devil and high priestess, he may want someone who can also be intense and sexy, they have an air of mystery to them where they can simply draw him in with ease - but also someone who has a deep understanding and overall someone captivating.
appearance ୨୧
cards pulled: three of wands, ten of pentacles, six of swords, magician, seven of swords, wheel, strength, three of cups, devil
Eric doesn't seem to care too much about where they're from. he does like those who have longer legs and a curvy figure in terms of waist and hips. someone who looks after themselves, but also has a strong presence, paired with a feminine appearance, especially in the way they carry/present themselves. He definitely likes the sexy type; someone with sharper eyes, and possibly longer hair. I don't think he would mind if they were his height either, he may like someone on the taller side. with the wheel, Eric may be attracted to someone who may change their appearance from time to time, maybe they change their hair or clothing style, or simply the way in which they present themselves overall.
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lagoonalake · 8 months
Part 1 here
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Personality: 3 of wands, high priestess, ace of cups
Someone with a quiet intensity, very focused on their goals, ambitious, driven, independent, with a mysterious aura. He wants to feel the depth of the connection, that raw, primal emotion of love, pure emotion, something buried deep within him. And he wants the relationship to be very intimate, irresistible. Someone who follows their heart, who is driven by passion. Someone very stubborn, very determined, with strong opinions. Someone who is very protective and ready to fight for him, as he would for them. Someone who is intriguing, doesn’t expose much, very private and secretive. Someone seductive and alluring. capricorn, scorpio, virgo, aries
Appearance:  8 of wands, 7 of pentacles, the hermit
He is the type who can notice someone and then be completely enraptured with just one stare. He tends to go for very private people, quiet, but who stand out nonetheless, with strong sexual magnetism, but not the type to exhibit their sexiness that much, yet it’s still very present and very noticeable. Eyes are what draw him the most. Could prefer a touch of darkness especially in the eyes. A rather somber appearance overall. He also for sure will notice the “goods” on a person’s body.  virgo, scorpio, taurus, capricorn
Turn offs: 4 of swords, the magician, strength
Shallow people, people who are too much in their head, asking too many questions, too chatty, too intellectual and disconnected from their emotions. People who won’t surrender to the attraction, who won’t let him see their raw, most intimate and most vulnerable side, who will only let him see the first layer of their personality, but the relationship is very surface level. A trickster, someone manipulative, hypocritical, two faced.  air signs
Personality: the magician, the fool, ace of swords
A very honest person. Could not be the most tactful or diplomatic, but at least they can’t lie. What you see is what you get. Someone eager to explore. Curious, interested in the world, independent. Funny, witty, light-hearted energy, sociable, warm, a bit childlike. Likes to do a lot of activities. A prankster. Very active, spontaneous type of person. Positive and optimistic. Not too complicated. Easy to read and to understand. Someone very resourceful who can always find a solution to everything. Combative in a light-hearted way. Someone who likes to talk and laugh a lot, who always has a story to tell. Sassy, could even be a bit vulgar but in a funny way. Someone simple not afraid to laugh at themselves and others. aries, gemini, aquarius, sagittarius, uranus
Appearance: strength, 10 of pentacles, king of wands
Someone who looks physically strong and has warm, reassuring aura. More masculine energy. Someone who can look a bit proud and flashy. Sunny type of aura. Big hair. Could like red or brown hair, warmer colors. Very radiant appearance. Big smile. Someoen who looks healthy. Someone who looks familiar to him, could be someone who look like a parent. leo, taurus, aries, cancer
Turn offs: the high priestess, 6 of pentacles, 2 of swords
Someone too quiet, too mysterious, who he’d have to try too hard with to get to know, someone too submissive or polite, too "well-mannered", “proper”, demure. Someone indecisive, slow to act, or who never seems to have any opinion on anything, who avoid conflicts at all cost. Someone too passive without any big goals. Someoen who never expresses anything, who never let their wild funny side out. Someone who find everything cringe and is always afraid to appear ridiculous. cancer, virgo, pisces, libra, scorpio
Personality: page of pentacles, 5 of pentacles, 10 of swords
He wants to be a provider. He wouldn’t mind being with someone poor as long as they manage his money well. There is also something about wanting to be with someone with a similar background, I don't know if he comes from a more humble background, but he wants his partner to come from the same place as he does, to understand this side of him. He may like to “rescue” people who feel abandoned or need his help, someone he can be useful to. He's also attracted to more simple types of personalities, more "real", raw, realistic, who know the reality of life, have been exposed to the world at large, especially when it comes to money, jobs...etc. Tough person with a good head on their shoulder, very practical.
saturn, taurus, aries, virgo
Appearance: 5 of swords, the sun, page of swords
Someone lean, with long limbs, brighter flashier colors, he may like someone who tries different hairstyle and more crazy hair colors. A bit of an androgynous style. Someone who stands out. I’m seeing an idol type of look. Looks maybe a bit intimidating but who can also show vulnerability. Street style, colorful, a bit edgy. Defined features, sharp eyes. Creative style.  aries, aquarius, pisces, gemini
Turn offs: 4 of pentacles, 9 of wands, queen of pentacles
Someone who spends too much or who is stingy. There is a lot about money here. Someone who is too possessive or jealous (though I'm getting he tends to at rather possessive himself, so there is a double standard here). Someone who earns more than him and possibly could be a bit bossy about how to handle his money or just bossy in general. Someone who is a bit too combative and stubborn, not too naive and who would see through his bs, because I see that he has a tendency to act a bit controlling with his partners, treat them like his possessions a bit.  earth signs especially capricorn
Personality: 8 of wands, 3 of wands, 5 of wands
People who are fierce, impulsive, competitive, dynamic. Very physically active and athletic. More actions than words. Strong mentally and physically. What you see is what you get. Great motivators. People who are always in movements. I’m getting adventurous explorers, martial artists, people who are very fast paced. Always looking for a challenge. Quick to act, quick to read, quick to react, easy to understand, very direct and straightforward. All or nothing, black and white types. Brave, powerful, bold, proud, individualistic, passionate people who know what they want, with a clear vision.  aries, mars, fire signs in general
Appearance: the hierophant, wheel of fortune, 6 of pentacles
He doesn’t really have a specific type. He tends to just find attractive what most people find traditionally good looking, his tastes are nothing particularly wild or unconventional, just not too specific. He could like a darker skin tone though compared to korean beauty standards. Just in general, the person has to be “pretty” in his eyes, and give him a good impression, have a nice smile, and seem friendly enough that he would want to approach them.  venus, jupiter
Turn offs: queen of wands, 10 of wands, 5 of swords
The negative side of what he is attracted. So when the person becomes domineering, when it creates conflicts in the relationship. When the person always wants to have the last word. When the person is so caught up in their goals and ambitions that they have no time for anything else and they are exhausted and he becomes worried about them. Someone who can be too much, wants to do so much that they can’t appreciate what they already have.  fire signs, mars
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nori-the-cat · 4 months
The Boyz Younghoon Green & Red Flag - Romantic Relationship Edition
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Remember, this is just for entertainment purposes. Tarot card reading should be taken with a grain of salt.
Cards: five of cups reversed, king of swords, six of swords, nine of cups reversed, and five of wands
Green Flags:
Honest, communicative, decisive, and emotionally intelligent.
Red Flags:
Tendency to idealize partners, can be overly competitive, may struggle with disappointment if expectations aren't met.
Younghoon seems like a reliable and mature partner with great communication skills. He goes into relationships with a positive attitude but looks for someone who can connect with him intellectually. On the flip side, he's quite logical and can be competitive at times, so he might need to work on being more open about his feelings and understanding his partner's emotional needs.
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This tarot reading was a requested by user @nothingparticular0
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astroyongie · 1 year
Could i request a shadow reading for tbz sunwoo? please :(((
Sunwoo Dark Shadow Reading
Note: please take it lightly
The first cards re quite clear when it comes to his Dark self, Sunwoo can be egocentric, can lack humbleness and be very mean to people however he is also very clear. His dark self takes control when people are trying to abuse him, and he has this capacity to see clearly through people. When Sunwoo doesn't like someone he just feels that person doesn't want him good. His self-protection is strong due to his dark self
this boy is broken as hell, his shadow self was built upon fragmentations of his soul that were broken and hurt. There's so much rage inside him, rage is projected inward, he destroys, and breaks and gets confused by all those feelings. It's because of his dark self that he cannot have love that lasts or cannot find happiness as he is bound to break what he touches due to that side of him that was broken way too many times when he was younger
I think the worst about his shadow self is that he isn't aware of it. Him and his dark self are like twins, looking at the reflection through a mirror, but he doesn't see his dark one, he only sees himself. Sunwoo believes he is a bad person due to several reasons and due to past harsh wounds. He thinks he will never be a good person.
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ravenbloodshot · 7 months
Hi, May I asking about The Boyz beef this month?
There are some problems between members. Someone is being fake and manipulative, not owning up to their wrongdoing. The group is making sure to keep things cute on camera (so you guys can suspect who it is that is fighting, but you'll never see anything outright)
The leader is stepping in to keep things under control (if not the leader, a manager). Things could have gotten out of control before the leader/manager stepped in (possibly saying something truly awful, cursing , verbal attacks). Someone feels betrayed as if another member started the conflict bc they shared private info.
Somebody went off on another member, like completely blew up. I have a suspension, but I'm not sure who this is .....either way, this guy said some pretty harsh things
Whoever blew up like this has been holding back a lot and going through a lot. Do you guys know when people blow up from something small and everyone is looking like "where the hell did that come from", but there's been conflict simmering for a while and it finally came out, thats the vibe its giving. It's like, "he just asked you to put the food in the fridge. Why did you curse him out like that??". But the two already were low-key beefing but trying to play it off, so when this smaller altercation happened (like something as petty as putting food in the fridge), all the hidden fury just unveils itself.
I already got the vibe that the boyz could be quite a group filled with mighty tempers (these guys can be scary when upset, makes me kinda wish i was in the room when the showdown happened). If any of you ever watched the show "Baddies" or "Bad girls club", how aggressive the girls fight on that show could be similar to how the boyz members fight.
Four ppl's energy feel like they're a part of this conflict in some way
Sangyeon- He was trying to keep things under control, resolve the conflict
Younghoon- sat back and watched the drama unfold
Kevin- Tried to koombayah the situation "we're all supposed to be brothers, stop fighting!!"
Juyeon- He was also trying to koombayah the situation. He was completely ignored though
Sunwoo- Has beef with someone. This particular conflict may not have anything to do with him, although I think he gave his two sense, which could have made the situation worse. Showed up at the end
New- He was playing dumb, being fake. More likely than not, part of the conflict (if not the reason the fight started)
Jacob- played mediator, was the one asking for receipts, "You say he's acting fake and shiesty, show us that that's the case"
Eric- Mentally drained from the situation. He's a part of the conflict in some way
Q- Distanced himself from the whole situation, likely left the dorms for the night bc of the fight
Hyunjae- He's a part of this conflict. Giving very assertive and masculine energy, not afraid to pipe up and likely the one who blew up. He's embarrassed and feeling betrayed
Haknyeon- Quiet during the whole thing
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satanandsoul · 2 years
Hi could you do sunwoo from the boyz would be when he has a crush?
Hi anon! Thank you for your ask and sorry for the late reply. 🙇🏻‍♀️
🔮 When The Boyz Sunwoo Has A Crush Tarot Reading 🔮
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When Sunwoo has a crush on someone, he will start to imagine things. He imagine his crush with lots of suitors and that he has to fight for his crush's attention really badly, sometimes uneven resorting to backhandedness. And sometimes he imagine that he is not being treated fairly by others or his crush. Anyway, all this imagination is holding Sunwoo back from pursuing his love. He can easily feel trapped when he develops a crush on somebody.
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