#The Assassin3 About
Gallifrey’s Return | Closed for SpeciosusMortem
Rockit was quiet and slightly dimmed lighting-wise as the Assassin walked through her halls. He had nothing on his mind besides the food in his hands, no places he wanted to go besides back to his workshop, and nothing specific he wanted to do really. Today he’d decided he wanted to fiddle a bit with some technological parts, a vague idea of putting two things together laying in his mind. He had a curiosity of how they could be put together, as well as what they could possibly do once together. But, he may not even get to the idea right away.
Pulling a spoonful of cereal out of the bowl and into his mouth, the Time Lord walked on. It really shouldn’t be a long walk to the workshop, but Rockit had a mind of her own! A good and bad thing sometimes. However, the walk wasn’t a nuisance today. Nope, today was a calm and slow day, to the point that he didn’t even mind when he walked straight into the control room, and on the far side of the room, to be exact. But that was fine! He’d walk across to the hall and make his way.
About halfway through the room an alarm went off, and it was a loud one. The Assassin wouldn't admit it to anyone but Rockit, but it had made him flinch at the suddenness, however slightly.
“Activity Detected. Activity Detected.” Rockit’s words rang loud throughout the room, possibly throughout all of the Tardis.
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Walking a bit faster, although still at a walk, the Assassin went over to the controls, speaking as he moved. It was almost a yell, but there was no anger in his tone, despite the fact that any other day the loudness and intrusiveness of the ‘alarm’ would make him very annoyed.
“What? What activity?”
“Device number 2-5-3 has detected activity. Planet Found.”
The Assassin stopped, mid-walk, ready to put down his bowl but with the closest surface not quite close enough, it dropped and shattered on the floor.  
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NOT The Doctor | Closed for VirtualizedCyberPlannerMrClever
The grass was purple on this planet and the Assassin had already decided he didn’t like it here (although that had nothing to do with the grass). Besides the colour differences, the planet itself was actually quite similar to the human’s planet Earth, to the point that, a small (small) part of the Time Lord had been surprised that, considering the planet was a human-colonized planet, it wasn’t named as one of the many ‘New Earth’s in the universe. Humans were very unoriginal with their naming, after all.
As he walked through a back-alley way, the building almost too close for people to walk between (although no one else seemed to notice/mind it), a car zoomed so fast past him that, really, this planet’s version of ‘police’ not being far behind wasn’t surprising. Why in the world the humans here had decided to merge the pavement with the road, having their cars fly just above the height of the people walking, he would never understand. And so, with a shake of his head, he walked in the complete opposite direction. He had no time or patience for them today.
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Naughty or Nice List
The Assassin (3)
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Tagging: @misguidxdmisfits, @speciosusmortem, any everyone else who sees this and has yet to do it! You’re tagged now! Your URL is HERE!
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The Assassin (3rd Life)
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Threads - ‘My Piece out of Time; The Assassin3 Threads’
Asks/questions – ‘My Questions out of Time; Questions for The Assassin3’
Opens - ‘My Plans; The Assassin3 Opens’
Headcanons/about – ‘My Information in Time; About The Assassin3’
Thoughts - ‘It’s All According to Plan; The Assassin3′s Thoughts’
Music – ‘Music Time; The Assassin3’s Music’
Likes - ‘When Head and Hearts Agree; The Assassin3′s Likes’
Wishlist - ‘My Freedom; The Assassin3 Wishlist’
Face – ‘Killer King; The Assassin3’
Clothes – ‘Killer Clothes; The Assassin3’s Clothes’
Dash games – ‘My Games in Time; Dash Games; The Assassin3’
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The Assassin
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Name: Rachel
Species: Time Lord
Time Lord Title: The Assassin
Life: 3rd
D.O.B: Unknown
Age Range: Unknown
Gender: Non-Binary
Sex: Male
Pronouns: He/Him/His They/Them/Their’s
Hair: Dark Red
Eyes: Blue-Green
Height: 1.83 m (5.12")
Father: Unknown Rassilon
Mother: Unknown
Siblings: None (verse dependant)
Children: None (verse dependant)
Occupation: Assassin (freelance)
Orientation: Homosexual
Relationship Status: Single (verse dependant)
Faceclaim: Cameron Monaghan
Open Starters
The Assassin’s Rockit (Tardis) (Coming Soon!)
Other Lives
Partly through conscious effort and partly from his most recent regeneration, the Assassin functions very differently now than his 2 previous lives. He’s cunning and calm. He’s strategic and thoughtful. What he does he’s thought through; he’s planned. Even the times he hasn’t planned it all out in his mind prior, the ending will fall the way he wants. He’ll make it so. Everything he does has a meaning behind it, has a reason that benefits himself somehow. Whether that reason is known or “broadcasted” to others, well, that’s a rarity in of itself.
He works through word from his brain, not his heart or his feelings, which are pretty closed off. He enjoys killing, yes, but it’s another rarity to see him standing over a body with a smile on his face. Or rather, on his lips. In fact, seeing him standing over a body he’s just killed is something no one sees now. If it can’t be done in the shadows; behind the scenes of the grand stage, then he doesn’t do it. His emotions shine through his eyes, the rest of his face staying calm, blank, and or with a small, sly smirk as if to say “I’m in charge”.
He tricks people though. He’s a smiling, innocent young man. He’s a threatening boss with daggers in his eyes. He’s a lost but very strong and independent person, simply wanting to enjoy someone for a night and then leave on his way out of town.
Of course, his methods of killing and torture have changed; he does not work in secret to avoid watchful eyes, but rather, because he likes it there. He likes being in the unknown; he likes being the unknown.
A.N: Rachel is the unknown bastard of Rassilon. He always knew that he was his child but whether he or even the High Council knew is unknown as it was never spoken of. No one else besides Rachel and his mum know of it.
It seemed to be a common occurrence now that a regeneration gave the Time Lord a realization. Now on their third life, after circumstances with the Silence that led to their second regeneration, he started to feel weak. He had been weak. The freedom of finally being rid of the High Council’s eyes had gotten the better of him. He’d never truly be free until they were dead by his hands, he knew that now.
He left Trenzalore, but only after hearing once more of the Doctor down below on the planet. The Doctor was dying, but Gallifrey relied on the speaking of his name as a code that it was safe to come back home. The Doctor was out of regenerations. Of course, logic would say that Gallifrey would then never come back then, but the Time Lords rarely used common sense when it came to their favourite. They’d simply given him more lives.
What happened next after, the Assassin was not around to see. Gallifrey would come back; the High Council and Rassilon would come back, he knew that. It was only a matter of Time. Although the thought made his stomach turn, he’d allowed himself to be controlled by his brain, not his hearts or his gut. He never really stopped doing that; something he’d only notice years later just to realize that he didn’t care. It was also around that time that he’d finally notice the switch from using his birth name to his chosen name. It made sense now, of course.
As he left, flying away as normal now in his Rockit, he took a step back. Floating aimlessly in space, the Assassin retreated to his study; a new room that came along with his new body. Rockit seemed to be working perfectly in relation to his regeneration. In fact, the A.I’s voice had even changed, although so had the Assassin’s voice. His body now had the male sex, which was very new but also felt very right with his new mind.
In his study, he planned. He went through what had happened, and what was going to happen. And then, what he was going to do about it.
Gallifrey’s return was almost guaranteed, if not completely so, knowing of the Doctor. When about they’d come back was another question. Certainly, they’d try to go home, if possible, and so a surveillance of the Kasterborous constellation, as well as the area around Trenzalore, would be needed. How he’d do that was another thing in of itself.
At first, he asked himself the question of how he would keep surveillance of these areas? They were large amounts of space that he’d want to keep tabs on; want to know whenever something happened there. It wasn’t as if he could land his Rockit in both spots at the same time and stay there until something happened…. Actually, he could, but he didn’t want to, nor would it be the best way to keep track of each large space; he could only see so far by his own eyes and Rockit’s scanners, after all. It also wasn’t the best use of his Time. There was no way to know exactly when and where Gallifrey would return, but whenever it was, he needed to be ready.
Once again, the High Council and Rassilon were on his hitlist, except they weren’t the first anymore. No, the order had changed. Although consciously and unconsciously trying and focusing on listening to his mind over his hearts or gut/feelings, some things trumped logic. The Doctor hadn’t done anything to him specifically, but yet, Gallifrey loved him and not the Assassin. He didn’t want their love, but seeing their favourite renegade, hearing about him, thinking about him…. It made the younger Time Lord jealous. And, jealousy, although a very hearts-driven emotion, was a good reason as any to kill someone. Who would Gallifrey love then, with their Doctor gone and for good? With Rassilon and then the High Council soon to follow? The Assassin himself didn’t want to lead, nor did he want their love, but he wanted to give them their due freedom; he wanted his freedom.
In the mist of his planning, he created a device. Barely larger than his closed-fist, and almost undetectable, looking similar to that of an ordinary piece of rock (although much heavier), the small device would scan the Kasterborous constellation while a second would scan the area around Trenzlore for him. If a fly sneezed on the planet, Rockit would be told. Through a new program he then created and installed on the Tardis, information from the two devices would be sorted, and so, when a fly sneezed, it’d be recorded, in case it could be useful information to know later, but then put aside. The scanners would be able to see much further than himself and would act as if he were there. Through the technology, they’d also be able to see across the areas in space simultaneously, whereas looking himself, what he’d see could be years behind where he was in Time due to the speed of light and the distance. This wouldn’t be a problem with the scanners. The program would tell him if anything remotely important or simply “big” in the terms of history ever happened. As well as, he’d be able to go into the recorded data and check himself, making alterations with the program’s alert as and when needed.
Decades were spent in his study, in the control room, on various computers or in notebooks, in new training rooms also created upon his regeneration. He kept himself fit; mind, body, and soul. He kept up his planning and waited when needed. But, training rooms and notebooks and libraries could only give him so much. He wanted to learn, a passion for it similar to in his very first life, but he didn’t enjoy books as he had back then. And so now, more field tests occurred; he’d go out more, between the books. He’d do his research and tests with his hands and eyes, as opposed to solely his mind. Of course, this took slightly longer, but helped him go through all of the failures quicker, allowing him to learn from them, and adjust for the next time.
He hadn’t picked the name ‘The Assassin’ for absolutely no reason at all. Through his training, he killed. The methods he used, the lives he took, when and where, all assisted in helping the Time Lord discover his new self as if unlocking the doors he hadn’t realized were closed or even in his mind in the first place. He’d kill and plot. He’d read and kill. He’d eat and kill, kill then sleep, write and then kill, and so forth.
The scanners were put into place, one just outside the Kasterborous constellation to cover it in its entirety, and one just outside of the atmosphere of Trenzalore, placed there only moments after he left all those years ago after his regeneration. Getting his hands on Rassilon and the High Council would have to wait, as even after the planet returned, the Assassin had something else to do first.
Killing the Doctor would take much more than waiting for his return. He had a new set of 13 lives now, on top of his already 13 previously used ones. In the Assassin’s mind, he’d used them thoughtlessly, and didn’t deserve more. But, Gallifrey had to return, and the Doctor was needed to do that. Finding the other Time Lord was going to be another hurdle to jump over.
The Doctor had been exploring Time and space for longer than the Assassin had. Although it was obvious that he favoured Earth, and the UK country there, he’s pop-ups were becoming harder and harder to find. Previous sightings the Assassin had heard of, before Gallifrey’s disappearance, were events he could no longer find, without the right digging. It was as if the Doctor had been wiped from history. But still, some things could be found, if you knew how and where to look.
To Earth, the Assassin went. It took a century or two of landing in random spots, waiting it out, enjoying the local….cuisine there, but the Doctor was spotted! From a distance, it was hard to tell whether the other was old enough or not. In an effort to avoid a paradox, the Doctor had to be older than when he’d made his way to Trenzalore. Of course, that would mean he would have had to leave Trenzalore, which meant Gallifrey was most likely back. The scanners hadn’t picked up on the arrival yet, and so, it was safe to say that the Doctor in his eyesight was not yet old enough to kill. Still, the Assassin killed, as was his nature. Just others, not the Doctor.
If he got to close to a young version of the Doctor, a familiar woman would catch his eye instead. She seemed to be just about everywhere the Doctor was, but not with him. She didn’t seem like one of his various ‘companions’, as he called them, nor did each ‘version’ of her seem to be connected. The chances of her face simply being “similar”, or her various incarnations not actually being connected was too low. In fact, the more the Assassin saw her, the less likely either scenario became.
However annoying as her presence became; he wasn’t going to kill the young Doctor, he wasn’t stupid, the more obvious a better strategy became to him. It hadn’t taken long, in fact, maybe seeing her 5 different times or so, just to make sure. The Doctor was hard to find now, but she wasn’t. And so, the Assassin started tracking her through Time and space. Unlike his previous thinking, she was also found on other planets and places besides Earth, and, each time she was there, if he got the timing right, waiting it out sometimes, the Doctor would be there too.
The name ‘Clara’ was used towards her various versions quite a bit, and so that was what he called her. He kept his distance, of course, never meeting or interacting with her face to face, but kept his eyes on her. Sometimes he’d interfere slightly, killing someone she cared for, his evil eyes lurking in the distant dark shadows, watching. It was worth it whether it “called” the Doctor to her, in a way, or not. Sometimes it seemed to work, but far too coincidental for the Assassin’s liking. Still, it was fun and good practice.
Every time he’d find Clara, she’d led him to the Doctor, unknowingly. But, every time the Doctor was too young. Whether she could lead to ad old enough version of the other was unknown, and logic showed that it could go either way; it was very possible Clara was a constant in the Doctor’s lives up until a certain point of which he was still too young to go to Trenzalore, or, throughout all of his lives and his second batch of lives even. It was hard to tell, as if the latter were the case, then the Assassin had simply not waited long enough yet. But, if the former were the case, no amount of waiting or tracking her various existences would help, and would, in fact, be a waste of his Time. But, unlike the Doctor, the Assassin hadn’t wasted all of his lives, throwing away his Time in a foolish manner. In fact, he still had 10 lives after his current left. And if it took that long to kill the Doctor, then it took that long to kill the Doctor. Patients was his virtue now, and he had quite a bit of planning and training to do, as well as other activities, in the meantime.
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Rachel/The Assassin Headcanon
Throughout all of their lives (at least so far) Rachel/The Assassin can’t cook. The best they can do is cereal or a sandwich. They generally rely on Rockit for food, or they ‘eat out’.
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Rachel/The Assassin Headcanon
During their 1st and 3rd life, Rachel/the Assassin is prone to panic attacks if they think too much about Gallifrey/the Time War, or if it comes up. Just about anything that has to do with it can trigger them. Although they can think about and talk about Gallifrey in passing/in short bursts of time, the Time War is a very big fat NO.  
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Rockit/Rachel Headcanon
Rockit is basically the mother Rachel never had, not that Rachel had that in mind when she’d created her, of course.
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Rachel/The Assassin Headcanon
Across all of her lives (at least so far), Rachel/The Assassin has a very thick Londoner (English) accent. However, the Assassin (3rd life) is very good at pulling other accents to the point that probably very few people, if any at all, know what his ‘real’ accent sounds like! It’s a part of his manipulation of others.
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POWER; Time, Timelines, Time Lords, and Deities || Closed for Credentibus
With a bowl of cereal in his hand, the Assassin walked back towards his workshop. Today was more of a day of fiddling about with some of the ideas in his head, see how he could make them come to life or if he’d need more supplies, rather than actually focusing on properly making something for a specific something. It was a calm day which was can be greatly needed from time to time, even for him. He was only Time Lord, after all!
Rockit had taken it upon herself to move her rooms around at will, as she did. Although it meant the minimal trip back would be longer, the Time Lord wasn’t bothered with having to walk through his console room on his return trip, despite not having to do so on his way to the kitchen. That was fine. Rockit was probably just doing something in the background.
Almost making it to the doorway on the other side of the room, the A.I chimed in, gaining her Time Lord’s attention.
“An anomaly has been detected, master.” She said, her voice sounding throughout the room.
“What kind’a anomaly?” Was the Assassin’s reply, his mouth full of cereal. “Where?”
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“Directing flight towards anomaly.”
Swallowing his mouth full, he again replied, “Rockit, I didn’t say to do that. Where are we going?” It didn’t come out rude or in an impatient tone, more like calmly stating a fact.
“We have already landed, master. I suggest resuming your cereal at a later time. You will want to see this.”
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