#The Abysmal Communication
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idolomantises · 6 months ago
I think my most controversial cartoon take is that it’s not Lily Orchard’s fault that people turned on Steven Universe and I think the fandom just insists that happened because they don’t want to accept that people turned on the show years before it ended.
Like I literally remember Bismuth being the first episode that completely divided fans, and its lack of acknowledgement (among other issues such as a drop in writing and animation quality) pushing fans from the show. And that was TWO YEARS before LO’s video dropped
Lily Orchard’s video was only effective because it came out during the peak of the show’s hatedom/controversy. Season 5 was when I dropped off the show but I literally remember new episodes becoming heated debates every time they dropped and fans were so actively hostile towards criticism they genuinely thought making any sort of constructive critique was considered laughable or downright homophobic (had no issue complaining about random anime though, wonder why).
Really makes me laugh that there were dungeon meshi fans who were convinced that Lily Orchard’s negative review was going to make people turn on the show. Her LOK and Steven Universe videos were popular because they were already very controversial shows with a divisive fanbase. She also made a lot of videos heavily criticizing MLP, yet I don’t see people insisting that MLP is a terrible show undeserving of praise. It’s almost as if Lily Orchard is a deeply controversial figure in cartoon spaces and it makes no sense for one deeply unlikable person to influence the opinions of millions of people.
It’s okay to accept that people just didn’t like something, instead of looking for someone to blame.
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a2zillustration · 4 months ago
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Croissant wanted to stop by their mother's place on the way back to Waterdeep. It'd been a while.
🥐 Croissant Adventures Masterpost 🥐
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littencloud9 · 1 month ago
“i genderbent one half of this f/m ship because i cant enjoy it if it’s straight” DO YOU FUCKING HEAR YOURSELF
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goingdownorup · 1 month ago
I just want to say, your fics are some of my favourite ever. You write etho so well, and just. Damn I wanted to be really eloquent there and gush about all the stuff i love about your writing but there's too much I think my brain would explode before I got through half of it. You're just really good at characterisation and making your fics fun and enjoyable but also serious when you want them to be and everything is executed so well!!! I hope u keep doing your thing forever you're an inspiration :D
WAAA- Thank you so much! I appreciate comments like this so much, you have no idea what it means to me. I’m so glad to hear that about my characterization since it really is one of the hardest battles for me to figure out when attempting to write a fic. Coming up with a plot is far easier to me that figuring out how a character would react in the plot, so it makes me very happy that people think I’ve characterized the people well. I’ve been a bit of slump recently so your words really do mean the world.
I normally put a little snippet of what I’ve been working on under asks but since I’m currently braced up at the moment, typing has been a bit slow. So! Have this stick figure etho I drew hanging on to my braces when I had to wash and dry them after making several sheet cakes. There is a reason I’m a writer and not an artist.
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pitchblackespresso · 3 months ago
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My contributions to the Gen 9 Collab on DeviantArt!
(updated with all four contributions)
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primordialwhale · 19 days ago
the horrors persist and persist and persist and persist and persist
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supernovaa-remnant · 10 months ago
I have absolutely no sense of friendship decay nor time, but please know that I still love you even if we haven't interacted or talked in a while <3
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shiominato · 27 days ago
I think a lot of things but if you make last minute plans the night before just to cancel without actually telling the person who should be babysitting your kids that you’re cancelling then I think that’s incredibly rude. personally
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the-batacombs · 1 year ago
I had totally forgotten about the Bruce Wayne -- Ibn al Xu'ffasch -- Mar'i Grayson family circle in Kingdom Come.
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artinandwritin · 1 month ago
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Finally working a bit on Little Socks part 2 and i had a little snippet i wanted to share!!
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thats-a-paradox · 3 months ago
Is there a way to actually search communities here or do we just get to do the aimless scrolling thing?
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herlittleangel · 6 months ago
thinking about the first time we went for a walk together 💜 she led me into the woods by her house then stopped to spit in my mouth and make out (hot), slipped her hand into my underwear to touch me (hottt) and fingered me until my legs were trembling (hothothothot holy fuck) only stopping once when someone walked too close
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bananonbinary · 2 years ago
yall are being very kind with your suggestions and it's making me Mad about the one time i tried OT again, because the therapist said i absolutely should NOT get the blackout curtains, or wear the sunglasses, because it would "lower my tolerance." (....which i dont have, or i wouldnt be seeking treatment thanks)
it's just wild to say "i struggle with this thing" and have a bunch of people just say "ok do a different thing then." the difference between treatment designed to Make You Normal and treatment designed to actually improve quality of life.
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pinchan · 2 years ago
thinking abt the counselor from my hs again... love u maam hope ur doing well up there
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bronzetomatoes · 9 months ago
Not to keep reiterating the same point for days on end but actually like talk to your friends about your feelings even just once I swear the skies clear love becomes real it's beautiful out here
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danbisroom · 9 months ago
Ep. 19 - This Is The Beginning Of Familiar Ends
Hello my beloved fellow souls,
welcome back to Danbi’s Room, your weekly dose of safe space. Go grab a cup of something warm and get yourself cosy.
I hope you had a nice week where you received, you know, some kind of revelation. Or where you managed to trust your guts a bit more. That’s really really really important.
Very often we're told to get out of our comfort zone, which is not a bad thing: it is, in fact, very good advice. It’s crucial to explore, to learn new things, to let our soul understand that mistakes are part of the process and that “not being good” at something is the exact reason why we start learning it. Not that “being good at” whatever should necessarily be the goal. I’m an overachiever myself, I crave knowledge more than anything else, sometimes even more than love. Ambition eats me alive every day and more often than not my life feels like a constant race against time to learn everything I can as soon as possible. But there are indeed a few things to break down here. First and most simple: we have all of our life to learn and discover and it’s never pointless. Learning should be pure joy, learning for learning’s sake. Socrates learnt a new tune with his flute, in his prison cell, just a few days before his execution. Why? Well, why not? We’re here to be happy not to be machines. Secondly, it still takes effort and sacrifice to learn: it can be tiring, we might feel like idiots and we might think about giving up. Actually, now and then, giving up could be the right choice to make. Sometimes something’s not for us, or it might be better to pursue it in the future. But there are definitely times where we just need to push a bit more. Motivation alone is not always enough. Be hungry, fight. Sink your claws in the flesh of your dreams, no matter what. Even Odin the Allfather sacrificed his own eye to eat the fish that granted him full knowledge. Last but not least, the former two statements don’t mean there’s a set definition of what all of this means. There’s no hierarchy in knowledge, nor in learning. What does it mean “to be good at”? We’re so used to capitalise on everything we forget that many things are just human things to do. Like eating, drinking water and sleeping. So are dancing, singing, making art and many other things. They’re beautiful, raw and human. Like breathing. Why do we make our life a synthetic product? That itself is not very human and it’s not very nice either. Our curiosity got us to do so many wonderful stuff, why do we let it decay into suffering? Why do we strangle ourselves until suffocation? We can’t breathe anymore, our vision’s blurry, thick fog is hunting our brain yet we’ve become so comfortably numb we don’t notice anymore. We forget we have our own hands pressing furiously on our own throat. Even in the rare moments of clear-headedness we don’t seem to be able to move them. We’ve sunken so abysmally deep into total discomfort that we’re not even gasping for surface, air and sun anymore. What is actually hard now is not getting out of the comfort zone, but rather to be able to go back to it. Letting ourselves be okay, go back home, be ourselves, feel good in our own skin. We don’t know that. We don’t even know where to look for it. Where’s home? Where’s the sky? It’s not even about finding answers anymore, it’s about creating them. Having no path makes you lost and astray but it also means you can go everywhere you want. You can let your instinct guide you home without useless noise. When discomfort is so familiar it might be a very good idea to begin to end it.
Listen and walk.
I’ll be right here.
It’s all good now.
Today’s song recommendation is Abysmal by Hannah Bahng, though I advise you to listen to the full EP from the beginning to the end. The abyss, my loves, has always much to say.
I hope you enjoyed this episode and that you have a beautiful week ahead of you!
I’ll see you in the next one, big hug!
With love, yours,
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