#That’s my story!! In a book!! OOOOOOOOOOO—
roman-vs-usernames · 3 months
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i-am-beckyu · 1 year
Apparently I couldn't sleep last night, something I don't remember, but when I woke up something has been written in my dragon book...
. . .
The angel of death looked sad and guilty. "I'm sorry we didn't notice before. We should've realised what was happening, I'm sorry." He seemed to want to say more, but Techno wasn't listening.
This was worse than the familiarity, worse than the music, colours, crows, hell it was worse than Chat or when he saw blood.
Those exact words had been spoken by Phil on that day and it pulled the borrower into the strongest flashback he had ever known
This was the memory of his banishment.
. . .
Soo i think I'm going to have Techno interact with each member of sbi as separate chapters for everyone, and then at one point when they're all together Techno breaks down saying he still doesn't remember and that they're trying to force him into being someone he's not, which is only making it and the flashbacks so much worse. The chapter after this would be the reason of his banishment, and then I'm still not sure exactly how it will end. Maybe a confrontation against DreamXD, since even though he's the one who framed Techno, nobody could prove it was him, until Techno returned, except his memory was gone. If you want I could explain more about the crime and the world and other characters later cause I'm in the car on the way to see a friend rn, so can't talk much atm.
Cookies? 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
ooooooOOOoo we love it when things we can't remember writing appear :D
and oh yessssssssssss this sounds so good! Individual chapters sounds like a good call and I like that. Gives more techno content :3 we're gonna get em, bedrock and twins duo content!!!!!!
There are so many opportunities to have like triggers that que flashbacks and can have Techno panicking!
And I love where you plan to go with this. rather than him accepting that he was a god and becoming one again he just feels that isn't him anymore and the rest of sbi have to accept that!
I think it would be really perfect if you had maybe Phil go to Techno and say "how about we start over?" and they just restart the friendship because this shows phil accepts he's not getting the old techno back.
And I think if it all just led up to Techno regaining more of his memories to the point he can prove what happened and get XD banished would be good.
You can go from there and have it kind of a loose ends story where they don't know what's instore but Techno has new friends and everyone is willing to at least try again. Leave the future undetermined <3
They're my thoughts anyways lol.
Also have fun with your friend! Message me whenever you want to share! Can't wait <3
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silverhallow · 2 years
What would you title, Benedict and Sophie's book? I low-key hate that their title focuses on him asking him to be his mistress. I wish it focused on their mutual love.
Ooooooooooo good question…
I totally get that.
I think it could have played on Sophie’s social class or, Benedict’s second son complex and their second chance at first loves so something like…
Second Times the Charm
The Maid and the Gentleman
Given An Offer from a gentleman is actually a play on an officer and a gentleman we could play on another story…
Something like Maid in Silver
That’s a really hard question!!!
My brain hurts trying to think of anymore 😂😂
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An Appreciation for an Indie Author
Well, Happy Halloween my friends. *Long sip* Ahhhhhh, a glorious day for the trick-or-treaters and ghouls. For this evening let us sip some elderberry wine and share an appreciation for a particular indie author who I find most amusing and loving.
*Sip, sip*
Now, I do not often chuckle or laugh to the point of closing a book to collect myself. No book has brought tears to my eyes from hysterics. None ... save for one.
That book is the deliciously funny and pleasantly plump Between: The Chronicles of Between by indie author L.L. Starling.
*Sip, sip*
Now, what is it about this book that is so fantastic? Well, it is an adult fantasy rom-com with intensely realistic characters (yes, even if part fantasy) and a heartwarming story at the center. The ridiculousness of this book, the randomness of it all, I simply have not encountered since the days of Invader ZIM and the early seasons of Spongebob. That, in no way, means that the book is similar to either of those two shows because it is NOT. What I mean is the random things in both shows that are pulled out of thin air and the sheer ridiculousness of it that just makes the scene so damn funny is found in this book as well.
*Sip, sip*
For example, in an episode of Invader ZIM, Dib is in some fast food joint talking to a hobo (as if that is not random enough, it gets better). As the hobo goes to leave the facility, he literally steals another grown-ass man right out of the booth before making a run for it out the door. The hobo stops, back to the camera. The other dude is just sitting in his booth, minding his own business. The hobo quickly grabs the man RIGHT OUT OF THE BOOTH! The man screams in the hobo's arms and the hobo runs (still carrying the man!) right out of the establishment. It was so random, so bizarre, so out-of-pocket. And so freaking funny! That is the humor of this book.
*Sip, sip*
But, what makes it so fantastic is that, for the most part, it doesn't take itself too seriously. It knows it is a comedy, cozy fantasy at heart and it sticks with that. When we do encounter moments of sorrow, moments of fear, moments of seriousness, and sweet moments that led to me finding myself screaming for them to "Just kiss already!" (because this is a slooooooooooo....ooooooooooo....oooooooooooo....ooooooooooooow burn) it doesn't feel like such an abrupt shift in tone. It feels authentic and like the story is still continuing, and possesses the same voice, but it is able to shift its attitude as needed.
*Sip, sip*
It also takes place during the Halloween season and today is Between's birthday! Hence the need to post about this book. A more thorough review of the book is forthcoming (as this is a chonky boy and I need to reread it before I feel comfortable posting about it in more depth), however, I will say this: I have reread the thing several times since purchasing it (too many to count) and have a tattoo of one of the symbols mentioned in the book. Needless to say, I think it's great! And I only have two minor problems with it:
It is not edited professionally. Which, to be fair, is a problem any book can have. I have caught grammatical mistakes in books published by publishing houses. That annoys me more than when an indie author has a few mistakes in their piece because they are doing it all on their own. However, editors also assist in taking out bits that just aren't necessary. And while I love pretty much every scene in the book, I will admit that a lot of stuff is fluff and can be removed. It's not that those parts are bad because they aren't. They are just really, really fluffy. But an enjoyable fluffy. Like a cat that leaves its fur all over you after granting you permission to snuggle with it for a moment.
*Sip, sip*
2. No deadlines. Deadlines, I can imagine, are a horror for any author and is something that indie authors don't have to worry about. That being said, book 2 Otherworld is not out yet nor does it have a release date. And it has been three years. Starling is not as bad as George R. R. Martin (yet) but having to just wait without a countdown or much of an estimate is agonizing. However, in celebration of Between's birthday, Starling did post the first chapter of book 2 on her website, which I devoured as soon as it posted (yes, I set an alarm and read it at 12 in the am despite it being a work day). And based on that chapter, book 2 is going to be wilder, funnier, and sweeter than book 1. Though I am restless, I would much rather Starling take her time creating her masterpiece as opposed to rushing just to get the book out so ... I will drink some more wine (sip, sip) and practice patience.
*Sip, sip*
On that note, I would like to thank L.L. Starling for this beautiful book and the fantastic series underway. I recommend Between to anyone who enjoys a cozy, fantasy rom-com and Halloween vibes.
*Sip, sip. Raises glass*
And a special thank you to all the indie authors out there that produce masterpieces. Your stories are incredible and your effort, your passion, and your pursuit of your dreams are marvelous.
*Sip, sip*
Have a Happy Halloween, check out Between by L.L Starling (available as paperback, audio, and Kindle on Amazon, available on Barnes & Noble's website), her website posted here: https://www.llstarling.com/
And, as always, keep it creepy and stay spooky.
*Sip, sip*
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raventhompson · 2 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity!
Ooooooooooo, I like this :)
Definitely my stuffed animals, especially Robin (a cat from IKEA)
Listening to music
Reading fanfiction or books
Creating scenarios for stories in my head
Thank you loads for this <3
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
WAIT WAIT— what if 👀 what if Yandere!Tubbo and Yandere!Tommy falling for the reader at the same time
ooooooOOOOO DAMN this one is gonna be good! I love the way you think! So I wrote this as headcanons, but I will write this as an actual story if requested. ^^
This is not exactly implied romantic??? I'm still scared about writing their characters as directly romantic????? I'll probably get braver about it but still lowkey worried.
Yandere!C!Tommy x GN!Reader x Yandere!C!Tubbo Headcanon/Fic
Tommy, at first, completely denied even acknowledging your existence.
Until he saw someone interact with you.
Then he would start pulling out his sword or glaring at them from across the room.
He would definitely pin them in an alleyway and threaten every single one of their canon lives.
Tommy, please. Niki was just trying to give you cookies.
He's the kind of Yandere that would greatly keep his distance both physically, emotionally and mentally. Basically, he would be a Tsundere Yandere.
Tubbo, on the other hand, would be extremely sweet to you.
Need netherite? He had an extra few ingots ready in his pockets!
Interacting with someone who wasn't him? Was he not good enough for you??? Fine. You don't deserve him.
He would cry to you and make you feel guilty OR completely ignore you for a week straight until you come crawling back to him and apologizing.
Straight up can flip emotions like a switch.
The first time either of them realized the other liked you as well, was when they were listening to Mellohi on their bench, watching the sunset when they saw you having a conversation with Ranboo at the bottom of the cliff.
"What're they doing talking to him?" Tommy growled lowly and leaned forward to glared at the enderman who was talking to you. He reached for his bow n' arrow before Tubbo grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks, "What? I don't want them talking to anyone but me."
"What do you mean 'anyone but you'?! You avoid them like they're a virus!" Tubbo stared at him, digging his fingers into Tommy's bicep a small bit to show his anger a bit more, "They should only be talking to me."
The blond turned towards his brunet friend and yanked his arm out of his grasp, "Excuse me?" He glared into Tubbo's dull blue eyes, gritting his teeth, "You do nothing but give them stuff!"
"And you treat them like shit and avoid them!" The smaller of the two retorted angrily, trying to keep his tone level enough to where you didn't hear.
Mellohi, the music that had been playing mere moments ago, slowly came to a stop and left nothing but silence and tension in the air. You had noticed them arguing from below, but Ranboo (who had heard their entire argument) decided to pull you away from them and bring you to the Tundra.
"Are you trying to take everything from me?!" Tommy tightened his grip on his diamond sword, although part of him knew that if Tubbo equipped his netherite armour, there would be absolutely no competition whatsoever.
"Take things from you?! They're a human being and you choose to ignore that fact when you ignore them or call them terrible names!"
"I treat everyone like that! You already have Ranboo, I don't understand why you're chasing after them with hearts in your eyes when you're fuckin' married! Loyal much! Oh wait, you aren't loyal, you EXILED ME!"
"It's platonic! I told you that already! And you're starting this again now, Tommy?!"
Ranboo actually felt nervous leaving you alone around both Tommy AND/OR Tubbo after hearing their entire argument that day.
Tommy, although now a lot nicer, became extremely clingy towards you and constantly would walk over and drag you away mid-conversation with anyone that wasn't him. ESPECIALLY if you were talking to Tubbo.
Man would bring you everywhere with him if you would let him.
Netherite mining? Get your pick.
To get new discs? Pack your bags, we're going on an adventure.
Straight up does everything he can do to get you away from Tubbo because he's petty.
He tried giving you as many gifts as Tubbo, but mans is broke.
Tubbo would get extremely annoyed by Tommy even just walking through the area when he was with you.
Would start to hold your hand or link arms with you (if you're comfortable), just so Tommy couldn't pull you away as easily.
Started to try guilt-tripping you into living in Snowchester, and even tried to get you to live in the mansion.
Ranboo actually lied to Tubbo, saying he was scared of enderwalking and hurting you, to convince Tubbo not to guilt-trip you further into living in the mansion.
Tubbo's constant gift-giving got so much more extreme.
Want netherite ingots to make armour?
Nope. No lifting a finger.
He already made you fully enchanted netherite god armour anyway.
Has definitely tried to convince Ranboo to let him involve you in the platonic marriage.
"Ranboo! My beloved!" Tubbo called jokingly, walking into their home. He kicked the snow on his boots before pulling down his hood and taking off his hat, hanging it on the hook as he took off his footwear, "I have a proposition for you!"
The monochrome-coloured man lifted his head and set down the journal in his hand, the ink likely still wet judging by the quill in his hand, "Yeah? What's that?" He placed the feathered pen in the pot of ink and turned to face his platonic husband.
"What would you say to extending our marriage to three people? Like a polyamorous relationship. Like Sapnap, Karl and Big Q?" Tubbo sat down in the chair beside him, watching as Ranboo was left reeling for a few seconds.
"W-well, one, I think you mean expanding. Two, with who?!" The tall male sat up quickly, bumping his leg on the table from his minor flailing, "A-and, and, what about Michael? Are you sure they can be trusted with him?"
Tubbo held out his hand to calm his friend down, making his friend put his hands down so he didn't accidentally hit something, "You know what I meant, and (Y/n)! Y'know... Like, the one with (h/l) (h/c) hair, (tall/short)! (Y/n), them!"
"Yeah, yeah, I know who they are, it's just..." He paused to gather his words, glancing away from his friend. In all reality, he wouldn't mind inviting you into the platonic marriage, even if he knew Tubbo felt more romantic feelings towards you. He didn't shut up about it. It was the fact that he was worried about what kind of mental manipulation Tubbo would do to you if you did agree to be in the marriage. Or even what Tommy would do to you or Tubbo!
'Your relationship with Tommy is beyond screwed already... Imagine what would happen if both of his friends left him to be in a platonic relationship with me. Tubbo, all of us would be in severe danger.' He thought silently before taking a breath. "I-I don't have my enderwalking state under control... I'm already scared for Michael enough, and I don't want to hurt her as well... Give it some time and we'll see. Please.." He whispered, lying through his teeth. Ranboo knew you were damn good at protecting yourself and could knock his long and lanky ass to the dirt within seconds.
Tubbo's bright shiny eyes seemed to glaze over for a moment as his smile began to falter, "Ah... Yeah. I guess that makes sense. For their safety I suppose." His normal look returned and he gave him a smile, "Yeah, that does make a lot of sense. I'll ask again next month to see what happens."
"What... What about Tommy-"
"What about him?" He demanded sharply, his smile vanishing in mere seconds which caught Ranboo off guard yet again, "He doesn't need to be in their life. He would do more harm to them than good!"
Ranboo was left gaping, his mouth moving but not creating any sounds. He watched as Tubbo eyed him carefully before he got up, murmuring something about grabbing food then going to bed.
Once the goat hybrid was completely out of sight, Ranboo reached for his memory book and took the quill again.
'Protect (Y/n) from Tubbo and Tommy. Get them out of DreamSMP.'
Ranboo was scared for you.
He was stuck watching as these crazy two men fought over you, threatened you, manipulated you... It was worrying, to say the least.
Don't get him wrong. If he didn't have an adopted son, a platonic husband that he still cared about despite him being another Dream at this point, and a Syndicate to protect him from, he would've packed everything and ran, bringing you with him.
He was practically walking on eggshells around this man that he had once been extremely close to!
It practically sent shivers down his spine...
Eventually, it got to the point where Ranboo had gone to your house in the ungodly hours of the morning to talk to you.
This man LITERALLY crept into Tubbo's room AND Tommy's house to make sure they were both asleep before going to talk to you.
"Ran... Boo?" You asked, yawning softly as you leaned against the door, your hair all frizzy and messed up, "What's up? It'sssss... Like 5:30am. The sun is barely even up..."
"(Y/n)... Can we go inside? Please... There's something very wrong.." He murmured softly, his memory book tightly held in his grasp as he glanced around. Tommy could be waking up sometime soon, and he did not want to get caught talking to you. He would certainly be down a canon life before he could even say 'sorry'.
You watched the nervous man in front of you and nodded before stepping aside to let him in. Peaking outside, you looked around for what was causing him to panic but went back inside once you didn't see anything. "What's wrong?" Softening your tone, you gestured for him to sit at the table while you made coffee.
Once he had a fresh mug of coffee in front of him, Ranboo slowly began to gather his nerve and speak. He told you everything he could remember, and even opened his memory book to tell you about the things he didn't remember. Everything from the fight where Tommy and Tubbo's friendship completely went downhill a few months ago, to the threats Tubbo used against Tommy, the manipulation against you, the threats he had received by talking to you, and even Tubbo's violent mood switches when talking about you or Tommy.
The entire time, you just sat there wide-eyed as you listened to him ramble on about his fears and worries, and everything in between. He even mentioned wanting to actually divorce Tubbo because of how scared he was for you and his own life. "I don't... Not... Believe you... But this is- this is a little difficult to believe." You knew the enderman hybrid wouldn't lie about something so serious, and he definitely wouldn't be shaking like a leaf if it was a joke or a lie.
"Y-yeah, I expected that... But I really do care about your safety, honestly. You know I wouldn't joke about this kind of thing, especially about Tubbo." He murmured softly, looking at his crown laying on the table in front of him, "In all honesty, I came here this early because I was scared about Tommy trying to kill me if he saw me talking to you..."
"He wouldn't ki-"
The door slammed open dramatically and there was a cheerful shout of your name, "(Y/n)!!! Let's go mining for diamon-" Tommy walked into your kitchen, only to freeze mid-step and midfacial expression. His expression went from surprised to annoyance to a grim smile, "Hello Ranboo!" He gave him a smile that was more like baring his teeth as he twirled his axe nonchalantly.
He was going to hurt him...
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barbatusart · 2 years
i think im kinda hands off on here wrt how i personally feel about my own projects but like im so fucking excited about lovos4017 it’s not even funny lol i only hope i can do the rough pages justice!!!! also for people who’ve been following along on the website (lovos4017.the-comic.org cough) i know it seems a little all over the place right now but Please trust me, i promise im weaving a plot & everythings been converging in the direction of a unified plot, just slowly
seriously tho ooooh boy i hope yous all like it im so psyched about this one lol, like im Very close to being done with the books & books of set dressing & when the core story kicks off OOOOOOO
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anenomie · 2 years
3, 13, 19, 21
3. Ooooo ooooo! Ok this is such a big question because pretty much everything I do is in some way connected to my inner child, whether it’s reconciling with them or doing something they were never able to do, or something else. My current biggest project is rewriting and revamping the story that I wrote when I was 12. I’ve always been interested in similar themes, and I sort of long to give the feeling that I always got after reading a really good book or watching something that was formative for me. So many of my characters are basically just facets of me, just like I’m sure lots of other authors feel. I put them through the same things I went through emotionally, except for them they are familial with aliens, or are aliens themselves, or have neat powers.
Maybe I’m not too sure how to answer this question. All of my stuff is pretty connected to Me as a person because I’ve got a lot of things to say, I think? It’s hard to describe it. A lot of the time I was told I was selfish and self absorbed for it, but I’m inside myself all the time and so is little Crick so y’know, I don’t think that’s too bad.
13. Ooooooooooo another good one. Now let me see. I tend to keep my artists who inspire me the most on hand, so it’s difficult to think of someone who I like who might not, I suppose. Maybe I’ll think on this one more!
19. I know this is probably a basic answer, and maybe only a half answer indeed since they’re alive, but, flowers!!! I love flowers so much, I’ve always drawn them! I’m not too good at seeking reference though so a lot of mine look kinda made up, but people seem to like them. I also really like drawing long flowy clothes, and pretty jewelry, but maybe that’s considered more part of the portrait than an inanimate object. Admittedly I’m not all that experienced with drawing just plain objects since art school really made the experience feel miserable and a chore, but I’d like to be sometime!
21. I really like when artists draw things simplified and cute and use a lot of bright colors and pretty things in there like anthropomorphic animals with nice plain patterns and pretty colors. I love things that are so bright and happy looking! Closest example that comes to mind is Sanrio!
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giuliafc · 3 years
Betrayal Chapter 9: Who saves us now?
<< 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 -- 7 -- 8 -- 9: Ao3 || FFN -- 10 >>
Written by: JuliaFC
Beta: Etoile-Lead-Sama and Myimaginationflows
Summary: Chat Noir to the rescue. Well, kinda. (997 words)
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by (c) Thomas Astruc, TS1 Bouygues, Disney Channel, Zagtoon, Toei Animation. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Written for the "Snippet July" challenge of the Miraculous Fanworks Discord server @miraculousfanworks AND for LadyNoir July @ladynoirjuly Day 20 — Pride/save me. Let me know what you think!
PS: I forgot to upload this chapter on Tumblr on the 20th! Sorry about that...
It didn't take long before a soft thump echoed from the deck of the diner boat.
Good, Chat Noir is here, thought Marinette.
She looked at Tikki, who nodded and disappeared through the wall to go greet the cat superhero. But straight after that, Marinette could only watch in horror as Jacques, who had been just sitting on a chair next to her reading a book, smirked and dialled a number on his phone.
"Hello, sweetie. The cat is here. Yes. I'll do as planned." He stood up and walked out of the room.
Marinette looked with eyes full of worry at Chat Noir's head popping out from the boat's window. She didn't know what Lila's plan was, but it didn't sound good at all. And what was worse, she had no way to warn Chat Noir that something was wrong. She also knew that the boy always acted on impulse, and may not think twice before jumping in the room if he didn't see anyone there with her. He would fall straight into the trap!
She groaned as loud as she could in hopes of warning Chat Noir, but as she did that, a purple mass appeared in the centre of the room. Right in Chat Noir's full view, and a sentimonster who looked like a buffed up version of Jacques materialised in its place. Marinette and Chat exchanged looks and Chat Noir nodded, his head disappearing from the view. Marinette breathed a sigh of relief.
"Only the bee holder can immobilise a sentimonster," said Tikki.
"How are we going to contact Vesperia? She's only a temporary hero, isn't she? So she doesn't keep her Miraculous, we need to give it to her!"
Tikki looked at Chat Noir sheepishly. "Rena Rouge knows Vesperia's identity, and she knows how to get to the Miracle Box." She sighed at Chat Noir's unbelieving stare and at how his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Then, she continued, "I know it's hard on you, Chat Noir, but you can't save Marinette alone. You need help. If you cataclysm the sentimonster, it will go mad and we don't know what powers it holds, if any."
Chat Noir swallowed dryly. "It's okay. Marinette is more important than my pride." He sighed and dialled Rena's number on the communicator. There will be time for Marinette to fill him in with all the details she hadn't revealed to him up to now. At the moment, the most important thing was to save her.
However, after having spoken to Alya, explaining to her what they needed, and waiting for a long time that Alya or Vesperia arrived to help; Chat Noir lost his patience. He was nearly going to enter the room and fight the sentimonster himself when his eyes widened in horror: Lila had come back. But the most shocking thing was that it wasn't just Lila. It was Volpina.
Volpina approached Marinette and used her flute to create a cage around her. Then, she came through the cage and took off the tape from Marinette's face with a firm gesture. The girl coughed and spit out the cloth that was filling her mouth. Volpina freed Marinette from the knots and came out of the cage. Marinette took a little time to untie herself completely and get back to a sitting position, trying to gain back the feeling from her hands and legs.
"V-volpina? Wh-what…" was the first thing Marinette was able to say. Volpina sneered.
"It was so easy. I know you're listening, Chat Noir. You may as well want to hand yourself in at this stage. Your pathetic attempt to get the bee holder has failed miserably. The new Bee Miraculous holder was unavailable, so Rena Rouge—or should I say Alya Césaire—had to give the Miraculous to Chloé Bourgeois." Volpina cackled. "How stupid of her. She didn't know that Chloé had teamed up with me! So now…" She fondly grabbed the fox necklace on her neck. "...Now I've got the real one, and nobody will stop me!"
"What have you done to Alya?" screamed Marinette, her hands reaching for the bars of the cage and noticing with surprise that they were more solid than she thought and they didn't disappear when touched.
Volpina laughed. "Chloé used her power to paralyse her so I could get her Miraculous, and she's still unconscious."
"You evil witch!" Chat Noir shouted and jumped out of his hiding place.
Volpina blocked his baton using her flute, but didn't seem to be able to counteract his attacks very effectively. However, before he could knock her off, the sentimonster intervened. It became a fight between Chat Noir and the buffed sentimonster, a fight that Marinette watched with her heart drumming into her throat, jumping at every hit of Chat's baton.
The sentimonster defended himself with his bare hands to start with, then Volpina materialised a pole for him to use as a weapon. Things seemed to get worse for Chat Noir; the boy took many hits and eventually crashed on the ground.
"Chat Noir!" cried Marinette as Volpina used Mirage to create another cage around the black clad superhero.
"Damn witch, you won't trap me like this!" growled Chat Noir, and balled his right hand to a fist, roaring "CATACLYSM!"
His hand came in contact with the bars, and the cage crumbled and turned into ashes. But Volpina didn't even need to snap her fingers; almost immediately, the bars were up again, as solid as before. Chat Noir was left blinking in surprise as Papillon's mask appeared on Volpina's face.
"The plan was perfectly executed, Papillombre. Now we just need to wait." Chat Noir's eyes widened in horror as Volpina's face came closer to the bars of his cage. "Tik-tok, tik-tok, kitty-cat. It will be a pleasure seeing you detransforming and handing your Miraculous to Papillombre."
Marinette's heart sank as Chat Noir growled and shook the bars of the cage with his fists.
They were in DEEP trouble.
Author's Note
Whoops. I hope it's clear that Lila is using the Fox Miraculous and the conversation we didn't see before she arrived at the boat had Papillombre offering Volpina "the power to generate solid and unlimited illusions." This story is growing legs, I'm telling you. Why do all my stories end up growing legs?
I hope you liked it and will leave me a comment. You know that comments are my bread and butter!
Until tomorrow, bug out!
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fandomtrxsh19 · 3 years
So, when I read ACOSF, I made kind of play by play notes as a listened to it( I read the audiobook) so.........here’s the chaos
WHOA there’s a LOT of swearing in this
“It’s SEVEN in the morning gods damn it” -nesta archeron
Feyre and Rhys have 5 houses? Not surprised...
full, inviting breasts......BIG BOOBS OMG CASSIAN YOU HORNY SON OF A BITCH
7 siphons to keep his magic under control? Dayum
So, she rode this unnamed male like a fucking roller coaster?
Depression sex? Depression sex
“Her father was ashes in the wind” DAMN THATS EDGY
“A moment of release among the darkness inside her” NESTA BBY THIS ISNT HEATHY
“She avoided both of them” not surprised
So, depression sex and depression alcohol? Yup
*checks chapter count* 80 CHAPTERS??!?! Oh shit this is gonna be a triiiip
Feyre trying to apologize to nesta........she’s trying
“You’re done, Nesta” The fuuuuuck.....
So, nesta’s moving and training with cassian...........Feyre, this isn’t a good idea omg
Feyre holy shit what the fuck are you doing, you TOTAL HELICOPTER SISTER?
“I never want to speak to you again!” damn
she has brown eyes? Ok
nesta knows about mor NESTA KNOWS ABOUT MOR!!!
“I am worthless and I am nothing. I hate what I am.” DAYUM I’ve been in that exact mindset numerous times. I can relate, Nesta
Briallen? Who the fuck is that?
Scars being trapped in magic? Good fuck that’s dark
“Ooh a dark skin character? Lit
Is her name Emery?
“I am the monster your fear” BBY OMG GET THERAPY
Gwyn? Seems a bit aloof
“Two gentle conversations” GOOD JOB
Fairy lights omg lol
Nesta reading smutty books.....I’m imagining this omg
“All she wanted to do was touch him” OOOOOHHHHH NESSIAN
“All I need is a hot meal and a good book.” Mood
Nesta’s worried about Mor??? REEEEEEE
“Nesta needed Feyre more than she realized.“ OOOOOOO
They’re bound by magic on the body?? Ooh
“I don’t hate you too,Cassian” OMGGGGGG REEEEE
“You might be my only friend.” HMMMMMMM
*hears how cassian was born * OMG HOLY SHIT CASSIAN
*hears cassians backstory* DAMN THESE CHARACTERS NEED THERAPY
“I’ve loved you since the first moment I held you in my arms.” HMMMMMMMM
I’m loving this Nessian sparring training.
Elain has small boobs........same
“I thought I would drop by to see how you were doing.” AWWWWWWWWW
Yayy.....awkward sister talks........
“She was the monster.” Nesta.............I can relate.
Nesta’s angry at Elain.............
Elain’s trying to reach out and Nesta’s denying it.
“No more seeing her sisters without her permisson.” That’s smart.
Soooooooooo......Rhys is now a German Shepard.........?
“Use that training and make me.” OOOOOOOMGGGGGG
Rhys is overprotective of Feyre and shields her......daaaaaaaaaaaaamn
“What exactly happened in the cauldron?” FEYRE BAD IDEA BAD IDEA BAD IDEA
Again, Nesta, ✨THERAPY✨
Put a stop to what, D-does the IC know of the ✨depression smut?✨
“There was touching, but with her permission” WE 👏STAN 👏A KING👏
“Who do you think I am?” “A drunk fool who’s wasting my time?” OOOOOOOHHHHH SHOOTS FIRED!!!
Emery and Nesta to Emery’s cousin: GO HOME YOUR DRUNK ASSHOLE
*hears Nesta’s grand✨mama✨* me: grandmama, it’s me....ANASTASIA
ugh the tool
“Baby making” hehe lol
“Nesta like gwyn”...............could she also be biiiiiiiii??????????!!!!!! YAY FIRST FRIEND IM PROUD OF YOUUUUU
Alright, Meryl is BITCH
“She’s failed everything.” BBY
Nesta must’ve been petrified being surrounded by fire
It’s a dream? THE FUCK
Cassian saw HER TRAUMA?????? FUUUUUUCK
Why is Rhys angry about the wing thing?
Ohhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiit the tool
*hearing the possibilities of half Illyrian baby* OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH FUUUUUCK OMG
“I loved it when you fucked my mouth cassian?” GAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH NEEESTAAAAA THIS ISNT HEALTHY
“What could go wrong?” DONT JINX IT
fairy monsters? OHOHOHOOOO
BLACK EYES???? Fuck fuck are they in the cauldron?
OMG THE KELPIE IS DOING SHIT TO NESTA!!! Are they on the cauldron?
death HERself........badass
“Because you and cassian has been giving each other sultry looks all morning” SHE KNOWS
“For the first time in her life, she finally felt good in her own skin.” GROWTH
Omg Nesta created a swooooord!!!!! Cool
“I can’t lie to her!” SIIIIIIIMP
“I’d be careful when fucking her.” Oh amren
“You will not touch us.” YES TELL HIM
“I can’t believe Feyre ever loved tamlin.” ME TOO
“Elain saw everything Nesta did.” Daaaaaaaaamn
Nesta messed up and I think she realizes that
Rhys is pissed now and wants to kill Nesta....SHIIIIIIIT
Nesta: heads for a tavern me: NONONONONO GODS DAMN IT YOU’VE COME SO FAR
“I will fight for him. For us. Until I can’t anymore.” FEYRE IS GONNA BE A GREAT MOM
“Wishing to disappear into nothing.” I’ve been there.
“Cassian knew Nesta hated herself, but didn’t know how sometimes she wanted to unexist.” I RELATE TO THAT SHIT
“She had been born wrong.” AWWWWW BBY SHIIIIIT
“Was she worth being counted?” I CAN RELATE
*hearing Nesta blaming herself for her fathers death and for the horrible things she’s done, saying she can’t fix it* SHIT IM CRYING (I’m not joking)
*hears Cassian calmly reassuring and comforting her* AWWWWW I NEED THIS QUOTE
(I really needed that cassian talk. I literally wrote most of the quote down just in case. Thank you SJM)
“After he’d fucked her with her fingers...” O NONONONOOO
*skips to chapter 52*
Lanthis??? Who the fuck is that?
“Gwyn and Emery are my friends” SHES GROWN SO MUCH!!!
cassian and Nesta really went *yeet* .......... I’m sorry
THE SWORDS NAME IS ADORAXIA!!!!!!!!!!!sounds like a dnd character IDEAS
Rhys vs Cassian standoff *western duel music starts*
Did Elain have a vision? DID SHE???
Mor teaching Nesta the waltz? NESTA AND MOR CAN NOT HATE EACH OTHER
Are they back at their childhood home? Because oooooooooooof ✨ childhood trauma✨
MOR AND NESTA HAVING A CONVERSATION YAY!!!!! (This’ll make rping them so maybe easier)
“We’re in a book!” Holy shit they know. HIDE THE FANFICTION
The relationship between Nesta, Emery, and Gwyn is so wholesome
“Oh FUCK you” .... NESTA
“I was just checking on dessert” MOOD
I sense tension between amren and Nesta
“I’m not with you.” Lier
A SNOWBALL FIGHT WITH THE BATBOIS??? Holy shit they do have one(1) brain cell
A sleepover with Emery, Nesta, and Gwyn? SIGN ME UP
“Do it for the miniature Pegasus!” INSIDE JOKES
OOOOHHH i see the gwynriel ship
Alright 2 months til FEYSAND baby
The mating bond between cassian and Nesta?????.............
So, Nesta’s afraid she’s gonna loose her humanity?
“High Fae bitch” PUT THAT ON A SHIRT
oh Cassian you restless bastard you
*hears Emerie’s backstory and their heart to heart* AWWWWWW I LOVE THEM
“The morrigan.” The fuck Eris?
“She’d hit the archway of stone” OOOOOOOOOOF
“For being my friends when I didn’t deserve it.” AWWWWWWWWWW
What about Feyre’s pregnancy???? Hewwo?
“Lord of bastards” heh true that’s cassian alright
Wait, OTHER set of wings
“Now, I’m going to slit your little throat.” FUUUUUUUUCK NONONONOOOOO THIS ISNT CASS FUUUUCK
What’s the trove?
Nesta’s pissed.....MAGIC TIME
wait wait wait wait wait HES NOT STABBED HELL YEAH!!!!
“You are my mate, Cassian.” ITS ABOUT FUCKING TIME
Nessian: kissing when the world is in ruin
“She started bleeding hours ago. “ BABY TIME???
*hears the blood and feyre’s appearance*!FUUUUUUUUUCK
“Silent babe?” Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Nesta Nesta Nesta What the fuck are you doing???????? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
WHOS the female voice?
“ I love you, Feyre” SHE DID IT IM SO PROUD!!!!!
What is she doing what is she doing what is she doiiiiingggg?
feyres alive? FEYRE’S ALIVE!!!!!!!
*the sister hug* AWWWWWWWWWWW
How much did the Cauldron take from Nesta, tho?
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thusatlas · 4 years
From the Fanfic Asks post could I be greedy and ask for 3 questions? 9, 19 & 20? All or just one is fine of course. Thanks!
You can ask for anything you like my darling, and I will endeavour to oblige! 
9. Fake dating or arranged marriage?
I have more preference for fake dating because that always lends itself to the “idiots in love and are pining” and always the “oh look there’s only one bed available” trope, which is always fun. Plus you can season it with a bit of angst should you be so inclined and that just sweetens the deal. 
Now that’s not to say I’m against the arranged marriage trope. I’ve seen quite a few fun little ditties about this. However, to me, it’s not quite so light-hearted. I always perceive it as having a little bit of a Stockholm Syndrome undertone -  regardless of whether or not that is portrayed in the fic. So there’s always a little niggle in the back of my mind, questioning whether or not it’s a romance of convenience and captivity, rather than free will and genuine choice. I think the fake dating trope allows for the element of choice for the characters to remain free agents, should they wish to be. Marriage is just so final.
19. What’s your favorite character headcanon?
This is genuinely hard. 
Theo Nott being an agent of chaos is Tier 1 headcanon. He is my Mercutio. 
Obviously that Draco was totes in love or at least had strong feelings for Hermione for years and was uber conflicted about it -  this is also Tier 1.
There’s also my own that Barty Crouch Jnr never really bought into the whole Voldy regime and was just rebelling from his father. 
Oh and that the page that Draco tore from the book in Flourish and Blotts is the one that ended up in Hermione’s hand when she was petrified.
That Percy Weasley was also under the Imperious Curse come book 4 onwards. 
That the sword of Gryffindor was/is a Horcrux of some kind. 
Even though James and Sirius were the trouble makers, it was actually Remus who was the brain-child of most of their plots merely from necessity. He would see Sirius and James plotting away and he would see that it would lead to really quite bad outcomes. And so he would step in as a means to make their dreams a  “safe” reality. 
Oh and that McGonagall loved them all.
Hermione doesn’t end up in the Department of Magical Creatures. I don’t know where, but anything other than this is Tier 1. 
That Luna is either a changling of some kind, or her mother was a Malidictus of the wolf variety. 
There are others, but I have to stop before I write a novel here. 
20. Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? If so, tag them/post a link and share the love!
Olivie Blake
She is a huge influence on my own fic and inspired me to start writing again. And has also made me think seriously about writing my own independent literature. I have learnt so much from this woman - she is truly incredible. How to win friends and influence people is definitely in my top 10 and I recommend it to everyone.
I don’t know if they’re on tumblr, so I can’t tag them. Also not a Harry Potter writer. I fell in love with their work through the Merlin Fandom. Their Loaded March series is unforgettable and I cannot speak highly enough about their writing. Literally, I could name so many of their fics and just wax lyrical about their characterisations. Even if you’re not a Merthur fan or a Merlin fan, it’s definitely worth a read because it’s a masterpiece.
Everything she writes is golden. Literally. Everything. I dithered about reading Manacled for ages because I’m not usually into that level of darkness. But it’s a life-changing fic that lives in my mind, rent-free. 
I think was the first author I read of Dramione with TRTTD. The rest is history. Such an incredible writer that fully seduces you with the story and makes it so you never want to leave. 
Honourable mention:
I have only very recently found LIATOTZA and I can just tell that this is going to be another fic that changes me and lives within my soul forever more. 
I think that’s the theme with all of these and so many more that I haven’t mentioned like The Gloriana Set by ThebeMoon, these aren’t just fanfic, these are fantastic, beautifully written, world-encompassing stories that will live on in me. They have framed my narrative and the way that I myself approach stories. I am influenced and inspired by so many amazing fics that it genuinely would be impossible to name them all. Instead, I shall link my bookmark list to give you a fraction of the truly fantastic work that I have consumed. 
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titanlights-moved · 3 years
i .     alias, name.     LJ!
ii .     birthday.     January 19th
iii .     zodiac sign.     Capricorn (on a capricorn/aquarius cusp)
iv .     height.    5′5″
v .     hobbies.     writing, creating characters, storytelling, playing video games, reading, drawing, making pinterest aesthetic boards
vi .   favourite colour.     Candy red, sea foam green, orange and ice blue
vii .     favourite book.    Ooooooooooo um. . . LOTR, The Fault in our Stars, and my favorite childhood book is ballet shoes 
viii .     last song.  uhhhhh. . . -checks phone- The Silence Reminds Me That I’m Not Sleeping Next to You by Behind Clouds? -shrugs- its part of my sleep mix.
ix .     last film / show.     Pirates of the Caribbean  Curse of the Black Pearl
x .     recent reads.     Um. . . Fanfic.
xi .     inspiration.     @unsnare uhhhhh my girlfriend, my experiences, elements of everything i consume media wise, music especially. 
xii .     story behind url.     tbh i just wanted something that sounded ethereal and vaguely threatening and also strong that was different from my usual urls
xiii .     fun fact about me.   i’m almost as tall as anthony mackie :3 
tagged by: @daerknss tagging: YOU
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blazes-books · 3 years
Posted Fics:
My Hero Academia -
Crimes of Family: A Ghoul AU with original lore, found murder family, and original characters. Please for the love of the Gods look at the tags, this is definitely one of my darker ideas.
Cloaks in the Wind: A more lighthearted tale of magic, candy, and the idea that doing things out of spite can actually work out really well! Mainly crackish, but I’m planning some more serious moments as well. Good vibes here fam.
Tangled Thorns: When everyone you know seems to have turned against you, where do you go? For Izuku, he goes back to old friends that he knows always have his back. Through traitor accusations, through hurt and pain…Through him losing his humanity, to become just like them. The world will relearn a old fear it should have never forgotten. In a realm of permanent darkness, a new dawn will rise.
Heart of the Swarm: Izuku is six years old when the world ends. All because of a twelve year old girl.
Heiress: Izuku doesn’t remember his father. Izuku is never sure where his mother stands. But his sister…Izuku knows he can rely on his big sister.
Original Works -
M64 Tavern Series: A mixed grab bag of fandom characters staring in my original setting the M64 Tavern, run by the most fashionable bartender around Soli Polaris. Will be a series of small oneshots or fics, and I’d say set in a beautiful setting if I do say so myself 😊 check it out!
The Stars Above Midnight: Out in the lonely town of Midnight, time moves slow and easy. Between the power pull between the sheriff, the mayor, and the family living out on a farm away from town, only one thing is agreed upon. That family is not normal. In the slightest.
Help! The Evil Family Likes Me?!: Aftering a chance encounter with truck-kun, and then waking up in a body that originally wasn’t hers, the new Evangelina Linwood is pretty sure she knows how this whole story is going to go. After all, it was the standard storyline, right? Being turned into the villainess means she has to be prepared for the usual evil family, no problem. She’s read plenty of these stories before! Except for this one.
Instinct: Ok, sure, the story is all OoOoOooOOOo the evil witch lives in the woods, or swamp, or whatever the local environment provides, and steals kids from their parents OoOOooooO. Well, maybe the nobles and magicians and what-fucking-have you should’ve been better parents, ever consider that? Don’t blame her for adopting a bunch of technically stolen kids, she’s just following instinct.
Bloody Roses: Amaris, Queen of the ancient House of Night, born under the missing moon and soul crafted from the frigid winds of the North. A vampiress known for her possessive nature and incredible strength. Anyone who’s bothered to read the novel Bloody Roses knows who she is - love her or hate her. It’s a good book, really. A nice blend of fantasy and romance, a happy ending for the heroine who is pursued by cute guy one and cute guy two who might as well be the first guy in a different font…except for one tiny, little detail. Just a small mistake, really. Amaris isn’t Amaris anymore.
The Lost City Files: The Lost City, a settlement made in the ruins of a virus-ravaged world. Run by a vicious warlord, who as well as her people are Mutated from the great apocalypse, most would believe it uninhabitable. Those who find their way there, who find themselves before the gates, would say otherwise. In the shadows of a broken world, the city welcomes them home.
Overlord -
Curse of Eden: The fic that truly started it all for me, join Blaze in her trip into the world of the unknown with her wonderful Guild Leader Momonga and their Floor Guardians. Follows the Overlord Anime. Written as a reader insert.
Undertale -
Friends of the Fourth Kind: Somehow my most popular Undertale fic despite being the youngest, this reader insert story is all about that Borrower energy. With some timeline shenanigans, a rough backstory for Reader, and learning to trust again. Written as a Reader Insert.
Ruined Hearts: A darkened “Welcome to Wonderland” where reader themself is in fact a monster under the bed. As they learn to survive their new instincts, they learn the truth behind the barrier, and the fact that sometimes monster is a subjective term. Written as a Reader Insert.
Lady of the Abyss: Made from my love of SCP-3000 and Merfolk, join this underwater quest of identity understanding with a good dollop of found family. Written as a Reader Insert.
Hallow’s Angels: A boss bitch like Reader runs the show behind the curtains of this lonely city, and while she has her gang to turn to there’s no one at home waiting to see her. No pets, no family, and this is totally fine by her standards. After a Bitty ring breakup one night, however, she finds herself with some new roommates ready to shake the status quo. Written as a Reader Insert.
Anomaly in the System: My first non-reader insert in this fandom, meet the Renegades! A group of friends who, in their excitement to play the new hit game Undertale, get sucked right in - but things are different now. With new powers, parkour skills, and the determination to get their goal “Happily Ever After” is the mission, and they are ready for whatever comes their way.
Hobbit -
Moonlit Paths: After living the life of a traveler in modern times, Minerva and her two dogs Brutus and Caesar find themselves transported to Middle Earth. Armed with her years on the road, actual freaking magic, and Lady Luck’s extreme favor, it’s up to this witch to help take back the Lonely Mountain. Written as a Reader Insert.
Court of Chaos: Part of the “Bilbo Makes Scary Friends” series. Involves Fae, and it’s a major rescue mission fic. Hope you enjoy!
Flameborne: Part of the “Bilbo Makes Scary Friends” series, I introduce my version of Tieflings into Middle Earth with a group that basically adopts Bilbo after meeting him during the Fell Winter.
Shadows of the Moon: Part of the “Bilbo Makes Scary Friends” series, and while I shouldn’t pick favorites I do have a soft spot for this one. The Haldis Pack has moved in, old friends of Bilbo and a werewolf group ready to throw down for their Hobbit. Mostly fluff and found family, but the Quest will get in there somehow.
Five Night’s at Freddy’s Security Breach -
Supernova Shining By: The latest member of the Pizzaplex, hired only a few nights ago, is a lot stranger than she lets on. She only ever works the night shift, doesn’t seem to like people at all, and can be found often searching the abandoned parts underground. Who knows what she's up to? But she hasn’t been fired yet, and has a lot more power than she should, so she must be a good mechanic after all… Or, if you ask the security guard, is blackmailing someone up high.
Far Cry 5 -
Euphoria: In Hope County, Montana, the monsters so commonly lurking in the shadows are the obvious sort. Bears, cougars, and Peggies. With the war between sides kicking off after a botched arrest, one junior deputy will find herself in the middle of it all with a blood soaked grin. For everyone else, this war brings dread and pain. For her, it will become utter fucking euphoria.
Marvel -
Good Night New York: Aloisa Mailon, growing up in a small town off the coast, remembered exactly why she moved to New York - to chase her dream of being a comforting presence in others' lives. Granted, she wasn’t exactly…made for that. With a mix of gothic and neon aesthetic, a personality of an armadillo, and the undeniable urge to just…not be near people, she was struggling to figure out where to go. Until she put on her headphones, turned on her broadcasting system, and kicked on the tunes. Moonlighting as Livewire, a DJ of the most hidden yet well known radio station known to all night owls, she’s found her perfect calling. Until, suddenly, it’s not just civilians calling in music requests. Oh no, couldn’t be that fucking simple for her.
Fuck Your Sacred Timeline: The Sacred Timeline, the bullshit reason Vivian kept hearing about why certain characters had to suffer or why someone had to die or what fucking have you happened to her favorites. Which, ok, she can respect the basics of storytelling - you need something to make the plot go. Except she’s literally never been good at accepting that sort of answer. So armed with her bullshit shenanigans, a group of her closest friends, and the fact that apparently being from a whole ass different reality gives her some major upgrades - she’s ready to look everybody in the eye, and say one single line: Fuck your sacred timeline, I’m the captain now!
The Magnus Archives -
Unknown, Unseen, Understood: It’s unclear when she transferred in, or from where. Actually, there’s a lot of mystery surrounding the new lady. She doesn’t talk about her family, she doesn’t discuss her hobbies, or her interests. She clocks in, gets to work, clocks out. At least she’s friendly enough, if a bit tired. Then again, it’s the Magnus Institute. Isn’t everyone a bit tired?
Yet To Be Posted Fics:
Hobbit -
Deathless Dusk: Book two of the “Bilbo Makes Scary Friends” series, and this time it’s vampires. In this scenario, Bilbo has to deal with three vampiric sisters who are defending the Shire from Orcs. I’m torn between making the sisters super scary, or just super chaotic.
The Magnus Archives -
The Problem Children Club: A coven of witches who call themselves the Problem Children Club, for various reasons, ends up adopting Martin into their midst and eventually everyone in the Archives. Mostly written for humor and bonding, but there’s plans to be some proper emotional bits.
Cult of the Lamb -
To The Slaughter/To Greener Pastures: Based on a play through, two stories each using a part of the game.
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genevievemd · 4 years
What about what Gen would do if she found out that Ethan dated someone whilst he was in the Amazon?
Shit’s about to get long though, buckle up 
So as I said in the last ask, after Gen’s previous relationship (prior to the start of OPH) her views on love and intimacy changed. She was never one to have one-night stands beforehand but after that relationship her feelings surrounding sex changed a lot. 
The way she sees it now and the way she feels about it now, if Gen doesn’t feel a connection, a deep connection she won’t go there. She can’t. The reason she gave in and slept with Ethan in ch. 15 of book 1 was because she was already about 99% sure she was in love with him - or at least already falling in love with him. There was a deep enough connection for her to go all the way. 
Now, after the event of book 1, when she was announced to be joining the team, a small part of her hoped that Ethan felt as deeply as she did and would be willing to risk the ethics and consequences and try to be together. Their first two times together were intimate af (those two scenes are honestly one of my favorite diamond scenes because you could feel how deeply they had fallen for each other already) and she really believed he cared for her the way she did for him. 
So Ethan just disappearing without a word cut deep, really really deep. Broke her heart in a way she didn’t think was possible. 
Logically, she knows that her views on intimacy and sex are not the norm, so she doesn’t expect other people to feel the way she does. Never expected Ethan to view that side of things the way she does. 
But had he slept with someone else while in the Amazon, so quickly dated someone else after what had - were starting to have -  it would’ve crushed her. They weren’t together at the time, nor even close to being so. But she’s been in love with Ethan for a while and finding out he could so easily forget about their nights together, the connection they had, and just sleep with someone he barely knows would kill her. 
Probably would’ve made it a little more difficult to fall back to him as quickly as she did. Because her insecurities and thoughts caused by her ex would be raging. Gen would question her and Ethan’s entire connection and relationship. 
Again it would be a fight between the logical side of her brain and the other half. Because deep down, she knows Ethan has feelings for her and that him sleeping with someone else in their time apart wouldn’t change the way he feels about her. But the other side of her brain would be telling her that she’s stupid to have fallen for him. That like with her ex, she was just a fun ride, a game. Another man who wanted to see how far they could string the naive young doctor along. 
So long story short, it would’ve brought up a lot of insecurities, and she’d be fighting both sides of the coin so to speak. It may have made her more cautious with Ethan, a little more guarded. 
I’ve put probably way too much thought into Genevieve, but whatever. i love her and really love her journey though OPH world. 
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maybebrilliant · 3 years
Hey, how is your day going?
Fanfic ask themed around time: fortnight, October and ancient, please!
Hi! And sorry for only replying to this so late, as you know I was at the beach. My day is...busy, lol, as we’re unpacking now and all -_- But mostly good. How about yours? 
fortnight: what wip do you plan on posting next, if at all?
Well, probably the next update of A book to shield my story, If I’m being honest, lol. 😂 <3
october: name the darkest or angstiest fic you have written and/or posted?
A tie between:
If the story’s over, why am I still writing pages? -> Star Trek: Discovery Milippa fic for @justanalto’s birthday
when the days are cold, and the cards all fold, and the saints we see are all made of gold -> very very angsty Skimmons 
Did I let go of your hand for a castle made of sand? -> again, really angsty Huntingbird for a fic exchange 
ancient: the first fic you ever posted online?
oh, gosh 🙈
Ultraviolet Love
though PLEASE do NOT go read this, because it is TERRIBLE, and I really think I’ve improved loads since then. but oh, well, we all have to start somewhere 😂
thank you so much for the asks love!!! <333
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the-angry-pixie · 5 years
Per ask meme - choose: if you could snap your fingers and make one OTP explicitly canon (even by rewriting history, if the story is already finished), which one would it be?
Ooooooo. Ooo oo ooooooooooo. Gwen you be coming in with the hard questions.
Firstly I want to quickly touch on the couples that I considered but passed on.
Byeler - I don’t mind if this couple doesn’t become explicitly canon in the timeline of the show because I don’t honestly think it could occur organically in a way that I would enjoy. Both of these boys would have to have their sexuality awakening, their sexuality crisis, their crushes on each other and THEN their getting together all within 1 or 2 seasons. And I don’t like my relationship growth done like that. Too hasty for me. So I am happy if they don’t go canon in the show timeline, but I would LOVE for the show to leave it open-ended for them to possibly be together in the future. :D
Cherik - these two old men are practically canon in the source material anyway. I’m happy to leave them be. I don’t need it confirmed. 
Poly Losers - i would LOVE to rewrite the end of that book to make the poly losers more explicit (even if they dont get fully together) buuuuuut…. Stanley and Eddie would still be dead so thats a big ol NO.
And so my choice for couple that I want to make explicity canon is…. *drum roll*
……………………. TOKKA!
Toph and Sokka. My lovely bros that turn into much more. I love this couple because they have so much history together and affection for each other. It would be a slow build. We already know they remain close into adulthood. And we even have an unconfirmed theory that Sokka sired one of Toph’s children.
But I want it to be explicit please. Give me a comic all about their luuuuuurrrrve and their courtship. About Toph’s commitment issues and Sokka helping with baby Lin. And why they kept their relationship a secret. And how it was affected by Sokka dying. And why Toph decided to never be open about it even after his death. 
I want it. I need it. Pretty please?
Tumblr media
(from this ask meme)
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