#That’s just an assumption tho I guess definitely not a pattern I notice at ALL
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idkwhatimdoingbutrandom · 7 months ago
just binged Gen V after suddenly waking up at 5am and having the urge despite never watching the Boys and only remembering they’re related half way through episode 1…… Jordan and Marie couldn’t make me more insane if they tried.
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afroggyfrog · 4 years ago
A brand new sexuality that is trending on twitter and being super popular.
A superstraight person is someone attracted to members of the opposite gender who are not transexual.
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This was created as a response to people who sometimes say things like this:
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Let’s give a name to the people who insist that not being attracted to trans people makes you transphobic, since I’m not about to describe them every time i wanna bring them up, I’ll call them trans-incels because just like incels they resent people for not wanting to have sex with them.
It’s worth it to remember that trans-incels aren’t representative of all trans people. or even of a majority of them, if i were to bet, they are about as popular as actual incels.
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In all the comment sections I checked the anti trans-incel side was a clear majority, and having searched for “superstraight” on youtube to see what people have to say, the first video on the list, from a trans man, is definetely anti trans-incel .
> If you don’t want to date a trans person that’s fine, and if somebody is trying to force you they’re just an asshole
-probably most trans people
From the perspective of a trans-incel (and how we’re all assuming too much)
Imagine a person.
Imagine the probability that they are racist.
Imagine that same person saying “i wouldn’t date a black person”
Has the probability increased at all? be honest, it hasn’t gone up to 100% (which would be the race-incel response) but it must have gone up by at least a little.
But why did it go up by a little? Because now the chance they’ll say something like “because blacks disgust me” has also gone up.
Now imagine being into internet drama (ew) and as a trans person, you’re especially interested in people being transphobic and you probably see transphobia every day because people like talking about it as much as anti-sjw(tm) people like to talk about the trans-incels.
If discussions about trans people only gets to you when it causes drama you’ll probably never see “i wouldn’t date trans men/women...” without having it be followed by “...because they’re not real men/women”.
And even though the whole point of being superstraight is to explain why people wouldn’t date trans men/women without calling them ‘not real men/women’ lets see what the original guy who started the whole superstraight meme has to say at second 15.
It’s like instead of throwing bait, they’re just throwing food.
The more you see “...because they’re not real men/women” the more likely you are to expect it, and as someone who subscribes to people posting drama 24/7 you’ll see that hundreds of times until you end up answering ...
the probability that the person who says ‘i wouldn’t date trans men/women’ to be transphobic is 100%
...and even if they don’t follow up with something transphobic it’s always easier to imagine they’re just hiding it rather than to change your whole worldview on the spot.
And if you think “why do they even predict transphobia before its spoken”, well, this might sound crazy to you, but everyone is assuming things all the time, our whole perception of reality is nothing but a hallucination that our brain comes up with using not only stimulus from the world but also assumptions.
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There’s a blind spot on each 1 of your eyes, your brain simply fills it in without you knowing, it also adds color to the edge of your vision and makes the whole thing less blurry.
When someone says “i won’t date trans people” some people will simply fill in the blanks, they’ll assume every bit of info about who you are what you believe in what your personality is from just a sentence, because the brain is literally designed for it.
IQ tests are just patterns where a spot is blanked out and you’re supposed to fill it in, your intelligence is measured by your ability to fill in the blanks, and low intelligence people will just make mistakes more often, but everyone smart or dumb will constantly make assumptions about everything, and dumb people will be proven wrong about their assumptions more often.
And this happens all the time even when you’re not talking about politics or having a fight.
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Someone talking about the earth being curved? well, every time I saw someone do that they called it a sphere so let me just fill in the blanks.
Someone saying they wouldn’t date trans women? well, every time I see screenshots of people saying that in my drama facebook group i see them being transphobic, so let me just fill in the blanks
That’s just how incels operate.
Building legitimacy
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Have you ever noticed that every sexual preference eventually gets assigned a flag, on that note, why does every country have a flag?
If you ask a regular person to guess why their country has a flag you’ll get something related to aesthetics, our flags represent our country.
For example Romania and Hungary:
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In school we are taught that each colour on our flag has a different meaning, I searched on google and everyone disagrees on what they mean but as an example.
Liberty (sky-blue), Justice (field yellow), Fraternity (blood red) 
Outside of school I was taught by my grandma that the Hungarian flag, much like the Romanian flag, also has a meaning.
The green represents a wide field of green grass, the white represents a white dog playing on the field of grass, rolling around on his back, and the red represents his red dog cock.
Both of these meanings are pretty much just something that a Romanian randomly came up with so i don’t think most people know why countries have flags.
Flags originate from war, that way the armies know not to attack their own allies when they see they carry the same flag, having an army grants you true legitimacy because you can just beat people up into believing you’re legitimate, so countries with no armies probably still had flags because it would be really hard to pretend you have an army otherwise.
Nowadays every country has a flag even if war is illegal, simply because every country has been using one for so long that it became convention. If you don’t follow convention you will be seen as illegitimate. It’s an unwritten rule, but a rule nonetheless, that you need a flag, and much like not following written rules makes you illegitimate (and illegal) so does not following unwritten rules.
And sexualities having their own flags and names probably feels like an even stronger convention than countries having flags for some people.
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It’s very often brought up that you have to feel “valid” (which more or less means “legitimate”) 
I still don’t know why, but it’s apparent that people need to be reassured that their sexuality is “valid” and then there’s also this:
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Why does a sexual preference have to be distinct from a sexuality? I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure the only difference between the two is legitimacy, to confirm to the conventions of flags and labels.
Q: So why do superstraights get a label and a flag and copy everything that LGBT people do, like tweets talking about how valid their followers are or using the word bigot etc
A: Because to get true legitimacy you need to copy the conventions.
The cargo cult
(wikipedia) Some primitive tribes of people would look at colonists from the civilised world and notice that after they’d built some plane lanes, the planes would come bringing cargo full of valuable stuff.
The tribesmen have made the observation that planes land if you build lanes for them to land on, they made the hypothesis that building the lanes causes the planes to come, and like scientists, they set out to test it.
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They made lanes, they made fake planes, they tried to copy everything that the colonists did hoping it would be enough.
Superstraight is a lot like a cargo cult of sexualities, they have a flag, they have a label, they call everyone bigots all the time.
This is the first pic I sent before cropping it.
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Because, like a cargo cultist who does not see the plane factories from the colonists homelands, the superstraight person does not see the LGBT community from outside his filter bubble, the filter bubble where only the most obnoxious people like the trans-incels can get through.
So when the superstraight person who thinks every LGBT person is just an obnoxious incel tries to “fit in” with the LGBT, they will act like an obnoxious incel, and when everyone is angry at him, he thinks to himself “they've all proven themselves hypocrites! i baited them so hard! i won!!!”
Even tho there’s a bunch of LGBT people from the comment sections I read who don’t even know the trans-incels even exist, because their filters simply don’t show them the same things you superstraight people are shown.
It gets worse
There’s some people who are so cocky and think they’re so much smarter than the LGBT community that they can just sneak in the nazi SS symbol into their flag and not just fuck up the bait completely.
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hehe Schutzstaffel fla- wait! you cant call me a nazi! this is just another sexuality you hypocriteeeee
But this is also just a minority of the people who get superstraight trending, its so popular that I’m pretty sure most of the people getting it to trend are actual normies who wouldn’t even recognise the SS symbol and who have never been to 4chan.
Speaking of 4chan
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Of course people don’t think superstraight is legitimate when you have 4chan taking credit for it.
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They pick up on all the superficial customs like the flag the label the speech patterns and think “this is their, logic, im using it against them, and they’re all mad because of this alone and not just because a we’re comparing ourselves to the Schutzstaffel”
In a turing test a computer attempts to pass as a human.
In the ideological turing test a human tries to pass as someone of a different ideology.
Are people afraid of passing the ideological turing test? do they think if they can think like the enemy, then they’ll become the enemy? there was no need for people on 4chan to talk so openly about superstraight being a ruse, there was no need to make nazi memes with it, there is no need to post “we used their logic against them”, to constantly tell “yes this is all a lie”.
And yet people have to constantly break character and expose superstraight for being a fake sexuality, why? what’s even the point of it then?
What it could have been
Imagine a world in which instead of making a cargo cult sexuality and just delegitimizing it yourself with all the actual nazi symbolism, you were able to cancel trans-incels.
Imagine if they were able to say things like “the trans-incels are trying to create a new rape culture in which superstraight people are coerced into having sex with transexual people” with a straight face
Imagine if they even tried to coin the term “trans-incels”, since incels are hated by progressives for misogyny and are often associated with 4chan.
Imagine if they could get people banned for hate-speech against the superstraight
Imagine if they had the balls to denounce the people amongst them trying to delegitimise superstraight with their nazi SS and obvious parodying of the  points that aren’t taken seriously by anyone who doesn’t call themselves anti-sjw.
Maybe then there’d be some divide between “pro-superstraight” and “anti-superstraight” instead of everyone who’s not anti-trans agreeing that superstraights aren’t legit.
Maybe they’d be able to get some people canceled, there’s been at least one actual celebrity (India Willoughby) who is a trans-incel, they  could have canceled her! but nobody is even trying.
And oh how much “applying their own logic against them” would have been true if as a response to “but not all trans people are calling you transphobic for having a sexual preference!” you dusted off the “not all men are like that” memes that was popular with feminists.
If they would go on the offensive, cancelling people, spreading trans-incel screenshots to everyone who says they’ve never seen one, mocking people who stand up against them the way feminists used to and say “nOt aLl TrANs pEopLe aRE liKE THat” to anyone who says “not all trans people are like that”, to tell them that “silence is violence” and to make them cancel eachother.
Imagine how much more effective that would have been.
In the end this isn’t gonna make a difference, it will be forgotten, maybe in a couple months, or a year, or a week, some people are  angry today because a counterculture hashtag is trending, but they’ll forget about it too, maybe a couple dozen people will permanently have superstraight on their twitter bios, but really, nothing interesting is gonna come out of it, and if someone tries to make something like whitesexual/blacksexual/asiansexual etc a thing the well will have already been poisoned by superstraight.
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kokomatcha · 7 years ago
Running With It
A writing exercise for myself.  Get it?!  Because running and exercise—sorry, haha.
Anyway, this will be an exercise in learning to not be too much of a perfectionist and try to write shorter doses because my problem is I overthink my writing and I also make it long and convoluted with added details.  This, in itself, actually started branching out into more of a plot, but it’s mainly slice of life style and the way it started and the following interactions does make it easier for me to keep things broken down so I guess we’ll see how it goes.  I think I’ll try to write it by night/encounter (I mean in the story, I definitely can’t update this every night.  It’s really a miracle I’ve written and posted twice in the span of a few days!)
The funny thing is I was going to write something else because I was feeling not so Plus Ultra yesterday, but I actually fell asleep, lol so I woke up feeling better and got this idea instead!
All Might x Reader
You’ve noticed the same strange man jogging along your street at odd hours of the night and early mornings.  He never fails to slow down and take a breather right in front of your apartment building and as time goes on you find yourself lingering on your balcony, intrigued by these indirect, nightly visits.
                                                         Running With It
                                             Chapter 1: I’m Staying Up For...
As a night shift worker, sleep loves to elude your grasp like trying to hold water in your hands.  No matter how hard you try it always manages to slip between your fingers and you find yourself sitting awake in the wee hours of the morning exhausted and miserable.
Too tired to do anything productive.  Not tired enough to fall back asleep.
As such, you’d often find yourself running on small amounts of broken sleep, either going through cycles of staying awake for an entire day or even days before finally passing out for a good twelve to fourteen hours only to find yourself repeating the cycle all over again.  It was taxing on your body, but it was an adjustment that you chose to live with.
Which is why your best friend was caffeine.  A cruel mistress that offered temporary charges of energy to get you through your job, but lingered in your system to continue to exacerbate your insomnia.  And then, of course, there were the caffeine withdrawals, but it was better that than having nicotine invading your blood stream and filling your lungs with plumes of smoke and tar.  You had enough time huffing and puffing up the stairs from exhaustion resulting out of your sleep deprivation—you didn’t need to diminish your lung capacity in addition to that.
Although, you muse lightly as you cross your arms over your balcony’s railing, you’d look more intimidating with a cigarette between your fingers than with an energy drink in your hand.  
You lean your head to the side, resting against one of your arms as you lightly swirl the contents of a small can of coffee held limply in your grasp that dangled over the railing and the street below.  
It’s fine, after all.  It’s two in the morning.  No danger of dropping it on some poor, unsuspecting pedestrian.  And even if you had, you’re only on the second story.
But then the universe was always a force you should know better than to tempt as the distinctive sounds of footsteps caught your ear.  You turned your head in the slightest, squinting in the darkness.   A few street lamps offered some light, but the reach was small and you could barely make out a figure approaching at a steady pace in the distance.
Their footsteps were almost like gunshots, their shoes slapping against the pavement and echoing against the cluster of apartment buildings and concrete walls.  It wasn’t long until the mystery runner finally popped under the fluorescent light for you to get a quick look at their guise.
They were incredibly tall, even in the distance you could tell especially when comparing their height to the street lights they passed.  A shocking head of bright blond hair and a brightly color jump suit decorated in colors of red, blue and white.  It had distinctive American-styled influences, but with the familiar patterning, you could guess the runner was either an alumni or associate of the famous hero school.  Definitely not a current student, you judged from what you could see of his face, which was very little thanks to the lack of light.
You also noted how incredibly skinny he was, his sunken cheeks made the angles of his face stand out starkly given the harsh lighting he’d pass under.  His breathing was audible and you could hear the underlying wheeze straining his lungs and the glint of perspiration drenched across his brow and down his neck as two loose bangs flapped wildly across his face.
You watched him lazily, briefly wondering what on earth could possess a man to take a jog at this hour, but you stopped yourself since you’re sure if the question was turned around on you, it did seem odd for someone to be hanging about on their balcony in the dark staring out into the empty streets for the past half hour.
Surprisingly, the tall skeleton of a man slowed his pace and stopped right in front of your apartment.  His breathing was harsh and he was doubled over, grasping his knees tightly as he struggled for breath.  At this distance you could actually see the drops of sweat hitting the drying pavement.  His form seemed to be trembling, whether it be from the exertion of his run or a chill from the cold exacerbated by his clothes dampened by his sweat, you weren’t sure, but you felt a twinge of sympathy.
For whatever reason, this man felt driven to push himself to his limit and it was almost painful to watch as he struggled to meet his own self-imposed standards.  When he did manage to look up, staring down the path in front of him as if to gauge what more punishment his body could take, you noted how extremely pale he looked.
You hadn’t moved from your spot since you had first noticed him so he was unaware of the small audience of one that had been keenly observing him from your darkened perch.  Your hand holding your can of coffee had even stilled, your attention raptly focused on the stranger before you.  In your mind you briefly debated going inside to fetch him a bottle of water, but several things stopped you.
One, you didn’t know this man and you have never seen him before in this area,  which didn’t mean much since you weren’t exactly keeping tabs of all your neighbors.  He was also very tall and could easily scale the wall of your building into your apartment to murder you, if he so wished.  
An extreme assumption, but not unheard of in these trying times.
Two, you’re pretty sure you didn’t have bottled water laying around and the only thing you had was cans of coffee and energy drinks you’ve collected from supermarkets, convenience stores and vending machines during sales or on your walks home.  You’re not even sure if you had any other variety of beverages in your home at this point in time, if ever.  But by the looks of it, he actually did look like he could use an energy drink.
Three, it might unnerve him to find someone had been watching him, making you seem like the possible threat and maybe even a bit creepy.  
And lastly, while you were busy pondering if this man had the potential to murder you or if your underlying altruistic nature would win out on forcing you to action, he had already caught his breath and was straightening up.  
You watched as he picked up his jog, traveling the last few yards up to the corner at of your street, pausing at the crosswalk only to choose to round the corner and disappear from sight.  For a few moments you stared at where the man had last been, as if waiting to see if he’d come back the way he came, but minutes passed and you came to the conclusion he probably had used the opportunity to turn around and run back the way he came on the other side of street, probably for a change in scenery.
Ah, you thought as you finally pulled yourself from your slouched position to straighten up, I guess he made the decision for me.  
Your joints popped and cracked in protest, but you sighed as the tension left your body.  Remembering your drink, you swiftly downed it in a few swallows before returning back inside, making sure to carefully lock your sliding door to your balcony behind you before ambling to your kitchen to rinse out the can and set it aside to dry for later recycling.
You were unhealthy, but at least you recycled your bad habits.
Actually, that didn’t make it sound any better, did it?
You glanced at the clock on your microwave, the digital numbers glowing brightly in the darkness.
Sighing you made your way to the bathroom to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth, resigning yourself to making another attempt at sleep, but you could feel it was already a lost battle with the peculiar incident of the strange man jogging down your street still running through your mind, already wondering if he would be okay or if he made it home by now, why was he running around at this time—
You closed your eyes, starting to shake your head as if to rid your self of those thoughts, but stopping as minty foam dribbled down from the corner of your mouth.  You rinsed your toothbrush, spitting the used paste out into the sink as you wiped your chin with the back of your hand.
It was just as well, you thought as you filled a small cup with water to rinse your mouth, swishing it around a few times before spitting down into the sink.  
You probably wouldn’t see that man again.
Spoiler: You do.
If you enjoyed this, let me know!  I’ll probably still post a few chapters regardless since it’s an exercise for myself, but I’d love to hear from anyone who enjoyed this or any constructive criticism to help me become a better writer! My anons are turned off tho, sorry, I’m kind of shy and fragile so I keep them off just in case.  
I know not much interaction happened this time, but next time for sure, promise!  I might post on AO3 but it depends on how complicated it is since I’ve never used it before, but I know tumblr (which can also be frustrating) so most things will be here first.
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