#That '70s Show fanfiction
70s-show-diary · 28 days
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I wrote a one-shot alternative ending for my story Liminal Space!
Title: The Butterfly Effect (read it on AO3 or FF.net)
Summary: When Jackie and Hyde kissed on Veteran’s Day, a butterfly flapped its wings, creating an inevitable gust of wind that hit months later when Jackie and Hyde spent a summer alone in the Forman basement. But if the wind was inevitable, what if it hit sooner than that, on Christmas, just a handful of weeks after their kiss on Veteran’s Day? (A one-shot alternative ending to my story Liminal Space.)  (Rating: General Audiences/K+)
The whole purpose of Liminal Space was to adhere to canon to explain the events between Veteran’s Day (in Jackie Bags Hyde, 3x08) and Christmas (in Hyde’s Christmas Rager, 3x09). Because of that, Jackie and Hyde couldn’t end up together in the end. I know this distressed a lot of the story’s readers, so to show my appreciation for everyone who read and reviewed the story, I present you with The Butterfly Effect, an alternative ending to Liminal Space and one where I don’t adhere to canon in order to (spoiler!) give Jackie and Hyde their happy ending!
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phantomstatistician · 9 months
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Fandom: That '70s Show
Sample Size: 1,287 stories
Source: AO3
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zenmasterlover · 2 months
I swear to mf god I’ve read all the Jackie x Hyde fanfics there is and I need more
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starrystormwritings · 11 months
Master List <3 Request List <3 That 70s Show Master List
Stephen Hyde x Reader
A/n: Sorry that this is a lot of 'blank' said whilst doing 'blank' but I'm not used to doing mostly dialogue but I really wanted to try to get the characters across well, as always any criticism or requests are needed lol. Also I feel like this is obvious but I still want to state that this fic is purely because I love the character and I do not in anyway support the actor.
Summary: Your desperate to find a date for the school dance but Hyde's desperate that you don't
Warnings: Kissing, making out, smoking, drinking, mentions of being drunk and getting high, kinda oblivious Y/n
Word Count: 1949
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"What's wrong with you?" Hyde asked, taking my attention away from the beer can I was staring at.
"Hm? Nothing." I smiled at him and lent back into the sofa.
Kelso was sat next to me, his arms lying across the back of the sofa and behind my head.
Jackie was sat on Kelso's lap, playing with his hair with a love sick smile on her face despite him looking straight past her at the tv.
Donna was sat by the door. Eric stood behind her, wandering back and forth casually before leaning on the back of her chair again.
Fez was sat on the floor leaning his back on the sofa, sat between mine and Kelso's legs. He was happily eating some candy I picked up for him before I got here whilst watching the TV as well.
As per usual Hyde was sat on his chair, he was leaning forward with a beer can in one hand and rolling paper in the other.
"You have been unusually quiet." Donna said giving me a look.
"Wow am I really that loud usually that when I'm quiet for five minutes everyone thinks somethings wrong?" I asked with a chuckle, fiddling with the can I was holding.
"Yes." Eric said with a laugh "now what's wrong."
"No it's stupid don't worry." I said, shaking my head.
"Yeah I was expecting it to be stupid before I asked, I braced myself before." Hyde said with a smile, rolling a blunt on the table in front of him.
"Y/n just tell us so they will stop talking on the TV!" Fez said whilst shaking his head, giving me an annoyed look before turning his attention back to the cartoon.
"Fine. No one's asked me to the school formal yet, I guess I'm just a little bummed out about it." I chuckled slightly at how pathetic I sounded and glanced around at my friends.
Hyde laughed and shook his head "Yeah you were right that was stupid."
"Awe Y/n I'll go to the dance with you." Kelso said putting his arm around my shoulders with a grin "Your smoking hot, we'd photograph well together" He winked at me before Jackie hit him hard in the chest.
"Michael! We're going to the dance together!" Jackie looked at him with offence and stormed out of the room.
"Well she never asked me." Kelso said, rolling his eyes and following after her. "Jackie wait! Your smoking hot too!"
"Dumbass." Eric said with a laugh, taking a seat next to me on the sofa as he watched his friend run out of the room.
"Don't worry about the dance Y/n I'll be your date!" Fez said smiling up at me from the floor.
"It's okay Fez I want to go with someone who's into me not just a friend." I smiled back at him, taking a handful of candy to pick at myself.
I glanced over at Hyde, he was too focused in beginning to roll another blunt that it didn't even seem like he was listening anymore.
It's not like I liked Hyde or anything, we've been friends for as long as I can remember.
But over the last couple years we'd gotten so close that sometimes I'd convince myself that maybe there was sometime else there.
I'd never risk our friendship like that though.
"What about that Austin guy that you've been seeing?" Donna asked, quirking an eyebrow at me.
Hydes head shot up at that, suddenly interested enough in the conversation to take his sunglasses off.
"Austin? As in football player Austin Jones? Since when the hell have you been seeing that jerk?" He asked, putting down the perfectly put together blunt he'd just finished.
"We've hung out a couple times, I had to tutor him for extra credit in history and we just started going out to get food after." I shrugged at him and gave him a confused look as he pretended to be sick.
"That guys a fucking loser, he's head of the anti-drugs club at school, why the hell would you wanna be seen with him?" He said shaking his head.
"He's nice, and he needs to be in that club to be the head footballer." I looked back over to Donna, shrugging Hydes over reactions off "I thought he liked me but he still didn't ask."
"Well why don't you ask him? Why should you have to wait around for him to pluck up the courage to talk to you, go ask him yourself." She said leaning forward, obviously cutting herself off from beginning another feminist rant.
I bit my lip and thought for a second before nodding "You know what, I think I will." I smiled at her and lent over to give her a high five.
She nodded enthusiastically, obviously proud of herself "Hell yeah."
"Yeah whatever, we gonna light these baby's or what?" Hyde asked with a small smile, holding up the two blunts to the group.
I opened the door to Eric's basement to be met with Donna Kelso and Jackie all sat on the floor in front of the sofa watching some new stupid show, Donna's face lighting up seeing me since she wasn't alone with the two of them being grossly 'in love' anymore.
I threw myself down onto the couch behind them with a sigh, causing the three of them to turn around.
"What's wrong?" Donna asked, patting my back.
"Austin said he doesn't want to go to the dance with me, apparently he doesn't like me like that." I frowned at her and sat up with another sigh.
I knew I was being dramatic, he was just a guy after all and I wasn't really that into him but it still stung.
"Awe I'm sorry." Donna said, giving me a pitied look.
"Now I'm going to have to be the only one alone. You'll have Eric, you two have each other, Fez will probably show up with some weird girl he finds ten minutes before the dance starts and Hyde has the love of his life, Mary Jane." Donna laughed slightly and shook her head at me as I continued rambling "I thought he really liked me, I mean we've made out in his car like ten times."
Jackie left Kelso's side to sit next to me and give me a hug "Oh Y/n I'm sorry, men are pigs."
"Hey what about me!" Kelso asked defensively.
"Pigs!" She responded kicking him lightly. "He was too popular for you anyway. You'd do better with a more indie guy like Hyde or that guy who sits in the back of the library at lunch and rips the poetry books. Not a jock."
"Thanks Jackie, you always find just the right things to say." I said, causing Donna to snort and Jackie to beam, the sarcasm flying straight over her head.
"I know what might've happened!" Kelso said with a smile, looking proud of himself.
"Oh this'll be good." Donna said with a smile, getting up to sit in Hydes chair.
"Well after you guys left last night me and Hyde were drinking and Eric drove us to Fatso burger where we bumped into Austin and Hyde like totally threatened him." Kelso said, smiling as the rest of us looked at him with a mixed expression of shock and confusion.
"What do you mean threatened him?" I questioned him but before he could respond the door opened as Hyde walked in.
"Hey guys what's happening?"
"You threatened Austin?" I asked standing up.
"What no?" He looked caught out, obviously lying, his voice crack just highlighting the fact.
"Kelso just said you did last night, what did you say?"
"Y/n I can't even remember I was so drunk last night, I didn't even get to school until after lunch I was so hungover."
Kelso jumped up with a smile "I remember! You said that if he even thought about going to the dance with Y/n you would run him over in the Visa Cruiser and score a touch down with his decapitated head."
"Ew." Jackie said with a disgusted look.
Donna chuckled slightly before shaking her head. "Dark dude."
Hyde punched Kelso in the arm before pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
"Ow dude what the hell!"
"Hyde why would you do that you knew I wanted to go to the dance with him, is this some kind of stupid prank or something because it's not funny. I'm upset." I said, furrowing my eyebrows as I frowned at him.
"Y/n can we talk about this somewhere else , away from these bozos."
Is nodded and followed him out to Eric's driveway, sitting on the hood of the Vista Cruiser as Hyde stood in front of me.
"Y/n he's just not a good fit for you!" He said running his hands through his hair with a sigh.
"Why not! He's a nice enough guy, he's smart and athletic. As Jackie keeps mentioning he's popular and attractive why wouldn't I like him." I shook my head at him, not even trying to withhold my annoyance.
"Y/n his favourite band is Boney M, you love Zeppelin and Aerosmith. He's anti drugs and you smoke at least three blunts a week. He likes sports and you've never sat through a game in your life, he won't even take you out on an actual date you just grab food and make out in his car. You deserve better than that."
"Well I haven't got anyone better than that, and I liked him. Plus that wasn't your decision to make!" I crossed my arms in annoyance, watching him pace back and forth.
"I'm your best friend I was just looking out for you, you deserve someone you have something in common with."
"Like who!"
"Like me! I wanted to ask you! Goddamnit." He looked away from me, anxiously and awkwardly shifting around.
"You wanted to ask me? Stephen I appreciate it but I wanted to go with a date not a friend." I stood up next to him, pacing my hands on his shoulders to still his movements.
"God how oblivious are you?"
"What do you mean-"
Before I could finish the thought his lips were on mine.
He kissed me softly, bringing his hand up to the side of my face.
Once the shock of the action cleared I kissed back, going up onto my toes to reach his height with a smile.
He pulled back after a second, keeping the closeness between us and his hand on my face.
"Oh. I get what you mean now." I said, feeling my cheeks get hot as I laughed lightly.
"Oh really?" He chuckled and smiled down at me "Will you go to the dance with me."
"Yes you idiot I will. Although we should probably go on a proper date first, if that's what you want of course."
"Yeah, I'll take you on a nice date somewhere. We can do this properly, take it slow and all." He said with a shy smile.
I nodded and we stood in silence for a second before we both lent into each other again, wanting to kiss.
He lent down to deepen the kiss and I smiled against his lips as he shifted me back to lean against the Vista Cruiser.
"Um sorry to interrupt guys but I have some many questions about what ever this is. And why the hell are you doing it on my car! Get off!" Eric yelled from behind us, forcing us to pull away from each other with smiles plastered across both of our faces.
"Sorry Eric."
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Title: Driving Lessons
Summary: Red is eager to teach Leia how to drive, only to find out that someone else has started the task already. This leads to Leia and Red having a deep conversation about the somewhat complex father-son relationship between him and Eric.
Pairings: Family relationships only Red and Leia, Leia and Eric, Red and Eric withe mentions of romantic pairings of Red/Kitty (of course) Eric/Donna and Leia/Jay
Rating: K+
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56768209
Author’s Note: This piece was originally written before the trailer came out, before the teaser, so I had no idea they would be have Leia getting driving lessons from her grandparents but I was hoping they would and that my friends is where this fic came from. If you love the Forman family and Grandpa Red as much as I do, think and hope you'll enjoy this fic!
Follow #T9S Season 2 FanFic Countdown for more!
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70s-show-diary · 6 months
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I am beyond excited to announce that I will begin posting my first multi-chapter That '70s Show fanfic in over 5 years (!) starting this coming Friday, January 19, 2024! This fic is fully-written and edited and I plan to post a new chapter every Friday.
Title: Liminal Space Summary: From their heated kiss on Veteran’s Day to the return of their half-hearted animosity come Hyde’s Christmas party…and everything in between. A cerebral and emotional exploration into Jackie and Hyde’s complicated relationship and the liminal space of time that existed in those handful of weeks when their relationship seemed to change so drastically after they kissed. (Rating: General Audiences/K+)
Fun fact: I started writing this fic almost a year ago after I returned to Tumblr. I came across this post that I made back in 2018 and decided I wanted to explore in more detail what could have transpired between the episodes "Jackie Bags Hyde" (3x08) and "Hyde's Christmas Rager" (3x09).
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doobledabbadoo · 8 months
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happy mr men monday to the 5 people in the mr men fandom!! ive officially lost my mind as i write literal fanfiction about the humanized shape people that lived in my head rent free for the past 2 years. ill be dropping new chapters every monday when i can so. yeah!
ao3 link:
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springsteenicious · 2 months
we're back baby! new title and I made one edit to the end of a scene, but otherwise exactly the same as when I posted it two years ago. except this time you'll get to see how it ends!
Summary: 1982, Jackie and Hyde are together and better than ever. That is, until they have a run in with their new cult-leader neighbors and Jackie becomes possessed. The demon intends to destroy them and everyone they care about. Will they be strong enough to fight it?
Lots of archive warnings being used. and if you have not read any of this before heads up that it's gonna get weird in chapter 4. then it'll go back to normal scariness. no posting schedule right now because it's the last week of my college semester and idk when I'll be able to post.
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lavenderpanic · 9 months
I feel like a fucking crybaby but waking up to 200+ notifs all by OFMD fans calling me a stupid child (and worse, but I stopped reading through them when I was halfway through blocking people) was not how I needed to start today. I purposefully did not tag your show or your ship or reblog somebody else's posts because I didn't want your attention. I like the show, I've watched it, and I genuinely enjoyed it, but all you guys have proven is I NEVER want to genuinely share a fandom space with you, which sucks.
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agaypanic · 28 days
Kinktober Google Form teehee
i decided to do kinktober, and im starting preparations in may bc i love planning ahead lmao
i have all the days figured out, but only two are assigned to characters. so i figured i'd let my audience decide what characters i write for on what days. ill probably close the form at the end of june, depending on how many responses i get
if you wanna participate, you can find the google form here. most days have character choices with an "other" option in case you think a different character would fit the scenario better (pls don’t leave answers blank or answer everything with the same character). but there are some days where i didn't have any specific characters in mind, so you get to choose from all the characters im willing to write for kinktober
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tophsazulas · 2 months
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Summary: What if Jackie and Hyde's fight had gone a different direction? Takes place in The Acid Queen.
"Steven, why can’t you just say that Brooke’s not hot? It’s common relationship courtesy. If you can’t do this, what will you do when I’m old ask you if I have crows feet around my eyes?"
To Jackie's dismay, this doesn't faze Hyde. "By the way, that's already starting." He quips, a small smirk on his face.
An offended gasp comes out of Jackie and she gets up. "You take that back Steven J. Hyde!" She points at Hyde with a slight scowl on her face.
Hyde shrugs, "Can't. I wouldn't be a good boyfriend if I wasn't honest."
Jackie shakes her head and walks out from the living room and into the kitchen. Hyde sighs and looks down.
"You’ve never been in a relationship have you, son?" Red quips. Hyde shrugs, "I'm not gonna lie to my girlfriend. Brooke is hot, but that doesn't mean I wanna sleep with her."
"Well I'm proud of you Steven. It's always better to be honest." Kitty says, glaring at Red.
Red groans, "Oh, for the love of god, I did love your pot roast. You’re a pot roast genius okay. It was like eating gold."
Red and Kitty continue to argue for the next ten minutes, making Hyde shake his head. He gets up and begins to head into the kitchen.
"I would've thought you'd have left the house after that." Hyde says.
Jackie crosses her arms, "Well I wanted to, but Mrs.Forman needed to talk to me about something."
Hyde shakes his head, "Look about what happened, yes I think Brooke is hot, but that doesn’t mean I mean I wanna nail her, y'know?"
"No I don't know Steven. I don't know what it's like to find someone attractive to be attracted to them and not wanna make love to them." Jackie states.
"Woah woah, I never said anything about wanting to do anything like that." Hyde exclaims. "Look Jackie, you're my girlfriend. I would never do anything like that."
Jackie scoffs, "Oh yeah, like when you had sex with that nurse instead of talking to me! Like that, huh?" She crosses her arms and sighs. She loves Steven. He's her Puddin Pop, but she also doesn’t want to allow herself to be in a situation where she gets hurt.
Hyde walks closer to Jackie and wraps his arms around her. "What's this really about?" He asks. Jackie exhales, "I'm scared Steven. I'm scared that I'll be in another situation where I won’t be enough and you'll leave. My dad's in jail and my mom is barely around. I don't want you to leave me too."
Hyde wants to tell Jackie that he won’t be going anywhere, but he knows from experience that words don't mean anything. So he hugs her tightly, securing his arms around her waist. He buries his face in her neck to take in her scent.
Hyde and Jackie look into each other's eyes. They lean in for a kiss. It was long and soft. They let their foreheads touch right after and nuzzle their noses.
Words don't need to be said. Jackie knows that Steven won't be going anywhere. And that's all that matters.
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phantomstatistician · 9 months
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Fandom: That '70s Show
Sample Size: 1,285 stories
Source: AO3
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tzaharasykes · 4 days
Chapters: 40/? Fandom: That '70s Show Rating: Mature Relationships: Eric Forman/Caroline Dupree, Eric Forman/Crazy Caroline, Jackie Burkhart/Michael Kelso, Jackie Burkhart/Steven Hyde, Big Rhonda/Fez, Casey Kelso/Donna Pinciotti Summary:
After his first relationship meets its bitter end, a resentful Eric turns to anything that can make him feel whole again, including an unlikely companion who shares the same woes of love and loss. As new relationships form, new interests emerge. Old friendships are threatened and unhealthy habits resurface. Will Eric and his newfound love be able to handle the changes, or fall deeper into the pit of instability?
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zenmasterlover · 3 months
Did I just read @queenbookbuff’s “High on Summer” for the like 100th time for comfort? Yes. Will I always run back to one of her stories for comfort? Absolutely.
If you like fluff, angst, and an over protective Hyde- I recommend reading her stories on ao3. They NEVER disappoint.
Tag your comfort author down below to give them some love!
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Title: Breakfast
Summary: Visiting Point Place for the summer, Leia takes the time to make a special surprise for her Grandma Kitty.
Pairings: Forman Family Fluff again more than romance, sorry. This time family moments with Red and Leia, Kitty and Leia, mentions of Donna and Eric and of course some Red/Kitty fluff tossed in there.
Rating: K+
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56127160
Author’s Note: Know family fics aren't that popular in the fandom but I hope you all might check out this one. It's short and sweet. And I was hoping to post new T9S related one shots every week until the new episodes premiered, I'm not so sure now with the lack of response from this chapter. BUT I know the family versus romance plays a part, I'll see if I have a more romance related one in here for next week.
Follow #T9S Season 2 FanFic Countdown for more!
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70s-show-diary · 28 days
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My latest fanfiction, Liminal Space, is now completely published on AO3 and FF.net!
Summary: From their heated kiss on Veteran’s Day to the return of their half-hearted animosity come Hyde’s Christmas party���and everything in between. A cerebral and emotional exploration into Jackie and Hyde’s complicated relationship and the liminal space of time that existed in those handful of weeks when their relationship seemed to change so drastically after they kissed. (Rating: General Audiences/K+)
Be sure to also check out the alternate ending I wrote for this story, a one-shot titled The Butterfly Effect!
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