#Thanks for the heads up
naffeclipse · 8 months
At this point Yn could look in any direction and there will be a naga,
Villager,”well shoot there is more”
yn: “you ass”
I vividly see this as Y/N's expression:
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blmpff · 10 months
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P'Den: (thai) Admin has come out with a meme!
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węglik is polish for the chemistry term carbide, and unfortunately also sounds very close to wąglik. which is the bacterial infection anthrax 🙌
oh no😭
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Did .... Did you know that was Kyle Rittenhouse in that american cheese on my burger meme when you reblogged it? Have I missed the irony?
No oh my god I did not even notice
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pillarsalt · 8 months
hey i just wanted you to know that a popular "anti-woke" conservative grifter named Arielle Scarcella (@ArielleScarcell) is featuring a sticker of your art in her banner on twitter.
I've heard of her in passing - wasn't she really into QT+ stuff before she got exiled for pretty low-level gender crit opinions? It's too bad she swung over to conservatism. Kind of surreal to have had an "internet famous" person buy a sticker from me lol.
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teaboot · 2 years
sorry to let you know the “She’s a 10 to me” NYC apartment post is flooded with terfs including op and the commenter in your rb
God fucking damn it
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goddammitstacey · 8 months
Hi. Sorry to bother you, but that post about the ballet dancer/ physical therapist book while it is cringey, the "preview" page is fake and has been confirmed fake by the ARC readers.
Oh man, the internet said it wouldn’t lie to be again after last time!
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Specifically towards Prof Maelstrom i think there is something between Spinkick, Flytrap, and one of their roommates🤯🤯🤯
well that """something""" is about to be a barrier. emotional or physical you ask? well. lets just say i love emotional manipulation. and physical barriers.
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dash-n-step · 21 days
You accidentally tagged Marisa as Maria-
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what naaaah you're nuts, I would never mistag anything
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do u think u could adjust ur blog bg color on mobile to be something less eye straining? its inaccessible for photosensitive people like myself :(
oh sure!! sorry, the current colors were colorpicked from the queer anarchy flag i think. should have thought of it sooner since we are sometimes photosensitive too, we'll change it to something softer
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somegrumpynerd · 3 months
Nightmare-verse is a proshipper, I'm not sure what you're opinion is on proshippers tho
They're also friends with someone who threatened another person and made ableist comments about someone who was half blind
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meatballlady · 3 months
Hey, someone people need to be warned that an obsessive user/terf called radfemsiren is taking screenshots of peoples posts and reposting them for harassment purposes. Report them to tumblr staff if you see your name. They’re doing it to ineffableleo
Thank you! Looks like I already blocked radfemsiren (at least the name's consistent 🙄)
Heads up for others out there.
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termagax · 4 months
jsyk the person who made that post "izutsumi shouldn't be in the dungeon [...]" is marked red in shinigami eyes!
oh awesome. welp. to the shredder
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cadhla182 · 2 years
Tumblr has been really bad with community labels lately. A lot of writers have been complaining that even when they clearly put warnings before the fic like they've been doing before people will still report them and get their fic slapped with a label, which is practically a shadowban cause people aren't even aware that they need to change their settings. This whole community label thing has really been driving of many creators off the site. Some people even had their totally sfw stuff flagged and it has been proven that the reporting system is being abused by petty people with nothing better to do.
Oh cool so it was one of you fuckers who reported less ass than you'd see at the beach as "mature".
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astudyincontrasts · 1 year
yo just so you know ddeeric is an awful person who tweeted stuff about wanting to fuck his sister(who he also specified is a minor) and a lot of other disgusting stuff like thinking viktor would look good getting non-conned on the floor. just letting you know cause i love your content and wouldnt want to see you support that <3
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spaciebabie · 1 year
Hey op of the crab day post is a terf just wanted to let you know
how incredibly annoying.
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