#Thanks dear
cali · 3 months
very proudly shouts YAY outloud when i see u post art
let me eat sugarcubes out yo hands please darling thanks dear
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psychicvoidtale · 2 months
So basically...
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Okay but tbh tho, why did I made your sona so fricking hot😭 I'm scared that he might become a Tumblr sexyman-
you flatter me dear..
idk, I think it's the eyes
But thanks.
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Keenie strokes Ozzie’s mane and kisses his cheek. “You and your human work so hard. I know your day didn’t go as planned, but I am very proud and lucky to be by your side. Congratulations, to you both.”
"Thanks baby girl. I know my human did an amazing job but he also demands a lot of himself. But knowing you got his back and support helps a lot. Thanks for being so helpful." The sin placed a kiss on Keenie forehead
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pls do a part 2 for amusement, absolutely loved it
I may or may not be working on it 😇🥵
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tragedybunny · 1 year
🗣️Talk about your favourite WIP, 💗Is there a scene you can’t wait to write for a WIP?, 📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
(If you feel like it🤍)
🗣️ Ok , so currently my favorite WIP is something original I'm writing. Might end up a total cliche mess but here I am.
💗 I have the ending all mapped in my mind already so I'm excited for the journey.
📝 Here's something from Swain / Katarina modern AU
"So noted." He finally turned back to face me. "Do control your tone, Ms. Du Couteau. I'd hate to think you were about to lose your composure. Although I was warned about that." The bastard, I could tell he was goading me. Was he trying to make me get myself fired?
Time froze and I debated internally about just letting go and having it out with him or sucking it up and behaving myself. "Fine. Anything else or am I free to go?" It was a little more forceful than I had decided on.
"Just go and see that your attitude improves." Danger filled the room but I was too livid to see it.
"You know what just fire me if you want to. I'm not going to play this game with you." That I managed with deadly calm as I turned and headed back out of his office. "The assignments will be made by the end of the week if I'm still employed." I strode off ignoring the beginning of the response behind me. 
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snickety-lemons · 1 year
rules: shuffle your repeat playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people.
hello love @dancingwiththefae, you have reached a freak of nature who does not ever listen to anything on repeat the way normal people do. sksk
therefore just 10 songs off a shuffled playlist of mine.
I Can't Explain- The Who
Warriors- Imagine Dragons
A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You - The Monkees
Tango Maureen - Rent The Musical
You Win Again - The Bee Gees
Hold On Tight - ELO
Cinder And Smoke - Iron & Wine
The Frog Prince - Keane
She Don't Know Me - Bon Jovi
She Bop - Cyndi Lauper
@dantaliones, @toapoet, @blursed-disco, @witch-and-her-witcher, @smooth-mccrimmonal, @theniftycat, and anyone else who wants.
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cityandking · 2 years
4, 9, 22, 60 for dai, minah and bran!
thanks my dear // sixty-nine questions for your ttrpg characters
4. what one person, place, or thing do they love more than anything else?
DAI — it's his dad. it simply has to be his dad.
MINAH — oof. hhh. oof. what does she love? her sister, I guess, in a sorry, obligatory sort of way. real 'love blood and rhetoric school' over here
BRAN — *cups hands around mouth* THE OPEN OCEAN. her ship and her crew, because the crew is part of the ship just as much as the jib and yardarms and sails.
9. when in their life were they most scared?
DAI — those first few days right after they slipped through the void and he didn't know anything. nothing had ever been as new or enormous or awful as being lost like that.
MINAH — she thought it was when her father died, with the blood and the fear and the feeling of being frozen solid, but it wasn't. actually it was later, when she was cold and hungry and dirty and always keeping one eye open and alone. she didn't know a person could be that alone or that scared, but she was. turned out being able to see the thing that scared you was a hundred times better than a shadow at your heels.
BRAN — when she woke up and her ship was gone and her crew was gone and she was alone and stranded. she'd been alone before and she'd been adrift before but she always had a plan, someone she could con or trick or lean on. having none of that—being the one got, instead of the one doing the getting—fucking sucked
22. how would they decorate their living space, if they had a chance?
DAI — clean, neat, bright. big windows, light curtains, plants and books and all his little trinkets up on the shelves. cozy. he really could have done something lovely with the apartment in lower isan if they had stayed a little longer. a lot like his dad's house I think
MINAH — uhhhhhhhh she'd just make it really really nice. good quality rugs to keep her feet warm, nice blankets, the perfect mattress. maybe some tapestries; she's always loved art. everything well-made and comfortable and rich—the real kind of rich, though, not overwrought and fancy but good solid expensive quality.
BRAN — bran does have the chance! her cabin has big windows and a big bed set into the wall and lots of pillows and maps on the walls and some of her most favorite trinkets up on display and a big ol' desk/table with the map she's working on and her trunks full of her clothes and her treasures and obviously her stash of the good booze. it's great.
60. what do they have faith in? what keeps them believing?
DAI — dai went through a crisis of faith and came out the other end believing that faith a choice you have to make again and again, an active act of believing for belief's sake. he has faith in pelor, that some sun has got to rise. his faith in tempus is more of a faith in himself and his oath—something must stand between those who harm and those who are harmed, and he makes the choice again and again and again to be the one who stands. it's an internal conviction, but not an untested one and not a path laid out. it's something you find, again and again, through active search.
MINAH — minah honestly doesn't have faith in anything. maybe she's got some vague belief in the Maker as an entity, but she's not religious and she's not often hopeful and she has absolutely no faith in any sort of authority. she may have some notion in the power of art, a stories-must-be-told sort of urgency, but she's never really made an effort to acknowledge or understand that, and even the troupe is a means to an end (money, safety, companionship, entertainment) than it is any object of belief
BRAN — believes in herself, and she believes in the power of a tale, how things can live long past the end of theirs if they play their cards right. she has faith in her people, but that's a close kind of faith, a touch-and-taste belief. she believes in the gods, in that she knows they exist, but there's no worship or faith in that—she puts more stock in the ocean, vast and uncaring, than she does the will of the gods, and no vision of drowning or shipwreck is going to change her mind (not right away, at least)
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🍓 Underrated fic:
Hmm. Can’t say a fic I’ve written—I haven’t finished posting yet (after what-many-promises? I hate myself 🤣): Blood of Emerald. Historical fantasy, traditional fairy cautionary tale vibe, friendship/relationship between female characters. Lara Dorren. Cerro before-she-was-Queen. The waif mage who seduced the Princess from Elfland. Sorcerers who lived before the saga. There’s no trope particularly interesting or popular in the fandom, and I no longer know why I started it. There are two other mutuals (ily. And thank you) who follow up when I posted. Maybe the low engagement made it harder to keep an update schedule or maybe it’s just me. On the other hand, I think it helps that I can put it away without feeling guilty. And the distance I am benefiting from is making the eventual fic closer to how I wanted it to be.
🫐 Favorite underrated thing in your fandom:
“My” fandom, I still recognize as the witcher fandom, even though I am consumed with writing this Maul fic atm. To relate with 🍓 , the whole pre-saga legend gang. All under explored. Cerro has 4 fics in the fandom (3 of which are mine 😂). Lara Dorren, you’d think there would be more since y’know her genes started the whole Mcguffin stuff. But only 14 (and 3 are mine).
🍊 Character I mean to write more:
V! From Cyberpunk 2077. I keep getting distracted. But I really love the world and genre. One day. One day 🦾
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nobaraisalive · 2 years
The Story So Far - Proper Dose
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hit-tab · 1 year
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stxrgirl44 · 9 months
Don’t you tomdayas track everything Tom and z does and their circle? I would judge less dear ❤️
Oh God no, Leave me alone I don't want to be apart of whatever you anons are doing today
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🌺 send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful 🌺 shocking right?
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//Reaaaaly? Gasp. We barely interact I would've never guessed
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julykings · 1 year
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from In the House With No Doors by Sarah Kay
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One of my favorites already. <3
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spoiledstrawberry · 1 year
thankssssss :3 my pie @bridgeoverstrawberryfields
🌺 - What's your MBTI type?
I'm INFJ!!
😳 - Do you like your name?
Uh, actually, I like it!! It is a rare and at the same time common name. It's spelled with "Y" and it's really hard to find people whose names are spelled that way haha. My name is Livya and it is usually spelled "Lívia"
👱‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
I usually wear my hair down with a tiara (I love tiaras :3) But my fav is pigtails
😱 - What's your biggest fear?
I'm afraid of heights and the dark.
🍂- What's your favorite season?
I like spring a lot. Not so cold, not so hot. But I also like autumn...
💙- What colour is your bedroom?
My bedroom is blue!! ^^ my fav color
🐷- What's your favorite animal?
I like bunnies, dogs and birds
🎨- Any Hobbies?
I like to read, write poems and sentences, draw, paint, coloring book and listen to vinyl records. (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
🛩️- If travelling was free, where's the first place you'd go?
I would like to go to Australia... It has always been an interesting place for me.
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thelaughingpanda · 2 years
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