#Thank you so much for sendinggg
hellsdogs · 1 month
“   Don’t care, didn’t ask, plus my psychic visions have predicted the outcome of this encounter. ” from Minerva
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"Offensive," Junji speaks with a smirk and a raised brow, lacing his words with just enough sarcasm. "You promised you'd do the interview for me, yeah? It’s not like I’ve got much else to work with here." He sighs. Working for the Daily, he’s supposed to be digging into real life stories, but instead, he’s been stuck interviewing old ladies at the market, Minerva is supposed to be his key out of this pathetic venture. Sure, the grannies adore him, showering him with compliments like 'handsome'—a title he’s okay with—but it’s not exactly the hard-hitting journalism he signed up for. "Mind you, I’d much rather be writing about dead bodies but unless you’re gonna help me kill someone, it's not gonna happen anytime soon." Homicides, what he would love to cover but all these cases go to the seniors. "I’m joking... kind of." Standing up, he heads toward the kitchen, intent on making coffee for the two of them. "What did your psychic visions say though? When am I gonna be rich and famous huh?"
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livingslime · 3 hours
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Gyaaa this is so embrassing but i love drawing chibi anselm hes too silly + my sona ... hiiii
Thank so much you for creating Anselm's first fanart (⺣◡⺣)♡*!
The skit with the lil baby bunbun Anselm lurking behind your sona is SENDINGGG ME!!
Your sona and Anselm look absolutely adorable together!!
And I adore your art style ♡
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If you ever make more fanart, I would love to be able to reblog it!
Thank you again for this lovely submission ♡ ~('▽^人)
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eimiiko · 1 year
🖤💖love train! Send this to all the blogs you love! Don’t forget to spread the love! 😇✨
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pop-punklouis · 10 months
HAPPPYYYYY BIRTHDAYYYYY HOPEYYY HOPEEE!!! Sendinggg you loads of hugs and wishes!!! Hope you have a wonderful day full of joy!!! 💞💞💞🎉🎉🎉🍾🍾✨✨🫂🫂🫂
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SHANNNN thank you so much :’) ily here’s a huge hug 🫂🫶🏼
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zuzusexytiems · 1 year
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stumbled upon this sketch of jean and pieck from my old pkln post rumbling comic wip and it reminded me of you🫶
AAAA FRANCEEEES OMG GDKSGSKS?? 🥺🥺🥺 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDINGGG this really made me smile 🥹🥹🥹💜 look at them they are so tiny I'm shoving them into my pocket hdksgssksj 🥺🥺🥺💜
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zuura · 4 years
8 & 24
8. anime character you are most like
oooo probably kenma (hq), or yoh (shaman king) and a little bit of shikamaru (naruto) what do they have in common? they're lazy like me lmaoo
24. popular character you hate 
Dont even know if she's popular but I hate Akito (fruits basket) so much i dont care if at the end it's like you gotta forgive her cause she had traumas too kddkndn
Thank you for sendinggg♡
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sundaeserenade · 3 years
hello minnie <3 for the writing questions i'm really curious about 3, 4, 7, 10, 18 and 20!!!
3. LITERALLY ALL THE PORN?? LITERALLY ALL THE PORN. i think of a hot position and i'm like "oh that'd be great" and i get ready to write a one-shot and then MY BRAIN IS LIKE "oh, wait, this position would work well in gaba/btf" and then i just. stop. and save it for that. but i really need to just start writing them anyway like who is going to complain about getting two cakes? no one.
also there's a lot of fake dating ideas i have but DAMN do i not want to write that set up LMFAO
4. ohh this one from patch up that i just reread today ohhhh idk why i love it idk...why it's just questions LMFAOO
Red’s expression tells him that’s enough. Why do they need to continue? Why did they start in the first place? What is this doing? What are you doing, Green? This isn’t what tonight was supposed to be about.
i think it's just green reading red's face and spelling out what red's thinking for the readers. and idk every time i read it i'm like "damn i love that line" so
7. I think the characteristics of my writing style areeee vivid imagery when it comes to settings. descriptions that don't overstay their welcome and funny dialogue. and when i'm really focusing on writing to the best of a character's pov (btf) then humor. like i think my writing style is "okayish words for the bulk of the fic, but when you get to the porn/angst/comfort/climax of the fluff, i fucking go ham"
and ya, i think others would agree
10. uhm. i get an idea, then i think about it for a while and plan it out, if it's really long i make an outline. if it has a lot of little details i make a "notes" doc for it. then i don't work on it and think about it some more and i decide if i wanna dedicate energy to write it right now or later. and THEN if i do i forget about it, scream, cry, write two paragraphs and scream, give up for three days, come back to it, try again, get in the swing of it, write 1-2k words, forget about it for three days, and the process repeats LMAO
18. No 😔i don't tend to do this and another reason why is bc i tend do write really long fic? so i can't be thinking of au's and stuff bc i'm already, most likely, working on ten things and they're taking so long bc the idea is so long. so my head literally has no room for au's of au's and the like
20. i thought about this for a long time but gaba is FULL of little details and clues. every paragraph literally has a clue to an event that already happened or is going to happen. that's what i love about planning fics. that moment of being like "oh shit!! this was mentioned way back in chapter 4" it's fucking great. and gaba is so full of those bc i planned everything already
btf is the same but to a lesser extent. i'm making up a lot of shit as i go, but i've managed to sneak some stuff in there. i can talk about that a little. when red and green go to the animal auction, and red's already found the sheep and how he already knows so much about sheep?? that's important. how red is so knowledgeable about all this stuff and we just assume it's be of his previous job experience?? that's important. and it's all backstory but it'll be like OHH when it's revealed it's cool.
also the reason why i always compare red to like ice...bc he's so associated with mt. silver. but when GREEN thinks of red, i flip flop between ice and fire. and then i do the same with green it's like this:
green: wind/fire
red: ice/fire
and idk why i do that i think it's my kingdom hearts writing leaking through but what can ya do.
i also always ALWAYS have red be a lover of nature and the outdoors no matter the au. and i always always have green pursuing some form of academia no matter the au.
i cannot think of anything else... BUT THANK YOU FOR THE ASKS NINI THIS WAS SO FUN 😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💕💕💕☺💕💖🥺💕
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zuura · 4 years
Anto, can it be a duo instead of one character?! Which chaotic duo: noya and Tanaka or Bokuto and Kuroo?
I'll chose Bokuto and Kuroo!! They are so iconic, I'd have the time of my life with them skdksks it'd be so much fun and full of pranks too!
Thank you for sendinggg💙
send me two characters and i will tell you who i would rather be quarantined with and why!
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